September Bulletin 2019 - Final

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ELUL/TISHREI 5779/5780










Candlelighting.......................7:13 p.m. RABBI STEVEN I. REIN
Kabbalat Shabbat Service......6:30 p.m.

SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 7 Shanah Tovah! With the arrival of a new year and the beginning of the fall, a
Shabbat Services....................9:30 a.m. lot is new at Agudas Achim Congregation. As individuals, we ask ourselves how
Mincha..........45 minutes after services
Havdalah Time......................8:10 p.m. this coming year will be different from the past one. What resolutions shall we
make in order to edge closer to becoming the people we aspire to be? Are there
FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 13 steps we must take with our friends and family toward healing, building and
Candlelighting.......................7:02 p.m. deepening the connections that shape our lives? Each of us is the author of our own
Kabbalat Shabbat..................6:30 p.m. narrative; the decisions we make will determine how the year ahead will differ
from the one now ending.
Shabbat Services....................9:30 a.m. And so too in our synagogue. Our annual membership BBQ will celebrate the
Mincha..........45 minutes after services re-opening of the Dora and Jacob C. Cohen Sanctuary and the Robert I. and Kate C.
Havdalah Time......................7:58 p.m.
BAT MITZVAH OF Lainof Auditorium. The beauty of our refreshed space, like the arrival of a new year,
CAROLINE SCHWEBACH will only make a difference to the extent that we engage with each other in those
LEAH BAT AVIVA spaces. Front and center is our weekly gathering on Shabbat – a time to nourish our
PARASHAT KI TETZE souls with spirited davening, lively conversation, and dear friends and family. This
year will also mark many new learning opportunities for members of all ages – both
FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 20 at AAC and in the homes of our families. We look forward to another year of spirited
Candlelighting.......................6:51 p.m.
Kabbalat Shabbat..................6:30 p.m. programming, Israel engagement, social action, and so much more. The highlight of
the year will come this spring as we celebrate Hazzan Dienstfrey’s 20 years at
SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21 Agudas. Through it all, the connective tissue will be YOU – the members of our
Shabbat Services....................9:30 a.m. Agudas family and the sacred relationships we seek to build together.
Mincha..........45 minutes after services
Havdalah Time......................7:47 p.m. It is now up to you to decide if you will step up to participate in our renewed
Selihot....................................9:30 p.m. commitment to community and each other. Will this be the year that you endeavor
BAR MITZVAH OF to fill gaps in your Jewish literacy, whatever they may be? Will this be the year
that you join a synagogue committee and share your wisdom toward shaping our
congregational vision? The answers to these questions are not in the Bulletin or on
the website, but within each of us.
FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27 May this year ahead be filled with health and happiness. May we begin this
Candlelighting.......................6:40 p.m. new year ready to reflect on the kind of people, the kind of Jews and the kind of
Kabbalat Shabbat Service......6:30 p.m.
community that we aspire to be. Most of all, may we have the resolve to dedicate
SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28 ourselves towards fulfilling our aspirations, to become authors of our narratives,
Shabbat Services....................9:30 a.m. and be written for good into the book of life.
Mincha..........45 minutes after services
Havdalah Time......................7:35 p.m. L’Shanah Tovah from our family to yours.

Mincha/Ma’ariv.....................6:30 p.m. SELIHOT: REFLECTIONS ON AKEDAT YITZHAK
MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 30 Saturday, September 21 at 9:30 p.m.
ROSH HASHANAH I Flax Family Chapel
Shacharit................................8:30 a.m.
Tashlich.................................5:30 p.m. Traditional Selichot service to follow
Mincha/Ma’ariv.....................6:30 p.m.
Please join us as our Shlicha, Miri Bernovsky, explores traditional and
DAILY MINYAN SCHEDULE contemporary understandings of this important High Holiday story.
Monday through Friday
Mornings................................7:30 a.m.
Sundays and Federal Holiday
Mornings............................... 9:00 a.m.
Sunday through Thursday
Evenings................................7:50 p.m.


Meredith Ludwig YOU MIGHT THINK
Just a few things you need to know:
VISION STATEMENT 1. We mailed the regular hardcopy
Agudas Achim is a community built on covenantal relationships. Each and packets to all members who receive the
every day we elevate and nourish our minds and souls while building a Bulletin. We emailed a link to register
online to everyone who receives the
sacred community. We care about each other, we care about social justice, we weekly eNews. We have packets
care about Israel, and we care about YOU. available at the office for all those who
At the beginning of every board meeting, Rabbi Rein introduces a would prefer to fill out the cards and
reference from Jewish tradition which is aligned with and recognizes the are happy to resend the online link if
you need it. (If you would prefer to
responsibilities and challenges of the Board of Directors. This year, Hazzan only receive regular mail rather than
Dienstfrey and Rabbi Rein introduced us to the Relational Judaism email from the synagogue, please let us
framework as a complement to the vision emerging from our strategic plan. know. You can also login and in MY
As someone who worked with colleagues on this statement, I have TIONS and select what items you
decided to feature it in this holiday greeting. would like to receive only via email or
The overwhelming message in this vision statement is one of caring. This by mail. The default is to receive both.)
care is expressed when we, as a community and as individuals, provide 2. Only those who have not received and
encouragement for families of children in our preschool and religious school; mailed in the regular packet need to fill
support for those who are less able or fortunate; outreach to fellow out the electronic form. You can mail
in a check rather than pay by credit
community members; and enthusiasm for the people and culture of Israel. card when completing the online form.
However, the phrase “We care about You” was always problematic to me. However, dues for Men’s Club,
Why was it necessary? Wasn’t it obvious from the rest of the vision statement? Sisterhood, and gifts to Torah Fund
must be mailed as separate checks
I decided not to resist the addition of this sentence or skip over it each time made out to Men’s Club, Sisterhood,
I read our vision. I realize now that it is a confirmation that I am in the right and Torah Fund.
community. I also take it as a challenge to treat individuals with sensitivity and 3. When completing the online High
appreciate their talents. Thank you for lending us your talents, knowledge, and Holy Days form, do not click
guidance; and thank you for making us Agudas Achim – a family that cares for “SUBMIT” until you have completed
each other. L’Shanah Tovah from our family to yours. the Lulav and Etrog order form. As
you complete each section, the next
L’Shanah Tovah Tikateivu Gamar Chatimah Tovah section opens. For example, if you do
not want to make a gift for Kol Nidre
or include a greeting in the Greeting’s
HAVE YOU COMPLETED YOUR Book, select “No thanks” in the
dropdown menu.
4. If you accidentally hit “submit,” at the
Never fear, if you need a hardcopy packet, beginning of the process, you can start
please call the synagogue office at the process over.
5. At the end of the online process, you
Or you can register online! will be sent a summarizing email and a
See next column for more details payment section will appear. You can
elect to pay by credit card or choose
Questions, email Barry Nove, “sending a check.”
[email protected]
6. At the end of the online process, you
will be sent a summarizing email and a
payment section will appear. You can
elect to pay by credit card or choose
HIGH HOLIDAY REFLECTION BOOK 5780 “sending a check.”
“KULAM AGUDAH ECHAD – BOUND TOGETHER AS ONE” We welcome comments on the online
DEADLINE – FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 6 form and want to improve it. If you have
Send your entry as a Word document to [email protected] for
any questions, please contact Barry
consideration. Contact Barry Nove ([email protected]) for sponsorship
Nove, [email protected] or
call the synagogue office (703) 998-6460.


