Technical Brochure Proteines
Technical Brochure Proteines
Technical Brochure Proteines
Lifestyle Nutrition
How can you create good quality food, Earning trust as DMV Growing the market Below a screenshot of protein awareness amoungst senior
We work hard to earn the trust of our customers by applying four People’s lives are becoming more and more hectic and strenuous. consumers within the EU market.
products your customers can really trust?
fundamental values in everything we do. Staying healthy starts with lifestyle adaptation. This includes eating
It all comes down to reliable ingredients habits, along with a good level of exercise.
provided by reliable partners. Partners like Customer focus
DMV. Our partners have long relationships with us. We focus on intense A lot of people are now motivated to work-out and formulate their
customer relations by anticipating to their needs, offer technical own personal performance goals. People of all ages, genders and
and nutritional support and work pro-actively. Our customers know social backgrounds aspire to this. Performance is valued positively,
Successful key players in the food and nutritional industry choose
our dairy proteins have consistent quality that will meet their most be it in a sports event or just by working on a healthy look and
DMV as their preferred supplier for nutritional and functional
stringent requirements. We are working to world class standards posture.
proteins. We deliver a reliable supply of consistent high quality
for this, across the full production chain. Thinking beyond current
products. All from a healthy and natural source; our own milk.
limitations and sharing application and market know-how to get Segment is becoming more mainstream
our partners the best results. The food segment and the sport nutrition market are moving
Royal FrieslandCampina
closer together. Most people aspire to a healthy diet, so therefore
DMV is part of FrieslandCampina, the world’s leading dairy
Continuous improvement ordinary consumers want to know what their food contains. It is
co-operative, active in over 100 countries. FrieslandCampina is
We constantly improve our processes through our internal program logical to use what is known about the influence of diet on health
owned co-operatively by over 14,000 farmers in The Netherlands,
Solid DMV, for which we recently won an important international and performance in our day-to-day lives. This knowledge initially
Germany and Belgium. We are a global company and provide 1
award (Excellence Award by JIPM). We aspire to the highest emerged in the performance and sport nutrition market.
billion people around the world with highly nutritious food, but we
standards, striving for quality in all aspects of the business.
focus on local communities and customers.
In this, we play a leading role in the dairy industry. We focus on Role of nutrition Focus and nutritional know-how
food safety, efficiency and sustainability. In short: we add value to Increased know-how and communication on the value of and DMV operates with a Market Unit Team, focusing solely on the
At FrieslandCampina we take great pride in 140 years of milk
our processes so you can add value to yours. role of nutrition increases the demand for effective products and Performance and Lifestyle Nutrition segments. This team is
processing heritage. As a dairy co-operative, FrieslandCampina has
concepts. Proteins in all their forms, dairy proteins in particular, specialised in the market and has the ability to share technical
unique control of the complete value chain, ‘from grass to glass’,
Empowerment play a crucial role. They are the backbone of any balanced and nutritional know-how to help you grow in this market.
ensuring the highest level of quality possible.
In our company we empower and stimulate staff to take initiative performance nutrition regime or weight management formula.
and ownership, resulting in short communication lines and Our expertise:
decisiveness. This is how we make a difference. • Nutritional Know-how; we share scientific insights on proteins
and possible benefits that are relevant for the consumer.
Commitment We also share our wide knowledge of practical implications.
We invest in good development opportunities and a good working • Food Technology: we provide application support and offer
environment and our people are proud to work for DMV, resulting hands-on support for the formulation of new and existing
in high quality products and services. Our people are prepared to go products.
the extra mile helping you increasing your success in the markets • Business Development: we share up-to-date insights on
you operate. developments in the performance and lifestyle nutrition market
which help you grow your business.
• Supply reliability.
• Application support.
• Nutritional support.
• Leader in sustainable caseinates. Healthy ageing
• Full chain control. Attention paid to healthy ageing is clearly increasing. Milk protein
• A broad portfolio of specialised ingredients. has a prominent role in this worldwide. DMV plays an active part in
See the ingredient overview for detailed information the development of this relatively new segment and we would like
about our portfolio. to share our information.
