Negative Pressure Wound Therapy
Negative Pressure Wound Therapy
Negative Pressure Wound Therapy
Wound Therapy
Proper assessment and management of the wound-bed environment through the use of
appropriate dressings can facilitate wound healing. The use of negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) can accelerate wound
healing through the use of subatmospheric pressure. Multiple product designs exist to allow for application of NPWT in various clinical
scenarios. Failure of the wound to progress through the stages of wound healing should prompt the clinician to consider an alternative
treatment plan including the use of advanced topical wound therapies.
Wound management has become a significant medical necessity within the health care system because of the epidemic of chronic
diseases. Chronic wounds present a significant psychological, physical, and financial burden for patients. Chronic wounds are
defined as those that do not progress through the stages of healing in an organized fashion to create structural integrity of the
skin.1 It has been estimated that about 1% to 2% of the general population will develop a chronic wound during their lifetime,2
including 6.5 million patients in the United States.3 The economic impli- cations of this epidemic are also growing rapidly because
of the aging population as well as the increased prevalence of chronic diseases such as diabetes mellitus, heart
Disclosure Statement: No financial disclosures or conflicts of interest to report. a Department of Medicine and Radiology, Dr William M. Scholl College of
Rosalind Franklin University, 3333 Green Bay Road, North Chicago, IL 60064, USA; b Department of Podiatric Surgery and Applied
Podiatric Medicine at
Biomechanics, Center for Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine, Center for Lower Extremity Ambulatory Research (CLEAR), Dr William M. Scholl College
of Podiatric Medicine at Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine and Science, 3333 Green Bay Road, North Chicago, IL 60064, USA * Corresponding
author. E-mail address: [email protected]
Jaffe & Wu 2
disease, and obesity. In addition it is estimated that in excess of 25 billion dollars are spent annually in the United States for the
treatment of chronic wounds,4 and this number is expected to continue to increase.
Proper dressing selection for a wound focuses on maintaining adequate moisture level, minimizing bacterial bioburden,
controlling exudate, and temperature regulation. Observance to these fundamental principles assists with the progression toward
gran- ulation tissue formation and eventual epithelialization and closure of the wound (Box 1).
An intact epithelium is our body’s greatest barrier to the loss of fluids. The wound- bed tissue is at significant risk of
desiccation following loss of the stratum corneum, placing the wound at risk of delayed progression through the stages of healing.5
A moist wound environment has been demonstrated to improve wound healing by assisting with cellular migration and granulation
tissue formation, and reducing infec- tion rates.6 The wound bed can range from accumulating desiccated nonviable tissue to
excessive moisture buildup and periwound maceration, both of which will compro- mise the formation of healthy granular tissue
and eventual skin epithelialization. Chronic wound fluid is noted to have abundant matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and other
proinflammatory cytokines,7,8 prolonging the inflammatory stage of wound healing. By contrast, too little moisture can prevent
cellular activity and keratinocyte migration across the wound surface.5 Adequate moisture balance is essential to facil- itate the
normal cellular activity leading to wound closure. The type and quantity of the wound exudate will determine the specific needs of
the wounds. Wounds that are dry require a hydrating dressing such as a hydrogel, Manuka honey, or a hydrocolloid dressing. In
recent studies comparing the efficacy of several dressings in the healing of diabetic foot ulcers (DFUs), hydrogel dressings along
with amniotic membranes were noted as the preferred solutions for healing DFUs.9,10 Meta-analyses have confirmed that the use of
hydrocolloids in comparison with standard gauze dressing results in accelerated wound healing.11,12 Excessive moisture, by
contrast, will require an absorptive dressing including an alginate, hydrofiber, or foam.13
The TIME (Tissue, Infection/Inflammation, Moisture, Edge of wound) principle was introduced to wound-care clinicians in
2003 as a tool to assess for proper wound- healing progression. This form of wound assessment allows the clinician to objectively
and systematically evaluate the environment of the wound bed. Adherence to the
Eliminate odor
TIME principles allows for critical continual evaluation of the physiologic needs of the wound bed through the use of topical
dressings. Proper wound management involves optimizing the wound bed to facilitate wound closure, which is accomplished via
the use of primary and secondary dressings. The primary dressing is applied directly to the wound surface and the secondary
dressing is applied to either bolster the primary dressing or provide a therapeutic function. Dressings are organized categorically
based on their therapeutic effect on the wound bed and periwound tissue. As wounds progress through the predictable stages of
healing (hemostasis, inflammation, prolif- eration, remodeling), the physiologic needs of the wound may evolve. Clinicians should
continue to evaluate for specific considerations regarding wound assessment including the amount of exudate, the depth, the
tissue noted in the base of the wound, and the location of the wound.