FALL 2019 Barry Nove
Sunday, September 1
▪ AAC’s Annual Congregational The High Holy Days are just around the corner. We held a brief celebration of
Barbecue re-opening of The Dora and Jacob C. Cohen Sanctuary right before the Annual
Barbecue on September 1. The Cohen Sanctuary now has LED lighting above the
Monday, September 2 bima and pews, new carpeting, newly painted ceiling and walls, and a new hearing
▪ Labor Day - Office Closed
loop, which will make coming together for the High Holy Days in but a few short
Tuesday, September 3 weeks all the more special. The Lainof Auditorium has also been repainted and
▪ First day of Preschool looks wonderful and more modern. Please understand, there is more work to be
Sunday, September 8 done in the Cohen Sanctuary, which is now part of the congregation’s Wish List.
▪ First Day Religious School - Next summer we will be updating the carpeting in the lobby and the Flax Family
Kindergarten Only Chapel. There is much more that needs to be accomplished from painting to new
▪ Seventh grade Life Cycle Class window treatments in the lobby and lighting. We are also still seeking support and
begins have matching funds available for the new lighting in the Cohen Sanctuary. I
cannot thank Gail Bentkover and the members of the Facilities Committee
Wednesday, September 11 ENOUGH for all their hard work on this project.
▪ First Wednesday Religious
School - Grades 3-6 I also wish to thank the family who has anonymously underwritten the
carpeting project, the anonymous family who put up a matching grant against the
Sunday, September 15 lighting of the Cohen Sanctuary, Cydney and Iver Kasentz for sponsoring the
▪ First Sunday Religious School painting of the Cohen Sanctuary and Lainof Auditorium, and the Spiro Fund and
- Grades K thru 6 Dene and Melvin Garbow for underwriting the replacement of the hearing loop.
Sunday, September 29 Also of note, the congregation’s website has migrated to ShulCloud, which
▪ Erev Rosh Hashanah offers members online access to their accounts. ShulCloud offers us a one-stop
Monday, September 30 webportal, allowing you to register for events, make donations and payments, and
▪ Rosh Hashanah - Day 1 have access to the membership directory. During the summer, we sent you a
Tuesday, October 1 member login link and temporary password. The new website has also given us
▪ Rosh Hashanah - Day 2 the ability to, for the first time, offer online registration for the High Holy Days.
If you need a new temporary password, please contact the synagogue office.
Monday, October 7
▪ Columbus Day - Office Closed The High Holy Day packet was sent out by mail in early August to those
families who receive the Bulletin and may not have email access or do not want
Tuesday, October 8
to register online. If you need a packet, please contact the synagogue office. The
▪ Erev Yom Kippur - Kol Nidre
online registration link has been emailed to the entire membership. Deadline for
Wednesday, October 9 ordering High Holy Day tickets is now, so please complete or send in your packet
▪ Yom Kippur as soon as possible.
Sunday, October 13 Finally, if you are planning to be out of town for Rosh Hashanah or Yom
▪ Help Build the Sukkah Kippur, remember synagogues like Agudas Achim often offer ticket reciprocity
▪ Erev Sukkot to members in good standing. Our office is happy to send letters on members’
Monday, October 14 behalf to other congregations for those who will be out-of-town. Thank you.
▪ Sukkot - Day 1 L’Shanah Tovah from my family to yours.
Tuesday, October 15
▪ Sukkot - Day 2
Sunday, October 20
▪ Hoshana Raba
▪ Erev Shemini Atzeret
Monday, October 21
▪ Shemini Atzeret
▪ Erev Simchat Torah
Tuesday, October 22
▪ Simchat Torah


