FINALconceptG 5
FINALconceptG 5
FINALconceptG 5
Zia Dumalague
In the current state of our country, the competition is still existing in the
market and even in the small business, to gain more customers or clients and had
a high income. Although, in the business world companies that aren't taking
behind competitors (Pepper, 2017). When firms compete with each other,
consumers get the best possible prices, marketing strategies and product quality
of goods and services.Therefore, the costumers need to choose the best and latest
insightful information delivered this would help customers to get an edge over
existing in almost a countless years involving person's in business world that aim
to attract more customers by their good services and product quality. However,
Westbrook (2018) stated that business competitions is the vital part of the
and getting it right the first time. In other words competitive involves
Price determines the level of person over competitive business. After all ,
an integral part of the business plan or planning process. For instance, assigning
product prices is a strategic activity and the price or prices assigned to a product
or range of products will have an impact on the extent to which consumers view
the firm‘s products and determine its subsequent purchase (Faith & Edwin, 2014).
Marketing is the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing,
promotion and distribution of ideas, goods and services that satisfy individual
the increase in sale and a sustainable competitive advantage base on the selected
marketing. Berry & Parasuraman (1991) develop a model for understanding the
measured in terms of the core competencies was rated high (Sual et al, 2019).
if the the product has a low quality, marketing efforts will be fail lead to the
slowly downfall of business if the owners let this activity continuously. As defined
the successful business has a high and good product quality to be offered to the
customers with the adequate price. Product quality represents an important scale
market, even it has the most significant competitive advantages in other aspects
of marketing.
( TQM) that focuses on the satisfaction of the customers, their needs and
in this study the researchers also want to focus and investigate on the customers
rights, needs, fulfillment of their expectations and important role in the success
of business.
Theoretical Framework
In relation to our study, Using the theory of Smith, Ferrier and Ndofor (2001).
The Competitive Dynamics Theory that helps to explain the interaction and
impact of firm actions and competitors reactions in the industry. It can relate to
any observable decision made by a firm for a purpose of depending their current
competitive position in the business world. Meanwhile, like in our study we also
both look for the firms initiating competitive and for the rivalry in a marketing
business market.
Likewise, this study reveals the factors that affects the competition in field of
business on the customers and to their competitors also. On the other hand,
Competitive Dynamics Theory , gives the corresponding impact and interactions
firm process, the highlights firm behavior and priority of the goals as pointers of
competitive process.
Literature Review
our study.
Competition in Business
in the same industry or field, this sort of competition applies to virtually all
business and employees (Westbrooker, 2018). For instance, even if you simply
stop competing to others you were still practicing business competition in daily
life. " A companies worst enemy is not always the competition, sometimes it's a
fear that live within it's own walls" (Rieger, 2017). It explains that the barrier in
having a business competition is also ourselves because their are almost of
Chang (2019) Foreign firms market share is the highest when marketing know
complement their core business. Some corporation tried to used technology for
the opening of door for a new generation of companies whose goal is to make
people lives easier and more productive (Yoffie & Cusumano, 2019).
Companies that outsource their business services come from a wide variety
demand for new skills and affecting employment outcomes ( Errighi, Khatiwada
& Bodwell, 2016). Increasing global competition has led businesses to consider e-
According to Agwu and Carter (2014), Price is the only income generator and it
charged for a product or service. It is the sum of all the values that customers give
Considering the nature of the consumer products are frequently purchased and
interaction, the basic is the customers who usually purchase are more frequently
in contact with prices (Faith & Edwin, 2015). A company controlled environment
shows moderate competition, unique goods and services, a lot of price control by
the domestic front, the competitiveness of the market has been enhanced
through the dismantling of protection for “infant industries” and the breakdown
pricing method is used more often by businesses selling similar products since
Marketing Strategy
information. Hence, under some such circumstances, the strategies are expected
Successful companies nowadays has one thing in common at all levels. They
understand customer needs and wants they have a high sense of commitment in
esteem to the client and looks for consumer loyalty (Adnan, Farooq & Idrees,
Amurao, Mercado & Ramirez (2014) stated that, marketing is a social and
managerial process by which individual and group obtain what they need and
want through creating and exchanging products and values with others. Many
factors had been identified for the downfall or many business,cite of this is the
other hand, market mix and market segmentation were rated moderate (Sual et
al, 2019).
Product Quality
increase market share on revenue acquisitions. (Hill, Zhang, & Gilbreath, 2011).
On the effect of product cost and product safety, Campbell and Frei (2010) and
Tersptra and Verbeeten (2014) argued for effective cost mitigation without
greatly in improving the mass of production and the expansion of market as well
based on the results of structural equation modeling in the study of Lu, Blankson,
and Prybutok (2017). More studies, however, focused solely on service quality as
In the field of business there are a lot of hard work and effort needed in order
to succeed. Business men and women are competing each other, more over to
their selves. Each of them aim to have a successful business. They treat every one
as their enemy. They need to considered a lot of things like the price, marketing
Competitive pricing is one of the strategy needed in selling similar product. The
marketing strategy, company needed to know the costumers needs and wants.
Product quality is one of the bases of customers. The business men and women
are required to know the quality of their product. The customers find the
products that are affordable at the same time have a good quality.In the field of
business there are a lot of hard work and effort needed in order to succeed.
Business men and women are competing each other, more over to their selves.
Each of them aim to have a successful business. They treat every one as their
enemy. They need to considered a lot of things like the price, marketing strategy,
Competitive pricing is one of the strategy needed in selling similar product. The
marketing strategy, company needed to know the costumers needs and wants.
Product quality is one of the bases of customers. The business men and women
are required to know the quality of their product. The customers find the
products that are affordable at the same time have a good quality.
The purpose of this study will be to discover why their is existing business
problem and how business personnel and consumers respond on it. This study
will be used to indicate the impact of price, marketing strategy and product
30, 2019 with the used of qualitative research method. Through conducting
interview, we will able to know the results that will validate if it is accurate and
assured. By an interview to each of the respondents will help us to point out and
revealed the reasons behind competition in field of business industry and it's
business and the second is the study using interview to the clients or costumers.
Personal or executive interview will he carried out with the owners and
customers. The two different sectors of respondents will be ask by the different
set of questions based on their own opinions and knowledge. For the owners;
"What is the factors that influence costumers decision in buying a product?" , "
What is the reason of existing of competition in field of business industry?" , " What
is your own way of attracting costumers; particular in price and product quality?" ,
" What do you think is your advantages and dis advantages to your competitors?"
While For the customers; " What is the effect of business competition ?" , " What is
the strategy you consider in choosing the best services in business?" , " What is/are
other factor(s) that can be used to evaluate product quality?" , " What is your own
preference in the product you choose to buy? Does it quality appropriate to it's
given price?"
The issues of this study were taken into consideration all persons that will be
interview for this study will be provided an informed consent to the researchers
for the use of their feedback information base on the competition in field of
business and some of the problem that they encounter in business for research
purposes. No names of persons are will be mention and the position of the
collected data with the consent of the interviewees and only in an academic
the research applied a similar set of closed and open ended questions to those
target consumer groups who will be buy their products sell. Even though there
gathered data from the respondents will be analyzed using thematic analysis
data set. 3. Searching for themes: collecting codes into potential themes, gathering
4. Reviewing themes: generate a thematic “map” of the analysis and check the
themes relevance in relation to coded extracts (level 1) and entire data (Level 2).
each theme, and the overall story the analysis tells, generating clear definitions
the analysis to the research question and literature, producing a report of the
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