An effective topical wound dressing is designed to maintain a healthy, physiologic level of moisture, facilitate autolytic
debridement through the activity of endogenous enzymes, improve granular tissue formation, and enhance bacterial bioburden
man- agement.14 Therefore, based on the needs of the wound bed, topical dressings can range from moisture-donating,
moisture-absorptive, or moisture-retention materials. A moist wound bed may be maintained with the use of occlusive,
semiocclusive, absorptive, or hydrating materials. Clinical indications and instructions for clinical use of various types of wound
dressings are discussed in Table 1.
Wounds should proceed in an unimpeded fashion through the stages of healing. If wounds fail to progress as expected despite an
appreciation and adherence to the fundamental principles of wound healing, more advanced topical therapies may be indicated. A
meta-analysis published in Diabetes Care demonstrated that 24% of DFUs healed at 12 weeks and 31% healed at 20 weeks’
duration.44 In 2003, Sheehan and colleagues45 determined that the percent change in wound area of DFU at 4 weeks is a strong
predictor of complete healing at 12 weeks. In this study it was determined that if DFU did not reduce by 53% at 4 weeks’ duration,
the healing rate at 12 weeks was 9%. These studies have since been replicated and reproduced, and demonstrate that a failure to
achieve an acceptable initial progression of wound closure should prompt the provider to consider advanced topical wound
therapies. Topical wound therapies are available as topical growth factors, placental/umbilical cord tissue allo- graft, acellular
dermal matrices, and cell-based therapies. The clinical indications and instructions for clinical use of these therapies are discussed
in Table 3.
Negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) is a noninvasive wound-management sys- tem that uses controlled, localized,
subatmospheric pressure to promote healing in chronic and acute wounds. NPWT has been found to assist with promotion of
Table 1 Wound-care dressings
Description of Product Indications Contraindications Instructions for Clinical Use Contact layer dressings Petroleum, silicone, polyethylene,
or lipidocolloid based Nonadherent Semiocclusive Porous to facilitate exudate
removal Conforms to the shape of the
wound Prevents desiccation by adding moisture to the wound bed15
Partial or full-thickness wounds Placement on incisions Overlying split-thickness skin grafts Overlying bioengineered
alternative tissues (BATs) Placed on donor sites Atraumatic, painless removal of
None Apply directly to wound bed
Secondary dressing or topical
medication placed on contact layer Indicated to be changed weekly
Hydrogels Composed of hydrophilic
crosslinked polymers that are 80%– 90% water16 or glycerin based Nonadherent Facilitate autolytic debridement Absorb minute
amounts of exudate
by swelling Primarily used to donate moisture
to the wound surface
Partial or full-thickness wounds Dry wounds with minimal exudate
Third-degree burns Wound with moderate
to severe exudate
Apply to wound base and use
appropriate secondary dressing Daily applications Not to be used as a wound filler
Partial or full-thickness wounds
Third-degree burns
Apply directly to wound surface Contain an inner self-adhesive layer
Minimal to moderately exudative
Infected wounds
Hydrocolloid placed 2.5–5 cm onto and a gel-forming agent such as
periwound tissue gelatin or sodium
Granular or necrotic wound beds
Dressing changed every 3–5 d carboxymethylcellulose
pending amount of exudate Inner layer of the hydrocolloid is
laminated on a foam or film, typically composed of polyurethane Absorb exudate and swell to form a
gel on the wound bed Promote autolytic debridement Create barrier to protect from
pathogens Foam dressings Absorptive dressing Open-cell polyurethane material Hydrophilic properties allow
absorption of exudate Atraumatic/painless during dressing
Used as a primary or secondary
wound dressing Frequency of dressing change will
depend of the quantity of exudate, ranging from daily to once weekly
Alginate dressings Derived from fibers of brown
seaweed Highly absorbent Convert to a viscous, hydrophilic gel
