Notre Dame - Siena College of General Santos City
Notre Dame - Siena College of General Santos City
Notre Dame - Siena College of General Santos City
This Computer Standard Operating Guide helps the Computer in-
COMPUTER LABORATORIES STRATEGIC PLAN charge to achieve the following objectives:
SY 2017-2020
1. To oversee the use of the computer and internet laboratories by the
student in support to the computer education program of the school.
This Standard Operating Guide is formulated for the use of 2. To follow up the requests of the computer teachers in relation to the
the computer Laboratory in charged to guide her in her functions and computer education curriculum and programs
responsibilities. Her main function is to oversee the effective use of 3. To manage the computer laboratories in terms of orderliness and safety
the computer facilities in support to the instructional services of the of the users.
school. Part of her duties is also to cater to the requests of the 4. To coordinate with other office heads and subject coordinators for the
Computer area including the maintenance of the computer units and use of the internet and computer laboratories for their own use in
its effective inventory to ensure the continuity of development of the relation to their functions in school.
computer program. 5. To impose discipline to the pupils and students by implementing the
rules regarding the proper use of the school facilities.
11. CONDITIONS 6. To prepare the annual computer/internet laboratories budget proposal.
Today’s education requires the maximum use of modern 7. Conducts annual inventory of the computer/internet laboratory units
information technology as a source of updated information and also and other office equipment under her.
for the preparation of teaching in the classroom. The use of internet
is a common practice to enrich learning and in enhancing students’
project and research. Computer technology is also much needed in 1V.MAIN TASK
the enrichment of content in the various subject areas. The computer laboratory in charge is responsible for the
management, monitoring and implementing the school policies on
ND-SCGSC students and faculty maximize the use of the the use of the facilities under her care. She also ensures that the
school’s computer and internet laboratories in response to the needs school facilities she handles are used to the maximum to achieve the
of modern teaching. It is used for the computer instruction which goals of education of Notre Dame- Siena College of General Santos
basically provides the students and pupil’s basic and advance City in the light of its vision-mission as well as its philosophy and
knowledge and skills in using the computer as technology of gaining objectives.
information and also for enhancing their encoded programs and
1. Organizational Chart 3. Job Description
General Description
b. Implementing
COMPUTER 1. Organization
TEACHER a. To organize and program the activities and operation of the
office and implement it.
b. To coordinate with the academic department.
c. To systematize the storage and keep the inventory of
SERVICE equipment in the laboratories.
2. Communication
a. To disseminate and implement of the school’s
2. Explanation of the Chart philosophy and objectives in this area.
b. To communicate the school’s objectives and policies to They also use the computer units for encoding their
the staff. curricular tools and programs. They also use the internet
laboratory for research and for gathering information to enrich
3. Direction/Control their lessons.
a. To supervise directly the implementation and operation
of the Computer Laboratory and Internet Center. 8. School Treasurer
b. To conduct regular meetings with the laboratory staff. She submits to the school head the requests of the computer
OIC as recommended by the computer area.
c. Evaluation
9. Principal
1. Computer Laboratory In-charge She approves the computer curriculum as planned and
She takes charge of the computer laboratories and renders recommended by the computer area coordinator after
service to the users such as the pupils and students as well as the deliberation with the computer teachers. This includes the
school personnel updating and upgrading of the computer offering of the school
and the needed programs based on the needs of the time.
2. Computer Teachers
They are the direct users of the computer laboratory as 10. Director
instructors of the computer education of the school. She studies and approves the recommendations of the
computer in charge after consultations with key people involved
3. Students Services Coordinator such as the area coordinator and the Principal in the preparation
She directly supervises the computer laboratory in charge of the computer curriculum/program.
and conducts meeting every month to give direction and monitor
the various services to students in relation to instructional VII. OPERATION
program of the school. 1. Follows the schedule of the computer “ hands on” activities
and the schedule of the use of the internet by the students.
4. Computer Technician 2. Checks the functionality of the computer units both in the
He reports to the school at least twice a week to check on the computer laboratory and in the internet.
computer units in case of technical problems and concerns. 3. Monitors the activities of the users by using her own control
5. Students/Pupils 4. Sees to it that all computer units are properly switch off after
They are the regular users of the computer laboratories as use.
part of the school curriculum. They use the computer units for 5. Implement the standard operating guides of her office.
their research work, projects and in their regular computer hands 6. Reports computer units which need repairs and other
on activities. technical concerns to the computer technician.
7. Attends to other functions and request made by other office
6. Computer Subject Area Coordinator heads in relation to the use of the computer laboratories such
He/She prepares the computer curriculum and program and as encoding and printing of documents.
updates this for the continuous development of knowledge and
skills of the learners.
7. Faculty
The Computer in-charge needs the following to effectively and
efficiently perform her tasks.
1. Computer monitor
2. Office supplies
3. Air condition units
4. Inter communication facilities
5. Updated and Upgraded computer units
Annually, the SSDC-IC in collaboration with the Guidance Counselor and
staff conducts evaluation of the effective implementation of the computer
program in relation to effective service of the computer laboratories in serving
the students and the faculty. This also includes the capability of the school to
respond to the needs of the clientele in relation to the computer laboratory.
This evaluation is necessary for the upgrading of the computer program and for
the continuous development of the computer services of the school.
Modern education requires the use of modern technology for easy access to
updated information and for the enhancement of instruction like animation of
presentations and also for the convenient preparation of reports. This however
should be tempered with morals so that the users of these modern gadgets will
use it responsibly. The personnel who are directly responsible are called to be
vigilant in guiding the young users to ensure that the vision – mission of the
school in forming them into responsible learners and handlers of modern
information technology be achieved not only today but for a lifetime.