Chapter I.docx Rio
Chapter I.docx Rio
Chapter I.docx Rio
The main problem underlying this study is there are some students who are
and explores their student attitudes about their speaking skills and communicative
University of Biskra still need to assess their way of communication using English
language. Hence, it is very vital that from the start there is an adequate
foreign language when they are required to speak (Light Bow, 2009). Additionally,
Filipino students’ were identified some attributions about their oral communication
In Lawa National High School, it seriously found out that there was a
observed, there are students who encounter struggles and difficulties specifically
in oral communication combining the presence of English Writing because
ideas orally as well as some students also are not totally fluent in speaking and the
reason behind are they have difficulties in expressing words emotionally that
creates problem of how they manage what words to say and what actions to act.
Moreover, some of them are stammer and got ashamed when they talk to other
people, in short they have lack of confidence in writing and in public speaking.
academic success.
High School.
The null hypothesis was formulated and tested that there is no significant
Presented in this section are the related sources from articles, internet,
books, and other related studies that could assessed the credibility of the study.
English Writing
are the most difficult of the macro skills for all language users regardless of whether
the language in question is a first, second or foreign language (Mohamed & Darus,
language in the academic context (Myles, 2010). Thus, through learning English
will improve writing skills since it will lower students’ self-apprehension and self-
habit in students. Doing this, students will recognize writing as a normal part of
classroom practice and they come to writing assignments with much enthusiasm.
To achieve the writing habit it is necessary to give the students interesting and
Besides, Faigley, Daly, and Witte (2011), stated that writing apprehension
makes people avoid writing or find writing burdensome, and this reflects on their
written products and can lower the students ability in their writing performances.
Self-efficacy, on the other hand is the individuals’ beliefs in their abilities to perform
one’s self belief in his/her ability to write, which may enhance his/her writing
completing written assignments and reports through their academic program at the
school. Good written communication skills are measured through the clarity of the
writing, the flow of the arguments, using simple and easy to understand sentences,
and written using academic writing style. A written communication also involved
two parties, with the receiver giving feedback, but they do not necessarily have to
communicate at the same time. Giving Communication has traditionally been seen
Additionally, past studies have recorded mixed results also about blogging
on the English writing skills among learners with most studies leading to a positive
disposition as they claimed blogging has been found to improve writing skills.
Students were found to believe that using blog in the class as a writing tool was a
good idea as they claimed that they were able to write better and effective write
ups when using blogs and that blogging has allowed them to be creative despite
students to become analytical and critical writer, which in turn improve a student
self-confidence, while claiming that an online writing such as writing on blogs has
many advantages to offer such as; first, encouraging feedback and representing
both writing and reading activity; second, stimulating debate and critical analysis
and encouraging articulation of ideas and opinions; third, offering opportunities for
centered learning environment; and sixth, offering informal language reading. The
idea that educational blogging can enhance learning opportunities as the given
reported positive feedback from students on the use of blogs as learning tools as
study carried out by Blackmore-Squires (2010) regarding the use of blog as a tool
to improve writing in the second language, it was found out that the use of blog
knowledge by translating ideas into words built upon the reactions and responses
of others.
suffer from computer may find themselves frustrated with the blogging activities
and this will eventually hinder their writing improvement. Thus, it was interesting to
investigate how the participants in the study perceived the influence of blogging on
One of the elements of generic skills that are essential among students is
communication skills. Through their years in schooling, students would have been
exposed to situations, in and outside of the lecture halls, where they have to use
process of exchanging information, from the person giving the information through
verbal and non-verbal methods, to the person receiving the information as well.
