Social Institutions
Social Institutions
Social Institutions
According to Membership
According to Authority
Father is considered the head and plays a
dominant role
Transmitting culture
Promoting social and political
Agent of change
Manifest and Latent Functions
of Education
Conservation function
Instructional function
Research function
Social service function
Super Yano
Religion is the socially
defined patterns of beliefs
concerning ultimate
meaning of life’ it assumes
the existence of the
Super Yano
Characteristics of Religion
Super Yano
Microeonomics vs. Macroeconomics
Super Yano
Super Yano
The institution which resolves
conflicts that are public in nature and
involve more than a few people is
called a government. It can be city,
provincial, national or even
Three Branches of the Government
Administration - refers to
the aggregate of persons in
whose hands the reigns of
government are for the
time being.
Constituent and Ministrant Functions of
the Government