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Details of Assessment
Term and Year 4, 2018 Time allowed 7 Weeks
Assessment No 1 Assessment Weighting 100%
Assessment Type Individual Assessment: Workplace Scenario
Due Date Week 7 Room TBA

Details of Subject
Qualification BSB61015 Advanced Diploma of Leadership and Management
Subject Name Leadership

Details of Unit(s) of competency

Unit Code (s) and BSBMGT605 Provide leadership across the organisation

Details of Student
Student Name Nicolas ruz

College Perth Student ID 201810192

Signature: _________nicolas
Student Declaration: I declare that the work ruz__________________
submitted is my own, and has not been copied or
plagiarised from any person or source.

Details of Assessor
Assessor’s Name Liz Benson / Sandra Satchell

Assessment Outcome

/ 100
Results Competent Not Yet Competent Marks

Progressive feedback to students, identifying gaps in competency and comments on positive improvements:

Student Declaration: I declare that I have been Assessor Declaration: I declare that I have
assessed in this unit, and I have been advised of my conducted a fair, valid, reliable and flexible
result. I am also aware of my right to appeal and the assessment with this student, and I have provided
reassessment procedure. appropriate feedback

Signature: ______nicolas Student did not attend the feedback session.

ruz______________________ Feedback provided on assessment.

Date: __13__/___11__/___2018__ Signature: ____________________________

Date: ____/_____/_____

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Purpose of the Assessment

The purpose of this assessment is to assess the student in the following Competent Not Yet
learning outcomes: (C) Competent
1.1. Clarify objectives, values and standards in accordance with organisation's
strategic direction
1.2. Establish linkages between organisational objectives, values and
standards and the responsibilities of relevant groups and individuals
1.3. Ensure media and language used is appropriate to individuals and group
1.4. State clear expectations of internal groups and individuals and explain in a
manner which builds commitment to the organisation
1.5. Address expectations of the organisation
1.6. Investigate incidents promptly and communicate results clearly to relevant
groups and individuals
2.1. Build trust, confidence and respect of diverse groups and individuals,
through positive role modelling, and effective communication and consultation
2.2. Embrace, resource and effectively implement improvements to
organisational and workplace culture
2.3. Demonstrate understanding of the global environment and new technology
in work activities
2.4. Ensure actions convey flexibility and adaptability to change and
2.5. Ensure consultation and participation in decision making occurs with
relevant groups and individuals where appropriate
2.6. Ensure decision making takes into account needs and expectations of
both internal and external groups
2.7. Ensure decision making occurs in accordance with risk management plans
for all options, and within appropriate timeframes
2.8. Ensure that the organisation is represented positively in the media and
3.1. Assign accountabilities and responsibilities to teams consistent with their
competencies and operational plans
3.2. Ensure teams are resourced to allow them to achieve their objectives
3.3. Empower teams and individuals through effective delegation and support
for their initiatives
3.4. Create and maintain a positive work environment
3.5. Encourage teams and individuals to develop innovative approaches to the
performance of work
4.1. Model ethical conduct in all areas of work and encourage others to adopt
business ethics
4.2. Adapt appropriate interpersonal and leadership styles to meet particular
circumstances and situations
4.3. Set and achieve personal objectives and work program outcomes
4.4. Ensure self performance and professional competence is continuously
improved through engagement in a range of professional development

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4.5. Participate regularly in industry/professional networks and groups

Assessment/evidence gathering conditions

Each assessment component is recorded as either Competent (C) or Not Yet Competent (NYC). A student
can only achieve competence when all assessment components listed under “Purpose of the assessment”
section are recorded as competent. Your trainer will give you feedback after the completion of each
assessment. A student who is assessed as NYC (Not Yet Competent) is eligible for re-assessment.

Resources required for this Assessment

 Computer with relevant software applications and access to internet

 Weekly eLearning notes relevant to the tasks/questions
Instructions for Students
Please read the following instructions carefully
 This assessment has to be completed In class At home
 The assessment is to be completed according to the instructions given by your assessor.
 Feedback on each task will be provided to enable you to determine how your work could be improved.
You will be provided with feedback on your work within two weeks of the assessment due date. All other
feedback will be provided by the end of the term.
 Should you not answer the questions correctly, you will be given feedback on the results and your gaps
in knowledge. You will be given another opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge and skills to be
deemed competent for this unit of competency.
 If you are not sure about any aspects of this assessment, please ask for clarification from your
 Please refer to the College re-assessment for more information (Student Handbook).