Communication also involves the exchange of ideas, opinions and information with
a specific objective. Apart from oral communication, information can also be
has also been defined as sharing and giving meaning occurring at the same time
giving the information, specifically, about the information get and feedback to
respond by the receiver and the repetition of these processes creates knowledge
skills among students have been reported by Ihmeideh, Ahmad and Dababneh
communicate in order to be better prepared for the job market after their studies.
understand, apply, and practice the skills. Further, communication will be more
meaningful if the physical, spiritual and social factors are taken into account during
On the other side, students need to discuss and negotiate the course of the
project where everyone agrees upon. Another skill that is important in being able
cooperation and able to make concise conclusions on the discussions. This study
found that negotiating skills still need to be improved among students, compared
interact, and negotiate with people from different background (Ihmeideh et al.
Although the overall communication skills among students are good, there are still
and lecturers must play a more significant so that the students enable themselves
On the other hand, students must actively participate in every activity that
develops their communication skills. As Ilmeideh et al. (2010), reported that the
attitudes towards communication skills among university students are high. This
means that it is easier for universities to develop their communication skills through
active learning. With this, lecturers should create as many learning activities as
possible to stimulate the provide opportunity for students to practice and horn their
communication skills. It’s the best tactics to improve students’ capacity in terms of
should take the opportunity in any activities that developed communication skills
in a wider and complete aspect so that communication skills can be fully
be able to succeed in their chosen profession (Ihmeideh, et al. 2010). There are
many types of communication skills, but generally it involves oral and written skills,
proposes that there are essentially three types of communication, which are
communication generally involves four elements, which are the speaker, the
big part of every person’s lives, as its build to make a better and peaceful place
Communication Skills
One of the elements of generic skills that are essential among students is
communication skills. Through their years in schooling, students would have been
exposed to situations, in and outside of the lecture halls, where they have to use
process of exchanging information, from the person giving the information through
verbal and non-verbal methods, to the person receiving the information as well.
has also been defined as sharing and giving meaning occurring at the same time
giving the information, specifically, about the information get and feedback to
respond by the receiver and the repetition of these processes creates knowledge
skills among students have been reported by Ihmeideh, Ahmad and Dababneh
communicate in order to be better prepared for the job market after their studies.
understand, apply, and practice the skills. Further, communication will be more
meaningful if the physical, spiritual and social factors are taken into account during
On the other side, students need to discuss and negotiate the course of the
project where everyone agrees upon. Another skill that is important in being able
cooperation and able to make concise conclusions on the discussions. This study
found that negotiating skills still need to be improved among students, compared
to the sub-construct culture, language and be politeness. Social communication
interact, and negotiate with people from different background (Ihmeideh et al.
Although the overall communication skills among students are good, there are still
and lecturers must play a more significant so that the students enable themselves
On the other hand, students must actively participate in every activity that
develops their communication skills. As Ilmeideh et al. (2010), reported that the
attitudes towards communication skills among university students are high. This
means that it is easier for universities to develop their communication skills through
active learning. With this, lecturers should create as many learning activities as
possible to stimulate the provide opportunity for students to practice and horn their
communication skills. It’s the best tactics to improve students’ capacity in terms of
As a student who’s getting ready to start on their chosen career, he or she
should take the opportunity in any activities that developed communication skills
be able to succeed in their chosen profession (Ihmeideh, et al. 2010). There are
many types of communication skills, but generally it involves oral and written skills,
proposes that there are essentially three types of communication, which are
communication generally involves four elements, which are the speaker, the
big part of every person’s lives, as its build to make a better and peaceful place
engage students in their learning and personal development so that this goal can
be realized. For decade now, it has been realized how crucial a role “interest” plays
in the learning process. Accordingly, as Hidi and Renninger (2008), stated that
“The level of the person’s interests has repeatedly been found to be a powerful
goals, as well as levels of learning, while (Schraw and Lehman, 2008) are of the
opinion that it determines in part what we choose to learn, and how will we learn
this information. Both, interest and awareness are generally viewed as being of
two types-personal and situational. The former said arise from an actual desire to
understand a particular topic, which it is claimed can persist for a long time.
basic skills: listening, speaking, reading, and most of all in the field of writing.
