V.S. Susan Ferguson
V.S. Susan Ferguson
V.S. Susan Ferguson
I was born almost 60 years ago in the wild-wild-west. From the very first time I
remember feeling, I felt misplaced, born out of family, out of time, from
another planet. In 1964, I began to seriously study what I now collectively call
metaphysics – the search for truth ‘beneath the curtain of each atom.’
Over the years I have read hundreds of books on metaphysics, spirituality, and
religion. I have found the Sanskrit texts of Hinduism and the writings of the
Sufis to speak more clearly – at least to me. This website will include many
sources, but for the past two years I have been focusing on translations of the
Sanskrit texts and thus my understandings will reflect these timeless and eternal
ancient teachings.
Nothing is set in stone. Nothing. These words are only meant to inspire you and
invite you to wander through your holographic reality, and there create your
own inimitable, private, personal relationship with the God-within you.
Question everything and never believe anything that does not resonate with
your own inner being.
Your path Home is unique to you and solely yours. Why would Isness/God,
who is infinitely diverse in It’s manifestations, want us all to realize our
Oneness in the same way? Clones are only useful to the mechanisms of control
and consumption; with little or no imagination, they are disposable. Find your
own Way. That is the future of Truth.
God is everything and every one – meaning IS-ness pervades the entire
universe, you and every other living being, and the myriad other universes.
God pervades this & every other universe, and simultaneously dwells in our
heart – meaning God dwells within the Heart Chakra of every human being
waiting for us to turn to that, ‘the With-in’ and in Rembrance of what we have
always been, become One again.
God/Isness is LOVE - not elusive personal human love, but LOVE as the entire
Field of Creation, the force that unifies all others.
We are currently living in the Twilight of the Age of Conflict & Confusion -
the Kali Yuga, as it is known in Sanskrit. We humans are like supercomputers
with no user’s manual. Through the power of time, the frequencies of the Kali
Yuga have literally cooked our consciousness, reducing our awareness to the
limited five senses.
Access to the myriad worlds beyond the prison of the five senses is our God
given Right. The paranormal is normal in other Cycles of Time. The so-called
secret, veiled and hidden teachings are only secret because 99% of the
inhabitants of this planet are currently so shut down that they are no longer
capable of understanding the Real.
Sex is not physical. Sex is sacred and can allow you to achieve specific states
of higher consciousness. These states of consciousness can serve to enlighten
you. Or if it is your intention to bring children into this world, attract souls.
ETs are in fact the diverse inhabitants of what is known as the Loka Worlds or
Myriad Realms, or in the west as the astral planes. The etymology of the word
‘astral’ is star - and the ETs are merely the beings within the myriad layers of
multidimensional realms that have always existed all around us.
Location is the result of consciousness. Thus you contact the beings within the
Invisible Realms and the extraterrestrials you resonate with - some see demons,
while others see angels.
The countless heavens and hells so vividly described in every religion are
illusory temporal realms created over the Four Cycles of Time (only one
MAHA-YUGA of 71 within a MANVANTARA) by the mind of man. They are
temporal, and not eternal.
The Truth isn’t ‘out there’ – the Truth is within, through the Heart. Now is the
time for us all to wake up, to REMEMBER who we are, to return to our Home
within, and to open the Gate on the Path for the next Cycle of Time.
Susan Ferguson
V.S. (Susan) Ferguson
My Personal Journey
My Experience of 9/11
In the year 2000 I moved back to New York City, where I had lived for most
of my adult life. Thus I was there for 9/11. The entire city was in total shock,
as was the world. But in NYC an eerie silence hung over the normally noisy
bustling city like an evil veil – a silence broken only by the sound of F-16 jet
fighters. I was not downtown on that terrible day, but I was near enough to
see the smoke and smell the acrid toxic fumes as they drifted into my
Bizarrely I was living in a building that was next door to one of the funeral
homes where the bodies were being brought. My mother was the 7th child of
the 7th child and I have always been able to see and communicate with the
deceased. Let me assure you that this is not a gift that you should envy or
want to cultivate.
On that day 9/11, the spirits of the dead were coming up into my apartment.
They were simply looking for someone who could recognize them, who was
able to see them. They were bewildered, lost in deep shock as you might
imagine. I could see them as severely burned, their bodies covered in blood;
some were half recognizable and still in their business attire. I tried to
comfort them as much as possible and help them to move on.
For those of you who read my previous website before I began Metaphysical
Musing, you know that for many years I was very much involved in the
world. I had spent years studying what had gone wrong, the poisoning of our
food-air-water and the earth, the seemingly intentional dumbing us down,
the unbelievable corruption and greed in governments - the general visible
heinous symptoms of the inexorable Kali Yuga. Therefore I was not taken
by complete surprise at the events on 9/11 – but I was not prepared, nor
could anyone be, for the effect the attacks had on me emotionally, on my
psyche. Like so many, I felt utterly helpless.
I resolved to move away from my beloved Big Apple; and as the character
Gracie in Inanna Returns headed for the mountains in the Pacific
Northwest, I moved into the forest near the Blue Ridge Mountains. In my
life I have retreated into Nature at various times and this seclusion has
always served me well. Thus for the past 2 1/2 years I have been a virtual
hermit seeing and speaking with almost no one. I have spent my time
primarily in meditation and reading translations of the Sanskrit texts. To
balance this isolation I watched Indian cinema, not just Bollywood, but also
the wonderful Bengali, Tamil, and Teluga films.
I am not a scholar and I can tell you that in the beginning reading the
translations of these Sanskrit texts did not come easy. There were days I
would spend hours reading one paragraph or one page. But over time I
became accustomed to a completely different cultural context – meaning
different from my own American culture – and the reading became easier.
For example, I began to read the Puranas at night before I went to sleep as I
enjoyed their story form. I read the more arduous doctrinal texts, such as the
Upanishads, the Vedas (Shyam Ghosh’s Rig Veda), or the Shivä Samhita,
the Gheranda Samhita, and the Patanjali Yogasutra (Shyam Ghosh) in the
mornings, when my mind was hopefully open and clear.
In the past 2 1/2 years I have read (some texts not in their entirety) from:
The Mahabharata, 7 different translations of the Bhagavad Gita (which is
within the Mahabharata), the Brahma Purana, the Shiva Purana, the
Bhagavata Purana, the Vayu Purana, the Linga Purana, the Vishnu Purana,
the Skandha Purana, and the Varaha Purana. I have read extensively the
writings and teachings of the Kashmir Saivites, Abhinavagupta and Swami
I read many books on Samkhya including Kapila and The Samkhya Karika
of Ishvara Krishna. I became familiar with the teachings of Sankara and
Ramanuja and many others. I read extensively into the long history of Bhakti
Yoga in India. I also read the brilliant writings of Rene Guenon, Alain
Danielou, and David Shulman, which greatly helped my entry into the
inscrutable realms of Sanskrit metaphysics.
Even though I occasionally felt sad and frustrated that I had failed to find a
living guru, I essentially trusted the God-within me. I seem to have a
mysterious marvelous gift in that whenever a particularly obstinate and
profound question is eluding me and driving me nuts, I will inevitably find
the answer in a book often quite by chance. Perhaps this is just my path
based on the fact that I have the planet Jupiter in my ninth house. However
this jadoo works, it is always a source of wonder and joy for me, as well as a
bit of fun.
So when the writings of the Indian scholar Krishna Chaitanya, aka K.K.
Nair, came into my life, I knew that once again … Krishna is my guru.
Occasionally there comes along in this world a mind that does have the
capacity to study and comprehend it all! That would be Krishna
Chaitanya/KK Nair. I suppose it took me these past years of study to even be
ready to understand the clarity of genius of KK Nair. Krishna Chaitanya is
his pen name and I am going to call him KK Nair so as not to confuse the
reader with Krishna the Hindu deity and hero of the Bhagavad Gita - or the
Bengal Saint Chaitanya (1486-1534).
KK Nair died in the early 1990s. If he were still alive today, I would be
writing him letters of gratitude because it is KK Nair’s enormously huge
understanding of not only the ancient Sanskrit texts, but also of all western
thinking as well that has opened an entire new and extremely exhilarating
door for me.
The book jacket from Clarion publishing house gives us some insight into
the accomplishments of this great man: one of the most original and
stimulating minds, India’s nearest approximation to the Renaissance man,
the author of nearly 40 books. KK Nair wrote a five-volume philosophy of
freedom for which he got a Jawaharlal Nehru Fellowship and which has
been compared to the works of Thomas Aquinas, Herbert Spencer,
Whitehead, and Teilhard de Chardin; a ten-volume history of world
literature in English and several Indian languages, among many others. The
accolades go on, but suffice to say KK Nair possessed a rare and highly
exceptional breadth and depth of intelligence.
Become the partner of the God-within you
We do indeed all have Free Will. We can choose to work with and for the
God-within – or we can ignore the Source of everything and our own
essence and continue to spiral down through the Cycles of Time in the
mechanistic automaton (yantra rudhana) of our gunas, the small personality
self with its myriad of compulsions.
Over the past 2 1/2 years I have had many trials. I certainly would not say
that this has been an easy time for me or that the realizations and
experiences I have achieved came effortlessly. But they did come!
However the Void is emptiness and Being should not, in Becoming, end up
as a kind of annihilation into Nothing. As KK Nair points out, liberation
should not move towards self-extinction and an excuse for doing nothing.
What would an eternal all powerful being do when cloaked in the Veil of
Forgetting and the solidification of matter? What choices will we make?
Will we blame others and as perfect victims follow the path of weakness
interminably whining, weeping, and bewailing our fate? Or will we as KK
Nair says, after “the most through critical assessment” accept God’s
inspiration and become “the partner of God, his active agent and not passive
tool, for realizing God’s design.”
Perhaps this universe can be understood as the Creator’s master poem, the
ultimate work of Art, a weaving of waveforms, sound and vision, a grand
cosmic film with you and me as actors on the stage of the temporal illusory
hologram. Will we play out our character with tenacity, courage and
conviction - or be washed away in a sea of toxic consumption and mind
numbing comforts that leave us bored, fat and empty?
“It is in the finest reach of man’s consciousness that God abides or reveals
himself most fully.”
The above sentence, written by the brilliant and renowned Indian scholar
Krishna Chaitanya, expresses to me the most profoundly beautiful of
thoughts. For after all is said and done, what’s it all about? Why did the
creator make this awesome universe and wrap Itself within us mortals? Just
for play? For ‘sport’ as some of the Sanskrit texts say?
We cannot hope to resolve things here, especially in the Kali Yuga. We can
only act in every given moment to the highest and greatest extent of our
ability. That ‘momentary best’ will surely not be the result of being drowned
in pop-consumer-culture, in media manipulation, or in piles of possessions
that only bring a fleeting empty satisfaction.
Thus we are left to understand this: What truly matters is that we focus on
the quality and consciousness of our actions rather than their results. In these
sad and degenerate days, most are driven by consumption, by stupid greed,
and the anger that destroys intelligence.
Urged on by our endless fears and insecurities, perhaps under the hazy spell
of alcohol or drug induced compulsions, we commit acts we inevitably
regret. We take actions that leave us scarred, unfulfilled, hopeless, and
isolated from our fellow man. It’s called sin. The metaphysical meaning of
sin is the state of being deluded by attachment.
Happy mystics often say that God is irresistible. Surely we can all hope to
reconnect with what is less temporal, less vulnerable to Hamlet’s “slings and
arrows of outrageous fortune.” We all carry the hope of finding and abiding
in the ineluctable eternal, because we all sense its presence somewhere deep
within each and every one of us, if only we could find the key.
I often try to imagine my consciousness back in the Satya Yuga, the Golden
Age, when I knew that I was a particle of the Creator wrapped in the
beginnings of a grand illusory adventure. The adventure is illusory only in
the sense that it is temporal, subject to death and dissolution. There is
nothing in the external world that will not decay, rot and ruin, and die in
time. This world is an ephemeral, impermanent, fleeting adventure. It is not
eternal, immutable and imperishable, like the God-within.
The illusion seems real enough when we are lost in it. Certainly the
adventure is not illusory to the five senses when we run into that proverbial
brick wall. Ouch! Our deluded attachment to the perceived apparent reality
of the holographic illusion steadily grows, as our consciousness is ever
moving through Time towards density from one cycle of time down into the
next. Thus we perceive a kind of ‘solidification’ of matter (Rene Guenon).
The veil we ourselves create thickens, and by the Kali Yuga, the Age of
Conflict & Confusion, we have forgotten.
I like to imagine our consciousness in the golden Satya Yuga era. We are in
that time filled with bliss consciousness. We do not need other beings to
experience fulfillment. We spend our time in contemplation because that is
where our Bliss is! We do not need anyone to flatter our still undeveloped
ego. We know to go within and create the consciousness we have always
known - our eternal Self that remains forever pure and untouched by what
will envelope us in the coming yugas.
Because in that now lost golden frequency, we are closer to the vast ocean of
Love that underlies this universe. The comfort and strength that comes from
Bliss consciousness and real Knowledge allows us to be curious, to wonder
what we might do if we are cut off from such Knowledge and our source of
Bliss. What will we do? We are drawn into the hologram. Will the
compulsions of the five senses overwhelm our memory? Can we remain
calm and serene, intelligent and therefore, courageous.
Will the God that eternally abides within reveal Itself in the finest reach of
our human consciousness, even in the darkest of days here in the confusion
of the Kali Yuga. Surely the exploration of this secret sacred place, meaning,
the finest reach of man’s consciousness, is the reason we all came into this
universe. The purpose of Life is to immerse ourselves and revel in the great
adventure of God veiling Itself within us all, and to one day awaken to smile
those mysterious compassionate smiles of Krishna and Buddha and many
Therefore when you ‘renounce’ this world, you are simply sending
back to God what always belonged to God - even though you were
under the delusion that the objects of the senses belonged to you.
Attachment to the temporal is foolishness.
As you remove the five senses from their objects and return their
transmissions to their Creator, you give up what was never yours
anyway and return to that which you truly always are.
Always keep in
mind that -
Everything is God!
In her book Dr. Sharma dissects the classical Sanskrit texts on Bhakti Yoga.
Of these, I will only discuss her writing on the Bhagavad Gita and the
Bhagavata Purana. In fact, it was Krishna’s Bhagavad Gita that attracted me
to Bhakti many years ago. In Book XII, Krishna tells Arjuna that getting the
mind to focus on the eternal imperishable (aksharam) unmanifest invisible
(avyaktam) is harder, more trouble, more painful (kleshas) than being
devoted (madbhaktas).
However, according to Dr. Sharma: ‘Bhakti does not carry the meaning of
just a simple loving faith in the Bhagavad Gita.’ The Gita does not replace
knowledge (jnana) with bhakti, but in fact sees the two as ‘interdependent’.
And most importantly for you and me, ‘…the bhakti of the Gita does not
suggest any essential and ever-existent dualism between the devotee and the
deity. Nor is it conditioned by the idea of a personal God.’ (p. 112)
In Supplement II, Dr. Krishna Sharma sheds some light on Caitanya’s
Gaudiya Vaishnava School. Gaudiya Bhakti is generally associated with the
Bengali saint Caitanya (1486). Caitanya (pronounced Chaitanya) was an
ecstatic and did not care to write anything down. So he assigned the task to
theologians whom he sent to live in Vrndavana, the location of the magical
forest where Krishna is said to have played as a child and a young man.
India was under Muslim rule in this period and one of these theologians,
Rupa Gosvamin was a minister in the Muslim court at Gauda. Feeling
pressured by anti-Hindu Muslim agendas he could not support, Rupa
Gosvamin and his brother became disenchanted with worldly life (according
to David L. Haberman). Life could not be fulfilled under such tyrannical
circumstances and thus Rupa Gosvamin became interested in Caitanya and
began to create a world (The Bhaktirasamrtasindhu) that would transcend
Muslim control.
Gaudiya Vaishnavism is the basis for the Krishna cults that have received so
much uneven and confusing attention here in the west. I do not doubt any
person’s sincere efforts to find God. I myself have experienced more than
one disappointing ‘turn’ on the way Home. I am only offering Dr. Krishna
Sharma’s acuity in perception and discernment for you to contemplate.
Dr. Sharma also suggests that western writers have imposed their
own western ideas about religion on these classical texts and tend
to see the ancient Sanskrit ideas through their own perceptions of
a personal externalized deity, whereas Hinduism is essentially
The Real is that there is only One, only one Soul (Purushottama) that
permeates the All. I use my own natural tendencies to love, to sort of trick
myself into a focus that will lead me Home. It seems to me that if I prefer to
remain in the state of longing and separation forever, then I am not moving
in the right direction.
Here are other books on Bhakti Yoga, some of which are available
at http://www.exoticindiaart.com/
Viraha Bhakti
The Early History of Krishna Devotion in South India
Friedman Hardy
Oxford University Press, 1983
Oxford India Paperbacks, 2001
Sri Tattva-Sandaebha
Srila Jiva Gosvami Prabhupada
Translation & Commentary by Sri Satya Narayana dasa
Jiva Institute for Vaisnava Studies, 1995, Vrndavana India
There are many possible forms of expression – this universe being only one
of the many. This universe is formed on the time/space paradigm. Others are
not. There are many others.
When the Spheres of Light created the earth-plane, they knew that they were
projected pieces of IS-ness. As electrical and magnetic spherical energies,
they interacted in consciousness with one another via pulsating emissions -
thought, projected out onto the Field of the time/space Matrix – like 'pearls
strung' into the infinite darkness of the Void.
We were playing in time and space. We moved with delight through our
creation, without attachment, knowing the holograms we created were
beautiful temporal transient illusions. Our holographic illusions were ever
changing, created and dissolved, again and again to be recreated, altered, and
dissolved once more – eternally.
Playing within the first cycle of time with the innocence of children, we
moved through our illusory holographic matrix, creating more and more
multiplicity. Enchanted by our thought-projected waveforms, we
manifested light bodies to interact within these manifested frequency planes,
which our thoughts were emitting.
Thus multiplicity and the art of illusion (MAYA) increased. With this
increase began the apparent solidification of light. As we moved down
through the four Cycles of Time, light began to take on the appearance of
density and the illusion of matter. As we moved further down in time, our
light bodies took on the appearance of solidity – and, in consciousness, we
began to identify with our externally manifested data-collecting vehicles, our
human bodies and the five senses.
During this process of Forgetting, many realms had been created through the
power of feeling, meaning our emotions coupled with our projected mental
thoughts. These realms were in truth only waveforms of electro-magnetic
energies created by us. But we, who were becoming more and more lost in
density and confusion, mistook them for external realities.
Thus the Myriad Realms of Heavens and Hells were born. Our
consciousness cooked by the density of the Kali Yuga, we foolishly
enslaved ourselves to our own thought projections. None of these realms
are eternal – but in fact they are temporal and as such, subject to time and
inevitable dissolution.
We fell into a self-made trap of looking outside our Selves and mistaking the
external illusory hologram for truth, for the underlying metaphysical reality.
Thus we forgot our Oneness with the God-within each and every one of us.
We became insecure and fearful in a universe we had ourselves created!
Most importantly this increasing need to worship anything and anyone other
than the God-within us, left us evermore vulnerable to endless exploitation
from our fellow, also fearful, human beings – and numerous other entities
from a multitude of realms. We became as a sacrifice for them - and these
entities, ironically many of whom originally were our own thought
waveforms, began to take on a life of their own and literally feed off of us,
our fears.
We cannot join the rest of the galaxy until we have outgrown this adolescent
habit of externalizing our energy to worship any and all that we perceive as
greater than we are. As long as we bow down and worship another,
thinking he or she is IS-ness and we are not – then we are as 'sacrificial
offerings' for these entities, many of which are our own creations.
It is time to REMEMBER who we are, to wake up, and to come Home. The
Door is in the Heart.
Two radiant Beings of light, Thel Dar and Tathata, were playing in
the forever Void.
Tathata was holding a baby galaxy in its hand, and alternately extending and
contracting the newly formed star system, much like a yo-yo, out into the
waterfall of light.
“This little one will be splendid once it begins to flatten out,” Tathata said
excitedly. The baby galaxy was presently very round and fat.
“Some of us were quite weary of eternal bliss, weren’t we?” Tathata said.
“Third dimensional densities had been done before, but never like this,” said
Thel Dar grinning.
“Whose idea was it to draw the Veils of Forgetting so tightly in the last
cycle?” Tathata inquired.
“Well, that portion of the four cycles is, after all, the most exciting one,”
Tathata chuckled, pulling the baby galaxy gently back into its tender hand.
“The temporal illusions we have created are spectacular, are they not? What
a hologram!” Thel Dar exclaimed.
“We have generated a powerful reservoir of force to fuel new realties in the
mind of the Creator,” Tathata said proudly.
“Yes, many of which the earthlings are as yet unaware of,” said Tathata.
“We never dreamed that consuming mass quantities of material goods and
services could become so hypnotic to so many who had once been so highly
evolved,” said Thel Dar.
“Even some of our most enlightened have been seduced by the hypnotic
numbing frequencies they lowered themselves into,” remarked Thel Dar.
Return to remembrance...
“Exciting isn't it!” Tathata said. “And the best is yet to come. Soon the Veils
of Illusion will begin to lift as the great beings — who have forgotten who
they are — return to remembrance and reconnect the loose strands of DNA
in their data-collecting vehicles which they call bodies.”
“Once again,” said Thel Dar, “they will see the myriads of nested realities
which have existed around them all along. Nevertheless, the experience of
imagining themselves totally alone in the vastness of space was quite an
“As the earthlings learn of the myriad realms,” Tathata added, “and the vast
numbers of civilizations thriving in their own solar system and the other
galaxies, they will expand their capacities to know and to receive
“Then the exciting part begins,” said Tathata. “Each species will form itself
into a unique and exquisite crystal of light containing all the data ever
collected by their generations. These timeless and elegant crystals will bond
magnetically according to a likeness of frequency as all existing
consciousness temporarily melts into a Divine Union in the forever Void. An
infinite light reality will form, increasing and extending itself higher and
deeper by attracting all that ever is and all that has ever been to Itself.”
“Words can never describe our loving endeavors adequately,” said Tathata.
The other day I had to go to a local drug store on one of the endless strip
malls here in the good old USA - one of those chain stores that are built of
disposable toxic materials and litter our country. Inside the lights are cheap,
a glaring florescence, the isles are filled and crammed with products incased
in EDC (endocrine disrupting chemical) plastic. Everything is ugly and
harsh, and the smell is overwhelming, non-human.
Dizzy, I head for the check-out-counter with two boxes of tissues (white,
thanks to the EDC chlorine) and a role of Kodak film to take pictures of
At the cash register is a young woman so totally depressed and numb, and
beyond that - very angry. She hates the drugstore and her job; she hates her
life, and me. I offer her a weak smile. She snarls at me, as I am unable to
work the credit card machine.
"They are all different," I say obsequiously as I try to find the correct buttons
in vain. She shrugs her shoulders as if to say - you stupid old idiot. I sign the
receipt and leave feeling sad, empty. This is a part of my country I
assiduously endeavor to avoid.
But unfortunately I cannot always live in my own little magic kingdom, and
today I am forced to crawl back out there, back out to Mall World. I had not
washed my car all winter and the guy at the gas station told me there was
something on my hubcaps that soon would never come off. So here I was
again, driving down the strip-mall looking amongst the heinous rubble for a
As I wait in the line at the carwash, there are loud noises and chemicals
everywhere. Guys wheeling big vats of god-only-knows-what on into
soulless ugly buildings, built not to last.
I ask them courteously if they can wax the car, but please no chemical
perfume sprays. If your not careful in this country, the carwash will spray
your car with what they call ‘that new car smell’ which is loaded with
endocrine disrupting chemicals.
OK. I walk around the corner and the March sun is shining, a little too harsh.
There is nowhere to go. I have to wait - and the strip mall is not designed for
anything but cars. I realize it's stupid to try to cross the busy six-lane strip-
mall road. It’s too dangerous, and for what? So I return to the detail-shop
where my car is being waxed and polished. Basically, I am now completely
unnerved, but pretending to still be in control.
A black man waves me over to my car. He points out the chemical grime
that has embedded itself into my hubcaps over the winter and kindly
explains that chrome is porous and that if I will bring the car back another
day when he has more time, he can clean them properly.
Most of us can really not imagine the total destruction of our world, our
planet Earth. And yet one of the most popular modern myths is that of
Superman and the annihilation of his home planet Krypton. Is the universal
appeal of this story merely Superman’s ability to save us from the bad guys?
Or is there something deeper and profoundly fundamental to our
unconscious memory in the meme of the total destruction of a home-world
Did you ever wonder - 'What is all this life on Earth for?' What does the
Creator want? Hindu metaphysics tells us that the God-within, the
ATMA/SELF, is never affected in the slightest by anything we have ever
done. Reason it for yourself – if we could alter IS-ness in anyway, for even a
NY minute, we would have destroyed the entire universe eons ago. Look
what we have done recently to our planet and to each other for the past 6,000
In his famous interview with Art Bell, the UFO informant John Lear says
that the ETs refer to us humans as ‘containers’ and even though he does not
seem to understand the implications of his statement – he knows that this
entire experience has something to do with our SOULS. These containers,
the human body or - as I like to say - our data-collecting-vehicles, are
illusory temporal homes for our souls.
You don’t judge anything or anyone in the experiment! You just never know
what will happen - meaning from whence that great gene code will emerge.
Sometimes the most worthless rogue and blackguard will resurrect itself like
the Phoenix, and become an unexpected brilliance beyond your wildest
After a time, for example four cycles of time, you see what will be worth
saving. It’s like deciding what to pack when going on a vacation – or more
dramatically and relevant, choosing what to take on the proverbial Noah’s
Ark. You wouldn’t take anything you couldn’t use or things that will weigh
you down. Carefully, you only take what you will need for the trip. You
retrieve the most interesting and fertile gene codes for the next probable
"When the dissolution of the world seems immanent, some people abandon
the earth during the last days of the Kalpa and take refuge in the world of
Mahar [the extraplanetary world] and from there will return to the world of
life" (janaloka)."
[Linga Purana 1.4.39-40]
The sight of all his relatives arrayed on the battlefield weakens Arjuna's
resolve and he tells to his friend Krishna that the sight of his family has
made him lose his nerve. He trembles at the thought of killing his own and
cannot what good will come from this terrible war.
His heart anguished, his eyes filling with tears, Arjuna lets go of his arrows
& bow, and sits down in the pit of his chariot. He prefers to be killed,
unarmed and defenseless, rather than to fight.
Thus the most perplexing question ever asked in written history is posed in
this Sanskrit text, the Bhagavad Gita, providing the superb opportunity for
Krishna’s even more baffling, enigmatic and mysterious answer, which has
confounded the finest of minds for centuries. Sooner or later, every
intelligent thinking person attempts to read the Bhagavad Gita,which is
contained within the Mahabharata. From saint to sinner, scientist to priest,
the Gita has traditionally been seen as a profound key to understanding the
meaning of life. Or to put it in more current terms: What are the rules?
Krishna is an incarnation of the god Vishnu, who protects and sustains the
universe. Krishna’s first response to Arjuna is to inquire why this mood
come over him at such a bad time. Derisively Krishna urges Arjuna not to
act like a eunuch.
Still parked in the middle of the battlefield between the two armies of
thousands of warriors, the armies of all the great kings of that time, their
chariots, horses, and elephants all poised to commence a World War, Arjuna
stubbornly decries that he will not fight!
Krishna tells him that he is wasting his sorrow, but his question – why
should he fight? – is nevertheless based in eternal wisdom. He tells Arjuna
that all these men here arrayed on the battlefield have always existed and
always will.
These three forces of Nature (Prakriti) are called the GUNAS, which in
Sanskrit means ‘cord’ – as in a rope, that which binds, or as a bowstring that
creates tension to compress waveforms. The GUNAS are forces that serve to
distinguish you as an individual piece of God and therefore purposively
‘limit’ you from the infinite and immutable immensity.
In the first Cycle of Time, a golden age, the GUNAS would have served us
well as instruments of exploration in time and space. But as the cycles move
further into density and the solidification of the world, the GUNAS become
– at least to my mind – more like goons! The Hindi word for thug or the
mafia guy, who beats up the suckers, is ‘goonda’ and I can’t help amusing
myself by associating these two words.
Disconnected from our Source, as we are here in the Kali Yuga, the GUNAS
have become those polarity limitations we all falsely identify as ‘who &
what’ we are. Our GUNAS are those endlessly multiplying and repeating
downward cycles of the same-old-same-old and by now, very boring
experiences inevitably leading you to that infamous brick wall. There
hopefully, you are at long last forced to think, to rethink, and confront the in-
your-face factoid that you are in a heinous rut that is growing progressively
more unpleasant.
Your pain is a warning, an alarm, and you must confront the delusion – for it
is delusional to imagine that you, as the small identity ego-self, can affect
anything! As long as you believe and ‘think’ that you are SEPARATE from
the God-within, the SELF-ATMA, then you have no power to control the
GUNAS – yours or anyone else’s! The GUNAS are on automatic.
Thus deluded and unaware, you remain utterly helpless as your GUNAS,
which are forever and perpetually seeking their primordial balance, shift
from one imbalance to another, seemingly digging themselves down into
deeper and deeper confusion, anger and sorrow.
The SELF-ATMA within is beyond the GUNAS and as the creator of them,
remains completely and totally unaffected by them. Nothing you have ever
done or ever will do has ever diminished or affected the God-within you
for a NY-minute! EVER!
TAMAS – arises from ignorance and deludes the embodied souls and binds
through absentmindedness, sloth, and sleep (obscurity, indolence, neglect
and delusion arise when ‘tamas’ prevails). [My intuition tells me that
‘tamas’ is the waveform generated by the EMFs coming off our TVs, which
reportedly place most in a depressed state within 15 minutes!]
Remote Viewing:
Remote viewing is the so-called paranormal ability to see and hear things ‘at
a distance’ and is in fact one of the ancient SIDDHIS or mystical powers,
which are a part of the teachings in Hinduism.