DEAR HAZZAN the entire audience singing “Lu Yehi”
Hazzan Elisheva Dienstfrey along with all the cantors, in four-part
harmony. It was a fabulous evening of
song and pure joy.
LU YEHI B’LOUISVILLE – LET IT BE IN LOUISVILLE – PART II I have more to share about this
In last month’s Bulletin, I indicated that there were so many valuable sessions year’s Cantors Assembly Convention,
and concerts, lessons and presentations at this year’s Cantors Assembly so stay tuned for Part III which will
Convention, that I couldn’t possibly squeeze them into one Bulletin article, so I am appear in the next AAC Bulletin.
dividing my experiences into three articles. My previous Bulletin article focused on Shanah Tovah u’metukah
the Three Tracks that were offered – Education, Pastoral and New Music. * Please Note: This column will
Here is Part II: Performances (Concerts, Recitals, and Theatre, oh my!) alternate between music reviews/
The Lost Supper: Yes, the LOST Supper. This is a wonderful piece of theatre recommendations and “Dear Hazzan”
created by my colleague, Hazzan Steve Stoehr from Chicago. This show focuses on letters. If you would like to introduce
the relationship between Abraham Joshua Heschel and Martin Luther King, Jr. or recommend recordings, or if you
which has been well documented, yet no one has completely understood their have a question for the Hazzan
personal friendship. This drama sheds light on that aspect of their lives and how regarding the ritual, liturgy, and/or
their religious beliefs and political, social and civil interests informed the essence music of the synagogue, please write
of their beings. The action takes place on one night, at a Passover Seder that never Hazzan Dienstfrey at the synagogue
happened, offering the audience a Birdseye view of their friendship as imagined by (2908 Valley Drive, Alexandria, VA
Hazzan Stoehr. We were treated to a reading of this musical presented by a few of 22302) or email her at:
our colleagues and some of the local talent in Louisville. Not only was it [email protected].
entertaining, but it was thought-provoking and truly touching.
Recitals: Just before lunch each day of convention, we were treated to recitals given
by our talented colleagues. At these recitals, we heard everything from traditional
Hazzanut to art songs to opera to musical theatre. Through these performances, we
were privileged to listen to the beautiful voices of our friends and we acquired ideas
of pieces we might perform for our communities at home. They were intimate and
lovely – the perfect pause in our busy days of learning, singing, and schmoozing.
Jewgrass and a Cavalcade: What better way to end a day of learning than with a
concert? For cantors, there is NO other way. Every concert had its highlights. The
first was a concert celebrating the accomplishments of our colleagues Jerome
Kopmar in Ohio and the second was a Dellheim concert featuring the voices of
cantorial students at the Jewish Theological Seminary and their mentors. However,
there were two concerts that really stood out for me. On the third night of the
convention, Hazzan Mike Stein (who used to live in our area many years ago) put
together a concert of Jewgrass – Jewish Bluegrass music. Since this was taking
place in Louisville, KY, it could not have been more appropriate. There was
fiddling, guitar picking, banjo playing, and, my favorite – yodeling! And it was all
Jewish. The evening was both highly entertaining and incredibly relaxing. On the
final night of convention, “A Cavalcade of Cantors,” a concert in which some of the
most well-known of our colleagues participated, was held at Congregation Adath
Jeshurun, the synagogue of the new Cantors Assembly president, Hazzan David
Lipp. I had the great honor of singing “Marry the Man” with my friend Hazzenet
Hinda Labovitz which was lots of fun, but the best part was watching as each of the
cantors who performed showed their great respect and admiration for Hazzan Lipp.
The most moving moment was when the past president of the CA, Hazzan Alisa
Pomerantz-Boro, processed the special CA sefer torah to the ark and then Hazzan
Lipp bestowed the Priestly Blessing upon Hazzan Pomerantz-Boro. It is a tradition
for the congregation of the CA president to house this sefer torah during the time
of their presidency. The ceremony was done with such kavannah – sacred intention
and love. There was definitely not a dry eye in the house. The evening ended with


Programming and community focused on “MAH KOREH” - WHAT’S HAPPENING IN
families with children ages 0-5. THE EDUCATION AND YOUTH DEPARTMENT
Chaya Silver
ONGOING EVENTS Youth/Education Director
Gan Shabbat
Saturdays 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon I hope that all of you had summers filled with just the right balance of
Volunteer-led service for kids ages 0-5, relaxation, fun, and positive Jewish experiences. I am thrilled that I was able to
accompanied by an adult. Looking for spend a month living in Jerusalem and can’t wait to bring that experience to our
volunteers to lead – no experience teachers, students, and community.
The days are getting noticeably shorter which is a sign that the New Year is
CONNECT WITH YOUNG just around the corner. This year the school will welcome a new Education and
FAMILIES Youth Assistant, Harriet Vonora who brings experience and skill to this position.
Find us on the Facebook, ‟Agudas Achim I hope you will find a time to stop by the office and give her a warm Agudas
Young Families” Group, to keep track of Achim welcome. In addition to new office staff, we also have new classroom
what is going on and receive the latest teachers. Rebecca Halloran will be teaching our Gan (Kindergarten) class, Sarah
updates! For more information or to get Blumberg will be our new Bet (2nd grade) teacher, and Daniella Bienstock will
involved contact be teaching Gimel and Dalet (3rd and 4th grade) Judaic Studies. Each new person
[email protected] adds new energy, creativity, and joy to our school.
Hannah Kraushaar, Jennifer Munz,
Mackenzie Silverman
The 5780 Religious School will begin with our Kindergarten and our 7th
graders ONLY on Sunday, September 8th. The first day of midweek Religious
School will be Wednesday, September 11th for 3rd – 6th graders, and all grades
will be here on Sunday, September 15th. All parents should be receiving detailed
WELCOME TO OUR school information letters via email which are sent each Friday. If you are not on
the email list, please contact the office and we will make sure you receive all the
NEW MEMBERS information you need. If you are interested in helping with this year’s High
A warm welcome to Holiday youth programming, let me know and we will find just the right way for
our newest members: you to contribute to this program.
I will be seeing all of you often in the weeks ahead still, I want to use this
Robin Davis space to wish all of you a good and sweet year. May only good things happen to
Joshua & Bayla Feuerstein you and those you love and may any unavoidable stress or danger be made
sweeter and easier because of God’s grace, the support of our amazing Agudas
Michelle Proser & Alan Elias
Achim Family.
Hayvi Bouzo & Hans Glotzer
The Silver Family, Chaya, Emma, Caleb, Max, Rachelle, Lillian, Carillon,
Leslie Weisman Nelson and Rosalita wish you all a year filled with health, joy, and mazel.
& Douglas Nelson
Shanah Tovah u’metukah
Frederick Woods

