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Departments of Neurobiology and Radiology, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, California
The understanding of brain function and the capacity to treat neurological and psychiatric disorders rest on the ability
to intervene in neuronal activity in specific brain circuits. Current methods of neuromodulation incur a tradeoff between
spatial focus and the level of invasiveness. Transcranial focused ultrasound (FUS) is emerging as a neuromodulation
approach that combines noninvasiveness with focus that can be relatively sharp even in regions deep in the brain. This
may enable studies of the causal role of specific brain regions in specific behaviors and behavioral disorders. In addition
to causal brain mapping, the spatial focus of FUS opens new avenues for treatments of neurological and psychiatric con-
ditions. This review introduces existing and emerging FUS applications in neuromodulation, discusses the mechanisms
of FUS effects on cellular excitability, considers the effects of specific stimulation parameters, and lays out the directions
for future work.
KEY WORDS noninvasive; neurointervention; stimulation; deep brain; brain mapping; neuroplasticity
ur ability to control or influence neural activity in in hour-long sessions over multiple days can improve the
the human brain has rested on methods that are condition of patients suffering from major depressive dis-
either invasive or limited by a broad radius of ac- order.28,36 TCS can also alter corticospinal excitability, but
tion. Deep brain stimulation (DBS) involves a surgical unlike TMS, it does not elicit action potentials.23,43 The
procedure in which leads carrying stimulation electrodes main prospects for TCS lie in its repeated application us-
are implanted into specific nuclei deep within the brain. ing specific stimulation protocols. This is a topic of active
Electric currents of certain pulsing protocols make it pos- investigation. Both TMS and TCS suffer from a common
sible to increase, suppress, or distort neuronal activity in drawback—a broad radius of action (on the order of centi-
the circuits near a particular electrode.5 This approach has meters). This limitation is particularly pronounced in deep
been successfully used to alleviate the symptoms associ- brain applications. The spatial constraint derives from the
ated with medication-refractory action or resting tremor fact—captured by Maxwell’s equations—that purely mag-
in patients with essential tremor (ET) or Parkinson’s dis- netic or electric fields cannot attain a maximum outside of
ease.14,44,46 The main strength of DBS is that it provides their sources. To improve focus at depth, researchers have
stimulation throughout the lifetime of the implanted de- attempted to superimpose magnetic or electric fields by
vice, which generally results in lasting treatments. The using multiple sources.7,20 However, a tightening of focus
main drawback of DBS is that the associated surgeries may in a central region accompanies a deterioration in regions
lead to complications such as infection or hemorrhage.3,4 surrounding the ancillary sources. Thus, noninvasive and
Researchers and clinicians have been considering al- targeted stimulation of specific nuclei or pathways deep in
ternative, noninvasive approaches to neurostimulation. In the brain has remained elusive.
particular, transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and
transcranial current stimulation (TCS) can facilitate or
inhibit neural activity through the intact skull and skin. Transcranial Focused Ultrasound
Using TMS, a brief pulse or a burst of magnetic energy ap- Transcranial focused ultrasound (FUS) is a novel neu-
plied to motor cortex can evoke instantaneous movement.45 romodulation approach that combines noninvasiveness
This approach can be used to alter or probe the function and sharp spatial focus.12,41 As its basis, ultrasound com-
of corticospinal pathways.37 Moreover, TMS application prises a pressure wave of frequencies above the audible
ABBREVIATIONS ARF = acoustic radiation force; DBS = deep brain stimulation; ECoG = electrocorticography; ET = essential tremor; FUS = focused ultrasound; TCS =
transcranial current stimulation; TMS = transcranial magnetic stimulation.
SUBMITTED October 1, 2017. ACCEPTED November 15, 2017.
INCLUDE WHEN CITING DOI: 10.3171/2017.11.FOCUS17621.
