M. Tech. Bulletin: Aerospace Engineering Department
M. Tech. Bulletin: Aerospace Engineering Department
M. Tech. Bulletin: Aerospace Engineering Department
2019 – 2020
The two-year M. Tech. programme in Aerospace Engineering has the following four specializations:
1. Aerodynamics (AE 1)
2. Dynamics & Control (AE 2)
3. Aerospace Propulsion (AE 3)
4. Aerospace Structures (AE 4)
The course curriculum for the first two semesters of M. Tech. programme is specific to each specialization,
the details of which are given in the following pages. The third and fourth semesters are common to all
The core courses prescribed for the AE 1, AE 2, AE 3 and AE 4 specializations are listed in the Tables I(a)-
(d), respectively. Students are required to take the requisite number of elective courses (specified in Table
I) from the lists given in Tables II(a)-(d) specific to each specialization.
For each specialization, students should choose the electives as indicated below (where, none of the
electives should be repeated):
• Choose at least THREE electives from the courses shown under the list of elective courses for the
respective specializations.
• Choose not more than ONE elective from the courses outside the list of respective specializations but
listed under any other specialization of the Aerospace Department (Note: List of additional electives is
also applicable here).
• Choose not more than ONE elective from within the department courses or from any other course within
the Institute in consultation with the Faculty Adviser.
• In lieu of one of the department electives, a “Mini Project” (AE 650) of 6 credits may be taken up. It is
a supervised learning program whereby the student is expected to solve a problem of practical interest
using modern tools. The availability of supervised learning unit depends upon offerings by individual
faculty members.
Apart from the above electives, students have to choose one “Institute elective” from the Institute Elective
list provided by the institute.
Moreover, students have to undergo a “Communication Skills” course that inculcates comprehension and
articulation of technical material, and instils ethical practices in academia. A further “Seminar” course
offers students the opportunity to practice these skills by undertaking a survey of a relevant topic under the
guidance of a faculty member of the department. The seminar involves preparing a report and a presentation
on the chosen topic.
M. Tech. Bulletin 2019 – 2020 Aerospace Engineering, IIT Bombay
Institute Elective – 1 – – 6
Seminar – 1 – – 4
R & D Project – – – – –
Communication + (1 + 1) – – – + (2 + 4)$
Training (P/NP) – – – – –
Total 5 + (1 + 1) 6 1 1 74 (+ 6)
Stage I* Stage II
M. Tech. Project – – 84
(42 credits) (42 credits)
28 (AE1, AE3),
34 (AE1, AE3),
Total Credits 30 (AE2, AE4) 48 48 158 ( + 6)
32 (AE2, AE4)
(+ 6 for All)
P/NP (Credits only for load purposes)
*Students must register for Stage I of M. Tech. project in second semester (January)
M. Tech. Bulletin 2019 – 2020 Aerospace Engineering, IIT Bombay
M. Tech. Bulletin 2019 – 2020 Aerospace Engineering, IIT Bombay
Table I(b) – Course Curriculum for M. Tech. Degree in Dynamics & Control, AE 2
Semester I Semester II
Course Course
Course Name Credit Structure Course Name Credit Structure
Code Code
Aircraft Flight
AE 705 Introduction to Flight 3 0 0 6 AE 717 3 0 0 6
System Modelling,
AE 775 3 0 0 6 AE 699 Control System Lab 0 0 4 4
Dynamics and Control
State Space Methods
AE 695 3 0 0 6 Institute Elective 3 0 0 6
for Flight Vehicles
Elective I 3 0 0 6 Elective III 3 0 0 6
Elective II 3 0 0 6 Elective IV 3 0 0 6
HS 791 2*
+ Communication Skills + AE 694 Seminar 0 0 4 4
AE 792 4*
Total 36 Total 32
M. Tech. Bulletin 2019 – 2020 Aerospace Engineering, IIT Bombay
M. Tech. Bulletin 2019 – 2020 Aerospace Engineering, IIT Bombay
M. Tech. Bulletin 2019 – 2020 Aerospace Engineering, IIT Bombay
M. Tech. Bulletin 2019 – 2020 Aerospace Engineering, IIT Bombay
M. Tech. Bulletin 2019 – 2020 Aerospace Engineering, IIT Bombay
M. Tech. Bulletin 2019 – 2020 Aerospace Engineering, IIT Bombay
M. Tech. Bulletin 2019 – 2020 Aerospace Engineering, IIT Bombay
M. Tech. Bulletin 2019 – 2020 Aerospace Engineering, IIT Bombay
Course Content Inelastic behavior in materials: an introduction. Thermodynamics of inelastic materials: Governing
balance laws and state variables; Entropy and the equation of state; Free energy and the rate of
dissipation. Elastoplastic beams: Modeling of a thermo-elasto-plastic beam; Formulation of the
solution strategy; Statically indeterminate problems/general beam problems. Introduction to small
deformation plasticity: Rigid-plasticity model; Elasto- plasticity model; Hardening and the plastic
arc length; Finding the response of the material. The boundary value problem for plasticity: The
governing equations – 3-D case, compatibility, equations; Plane problems – plane strain and plane
stress; Airy's stress function and the equations of compatibility; Boundary conditions for the stress
function; Numerical solution. Numerical solutions of boundary value problems: Integration of the
plastic flow equations; Numerical examples of boundary value problems.
