Concurrent Managers Inactive - No Manager.R12.1.3
Concurrent Managers Inactive - No Manager.R12.1.3
Concurrent Managers Inactive - No Manager.R12.1.3
Set serveroutput on
UPDATE per_all_people_f
SET email_address = '[email protected]'
WHERE email_address IS NOT NULL;
UPDATE fnd_user
SET email_address = '[email protected]'
WHERE user_name NOT IN
AND email_address IS NOT NULL;
UPDATE jtf_rs_resource_extns
SET source_email = '[email protected]'
WHERE source_email IS NOT NULL;
update wf_local_roles
set notification_preference='QUERY'
where orig_system in ('FND_USR','PER')
and name NOT IN ('Xuser1','Xuse2')
update fnd_user_preferences
set preference_value='QUERY'
where preference_name='MAILTYPE' and module_name='WF'
and user_name not in ('-WF_DEFAULT-',
update wf_local_roles
set notification_preference='QUERY'
where orig_system in ('FND_USR','PER');
update fnd_user_preferences
set preference_value='MAILHTML'
where preference_name='MAILTYPE' and module_name='WF'
and user_name <> '-WF_DEFAULT-';
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UPDATE wf_local_roles
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update wf_notifications
set mail_status = 'SENT'
where end_date is not null
and status = 'CLOSED'
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This purges the WF_NOTIFICATION_OUT queue and rebuilds it with data currently in the WF_NOTIFICATIONS table.
This is what purges all notifications
waiting in the queue to be sent. It will then populate the queue with the current data in the WF_NOTIFICATIONS table.
Only notifications with mail_status = 'MAIL' and status = 'OPEN' will be re-enqueued in the WF_NOTIFICATION_OUT
queue and sent by the mailer.
update fnd_svc_comp_param_vals
set parameter_value = '&EnterEmailID'
where parameter_id =
( select parameter_id
from fnd_svc_comp_params_tl
where display_name = 'Test Address'
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Enter the Comp Param Id to update : 10065
ORACLE APPS DBA This blog is written to share and help doer's.Please sh…
Enter a value for the parameter : Lenovo DEV Workflow Mailer"
Here are steps/events for Oracle Workflow Notification Outbound Processing(eMail from Oracle Applications Workflow to
1.When workflow Engine determines that a notification message must be sent, it raises an event in BES (Business Event
Event is raised with Notification ID (NID) as event key
2. There is seeded subscription to this Event
3. Event is placed on WF_DEFERRED agent
4.Event is dequeued from WF_DEFERRED and subscription is processed
5. Subscription places event message to WF_NOTIFICATION_OUT agent.
6.Notification Mailer dequeues message from WF_NOTIFICATION_OUT agent and
6.1convert XML representation of notification into MIME encoded message (Multi-purpose Internet Mail Extensions) and
6.2 Send message by SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) to intended user (If Test Address/Override Address is set
then email is sent to Test Address
mail_status >> SENT means mail has gone out of mailer to user
You can also use script wfver.sql in FND_TOP/sql to find version of workflow in Apps.
------------------------------ ------------------------------
Inbound Server Name
Username wftst
Password oracle
Outbound Server Name
Reply-to Address [email protected]
Classic Flipcard Magazine Mosaic Sidebar Snapshot Timeslide
To check WF mail status
select count(*), mail_status
from wf_notifications
where begin_date > sysdate - 1
group by mail_status;
There are 141 messages with status `MAIL¿, this status should remain very short and then progress to status `SENT¿.
: OAM Login > Site Map > Workflow > Service Components.
These same detail are also given in the output from script $FND_TOP/sql/wfver.sql
13 rows selected.
select running_processes
from fnd_concurrent_queues
where concurrent_queue_name = 'WFMLRSVC';
select component_status
from fnd_svc_components
where component_id =
(select component_id
from fnd_svc_components
where component_name = 'Workflow Notification Mailer');
Possible values:
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2. Stop notification mailer
sqlplus apps/
p_retcode number;
p_errbuf varchar2(100);
m_mailerid fnd_svc_components.component_id%TYPE;
-- Find mailer Id
select component_id
into m_mailerid
from fnd_svc_components
where component_name = 'Workflow Notification Mailer';
-- Stop Mailer
fnd_svc_component.stop_component(m_mailerid, p_retcode, p_errbuf);
p_retcode number;
p_errbuf varchar2(100);
m_mailerid fnd_svc_components.component_id%TYPE;
-- Find mailer Id
select component_id
into m_mailerid
from fnd_svc_components
where component_name = 'Workflow Notification Mailer';
-- Start Mailer
fnd_svc_component.start_component(m_mailerid, p_retcode, p_errbuf);
TO configure workflow
Workflow Mailer Notification settings.
Log on to OAM
Click on Workflow Administrator -> Business Event Local System
Click on Workflow Manager ->Notification Mailer -> Workflow Notification Mailer -> Edit
Edit outbound Email Account (SMTP) -> Server Name =Concurrent Tier
IMAP Server -> Server Name =
Username/password: wfvis/xxxxx :
Reply-To Address: [email protected]
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Workflow logfile location
$APPLCSF/$APPLLOG with filename like FNDCPGSC[pid].txt
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After executing autoconfig make sure Workflow System Administrator is NOT set to SYSADMIN .
Classic Flipcard Magazine
Please set this toMosaic Sidebar
""Workflow Snapshot
Administrator Web Timeslide
Following script will take care of this .
sqlplus apps/""pwd""
SQL> update wf_resources set text = 'FND_RESP|FND|FNDWF_ADMIN_WEB_NEW|STANDARD' where name =
1 row updated.
SQL> commit;
Commit complete.
modify this profile option to have the value of an actual App Server
WF: Workflow Mailer Framework Web Agent : http://hostname.domainname:8000
additonal notes
Possible values:
Classic Flipcard Magazine Mosaic Sidebar Snapshot Timeslide
A workflow notification send event (notification email) can fail at several different points, so monitoring it using one
method usually is not going to give you a complete picture.Additionally, you have to keep in mind that the process is
dynamic, meaning that as transactions are created into the queues they are also mailed out; so a
count of data is at best only a snapshot of a particular moment in time.
1. Here is a more robust script for monitoring the wf_notifications table:
select message_type, mail_status, count(*) from wf_notifications
where status = 'OPEN'
messages in 'FAILED' status can be resent using the concurrent request 'resend failed workflow notificaitons'
messages which are OPEN but where mail_status is null have a missing email address for the recipient, but the
notification preference is 'send me mail'
2. Some messages like alerts don't get a record in wf_notifications table so you have to watch the
Madhanappsdba,Some of the blogs will directly points oracle notes or other blogs for myreference. Dynamic Views theme. Powered by Blogger.
1.Please provide the below query output in excel sheet.
select * from fnd_nodes;
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2.Please provide the screen shot of below profile option value.
WF: Workflow Mailer Framework Web Agent
Classic Flipcard
1. The Magazine
uploaded Mosaic Sidebar Snapshot Timeslide
file “ATGSuppJavaMailerSetup12_9392180_diag.txt” shows that the correct parameter was not used
when attempting to run. For instance “‘’” was used for “Inbound mail server
(INBOUND_SERVER)” and on the other hand the file “wfmlrdbg23569786.html” shows the INBOUND_SERVER is
“”. For that reason the test failed and “Server {} at port {143} is
not reachable” was generated.
Please do the following this.
a. Please un the following SQL to collect necessary info before executing “”. The SQL
will collect all the info required to run the script except IMAP account password.
select p.parameter_id,
v.parameter_value value
from fnd_svc_comp_param_vals_v v,
fnd_svc_comp_params_b p,
fnd_svc_components c
where c.component_type = ‘WF_MAILER’
and v.component_id = c.component_id
and v.parameter_id = p.parameter_id
and p.parameter_name in (‘OUTBOUND_SERVER’, ‘INBOUND_SERVER’,
b. Then run “” per the steps from 748421.1.
3. Please upload the new output to help us collect the data to help us troubleshoot the issue.
4. Please also upload the Autoconfig log files
a. Database Tier Autoconfig log :
b. Application Tier Autoconfig log -
5. Restart the Workflow Mailer and Agent Listener services
a. From Self Service > Select “Workflow Manager” under “Oracle Applications Manager” > Click “Notification Mailers” >
Service Components (Service Components: <SID>) >
b. Click “Workflow Mailer Service” under “Container” Column.
e. From “Service Instances for Generic Service Component Container:<SID>”page, click “Pull Down” button from the
Start All/ Stop All.
f . Select Stop All > Go.
g. We conformed that for the Services to read Actual 0 Target 0 and Deactivated.
h. Restart the mailer services using the “Start All” button.
I. We run the following SQL to make sure service are stopped.
SELECT component_name, component_status, component_status_info
FROM fnd_svc_components_v
WHERE component_name like ‘Workflow%’;
6.However all the services are sill down (Stopped).
STATEMENT level logging is already enabled.
7.About to upload the log files from $APPLCSF/$APPLLOG/FNDCPGSC*.txt i.e. the log file for the Active process for
Workflow Mailer Service and Agent Listener services.
To retrieve the last 2 log files for Workflow Mailer and Agent Listener services, run the following command:
8. The issue started yesterday after running Autoconfig to correct Discoverer issue per Oracle Support.
I might request Autoconfig logs after reviewing the mailer log..
1. Please run the script $FND_TOP/sql/afsvcpup.sql, and edit Notification Mailer , and change the parameter Framework
URL Timeout from 30 to 120.
2. Use the same script to change mailer’s parameter Log Level to 1.
3. Set the profile option WF: Workflow Mailer Framework Web Agent to a physical web tier, using the syntax
4. Bounce the mailer.
5. Please follow the navigation below:
a. Workflow Administrator web Applications Responsibility
b. Workflow Manager
c. Click on the Notification Mailers icon
d. Click on Workflow Notification Mailers link
e. Click on Test Mailer button
Enter the user name of the user with the problem, and verify if a test mail is received.
Then, please provide the output of the script wfmlrdbg.sql using the steps from note 1364300.1 for the id’s returned from
the following two queries:
select max(notification_id)
from wf_notifications
where message_type=’WFTESTS’
and message_name =’OAFWK_MSG’
. Then, provide the mailer log returned by the following query:
SELECT fcp.logfile_name
FROM fnd_concurrent_queues fcq, fnd_concurrent_processes fcp, fnd_lookups flkup
WHERE concurrent_queue_name in (‘WFMLRSVC’)
AND fcq.concurrent_queue_id = fcp.concurrent_queue_id
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AND fcq.application_id = fcp.queue_application_id
AND flkup.lookup_code=fcp.process_status_code
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AND meaning=’Active’
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PleaseMagazine Mosaic Sidebar
run the diagnostics from NoteSnapshot Timeslide
748421.1 Oracle Workflow ATG Support: R12 Java Mailer Setup Diagnostic Test
and upload its archive file.
How does workflow Notification Mailer IMAP (Inbound Processing) Works:
This is the inbound flow:
1. Approver sends email response which is directed to the value defined in Replyto address.
a. This address has been setup by the customer’s mail administrator to route incoming mail to the IMAP Inbox folder.
2. The Workflow Inbound Agent Listener picks up the message. Only messages which are in ‘unread’ state are
evaluated; the rest of the messages in the inbox are ignored.
3. The message is scanned to see if it matches entries in the TAG file . Mail tags are defined in the OAM mailer
configuration pages and these list strings of text and actions to take if those strings are encountered. An example of this
are ‘Out of Office’ replies. If the string of the message matches a mail tag and the action is ‘Ignore’ then nothing else will
4. The message is then scanned for the presence of a Notification Id (NID). This NID is matched against valid NID for the
mailer node.
5. If valid NID is not detected, (and there is no matching TAG file entry) then the message is placed into the DISCARD
6. If a valid NID is detected the listener raises a subscription to the WF_NOTIFICATION_IN queue and places the mail
message in the Processed folder.
7. From this point on the message is handled by the product workflow (like PO APPROVAL) . An event created by that
group will monitor the WF_NOTIFICATION_IN queue and will trigger the rest of the approval workflow.
Here are steps/events for Oracle Workflow Notification Outbound Processing(eMail from Oracle Applications Workflow to
1.When workflow Engine determines that a notification message must be sent, it raises an event in BES (Business Event
Event is raised with Notification ID (NID) as event key
2. There is seeded subscription to this Event
3. Event is placed on WF_DEFERRED agent
4.Event is dequeued from WF_DEFERRED and subscription is processed
5. Subscription places event message to WF_NOTIFICATION_OUT agent.
6.Notification Mailer dequeues message from WF_NOTIFICATION_OUT agent and
6.1convert XML representation of notification into MIME encoded message (Multi-purpose Internet Mail Extensions) and
6.2 Send message by SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) to intended user (IfTest Address/Override Address is set
then email is sent to Test Address
E-Mail Notification is sent if all below conditions are truea) Notification status is OPEN or CANCELED and
b) Notification mail_status is MAIL or INVALID and
c) Recipient Role has a valid e-mail address and Notification Preference is in the format MAIL%
d) Workflow Deferred Agent Listener is running
e) Workflow Notification Mailer is running
To check a) & b) run below query
SELECT status, mail_status FROM wf_notifications WHERE notification_id = ‘&NID’;
mail_status >> SENT means mail has gone out of mailer to user
To check c) run below query
SELECT email_address, nvl(WF_PREF.get_pref(name, ‘MAILTYPE’),notification_preference)
FROM wf_roles
WHERE name = upper(‘&recipient_role’);
To check d) & e) Use OAM (Oracle Application Manager)
How to purge e-mail notifications from the Workflow queue
Some times Due to large number of e-mail notifications to accumulated in the queue Workflow mailer will not start,To fix
this issue we need purge the notifications from the Workflow queue.
The below outlines the steps, Please take proper backup before performing the below.
1) You need to update the notifications you do not want sent, in the WF_NOTIFICATIONS table.
2) Check the WF_NOTIFICATIONS table as below. Records where status = ‘OPEN’ and mail_status = ‘MAIL’ are
notifications that will have an e-mail notification sent.
SQL> select notification_id,status,mail_status,begin_date from WF_NOTIFICATIONS where status = ‘OPEN’ and
mail_status = ‘MAIL’;
3) This should show you which notifications are waiting to be e-mailed.
4) To update a notification so that it will not get e-mailed. Set the MAIL_STATUS = ‘SENT’. The mailer will think the e-mail
has already been sent and it will not send it again.
SQL> update WF_NOTIFICATIONS set mail_status = ‘SENT’ where mail_status = ‘MAIL’;
-> This will update all notifications waiting to be sent by the mailer.
5) Then run the script wfntfqup.sql to purge the WF_NOTIFICATION_OUT queue and rebuild it with data currently in the
WF_NOTIFICATIONS table. This is what purges all notifications waiting in the queue to be sent.Only the ones where
mail_status = ‘MAIL’ and status = ‘OPEN’ will be placed in the WF_NOTIFICATION_OUT queue and sent by the mailer.
SQL>sqlplus apps/apps_pwd @$FND_TOP/patch/115/sql/wfntfqup APPS APPS_PWD APPLSYS
6) Now you can start your WF Containers and then Mailer
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March 2016
is not
This bloga is
valid responsibility
written for the
to share and helpcurrent user. Please
doer's.Please sh… search
contact your System Administrator.
Classic Flipcard Magazine Mosaic Sidebar Snapshot Timeslide
Error: " XXX Not a valid responsibility for the current user. Please contact your System
Oracle EBS: Repairing the "XXX is not a valid responsibility for the current user" error in Oracle
How to "fix" a problem that can occur in Oracle when you have granted a user access to a new web-based responsibility
but the middle-tier application servers have not picked up this change.
Below are detailed instructions on how to clear the cache on the middle-tier application server(s). As it says in the
warning when you try and do it there will be a performance hit while it re-reads all the data from the database - use on
Production Systems at you own risk!!
At the moment I'm currently configuring Oracle Internet Expenses (11, not 12) and several times we've granted a user the
"Internet Expenses" responsibility, they've logged into Oracle, selected Internet Expenses and then received an error
along the lines of "Internet Expenses is not a valid responsibility for the current user. Please contact your System
Administrator". For example when trying to access "Function Administrator" privilege you get the message:
Figure 1: Sample error for "Functional Administrator" Responsibility
You only get this issue with Web-based responsibilities. If I'd assigned "Payables Manager" then it works without any
issues, the reason for this error is that in order to improve performance Oracle caches some information on the web
server. In order to "fix" this problem we need to clear the cache by following these steps;
Figure 2: "Functional Administrator" Welcome Screen
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ORACLE APPS DBA This blog is written to share and help doer's.Please sh… search
Figure 3: "Function Administrator" > "Core Services"
Step 3: Select "Caching Framework" (second option from the right on blue bar)
Figure 4: "Core Services" > "Caching Framework"
Figure 5: "Caching Framework" > "Global Configuration"
This page shows you the currently configured Caching Statistics and Policy. The bit we're interested in though is the
"Clear All Cache" button the right-hand side.
Figure 6: Clear Cache Warning Message
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ORACLE APPS DBA This blog is written to share and help doer's.Please sh… search
Figure 7: Confirmation Message
And we're done, the user should now be able to log in with the new responsibility.
R12 --XXX is not a valid responsibility for the current user. Please contact your System Administrator.
How to Resolved XXX is not a valid responsibility for the current user. Please contact your System Administrator.
Some time it happens that we assign a new web based responsibility like isupplier or iprocurement but when opening it
display following screenshot.
This is happening because middle tiers has yet to pick the change in assigned responsibility. To resolve this issue we
need to clear the middle tier cache.
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ORACLE APPS DBA This blog is written to share and help doer's.Please sh… search
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While running AuditTrail Update Tables concurrent request on e-business suite R12(12.1.3) as part of audittrail enable
process the request completed with Fatal error in fdasql, quitting.... Fatal error in fdacv, quitting.... Fatal error in fdaupc,
quitting error.
To fix the issue Check if you have enabled auditing for APPLSYS,APPS and the application schema owner you want to
audit, if not enable the auditing for the schema you wish to audit.