©AANS 2018, except where prohibited by US copyright law Neurosurg Focus Volume 44 • February 2018 1
J. Kubanek
and pathways in the respective functions in humans would sponse in this animal. Patch-clamp recordings in another
present a major step forward in enabling treatments of the recent study further revealed FUS effects on ion channels
associated brain disorders. of the Piezo family.49 These channels are also known to
The potential of FUS to modulate cellular excitability participate in mechanosensation53 and are expressed in
has been known for almost 100 years.13,17,22,34 The current the brain.61 These findings suggest that the mechanical
surge of interest in it as a noninvasive neurostimulation forces associated with propagating FUS are of sufficient
modality has been triggered by the following relatively re- magnitude to induce membrane displacement and so me-
cent findings: 1) FUS can elicit neuromodulatory effects diate a conformational change of ion channels embedded
in the CNS by using relatively short stimuli;59 2) short within. These studies illuminate one complete pathway of
stimuli of low intensity can trigger visible movements the FUS action, which initiates with the forces associated
upon motor cortex stimulation in rodents;25–27,35,38,56,62 and with the propagating ultrasound and terminates with an
3) the method has been safely used in primates, includ- activation of ion channels sensitive to membrane tension.
ing humans.9,21,32–34,60 Given the enormous potential of this In this regard, it is worth noting that mechanosensation
neurostimulation modality in causal brain mapping and plays a central role in the neurogenesis, maintenance, and
treatments of deep brain circuits, work is currently under repair of the CNS.57 If FUS can tap into this signaling, it
way to provide the information necessary for effective use. may evolve into a novel tool for noninvasive neuroregen-
In particular, researchers are beginning to elucidate how eration.
FUS stimulates neurons and which FUS parameters me- Ultrasound can exert several possible forms of mechan-
diate effective excitation or inhibition. Important future ical forces on cellular membranes. First, ultrasound may
points of inquiry include investigations of the capability of elicit cavitation, a phenomenon characterized by forma-
FUS to induce plastic changes in the stimulated circuitry tion and collapse of gaseous bodies in liquid media or soft
and studies of the associated safety limits. tissues. Experimentally determined cavitation thresholds
in soft tissues require an in situ pressure of ≥ 1.9 MPa.42
The thresholds increase with frequency, and are much
Mechanism of Ultrasonic Neuromodulation higher in the brain. In comparison, the majority of recent
The knowledge of how FUS mediates cellular discharge neuromodulation studies have used peak pressures < 0.6
could greatly facilitate the determination of effective stim- MPa in the brain.6 Thus, cavitation requires much higher
ulation parameters. At a high level, FUS can act on tar- pressures than those currently used for neuromodulation.
get tissue by using two main mechanisms—it can heat up Second, the target tissue, such as a cell membrane, expe-
the target (thermal effect), or it can physically distort or riences oscillations with period equal to the ultrasound
displace the target (mechanical effect). Recent ultrasound carrier frequency. The pressures used for neuromodula-
neurostimulation studies have been typically performed at tion can cause appreciable particle displacement (on the
relatively low pressures (< 0.6 MPa at focus), low frequen- order of 0.01–0.1 μm16). Nonetheless, the displacement is
cies (sub-MHz), and short pulse durations (≤ 300 msec). distributed in sinusoidal fashion along the wavelength of
These protocols have led to temperature increases of the propagating wave. This creates a very small displace-
≤ 0.01°C.12,41 Thus, when using common neuromodulation ment gradient (e.g., 0.1 μm per 100 μm31). It is question-
protocols, heating is not considered to be a main driver of able whether such a small gradient can cause significant
the effects. A recent study31 using Caenorhabditis elegans enough deformation of a pore segment of an ion chan-
specifically tested whether the FUS neuromodulatory ef- nel with regard to the channel dimensions. The third and
fects can be of a thermal or mechanical nature. The ani- most probable form of mechanical energy is the acoustic
mals rapidly reversed direction upon FUS impact. It was radiation force (ARF).24,52,54 The ARF is associated with
found that animals deficient in thermosensation responded momentum transfer from the ultrasound wave field to the
to FUS just like wild types, whereas animals incapable of medium;10 the ARF exerts a steady pressure on a target
sensing tiny mechanical forces failed to respond to FUS. throughout the time of ultrasound application. This steady
This suggests that the effects of FUS on excitable cells pressure may stretch a cell membrane to an extent that af-
have a strong mechanical basis. fects conformation states of ion channels or other active
Regarding the molecular mechanism, it has long been molecules tied to the membrane.31
known that FUS stimulation of human fingers or arms In addition to direct effects on ion channels, it has
can lead to tactile or nociceptive sensations, as well as been hypothesized that the oscillating FUS pressure wave
sensations of warmth and cold.15 These experiments have might lead to oscillations in the membrane capacitance.
