V-F / F-V Convertor: General Description Package Outline
V-F / F-V Convertor: General Description Package Outline
V-F / F-V Convertor: General Description Package Outline
• Operating Voltage (8V to 22V)
• Frequency Operation from (1.0Hz to 100kHz)
• Package Outline DIP8, DMP8
• Bipolar Technology
1.Io (Current Source)
2.RS (Scale Factor)
3.VLo (Logic Output)
5.Ro (One-Shot R,C)
6.Th (Threshold)
7.VI (Input Voltage)
Q36 Q37
⑧ Q28 Q41
10k R1
Q35 ③ Q32 Q40
IO Q34
R2 Q30
Q27 Q24 R15 Q38
RS R13 2K 20K
20k Q26
② R14
20k R7
Q23 12K Q39 Q43
Th 2K
⑥ V+
VI Q1 Q2 Q3
Q13 Q14
Q12 Q15
R10 Q20 R4
Q7 R11 R12
Q5 Q6 Q8 2K Q9 Q11 Q10 Q17 Q16 Q18 Q19
⑤ RO ④ GND
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Supply Voltage V+ 22 V
(DIP8) 500 mW
Power Dissipation PD
(DMP8) 300 mW
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Single Supply Mode Voltage-to-Frequency Conversion
In this application the NJM4151 functions as a stand-alone voltage to frequency converter operating on a single positive
power supply. Refer to Figure 1, the simplified block diagram. The NJM4151 contains a voltage comparator, a one-shot,
and a precision switched current source. The voltage comparator compares a positive input voltage applied at pin 7 to the
voltage at pin 6. If the input voltage is higher, the comparator will fire the one-shot. The output of the one-shot is
connected to both the logic output and the precision switched current source. During the one-shot period, T, the logic
output will go low and the current source will turn on with current I.
At the end of the one-shot period the logic output will go high and the current source will shut off. At this time the current
source has injected an amount of charge Q = I0T into the network RB-CB. If this charge has not increased the voltage VB
such that VB > VI, the comparator again fires the one-shot and the current source injects another lump of charge, Q, into
the RB-CB network. This process continues until VB > VI.
When this condition is achieved the current source remains off and the voltage VB decays until VB is again equal to VI.
This completes one cycle. The VFC will now run in a steady state mode. The current source dumps lumps of charge into
the capacitor CB at rate fast enough to keep VB ≥ VI. Since the discharge rate of capacitor CB is proportional to VB/RB, the
frequency at which the system runs will be proportional to the input voltage.
The NJM4151 VFC is easy to use and apply if you understand the operation of it through the block diagram, Figure
1. Many users, though, have expressed the desire to understand the workings of the internal circuitry. The circuit can be
divided into five sections: the internal biasing network, input comparator, one-shot, voltage reference, and the output
current source.
The internal biasing network is composed of Q39-Q43. The N-channel FET Q43 supplies the initial current for zener
diode Q39. The NPN transistor Q38 senses the zener voltage to derive the current reference for the multiple collector
current source Q41. This special PNP transistor provides active pull-up for all of the other sections of the NJM4151.
The input comparator section is composed of Q1-Q7. Lateral PNP transistors Q1-Q4 form the special
ground-sensing input which is necessary for VFC operation at low input voltages, NPN transistors Q5 and Q6 convert the
differential signal to drive the second gain stage Q7. If the voltage on input pin 7 is less than that on threshold pin 6, the
comparator will be off and the collector of Q7 will be in the high state. As soon as the voltage on pin 7 exceeds the voltage
on pin 6, the collector of Q7 will go low and trigger the one-shot.
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The one-shot is made from a voltage comparator and an R-S latch, Transistors Q12-Q15 and Q18-Q20 form the
comparator, while Q8-Q11 and Q16-Q17 make up the R-S latch. One latch output, open-collector reset transistor Q16, is
connected to a comparator input and to the terminal, pin 5. Timing resistor RO is tied externally from pin 5 to V+ and timing
capacitor CO is tied from pin 5 to ground. The other comparator input is tied to a voltage divider R3-R5 which sets the
comparator threshold voltage at 0.667V+. One-shot operation is initiated when the collector of Q7 goes low and sets the
latch. This causes Q16 to turn off, releasing the voltage at pin 5 to charge exponentially towards V+ through RO. As soon
as this voltage reaches 0.667 V+, comparator output Q20 will go high causing Q10 to reset the latch. When the latch is
reset, Q16 will discharge CO to ground. The one-shot has now completed its function of creating a pulse of period T=1.1
ROCO at the latch output, Q21. This pulse is buffered through Q23 to drive the open-collector logic circuit transistor Q32.