And also check the logfile to see if its failing at View AP_SYSTEM_PARAMETERS_ALL_AC1, If so change the group
status for the Audit Group AP_SYSTEM_PARAMETERS_ALL to disable – purge table
Metalink note
AuditTrail Update Tables fails on View AP_SYSTEM_PARAMETERS_ALL_AC1 (Doc ID 727208.1)
1. Navigate to the audit group tables, and query back the table as before
2. Set the Group state to "Disable - Purge Table" for AP_SYSTEM_PARAMETERS_ALL. This option
Disable - Purge Table Drops the auditing triggers and views and deletes all data from the shadow
3. Run the "AuditTrail Update Tables" concurrent program
Posted 14th January 2016 by Unknown
2 View comments
Now let us see the detailed Stepwise approach to achieve this in R12.
1. Enable Audit Trail Profile
We need to enable the audit for the schemas which are the owners of the tables, on which we are doing
In this case we need to enable audit for AP (as it is the owner of the tables AP_SUPPLIERS and
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ORACLE APPS DBA This blog is written to share and help doer's.Please sh… search
Here we need to create the Audit Group under Payables Application. Create an audit group with a
proper naming convention, and select the group state as Enabled.
By default, Oracle has specified few columns under few tables that are Audit enabled. Check whether
columns which we want to audit exists under these particular tables. If not include the columns.
In this case (R12) Oracle has included few columns under AP_SUPPLIERS and
AP_SUPPLIER_SITES_ALL. We don’t have the vendor_name under AP_SUPPLIERS. So include it.
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ORACLE APPS DBA This blog is written to share and help doer's.Please sh… search
Now in order to create the Audit tables and corresponding views for the base tables that we want to
audit, we need to run a concurrent request from System Administrator responsibility.
After the successful completion of the request, the audit tables and views will be created in the
Also it will create following main views based on base table and Audit table.
This will create Audit views on individual columns too. These will be in the form of TABLE_NAME_AV%
Query it with following command for the audit views of the table AP_SUPPLIERS
FROM all_objects
We have 25 audit views created, because Oracle has included few columns in the setup. When we ran
the audit trial update program it creates views for those columns too.
Classic Flipcard Magazine
FROM Mosaic Sidebar Snapshot Timeslide
We are nothing to do with these audit tables and columns. Oracle has used these tables and views and
developed a report to report the changed data in these columns.
6. Run the Audit Report
Now run the report Audit report from System Administrator responsibility.
Create template SUPPLIERS TEMPLATE to include the audit group (the one we created to include the
columns while doing the audit setup) i.e. AUDIT SUPPLIERS under Functional group.
And pass the parameters for the remaining as per the requirement. Let us run the report for AUDIT
Here we are passing null for all fields So it tries to report the data which is Transacted by All users, of all
transactions, the data which has been changed before or equal to system time.
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Metalink ID's
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7th January 2016 How to change Java heap size in R12 to avoid
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space error?
How to change Java heap size in R12 to avoid java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space error?
Recently we had encountered a situation, wherein end users where not able to get the R12 login page and
it just hangs, but all the opmn processess were up and running – status gives status as
alive for all the components viz., HTTP, oafm, oacore & forms. The same environment was available and
end users were able to access without any isuses 15 minutes before. This error happens only when
multiple people login to the same page and perform simillar activity like employee self service form
etc. So where and what exactly could be the problem.
Classic Flipcard
[warn]Magazine Mosaic ] oc4j_socket_recvfull
[client IP Address Sidebar Snapshot timed
[error] [client IP Address ] mod_oc4j: There is no oc4j process (for destination: application://oacore) available to service
[error] [client IP Address] mod_oc4j: request to OC4J [servername:OC4J AJP Port Range for Oacore]
failed: Connect failed
Above error message does give us a hint that the problem is with oacore, but as i said earlier the oacore is alive
according to opmn.
Exception in thread “OC4JMonitorThread” java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
While checking the error in file, parallely we opened another window to see the CPU and memory usage and we could
see one java process was taking more than 100% CPU. This process was spawned by the opmn -d process and the
process id didnt match with the oacore process id. Hint: status will give the status as well the process id. It
looked like a end client java process.
Each of the above options has its own implications and advantages. To minimize the downtime we decided to kill the
java processes, and the moment we killed the java process, all the browsers which were hanging reported
instantaneously Internal Server Error. This proved to be a bad decision.
So we moved to the next option, bouncing the oacore service which we are sure will resolve the issue (temporarily) and
it did as expected. Basically when you bounce the services all the existing
connections and processess will be released which results in more available memory when you re-start the services.
Ok, now we tackled the problem and provided a temporary solution but we need to find a long term solution. This is
option 3, adjusting java memory size.
First, you need to identify how much is the maximum heap size that you can set. Click here.
Once you had identified the maximum heap size, we need to change the configuration files to make it
Location : $INST_TOP/ora/10.1.3/opmn/conf/
Open opmn.xml
The default value for Maximum (-Xmx) and Minimum (-Xms) heap sizes are 512M and 128M respectively.
Again here you have options, you can set both Xms and Xmx has the same value as Xmx if you feel all your sessoins
require higher memory or set a lower value for Xms and the maximum value for Xmx. Dont forget to change the values
under ‘<‘category id=”stop-parameters”‘>’
opmn.xml also contains jvm configurations for other components – oafm & forms.
This step is optional since we had already made changes in opmn.xml but there is no harm in making the change here.
Classic Flipcard
This Magazine Mosaic
step will come handy Sidebar Snapshotspecific
for troubleshooting Timeslide
components of Oracle viz., configurator, iSupplier or any other
option which heavily utilizes/consumes CPU/memory.
Option 1: If you find any of the above parameters change the values corresponding to the value you had mentioned in
opmn.xml or even more than that, as long as you dont exceed the maximum heap size limit.
Option 2: If you DO NOT find any of the above parameters, then make an entry like this, under the heading “# Java
Object Cache Configuration Parameters”
Location: $INST_TOP/appl/admin/SID_hostname.xml
Change Xms and Xmx value. Repeat the same step for parameter s_oacore_jvm_stop_options.
Changes made in Step 3 will take effect the next time you run autoconfig, whereas Step 1 & 2 changes will take effect
the next time you bounce opmn services, but the values are not permanent in the sense these will be wiped off next time
you run autoconfig. Yes you can preserve the changes by placing it inbetween Begin and End customizations.
You can also increase the Garbage Collection threads parameter (-XX:ParallelGCThreads) to a higher value if you have
JDK 1.5 or more than 2 cpus or more memory.
JVM: Guidelines to setup the Java Virtual Machine in Apps Ebusiness Suite 11i and R12 (Doc ID 362851.1)
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Inactive – No Manager.R12.1.3
If all the reports end in COMPLETE – NORMAL, means its work.
If not,
B. Run a Concurrent Manager Recovery
1. Please stop Concurrent managers by
2. If not stopped, please abort managers by abort apps/
3. Please kill if a process remains.
4. Please retry Concurrent Manager Recovery.
Oracle Applications Manager > Concurrent Managers OR Concurrent Requests > Site Map > Diagnostics and Repair >
Concurrent Manager Recovery
Oracle error 1653: ORA-01653: unable to extend table APPLSYS.FND_ENV_CONTEXT by 8192 in tablespace
APPLSYSD has been detected in AFPENV
Solution: Madhanappsdba,Some of the blogs will directly points oracle notes or other blogs for myreference. Dynamic Views theme. Powered by Blogger.
Extend tablespace.
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Like this:
if not worked,
C. Create an SR
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First Check the active user in the Application by Running Below Query in TOAD/Sql Developer.
select fnd.user_name,
DECODE ((icx.disabled_flag),'N', 'ACTIVE',
'Y', 'INACTIVE') status
from fnd_user fnd,
icx_sessions icx,
fnd_responsibility_tl frt
where fnd.user_id = icx.user_id
and icx.responsibility_id = frt.responsibility_id
and icx.disabled_flag <> 'Y'
and trunc(icx.last_connect) = trunc(sysdate)
order by icx.last_connect;
If no active users are there, then you can follow the below process otherwise any user is active in Application will get
Connection Error
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Server Bouncing for OAF Customizations:
we need to run two scripts:
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$ORA_CONFIG_HOME/10.1.3/j2ee/oafm/persistence/oafm_default_group_1jms.state.lock search
[applerp@linuxerp1 scripts]$
=> Stop application services
=> Clear contents of the persistence directory
=> Start application services
[applerp@linuxerp1 scripts]$
Solution :
rm -rf $ORA_CONFIG_HOME/10.1.3/j2ee/oacore/persistence/*
rm -rf $ORA_CONFIG_HOME/10.1.3/j2ee/oafm/persistence/*
rm -rf $ORA_CONFIG_HOME/10.1.3/j2ee/forms/persistence/*
start all service again (Start the oc4j using opmnctl startall)
++++++1177323.1, 1313955.1,1557461.1+++++++++
OACORE fails to start after increasing the JVM processes in Oracle R12
Error: stop
To implement the solution, the recommendation is to:
1. $FF_TOP/bin/FFXBCP APPS/passwd 0 Y -W %% %%
2. sqlplus APPS/passwd @$FF_TOP/patch/115/sql/ffgenwrap.sql
This will recompile all formulas, then regenerate the formula wrappers. It is not recommended to
skip 1.
1) Oracle Fast Formulas can be compiled in bulk with the following command:
$FF_TOP/bin/FFXBCP <appsuser>/<appspassword> 0 Y %% %%
$FF_TOP/bin/FFXBCP apps/apps 0 Y %% %%
NOTE: 0 = zero
3) Formulas can also be compiled through the Oracle Payroll application by running the concurrent process Bulk Compile
of Formulas.
I changed IP address on both server ( we have two server 1. db server 2. application server)
after changing the server IP when we are trying to start application service, application service ended with below error
message: exiting with status 204
1. logon to application server with applmgr user
2. go to $INST_TOP
3. stop application services ($ cd $INST_TOP/admin/scripts )
4. delete following files
rm -rf $INST_TOP/ora/10.1.3/j2ee/oacore/persistence/*
rm -rf $INST_TOP/ora/10.1.3/j2ee/oafm/persistence/*
rm -rf $INST_TOP/ora/10.1.3/j2ee/forms/persistence/*
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4. execute autoconfig on application tier
$cd $INST_TOP/admin/scripts
Unable to start oafm using Running ends with timeout.
adoafmctl.txt showing:
--> Process (index=1,uid=349189076,pid=15039)
time out while waiting for a managed process to start
07/31/09-09:14:28 :: exiting with status 152
07/31/09-09:14:40 :: version 120.6.12000000.3
07/31/09-09:14:40 :: Checking the status of OPMN managed OAFM OC4J instance
Processes in Instance: SID_machine.machine.domain
ias-component | process-type | pid | status
default_group | oafm | N/A | Down
Existing JSP Tag Library Cache content was preventing the TLD Cache for the mapviewer app from initialising correctly.
To implement the solution, please execute the following steps:
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Do the following select from dba_tab_stats to show all tables with locked statistics on them:
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------------------------------ ------------------------------ -----
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14 rows selected.
From the above list 4 tables owned by APPS/APPLSYS shows as locked. Use the below API to release these locks and
re-attempt the statitics task. Should be Ok Now.
exec dbms_stats.unlock_schema_stats('schema_owner');
exec dbms_stats.unlock_schema_stats('APPLSYS');
11 rows selected.
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18th June 2015 Oracle Applications Tablespace Model - OATM and Manage
Tablespace alerts & PURGE & LOB Objects &Segments
Oracle Applications Tablespace Model - OATM
The Oracle Applications Tablespace Model was another long awaited feature that got introduced in 11.5.10.Prior to
11.5.10 by default each of the oracle applications product would have two dedicated tablespace holding the data element
and the other for storing the index eg GLD (For General Ledger base tables) and GLX (For indexes relation to the
General Ledger product).This easily resulted in some 300 odd tablespaces to manage apart from the system, temp and
the rollback tablespaces.
In the new Oracle Applications Tablespace Model (OATM) all these product related tablespaces have been consolidated
in two main tablespaces one for holding the base tables and the other for holding the related indexes. Apart from these
two tablespace you have an additional ten tablespaces including system tablespace undo tablespace and the temporary
tablespace. Thereby reducing the total number of tablespace in the OATM to twelve.
Apart from the obvious ease of management and administration with a reduced number of tablespace being involved the
OATM also provides benefits like efficient space utilization. This is achieved by supporting locally managed tablespaces
as opposed to the dictionary managed tablespace in the previous model.
OATM also supports uniform extent allocation and auto allocate extent management. In uniform extent management all
Madhanappsdba,Some of the blogs will directly points oracle notes or other blogs for myreference. Dynamic Views theme. Powered by Blogger.
the extents have the same size and result in less fragmentation. Auto allocate extent management allows the system to
SYS_LOB Objects Use A Lot Of Disk Space, What Are They? [ID 409022.1]
How to Purge MSD.AW$ LOB Segments [ID 418248.1]
FND_LOBS Table Growing Rapidly Due To Purchase Orders Attachments. How to deal with this. [ID 1410946.1]
Useful SQL Statements to Check What Makes FND_LOBS Grow? [ID 1245974.1]
What Are Concurrent Reports That Should Be Scheduled Periodically [ID 1066117.1]
Reducing Your Oracle E-Business Suite Data Footprint using Archiving, Purging, and Information Lifecycle Management
[ID 752322.1]
Purging Strategy for eBusiness Suite 11i [ID 732713.1]
How to Purge/Troubleshoot the FND_LOG_MESSAGES table [ID 735138.1]
Any Available Method of Purging XLA Tables? [ID 1111390.1]
Check current volume of SLA Data and Manually Archive/Purge Data from XLA/SLA Tables in R12 [ID 1491255.1]
Speeding Up And Purging Workflow [ID 132254.1]
Troubleshooting Workflow Data Growth Issues [ID 298550.1]
Payroll Purge [ID 155106.1]!/2013/08/oralce-apps-
purginggather-schema-stats.html [
Last but not least all this above notes give by Hussein Sawwan-Oracle or srini chavili you can search topics in Oralce
forum many discussion keeping for my reference.
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Start following our signals NOW and make up to 270% per day.
For the best practice please read the below notes from Oracle Sites
Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12 High Availability Documentation Roadmap (Doc ID 1072636.1)
Business Continuity for Oracle E-Business Release 12.1 Using Oracle 11g Release 2 Physical
This is just an sample reference read it from oracle support site where you can understand clearly.
Data Guard is the name for Oracle's standby database solution, used for disaster recovery and high availability. This
article contains an updated version of the 9i physical standby setup method posted here.
•Primary Server Setup
•Initialization Parameters
•Service Setup
•Backup Primary Database
•Create Standby Controlfile and PFILE
•Standby Server Setup (Manual)
•Copy Files
•Start Listener
•Restore Backup
•Create Redo Logs
•Standby Server Setup (DUPLICATE)
•Copy Files
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•Start Listener
•Create Standby Redo Logs on Primary Server
This blog is written
•Create Standby using DUPLICATE
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Related articles.
•Data Guard (9i)
•Data Guard (11gR2) Setup using Oracle Grid Control
•You have two servers (physical or VMs) with an operating system and Oracle installed on them. In this case I've used
Oracle Linux 5.6 and Oracle Database
•The primary server has a running instance.
•The standby server has a software only installation.
Primary Server Setup
Initialization Parameters
Check the setting for the DB_NAME and DB_UNIQUE_NAME parameters. In this case they are both set to "DB11G" on
the primary database.
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The DB_NAME of the standby database will be the same as that of the primary, but it must have a different
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value. Snapshot Timeslide
The DB_UNIQUE_NAME values of the primary and standby database should be used in the
DG_CONFIG setting of the LOG_ARCHIVE_CONFIG parameter. For this example, the standby database will have the
value "DB11G_STBY".
Set suitable remote archive log destinations. In this case I'm using the fast recovery area for the local location, but you
could specify an location explicitly if you prefer. Notice the SERVICE and the DB_UNIQUE_NAME for the remote location
reference the standby location.
In addition to the previous setting, it is recommended to make sure the primary is ready to switch roles to become a
standby. For that to work properly we need to set the following parameters. Adjust the *_CONVERT parameters to
account for your filename and path differences between the servers.
Remember, some of the parameters are not modifiable, so the database will need to be restarted before they take effect.
Service Setup
Entries for the primary and standby databases are needed in the "$ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/tnsnames.ora" files
on both servers. You can create these using the Network Configuration Utility (netca) or manually. The following entries
were used during this setup.
DB11G =
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If you are planning to use an active duplicate to create the standby database, then this step is unnecessary. For a
backup-based duplicate, or a manual restore, take a backup of the primary database.
$ rman target=/
Create a controlfile for the standby database by issuing the following command on the primary database.
Amend the PFILE making the entries relevant for the standby database. I'm making a replica of the original server, so in
my case I only had to amend the following parameters.
Copy Files
$ mkdir -p /u01/app/oracle/oradata/DB11G
$ mkdir -p /u01/app/oracle/fast_recovery_area/DB11G
$ mkdir -p /u01/app/oracle/admin/DB11G/adump
$ cp /u01/app/oracle/oradata/DB11G/control01.ctl /u01/app/oracle/fast_recovery_area/DB11G/control02.ctl
$ # Parameter file.
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$ # Remote login password file.
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$ scp oracle@ol5-112-dga1:$ORACLE_HOME/dbs/orapwDB11G [mailto:oracle@ol5-112-
dga1:$ORACLE_HOME/dbs/orapwDB11G] $ORACLE_HOME/dbs
Classic Flipcard Magazine Mosaic Sidebar Snapshot Timeslide
Notice, the backups were copied across to the standby server as part of the FRA copy. If your backups are not held
within the FRA, you must make sure you copy them to the standby server and make them available from the same path
as used on the primary server.
Start Listener
$ lsnrctl start
Restore Backup
$ export ORACLE_SID=DB11G
$ sqlplus / as sysdba
$ export ORACLE_SID=DB11G
$ rman target=/
Create online redo logs for the standby. It's a good idea to match the configuration of the primary server.
In addition to the online redo logs, you should create standby redo logs on both the standby and the primary database (in
case of switchovers). The standby redo logs should be at least as big as the largest online redo log and there should be
one extra group per thread compared the online redo logs. In my case, the following is standby redo logs must be
created on both servers.