Embedded in FrieslandCampina’s strategy is our Corporate Social
Responsibility (CSR) program. Provide the world with healthy and
DMV has done market research into ‘Protein awareness among
nutritious dairy products in a sustainable way. Focusing on efficient
senior consumers’ and is pleased with the results. The data shows
and sustainable production chains: sustainable dairy farming with
that 89% of the 900 senior consumers who took part has so-
our own member farmers; sustainable dairy processing by reducing
called ‘protein awareness’ and knows about the health benefits of
energy and waste water by 20% in 2020, 100% consumption
protein. Many of these people actually plan to increase their protein
of green electricity by 2020 and sustainable production for all
intake and we have information for them on how they can do this
agricultural raw materials used in our factories. Our CSR program
effectively. The consumers we polled were aged from 50 to 80
also includes a dairy development program in Asia and Africa by
and were from the Netherlands, Germany, UK, Sweden, France
supporting local farmers to optimize their dairy farming to increase
and Spain.
productivity and raise the annual family income.
Milk proteins as a source of essential nutrients Milk proteins in performance nutrition
DMV gets the best out of milk and has Therefore milk proteins are globally applied as an excellent source The right nutrition is of great importance Whey seems to induce a greater muscle protein synthesis.(12, 13)
of dietary protein. Protein from milk is 80% casein and 20% whey. This can be due to its rapid appearance in circulation, but also the
the ability to capture essential proteins The proteins are well above the internationally defined criteria by
to every athlete; for top-athletes, high content of leucine. Leucine seems to have an active role in
from milk. These proteins can be applied FAO(2) and there is no amino acid that really is the limiting factor ‘weekend warriors’ or those who just ‘turning on’ of the muscle protein synthetic machinery. Leucine
as a valuable source of nutrients in with respect to quality. Additionally, it emphasizes the ability want to stay fit. Protein definitely has is an essential amino acid and considered a nutritional signaling
dairy has to complement other proteins by being a rich source of molecule that stimulates muscle protein synthesis.(15, 16) It is
a variety of foods. Casein and whey essential amino acids.
a prominent position in performance important to consider that whey protein is higher in leucine(18) and
proteins are considered high quality nutrition. whey derived from fresh milk is 16% higher in leucine compared to
proteins and are therefore ideal to enrich whey derived from cheese (own data).
Protein needed for exercise
Overnight recovery
Cow’s milk
Exercise alone stimulates both muscle protein synthesis and
muscle protein breakdown(6), but in the absence of protein, Both resistance and endurance athletes can benefit from a good
Goodness of Dairy Egg
net protein balance remains negative. Post-exercise nutrition is recovery period through the stimulation of net muscle protein
Milk is a special product, created by a cow’s special ability to
required to facilitate muscle damage repair and skeletal muscle accretion throughout overnight sleep. It has been shown that
convert indigestible grass into one of the most nutritious foods Soy
reconditioning(7). Therefore athletes need more protein compared ingestion of casein after exercise and before sleep has a positive
there are. Therefore it is considered a basic food in almost all
Rice to adults with a normal activity pattern(8) (table 2). effect on muscle protein synthesis.(19)
dietary guidelines in the world as milk contains many valuable
Milk contains a fantastic package of nutrients. These are essential
Estimated protein requirements g/kg/body weight Protein for resistance exercise
Adults with sedentary lifestyle 0.8 Ingestion of protein after resistance exercise on muscle protein
nutrients: our bodies need them, but can’t make them. This means 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Recreational-moderate endurance athlete 1.0-1.2 synthesis, muscle mass and strength is studied extensively.
these nutrients are a necessary part of our diets.
