Memletic Styles Questionnaire - Instructions and Information
Memletic Styles Questionnaire - Instructions and Information
Memletic Styles Questionnaire - Instructions and Information
This Excel workbook will help you identify your preferred learning styles. To complete the
questionnaire, follow these instructions:
1 Use the tabs at the bottom of the workbook to move between the sections
2 Click on the Questions tab to start the questions
3 Answer each statement by typing 0, 1, or 2 into each answer box. Use these ratings as a
guide when you answer each statement:
0 - the statement is nothing like me
1 - the statement is partially like me
2 - the statement is very much like me
4 Once you've answered the questions (all 70), click the Styles Graph tab to see the results
5 If you'd like to find out more about the Memletics Manual and Memletic Styles, see below
What is Memletics?
The Memletics project aims to provide accelerated learning tools to the global community. The
Memletics Manual is the primary reference for Memletic learning. Based on the most up-to-date
research available to 2003, it's a practical guide to help you learn faster and increase your
memory performance. Rich in examples (the word "example" is used over 300 times), you'll find
many ways to improve your learning and memory in school, work, recreation or sports.
The manual describes Memletics in detail. The first chapter provides an overview of Memletics,
and includes a detailed listing of many activities in which you can apply Memletics. The second
chapter describes how to get yourself in Memletic State - the optimum state for learning. The
third chapter explains the Memletic Process - the steps you take to learn any topic. The forth
chapter contains the Memletic Techniques - grouped into associate, visualize, verbalize,
simulate, perform and repeat techniques. The fifth chapter, on Memletic Styles, helps you find
your stronger and secondary learning styles, and describes how to make the most of those
styles. The sixth chapter, Memletic Approach, provides a way to plan and track your learning
activities. The last chapter helps you resolve common learning challenges such as motivation,
fear and nervousness, mistakes, pressure and assumptions.
© Instructions
Memletic Styles Quiz - Questions
# Description Score
1 You have a personal or private interest or hobby that you like to do alone.
2 You put together itineraries and agendas for travel. You put together detailed
lists, such as to-do lists, and you number and prioritise them.
3 Jingles, themes or parts of songs pop into your head at random
5 You are happy in your own company. You like to some things alone and away
from others.
6 You enjoy learning in classroom style surroundings with other people. You enjoy
the interaction to help your learning.
7 You like to read everything. Books, newspapers, magazines, menus, signs, the
milk carton etc.
8 You can easily visualise objects, buildings, situations etc from plans or
9 You are goal oriented and know the directions you are going.
10 You prefer team games and sports such as football/soccer, basketball, netball,
volleyball etc.
11 You navigate well and use maps with ease. You rarely get lost. You have a good
sense of direction. You usually know which way North is.
12 You prefer to study or work alone.
14 You spend time alone to reflect and think about important aspects of your life.
15 In regular conversation you frequently use references to other things you have
heard or read.
16 You enjoy finding relationships between numbers and objects. You like to
categorise or group things to help you understand the relationships between
17 You keep a journal or personal diary to record your thoughts.
18 You communicate well with others and often act as a mediator between them.
20 You like to listen. People like to talk to you because they feel you understand
21 You like listening to music - in the car, studying, at work (if possible!).
22 You can balance a chequebook, and you like to set budgets and other numerical
23 You have a number of very close friends.
24 You use lots of hand gestures or other physical body language when
communicating with others.
25 English, languages and literature were favourite subjects at school.
© Questions
# Description Score
26 You like making models, or working out jigsaws.
27 You prefer to talk over problems, issues, or ideas with others, rather than working
on them by yourself.
28 Music was your favourite subject at school
31 You like identifying logic flaws in other people's words and actions.
32 You like using a camera or video camera to capture the world around you.
35 You have a great vocabulary, and like using the right word at the right time
36 You like the texture and feel of clothes, furniture and other objects.
37 You would prefer to holiday on a deserted island rather than a resort or cruise
ship with lots of other people around.
38 You like books with lots of diagrams or illustrations.
39 You easily express yourself, whether its verbal or written. You can give clear
explanations to others.
40 You like playing games with others, such as cards and board games.
41 You use specific examples and references to support your points of view.
42 You pay attention to the sounds of various things. You can tell the difference
between instruments, or cars, or aircraft, based on their sound
43 You have a good sense of colour.
45 You like to think out ideas, problems, or issues while doing something physical.
46 You read self-help books, or have been to self-help workshops or done similar
work to learn more about yourself.
47 You can play a musical instrument or you can sing on (or close to) key
49 You like logic games and brainteasers. You like chess and other strategy games.
50 You like getting out of the house and being with others at parties and other social
© Questions
# Description Score
51 You occasionally realise you are tapping in time to music, or you naturally start to
hum or whistle a tune. Even after only hearing a tune a few times, you can
remember it.
52 You solve problems by "thinking aloud" - talking through issues, questions,
possible solutions etc.
53 You enjoy dancing.
54 You prefer to work for yourself - or you have thought a lot about it.
55 You don't like the sound of silence. You would prefer to have some background
music or other noises over silence.
56 You love the theme park rides that involve lots of physical action, or you really
hate them because you are very sensitive to the effect the physical forces have
on your body.
57 You draw well, and find yourself drawing or doodling on a notepad when thinking.
58 You easily work with numbers, and can do decent calculations in your head.
59 You use diagrams and scribbles to communicate ideas and concepts. You love
whiteboards (and colour pens).
60 You hear small things that others don't.
69 You like visual arts, painting, sculpture. You like jigsaws and mazes.
End of questions - go to the Styles Graph page (click tab below) to see the results
© Questions
Memletic Styles Quiz - Results Graph
Your overall scores: Are learning styles the answer to faster learning?
V Visual Style / 20 In our view, learning styles should help you adapt how
S Aural Style / 20 you learn. We don't believe they are a learning system
P Verbal Style / 20 by themselves. Memletics has five core parts which help
A Physical Style / 20 you learn faster. Learning Styles are just one of those
V Logical Style / 20 parts.
S Social Style / 20 To understand more, visit
L Solitary Style / 20
Logical 15 Social
Solitary Physical
Verbal Aural
© Scoresheet