Copy Files
$ mkdir -p /u01/app/oracle/oradata/DB11G
$ mkdir -p /u01/app/oracle/fast_recovery_area/DB11G
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$ mkdir -p /u01/app/oracle/admin/DB11G/adump
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Copy the files from the primary to the standby server.
$ cp /u01/app/oracle/oradata/DB11G/control01.ctl /u01/app/oracle/fast_recovery_area/DB11G/control02.ctl
$ # Parameter file.
Start Listener
When using active duplicate, the standby server requires static listener configuration in a "listener.ora" file. In this case I
used the following configuration.
(ORACLE_HOME = /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/db_1)
ADR_BASE_LISTENER = /u01/app/oracle
$ lsnrctl start
The DUPLICATE command automatically creates the standby redo logs on the standby. To make sure the primary
database is configured for switchover, we must create the standby redo logs on the primary server.
Start the auxillary instance on the standby server by starting it using the temporary "init.ora" file.
$ export ORACLE_SID=DB11G
$ sqlplus / as sysdba
Connect to RMAN, specifying a full connect string for both the TARGET and AUXILLARY instances. DO not attempt to
use OS authentication.
If you need to cancel the apply process, issue the following command.
If you prefer, you can set a delay between the arrival of the archived redo log and it being applied on the standby server
using the following commands.
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Test Log Transport
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On the primary server, check the latest archived redo log and force a log switch.
FROM v$archived_log
ORDER BY sequence#;
Check the new archived redo log has arrived at the standby server and been applied.
FROM v$archived_log
ORDER BY sequence#;
Protection Mode
The mode can be switched using the following commands. Note the alterations in the redo transport attributes.
-- Maximum Availability.
-- Maximum Performance.
-- Maximum Protection.
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Database Switchover
A database can be in one of two mutually exclusive modes (primary or standby). These roles can be altered at runtime
without loss of data or resetting of redo logs. This process is known as a Switchover and can be performed using the
following statements.
Once this is complete, test the log transport as before. If everything is working fine, switch the primary database back to
the original server by doing another switchover. This is known as a switchback.
If the primary database is not available the standby database can be activated as a primary database using the following
Since the standby database is now the primary database it should be backed up immediately.
The original primary database can now be configured as a standby. If Flashback Database was enabled on the primary
database, then this can be done relatively easily (shown here). If not, the whole setup process must be followed, but this
time using the original primary server as the standby.
Flashback Database
It was already mentioned in the previous section, but it is worth drawing your attention to Flashback Database once
more. Although a switchover/switchback is safe for both the primary and standby database, a failover renders the original
primary database useless for converting to a standby database. If flashback database is not enabled, the original primary
must be scrapped and recreated as a standby database.
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An alternative is to enable flashback database on the primary (and the standby if desired) so in the event of a failover,
the primary can be flashed back to the time before the failover and quickly converted to a standby database. That
process is shown here.
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Read-Only Standby and Active Data Guard
Once a standby database is configured, it can be opened in read-only mode to allow query access. This is often used to
offload reporting to the standby server, thereby freeing up resources on the primary server. When open in read-only
mode, archive log shipping continues, but managed recovery is stopped, so the standby database becomes increasingly
out of date until managed recovery is resumed.
In 11g, Oracle introduced the Active Data Guard feature. This allows the standby database to be open in read-only mode,
but still apply redo information. This means a standby can be available for querying, yet still be up to date. There are
licensing implications for this feature, but the following commands show how active data guard can be enabled.
Since managed recovery continues with active data guard, there is no need to switch back to managed recovery from
read-only mode in this case.
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This article describes the basic details of the DBVERIFY (or DBV)
(scn_wrap.scn_base OR scn)
dbv can be executed by specifying the file name and block size of the datafile. All other parameters are optional.
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# Oracle Utilities
. oraenv
set echo off feedback off verify off pages 0 termout off
linesize 150
spool dbv.cmd
from v\$datafile;
spool off
ksh dbv.cmd
# End of script
Make sure that the OS user account has read and write permissions or an error will occur with Oracle 11g Release 1 due
to a bug with DBVERIFY.
In addition, Oracle provides block corruption detection and repair with the Oracle 11g Recovery Manager (RMAN) utility
during backup and recovery processing.
Block corruption can also be detected by querying the v$database_block_corruption dynamic performance view. To
repair block corruption, the dbms_repair package can be used with Oracle 11g
Total Pages Examined – The number of blocks inspected by dbv. If the entire file was scanned, this value will match the
BLOCKS column for the file in v$datafile.
Total Pages Processed (Data) – The number of blocks inspected by dbv that contained table data.
Total Pages Failing (Data) – The number of table blocks that have corruption.
Total Pages Processed (Index) –The number of blocks inspected by dbv that contained index data.
Total Pages Failing (Index) – The number of index blocks that are corrupted.
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Total Pages Processed (Seg) – This output is new to 9i and allows the command to specify a segment that spans
Classic Flipcard Magazine
multiple files. Mosaic Sidebar Snapshot Timeslide
Total Pages Failing (Seg) – The number of segment data blocks that are corrupted.
Total Pages Marked Corrupt – This is the most important one. It shows the number of corrupt blocks discovered during
the scan.
Total Pages Influx – The number of pages that were re-read due to the page being in use. This should only occur when
executing dbv against hot datafiles and should never occur when running dbv against cold backup files.
FROM dba_extents
from sys.sys_user_segs
3 where s.segment_name='TAB1'
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dbv userid=system/manager SEGMENT_ID=2.5.37767
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Meaning Of The Message "Block Found Already Corrupt" When Running DBVerify (Doc ID 139425.1)
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You may also review the following docs and see if any applies.
ADRELINK of MSC and MSO executables fail (Doc ID 1492763.1)
Unable To Relink MSC And MSO Executables While Applying Patch 9032460 On 12.1.2 instance (Doc ID 1119473.1)
Unable to relink MSC/MSO executables on OEL/RHEL5 and also RedHat 4.9 (Doc ID 1273390.1)
R12: MSC Modules Error Out When Relinking with Adrelink (Doc ID 1345788.1)
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AutoConfig could not successfully execute the following scripts:
Directory: /......./inst/apps/tst1_a1/admin/install INSTE8_SETUP 1
There is an issue with database host so the creation of apps listner got error out...
Please look at some more note-ids for similar errors.
EBS Clone perl appsTier RC-50014: Fatal: Execution of AutoConfig Failed (Doc ID 1903426.1)
Autoconfig fails: AC-50480: Internal error occurred: java.lang.Exception: Error while generating listener.ora. (Doc ID
AC-50480: Internal error occurred: java.sql.SQLException: RC-50014: Fatal: Execution Of Autoconfig Failed
"APPS.FND_NET_SERVICES" Has Errors (Doc ID 337348.1)
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18th March 2015 Setting EM Blackouts from the GUI and Command Line and
the blogs will RETROACTIVE
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How-To: Create Retroactive Blackouts
Classic Flipcard Enterprise
Magazine Manager
Mosaic Cloud Control
Sidebar Snapshot12CTimeslide
Product Version:
OS: Linux x86-64
Setting Blackouts allow you to support planned outage periods to perform emergency or scheduled maintenance. Putting
a targets (or multiple) under blackout will suspend monitoring and prevents unnecessary alerts being generated when for
example a database target is brought down for scheduled maintenance operation such as the application of a PSU
As said, a blackout can be set for one or multiple targets or for all targets defined on a specific host. You can schedule a
blackout to run immediately or in the future. Furthermore a blackout can be scheduled to run indefinitely or stop after a
certain duration specified.
Blackouts can also be extended (when for example maintenance takes longer than anticipated) or stopped (if
maintenance took less time than foreseen).
When a blackout period ends, the Management Agent re-evaluates automatically all metrics set for the target(s).
The blackout functionality is available from both the Oracle EM Cloud Control 12c console as well as via the EM
command-line interface “EMCLI”.
Often scheduled maintenance on one or multiple targets is performed without putting the target(s) under blackout. These
periods of time would be reflected as target downtime instead of planned blackout periods.
This will have a negative impact on the target’s availability records. In such situations, EM Cloud Control 12c allows you
to go back and define a blackout period in the past that should have occurred at that time. Having this possibility to
create “retroactive blackouts”, will show a more accurate picture of the target’s availability.
Retroactive Blackouts
In order to use this feature, you need to enable it. Go to “Summary – Monitoring - Blackouts" as show below.
In order to use the feature to create "Retroactive Blackouts" we need first to activate it.
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Although you can choose the reason for the blackout from a drop-down list, it is also possible to enter a new reason for a
blackout defined. Click on "Manage Reasons".
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Click "Add Another Row". In our example I add the new reason "DB: Database Other".
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Click "OK".
Now we will create a "Retroactive Blackout". On the Blackouts main page, under "Related Links" (bottom of the page),
click on the link "Create Retroactive Blackout". The "Create Retroactive Blackout: Properties" page will be displayed
as shown below.
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From the screen "Search and Select: Targets", select the target(s) that you want to create a "Retroactive Blackout"
NOTE: Depending on the target type chosen, certain steps may be skipped. In our case we skip for example the steps
"Member Targets", "Targets on Host" and "Services", as a database instance has for example no "Member Targets".
Click "Next".
The "Create Retroactive Blackout: Time Period" screen is displayed. Here you have two option to choose from. The
first one is "Custom" where you specify the time period for Retroactive Blackout as shown below.
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We choose the second option to specify the time period, which is "From Target Downtime Duration", which will display
the downtime duration available for the selected target(s).
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In our example there are 4 downtime duration available to choose from for this specific Database Instance target.
Choose a target downtime duration and click "Next". The "Create Retroactive Blackout:Review" page will be
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As from EM 12c R4 ( there is new verb availabe to create "retroactive blackouts". This feature needs to be
enabled from the Cloud Control Console as shown previously for usung this "emcli" command.
With the following command the syntax plus examples is shown for this "create_rbk" verb.
Creates Retro-active blackout on given targets and updates their availability.
Only Enterprise Manager Administrators with OPERATOR privilege on target can perform this action.
The retro-active blackout feature needs to be enabled from the UI for using this emcli command.
The time period for creating retro-active blackout should not fall in current availability period
for any of the given targets.
1. emcli create_rbk -reason="Testing" -add_targets="Oemrep_Database:oracle_database"
-schedule="start_time:2013-09-20 12:12:12;end_time:2013-09-20 12:15:00;tzregion:UTC"
Creates retro-active blackout on Oemrep_Database and updates the
target's availability record from 2013-09-20 12:12:12 UTC to 2013-09-20 12:15:00 UTC as blackout.
2. emcli create_rbk -reason="Testing" -add_targets=""
-schedule="start_time:2013-09-20 12:12:12;end_time:2013-09-20 12:15:00;tzregion:UTC"
Creates retro-active blackout on all targets on host
and updates their availability records from
2013-09-20 12:12:12 UTC to 2013-09-20 12:15:00 UTC as blackout.
Madhanappsdba,Some of the blogs will directly points oracle notes or other blogs for myreference. Dynamic Views theme. Powered by Blogger.
- See more at:
ORACLE APPS DBA This blog is written to share and help doer's.Please sh… search
Classic Flipcard Magazine Mosaic Sidebar Snapshot Timeslide
Using Blackouts
Blackouts allow Enterprise Manager administrators to suspend all data collection activity on one or more monitored
targets. The primary reason for blacking out targets is to allow Enterprise Manager administrators to perform scheduled
maintenance on those targets.
A blackout can be defined for individual target(s), a group of multiple targets that reside on different hosts, or for all
targets on a host. The blackout can be scheduled to run immediately or in the future, and to run indefinitely or stop after a
specific duration. Blackouts can be created on an as-needed basis, or scheduled to run at regular intervals. If, during the
maintenance period, the administrator discovers that he needs more (or less) time to complete his maintenance tasks, he
can easily extend (or stop) the blackout that is currently in effect.
Blackout functionality is available from both the Enterprise Manager console as well as via the Enterprise Manager
command-line interface (EMCLI). EMCLI is often useful for administrators who would like to incorporate the blacking out
of a target within their maintenance scripts.
Enterprise Manager administrators who have at least Blackout Target privileges on all Selected Targets in a blackout will
be able to create, edit, stop, or delete the blackout.
In case an administrator has at least Blackout Target privileges on all Selected Targets (targets directly added to the
blackout), but does not have Blackout Target privileges on some or all of the Dependent Targets, then that administrator
will be able to edit, stop, or delete the blackout. For more information on Blackout access, see About Blackouts Best
2. From the table, click Create. Enterprise Manager displays a wizard page to guide you through the steps
required to create a blackout. Click Help from any wizard page for more information on specific steps.
Madhanappsdba,Some of the blogs will directly points oracle notes or other blogs for myreference. Dynamic Views theme. Powered by Blogger.
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Madhanappsdba,Some of the blogs will directly points oracle notes or other blogs for myreference. Dynamic Views theme. Powered by Blogger.
ORACLE APPS DBA This blog is written to share and help doer's.Please sh… search
To edit a blackout:
2. If necessary, use the Search and display options to show the blackouts you want to change in the blackouts
Enterprise Manager also allows you to edit blackouts after they have already started.
2. If necessary, you can use the Search and display options to show the blackouts you want to view in the
blackouts table.
3. Select the desired blackout and click View. Alternatively, if you are in View By - 'Targets in Blackout', then you
can click on blackout
Madhanappsdba,Some status
of the blogsin
willthe table
directly to access
points the orView
oracle notes otherBlackout page. If you
blogs for myreference. are in
Dynamic View
Views By -Powered
theme. 'Blackout
by Blogger.
Name', then you can click on a blackout name in the table to access the View Blackout page.
ORACLE APPS DBA This blog is written to share and help doer's.Please sh… search
You can bookmark the View Blackout page as a quick way to monitor the status of a particular blackout. Click Refresh to
display the most recent blackout information.
1. From the Cloud Control home page, click Targets and then All Targets. In the All Targets page, locate the
Management Agent in the list of targets. Click on the Management Agent's name. This brings you to the
Management Agent's home page.
2. The list of targets monitored by the Management Agent are listed in the Monitored Targets section.
a. Click the target name. This brings you to the target's home page.
b. From the <Target> menu, select Monitoring and then click Blackouts. This allows you to check
any currently running blackouts or blackouts that are scheduled in the future for this target.
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ORACLE APPS DBA This blog is written to share and help doer's.Please sh… search
[] Viewing Blackouts from Groups and Systems Target Administration Pages
For Groups and Systems, you can view blackout information about the number of active/scheduled blackouts on a
group/system and its member targets.
4. In the table, select the ended blackouts you want to remove and click Delete. The purge confirmation page
You can control blackouts from the Oracle Enterprise Manager 12c Cloud Control Console or from the Enterprise
Classic Flipcard Magazine
Manager command Mosaic Sidebar
line utility ( emctlSnapshot
). However,Timeslide
if you are controlling target blackouts from the command line, you
should not attempt to control the same blackouts from the Cloud Control Console. Similarly, if you are controlling target
blackouts from the Cloud Control Console, do not attempt to control those blackouts from the command line.
From the command line, you can perform the following blackout functions:
When you start a blackout from the command line, any Enterprise Manager jobs scheduled to run
against the blacked out targets will still run. If you use the Cloud Control Console to control blackouts,
you can optionally prevent jobs from running against blacked out targets.
2. Enter the appropriate command as described in Table 5-1, "Summary of Blackout Commands"
[] .
When you start a blackout, you must identify the target or targets affected by the blackout. To obtain
the correct target name and target type for a target, see "Listing the Targets on a Managed Host."
Madhanappsdba,Some of the blogs will directly points oracle notes or other blogs for myreference. Dynamic Views theme. Powered by Blogger.
Blackout Action Command
Set an immediate blackout on a
is written to share and help doer's.Please sh… search
emctl start blackout <Blackoutname>
particular target or list of targets
Classic Flipcard Magazine Mosaic Sidebar Snapshot Timeslide
[-d <Duration>]
Be sure to use a unique name for the blackout so you can refer to it later when you want to stop or check the
status of the blackout.
The -d option is used to specify the duration of the blackout. Duration is specified in [days] hh:mm where
If you do not specify a target or list of targets, Enterprise Manager will blackout the local host target. All
monitored targets on the host are not blacked out unless a list is specified or you use
the -nodelevel argument.
If two targets of different target types share the same name, you must identify the target with its target type.
Set an immediate blackout for all [] emctl start blackout <Blackoutname> [-nodeLevel] [-d <Duration>
targets on a host
The -nodeLevel option is used to specify a blackout for all the targets on the host; in other words, all the
targets that the Management Agent is monitoring, including the Management Agent host itself.
The -nodeLevel option must follow the blackout name. If you specify any targets after
the -nodeLevel option, the list is ignored.
Use the following examples to learn more about controlling blackouts from the Enterprise Manager command line:
To start a blackout called "bk1" for databases [] "db1" and "db2," and for Oracle Listener
"ldb2," enter the following command:
The blackout starts immediately and will last for 5 days 2 hours and 30 minutes.
To start an immediate blackout called "bk3" for all targets on the host:
To start an immediate blackout called "bk3" for database "db1" for 30 minutes:
Madhanappsdba,Some of the blogs will directly points oracle notes or other blogs for myreference. Dynamic Views theme. Powered by Blogger.
To start an immediate blackout called "bk3" for database "db2" for five hours:
ORACLE APPS DBA This blog is written to share and help doer's.Please sh… search
$PROMPT> emctl start blackout bk db2 -d 5:00
Here, an Enterprise Manager administrator has Blackout Target privilege on an aggregate target but do not have
OPERATOR privilege on its member/associated targets. You should ideally create a Full Blackout on this aggregate
target. When defining the blackout, you are allowed to select any member target, even those member targets for which
you have no Blackout Target privileges.
When the blackout actually starts, Enterprise Manager checks privileges on each member target and only blackout those
on which you have Blackout Target( or Higher) privileges. This automated privilege check and target blackout selection is
Enterprise Manager's "best effort" at blacking out the aggregate target.
All targets the blackout creator has Blackout Target (or higher) privilege on will be displayed in the first step of Create/Edit
Blackout Wizard. Once the blackout creator selects an aggregate type of target to be included in the Blackout Definition,
this Blackout is "Full Blackout" by default.