Elite male endurance athlete 1.6 A meta-analysis showed protein ingestion after prolonged resistance
Fig. 1: PDCAAS score of different protein sources. PDCAAS values are Resistance (steady state) athlete 1.2 exercise (>6 weeks) increases muscle mass and strength compared
truncated to a maximum score of 100.(5) Restitance (early trainings) athlete 1.5-1.7 to a placebo.(21) But other research shows protein ingestion prior to
Nutritional benefits of milk proteins and/or during exercise already stimulates muscle protein synthesis
There are several methods of determining protein quality. One of Table 2: Protein requirements for different athletes. during exercise, thereby creating an extended timeframe for muscle
•M ilk is nutrient dense; it provides the body with essential the most well-known is PDCAAS (Protein Digestibility Corrected protein synthesis to be elevated.(22, 23)
nutrients. Amino Acid Score). According to the WHO(3) this method will be Whey versus Casein
• Milk proteins are high quality protein. replaced by DIAAS (Digestible Indispensable Amino Acid Score). Two major proteins in milk, whey and casein, are digested and
• In casein and whey all essential amino acids are more DIAAS determines amino acid digestibility, at the end of the small absorbed differently in the body. Whey protein remains soluble Ingredients for performance nutrition
than adequately available. intestine, providing a more accurate way to measure the amounts in the stomach and thus is emptied rapidly, whereas casein is
• Some protein in powder form also delivers essential converted into a solid clot, and amino acids have prolonged release Whey protein
of amino acids absorbed by the body and the protein’s contribution
minerals like calcium, potassium or magnesium. into the bloodstream.(9) However, despite these differences, net • Best source to maximize muscle protein synthesis.
to human amino acid and nitrogen requirements. Both DIAAS and
protein balance during recovery from resistance type exercise is • Whey derived from fresh milk has 16% higher leucine
PDCAAS demonstrate the high bioavailability of dairy proteins when
similar after post-exercise casein or whey consumption.(10, 11) content.
compared to plant-based protein sources.
High quality protein Casein
Proteins in milk are no ordinary proteins; they are high-quality • Prolonged release of amino acids into circulation.
proteins because they contain all the essential amino acids
A neutralizing step is included in the production process of whey
Timing of protein • Ideal for sustained or overnight recovery.
(table 1). Whey protein hydrolysates
and casein protein. Magnesium, calcium, potassium and sodium
Athletes can benefit of the right timing of protein and • Rich in dipeptides and tripeptides which are likely to be
can be used as neutralizing agents. Besides the fact that this results
represents another important factor stimulating post-exercise absorbed fast into the bloodstream.
Essential Amino FAO Casein Fresh in different functionalities, these protein powders deliver essential
muscle protein anabolism. • Benefits on muscle protein glycogen.
Acids reference milk whey nutrients with special health benefits, such as calcium which
Milk protein concentrate
(mg AA/g protein supports bone health or magnesium for muscle contraction.
• Throughout the day • Chocolate milk studies show positive results on recovery.(20)
Histidine 15 32 22 Protein intake 5-6 times daily with basic nutrition or
Isoleucine 30 58 57 supplements.(14) Protein for endurance exercise
Leucine 59 101 129 • During exercise Endurance athletes try to achieve more anaerobic power so they
Lysine 45 83 107 Carbohydrate and protein co-ingestion prior to and/or can run for hours. They benefit best from recovery drinks with
Methionine + 22 34 52 during resistance exercise may further augment carbohydrates and protein.(24) Protein to repair muscle damage
Cysteine post-exercise recovery. And, for endurance athletes: and carbohydrates to restore muscle glycogen. Muscle glycogen
Phenylalanine + 30 112 76 during prolonged exercise small amount of protein represents the most important fuel source during endurance
Tyrosine can maximize glycogen availability. exercise and there is a direct relationship between fatigue and
Threonine 23 46 54 • After exercise muscle glycogen depletion.(7) Glycogen re-synthesis can take up
Trypthophan 6 14 21 High quality protein consumption is recommended to 24 hours.(25) To maximize glycogen re-synthesizes, ingestion
Valine 39 74 53 immediately after exercise. of a protein-carbohydrate mixture is a potential strategy.
• Before sleep
Table 1: Essential amino acid profile casein/milk whey.(4) Protein ingested before sleep is digested well and has
positive results on muscle protein synthesis.
