Philosophies of Education
Philosophies of Education
Philosophies of Education
What is Philosophy?
- is the science that seeks to organize and systemize all fields of knowledge as a means of understanding
and interpreting the totality of reality.
- systematic and logical explanation of the nature, existence, purpose and relationships of things, including
human beings in the universe.
1. Metaphysics – deals with the first principles, the origin an essence of things, the causes and end of
- Conceptua
- Perceptual
– Intuitive
- Ethics
1. Idealism – (Platonic) Reality consists of transcendental universal, form, or ideals which are the object of
true knowledge.
(DECS order No. 13 s 1998 – Revised rules and regulation on the teaching of religion in public elementary
and secondary schools)
2. Naturalism – This opposed to idealism. This is the view that the whole of reality is nature.
3. Pragmatism – a tendency, movement, or more definite system of thought in which stress is place upon
critical consequence and values as standard for explicating philosophic concept, and as a test of truth lies
in its practical consequence and that the purpose of conduct.
- James
- Chiller
- Dewey
4. Supernaturalism – has a purpose to educate the individual for his life here on earth and to prepare for
the life beyond.
5. Realism– universals are independent of antecedent to and more real than the specific individual
instances in which they manifest.
6. Progressivism
– dominated by the technological experimental advancement which have so powerfully shaped our
modern culture.
(DECS order No. 57 s 1998 – Clarification on the changes in the Social Studies Program, WH for 3rd year
and Economics for 4th year)
Advocates of Progressivism
John Dewey
William Kilpatrick
7. Existentialism
- Holds the view that human existence, or the human situation is the starting point of thinking.
(DECS order no. 65 s. 1998 – revised Guidelines on the selection of honor students in secondary level)
(DECS order no. 10 s. 1998 – Revised system of rating and reporting of student performance for secondary
Freedom of choice is an important value of existentialism and is determined or affected to a large extent
several factors among which are the following:
8. Positivism
- a philosophical movement characterized by an emphasis upon science and scientific method as the only
source of knowledge.
9. Relativism
- a doctrine of relationism or relativity – a theory that knowledge is relative to the limited nature of the mind
and the condition of knowing.
10. Materialism
- it maintains that all events are not true to the nature of independent reality and that holds that absolutely
true knowledge is impossible.
11. Empiricism
- it spouses that legitimate human knowledge arises from what is provided to the mind by the senses or by
introspective awareness through experience.
12. Romanticism
- it questioned the notions of the enlightenment that had dominated Europe in the early 18th century.
13. Epicureanism
- philosophical teaching about nature and ethics that was derived from the writing of Epicurus.
- this philosophy base its knowledge on sense perception, asserting that sensations are invariably good.
14. Hedonism
- it centers on pleasure
- learning is pleasurable
15. Utilitarianism
- it believes that any moral theory that value of human actions, policies, and institutions by their
consequences in men’s experience or by general welfare of all person affected by them.
16. Communism
- disregard basic human rights and educates the young for subservience to the state.
17. Fascism
18. Progressivism
- it emphasizes that educational concern must be on the child interest, desires, and the learners freedom as
an individual rather than the subject matter.
19. Essentialism
b. Knowledge is virtues
c. “Know thyself”
a. Each person should devote his life to that which he is best fitted to do.
b. The function of education is to determine what each individual is by nature fitted to do.
b. The end of education is knowledge alone, but the union of the intellect and the will or knowledge
express in action.
4. Comenius
b. Education can shape the pupil according to the will of the teacher.
c. Formal discipline
7. Peztalozzi
b. All education should be founded upon laws of natural development of the child.
a. Doctrine of apperception
c. Mind is a unity, possessing but one power, that of entering into relation with its environment.
b. Play, spontaneous activity, manual and industrial development are utilized to promote self-realization.
10. Spencer
Knowledge that is best for use in life is also best for the development of power.
Knowledge is instrumental.
Education is life
Education is growth
Right relationship with God should precede all kinds and types of education.
“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness, and everything shall be added unto you”
(Matthew 6:33)
1. Provide guidelines in the formulation of the educational policies and programs and in the construction of
3. Provide theories and hypothesis which may be tested for their effectiveness and efficiency.
1. Provides the teacher with basis for making his decision concerning his work.
2. Help the teacher develop a wide range of interest, attitudes, and values concomitant to his professional
life as teacher.
3. Makes a teacher more aware of his own life and work, and makes him more dynamic, discriminating,
critical and mentally alert.
A. Hinduism
– (Dharma), characterized by honesty courage, service, faith, self-control, purity, and non-violence
Believes that one should be able to control and regulate his desires, not to devote life to sensual pleasure
God is truth and the best way to seek the truth is by practicing non-violence (Ahimsa)
B. Buddhism
4. Way to overcome this misery is through following the Eight Fold Paths
2. Chinese Philosophies
- an essentially optimistic system of belief, argued that those who were naturally virtuous should, while
behaving with loyalty and respect, help to govern their country by maintaining their independence and
criticizing their rulers if necessary: The government served its citizens, rather than the reverse.
- by contrast, taught that humans should withdraw from culture and society, devoting themselves to
meditation and, like water, adapt themselves to natural forces.
3. Japanese Philosophy
Zen Buddhism
-The third eye helps one to see things in addition to what our two eyes show us, and should be attuned
to the things around us.
4. Muslim Philosophy
- Emphasized a total commitment in faith obedience, and trust to one and only God.
Each person will be tried on the judgment when Allah will judge all souls.
Believes in paradise, an oasis of flowing water, pleasant drinks, food and sensual delights.
– 2. Prayer
– 3. Fasting
– 4. Alms giving
– 5. Pilgrimage to Mecca
5. Christian Philosophy