Listening and reading are considered as receptive skills; on the other hand,
speaking and writing are productive skills. Writing in a foreign is one of the most
challenging skills for almost all learners. The most important goal of teaching
(2008), language skills enhance individual, for example, listening and hearing other
people use language enhances one’s ability to speak, reading helps students
become betters writers and writing helps and enhances the students reading
which students will invest time, energy, and attention towards various tasks, goals,
or activities. “Student’s motivation can affect current learning as well as the skills
and strategies learnt previously” (Schunk et al. 2012). Motivation is the strength
that pushes the person to achieve a goal; if the learners do not have motivation,
the learning process is harder. Motivation is the values, beliefs, and behaviors
surrounding learning process. Some productive values and beliefs may lead to
excitement, yet other values may lead to determined hard work. When we motivate
our students we make them learn better than those who show interest and values
Primitive, to Nor Aini and Normazla (2009), the study subjects were found
interpersonal communication. Their study also revealed that the major causes of
the core subjects like Mathematics and Science should use the English language
important use of the English language in their classes and can assist student
English accents, for example Leppänen et al. (2009), was also a background for
comparison in discussing the results, as was Garant's (2008) study that compared
Finland and Japan was seen as useful because of their differences in education
systems and contacts with the English language. The students are not only
acquiring essential concept but at the same time enhancing their oral
communication skills in English. High school students should realize the important
learning it to further understand its demands on the academic tracks. They should
also practice using English in conversing with other people so as to lessen their
difficulty and apprehension in using the language for communication. Lastly, other
research buff are encouraged to conduct related studies, exploring on other grade
levels and other school divisions and examine other factors such as student’s
and the speaking activities they are engaged into, which may have effects on their
interest of the process approach clearly lies on the cognitive steps that writers go
through when they write. In the 1990s however, there was a new awareness of the
social aspects of writing. In other words writers became more conscious of the
social conventions that govern a particular genre and realized that writing serve a
always take into consideration learner global needs as well as their linguistic and
in terms of communication, hence both oral and written English skills are essential
around the world. However, too many speaking English seems to be very
challenging tasks, since the aim of English education is not only to enhance
knowledge of grammar and written skills but also to teach oral English skills, this
problems needs to be studied in order to cure the situation. In addition, especially
in Finland, the interest in English language media has become stronger, hence it
was an additional aim to learn if this has created pressure for English as a foreign
or second language have been studied somewhat, but the problems that Finnish
studied more.
language acquisition theory, and the factors affecting them were categorized in
line with Moyer’s (2008) classification, relatedly in Pakistan students were facing a
lot of difficulties in writing English language due to lack of vocabulary, poor spelling,
and poor understanding of grammatical structure. The girls face more writing
skills. These domains are not necessarily mutually exclusive and can transcend a
any kinds of meetings), digital literacy including, email and texting, social media
regards to the length of message, the texts used for specific communicative
purposes, intended audience, acceptable norms, title, spelling/grammar
bulletins, job descriptions, employee manuals, and electronic mail are the types of
news releases are used (Wenbin Nah, 2008). Message, in written communication,
is influenced by the vocabulary and grammar used, writing style, precision and
clarity of the language used. Written Communication is the most common form of
is key in every society. One cannot think of a society without language because it
thoughts, guides and controls their entire activity. "It is a carrier of civilization and
culture" (Bolinger, 2011). In the case of the mother tongue, the child learns it easily
conscious efforts to learn it and the exposure to the second language in most cases
is limited." It is argued that, "A Majority of the students have favored classroom
Practically, there are so many factors that affect the process of learning a
extent, contingent upon learners' views of the language learning environment, the
learning situation, and how they view the target language and its speakers"
(Narayanan et al., 2013). Like the environment and attitude, teacher's competence
is also a variable factor that affects the second language learning. In other words,
what affects the second language is the environment where the learners finds
himself, the knowledge the teacher has in the language and the attitude of the
people who speak the English language. "He should be proficient in the language;
his knowledge of, and expertise in methods and techniques of language teaching
requires constant practice and patience. The kind of feeling that prevails among
from learning English effectively. Despite the importance of learning English, the
based on this background that the researcher intends to look at some phonological
Major thing that are essential for an individual to grow and interact
The communication, which is one of the most important elements necessary for
every profession and they must develop their skills in this regard (Balcı, 2013).