Milk proteins in weight management Milk proteins for healthy ageing
People are always looking for magic loss was almost twice as great in subjects receiving a high protein We would all like guarantees that we will
diet (25en%) compared to a high carbohydrate, moderate protein Important strategies to preserve
bullets and they want to lose weight grow older with no constraints, but of
(12en%) diet.(35) muscle mass with aging and therefore
without any effort. With simple strategies course there is no way we can reverse
to stay fit and mobile.
it may be possible to reduce hunger Calories in the diet Absolute amount Relative amount ageing. However, a healthy lifestyle
of protein of protein
pangs and achieve better results for 2800kCal 108 gram 15en%
definitely helps postpone the ageing •D aily exercise is important. When you don’t use your
body composition. 2150kCal 108 gram 20en% process for as long as possible. muscles, you obviously loose them.(44)
• Provide protein intake over the day; 5-6 times daily with
1400kCal 108 gram 30en%
Satiety What is ageing? basic nutrition or supplements.(45)
Protein is more satiating than fat and carbohydrates(26), as evidence Table 3. Differences in normal and low calorie diet in absolute and Growing older is associated with progressive loss of muscle mass • Research shows elderly (>65 years) lack of protein intake
supports. There is also evidence that meals higher in protein tend relative amount of protein. and muscle strength.(38,39) This leads to a loss of functional capacity during breakfast.(46)
to increase satiety compared to meals lower in protein, at least in and an increased risk of developing chronic metabolic diseases.(40) • High quality protein which provides all essential amino
acids, such as milk protein is suggested to be ideal for
the short term. What is a high protein diet? The preservation of muscle function is crucial to maintain an
independent lifestyle. supplementation of elderly.
The amount of protein should be adapted to individual body
The overall function of GI hormones is to regulate food intake. weight, exercise patterns and lean body mass. For an average adult,
Protein induced satiety might also be mediated by appetite a minimum intake of 0.8 gram/kg/body weight is recommended. A long-term study (24 weeks) among fragile elderly has
hormones such as GLP-1, CCK and PYY. There is little evidence For adults who reduce calorie intake, it is important to make sure demonstrated beneficial effects on supplementation of milk protein
regarding which types of protein are the most satiating. Hall et that the absolute amount of protein remains the same(36) (see table (15 grams protein twice daily) in combination with exercise. The
al(27) suggests whey has a higher response from GI hormones 3). In the scientific literature, the definition of a high protein diet participants improved physical performance and increased skeletal
compared to other sources. Postprandial hormone responses do not varies from 27-70en% of total energy intake or from an absolute muscle mass compared to a placebo.(47)
always translate to satiety.(28) However, it has been shown that by amount of 90 grams up to almost 300 grams.
lengthening the timeframe to 300 minutes, casein is still satiating
and whey reaches the baseline.(29) As a conclusion you could state
that casein has a longer term effect on satiety and whey a short Ingredients for weight management
term effect.
• C asein: Slow releasing protein which fills the stomach for Younger Older
It is important to take into account that satiety appears to be several hours. This results in satiating in the long term. subject subject
influenced by a wide variety of factors, including palatability, • Whey protein: best source to maximize muscle protein
food mass, energy density, fibre and glycaemic index.(30) synthesis and has short term satiety effects. Fig. 2. Schematic cross section of an upper leg of a young healthy
• Milk protein concentrate: Animal protein, especially from subject (left) and sarcopenic older subject (right). The right leg
dairy, seem to support better muscle protein synthesis than has obvious more fat mass and less muscle mass (figure based on
Effects on weight loss and plant proteins. reference 39).
weight maintenance • Calcium has the potential to be relevant in weight loss
strategies which supports faecal fat excretion.(37) Needs and intake of elderly
• Protein is more satiating than fat and carbohydrates, For elderly people (>70 year) EFSA recommends a decrease in
which increases satiety after a meal. calorie intake. This is because of a decrease in physical activity,
• Protein has an increased effect on thermo-genesis.(29) reduced resting energy expenditure and changes in body
Thermo-genesis is the energy-requiring process after composition.(41) If overall energy intake is low, older adults must
a meal. carefully select nutrient dense food to meet nutrient needs. Also,
• Hypo-caloric, high protein diet with exercise has protein becomes more important. In the scientific world, protein
advantages for the accretion of lean body mass and recommendations are under discussion. Some research groups Ingredients for healthy ageing
a favourable body composition. indicate 0.83g/protein/kg/day is adequate, but other researchers
suggest that protein intake of around 0.9-1.0g/protein/kg body Calcium Caseinate
weight is more effective to reach nitrogen balance.(42, 43) • Prolonged release of amino acids into circulation.
Preservation of lean body mass • Delivers important minerals such as calcium for bone health.