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TASK 1. Presentation on objectives, values, standards and responsibilities

TASK 2. State clear expectations of internal groups and individuals

TASK 3. Communicating expectations

TASK 4. Investigate incidents promptly and communicate results

TASK 5. Outline the legislation, regulations, standards, relevant codes

TASK 6. Build trust, confidence and respect of diverse groups and individuals

TASK 7. Outline consultation methods

TASK 8. Embrace, resource and effectively implement improvements to


TASK 9. Understanding risks in technology implementation & risk management plan

TASK 10. Ensure actions convey flexibility and adaptability using leadership styles

TASK 11. Provide job and role delegation to ensure appropriate decision making

TASK 12. Use Training Needs Analysis to clarify accountabilities and responsibilities

TASK 13. Empower teams and individuals through effective delegation and support

TASK 14. Set work program outcomes through Professional Development Plan

TASK 15. Use PITCH to communicate appropriate interpersonal and leadership


TASK 16. Use presentation to ensure that the organisation is represented positively

in the media and community and use leadership style to model and encourage

ethical conduct in all areas of work

APPENDIX 1 (Links to templates and external resources)

APPENDIX 2 (Task 1 Presentation Slides)

APPENDIX 3 (Task 16 Presentation Slides)

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The learner is required to update and adjust the page numbers and topics
based on the amount of their content and the responses made to each task.

There are several scenarios and 16 TASKS in this assessment. The assessment consists on multiple
scenarios that are based on workplace situations. You will have to respond to all the tasks by
demonstrating your skills and knowledge and within the assessment guidelines and requirements. In
some tasks there are templates, forms and tables, which you will have to complete in order to ensure
you demonstrate the skills and knowledge to perform the tasks of the particular leadership role.

Additional instructions as follows:

 TASK 1 requires an electronic presentation and slides as evidence. Further details mentioned
within the task. (10 marks)
 TASK 2, TASK 3, TASK 4, TASK 5, TASK 6, TASK 7, TASK 8, TASK 9, TASK 10, and TASK
11 has equal marks. (Each carries 4 marks. Total 40 marks)
 TASK 12, TASK 13, TASK 14 and TASK 15 requires a role-play session where all the four
tasks are to combine within the role-play. Your co-learner can be your partner for the role-play
session. You must also submit role-play scripts for all four sessions as evidence. (Each
carries 10 marks. Total 40 marks)
 TASK 16 requires an electronic presentation and slides as evidence. Further details
mentioned within the task. (10 marks)


You have been the senior manager of a large local government organisation (City Council) for a
couple of years and have established good relationships and communications with internal and
external stakeholders. The organisation is positively represented in the media and the community,
and is a trusted company with a good reputation. Very recently you have hired Jane, as your
assistant manager to help assist you with the leadership role that you have. Part of the plan for hiring
Jane is also to develop more leaders within your department so that you can concentrate on more
strategic matters of the department. The organisation has some strategic vision and values that
employees have to align with and embrace. The following is the vision and values of the organisation.

Organisational Vision
Our vision statement helps us strive together towards a goal that we all share, whilst inviting us to
consider who we can be as an organisation. We already know that we are a great organisation and
we are well on our way to becoming an even better and more efficient organisation. Our vision for the
future is to reach the “top 5 council organisations in Sydney that collaborate and innovates”.

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Organisational Values
 We care about our customers and community
 We act with Integrity
 We work as one team
 We are committed to safety for everyone
 We continuously improve with new innovations

Our Values reflect who we are as individuals and as an organisation. They serve as a compass for
our actions and are the guiding principles with which we carry out our duties. At Council, we are
committed to recruiting new employees who live, breathe and embody our Values.