In the Sanskrit text The Uddhava Gita, which is found within the
Bhagavatha Purana, Krishna explains these SIDDHIS to his disciple
Uddhava. Krishna says that these powers are either granted to one by him –
meaning Krishna as God – or they flow naturally from the pure GUNA,
which is SATTVA.
In other words, the higher your consciousness becomes and as your entire
being evolves - these SIDDHIS come naturally to the aspirant.
I would also suggest that the natural evolutionary flow of mystical powers is
quite distinct from the tedious repetitive techniques currently used in these
schools – based in fear and control - by many governments and their military
to spy on possible enemies.
117. The differences that occur in the various creations are confined to
TWENTY-FIVE, neither more nor less.
[My caps – but when I read this, I couldn’t help but think: You’ve seen one
Kalpa, you’ve seen ‘em all!]
123-124. The eight classes of Devas, sages and Manus are also similar in all
Manvantaras in names, forms, and purposes.
The division of the four castes and stages of life is the same in every Yuga.
[I assume this refers to the fact that there are multiple universes.]
Excerpt from:
Essence of the Exact Reality or PARAMARTHASARA of Abhinavagupta
With English translation & notes by Dr. B.N. Pandit
Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers; 1991, New Delhi
Verse 33. Whatever names and forms (these beings have) in the past Kalpa,
they mostly receive the same in future Kalpas.
[So what I take from this is that these forms –nama rupa – are always here
in this universe and that we sort of enter into them and get recycled through
endless Manvantaras – world without end – until we wake up. Of course it’s
all the Divine Lila – God playing in and time and space ...
I have read enough of the Puranas now to realize that Vishnu only seems to
incarnate here and there in select Yugas within the Maha-Yugas of
But if this is so, then this would mean that there is only ONE incarnation of
Vishnu as Krishna in a KALPA?
This would mean that Krishna only lived in our present Dvapara Yuga in
this the 28th Maha-Yuga of the 7th manvantara?
If this is so, then how would the Mahabharata War - which obviously
eliminates the genome of the Sacred Warriors who can only thrive in the
Dvapara Yuga - take place without Krishna.
And what would trigger the movement into the Kali Yuga? Recall that
Krishna's leaving the earth, triggers the Kali.
I find it impossible to accept that there could be a (heinous) Kali without the
wisdom of Krishna's Gitas.]
The Vayu Purana
Part 1 & 2
Translated & Annotated Dr. G.V. Tagare
Motilal Banarsidass Publishers, 1987, 2003, Delhi
This temporal illusory spherical map is never static, but in fact is constantly
shifting and changing its energetic relationships. Moving though time from
the moment of birth, this holographic sphere serves as the individual
human’s data-collecting vehicle and interacts with perpetual celestial
motion, the other surrounding holograms, and the discretely unique, always
shifting, frequency levels of its own evolutionary consciousness.
In astrology these three GUNAS are: cardinal (rajas), mutable (sattva) and
fixed (tamas). Your birth chart contains varying quantities of these three,
which to some extent determine your current, in this lifetime, personality
and character. The three gunas are distributed throughout all the degrees of
the entire range of Universal Existence. In other words, the various
relationships of these qualities, the gunas, exist in all the dimensional realms
from angelic to demonic.
Running through the three gunas are the five elements: ether (AKASHA), air
(VAYU), fire (TEJAS), water (AP), earth (PRITHIVI).
Ether as the omnipresent, highest and most subtle element dominates all the
other elements, and simultaneously envelops and penetrates them.
Once you realize and accept the idea that everything you perceive through
your five senses is nothing more - however wondrous and amusing - than
electro-magnetic emissional pulsations (SPANDA), you lift the Veil and
begin to liberate yourself from these very subtle and carefully constructed
modes, the instruments and mechanics of consciousness, which have
allowed you to play in the frequencies of this third dimensional illusory
realm, a.k.a. Life in human form on planet Earth.
This of course assumes that you are weary playing here in the Twilight of
the Kali Yuga and liberation (JIVANMUKTI) is something you want.
ALL magic, occultism, and sacrificial rites for personal gain fall into the
category of manipulating the Temporal Illusory Realms and are a complete
waste of your time.
Unless you enjoy being one of those little silver balls in a pinball machine.
Just as laboring to acquire the Siddhic powers, that will unfold quite naturally
as you evolve, is a waste of time and effort.
Just as channeling ETs, spirits, and angels is nothing more than a time-pass.
How can they gift you with the enlightenment they themselves do not possess?
Withdraw from the objects of the senses, and turn your complete and total
attention to the God-within your Heart.
Why settle for the small results today or tomorrow, when the Eternal Oneness
of Union awaits your call!
Our sense organs (sight, smell, taste, touch, hearing) are individually
preconditioned by previous data and experiences from many lifetimes,
throughout the Four Cycles of Time in this and other Manvantaras. Our own
unique previous responses to such transmitted data can be defined as
‘actions’ that leave behind a tendency or impression in the subconscious
How we perceive the temporal illusory holographic world, and thus our
character, is the sum accumulation of these acquired tendencies. If it often
seems to you that everyone is living in a world of their own – in fact, THEY
ARE! Perception is reality.
As these signals enter our brain they relay information on the particular
waveforms received and our brain then arranges these signals into our
illusory perception of them as ‘solid’ objects.
Once these signals are perceived and identified by the brain, they are then
translated, judged, and classified as belonging to one category of a polarity
or another – meaning good/bad, desirable/undesirable, hot/cold, etc.
Why would an eternal being who has the power to continually create
everything want to remain stuck, trapped in, and attached to Its own self-
created temporal material sensations of illusory objects, which in reality are
only electromagnetic signals transmitted to and translated by the brain.
The world is in your brain. There is no ‘out there’ --- out there, meaning the
external hologram is illusory, as well as temporal.
These material sensations are impermanent and have no direct contact with
the eternal Soul-ATMAN. When you release your consciousness from all
attachment to the temporal illusions produced by the contact of the senses on
their objects, you open the Door to lasting Freedom.
Become One with the ONE, and you become everything. You literally
permeate every universe - that is why Divine Love is the ultimate
You have to do this alone! If you want to liberate yourself from the trap of
the temporal illusory hologram, you have to learn how to be alone. When I
say alone – I mean literally, absolutely, physically and mentally alone.
For 3 days stay alone! Teach yourself to withdraw your energy from the
external illusory reality and detach your consciousness from the five senses.
Remain in meditation for as long as you possible can.
Get ready for the Battle of your Life! This is the real Armageddon – the one
that rages within! Your GUNAS are going to do everything they can to hold
on to you. Remember that everything is God/IS-ness and therefore the
GUNAS themselves are also God. In fact IS-ness created the GUNAS to
bind ITSELF within the illusion of this polarity based hologram. Ask the
God-within you for help, for GRACE.
Your stubborn persistence in the face of an all out assault by the five senses
will be living proof to the God-within you that you are ready for GRACE,
ready to move beyond the bonds of the illusion. If you feel or see demons or
other unpleasant energies, brush them away as illusions – that’s all they are!
You will be amazed at how desperate you become to feed the small identity-
self’s ego. A zillion thoughts will trample through your brain urging you
back to your habitual compulsions. This will be the moment you begin to
learn something about yourself – this will be the real test of your courage.
Nothing you have ever done in your life will be as difficult as this process of
learning to be alone. Nothing can really prepare you except an unquenchable
desire for the Truth and for Liberation (JIVAN MUKTI) from Illusion. Truly
you must want this more than ANYTHING else.
When you are at your wits end, and you will be, you can use inspiring music
– music that is uplifting and has a higher consciousness, music without
words to stick in your head. I recommend Mozart, Chopin, and Indian
RAGAS, whatever resonates with your own being. Learn to listen to sound
as waveforms, sound as singular tones of a specific frequency. Float in water
in the dark, go for walks alone and look up at the sky, follow the night’s
gentle shadows and watch the stars move across the heavens, smell the cedar
& pine trees, stretch your weary body out on the earth, hold the dirt in your
hands. And you sing! Use tones to focus. OM is excellent. Experiment – the
God-within will guide you.
Take with you the Bhagavad Gita, the original writings of Lao Tzu, or the
work of the Sufi poet Rumi – or all three. When your noisy mind is
harassing you with torrential nonsense, read these works over and over.
They have a frequency of higher consciousness and will lift you into truth
even if you don’t yet understand them. I have been reading the Bhagavad
Gita for 30 years now and I am only just beginning to understand its
timelessly profound meaning.
Unless you were born enlightened – and then you probably wouldn’t be
reading this – it is almost impossible for anyone to begin to access their
inner-world surrounded by the constant distraction of other human beings.
Every day in every moment you are being bombarded by the GUNAS as
waveforms emitted from the temporal illusory holograms of everyone
around you. The small personality selves of the people you know and love,
or hate, are incessantly mixing with your own – until most of us have no
idea where our thoughts come from, meaning we don’t know if a thought is
our own or coming from someone else.
This includes the media in a monster way! These machines possess the
power to emit waveforms that permeate your consciousness. Therefore it is
crucial to unplug these frequency emitters in order to establish a tender
subtle connection to your own Within. Especially the TV - and after you
become more sensitive, you will realize that your television emits a
waveform that effectively entrains you into a specific state of
consciousness – more a state of unconsciousness, I would say, designed to
leave you feeling insecure, mildly fearful, and ready to go out and buy things
you don’t need to pad your comfort zone.
You will not have to become a hermit forever, just now and then. I realize
that many of you have families, beloved ones, and adored children. But if
you really want to give the ones you love something that is truly valuable,
something that will endure, something eternal - then give them your higher
Learning to be alone will at first seem like the worst poison, but after a time
it will turn into the sweetest Divine Nectar you ever tasted.
Refusing or unable to see that we are but a fragment of what we once were,
we are descending further and further into the stupor of density. Until we
begin to accept the possibility that we are not in fact making progress, that
we are not evolving, we will remain as slaves faced with an ever narrowing
frequency of expression, dull and diminished, controlled lives.
Those of us who have the Will to do so must begin to access the hidden
realities within and build a higher consciousness on this, our planet. We
cannot defeat the Darkside from without. It is all too obvious that they are
too powerful. Anger and hatred only increase in intensity, and make our
lives worse. Rather we must go within and create energies of a higher
frequency so pure and powerful as to balance and eventually, neutralize and
dissolve the Lords of Tyranny.
The Eye of the Mind, or as it is known in eastern metaphysics, the Third Eye,
is nourished and activated by our hormones especially from the pineal and
pituitary glands. Your focused concentration in a meditative state causes
these glands to emit specific molecules, which open your consciousness to
the Invisible Realms.
On the highest level, a truly perfected imagination will even allow you to
merge with the image in your mind. In other words, you can become ONE
with what you focus on - which means that you become the precise
vibratory frequency of your focus by lifting your consciousness to that
Every great piece of classical music comes from traditional folk melodies.
This folk music emerges naturally from people who live close to the earth
and the sky. Sadly, our western culture is being used to conquer and choke
every remnant of rural individual expression all across this planet. How
much longer will such music of the earth find expression? Soon everyone
will watch identical television programs, wear identical clothes, sing
identical songs, think identical thoughts – to perhaps one day join our voices
in the sacred anthem to Mall World.
The sooner the multinational corporations can get into these innocent places
and stop this kind ‘living imagination’ - the better for their profit margins.
These so-called ignorant people will be so much happier when they have
jobs and can consume mass quantities of stuff - and forget about their spirit
gods, their visions, their ancestors, and any such nonsense.
How many of you have been laughed at for your imagination? How many of
us conceal our visions to avoid the pain of ridicule? The monopoly media
conditions our levels of acceptance at every turn.
How could it be possible that with over 300 million galaxies out there, we
humans are all there is? How could it happen that we here on planet Earth -
who for the past 6,000 years, all of written history, cannot stop killing,
torturing, suppressing, and stealing from one another - are the only life
forms in all of space? How could it be that within the vast amazing,
awesome, perfection of the Creator’s endless mind-defying Beauty that we,
lost in our miasma of amnesia, we, are all there is?
Remember this is not the only planet and that you may find yourself
somewhere else. Watch out for noisy advertisers! - and don’t get stuck
unless it is your choice.
There is no ‘one way’ to do this. Listen to your own intuitive reason, your
own discreet imagination. Your imagination is the door to hyper-
dimensional realities. There are as many ways to go Home as there are you.
The ancient Sanskrit texts have been amazingly well preserved and guarded
from the distortions of Kali Yuga consciousness because the Sanskrit
language itself has served as a protective obstacle, being arduous for most to
master. The texts were thoughtfully designed in such a way that they could
be memorized by transmitters who, even if they did not understand the
meaning, could pass the text on through the literally hundreds of years from
generation to generation.
Translations into English have been few until recent times - and one often
wonders if some of the western translators fully understand the true
In fact there is no Sanskrit word that is the equivalent to the word ‘religion’.
Instead Hinduism sees itself as an approach to understanding our place in
the universe.
Thus India has embraced many other forms of faith, including the religions
of their conquerors - the Vedic Aryans, the Moghul Muslims, and the
English Christians. All these came and left, while eternal India remained the
preserver of her sacred Sanskrit texts.
Why create the universe and then dissolve it again at the end of the Four
Cycles of Time? The Creator dissolves and disintegrates the universe in
order to move beyond the appearance of separation, to become whole and to
integrate once again.
While the truth is that within the increasing chaos, the unceasing devolution
into density, and the inevitable destruction of our world, lies the Creator’s
call to ITSELF - in all its myriad forms - to return Home.
The dissolution of the temporal illusory hologram is in fact the movement of
God back into ONENESS.
What we think of as LIFE in our universe takes place within only one of
innumerable Cosmic Eggs. There are many other Cosmic Eggs, which also
contain universes based on other matrices. The polarity-based temporal
illusory matrix is only one possibility.
We have deluded ourselves into believing that we are nothing more than our
small-identity ego-self, limited to the physical body. We are neither our
body nor are we limited to this small-current-identity personality self, with
all its likes and dislikes, its endless judgments and desires.
We are the God-within, the eternal ATMA/SELF - that which does not die.
We have deluded ourselves into the misconception that this one life
is all we have. Such time-based desperation makes us fearful and
vulnerable to the manipulation of tyrants everywhere. In the Kali
Yuga we have bought into the idea that tyranny and greed are
good; and that it is acceptable to take what we can now for
ourselves, to trample life’s losers. In self-created fear we are
herded to consume, to shop, and live life from the shallow view of
the five senses. We have lost our way in Mall World.
In the west, we are ignorant of the Cycles of Time. We are not even aware of
their existence. We do not remember that in the Twilight of the Kali Yuga,
the Age of Conflict and Confusion, ISNESS is calling ITSELF Home.
These divisions within the Cycles of Time repeat and are described as
having limited variations – 20 or so. In other words, this polarity-based
Matrix is a Game to Play within, a game with certain rules, a Cosmic Game
both sublime and supernal. As Einstein feared -God does throw the dice with
the Universe!
This repetition within the Cycles of Time is a reflection of the idea that ALL
the cycles are taking place simultaneously. Time is also an illusion.
At the end of a MAHA-YUGA these worlds are drawn back into the
Creator, as God is breathing in. You can play in this Cosmic Egg for as long
as you like. But once you are weary of this Divine Play (LILA), you begin to
realize that what you mistakenly took for solidity and reality is all illusion -
illusion that repeats over and over. You RECOGNIZE your SELF as a piece
of the Creator. Your consciousness moves to separate itself from the small
personality self and the GUNAS. You head towards Home. It is time to play
in another universe, another Cosmic Egg.
Writing itself is a symptom of the Kali Yuga. Human beings have been
living on planet Earth for 100s of 1000s of years before we have any record
of the written word.
Down through the ages, ancient wisdom was orally transmitted and
eventually written down in Sanskrit around 500 BC. These sacred texts give
us some idea of the other three cycles of time. Originally orally transmitted,
the texts were faithfully memorized and handed down from generation to
generation. We no longer possess such an amazing command of memory.
Imagine memorizing complete books! What we have available to us now in
the Kali Yuga as the sacred texts written in the Sanskrit script was
transcribed much later than it was composed – meaning spoken.
Some of these ancient texts accurately predict the conditions we are now
experiencing. Remember these are predictions from well over 6,000 years
ago – before the advent of writing and written history! The ancients who
made these prophecies considered them to be abnormal, unheard-of, and
From the Sanskrit texts the Vishnu Purana and the Linga Purana:
Rulers will confiscate property and use it badly. They will cease to protect
the people.
Base men who have gained a certain amount of learning (without having the
virtues necessary for its use) will be esteemed as sages.
There will be many children born whose life expectancy is no more than 16
People suffering from hunger and fear will take refuge in underground
Men will devote themselves to earning money; the richest will hold power.
The state leaders will no longer protect the people but, through taxes, will
appropriate all wealth.
The fact that our food supply contains very little nutrition and is full of
toxins reveals a great deal to me about the frequencies of Time we live in.
(The source of this information is in the Sanskrit texts the Vishnu Purana
and the Linga Purana; and also a remarkable book entitled, While the Gods
Play: Shiva Oracles and Predictions on the Cycles of History & the Destiny
of Mankind, by Alain Danielou; Inner Traditions International Ltd.,
paperback, 1985.)
The Supernatural, The Razor’s Edge, and JIVANMUKTI
No one in the west has ever been able to define what imagination is and
where it comes from - because in this cycle of time, the Kali Yuga, we have
denied and negated the Invisible Realms. Eastern metaphysics actively seeks
these worlds through meditation, concentration and yogic techniques that
will open the Third Eye. This mystical Eye is in the physical the pineal
gland which when activated will emit certain molecules into the endocrine
system that reconnect our lost ability to perceive these realities. In Buddhism
these realms are called the Myriad Worlds. So-called primitive cultures all
over the planet have shamans whose job it is to guide the aspirant through
these worlds.
Because Hinduism has been around for 1000’s of years, it knows that
arguing with people about their beliefs is utterly futile and a complete waste
of time. Hinduism for the most part is uniquely tolerant of so many diverse
expressions of loving God.
What you don’t know can hurt you: Invisible waveforms, ET and
other Transmissions
Enslaved couch potatoes are evidence that TV is one such emitter. Or the
emitters of frequency that effect human consciousness could be even more
bewilderingly sinister - radio & microwave towers, HAARP, perhaps large
scale emitters from off-planet. Or is the current consciousness on the planet
coming from something more hidden and occult --- something that gets its
power from ritual, from 'sacrifice', from pain, fear and war.
Even though most of us are unaware of the Invisible Realms and the
hierarchies of beings that exist and have always existed all around us, there
are many, many entities transmitting all kinds of information. From angels to
ETs we are faced with a plethora of sources often fascinating and revealing,
while other transmissions are just plain perilous to your soul.
In this Cycle of Time, the Law of Dharma has all but disappeared from the
earth plane. This is the time of the false prophet as people become more
fearful, more desperate, and easy pickings!
There is simply no reason why the existence of other beings in our galaxy or
beyond should destroy our faith in God. If anything, the expansion of
creation to the far reaches of the stars on the contrary might amaze and
delight us with new wonder. We don’t necessarily have to shoot to kill
anything or anyone that doesn’t look like us or perhaps has a different belief
system – although this has been our ongoing behavior with each other.
Every painter meditates in one form or another, whether they are conscious
of it or not. When you spend long hours in front of a blank white page or
canvas, you are forced to control your wild-horse thoughts. I began to paint
from the time I was 3 years old. Perhaps this is why I have been able to see
so many UFOs or perhaps my experiences have something to do with the
paintings I did many years ago (1961-2) back in high school. I believe that
my years of practicing meditation opened me up to being able to “See”.
*Researchers like the recently deceased John Mack and many others who
have spent years with abductees have discovered this: The ‘good’ - meaning
spiritually evolved - ETs teach the abductees perennial wisdom very similar
to certain doctrines found in eastern metaphysics, Hindu, Sufi and Buddhist.
*Anyone who meditates for long periods of time or for many years begins to
‘see’ things in the eye-of-the-mind, which in eastern thought is also called
the Third Eye. These wonderful visions instruct and confirm our spiritual
aspirations. I believe the existence of the Third Eye, when it is opened, is
why some people see these entities and their ships while others do not.
Far from evolving, I feel that modern man is but a fallen, even dysfunctional
version of what he once was in another, say Golden era. What we call
‘material progress’ and the consumer mentality we worship, is poisoning the
planet and creating an unsustainable environment. Some of the ETs are here
to tell us just that. The others, who are definitely not compassionate beings,
seem to be here for our DNA and whatever is useful to them.
3. 1988: I was living in Washington State. Two very old and close
friends were at my home, which had a perfect view of Mount Rainier.
Now all 3 of us meditate and have a ‘sensitivity’ to vibes. We were
standing on the deck looking at the mountain and the night sky, when
all 3 of us saw the ships flying in a formation, one after the other
down into the top of Mount Rainier. I know…too weird! There must
have been 20 or 30 of them and they were flying on a ‘grid’ of sorts,
which was made up of orange neon-like lines that extended out from
the top of the mountain and must have served as a guidance system
for them. We were stunned! We just keep saying to each other, over
and over, “Are you seeing what I’m seeing?”
4. 1989: One night I was sleeping next to a large wide window. It was in
the country with no one around and I like the night shadows. I opened
my eyes and there was a ‘being’ floating outside my window
horizontally. He didn’t look like anything I had ever seen, but he
wasn’t ugly – just strange, other world-like. I was frozen – meaning I
couldn’t move. He communicated to me mind-to-mind and said that
he just wanted to show me that I was completely powerless. Was I
agraid? Sort of – but also really curious. I never saw him again – that I
5. 1996: I am flying into LAX. I look out the window and there is the
weirdest UFO I have ever seen – it looked like that opera house in
Australia! It was blue and silver and just sailed right by. Nobody
seemed to notice. So I made a joke with myself – I said OK, let’s see
another one. In a few minutes another one just like it but blue and
gold sailed by.
6. 2003: In the night sky, I saw a disc-shaped UFO fall straight down
very fast – as in perpendicular to the ground – and melt. The dark
craft was seemingly round, and as it quickly fell, the part nearest to
the earth became liquid light, which was pulsating, wiggling,
dripping, like bright white fluid mercury in a sort of flexible crescent
shape. Then it vanished, vaporized, disappeared. Nothing. I thought -
someone must have shot it down because it fell straight down, no
angle of trajectory. Later a friend suggested to me that it might have
moved into another dimension. Maybe both.
These incidents and others have forced me to come to terms with what I saw
and to try to understand within the context of my spiritual search. There is
no reason why the existence of beings out in the universe should exclude
spirituality and our search for meaning.
After these numerous sightings, I could never believe that UFOs don’t exist -
no matter who tells me! The tragedy of disinformation and denial for so
many of us, who have seen with our own eyes, is cruel and damaging - and
has had the unfortunate if unintended consequence of making millions of
otherwise honest citizens lose faith in the credibility of the government and
the media. As Ingo Swann describes them, "...those echelons of conventional
credibility that lasciviously get off on deconstructing those unfortunates who
experience what they can't prove."
The ancients knew about these beings, the so-called extra terrestrials,
because the interacted with them. Arrogant as we are here in modern times,
we have forgotten what we once knew! Far from evolving, our recent
technology is bringing us close to extinction. We need to once again
discover our relationship to creation and explore the underlying
metaphysical principles that make up the universe.
In modern times we have all accepted a reality based solely on and limited to
the five senses. During the past 6,000 years, the period known as the Kali
Yuga, our innate abilities to perceive the Invisible Realms have atrophied to
the point that most humans are incapable of even a remote awareness of,
much less the Joy of interacting with, that which we cannot see, hear, touch,
Such a deluded error is not only adolescent in its comprehension, but is also
the densest of illusion because it ignores the underlying metaphysics that are
the actual source of the external holographic matrix which we, in our limited
state of consciousness, mistake for reality.
This confused and confining insistence on ordinary life has become more
severe as time has drawn us down into the final stages of this cycle of time.
As the Veils of Illusion have solidified around us, human consciousness on
this planet has successfully degenerated into the aggressively empty,
heartless, consumer society we currently inhabit barely half-alive.
The term ‘get real’ is symptomatic of the toxic soup our brains are
submerged in. We are mired in an integrated perceptual structure, a gestalt,
an invisible sea of delusion that so completely permeates our thinking and
our consciousness that we do not even begin to realize how cut off we are
from our true nature and the multitude of Myriad Worlds. Rene Guenon uses
the term multiple states of being.
We are the precious fragments of Isness projected into Time and Space
through the data-collecting vehicle that can be described as human, but
is not limited to that. This gestalt of ignorance of our true being has, as
Guenon brilliantly says, penetrated and impregnated the whole nature of the
individual. We are completely submerged in our ignorance.
Rene Guenon tells us that truth in modern times has been lost and replaced
by utility and convenience. Science is no longer the pure search for truth, but
the slave of commerce and industry. Science has become the servant of our
consumer cravings and is dependent on producing profitable results for its
Rather that holding these minions of corporate industry in high esteem and
allowing them to dictate the atmosphere of our very being, these
unfortunates who have been blinded-by-science should be regarded as what
they are – beings whose God-given ability to perceive what lies beyond the
five senses has atrophied, become functionally extinguished, and is now
dead & gone!
Like stubborn children competing with each other for parental attention,
these priests of science have become so blind that they are incapable of
considering any idea outside of their own ego driven turf. They seem to have
lost the ability to think in any other way.
The measurement of that which can be registered by the five senses, in the
guise of modern science, may indeed go on ad nauseum forever; but in
doing so, leaves us all skating on the thin ice of a miasma of amnesia - and
in no way reflects the totality of existence.
As we move through the Four Cycles of Time, the Dark begins to emerge
and reveal itself – while the Light withdraws. By the time we arrive at the
Kali Yuga (our current cycle or age), the Light has become more veiled, and
the Darkside begins to rule. By the Twilight of the Kali Yuga – which began
in 1939 with atomic fission – the Darkside rules and goodness, although it
still exists with us, is hard to find.
One element of the rule of the Darkside Tyrants in the Kali Yuga is
the entry of entities into our third dimensional earth plane world.
In Rene Guenon’s the chapter on ‘The Fissures in the Great Wall’ in his
book The Reign of Quantity, Guenon warned that our world was being
threatened by what he called unanticipated interferences. As we have come
to accept matter as the only reality, meaning as the solidification of the
world has progressed, we have come near to the limits to that solidification.
And because the world can never become a completely closed system, what
Guenon calls fissures have occurred in the protective barrier that surrounds
our world. This protective barrier is known in metaphysics as the Great Wall
and it exists to protect us.
When I first read this idea of fissures forming in the Great Wall, what
immediately came to mind were the infamous Montauk Experiments. Those
of you who are familiar with this story will recall that when the time warp
was achieved with their Tesla-like frequency emissions there was a tear, as
in a rip, in the time field and whatever protects the 3rd dimensional planet
Earth from ETs and what I call astral cooties was opened. It was reported
that through this tear many ETs - friendly or not - slipped into this
dimension. An increase in sightings and abductions might be considered as
Guenon points out that the Great Wall is, as he terms it, a shell and as such
not only keeps energies out to act as our protection, it also serves as a
limitation, a container. This may explain why so many have said that 3rd
dimensional planet earth is under some sort of quarantine. Was there a
specific period of time during which the ETs were supposed to keep their
hands off the planet and our consciousness – perhaps in compliance with the
Law of Non-Interference? Has that agreement been recently broken over and
over? Is even that formal and supposedly ‘legal’ limitation is coming to an
As Guenon says, the Great Wall exists to ensure that we are protected from
being attacked by enemies from below. I assume this implies that many of
these entities are not particularly evolved and may have a somewhat
Darkside consciousness.
Certainly I am not the only one to suggest that there has been an out and out
propaganda war raged against us, especially psychics and empaths. We are
taught to fear anything unseen or occult as the work of the devil.
Esoteric traditions in every religion are aware of these tears in the protective
shield that surrounds our world. Many religions in accordance with their
own esoteric doctrines are well aware of that we are in the final phases of
this cycle of time.
Once again let me emphasize the key factor in our vulnerability to these
pernicious influences is that we are not aware of their existence and this
has been intentional.
This also explains why so many, who have only the best of intentions to
fight the Darkside, fail miserably. This is not to say that I don’t respect and
admire their bravery – but they simply do NOT understand what is going on.
More often than not the self-righteous anger so many live within, sadly
makes them into resources for the Darkside. People with the best of
intentions become used as innocent dupes because they have no awareness
of the mechanics of the energies they are interacting with.
In the purely physical and material sense we humans are completely
powerless against these beings. If as has been reported there is a faction of
our military, which is laboring day and night to build weaponry – based on
back-engineered alien technology – to fight these entities, then I understand
their heartfelt efforts. But I consider these desperate endeavors to be
ultimately useless.
First of all, the Darkside ETs would never allow us to possess any
technology capable of defeating them. Secondly and even more importantly,
this final battle, this war for our souls, is taking place far beyond the domain
of the five senses, beyond the realm of quantified material surfaces - which
is the deluded basis of our current intellectually myopic science.
Our only real weapon is to realize what is actually occurring here in 3rd
dimensional planet Earth and raise our own frequencies by shifting our
consciousness above theirs to a vibratory plane wherein they have no
power over us.
Many of you, I’m certain, have noticed how time itself seems to be speeding
up – even the young feel and comment on this phenomena. It is as if the day
begins and evaporates. This is a known effect of the Twilight of the Kali
Yuga. The cycles of time are not made up of equal durations and in fact
decrease in length in a prescribed ratio.
This increase in the speed of time you are experiencing is NOT just your
imagination. It is a sign that time is progressively contracting in duration – a
portent sign that we are close to the end of a cycle within this illusory
holographic matrix.