The optimal pattern of weight loss is one in which fat mass is lost Intake • Low lactose.
and lean mass preserved.(31) Lean mass includes everything besides To preserve muscle mass, the body needs signals to start muscle Micellar casein
fat mass, such as muscles, bones, skin and blood. Preservation of protein synthesis. There are two important signals to activate • Minimal processed native protein as it appears in milk.
lean body mass contributes to basic metabolic rate, controlling pathways that are responsible for muscle building and preservation; Whey protein
glycaemia and contributing to lipid oxidation. exercise and protein.(38) • Best source to maximize muscle protein synthesis.
Milk protein concentrate
Research has shown that both daily exercise and ingestion of • Proven beneficial in combination with exercise to preserve
protein are important accelerators to maintaining and increasing muscle mass in elderly.(47)
muscle mass while losing fat mass.(30, 32) Several studies have
suggested that higher protein diets may increase total weight loss
and increase the percentage of fat loss.(33, 34) In one study, fat
Ingredients for Performance & Lifestyle Nutrition
Taste (in its category) Dispersibility Colour in Lactose content Kosher Halal Ready-to-Drink Instant Bars Tablets/ Powder mixes Gels
10% solution powders Capsules for soups
Caseinates Intact casein protein fraction derived from cow’s milk
Excellion Calcium Caseinate S Spray dried calcium caseinate. Bland/Neutral •• White <0,3% Y Y ••• • ••• ••• •
Excellion Calcium Caseinate I Instantized calcium caseinate, including lecithin. Bland/Neutral ••• White <0,3% Y Y •• ••• ••• ••• •
Excellion Calcium Caseinate A Agglomerated calcium caseinate, free flowing. Bland/Neutral ••• White <0,3% • ••• ••• •
Excellion EM 9 Roller dried calcium caseinate. Neutral • White/Cream <0,3% Y Y •• ••• •
Excellion Sodium Caseinate S Spray dried sodium caseinate. Neutral • Translucent <0,3% Y Y •• •
Excellion EM 25 Roller dried sodium caseinate including lecithin, reduced viscosity. Neutral • Translucent <0,3% Y Y •• •
Excellion Magnesium Caseinate S Spray dried magnesium casinate. Bland/Neutral • White/Cream <0,3% Y Y ••• •• ••• •• •
Excellion Potassium Caseinate S Spray dried potassium caseinate. Slightly bitter • Translucent <0,3% Y Y ••• •• •• •
Excellion OPTIMIX 100 Roller dried caseinate mixture. Bland/Neutral •• White/Cream <0,3% Y Y •• ••• •
Whey Protein Concentrates Intact whey proteins derived from cow’s milk
Nutri Whey 800F Whey protein concentrate, 80%, directly derived from cow’s milk. Neutral/Dairy •• Cream <9% Y* Y ••• • ••• • •
Nutri Whey 800FI Agglomerated version of Nutri Whey 800F, including soy lecithine. Neutral ••• Cream <9% • ••• •• ••• •
Nutri Whey 800I Instantised version of Nutri Whey 800F, including sunflower lecithine. Neutral ••• Cream <9% • ••• •• ••• •
Micellar casein isolate Intact proteins derived from cow’s milk
Refit MCI 80L Liquid Micellar Casein Isolate (80%), with increased casein Full/Milky n.a. White max. 10,5% (odm) Y Y ••
content 90-10%.
Milk Protein concentrates/isolates Intact proteins derived from cow’s milk
Refit MPC 80 Milk protein concentrate, 80%. Full/Milky •• White max. 8% Y •• •• •• ••
Refit MPC 80 Lactose reduced Milk protein concentrate, 80%, reduced in lactose. Full/Milky •• White max. 1% Y •• •• •• ••
Refit MPI 85 Milk protein Isolate, 85%. Full/Milky •• White max. 1% Y •• •• •• ••
Refit TMP 90 Heat stable Total milk protein concentrate including lecithin, containing a Full ••• White/Cream 2,5% Y* ••• ••• •••
combination of casein and whey proteins.
Refit TMP 90 Shake Instantised form of Refit TMP 90 Heat stable. Full ••• White/Cream 0,5% Y* ••• •••
Hydrolysed Proteins Pre-digested proteins
Hyvital Whey 8022 Partly hydrolysed whey protein with a good taste, containing Bland •• Cream Y •• ••• ••• •• •••
22% di- and tripeptides.