TASK 1: Prepare a presentation for inducting new employees (who are from diverse background) to
the organisation. Your presentation should be brief and should not exceed more than 10 slides. The
presentation must state:
 Vision, objectives and values of the organisation
 How the employees should assist in reaching those organisational goals
 What you expect from all new employees
 What they are entitled to do and what they should not do (based on your workplace culture)
 How you will help them and assist them as a leader

Submit the presentation slides and attach them as APPENDIX 2.

Scenario 1
Jane is newly employed as an Assistant Manager who has to manage an existing services team at a
large local government department. Being new to the organisation, Jane must become familiar with
the expectations of her new employer and with the key objectives of her team as a priority.

Jane has inherited a team that was dissatisfied with the previous Assistant Manager, who was
described as a controlling person who withheld information from the team and took credit for their
ideas. As a result many team members feel disillusioned and the team is consistently
underperforming (it is not meeting operational objectives).

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Jane’s new team is diverse. Team members’ cultural backgrounds, age,

education and skills levels vary widely. Jane needs to develop strategies to build the team’s
commitment to their set objectives so the team can start to succeed and grow.

On Jane’s first day, one team member tells Jane there is an unresolved incident that she needs to
deal with. A customer slipped and fell when paying a bill in the reception area and as this is part of
Jane’s team, she now needs to deal with the incident. The incident occurred two weeks ago when the
team was in transition between leaders and follow-up has not occurred.

Jane reviews the WHS policies and procedures, and finds that the organisation doesn’t have a
comprehensive procedure for investigating and reporting incidents in its administration areas. There is
a template for recording the incident’s basic details and an incident register that is kept in the human
resources unit. The health and safety representative for Jane’s area is on long-service leave. The
WHS policy merely states:

Incidents are defined as any event that causes injury, potential injury or may be classified as a ‘near
miss’. All incidents shall be recorded in the incident register, which must be readily accessible.

TASK 2: Suggest a communication strategy for Jane to review the organisation’s objectives with her

Jane should talk to the people in charge of the companies to get to know why they have not been
applying this procedure ,and try to know if the people in charge did not tell or inform the personnel
about the incident register or talk to the staff to know why they haven’t been applying this procedure
lately and make some changes for future references ,all this conversation with a positive attitude but
not to soft so people take jane seriously

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TASK 3: Jane needs to prepare an electronic presentation to her new team to communicate
expectations in a way that builds commitment. Provide an outline of the points Jane should include in
her presentation.

TASK 4: Jane is to develop an incident investigation and reporting procedure that incorporates the
assessment and treatment of risks to injury in the workplace. What should she include?
She should include the date of the issue ,full name ,place and reason of the accident,witness,need
first aids,who assisted the injured person, feedback from the people

TASK 5: Outline the legislation, regulations, standards, codes or bylaws that Jane needs to abide by
in resolving all incidents or workplace related issues such as employment laws, employment
standards, employee performance, work safety, diversity & discrimination, information privacy, and
environmental regulations. Explain and guide her why she needs to clearly understand them for her
leadership role.
It depends on the state in Australia but in WA the regulations are:

Western Australia (WA)

Act: Occupational Safety and Health Act 1984 (WA)

Regulation: Occupational Safety and Health Regulations 1996 (WA)
Codes: WA Codes of Practice
Regulator: WorkSafe WA
Small business toolbox

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Small business safety

Safety and health topics



1. Know their expectations and needs

2. Set clear expectations from the start
3. Set bite-sized goals.
4. Train appropriately
5. Ensure effective communication between the staff
6. Foster a culture of collaboration. ...
7. Reward regularly

Scenario 2
Jane has been working in her new job as a team leader in a local government department for two
months. She is working towards building a positive team environment and culture but there is still a
long way to go. Jane strives to be a positive influence and role model by sharing information, helping

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and assisting team members, supporting team members with resources

and information and also encouraging discussion and team work. Jane has been informed by senior
management that the long-awaited and much-dreaded computer system upgrade is to be
implemented in her department in the next three months. This is because the organisation wants to
update with new technologies.