During the one-shot period the logic output will be in the low state. The one-shot output is also used to switch the
reference voltage by Q22 and Q24. The low T. C. reference voltage is derived from the combination of a 5.5V zener
diode with resistor and diode level shift networks. A stable 1.89 volts is developed at pin 2, the emitter of Q33.
Connecting the external current-setting resistor RS = 14.0Ω from pin 2 to ground gives 135µA from the collectors of Q33
and Q34. This current is reflected in the precision current mirror Q35-Q37 and produces the output current IO at pin 1.
When the R-S latch is reset, Q22 and Q24 will hold the reference voltage off, pin 2 will be at 0V, and the current will be off.
During the one-shot period T, the latch will be set, the voltage of pin 2 will go to 1.89V, and the output current will be
switched on.
1. Single supply Voltage-to-Frequency Converter
Figure 2 shows the simplest type of VFC that can be made with the NJM4151. Input voltage range is from 0 to +10V,
and output frequency is from 0 to 10kHz. Full scale frequency can be tuned by adjusting Rs, the output current set resistor.
This circuit has the advantage of being simple and low in cost, but it suffers from inaccuracy due to a number of error
sources. Linearity error is typically 1%. A frequency offset will also be introduced by the input comparator offset voltage.
Also, response time for this circuit is limited by the passive integration network RBCB. For the component values shown in
Figure 2, response time for a step change input from 0 to +10V will be 135msec. For applications which require fast
response time and high accuracy, use the circuits of Figure 3 and 4.
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Table 1
Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4
Linearity 1% 0.2% 0.05%
Frequency Offset +10Hz 0 0
Response Time 135msec 10msec 10msec
Input Voltage + + -
Single supply yes yes yes
Split Supply - - yes
5. Frequency-to-Voltage Conversion
The NJM4151 can be used as a frequency-to-voltage converter. Figure 5 shows the single-supply FVC configuration.
With no signal applied, the resistor bias networks tied to pins 6 and 7 hold the input comparator in the off state. A negative
going pulse applied to pin 6 (or positive pulse to pin 7) will cause the comparator to fire the one-shot. For proper operation,
pulse width must be less than the period of the one-shot, T=1.1 ROCO. For a 5Vp-p square-wave input the differentiator
network formed by the input coupling capacitor and the resistor bias network will provide pulses which correctly trigger
the one-shot. An external voltage comparator such as the NJM311 of NJM2901 can be used to "square-up" sinusoidal
input signals before they are applied to the NJM4151. Also, the component values for the input signal differentiator and
bias network can be altered to accommodate square waves with different amplitudes and frequencies. The passive
integrator network RBCB filters the current pulses from the pin 1 output. For less output ripple, increase the value of CB.
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III. Design a single supply FVC to operate with a supply voltage of 8V and full scale input frequency f0 = 83.3Hz. The
output voltage must reach at least 0.63 of its final value in 200msec. Determine the output ripple.
1. Set RS = 14.0kΩ
2. T = 0.75 (1/83.3) = 9msec Let R0 = 82kΩ and C0 = 0.1µF
3. Since this FVC must operate from 8.0V, we shall make the full scale output voltage at pin 6 equal to 5.0V.
4. RB = 5V/100µA = 50kΩ
5. Output response time constant is tR < 20msec Therefore CB < tR / RB = 200 x 10-3 / 50 x 103 = 4µF Worst case
ripple voltage is: VR = 9mSx135µA / 4µF = 304mV
IV. Design an opto-isolated VFC with high linearity which accepts a full scale input voltage of +10V. See Figure 7 for the
final design. This circuit uses the precision mode VFC configuration for maximum linearity. The NJM3403A quad
op-amp provides the functions of inverter, integrator, regulator, and LED driver.