Hyvital Whey 8022 Chilsonated Chilsonated (compacted) form of Hyvital Whey 80. Ideal for direct Bland n.a. Cream Y •••
Hyvital Whey 8016 Partly hydrolysed whey protein with an excellent taste, containing Bland •• Cream Y ••• ••• ••• •• •••
16% di- and tripeptides.
Bioactive Ingredients
Hyvital Casein Phosphopeptides Partly hydrolysed casein protein rich in phosphorylated peptides. Slightly peptone •• White/Cream •• ••• •• •••
Hyvital Wheat Glutamine PU Partly hydrolysed wheat gluten rich in peptide bound glutamine. Slightly wheat •• Tan, cloudy Y* ••• ••• •••
Hyvital Wheat Glutamine PA As Hyvital Wheat Glutamine PU with high clarity in solutions and acid Slightly wheat •• Clear Y* •••
Vivinal Lactoferrin TD/FD A multifunctional serum protein derived from milk. Neutral • Salmon/Tan Y* Y ••• • ••• •
Vivinal Lactoperoxidase A multifunctional serum protein derived from milk. Neutral • Salmon/Tan Y* Y •••
Y* = on request
••• = excellent
•• = good
• = medium/low
A selection of our promotional support documentation range References
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augment post-exercise muscle protein synthesis rates in elderly men. B J Nutr.
16. Penning B., Boire Y., et al. Whey protein stimulates postprandial muscle protein
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17. Koopman, R., Wagenmakers, A.J.,et al. (2005) Combined ingestion of protein and
free leucine with carbohydrate increases postexercise muscle protein synthesis in vivo
in male subjects. Am J Phys 288(4), E645-E653.
Application suggestion Application suggestion Application suggestion 18. Tang JE, Moore DR, Kujbida GW, Tarnopolsky MA, Phillips SM. Ingestion of
whey hydrolysate, casein or soy protein isolate: effects on mixed muscle protein
Weight balance drink High protein chocolate shake Muscle recovery mix: cookie vanilla synthesis at rest and following resistance exercise in young men. J Appl Physiol
ExcellionTM Calcium Caseinate Excellion™ OPTIMIX 100 & Hyvital Whey 80 Nutri Whey™ 800 FI, Hyvital Whey 80 & Hyvital Wheat Glutamine Peptide PU 19. Res PT, Groen B, Pennings B, et al. Protein ingestion before sleep improves
A tasteful melon passion fruit flavoured drink containing
Benefits* of
A high protein chocolate shake, containing Excellion™
Benefits* of Excellion™
This application suggestion demonstrates the use of
Benefits* of Nutri Whey™ 800 FI
postexercise overnight recovery. Med Sci Sport Exerc. 2012;44:1560-1569.
Excellion™ Calcium Caseinate for delayed gastric release OPTIMIX 100 and Hyvital Whey 80 for sustained release Nutri Whey™ 800 FI, Hyvital Whey 80 and Hyvital
of amino acids to support satiety in the stomach as well
Excellion™ Calcium
of high quality amino acids to stimulate protein synthesis
Wheat Glutamine Peptide PU in an effective and tasteful • High quality protein with high
amount of BCAA’s and leucine
20. Karp, J.R., J.D. Johnston, S. Tecklenberg, et al. Chocolate milk as a post-exercise
as lean muscle mass build up. The resulting drink is an and inhibit protein breakdown for better recovery after • High quality protein with a high level instant recovery beverage. The muscle recovery drink-on-
effective weight balance product with a very low calorie
content and an excellent taste.
• Dietary protein has a positive effect
exercise.1 This high protein chocolate shake contains
14g of protein per serving with a unique combination
• Contains essential minerals such as
the-go contributes to a proper recovery after training by
giving to your body the essential nutrients it needs.
• Increases lean body mass and strength
during post exercise recovery recovery aid. Int J Sport Nutr Exerc Metab. 16:78-91, 2006.