The creator has the option of choosing the Blackout to run on ”All Current” or ”Selected” Targets, by selecting the
appropriate values from the List box. Only when the "Full Blackout" option is chosen, will Blackout Best Effort affect
targets for which the creator does not have Blackout Target (or higher) privileges.
Consider 3 targets T1,T2 and T3 (all databases). A Group G1 contains all these 3 targets.
User U1 has OPERATOR privilege on T1,T2 and G1. User U1 has VIEW privilege on T3.
User U1 creates a scheduled full blackout on target G1. Scheduled implies that the blackout will start at a later point in
At the time of blackout creation, the tip text Needs Blackout Target privilege, see Tip below the table would be shown
beside target T3.
When this blackout starts, if by that time User U1 has been granted OPERATOR privileges on target T3, then target T3
would also be under blackout. Otherwise only targets T1, T2 and G1 will be under blackout.
As well, blackouts also suspends data collection for the given targets. This means that certain metrics such as availability will not be
To create a blackout from the GUI, login to Enterprise Manager, navigate to the target you would like to blackout and at the bottom of the
page under Related Links you will see a Blackouts link. You will be brought to the following page:
Madhanappsdba,Some of the blogs will directly points oracle notes or other blogs for myreference. Dynamic Views theme. Powered by Blogger.
On the screen above you can view any blackouts that may currently be in effect as well as create new ones. To create a new blackout click
Classic Flipcard Magazine Mosaic Sidebar Snapshot Timeslide
On this page you can create a name for the blackout, with the default being “Blackout-<timestamp>”. You can also select the targets you
wish to set the blackout for. As you can see from the screenshot I am going to set a blackout for an infrastructure application server
You can also provide a reason for the blackout by click on the Reason drop down list. Quite a few are available, from Server
Bounce toSecurity Patch. Jobs can be disabled by deselecting the Run jobs during the blackout checkbox. If your applying a security
patch then you may not want a scheduled backup to run as it will either error or cause problems.
The next screen allows you to select which components within the target will be blacked out. I selected a full blackout but you can select
certain members if the outage will only affect specific components.
This screen allows you to schedule the blackout. It can either start immediately or you can choose a date along with a duration. Blackouts
can be repeating as well, so you only have to create one for that monthly maintenance window for example.
The last screen provides a summary and once you have finished reviewing click on the Finish button.
You can also set blackouts from the command line, which is useful if you have some maintenance scripts which are not executed from
Enterprise Managers job system. I’ve only tested this on linux but it should be the same for windows.
-nodeLevel tells the agent to stop monitoring all targets on the server.
-d Duration allows you to set a duration in the format of [days] hh:mm. ex. 1 02:05 means the blackout will last for 1 day, 2 hours and 5
For example, to use this in a script in which all targets will be unavailable you would start a blackout at the beginning of the script and stop
it at the end:
cd $AGENT_HOME/bin
./emctl start blackout alltargets-myserver –nodeLevel
<Perform Maintenance Tasks>
cd $AGENT_HOME/bin
./emctl stop blackout alltargets-myserver
In case you hit issues with blackouts take a look at the following notes:
Subject: Agent Blackout Initiated By Emctl Command Not Ending Doc ID: 559577.1
Subject: How to Troubleshoot the EM 10gR1 Blackout Sub-system Doc ID: 284024.1
Subject: Troubleshooting Blackouts in EM 10g Grid Control using EMDiag Kit Doc ID: 300671.1
They provide alot of information and solutions to different scenarios. I hit an issue over the weekend in which the blackout didn’t end
properly. When I tried to stop it from the command line:
Madhanappsdba,Some of the blogs will directly points oracle notes or other blogs for myreference. Dynamic Views theme. Powered by Blogger.
Error stopping the blackout on "infra10g": ORA-20710: Agent-side blackouts cannot be edited
ORACLE APPS DBA This blog is written to share and help doer's.Please sh… search
or stopped ORA-06512: at "SYSMAN.MGMT_BLACKOUT_ENGINE", line 501 ORA-06512: at
06512: at "SYSMAN.MGMT_BLACKOUT_UI", line 1167 ORA-06512: at line 1 .
Classic Flipcard Magazine Mosaic Sidebar Snapshot Timeslide
To fix this problem I performed the following:
1. Shutdown the agent on the target server myserver
2. Removed the blackouts.xml file under $AGENT_HOME/sysman/emd
3. Used note 421053.1 to install the EMDiag kit
4. Logged in as sysman on the Enterprise Managers repository database and executed the following query:
-------------------------------- ----------------------
30E2956CA329F0E59FBDF50951F2578E alltargets-myserver
5. Then executed:
exec mgmt_diag.KillBlackout(HEXTORAW(‘30E2956CA329F0E59FBDF50951F2578E’));
6. Restarted the agent on myserver and when I looked in Enterprise manager the blackout had cleared.
I have seen the command used above for some other scenarios but not this one specifically. Before executing any commands in your
environment please test first.
In this demo I show you how to create node level blackout from Enterprise Manager 12c or from command line.
You can create node level blackouts for one node or for many nodes at a time.
In this demo I will be adding memory to my vbox machine and I do not want o get alerts from Enterprise Manager 12c.
4. Give the blackout a name or leave the default. Add comments and select a reason if needed. Un-check the box to not
allow jobs to run during the blackout. Click Next
5. You can see that all targets on the host will be blacked out. Click Next
6. You can set the blackout to start immediate or at a later date and time. You can set the blackout duration to indefinite, a
certain length or to an until date and time. You can also set the blackout to repeat. Click Next
8. You will see a message that states the blackout has started. Now in the search box type the host that you just created the
blackout and click the arrow.
9. We can now see that all targets that are part of the host show a status of blackout.
Madhanappsdba,Some of the blogs will directly points oracle notes or other blogs for myreference. Dynamic Views theme. Powered by Blogger.
10. I will DBA
now shutdown my server.
This blog is written to share and help doer's.Please sh… search
11. We can see that the targets are in blackout and no new alerts have come in for availability.
13. The server has been restart and all targets on my host have been restarted.
Remove Blackout
17. You will see a message that states the blackout was successfully ended. Type the host into the search box and click the
19. If you wait a few minutes and click refresh you will then see the target status to online.
2. Click Enterprise>Monitoring>Blackouts
3. Click Create
4. Give the blackout a name or leave the default. Add comments and select a reason if needed. Un-check the box to not
allow jobs to run during the blackout. Click Add
5. Set the target type to host and search for your targets. Select the targets that need to be in this blackout operation.
Click Select
6. All the targets on the host will be part of the blackout click Next
7. You can set the blackout to start immediate or at a later date and time. You can set the blackout duration to indefinite, a
certain length or to an until date and time. You can also set the blackout to repeat. Click Next
9. You will see a message that confirms the blackout has been started.
Remove Blackout
10. Search for a host that is the parent of the blackout. Select one of the targets in the blackout and click Stop.
11. You will see all targets in the blackout that will be stopped. Click Yes
Madhanappsdba,Some of the blogs will directly points oracle notes or other blogs for myreference. Dynamic Views theme. Powered by Blogger.
will see a message that states
Thisthe request
blog to stop theto
is written blackout.
shareThe status
and for the
help blackout will showsh
doer's.Please stop
… pending.
If you wait a few minutes and then click refresh the status will change to stopped.
Classic Flipcard Magazine Mosaic Sidebar Snapshot Timeslide
Command Line
You can also create node level blackout from the server
$cd $AGENT_HOME/bin
$./emctl start blackout `hostname` -nodelevel
In this article, we will discuss blackout period in Oracle enterprise manager. The blackout is the part of the
administrator in Oracle. A blackout period can be defined for individual targets, a group of targets or for all
targets on a host. The blackout can be scheduled to run immediately or in the future, and to run indefinitely or
stop after a specific duration.
Step by Step explain:
The Database Instance page is displaying and we will click setup at the top of the database
home page.
The Administrators and setup page is displaying and we will click Blackouts in the left hand pane.
The Blackouts page is displaying and we will click Create to start the Create Blackout wizard.
The Create Blackout: Properties page is displaying and we will enter a name for your blackout in
the Name field. We can also add comments in the Comments field although it is not a required a field. We will
select Enter a new reason and enter a reason for your blackout.
The Targets is dividing in two parts: Available Targets and Selected Targets. We will selectDatabase
Instance in the type drop-down menu in the Available Targets region and we will select your database and
click Move.
Your database is now listed as a Selected Target and we will click Next button.
The Create Blackout: Schedule page is displaying and this page is show Start, Duration andRepeating.
After that we will enter the start time of your planned blackout, or choose immediately if you are shutting
down the database now.
We will select the Duration of the blackout, as indefinite, as a length of time, or until a time in the future.
The Repeating accept the default value "Do Not Repeat" or select a repeat frequency in the pull down menu.
We will click Next.
The Create Blackout: Review page is displaying. The Review what we have entered and clickFinish. You can
click Back if you need to change a setting.
Madhanappsdba,Some of the blogs will directly points oracle notes or other blogs for myreference. Dynamic Views theme. Powered by Blogger.
ORACLE APPS DBA This blog is written to share and help doer's.Please sh… search
EMCTL Blackout Scripts
[] [] [
As well, blackouts also suspends data collection for the given targets. This means that certain metrics such as availability will not be
To create a blackout from the GUI, login to Enterprise Manager, navigate to the target you would like to blackout and at the bottom of the
page under Related Links you will see a Blackouts link. You will be brought to the following page:
On the screen above you can view any blackouts that may currently be in effect as well as create new ones. To create a new blackout click
on the create button.
On this page you can create a name for the blackout, with the default being “Blackout-<timestamp>”. You can also select the targets you
wish to set the blackout for. As you can see from the screenshot I am going to set a blackout for an infrastructure application server
You can also provide a reason for the blackout by click on the Reason drop down list. Quite a few are available, from Server
Bounce toSecurity Patch. Jobs can be disabled by deselecting the Run jobs during the blackout checkbox. If your applying a security
patch then you may not want a scheduled backup to run as it will either error or cause problems.
The next screen allows you to select which components within the target will be blacked out. I selected a full blackout but you can select
certain members if the outage will only affect specific components.
This screen allows you to schedule the blackout. It can either start immediately or you can choose a date along with a duration. Blackouts
can be repeating as well, so you only have to create one for that monthly maintenance window for example.
The last screen provides a summary and once you have finished reviewing click on the Finish button.
You can also set blackouts from the command line, which is useful if you have some maintenance scripts which are not executed from
Enterprise Managers job system. I’ve only tested this on linux but it should be the same for windows.
ORACLE APPS DBA This blog is written to share and help doer's.Please sh…
-nodeLevel tells the agent to stop monitoring all targets on the server.
For example, to use this in a script in which all targets will be unavailable you would start a blackout at the beginning of the script and stop
it at the end:
cd $AGENT_HOME/bin
./emctl start blackout alltargets-myserver –nodeLevel
<Perform Maintenance Tasks>
cd $AGENT_HOME/bin
./emctl stop blackout alltargets-myserver
In case you hit issues with blackouts take a look at the following notes:
Subject: Agent Blackout Initiated By Emctl Command Not Ending Doc ID: 559577.1
Subject: How to Troubleshoot the EM 10gR1 Blackout Sub-system Doc ID: 284024.1
Subject: Troubleshooting Blackouts in EM 10g Grid Control using EMDiag Kit Doc ID: 300671.1
They provide alot of information and solutions to different scenarios. I hit an issue over the weekend in which the blackout didn’t end
properly. When I tried to stop it from the command line:
Error stopping the blackout on "infra10g": ORA-20710: Agent-side blackouts cannot be edited
or stopped ORA-06512: at "SYSMAN.MGMT_BLACKOUT_ENGINE", line 501 ORA-06512: at
06512: at "SYSMAN.MGMT_BLACKOUT_UI", line 1167 ORA-06512: at line 1 .
-------------------------------- ----------------------
30E2956CA329F0E59FBDF50951F2578E alltargets-myserver
5. Then executed:
exec mgmt_diag.KillBlackout(HEXTORAW(‘30E2956CA329F0E59FBDF50951F2578E’));
6. Restarted the agent on myserver and when I looked in Enterprise manager the blackout had cleared.
I have seen the command used above for some other scenarios but not this one specifically. Before executing any commands in your
environment please test first.
In this demo I show you how to create node level blackout from Enterprise Manager 12c or from command line.
You can create node level blackouts for one node or for many nodes at a time.
Madhanappsdba,Some of the blogs will directly points oracle notes or other blogs for myreference. Dynamic Views theme. Powered by Blogger.
In this APPS
demo I will beDBA
adding memory
my vbox
is machine
writtenandtoI do not want
share ando get alertsdoer's.Please
help from Enterprise Manager
sh…12c. search
Create Node Level Blackout from Target
Classic Flipcard Magazine Mosaic Sidebar Snapshot Timeslide
1. Log into OEM
4. Give the blackout a name or leave the default. Add comments and select a reason if needed. Un-check the box to not
allow jobs to run during the blackout. Click Next
5. You can see that all targets on the host will be blacked out. Click Next
6. You can set the blackout to start immediate or at a later date and time. You can set the blackout duration to indefinite, a
certain length or to an until date and time. You can also set the blackout to repeat. Click Next
8. You will see a message that states the blackout has started. Now in the search box type the host that you just created the
blackout and click the arrow.
9. We can now see that all targets that are part of the host show a status of blackout.
11. We can see that the targets are in blackout and no new alerts have come in for availability.
12. I add new memory to my server.
13. The server has been restart and all targets on my host have been restarted.
Remove Blackout
17. You will see a message that states the blackout was successfully ended. Type the host into the search box and click the
19. If you wait a few minutes and click refresh you will then see the target status to online.
ORACLE APPS DBA This blog is written to share and help doer's.Please sh… search
2. Click Enterprise>Monitoring>Blackouts
Classic Flipcard Magazine Mosaic Sidebar Snapshot Timeslide
3. Click Create
4. Give the blackout a name or leave the default. Add comments and select a reason if needed. Un-check the box to not
allow jobs to run during the blackout. Click Add
5. Set the target type to host and search for your targets. Select the targets that need to be in this blackout operation.
Click Select
6. All the targets on the host will be part of the blackout click Next
7. You can set the blackout to start immediate or at a later date and time. You can set the blackout duration to indefinite, a
certain length or to an until date and time. You can also set the blackout to repeat. Click Next
9. You will see a message that confirms the blackout has been started.
Remove Blackout
10. Search for a host that is the parent of the blackout. Select one of the targets in the blackout and click Stop.
11. You will see all targets in the blackout that will be stopped. Click Yes
12. You will see a message that states the request to stop the blackout. The status for the blackout will show stop pending.
If you wait a few minutes and then click refresh the status will change to stopped.
Command Line
You can also create node level blackout from the server
$cd $AGENT_HOME/bin
$./emctl start blackout `hostname` -nodelevel
In this article, we will discuss blackout period in Oracle enterprise manager. The blackout is the part of the
administrator in Oracle. A blackout period can be defined for individual targets, a group of targets or for all
targets on a host. The blackout can be scheduled to run immediately or in the future, and to run indefinitely or
stop after a specific duration.
Step by Step explain:
The Database Instance page is displaying and we will click setup at the top of the database
home page.
Madhanappsdba,Some of the blogs will directly points oracle notes or other blogs for myreference. Dynamic Views theme. Powered by Blogger.
The Administrators and setup page is displaying and we will click Blackouts in the left hand pane.
Image3 This blog is written to share and help doer's.Please sh… search
The Blackouts page is displaying and we will click Create to start the Create Blackout wizard.
The Create Blackout: Properties page is displaying and we will enter a name for your blackout in
the Name field. We can also add comments in the Comments field although it is not a required a field. We will
select Enter a new reason and enter a reason for your blackout.
The Targets is dividing in two parts: Available Targets and Selected Targets. We will selectDatabase
Instance in the type drop-down menu in the Available Targets region and we will select your database and
click Move.
Your database is now listed as a Selected Target and we will click Next button.
The Create Blackout: Schedule page is displaying and this page is show Start, Duration andRepeating.
After that we will enter the start time of your planned blackout, or choose immediately if you are shutting
down the database now.
We will select the Duration of the blackout, as indefinite, as a length of time, or until a time in the future.
The Repeating accept the default value "Do Not Repeat" or select a repeat frequency in the pull down menu.
We will click Next.
The Create Blackout: Review page is displaying. The Review what we have entered and clickFinish. You can
click Back if you need to change a setting.
The Confirmation page is displaying and this page show the message "Blackout DBA created
We can edit, view display and stop blackout in Oracle Enterprise Manager.
EMCTL Blackout Scripts
[] [] [
Start following our signals right now and profit up to 270% per day.
9th January 2015 How to apply patch while you are in the middle of ADPATCH
How to Apply an 11i Patch When adpatch is Already Running
Sometimes when you are in the middle of applying a patch you may get adworkers errors or you can find out that a patch
is missing.
So you need to apply a second patch (which solves the problem) in the middle of a running patch.
2. Use adctrl (option 5) to tell managers that all workers have QUIT. (Adpatch session ends!)
6. Login as APPLSYS and revert back to the original tables, ad_deferred_jobs and fnd_install_processes
ALTER "TABLE" applsys.ad_deferred_jobs_old "RENAME" TO ad_deferred_jobs;
ALTER "TABLE" applsys.fnd_install_processes_old "RENAME" TO fnd_install_processes;
ALTER "INDEX" applsys.ad_deferred_jobs_u1_old "RENAME" TO ad_deferred_jobs_u1;
ALTER "INDEX" applsys.fnd_install_processes_u1_old "RENAME" TO fnd_install_processes_u1;
7. Replace the original restart directory:
9. Use adctrl (option 2, will change status to “Fixed/Restart”) to restart the failed workers for first patch
Madhanappsdba,Some of the blogs will directly points oracle notes or other blogs for myreference. Dynamic Views theme. Powered by Blogger.
check the status of the worker using option 1 [Show worker status].
1. Check
Classic Flipcard adwork01.log
Magazine Mosaic [check the Snapshot
Sidebar failed worker number] file under
$APPL_TOP/admin//log directory for details about the error.