People must know the different communication skills that will be useful in their
professional groups that require direct contact with people is of a great importance
satisfying and coping with the issues met during the life, and any situation where
there is not a healthy communication, brings the feeling of not being able to meet
our own needs and along with it, the feeling of loneliness (Korkut, 2011). This
situation reveals the status of being successful / unsuccessful in the relations that
the individuals establish with other people (James, 2012). Due to some unhealthy
communication of the people in society and can cause grief of the people.
analyzed that data gathered from ten (10) selected foreign students through
interview were analyzed to find out the difficulties faced by the participants. An
learning two languages at the same time, i.e., the English and Filipino (they
doubt of other students to communicate with them; (3) lack of any teachers to
provide enough time to teach them Filipino; (4) absence of any friend to assist
such as books, modules, etc.; (9) embarrassment in speaking in Filipino; and (10)
learning has been specifically developed for the difficulties faced by the
are still eager to learn more about the Filipino language to keep up with the flow of
communication in both academic and social contexts. The need for communicating
students before teaching them about fluent communication. Khan (2015), says that
research in second language learning suggest that good language learners use a
He claims that speaking strategies are one of the most important aspects in dealing
To sum up, English writing and communication skills are variables that can
both expressed connection and play a big role in every individuals in society. As
From this perspective, one may argue that learning to revise is an important part
teaching writing (Cope & Kalantzis, 2012), which is the theoretical basis for the
need to discuss and negotiate the course of endeavor where everyone agrees
initiate a discussion, able to take criticism, giving cooperation and able to make
concise conclusions on the discussions and found that negotiating skills still need
interact, and negotiate with people from different background (Ihmeideh et al.
This study was being anchored on the theory of Schramm (1993), asserts
that communication comes from the Latin “communis” which means “common”
That is, we are trying to share information, an idea or an attitude. Looking further,
you can find this type of definition “Communication” is the mechanism through
which human relations exist and develop (Schramm, 1993). Since communication
happens around us all the time, the process is often taken for granted. A large
amount of time is spent communicating hence there is need to make sure that
ideas and information are put in a way that everyone involved can understand
neither through writing style or communication style. Thinking about what to say,
working out the best way of saying it finding the right words, making sure that other
person understand and understanding anything he/she says in reply one all vital
in communication.
a desirable learning difficulty that harms obtainment performance but benefits long-
features relied on the readability findings of problems with spelling, grammar, and
vocabulary (Keenan, 1982). This means that since then there are problems
1980; Ransdell 1995) as its attempts to solve the content problem of what to say
and of how to say it (Scardamalia & Berieter 1987; 1991). As for individuals
together with language studies, students may able to learn how to explore and
expand learning’s by gathering information which may involve writing and
skills abilities are threaded throughout them. Using the University of Melbourne as
a focal concern of faculty and staffs policies. At one site, for example,
“possess abroad knowledge base of their chosen discipline and of other disciplines
some universities, for example, academic staffs are asked to “assist in the
done. While conceptual framework; is an analytical tool with several variations and
contexts. It is used to make conceptual distinctions and organize ideas. Strong
conceptual frameworks capture something real and do this in a way that is easy to
The independent variable is the English Writing which is defined in terms of:
Interest and Awareness, Performance and Opinions. The indicators were adapted
questionnaire(file:///C:/Users/Weng/Downloads/ Documents/14_appendix.pdf ).