Texts/References 1. A. Khan and S. Huang, Continuum Theory of Plasticity, Wiley-Interscience, 1995
2. J. Lubliner, Plasticity Theory, Macmillan Publications, 1990
3. A. R Srinivasa&S. M. Srinivasan, Inelasticity of Materials, Series on
4. Advances in Mathematics for Applied Sciences, World Scientific, 2009
5. J. C. Simó and T. J. R. Hughes, Computational Inelasticity, Springer, 1998
Title of the course AE 625 Particle Methods for Fluid Flow Simulation
Credit Structure 3-0-0-6
Prerequisite Nil
Course Content Brief introduction to vortex dynamics and the basic laws of vorticity. Introduction to inviscid
vortex methods for 2D simulation with applications to a few sample problems, including the
numerical simulation of vortex sheet rollup. Brief introduction to panel methods and their
applications in the context of vortex methods. Overview of various viscous vortex methods and
M. Tech. Bulletin 2019 – 2020 Aerospace Engineering, IIT Bombay
their application in simulating 2D, incompressible, viscous fluid flow problems. Introduction to
the Fast Multipole Method (FMM) and other fast algorithms for particle simulation. 3D vortex
methods: vortex filaments and vortex particles. Introduction to the method of Smoothed Particle
Hydrodynamics (SPH). Applications of the SPH. An introduction to the Direct Simulation
Monte-Carlo method and its applications.
Texts/References 1. R. W. Hockney and J. W. Eastwood, Computer Simulation Using Particles, Taylor & Francis,
2. G.-H. Cottet and P. D. Koumoutsakos, Vortex methods: Theory and Practice, Cambridge
University Press, 2000
3. G. R. Liu and M. B. Liu, Smoothed particle hydrodynamics: A Mesh free Particle method,
World scientific, 2003
4. G. A. Bird, Molecular Gas Dynamics and the Direct Simulation of Gas Flows, Oxford
University Press, 1994
M. Tech. Bulletin 2019 – 2020 Aerospace Engineering, IIT Bombay
4. P. Zarchan, Tactical & Strategic Missile Guidance, Progress in Aeronautics and Astronautics
Series, Vol.176, 3rd ed.AIAA Publication, 1997
5. D. J. Biezad, Integrated Navigation and Guidance Systems, AIAA Education Series, AIAA
Publication, 1999
6. J. L. Farrell, Integrated Aircraft Navigation, Academic Press, 1976
7. P. Misra and P. Enge, Global Positioning System, 2nd ed., Ganga-Jamuna Press, 2001
M. Tech. Bulletin 2019 – 2020 Aerospace Engineering, IIT Bombay
M. Tech. Bulletin 2019 – 2020 Aerospace Engineering, IIT Bombay
Secondary breakup of liquid droplets; Effect of liquid properties and non-dimensional numbers.
Types of atomization techniques used in IC engines, gas turbine engines and liquid rocket
engines; Pressure atomizers, swirl atomizers, twin-fluid atomization, impinging jet atomizers.
Experimental and numerical techniques for analysis of atomization: High speed imaging, optical
diagnostics, introduction to numerical approaches, level set method, VOF.
Texts/References 1. A. H. Lefebvre and V. G. McDonell, Atomization and Sprays, CRC Press (Taylor and Francis
Group), 2nd ed, 2017
2. N. Ashgriz (ed), Handbook of Atomization and Sprays (Theory and Applications), Springer
3. S. P. Lin, “Breakup of Liquid Sheets and Jets”, Cambridge University Press, 2003
4. L. Bayvel and Z. Orzechowski, “Liquid Atomization”, Taylor and Francis, 1993
Title of the course AE 663 Software Engineering for Engineers and Scientists
Credit Structure 3-0-0-6
Prerequisite Nil
Course Content Using Unix command line tools to carry out common (mostly text processing) tasks. Automating
typical tasks using basic shell-scripting. The effective use of version control for collaborating on
code and documents. The use of LaTeX and other markup languages to generate professional
documents. Use of the Python programming language to carry out typical engineering/numerical
computations such as those that involve (basic) manipulation of large arrays in an efficient
manner. Generating 2D and simple 3D plots. Understanding the impact of coding style and
readability on quality. Debugging programs using a standardized approach, Understanding the
importance of tests and the philosophy of Test Driven Development. Writing unit tests and
improve the quality of code.
