Land Relations of Char Chapari

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Literature review on land relations

A number of literatures related to land relation have been taken into account for
this particular study

Hans P. Binswanger, Klaus Deininger and Gershon Feder(1993) in their article

Agricultural Land Relations in the Developing World demonstrated that concept
of land relations covers tenancy, sharecropping and interlinking, distress sales,
dualistic land ownership distributions, classes, and land re- form-and their
variations over space and time. According to them even in hunter gatherer
society’s, idea of land rights existed. In hunting-gathering societies right to use a
particular land for hunting and gathering was exclusively reserved for members of
a group.
Michael s Harris(1989) in his article Land, Power Relations, and Colonialism: The
Historical Development Of The Land System InBangladesh noted that land
ownership have different implications in societies from the ancient time.

Vikas Rawal,(2008 )in his article Ownership Holdings of Land in Rural India:
Putting the Record Straight pointed out the importance and significance of land
relation in analyzing agrarian class structure . According to the author land holding
and ownership of land have been highly valued in agrarian societies. Pattern of
land holding , operational use of land and land tenure system have direct
relationship with agricultural production which determines class structure of
agrarian societies.

Ivan I. Potekhin(1963) in his article Land Relations in African Countries has given
a similar argument to vikas rawal. In his book the author analyzed the agrarian
situations of the African countries. In agricultural economy of majority of newly
independent African countries people’s relation to land shapes the social structure
and reproduces it again. According to the author agricultural laborers or
proletariats have direct relation with land ownership and land tenure as changes in
land relation have direct influence on agrarian relations .

M. Uzo Igbozurike(1974) in his article Land Tenure Relations, Social Relations

and the Analysis of Spatial Discontinuity noted that in a economically less
developed countries like Nigeria close interaction and interpenetration between
land tenure, productivity, income distribution, and social well-being are distinctly
visible. According to him 'The land tenure system determines and visualizes social
class relations more fully than does any other institution in most of the world's
developed or less developed agrarian countries; it controls or at least confines the
power of choice and action of individuals and families; it is the chief means of
rationing economic opportunity; and it determines the interpersonal distribution of
production and income, and the extent to which general economic incentives
become meaningful to the farm people.
Pranab Bardhan(1970) in the article Trends in Land Relations: A Note noted that
land relations have major role in determining agrarian class relation and class base
stratification in India.
D.N Dhanagare (1983) in his book The model of Agrarian classes in India
highlighted that ownership and control of land ,pattern of ownership, size of land
holding, operational use of land have close relation with agrarian class structure in
Andre Beteille( his work. Studies in Agrarian Social Structure evaluated and
analyzed the different aspects of social stratification in rural India from the angle
of ownership, control and use of land. According to Beteille land can be regarded
as one of the most important aspect of understanding social inequalities in India.

H.R Sharma(1994) in his article Distribution of Landholdings in Rural India,

1953-54 to 1981-82: Implications for Landreforms emphasized importance of
acquisition of land in agrarian societies . According to him possession of land
provides prestige power and social security. Land works an important factor in
determining power relation in agrarian societies. Land holding and acquisition of
land rights have strong influence towards determination of social status in
Rajendra singh(1988) in his book Land power and people, rural elite in transition
demonstrated that British policies of land reforms, though partially succeeded in
altering dominance of land owning class, yet land holding class is still dominant in
terms of power, prestige and status .According to the author majority of elites try
to maintain their power, status and prestige through the possession and control of
large land holdings.
Amal Ray(1979) in his article organizational problems of small farmers
development administration noted that different developmental schemes intended
to fulfill the interest of the small farmers are not reached to them due to the
appropriation of it by the peasants with large land holdings. Small farmers could
not guard their interest in terms of accumulation of schemes because administrative
machineries are more inclined towards rich land lords. Rich peasants exercise
monopoly over small peasant due to the possession of large land holdings which
helps them to maintain good relationship with administrative machineries.
s.k chouhan(1980) in his article caste status and power: social stratification in
Assam held the view that land and income plays crucial role in determining secular
status in Assam.
Ranajit K. Bhadra(1979) in his article Rural class structure in post-independence
Assam noted that in agrarian structure of Assam landlords enjoys esteem status
and privileges due to their ownership of large amount of land.

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