The first indicator is interest and awareness which refers to the students’ interest
in writing and awareness in studying writing skills. Second, the performance and
opinions also refers to the students’ opinions toward writing activities, especially in
students’ performance tasks in class. The third one is opinions which also refer to
the SHS, grade 11 students. It was adapted from the study of Takahashi
( (2006),
which defined the following indicators general communication skills and personal
others. Finally, the personal communication skill also refers to the personal
1. General
1. Interest and Awareness
communication skills
(Students’ interest in
2. Personal
writing and awareness of communication skills
writing activities)
3. Opinions (Students’
Conceptual framework showing the variables of the study
Significance of the Study
The result of this study was used as a reference of the school administrator
This serves as a guide for the teachers in English relative to the information
on the level of the students’ English writing and communication skills to improve
developmental aspect.
This is also beneficial to parents for their children may able to step another
stage of educational attainment beyond the upcoming grade level since results will
communication skills.
Lastly, this study also helps the researchers compile their tasks as well as
To facilitate the clarity and understanding of the study, the following terms
writing in English form or; the capacity of the student into writing approach by using
the universal language (English). It is an important skill whereby learners are able
expressively are the most difficult of the macro skills for all language users
Communication skills- in this study also it refers to a skill which is very vital
for it helps the student to communicate better. A few researchers have defined
analysis, which examines the relationships between the two variables and which
Skills. It involves the following parts research design, research locale, research
Research Design
two variables the independent and dependent variables; basically, this research
Research Locale
Occidental that was formerly belongs to the Province of Davao del Sur particularity
Barangay Lawa.
Lawa, Don Marcelino, Davao Occidental, Mindanao Philippines .It offers a good
quality-education and smart equipped facilities that can motivates and helps
students cultivate their learning’s. Fortunately, every section has about 40-50
above learners and the overall population of the school is more than 1000
students. This institution attracts other students from distant Barangays because
the facilities in LNHS campus is almost complete and the discipline accommodated
by the school regulations are very strict yet appropriate. Above all, it is an ideal
Philippine Map
Research Respondents
The respondents of the study were grade 11 students of Lawa National High
Table 1. shows the distribution of the respondents of the study based on the
Aguinaldo 56 38.35 %
Macapagal 52 35.61 %
Laurel 38 26.02 %
Research Instruments
adviser Mr. Karl June Taban for content checking, comments, and suggestions.
There are two sets of questionnaires being used in gathering data from the
in terms of: interest and awareness, performance and opinions. The second set of
questionnaire is the Questionnaire on Communication skills. It was being
personal communication skills. The scoring guide for the analysis of this study was
The scoring guide in the analysis of the responses for the level of English Writing:
4.50 - 5.00 Very High This means that English writing is always
experienced by the students.
1.00 - 1.49 Very Low This means that English writing is not
experienced by the students.
For the degree of communication skills, the following scales are as follow:
School. Subsequently, the retrieval of the questionnaire and the answer sheets
were made possible through the help of the teachers of Lawa National High School
The questionnaire for English writing was being tallied based from the two
indicators namely; interest and awareness, performance and opinions. While the
questionnaire for communication skills was being tallied also according to its two
Statistical Tool
The following statistical tools were used in the findings, analysis and
This was used to determine the degree of English writing and also the
Pearson r.
This was used to determine the significant relationship between English
Presented in this chapter are the results of the findings. The topics were
discussed and presented as follows: level of English writing; summary on the level
students in terms of interest and awareness has an overall mean of 3.756 or high.
This means that English writing is often experienced by the students. Through a
detailed analysis, it was observed that among items in interest and awareness with
the highest mean is I think a writing activity is essential and useful with a rating of
4.178 or high. This is followed by I wish to be a good writer with a rating of 3.910
or high. As well as, I like an English writing activity with a rating of 3.753 or high.