3. Use Option 2 [Tell worker to restart a failed job] to restart the failed job in adctrl
4. If the issue is fixed properly the worker will start and complete the job and your
adpatch will continue executing.
Sometimes, you need to restart all the workers and exit the adpatch session and restart
it from the failed location will do your job.
3 View comments
ERROR at line 1:
Madhanappsdba,Some of the blogs will directly points oracle notes or other blogs for myreference. Dynamic Views theme. Powered by Blogger.
ORACLE APPS DBA This blog is written to share and help doer's.Please sh… [], []
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments:[kcratr_nab_less_than_odr], [1], [2022], [523240], [523468], [], [], [], [],[],search
2, To view the alert log, database startup, have begun to log recovery, but recovery times wrong ORA-600, in addition to
generate a TRC file, without more detailed information
Classic Flipcard Magazine
Thu Feb Mosaic
06 23:13:19 2014Sidebar Snapshot Timeslide
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments:[kcratr_nab_less_than_odr], [1], [2022], [523240], [523468], [], [], [], [],[], [], []
Errors in file/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/epm/epm1/trace/epm1_ora_4679.trc:
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments:[kcratr_nab_less_than_odr], [1], [2022], [523240], [523468], [], [], [], [],[], [], []
Errors in file/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/epm/epm1/trace/epm1_ora_4679.trc:
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments:[kcratr_nab_less_than_odr], [1], [2022], [523240], [523468], [], [], [], [],[], [], []
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments:[kcratr_nab_less_than_odr], [1], [2022], [523240], [523468], [], [], [], [],[], [], []
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments:[kcratr_nab_less_than_odr], [1], [2022], [523240], [523468], [], [], [], [],[], [], []
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments:[kcratr_nab_less_than_odr], [1], [2022], [523240], [523468], [], [], [], [],[], [], []
Madhanappsdba,Some of the blogs will directly points oracle notes or other blogs for myreference. Dynamic Views theme. Powered by Blogger.
4,Query metalink, relevant case, mainly due to store a sudden blackout, leading up to the online log file to write the log
-> manually provide Online RedoLogcontaining the last (current) Sequence when asked, eg.
ORA-00289: suggestion :
Log applied.
5,By solving methods on metalink, according to the prompt input online log file name, database again error ORA-00600
[2662] [2139]: internal errorcode, arguments: [2662], [2139], [791626372], [2139],
[oracle@localhost oradata]$ sqlplus"/as sysdba"
Database mounted.
thread 1
Madhanappsdba,Some of the blogs will directly points oracle notes or other blogs for myreference. Dynamic Views theme. Powered by Blogger.
Log applied.
Media recovery complete.
This blog is written to share and help doer's.Please sh… search
Classic Flipcard
SQL>Magazine Mosaic
alter database openSidebar
resetlogs;Snapshot Timeslide
ERROR at line 1:
6, To view the alert log, error and the same, and prompt, generating a TRC file, query, identified as the resetlogs still exist
database bad block
[oracle@localhost trace]$ tail -falert_epm1.log
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments:[2662], [2139], [791626371], [2139], [791626610], [12583120], [], [], [], [],[], []
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments:[2662], [2139], [791626368], [2139], [791626610], [12583120], [], [], [], [],[], []
Errors in file/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/epm/epm1/incident/incdir_411735/epm1_ora_9658_i411735.trc:
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments:[2662], [2139], [791626372], [2139], [791626610], [12583120], [], [], [], [],[], []
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments:[2662], [2139], [791626371], [2139], [791626610], [12583120], [], [], [], [],[], []
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments:[2662], [2139], [791626368], [2139], [791626610], [12583120], [], [], [], [],[], []
7 to restart the database, the database has been able to start, but the starting soon after the down,
SQL> startup mount;
Database altered.
ERROR at line 1:
Classic Flipcard Magazine Mosaic Sidebar Snapshot Timeslide
ORA-03135: connection lost contact
9, Continue to query metalink, about ora-600[4194], the ID 1428786.1 has a detailed explanation, the reason is because
of power outages or hardware failure, the database instance recovery rollback times,
The following error is occurring in thealert.log right before the database crashes.
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments:[4194], [#], [#], [], [], [], [], []
This error indicates that a mismatch hasbeen detected between redo records and rollback (undo) records.
Since we are adding a new undo record toour undo block, we would expect that the new record number is equal to
themaximum record number in the undo block plus one. Before Oracle can add a newundo record to the undo block it
validates that this is correct. If thisvalidation fails, then an ORA-600 [4194] will be triggered.
This issue generally occurs when there is apower outage or hardware failure that initially crashes the database.
Onstartup, the database does the normal roll forward (redo) and then rollback(undo), this is where the error is generated
on the rollback.
10, The metalink solution is to rebuild the undo table space, the basic idea is to put the undo setting for the manual
management mode, the reconstruction of undo, and then restart the database
Database mounted.
----------------------------------------------- ------------------------------
Database altered.
Tablespace created.
System altered.
Start up the database again, this time also can start correctly
SQL> startup
Database mounted.
Database opened.
1.3 database of bad blocks
11, At this time, see the log for the database, a database of bad blocks in terms of error, though only just quote a
database of bad blocks, but there may be more bad block
Thu Feb 06 18:52:57 2014
12, The authentication database bad block, two methods are commonly used, the two methods are consistent in
essence, this paper used the RMAN command
1), The RMAN command
run {
Madhanappsdba,Some of the blogs will directly points oracle notes or other blogs for myreference. Dynamic Views theme. Powered by Blogger.
allocate channel d2 type disk;
ORACLE APPS DBA This blog is written to share and help doer's.Please sh…
backup validate check logical database;
Classic Flipcard
} Magazine Mosaic Sidebar Snapshot Timeslide
Validation of a file
RMAN> backup validate datafile 4;
List of Datafiles
Data 0 292182
Index 0 45604
Other 2 92580
4 439296 1 0 FRACTURED
4 439168 1 0 FRACTURED
8 2610431 1 0 FRACTURED
8 2547178 1 0 FRACTURED
8 2547114 1 0 FRACTURED
8 2547050 1 0 FRACTURED
8 2546986 1 0 FRACTURED
8 2546922 1 0 FRACTURED
8 2546890 1 0 FRACTURED
8 2546858 1 0 FRACTURED
Madhanappsdba,Some of the blogs will directly points oracle notes or other blogs for myreference. Dynamic Views theme. Powered by Blogger.
This0 blog
is written to share and help doer's.Please sh… search
8 2546794 1 0 FRACTURED
8 2546762 1 0 FRACTURED
8 2546730 1 0 FRACTURED
8 2546698 1 0 FRACTURED
8 2459433 1 0 FRACTURED
8 2459305 1 0 FRACTURED
8 1596687 1 0 FRACTURED
9 876808 1 0 FRACTURED
9 662038 1 0 FRACTURED
9 345491 1 0 FRACTURED
9 281617 1 0 FRACTURED
16, For an index bad block, treatment is relatively simple, direct rebuild can be, if the index more bad blocks, can choose
to rebuild all index
Rebuild the index
Additional information: -1
17, At this point, the database was successfully started, business also returned to normal
Reference document
metalink:ORA-600 [kcratr_nab_less_than_odr]during Instance Recovery after Database Crash (Doc ID 1299564.1)
metalink:Step by step to resolve ORA-6004194 4193 4197 on database crash (Doc ID 1428786.1)
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8th December 2014 Archive log filled up 100%,PROD and DR out of sync
..Archive log filled up 100% ORA-16038: log cannot be
archived ORA-19809: limit exceeded for recovery files..
Archive log filled up 100% ORA-16038: log cannot be archived ORA-19809: limit exceeded for recovery files. PROD and
Madhanappsdba,Some of the blogs will directly points oracle notes or other blogs for myreference. Dynamic Views theme. Powered by Blogger.
DR unable to sync
ORACLE APPS DBA This blog is written to share and help doer's.Please sh… search
Classic Flipcard
we need toMosaic Sidebar that
checkalert.log Snapshot
shows Timeslide
Errors in file
← ORA-39002: invalid operation ORA-39070: Unable to open the log file. ORA-29283: invalid file
operation ORA-06512: at “SYS.UTL_FILE”, ORA-29283: invalid file operationCRS-0184: Cannot
communicate with the CRS daemon CRS-4639: Could not contact Oracle High Availability Services →
ORA-16038: log cannot be archived ORA-19809: limit exceeded for recovery files
Posted on 27/02/2014 by qobesa
When i was making backup with rman it was throwing above error. firts we need to check alert.log
that shows next:
flash recovery area is full therefore, we have two option to solve this problem:
1) add size to flash_recovery_area if we have free disk space.
ORACLE APPS DBA This blog is written to share and help doer's.Please sh…
RMAN> delete expired archivelog all;
Copyright (c) 1982, 2009, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
example sysdate-10
Mostly this will clear the requried space in it. PROD and DR will be started sync automatically
Find out if the standby database is performing managed recovery. If the MRP0 or MRP process
exists, then the standby database is performing managed recovery.
Madhanappsdba,Some of the blogs will directly points oracle notes or other blogs for myreference. Dynamic Views theme. Powered by Blogger.
ORACLE APPS DBA This blog is written to share and help doer's.Please sh… search
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5th December 2014 Database Refreshing clone oralce apps 11i using Rman
In order to facilitate troubleshooting we maintain a test environment which is a nightly copy of our 11i production environment.
Since this environment is usually used to test data fixes it has to be as up to date as possible. To perform the database refresh
we use rman's duplicate feature.
The goal of this article isn't just to provide the entire set of scripts and send you on your way. I think its safe to say that most
EBS environments aren't identical, so its not like you could take them and execute with no issues. Instead i'll highlight the steps
we follow and some of the key scripts.
NOTE: This doesn't include any pre-setup steps such as, if this is the first time duplicating the database make sure you have
the parameters db_file_name_convert and log_file_name_convert specified in your test environments init file.
· Step 1: Shutdown the test environment. If you are using 10g then remove any tempfiles. In 10g, rman now
includes tempfile information and if they exist you will encounter errors. Check this previous post.
[] Startup the database in nomount mode.
· Step 2: Build a Rman Script. There are a couple of ways to recover to a point in time and we have decided to use
SCN numbers. Since this process needs to be automated, we query productions rman catalog and determine the proper SCN
to use and build an rman script. Here it is:
Madhanappsdba,Some of the blogs will directly points oracle notes or other blogs for myreference. Dynamic Views theme. Powered by Blogger.
set feedback off
spool $HOME/scripts/prod_to_vis.sql
vmax_fuzzy number;
vmax_ckp number;
scn number;
select max(absolute_fuzzy_change#)+1,
from rc_backup_datafile;
scn := vmax_fuzzy;
scn := vmax_ckp;
end if;
dbms_output.put_line('run {');
dbms_output.put_line('group 2 ('||chr(39)||log_file_dest1||'log02a.dbf'||chr(39)||',');
spool off;
run {
Madhanappsdba,Some of the blogs will directly points oracle notes or other blogs for myreference. Dynamic Views theme. Powered by Blogger.
allocate auxiliary channel ch1 type disk;
ORACLE APPS DBA This blog is written to share and help doer's.Please sh…
allocate auxiliary channel ch2 type disk;
group 2 ('/oradata/dbf/visdata/log02a.dbf',
Note: Our production nightly backups are on disk which are NFS mounted to our test server.
· Step 3: Execute the rman script. Launch rman, connect to the target, catalog, auxiliary and execute the script above:
rman> connect target sys/syspasswd@PROD catalog rmancat/catpasswd@REPO auxiliary /
You may want to put some error checking around rman to alert you if it fails. We have a wrapper script which supplies the
connection information and calls the rman script above. Our refresh is critical so if it fails we need to be paged.
rman @$SCRIPTS/prod_to_vis.sql
if [ $? != 0 ]
echo Failed
exit 1
· Step 4: If production is in archivelog mode but test isn't, then mount the database and alter database noarchivelog;
· Step 5: If you are using a hotbackup for cloning then you need to execute adupdlib.sql. This updates libraries with
correct OS paths. (Appendix B of Note:230672.1)
· Step 6: Change passwords. For database accounts such as sys, system and other non-applications accounts
change the passwords using alter user. For applications accounts such as apps/applsys, modules, sysadmin, etc use
FNDCPASS to change their passwords.
Specifically check
es and look for production hostnames and ports. We also update the forms title bar with the date the environment was
Madhanappsdba,Some of the blogs will directly points oracle notes or other blogs for myreference. Dynamic Views theme. Powered by Blogger.
· Cancel Concurrent requests. We don't need concurrent requests which are scheduled in production to
set min_processes = 4
where concurrent_queue_id = 0;
· Step 10: Perform any custom/environment specific steps. We have some custom modules which required some
modifications as part of cloning.
· Step 11: Startup all of the application processes. ($S_TOP/
NOTE: If you have an application tier you may have to run autoconfig before starting up the services.
Hopefully this article was of some use even tho it was pretty vague at times. If you have any questions feel free to ask. Any
corrections or better methods don't hesitate to leave a comment either.
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There are other ways also to do a clone of database with online backup. But in this article I am illustrating rman database
cloning with nocatalog option.
1. Install all required rapid clone patches from Note "406982.1" on source system if doesn't exists.
2. Run clone preparation script ( on database and application Tier
3. Perform full database backup using rman
4. Perform application file system backup using tar/backup tool
5. Copy RDBMS ORACLE_HOME, rman backup pieces and Application FS on target node
6. Create database context file using clone configuration script (
7. Restore and recover database using rman
8. Run autoconfig on target database node
9. Run clone configuration script on application Tier on targte node.
10. perform post clone steps
- Perform all OS pre-requisites on target system (OS packages, users, groups, kernel parameters, Display, File system
privileges and space requirements)
Classic Flipcard Magazine ------------------------------
---------- Mosaic Sidebar Snapshot Timeslide
374712 9239089
SQL> /
Enter value for num: 9171651
old 1: select BUG_ID, BUG_NUMBER from ad_bugs where bug_number='&num'
new 1: select BUG_ID, BUG_NUMBER from ad_bugs where bug_number='9171651'
---------- ------------------------------
375423 9171651
SQL> /
Enter value for num: 9833058
old 1: select BUG_ID, BUG_NUMBER from ad_bugs where bug_number='&num'
new 1: select BUG_ID, BUG_NUMBER from ad_bugs where bug_number='9833058'
---------- ------------------------------
375424 9833058
SQL> /
Enter value for num: 12404574
old 1: select BUG_ID, BUG_NUMBER from ad_bugs where bug_number='&num'
new 1: select BUG_ID, BUG_NUMBER from ad_bugs where bug_number='12404574'
---------- ------------------------------
375421 12404574
SQL> /
Enter value for num: 12598630
old 1: select BUG_ID, BUG_NUMBER from ad_bugs where bug_number='&num'
new 1: select BUG_ID, BUG_NUMBER from ad_bugs where bug_number='12598630'
---------- ------------------------------
375422 12598630
Version 12.0.0
_ERP/db/tech_st/11.1.0/jlib/ojmisc.jar -e
/data/R12_ERP/db/tech_st/11.1.0/appsutil/ERPTEST_devdb.xml -stage
/data/R12_ERP/db/tech_st/11.1.0/appsutil/clone -tmp /tmp -method
CUSTOM -showProgress
APPS Password :
Log file located at
- 50% completed of the blogs will directly points oracle notes or other blogs for myreference. Dynamic Views theme. Powered by Blogger.
Completed Stage...
Sun Feb DBA2013This blog is written to share and help doer's.Please sh…
3 11:48:10 search
check the logfile
for more information ...
Version 12.0.0
java=/appl/R12_ERP/apps/tech_st/10.1.3/appsutil/jdk mode=stage
stage=/appl/R12_ERP/apps/apps_st/comn/clone component=appsTier method=
APPS Password :
method defaulted to CUSTOM
-Xmx600M -DCONTEXT_VALIDATED=false -Doracle.installer.oui_loc=/oui
ar:/appl/R12_ERP/apps/tech_st/10.1.3/jlib/ojmisc.jar -e
-stage /appl/R12_ERP/apps/apps_st/comn/clone -tmp /tmp -method CUSTOM
\ 80% completed
Completed Stage...
Sun Feb 3 11:57:14 2013
to target database:
of the blogsERPTEST (DBID=1262470248)
will directly points oracle notes or other blogs for myreference. Dynamic Views theme. Powered by Blogger.
ORACLE APPScontrolfile
2> configure DBA This blog isformat
autobackup writtenfor
to device
share type
and diks
doer's.Please sh… search
3> configure controlfile autobackup on;
Classic Flipcard
4> Magazine Mosaic Sidebar
allocate channel d1 type Snapshot
disk; Timeslide
5> backup tag FULL_DB database plus archivelog format
6> release channel d1;
7> }
allocated channel: d1
channel d1: SID=359 device type=DISK
released channel: d1
bash-3.00$ pwd
bash-3.00$ ls
apps_st tech_stbash-3.00$ tar -cvf DbHome.tar tech_st
bash-3.00$ ls
DbHome.tar apps_st tech_st
bash-3.00$ scp DbHome.tar oraclone@testappl:/appl/ERP_CLONE/dbclone
The authenticity of host 'testappl (' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is 04:b2:6a:ac:28:90:12:45:cd:2c:a1:56:fe:cd:2b:a1.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added 'testappl,' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
12370 MB 10:37
- On Target Node testappl
bash-3.00$ pwd
bash-3.00$ tar -xvf DbHome.tar
bash-3.00$ pwd
bash-3.00$ ls
bash-3.00$ export PATH=/usr/ccs/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/ucb:/etc:.
bash-3.00$ perl dbTechStack
Version 12.0.0
Provide the values required for creation of the new Database Context file.
Do you want the the target system to have the same port values as the source system (y/n)
[y] ? : n
Madhanappsdba,Some of the blogs will directly points oracle notes or other blogs for myreference. Dynamic Views theme. Powered by Blogger.
Completed Apply...
Mon Feb 4 09:16:10 2013
Version TNSLSNR for Solaris: Version - Production
Start Date 04-FEB-2013 09:16:11
Uptime 0 days 0 hr. 0 min. 4 sec
Trace Level off
Security ON: Local OS Authentication
Listener Parameter File
Listener Log File
Listening Endpoints Summary...