She is asked to provide feedback and decide which of the two proposed systems will suit her
department’s activities better: option one is the PRO356 and option two is the LXS841 system. As
well, Jane needs to develop a risk management plan for senior management covering the introduction
of the new system for her department. Jane is concerned about how her team will respond to the IT
changes. Jane has turned to you as her mentor for support. Read the questions below and provide
some strategies for Jane that address the needs outlined in each question.

TASK 6: List and explain any four actions that Jane can take to ensure she has the trust and
confidence of the team.
1-work as a team don’t only delegate jobs work with your team and help them
2-treat everyone equally in public ,have the same rules for everyone so you don’t build jealousy
between workmates don’t have any preferences but you don’t send the message to everyone in the
same way because everyone takes things differently
3-propose rewards instead of punishment for the things that have been doing well and take an action
to improve the ones that not been very well done
4-by telling people who are their strength to build confidence in them and the whole team

TASK 7: Outline any four methods Jane could use to effectively include and consult with her team
about the proposed changes.
1-discuss in group what things should be improve
2-make everyone feel important in the team
3-be open and listen to what they know about the company
4-consider people background to know how to treat them

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TASK 8: List three resources/considerations Jane will need to take into account to ensure the new
computer system can be implemented successfully.
1-train new and old people in the company to make sure they know how to use the computer system
2-explain and proof why the new system is better than the old one so people focus in learning
3-write down instructions step by step to ensure people apply the system properly and in case the forget
how to use it

TASK 9: Identify the potential risks and risk management strategy for Jane in her implementation of the
new system.

People don’t look at her as a boss Be an easy going boss

Like the old supervisor instead of her Be less sociable or work in different way

Jealousy of the older workers expecting to get Be arrogant for being in the position


TASK 10: What leadership style/s (Autocratic, democratic, Situation or transformational) should Jane
demonstrate to effectively promote the change? Explain your reasoning based on the situation.

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Scenario 3
Jane has now worked in the local government department as a team leader for six months. Her team
is beginning to work more effectively together. Jane’s objective is to continue to develop her team
members so they feel empowered and encouraged to suggest new and innovative ways of working.

A key strategy to further develop the team is through increasing team members’ responsibilities. This
will provide training and development opportunities for the team. Jane needs to consider how to
delegate so she can assign new tasks to team members. She identifies three team members who
have expressed an interest in taking on more responsibilities. Jane begins to delegate tasks to these
three team members.

 Gill is the currently the team’s administrative assistant and is interested in managing the
budgets. She is also keen to undertake further studies in managing finances. Dephti is
interested in marketing and wants to become involved in the marketing strategy. Mai currently
does data entry but is more interested in customer service and sales.

Read the questions below and provide some strategies for Jane that address the needs outlined in
each question.

TASK 11: Outline the steps in delegation that Jane should follow

 Jane has to see the strength and weakness of the staff

 Do the changes one by one so the team work and company is affected by all this changes
 Be positive if one of your staff is not ready yet to take this position
 Be realistic about your staff’s skills
 Do not overload workers with responsabilities

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Note: For TASKS 12 and 13 you will need to put yourself into the role of Jane instead of being
her manager.

TASK 12: Jane needs to conduct a training needs analysis for the team members to ensure they can
take on increased responsibilities and new tasks, as well as develop a training plan to address gaps.
As a leader you participate and provide support to Jane so that she can conduct a training needs
analysis and develop recommendations to address gaps for Gill, based on the following template. To
complete this template use one of your co-workers to act this role-play as Gill while you play the role
of Jane. This is the first section of the role-play. Attach a script after the template.

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gill administrative assistant
Training/skills If yes, How will
Who to
development identify this be
Major organise?
required? what achieved?
tasks of When?
training (eg on the
position Training
Y N needs job, external
exist training)
<basic <insert <insert how <insert <insert who is
computer training this will be when> going to deliver
skills > needs, if achieved> the training>
any> eg on the job,
Advance Few classes mentor Before Internal mentor
excel skill of how to overtaking
use excel the position
Advance Classes External Before Excternal
calculation about company overtaking company
budgets the position

What do we want to achieve in the period ahead?

We want dill to have of the knowledge for the position he is overtaking

Where do you/we see your career progressing in the next two years?
If dill keeps with that enthusiasm to improve and learn in the company and he is a fast learner during
two years he could be in a high position, but not yet as a manager because dill does not have the
experience yet

How are we going to make this happen?