Then, I like to share knowledge and opinion with friends by using writing works
with a rating of 3.609 or high. And lastly, writing skills are simple for me with a
the question who got the high mean is the question number 5 which is I think a
So, based on the result, it is given that the Grade 11 students think that
writing activity is very essential and very useful. Hence, by looking at our own
attitudes to the writing process it provides us with useful insights, reflections and
the essential empathy needed for addressing the writing needs of children who
experience difficulties. Thus, the useful starting place also is the attitudes of the
enjoyable comments regarding attitudes to the writing curriculum that they are
described as high. This means that English writing in performance and opinions is
often experienced by the students. Through a detailed analysis among the items
in the English writing in terms of performance and opinions, the one with the
highest mean is I agreed that process writing is essential and useful with a rating
of 4.198 or high; then followed by I had a chance to share and exchange opinions
and ideas with friends with a rating of 3.890 or high; then My teacher suggested
me about writing techniques and information with a rating of 3.849 or high; then
with a rating of 3.794 or high; then Friends and partners provided me suggestions
and information about writing techniques with a rating rate of 3.705 or high; I like
writing-process and I enjoyed with writing classes with a rating rate of 3.657 or
high; then Writing skills are practiced by me via pair and work group, etc. with a
rating rate of 3.623 or high; then My language competence is used to create pieces
of writing with a rating rate of 3.589 or high; then While process writing being
conducted in class, I was able to help friends with a rating rate of 3.582 or high;
and lastly I along with my friends and partners planned and discussed the topic
Table 3
Level of English Writing of students in terms of Performance and Opinions
No. Performance and Opinions Mean Descriptive Standard
Wherefore, among the ten questions, noticeable that the question number
10 got the high mean which is I agreed that process writing is essential and useful
and good writing comes from good thinking and preparation (Harmer, 2001). In
order for students to write something, it seems workable to offer them the
opportunities to think about the topic in question. In effect, the students perception
objectively agreed think that writing process is significant and as useful (Rafida
Abd Karim, Abdul Ghani Abu, Farah Natchiar Mohd Khaja, 2016).
writing specifically in interest and awareness got the highest mean score with a
rating of 3.756 or high. This means that it is often experienced by the students. As
well as, English writing in performance and opinions got 3.728 or high mean score
Table 4
Summary of English Writing of Students
No. English Writing Mean Descriptive Standard
(x) Deviation
English writing specifically in interest and awareness got the highest mean
score with a rating of 3.756 or high. As given above, schools are charged with the
development so that this goal can be realized. For decade now, it has been
realized how crucial a role “interest” plays in the learning process. Accordingly, as
Hidi and Renninger (2008), stated that “The level of the person’s interests has
Majority of the items were rated as positive. These are as follows; Eye
contact with a rating rate of 4.116 or positive; then Speaking loudly with a rating
rate of 3.965 or positive; then Using gestures with a rating rate of 3.993 or positive;
then Good appearance with a rating rate of 3.897 or positive; then Choosing
Table 5
Degree of Communication skills in terms of General Communication Skills
So and so, question number one got the high mean score among the six
questions given which Eye contact with a rating rate is of 4.116 or positive. More
specifically, nonverbal cues deal with subtle ways of expressing people’s feelings.
