Career Cluster Organizer
Career Cluster Organizer
Career Cluster Organizer
List the Career Clusters that you discovered as being best suited to your skills and
List the top eight to ten Career Occupations related to your Career Cluster(s):
1. Computer Scientist
2. Software Developer
3. Research Chemist
4. Chemical Engineer
5. Robotics Engineer
6. Research Physicist
7. Mathematician
9. Management Analyst
10. Astronomer
Complete the table below for the top three career occupations that most interest you
using information gathered from your research.
Career/Occupation # 1:
Job Description: Computer scientists create and improve computer algorithms to make
computer systems as efficient as possible. Their work often leads to technological
advancements and efficiencies.
Earnings: $56k-$140k, median: $98k. Salaries depend on experience, certificates, and
reputation. Those who work full time receive benefits such as dental, paid vacation, sick
days, and pension plans.
Working Conditions: Most work in offices or labs. Employers include the Department of
National Defence, universities, academic institutions, and computer, software, and
electronic manufacturers. Most computer scientists work full time, usually 40
hours/week. Others who work in independent research have more flexible work
schedules. There is a risk of eye, neck, back, and shoulder strain. They often work with
scientists, engineers, techs, and marketing specialists. They may also experience a lot
of stress.
Required Education/Training: A bachelor's or master's degree in computer science,
business administration, commerce or engineering. Some jobs might require some
experience in systems analysis, data administration, software engineering, network
design, or computer programming.
Essential Skills Required: Organization, analytical skills, critical thinking, problem-
solving, ingenuity, communication, math skills, detail-oriented, logical thinking, computer
use, writing, patience, collaboration, creativity
Future Prospects: Depending on their job, computer scientists have more innovative
freedom than other computer-related jobs. There is estimated to be high job availability
in the future. High incomes and many benefits provide financial stability. Some may
have flexible work schedules.
List the Resource Links used for this Occupation:
Career/Occupation # 2:
Job Description: Research chemists investigate the properties, composition, and
structure of matter and experiment with combinations of elements and the ways that
they interact. They also investigate possible new products and ways to improve existing
ones. Their work has led to the discovery and development of new and improved drugs,
plastics, cleaners, etc.
Earnings: $42k-$122k, median: $60k. Earning depend on certificates, skills, and
experience. Full-time chemists receive benefits such as vacation days, dental, and a
retirement plan.
Working Conditions: Chemists usually work in labs and offices with research teams.
Possible employers include manufacturers, universities, and the government.
Sometimes they work with engineers and processing. They may have to travel
occasionally. They use computers and a variety of lab equipment. They work full-time,
40 hours/week. They often must work overtime. There are safety hazards associated
with working with chemicals.
Required Education/Training: A bachelor's degree in chemistry, biochemistry or a related
discipline. They also require a master’s or doctorate degree. Sometimes they require
licensing by a provincial association of chemists.
Essential Skills Required: analytical skills, problem-solving, communication, math skills,
reading, writing, organization, document use, computer use, patience, detail-oriented
Future Prospects: Financial stability, the prospect of discovering or inventing something
new and useful, variety of work means they won`t be bored, good future job availability.
List the Resource Links used for this Occupation:
Career/Occupation # 3:
Job Description: Research physicists develop scientific theories to explain natural
phenomena such as atom formation, forces, and gravity and test their theories with
physical experiments. They do research, write, and publish academic. Sometimes they
design new scientific equipment such as telescopes and lasers.
Earnings: $54k-$125k, median: $84k. Earning depend on experience and education.
Working Conditions: Possible employers include academic institutions, government
research labs, aerospace companies, medical companies, and computer hardware
companies. The largest employer is The Canadian Space Agency, a federal government
agency. There are both private and federally funded national laboratories. Research is
usually done in small or medium-sized laboratories. Some experiments require large
and expensive equipment such as particle accelerators and nuclear reactors. Physicists
spend a lot of time in offices. Sometimes they work away from home at national or
international facilities for unique equipment such as particle accelerators and gamma
ray telescopes. They also travel to meetings to present research results, discuss ideas
with colleagues, and learn more about new developments. They usually work 40-60
hours/week, but often work overtime and on weekends. There are safety hazards
associated with some equipment.
Required Education/Training: A bachelor's degree in physics or a related field as well as
a master’s or doctoral degree in physics, engineering physics, or a related discipline.
Essential Skills Required: analytical skills, logical thinking, money management (for
research funding), communication, document use, reading, writing, computer use, math
skills, critical thinking, curiosity, ingenuity, wide range of knowledge, collaboration,
creativity, problem-solving, self-discipline, motivation
Future Prospects: good future job availability, financial stability, high income, exciting
workplace, the prospect of discovering something new.
List the Resource Link used for this Occupation: