Testing Device in Gathering Data

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Gathering Information About

Problem Readers


Directions: Which areas seem to be interfering with students’ responsiveness to reading? Underline
specific behaviors you observe; add comments as necessary.
Factors Comments
_______ Physical Factors
When student reads, does she
Lose her place?
Rub her eyes?
Blink excessively?
Tilt her head so as to use only one eye?
Complain of blurred print, headaches, or watering eyes?
When you speak to the student, does she
Tilt her head?
Cup her ear?
Appear inattentive?
Ask you to repeat directions?
Does she appear well rested and generally healthy?
What is her attendance record?
_______ Language Factors
When she speaks, does she
Have a meager vocabulary?
Use poor sentence structure?
Does the student make frequent spelling errors that indicate lack of
knowledge of sound-symbol relationships?
Does she have a past history of poor performance in language-
related courses?
If you have had occasions to talk with parents and siblings, did you
notice anything helpful for interpreting the student’s language

________ Environment Factors

Does the student talk about experiences or place she has visited?
Does the student have books, magazines, or other reading
materials of her own?
Do her parents seem interested in her and accept her?
Is education valued by the family?
_______ Aptitude Factors
Does the student ask questions?
Does she have a fairly good background of information?
Is she able to draw conclusions and make sound judgments based
on facts?
Does she learn rapidly and remember what she has learned?
Is she able to see similarities and differences in concepts?

________ Social – Emotional Factors

Is the student accepted by family and peers?
Is she able to get along with others?
Does she have positive self-concept?
Is she able to control her emotions and concentrate long enough to
complete a task?
________ Educational Factors
Does the student have positive or negative attitudes toward the
Does she have purposes for learning?
Has the student met with success or failure in most academic
Has the student been enrolled in any remedial reading programs?
Are the appropriate materials available for the students?

Personal Inventory
Year & Section: _____________________________________________ Age:____________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________Contact No._____________________

Directions: The following questions are designed to help me get to know you. Write your answers in the
blank. If you are not sure of an answer, or do not want to answer some questions, leave it blank.

1. What other schools you attended?___________________________________________________________

2. Are you supposed to wear glasses? __________ If yes, when did you first get them?______________
3. Do your eyes bother you when read or write?_________________In what way?___________________
4. Is your hearing (circle one) excellent, good , fair, or poor?
5. Is your health (circle one) excellent, good , fair, or poor?
6. How many do you sleep at night?____________________________________________________________
7. Do you read for pleasure? ___________ If yes, name some recent books or magazines you have
read. _______________________________________________________________________________________
8. Is your reading (circle one) excellent, good , fair, or poor?
9. What is the most interesting topic you like to study? _____________________________________________
10. What is the least interesting topic you must study?_____________________________________________
11. How much time do you usually spend each day studying outside the school?_________________
12. List some places you have visited outside of town?____________________________________________
13. What interests do you have outside of school/_________________________________________________
14. What school activities do you enjoy most?_____________________________________________________
15. How do you get along with your parents?
16. Encircle the word that shows how most teachers think of you as a student?
a) excellent b)good c) fair d)poor
17. Is your vocabulary (please encircle one) a) excellent b)good c) fair d)poor?
18. Is your spelling (please encircle one) a) excellent b)good c) fair d)poor?
19. Do you have a place to study at home? __________ if yes please describe it____________________
20. What kind of responsibilities would you like to have as an adult?_______________________________
21. How do you get along with other students in this class? _________Do you know these student
well? Who are your favorite students/classmates?____________________________________________
22. Why do some people like you?_______________________________________________________________
23. Are there some people who do not like you?__________Why?__________________________________
24. What is your father’s occupation?___________________________________________________________
What is your mother’s occupation?__________________________________________________________
25. What language is usually spoken in your home?______________________________________________
26. Do your parents talk with you about school?__________If so, what kind of things do they ask?

Major Factor Questions Designed to Provide Information

Physical Condition 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Language Development 8, 7, 18, 25
Environment 12, 19, 24, 26
Aptitude 9, 10, 13, 20
Socio-Emotional Problems 15 ,21, 22, 23
Educational Background 1, 7, 11, 14, 16


Factor Number of Sentences that may Provide

Physical 4, 7, 8, 18
Language 1, 13, 17, 23
Environment 5, 10, 11, 13, 20
Aptitude 12, 19, 21, 22
Socio-Emotional Problems 2 ,3, 9, 14
Education 6, 15, 16, 24


Talking & listening to students can be useful technique to gather information about the six factors
influencing the reading achievement.