Table 6
Degree of Communication skills in terms of Personal Communication Skills
personal communication skills with the highest mean is Greeting with rating mean
of 4.253 or positive; then Asking question with a rating rate of 4.082 or positive;
then Finding communication tips conversing with a rating rate of 3.910 or positive;
then Speaking positive feelings to other people with a rating rate of 3.869 or
positive; then Active listening with a rating rate of 3.863 or positive; then Asking
someone for something with a rating rate of 3.842 or positive; then Starting a
conversation with a rating rate of 3.664, or positive; then Explaining own situation
with a rating rate of 3.664 or positive; then Continuing good points of others with a
rating rate of 3.589 or positive; then Negotiating with other people who have a
different opinion with a rating rate of 3.582 or positive; then Saying yes to other
peoples request with a rating rate of 3.582 or positive; then Getting formation for a
delay with a rating rate of 3.554 or positive; then Ending the conversation politely
with a rating rate of 3.520 or positive; then Counting good points of others with a
rating rate of 3.5 or positive; then Promising with a rating rate of 3.486 or fairly
positive; then Ignoring minor blame that is not own faults with a rating rate of 3.328
or fairly positive; then Joining other peoples conversations with a rating rate of
3.321 or fairly positive; then Saying no to other peoples request with a rating rate
of 3.267 or fairly positive; then Showing embarrassment with a rating rate of 3.260
or fairly positive; and lastly Expressing negative feelings to other people with a
number one got the high mean score which is Greeting with the rating mean of
structured and direct assessment for their child. However, improving greeting in a
conversation skills is requisite for more extended and complex social interactions
terms of general communication skills, and personal communication skills. All the
skills in terms of general communication skills got the highest mean score with a
Table 7
Summary of Communication Skills
This means that the students often to communicate well in general. The
communication skills was 3.616 described as positive. This reveals that the
highest mean score with a rating of 3.922 described as positive. As, major thing
that essential for an individual to grow and interact successfully with the world is
Communication Skills
Table 8
Matrix on the Significant Relationship between English Writing and
Communication Skills of Grade 11 students
R-value 0.720**
P-value 0.000
α = 0.05 level of significance. Thus, the null hypothesis is rejected. This implies
English writing. However, the findings affirmed with the theory of Hamer (1991),
asserts that communication is not only oral. More often some people also
communicate with each other through writing. According to him, teaching how to
speak and how to write fluently means “communicative”. Anyways, there are clear
writing and communication skills of senior high students particularly in grade 11.
1. What is the level of English writing of senior high school students in terms
terms of:
Descriptive correlation method was used by the researcher in this study. This was
the most accurate design to assess the level of English writing and the degree of
communication skills. The respondents of the study were 146 grade 11 students of Lawa
National High School. Universal sampling method was used to determine the
used in the study. The statistical tools used were Mean and Pearson’s r.
1. These were the mean ratings for each of the indicators of the level of English
writing respectively: 3.756 – interest and awareness, and 3.728 – performance and
opinion. The overall rating was 3.742 or high. This means that the English writing of Grade
11 students were often experienced or manifested by the respondents. The finding was
affirmed by Hidi and Renninger (2008), stated that “The level of the person’s interests has
repeatedly been found to be a powerful influence on learning “. Schools are charged with
adequately engage students in their learning and personal development so that this goal
can be realized. For decade now, it has been realized how crucial a role “interest” plays
2. These were the mean ratings for each of the indicators of the degree of
personal communication skills. The overall rating was 3.769 or positive. This means that
communication skills were often times manifested by the respondents. The result was
affirmed by Durukan & Maden (2010) stated that the communication, which is a science
of expressing and coming to an agreement, should make the meanings common among
people and the skill of using the language and nonverbal communication which play the
most effective role in the realization of the communication, should reflect the skill of
a facilitating role in the human relations. While having a healthy communication ensures
it to be meaningful and satisfying and coping with the issues met during the life, and any
situation where there is not a healthy communication, brings the feeling of not being able
to meet our own needs and along with it, the feeling of loneliness (Korkut, 2011). This
situation reveals the status of being successful / unsuccessful in the relations that the
communication skills was 0.000. The finding showed a significant relationship, thus, the
Hamer (1991), asserts that communication is not only oral. More often some people also
communicate with each other through writing. According to him, teaching how to speak
and how to write fluently means “communicative”. Anyways, there are clear differences
affect the way of teaching and practicing a particular person. Appertaining to this, it is
suggests that through language and meaningful communication using second language
it develops communication skills. In order to acquire language, the learner needs a source
of natural communication.
all know that communication is not only oral. More often some people also communicate
with each other through writing. Most especially, in terms of English writing as it is use for
Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusions are drawn:
skills. It means that the higher the level of English writing the higher the degree of
communication skills.
Based on the above-mentioned findings and conclusions of the study, the following
information of the study that will serve as a basis or guide for both students and teachers