21. Cermak, NM., Res PT, Groot LC, Saris & van Loon. Protein supplementation
on body composition2 calcium and sodium
Benefits* of Hyvital Whey 80
• Dairy products, in particular, have of hydrolysed whey and caseinates. • Prolonged release of amino acids into
High-protein dietary formulas have become appearance in solution. shown to be helpful in a diet to the blood stream A single bout of resistance exercise Protein hydrolysates have a special function • More rapid recovery compared with a
22. Beelen, M., Tieland, M., Gijsen, A.P., Vandereyt, H., Kies, A.K., et al (2008)
a non-hydrolysed form of whey further augments muscle protein synthesis.2 protein hydrolysate with a unique peptide
Due to their high nutritional quality, milk significant greater weight loss in comparison the maintenance of normal bones5 secretion and accelerate muscle glycogen this ability makes caseinates a very efficient
protein.6 In addition, research showed protein composition and a very good sensoric
proteins are key ingredients in numerous to controls4. • Milky flavor for attractive taste profile synthesis rates.2 nutrient supply. Caseinates are able to • High content of peptide bound
• High quality protein with a high level supplementation increases muscle mass and profile which is ideal in sport performance
weight loss and meal replacement products. In this melon passion fruit weight control provide a sustained slow release of amino glutamine
synthesis during exercise in young men, with no further increase during subsequent
milk protein ingredient used for performance delicious milky taste.
This recovery drink contains Nutri Whey™ glutamine in the body decrease after intense
nutrition and weight management source of ingestion is therefore important. Excellion™ OPTIMIX 100 is combining the
*Beneficial effects indicate potential leads for the * Beneficial effects indicate potential leads for the 800 FI, instant whey protein concentrate. exercise and in overtrained state. Ingestion * Beneficial effects indicate potential leads for the
formulations as well as products for specific Similar concepts can be created in a ready development of health claims on consumer products, Protein hydrolysates containing mostly di- functional properties of calcium and sodium development of health claims on consumer products, development of health claims on consumer products,
under the current applicable food legislation. Whey proteins are considered to be the of glutamine peptide restores the glutamine
23. Tipton KD, Rasmussen BB, Miller SL, Wolf SE, et al. Timing of amino acid-
and functionality profile for specific
soy based protein.4
Hyvital Whey 80 is a whey protein applications such as protein fortified foods,
hydrolysate with a unique peptide instant protein shakes, nutritional beverages,
composition and a very good sensoric
profile which is ideal in sport performance
and protein bars.
carbohydrate ingestion alter anabolic response of muscle to resistance exercise. Am J
Physiol Endrocriol Metab 281:E197-E206, 2001.
24. Ivy, JL, Goforth HW, et al. (2002) Early postexercise muscle glycogen recovery is
enhanced with a carbohydrate-protein supplement, J Appl Phys, 93(4), 1337-1344.
25. Burke, LM, Collier GR, Beasley SK, et al.(1995) Effect of coingestion of fat and
protein with carbohydrate feedings on muscle glycogen storage. J Appl Phys,
26. Astrup A. The satiating power of protein – a key to obesity prevention? Am J Clin
Nutr. 2005;82:1-2.
27. Hall WL, Millward DJ, Long SJ, Morgan LM. Casein and whey exert different effects
on plasma amino acid profiles, gastrointestinal hormone secretion and appetite. Br J
Nutr. 2003;89:239-49.
Application suggestion Application suggestion 28. Juvonen KR, Karhunen LJ, Vuori E, Lille ME, Karhu T, Jurado-Acosta A, Laaksonen DE,
Mykkanen HM, Niskanen LK, Poutanen KS, et al. Structure modification of a milk
Skinny green tea 3 stage protein bar protein-based model food affects postprandial intestinal peptide release and fullness
in healthy young men. Br J Nutr. 2011;106:1860-8.
Excellion™ Calcium Caseinate Excellion™ EM 9, Nutriwhey 800 F 29. Acheson KJ, Blondel-Lubrano A, Oguey-Araymon S, Beaumont M, Emady-Azar S,
Low calorie proposition, a tasteful green tea shake
& Hyvital Whey 8022 Ammon-Zufferey C, Monnard I, Pinaud S, Nielsen-Moennoz C, Bovetto L. Protein
Benefits* of Excellion™ Benefits of Excellion™ EM 9
containing Excellion™ Calcium Caseinate Agglomerated.