First and foremost, work on your own consciousness. When you have
achieved a level of consciousness and an understanding that frees you from
the Gunas, when you realize that what you once thought was the only ‘real’
is in fact the temporal illusory hologram, you will have no fear. You will
become truly free. As Rene Guenon says: “...it can be said in all truth that
the ‘end of a world’ never is and never can be anything but the end of an
The Reign of Quantity & the Signs of the Times
Rene Guenon
Originally published in French, 1945
Sophia Perennis, 2001, Ghent, NY
Heavens and hells are nothing more than temporal ILLUSIONS in the astral
planes, created by the mind of man throughout the Four Cycles of Time. Just
as the worlds (LOKAS) of the gods (DEVAS) and extra-terrestrials are locked
in their own durations of time, and have a Beginning and an End, these
heaven and hell holographic matrices are temporal and not eternal.
The gods, or cosmic deities, also belong to the phenomenal world… the
attainment of oneness with them… cannot destroy the miseries of SAMSARA
[the illusory holographic matrix].
… the aspirant, seeking liberation from phenomenal suffering, should
realize the Supreme Brahman [IS-ness] as his own self and the self of all
Swami Nikhilananda
The Upanishads Vol. 3, AITAREYA UPANISHAD, Chapter II
There is an intriguing prayer that the genius Indian composer and Sufi AR
Rahman has set to music:
"O God, if I worship Thee for fear of hell, then burn me in hell.
And if I worship Thee in hope of paradise, exclude me from paradise.
But if I worship Thee for Thy own sake, grudge me not Thy everlasting
The prayer reflects the Razors Edge quality of the individual seeker who
prays for the single-minded focus back into the God-within, that piece of IS-
ness that you are, your own Soul – the ATMA, your Divine SELF.
When you leave your body, unless you have already achieved
UNION with IS-ness, you will encounter a realm that precisely
reflects your own consciousness. Your conscious and unconscious
thoughts do generate and manifest your holographic reality.
There may be many entities - and there are millions of them - who will be
inviting you to go with them, to join them, to play, to hang out with them, to
come under their ‘influence’. These entities may even be your loved-ones
or may in fact be ‘hungry ghosts’ only masquerading as your loved-ones. In
effect, they will be aggressively ADVERTISING their particular realm
within the Phantasmal Hierarchies as seductively as any late-night car
dealer! Buyer, beware!
When you leave your body IGNORE ANY and EVERYONE! Even those
you love.
First and foremost from your Heart chakra, call forth your OWN Soul, the
God-within, as distinct from your current small identity-ego-self, which is
generated by the GUNAS. Do not become distracted by these Myriad
Worlds - however splendid, alluring, and comfortable.
Only your own Soul, the God-within you, knows ANYTHING relevant to
your recent disembodiment and your posthumous state.
Imagine that at the end of the Kali Yuga, many beings who have
been incarnating through the Four Cycles of Time will prefer to
not be in vulnerable corporeal bodies. They will be perhaps rather
bored and sitting it out on the 'sidelines' waiting for the close of
the Kali Yuga and the Dissolution of the World, this current
illusory holographic matrix.
Your visions and the awareness of other realms beyond the limitations of the
five senses are activated by mysterious molecules, which are secreted within
our endocrine system. The pineal and pituitary glands are the physical
correlates of the Third Eye, as it is termed in eastern metaphysics. A healthy
functioning endocrine system opens the doors to the perception of worlds
within worlds, to higher dimensions, and to the eternal, the unmanifest –
In 1994 the book ‘OUR STOLEN FUTURE’ was the first serious attempt to
educate the public on the ubiquitous dangers of endocrine disrupting
chemicals – EDCs. The authors tell us that EDC’s go into the blood stream
and mimic estrogen. They do not kill cells or attack DNA. They target
hormones, the same hormones that also control the expression of the genes
in our genetic blue print.
Sounds insane, doesn’t it? Why are we humans releasing chemicals into our
environment that are so heinously damaging to every aspect of our lives?
What are they thinking? Even the most avaricious greed cannot justify the
use of EDCs.
Along with all the other consequences of the permeation of EDCs into our
environment, our food and water, is an attack on our endocrine system.
EDCs and other chemicals, such as fluoride, damage the human pineal gland
and thus impair our access to the Invisible Realms and our Source, Self, IS-
Until we first dissolve this temporal illusory hologram in this, the final cycle
of time, the KALI YUGA - there can be no KRITA YUGA, no Golden Age,
The symptoms of the Kali Yuga occur as the solidification of our world
increases and we are successively cut off from our natural experience with
Oneness. If we human beings were still consciously connected to our
Source, we could never become so insecure as to feel hatred and envy. If we
all remembered that God is within the Heart of each and every man/woman,
we would never have been killing each other in endless wars for the past
6,000 years.
Our sense of Oneness with our good earth would not allow us to bring about,
however unconsciously or unwittingly, the poisoning of our environment
and the consequent destruction of Life on our planet. Possessed by fear and
greed, cut off from the 'true memory' of who we really are, we attack
each other and aggressively pursue short term goals, which in actuality lead
to our own demise.
Remember that throughout the first cycle of time, the KRITA YUGA, the
Age of Wisdom, we all KNOW that we are a part of GOD/IS-ness. In that
Golden Age we Know that we are the ONE behind the illusion of
multiplicities. We Know that in fact we ARE each other. We have no
desire to control, manipulate, and kill each other. We have not experienced
lack, loss, or fear. Whatever we think manifests - and the Darkside is veiled.
My intuitive grok is that the astral and interdimensional entities, which are
now commonly referred to as ETs, began to interact with this planet in the
second cycle of time, the TRETA YUGA, the Age of Ritual Fires and Rites.
Perhaps the more benevolent other-dimensional/astral ETS began to visit our
planet, mate with us, exchange or experiment with combinations of DNA in
order to enhance the possibilities of enjoying life and spiritual experiences.
Keep in mind that the primary goal of separation from IS-ness is the path
of re-uniting with that which we are and have always been. This is the
reason for EVERYTHING! Any advanced evolved civilization would know
this and perhaps be attracted to the possibilities contained within the data-
collecting-vehicle known as the human body, the outward manifestation of
our subtle body.
By the third cycle of time, the DVAPARA YUGA, less evolved and
more tyrant-based ETs might have arrived here and ensconced
themselves as colonizers and conquerors. In this third Yuga, the
DVAPARA, we are told that, Man loses the sense of the divine
reality of the world and grows away from natural law. (Alain
Part of bringing this third cycle of time into play could have been
the manipulation of our DNA - not to enhance our abilities to
reconnect with Source, but rather to unplug our innate telepathic
abilities, making us easier to control, and more useful as an energy
This radioactive shock left us even further from the 'true memory' of our
essence, purpose, and meaning. No longer able to even perceive the
Invisible Realms, we became the victims of the priests of propaganda.
We sadly lost all sense of our own power within --- and began the endless
wait to be 'saved' by an external being, who would hopefully judge us as
worthy to enter in some kind of eternity.
In the Kali Yuga, life on third dimensional planet Earth had become so
'risky' that many of the souls who, by any means whatsoever, had achieved
some level of partial enlightenment chose stay on the astral plane (LOKA
World) its consciousness had drawn it to. There the entity would have
mastered that 'reality' and followed the natural results of its own nature,
whatever that might be, for better or worse.
These beings didn't want to come back here! But they didn't mind
amusing themselves by manipulating human beings. This explains both the
Darkside conspiracies, the Illuminati, etc., etc. - and the revelations of
hundreds of 1000s of 'religious' apparitions, who represent their doctrines
and their heavens & hells within these planes. These beings are convinced
of their "truth" because their truth did in fact get them to where they
are - and thus they are driven to aggressively make you accept their
truth. Ouch!
For those of us who were courageous enough to return to the fray in hopes of
total realization of our Oneness with our SELF/ATMA, know that the
Twilight of the Kali Yuga is an excellent time to wake-up:
"The end of the Kali Yuga is a particularly favorable period to pursue true
knowledge. Some will attain wisdom in a short time, for the merits acquired
in one year during the Treta Yuga can be obtained in one day in the age of
Shiva Purana 5.1.40
God would not leave you without access to your Home - if you so choose.
IS-ness is delighted by any effort we make to move towards 'memory'.
While it helps to stay away from chemically toxic food & water, you can
reactivate your pineal, no matter how atrophied it may be. In all humility,
simply want it, ask for it, and in time - the veils will be lifted.
While the Gods Play: Shiva Oracles & Predictions on the Cycles of History
& the Destiny of Mankind
Alain Danielou
Inner Traditions International Ltd.,1987
We are all interacting with each other in every moment, not just in physical
passing, say in the market or street, but also at a distance as we think of
people or they think of us, or we read another’s thoughts or they read ours.
Life is a multidimensional fabric woven of electromagnetic charges, all
forming fields within fields.
This body is called the Field, and the ones who know this call the
one who knows this Field the Guide to this Field.
In this Age of Confusion, the Kali Yuga, we are all desperately looking to
any and all external manifestations for answers, cures, and salvation. Our
wild-horse GUNAS are incessantly nagging, demanding, distracting us from
the only Real. In stealth, ineluctable death chases us down - but we are too
busy, deluded by multiplicity, and unaware. We don't have time to
contemplate the Real. While in fact our personal guide, the God-within us all
is patiently eternally waiting, ever ready to share and reveal our unique
user’s manual to us. As Krishna says – this is knowledge indeed!
Our physical/subtle bodies are the result of our consciousness and make up
the totality of our being. This totality-of-being is an illusory temporal
holographic matrix, a spherical Field made up of dazzling, coalescing,
rainbow electromagnetic charges.
Believe me when I say that I understand that quieting the noisy mind and
achieving levels of focused attention is not easy. But unlike everything in the
external world, which always inevitably leads to disappointment – making a
solid gold connection to the God-within you is the ultimate reward, the
elixir of Life, and the Secret Key that opens the Door to the Real!
I am well aware that I am not Indian, nor can I call myself a Hindu. My
writings here may offend some of you - and you may feel that I am
misrepresenting your precious faith and your traditions. In all humility and
sincerity, that is not my intention.
For 40 years now I have studied Hinduism and other eastern religions. I have
read hundreds of books over these years, and in 1968 I began to practice
meditation. I was once in an ashram in America and studied with a guru who
turned out to be less than truthful in his own spiritual practice. I was not
blessed with the karma to find a true teacher – yet. I still hope.
I love India and all things Indian. I love Lata, AR Rahman and SRK! I love
Indian art, architecture, music, food, jewelry, clothes - and of course, the
metaphysical teachings of Hinduism. I have never traveled to India, although
I have planned such trips many times. It seems as if every time I am ready to
go to India something stops me.
I was born a natural Bhakti and have sought Love everywhere throughout
my life. I have dreams of the Kashmir that once was - and sweet memories
of a short but beautiful life there, hundreds of years ago in another time, the
life of a temple dancer in the majestic mountains of the sacred magical land
of Kasmiriyat. Kashmir’s sufferings break my heart.
Even though in this lifetime I was born in the western world into a society of
‘having everything’ - by the time I was 19 years old I was desolate, I was
searching. I cannot imagine what would have happened to me if I had not
found the teachings of Hinduism.
I have such a deep respect and love for the Vedic and Puranic texts.
Whatever I write here is only intended to share with others what I have
found, the cosmic Jewels of India. If my knowledge of the metaphysics of
Hinduism is less than complete, I hope you will find it in your hearts to
forgive me. I pray that what I lack in the understanding of the fragrance of
eternal India, I may balance with the true sincerity in my heart.
Shimmering Snakes of Living Light in the Time before
In the Time gone, Earth’s inhabitants were still awake, truly alive, and each
human being knew that its essence was of God/ISness. No, not that one was
more God than another - but rather that everyone and everything, the whole
wonderful hologram of Life they themselves had projected, was ISness.
In that time now vanished, the human race was still connected to its Source,
aware of its divinity, and consciously manifesting the holographic universe.
The centers of power placed along the spine, up into the neck, the head and
above, were running rivers – the energies of God.
The potent essence of creativity, the kundalini fire fused into streams of
pulsating light that rippled up and down their bodies like flames in a raging
burning forest, tidal waves of energy - snakes of living light. Cascading
rainbows of photons swirled around and out of their heads in unimaginable
radiance. Each nuance of thought reflected in the glistening fiery spray, each
emotion igniting a resonance of Beauty in Light.
It was a wonderful time - the Time before Forgetting. One wonders if and
when the approach of ensuing cycles was sensed. For inevitably and
imperceptibly, the frequencies of the temporal illusory hologram changed,
becoming gradually diminished and dulled. The brilliance of the seething
snakes of light from the kundalini force dimmed and as consciousness
descended further into matter, was suppressed, cloaked - choked.
Humankind began to forget. Not all at once, but slowly and sweetly their
tender focus on what they had created distracted them from their Source.
They began to forget. Some sooner than others, and the ones who still
remembered were there to remind them, to whisper in dreams - Remember who
you are. But still the ineluctable Forgetting pushed, forced, somehow, moved
itself downward into the approaching cycle of time.
The few who quite reasonably, desperately clung to what had been before were
still able to see the snakes of light writhing from the heads of beings that
possessed Real Power. But most could not. Most did not remember their own
flames of thought, the once radiant wild spraying photon rivers, the shimmering
snakes of light. And they began to be afraid.
As time crawled inexorably on, fear and greed became the norm. The creators,
who had forgotten who they were, inserted unending wars into the astonishing
hologram called Life. Thus began thousands of years of senseless, intentional,
unstoppable killing - taking what others created and loved. Endless wars soaked
the earth with blood and the once visible luminescent snakes of light vanished.
Thus began all of written history.
It is said that men must dominate in a Kali Yuga. Only the aggressive male
energies could bring about the dissolution of the world at the end of the four
yugas. No woman would allow such destruction. So for the past 6,000 years
– all of written history – women for the most part have been suppressed.
In their need to survive, women pretend not to be strong. They lie as they
feign weakness. These lies invade all relationships. Men are aware on some
level that they are being lied to and that in fact women are strong. Thus their
relationships are insidiously corrupted by the vapors of pretense. This
miasmic soup of deception brings happiness to none, neither man nor
Surely the real Mary would have been a woman of sublime greatness
with a highly evolved consciousness. She might not have worn gold and
silk, but within her countenance, her eyes would have spoken worlds of
wisdom, compassion, and understanding. Mary would have been a woman
who Knew.
The woman chosen to bring a Christ consciousness into this world would
have been trained all her life for such an event. Souls attract souls that are of
a similar consciousness. In order to magnetize the soul of such an
enlightened being into her womb, Mary had to be of a resonant frequency. It
is that simple. She may not have been a warrior princess, but Mary had to
have great courage to flee into Egypt, running from the tyrants who wanted
her and her Son dead. And she must have possessed a colossal inner strength
to bear the sight of His crucifixion and to comprehend the Resurrection.
Why did so many artists insist on making her appear passive and sweet?
Were men really so overwhelmed by women’s power that they would render
even the Mother of Jesus timid?
Raphael’s Mary in the museum is perfectly painted, lovely beyond compare,
a demure and pristine aristocrat any warlord would have found pleasing
around the castle. The tyrant warriors who ruled Raphael’s world and paid
for his artistry, his genius, were not so very different from its priests. In
tandem with many other institutions, the church has played a part in the
sordid history of the degradation of women.
There is no evidence in the New Testament that the Master Jesus, who
taught the power of Love and forgiveness, ever regarded women as inferior.
He did not fear women being vulnerable to the Devil, nor did he equate sex
with sin. And yet, the prolific writings of St. Augustine, who some scholars
suggest had but a mediocre education, declared that in order to punish Adam
for his disobedience, God contaminated the semen of Adam who then
transmitted the vile liquid to Eve, who in turn infected her children with sin.
It seems that St. Augustine had quite a struggle with his own sexual urges, as
did St. Jerome and many others, and consequently feared women. Like Eve,
all women were to be seen as temptresses who deserved to be subjugated
because they were morally weaker than men. Unlike Augustine in his
confessions, Jesus apparently liked women. He loved his Mother and
accepted Mary Magdalene, a well-known courtesan, into his company.
The Inquisition is another example of the church’s fear of women’s power.
For many years, the church tortured and - alive at the stake - burned over 8
million innocent souls. Some of these were men, but most were women.
Women who were sensitives, who perhaps had powerful dreams and visions,
were declared ‘possessed by the Devil’! Women who might have been
healers in their village, who understood herbs, or who were unlucky enough
to be pretty arousing envy, were denounced as demonic witches. Women,
even young children and the old, were tortured in unbelievably brutal and
savage ways until they confessed to their sin. Women were considered to
be more susceptible to the Devil.
The history of the church is filled with horrors, the martyrs, the Crusades,
the Anabaptists, the peasant wars in Germany in the 1500’s, the Huguenots -
the stories of endless murder, hangings, beheadings, burning, innocent
people who were drawn and quartered, put on the rack, and a plenary of
imaginative forms of inflicting pain on the soft sensitive nerve filled flesh of
human beings.
Surely Jesus must recoil in horror at the twisted sick cruel acts that
have been perpetrated in his name.
If women around the world are once again beginning to realize their own
strength, their SHAKTI Power, I believe this can been seen as a glimmer of
hope on the horizon for the approach of the next cycle of time. It is time
for the suppression of women to end. It will take some adjusting for
everyone to rebalance their lives, but when we human beings begin to see
each other as equal – and all are equal in the Eyes of Spirit – then even men
will be happier.
The Alphabet Versus the Goddess: The Conflict Between Word & Image
by Leonard Shlain
China's New Prosperity Leaves Rural Women Behind
A spider towers above the man bound in the sticky silver strands of a silent
web. He struggles to escape, while empty, indifferent, uncaring eyes fix upon
him coldly watching his terror. His writhing and twisting bind him, ever more
tightly deeper into the spun web of a slow death.
The fate of men in the Kali Yuga has been no better than that of the women. In
spite of the appearance of greater freedom, men in their own way have been
just as oppressed and limited. Tyrants are never happy and all men have
suffered greatly as a consequence of the suppression of women. None can be
whole cut off from memory of Spirit -- of Source.
For the past 6,000 years men have been forced to choose between becoming
tyrants or the slaves of tyrants. With endless wars raging around the planet,
men have been subjected to the horrors military life. They have been trained to
reject emotional information, to endure pain in silence, and never cry. A man
separated from his mother at an early age has little opportunity to cultivate
tender feelings and makes a better warrior. Just as a woman separated from her
father is more easily dominated, manipulated, and always seeking the lost
father, she makes a better whore.
As cannon fodder the motto of men was often, “Ours is not to question why.
Ours is but to do or die.” I sometimes wonder how many 1000s of men have
spent days, wounded, lying on battlefields fighting off vultures and praying for
the mercy of death – lifetime after lifetime.
The ancient Sanskrit PURANAS tell us that in the Kali Yuga: ‘Men will
devote themselves to earning money; the richest will hold power’ – as if
this is something bizarre, an anomaly. In today’s world a man is measured by
the size of his bank account.
Young men, who do not have the opportunities that come with money, continue
to join the armed forces. For a man the choice still lies somewhere between
being a beggar and becoming a tyrant. But spending a lifetime in a giant
corporation for a pile of possessions and a mortgage just doesn’t appeal to
every man. Some dare to wonder why they should work all their lives at a job
they hate and that bores them only to acquire stuff.
The purpose of life could not be merely acquiring things. There has to be
something more than consumption. One might aspire to create beauty, to
contemplate the universe or the meaning of life. Surely there are other pursuits
just as valuable to a civilization than making mountains of money. A man who
felt inspired to think, even driven to contemplate and meditate on the meaning
of existence is out of luck.
The bitter truth these days is that, more and more, there are only two choices:
join the corporate work force, or what is euphemistically termed the ‘service
industry’. The millions who join the herd and get a job working for a
corporation end up commuting for hours in toxic traffic to then sit in a cubicle
in front of a computer all day. Most decide it is better to give up their right to
choose how they spend their time, their life, than to go hungry. And of course
there is the great compulsion of consumption.
Where in the Bible or any Sanskrit text, Hindu or Buddhist, or in the Torah or
the Koran is the command that mankind must go forth and consume vast
quantities of things? Why would any man give up every shred of individual
expression and conform to a Borg-like existence in order to consume?
Is the world moving away from democracy? Are the giant corporations, who
flagrantly control political parties with the big bucks that finance election
campaigns, creating an environment tending toward plutocracy and oligarchy?
Rule by and for the Rich!
For many years now there have been reports that the human race is poisoning
the planet, the water, land, air, and food. Uncontrolled consumption is
inadvertently killing animals, the fish and the coral reefs. The Earth is
warming, the ice is melting, and no one has any real idea what this will mean
for the future – or if there will be a future.
Only a few have ever dared question the fact that getting money has completely
surpassed every other motivation. The old tyrant-priest caste has been replaced
with tyrannical modern economists - all screaming their doctrines over the
airwaves. Specific television stations are solely devoted to financial markets
and many hang on every word spoken by the high priests of money.
Strangely the true genius of the most esteemed high priest of economics is his
tireless ability to drone on and on in monotony, while he reveals almost nothing
- just like a priest! Mysteriously and perhaps quite correctly, the Federal
Reserve Building in Washington DC is decorated with rather sinister wrought
iron black griffins.
Is our current Economic Era a subversion of a more natural cosmic order? The
Age of Conflict and Confusion is the densest and most deluded cycle of time.
Most people have no knowledge of the Cycles of Time, even though they are
living within the fourth one. If this knowledge had not been intentionally
hidden, everyone would remember that in other Eras, life on planet Earth was
very different - better.
The idea of economics as a ‘sublime and sacred destiny’ would have been an
absurd joke in another cycle of time. Humans with a higher consciousness
would have never considered the current obsession with the hierarchies of
money as their destiny and dharma.
People continually argue about which economic system will bring them more
money and more things. The culture now worships any fool, any blackguard
and thief who can amass ridiculously enormous fortunes - when every day
34,000 children on this overpopulated planet starve to death.
The fractious arguments, asserting that one system is better than another, miss
the point. People need to realize that they are under a spell, choking in a
miasma of amnesia. The delusional myths of economics dominate our lives,
to the exclusion of meaning.
There are very few places left on the planet that have not been intruded upon
and have not yet experienced corporate hegemony. These few remote areas
have yet to be inundated with consumer propaganda, raped and pillaged. Small
pockets of consciousness, isolated tribes, remain free from the tentacles of
However these may also vanish from the planet -- and soon, at the rate the
multinationals are taking over the world. As predicted, the entire world
population will find itself in an invisible prison – a prison of waveforms,
thought frequencies, controlling and limiting human experience.
The human body contains seven energy centers of power, the chakras. These
seven centers of power contain unlimited possibilities, now unknown to most.
In previous cycles of time, we experienced far more than is currently
programmed on our TVs.
In the time before Forgetting, when we were all still conscious of our being
ONE, the birth of the galaxies, nebulae, stars and planets was experienced as if
we were those cosmic creations. The experience of being the birth of the
cosmos was surely a sublimely transcendental ecstatic orgasm!
All our lives we had been told that thanks to the miracles of production and
capitalism everything is getting better for us. But every improvement seems
to bring another, even deeper form of enslavement. Human consciousness is
so completely inundated with propaganda that most no longer bother to
question. Questioning the benefits of consumption today could be considered
But is life better? No one has any time and everyone is busy-busy-busy
working, participating in the economy. The family for better or worse seems to
be disintegrating. If people really are happier now, then why are so many
chronically depressed and why are 1 in 4 people in the United States obese?
Not fat – obese. Including children.
Fast food is actually a symptom of the Kali Yuga, as predicted in the ancient
Sanskrit Puranas!
The same food people ate before the 1950’s is now called organic and costs a
lot more. People who care and understand are forced to seek out food that is
hopefully not toxic. The ingenuity of modern chemistry has produced a scary
food supply generously inundated with insecticides, preservatives, growth
hormones, antibiotics, and EDCs, endocrine disrupting chemicals.
The best in people often emerges only under duress. Heroes simply do not
thrive in a culture of numb, narcotized, passive, fat couch-potatoes. Millions
consume what are deceptively called life-style-drugs. Not only do these
manmade molecules weaken the individual will, they also successfully prevent
individuals from the experiencing their lives and being able to grow from these
experiences. However, they do keep the pharmaceuticals rolling in money.
At some point the goal of life became the production and consumption of more-
more-more -- no matter what the cost to the environment, to people all around
the world, and to the planet herself. The Earth apparently cannot sustain
what the West has conditioned people to desire.
The trap is set and unlimited growth is the grail. Unlimited growth sounds more
like a sort of cancer. Every day environmental scientists are warning that the
planet will not sustain the ongoing impact of consumption. And yet these
warnings go on - unheard.
When men begin to see beyond the choice between being a beggar and
becoming a tyrant, and when once again we all begin to look within for insight,
answers and an understanding of our relationship to the Cosmos, there will be
hope on the horizon for the emergence of a higher consciousness, Love, and the
soft golden light of the next cycle of time.
Did you ever wish you were one of the mega-rich? You know, one of those
billionaires with their 40,000 sq ft houses hidden behind great walls of gated
communities, those men and women who now control our world, oblivious
to the toxic legacy they are leaving our planet --- along with the destruction
of what perhaps was once the world's most successful democracy.
Praised and exalted as they are by our degenerate culture, it wouldn't be
unusual to envy them or unconsciously desire, however obliquely, to be born
into their world.
In the ancient Sanskrit text the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna tells the warrior
Arjuna the fate of these bloodlines:
Not all who are wealthy are bad. There are those who have learned to use the
freedom and independence money can bring to further their own spiritual
evolution and hopefully, the well being of others. They have developed
humility and compassion. There are others however who have come to
believe that ‘greed is good’ - and that their delusional sense of superiority to
others, entitles them to use and abuse not only human beings, but also the
Earth and her resources.
Krishna tells Arjuna that because these people resonate with the negative
polarity, they have no understanding of their relationship to the universe.
Their lives are not built on Eternal Truth – on DHARMA. They are lost,
living in a demonic hologram with little enlightenment and, as is all too
evident from the poisoning of the planet, ‘their dreadful actions capable of
destroying this world.’ [38.16.10]
Compulsively moving from one insatiable desire to the next, these sad
beings are intoxicated by their ephemeral delusions of power. Think tanks
daily produce new false doctrines to support the misdeeds of greed and
avarice. Notions such as the bottom line, the trickle down theory, and the
end justifies the means are spun into fresh webs of confusion to justify any
action and bewilder the herd.
Lies are truth and truth is a lie – and so it goes spiraling down. One of the
predicted symptoms of the Kali Yuga from the Sanskrit Linga Purana is that
– ‘People will prefer to choose false ideas.’
Don’t imagine that these ones who are puffed up with their self-importance
are happy and at peace with themselves. Addicted to power with the hounds
of hell ever at their backs, they are always aware that another warrior will
one day come along and conquer their kingdom. So they worry, to remain in
the lead they become workaholics. There is no escape, never enough money,
and no relief for their fears. Indulging in consumption for relief, for reward,
they buy yet another villa, another yacht. Will one more do it for them? How
many deals, takeovers, and whores will it take to make them relax, to forget,
to satiate their desires for a New-York-minute? And all the while, Death is
silently coldly breathing down their necks.
Krishna says in their desire and anger, they are – ‘Strangled with hundreds
of nooses of expectation…’
Every day they count their victories – as the saying goes, Money is
the scorecard. Every act is justified by their delusional sense of
power and importance over others. As masters of this world, they
deserve what others do not. When they give, it is most often to
bolster their own self-esteem, to give more than their rivals. This is
not charity – as Krishna says, this is vanity.
Magnetism is the Law in the Invisible Realms where like is drawn to like.
Krishna tells Arjuna that he ‘hurls [them] ceaselessly into demonic
wombs.’ Meaning they are drawn to similar bloodlines to be born into. Thus
they are brought up with the same values, a reverence for power and control,
and a lack of love that leaves them empty, craving.
A fresh translation of the RIG Veda was published in 2002. The translator
sadly died in the year 2000 or I would have sent him my personal THANK
YOU and touched his feet (a sweet Hindu custom of respect).
For years now, there has been only one translation of the Rig Veda
available to most of us who do not read Sanskrit. Although I remain grateful
for any translation, over the years as I came to understand more and more
of the metaphysics of Hinduism, it occurred to me that perhaps the
translator simply did not quite fully understand the subtle metaphysical
depths of the text and that a great deal of the inner meaning must have been
lost through a lack of spiritual knowledge.
For many years now most westerners have been completely bewildered by
the Rig Veda - because most translations make the Rig Veda seem like a
bunch of meaningless hymns propitiating deities.
For one thing, the Upanishads and the Puranic texts are all based on the
Vedas (there are four Vedas). So the question remained how did such
sublime enlightening metaphysical systems emerge of out of seemingly
meaningless ritualistic hymns?
I decided on my own that the Vedas had to be some kind of encoded text that
explained the nature of the universe, both visible and invisible. But I still
had no evidence beyond my intuition. A recent book entitled, ‘Vedic Physics’
by Dr. Raja Ram Mohan Roy, shed some light on the inscrutable Vedas by
posing analogies to the principles of quantum physics.
So --- you can imagine how excited and thrilled I am at holding this new
translation, which offers a plethora of insight into the possible real meaning
of the RIG Veda.
For example: the MARUTS are traditionally held to be immortal beings who
‘are a restless, warlike troupe of flashy young men…a society of war-minded
men with esoteric practices and formula’ – they are the sons of Rudra and
the friends of Indra – ‘riding on the whirl wind, they direct the storm and
move with great noise, singing.’
[From 'The Gods of India' by Alain Danielou]
The Shayam Ghose translation of the RIG Veda defines the MARUTS as -
Is this not an awesome insight? The Vedic texts have the power to unite
human consciousness and modern science to their harmonius timeless
traditional relationship with the Cosmos.
“This life of yours, which you are living, is not merely a piece of this entire
existence, but in a certain sense the ‘whole’; only this whole is not so
constituted that it can be surveyed in one single glance.
The unity and continuity of Vedanta are reflected in the unity and
continuity of wave mechanics. In 1925, the worldview of physics
was a model of a great machine composed of separable interacting
material particles. During the next few years, Schrodinger and
Heisenberg and their followers created a universe based on
superimposed inseparable waves of probability amplitudes.