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1. FSK Demodulator
FSK(Frequency Shift Keying) data demodulator shows as an example. This is one of continuous input of two
frequencies. Transmission of this signal is often used a telephone line. Therefore, the fluctuation amplitude, noise may
occur. Therefore, it may experience noise and amplitude fluctuations. FSK demodulator must sense the frequency of
which was entered. And it is “0” “1” must be shown at the level of logic. Figure 8 is a circuit diagram FSK. It uses the
2-channel operational amplifier and NJM4151. The FSK signal through a filter to remove noise and high frequency.
NJM4151 is the frequency-voltage converter configuration. DC output voltage through a low-frequency filter is converted
to a logic output levels. Output op amp will work with hysteresis. The value of parts such as resistors, please determine
the following as an example.
Two input frequencies, the magnitude of the noise, the response time.
(1070Hz or 1270Hz)
2. Motor Control
Changes in the axis of rotation is changed to pulse train by Trans Deuce. Pulse frequency is proportional to the rotation
speed. Pulse train can be changed to a DC voltage proportional to the frequency by the NJM4151.
Please refer to Figure 9.
Speed Control
Pulce output
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3. A/D Converter
One example is to connect the microprocessor to analog converter output. A / D converer is required are as follows.
Good noise rejection, high stability, low cost. Many industrial systems are sufficient for an 8-bit⋅1/256. A typical
microprocessor works with 8-bit input. Data from the AD converter should be parallel with TTL logic levels. Digital data
should be controlled by logic input. Typically, the input is called STATUS. Request conversion rate depends on applied
field. Digital voltmeter is converted into digital signals per second to 2.3 times. AD converter for the radar pulse must be
converted within 100 nanoseconds. AD converter can be configured with a parallel 8-bit output by using the NJM4151.
If the slow conversion of the AD converter by using the NJM4151, noise removal is good, better linearity and better
isolation can be configured at low cost. Also, you can easily increase the degree of decomposition. If you use the
NJM4151, the conversion time is 1s to 10ms. Please refer to Figure 10. Single-digit or further of NJM4151 will be coupled
to the counter through a photo coupler.
Optical coupled
In many applications, the counter circuit / timing make time division for each channel. Photo coupler is not absolutely
necessary. Help to separated the counter / timing circuit and VF-encoder. Thus, VF encoder does not matter even if the
contact point away. Therefore, can be used in distance away from the microprocessor.
Encoder output pulse train must be parallel to the digital signal. The 8-bit counter is set to 0. Then, only a fixed time to
count the pulses from the encoder. Condition that the gate is ON, the counter is only for the specified duration. The higher
the input voltage to the encoder, the encoder output frequency is higher. The digital readout of the counters at the end of
a certain duration will be directly proportional to the input frequency. To make the best operating, the duration and the
encoder scale factor recommend choose to become the maximum count of 255(as an 8-bit binary) at maximum input
Figure 11 is a data conversion system of N channels. A number of transducers is coded each by VFC. N-channel
multiplexer is coupling to 8-bit counter. At that time, any one of the encoder output go through with photo-coupler.
Channel selection method is as follows. Microprocessor, or manually enter the address of the digital. Timing will be
performed by a number of different things. The most accurate way is as follows. It is to be used as a low-frequency by
dividing high frequency with the accurate high frequency crystal oscillator. A similar method, it attached divider circuit to a
tuning fork oscillator . The most inexpensive way to make the timing is as follows. It is way to drive a one-shot use the
optocouplers from the line voltage for AC. Maximum error is less than 0.5% so AC voltage is about 0.2% in most
areas.Please note that this method is affected because of the AC line transient response. In addition, NJM555 (Timer IC)
can also be used in the astable mode.
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from computer
Timing watch 8bit 8bit Digital output
counter latch
Commercial power
/ Timer
separated pulse
Positive Optical MUX address
/Negative coupled
Voltage Isolator
Trance Deuce 1 N channel multiplexer
Figure 12 shows 1-channel ADC. Commercial power supply frequency has been used to generate the timing. NJM556
(Dual timer IC) is used to strobe and reset pulse generator. Latch circuit is the same as the output data of a counter circuit
when the strobe pulse is high level. The counter data is latched when the strobe pulse is a low level.
