Functions of Skeletal System

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PLAN Teacher Ricky N. Espadon Learning Area SCIENCE
Teaching Date / Day 2 Quarter SECOND
Time (July 30, 2019)
Burgos: 10:30-11:20 AM


The learner demonstrate understanding of how the major organs of the human
A. Content Standards
body work together to form organ systems

B. Performance The learners should be able to make a chart showing healthful habits that promote
Standards proper functioning of the parts skeletal system

Explain how the organs of each organ system work together(S6LT-lIa-b-1)

C. Learning
Competencies/ Describe the structure and function of the parts of the skeletal system
Write the LC code
for each

II. CONTENT The Parts and Functions of the Skeletal System


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s Materials The New Science Links, pp. 104-113
3. Textbook pages Science Journey 6, pp. 24-25
4. Additional Materials
from Learning
Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning


A. ELICIT Review on the parts of the skeletal system.

Game: Label Me
B. ENGAGE What did Manny Pacquiao possess that makes him won the fight?
How about you?
Do you have strong bones just like him?
C. EXPLORE EXPLORATION: The teacher asks to the students “How do you able to perform
your everyday activity?”

1.Setting of standard/Safety tips

2. Activity Proper
Activity 1: Examining Bone Structure

How do skeleton functions?
What you need:
Chicken wings Dissecting Pan
Disposable gloves Dissecting set
What you need to do:
1. Wear disposable gloves. Put the chicken wings in the dissecting pan.
2. Try to move the parts of the wings. Observe how they move.
3. Cut away the muscles from the bone, leaving the ligaments intact.
Ligaments are tough bands of tissue that attack one bone to another.
4. Draw the diagram of the wings without the muscles, showing the
structure of the bones and how the bones are attached to the ends.

What have you found out:

1. Did you notice the muscles are attached to the bones?
2. What connects the two bones together?
3. What do you call the part where two bones meet?
4. How does the skeleton of the wings function?

Make a conclusion based from the given problem.

Activity 2: Observing Movements of the Joints

What are the different kinds of the joints?

What you need:

Own joints in the body.

What you need to do:

1. Try to move the different parts of the body by moving it back and forth,
side to side, rotating and swinging.
2. Fill out the observation below.
Body Parts Movements
lower arm
upper arm
shoulders and hips

What have you found out:

1. Which part of the body allows movement?
2. What makes the most of the body part move?
3. How does the movement of the shoulders differ from the movement of
the arms?

Make a conclusion based from the given problem.

D. EXPLAIN Yesterday, we discuss the different parts of the skeletal system. How many bones
do a normal adult have?
The skull is composed of how many bones? How does skull important in our body?
Where do smallest bone found in our body?
How many vertebrae in our spinal column? Is it important in our body? Why?
What part of bone are compose of lower extremities?
Which part of the body allows movement?
How does each part of the joints move?

E. ELABORATE Why is it dangerous to move a person with spinal fracture?

What are the different parts and functions of the skeletal system?

F. EVALUATE Multiple choice

Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. What is the place of union of 2 or more bones called?

a. Tendon c. Ligament
b. Joint d. Muscle fiber
2. Name the smallest bone in the body.
a. Coccyx c. stirrup bone
b. Femur d. skull
3. What attaches muscle to bone?
a. Tendon c. Ligament
b. Joint d. Muscle fiber
4. Which of the following is protected by ribs, sternum, and spine?
a. Kidneys, bladder, urethra
b. Heart, lungs, blood vessels
c. Small intestine, large intestine
d. Lungs, bladder, liver
5. How many bones in the adult skeleton?
a. 106 c. 300
b. 206 d. 150
6. What is the longest bone in the body?
a. Clavicle c. Femur
b. ribs d. Tibia
7. Which bone is an example of hinge joint?
a. Elbow c. Skull
b. Hips d. Wrist
8. Why is bone marrow important to the body?
a. It stores much fat.
b. It makes the bone strong.
c. It produces red blood cell
d. It produces new bone cells
9. Why should bones be strong?
10. How will you take care of your bones?

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