AAC CAN EARN MONEY Consider joining the Men’s Club Board. Men’s Club is looking for a few good
men to fill vacancies on our current board so that we can continue our full range
of activities in 5780. You can also help us with ideas for programs and by
Do you shop Amazon? You volunteering for our activities. Contact me at [email protected] or 703-
could be supporting AAC with 575-7879 with your particular interests.
every purchase. Use the Amazon
Smile web address and Amazon will The Men’s Club Israel Pilgrimage Scholarship Program has awarded five
donate 0.5% of the price of eligible scholarships this year for a broad range of Israel teen experiences. A total of 105
purchases to AAC. Visit the Support of our teens have been recipients since the inception of the program over 30 years
Us page on the AAC website for all ago. If you have a teen who is interested in a peer trip to Israel, the Israel
the details including a link to the Pilgrimage Fact Sheet for 2019 can be found on the Men’s Club page of the AAC
Amazon Smile website. web site. Contact Mike Scheinberg at [email protected] or me if you have
any specific questions.


Judith Fogel
Programming Vice President

Agudas Achim Sisterhood is looking forward to a busy and fulfilling new year. Please mark you calendars for the
following events:

● Sunday, September 1 at 5:00 pm: look for our table at the Congregation’s BBQ! Please stop by to say hello,
purchase a t-shirt, pay your dues, and pick up a list of our events for the year.
● Sunday, September 8 at 9:30, in the Lainof Auditorium: our first brunch of the new year! Come out to
catch up with old friends and make new ones. On the business end, we will be voting on our new Board
members as well as on our proposed budget for the year. We welcome everyone’s participation.
● Late September (dates TBD): we will be preparing and delivering Rosh Hashanah gift bags to senior
citizens in assisted living facilities throughout Alexandria and Arlington. Contact Susan Auerhan at
[email protected] if you would like to participate.
● Sunday, October 27 at 9:30, in the Lainof Auditorium: brunch jointly led with Men’s Club. Stay tuned for
further information.

Membership in Sisterhood is a wonderful way to demonstrate your support for our mission, which is to join with our
parent organization, the Women's League for Conservative Judaism, in strengthening women’s participation in Conservative/
Masorti Judaism. We endeavor to support Jewish learning and practice in the home, synagogue and community, reinforce our
bonds with Israel and with Jews worldwide, and to aid the surrounding Northern Virginia community.

Contact Wendy Bond to place an ad today!

[email protected] or (800) 477-4574 x6420

3-D-4-5 For ad info. call 1-800-477-4574 • 14-0995

Justin Dunie and family In memory of David Sattler
on the death of his sister, Vida Jane Dunie Steven and Michelle Stravitz
on the death of her cousin, Philip Goodwin In memory of Benedicta Ameegee, mother-in-law of KB and mother
Henry & Joan Botuck of Kate Rushing, and with thanks to KB for all he does for Agudas
on the death of their son-in-law, Joseph Murphy Achim Congregation
Jack Berman and family Joan Arsenault
on the death of his brother-in-law, David William Davis Audrey Bashkin
Amy Kaminski and family Stanley & Rita Blacker
on the death of her grandmother, Marilyn Bernzweig Andrea Bregstone
Steve Rosenberg and family Jack & Nanette Berman
on the death of his brother, Howard Marc Rosenberg Jack Chesley
MAZEL TOV TO: Lloyd & Eleanor Dickman
Bob Diamond and Amy Pullman Deb and Justin Dunie
on the birth of their granddaughter, Koda Diamond Evan Kwerel & Linda Feldman
In honor of my birthday Philip & Lenore Garon
Joan Arsenault Deb and Michael Gilman
In honor of Joan Hartman Moore Michael Goldberg
Joan Arsenault Joel & Meryl Goldhammer
In honor of Anita Turk Leonard & Sandra Goldstein
Joan Arsenault Mildred Gutterman
Nancy Hailpern
In honor of Charley Wayne’s return to good health Marty Hallowell
Robert & Gayle Weiss Kat Hebert
In memory of Phillip Goodwin, cousin of Joan Hartman Moore Deborah Selmonosky & Burrus Jones
Audrey Bashkin Leib Kaminsky
In memory of my mother, Irene Arsenault Sherri and Howard Kohr
Joan Arsenault Sonya Singer Livingston
In memory of Jennie Weinbrasty Aviva Lieberman
Marilyn Levine Jennafer Miller
Joan Hartman Moore
In memory of Joseph Murphy, Edwin Newberger
son-in-law of Joan and Henry Botuck David Blumenstein & Jane Pollner
from Robert Levine & Robin Miller Nancy Siegal
In memory of Charney Weber Rachel Goldberg & Bryan Quigley
Robert Levine & Robin Miller Steven Rosenberg & Patti Groll Rosenberg
Stanley & Rhoda Sulak Harold & Caryl Salters
In memory of Ozzie Issner, father-in-law and grandfather of Arden Levy and Tony Sanchez
Bob & Jaime Levine Lynne and Don Sandler
from Robert Levine & Robin Miller Nancy Siegal
David & Joanne Sonenshine
In memory of Phil’s parents, Herbert Garon, Sr. And Robert & Gayle Weiss
Etta Mae “Sugar” Garon Howard & Sandra Wiener
Lenore & Phil Garon Barry Isaacs & Ingrid Willenz-Isaacs
CEMETERY FUND Eric & Laurie Winakur
In memory of Semmie Jacobs David & Deborah Yaffe
Jerome & Bernice Chapman In memory of Charney Weber
In memory of Fred Buns Joan Arsenault
Leonard Lehman Samuel & Carol Backman
In memory of Roswell T. Franklin Lloyd & Eleanor Dickman

(Continued on page 9)