This new view would be entirely consistent with the Vedantic
concept of All in One.
The world is given to me only once, not one existing and one perceived.
Subject and object are only one. The barrier between them cannot be said to
have broken down as a result of recent experience in the physical sciences,
for this barrier does not exist.
Photographs of the quite handsome Schrodinger and more quotations:
While this might not seem exactly metaphysical, it is very important for us
all to grok the mechanics of propaganda and manipulation. Alex Carey’s
book is key to understanding how we as Americans have been lied to and
manipulated to --- and thus fits into the predictions from the ancient Sanskrit
text the Linga Purana concerning our current Age of Confusion, the Kali
As Mr. Carey informs us, "The common man' … has never been so
confused, mystified and baffled; his most intimate conceptions of himself, of
his needs, and indeed the very nature of human nature, have been subject to
skilled manipulation and construction in the interests of corporate efficiency
and profit."
This book tells us that we the American people have been subjected to a 75-
year long multi-billion dollar intentional assault on our freedom to think and
to choose.
"... propaganda techniques have been developed and deployed (in the United
States)... to control and deflect the purposes of the domestic electorate in a
democratic country in the interests of the privileged segments of that
What is propaganda?
These significant symbols are the catch phrases by which we human beings
can be aroused to anger, to go to war, or merely to consume. Phrases like the
American Way, the Free Enterprise System, the American Dream, and the
global economy are meant to empower our faith --- as opposed to creeping
socialism, the red menace, and a national threat.
Significant symbols are "symbols with real power over emotional reactions,
ideally symbols of the Sacred and the Satanic."
People are polarized by these symbols. They see life in terms of good and
bad, black and white, and thus are more easily manipulated. The "enemy"
out there may indeed seem evil. But in the solitude of our own hearts, we
know that we are all a mix of both. None of us is so clearly saint or sinner.
Instead of emotionally polarizing we could have a dialogue, a discussion;
and yet, it seems we can be manipulated by propaganda into thinking almost
Alex Carey suggests that we Americans might be the most brain washed
country on the planet! One professor in Carey's book, Professor Harwood
Childs, states, "Americans are the most propagandized people of any
I know you are thinking, "Hey! Only the bad guys use propaganda. Only our
enemies use propaganda." And you are right, they do. But sometimes the
bad guys are right in our own back yard and we don't even see them. Who
are these 'geniuses' that believe they have the right to manipulate our
In the early days of World War I, we the America people - like any
intelligent group of human beings - didn't want to go to war. So we had to be
convinced, or coerced, and this was done very effectively by a campaign
launched by President Woodrow Wilson, Walter Lippman (an eminent
journalist), and Edward Bernays (who just happened to be the nephew of
Sigmund Freud). I can always remember Bernays' name because it sounds
like that really fattening sauce I occasionally spread all over anything before
I hit middle age.
I don't know about you, but I sure like to spend my week-ends thinking
about controlling the group mind. What are these weirdos thinking? The
reason none of us know that these things are going on is because none of
us is capable of thinking like this!
The World War I propaganda campaign of Mr. Lippman and Mr. Bernays
"produced within six months so intense an anti-German hysteria as to
permanently impress American business (and Adolph Hitler, among others)
with the potential of large scale propaganda to control public opinion."
Bernays found a very practical use for his Uncle Sigmund's science of
psychology. "When the war ended, Bernays later wrote, business realized
that the general public could now be harnessed to their cause as it had been
harnessed to the war, to the national cause." (Alex Carey).
This has been going on in the USA since before most of us were born, and
propaganda has been used since the beginning of written history. Today we
have far more efficient means of distributing propaganda than ever before.
The television, the radio, and the media in general have made it easy for
the masters of ‘spin’ and the public relations firms with their armies of
lawyers, lobbyists, and paid-for-scientists to tell us what to think so that
we will all be good little consumers. The true religion of the West is
consumerism, and we are working night and day to spread that religion to
our brothers and sisters around the world.
Every man, woman and child on the planet now has a right to shop at a mall
and eat burgers & fries, whether they want to or not. Was that in the Bill of
Rights? Oh, yes, of course "the pursuit of happiness" is---having more
We in the West have had to access Eastern religions to realize that pursuits
like meditation and contemplation are actually fertile uses of our time. We
are encouraged to keep busy [deluded!] from the time we can walk until the
day we die. Parents now send their babies to schools.
What would happen if the human species were free? What would happen
if we were not coerced, herded, and manipulated? What if each of us wanted
to and had time to think, to become who were are, to cultivate our
uniqueness and commune with our Source, the God that lives with-in each
and every one of us? What might we become? Is that what ‘they’ are afraid
of? They must be afraid of something to have expended so much energy,
money, and time all these years to keep us in such a narrow frame of
The corporatist elite continues to get away with the lies and the contempt.
Isn't it time that we the American people grew out of our adolescent denial
and faced our own demons? If we confront our responsibility for our
freedom, we might not lose it. I love my country. Where else can a gal say
what's on her mind?
Taking the Risk Out of Democracy,
Corporate Propaganda versus Freedom and Liberty
Alex Carey, 1997; University of Illinois Press
In the Vedic literature of India, there are many descriptions of flying
machines that are generally called Vimanas. India's national epic, The
Mahabharata, is a poem of vast length and complexity. According to Dr.
Vyacheslav Zaitsev: "the holy Indian Sages, the Ramayana for one, tell of
"Two storied celestial chariots with many windows" "They roar like off into
the sky until they appear like comets." The Mahabharata and various
Sanskrit books describe at length these chariots, "powered by winged
lighting...it was a ship that soared into the air, flying to both the solar and
stellar regions."
The images found on the ceiling beams of a 3000-year old New Kingdom
Temple, located several hundred miles south of Cairo and the Giza Plateau,
at Abydos resembles modern day Aircrafts.
Full article
A War in the Heavens: In the Far Reaches of Outer & Inner Space
Is there a war going on out there in the far reaches of outer and therefore
inner space, a War in the Heavens as many have alluded? If there is such a
war, what would that mean to us here on planet Earth in terms of our belief
systems, our safety and sovereignty?
"There is a war in space and beyond. This war has just now
reached our borders. What is at stake is not the awakening of a
foolish humanity that wants to keep its head buried in the sand, but
a future of our children that is free from fear, imprisonment, and
possibly genetic slavery or even genocide. We are entering a new
stage in a long battle in which we must fight for the survival of our
species. We are now living in an age that requires courage above
all things. If fortune favors the bold, so must be our destiny."
The ancient Sanskrit text, The Mahabharata, describes many strange races of
beings and their lineages. There are the antigods, the Asuras and within the
Asuras are the daityas (genii), the danavas (giants), the dasyus (barbarians),
the kalakanjas (stellar spirits), the kalejas (demons of Time), khalins
(threshers), nagas (serpents), nivata-kavacas (wearers of impenetrable
armor), paulomas (sons of the Sage Pulastya), pisacas (eaters of raw flesh),
and the Raksasas (night wanderers). The extensive lineages of these beings
are often listed. [‘The Gods of India’/Alain Danielou]
Are these Loka worlds merely astral realms, or are they actual planetary
civilizations? The better question is – Is there a difference? If the universe
is a hologram, then all the worlds contained within this particular universe
express varying rates of vibratory frequencies and thus dimensional
Just as the duration of time, meaning the manner in which you experience
time is a consequence of your consciousness – so is your location also a
function of your consciousness. You are where you are, based what you
think because your thoughts emit specific frequencies.
Around the year 1995, Courtney Brown gave a lecture, which I personally
attended. One of the subjects he discussed was that the little Grey aliens had
intentionally mutated their own genome and suffered unintended dire
consequences. According to Mr. Brown, the Greys had gone through a
period of extreme violence, greed, and excess that had wrought terrible
destruction in their world. Thus they had made a collective decision to
unplug the portion of their DNA that could produce so much ‘evil’ in their
holographic matrix. Sadly this had also cut them off from exalted spiritual
experiences. Part of their hybridization program with our human genome is
to hopefully resurrect the capacity of their emotional bodily forms to
experience a wide variety of spiritual states of consciousness.
I naturally found this very interesting because it was evidence that the other
races of beings in this universe are also evolving and moving through the
Cycles of Time just as we are here in 3rd dimensional planet Earth.
I feel that at this time it is now crucial for us to realize that not all ETs
are alike – just as there is a wide spectrum of human behavior, so the ETs
are living in their own unique frequency of consciousness and each of these
has their own point of view based on their own agenda. Thus what is good
for them may not necessarily be good for us as humans.
When the ETs reveal themselves, it will be very tempting for many of us
here to deify, idealize, and follow them. Some of them may be offering
everything from miracle technologies to space travel to spiritual salvation.
We must learn to feel their real intentions and hone our own powers of
The human species has been entrained for centuries to worship an external
deity and passively await salvation. This Kali Yuga entrainment leaves us
very vulnerable to the Darkside ETs. We will bow down and worship just
about anything – from movie stars to idols to consumption.
God is within the Heart of each and every man, woman and child. An
adamantine connection with the God-within us all will protect mankind from
any possible manipulation and deception from any of the pernicious
tyrannical ETs. Already there are a myriad of cults emerging around ET
Trust only the God-within you. This is why I have placed the Sanskrit text
from the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad at the top of this website. I remember
the first time I read this passage years ago I was completely bewildered by it.
I couldn’t imagine what it could mean, and only after years of study and
research did it hit me like the proverbial bullet train.
When you realize your Oneness with Isness you will be amazed at how
powerful the Illusion has to be to delude you into the momentary idea of
Separation from the One. This power of illusion is the art of MAYA and
allows Isness to play in this universe as multiplicity.
When you are connected to the Oneness none can use you and your energy,
and make you a sacrificial lamb for their own needs. But as long as you feel
that he is one and I another, he knows not – meaning when you see another
as God and think that you are not, then you know not and are vulnerable.
The only difference between you and the sublimely enlightened ones you
worship is that through their own endeavors, they experienced God
Realization, they REMEMBERED who they are and know God is within the
Heart – and perhaps you do not, yet!
The purpose of Life, especially now in the Twilight of the Kali Yuga is
to Remember who you are.
Hovering over the city, the Prince of Darkness sat in his black helicopter. He
glanced at his Italian shoes and noticing a scuffmark, summoned one of his
servant girls. A beautiful Oriental child approached him on her knees and, her
eyes cast down, began to polish the rich dark leather on his $1000 shoes. He
looked out the helicopter window, thinking how he enjoyed these yearly
meetings with the elite technocrat managers he had created. These men were
the top executives in their fields. For him, the term executive had a particularly
delicious connotation, meaning he allowed them to execute his will.
These men all had the same characteristics in common: they each were
consumed by personal ambition and their intelligence was infected with an
imbalance that could be skewed to his demands. Each of these disposable
corporate giants was trained to focus on implementing efficient managerial
solutions that did not reflect simple human needs. Individualism, imagination,
and creativity were sacrificed at the altar of profit, statistics, and the oh-so-holy
bottom line. Each of these harbored deep insecurities that allowed them to
ignore any pesky nagging conscience. Their fears of insignificance left them
dysfunctional and easily manipulated. Genetic alteration had left the human
species vulnerable to mind control and the Prince of Darkness was most
certainly a master of mind control.
A servant offered him the central chair and the attending executive technocrats
sat down in their respective places. In their everyday lives these men controlled
vast empires of industry, communications, finance, and world trade. But in his
presence, they became the clay every tyrant is made of. They became
vulnerable dysfunctional children, and their weaknesses amused him.
Each powerful executive wore the almost identical dark suit, the tailoring of
which gave the appearance of extreme wealth, but the uniform-like similarity of
all the suits robbed a man of his individuality. There was no freedom of
expression; even their ties were similar. Each face had the same look of
aggression, power, and emptiness. The men were not loved; in fact, they had
come to prefer fear to love and prostitutes to their wives.
The Prince of Darkness first addressed the head of propaganda, as this was
truly his favorite endeavor. The infamous "Mix", the process of mixing truth
with lies, or even more challenging, simply passing total boldface lies off as
truth was endlessly titillating to him. The gullible humans generally were
easy to fool especially after the invention of television and mass
communications. Television had the added convenience of being hypnotic by
the very nature of its technology requiring only the addition of endless
repetition to make even the most intelligent and curious human being passive,
numb, and unconscious. In a state of perpetual trance, the willing audiences had
even taken to calling themselves couch potatoes, a term he enjoyed.
"Oh, Sir!" Stewart Bernays replied, "We are moving forward in a most
efficient manner. There are now thousands of lawyers and lobbyists living in
the Washington D.C. area manipulating elected officials to pass laws in favor
of corporations and the One World Order. These men and women consider
themselves to be the elite of the world and their narcissism of superiority leaves
them pliable to our will. They enjoy the arts influence peddling, making sure
the will of the common people has been silenced.
"Excellent! And are the public relations firms succeeding?" The Prince of
Darkness asked.
"Splendidly, Sir! We are moving into a 96% influence range. The population at
large imagines that the programming they watch on their televisions is
independent reporting, when in fact most of what they see is totally produced
by our public relations firms to teach them how to think. Of course they cannot
think for themselves. There have been a few pathetic attempts by the maverick
fringe to educate the viewer that they are being manipulated; but as usual, the
masses are so passively hypnotized that they ignore any warnings."
"Excellent," said the evil prince. "And you, Atherton Spleek, how goes it with
The Prince of Darkness was pleased and turned to the minister of chemical
engineering and food production, A.D. Lowland.
"Our plans are moving forward in a timely and effective manner, Sir," A.D.
Lowland replied. "The food now contains massive amounts of chemicals,
hormones, and antibiotics. We believe that we are succeeding in aggravating
short-term memory loss, which will make the humans ever more accepting of
control. Some of the chemicals are affecting the endocrine system and will help
curtail the burgeoning population within this generation. Their water is slowly
poisoning them and their homes are made with building materials that
continually weaken their immune systems.
"Around the world all countries are rushing to duplicate the toxic follies of the
West. Even if the protests in Europe and America were listened to, they could
not stop China, Indonesia, and others.
The Prince of Darkness took a deep breath of satisfaction and turned to his
financial and economic engineer, Milton Galbraith. "And how are the mergers
proceeding?" he asked.
"There is an ever increasing gap between the rich and the poor. The middle
class, with its habits of democracy, is being destroyed. Tension between the
classes is increasing daily. The rich are so consumed with their right to enjoy
the profits of their greed, they refuse to believe that more and more people,
even children, are becoming homeless, destitute, and hungry.
"The banks are being merged worldwide. International loans, financial trading
frenzies, and the inter-dependencies of corporate hierarchies have inextricably
woven the planet together. The stage is set for a world economic crash that
will allow us to create the One World Order we desire, to eliminate all
currencies and initiate the world debit card. Nations will be replaced by
feudalistic corporate states. No individual private enterprise will be allowed
to exist. Everyone will be enslaved to corporate employment and will be paid
digitally. Ever increasing taxes will be automatically taken from their salaries.
Mind Altering Drugs for Slaves of the Corporatist States
"Those who have trouble adjusting to the One World Order of the Corporatist
States will be given mind-shaping drugs, or be subjected to the other forms of
mind control we have successfully developed that render such losers
permanently passive. They will accept what we - the social engineers,
managers, and statisticians - have proven in our flow charts to be what is best
for them. The world is ours!"
"Shut up, you imbecilic fool!" the Prince of Darkness coldly commanded.
"Now all of you, place your hands upon the table."
On the table in front of each executive technocrat was placed a strange metallic
plate that all of the men were painfully familiar with. Each squirmed in his
chair apprehensive of the inevitable excruciating agonizing jolt they would
willingly submit to. It was true however that some of these men had grown to
enjoy such pain.
The Prince of Darkness left them in their shock - dazed and docile.
The Prince of Darkness Meets His Nemesis
In this particular universe there are layers and layers of hierarchies in the
Invisible Realms. Submerged as waveforms in an Ocean of Consciousness,
all are connected in the holographic web of this Totality.
Even the Prince of Darkness is only consciousness in one layer, one level of
a specific frequency within a vast spectrum that adds to and upholds the
temporal illusory holographic matrix of our polarity universe. In his egoistic
self-absorption, he has not noticed another who silently watches and
influences him – for reasons and purposes known only to her.
Somewhere in space high above the Earth, the Prince of Darkness was
enjoying a very dry martini and having a manicure. Two delicate, beautiful
young girls of oriental descent were buffing his quite long nails. One of the
girls found an errant cuticle and timidly began to trim it, when accidentally
she cut too deeply.
“Ouch!” the pitiless Prince exclaimed. A tiny amount of blood oozed from
his cuticle and he licked it up quickly, finding it delicious. “You half-witted
idiot! Are you trying to kill me? Watch that!”
He was in a very irritable mood. He looked at the girls at his feet with
disinterest and remembered a time when he would have enjoyed a fling with
all of them, using them for his own pleasure. But these days sex and women
in general totally bored him.
The Deal
He sipped his gin and sneered. He could not understand how the ‘deal’ had
gotten so totally out of his control. The original terms he had made with the
earthling governments were simple: ET technology for human DNA. The
ambitious impatient scientists and greedy business tycoons never realized
that the dazzling technology they received was in effect barbaric, inefficient,
and crippling to the planet Earth's environment.
But then as if from nowhere, what seemed like hoards of rogue ET races also
eager to procure human DNA managed to negotiate trade agreements with
other governments, anti-governments, and international criminal
organizations. These numerous clandestine agreements were made behind
his back, without so much as even informing him - much less asking for his
royal permission, as would have been proper. These ET aliens were
themselves nothing more than criminals who had begun to successfully
intercept his deliveries and upset his trade agreements.
Chaos ruled. The Prince of Darkness himself had lost control over the entire
operation. How was he to know that the dang human genome would be so
popular, so valuable, so in demand. It was completely beyond him.
Feelings, argh!
As his mind drifted back to his gin, suddenly out of thin air there appeared
before him six uninvited guests in the room. Shocked by the intrusion, he
dropped his martini glass on the floor and it shattered into fragments of
crystal shards.
Those were to be the last words to issue from the Prince’s rather reptilian
lips, at least for a while. He found himself completely paralyzed - frozen and
unable to move any part of his hard perfectly formed body. He struggled
against the ice hex, but to no avail.
“Hello,” a woman's sickly sweet, shrill voice slowly echoed inside his brain.
The lady was dressed in a suit of gold armor and she looked splendid, if
somewhat sinister. She seemed to be the leader of the five male warriors
who accompanied her and showed her total deference. Not that she needed
any protection. She was certainly in control of the situation and the now
frozen Prince. Her statuesque perfect body was adorned with semi-solid
jewels that were not jewels at all, but rather some sort of plasma technology,
which apparently she controlled with her thoughts. Her arms and legs were
long and muscular, but in the most elegant feminine way. She had no hair,
but rather wore a golden-jeweled triangular plate upon her forehead that was
embedded into her skull. She was entirely self-confident.
The Prince of all Darkness – so he thought - felt himself boil with anger. He
wanted to rip her throat out. She laughed at him.
“Well, well, now that is a nasty thought, my prince,” she smiled menacingly.
“And from you - you who have performed for us so nicely all these many
“Read your thoughts?” she replied still smiling as if the moment was of little
importance. “From where do you think your thoughts, as you so freely term
them, have originated all these centuries?”
“Oh! That's a good one!” And she began to laugh in earnest, her five
warriors joining in. Their laughter entered into his body, his nervous system,
and his psyche in some unspeakably insidious manner, cutting like a knife.
He felt totally degraded.
He hated riddles, unless of course he had made them up. But he was still
paralyzed and had no choice other than to listen to this termagant.
“Ah, my prince, I have always had exactly what I wanted from you. You
have always been, shall we say, my perfect pawn,” she was smiling again.
“Your pawn?” he repeated incredulously.
“How can that be? I am the Prince, the Lord of the Darkside, ruler and tyrant
over all my dominion,” he asserted.
“Fool, you have been programmed from the beginning of your hatred. Once
you allowed the frequencies of fear, hate, and envy to take over your
consciousness - you became my slave, a blank page for me to write my
programs of tyranny upon. Your hatred of goodness and freedom made you
an ideal dupe. Do you really imagine that you could have thought of such
ingenious methods to enslave an entire planet on your own?” Her laughter
derided him.
“In point of fact, you are by our standards rather ordinary - even stupid,” she
added cheerfully, as if she needed to gouge him with the point.
Though still paralyzed from head to toe, he felt as though he might explode.
The word dupe drove him mad. He was deflated, demoralized, and insulted
by her utter scorn for --- for, well, his genius, his strategies, and obviously
his unparalleled physical beauty. He wondered vaguely if she had read his
poetry. He felt an overwhelming urge to kill her.
“That will never happen,” she said. “You are as powerless against me now
as you have ever been.”
“Why have you come? Why are you telling me this now?” he asked.
“Because the end of this little game is near, and it amuses me,” she said with
no feeling, “to see you like this - to make you understand that you are
With that, she and her guards vanished into the air from which they had
come. As he regained control of himself, miraculously the broken martini
glass reformed itself in his hand as if to further insult him with her powers.
Dazed and exhausted, he fell in a heap on the floor.
He knew that the Laws of Magnetism allowed beings from the Phantasmal
Hierarchies to attach themselves to the earthlings they resonated with. The
frequencies of a living being attracted like beings throughout all the nested
layers of dimensional realities.
* Many have no respect for the Great Spirit or for our precious
Mother Earth, who gives us all life
* signs that nature is no longer in balance
* humans poison their own food, water and air with pollution
Evehema and Banyacya died within three weeks of one another in early
1999. Evehema died at the age of 108 on Jan. 15, 1999. Banyacya, born in
1910, died on Feb. 6, 1999.
Leading Scientists agree the World is on the Brink of Disaster
Planet Earth stands on the cusp of disaster and people should no longer take
it for granted that their children and grandchildren will survive in the
environmentally degraded world of the 21st century. This is not the doom-
laden talk of green activists but the considered opinion of 1,300 leading
scientists from 95 countries who will today publish a detailed assessment of
the state of the world at the start of the new millennium.
Full article
The human race is living beyond its means. A report backed by 1,360
scientists from 95 countries - some of them world leaders in their fields -
today warns that the almost two-thirds of the natural machinery that supports
life on Earth is being degraded by human pressure.
The study contains what its authors call "a stark warning" for the
entire world.
Full report
You have to wonder why the powers-that-be, those elite who perhaps could
have advocated change a long time ago – simply did nothing. What do they
know that we don’t? Does nothing matter? Are the reports of massive
construction of underground facilities around the planet true? Has the
decision been made to save the few and leave the rest?
If you were in their place and you knew that the overly populated planet
Earth was about to face a period of cataclysmic devastation, what decision
would you have made?
Then the virtuous king Yudhishthira in all humility again enquired of the
illustrious Markandeya, saying, 'O great Muni , thou hast seen many thousands
of ages pass away. In this world there is none so long lived as thou!
… at the time of the great dissolution of the universe, when this world is
without sky and without the gods…
… all creatures with soul rapt in meditation and entirely swallowed up in Him!
… thou hast many a time witnessed with thy eyes, the primeval acts of
… When neither the sun, nor the moon, nor fire, nor earth, nor air, nor sky
remains, when all the world being destroyed looketh like one vast ocean…
Markandeya replied…
… towards the end of those thousands of years constituting the four Yugas and
when the lives of men become so short, a drought occurs extending for many
… men and creatures endued with small strength and vitality, becoming
hungry die by thousands.
… seven blazing Suns, appearing in the firmament, drink up all the waters of
the Earth that are in rivers or seas.
… everything of the nature of wood and grass that is wet to dry, is consumed
and reduced to ashes.
… the fire called Samvartaka impelled by the winds appeareth on the earth
that hath already been dried to cinders by the seven Suns.
And then that fire, penetrating through the Earth and making its appearance, in
the nether regions also, begetteth great terror in the hearts of the gods, the
Danavas and the Yakshas .
… consuming the nether regions as also everything upon this Earth that fire
destroyeth all things in a moment.
And that fire called Samvartaka aided by that inauspicious wind, consumeth
this world extending for hundreds and thousands of yojanas .
And that lord of all things, that fire, blazing forth in effulgence consumeth this
universe with gods and Asuras and Gandharvas and Yakshas and Snakes and
And there rise in the sky deep masses of clouds, looking like herds of elephants
and decked with wreaths of lightning that are wonderful to behold.
And some of those clouds are of the hue of the blue lotus; and some are of the
hue of the water-lily; and some resemble in tint the filaments of the lotus and
some are purple and some are yellow as turmeric and some of the hue of the
crows' egg.
And some are bright as the petals of the lotus and some red as vermillion.
And some resemble palatial cities in shape and some herds of elephants.
And some are of the form of lizards and some of crocodiles and sharks.
And, O king, the clouds that gather in the sky on the occasion are terrible to
behold and wreathed with lightnings, roar frightfully.
And those vapoury masses, charged with rain, soon cover the entire welkin.
And, O king, those masses of vapour then flood with water the whole earth
with her mountains and forests and mines.
… urged by the Supreme Lord those clouds roaring frightfully, soon flood over
the entire surface of the earth.
And pouring in a great quantity of water and filling the whole earth, they
quench that terrible inauspicious fire (of which I have already spoken to thee).
And urged by the illustrious Lord those clouds filling the earth with their
downpour shower incessantly for twelve years.
And then… the Ocean oversteps his continents, the mountains sunder in
fragments, and the Earth sinks under the increasing flood.
And then moved on a sudden by the impetus of the wind, those clouds wander
along the entire expanse of the firmament and disappear from the view.
And then, O ruler of men, the Self-create Lord--the first Cause of everything--
having his abode in the lotus, drinketh those terrible winds and goeth to sleep!
The Ganguli English translation of the Mahabharata is the only complete one in
the public domain.
When you study the Hindu theory of the Cycles of Time and the yugas, you
will find a confusing divergence of opinion concerning the dates of their
duration. Considering that we are now living in the Age of Confusion, the
Kali Yuga, it is not surprising to find so much disagreement on these
What is more important to me than precise numbers is the fact that we are
living in an era where there is almost no memory of the previous cycles of
time. Most of us wrongly believe that civilization begins with written history
where as writing is actually the symptom of a degenerative culture –
because it is sound that communicates meaning, not the markings that seek
to represent it.
Reach beyond the limited frequencies of this Veil of Illusion you have been
confined within all of your life. The experience of expanding and projecting
your thoughts, consciousness and imagination back into primordial time is in
itself liberating, revealing and uplifting.
The realization that time is in fact a function of consciousness will alter your
perception of reality. We all experience time relative to our own specific
consciousness. You can verify this for yourself by simply reflecting on, for
example, how time flies when you are happy - as opposed how time drags
when you are stuck in traffic or at the dentist.
Compare that with the consciousness of a Tai Chi Master who moves so
slowly as to defy nature and yet can knockout his opponent from across the
room, or an ascetic hermit yogi who never moves, never goes anywhere or
does anything, but by remaining at the center of his being becomes One with
the Universe.
Time does not exist outside the temporal illusory hologram.
All increments, meaning measurements of time and space, are relative to the
consciousness of the perceiver and thus the product of variations in
waveform frequencies, based on and the result of the specific degree of the
illusion of Separation from Oneness.
In ‘While the Gods Play’, the French scholar Alain Danielou explains that
the length of a moment is established by the rhythms of consciousness that
perceive it:
The duration of each of the four yugas is relative to each other as 4:3:2:1.
This implies that the Golden Age is the longest and our current Kali Age is
the shortest. My understanding is that time actually continues to speed up in
the Twilight of the Kali Yuga and increases ever more so, as we reach the
end. The cycles of time are rather like classical Indian Ragas that begin
slowly, serene, increase in tempo and passion, and end in a frenzy of energy.
Alain Danielou’s dates differ from others, but somewhat agree with the
Mayan Calendar and the Hopi predictions. Danielou says that the Kali Yuga
began in 3,606 BC and most scholars also do agree with this date. However
he gives the duration of the Kali as 6,048.72 years.
Danielou says that the Twilight of the Kali Yuga began in 1939 with the
discovery of atomic fission. According to him, the final catastrophe will take
place during this twilight and the last traces of this present mankind will
have disappeared in 2442. This doesn’t necessarily imply that we have an
extra 400 years to fool around in. God only knows what earth changes will
be taking place on this planet during that time.
While the Gods Play: Shaiva Oracles & Predictions on the Cycles of History
and the Destiny of Mankind
Alain Danielou
Inner Traditions, 1987
Quantum Reality: Beyond the New Physics
Nick Herbert
Anchor Books/Random House; 1985, New York
The Mahabharata
Translated & Edited by J.A.B. van Buitenen
University of Chicago Press, 1981
The first cycle is called THE AGE OF WISDOM, the Golden Age or in
Sanskrit, the SATYA or KRITA YUGA.
As they emerge from the Oneness, so we emerge within them. As they are
the Oneness, so are we. TAT TWAM ASI - That thou art! There is no
hierarchy as yet and these beings are all equal. They begin to manifest the
desired forms of multiplicity in order to play in this universe.
They KNOW who and what they are - meaning they have the conscious
knowledge that they are a projected part of Oneness. The Veil of Forgetting
has not yet fallen.
The LINGA Purana (Part I, Chapter 39) says that in the Golden Age there is
no need for any basic social system and only as time decays, does the need
for such a system arise. Time is of a degenerative nature and as time
further decays through the cycles, it is no longer possible even to maintain
such a sustaining social system. By the time of the Kali Yuga, DHARMA is
nearly vanquished.
The Golden Age is the age of goodness. Meditation is the main activity.
Beings who are still full connected to Source spend their time in meditation
simply for the ecstatic bliss of doing so, or to enjoy creating for their own
pleasure temporal illusory multiplicity in the hologram. Perhaps they create
other worlds and travel through time and space to visit them - as people do
today when they have out of body experiences, OBEs.
Our lifespan in the Golden Age is about 4,000 human years. Each Yuga is
successively shorter in duration as is human life span. The way we
experience time literally increases in speed as the cycles proceed.