Texts/References 1. A. Scopatz and K. D. Huff, Effective Computation in Physics: Field Guide to Research with
Python, O'Reilly Media, 2015
2. G. Wilson, Software carpentry – material available at http://software- carpentry.org, 2010
3. H. P. Langtangen, Python Scripting for Computational Science, Springer-Verlag, 2004
4. H. P. Langtangen, A Primer on Scientific Programming with Python, Springer-Verlag, 2009
M. Tech. Bulletin 2019 – 2020 Aerospace Engineering, IIT Bombay
Prerequisite AE 714
Course Content Air-power, Air-superiority, Air-supremacy & role of Aircraft Stealth Capabilities (with examples
of actual warfare, including surgical strike with precision weapons).
Low Observables – Camouflage (merge with background), Conceal (hide), Deception (role of
Electronic Warfare & Electronic Countermeasures).
Classification of Aircraft Stealth Technology – Active vs. Passive Signatures [Signatures - Radar,
Infrared (IR), Acoustic, Visual, & Miscellaneous]
Effectiveness of Air Combat & Advantage of Low Observable Aircraft (Mission Attainment
Measure, Survival Rate, Measure of Mission Success).
Probabilities – Survivability, Susceptibility, Vulnerability, & their inter-relation (Probability of
Kill, Blast-Kill Radius).
Radar – Surveillance & Tracking bands, Radar Range Equation, Radar Cross-Section (RCS)
(Rayleigh, Resonance, Optical Regimes).
Monostatic Radar – Backscatter RCS, RCS – Estimation & Reduction [Countermeasures =
Shaping, Radar Absorbent Material, Jamming (Burn-through Range)].
Aircraft IR-Signatures – Detection in Atmospheric Windows, Lock-On & Lethal Range [IR
bands = 2-3, 3-5, 8-12 µm; IRCM = Suppression & Management (decoys - flares)].
Estimation - Sources of IR-signature in Aircraft & Background IR-Radiance [Internal (Jet-
Nozzle, Plume, Aerodynamic Heating) & External (Earthshine, Sunshine)].
Texts/References 1. D. C. Aronstein and A. C. Piccirillo, Have Blue & the F-117A, Evolution of the Stealth
Fighter, 1997, AIAA Education Series Inc. – Reston, VA.
2. D. C. Aronstein, M. J. Hirschber and A. C. Piccirillo, Advanced Tactical Fighter to F-22
Raptor: Origins of the 21st Century Air Dominance Fighter, 1998, AIAA Education Series
Inc. – Reston, VA.
3. D. Richardson, Stealth Warplanes: Deception, Evasion, and Concealment in the Air, 2001,
Zenith Press, MN.
4. R. E. Ball, The Fundamentals of Aircraft Combat Survivability: Analysis & Design, 2nd ed.
2003, AIAA Education Series Inc. - NY.
5. K. Zale, Stealth Aircraft Technology, 2016, Create-Space Independent Publishing Platform,
Scotts-Valley, CA.
6. G. A. Rao and S. P. Mahulikar, 2002 (Dec) Integrated review of stealth technology and its
role in airpower, Aeronautical Journal, 106(1066) 629-641.
7. S. P. Mahulikar, H. R. Sonawane and G. A. Rao, 2007 (Oct-Nov) Infrared signature studies of
aerospace vehicles, Progress in Aerospace Sciences, 43(7-8) 218-245.
M. Tech. Bulletin 2019 – 2020 Aerospace Engineering, IIT Bombay
6. N. Hovakimyan and C. Cao: “ℒ1 Adaptive Control Theory: Guaranteed Robustness with Fast
Adaptation”, Advances in Design and Control, SIAM, Philadelphia, PA, 2010.
7. G. Chowdhary and E. Johnson: “Concurrent learning adaptive control of linear systems with
exponentially convergent bounds,” International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal
Processing, Vol. 27, No. 4, 2012, pp. 280–301.