when calcium and sodium salts within the dressing interact with exudate from the wound, providing a moist wound environment
Nonadherent because of gel-
forming nature Hemostatic properties19 Provide autolytic debridement
Partial or full-thickness wounds
Third-degree burns Moderate to severely exudative
Ischemic arterial wounds with wounds
eschar wound base Granular or nongranular wound
Wounds with dry/necrotic wound beds17
beds Reduces shear in pressure skin
Tunneling wounds injuries18 Protect wounds with friable
periwound tissue Partial to full-thickness wounds
Dry wounds with minimal exudate
Applied daily to weekly depending Moderate to heavily exudative
Third-degree burns
on the quantity of exudate wounds
Wounds with necrotic tissue
Apply appropriate secondary Placed within sinus tracks and
present, as no moisture is donated
dressing overlying alginate tunneling wounds
to the wound surface
May be used as packing into
tunneling wound
(continued on next page)
Table 1 (continued)
Description of Product Indications Contraindications Instructions for Clinical Use Hydrofiber dressings Derived from
carboxymethylcellulose Absorption of copious exudate Form hydrophilic gelatinous
substances that adapt to the wound contour20 Facilitate moist wound-healing
environment Nonadherent Facilitate autolytic wound
debridement, granulation tissue formation, and wound epithelialization21
Partial to full-thickness wounds Moderate to heavy exudative
Dry wounds with minimal exudate Change dressing every 24–48 h
pending amount of exudate Apply appropriate secondary
dressing to secure hydrofiber into place
Collagen dressings Bovine, porcine, and ovine sources Available in sheet, gel, or powder
forms Bioabsorbable Chemoattractant for cells involved
in wound healing Inactivate some MMPs, elastase,22,23
decreasing the level of inflammatory mediators24,25 Scaffold to increase collagen
production Bacteriostatic properties in vitro26 Silver-impregnated versions
available27 Increase rate of epithelialization,28 and accelerate wound closure in patients with recalcitrant wounds29–31
Full-thickness wounds Wounds with minimal to moderate
exudate Uninfected wounds
Sensitivity to the tissue of origin
(bovine, porcine, ovine)
Apply to wound bed and secure
with secondary dressing Frequency of dressing change varies based on product and quantity of exudate
Table 2 Antimicrobial topical wound-care therapies
Description of Product Indications Contraindications Instructions for Clinical Use 0.9% Cadexomer iodine Contains 0.9% iodine
Functions as an antimicrobial
agent through its disruption of the bacterial lipid membrane and inhibition of protein synthesis37,38 As exudate is absorbed, iodine is
slowly released from the dressing, exerting its antiseptic effect39 Nontoxic to fibroblasts
High capacity for absorbing
exudate; each gram absorbs 3 mL of exudate Partial or full-thickness wounds Critically colonized to infected
wounds Methicillin-resistant
Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)
Allergy to iodine Hashimoto thyroiditis Graves disease
Frequency of application every
24–72 h Color change from brown to
yellow/gray indicates the need for dressing change
Manuka honey As honey interacts with wound
exudate, hydrogen peroxide is produced, creating a broad- spectrum antimicrobial effect42 Also functions by eliminating
water from bacterial cells, causing lysis of these cells43 Promotes autolytic debridement Anti-inflammatory
Diabetic, venous, arterial, and
pressure ulcers First- and second-degree burns Provides a moist wound-healing
environment Light to moderate exudative
Bee stings Available as a hydrogel,
hydrocolloid, or alginate Dressing change protocol varies
based on dressing
(continued on next page)
Table 2 (continued)
Description of Product Indications Contraindications Instructions for Clinical Use Silver dressings and topicals Antiseptic, anti-inflammatory,
with broad-spectrum antimicrobial activity34 Silver cations exert antimicrobial
effect by blocking cellular respiration and disturbing bacterial cell membranes Silver can also denature bacteria DNA and RNA, preventing
cell replication35 Activity against MRSA and
vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus (VRE)
Reduces bacterial bioburden Allergy to silver