In this golden SATYA Age people are born in pairs and their livelihood
consists in reveling in the taste of what exists right before their eyes. All
creatures are satisfied, always, and take delight in all enjoyments. There is
no distinction between the lowest and the highest - all are good, all equal in
their life span, happiness, and form. [Linga Purana, Part I Ch. 39]
The VAYU Purana says that in this Golden Age, people have equal forms,
features, and longevity. Their bodies themselves are probably not solid as
ours are. People are highly powerful, very strong and perpetually delighted
in their mind. They experience neither gain nor loss, have neither friends nor
foes, neither likes nor dislikes. Everyone still knows that they are the
Oneness and the emission of that.
There is no death, no human labor, no buying and selling. In this first Age
we manifest freely. Whatever takes form within the mind appears.
The Vedas do not as yet exist – except perhaps in the ethers of the
eternal indestructible AKSHARA - as there is no need for them.
The hierarchies of gods and other beings have not yet come into existence.
We all know and Remember who we are - but we will soon become attached
to our creation and begin to feel a sense of loss and longing for our original
While the Gods Play: Shaiva Oracles & Predictions on the Cycles of History
and the Destiny of Mankind
Alain Danielou
Inner Traditions, 1987
The Mahabharata
Translated & Edited by J.A.B. van Buitenen
University of Chicago Press, 1981
The Second Cycle of Time, the TRETA YUGA, the Age of Ritual
The hierarchies that did not exist in the previous golden SATYA YUGA
begin to take form in the second cycle of time, the TRETA YUGA, the Age
of Ritual.
The TRETA is the age of energy (RAJAS), and of the three ritual fires and
the hearth. It is a time of sedentary agricultural and urban civilization. It
seems reasonable to assume that the Goddess became paramount in the
TRETA. It was perhaps an era in which women were honored, respected,
and even exalted.
As density increases, rituals are used to bridge worlds and to direct etheric
energies into becoming form within the temporal illusory hologram. Rituals
allow access to raw power (SHAKTI) from the unformed, from the ethers.
The Linga Purana (Ch. 39) says that in this second age, the Treta Yuga, the
Age of Ritual, we began to no longer revel in the taste of existence and when
that fulfillment was lost, another sort of fulfillment was born. Rain was born
and as soon as the surface of the earth was touched by rain, trees appeared.
These trees became houses for the people. We lived inside what must have
been enormous trees and used these trees for our livelihood and enjoyments.
As time continues to move down through the Treta Yuga into density, the
solidification of matter increases the intensity of polarities. As this Age of
Ritual came on, the opposing pairs of emotions arose, and people became
quite miserable as a result of the sharp cold and rain and heat. We began to
wear clothes to keep warm and to look for dwellings that would protect us
from the elements.
As time moved on, the force of the Treta - which is also the age of energy
(RAJAS)- altered the frequencies of the temporal illusory hologram. Water
became scarce and had to be ‘lifted by hand’. Those who wanted to sustain
themselves began to practice agriculture. I suppose the experience of having
to work in order to eat somehow contributed to the fall of human
consciousness, because people then became lustful and greedy.
In the Treta the subjects in their fury seized on another, even their sons,
wives, riches, etc., forcibly. Such was the characteristic of that yuga.
These warriors cannot be compared with what we know today. They were
not mercenaries. They were men of knowledge, culture, the arts, and had
powers of ‘wizardry’ that would seem out-of-this-world to us. They were
Sacred Warriors sworn to protect the DHARMA. They remained on this
earth until the end of the third yuga.
Thus as far back as the second cycle of time, The Treta Yuga, the Age of
Ritual, there is the need for a warrior class in this, a polarity universe. We
had devolved to the point of requiring rules and thus by means of his own
brilliance, the god Brahma brought forth the Vedas.
The Sanskrit Epic, The RAMAYANA takes place in the Treta Yuga. There
is no written word in this era. Writing is developed later on and is considered
a symptom of the yet to come fourth cycle, our present Kali Yuga. People in
those eras had amazing memories and were able to recite entire epics of
hundreds of verses from memory. Obviously that kind of memory no longer
exists and seems superhuman to us now.
The Ramayana is the story of Rama (an incarnation of the god Vishnu, the
Preserver) and his wife Sita, and their struggle against the rather amazing
demon Raksasas King, the Ten-headed Ravana. Ravana, who has his own
aerial celestial chariot, is a ‘foolish man-eater’ who despises humans.
Ravana lusts after the lovely Sita and kidnaps her. Rama must rescue his
wife, but a major theme of the story is the enormous courage Sita wields to
resist Ravana’s intense advances and defend her honor by an ordeal of fire.
Rama of course must fight the heinous Ravana and his demon armies. Rama
has the help of the Monkey King, Hanuman and his vast and skilled armies.
I suggest that the existence of an entire race of beings that are half-man and
half-monkey is not mythology and perhaps does beg the question of the
possibility of genetic alteration in the ancient times.
The battle is eventually won only when Rama recites the mysterious
Brahma Spell. We are not actually told what this spell was, but whatever it
was, it enveloped Ravana in a fiercely blazing fire and he was ‘toppled in all
the five worlds’ by its power! Rama’s great purity of being did not allow for
either his defeat or death by the hand of one such as Ravana.
In the Sanskrit text The Mahabharata - a very long epic, which occurs in the
following cycle of time, the DVAPARA YUGA - the Monkey King
Hanuman appears as a vision. Hanuman describes all four yugas and
emphasizes the variations in the experience of time from one yuga to
Hanuman explains that he cannot manifest the form he took during the
previous TRETA YUGA because no one in the DVAPARA has the capacity
to perceive it. No one could see his previous form, when he was with Rama,
because Time is different in each of the yugas. Everyone, it seems, even
the gods and great seers, must ‘adjust to time from eon to eon’ and so
Hanuman’s original form no longer exists. Worlds such as Avalon do
According to Hanuman, the Sacrifice appears in the Age of Ritual and the
Law, meaning Vedic law and the Dharma, is diminished by one quarter.
Men are truthful, devoted to the Law of Rites. Sacrifices are made and all
manner of Laws and rituals come into being and are motivated by specific
purposes, which give rise to acts and their ‘fruits’ or results.
[Mahabharata, 3(43)148]
The Mahabharata also contains two very intriguing passages that clearly
suggest that the gods did incarnate into human bodies:
“… Take ye form on earth with all the hosts of the Gods…mighty and able to
assume any shape… Thereupon the Gods… all took pleasure in descending
to earth with varying portions of themselves… to make successful the
mission of the Gods…”
[The Mahabharata 3(42)260.7-10]
“… then made a covenant… the Gods they would descend from heaven to
earth with a portion of themselves… so the celestials in succession
descended from heaven to earth, the for destruction of the enemies of the
Gods and the well-being of the worlds.”
[The Mahabharata 1(6)59.1-5]
The Mahabharata
Translated & Edited by J.A.B. van Buitenen
University of Chicago Press, 1981
While the Gods Play: Shaiva Oracles & Predictions on the Cycles of History
and the Destiny of Mankind
Alain Danielou
Inner Traditions, 1987
The Third Cycle of Time: The DVAPARA YUGA, the AGE OF DOUBT
The third age is called THE AGE OF DOUBT, or the DVAPARA YUGA, a
mixture of energy (RAJAS) and darkness (TAMAS). Rules and rituals
replace all Knowingness as spiritual and moral decadence increase.
The Lingapurana, Chapter 39, says that in the Dvapara Yuga people have
developed different inclinations – mentally, verbally, and physically. In
other words, as the illusion of multiplicity increases, human beings become
more individualized and as such they are less able to find agreement and
more likely to disagree. Agriculture seems to have become more labor
intensive and arduous; thus our bodies are vulnerable to the strains of
physical labor. The life span shortens.
… Ritual becomes multitudinous and bent upon austerities and gifts, the
creatures fall under the sway of the Constituent of Passion… there is now a
collapse of truthfulness, few abide by truth.
[Mahabharata 3(33)148.27-30]
It is evident that humans have in fact sacrificed animals and men, women &
children to their 'gods'. While I am certainly not advocating this perplexing
practice, it remains a part of human heritage and our collective subconscious
memory. Perhaps these cruel deaths can also be seen as part of the force that
draws us down into the lower frequencies of density as the yugas proceed.
In the Dvapara Yuga, Age of Doubt, passion, greed, and drunkenness arise.
Greed in all its endless forms and variations is said to be THE primary
source of all evils through out the Sanskrit Puranic texts. Thought, speech,
and acts bring about and cause the suffering of drought, death, disease, and
other plagues. The result is that one becomes numb, indifferent – meaning
our consciousness is further reduced and lost in the limitations of a miasma
of doubt, as our memory and awareness continue to diminish.
They begin to realize the deformities and defects in the world. Thanks to this
perception knowledge becomes possible in Dvapara.
[Lingapurana, Ch. 39, 66-70]
There is, of course, still no written word until the fourth age, the Kali
The Sanskrit Hindu Epic, THE MAHABHARATA takes place in the
Dvapara Yuga. If anyone asked me the old question ‘if you were stranded on
a desert island, what book would you want?’ - I would reply, The
MAHABHARATA! This would be mildly tricky on my part because the
Mahabharata is composed of 18 volumes. Although its sheer size may make
this Sanskrit treasure appear somewhat inaccessible, these interdimensional
tales are the wonderfully cosmic and enlightening stories of our human and
far-beyond-human drama.
The translations of the first five books by the Sanskrit scholar J.A.B van
Buitenen are delightfully readable to the modern reader. Unfortunately and
tragically, Prof. Van Buitenen died before he could complete the entire
Mahabharata. However we are fortunate to have his translation of the
BHAGAVAD GITA, which is contained within the Mahabharata. There are
also the various condensed versions in English.
If you want a sort of beginners opening into this wondrous ancient kingdom,
then I recommend that you watch Peter Brook’s film, which is available on
DVD. Although it is, by necessity, a shortened version of this vast epic, the
actors who play the various characters are well chosen and will give you a
solid feeling for the main characters – such as…
*Yudhishthira - The Lord of Dharma who must learn how to play the cosmic
game of ‘dice’ properly
*Arjuna - Krishna’s friend and the famous warrior of Bhagavad Gita fame
*The lovely Draupadi - with 5 husbands, she was evidently the only female
around with acceptable DNA
There is also a made for TV Hindi version of the Mahabharata with English
subtitles, produced by B.R. Chopra & Ravi Chopra. With 94 episodes, the
pace is very slow - but the stories are excellent as always and the
characterizations, costumes, chariots, golden crowns and massive pearls (for
men!) are rather fun.
Matali said: This lovely airborne city, with the splendor of good works, piled
with all precious stones and impregnable even to the Immortals... free from
sorrow and disease... The Immortals shun this celestial, sky-going city...
called Hiranyapura, the City of Gold... is defended by [those who] cannot be
slain by any deities.
Arjuna: “Go quickly to the city... for surely these... are in no wise inviolable
to me!” Matali drove fast to the environs of Hiranyapura on the celestial
chariot... again they took to their city and employing their... wizardry flew
up to the sky, city and all... because of the boon given to them [they] easily
held their celestial, divinely effulgent, airborne city, which could move about
at will. Now it would go underground, then hover in the sky, go diagonally
with speed, or submerge in the ocean.
Wondrous looking huge clouds rise up in the sky, like herds of elephants, in
the finery of garlands of lightning... clad in garlands of lightning, the clouds
rise up... In their terrifying shapes with their horrible echoing blasts...the
terrible thundering clouds inundate everything... till the ocean rises...
mountains are sapped and collapse, and earth itself collapses. Then sudden
winds whirl around the skies and under the hurricane gusts the clouds are
torn to shreds. And the self-existent God... drinks up these winds and lies
sleeping on the Lotus of the Beginning.
These are glimpses into what I consider one of the greatest books ever
written in the entire history of the planet. The Mahabharata largely deals
with the fates of the Sacred Warriors as they leave the earth plane to make
way for the next cycle of time – the Kali Yuga. These amazing super-men
and even their enemies, who are bringing the Dvapara to its end, have an
enlightened code of ethics no one in our present day world would ever
dream of. By the end of the epic, these sacred warriors and their lineages
are all dead.
The Bhagavad Gita is primarily the conversation that takes place between
Krishna and the warrior Arjuna before a great battle between members of the
same family. Once Krishna succeeds in convincing Arjuna that it is his
dharma to fight this war, Yudhishthira – who is the king of Dharma and
Arjuna’s brother – proceeds to take off his armor, put down his weapons,
and walk over to the side of the enemy. There he asks for the consent of his
teachers (gurus) who by the chance of fate are now his enemies.
It is said that in a former age, when a man openly did battle without first
seeking the consent of his gurus, he was despised by his betters. But if he did
seek their consent and then fought his betters, his victory in battle was
[Bhagavad Gita, 6(4)41.15-20]
As Sacred Warriors these men obeyed a sort of Cosmic Law when it came to
the arts of war. Yudhishthira’s teachers, whose loyalty was pledged to the
enemy’s side, nevertheless all give him their consent because they know he
is in the right and they in fact want him to win – even if it means their death.
They tell him right there on the battlefield that because of this virtuous act,
Yudhishthira’s victory is assured.
The Dvapara Yuga, the Age of Doubt, comes to an end when Krishna leaves
the earth plane. This is described in many Puranic texts, but I find Krishna’s
words to his friend Uddhava the most intriguing.
The Mahabharata
Translated & Edited by J.A.B. van Buitenen
University of Chicago Press, 1981
The Fourth Cycle of Time, the KALI YUGA, the Age of Conflict
& Confusion
The Kali is the only yuga most of us are familiar with because we have been
living all our lives within these dense frequencies. Our minds, the way we
think, and thus our perception of ‘reality’ has literally been cooked by the
vibratory frequencies of time within the Kali Yuga. We humans have been
‘cooked by time’ to the point that only the fives senses remain available to
us to understand the world around us. The five senses are easily confused.
The five senses can indeed be programmed and tricked by tyrannical wizards
who want to control our lives. Today’s monopoly media is very aware of
how to entrain and manipulate the five senses. In our modern world most of
the information received around the planet suits the agendas of the
multinational corporations, who also happen to own the monopoly media.
The five senses are vulnerable to deceit and manipulation by any and all. In
other cycles of time, information gathered solely by the five senses would
have been highly suspect. ‘SEERS’ – those who see – were trusted as the
source of wisdom concerning mankind’s future and our interconnection with
the Cosmos.
It is only the ‘SEER’ within you, the one who has quieted the mind and
achieved a connection to the God-within, who can offer insight into the true
nature of reality. Only an inner-knowingness can lead us out of our current
predicament – out of our miasma of amnesia, the soup we are still ‘cooking’
in. Only by transcending the illusory powers of the five senses, and an
understanding of GUNAMAYA, will we human beings return to the Real.
There are numerous descriptions of the symptoms of the Kali Yuga in the
ancient Sanskrit Puranic texts. Bear in mind that writing is itself a symptom
of the Kali Yuga. These texts were composed and transmitted orally in the
previous cycles of time and handed down through memory, based on
verbatim repetition, from one generation to the next. It was only in 500 BC
that the grammarian Panini codified the Sanskrit language and these
memorized texts were put into the form of writing. Sanskrit’s arduous
precision was intentionally designed to protect the ancient knowledge from
the confusion ensuing in the Kali Yuga.
The symptom that completely convinced me that the Cycles of Time were
true was this: “Ready cooked food will be on sale.” [LINGA Purana Ch. 40]
The ancients foresaw ‘fast food’! They knew that pre-prepared food loses its
nutritional value.
The Kali Yuga is the Age of Darkness. The Light is primarily unmanifest,
meaning not completely gone, just veiled and hidden in the Kali - and the
Darkside rules. You can lighten the world around you by realizing and
Remembering the God-within you, and by letting that frequency flow out
around you. Even if people don’t accept what you say, they will be uplifted
by your silent consciousness.
However don’t expect them to love you or even like you. Their Kali Yuga
egos are firmly enthroned and will feel unconsciously threatened by your
presence. The small identity-self ego has no wish to give up its power and if
the person is unwittingly hosting denizens of the Phantasmal Hierarchies
– perhaps in the form of an addiction to drugs, alcohol, or tyrannical power –
then these parasitical entities will attack you and do just about anything to
get you away from their ‘food’ supply!
Another strange phenomenon of the Kali Yuga is the externalization of faith
to such an extreme that people became obsessed and crazed with their
individual belief systems. For 1000s of years now human beings have, in the
name of their various interpretations of God, inflicted endless stupid
destructive wars on each other – mass murder, torture, theft, and slavery
all in the name of God!
When you realize that God is within each and every man woman & child,
the idea of forcing any religion upon another is the height of absurdity!
Corrupt priests have been the willing accomplices to such heinous conflicts.
They often became the imaginative torturers of non-believers and even sold
tickets-to-heaven in the form of ‘indulgences’ to the rich, to line their own
pockets, and build enormous, however lovely, cathedrals and temples while
many of the common people remained perpetually close to starvation.
The Symptoms of the Kali Yuga from the Sanskrit texts the Vishnu Purana
and the Linga Purana are already posted on this website:
I have always particularly appreciated the accuracy of these four Kali Yuga
Here are just some of the symptoms of the Kali Yuga from the
Chapter Two
1.Thereafter, day after day, under the force of the inexorably
powerful Time, righteousness, truth, purity, (both physical and
mental), forbearance, mercy, duration of life, physical power, and
sharpness of memory shall go deteriorating.
2. Wealth alone will be the deciding factor of nobility of birth,
righteous behaviour or merits. And only brute force will be the
only standard in the arrangement or decision of what is righteous
or just.
3. …cheating is the order of the day in business relations;
satisfaction of the sexual pleasure is the only consideration of
masculine or feminine excellence and worthiness
4. Justice has become weak, [and is based on] bribes.
5. Want of affluence is the cause of one’s impiety or bad name,
while hypocrisy is the index of goodness.
6. The highest purpose of life is to fill one’s belly and arrogant
audacity is regarded as veracity.
7. It is for self-advertisement of one’s fame of piety that righteous
deeds are to be performed… the whole world will be populated by
wicked people.
13. When (in the Kali) religion will be predominantly heretical,
and kings as good as robbers and men will be enhancing their
livelihood by theft, (economic offenses), mendacity, wanton
violence to life and such other pursuits.
Chapter Three
25. In that (Kali) age, people will be greedy, take to wicked
behaviour, will be merciless, indulge in hostilities without any
cause, unfortunate, extremely covetous for wealth and women
(worldly desires) and higher social status…
30. When deceit falsehood, lethargy, sleepiness, violence,
despondency, grief, delusion, fear, poverty stricken-ness prevail,
that is the Kali Age which is characterized by TAMAS [the GUNA
of ignorance, delusion, and indolence].
31. As a result of the Kali’s influence, mortal beings become dull
witted, unlucky, voracious, destitute of wealth yet voluptuous, and
women wanton and unchaste.
37. In the Kali Age, men will abandon their parents, brothers,
friends and relatives and establish their friendliness on sexual
basis. [They] will be miserable.
The Age of Confusion is mobbed by – yes, confusion! Practically
everything you have ever read is clouded over by the miasma of Kali
Yuga fog. As the saying goes: History is written by the conquerors - while
the loser’s side of the story is routinely forgotten.
When you think about it, throughout most of written history all the great
works of Art are the symbols of propaganda bought and paid for by
ruling tyrants and religions seeking to dominate the world’s populations. Just
ask Leonardo da Vinci who worked for the likes of Cesara Borgia, or
Michelangelo who labored under the iron hand of a Vatican priest. Today’s
artists are answerable to the power of big money from the multinational
corporations that own our world.
Even the wonderful descriptions of enlightenment that give us all hope were
not experienced in the density of time we currently are living in. With no
disrespect intended, it occurs to one that Lao Tzu, Jesus, and Buddha did not
have to fight off chemtrails, microwaves, endocrine disrupting chemicals, or
childhood television programming! These days, in the Twilight of the Kali
Yuga, it’s the Razor’s Edge – every step of the way Home.
Knowledge of our essential Oneness is hard to come by in the Kali Yuga.
Beneath the curtain of multiplicity – there is only ONE! This means that
behind the apparent diversity of seemingly billions of individuals living on
planet Earth, they are all only One. All are ISNESS.
For those of you who have remembered past lives, you may have noticed a
striking perplexing similarity in the basic character of each life. There may
be certain repeating flaws and compulsions, traits or qualities that you begin
notice have shown up over and over in lifetime after lifetime. You may be a
high priest in Atlantis, or a dancing slave girl in 8th century Kashmir – but
there is a pattern that continues throughout all your lives. This is because the
genes in your current physical body are the latest ‘product’ of a long line of
many bodies, lineages. You have access to the memories contained within
the DNA of the body you currently inhabit.
But underneath all this temporal multiplicity is the Oneness that we all
are: meaning you and me, factory workers in China and the farmers of rural
India, the world leaders and corporate tyrants, the Aborigines in Australia
and the Pigmy tribes in Africa!
The floodgates of Knowledge and Love will open - and you will never be
the same. You will never be able look at another human being without
compassion and you will never again judge them – for you will KNOW
that YOU ARE THEM! As you judge them, so you judge and condemn
yourself. And it turns out that as harrowing, dreadful and boring as the Kali
Yuga is – in fact it is the fast lane to God Realization. The intensity of the
Kali pressures you to WAKE UP!
Time does not exist outside the temporal illusory holographic matrix. Thus
the Four Cycles of Time are simultaneous as are all your so-called ‘past’
Acceptance of the theory of the Cycles of Time might lead you to a sort of
complacent resignation. After all, if we are ineluctably snared in the
frequencies of confusion - then why bother?
It’s a Cosmic Bargain Sale of sorts! <g> Therefore, take up the challenge to
Remember who you are! Do not give in! So, the Darkside is fulfilling its
own kind of dharma, doing its job of spreading the hand of tyranny over the
planet and poisoning everything in its wake. What will you do? In these
moments of challenge, of sorrow and of awakening consciousness, how
will you behave? Can you find courage within yourself and compassion for
others? Can you master the divine detachment that comes from knowing that
what is unfolding is the grand Cosmic Design. Can you remember that every
one and everything is God, Isness – and this Oneness is you.
You are this world, and you are the Love that breathes this temporal illusory
holographic matrix out into multiplicity and inhales it back into quiescence -
and back out again, eon after eon after eon. World without end! This
universe is here for us all to play in. Surely, when you look at your life or
perhaps many lives, in spite of all the pain, you do recognize the grand
beauty of Creation.
So the question is what will you do now in this intensified exciting moment?
And are you ready to move on into one of the 1000s of other universes –
some without polarities or even time - all waiting, inviting you to come
to yet another magnificent adventure in consciousness.
While the Gods Play: Shaiva Oracles & Predictions on the Cycles of History
& the Destiny of Mankind
Alain Danielou
Inner Traditions, 1987
The Mahabharata
Translated & Edited by J.A.B. van Buitenen
University of Chicago Press, 1981
It also explains in part the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad quote that has puzzled
me for so many years:
My understanding is that there are many beings of varying states of
consciousness that for literally millions of years have interacted with this
planet. Some might call them gods, while others may know them as etheric
beings or perhaps extraterrestrials - a word that only means not of this
earth, extra-terra.
There are seven higher worlds and seven lower worlds in Hindu
metaphysics. These LOKA worlds reflect a wide spectrum of consciousness,
as they are made up of specific frequencies of waveforms. Perhaps the
demon worlds of the Sanskrit Puranic texts, the anti-gods, the Asuras and
Raksasas, are reptoid or Borg-like extraterrestrials.
[230] Beyond Brahmaloka and beneath the upper crust of the Cosmic Egg –
in between these two is the PURA (Shiva’s city), his divine abode
MANOMAYA (consisting of the mind).
These worlds are light from within, meaning their reality does not consist of
reflected light, as does our solid five-sense material world.
[239-42] … there are divine lotuses… made of gold… their inner surfaces
are very tender. The lotuses covering up the whole place seem to be so many
Are these gold umbrellas some sort of protective technology? Are these
beings vulnerable to Cosmic Rays, Gamma and X-Rays as we are?
[260-263] Some [of the inhabitants] are… horse-faced… a few have the
faces of the lord of the beasts; other have faces and bellies like those of
elephants, others are elephant-faced; a few are lion-faced and tiger-faced…
others can assume any form they wish.
If this had been translated before today’s science began to fool around with
genetic manipulation, naturally these creatures would have been seen as
‘mythology’. The same images of human bodies with animal heads are
sprinkled on the ancient Sumerian and Akkadian cuneiform tablets.
[264-266] Lord Mahesvara [the transcendent Lord Shiva] of ten arms sports
therein… He is being respected and diligently worshipped by those people
moving about in aerial chariots.
The Phantasmal Hierarchies
I have named these worlds the Phantasmal Hierarchies from the word
phantasm, which according to the Oxford Etymological Dictionary of the
English Language, 1974, means a spectre. A phantasm-agora is a collection
of spectres as shown by a magic lantern.
Down though time, the elaborate rituals of the Treta and Dvapara
Yuga turned into belief systems. The beings involved projected an
assortment of hierarchical worlds related to the specific
frequencies generated by their thoughts. Keep in mind that
everything is a temporal illusory hologram and no world is any
more ‘real’ than another. Only Oneness is REAL.
With the creation of these Phantasmal Hierarchies, certain individual gods
came to dominate others - and in a way, utilize their energy. Obviously these
are not all beings of the highest consciousness, but they are a part of
Oneness nevertheless and we have moved out of the golden era and the
collective understanding and memory of our Oneness.
I suggest that many of these entities are the so-called extraterrestrials and are
from lower Loka Worlds. By exploiting the use of ritual, the manipulative
tyrant beings pass themselves off as gods and trick us humans into
worshipping them and giving them our energy. By these occult, a term that
simply means hidden, means these entities thus generated an abundant
energy source that has been used to build the so-called astral worlds and
enhance the splendor of the Phantasmal Hierarchies.
Perhaps you can equate this bow-down-and-worship practice with the act of
giving up your own hard earned money. When you worship another you
literally give up your power, your energy, your ability to think for yourself
to whatever you worship.
Now I would suggest that the idea of BHAKTI and the term devotion, as it
is used by Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita, are very different from the concept
of worship. To me Bhakti Yoga implies Union, the act of becoming one
with that which you already are. Worship might be defined as an act
limited to energy focused on external entity – not the SELF/ATMA within -
to achieve certain results.
In the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna very clearly disdains the practice of making
sacrifices to achieve certain worldly results or to spend time in any of the
heavenly realms. He says that he cannot be seen with the aid of the Vedas,
austerities, gifts, and sacrifices. He can only be seen through the practice
of BHAKTI [Bhagavad Gita 33.11.52-55], which to me implies UNION, the
act of becoming ONE with that which you already are and have always
been. To become One with the Self/ATMA that dwells in your Heart, you do
not have to perform ritual sacrifices.
In the Uddhava Gita Krishna says that the wise understand that the rewards
of heaven, which are promised by religious rituals are as transient as
pleasures on earth. [Dialogue 14.18]
Even the higher heavenly worlds of the gods, rishis, seers, saints and angels
are temporal:
As an artist I have loved and studied religious iconography all my life. I love
the images of religious faith and passion. And as someone who is naturally
drawn to practice BHAKTI yoga, I love the representations of the gods in
Hinduism and Buddhism. I myself have many of these, but from my own
experience I realize how easy it is to project my feelings into these images
and then over time forget that they are only stone, wood & metal. I leave a
part of myself there, waiting, and having thus externalized my
consciousness, I neglect the SELF/ATMA within my own Heart.
A similar process takes place with the winners of fame, although perhaps on
a less perilous level. These days the public worships a wide spectrum of
famous people from those who are rich and powerful, to rock stars and
athletes. For example with film stars, people tend to see themselves in these
wonderful actors and either love or hate them accordingly. But in truth, the
public does not know the actor – you only know what the directors and
writers have projected into them, along with what you see of yourself in
them. This ability to perform a wide spectrum of human nature is the actor’s
talent – but it is not who they are. Only their close friends and family ever
know them.
While it is lovely and uplifting to have ceremonies, rituals, and prayers to
higher beings – it is crucial, especially in this moment in time, to remember
the God-within, the SELF/ATMA.
The nature of the Golden Age is that we all Remember who we are, we
know that we are Oneness, and thus there is no reason to worship anything
or anyone.
With the gradual assimilation and acceptance of the theory of the Cycles of
Time, found in most primordial traditions, you begin to stretch your
thoughts back into the time before Time. Back to the moment Oneness
expanded from the single point, known as BINDU in Sanskrit, and pressing
against the Ocean of vast Ethers, created ever-expanding spherical
waveforms, one within another – as the pebble creates circles in a pond.
Imagining yourself to be this Oneness, you begin to feel what it might be
like to descend into the multiplicity of the temporal illusory hologram you
are creating. At first you are perhaps more etheric in nature, a light body.
You have not yet created a vehicle with GUNAS and the five senses
designed to both apprehend and simultaneously create the world.
The force of Time presses onward and multiplicity increases. As you begin
the long descent into your adventure, the creation and solidification of
matter, and your eventual entrapment by the five senses – you for the first
time encounter pain. The first signal to us that we were slipping into
something previously unknown to us would have been pain however initially
slight, harmless, and mild.
Certainly by the second Yuga, The TRETA YUGA, we would have already
begun to feel a profound sense of loss and separation. The Sanskrit epic The
Ramayana is said to take place within the Treta. The Ramayana is the story
of a terrible war between the demonic Raksasas and the good guy Rama,
who is an incarnation of the All Pervading Protector, Vishnu. Thus the idea
of war between the forces of Light and Dark existed within the frequencies
of the Treta Yuga.
This implies to me that yes, we are not alone! If you simply substitute the
term ‘other dimensional being’ for astral (the etymology of which is
‘star’), you may grok the idea that the daily growing, large numbers of UFOs
we are now seeing and reporting up in our skies, since the 1940’s and
throughout history, are in fact these ‘flying chariots’ or, as they are termed in
Sanskrit, the VIMANAS talked about in the Linga Purana and other Sanskrit
texts. These entities have always been with us.