(Continued from page 8)
In memory of Charney Weber In honor of the Kiddush Dessert for Anita Turk
Michael Goldberg Charles & Ellen Wayne
Sherri and Howard Kohr In honor of Howard Siegel & Meredith Ludwig’s anniversary
Harvey & Ellen Ostrow Howard Siegel & Meredith Ludwig
Howard & Sandra Wiener In memory of Harvey Kroudvird
In appreciation of Rabbi Rein for the aliyah blessing on the Bar Robert & Gayle Weiss
Mitzvah anniversary for me and my son Evan COMMUNITY CARING FUND
Harold & Caryl Salters In memory of Marcia Lawson’s Mom
In honor of the birth of our granddaughter Hinda Devorah Robert & Gayle Weiss
Howard & Sherri Kohr In memory of Milton Tulkoff
In honor of The 50th anniversary of Sharon and Arnie Rosenblatt Robert & Gayle Weiss
Lynne and Don Sandler ENDOWMENT FUND
In honor of Rabbi Rein with deepest thanks In honor of the joyous celebration of the engagement of
from Melvin & Elaine Stokols Naomi Pitkin to Hareesh Genevan
In honor of Avery Maya Effron, granddaughter of Joan Hartman Moore
Sherri and Howard Kohr In memory of Marion Klutch
In honor of the special birthday of Mel Stokols Jack & Ellen Esformes
In honor of the Shabbat Dinner with Joel and Meryl Goldhammer In memory of Joseph Ruskin
Stanley & Rita Blacker Jonathan & Ruth Ruskin
In memory of Mildred Sugarman In memory of Ray Rosenbloom
Scott Sugarman Michael & Mina Jo Linver
In memory of my father Melvin Feldman In memory of Mildred Sugarman
Evan Kwerel & Linda Feldman Scott Sugarman
In memory of Jonathan Silber
Jennifer Silber & Michael Savenelli HENRY H. KREVOR FUND FOR SOCIAL ACTION
In memory of Joseph Ruskin In appreciation of Ken Labowitz’ Presidency
Jonathan & Ruth Ruskin Marty Hallowell
SECURITY CAPITAL MATCHING APPEAL In honor of Barbara Elkin’s return to good health
In memory of Dr Alfred Kimmel, Laura Kimmel, and and 40th Anniversary with Paul
Karen Ann Kimmel-Slavin Robert & Gayle Weiss
Paul Kimmel & Prudence Kline In honor of Ruth’s Special Birthday
SEFER TORAH FUND Robert & Gayle Weiss
In honor of Miriam Perlberg’s retirement In memory of Philip Goodwin, cousin of Joan Hartman Moore
Bernard & Arlene Schuchner Gloria Canter
In memory of Larry Shuman In memory of Dr, Larry Shuman, beloved congregant husband,
Robert & Gayle Weiss father and grandfather
In honor of Ken’s birthday in July and Linda and Ken’s Joan Hartman Moore
anniversary in August In memory of Alice Quint
Kenneth & Linda Lichtman Robert & Gayle Weiss
In honor of Sandra Goldstein’s birthday In memory of Charney Weber
Leonard & Sandra Goldstein Marty Hallowell
In honor of Marcia Lawson’s birthday MUSIC FUND
Michael & Marcia Lawson In honor of Barbara and Andy Effron, on the birth of their
In memory of Marion Klutch Arden Levy and Anthony Sanchez
Jack & Ellen Esformes In honor of Dr. Iver Kasenetz’s special birthday
In memory of Joseph Ruskin In honor of Anita Turk
Jonathan & Ruth Ruskin Marty Hallowell
In memory of Ray Rosenbloom PRAYERBOOK FUND
Michael & Mina Jo Linver In honor of Anita Turk’s very special birthday
In memory of Mildred Sugarman Bernard & Arlene Schuchner
Scott Sugarman
(Continued on page 10)


(Continued from page 9)
In memory of Rose Kasenetz In memory of Charney Weber
Iver & Cydney Kasenetz Gloria Canter
In memory of Mildred Sugarman Lenore & Phi Garon
Scott Sugarman Joan Hartman Moore
PRESCHOOL DONATION Elliot & Karen Parkin
In honor of Ian Waters receiving his doctorate in nuclear physics Sharyn & Jeff Tureck
Bernard & Arlene Schuchner In memory of Sylvia Zelda Sogin Cohen, mother of
In honor of the marriage of Torrie Auerhan Marcia Lawson
Robert & Gayle Weiss Joan Hartman Moore
SYNAGOGUE FUND In memory of KB’s mother-in-law
Wishing Max Friedman a speedy recovery Robert & Gayle Weiss
Elliot & Karen Parkin In memory of Milton Tulkoff
In honor of my father Sam’s 102nd Birthday Lenore & Phil Garon
Burton Ziskind Robert & Gayle Weiss
In honor of Birth of granddaughter In memory of Beverly Flax
Elliot & Karen Parkin Robert & Gayle Weiss
In honor of Anita Turk’s Birthday In memory of Mary Mogel
Elliot & Karen Parkin Russell & Carolyn Finn
In honor of Jean Saiger’s birthday
In honor of Julia Pitkin-Shantz and Doc Shantz & Get well wishes to Anita Turk and with gratitude for Anita’s
Naomi Pitkin-Shantz recovery
Lynne & Don Sandler Robert & Gayle Weiss
In honor of Doc Shantz In honor of Anita Turk’s special birthday and continued good
Lynne & Don Sandler health
In honor of the birth of Avery Maya Effron, granddaughter of David Every
Barbara & Andy Effron Ann Rosenthal
Nancy Siegal In memory of Charney Weber
In honor of Sharon Bliss for reading Torah Joan Hartman Moore
Pat Franklin In memory of Bette Marcus, sister of Erwin Bondareff
In honor of Szeina Lurie, sending get well wishes Joan Hartman Moore
Robert & Gayle Weiss
In honor of Sharon & Arnie Rosenblatt’s 50th wedding anniversary SPIRO ADULT EDUCATION FUND
Victor & Judith Tynes In memory of Milton Tulkoff, beloved husband of Rosalie Tulkoff
In memory of Ruth Kraushaar In memory of Bette Marcus, sister of Erwin Bondareff
Robert & Gayle Weiss Joan Hartman Moore


Registration for Young Families to the Tent
Service for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur is now
open. There is no charge for families attending this
service, but you do need a ticket to attend.