Many of the questions in the Personal Inventory form can be used in conversation with the students.
Of course, you will phrase it differently and ask them in a natural sequence as the conversation

When talking to students, you must be sincere and concerned. Ask questions in such a way that
students realize you are not “meddling” but are trying to help. You will want to help student accept
themselves as they are, yet to provide hope for improvement. Help students realize that reading
and success in academic areas are important things in life, too. Here are sample questions you can
use during a natural conversation with the student.

PHYSICAL CONDITION: Have you ever had any trouble seeing or hearing? What illness
have you had? How many hours do you sleep in a day?

LANGUAGE: What language do your parents ask? Did they graduate from high school?
College? Did you have any problems learning to spell, read, or write?

ENVIRONMENT: What places have you visited on vacations? How do your parents feel
about your school activities? Can you study at home?

APTITUDE: What things do you do best? Do you want to do better in school? Why? Do you
think you can learn to read better?

SOCIO-EMOTIONAL: Who are your best friends? How well do you get along with your
family? What kind of things make you happy? Frustrated? Sad?

Education: What kind of student were you in elementary school? Have you ever been in a
special reading class? Do your teacher generally like you?
Name:__________________________________Year & Section:________________Date:_________________
Directions: Quickly complete the following sentences. Write down the first thing that enters your
mind. There are no right or wrong sentences.
1. Reading is _____________________________________________________________________________
2. I like to ________________________________________________________________________________
3. My friends _____________________________________________________________________________
4. I feel___________________________________________________________________________________
5. The best magazine _____________________________________________________________________
6. Elementary school was _________________________________________________________________
7. My eyes________________________________________________________________________________
8. My ears________________________________________________________________________________
9. My parents_____________________________________________________________________________
10. Education is ____________________________________________________________________________
11. I have been to__________________________________________________________________________
12. I wish I could____________________________________________________________________________
13. When I read to others___________________________________________________________________
14. I am liked by____________________________________________________________________________
15. School, is_______________________________________________________________________________
16. My teachers ___________________________________________________________________________
17. Books are______________________________________________________________________________
18. I sleep_________________________________________________________________________________
19. When I finish school_____________________________________________________________________
20. My home_______________________________________________________________________________
21. I need help in___________________________________________________________________________
22. My best subject is_______________________________________________________________________
23. Spelling is_______________________________________________________________________________
24. Teacher usually_________________________________________________________________________
A combination of factors usually influences reading achievement. A student may be
plagued by Social – emotional problems. The following checklist will help as you try to help
problem readers. It is not a series of steps to follow for helping problem readers. The
emphasis is on continual effective Teaching. Use the checklist to continually evaluate
yourself to make sure you are not contributing to students’ reading problems.


_______________1. Am I using the materials the student are capable of handling? Do I

Use my department chairman and librarian as resources for getting
Such materials?

_______________2. Have I identified the most important concepts for my students? Am

I teaching the concepts, skills, and attitudes that will make their
Lives better?

_______________3. Am I using a variety of activities in the classroom? Do I use the

Activities such as simulation, role playing, resources people,
discussions, and Audiovisual aids?

_______________4. Do I differentiate assignments according to the needs of t

students? After administering informal Suitability Surveys, am I using
the Information to provide appropriate materials?

_______________5. Do I accept my students as they are? Do I avoid labeling them?

Have I determined their strengths, and do my instructional
techniques maximize them?
___________________6. Do I refer students who need specialized help? Do I know what
support services are available in the school and community?
_______________7 Do I identify and demonstrate enthusiasm for my content area? Am I
stimulating student’s interest and curiosity?
_______________8. Am I continually observing students to determine factors that are
helping or hindering their academic achievement? Have I used this
information to help the students?
_______________9. Do I take time for myself? Am I able to enjoy many experiences
outside school that will make me a better teacher in the classroom?
_______________10. Am I helping students increase their vocabularies and develop
appropriate strategies to word pronunciation, comprehension, and
_______________11. Am I aware of the reading skills required for the materials in my
content area? Do I help students learn to read these specialized
materials, or do I assume that anyone can read them? Do I use skill
groups and skill centers to provide for individual differences?
_______________12. Am I implement the PARS (Module 9) strategy for motivating
reluctant readers? Will my attitudes influence students to succeed in
my classes? Do I have faith in students?

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