Keep dills motivated and showing him that if dill keeps learning and improving he can grow in the

What will you need from the company to help you to reach your career goals?
The company hopefully has to give the trust to dill ,the opportunities and help for dill to grow in the
company for example the company gives the opportunity to dill to move onto a higher position the

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company has to give dill the training the support and the time for training ,studying to get the new
position as good as possible and really essential showing to him that the company cares about the
workers and good workers get rewards like a promotion

TASK 13: Outline how Jane can support her team to complete their delegated tasks. To complete this
task use one of your co-workers to act this role-play as Gill while you be the manager Jane. This is
the second section of the role-play. Attach the role-play script inside the textbox below.

Gill.hello jane how are you?

Jane. I am good, thank you how you doing?
Gill.im doing ok I came to talk to you about taking over a new position, I feel that I am ready for the
new position ,I have been working in the company for two years already ,I have been a good
worker,responsible and loyal to the company , I am interested to to manage the budget of the
Jane.it is good to hear from your enthusiasm and wanting to improve that is good for the team and
for your personal goas, but I thing you will need some training before taking the new tasks ,me
personally I will give you all the support you need to go the next level
Gill.i appreciate that , what training will I need to make ?
Jane.yes you deserve this support and grow professionally , you will have train in advance excel and
some specific calculation for the budgets,I will get a internal mentor to teach you how to use excel
and its formulas for budgets,and I will get an external company to teach you some calculation for
budgets ,if you will need some support in your currents tasks and will get someone to learn and also
I will train another staff to learn so everyone rotates and know more about all the entire company and
how it works.
Gill.it sound quite promising ,thank you again for the all the support,when all the training will start?
Jane. My pleasure gill ,we will start from next week so I can arrange everything for you
Gill.ok, I am going back to work , I might celebrate when I finish work today or maybe not it’s a bit
soon but this news make me really happy
Jane that is the attitude I will see you around don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions
about this process
Gill sure I will see you

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Scenario 4
Jane has been a team leader in a local government department for 12 months now. Her key
achievements during that time have included changing the culture of her team to one that takes pride
in achievement, implementing the new computer system and facilitating positive work relationships.
Jane reflects on the skills she still needs to develop and identifies the following list:
 Increase knowledge of leadership strategies
 Increase knowledge of industry best practice
 Represent the organisation at industry seminars and conferences
 Develop more business networks
 Improve negotiation skills
 Increase knowledge of IT communication systems such as video conferencing
 Improve skills in conducting performance reviews

Read the questions that follow and provide some strategies for Jane that address the needs outlined
in each question.

TASK 14: Consider three professional development opportunities for Jane in the next 12 months.
Prepare a learning and development plan based on the following template for Jane to improve her
knowledge and skills. To complete this task use one of your co-workers to act this role-play as Jane
while you be the manager. This is the third section of the role-play. Attach a script after the template.

Individual Professional Development Plan

Staff Name jane

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TIMEFRAME Personal goals: (Optional) Professional goals:

(e.g. May be planning retirement, (e.g. Positional goals, gaining further
may be wanting to develop new qualifications, Memberships of Boards,
skills, change careers, major Professional Associations etc)
changes to personal life etc)
Next 12
Time for hobbies: it is crucial for Courses: different types of courses like
everyone that they enjoy,relax emotional intelligence , or technical
,distress and rest after work ,and for courses for new tasks of positions like
that there is nothing better than do computer skills, math ,communication,
your hobby for example, sports, writing ,system
music, socialize .etc

Staffs parties: it is important to get to

know each other outside from work to
more people who you are working

Planned Activities for reaching Planned Activities for reaching

personal goals professional goals

Next 12 Courses will be taken as soon as

months required for the workers to take new
The company will look for some position or new tasks and the
deals to make this activities and company will pay for these courses
also the perfect time for staff to go or get someone internal to train
these people

The company will organise 4 times

a year a staff parties with all

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Coordinator Signature____nicolas ________________

Employee Signature________jane______________

Date: 13-11-2018

TASK 15: Develop a three minute PITCH to encourage and explain Jane the benefits of participating
regularly in business networks. To complete this task use one of your co-workers to act this role-play
as Jane while you be the manager. This is the fourth and last section of the role-play.