Here is the link for the Young Family High

Holy Days registration form:


Profiles of our leADers
sherri AnD howArD Kohr by Carol Backman
time, was housed at Agudas Achim. As the school grew, Sherri
taught science in Grades K-8 and established an environmental
curriculum for use at the school’s Fairfax County location. “The
program allowed the students the opportunity to tie Jewish
studies with the sciences,” says Sherri.
Currently, Sherri writes STEM curriculum (Science,
Technology, English, and Math) and teaches future teachers
how to teach science at George Mason University. Sherri
has also worked with the Agudas Achim Pre-School,
training the teachers to use their STEM lab. “I have worn
many hats in my career,” she, notes. “Of course, the best job
I have ever had is the role of Gramma!!”
Howard grew up in Cleveland Heights, a suburb of
Cleveland, Ohio. He is the son of Holocaust survivors. “I
grew up in a survivor population, and learned from an early
age the importance of Israel to the Jewish people,” says
Howard. He studied history and political science in college,
Sherri and Howard Kohr met when they were both
and he earned a Master’s degree in the School of
students at Kenyon College in Gambier, Ohio. “We met my
Government at. George Washington University.
first week on campus and Howard asked me to help him
coordinate a Passover Seder the following spring. He was Howard joined AIPAC, American Israel Public Affairs
president of the Jewish students’ group on campus. I said, Committee, as a lobbyist in 1987. He became Managing
‘Yes,’ but being my first time away from home, I got a bad Director, and he has been Executive Director since 1996.
case of homesickness and left him to manage on his own. I Howard works to strengthen, protect and promote U.S.-
am lucky he ever spoke to me again.” We dated throughout Israel relationships in ways that enhance the security of the
college and were married in 1980. United States and Israel. “I travel on behalf of AIPAC to all
50 states and 435 congressional districts, and I also promote
Sherri was born and grew up in Atlanta, Georgia in a
legislation and policies to Congress,” Howard explains.
Conservative Jewish family. She attended Jewish Day
School and public high school. In college, she studied animal The Kohrs have three children, Benjamin, Shoshana,
behavior and psychology and designed her own program of and Arielle. Ben, an attorney, and his wife, Lauren, a
studies combining the two subjects. After college, she professional chef, live in Connecticut. They have two
studied at George Washington University in D.C. and earned children, Lilly and Charlie. Shoshana lives in D.C. where
an M.A. degree in teaching. she teaches social studies to middle and high school
students. Arielle lives and works in New York City as a
In the early 1980’s Sherri interned at the National Zoo in
corporate social responsibility director.
Washington, D.C. As often happens in Washington, that
internship led to a full time job. “I got a job developing and The Kohrs have been Agudas Achim members since
coordinating a program that brought artifacts of the 1980. Their children all went to AAC Religious School,
Smithsonian collections to people who couldn’t attend the attended Gesher Jewish Day School, and participated in
museum such as the elderly, handicapped, and special USY (United Synagogue Youth). Sherri was on the search
education students. From the zoo, for instance, we brought team that helped to select our current rabbi, Steven Rein.
elephant teeth and bird eggs, shared stories about our
collection and gave these audience hands on learning Howard and Sherri have traveled to Israel many times,
experiences that they were not able to enjoy otherwise. I and their children have also been there with student groups
even wrote a book called Smithsonian Surprises for visitorssupported by AAC Men’s Club. The Kohrs enjoy traveling
to the museums.” She continued this work until 1983 when and have visited many places in Europe and South America.
she became a stay-at-home mom. “Everywhere we have gone we always visit Jewish
landmarks. When home and not at work, we both enjoy
When Sherri returned to work, she helped develop the doing charitable works from behind the scenes and spending
science program at Gesher Jewish Day School which, at that time with family.”


Jen Halpern, Director

By the end of September, we’ll be reading the final chapters of the book of Deuteronomy. Moses will remind the people
of the covenant God has made with them. God has not only made this covenant with the “people standing here today,” he’ll
explain, but also with “the people not here today.” He’ll be talking about future generations: us. And our children.
This notion that future generations are beholden to the promises of their ancestors might not fit with our modern sensibilities,
but to me it’s a profound reminder that what we do now – or don’t do now – will matter in some way, somehow in the future. Our
actions (and inactions) do have consequences, some of which are immediate, and some of which we’ll never even live to see.
For parents, this might feel especially overwhelming and exhausting. It’s just so much responsibility, which can be
terrifying. At some level, it might even feel like a burden. But we do have another option. We can remind ourselves of another
Jewish value, tikkun olam, which means repair the world. We can believe it is our duty to work with God to finish the work
of God’s creation, meaning that it’s incumbent upon us to do our part – small or large – to make the world a little better than
we left it. We can remember that we’re not doing it just for us; we’re really doing it for our children and their children.
There is a story about an old man who is planting a fig tree by the side of the road. A stranger walks by and laughs at
him: “Why are you bothering to plant that tree? You’ll never live long enough to eat its fruits!” The old man replies, “My
ancestors planted fig trees for me. And now I am planting this fig tree for my children and grandchildren.”
What constitutes a fig tree in our modern world? Slowing the effects of climate change? Finding the cure for currently
incurable diseases? Of course. But how about getting to know your neighbors and smiling at strangers. Tipping the barista.
Holding the door open for the man behind you. Making eye contact with the woman standing on the corner holding a
cardboard sign and saying, “Good morning.” When your children see you going out of your way to behave in kind and
considerate ways, they learn how to respect and value others and their life experiences. They internalize these lessons, which
they then model for their children. And, thankfully, hopefully, the cycle continues.
As this new school year begins, and as your children continue to grow, take time to acknowledge, and feel joy in, all the
fig trees you’re planting for them. It’s easier than you think. L’Shanah Tovah from our family to yours.