provided evidence that FUS can activate certain classes Changes in capacitance may in turn lead to changes in
of molecular receptors in the skin. This has fueled the the membrane potential. This hypothesis has not, thus
hypothesis that the pressure wave associated with propa- far, found robust experimental support.50,51 A relatively
gating FUS might lead to membrane stretch and thus to recent model based on this idea, “intramembrane cavi-
an opening of certain classes of ion channels, such as tation,”29,47,48 predicts a profound drop of the membrane
mechanosensitive ion channels.30,57,58 This hypothesis has potential in response to FUS onset. The proposed drop
recently been confirmed using C. elegans. It has been measures ≥ 100 mV in the hyperpolarizing direction and
found that mutants that lack a pore-forming subunit of an can be observed for a period of several milliseconds. Thus
ion channel that is critical for sensing gentle touch show far, such a marked drop in membrane voltage in response
a profound deficit in the responsiveness to FUS.31 Thus, a to FUS has not been confirmed in direct cellular record-
mechanosensitive ion channel is required for the FUS re- ings.30,50,58
Effective Stimulation Protocols lation studies in large mammals including humans used
An ultrasound stimulus is defined by five main param- stimuli that were applied for ≥ 100 msec.9,32–34,60
eters—carrier frequency, peak intensity, duration, pulse A recent study conducted a meta-analysis of multiple
repetition frequency, and duty cycle. Each of these param- reports of excitation and inhibition.47 The study suggested
eters can have a strong effect on the stimulation outcome. that FUS intensity dictates whether a net outcome is an
The carrier frequency is a crucial parameter that de- excitation or an inhibition as much as does a specific FUS
fines the spatial extent of the FUS focus and the quality of pulsing protocol. In particular, short, repetitive pulses of
the FUS transmission through the skull. Higher frequen- the FUS—which correspond to low values of the duty
cies are associated with shorter wavelengths and so can cycle—are more likely to produce an inhibition, whereas
attain a relatively sharper spatial focus. On the other hand, longer repetitive pulses—higher duty cycle values—are
higher frequencies propagate through the skull less effec- more likely to lead to an excitation. This dependence re-
tively compared with lower frequencies.6 For animals with flects the proposition that the activity of certain classes
a thin skull such as mice, it is possible to use frequencies of ion channels can be sensitive to the duty cycle.47 For
as high as 5 MHz and still penetrate the skull.35 This en- example, low-threshold spiking interneurons expressing
ables a focal width as small as 0.8 mm.35 For applications T-type calcium channels may be activated using pulses of
in humans, in which the skull presents a significant barrier short duty cycles, which may lead to a net inhibition.47
to the propagating ultrasound, carrier frequencies between The peculiarities associated with such models under-
250 kHz and 500 kHz have commonly been used.32–34 In score the necessity to gain a firm grasp on the detailed
this frequency range, the focal width is on the order of mechanisms of the FUS action. For example, if the main
several millimeters. mechanism of FUS action rests on an activation of spe-
Skull transmission aside, the carrier frequency influ- cific classes of ion channels, then whether one can expect
ences the effectiveness of the actual neuronal stimulation. excitatory or inhibitory net effects depends on the type of
In retinal cells, higher carrier frequencies require lower the channels in a given tissue, on their expression level,
FUS pressures to induce cellular discharge activity.40 The and also on their potentially unique sensitivity to specific
effect has been faithfully captured using a model that FUS parameters.31 Thus, whether a specific set of FUS pa-
rests on the ARF, based on the fact that ARF increases rameters leads to an excitation or an inhibition may also
roughly linearly (proportional to [~] f 1.18) with increasing depend on tissue properties.