Counter Latch
Commercial power
Digital output
Trance Deuce
frequency output
Encode common
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This pulse is used to the microprocessor status monitor. After the counter output is latched, the counter is reset by a
reset pulse. Then becomes the first status again. This alternate get started the counter under the action of
microprocessor instructions. The best logic sequence is determined by individual applications. To illustrate the calculation
of the scale factor, try to assume the resolution of 8 bits at 1 / 60 s convert time. Maximum output will be 1+2+4+8+16+
32+64+128=255. The maximum output frequency is 255 × 60Hz, and 15.3kHz.
Accuracy and stability of the ADC is determined by NJM4151 (VFC) chip, an external R,C components, and the timing
circuit. Please discuss the error at the following contents: offset, scale factor, linearity, noise. Please consider that there is
uncertainty of ± 0.195% for to put into the prediction error. The approximate ADC has linearity error of ± 1 / 2 LSB at
corresponding to ± 0.195%. NJM4151 can easily design by linearity of ± 0.05% or linearity of ± 0.1%. Most of linearity is
not an issue. Offset drift is determined by input offset drift of the external OP-AMP. So in most cases is very small. The
largest source of error are gain drift of NJM4151, and temperature coefficient of external R,C components. NJM4151 has
a gain drift of 100ppm / °C average approximately. Error goal of 100ppm / °C can be improved by choosing the external
components very well. At 200ppm / °C stability of the timing, gain drift of the total will be 400ppm / °C. This is the
maximum gain variation of 2.8% at 70°C from 0°C. If the ADC gain drift is too high, you should try and see the power of
the microprocessor. Coupled to the input of the VFC at the reference value of zener diodes of low drift at periodically. To
calculate the gain error, impress the digital value of the supplied reference voltage to microprocessor and memory circuit.
It is easy. The correct term of scale factor calculated is used to correct gain drift.
The computer can be used to remove noise. It is time and again to convert the same signal voltage. Next, remove the
ones far off the average. Then calculate the average. Using computer technology to all of these applications are not
required. However, it is often used to improve the accuracy of the system without increasing the cost of the hardware set.
NJM4151 is achieved ADC by a very low cost channel. The accuracy of the system conforms to the resolution of the 8-bit.
If necessary, Computer receives the data conversion will reduce in many errors. It can be used to improve the overall
accuracy of the system.
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VBE=KT/q * 1n * Ic/Is’
Except Ic/Is >> 1
When running in the range of collector current is 1µA to 1mA, monolithic transistor pair is close to this formula. Transistor
pair is high β. It is matched pair has a low offset voltage. In addition, IS low, and β is also consistent. ∆VBE integrity is
within 1mV at a typical value. In addition, the drift is ±3µV / °C, the difference in β is less than 10%.
The differential input to a precision amplifier,
When Transistor pairs are consistent, IS2 IS1 is the same and the second term 1n1 is zero.
The above equation,
KT/q is 86.171µV / °C. It is 198.4µV / °K when ratio of I1 versus I2 are 10 versus 1. It subtracted 273.15°C when the
absolute - temperature want back to Celsius. It is 54.193mV, when Constant current (I1) and RE multiplied. In that case,
the amplifier's input voltage is changed to Celsius. 0.1V / °C is convenient as the scale factor. It generates a voltage of 0
to 7V at 0 to 70 °C ranges. High-precision amplifier input common mode rejection takes 0.5 to 0.6. Then take 504 as an
amplifier. The amplifier input bias current should be low in relation to the emitter current of transistor temperature sensitive
pair. This temperature measurement method can be applied to other applications. Sensitivity can be adjusted easily by
changing the gain of the amplifier or changing the ratio of the collector current. Linearity of output voltage and
temperature are within ±0.01% linearity in the range of 0 to +70°C at circuit of Figure 14. Application will be at large by
introducing microprocessors. It can change the sensitivity of the transducer at the computer, and program can also be
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Instruments Amplifier r
Vo=0.1V/°C ( 0 °C to +70 °C )
Condition: I1=10µA, Amplifier gain=170
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The specifications on this databook are only
given for information , without any guarantee
as regards either mistakes or omissions. The
application circuits in this databook are
described only to show representative usages
of the product and not intended for the
guarantee or permission of any right including
the industrial rights.
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