SVM - An Essay

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There are three basic types of machine learning. They are Supervised, Unsupervised and
Semi-supervised machine learning.

In case of supervised machine learning, the machine is fed with both feature vectors and labels and it
uses certain algorithms to come up with a model which can label any future vectors that are given to
it. In simple words, we train the machine to come up with solutions by providing examples and their

Suppose we have to differentiate whether the entity which has been input is a car or bike. For that,
we have to train the machine by providing a data sheet which contains feature vectors, basically,
which can help the machine differentiate between a car and a bike. For example, if the entity input
has two wheels, or it is small then we can label as a bike, by using a number 0, for instance. And if it is
big in size, or has four wheels we can label it as 1,i.e., a car.

Since the inputs are machine readable but the outputs are still human readable only (car, bike, etc.),
we need to convert them likewise. SVM is one such algorithm which can be used to get the job done.

In this algorithm, we plot each data item as a point in n-dimensional space (where n is number of
features we have) with the value of each feature vector being the value of a particular coordinate.
Then, we perform classification by finding the hyper-plane that differentiate the two classes. A hyper
plane is selected in such a way that it segregates the different classes in the best possible way. For
example, if we have two classes - cars and bikes - then the hyper plane has to be selected in such a
way that all car entities are above the line (for example) and all bike entities are below the line and
they are as far away from the line as possible (for greater accuracy).

Suppose the hyper plane ( a straight line for 2 dimensional studies) has the equation y = wx + b = 0. It
is called linear SVM, in this case. The sum of the distances of the closest entities of both the classes is
known as the margin. Let the line touching the closest entity of the upper class (say for ‘bikes’) has
the the equation wx + b = 1 and likewise, wx + b = -1 for the lower class (which is for ‘cars’. w and b
are called weights and bias respectively. They are compared with the feature vectors and determine
the label value. Then any entity which we input in the testing period that has label value (y) greater
than 1 will be classified as bike (let’s say) and below -1 will be classified as car. And the farther the
prediction from the hyper plane, the more accurate it is. This is how a machine can be trained to
identify the difference between entities by using SVM algorithm.




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