carrier frequency ( f ).19 Thus, if ARF is the form of me-
chanical energy that drives the neurostimulatory effects, Neuroplastic Potential
higher FUS frequencies should lead to stronger effects on FUS may find applications in inducing plastic, lasting
cellular excitability.40 In contrast, the probability of ob- effects in the stimulated circuitry. Recent stimulation pro-
serving behavioral responses to FUS stimulation of mo- tocols have typically aimed at acute effects that accom-
tor regions in mice is higher at lower FUS frequencies.27,62 pany relatively brief FUS stimuli. However, it has been
The frequency-dependence mismatch between these data shown that FUS applied for prolonged periods of time can
and those obtained in the retina may be explained by the lead to lasting effects on neuronal activity, with the effects
increase in focal width with decreasing frequencies.40 In being commonly suppressive. For example, amplitude-
a diffraction-limited system, lower frequencies activate a modulated FUS (modulation frequency of ≥ 8 Hz) applied
much larger area (~1/f 2) and volume (up to ~1/f 3). Stimu- for ≥ 30 seconds led to a long-term reduction of the am-
lation of a larger volume of the brain increases the prob- plitude of ECoG rhythms by 30%–40%.59 As another ex-
ability of activation of neurons involved in the behavioral ample, a recent 40-second sonication protocol reduced the
responses. The seeming discrepancy between these two amplitude of somatosensory evoked potentials recorded in
results underscores the necessity to keep the extent of the pig cortex by approximately 30%.8 The effect was long-
stimulated tissue constant when studying the neurostimu- lived, lasting ≥ 10 minutes. The reports of long-term yet
latory effects of the carrier frequency. reversible effects open the possibility that FUS could be
In regard to FUS intensity—which is proportional to used to treat brain disorders through long-term effects on
FUS pressure squared—stronger stimuli generally lead to neural activity or on the state of the stimulated neural cir-
more pronounced effects.12,41 However, distinct levels of cuitry. This research direction remains to be explored.
stimulus intensity may entail qualitatively distinct mecha-
nisms (e.g., mechanical for low-intensity and thermal for
high-intensity stimuli). In this way, stimulus intensity may Safety and Practicality
govern distinct natures of the elicited effects. For example, The FDA safety limits for ultrasound exposure have
a study investigated the effects of FUS intensity and du- been based on diagnostic ultrasound.2 Diagnostic ultra-
ration on electrocorticographic (ECoG) signals recorded sound rests on brief pulses of high-frequency (commonly
from cat cortex. Low-intensity stimuli generally had an ≥ 5 MHz) stimuli. In comparison, neuromodulatory ul-
excitatory effect on the ECoG rhythms, whereas stimuli trasound typically comprises longer pulses at low carrier
of higher intensity suppressed the rhythms.59 frequencies (sub-MHz range). Both the pulse duration and
The likelihood of observing behavioral responses such carrier frequency can be accommodated by current FDA
as limb movements in rodents or reversals in C. elegans guidelines—by using the time-average intensity and the
increases with increasing FUS duration; the effects begin mechanical index, respectively, as the limiting metrics.
to saturate for stimuli of approximately 100 msec in du- However, whether these exposure limits provide adequate
ration.27,31 In this regard, interestingly, recent neuromodu- guidelines for long-term neuromodulatory FUS—which
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ral circuits26—remains to be validated. proved coil design for deep brain investigation. J Appl Phys
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