The pressing desire to be free from density and the increasingly intense
polarities (pleasure & pain) in the temporal hologram naturally generates
more users’ manuals on the possibilities of such liberation (MUKTI) –
liberation as in the return to our Primordial state of Oneness.
Consider the idea that by the advent of the KALI YUGA, human
consciousness has sunk to such a degree of confusion, in its
miasma of amnesia, that many of us are now quite desperate to
Remember who we are and are assiduously looking for the Door
out of the temporal illusory hologram that we in fact created.
Anyone who does manage to Wake-Up and Remember the truth becomes
immediately esteemed by all. And because we have developed the ritual of
worshipping the entities in the Phantasmal Hierarchies, we also begin to
worship those who have become enlightened, while their yet-to-be
enlightened disciples begin to feverishly write down what their Masters said
or did. That is, whatever the disciples might remember years after it has been
filtered through their own consciousness.
Over 400 years passed before any of the teachings of Gautama Buddha were
written down and around 100 years until the life and teachings of Jesus the
Christ were inscribed. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see the potential
for confusion or that what followed all these awakened beings was a tidal
wave of disagreement among their followers that took many forms, from
simply the endless production of intellectual treatises to brutally cruel
inhuman wars - wars that are today still raging.
When you see the words ‘text with commentaries,’ get ready for someone’s
version of the truth, followed by the reiteration of that truth by one who
more than likely has never experienced truth. Of course Indian civilization
has been in existence for many 1000s of years and therefore has a great deal
more time to express its differences. Here in the west we have only had
around 3000 years to completely confuse ourselves.
Now that I have rejected the written word, in Part 2, I will proceed to
attempt to communicate to you as simply as I am able what I consider to be
the cream of the cream of all metaphysical thinking concerning a the real
exit strategy – the Apavarga of SAMKHYA.
That is if you are weary, as I am, of the temporal illusory hologram in the
Twilight of the Kali Yuga.
The LINGA Purana
Translated by a Board of Scholars and Edited by Prof. J.L. Shastri
Part I & II
Motilal Banarsidass Publishers; 1973 & 1997, Delhi
While the Gods Play: Shaiva Oracles & Predictions on the Cycles of History
and the Destiny of Mankind
Alain Danielou
Inner Traditions, 1987
The Mahabharata
Translated & Edited by J.A.B. van Buitenen
University of Chicago Press, 1981
Hinduism – although not always under that name - has been around for
millennia and thus is made up of immense rivers of thought from hundreds
of brilliant seers and thinkers all offering and arguing their ideas of
metaphysical exactitudes over thousands of years.
SAMKHYA and VEDANTA are but two major currents of Hinduism. Both
of these deal with Knowledge as Wisdom. Vedanta is said to have taken
wing and flowered from the SAMKHYA, but even this simple statement
would elicit many conflicting opinions.
Forget the oversized mega-egos of Descartes, Hegel, Kant and the other
western philosophers and logicians with their interminable arguments
concerning the nature of reality – arguments that lead somewhat pompously
to the brick-wall of materialism or at best the futility of existentialism. In
their penchant for argument and disagreement, these men of the west have
nothing on India’s Sankara, Ramanuja, or Madhvacarya. However, let me
assure you that none of these numerous subtle frictional contentions bother
me in the least. They offer the reader the opportunity to discern, to feel out
the Truth.
Here is my simplified version:
Let’s imagine that we are back as the Oneness, before the appearance of
multiplicity. As that Oneness, we create this universe to play in and we
separate – or rather we take on the illusion of separation into order to
experience the various modes of our Total Being, which is an immeasurable
immensity. These beings under the veil of illusory separation begin to
manifest the world and it is a thing of beauty – resplendent, glorious, and
seething with waveforms of varying frequencies, which reflect the
possibilities of the supernal eternal Oneness that pervades all.
The created world is so lovely, so enticing that as the initial beings we desire
more direct contact with what we have created. We want more than to
observe, we desire to touch our earth and to walk among the trees. To
achieve this new and more intimate relationship with our creation, we begin
to emit specific waveforms, which have the power to envelope us in bodies.
These bodies are still subtle and have the ability to interface with the
temporal illusory hologram – the world. These bodies consist of layers, as
sheaths that permit this desired interaction and will soon become what we
know as physical. The solidification of matter is part of the illusion of Time.
On one level of perception all of the body’s layers are One-ness, while on
another they have taken on the illusion of division and separation. Thus the
differences I am about to delineate are not real - they are self-imposed
temporal illusions assumed for the sake of enjoying the world. Here a
description is useful in the sense that a thread wisely laid down in a maze
can lead one, who is lost, back out.
Within the center of your body – and simultaneously permeating the entire
body and being - is the original portion of Oneness, the ATMA or SELF, the
God-within. Layered around the ATMA/SELF is the Soul, the Universal
Being, known as PURUSHA in Sanskrit. The Sanskrit texts say that, ATMA
dwells within Purusha.
Purusha is light, but not reflected light, rather the light within, light as
Knowledge, light as pure consciousness. Because this is a polarity universe,
Purusha requires another principle to interact with – even though this
interaction or correlation is illusory as is the entire temporal hologram.
In order to manifest the varying frequencies as waveforms that become the
illusions of the created world, Purusha needs PRAKRITI.
Sinking deeper and deeper down into matter through GUNA-MAYA and the
five senses, propelled by the force of Time our consciousness became
cooked to the point of Forgetting who we are. At every moment we have the
opportunity to Remember and wake up, but the forces of Darkness are
increasing and it becomes harder and harder to see through the Veil, so that
most are befuddled, trapped by desires, by greed and fear.
So where’s the Door?
Just as the dancing girl ceases to dance after having exhibited herself to the
spectators, so also the Prakriti ceases to operate after having exhibited
herself to Purusha.
Many have often said that no matter how arduously they have endeavored at
their spiritual practices in the fervent desire to achieve liberation, the truth is
that the moment of realization seemed to come only through God’s
Grace. I agree – because this universe is electric and our temporal illusory
hologram is solely made up of varying frequencies as waveforms. Feelings
of selfless-ness, love, surrender and devotion are all within the frequency
band of the GUNA SATTVA (illumined knowledge).
The spiritual path is often called THE RAZOR’S EDGE and with good
reason. The abyss lies on either side and as you climb higher in
consciousness, the fall looming beneath you gets deeper and more perilous.
Too much devotion can lead you to a state of giddy childish stupor, robbing
you of your Will and your need to refine your discernment. Too much
knowledge can lead to a heartless stagnation in an icy realm of eternally
conflicting theories.
Even when you begin to Remember and realize your true Oneness, the small
identity self can rear its ugly head and call the old Maya-Gunas back into
play as you find yourself the spiritual leader of your needy flock who adores
your clay-feet! Spiritual pride is a real killer. Head for Home, trust the God-
within and remain vigilant. Hungry ghosts and the forces of Darkness would
love to reclaim you. A fallen aspirant makes a real feast for the Phantasmal
ATMA – the SELF, a piece of Oneness within man; ATMA dwells in
Studies in Hinduism
Rene Guenon, 1966
Sophia Perennis; 2001, NY
While the Gods Play: Shaiva Oracles & Predictions on the Cycles of History
and the Destiny of Mankind
Alain Danielou
Inner Traditions, 1987
Samkhya Links
The film The Matrix – the first of three - contained some fundamental truths
that many around the planet instinctively responded to. The universe is
indeed a temporal illusory holographic matrix made up of varying
frequencies, waveforms pulsating at specific vibratory rates. Beneath the
Veil, the ‘curtain of each atom’, there really is nothing out there but a vast
ocean of etheric energy, the AKASHA, the silent unheard sound.
Everything you see or hear or touch is nothing more than electrical signals
being transmitted by the five senses through this underlying etheric ocean to
your brain. Each of these senses supports the others in the illusion generated
by the amazing intensely creative power of MAYA and the GUNAS. These
signals are interpreted according to our programming from birth and our
This first Matrix film revealed far too much truth to suit the ‘darkside’ forces
that control this third dimensional earth-plane via their media-entertainment
industry. And they quickly realized that the computer related metaphors so
brilliantly accessed by the film’s writers had reached the normally
impenetrable psyches of too many previously semi-somnolent humanoids.
Thus the sequels were intentionally suffused with overwhelming images of
helplessness in the face control.
What the first film does convey is the solid gold truth that the matrix isn’t
real. This is in complete alignment with timeless primordial metaphysical
principles - the truth that understands the real nature of this universe as a
temporal illusory hologram.
In the Twilight of the Kali Yuga it is the ‘job’ of the Darkside Forces to
continually confuse and numb the inhabitants of this our world. There is a
War in the Heavens. The darkside entities are here in ever increasing
numbers for the purpose of further deluding us into a complete and total
ignorance of the Real. The frequency wave bands emitted from most forms
of electrical-electronic appliances and machines excel at this capacity to
confuse, delude, and stupefy. The Veil in these last days of the Kali has
indeed become Borg-like.
In the early part of the Matrix film, there is a very grotesque image of Neo
pulling those very slimy long tendril-suckers off of his body. This scene is
so repulsive to us because it is true. I realize that this is not very pleasant
information – but as long as we have no idea what is happening to us, how
can we free ourselves? In varying degrees, all of us are ‘hosts’ to these
feeder entities. This is why vampire novels are so weirdly popular – people
actually have an unconscious sense of what is happening.
Through the lower frequencies of our anger, fear, and addictions, the
darkside astral-cooties have attached themselves to us. This is one reason
why all spiritual paths emphasize purity of mind and body. Purity simply
reduces the ability of the lower realms to connect with you and become
attached to you. They cannot locate frequencies they do not resonate with.
Know that the Laws of Magnetism dictate that like attracts like - and that
location is in fact a function of consciousness. Purity through knowledge and
a focused consciousness will keep any unwanted influences out of your
auric-field and your subtle etheric body.
Everything you are addicted to has the potential to attach you to a level of
these entities. EVERYTHING! I have seen this so often over the years with
friends who lost themselves to drugs and alcohol. Some of these parasitical
entities are not only highly persuasive, but also very unattractive.
Newspapers are the same, even the Internet news has become more confused
and confusing with 100s of professional disinformation and propaganda
wizards, sock-puppets who are handsomely paid to keep you in your miasma
of amnesia. This Kali Yuga confusion holds you in a frequency of
POWERLESSNESS, because you can’t do anything about what you are
reading. So until you actually become powerful in a real sense, as in your
inner connection to the God-within you – forget it! Unplug! Get the cooties
off of you.
I can tell you what the news will be for the next few years. Lets get it over
with once and for all: More heinous wars, more needless deaths, more
incurable diseases, more mind-wrenching torture, more oinker-greed and
boring tyranny. Nature’s earth will continue to be irreversibly poisoned and
her creatures die. Got it? That’s it folks. Now you know everything. So
forget it! Unplug!
Are you in love with love? Waiting for that perfect person to transport you
into a higher reality and fix everything for you? Romance is candy for your
brain – Stuart Wilde said that, but I grok. It’s a bunch of lovely hormones
designed to give you a momentary high and get you to procreate. It never
lasts. Never! Forget it! Unplug.
If you have a deep love and friendship with someone who is as evolved as
you are and you are certain you share a similar frequency – fine, wonderful.
But when you bond with someone whose hologram is vibrating at a lower
frequency than yours – and remember us humanz are very complex energy
patterns full of surprises – then you take the chance of being sucked down
into their reality. Casual sex ain’t casual for anyone on the way Home – it’s
an elevator going down. Is the temporary fix comfort zone worth it?
All addictions will hold you in the illusion of the polarity Matrix.
Attached to each addiction is a direct sucker line to a group of scurrilous
entities you would not want to go bowling with. This means ALL addictions,
no exceptions. Compulsion is Cootie-Ville. Anytime you feel compelled to
consume anything, you are feeding the astral-cooties who need your energy
to survive and thrive because they cannot produce their own. Wimps!
Cut them off, pull their plugs off of your body. Raise your frequency and
watch them disappear. Addictions are entry points that leave you open for
the astral-cooties to come on in and make themselves right at home. This is
how so many beautiful souls from the 1960s, many of who were my dear
friends and loved ones, were destroyed. I am the witness.
How about some pretty visions to make you think you are so ‘spiritual’?
Want to channel one of the 1000s of aliens out there? I can promise you,
that’s a learning curve. Certainly not all of these entities are malevolent.
They simply have their own point of view, their own agenda, and their own
consciousness relative to their level of evolvement. They don’t necessarily
know any more than you do.
How about having these ‘cooties’ as your primary relationship? They can
appear to you as anything they know you want, even angels, anything
that’s already programmed into that very subtle brain of yours – anything.
Someday when it is too late, they’ll show you what they really look like –
but that would make you throw up now and then you might not want to feed
them any more.
The vast array of chemicals in your food, air, and water quite literally
confuses your endocrine system. EDCs, endocrine disrupting chemicals,
mimic estrogen and god-only-knows what else to confuse your own natural
hormones. These molecules are diabolical. Not only do they very likely
contribute to obesity, cancer, sterility, and memory loss – they also shut
down your Third Eye, the pineal gland. Your ability to ‘SEE’ the Invisible
Realms is regulated by the pineal and pituitary glands. Because these man-
made molecules send confusing signals to them, they can’t work properly.
Do you think this is accidental?
A good book for your ensuing cootie battles is ‘Practical Psychic Self-
Defense’ by Robert Bruce. If you become complacent, watch the first Matrix
movie over and over and over – not the sequel, which has been assimilated,
cootiefied. Remember that steak and red wine aren’t real! There’s not much
time left to dawdle in the Illusion.
I know this sounds scary; after all we can’t even see these things – what
chance do we have? But remember, WE CREATED THEM! They are an
integral part of the temporal illusory holographic matrix. As pieces of God-
Isness, we created these astral-cootie darkside-Ahriman-demonic entities to
help hold together this polarity universe.
ALL polarity paradigms are temporal illusions designed by us, and our
helpers the astral-cooties, the forces of the ‘darkside’, to hold together the
projected illusion of multiplicity, this temporal holographic matrix, so we
can PLAY the game of NOT being GOD! And we are God! Everyone and
everything – yes, even the darkside entities.
There are endless, unknown, incredible worlds of Beauty and Love and
Light, and every adventure yet even unimagined, waiting for us.
I can’t do this for you. No one can. Thank God! If they could, they would
own you. Saving or being saved is a slave game – not a God game!
I can’t do this for you. I can get down on my knees and plead and
cry and beg you to unplug, to throw out your TVs, to not read your
daily dose of propaganda, to kick your addictions – to pull the
feeder lines off of your beautiful bodies and out of your auric field.
I can tell you what waits for you. I can tell you of floating in golden light
feeling more love than anyone could ever give you. I can describe my
visions and feelings and take you to fly through the galaxies. But my
experiences will NOT be yours. Why should they be? Why would the
Creator ever want to repeat and duplicate Itself?
I can tell you that you are heading for a place where THERE ARE
NO REFERENCE POINTS! And that is wonderful! A place where
you and the God-within you - as you become ONE - will as they
say, create your own reality. A location within where you will have
grown beyond both the demons and the angels. A place where you
will have earned freedom because you will have experienced every
polarity paradigm in all the time-space matrices and you are ready
to create your own.
I cannot do this for you. NO ONE CAN! You have to choose it for yourself.
Only your own courage can loosen the slimy sucker-tendrils that imprison
you and drain your life force. Only the God-within you can know the precise
sublime moment when you are ready to emerge from the Matrix – grinning
ear to ear as you REMEMBER who you are!
How many of us will escape? I don’t know. I know that underneath our silly
small identity egos, there is only LOVE - and that as the Real behind the
multiplicity, we all ARE each other. Therefore when any one of us wakes
up, it makes it easier for the rest. I know that if enough of us Remember,
then the entire Illusion will collapse – because the darkside won’t have
anything to feed on.
What will happen then? No one knows. No one wants to know because then
it wouldn’t be any fun. When you normally exist in Eternal Bliss, the
exciting thing about a Free Will universe is that there are always at least 25
variations in the cycles of time and you don’t know exactly what will
happen. It’s like meeting someone new or starting a fresh canvas - you
embrace an entirely unknown realm of possibilities. You learn to improvise
and create as you go along.
You and the God-within you – all of us! – will be generating a fresh reality
for Isness to express Itself in. We will all meet someday. We all realize by
now that life on this planet is going to get much worse – the evidence is in.
Don’t be afraid of Death – you are an eternal Being. Be aware of the
seductive astral-cootie traps. Read the Tibetan Book of the Dead and learn to
bypass the Bardo planes! Avoid all those heavens and hells in the
Phantasmal Hierarchies – they are illusions. No matter how seductive
anyone or anything is, don’t listen! Go directly HOME to the God-within
When you see death, hunger, and sorrow try to know that each one of us
chose this experience, even if we don’t now remember making that choice.
Compassion is important and very distinct from anxiety, worry, fear and
anger. These fear frequencies are all food for the astral-cooties, the mind
parasites. As they say at the zoo: Don’t feed the animals!
UNPLUG! The temporal holographic matrix is illusory!
I’m only beginning to lift the Veil. But from my heart, I hope one
sweet day to see you all in the wild blue yonder of the immense
immeasurable within.
Do you need to find a living, breathing, flesh & blood teacher in order to
become enlightened? In ancient times, Seers orally transmitted the
primordial metaphysical principles that underlie the temporal illusory
hologram through the generations. Even during most of this Kali Yuga the
sacred Sanskrit texts were available only to the Brahmin priests who were
educated to read and recite them.
It has only been in very recent times that many of these texts have been
translated – some by a few westerners who actually had an open mind
towards their content. The fact that they are currently available to anyone is
likely symptomatic that we are approaching the end of the Kali.
While let me assure you that this was not my own personal experience, I
certainly learned a great deal from my contact. The most important lesson I
gained is that my multidimensional selves are not the God-within me. They
may be projections of my SELF-ATMA, or of the larger Isness, but does not
make them or their agendas superior to my own spiritual path. Trust the
God-within you. There are 1000s of entities ‘out-there’ in the Myriad
Worlds literally advertising to get your attention and energy.
In a similar manner, many gurus and teachers either have very material
interests or they may be ones who have achieved a fragment of insight and
have decided to make a profitable career of those experiences.
I would suggest that finding a pure and enlightened teacher in the Twilight
of the Kali Yuga is akin to the old ‘needle in the haystack’ metaphor. One of
the symptoms of the Kali is that people will prefer to choose false ideas.
This is the Age of Confusion after all.
In the Uddhava Gita [Dialogue 2, Verse 19 & 20], Krishna tells his friend
and disciple Uddhava that there are many who by their own efforts have
realized the truth and that the SELF/ATMA – meaning the God-within - is
the real teacher of all people.
God dwells within the Heart of each and every one of us. We don’t have to
ask permission of anyone to access the love and knowledge waiting for us
there – we only have to want it more than we want the external illusory
hologram, and turn inward to discover the love we have always sought.
45. … during the Kali… Men attain perfection within a short time.
46-47. What is gained by the practice of dharma for a year in the
Treta Yuga is attained by the practice of it for a month in the
Dvapara Yuga. In Kali an intelligent devotee attains the same in a
day by practicing Dharma strenuously.
[Linga Purana, Section1, Chapter 40]
While the Gods Play: Shaiva Oracles & Predictions on the Cycles of History
& the Destiny of Mankind
Alain Danielou
Inner Traditions, 1987
Hanging on Life’s Illusions
Excerpt from The MAHABHARATA Book 11.Section 5
Vidura said,
Having bowed down to the Self-create, I will obey thy behest by telling thee
how the great sages speak of the wilderness of life.
A certain brahmana, living in the great world, found himself on one occasion
in a large inaccessible forest teeming with beasts of prey. It abounded on
every side with lions and other animals looking like elephants, all of which
were engaged in roaring aloud. Such was the aspect of that forest that Yama
[Death] himself would take fright at it.
He then saw that that terrible forest was surrounded with a net, and that a
frightful woman stood there, stretching her arms. That large forest was also
encompassed by many five-headed snakes of dreadful forms - tall as cliffs
and touching the very heavens.
Within it was a pit whose mouth was covered with many hard and
unyielding creepers and herbs. The brahmana, in course of his wanderings,
fell into that invisible pit. He became entangled in those clusters of creepers
that were interwoven with one another, like the large fruit of a jack tree
hanging by its stalk. He continued to hang there, feet upwards and head
The honey (collected in the comb) fell in many jets below. The person who
was hanging in the pit continually drank those jets. Employed, in such a
distressful situation, in drinking that honey, his thirst, however, could not be
appeased. Unsatiated with repeated draughts, the person desired for more.
Even then he did not become indifferent to life. Even there, the man
continued to hope for existence.
A number of black and white rats were eating away the roots of that tree.
There was fear from the beasts of prey, from that fierce woman on the
outskirts of that forest, from that snake at the bottom of the well, from that
elephant near its top, from the fall of the tree through the action of the rats,
and lastly from those bees flying about for tasting the honey.
Section 6
The six-faced elephant, O king, which proceeds towards the tree standing at
the mouth of the pit is spoken of as the year. Its six faces are the seasons and
its twelve feet are the twelve months. The rats and the snakes that are cutting
off the tree are said to be days and nights that are continually lessening the
periods of life of all creatures.
Those that have been described as bees are our desires. The numerous jets
that are dropping honey are the pleasures derived from the gratification of
our desires and to which men are seen to be strongly addicted. The wise
know life’s course to be even such. Through that knowledge they succeed in
tearing off its bonds.
The almighty Lord brought into existence these four spheres… by means of the
abundance of luxuriousness of His Divine Powers.
An ANDA is a sphere that contains in it a series of phenomenal elements and
serves as a sheath (Veil) that covers and hides the divine nature of the
SHAKTI – the divine power of God projecting Itself externally and covering
the Absolute with pure creation. Manifesting diversity within unity, it hides the
basic absoluteness and the perfect unity of the Absolute God and contains in it
the four pure TATTVAS (‘that-ness’, the very being of a thing, its constitutive
principle) from SHAKTI to VIDYA.
The sphere of MAYA pushes into oblivion the natural purity and divine
potency of the Absolute, covers it with five sheaths (Veils) or limiting elements
called KANCUKAS and presents the Absolute as a finite being called
The five KANCUKAS have their origin in MAYA TATTVA and are in
charge of binding PURUSHA, the individual Self, in the temporal illusion of
separateness and an individual identity (AHAMKARA - the small identity-self
ego). The five KANCUKAS are:
The sphere PRITHVI covers the absolute with the solid gross existence.
The Absolute, PARAMATMAN, lies beyond all four of these spheres (ANDAS).
… The Absolute God creates them (these spheres) playfully in the process of
the manifestation of His Godhead. He creates them out of His own Self in the
manner of reflections and covers His real Self with them.
Within such four spheres lies the whole phenomena along with its wonderfully
diverse types of bodies, senses, organs, and series of worlds. The individual
finite being is there the experiencer of pleasure and pain.
In reality he is none other that the Lord Himself, having taken up such form of
the bounded being.
It is the basic nature of the Lord to appear playfully as the finite-being and to
revolve in the cycles of transmigratory existence.
PARAMARTHASARA of Abhinavagupta
With English translation & notes by Dr. B.N. Pandit
Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers; 1991, New Delhi
Abhinavagupta’s Commentary on the Bhagavad Gita
Translated from Sanskrit with Introduction & Notes by Boris Marjanovic
Indica Books; 2004, Varanasi India
Once you leave the physical body, your consciousness as Purusha, the Soul,
disengages from Prakriti’s MAYA-GUNAS. This ‘data-collecting vehicle’
might then be seen as a sort of discarded used-car. If you, as the
Purusha/Soul consciousness, correctly so identify with the Real, with the
God-within, the SELF/ATMA – that connection in frequency will lead you
to the path to freedom, MOKSHA.
In the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna says that a person always becomes whatever
he thinks of as he leaves the body, [30(8)7]. Your last thoughts at this
moment will generate frequencies that cause and create your ‘location’ as
you leave the corporal body. You might consider the possible consequences
of being on drugs or drunk when you die. The way hospitals treat the dying
might be seen as a symptom of the Kali Yuga. Battlefields or other scenes of
violent and unexpected death are often haunted by confused souls caught in
shock frequencies.
There is also something about not letting anyone ‘touch’ you that I don’t
quite yet understand. This is probably what Jesus the Christ meant when he
said, “Noli me tangere,” meaning, “Touch me not” - and must have
something to do with frequencies being ‘contagious’, for lack of a better
word. However it does seem that no one can touch you, unless you allow it.
This world and those of the afterlife are all temporal illusory holograms that
emerge from the ethers within the polarity matrix through the Cycles of
Time. All are temporal – thus not eternal. Beyond the illusion of
multiplicity, within the Heart, the door to the eternal, the God-within that
simultaneously permeates this entire universe, waits.
If you grok the quotation at the top of the website from the Brihadaranyaka
Upanishad, you will understand that it does not benefit the ‘gods’ to have us
realize and Remember who we are. In fact it is said that if everyone here in
third dimensional planet Earth were to simultaneously become enlightened,
the entire temporal illusory universe would disappear.
The gods can’t allow that. They have far too much invested and thus too
much to lose in their myriad Loka worlds, where they are enjoying
themselves. Thus it is in their interest, in a way their ‘job’ to keep us deluded
and chained to illusion of appearances as perceived via Prakriti’s GUNA-
MAYA and the five senses.
The most effective instrument of our bondage is religious dogma, all
religious dogma. Dogma closes down inquiry and demands blind faith.
‘Knowing’ as wisdom makes faith unnecessary. Once you know
something, you no longer need to believe in it – you KNOW it! The endless
laws and rules of religious dogma cast a suffocating net of frozen rigidity
over the natural inclinations of your imaginative, as Alain Danielou says,
‘transcendental intuition’
“To the very extent that they are divinely inspired, religions must make
every effort to close the gate of liberation.”
-A. Danielou
Most of the major religions in the world today all emerged within
the Kali Yuga. There are often reports that the extraterrestrials
claim to have introduced these religions to our planet. There is no
word in Sanskrit equivalent to religion. The term DHARMA is the
closest, but is not really similar. I vividly remember many years
ago reading Alain Danielou saying something like ---
“If you really understood what you were reading, you would never
need to read another word.”
As many animals serve a man, so does each man serve the gods.
Even if one animal is taken away, it causes anguish to the owner;
how much more so when many are taken away!
Therefore it is not pleasing to the gods that men should know this
[that they are IS-ness].
While the Gods Play: Shaiva Oracles & Predictions on the Cycles of History
& the Destiny of Mankind
Alain Danielou
Inner Traditions, 1987
The etymology of the word Matrix is Latin meaning womb or any cavity in
which anything is formed. Just as the pod carries seeds within it, so the seeds
of ideas of all possible occurrences of the totality of this universe are always
contained within her Matrix. These seeds are the particles and potential
spawn that simply await a resonant frequency to produce the correlative
Hiranyagarbha is the Golden Egg or Golden Embryo that contains the
Matrix of this universe. This symbol of a ‘World Egg’ is cosmogonic and
occurs in many other primordial metaphysical traditions.
The Sanskrit word hiranya means golden and garbha means womb. The
Hiranyagarbha matrix already contains the possibilities of every yuga in all
the Maha-Yugas in all the Manvantaras, and in every Kalpa.
This world is indeed without end in the sense that the Cycles of Time are
eternally occurring. There are according to the Linga Purana 25 possible
differences, meaning variations within the Matrix.
Thus all the Cycles of Time are the same or at least so similar that the very
real possibility exists that when you recall or access a ‘past life’ memory, it
might be from this cycle of time or from one in another Manvantara. All the
cycles are occurring simultaneously within the holographic matrix, like the
classic metaphor of onionskins, as waveform frequencies one within
another. Time only exists as illusion and is relative to consciousness.
We are currently in the 28th Maha-Yuga (made up of the four yugas) of this
Manvantara, and we are now in the 7th Manvantara of the14 Manvantaras
make up a Kalpa, meaning one 'Day of Brahma'. To me this means that I
have already repeated, many times, experiences within this temporal illusory
holographic matrix. If some things are familiar to you, apparently there is a
preponderance of dang good reason.
Experiences emerge within the hologram when a resonant frequency is
emitted from a consciousness and therefore has the correlative ‘Key’ to
produce or ignite them. Thus Purusha as the soul and Prakriti as the forces
of nature (maya-guna) are interactive. In fact on the highest level, beyond
the illusion of separation, Purusha and Prakriti are ONE in the same. All are
Oneness, ATMA, Paramatman, which is the Supreme. Sanskrit offers so
many lovely words that describe various states of consciousness.
Once you know and realize this, you can access any part of the
hologram. This is the point in your unfoldment when you naturally
begin to acquire the Siddhis, meaning yogic (union) powers such
as remote viewing, etc. Enlightenment truly does await any being
who can by their own efforts access the dormant holographic
treasure of true Knowledge.
“Even if you are the worst criminal of them all, you will cross over
all villainy with just your lifeboat of knowledge.” [26(4)35]
The entire hologram is within every part of the hologram. There is no need
to go to any sacred site on the planet as ‘sacredness’ is within you. Your
location is a function of your consciousness. God is everywhere not just in
grand cathedrals or lovely temples, and not only in religious statues or idols,
or any other symbols that may represent God to the human mind and heart.
The state of liberation is not confined to any special abode, nor does it
necessitate any ascension (towards any celestial abode). Liberation is the
illumining of one’s divine potency attainable by the means of resolving the
knots of ignorance.
Fully liberated beings do not have to ascend to any divine abode, that in my
understanding are the illusory waveforms – however enchanting or sacred –
of the Phantasmal Hierarchies and the myriad LOKA worlds.
A person who realizes his real nature does not feel any dread from any
quarters because everything is his own SELF. He does not experience any
grief because, in reality, there is no death or destruction.