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SEPTEMBER 1, 2019 1 ELUL 5779 SEPTEMBER 11, 2019 11 ELUL 5779 SEPTEMBER 21, 2019 21 ELUL 5779
* Lenard Kushner Henry Hartman Thomas Baker
* Nathan Levine * Sidney Schuchner Lily Friedberg
* Harry Waldman * Judith Stein David Schneider
SEPTEMBER 2, 2019 2 ELUL 5779 SEPTEMBER 12, 2019 12 ELUL 5779 SEPTEMBER 22, 2019 22 ELUL 5779
Florence Edelheit * Ida Chitlik Marshall Becker
Jean Glasshofer Frances Gottleib Mollie Deutsch
* David Lipnick * Sarah Haber Emery Grosz
Milton Malyn * Sydelle Katzer * Anne Leventhal
* Albert Woolf Sylvia Konheim SEPTEMBER 23, 2019 23 ELUL 5779
SEPTEMBER 3, 2019 3 ELUL 5779 SEPTEMBER 13, 2019 13 ELUL 5779 * Irving Kushner
* Dorothy Naphtali * Sylvia Donner * Sadie Mintz
Louis Pollner SEPTEMBER 14, 2019 14 ELUL 5779 Freda Schiller
Morris Pollak * Ethel Abramson SEPTEMBER 24, 2019 24 ELUL 5779
* Melvin Scher Jacob Cohen Charles Craft
David Vitrogen * Milton Fagelson Nathan Miller
Janet Zimmerman * Charles Friedman * Chaim Rubin
SEPTEMBER 4, 2019 4 ELUL 5779 * Moe Katz Charles Wanger
Beatrice Allen Herman Perlman Francie Dorfman
Hyman Kugelman Jacques Rosenbaum SEPTEMBER 25, 2019 25 ELUL 5779
Barnett Labowitz Albert Roth Marcella Cohn
* Louis Meyer * Tillie Salkin * Robert Kaminsky
SEPTEMBER 5, 2019 5 ELUL 5779 Aaron Walden Henry Kanarick
* Vera Acs SEPTEMBER 15, 2019 15 ELUL 5779 Hilda Kanarick
* Mollie Cohen * Gerson Serody James Kelly
* Scott Nelson * Richard Foer * Max Schmier
Simon Switzer * David Yellin * Irving Willig
Joseph Zimmerman SEPTEMBER 16, 2019 16 ELUL 5779 SEPTEMBER 26, 2019 26 ELUL 5779
SEPTEMBER 6, 2019 6 ELUL 5779 David Forman * Joseph Freeman
* Jonathan Bliss Ellen Friedler * Robert Roberts
* Solomon Rabinowitz * Morris Liebman Elizabeth Sheppard
* Jeffrey Schiller David Marcus Mamie Weiss
* Samuel Turk * Stanley Margolies * Hyman Witkin
Joan Berman Marian Miller Edwin Rohde
SEPTEMBER 7, 2019 7 ELUL 5779 * Harry Pinson Sarah Bronstein
Maurice Frank Morris Turk SEPTEMBER 27, 2019 27 ELUL 5779
* Sylvia Jonas SEPTEMBER 17, 2019 17 ELUL 5779 * Sadie Greene
* Frump Perlmutter Bernice Kelly Carole Millman
* Tchia Perlmutter Barbara Tregub Rose Yellin
* Bessie Raskin * Sarah Waldman SEPTEMBER 28, 2019 28 ELUL 5779
SEPTEMBER 8, 2019 8 ELUL 5779 Ruth Sitzer Alice David
Jason Bodzin SEPTEMBER 18, 2019 18 ELUL 5779 Janet Levy
Bertha Cohen * Bas Aharon Harry Linver
Carolyn Franklin * Tillie Bonnett Jeanette Loeb
Isadore Froiman Paul Gaidelman Willis Ranck
Shirley Howard Herbert Goldstein * Sonia Rubin
* David Kramer * Sarah Herman * Lillian Slotkin
* Gertrude Meyerson Morris Katz SEPTEMBER 29, 2019 29 ELUL 5779
Maxine Siegelbaum * Robin Mendelson Corinne Coen
William Soforenko Sol Newman Kitty Coiner
Ingelore Bonner Nettie Perlman * Bessie Diamond
SEPTEMBER 9, 2019 9 ELUL 5779 Bessie Jahss
Ralph Rosenblum
* Mordechai Berman Sidney Katz
Martha Roth
Jacob Heitin Lillian Richer
Gertrude Solomon William Segan
Bert Saperstone Eric Spatz
SEPTEMBER 10, 2019 10 ELUL 5779 * Sorah Witkin
Pearl Weber
* Irwin Ainsfield SEPTEMBER 30, 2019 1 TISHREI 5779
* Rose Weinstein Herman Bernstein
* Lena Finn SEPTEMBER 19, 2019 19 ELUL 5779
Harry Green * Max Gazin
Tanhen Cooper Dooley Gross
Amy Levitin Leo Halpern
SEPTEMBER 11, 2019 11 ELUL 5779 Anna Schwartz
David Kushnir Ruth Schwartz
David Bicoff SEPTEMBER 20, 2019 20 ELUL 5779
Robert Blumberg * Lieb Shapiro
Morris Pritzker
* Samuel Clayman David Terner
Anna Yutz * Max Witkin

* A memorial light will be lit in the synagogue for those names marked with an asterisk.


