Espíritos Voodoos
Espíritos Voodoos
Espíritos Voodoos
Spirits in Voodoo are known as Loa. Catholic Saints lithographs are used to
represent them. During slavery in Haiti, the masters forbade the slaves from
pursuing Voodoo as a religion, and anyone caught practicing any religion
other than Catholism were severly punished. The slaves, still deeply attached
to their African roots, were obliged to use Catholic Saint Image in Voodoo;
pretending to be praying to them, while deep in their heart, they were praying
to their African gods. This is the main Characteristic, that differentiate Haitian
Voodoo from African Voodoo. Over 300 years have passed, but the tradition
strangely still remain today, it is so deeply rooted in the religion that it is
almost impossible to even imagine Haitian Voodoo without the representation
of the loa with Catholic Saints' images.
In Voodoo, Legba is one of the most important spirits, he is the guardian of the
gates, Voodoo temples, courtyards, crossroads. The intermediary between the
livings and the spiritual world of Voodoo. He occupies the most important role
in the hierarchy of Voodoo; his powers are absolutely necessary for any kind of
interactions with the Loas.
No ceremony of any sort can take place without his permission and, because of
this privilege, Legba is always the first Loa invoked on any kind of Voodoo
ceremony. He is a small crooked lovable old man. His body is covered with sores
and in possession, his attributes are presented to him. His straw hat, his cane or
a crutch and his straw bag called makout.
Because of his politeness and caring nature, he is greeted as Papa Legba. In
Haitian Voodoo Legba is depicted as Saint Lazarus or Saint Anthony.
Yellow Candle are usually lighten and placed at the entrance of doors to
welcome him.
Alternatives: Atibon Legba, Alegba, Legba Sanyan, Legba Zankliyan,
Legba Mizè ba.
Color: Yellow.
The Marassa are the sacred twins of Voodoo. They are very different than
standard Loa, in their concept of One plus One equal Three. They are often
called Marassa Dossou Dossa.
The Marassa represents abundance, blessings, the gift of children, the
sacredness of family and the mysteries of the divine. They are always
invoked at the beginning of every service, emphasizing their high
importance in the religion; right after Legba. They represent love, trust,
and justice. They are male and female, and both male and female.
They are very jealous and they offering must be the same, and must
be placed in identical plates, or banana leaves. They eat with their
hands like children and enjoy they offerings at their leisure. Sweet
sodas, pop corn, candies and dolls are their offerings. When they
come in possession they would act like children by playing with each
other around the temple, crying and fight sometimes. They are very
powerful spirits that are often interpellated for very serious matters,
such as the dying of a child. Couples with difficulties having children
usually seek their help. Their color is yellow and they are commonly
syncretised with the Catholic Saints Cosmas and Damian.
Alternatives: Marassa Dossou Dossa, Marassa 2, Marassa 3, Marassa
Boi (twin of the wood) Marassa Kay ( House twin)
Damballah, the archetypally wise spirit, the patriarchal serpent
divinity, associated with rain, peace, wisdom, innocence,
benevolence, wealth, life, fertility and purity is one of the most
revered loa of the African gods and the most important among the
others Loa ,and highly respected. His characteristics are his lack of
articulate human speech, as though his wisdom is so preeminent for
us; his affinity with waters and his preference for white or colorless
food and drink; usually a hen egg placed on a mound of flower and,
anisette syrup. When Damballah makes appearance at a ceremony
through possession, cigarettes are not smoked, alcohol beverages
are not served and people in the assemble must wear immaculate
white clothing.
Along with his wife/companion, Ayida Wèdo, Damballah is
considered to be the Loa of creation. He is the father of all the rest of
the Loa. The following myth uses evocative imagery to illustrate how
Damballah created the heaven and the earth.
"Long ago,the serpent spirit Damballah created the world. He used his
7.000 coils to form the stars and the planets in the heavens and to shape
the hills and valley on earth. He used lightning bolts to forge metal and
make the sacred rocks and stones. When he shed is skin, he created all
the waters on the earth and when the sun showed through mist settling on
the plants and trees, a rainbow was born. The rainbow's name was Ayida.
Damballah loved her and made her his wife. They are still together
today,the serpent and the rainbow. Damballah and Ayida Wèdo."
Loko is the first Hougan (priest); the priest of all priests and the guardian of
the deepest secret in Voodoo: The initiation secrets. He is the one who
personnaly conferred the to all Hougans and Mambos. Needless to point out his
importance in Voodoo, and the level of respect accorded to him; not only by
initiates, but all. No secret is unknown to him. Loko is so powerful, that he never
makes appearance through possession; he is too Supreme for us Human to face
him. He is portray as the wind and usually shows himself as a butterfly.
Offerings to Loko are put inside of makout (straw bag), then hung in tree
branches. Loko is only served by Hougan and Mambos.
The image of St Joseph is used to represent Loko, in consideration of Joseph
being the father figure of the most important figure in Catholicism; Jesus.
Alternatives: Loko Atissou, Loko Atissougwe, Papa Loko, Azagon Loko,
Loko Miwa(Loko the mirror), Loko Dayifre, Loko Mayifado.
Colors: Green and Yellow.
Ayizan Velekete
Ayizan is the patroness of the initiation into the Voodoo with her
husband Loko. Her name Ayizan Velekete means(very well
chosen friend of the earth).She is one of the most important
spirits in the Voodoo and also the first Mambo(priestess). She
only makes appearance during Kanzo Ceremonies(initiation
She is seen as a market woman wearing a white dress with very large
pockets where she keeps small candies, and change to hand out to
children. Ayizan is symbolized by mounds of earth sprinkled with oil
and surrounded by fringe of palm. In personification, she is
represented by an old woman.
She is Dahomean of origin and one of the oldest Voodoo Spirits and is
therefore entitled to first offerings. She rarely comes in possession, and
when she does, her possession are never violent and might even take
quit a while for people to spot her.
She punishes adults who take advantage of the young; the rich of the
poor; the strong of the weak and the husband of the wife. Salutes to
Ayizan and Loko are the most complicated and beautiful in Voodoo;
giving them all respect. They are extremely strict when it comes to
tradition. Damballah, Loko and Ayizan are the guardians of . Ayizan is
depicted as St Claire.
Alternatives: Ayizan Velekete, Mambo Ayizan, Gran Ayizan(Ayizan
the grand mother), Mambo Afrekete.
Agassou is believed to be the product of a divine mating. A leopard is said to
have mated with a princess named Aligbonon of Tado. He is also noted as a
ruler and king of an African sect, that has come to be known as the leopard
society. Agassou was chosen by Ayida Wedo, to be sent to Haiti, to bring the
practice of Voodoo to her African children to ease their pains and sufferings
from slavery, according to popular beliefs. He was given a crab for his journey
thus Haitian associate him with crab instead of a panther like in Africa. He is
referred to as " Agassou de bo Miwa" meaning "Agassou the two
sided mirror." One side facing Guinea and the other, Haiti.He is the guardian
of the old traditions of Dahomey. and is usually called when money is needed in
the temple. His color is white.
Alternatives: Agassou Do, Agassou Lèlè.
The agile and elegant goddess of love and of sex. beauty, jewelery,
flowers, luxury, wealth, dance, femininity as well as discord,
vengeance, jealousy in the Haitian Voodoo is Erzulie Freda. She is the
loa of ideality She has tremendous power and is feared as much as she
is loved. She is respected and wealthy, wears her hair long and is also
very demanding. She requires her lovers to dedicate a room entirely for
her ritual lovemaking. The Rada aspect of Erzulie. She wears three
wedding rings, one for each husband. Agwe, Damballah and Ogou. Her
symbol is a heart and she is always envisioned as a beautiful spoiled
mulatto woman. She is very specific and particular about her offerings.
Erzulie Freda's offerings are sweet white or pink cakes, liquors, pink
champagne, pink and white candles, white and/or pink dresses, rice
pudding with cinnamon, fine cheeses, expensive perfumes, flowers,
jeweled daggers, beautiful and expensive gold or/and diamond
jeweleries. Coquettish and very fond of beauty and finery. White dove
is usually sacrificed for her. Freda is fabulously rich, and, when she
mounts someone the first act is to accomplish her elaborate toilette.
She will bathe using soap still in a fresh wrapper. She will dress in silks
with fresh flowers and other signs of her femininity Erzulie Freda is
femininity and compassion embodied, but she is also seen as jealous
and considered to be lazy. She is also legendary considered to be the
mortal enemy of her sister Erzulie Dantor.(Voodouisant always
separates their services. Even offerings to them are not made on the
same day) When she mounts a servitor, she flirts with all the men, kiss
and caress them. Sometimes in very embarrassing manners and treats
the women as her rivals. In Catholic symbolism, she is often identified
as the Mater Dolorosa and strangely, the Virgin Mary. She is conceived
of as never able to attain her heart's most fervent desire. For this
reason, she always leaves a service in tears. The world is too much for
her. At first people will try to comfort her with more delicate food or
drink or other gifts but her tears continue to flow. Erzulie Freda is
usually identified with gay men. She is one of the most served Loa in
Haiti and she is very powerful in resolving love life, bad lucks and
money problems. She speaks French, a little bit of Creole and fluently
English, But in possession she rarely talks. She prefers to ask for what
she wants by making signs with her hands since she is too pretentious
to talk to people.
Alternatives: Erzulie Freda, Erzulie Freda Lada Dahomey.
Colors: Pink and white.
In the, Ogou is the Loa who presides over fire, iron, smithery, politics and war.
He is the husband of Erzulie Freda and Erzulie Dantor. As the traditional
warrior, Ogou usually displayed with his attributes. Machete or saber, rum and
tobacco. He is a fiery and martial spirit in all his incarnation and Ogou is
Aggressively masculine. He represents strength and masculinity in the Voodoo.
Ogou usually don't have patience for stupidity and is known to punish his
servants severely. Beating them with his machette, and sometimes burn them
for their misdeeds. In possession, Ogou considers all the women in the
assistance as his wives. Without a doubt, Ogou his the most served loa in the
Haitian Voodoo. St George and St Jack Le Majeur(a Ogou himself) are the
Catholic Images used to represent Ogou in the Haitian Voodoo. According to the
Haitian legend , all the soldiers were mounted by Ogou when fighting on the
Revolution warHis offerings can be a bull, a goat, or a red rooster with mixed
rice and beans and yams.
Alternatives: Ogou Feray, Ogou Badagri, St Jack Le Majeur(a
Catholic Saint),Ogou Balendjo, Ogou Balizay(who's the
captain of Agwe's boat), Ogou Ashade, Ogou Panama(who
is believed to be from Panama and speaks Spanish),
Feray Aleman, Ogou Batala and so many more.
Colors: Red and Blue.
Erzulie Dantor
Kouzen Zaka
Kouzen is the patron loa of farmers in the Haitian Voodoo and Known
as the Minister of Agriculture. A very good natured man in the
mountains, very gentle and respected by all for being a hard worker,
he enjoys the most simple things in life. He is the brother of Guede.
For this reason, Guede will often come to the ceremony for Kouzen.
He is always wearing a broad brimmed straw hat, barefoot, smoking a
pipe, wearing denim clothing, carrying a straw sack called(djakout)
and a sickle or machette when he comes in possession. Kouzen is
extremely popular in all of Haiti. He is a master at treating illness using
herbs and leaves that he always keep in his "". with his high pitched
voice Kouzen always say in his songs that he doesn't steal, he'd rather
ask for charity, but then steals. He is also complaining in his songs
about how people are always asking him for things he doesn't have.
He is very suspicious by nature, out for profit, and has a fear and
hatred of town folks. Kouzen is also a very lively dancer. Kouzen is
also well known for his gossip. When he mounts someone, he spills
out all the local gossip to the embarrassment and amusement of all. St
Isidor is the Saint Catholic image uses to portrayed Kouzen. Chaka,,
boiled corn, cassava bread, sweet potato, yam, coconut, toasted corn
and peanut, a gray rooster or a goat. Cola, coffee, and all kind of fruit
are Kouzen's offerings. His tree is the avocado.
Alternatives: Kouzen Zaka, Azaka Mede, Minis Zaka, Zaka Klib, Zaka
Tonné(Zaka Thunder).
Color: Green, Denim sometimes blue and red.
Gran Bwa
Gan Bwa meaning Great Tree is a nature oriented loa, closely
associated with trees, plants and herbs. He is the master of the sacred
forest and also the protector of wild animals. Like Loko, he is the loa of
healing, knows the secrets of herbal medicine and the secrets of magic
hidden in the plants. Gran Bwa represents the rich earth that you
spring from and the dark woods of life you stumble through. He is one
of the loa who presides over the Kanzo cycle.
His rites fall under the petro style of service. He loves leaves and
plants as offerings. He loves cigars and drink kleren or rum through his
ears when he makes appearance.
Together with Kalfou and Baron, Gran Bwa forms the triad of the three
greatest, most powerful Voodoo magicians. His colors his green, red in
some houses and he's linked to Saint Sebastian in Catholic
hagiography, for the tree that Sebastian is pinned against.
In Voodoo, Agwe, invoked under the names "Shell of the sea, Captain of the seven sea"
is the sovereign of the seas. He symbolizes the intuitive powers and deep knowledge of
the ocean. Agwe is the husband of La Sirène and one of the husband of the gracious
Erzulie Freda. Children of Agwe are usually water people(sailors, swimmers and water
signs of the zodiac) Agwe is always saluted and signaled to, by the blowing of conch
shell during his service. When Agwe comes in possession, he moves with an infinite
grace and power. He does not talk, but only makes with his mouth the sounds of the
ocean waves and water should constantly be poured on his head. Altar offerings to this
loa have nautical and marine themes. Offerings to Agwe are quit different from others
since it takes place at the sea itself. His favorite foods and drink, which include
champagne are left on constructed rafts which are floated out to the sea. If the bark(s)
sinks, then Agwe has accepted the offering. Agwe is syncretise with the Catholic Saint
Ulrich who is depicted holding a fish.
Alternatives: Agwe Taroyo, Agwe Woyo, Akoki Lanmè(shell of the sea),
Koki Dore(golden shell).
Colors.Blue sea and white.
La Sirène
Filomez is considered to be a cheerful merchant girl who brings
prosperity. She is served with colors like light blue, light green, light
yellow and white. Her love for perfume, flowers have people claim her
as a sister of Erzulie Freda. Although she is also a Rada Loa, she is not
related to Erzulie Freda. Filomez is a water spirits and when she comes
in possession, she walks on her knees and a bouquet of flower is
presented to her which she scatters on the ground. Other times, she
takes a broom and sweep away all negativity and bad luck from the
She is known to reveal secrets to people in dreams. She is a very rare
loa, and almost never comes in possession. The image of Saint
Philomena is used to depict her.
A very popular song is usually sang when she comes in possession.
"I ask who is this loa, they told me it's Mambo Filomèz (bis)
Filomèz beautiful woman where are you going?
Filomèz beautiful woman where are you going?
I'm going to the waterfall to sign my name"
Ti Jean
Ti Jean is a fire Loa, who lives in the bushes. He is a powerful
magician who primarily deals with black magic and he's part of secret
Voodoo societies (sanpwèl). Like most Loas who fall under the Petro
rite, his possessions are unbelievably violent and it takes quite some
times for people to regain their consciousness after he leaves the
body. He dances on fire, and his offering, a sheep, is
usually burn to the ashes.
He is viewed as a one legged dwarf who is
surprisingly very agile in climbing his favorite tree;
the coconut tree. He always wear a straw hat, and
carry a baton for support.
People show great respect for Ti Jean, as he is
known to set houses on fire when he is mad. He
always wears a straw hat, and carries a baton for
support. Many considered him to be the son of
Erzulie Dantor, and believe that they are also
involved an in incestuous relationship. But that is
untrue, Erzulie Dantor is known to have only one
child named Anaise who is affectionately called Ti
Koukoun. He is also involved with Marinette.
His ceremony takes place on Saint Jean Day, June 24th, whose image
is also use to depict him. His color is Yellow.
Agaou is the god who rules over thunder, rain, lightning, wind, storm
and earthquake. Very powerfull and violent, Agaou is feared and
respected by all. It is said that when the earth tremors, it is because
Agaou is angry. One has to be very strong to harbor this spirit. His
possessions are so violent, there have been deaths associated with
them. Even Mambo and Hougan are affraid of this spirit. When Agaou
comes in possession people are trembling of fear cause his voice is like
the thunder itself and he's always ready to beat those who do not
serve him correctly, with his machette or sword. In possession he
keeps repeating " It is I who am the gunner of God;
when I roar the earth trembles." The image of St Michel is
used to represent Agaou.
Alternatives :Agaou Wèdo, Agaou Tonnè( Agaou the Thunder) Agaou
Loray( Agaou the Orage) Agaou Zèklè ( Agaou the Lightning) Agaou
Lefan(Agaou the Elephant), .( who was a king of an Arada group in
Africa and the father of the great ),Agaou Misan, Agaou Potokli, Agaou
Bèt Sansan(beast without blood)
Colors: Red and sometimes light blue.
The Loa Bossou is believed to be the spirit of the deceased
Dahomean king Tegbésou. He is a very powerful, mighty and
aggressive loa, who's appearance is that of a man with three horns.
Each horn has a meaning. (Strength, wildness and violence) When he
comes in possession, he appears as breaking chain that he was
restrained from, acts like a bull and often goes crashing into things,
altar, people and walls. He would charge everything around with his
head like a ferocious bull would do with its horns. He would
sometimes eat grass, moo like a cow, drink rum or bull's blood. He
protects his followers when they travel at night an he's also an
amazing healer. His female counterpart is called Madan Bossou
literally translates into (Bossou's wife) which is a cow and they have a
son named ( Kabwatye). Sometimes all three will appear together in a
His colors is Red and he's represented by the Catholic Saint image of
Jesus de la Buena Esperanza.
Alternattives: Bosso Dlo (Bossou water), Bossou twa kòn (Bossou triple
horned.), Bossou kondyanman, Kadja Bossou, Djobolo Bossou
Kalfou is the twin brother of Papa Legba, and him too control the
crossroads; but unlike Legba, Kalfou is very evil and only allow the
crossing of bad spirits. He controls all the evil spirits of the dark. Kalfou
is viewed as a strong, young, muscular, tall and handsome man;
whereas his twin brother got old from wisdom. Very authoritative, no
one speak in his presence, or he will deliberately allow misfortune,
destruction, injustice to cross over. During his services, some of the
most devilish spirits,such as Krabinay, Marinette, Lenglensou,
Bakoulou Baka, always make appearance. He is the Grand Master of
sorceries. It is said that the world would be a much better place without
him, but he always denies his involvement with demons,and since he
controls the mind, no one would even dare think otherwise. Kalfou is
very respected but highly feared. His symbol is the moon and his
ceremonies always take place in the middle of crossroads at night.
Kalfou is undoubtedly one of the most important spirits in Voodoo. His
powers and energy are needed to balance the world, and everything
related to black magic and spells must get his approval, therefore,
many seek his work. Although an extremely powerful magician, Kalfou
only uses 7 leaves in almost of his work.
The Gede are the Family of spirits that embody the power of death and fertility.
They are the largest family Loa in Voodoo. There numbers are only known to
their Father, Baron Simityè (Baron Cemetery) and their Mother Grann
Brijit. (Grand Mother Brigitte). They are the intermediaries between
the living, and the dead. Gede has the capability to read people minds
and to know everything that happens in both worlds. If a child is
dying, Gede is prayed to. It is believed that he will not take a life
before it's time and will protect the little ones. Aside from occupying an
extremely important place in Voodoo, they are the goofiest. They love to dance
sexually suggestive dance. The rythm is known as Banda. they are also known
from their foul mouth, and their favorite drink, Piman Kleren; a fiery rhum with
21 hot peppers soaked in it.They love it so much, that they pour it on their
body, wash their faces, and even their genitalia with it. Their presence seem to
always put everyone in the assembly in a sexual type mood, some are known
as gay. There's male, and female Gede. When Gede come in possession, they
wear sunglasses, with a missing lens, some cover their faces with baby powder.
They wear white, black or purple clothing. They gossip and put people's
embarrassing secrets out, at the leisure of laughs from participants, but pull
one aside, and ask him a serious question; he will give you the best answer
that he can give. Some has the funniest name.
Gede Pete (Gede the farter), Gede Egare ( Gede the retarded), are some of
them; but there are also, some respected, old, wise and very rare. Such as Brav
Gede Nibo. (The Brave Gede Nibo). Nibo is the name of an ancient village in
Nigeria. Gede Avoka, ( Gede the Lawyer), Gede Mazaka, Gede Zariyen (Gede
the Spider), also my personal Loa. Gede's feast are usally celebrated
throughout Haiti, on November 2nd, in reference to its description of Tous les
Saints (All Saints Day). Huge crowds are on the streets, en route to cemeteries.
Drums are beaten, candles are lighted, songs are sung; VèVè are drawn on the
grounds. It is a real party.
Black Goats are sacrificed for them.
Marinette-Bois Sèch
Marinette Bois Sèch, meaning Marinette of the dry arms, is one the
most dangerous, violent, unpredictable in the pantheon Voodoo. She is
extremely evil, her ceremonies are around huge bonfire, in which salt
and gasoline are thrown into. She has the authority over all
werewolves. She is one of the great sorceress and she is feared as
much as she is respected.
In possession, she openly talks about the horrendous crimes she's
been committing lately. Her hands are crooked, she has a scratchy
voice, lower her head and scratching. She behaves like the owl, which
is her symbol. Her offerings reflect how much of a cruel spirit she is. A
black hen, or goat, is presented to her, which she would douse
gasoline on and set on fire alive. She finds pleasure in the horrific view,
and the burning smell really delights her; also because she doesn't
want anyone to come to her hidden house in the forest, with offerings.
If she needs it, she will come for it. Nothing is usually prepared for her,
since most are afraid to call upon her. Marinette Bois Sèch presence
are always unexpected. Her rite is the Bizango.
Bizango is the most extreme form of petro. In possession she walks on
fire. for Marinette Bois Sèch' ceremonies take place, extremely late at
night, where the djab live. Djab meaning devil.
She is the wife of Ti Jean Dantor, cousin of Erzulie Dantor.
On our way back, we'll take leafs from the grand forest, the sacred
On our way back, we'll take leafs from the grand forest, the sacred
forest oh!
to the Sacred Spring we are going, the grand path is blocked hmmm
I said to the Sacred Spring we are going, the grand path is blocked
01 prye ginen.mp3