Services Summary...
Service "CLONE" has 1 instance(s).
Instance "CLONE", status UNKNOWN, has 1 handler(s) for this service...
The command completed successfully
check the logfile
for more information ...
- startup nomount
- List backup piece of controlfile on source system (devdb)
bash-3.00$ pwd
bash-3.00$ ls -lrt
total 48953331
-rw-r----- 1 oraclone dbaclone 42237952 Feb 3 14:14 c-1262470248-20130203-00
-rw-r----- 1 oraclone dbaclone 42237952 Feb 3 14:15 ERPTEST_DB_06o11r42_6_1
-rw-r----- 1 oraclone dbaclone 24959320064 Feb 3 14:37 ERPTEST_DB_05o11qhe_5_1
bash-3.00$ pwd
bash-3.00$ rman target / nocatalog
database mounted
released channel: ORA_DISK_1
- Catalog backup Pieces ( not required if location of rman bkp same on target)
- Prepare script for rman restore and run script (If target location is same "ste newname" not required)
bash-3.00$ cat rman_restore.sql
run {
set newname for datafile 1 to '/appl/ERP_CLONE/dbclone/clone_data/system01.dbf';
set newname for datafile 2 to '/appl/ERP_CLONE/dbclone/clone_data/system02.dbf';
set newname for datafile 3 to '/appl/ERP_CLONE/dbclone/clone_data/system03.dbf';
set newname for datafile 4 to '/appl/ERP_CLONE/dbclone/clone_data/system04.dbf';
set newname for datafile 5 to '/appl/ERP_CLONE/dbclone/clone_data/system05.dbf';
set newname for datafile 6 to '/appl/ERP_CLONE/dbclone/clone_data/system06.dbf';
set newname for datafile 7 to '/appl/ERP_CLONE/dbclone/clone_data/system07.dbf';
set newname for datafile 8 to '/appl/ERP_CLONE/dbclone/clone_data/system08.dbf';
set newname for datafile 9 to '/appl/ERP_CLONE/dbclone/clone_data/system09.dbf';
set newname for datafile 10 to '/appl/ERP_CLONE/dbclone/clone_data/system10.dbf';
set newname for datafile 11 to '/appl/ERP_CLONE/dbclone/clone_data/system11.dbf';
set newname for datafile 12 to '/appl/ERP_CLONE/dbclone/clone_data/undo01.dbf';
set newname for datafile 13 to '/appl/ERP_CLONE/dbclone/clone_data/a_archive01.dbf';
set newname for datafile 14 to '/appl/ERP_CLONE/dbclone/clone_data/a_int01.dbf';
set newname for datafile 15 to '/appl/ERP_CLONE/dbclone/clone_data/a_media01.dbf';
set newname for datafile 16 to '/appl/ERP_CLONE/dbclone/clone_data/a_nolog01.dbf';
set newname for datafile 17 to '/appl/ERP_CLONE/dbclone/clone_data/a_queue01.dbf';
set newname for datafile 18 to '/appl/ERP_CLONE/dbclone/clone_data/a_queue02.dbf';
set newname for datafile 19 to '/appl/ERP_CLONE/dbclone/clone_data/a_ref01.dbf';
set newname for datafile 20 to '/appl/ERP_CLONE/dbclone/clone_data/a_ref02.dbf';
set newname for datafile 21 to '/appl/ERP_CLONE/dbclone/clone_data/a_summ01.dbf';
set newname for datafile 22 to '/appl/ERP_CLONE/dbclone/clone_data/a_txn_data101.dbf';
set newname for datafile 23 to '/appl/ERP_CLONE/dbclone/clone_data/a_txn_data102.dbf';
set newname for datafile 24 to '/appl/ERP_CLONE/dbclone/clone_data/a_txn_data103.dbf';
set newname for datafile 25 to '/appl/ERP_CLONE/dbclone/clone_data/a_txn_ind01.dbf';
set newname for datafile 26 to '/appl/ERP_CLONE/dbclone/clone_data/a_txn_ind02.dbf';
set newname for datafile 27 to '/appl/ERP_CLONE/dbclone/clone_data/a_txn_ind03.dbf';
set newname for datafile 28 to '/appl/ERP_CLONE/dbclone/clone_data/a_txn_ind04.dbf';
set newname for datafile 29 to '/appl/ERP_CLONE/dbclone/clone_data/a_txn_ind05.dbf';
set newname for datafile 30 to '/appl/ERP_CLONE/dbclone/clone_data/ctxd01.dbf';
set newname for datafile 31 to '/appl/ERP_CLONE/dbclone/clone_data/odm.dbf';
set newname for datafile 32 to '/appl/ERP_CLONE/dbclone/clone_data/olap.dbf';
set newname for datafile 33 to '/appl/ERP_CLONE/dbclone/clone_data/owad01.dbf';
set newname for datafile 34 to '/appl/ERP_CLONE/dbclone/clone_data/portal01.dbf';
set newname for datafile 35 to '/appl/ERP_CLONE/dbclone/clone_data/sysaux01.dbf';
set newname for datafile 36 to '/appl/ERP_CLONE/dbclone/clone_data/apps_ts_tools01.dbf';
set newname for datafile 37 to '/appl/ERP_CLONE/dbclone/clone_data/interim.dbf';
set newname for datafile 38 to '/appl/ERP_CLONE/dbclone/clone_data/a_txn_data14.dbf';
restore database;
switch datafile all; }
bash-3.00$ pwd
RMAN> @/export/home/oraclone/rman_restore.sql
Madhanappsdba,Some of the blogs will directly points oracle notes or other blogs for myreference. Dynamic Views theme. Powered by Blogger.
RMAN> run {
command: SET NEWNAME
of the blogs will directly points oracle notes or other blogs for myreference. Dynamic Views theme. Powered by Blogger.
executing command: SET NEWNAME
ORACLE APPS DBA This blog is written to share and help doer's.Please sh… search
executing command: SET NEWNAME
RMAN> **end-of-file**
- List backup of archive logs and recover database until last available seq
BS Key Size DBA This
Device blog
Type is written
Elapsed to share and
Time Completion Time help doer's.Please sh… search
------- ---------- ----------- ------------ ---------------
9 226.00K DISK 00:00:00 03-FEB-13
Classic Flipcard Magazine Mosaic
BP Key: 9 Sidebar
Status: Snapshot
Compressed: NO Tag: FULL_DB
Piece Name: /data/R12_ERP/rman_backup/3feb2013_Bkp/db_806419062_9.bkp
2> set until sequence 26 thread 1;
3> recover database;
4> }
Connected to:
Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options
Database altered.
Database altered.
Madhanappsdba,Some of the blogs will directly points oracle notes or other blogs for myreference. Dynamic Views theme. Powered by Blogger.
SQL> alter database rename file '/data/R12_ERP/db/apps_st/data/log01a.dbf' to
Database altered.
Database altered.
Tablespace created.
Database altered.
Tablespace dropped.
Tablespace dropped.
Connected to:
Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options
ORACLE APPS DBA Datafile /appl/ERP_CLONE/dbclone/clone_data/system03.db - dbid changed, wrote new name
This blog is written to share and help
Datafile /appl/ERP_CLONE/dbclone/clone_data/system04.db doer's.Please
- dbid changed, wrotesh
new search
… name
Datafile /appl/ERP_CLONE/dbclone/clone_data/system05.db - dbid changed, wrote new name
Datafile /appl/ERP_CLONE/dbclone/clone_data/system06.db - dbid changed, wrote new name
Classic Flipcard Magazine
Datafile Mosaic Sidebar Snapshot Timeslide
/appl/ERP_CLONE/dbclone/clone_data/system07.db - dbid changed, wrote new name
Datafile /appl/ERP_CLONE/dbclone/clone_data/system08.db - dbid changed, wrote new name
Datafile /appl/ERP_CLONE/dbclone/clone_data/system09.db - dbid changed, wrote new name
Datafile /appl/ERP_CLONE/dbclone/clone_data/system10.db - dbid changed, wrote new name
Datafile /appl/ERP_CLONE/dbclone/clone_data/system11.db - dbid changed, wrote new name
Datafile /appl/ERP_CLONE/dbclone/clone_data/undo01.db - dbid changed, wrote new name
Datafile /appl/ERP_CLONE/dbclone/clone_data/a_archive01.db - dbid changed, wrote new
Datafile /appl/ERP_CLONE/dbclone/clone_data/a_int01.db - dbid changed, wrote new name
Datafile /appl/ERP_CLONE/dbclone/clone_data/a_media01.db - dbid changed, wrote new name
Datafile /appl/ERP_CLONE/dbclone/clone_data/a_nolog01.db - dbid changed, wrote new name
Datafile /appl/ERP_CLONE/dbclone/clone_data/a_queue01.db - dbid changed, wrote new name
Datafile /appl/ERP_CLONE/dbclone/clone_data/a_queue02.db - dbid changed, wrote new name
Datafile /appl/ERP_CLONE/dbclone/clone_data/a_ref01.db - dbid changed, wrote new name
Datafile /appl/ERP_CLONE/dbclone/clone_data/a_ref02.db - dbid changed, wrote new name
Datafile /appl/ERP_CLONE/dbclone/clone_data/a_summ01.db - dbid changed, wrote new name
Datafile /appl/ERP_CLONE/dbclone/clone_data/a_txn_data101.db - dbid changed, wrote new
Datafile /appl/ERP_CLONE/dbclone/clone_data/a_txn_data102.db - dbid changed, wrote new
Datafile /appl/ERP_CLONE/dbclone/clone_data/a_txn_data103.db - dbid changed, wrote new
Datafile /appl/ERP_CLONE/dbclone/clone_data/a_txn_ind01.db - dbid changed, wrote new
Datafile /appl/ERP_CLONE/dbclone/clone_data/a_txn_ind02.db - dbid changed, wrote new
Datafile /appl/ERP_CLONE/dbclone/clone_data/a_txn_ind03.db - dbid changed, wrote new
Datafile /appl/ERP_CLONE/dbclone/clone_data/a_txn_ind04.db - dbid changed, wrote new
Datafile /appl/ERP_CLONE/dbclone/clone_data/a_txn_ind05.db - dbid changed, wrote new
Datafile /appl/ERP_CLONE/dbclone/clone_data/ctxd01.db - dbid changed, wrote new name
Datafile /appl/ERP_CLONE/dbclone/clone_data/odm.db - dbid changed, wrote new name
Datafile /appl/ERP_CLONE/dbclone/clone_data/olap.db - dbid changed, wrote new name
Datafile /appl/ERP_CLONE/dbclone/clone_data/owad01.db - dbid changed, wrote new name
Datafile /appl/ERP_CLONE/dbclone/clone_data/portal01.db - dbid changed, wrote new name
Datafile /appl/ERP_CLONE/dbclone/clone_data/sysaux01.db - dbid changed, wrote new name
Datafile /appl/ERP_CLONE/dbclone/clone_data/apps_ts_tools01.db - dbid changed, wrote new
Datafile /appl/ERP_CLONE/dbclone/clone_data/interim.db - dbid changed, wrote new name
Datafile /appl/ERP_CLONE/dbclone/clone_data/a_txn_data14.db - dbid changed, wrote new
Datafile /appl/ERP_CLONE/dbclone/clone_data/temp003.db - dbid changed, wrote new name
Control File /appl/ERP_CLONE/dbclone/clone_data/cntrl01.dbf - dbid changed, wrote new
Instance shut down
- Change ORACLE_SID in environment file and start database with reset logs:
Database DBA
altered. This blog is written to share and help doer's.Please sh… search
bash-3.00$ pwd
bash-3.00$ export PATH=/usr/ccs/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/ucb:/etc:.
bash-3.00$ perl appsTier
Version 12.0.0
/data/appclone/R12_ERP/apps/apps_st/comn/clone/bin/../jre/bin/java -Xmx600M -cp
.jar -e
/data/appclone/R12_ERP/apps/apps_st/comn/clone/bin/../context/apps/CTXORIG.xml -validate -
pairsfile /tmp/adpairsfile_26828.lst -stage /data/appclone/R12_ERP/apps/apps_st/comn/clone
2> /tmp/adcfgclone_26828.err; echo $? > /tmp/adcfgclone_26828.res
Provide the values required for creation of the new APPL_TOP Context file.
Target DBA Home
System Instance ThisDirectory
blog is written to share and help doer's.Please
[/data/appclone/R12_ERP/inst] : sh… search
Do you want the the target system to have the same port values as the source system (y/n)
[y] ? : n
1. /usr/tmp
2. /usr/tmp
3. /appl/ERP_CLONE/dbclone/tech_st/11.1.0/appsutil/outbound/CLONE_testappl
4. /usr/tmp
Choose a value which will be set as APPLPTMP value on the target node [1] :
Backing up /data/appclone/R12_ERP/inst/apps/CLONE_testappl/appl/admin/CLONE_testappl.xml to
/data/appclone/R12_ERP/apps/apps_st/comn/clone/bin/../jre/bin/java -Xmx600M -
DCONTEXT_VALIDATED=true -Doracle.installer.oui_loc=/oui -classpath
ata/appclone/R12_ERP/apps/apps_st/comn/clone/jlib/ojmisc.jar -e
/data/appclone/R12_ERP/inst/apps/CLONE_testappl/appl/admin/CLONE_testappl.xml -stage
/data/appclone/R12_ERP/apps/apps_st/comn/clone -showProgress
APPS Password : Log file located at
/ 89% completed
Completed Apply...
Tue Feb 5 12:20:51 2013
Classic Flipcard
YouMagazine Mosaic
are running Sidebar Snapshot Timeslide
version 120.15.12010000.3
.end APPS
err out. DBA This blog is written to share and help doer's.Please sh… search
Classic Flipcard Magazine Mosaic Sidebar Snapshot Timeslide
File "/data/appclone/R12_ERP/apps/tech_st/10.1.3/j2ee/forms/applications/forms/formsweb/WEB-
INF/lib/frmsrv.jar" exists. Proceeding to check the size...
*** Latest formsapp.ear has been deployed ***
Program :
completed @ Tue Feb 5 12:40:03 2013
Madhanappsdba,Some of the blogs will directly points oracle notes or other blogs for myreference. Dynamic Views theme. Powered by Blogger. check the logfile
- On AppsTier
- On DB Tier
SQL> commit;
Commit complete.
SQL> exit
Disconnected from Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit
With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options
bash-3.00$ cd CLONE_testappl/
bash-3.00$ ls adstopdb.sql adstrtdb.sql
Enter theMadhanappsdba,Some
APPS user password:
of the blogs will directly points oracle notes or other blogs for myreference. Dynamic Views theme. Powered by Blogger.
The log file for this session is located at:
bash-3.00$ cd /appl/ERP_CLONE/dbclone/tech_st/11.1.0/appsutil/scripts/CLONE_testappl
Enter the APPS user password:
ORACLE APPS DBA This blog is written to share and help doer's.Please sh… search
This document describes the process of cloning an Oracle Applications Release 11i System. The most current version of this
note is document 230672.1 [] on My Oracle
Support. A FAQ is also available indocument 216664.1 [
p_id=216664.1] on My Oracle Support.
2 View comments
Classic Flipcard Magazine Mosaic Sidebar Snapshot Timeslide
Prepare the files needed for the clone and copy them to the target
Take a FULL rman backup and copy the files to the target server and
place them in the identical path. ie. if your rman backups go to
/u01/backup on the source server, place them in /u01/backup on the
destination server. To be safe, you may want to copy some of the
archive files generated while the database was being backed up. Place
them in an identical path on the target server as well.
Application Tier: tar up the application files and copy them to the
destination server. The cloning document referenced above ask you to
take a copy of the $APPL_TOP, $COMMON_TOP, $IAS_ORACLE_HOME
and $ORACLE_HOME. Normally I just tar up the System Base Directory,
which is the root directory for your application files.
Database Tier: tar up the database $ORACLE_HOME.
ex. from a single tier system. The first tar file contains the application
files and the second is the database $ORACLE_HOME
Madhanappsdba,Some of the blogs will directly points oracle notes or other blogs for myreference. Dynamic Views theme. Powered by Blogger.
For example.
ORACLE APPS DBA This blog is written to share and help doer's.Please sh…
Classic Flipcard Magazine Mosaic Sidebar Snapshot Timeslide
You will be prompted the standard post cloning questions such as the
SID of the new environment, number of DATA_TOPS, Oracle Home
location, port settings, etc.
The other method is to login to the rman catalog via sqlplus and
execute the following query:
select max(absolute_fuzzy_change#)+1,
from rc_backup_datafile;
Classic Flipcard Magazine Mosaic Sidebar Snapshot Timeslide
'/u01/PROD/db/apps_st/data/', '/u02/DEV/db/apps_st/data/')
'/u01/PROD/db/apps_st/data/', '/u02/DEV/db/apps_st/data/')
Verify you can connect to source system from the target as sysdba.
You will need to add a tns entry to the $TNS_ADMIN/tnsnames.ora file
for the source system.
Duplicate the database. Before we use rman to duplicate the source
database we need to start the target database in nomount mode.
Start rman:
run {
set until scn 5965309363844;
allocate auxiliary channel ch1 type disk;
allocate auxiliary channel ch2 type disk;
duplicate target database to DEV }
The most common errors at this point are connection errors to the
source database and rman catalog. As well, if the
log_file_name_convert and db_file_name_convert parameters are not
set properly you will see errors. Fix the problems, login with rman
again and re-execute the script.
When the rman duplicate has finished the database will be open and
ready to proceed with the next steps.
cd $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/install/DEV_myserver where
DEV_myserver is the <context_name> of the new environment.
If your on linux replace with so, HPUX with sl and for windows servers
leave blank.
cd /u01/DEV/apps/apps_st/comn/clone/bin
perl appsTier
. /u01/DEV/apps/apps_st/appl/APPSDEV_myserver.env
./ apps/<source apps pass>
exec fnd_conc_clone.setup_clean;
I don't believe this step is necessary but if you don't do this you will
see references to your source environment in the FND_% tables. Every
time you execute this procedure you need to run autoconfig on each of
the tiers (db and application). We will get to that in a second.
Change the apps password. Chances are you don't want to have the
same apps password as the source database, so its best to change it
now while the environment is down.
db tier:
cd $ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/scripts/DEV_myserver
Madhanappsdba,Some of the blogs will directly points oracle notes or other blogs for myreference. Dynamic Views theme. Powered by Blogger.
Application Tier This blog is written to share and help doer's.Please sh… search
cd Magazine
Classic Flipcard $ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME
Mosaic Sidebar Snapshot Timeslide
If there are no errors with autoconfig start the application. Your already
in the $ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME so just execute:
Login to the application and perform any post cloning activities. You
may want to override the work flow email address so that notifications
goto a test/dev mailbox instead of users. We always change the colors
and site_name profile options, etc. More details can be found in
Section 3: Finishing tasks of the R12 cloning document referenced
2 View comments
5th December 2014 Step by step Oracle Apps R12.1.3 Rapid Cloning
1. If your target server holds at least one Oracle Apps R12.1.3 instance, you can skip for
any OS patch or software requirement section. As the server is running a Oracle Apps
instance, we can assume the server has all the
[] mandatory OS patch and required software. Else look into the
metalink for platform specific requirements.
Cloning Steps
$ cd [RDBMS ORACLE_HOME]/appsutil/scripts/[CONTEXT_NAME]
$ perl dbTier b.
$ cd [INST_TOP]/admin/scripts
$ perl appsTier
10. Shutdown the source system. Copy full directory "apps" and "db" from source
system to target system. Use the following command for copy.
$ cp -RH
$ cd [RDBMS ORACLE_HOME]/appsutil/clone/bin
$ perl dbTier b.Configure the target system application tier server nodes
Log on to the target system as the APPLMGR user and enter the following commands:
$ cd [COMMON_TOP]/clone/bin
$ perl appsTier
2 View comments
5th December 2014 IMPORTANT METALINK Notes alice IMP Oracle Support
METALINK Notes alice Oracle Support Notes
Amol's Bookmark
NOTE.167000.1 : eBusiness Suite Support - Oracle Diagnostics Support Pack
NOTE.235307.1 : OSS Application Diagnostics Tools : FAQ and Troubleshooting
Madhanappsdba,Some of the blogs will directly points oracle notes or other blogs for myreference. Dynamic Views theme. Powered by Blogger.
NOTE.231142.1 : About Oracle Diagnostics version 2.1
NOTE.262006.1 : About Oracle Diagnostics 2.2
This blog is written to share and
NOTE.300976.1 : Support Diagnostics Newsletter for Applications Core
help doer's.Please sh… search
Apps Database
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ORACLE APPS DBA This blog is written to share and help doer's.Please sh…
NOTE.1012933.6 : General Information : Alert Logs and Trace Files
NOTE.209870.1 : How to Reload the JVM in 9.2.0.X
System Administration
Invalid Objects
4 View comments
UPGRADE – Protection and Customization levels of data
UPLOAD - Only protection level of data.Not supporting customisation
FORCE - Force upload, protection or customization not supported
For example-
For Example-
WFLOAD apps/passed123@DEVL 0 Y UPLOAD APEXP_TEMP.wft
Madhanappsdba,Some of the blogs will directly points oracle notes or other blogs for myreference. Dynamic Views theme. Powered by Blogger.
For example- Account Payables workflow file can be found at-
AD Utilities in R12
AD Utilities are a group of tools designed to install, upgrade, maintain, and patch applications.
ADCONFIG -To configure different components like changing port number or to increase number of JVM
Preliminary Tasks:
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ORACLE APPS DBA This blog is written to share and help doer's.Please sh…
1. Running the environment file.
2. Verifying that ORACLE_HOME set properly.
3. Ensuring that ORACLE_HOME/bin and AD_TOP/bin are in your path.
4. Shutting
Classic Flipcard down the
Magazine concurrent
Mosaic managers
Sidebar when relinking
Snapshot certain files or performing certain
database tasks.
5. Ensuring Sufficient temporary disk space.
Ad administration prompts:
Your default directory is '/u01/app/apps/uatappl'.
Is this the correct APPL_TOP [Yes]
Filename [adadmin.log] :
The main AD Administration log file is called adadmin.log by default. This name can be
Changed when starting up AD Administration.
There are five functional choices in the generate applications file menu.
We generally perform this task only when instructed to do so in a readme file of a patch.
2. Generate Form Files:This task generate binary oracle forms file for all installed
languages from the form definition files. Extension (*.fmx)
Perform this task whenever we have issue with a form or set forms.
Oracle application uses these binary files to display the data entry forms.
Generate Report files:
This task generates binary report files for all installed languages. Extension of the file name
like (*.rdf)
Generate Graphics files:
This task generates Oracle graphics files for all installed languages. Extension of the file
name like (*.ogd)
The serious of prompts and actions in this task are very similar to the prompts and actions in
the Generate form files task.
Generate Product JAR files:
Madhanappsdba,Some of the blogs will directly points oracle notes or other blogs for myreference. Dynamic Views theme. Powered by Blogger.
This generate product jar files task prompts
ORACLE APPS DBADo you wish to force generation of all jar files? [No]
This blog is written to share and help doer's.Please
If we choose No, it only generates JAR (Jave Archive) files that are missing or out of date.
sh… search
Choose yes for this option when generating JAR files after upgrading the developer
Classic technology
Flipcard stack or
Magazine after updating
Mosaic SidebaryourSnapshot
Java version.
Relink Application programs:
This task relinks all your oracle applications binary executables.
Select this task after us:
1. Install new version of the database or a technology stack component.
2. Install an underlying technology component used with oracle applications.
3. Apply a patch to the application technology stack.
4. Apply a patch to the operating systems
These tasks execute AD relink utility. Use AD admin, not the AD relink utility directly, to
relink non AD-executables.
Create Applications environment file:
Select this task when you want to:
1. Create an environment file with settings that are different from your current environment
2. Recreate an environment file that is missing or currept.
Use this option to update the java, HTML and media files in the common directories (such as
JAVA_TOP, OA_TOP) when users have issues accessing them.
1. This task converts the character set of all translatable files in APPL_TOP.
2. You should select this task when changing the base language or adding additional
languages to oracle applications
3. You may need to convert database character set and file system character set to one that
will support the additional languages.
1. This task record details for each file in the APPL_TOP (like file name and file version).
2. They also record summary information’s about patches that have been applied to the
3. The maintain snapshot information task stores information about files, file versions and
bug fixes present in an APPL_TOP.
4. You must run Maintain snapshot information option once for each APPL_TOP before you
apply any patch that contains a “compatible feature prereq” line on that APPL_TOP.
Check for Missing files:
1. The check for missing files task verifies files needed to install, upgrade, or run oracle
applications for the current configuration are in the current APPL_TOP.
2. Choose this task if you suspect there are files missing in your APPL_TOP.
Validate Apps Schema:
Validate apps schema task run SQL script (advrfapp.sql) against the apps schema to verify
the integrity of the schema.
It determines:
Madhanappsdba,Some of the blogs will directly points oracle notes or other blogs for myreference. Dynamic Views theme. Powered by Blogger.
1. Missing or invalid package.
This task
Classic Flipcard is more Mosaic
Magazine effective Sidebar
if run: Snapshot Timeslide
This task recreates grants and synonyms for oracle application public schema (applsyspub)
Recreate grants on some packages from system to apps
Run this task when grants and synonyms are missing from the database. This may occur as a
result of
1. Custom development
2. Incomplete database migrations
3. Patches and administrative sessions that failed to run successfully to completion
Maintain multi-lingual tables:
This task looks for a dual table accessible by oracle applications and ensures the correct
grants are set up. If such table not exists or if an existing DUAL table has more than one row,
AD administration displays error. If a DUAL table containing only one row exists, AD admin
completes successfully.
This option varies depending on whether you currently have multiple reporting currencies
(MRC) enabled or not.
If MRC functionality is implemented in your database, the option reads maintain multiple
reporting currencies.
Compile Apps Schema:
This task compiles uncompiled program units (pl/sql and java) in the apps schema.
You can perform this task with multiple workers.
When running this task, AD administration prompts,
Run Invoker's Rights processing in incremental mode [No]?
Type Yes at this prompt to run Invoker Rights processing only on packages that have changed
Since Invoker Rights processing was last run or accept the default to run Invoker Rights
Processing on all packages.
During the upgrade progress.
1. If you choose the default [no] only menus with changes are saved
2. If you enter yes all menus are compiled
Compile flexfield:
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ORACLE APPS DBA This blog is written to share and help doer's.Please sh…
Run this task if the readme of a patch indicates that this step should be performed.
Details of the task with a list of compilation status of every flexfield are written to a log
The name
Classic Flipcard of the log
Magazine file is inSidebar
Mosaic the format .req.
Snapshot The main AD Administration log file contains
the exact name of this log file.
This option runs the loadjava utility to reload all appropriate oracle applications
JAR files into the database.
1. Must be enabled before patching oracle applications
2. Improves patching performance
3. Restricts users access to system
4. Is enabled and disabled using AD administration
4 View comments
In order to ensure that Oracle Applications system runs smoothly, we must perform routine
maintenance tasks. We run maintenance tasks from the command line using AD Administration.
Once we start this utility, it presents the tasks in menu form, grouped generally by type of
activity you will perform. For example, the tasks associated with compiling and reloading
Applications database entities are grouped on the same menu.
We can use AD Administration to complete some runtime tasks during or after an installation or
upgrade, or any time thereafter.
On a broad level the tasks performed by adadmin can be categorized into database
ac vi es andApplica ons file system management tasks.
Similar to AutoInstall and AutoPatch, adadmin can run parallel workers for most database tasks
and some file system tasks.
6. Shutting down concurrent managers when relinking certain files or performing certain
database tasks.
Running Adadmin:
AD Administration asks you some initial questions.
1. It confirms your APPL_TOP is correct.
Ex: APPL_TOP is set to /u01/oaprod/oaprodappl
2. It asks for the name of the log file.
By default this is adadmin.log
3. It asks if we want to receive
Madhanappsdba,Some an email
of the blogs message
will directly points oracleifnotes
adadmin encounters
or other blogs a Dynamic
for myreference. failure.
Views theme. Powered by Blogger.
4. Some SQL scripts perform row set processing. Adadmin asks us to set the number of rows
these scripts process. This blog is written to share and help doer's.Please sh… search
Do you currently have Java and HTML files for HTML-based functionality installed in this
Do you currently have concurrent program files installed in this APPL_TOP [YES] ? YES *
6. Exit AD Administration
first two options are related to maintaining applications file system the
[] second []
two options relate to database activities, the fifth option here is used to put the system in
maintenance mode and bring it back from maintenance mode.
If system users are having difficulty accessing messages, forms, or reports, you may be able to
resolve the issue by generating the associated files. Or, when you apply a patch that adds or
changes product functionality, you may want to generate the associated files after you apply the
patch, instead of running the generate driver during the patching downtime. The generate files
tasks may be performed on any server, as required.
Under the Generate Applications Files Menu you can perform the following tasks
4. Generate
Classic Flipcard Magazine graphics files
Mosaic Sidebar Snapshot Timeslide
b) Generate form files: Generates executable Oracle form files (extension .fmx) from the
binary forms definition files (extension .fmb). The definition files are located under AU_TOP, and
the executable files are stored under each product’s directory.
c) Generate report files: Generates the binary Oracle Reports report files (extension .rdf).
When you run the task, it prompts: Do you wish to force generation of all jar files? [No] If you
choose No, it generates only JAR files that are missing or out-of-date. If you choose Yes, all
JAR files are generated.
Note: If AD Administration displays a list of warnings or errors and objects that did not generate
successfully and asks if you want to continue as if successful, review the log file to determine if
the problems require attention. If you choose not to continue and restart your session at a later
time, AD Administration attempts to regenerate only the files that did not generate successfully.
Certain maintenance tasks are required to keep your Applications files up to date. For example,
you may need to copy product files to a central location or convert files in the APPL_TOP to
another character set. These tasks are grouped on the Maintain Applications Files menu.
Under the Maintain Applications Files menu you can perform the following tasks
Relinks Oracle Applications executable programs with the Oracle server libraries so that they
function with the Oracle database. For each product, choose whether to link all executables or
only specific ones.
Note: The default is to relink without debug information. Use the debug option only when
requested to do so by Oracle Support Services.
Copies files from each product area to central locations where they can be easily referenced by
non-Applications programs. This option uses revision-based copy logic to ensure that the
destination file versions are the same as, or higher than, the source file versions.
Note: We recommend that you do not use the force option to overwrite existing files unless
instructed by Oracle Support Services. Copying files with this option updates all JAR files.
JInitiator then downloads required JAR files to each client again, causing runtime performance
The file types and their respective destinations are shown in the following table:
Note: When this option is used to copy reports or graphics files, the default destination is under
Prepares the files in the APPL_TOP for conversion to another character set, and then performs
the conversion.
When you choose this option, AD Administration presents another submenu, which contains
options for scanning your files in preparation for the conversion. The scan searches for
exceptions — files that will have incomplete (lossy) conversions — so that you can fix potential
problems before you actually convert the character set. Choose one of the following scan
1. Scan the APPL_TOP for exceptions. Scans the APPL_TOP and creates three files in the admin\
<SID>\out directory.
File Contents
admanifest_excp.lst Lists files that will not be converted because of lossy conversion.
admanifest.lst Lists files that can be converted.
admanifest_lossy.lst Lists files with lossy conversions, including line by line detail.
Review the files listed in admanifest_excp.lst. Fix files that report lossy conversion before you
convert the character set. Repeat this task until there are no entries in admanifest_excp.lst. If
you need to see more detail, review admanifest_lossy.lst.
2. Scan a CUSTOM directory for exceptions. Collects the same information as the first task, but
scans custom Applications directories rather than the APPL_TOP directory.
3. Convert character set. Run this task only if admanifest_excp.lst has no entries. It prompts you
for the manifest file (admanifest.lst) created when you ran the scan option(s).
The utility backs up the product source files and the APPL_TOP/admin source files. It saves
product files in the <PROD>_TOP directories in the format <prod>_ s_<char_set>.zip. It saves
admin source files in the APPL_TOP/admin directory in the format admin_s_<char_set>.zip
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d) Maintain snapshot information:
ORACLE APPS DBA This blog is written to share and help doer's.Please sh… search
There are two types of snapshots: APPL_TOP snapshots and global snapshots. An APPL_TOP
snapshot lists patches and versions of files in the APPL_TOP. A global snapshot lists patches
Classic Flipcard
and Magazine Mosaic ofSidebar
latest versions files inSnapshot
the entireTimeslide
Applications system (that is, across all APPL_TOPs).
Both APPL_TOP snapshots and global snapshots may be either current view snapshots
or named view snapshots. A current view snapshot is created once and updated when
appropriate to maintain a consistent view. A partial view snapshot allows you to synchronize
only selected files from a current view. A named view snapshot is a copy of the current view
snapshot at a particular time (not necessarily the latest current view snapshot) and is not
Patch Wizard uses the information contained in the global current view snapshot to determine
which patches have already been applied. AutoPatch uses the APPL_TOP current view
snapshot to determine if all prerequisite patches have been applied to that APPL_TOP.
Snapshot information is stored in the AD_SNAPSHOTS, AD_ SNAPSHOT_FILES, and
During a new installation, Rapid Install creates a current snapshot as a baseline. And, each time
you run AutoPatch, it automatically creates a new (updated) snapshot so that the information is
current as of the application of the patch.
Maintain current view snapshot information: When you maintain a current view snapshot, you
can choose to synchronize selected files — maintaining a partial snapshot — instead of
synchronizing all files for the entire APPL_TOP. Use this option when you have copied only a
few files to the APPL_TOP.
1. Select the Update Current View Snapshot option from the Maintain Snapshot Information menu.
2. From the Maintain Current View Snapshot Information menu, select one of the following
■ Update Complete APPL_TOP This is the original functionality of the Update Current View
Snapshot option. It synchronizes all the files in your APPL_TOP.
■ Update JAVA_TOP only Synchronizes only the files in the JAVA_TOP. At the prompt, enter the
path to the JAVA_TOP subdirectory where the files were copied. If the files were copied to more
than one directory, press Enter. AD Administration scans the entire JAVA_TOP and updates the
information in both the current view and the global view snapshots.
2. CompileMadhanappsdba,Some
menu information of the blogs will directly points oracle notes or other blogs for myreference. Dynamic Views theme. Powered by Blogger.
3. Compile flexfields
This blog is written to share and help doer's.Please sh… search
Spawns parallel workers to compile invalid database objects in the APPS schema.
Note: The need for a separate MRC schema has been removed in this release, as has the
associated prompt to run Invoker Rights.
Compiles menu data structures. Choose this task after you have uploaded menu entries to the
FND_MENU_ENTRIES table, or if Compile Security concurrent requests submitted from the
Menus form (after changing menu entries) fail for any reason.
AD Administration asks if you want to force compilation of all menus. If you choose the default
(No), only menus with changes are compiled. If you enter Yes, all menus are compiled.
Compiling all menus is generally not advised.
c) Compile flexfields
Compiles flexfield data structures in Oracle Application Object Library (FND) tables. Choose
this task after you apply a patch that changes the setup of flexfields. Patches usually indicate
when you should perform this step.
Flexfields automatically compile data when you use them for the first time, so running this task
is not required. However, compiling flexfield data at a specific time (for example, when system
use is low), rather than automatically at first use, can alleviate potential runtime performance
Reloads all appropriate Oracle Applications JAR files into the database. Choose this task if all
Oracle Applications Java classes are removed from your database, for example, if the database
Java Virtual Machine (JVM) is reloaded because of a corrupt database.
Under the Maintain Applications Database Entities menu you can perform the following tasks
Verifies the integrity of the APPS schema. It produces a report named <APPS schema name>.lst
that lists issues and potential issues, grouped by the action required:
Madhanappsdba,Some of the blogs will directly points oracle notes or other blogs for myreference. Dynamic Views theme. Powered by Blogger.
■ Issues you MUST fix (not specific to the APPS schema)
■ Issues you MUST fix (specific to the
This blog is APPS schema)
written to share and help doer's.Please sh…
■ Issues you may want to address (specific to the APPS schema).
