Czarina Mae Usman TCP 1-C
Czarina Mae Usman TCP 1-C
Czarina Mae Usman TCP 1-C
I. For Reflection
1.What phase of the curriculum development process do you find very important as a future teacher? Why?
As a future teacher the very important phase of the curriculum for me is the plan and research. Curriculum
planning and research are challenging but important process. As a teacher, we need to plan and research
more about our daily lesson plan and it will be guide for us to teach our students and as a teacher when we’re
planning our lesson it should be based on the goals and objectives that we want to meet in classroom and
lesson plan should ensures that instruction is presented in a clear and logical sequence and tells everyone
2. How will the thoughts of Howard Gardner influence your teaching practice in the future?
Gardner, steadfast in his beliefs, and probably bolstered by the enthusiasm of thousands of teachers, doesn’t
break a sweat. White fails to see the wood for the trees, he says. As a philosopher, he is obsessed with
exactly how you define the intelligences and how they pass his criteria. I think the MI has had appeal is
because it’s a refreshing way to think about human beings. The thoughts of Howard Gardner can influence
His parents were James and Martha Bobbitt, he was born in the small town of English, Indiana on
February 16, 1876.[2] Bobbitt graduated in 1901 from the Indiana University.[1] He first worked in several rural
schools in Indiana.[2]
From 1903 to 1907, Bobbitt was a teacher at the Philippine Normal School in Manila. He went to
the Philippines as part of a member of a committee sent to draw up an elementary school curriculum for the
islands. They had the freedom to form an original curriculum to fit the needs of the population. At first they
put together American textbooks which they had been familiar with in United States schools, but a director of
education in the Philippines made them look this over. When they saw that their idea did not fit with the social
realities, they discarded their original plan. This time they drew up a plan with a variety of things to help the
people gain health, make a living, and enjoy self-realization. They got away from the American textbooks and
found activities derived from the Philippine culture. This is when Bobbitt realized that there were more useful
Bobbitt went on and received a PhD from Clark University in 1909.[1] From 1909 until his retirement in 1941,
He felt that the curriculum was a way to prepare students for their future roles in the new industrial society.
He influenced the curriculum by showing how teaching classical subjects should be replaced by teaching
subjects that correspond to social needs. In 1918, Bobbitt wrote The Curriculum: a summary of the
development concerning the theory of the curriculum. This became an official specialization in the education
sciences. The entrance point of a curriculum was, according to Bobbitt, to see which results have to be
Bobbitt felt that the curriculum has to adapt to the needs of an individual and to the needs of the new industrial
society, people should not be taught what they would never use. They should only learn those skills which
were necessary to fulfill their personal tasks. Education was according to Bobbitt primarily a preparation for
adulthood and not for childhood or youth. This resulted in an early differentiation in education. Bobbitt was
not a supporter of coeducation. In his view girls had a very different future than boys, so they did not need
Bobbitt realized that there were too many activities (for example related to citizenship, health, spare time,
parentship, work related activities and languages) to fit in any curriculum. A part of those activities were well
taught by socialization: the so-called undirected experiences. This is why the curriculum has to aim at the
particular subjects that are not sufficiency learned as a result of normal socialization, these subjects were
described as shortcomings.