Renal Diet - NephCure Kidney International ®

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Renal Diet – NephCure Kidney

International ®
7-9 minutes

People w

ith compromised kidney function must adhere to a renal or

kidney diet to cut down on the amount of waste in their blood.
Wastes in the blood come from food and liquids that are
consumed.  When kidney function is compromised it does not
filter or remove wastes properly.  If wastes are left in the blood
they can negatively effect a patients electrolytes. Following a
kidney diet may also help promote kidney function and slow
progression of complete kidney failure.

A renal diet is one that is low in sodium, phosphorous and

protein. A renal diet also promotes the importance of

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consuming high-quality protein and usually limits fluids. Some

patients may also need to limit potassium an
d even calcium. Every persons body is different, and therefore,
it is crucial that a  renal dietitian work with each patient to
come up with a diet that is tailored to his or her needs.

Substances crucial to monitor to promote a renal diet:


What is Sodium and its role in the body?

Sodium is a mineral found in most natural foods. Most people

think of salt and sodium as interchangeable.  Salt, however is
actually a compound of sodium and chloride.  Foods we eat
may contain salt or they may contain sodium in other forms.
Processed foods however, often contain higher levels of
sodium due to added salt.

Sodium is one of the body’s three major electrolytes

(potassium and chloride are the other two). Electrolytes
control the fluids going in and out of the body’s tissues and
cells. Sodium contributes to:

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Regulating blood pressure and blood volume

Helps in regulating nerve function and muscle contraction

Regulating the acid-base balance of blood

Balances how much fluid the body keeps or eliminates

Why should kidney patients monitor sodium intake?

Too much sodium can be harmful for people with kidney

disease because their kidneys cannot eliminate excess
sodium and  fluid from the body. As sodium and fluid build up
in the tissues and bloodstream it may cause:

Increased thirst

Edema: swelling in your legs, hands and face

High Blood Pressure

Heart failure: excess fluid in the bloodstream can overwork

your heart making it enlarged and weak

Shortness of breath: fluid can build up in the lungs, making it

difficult to breathe

How can patients monitor their sodium intake?

Always read food labels, sodium is always listed.

Pay close attention to serving size.

Use fresh, rather than packaged meats.

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Choose fresh fruits and vegetables or no salt added canned

and frozen produce.

Avoid processed foods.

Compare brands and use items lowest in sodium.

Use spices that do not list “salt” in their title (choose garlic
powder, instead of garlic salt).

Cook at home and do NOT add salt

Limit total sodium content to 400 mg per meal and 150 mg per

Printable Low Sodium Diet Guidelines (PDF)


What is Potassium and its role in the body?

Potassium is a mineral found in many of the foods we eat and

in the body. It plays a role in keeping a heartbeat regular and
muscles working correctly. Potassium is also necessary
for maintaining fluid and electrolyte balance in the
bloodstream.  The kidneys help to keep the right amount of
potassium in your body and eliminate excess amounts into the

Why should kidney patients monitor potassium intake?

When kidneys fail they can no longer remove excess

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potassium, so the level builds up in the body. High potassium

in the blood is called hyperkalemia which can cause:

Muscle weakness

Irregular heart beat

Slow pulse

Heart Attack


How can patients monitor their potassium intake?

When the kidney’s no longer regulate potassium a patient

must do so by monitoring the amount of potassium that enters
the body.

Tips to help keeppotassium at safe levels:

Talk with a renal dietitian about creating an eating plan.

Limit foods that are high in potassium.

Limit milk and dairy products to 8 oz per day.

Choose fresh fruits and vegetables.

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Avoid sa
lt substitutes & seasonings with potassium.

Read labels on packaged foods & avoid potassium chloride.

Pay close attention to serving size.

Keep a food journal.

Printable Low Potassium Diet Guidelines (PDF)


What is Phosphorus and its role in the body?

Phosphorus is a mineral critical in bone maintenance and

development.  It also functions in developing connective tissue
and organs and aids in muscle movement.  When food
containing phosphorus is consumed and digested, the small
intestines absorb it and it becomes stored in the bones.

Why should kidney patients monitor Phosphorus intake?

Normal working kidneys can remove extra phosphorus in your

blood. When kidney function is compromised they no longer
remove excess phosphorus. High phosphorus levels can  pull
calcium out of your bones, making them weak. This also leads
to dangerous calcium deposits in blood vessels, lungs, eyes,
and heart.

How can patients monitor their phosphorus intake?

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Phosphorus can be found in many foods. Therefore, patients

with compromised kidney function should work with a renal
dietitian to help manage phosphorus levels.

Tips to help keep phosphorus at safe levels:

Know what foods are lower in phosphorus.

Pay close attention to serving size

Eat smaller portions of foods high in protein at meals and for


Eat fresh fruits and vegetables.

Ask your physician about using phosphate binders at meal


Avoid packaged foods that contain added phosphorus. Look

for phosphorus, or for words with PHOS, on ingredient labels.

Keep a food journal

Printable Low Phosphorus Diet Guidlines (PDF)

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Protein is not a problem for healthy kidneys.  Normally, protein

is ingested and waste products are created, which in turn are
filtered by the nephrons of the kidney.  The waste then, with
the help of additional renal proteins, turns into urine.  In
contrast, damaged kidneys fail to remove protein waste and it
accumulates in the blood.

The proper consumption of protein is tricky for Chronic Kidney

Disease patients as the amount differs with each stage of
disease.  Protein is essential for tissue maintenance and other
bodily roles, so it is important to eat the recommended amount
for the specific stage of disease according to your nephrologist
or renal dietician.


Fluid control is important for patients in the later stages of

Chronic Kidney Disease because normal fluid consumption
may cause fluid build up in the body which could become
dangerous. People on dialysis often have decreased urine
output, so increased fluid in the body can put unnecessary

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pressure on the person’s heart and lungs.

A fluid allowance for patients is calculated on an

individual basis depending on urine output and dialysis
settings. It is vital to follow your nephrologist/nutritionists fluid
intake guidelines.

To control fluid intake, patients should:

Not drink more than what your doctor orders

 Count all foods that will melt at room temperature (Jell-O® ,

popsicles, etc.)

Be cognocent of the amount of fluids used in cooking

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