A person becomes liberated even while residing in a mortal form when the
knots of his ignorance are resolved, his doubts are removed, his delusion
eradicated - and his piety and sin are perfectly consumed.
When the impressions of the correct knowledge of one’s real nature become
deeply impressed on his person, his ignorance, his doubts, his delusion etc.
become annihilated and his good and bad deeds lose their power of
fructification. Since it is ignorance with it results, which is bondage, such a
person attains liberation even while living in the mortal world and is
consequently known as a JIVAN-MUKTA.
Quoted from:
Essence of the Exact Reality or Paramarthasara of Abhinavagupta
Translated by Dr. B.N. Pandit
Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers, 1991, New Delhi
The Four Yugas make up a MAHA-YUGA. The Four Yugas are: the
KRITA (or SATYA), the TRETA, the DVAPARA, and our current yuga,
the KALI.
The human body contains a system of seven chakras (wheels of energy) that
correlate with the seven higher and seven lower Loka-worlds. Perhaps in the
golden Krita Yuga these realms were originally emitted from these chakras.
Even if some may have forgotten due to their own guna-maya delusion, the
inhabitants of these heavens and hells know that sooner or later they too will
be recycled back into flesh and blood. Therefore it would be quite natural for
them to take an interest in the human experience.
It does seem however that some entities do not have to leave their respective
Loka-worlds and reincarnate here. Perhaps these beings never incarnated
into human bodies on third dimensional planet Earth and chose to create
their own Loka-worlds in the Krita Yuga - the Golden Age, before the Fall,
when we all still remembered that we are pieces of God - and simply remain
there. An occult technique for prolonging time in these realms, according to
an old book on the Tarot (by Mouni Sadhu), was to preserve the physical
human body on earth. According to this text as long as the body remained in
tact, one did not have to reincarnate - and thus the Egyptians and others who
knew this secret went to extremes to keep their discarded physical shell from
If you accept the possibility that the term extraterrestrials (not of terra) may
in fact refer to the inhabitants of these myriad worlds --- then it is also
possible that everyone of us here on planet Earth is in fact one of these
beings - an ET. This surprising conclusion is based on the metaphysical
reality that we have all spent time in many of these worlds and thus have
memories of our experiences. Where have all the wonderfully imaginative
science fiction stories come from? Many of us now remember past lives on
other planetary systems. Perhaps this is all quite natural and would be known
to us in any other cycle of time – other than the Kali Yuga where we are
deluded and engulfed in confusion.
These Loka worlds are all contained within this universe – the Cosmic
Golden Egg known as Hiranya-garbha. The Puranas say that there are seven
higher worlds and seven lower, but within these divisions are contained
thousands of cities of the Nagas (serpents), Danavas (giants), Pisacas (eaters
of raw flesh), and Raksasas (demons), and a multitude of other beings in a
variety of possible existences.
The Puranas also say that there are thousands of crores (millions) of these
Cosmic Eggs!
The American Indians used to say that the Moon is a crazy man
who runs all over the sky. If over time you have ever watched the
Moon move across the sky, you will have noticed that every night
its path changes considerably. The region of the sky that has been
displaced by the moon’s eastward movement in one day is called a
Nak satra (Sanskrit). The moon passes through these Nak satras,
which are all constellations. For example Arcturus, Altair, the
Pleiades, Regulus, etc. and these constellations that might be
identified as the source of the interfering ET races that are
carrying on their interactions with humanity in terms of
influencing our consciousness, offering technology in exchange for
DNA, and engaging in the ongoing hybridization programs based
on countless abduction reports.
Others have suggested this idea that the Moon is a transmitter of frequencies.
Perhaps in the earlier cycles of time, this operation was controlled by the
more highly evolved and benevolent beings. However it may be likely that
during the Kali Yuga, command and control of the emitters on the
Moon were lost to the Darkside – an unintended consequence and side
effect of the Wars in the Heavens.
Certainly these aliens would not wish to have our military in any form
snooping around their technologies on the Moon. And if Ingo Swan’s report
is accurate, this unfriendly attitude is confirmed. Ingo Swann is the original
remote view-er and worked with The Stanford Research Institute, SRI, and
many government agencies for years. In his book Penetration: The Question
of Extraterrestrial and Human Telepathy, Swann tells of his involvement
with a very secret government agency that asked him to remote view the
dark side of the Earth's Moon. He saw extensive buildings, roads, and
human forms digging. Swann makes it very clear that our government is
very much intimidated by these ETs. He says to the government agent:
"They've somehow got you by the balls, haven't they? That's why you are
resorting to psychic perceptions...They are NOT friendly are they?"
On reflection this does not indicate that if there are in fact aliens living on
our Moon, they are necessarily evil. Would you want any of the earth-side
military in your house or backyard? Even if the beings are very highly
evolved, say Etherians or other enlightened entities - it is realistic to imagine
that they might prefer their privacy.
My understanding is that these beings do have the ability to materialize in
our dimension and if there is ‘solid’ evidence, such as craft or other
technology, then they must have either been trapped here or intentionally
entered our waveform frequencies. No one has ever shown us the credible
physical remains of an extraterrestrial. Yes, I have seen that film of the alien
operation. But let us agree that we have been inundated with so much
disinformation on all aspects of the subject of the ETs that there is very little
we can believe with any confidence. If we no longer trust our governments,
the blame sits directly on their shoulders for lying to us for over 50 years,
when half of us have seen UFOs with our own eyes.
Every UFO that I have ever seen was either somewhat etheric in nature or its
apparent ‘solidity’ defied natural laws by its ability to achieve instantaneous
speed, or it disappeared in front of me. I assume they move in and out of our
dimension. All of the ‘beings’ I have ever seen or been in communication
with, were experienced through the Eye of my Mind, and/or were of
translucent and transparent light, never solid flesh & blood beings.
So where is there any evidence that all these beings are anything other than
hyper-dimensional metaphysical ‘astral’ entities? I doubt that any threat-
assessment-minded secret government agency would have the slightest clue
about metaphysical truth.
Swann also describes his encounter with a live alien in a Los Angeles
supermarket and confirms that ET civilization has been infiltrating the Earth
in humanoid bodies. Swann's friends warn him: "There are a lot of THEM,
you know, and many of them are bio-androids...they realize that Earth
psychics are their only enemies."
The metaphysical reality seems to be that they can and do incarnate into
human bodies, but that they are not successful at transplanting the human
experience and our genome in their bodies. This universe just isn’t designed
that way.
The implications of these metaphysical understandings from their Sanskrit
sources might lead to the conclusion that because every human being here
on planet earth has spent time in the various Loka-worlds - the other
dimensions as planetary realities - we are all thus in fact ETs.
This idea that there are many groupings of extraterrestrial beings all
incarnating over and over here on third dimensional planet earth opens up a
new perspective on the ET phenomena and can explain many mysteries.
Consider how different we all are. Perhaps the racial diversity around our
planet reflects these various myriad Loka-worlds, meaning the
extraterrestrials on millions of other planets. This could also explain the vast
complex differences in belief systems, and why so many of us sadly
misunderstand and hate each other. In a sense, we really do come from
different planets.
It also might explain why there is such a rush for entrainment as the various
ETs groups must be calling their own to return to them when the final
dissolution of this world occurs. Religions, cults, and every kind of belief
system are springing up - and more will emerge the closer we get to the end.
Those entities that are more conscious of their origins could be anywhere, in
any institution acting upon their point of view, their agenda ---seeking to
gather their own in what may be termed a ‘harvesting of souls’!
Toward the close of the four yugas, in the Twilight of the Kali, the
Veils begin to come down and what has been hidden is revealed.
Translated & Annotated by Dr. G.V. Tagare
Motilal Banarsidass Publishers; Delhi, 1987
The word surrender is a strange quantity here in the west. We really don’t
understand or value surrender. But in love, surrender to the beloved brings
everything sublime and sweet. In fact women often understand surrender
better than men because it is in such a state that a woman achieves her
deepest and most life altering orgasms. For most men the word surrender
evokes only weakness in warfare.
Bhakti Yoga is a very complex topic, rarely understood in the west because
the idea of sacrificing for Love no longer exists in our current consumer
society. I believe that one of the reasons Bollywood cinema is rarely
appreciated by a western audience is the fact that we simply don’t have a
paradigm of sacrifice and giving up ourselves into Love, and these ideas
permeate all Indian cinema. Here in the west, we look at people who are
involved in unrequited affairs of the heart as victims of their own stupidity.
Certainly in practice, loving someone who brutalizes you is not to be
recommended. But the ideals of sacrifice and surrender permeate Hinduism
and Sufism as a means to Union with the Divine.
It seems that the Creator has left a secret, immaculate, ever-present Longing
in every human heart, yours and mine, a longing that cannot be quenched by
either flesh, or wine, or ultimately by any desire. In the end, the flesh rots,
the wine sours, and every desire – however sweetly fulfilled or painfully
crushed – fades. This is the nature of a polarity universe. We did not intend
to be trapped here by our desires for all eternity. We intended only to enjoy
(BHOGA) life and move on.
When we are young, we all believe that romantic love will last forever. As
we grow older and more experienced, we realize that the institution of
marriage is a different energy and often quite distinct from romance. But in
our lives it is romance that we all remember. That moment when we,
unaware, let down our defenses and allowed another, our beloved, into
our heart and soul, that moment gave us a window, a glimpse into the
Heart of our Source.
The memory of that divine nectar and the sweetness of those feelings of
Oneness are sometimes all we have to carry us, dodging the slings and
arrows of outrageous fortune, through this, the valley of the shadow of
death. These transforming feelings of Oneness are what seduce mystics into
the hidden world of Silence and the myriad practices that promise the Return
of the Beloved.
These same feelings are what draw us all to romantic songs, poetry, and
films. When we see these moments of surrender, sacrifice and passionate
obsession, we remember the feelings we have lost, feelings we cannot even
name, a something that haunts our hearts down the trails of Time – our
Beloved. This is the essence Bhakti Yoga – using this longing within us all
to reach the God-within.
"... O night that has united the Lover with his beloved,
transforming the beloved in her Lover. Upon my flowering breast
which I kept wholly for him alone, there he lay sleeping, and I
caressing him ... I abandoned and forgot myself, laying my face on
my Beloved; all things ceased;
I went out from myself...”
St. John of the Cross
The idea is that only the purest, unconditional, unrelenting, focused devotion
to God and Love can lead the seeker to the ecstatic states of Divine Union
and liberation from the transmigration of the Soul. This kind of ideal love is
valued and greatly respected in India. In fact Bhakti Yoga is recommended
for the Kali Yuga because it is pure and free of the confusion of dueling
So what is this Bhakti devotion and divine surrender? When you are ‘in
love’ all you think about is your lover. The memories of your lover’s scent,
their eyes and hair and everything about them haunt you every moment. You
can only think of the hour will you be together again and resume the
happiness of your union.
If you use this same focused attention and direct it toward the God-
within you, it becomes a very powerful connector. Bhakti or devotion is
the waveform frequency that will allow you to utilize your innate God-given
longing to create the frequencies of Oneness in your consciousness. It is very
simple: either you are focused on the God-within you or you are lost in the
external temporal illusory hologram. It is like a switch, really – one or the
other! That simple.
The Kali Yuga, our current cycle of time, the Age of Conflict & Confusion
is highly conducive to anger. Anyone who isn’t angry is probably asleep!
Who wouldn’t be angry as you become aware of the ever-increasing
worldwide insanity in this frequency of time when ‘kings are thieves, and
thieves are kings’ and ‘people prefer false ideas’? But anger is a big trap
for your consciousness.
In the Kali Yuga our desires and dreams often go unfulfilled and unrealized.
We are tempted, seduced and enticed to allow the demonic energies of anger
to take over our consciousness and delude us, drawing us ever further down
into the sticky web-like confusion of the temporal illusory hologram.
Chapter Three in the Bhagavad Gita reveals the nature of anger and how to
release your consciousness from anger’s imprisoning tentacles. Anger
(krodhas) is the companion of arrogance and pride. Anger occurs when we
don’t get what we want. Anger contaminates the intellect and our ability
to discern energy levels. Anger effectively and efficiently deludes us and in
our confusion, we blame someone else – like our parents, the boss, the
government, the new world order, or those ominous secret societies. We
seek revenge on the external rather than looking within.
You suffer every variety of anger, jealousy, self-pity, etc. You alone suffer.
More than likely, the newly paired ones are off in their own hologram
having the time of their lives, while you are holding onto anger or more
accurately, anger holds you in its pernicious steadfast grasp. Your hologram
transforms into your own personal pity-party with just you and your
demons hanging out together!
Displaying your anger or sharing it with (the unlucky) others only seems to
feed the flames of your rage. The Bhagavad Gita says that anger is an
insatiable fire that can never be satisfied. This burden skillfully and
proficiently destroys the peaceful (sattva) frequencies of your consciousness.
Anger deflects any chance you might have for happiness - not only in this
world, but also in the next as like attracts like.
The SELF/ATMA is the Real and connects with Its creation through the
intellect, the mind, the five senses and their objects --- in that order. The
SELF is not the illusion of multiplicity, which is but a reflection in the mind
of external objects as perceived through the five senses.
The SELF, the Soul, the One that dwells in the Heart is eternal, not a
temporal polarity. ATMA is never disturbed or deluded by anything.
Thus anger is false and only resides within the frequency waveforms of the
illusion. Anger is experienced through guna-maya, the temporal data-
collecting vehicle that the small-identity ego-self falsely identifies as the real
Therefore remember and realize the Illusion of Separation. Know that you
never lost anything or anyone. Everything belongs to the eternal Real, the
Did you ever have the overwhelming feeling that the universe is completely
indifferent to your personal strivings and tragedies? Well, you were quite
correct. The temporal illusory manifested holographic universe is insentient,
meaning lacking feeling or consciousness. The hologram we mistakenly
accept as solid reality is comparable to a primordial, megalithic, cosmic
computer program that is set on automatic and simply runs its course
through the Four Cycles of Time.
The external illusion, produced by Prakriti’s guna-maya, has no feelings or
‘consciousness’ in the sense that we assign to human consciousness. Prakriti
simply follows her Cosmic Programs from one Yuga to the next. The Wheel
of Life contains myriad worlds, vast wheels within wheels that are set to run
eternally with or without our consent and approval.
These objects are those 10,000 things we are always observing, evaluating,
and desiring. Those things we become so attached to, things that we steal
and kill for, that eventually break our dreams and hearts – illusory ‘things’
that hold us deluded in the hologram. Prakriti is aloof and indifferent to
our precious attachments, as she has neither feelings nor consciousness.
Cut off from the Spirit within, this kind of self-centered narcissism leads to
brave-new-world tyranny and the Rise of the Insentient Machine as a
paradigm for life and living. It may be that the final years of the Kali will be
a truly terrible new world order controlled by inconscient tyrants. We may
find ourselves trapped in a loveless world, each of us, all desperately
focused only on the empty shell of our own fragile, brittle, and feeble small
identity-self egos. A world without Love, where petty cruelty and inhumane
self-interest is accepted as the ideal, would hardly be worth living in.
Fortunately such a world could not survive for long – although it might seem
an eternity to those imprisoned in it. Such a heartless diseased structure
would have an inherent and terminal flaw of fatal weakness. A world
without Love would soon collapse, implode, and crumble of its own frailty.
The small identity-self ego has no real power. Just ask Ozymandias. The
Yugas will come and go leaving no trace of the tyrannical and deluded
polarity illusions of those who in fear became nothing more than robotic
slaves to their own gunas. Only Love is real power and only the Real - the
Self-Atman, the Spirit within us all - has that power.
Wow and WAH (Hindi for wow)! This is some ‘sport’ the Creator devised
for Itself to Play in – is it not?
I met a traveler from an antique land
Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read,
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed,
And on the pedestal these words appear:
In the Bhagavad Gita [18-61] Krishna tells Arjuna that the Lord of all
creatures dwells in their hearts (HRDDESE TISTHATI), and that by the
Power of the Lord’s MAYA each of us is attached to a machine-like
mechanism termed YANTRA RUDHANI in Sanskrit, which literally
translates as we are “mounted on a machine”. Each of us is held, fixed and
attached to one of these machine-like wheels by the creative power of
MAYA-Illusion, that causes all beings to revolve throughout Time (KALA).
This sheds light on why we all feel so helplessly compelled by our own
nature to repeat foolishly destructive behaviour patterns, even though time
and time again we have vowed to change. If self-help books worked there
would not be so many of them.
Our individual souls (ATMAN) dwell in the holographic forms of our subtle
bodies. Each of these forms has their own unique predestined cosmic
pattern. Anyone who has ever seen an (accurately drawn) astrological birth
chart will easily understand this concept. It is as if the forms of all people
throughout time are always in existence, waiting like a blueprint or matrix to
be entered into by an individual soul.
These holographic forms reflect the Cycles of Time. In other words there
would be subtle bodies appropriate to each specific cycle of time, from the
Krita through the Kali. In the Krita Yuga (the Golden Era) our subtle body
would not have as yet settled down into any concept of apparent solidity.
We experience that cycle of time in something closer to ‘light bodies’.
For the sake of imagining the idea graphically, I visualize these forms to be
highly complex and subtle holographic crystals that our souls manifest
through. These crystals are somewhat predestined in the sense that our part
in the divine Play is loosely ‘written’ for us as the actors who will inhabit
them. This weaves into the doctrine of karma that programs the basic role of
the forms before we enter our bodies at birth. However there are some 25
possible variations in each Manvantara according to the Sanskrit Puranic
Maya is like a dream or the jugglery of a conjuror. It pulls and
stretches the world…
Brahma Purana 127.20
Vishnu tells Narada to “sink unto the water and you will know MAYA.”
Narada then “dipped himself under water” and was transformed into the
daughter of a king. Narada lives the life of this woman who grows up,
marries, and has children, and experiences “unsurpassed pleasures” - and
inevitably grief as her husband, father, brothers, sons and grandsons are
killed in a terrible battle. She herself builds the funeral pyre and in her great
misery jumps into it.
“She was then transformed again into the sage Narada. The fire too assumed
the pure luster of cool crystal. The full lake appeared and he [Narada] came
out of it.”
The Lord Vishnu laughingly says to Narada, “Who is your son? Tell me, O
great sage. With your senses gone whom do you bewail?” Thus Vishnu
makes it clear to Narada that in the blink of an eye the power of MAYA has
placed this enlightened being into an entire lifetime during which even one
as great as the sage Narada had no memory of his true self. Vishnu goes on
to say that even the gods cannot “comprehend this incomprehensible
I like this story because not only does it illustrate how powerful Maya is, but
it also gives us a feeling that time is non-existent outside of the temporal
illusory hologram. The fact that Narada goes under water to have this
experience is most appropriate as bodies of water are analogous to the vast
spectrum of frequency waveforms that constitute consciousness.
How can we who are bound by Prakriti’s MAYA and deluded in our limited
state of consciousness – falsely believing that we are separate from Isness,
our SELF, the God-within - hope to overpower the power of the Lord’s
In fact what do we ever do? The truth is that we are merely the observer of
the actions generated by GUNA-MAYA. As Krishna tells Arjuna – you are
not the doer (Bhagavad Gita 5-8). It is only the five senses operating on
their objects by the power of guna-maya.
The great genius Kashmir Shaivite Abhinavagupta puts it very clearly in the
statement “I DO NOT ACT AT ALL”.
So what freedom do you have and how can you make the return Home?
When you are weary of having endless experiences in 100s of Manvantaras
in 1000s of bodies, you have the freedom to turn inward and Remember
that it was you who bound yourself in the webs of MAYA.
You also have the freedom to choose in every moment what actions will
bring you closer to the realization and feeling of Oneness – or on the other
hand to choose those actions and thoughts which will further separate you
from that, your original state. Actions and thoughts that are ‘good’ will
contribute to a higher consciousness, and thus draw you into the frequency
waveform known as SATTVA. This state is represented by purity and a
serene, calm, focused state of non-attachment and compassion.
When you fall into thoughts that push you down into the lower frequency
waveform of Separation, or take actions that are ‘bad’ or ‘evil’, you can
learn to feel it immediately. These impure frequencies are the ones of
agitation, discomfort, and compulsion that descend and spiral downward into
further separation, disease, and death.
It is your choice in every moment. Here in the Kali Yuga Time moves very
quickly and you will immediately feel the effects of the choices you make.
Your primary freedom is to turn back inward to that which you are and have
always been and surrender the delusional thought that you are the
“DOER” of anything (Bhagavad Gita 5-8).
It will be the purity of your intention and the intensity of your total surrender
to your own Being – the only Real - that will open the floodgates of Grace
and Remembrance. Such bring-you-Home Grace will begin the process of
lifting the Veil of your self-imposed bondage in the illusion of MAYA.
Grace will reveal the Real beneath the appearance of multiplicities in this the
temporal illusory hologram we know as Life.
If you are asking yourself why The Creator would make such a universe as
this one is, think of it as the supreme and ultimate Adventure! Isness is
infinite eternal bliss consciousness – Love. Forever knowing Its own Real
nature and never deluded by Prakriti’s Guna-Maya, Isness dives into the
time/space continuum for, as the Sanskrit texts say “sport”!
The adventure must be wonderful in the Krita or Golden Age. We eat from
those nectar cups that grow on enormous trees and we manifest whatever
we desire in the moment we think of it. The Sanskrit texts say that we
spend most of our time in meditation in the Krita Yuga. My own intuition is
that this is because we are enjoying various sublimely ecstatic states of
union, as our consciousness is still aware of its Oneness with the God-within
us all.
Of course now we are here in the Kali Yuga and lately, certainly no one
would claim this to be a fun time – unless they were on one of those
serotonin inhibitors. But in spite of its horrors, the Kali offers the
opportunity for enlightenment and Remembrance of the God-within
with the least effort. And amazingly according to the Bhagavata Purana,
many souls actually look forward to a Kali Yuga for it offers them the
experience of immersing themselves in ecstatic Devotion to God in the form
of Bhakti Yoga.
Certainly the Kali is the tough time when the Creator – who has wrapped
Itself in Maya and intentionally sunk down into delusion – tests Itself and
waits to see which parts of Itself, amongst the multitude of Souls that are
God expressing in the temporal illusory hologram, will in fact perform the
astonishing miracle of waking up.
It must be like seeing the dearest child or the lover you adore succeed at long
last! The joy of watching someone you love overcome obstacles and fulfill
their potential is something we can all understand. If we are capable of such
a loving participation in the happiness of our loved ones, can God’s
happiness be any less?
Surely it must be that the Creator rejoices and fills the firmament with
harmonies of sweet bliss the moment any Soul turns inward and begins to
Remember the Truth. In the Uddhava Gita Krishna says that these beings
‘sanctify the world’ – which to my mind means that they bring the Light of
God as Truth back into the darkness we are now living in.
Here in the Kali Yuga, we have not as evolved as the deluded propagandists
who work for the world’s tyrants want us to believe. Is progress really
measured by more manufactured ‘things’ to consume? We are in fact living
in the most dense and solid and unenlightened phase of the four cycles. All
of our attempts to control nature have been mired in greed and are leading
up to the final Dissolution of the world. As Rene Guenon says, the end of a
world is merely the end of an illusion - and in this kalpa, the 454th illusion.
So what can you do, now as we are in the Twilight of the Kali Yuga? You
can wake up! You can cease and desist from weeping and wailing about the
dastardly deeds of the ratzoid tyrants who have taken over the world and are
destroying the planet. In a way, it’s their job. Someone has the pull the Veil
tighter and tighter, and draw us further and further down into density until
no one can any longer bear it - and everyone at last begins to ask the big
You have the freedom, right now, today, this very moment, to turn within
and embrace the God-within you. You can surrender your small frail
identity-self ego that is more than likely making your life miserable anyway,
right up into the God-within you. It belongs to God. You didn’t create your
ego or the three GUNAS that the Lord’s MAYA runs through you. Give it
back to its rightful owner. Surrender what you don’t need, in any case.
Surrender into the Ocean of SELF, the only Real and find everything you
have always wanted.
If you do this you will be accomplishing the single most important and
valuable goal of Life. Your realizations will by osmosis radiate out to
everyone around you, and they in turn will touch others, and so on and so
on. And one fine day even the tyrants will awaken to the fact that God is
within them. Perhaps they will say something patently absurd, like “I
Then those who have Remembered and want to leave this ‘sport’ will move
onto to other universes, and those who make the choice to stay or are still
deeply mired in the illusion can look forward to another exciting,
challenging, and compelling adventure in the coming Golden Age. There are
no losers here. Everyone is God!
In Hindu metaphysics time is cyclical and each period of
manifestation is called a KALPA of Brahma, equivalent to 4.32
billion human years.
The KALPA is subdivided into 14 MANVANTARAS.
We are now in the seventh MANVANTARA of this KALPA.
Each MANVANTARA is divided into 71 MAHA-YUGAS of 4,320,000 years
We are in the 28th MAHA-YUGA of this MANVANTARA.
Each MAHA-YUGA is made up of four yugas
Each Yuga is preceded by a period of a dawn and followed by a period of
twilight. [Linga Purana 1.4.3-6]
Sacred words carry the frequency of the Purity of the Real. This is why
chanting the sounds of certain sacred syllables will actually lift up your
consciousness - if you say them with a focused heart and mind. Such sacred
words produce more effective results based on and relative to how focused
your consciousness is in the moment you are saying them.
When you utter these sounds with all your heart, the power of their
vibrational frequencies is more readily experienced and felt. This is why
words such as OM are recommended to the aspirant – they actually affect
you. This extends to the sacred words, chants and mantras in all belief
The Sanskrit Puranic texts are numerous and contain everything from the
more erudite and wonderful philosophy of SAMKHYA, to truly fantastic
colorful other-worldly tales that defy all logic, and the wildest descriptions
of heavens & hells anyone could ever dream of or imagine. The stories in the
Puranas are better than any Marvel comic book, while simultaneously they
are filled with deeply inspiring metaphysical thoughts. I love them!
Often these Puranic texts promise that whoever hears or reads or recites or
memorizes such and such a text will go to a specific heaven for a number of
years or – even better - will be enlightened, liberated and released from this
binding temporal illusory hologram. As a westerner I was often amused and
perplexed by such ‘sales’ techniques. But then over time I actually found
that the more I read these books, the better I felt.
Frankly I just enjoy reading them. I love their descriptions of the myriad
LOKA worlds and their inhabitants who fly around in aerial ships
(VIMANAS). But what was amazing and simply a fact was that I felt better
for having read them. These texts indeed do carry a frequency, a higher
consciousness that the reader receives even unconsciously. And the more
I read them, the more noticeable this became.
This kind of psychic osmosis applies to the stories of Krishna’s life. Krishna
encourages his devotees to repeatedly tell each other the stories of his birth,
childhood friends, his love for the cowherd girls, and various incidents in
which he overcame all odds and with superhuman powers killed heinous
demons. To the western mind or anyone who was not brought up on these
stories, they are naturally regarded as perhaps interesting, even amusing
‘myths’ and categorically disregarded.
I was getting the frequency from the words of the text. This same
principle applied to my repeating the names of the various aspects of God
that I felt an affinity with. I began to realize that all these names hold a
specific frequency in consciousness. The more intently I identified myself
with them, the more my own consciousness expanded, as it correlated and
merged with these waveforms that are the encoded principles of the
universal cosmology.
For example when I think of Krishna I feel the frequency of God Realized in
human form, which is often termed ‘Christ Consciousness’ here in the west.
For me the word Vasudeva represents the God-within my heart. Vishnu is
that which is ubiquitous and permeates everything - and so on.
This effect is of course not limited to the Sanskrit cosmology. I’m certain
that you all have sacred words that are meaningful to you, words that
represent the metaphysical principles of the universe, words that will allow
you to access higher states of consciousness through your identification with
their frequency.
Because I have been following this path long protected by and now so
generously given to the world by India and her Hinduism, I have become
very attached to the Gayatri Mantra. The words are Sanskrit and it took me
at least a week to learn the mantra by heart without having to read it.
This mantra has many meanings and endless possible effects on your
consciousness. It has been my personal experience that the Gayatri Mantra
really does seem to clear the mind to receive a higher truth. In the Bhagavad
Gita Krishna says that of all the metered verses in the Vedas, he is the
So here is the Gayatri (pronounced Gai-ah-tree) Mantra, with my sincerely
very humble attempt to phonetically recreate the sound for you:
om bhûr bhuvah svahah
The above is only one of many possible translations and came from:
RGVEDA for the Layman, Translated with Commentary by Shyam Ghosh
There are many websites on the Gayatri Mantra and some allow you to listen
to the chant to get pronunciations, which do differ by the way. There are at
least three CDs that you can buy of the Gayatri. Anradha Paudwal’s pristine
soprano voice renders a lovely version; Hariharan (also a Bollywood singer)
has a somewhat slower version with a group of singers. Both are excellent!
Try NEHAFLIX or India Weekly online under ‘religious’ or ‘devotional’
The Puranic texts are available here in the USA from South Asia Books
online in Columbia, Missouri. My favorites so far are the Bhagavata, the
Brahma, the Siva, the Linga, and the Vayu Puranas. The volumes are
reasonably and inexpensively published by Motilal Banarsidass in Delhi; the
published series apparently is a UNESCO collection.
“The purest gems lie hidden in the bottom of the ocean or in the
depth of the rocks. One has to dive into the ocean or delve into the
rocks to find them out.”
All the worlds in this universe are within us, just as the entire hologram is
contained in all of its parts.
In SAMKHYA the intellect is distinct from the mind. The intellect is termed
the Buddhi Principle (not the person Buddha). According to SAMKHYA this
Buddhi intellect principle goes into action when it ascertains what should be
done as a reaction to the data the mind has discerned after the ego has made its
The Buddhi Principle is also insentient. However its close proximity to and
relationship with Spirit (PURUSHA) gives the Buddhi the ‘appearance’ of
being sentient.