Classic Flipcard
report is Mosaic
locatedSidebar Snapshot Timeslide
in $APPL_TOP/admin/<SID>/out (UNIX), where <SID> is the value of the
ORACLE_SID or TWO_TASK variable, or in %APPL_ TOP%\admin\<SID>\out (Windows), where
<SID> is the value of the LOCAL variable. Each section of the file contains instructions for
resolving the issues that are listed. Most issues can be fixed by either compiling invalid
database objects or recreating grants and synonyms.
This task recreates grants and synonyms for the Oracle Applications public schema
(APPLSYSPUB), recreates grants on some packages from SYSTEM to APPS, and spawns
parallel workers to recreate grants and synonyms linking sequences and tables in the base
schemas to the APPS schema.
Typically, you run this task after the Validate APPS schema task has reported issues with
missing grants and synonyms.
Run this task after you add a language. It prompts you for the number of workers, then updates
all multilingual tables.
Some Oracle Applications products must access the DUAL table. It must exist in the SYS
schema and contain exactly one row. This tasks verifies the existence of this table and the
single row.
MRC and MLS are both implemented using "adjunct APPS schemas", meaning a
complete copy of the objects in each APPS schema is replicated (and enhanced,
in some cases) into an APPS_MRC and/or APPS_MLS schema. Whenever a
change is made to an APPS schema, the modifications must be reflected in the
adjunct schemas; otherwise, MRC and MLS functions may fail.
This task is only displayed on the Database Objects menu if you have
Multilingual (MLS) or Multiple Reporting Currency (MRC) functionality currently
Maintenance mode should normally be enabled when patching Oracle Applications and
disabled when users are logged on to the system. See the Oracle Applications Maintenance
Utilities manual for more information about maintenance mode.
If you notice the message this menu selection also shows the maintenance status (disabled in
our case) of the system.
You can also forcefully exit adadmin at any point of time by typing 'abort’, This will however
result in a unclean exit of adadmin and the next time when you run adadmin you will be
prompted with the option to start fresh or continue with the previous session as described
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The arguments and options that you can use to refine the operation of a utility are listed, along
with a brief description of how they work. Here’s an excerpt from the command line help for AD
* <localworkers> = Used in Distributed AD. The number of workers to run on the local machine.
* <flags> = Generic flags passed to AD utilities. The available values for Adadmin are hidepw
and trace.
* <defaultsfile> = The defaults file name that is located under $APPL_TOP/admin/SID/ directory.
* <menu_option> = Skips the menu in Adadmin and executes the task
adadmin [printdebug=y|n][localworkers=<localworkers>]
The following table lists the menu options and the corresponding menu tasks:
2 View comments
We can also submit the Gather Schema Statistics Concurrent request directly from the OS prompt using CONCSUB.
Details with example stated in : Using-Concsub-to-submit-Concurrent-Requests
The following concurrent requests are available in Oracle Applications for gathering statistics:
For Oracle Applications 11i it is recommended to use only the 'Gather Schema Statistics' or the 'Gather Table Statistics'.
Common Parameters:
You may enter ALL to analyze every defined App schema.
Percentage of rows to estimate. If left empty it will default to 10%. The valid range is 0-99. A higher percentage will be
more accurate, but take longer to run. If the object(s) that you are gathering statistics for do not change often or the
object(s) has data entered that is very similiar you may choose a lower number. However, if the data changes frequently
a larger number entered for this parameter would be recommended to provide a more accurate representation of your
Enter the Degree of parallelism. If not entered, it will default to min(cpu_count, parallel_max_servers). Modifying the
degree of parallelism on a table can cause the plan to change. Increasing the degree of parallelism is likely to make full
table scans appear cheaper and more attractive while reducing it will make Full Table Scans look less attractive.
Backup Flag
If the value is 'NOBACKUP' then it won't take a backup of the current statistics and should run quicker. If the value is
'BACKUP' then it does an export_table_stats prior to gathering the statistics.
Restart Request Id
Enter the request id that should be used for recovering gather_schema_stats if this request should fail. You may leave
this parameter null.
Gather Options
As of 11.5.10, FND_STATS.GATHER_SCHEMA_STATS introduced a new parameter called OPTIONS that, if set to
GATHER AUTO, allows FND_STATS to automatically determine the tables for which statistics should be gathered based
on the change threshold. The Modifications Threshold can be adjusted by the user by passing a value for modpercent,
which by default is equal to 10. GATHER AUTO uses a database feature called Table Monitoring, which needs to be
enabled for all the tables. A procedure called ENABLE_SCHEMA_MONITORING has been provided to enable
monitoring on all tables for a given schema or all Applications schemas.
Manual Execution
In R11i customers should be using the FND_STATS command.
Do not use the ANALYZE command or DBMS_STATS package directly, as doing so may cause incomplete statistics to
be generated.
Classic Flipcard
set server Mosaic
output onSidebar Snapshot Timeslide
SQL> set long 10000
SQL> exec fnd_stats.verify_stats('schema', 'object_name');
2 View comments
3. The next step which requires user interaction is the main menu:
AD Administration Main Menu
1. Generate Applications Files menu
2. Maintain Applications Files menu
3. Compile/Reload Applications Database Entities menu
4. Maintain Applications Database Entities menu
5. Change Maintenance Mode
6. Exit AD Administration
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10th April 2014 Step by Step ADPATCH ...How to apply apps patch using
adpatch R12
STEP 1: Before applying a patch you must check whether the patch is already there or
not. For this we query the database:
su oracle
Run the environment variable db
Madhanappsdba,Some tireblogs will directly points oracle notes or other blogs for myreference. Dynamic Views theme. Powered by Blogger.
of the
sqlplus apps/<apps password
SQL>select * from AD_BUGS where
blog is written tonumber>’
Ex:- SQL>select * from AD_BUGS where bug_number=’16213642’
and help doer's.Please sh… search
Classic Flipcard
selectMagazine Mosaic Sidebar
object_type,count(*) Snapshot
from all_objects Timeslide
where status='INVALID' group by object_type;
STEP 2 : Download the patch. From your pc and transfer it to Linux server
*login to oracle metalink.( [] )
*Select the patches option then select the search type.
*Query for patch by writing the patch no. & platform on which you want to download the patch.
*Click download
If you have downloaded the patch at desktop then move it to directory where you want it to unzip. With winscp or
whatever software
Winscp download link []
STEP 3 :Unzip the patch. And set the permission
su root
cd /u01/patch
chown oracle:dba 16213642
AD Administration Main Menu
1. Generate Applications Files menu
2. Maintain Applications Files menu
3. Compile/Reload Applications Database Entities menu
4. Maintain Applications Database Entities menu
5. Change Maintenance Mode
6. Exit AD Administration
Select option 5. The status of maintenance mode is displayed at the top of change
maintenance mode menu.Again it will show following options & ask for choice:
1.Enable Maintenance mode.
2.Disable Maintenance mode.
3.Return to Main Menu.
Select option 1. Then return to console.
STEP 5: Run autopatch from the patch directory by entering the following command:
su oracle
[oracle@oftest appl]$cd /u01/patch/16213642/
[oracle@oftest appl]$adpatch
Note: - below red color will highlighted lines you will have to fill
Out put
Copyright (c) 2002 Oracle Corporation
Redwood Shores, California, USA
Version 12.0.0
NOTE: You may not use this utility for custom development
unless you have written permission from Oracle Corporation.
Your defaultMadhanappsdba,Some
directory is '/u01/finsys/apps/apps_st/appl'.
of the blogs will directly points oracle notes or other blogs for myreference. Dynamic Views theme. Powered by Blogger.
Is this the correct APPL_TOP [Yes] ?
ORACLE APPS DBA This blog is written to share and help doer's.Please sh…
AutoPatch records your AutoPatch session in a text file
you specify. Enter your AutoPatch log file name or press [Return]
Classic Flipcard Magazine
to accept MosaicfileSidebar
the default Snapshot
name shown Timeslide
in brackets.
Please enter the name of the Oracle Applications System that this
APPL_TOP belongs to.
Example 2: If you don't have forms files installed in this area, you cannot
generate them or run them from this APPL_TOP.
Example 3: If you don't have concurrent program files installed in this area,
you cannot relink concurrent programs or generate reports from this APPL_TOP.
Do you currently have files used for installing or upgrading the database
installed in this APPL_TOP [YES] ? YES *
Do you currently have Java and HTML files for HTML-based functionality
installed in this APPL_TOP [YES] ? YES *
Please enter the name Oracle Applications will use to identify this APPL_TOP.
The APPL_TOP name you select must be unique within an Oracle Applications
System, must be from 1 to 30 characters long, may only contain
alphanumeric and underscore characters, and must start with a letter.
Madhanappsdba,Some of the blogs will directly points oracle notes or other blogs for myreference. Dynamic Views theme. Powered by Blogger.
AutoPatch needs the password for your 'SYSTEM' ORACLE schema
Enter the directory where your Oracle Applications patch has been unloaded
The default directory is [/u01/patch/16213642] :
Please enter the name of your AutoPatch driver file : u16213642.drv
If you don’t see the “autopatch is complete” message at the end of the Autopatch log file, Autopatch did not
complete successfully.
STEP 6: Finally exit from maintain mode using adadmin as above STEP 4
STEP 7: confirm the patch installation status For this we query the database:
su oracle
Run the environment variable db tire
sqlplus apps/<apps password
SQL>select * from AD_BUGS where bug_number=’<patch number>’
Ex:- SQL>select * from AD_BUGS where bug_number=’16213642’
Using adctrl we can control the patching and there workers...Will see it in separate blog.....
Thanks&& Regards
2 View comments
Concurrent Processing now uses the Output Post Processor (OPP) to enforce post-processing actions for concurrent
requests.Post-processing actions are actions taken on
concurrent request output. An example of a post-processing action is that used in Concurrent Processing support of XML
If a request is submitted with an XML Publisher template specified as a layout for the concurrent request output, then
after the concurrent manager finishes running
the concurrent program, it will contact the OPP to apply the XML Publisher template and create the final output.
OPP runs as a service that can be managed through Oracle Applications Manager (OAM) from the System Activity page
(Navigation: Applications Dashboard > Applications
Classic Flipcard
How Magazine Mosaic Sidebar
to get OPP manager Snapshot Timeslide
log file location?
$APPLCSF/log/<SID>/FNDOPP####.txt OR
1,System Administrator > Concurrent > Manager > Administer
2,Search for ‘Output Post Processor’
3,Click the ‘Processes’ button .
4,Click the Manager Log button. This will open the ‘OPP’
Upload the OPP log file.
In some cases, Output Post Processor is not start up and it shows Actual and Target are showing different values when
we query for Output Post Processor.
The log files shows that no error message.In this case apply the following possible solution for starting the OPP.
1,System Administator > Concurrent > Manager > Administer
2,Query "Output Post Processor" -> Processes button
Get the sytem id of "Output Post Processor"
3,ps -ef|grep [system id]
4,kill -9 [system id] in Unix
5,System Administator > Concurrent > Manager > Administer
6,Query "Output Post Processor" -> Restart button
One or more post-processing actions failed. Consult the OPP service log for details.
The concurrent manager process was able to successfully invoke the Output Post-Processor (OPP) but encountered a
timeout as the OPP takes longer than the value
1,Increase the value of profile Concurrent: OPP Response Timeout . Bounce Apache and retest.
2,If the issue still exists, perform the following steps.
3,Increase the number of Output Post Processors as follows:
4,Increase the number of processes for Output Post Processor.
5,Additionally, ensure there is a setting of oracle.apps.fnd.cp.opp.OPPServiceThread:2:0:max_threads=5 under
Concurrent Requests Fail Due to Output Post Processing (OPP) Timeout [ID 352518.1]
Ouput Post Processing Fails Due To java.lang.ThreadDeath [ID 427233.1]
Why Does OPP Intermittently Completes With Warnings and Error 'java.lang.OutOfMemoryError'? [ID 978495.1]
At least one OPP process active in the system. The concurrent processing uses the Output Post Processor (OPP) to
Classic Flipcard Magazine
enforce Mosaic actions
post-processing Sidebar Snapshot requests.
for concurrent TimeslideFor example, post-processing action is that used in publishing
concurrent requests with XML Publisher.
Actually when you have submit a request with XML Publisher template specified as a layout for the concurrent request
output. Once finishes the concurrent manager concurrent program, it will contact the OPP to apply the XML Publisher
template and create the final output
1. Login to Apps with sysadmin responsibility
2. Navigate to: Concurrent -> Managers -> Define
3. Query for
Manager = 'Output Post Processor%'
or Short Name = FNDCPOPP
4. Check the checkbox "Enable" .
5. Click on 'Work Shifts button
6. see Work Shift of the OPP and
Set Processes = 1
and Parameters = oracle.apps.fnd.cp.opp.OPPServiceThread:2:0:max_threads=5
and Sleep Second = 30
7. Save
How to restart Oracle Apps 11i OPP via non unix command
It can be done using script only and there is no specific script for OPP. You can restart it from the application
via (System Administrator responsibility > Concurrent > Manager > Administer), select "Output Post Processor" and click
on the "Restart" button.
Problem Description:
1, Few XML type concurrent programs taking long time and completed with warning OPP log file registered below error
Caused by: java.lang.ThreadDeath
2, CPU utilization taking 100% constantly while running the concurrent programs.
The java.lang.ThreadDeath error indicates that the Output Post Processor has reached its processing timeout.
The following configuration changes are recommended to optimize the environment for these type of reports:
1. Increase the value of the Concurrent: OPP Timeout profile option to 10800 seconds.
1. Login as SYSADMIN
2. Responsibility: XML Publisher Administrator
3. Function: Administration
4. Set the following properties:
5. Temporary Directory
6. Use XML Publisher's XSLT processor: True
7. Enable scalable feature of XSLT processor: True -- By default it’s false
8. Enable XSLT runtime optimization: True
> After changing the value also the problem still exist. As per the SR suggestion, we increased the java heap size from
1024M to 2048M.
4 View comments
This article describes the basic details of the DBVERIFY (or DBV)
utility which can be used to check Oracle datafiles for signs of
corruption. The article gives summary details of how to use
DBV and what output to expect
dbv can be executed by specifying the file name and block size of the datafile. All other parameters are optional.
# Oracle Utilities
# dbv automation script
. oraenv
$SQLPLUS -s system/manager >> $wlogfile <<EOF
set echo off feedback off verify off pages 0 termout off
linesize 150
spool dbv.cmd
see dbv script download
Madhanappsdba,Some of the blogs will directly points oracle notes or other blogs for myreference. Dynamic Views theme. Powered by Blogger.
select 'dbv file=' || name || ' blocksize=' || block_size ||
spool off
Classic Flipcard set
on verifySidebar
on pages24 Snapshot Timeslide
echo on termout on
ksh dbv.cmd
# End of script
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ORACLE APPS DBA This blog is written to share and help doer's.Please sh… search
Make sure that the OS user account has read and write permissions or an error will occur with Oracle 11g Release 1 due
to a bug with DBVERIFY.
Classic Flipcard Magazine Mosaic Sidebar Snapshot Timeslide
In addition, Oracle provides block corruption detection and repair with the Oracle 11g Recovery Manager (RMAN) utility
during backup and recovery processing.
Block corruption can also be detected by querying the v$database_block_corruption dynamic performance view. To
repair block corruption, the dbms_repair package can be used with Oracle 11g
Total Pages Examined – The number of blocks inspected by dbv. If the entire file was scanned, this value will match the
BLOCKS column for the file in v$datafile.
Total Pages Processed (Data) – The number of blocks inspected by dbv that contained table data.
Total Pages Failing (Data) – The number of table blocks that have corruption.
Total Pages Processed (Index) –The number of blocks inspected by dbv that contained index data.
Total Pages Failing (Index) – The number of index blocks that are corrupted.
Total Pages Processed (Seg) – This output is new to 9i and allows the command to specify a segment that spans
multiple files.
Total Pages Failing (Seg) – The number of segment data blocks that are corrupted.
Total Pages Marked Corrupt – This is the most important one. It shows the number of corrupt blocks discovered during
the scan.
Total Pages Influx – The number of pages that were re-read due to the page being in use. This should only occur when
executing dbv against hot datafiles and should never occur when running dbv against cold backup files.
Meaning Of The Message "Block Found Already Corrupt" When Running DBVerify (Doc ID 139425.1)
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This blog is written to share and help doer's.Please sh… search
Posted 27th
Classic Flipcard Magazine Mosaic Sidebar Snapshot November 2013 by Unknown
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Go to Connection -> SSH -> Protocol options. Set “Preferred SSH protocol version:” to SSH version 2.
Go to Connection -> SSH -> Encryption options. Promote Blowfish to the top of the list of “Encryption cipher selection
The solution: In the Connection -> SSH menu of putty, make sure 3DES is at the top, and the problem will go away.
Posted 6th November 2013 by Unknown
4 View comments
IE10 on Windows 7,8 and it is throwing up some interesting items for R12.1.3. Looks like compatibility views are the only
way to get it to work properly.
Without the compatibility view everything is undefined. Make sure when we use IE10 on windows 7 and 8.
Please please ALT + F key .You can see compatibility view under tools menu.Click it then R12.1.3 is ok .
I saw this after upgrade R12.1.3 issues. i asked for testing got this error and solved.
Oracle Support Notes 1395050.1 for fusion apps and 285218.1 for eBusiness will show the recommended browsers.
Chrome works well with OAF pages :) or where you use an extension to change the user agent for the browser to
another one.
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Standard Manager Not Picking Up Request .Managers are working not working after specifc changes have done
Stop the CM
Run AutoConfig
Run cmclean.sql script -- Concurrent Processing - CMCLEAN.SQL - Non Destructive Script to Clean Concurrent
Manager Tables [ID 134007.1]
Run ccml.sql script -- Concurrent Processing - CCM.sql Diagnostic Script to Diagnose Common Concurrent Manager
Madhanappsdba,Some of the blogs will directly points oracle notes or other blogs for myreference. Dynamic Views theme. Powered by Blogger.
Issues [ID 171855.1]
To be continued
Other References
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Madhanappsdba,Some of the blogs will directly points oracle notes or other blogs for myreference. Dynamic Views theme. Powered by Blogger.