8. A. Maity, L. Höcht, and F. Holzapfel: “Higher order direct model reference adaptive control
with generic uniform ultimate boundedness”, International Journal of Control, Vol. 88 No. 10,
2015, pp. 2126–2142.
9. L. Höcht, A. Maity, and F. Holzapfel: “Frequency selective learning model reference adaptive
control”, IET Control Theory & Applications, Vol. 9, Iss. 15, 2015, pp. 2257-2265.
10. K. Y. Volyanskyy: “Adaptive and neuroadaptive control for nonnegative and compartmental
dynamical systems,” Ph.D. Dissertation, Aerospace Engineering, Georgia Institute of
Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332, United States, 2010.
11. H. J. Marquez: “Nonlinear Control Systems Analysis and Design”, Wiley, New Jersey, 2003.
12. H. K. Khalil, “Nonlinear Systems”, 3rd ed., Prentice Hall Inc., New Jersey, 2002.
M. Tech. Bulletin 2019 – 2020 Aerospace Engineering, IIT Bombay
Fundamentals of flutter analysis. Quasi-steady and unsteady aerodynamic forces on airfoils. Two-
dimension and three-dimensional flutter analysis - modal formulation, generalised unsteady
airloads. Flutter of tapered and swept cantilever wings. Flutter computation methods. Buffeting
and stall flutter. Galloping and Vortex-induced vibrations of structures. Aeroelastic testing
Texts/References 1. Y.C. Fung, An Introduction to the Theory of Aeroelasticity, Dover, 1969
2. B.L. Bisplinghoff, H. Ashley and R.L. Halfman, Aeroelasticity, Addison-Wesley, 1972
3. C.H. Scanlan and R. Rosenbaum, Aircraft Vibration Flutter, Dover, 1968
4. E.H. Dowell, A modern course in aeroelasticity, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1994
M. Tech. Bulletin 2019 – 2020 Aerospace Engineering, IIT Bombay
M. Tech. Bulletin 2019 – 2020 Aerospace Engineering, IIT Bombay
4. H. Ashley and M. T. Landahl, Aerodynamics of Wings and Bodies, Addison Wesley, 1965
M. Tech. Bulletin 2019 – 2020 Aerospace Engineering, IIT Bombay
M. Tech. Bulletin 2019 – 2020 Aerospace Engineering, IIT Bombay
M. Tech. Bulletin 2019 – 2020 Aerospace Engineering, IIT Bombay
Course Content Frames of reference: Inertial frame, body frame, definitions of α and β, wind axes, notation and
sign convention for forces, moments and motion variables, nondimensional parameters – stability
derivatives, control surfaces and control derivatives, dynamic derivatives. Equations of motion of
rigid body: Euler angles & Quaternions. Aircraft dynamics: equations in wind axes, aerodynamic,
propulsive, gravity forces and moments for an aircraft, 12th order non-linear ODEs, 9thorder ODEs,
8thorder ODEs. Simulations: trim analysis. Stability analysis: linearization with respect to
equilibrium, decoupling into longitudinal and lateral/directional dynamics. Longitudinal dynamics:
mode shapes, short period and phugoid –frequency and damping, time to double/half. Lateral
/directional dynamics: mode shapes, Dutch roll, roll subsidence & spiral mode –frequency and
damping, time to double/half. Effect of winds: gust response.
Texts/References 1. J. Roskam, Flight Dynamics of Rigid and Elastic Airplanes, University of Kansas Press, 1972
2. B. Etkin and L. D. Reid, Dynamics of Flight – Stability and Control, Wiley India, 1996
3. R. C. Nelson, Flight Stability and Automatic Control, 2nd ed., McGraw Hill, 1998
4. R. S. Stengel, Flight Dynamics, Princeton University Press, 2004; Overseas Press, 2009
Title of the course AE 720 Advanced Numerical Methods for Compressible Flows
Credit Structure 3-0-0-3
Prerequisite AE 706, AE 616
Course Content Governing equations and conservation laws. Characteristics, general solution and its application to
linear hyperbolic system. Riemann problem for linear system. Properties of 1D and 2D Euler
equations, elementary wave solutions. Riemann problem for Euler equations and its solution.
Development of upwind methods for 1D Euler equations based on flux vector splitting.
Development of approximate Riemann solvers for 1D Euler equations. Development of
multidimensional upwind and Riemann solvers on structured and unstructured grids in finite
volume formulation. Concept of genuinely multidimensional upwinding. Numerical treatment of
boundary conditions – inlet, outlet, symmetry, periodic, flat and curved solid wall. Higher order
temporal and spatial discretizations in finite volume formulations; spurious oscillations,
monotonicity, positivity, total variations diminishing, local extremum diminishing criteria,
development of non-linear discretization techniques for non-oscillatory solutions.
