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Chapter 5

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MEDICAL STUDIES AT THE UNIVERSITY OF SANTO  they exchanged letters using

TOMAS water saturated with table salt as

(1877 – 1880) ink. The contents of the letter
revealed when passed over a
Chapter 5
3. Leonor Rivera
 frail, pretty girl
Mother’s Opposition to Higher Education
 Taimis (pet name)
 Rizal knows enough.  Engaged
 If he gets to know more, the Spaniards  Leonor’s mother objected to their
will cut his head. relationship and hinder their
 Despite of her mother’s opposition, he relationship.
was accompanied by Paciano to Manila 4. Vicenta Ybardaloza from Pagsanjan.
and matriculated at the University of
It appeared that the relationships between Rizal
Santo Tomas.
and the three women overlapped each other
Philosophy and Letters before Rizal settled with Leonor Rivera.

 His father liked it and

 He was still uncertain as to what career to Victim of Spanish Officers Brutality
 Rizal had his first taste of Spanish brutality
Father Pablo Ramon during his first summer vacation at
Medical Course Calamba after his freshmen year at UST.
 While he was walking in the street, he
 To be able to cure his mother’s growing failed to recognize the man because it
blindness. was dark that night, and Rizal did not
Surveying Course bother to salute him
 who happened to be lieutenant of the
 Rizal took the vocational course leading to Guardia Civil, he whipped out his sword
perito agrimensor (expert surveyor) at the and slashed Rizal’s back.
 At the age of 17, he passed the final Important Literary Works of Rizal as a Student
examination in the surveying course.  A La Juventud Filipina (To The Filipino
 The title was issued to him on November Youth)
25, 1881. o Written by Rizal when he was
Extra-curricular Activities eighteen years old
o A contest piece for a society of
 President, Academy of Spanish Literature literary men and artist
 Secretary, Academy of Natural Sciences o Won the first prize which
 Secretary, Marian Congregation consisted of a silver pen, feather-
shaped and decorated with gold
Romances of Rizal
1. “Miss L”
 fair with seductive and attractive o The winning poem is a classic in
eyes the Philippine literature for two
 sweet memory of Segunda reasons:
Katigbak 1. the first great poem in
 his father did not like the family Spanish written by a Filipino
of “Miss L” 2. expressed for the first time
2. Leonor Valenzuela the nationalistic concept that
 tall girl with regal bearing the Filipinos, and not the
 Orang (pet name)
foreigners were the “fair hope  He was accompanied by his two sisters –
of the Fatherland:. Saturnina, Maria and Trinidad.
 “The Council of Gods” (El Consejo de los  Turumba – people dancing in the streets.
Unhappy Days at the UST
o Awarded the first prize
o It was a literary master piece of  The Dominican professors were hostile to
Rizal based on the Greek classics. him.
o The prize was a gold ring on which  The Filipino students were racially
engraved the bust of Cervantes. discriminated against by the Spaniards.
 Junto Al Pasig  The method of instruction was obsolete
o It is a one-act play written by Rizal and repressive.
requested by the Jesuits.  In his novel El Filibusterismo he described
o It was staged at Ateneo in how the Filipino students were humiliated
connection with the celebration and insulted by the Dominican professors.
of the feast Day of Immaculate
Conception. Decision to Study Abroad
 A Filipinas  After completing his fourth year medical
o This sonnet was written by Rizal studies at the University of Santo Tomas,
in 1880. Jose decided to finish his education
o Not only to praise the Philippines abroad.
for its beauty but to encourage o He could no longer endure the
Filipino artists to glorify the rampant bigotry.
country through their art works. o Racial discrimination.
 Abd-el-Azis y Mahoma o Hostility in the University of Santo
o A poem which declaimed by Tomas.
Athenian, Manuel Fernandez on o To finish his medical studies in
the night of December 8, 1879 in Spain.
honor of the Ateneo’s Patroness.  In May 3, 1882, Rizal left on the vessel
 Al M.R.P. Pablo Ramon Salvadora on the first leg of the trip to
o He wrote this poem as an Spain. This opens the way to the
expression of affection to Father important phase of his nationalistic work
Pablo Ramon, the Ateneo rector in exposing and fighting not only Spanish
who had been so kind and helpful tyranny and the complacency divisiveness
to him. of his fellow countrymen.
Student Activism at UST

 Rizal displayed his leadership in student

activism when he was pursuing
philosophy and medicine at UST.
 He espoused the cause of brown-skinned
Filipino students against the Spanish and
mestizo students.
 The Spanish and mestizo students labelled
the Filipinos indio or chongo. Why they
call them kastila or bangus.

Rizal’s Visit to Pakil and Pagsanjan

 Rizal went on a pilgrimage to the town of

 Famous shrine of the Birhen Maria de los

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