This Buddhi Principle seems to be the only function within the data-collecting
vehicle capable of providing us with anything close to Free Will. The
Buddhi’s ascertainment of what is to be done, what duty (dharma is the term
used) is to be performed, is considered to be an act of Will. Thus it is the
Buddhi that is programmed with the capacity to recognize the mechanics of our
state of ‘bondage’ in the illusion and through recognition we therefore have the
opportunity to liberate our consciousness.
The software programs that run this temporal illusory hologram are eternal.
Even when the universe is in a state of ‘dissolution’ these programs exist as
subliminal impressions, latent and waiting for the re-emergence of the world
in the next four cycles of time.
Some of these programs are ‘on automatic’ – like breathing or blood flow.
While others allow us the opportunity to control our thoughts and bodily
functions. These circuits are stations of power and intelligence that can be
seen in the chakra system of the subtle body with the inner-eye (the eye of
the mind or heart) as light - incessantly moving, spinning, revolving, spewing
colors of pulsating light.
In the Krita Yuga, the Golden Age, we are well aware of our part in this
creation. We understand how these circuit stations of power operate because,
back in our state of Oneness, we as the Self-ATMAN created them. Their
function is to manifest whatever we want into the hologram. Thus in that initial
cycle of time we do not, for example, need to labor to grow our food.
But as the Krita Age flows on into the Treta Yuga, we begin moving into the
process of Forgetting who we are. Our bodies become ever more dense, as our
consciousness sinks down into the appearance of solidity.
Only by analogy with its own form can the mind depict what lies beyond itself.
The outward world is but an appearance, a reflected image – the only thing real
is the mirror.
-Alain Danielou; The Gods of India
As it would be most natural for us to imagine things in our own form, we begin
to anthropomorphize these spherical lights - the forms of consciousness that in
reality are only these circuit stations (the chakras) - into beings and finally into
devas, gods, or DEVATA.
“The Vedic gods represent the different centers of activity in the brain and the
spinal chord. … the Vedic Rishis (Seers) were well acquainted with the normal
working of the nervous system in the body – its physiology lies hidden in the
mysteries of the Vedas.”
-Dr. V.G. Rele; ‘The Vedic Gods’ (Apavarga in Samkhya)
The word chakra is Sanskrit for wheel. These centers turn and spin. The
chakras are also often seen and described as the Lotus. These centers or chakras
correspond to the entire spectrum of all frequency waveforms in the universe
and their correlative hierarchal worlds, that is each a reflection of the specific
degrees of that spectrum.
By the end of the Treta Yuga delusion sets in generating great confusion. We
forget who and what these ‘gods’ are. The memory that they are symbols
encoded to represent the powers and functions of the subtle and physical
bodies, along with the ability to create whatever we want, rapidly becomes
distorted and lost.
We humans made these gods “real” and began to feel that we were subservient
to them. We felt that we needed to worship them and sacrifice to them to have
our desires fulfilled, something we once did for ourselves.
The more we accepted these ‘deities’ as entities external to us, the more the
Phantasmal Hierarchies grew. The more we worshipped external gods, by
making sacrifices and offerings to these entities – who we created and are
within us – the more energy we transferred to their temporal illusory
holograms, their Loka worlds. Thus the gods grew in power and in number
until in the Dvapara Yuga, they began to dominate us.
When you worship the gods, you get recycled through the myriad worlds back
into human bodies lifetime after lifetime. No matter how lovely or long your
visit is in a particular heaven or even as an angel, eventually your ‘merit’
runs out - and you return to incarnate here in flesh & blood to face once
again the polarities of pleasure and pain.
In the Dvapara Yuga, we could still ‘see’ these illusions we had generated.
Thus there are countless stories – what we now in our complete confusion call
mythology – concerning the interaction of humans with gods and out-of-this-
world beings.
When the Kali Yuga moved in on us and literally ‘cooked’ our consciousness -
due to the fact that the way we experience time changes in each Yuga - most
of us lost our ability to ‘see’ the myriad worlds.
Prakriti in Samkhya-Yoga
Material principle, Religious Experience, Ethical Implications
Knut A. Jacobsen, 1999
Motilal Banarsidass Publishers; 2002, Delhi
Studies in Hinduism
Rene Guenon, 1966
Sophia Perennis; 2001, NY
While the Gods Play: Shaiva Oracles & Predictions on the Cycles of History
and the Destiny of Mankind
Alain Danielou
Inner Traditions, 1987
In the Hindu tradition this was done through the enlightened inner
revelations of great seers, the Rishis and others. SAMKHYA is an amazing
repository of such thoughts and has influenced almost every philosophical
and metaphysical system in India’s great history.
When you read these books you become aware that there are differences of
opinion and arguments concerning the sequence and mechanics of Prakriti’s
manifestation of the universe and her relationship to Purusha (the Soul). One
venerable scholar even calls another a blockhead!
Abhinavagupta, the enlightened genius Shaivite, plainly states that all such
theories are “mere suppositions and imaginary concepts of thinkers.”
28. In the same way that matters like piety and sin, heaven and
hell, birth and death, pleasure and pain… and so on, do never exist
in reality, but appear in the Self on account of delusion (MAYA).
If it is true, as Abhinavagupta says, that all such theories are “mere
suppositions and imaginary concepts of thinkers” then why should you read
these wonderfully arcane and often complex metaphysical systems that take
great pains to delineate the mechanics of consciousness?
These seers are in the higher waveform frequencies that you want to be in.
Immersing yourself in their consciousness through reading their thoughts
will bring your consciousness closer to theirs.
You will still have to ‘experience’ what you read. Just reading or hearing the
truth is not enough. You must intuitively perceive, know, and feel these
teachings in your soul. They must become a part of you deep inside –
experientially. This is why so many diverse forms of spiritual practices have
developed. These practices are an effort to allow you to make the knowledge
a reality that has the power to release you from bondage of delusion.
Enlightenment can only come when you are fully engaged in the SATTVIC
GUNA. You need to train your mind, body, and being to remain in a state of
harmony and balance, a sort of focused alert intelligence that studying these
teachings can give you. If you are restless (rajas) and lazy (tamas) you will
not be able to access the waveform frequencies that open the door to
liberation (moksha).
The aspirant needs to have some knowledge (jnana) of what you are going
through. JNANA is knowledge that removes suffering brought about by
ignorance. What are the rules of the universe and your relationship to it?
An Evolving Synthesis
The enlightened revelations of such sage beings often take the form of
commentaries on the principle texts. For example the Shaivite (Shiva)
Abhinavagupta and the Vaishnavaite (Vishnu) Ramanuja both wrote their
brilliant reflections on the Bhagavad Gita and both commentaries are
insightful and useful to the reader.
As Alain Danielou explains, it is only in the Kali Yuga (our current Age of
Conflict & Confusion) that religions become mutually exclusive. This
isolation of creeds brings out the worst in man – “My god is God!” - and has
led to endless horrors of war, and demented monstrosities such as the
Inquisition, that have left their trail of suffering and blood across the pages
of written history – the duration of the Kali Yuga.
While the Gods Play: Shaiva Oracles & Predictions on the Cycles of History
and the Destiny of Mankind
Alain Danielou
Inner Traditions, 1987
The Bhagavadgita in the Mahabharata
Translated by J.A.B. van Buitenen
University of Chicago Press, 1981
Systems Management
All the systems of philosophy, religion, and metaphysics available in printed
form are reflections of Truth at various moments necessary to fulfill the needs
of a particular time.
The forms that exist are still useful for many. Pre-history or lost forms more
than double the now existing ones.
But once a man clings to any system, he begins to be pushed to the edge of that
system into the abyss …
So that he can experience the exact polar opposite of whatever system his mind
(buddhi) has ‘attached’ him to …
So that eventually he can realize the positive/negative nature of manifestation
and experience his true Self as being totally Free within that.
The door of release from the world of appearances can take any form.
Because of the power of the five senses [Prakriti’s guna-maya], you became
lost in the duality of these expressions and allowed yourselves to be carried
along by the inevitable unceasing polarities.
But, as you can see, those [temporal] realities [your various lives] have
vanished, [or will inevitably vanish], except as stored data [in the DNA].
You exist separately and yet, you are eternally connected to all.
In one dimension of reality [akshara], none of us has ever left the mind of
Prime Creator.
Many of the current scholars on the Sanskrit texts are from the west. As I
read these books I often feel that too many of these writers have no higher
‘consciousness’. What I mean by this is that I do not feel from their writings
any sense of a perspective that would come from an experience of some or
any enlightenment. The idea that people without wisdom can be considered
as experts is of course a symptom of the Kali Yuga.
Base men who have gained a certain amount of learning (without
having the virtues necessary for its use) will be esteemed as sages.
The real purpose of reading these texts is to gain wisdom and to understand
your relationship with the universe you live in. The Mahabharata uses
brilliant and enthralling story telling to impart wisdom. The Vedas and the
Puranas are there solely to imbue the listener or reader with a feeling for
their place in the cosmos.
When interpretations of these texts are left to some academic at say Harvard
or Oxford, in my opinion they suffer the delusional veil of the Kali Yuga.
Without a feeling for the metaphysical truth which underlies these texts,
there can be nothing gained but the usual ego-based western ritual of
gathering facts and measuring surfaces – without any understanding of the
eternal meaning, the Santana Dharma.
Western writers who are exceptions to this and who in my opinion have real
understanding are J.A.B van Buitenen, David Shulman, Boris Marjanovic,
Alain Danielou, Rene Guenon, and William C. Chittick. It is obvious to me
that these men have actually spent time in contemplation and meditation as
their writings reflect not only a knowledge of language, history, culture, etc.
– their writings also reflect an inner understanding and their own personal
enlightened higher consciousness.
That rare individual who actually understands the ‘truth’ of what they are
writing, can open the door and invite you to begin to have your own
experiential knowledge.
For the most part I prefer to read books on these subjects written by Indians
such as Subhash Kak, B. Bhattacharya, Shyam Ghosh, Dr. K.P. Kesavan
Nampoothiri, Pulinbihari Chakravarti, Jaideva Singh, Swami
Virupakshananda, Deepti Dutta, and of course the translations of the great
Kashmir Shaivite genius Abhinavagupta.
Krishna to Uddhava:
All things that appear as multiplicity,
Not simply on this earth,
But even those that seem to belong
To the heavenly spheres –
All are as unreal
As the objects seen by a dreamer
In a dream.
As Rene Guenon says in “The Reign of Quantity” – these people for the
most part no longer possess the ability to perceive anything of a transcendent
order. They have no inner vision! In the Kali Yuga we have imprisoned our
consciousness in the very limited five senses and thus we are no longer even
aware of the Cycles of Time or the numerous, vast, and far more advanced
civilizations that existed before modern times - and will again exist
throughout all manvantaras.
There is no real power in the external. The temporal illusory hologram is the
result of consciousness, not the source of it. As long as you continue to seek
your fulfillment, pleasure, and completion in the external illusion, you will
always be trapped into polarities. At first something will please you and then
inevitably you will tire of it. You will always be caught up in the cycle of
birth and death, pleasure and pain, hope and despair.
The Real Power from which everything emerges is the Bliss that lies beneath
the Illusion, beneath the curtain of each atom – that which supports and
sustains this universe. When you tap into that and realize that this is what
you really are, this etheric bliss is your real nature, what you have always
been, then you have power.
This etheric bliss is also the real nature of every being and every thing in this
universe. There are no exceptions. God is everything – vAsudeva sarvam iti.
Thus the problem of doing harm to any other does not arise as no one will
wish to do harm to one’s self. All is you.
Tuning into and becoming the power of etheric bliss will of its own force
completely alter your hologram. Your oneness with this etheric bliss will
magnetize whatever your soul desires you to experience. But if you try to
hold onto these experiences and become attached to them, you will find
yourself trapped in the temporal illusion again. This will make you feel once
again uncomfortable, incomplete, and that pain, the illusion of separation,
will then push you back into remembering the Real, the Bliss consciousness
that pervades all.
We never intended to trap ourselves for all eternity in this temporal illusory
holographic universe. It is only one focus of our consciousness within which
God, as apparent multiplicity, plays. That is why attachment to the illusion is
painful – this is a safety mechanism we created. The four cycles of time are
simply four stages of the play with four sets of frequency bands to
In fact the Kali Yuga is considered by many to be the most exciting, because
in the Kali we are bound in consciousness to the appearance of solidification
and this temporal illusory state is very far removed from our real Bliss. It is
a challenge we obviously enjoy and the Kali also has the advantage of
offering the greatest reward for the least effort. What we achieve in
consciousness in a day in the Kali Yuga would take many years in any other
cycle if time.
Everyone is Suffering
The real state of every human being is Bliss, unending eternal Bliss, more
superb than the supreme orgasm. The smallest nano-micro movement away
from our real state is suffering.
When they are bored, world weary, when they know the game backwards
and forward, the Divine Play, because they have seen it, experienced it over
and over throughout the Cycles of Time, in manvantara after manvantara,
when they are tired of this self-imposed illusory bondage and suffering, then
they will wake up and begin to Remember that they are nothing but Bliss.
There is nothing but Bliss, nothing but God’s Love. You are Bliss
consciousness. You are the Power of immutable Love. You are eternal.
Death does not exist. Beneath the self-created illusion, there is nothing but
Bliss. Until you are tired of playing, you will enjoy your suffering. When
you are bored with suffering, you will Remember there is only ONE and that
One is you.
Marduk sat in the master control room watching the scanner monitoring energy
sources. The population of Earth continuously produced the necessary
requirements for Marduk and his legions to nourish themselves: fear, guilt, and
anxiety, the subtle energies on which his troops were fed. Marduk was
expecting some champagne and caviar to be served to him, so when the door
opened, he was a little surprised at the expression on the face of his empty-
handed servant.
“Master a protective dome of high-frequency light has been placed over the
area known as Lost Mountain. We are not certain of the source, but we believe
it comes from an Etherian mother ship located somewhere beyond the orbit of
the planet Saturn.”
Marduk felt his adrenaline surge through his body. How dare they? Those
damned Etherians would not so easily block his reconnaissance mission. He
would send a few of his fighter ships to counteract the protective dome. Two or
three quick blasts of radiation from his plasma weapons would easily destroy
the dome.
Marduk gave the orders and called for his champagne. Sitting back down in
front of the scanners, he once again cursed the Etherians – something one
simply doesn’t do.
It was night on Lost Mountain. The skies were crystal-clear, and Gracie was
feeling like, well, there aren’t really any words to describe her feelings.
Lighting the candles in the cabin, she sat down near the window and looked out
into the night. She thought - everything looks so different. It’s as if I never even
saw the stars before.
Gracie asked Inanna how she had begun to take her multidimensional journey.
Inanna activated her focus, and called forth the first of her flesh-and-blood
excursions, the white-robed being who had brought a column of light to the
seekers in the Himalayas. She showed Gracie the circle of souls who had
gathered there, and allowed her to feel the powerful love that she, through that
being, had come to feel for those in the circle. Inanna had given of herself and
had grown to love them dearly. And because we become what we love, she
became a part of them. Nurturing them had been the most fulfilling experience
she had known, up until that time.
“All the beings in that circle,” Inanna explained, “have been the source of the
love which has generated so much passion in all my multidimensional selves.
And some in the circle are the very people my selves have loved and interacted
with in time and space.”
Gracie saw Inanna as the white-robed being who had loved so deeply that she
had dared to descend into the denser frequencies of Earth time in human
bodies. Gracie felt no fear as she saw waves of energy coming from the hands
within the white robes. Tenderly moving toward her, these waves of pulsating
light permeated her with a lightness of being. Gracie opened up.
In the Eye of her Mind, Gracie saw the mutating brilliants in all their flashing
colors. Her body temperature was increasing, and as the waves washed over
her, every cell in her body began to vibrate with greater frequency and turn into
light itself. Gracie was becoming light: not reflected light, but light from its
own source, self-luminous, within.
Gracie felt herself spreading out, expanding into the Universe. She remembered
all of Inanna’s selves, Atilar, Olnwynn, Sky Maiden, Tenzin, and the others.
They all came to her and smiled because they were in her and a part of her
becoming; what she experienced, so did they. Gracie felt a oneness, not only
with the selves, but a oneness with Inanna, and beyond that with the Earth, the
tall cedars, the stars, and the Universe. Gracie transformed into an inexpressible
feeling of joy as she knew, simply knew that she was one with all life,
everything. She became Joy itself.
Inanna and Gracie began to have a new feeling. At the same moment they both
realized that because they felt they were one with everything in creation, they
were also one with, yes, Marduk himself. Not only was he a part of them, but
they loved him. Incredibly, Inanna felt love for Marduk, she even saw his
beauty, and that love gave Inanna and Gracie the wisdom to know that not only
was Marduk the unconscious projection of the tyrannical folly of the children
of Anu, but Marduk was also a part of Prime Creator.
Marduk, as the instrument of the darkside, was the portion of the energy that
allowed the magical play of an illusion of limitation to take place on Earth in
the human species in order to build up enough energy to create an entire new
life form, a new genetic code which carried new possibilities and fresh
potentials for creation.
The gentle laughter of Inanna and Gracie rang out across the Earth and into the
heavens. The force of their joy was simultaneously spreading out over the
planet and beyond. There are no barriers in consciousness, and many of the
others who had sought truth were having the same experience, at the exact
same moment. The multidimensional selves of Enki and Ninhursag, as well as
the other members of the family of Anu, all began to laugh. There were also
many others caught in the contagion of truth, people who were from other
life forms and earthlings alike; all were laughing in their newfound knowledge.
The process had begun.
There must be some mistake: his vast supply of resources could not have
vanished so quickly. He began to shriek at his servants and to push all sorts of
electronic alarm buttons. Marduk was freaking out, actually; his eyes were
bulging and his face became contorted. He waved his arms wildly in the air and
screamed at his clones. But Gracie and the others like her were beyond him.
Marduk could no longer influence or harm them, because they had moved
out of his frequency. Their waveforms were vibrating in a spectrum he could
not even see, much less touch.
Back on Lost Mountain Gracie glanced at the clock. It was almost four o’clock
in the morning, and still dark outside. The stars were just beginning to fade.
Gracie was full of energy and thinking it would be great to go for a ride.
Throwing a few essentials in her backpack, Gracie called her dogs, and they all
went out to get in her pickup truck. As they bumped down the dusty road that
led off the mountain, Gracie mused about how good it would be to ride down
the open road in the middle of the night, feeling the wind in her hair.
Yes, Gracie thought, I’ll head toward the city, any city will do, and maybe from
there I’ll move on to another, carrying The Wave within me, offering it, just by
being there, to anyone who wants it. What was the saying? “The way to do, is
be.” Yes, that’s it! Under her breath, she started to hum a few bars from that
old Civil War gospel tune, Amazing Grace.
Gracie’s dogs vied for the window. They shared in her happiness, and they
were always ready for adventure. As they moved down the dirt road, Gracie’s
truck kicked up dust; but tonight, it was stardust.
Take ye form on earth with all the hosts of the Gods … mighty and able to
assume any shape … Thereupon the Gods … all took pleasure in descending to
earth with varying portions of themselves … to make successful the mission of
the Gods …
… then made a covenant …the Gods they would descend from heaven to earth
with a portion of themselves … so the celestials in succession descended from
heaven to earth, for the destruction of the enemies of the Gods and the well-
being of all the worlds …
The Mahabharata
Translated & edited by J.A.B van Buitenen
University of Chicago Press, 1973
This recently published book is excellent and I highly recommend it for any
of you who have had ET experiences and who are on the spiritual Path.
Further more the countless heavens and hells – which are called Lokas or the
Myriad Realms – are temporal and not eternal.
In the Uddhava Gita (Dialogue 5, Verse 21) Krishna tells his beloved friend
Uddhava that the heavenly pleasures are just as contaminated by envy and
rivalry as the earthly ones. He recommends that the seeker of Final
Liberation develop “a distaste for the higher realms.” (Uddhava Gita
Dialogue 13, Verse 12).
In other words, being in contact or residing in these realms will not release
you from the temporal holographic illusion and the endless transmigrations
between these worlds and this earthly one. You have to return to earth and a
human form.
If they want to play here in the fantastic and perilous frequencies of planet
Earth, then let them take incarnations in human form. There is no payoff to
you interacting with them and transmitting their agendas to other naïve
human beings. In fact they do have the ability to feed off your vital energies
and derail you from your own true Path inward.
So why bother? Surely the whole star-studded ego-trip of being an
ET contactee or channel is now passé. If telling your friends that
you talk to ETs gives you a sense of self-importance, you might
also contemplate the pernicious baggage that comes along with
such interactions. And surely, as Charles Upton so intelligently
points out, no one would actually want to be with an entity that
hurts them – so those who have had painful experiences with these
entities should cut them out of their life just as they would with any
abusive relationship.
I don’t believe that all the entities from the Invisible-to-us Worlds
are evil. But what I do now understand is that they are a waste of
time. And some are evil in the sense that they can rob you of your
energy and direct you into their holograms for their own purposes
– whatever that may be.
…In Rene Guenon’s the chapter on ‘The Fissures in the Great Wall’ in his
book The Reign of Quantity, Guenon warned that our world was being
threatened by what he called unanticipated interferences.
The heavenly spheres are a part of the temporal illusory hologram. The
entire universe is a hologram of divine pulsating energy. It is only our
current confinement to the five senses that creates the delusory perception of
apparent solidity - so that we may enjoy the adventures of this cycle of time,
the Kali Yuga or Age of Conflict & Confusion.
The planets, heavenly spheres, make up the temporal illusory hologram just
as we do. The planets are the expression of the unique energies and
frequencies of the various Loka worlds, or the Myriad Realms, wherein
dwell a vast array of entities. Throughout the Manvantaras, we have always
interacted with these worlds and in the previous cycles of time, before our
current Kali Yuga, we were well aware of their existence and our
relationship with them.
But with the advent of the Kali Yuga, we lost our ability to ‘see’ these
beings - and thus, as we are stuck in our limited five senses that relegate our
perceptions to mere apparent solidity, most do not ‘see’ the inhabitants of
these planets.
30. So long as the notion regarding the reality of diversity (in the
world) is not completely removed … then man (is as good as)
asleep (ignorant) … in a dream.
4. You are the place (Substratum), the agent and the instrument of the universe.
You are its source and its object or purpose; whenever or whatever form it
assumes is yourself. As and when this universe evolves, all the causes thereof
including time and manner are the Almighty Lord yourself who control both the
Prakriti (to be enjoyed) and Purusha (the enjoyer) and transcend them both.
6. The powers with which Prana and Sutra are endowed and other forces
which go to create the universe, are really the potencies of the Supreme Self,
for these powers depend (for their existence) on you and there is a great
dissimilarity between the nature of Prana and the Supreme Soul, (the former is
physical or material while the latter is spiritual).
The activity of Prana and others is only apparent (the real motive force is you,
just as the velocity of an arrow is not in the arrow itself but in the physical
force of the man who discharged it).
7. The lovely light of the moon, the heat and glare of the fire, the brilliant
splendor of the sun, the twinkling of stars and streaks of lightning, the stability
of mountains, the fragrance which characterizes the earth --- all these special
characteristics are as a matter of fact yourself only.
8. The qualities of water, [such as] satisfying the thirst, the life-giving effect,
are yourself, O God. The waters themselves and their essential characteristics,
viz. liquidity and taste are yourself. The energy of senses, the mental power
(firm will power), bodily strength, the activity of the body, the activities and the
force of the wind are your qualities (though they are attributed to the wind
9. You are the space that is delimited by cardinal points; you are the quarters
themselves and the ether with its characteristic the Subtle sound (sphota) which
is the para form of speech. You are the sound Om, the Pashyanti form of
speech. You are the Madhyama form of speech and the articulate speech
(Vaikhari) which separates letter sounds and words which denote different
10. You are the real sense organ, the power revealing its special objects; You
are also the presiding deities of the sense and their potency. You are the
cognitive and retentive faculty of the Intellect. You are the coordinating power
of different experiences inherent in Jiva.
11. You are the Tamasa aspect of Ego (Ahamkara) which is the root cause of
the gross elements; the Rajasa type (Taijasa) of Ego, as the cause of the sense
organs; the Sattvika kind of Ego (Vaikarika) which creates the deities
presiding over the senses and the mind (and the Pradhana [Prakriti] or Maya
which makes jivas [souls] wander in Samsara (or: You are the Chief Prakriti,
the cause of Mahat and other principles and which involves the jivas in
12. Just as the material substance (e.g. gold) is the constant factor all through
its various modifications (e.g. various ornaments like bangles, armlets, etc.),
you are the constant factor abiding in all these perishable objects and are not
[like them] subject to modification or decay.
13. The attributes of Prakriti, namely Sattva, Rajas, and Tamas and their
products (such as Mahat and other principles) have been superimposed on you,
the veritable Brahman, by your Yoga Maya (but you are untouched by them).
14. These created things, therefore, do not really exist, when they are not seen
as projected on you (at the time of Pralaya [the periodic Dissolution of the
world]) by Yoga Maya; they are nonexistent, (i.e. their very existence depends
on you as the substratum on which they are superimposed). You abide in them
(when you create and sustain the universe). Otherwise you remain unconnected
with these modifications and abide in your absolute (blissful) state.
15. Those who are ignorant of the subtle course of yours who are the soul of
all, and are present in this universe or Samsara, which is a constant flow of
GUNAS, (wrongly identify themselves with their bodies through their
ignorance and thereby) get enmeshed by their Karmas, and continue to whirl in
the Samsara, as a consequence of those Karmas.
My computer doesn’t have the capacity to make these marks. Other writers use
capitals to indicate them. Thus …
vAsudeva is also a name for Krishna, the capital ‘A’ representing an ‘a’ with a
long mark over it. vAsudeva means that he is the son of Vasudeva – and more
importantly it means ‘The Indweller’ and that which permeates All.
The name of the artist who created the amazing picture of Krishna in
Meditation is unknown to me. I hope that he or she will not mind me sharing
this wonderful and inspiring image. Thank you!
The Meaning of Renunciation
Therefore when you ‘renounce’ this world, you are simply sending
back to God what always belonged to God - even though you were
under the delusion that the objects of the senses belonged to you.
Attachment to the temporal is foolishness.
As you remove the five senses from their objects and return their
transmissions to their Creator, you give up what was never yours
anyway and return to that which you truly always are.
“It is in the finest reach of man’s consciousness that God abides or reveals
himself most fully.”
The above sentence, written by the brilliant and renowned Indian scholar
Krishna Chaitanya, expresses to me the most profoundly beautiful of
thoughts. For after all is said and done, what’s it all about? Why did the
creator make this awesome universe and wrap Itself within us mortals? Just
for play? For ‘sport’ as some of the Sanskrit texts say?
We cannot hope to resolve things here, especially in the Kali Yuga. We can
only act in every given moment to the highest and greatest extent of our
ability. That ‘momentary best’ will surely not be the result of being drowned
in pop-consumer-culture, in media manipulation, or in piles of possessions
that only bring a fleeting empty satisfaction.
Thus we are left to understand this: What truly matters is that we focus on
the quality and consciousness of our actions rather than their results. In these
sad and degenerate days, most are driven by consumption, by stupid greed,
and the anger that destroys intelligence.
Urged on by our endless fears and insecurities, perhaps under the hazy spell
of alcohol or drug induced compulsions, we commit acts we inevitably
regret. We take actions that leave us scarred, unfulfilled, hopeless, and
isolated from our fellow man. It’s called sin. The metaphysical meaning of
sin is the state of being deluded by attachment.
Happy mystics often say that God is irresistible. Surely we can all hope to
reconnect with what is less temporal, less vulnerable to Hamlet’s “slings and
arrows of outrageous fortune.” We all carry the hope of finding and abiding
in the ineluctable eternal, because we all sense its presence somewhere deep
within each and every one of us, if only we could find the key.
I often try to imagine my consciousness back in the Satya Yuga, the Golden
Age, when I knew that I was a particle of the Creator wrapped in the
beginnings of a grand illusory adventure. The adventure is illusory only in
the sense that it is temporal, subject to death and dissolution. There is
nothing in the external world that will not decay, rot and ruin, and die in
time. This world is an ephemeral, impermanent, fleeting adventure. It is not
eternal, immutable and imperishable, like the God-within.
The illusion seems real enough when we are lost in it. Certainly the
adventure is not illusory to the five senses when we run into that proverbial
brick wall. Ouch! Our deluded attachment to the perceived apparent reality
of the holographic illusion steadily grows, as our consciousness is ever
moving through Time towards density from one cycle of time down into the
next. Thus we perceive a kind of ‘solidification’ of matter (Rene Guenon).
The veil we ourselves create thickens, and by the Kali Yuga, the Age of
Conflict & Confusion, we have forgotten.
I like to imagine our consciousness in the golden Satya Yuga era. We are in
that time filled with bliss consciousness. We do not need other beings to
experience fulfillment. We spend our time in contemplation because that is
where our Bliss is! We do not need anyone to flatter our still undeveloped
ego. We know to go within and create the consciousness we have always
known - our eternal Self that remains forever pure and untouched by what
will envelope us in the coming yugas.
Because in that now lost golden frequency, we are closer to the vast ocean of
Love that underlies this universe. The comfort and strength that comes from
Bliss consciousness and real Knowledge allows us to be curious, to wonder
what we might do if we are cut off from such Knowledge and our source of
Bliss. What will we do? We are drawn into the hologram. Will the
compulsions of the five senses overwhelm our memory? Can we remain
calm and serene, intelligent and therefore, courageous.
Will the God that eternally abides within reveal Itself in the finest reach of
our human consciousness, even in the darkest of days here in the confusion
of the Kali Yuga. Surely the exploration of this secret sacred place, meaning,
the finest reach of man’s consciousness, is the reason we all came into this
universe. The purpose of Life is to immerse ourselves and revel in the great
adventure of God veiling Itself within us all, and to one day awaken to smile
those mysterious compassionate smiles of Krishna and Buddha and many
Quotation excerpted from:
The Betrayal of Krishna, Vicissitudes of a Great Myth
Krishna Chaitanya
Clarion Books, 1991, New Delhi