Texts/References 1. D. D. Knight, Elements of Numerical Methods for Compressible Flows, Cambridge
University Press, 2006
2. C. B. Laney, Computational Gas dynamics, Cambridge University Press, 1998.
3. E. E. Toro, Riemann Solvers and Numerical Methods for Fluid Dynamics: A Practical
Introduction, Springer, 2009
4. R. J. Leveque, Finite Volume Methods for Hyperbolic Problems, Cambridge University
Press, 2004
M. Tech. Bulletin 2019 – 2020 Aerospace Engineering, IIT Bombay
on AE 227 Solid Mechanics and AE 238 Aerospace Structural Mechanics. A couple of experiments
on vibrations and structural dynamics are also included for exposure. The experiments in this
laboratory course cover the following:
Fabrication of fibre reinforced composite laminate; tension, compression, interlaminar shear,
impact and hardness testing for determination of elastic moduli and strength of material; coefficient
of thermal expansion; strain measurement; inverse methods for material property determination
(Poisson's ratio and Young’s Modulus) using measured static and dynamic structural response in
conjunction with simple structural models; shear centre of open section thin-walled beam,
displacement and strain distribution in bending and torsion of twin-walled open and closed section
beams; Buckling of beams/plates; measurement of natural frequency, natural modes and modal
damping of beams.
Texts/References Laboratory Manual, Aircraft Structures Lab., Dept. of Aerospace Engineering, IIT Bombay, 2007.
M. Tech. Bulletin 2019 – 2020 Aerospace Engineering, IIT Bombay
M. Tech. Bulletin 2019 – 2020 Aerospace Engineering, IIT Bombay
objectives, open-loop and closed-loop control concepts, various types of control structures, unity
negative feedback control systems, basic control actions, 1st and 2nd order system on-off control.
System Stability: Concept of system stability and connection with its response, asymptotic and
bounded-input bounded output stability, role of characteristic roots in stability, Routh’s stability
criterion. Proportional Control Systems: concept of root locus and its application to proportional
control system analysis. Frequency Response: Concept of frequency response & its representation
using bode, Nyquist and Nichol’s plots, closed loop system analysis using frequency response
attributes, Nyquist stability analysis. Closed-loop Response Attributes: Transient and steady-state
response concept, tracking control task and closed-loop error constants, integral control option for
tracking, transient response and role of derivative action. Closed-loop Response Control
Elements: PI controllers and lag compensators, PD controllers and lead compensators, PID
controllers. Design of Closed-loop Control Systems:
Texts/References 1. K. Ogata, Modern Control Engineering, 5th ed., Prentice Hall India, Eastern Economy
Edition 2010
2. B. C. Kuo and F. Golnaraghi, Automatic Control Systems, 8th ed., John Wiley & Sons, 2003
3. J. J. D’Azzo and C. H. Houpis, Linear Control Systems Analysis and Design - Conventional
and Modern, 4th ed., McGraw-Hill, 1995
4. N. S. Nise, Control Systems Engineering, 3rd ed., John Wiley & Sons, 2001
5. G. F. Franklin, J. D. Powell and A. Emami-Naeini, Feedback Control of Dynamic Systems,
5th ed., Pearson Prentice Hall, LPE, 2006
6. M. Gopal, Control Systems – Principles and Design, 3rd ed., Tata McGraw-Hill, 2008
7. R. C. Dorf and R. H. Bishop, Modern Control Systems, 12th ed., Prentice Hall, 2011
8. E. Bryson, Control of Spacecraft and Aircraft, Princeton University Press, 1994
9. Wie, Space Vehicle Dynamics and Control, AIAA Education Series, 2008
10. J. H. Blakelock, Automatic Control of Aircraft and Missiles, John Wiley, 1991.
M. Tech. Bulletin 2019 – 2020 Aerospace Engineering, IIT Bombay
Course Content Introduction, Governing equations for fluid flow and heat transfer. Solution to Partial Differential
Equations - application to conduction, convection. Incompressible and compressible flow
simulation, Laminar and Turbulent flows, Flow with chemical reactions.
Texts/References 1. S. V. Patankar, Numerical Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow, Hemisphere Pub. Co., 1981
2. C. Hirsch, Numerical Computation of Internal and external flow, Vol. I & II, John Wiley, 1990
M. Tech. Bulletin 2019 – 2020 Aerospace Engineering, IIT Bombay
Document History