Use with caution in the
management of diabetic wounds, owing to a cytotoxic effect to dermal fibroblasts36
Method of silver ion delivery
varies by dressing type Dressing change protocol varies
based on dressing
PHMB Products PHMB has a positively charged
structure that binds to the negative charge of the bacterial cell membrane, disrupting the integrity of the bacteria40 Efficacy on both
planktonic and
sessile (biofilm) bacterial colonies41 Antiseptic Noncytotoxic Not irritating to viable skin Activity against MRSA, VRE, fungi
Reduces bacterial bioburden None Dressing change protocol varies
based on dressing
Table 3 Advanced topical wound-care therapies
Category of Products Description of Product Clinical Indications Instructions for Clinical Use Topical growth factor therapy Platelet-derived
growth factor
(PDGF) PDGF recruits and stimulates
fibroblast proliferation, promoting granulation tissue formation46
Lower extremity neuropathic
diabetic ulcerations Indicated for wounds that extend to
the subcutaneous tissue or deeper No evidence to support use on
joints, tendons, ligaments, or bone
Applied once daily to wound bed with moistened gauze dressing covering the area Contraindicated in patients with
neoplasm at the side of application Contraindicated in patients with
allergy to parabens Acellular extracellular matrices Nonliving tissue
Derived from allogenic,
xenographic, or synthetic sources Accelerate healing with minimized
scar tissue formation Promote host cell attachment to
topical therapy and migration of keratinocytes, fibroblasts Controlled degradation of product (collagen products degrade very quickly in
comparison) Viable cells removed to minimize or
prevent inflammatory/ immunogenic response
Partial and full-thickness wounds of
varying causes Burn wounds Traumatic wounds Surgical wounds
Applied directly to wound bed
using sutures/staples Acellular matrix hydrated with
normal sterile saline Nonadherent secondary dressing
applied to secure acellular matrix into place(continued on next page)
Table 3 (continued)
Category of Products Description of Product Clinical Indications Instructions for Clinical Use Placental tissue allografts Derived from human
chorion placental membrane or umbilical cord Deliver exogenous growth factors
to the wound bed Antimicrobial and anti-
inflammatory Collagen rich
Acute and chronic wounds Nonhealing wounds of varying
Applied directly to wound bed Nonadherent contact layer placed on overlying tissue as secondary dressing
Cell-based therapies Deliver exogenous growth factors
to the wound bed Viable cells are cultured on
different bioabsorbable matrices Cell-based therapy can be
epidermal, dermal, or bilayer therapies Cells removed from cell-based
therapies include hair follicles, sweat glands, blood vessels, and immune cells
Partial and full-thickness wounds Chronic nonhealing wounds of
differing causes Burn wounds
Cell-based therapy applied directly to wound bed and secured with Steri-Strips and nonadherent dressing
Wound Therapy 11
granulation tissue, removal of excess wound exudate, improvement in tissue oxygen- ation, and reduction of bacterial
bioburden—all key factors that assist with wound healing.
The direct and indirect physiologic effects of NPWT have had a dramatic positive impact on wound management. The
direct effects of NPWT include the use of a semi- permeable dressing (enabling a moist/warm environment) and generation of a
pres- sure gradient, which assists in removing exudate from the wound ultimately to the collection canister. NPWT has been shown
through numerous studies to be highly successful in assisting with forming granulation tissue over exposed bone, tendon, or
orthopedic hardware.47,48
From an indirect standpoint, NPWT decreases bacterial bioburden and MMP ac- tivity, increases local arterial blood
flow, and induces a microstrain on the tissue.49,50 This microstrain (or cell stretch) increases cellular and growth factor activity,
including fibroblasts, vascular endothelial growth factor, and fibroblast growth factor 2.49 NPWT dressings are often changed every
48 to 72 hours, reducing cross- contamination of the wound and deterring the regrowth of bacterial biofilms on the wound bed.