This green tea drink is low in lactose and high in protein
and calcium. A delicious creamy drink, being the perfect
Calcium Caseinate
A tasteful high protein bar, to be consumed after
exercise, formulated with three types of protein, each
• Prolonged release of amino acids
into the blood stream
choices targeting thermogenesis and metabolism. Am J Clin Nutr. 2011;93:525-34.
with different digestion rate; Excellion™ EM 9 Calcium
30. Halton, T, Halton, F, The Effects of High Protein Diets on Thermogenesis, Satiety and
• Calcium Caseinate is a good source
refreshment for the afternoon or the pleasant warm drink • Milky flavour for attractive taste profile
of bioavailable calcium
• Pleasant mouth feel Caseinate, slow digestion, Nutriwhey 800 F, whey protein
for the evening and with only 87kCal per serving. • Contributes to decrease stickiness in
concentrate, demonstrated as a fast digested protein(1)
Weight Loss: A Critical Review. J Am Coll Nutr5 373-385 (2004).
• High solubility and dispersability for
a high protein bar
easy use in instant shake formulations
Green tea is consumed in Asia for more than There is convincing evidence higher protein • Suitable for very low carb and very
and Hyvital Whey 8022 whey protein hydrolysate, which
is likely immediately reach the bloodstream after ingestion.(2) Benefits of Nutriwhey 800 F
31. Phillips SM, Zemel MB. Effect of protein, dairy components and energy balance in
3000 years. Nowadays it is consumed all diets increase satiety, a feeling of fullness low lactose products
over the world and its beneficial effects are after or between meals. This effect is seen • Calcium Caseinate is rich in calcium to
recognized by many cultures. both with one meal and over weeks of normal muscle function and is needed • Fast release of amino acids into the
KR. Dietary protein, weight loss and weight maintenance. Annu. Rev. Nutr. 2009.
in fat so it can be easily incorporated into diets low in protein.3 Bars are becoming more and more popular Whey protein has been suggested to
weight management diets, this drink is also There are also indications that increasing among consumers. For the producers, the maximize muscle protein synthesis because • Very fast release of amino acids into
a source of fibre (1,3 grams of fibers per dietary protein after weight loss has a challenge is to formulate products with the of fast absorption and a high amount of the blood stream
serving) which are important to support beneficial effect on weight regain and/or right amount and ratio of available nutrients leucine.(4) • High in di- and tripeptides
* Beneficial effects indicate potential leads for the
intestinal health. weight maintenance.4 development of health claims on consumer products, while creating a tasteful treat to be Caseinate has a more prolonged release into • Contributes to bar softening allowing
under the current applicable food legislation.
The drink contains 223mg calcium per Several studies have suggested that higher Customer benefits are not approved health claims. consumed after exercise. the bloodstream and is therefore also named higher protein formulations
serving, comparable to the amount of
calcium in milk (240mg/serving).
Other vitamins and minerals can be easily
protein diets may increase total weight loss
and increase the percentage of fat loss.
Therefore a high protein diet could have
With this recipe, we created a 3 stage bar
with three different sources of protein,
having the advantages of different
as the slow protein.(5)
Besides the prolonged protein release this
three protein blend ensures optimum bar
33. Josse AR., Atkinson SA., Tarnopolsky MA. Phillips SM. Increased consumption of dairy
incorporated to this application.
Due to the fact this drink contains caseinate,
a stimulatory effect on muscle protein
anabolism with preservation of lean muscle
absorption rates in the body.
In three stages it is possible to benefit
mouthfeel and structure.
This recipe is only one suggestion of many.
foods and protein during diet-and exercise induced weight loss promotes fat mass
loss and lean mass gain in overweight and obese premenopausal women. J Nutr
the drink is considered high protein. Protein is mass.5,6 maximal of the different absorption rates DMV can support you tailoring protein bar
an essential nutrient and has several benefits. of various proteins, giving the athlete a recipes towards your desired structure and
sustainable release of amino acids over time. nutritional properties.
141:1626-1634, 2011.
34. Berndtsen LQ, Lorenzen JK, Bendsen NT, Rasmussen C, Astrup A. Effect of Dairy
Proteins on Appetite, Energy Expenditure, Body Weight and Composition: a Review
Application suggestions of the Evidence from Controlled Clinical Trails. Adv Nutr 4:418-438, 2013.
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