So, how was everyone’s summer? Mine was great, thank you for asking. I spent 2019-2020
almost the entire month of July home in Israel, and it was a wonderful and very
necessary vacation. The most important thing for me was the opportunity to see all of OFFICERS
my family, and to spend entire days with my mom and my sister. I went to the beach
almost every day - I love the Mediterranean and the Israeli coastline, and I already President
miss the golden sand and the blue water as I’m writing these words back in Alexandria. Meredith Ludwig
Another highlight of my time in Israel was meeting all my friends in Kibbutz Senior Vice President
Nahal Oz and seeing the progress that has been made in the Kibbutz, which has a Larry Altenburg
new neighborhood in place and is in the process of constructing another one. I was Secretary
excited to see it with my own eyes, and to once again enjoy walking in the fields,
Ellen Bayer
spotting wild animals and tasting fresh produce. During my stay in the Kibbutz I
was also reminded of how much fun it was to bring a group from Agudas to visit Treasurer
Nahal Oz last year as part of our congregational Israel trip – sweet memories! Sam Ozeck
Of course, a home-visit to Israel is also a culinary experience. Summer is the VP, Financial Services
season of some of my favorites fruits – figs, watermelons, cherries, grapes and Ben Kasoff
mangoes. I don’t want to insult anyone, but in all of these categories, the Israeli fruits
are just better than the ones I get in the different supermarkets here. The figs this year VP, Preschool
were especially sweet and delicious, and ever since returning to Alexandria, I find Alex Perry
myself every now and then, daydreaming about them. But America does have a VP, Member Services
clear advantage in the berries department – blackberries, raspberries, blueberries – Ilana Rothberg
and my approach is always to look on the positive side of things.
VP, Youth Services
And sticking to positive, I’m happy to start a new year – my third and final one Arden Levy
– here at Agudas Achim, with lots of exciting and interesting programming. We’ll
continue some of last year’s “favorites”, such as our monthly Israeli movie club, VP, Ritual
and the monthly “Window on Israel” series. There will also be new activities – TBD
stay tuned for interesting updates in the near future. I’m looking forward to
meeting all my friends again and having a fun and meaningful High Holy Days Past President
season. See you at shul! Ken Labowitz
L’Shanah Tovah from our family to yours.
Sharon Bliss
Are you Driven to Give Back? There are many older adults in our congregation Joel Goldhammer
who do not participate in activities because they cannot get to the synagogue. Amy Levin
Maybe it is because they are no longer driving themselves, perhaps they are not Dan Munz
comfortable driving at night, or it could be that they have had a medical procedure Jonathan Saiger
and are restricted from driving for a short period of time. Harold Salters
Agudas Achim is now partnering with NV Rides to bring a volunteer driving Melissa Siskind
program to our community. We want to help our congregants who are aging in Marc Wilson
place fully participate in congregational life. Sisterhood Co-Representatives
If you are coming to Agudas for services or an event, would you be willing to Susan Auerhan
help a congregant in your neighborhood? Whether you are coming for High Lenore Garon
Holidays, Shabbat or other events, we could use your help. Please contact Sam Men's Club Representative
Backman for more information at 703-569-6507. Elliot Parkin
Social Action representative
Did you know AA offers rides to our non-driving congregants? Are you or Michael Quint
someone you know an older adult congregant who has sat home rather than
coming to Agudas because you either are not able to drive, or don’t feel
comfortable driving at night? You can call Erica Jacobs at the synagogue office,
at 703-998-6460 to request a ride to services or a medical appointment.

Agudas coordinates a volunteer driving program to help our fellow

congregants get to synagogue whether it be for services or afternoon social
programs. We are here to continue to make our community warm, welcoming,
and inclusive. Please contact Sam Backman at 703-569-6507 to learn more
about the program, and how you can request a ride.


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3-D-4-5 For ad info. call 1-800-477-4574 • 14-0995
Agudas Achim Congregation WHAT’S INSIDE . . .
2908 Valley Drive
Alexandria, VA 22302 GRAND SLAM 1
Phone: 703-998-6460 Fax: 703-998-5843 RABBI’S 2
The Bulletin is published monthly - ISSN1084-9858 SCHEDULE OF 2 2
Rabbi ...….................................................................….………Steven I. Rein PRESIDENT’S 3
Hazzan..........................................................................Elisheva R. Dienstfrey HIGH HOLIDAY 3
Rabbi Emeritus...............................................................................Jack Moline EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S MESSAGE. . page 4
Executive Director.....................................................................….Barry Nove MARK YOUR 4
Youth/Education Director...........….……….................................Chaya Silver DEAR 5
Preschool Director……............................................................….Jen Halpern YOUNG 6
Shlicha.………………………………………………………Miri Bernovsky WELCOME NEW 6
President……..…………………………………………..…Meredith Ludwig AMAZON 6
Sisterhood Co-Presidents..............................Lenore Garon and Susan Auerhan MEN’S CLUB 6
Men’s Club President..........................…..………………………Elliot Parkin SISTERHOOD 7
Communications Specialist.....………………………….………………TBD IN THE FAMILY..........................pages 8-10
Email: [email protected] Twitter: @agudasachim YOUNG FAMILIES HIGH 10
Web: Facebook: PROFILES OF OUR 11
WHAT’S AHEAD . . . IN 13
Fridays, 9:00 a.m...........................................................Talmud Study Class
Saturdays, 9:00 a.m. ....................................................Parashat Ha’Shavua
Saturdays, 11:00 a.m.................................................................Gan Shabbat


Sunday, September 1...............................Annual Congregational Barbecue
Tuesday, September 2................................................First Day of Preschool
Sunday, September 8................................................First Day Kindergarten
Seventh grade Life Cycle Class begins
Sunday, September 8.......................................Sisterhood Brunch - 9:30 am
Wednesday, September 11...............................Religious School Grades 3-6
Sunday, September 15.............................Religious School Grades K thru 6
Sunday, September 29.................................................Erev Rosh Hashanah
Monday, September 30............................................Rosh Hashanah - Day 1
Tuesday, October 1..................................................Rosh Hashanah - Day 2

Time Value
PAID Address Service Requested
Org. Alexandria, VA 22302
Non-Profit 2908 Valley Drive
Agudas Achim Congregation

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