Applications and indications for the use of NPWT have been expanding, including tunneling wounds or placement over
avascular tissue. The optimal subatmospheric pressure setting to maximize blood flow, evacuate exudate, reduce edema, remove
bacteria, and facilitate a moist wound environment has been suggested to be 125 mm Hg of pressure alternating between 5
minutes of pressure and 2 minutes of suction.51 However, further studies have suggested that lower subatmospheric pres- sure
may be just as effective in achieving the desired physiologic effects of NPWT.52 The clinician also must determine whether to
proceed with intermittent or continuous pressure. Studies have suggested that the intermittent setting has been more effective at
stimulating angiogenesis and granulation tissue formation.53 Increased pain and reduced patient acceptance has limited the
integration of the intermittent pressure setting into routine clinical practice.
Multiple types of NPWT devices are currently available on the market and have been divided into 4 categories. The first includes
the standard NPWT devices that are used in the acute care setting. The second category includes the smaller and more portable
devices designed to be used in the outpatient setting. NPWT devices from categories 1 and 2 are battery powered and require
frequent charging. The third group includes disposable devices intended to deliver 7 days of NPWT to wounds without charging.
The fourth category of NPWT systems has been considered the specialty group, and includes the systems that contain the
instillation component as well as NPWT. NPWT with use of instillation and dwell time (NPWTi-d) has also become available in
clinical practice, and has further improved the efficiency of granulation tissue formation and reduced bacterial bioburden.54
NPWTi-d combines the intermittent instillation of a so- lution topically to the wound, a dwell period permitting the solution to remain
on the wound, followed by negative pressure removing the solution. Different solutions have been used with NPWTi-d including
normal saline and antiseptics (PHMB); how- ever, there does not appear to be a difference in outcomes regarding a duration of
hospital length of stay, number of operative visits, or the proportion of wounds closed at 30 days’ duration.55 Incisional NPWT has
also been included in the fourth category of NPWT systems. Incisional NPWT has been shown to assist with the closure of
complex/high-risk lower extremity incisions by reducing seroma/hematoma forma- tion,56 decreasing tensile forces along the
incision,57 and reducing edema56 (Table 4). NPWT is a well-tolerated therapy that has become a mainstay in wound care. The
clinician, however, should be cognizant of the few contraindications to NPWT
Jaffe & Wu 12
Table 4 Negative pressure wound therapy devices
Descriptions of Products Benefits Drawbacks NPWT devices designed for
acute care setting
Evidence-based results Support heavy exudative
Device may be heavy Charging often required
Portable NPWT devices Small in size/lightweight
Designed for use at home
Not available off-the-shelf Noise of the device can be
bothersome Disposable NPWT devices Light weight
Off-the-shelf availability Some devices approved for
incisional therapy
Limited pressure levels Not indicated for
moderate to higher exudative wounds Specialized NPWT NPWT devices with
instillation Incisional NPWT
Studies suggest increased
proficiency of granulation tissue formation Reduce wound bioburden Reduce seroma/hematoma
In-hospital use only
(cannot be used in the outpatient setting)
including untreated osteomyelitis or infection, malignancy, exposed vital structures, necrotic tissue within the wound,
and nonenteric and unexplored fistulas.
Following a breach in the skin, wounds should heal in a complex but predictable fashion. When patients fail to
progress through these predictable stages of healing, the health care provider must determine the cause of the stalled
wound. An appreci- ation and adherence to the major pillars of wound care including effective offloading strategies,
vascular optimization, infection management, and wound-bed preparation are critical to enhanced healing. Adhering
to these principles is crucial in expecting successful and timely wound closure. Included with these mainstays of
wound care is topical wound and dressing management, which can be defined as manipulating the physiologic
environment of the wound bed through the use of dressings, topical therapies, and NPWT to reestablish normal
functioning of tissue. There are more than 3000 types of wound-care products on the market today, which can create
some confusion with dressing selection. However, appreciation of the needs of the wound along with an
understanding of the categories of wound-care products will facilitate this process.
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