Manager. Hello jane how are you ?

Jane I am good how are you ?
Manager I am very well ,you must wonder why I called to talk to me
Jane yes sure , is everything going well?
Manager. fortunately everything is going fine , I just called you to explain some of the benefits of
participating in the business networks ,if you keep on participating it will good for you professionally
and good for the company as well ,
Jane. Ok.i have been participating and I can see some advantages but not obviously not all of them
this conversation will help me a lot.
Manager.it is good to hear that from you ,so business networks will bring to you some new
opportunities ,connections ,raising your profile,positive influences and generate some referrals ,so
what I mean from all of this is it will be good for you in all the ways and it is really important to have
an updated leader in the company
Jane.yes I see I am glad to get to know more benefits from what I am doing
Manager I knew you were in the right path ,just want to make sure you were enjoying and
understanding why you have been doing this
Jane. Thank you for your tcare and time I will be doing my best
Manager .thank you jane have a good day
Jane you too

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Scenario 5
Statement of business ethics
The purpose of this Statement of Business Ethics is to raise private sector awareness of public sector
values. It is critical that Council and its private sector contractors, suppliers, consultants, tenderers or
business partners have mutual expectations of the relationship. This Statement defines the principles
of conduct that are expected of both parties in order to ensure the integrity and professionalism of both
organisations is enhanced and is a statement of Council's values and systems of accountability.

The Council is committed to ethical business practices based on public duty principles. Council's
business principles are as follows:
 All procurement is conducted on the basis of value for money
 All business relationships with external parties will be transparent
 Procurement and appointment decisions will be based on merit and will be impartial and will
not take extraneous issues into account
 Council procurement decision making processes will be open (where practicable) and

Value for money means an estimate of the worth or desirability of the goods or services offered. This
can include such factors as initial cost, whole of life cost, quality, the extent to which the goods or
services meet the specified requirements and also social and environmental responsibilities.
Transparency means visible and verifiable confirmation of the integrity of the purchasing process and
compliance with relevant legislation and adopted Council procedures. Impartiality means the
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purchasing process must be undertaken in a fair, objective, consistent

and businesslike manner, leading to improved performance and cost effective methods of doing
business for Council. It does not mean pleasing everyone. We strive to be impartial by ensuring that
our processes are appropriate.

TASK 16: Prepare a meeting presentation that you plan to deliver to your department (that includes
Jane, other team leaders and other team members) in regards to business ethics and employee ethical
conduct. Your presentation slides must not exceed more than 10 slides and must cover the following
 What is business ethics?
 State your own personal beliefs to your staff members.
 Why our organisation needs to be ethical?
 What do you expect from the council staff members?
 What are the expectations of contractors and other business partners?
 Develop and mention your rules and policies to Incentives, gifts, benefits, hospitality, meals,
travel & accommodation.
 Explain your staff members what conflict of interest is and how they are supposed to avoid such

Submit the presentation slides and attach them as APPENDIX 3.

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MARKING RUBRIC FOR ALL TASKS (for trainer use only)

The assessor needs to use judgment in providing marks for the tasks based on learner performance.
TASK 1 10
TASK 2 4
TASK 3 4
TASK 4 4
TASK 5 4
TASK 6 4
TASK 7 4
TASK 8 4
TASK 9 4
TASK 10 4
TASK 11 4
TASK 12 10
TASK 13 10
TASK 14 10
TASK 15 10
TASK 16 10

ROLE-PLAY ASSESSING RUBRIC (for trainer use only)

The Trainer is to assess the learner’s performance in TASK 12, TASK 13, TASK 14 and TASK15 using
the role-play Checklist provided below.


Identify some areas of training & development for the staff member?  

Discuss the TNA (Training Needs Analysis) questions with the staff  

Outline on ideas to the staff member for supporting a team to complete  

their delegated tasks?

Identify and explain three professional development opportunities for the  

staff member in the next 12 months?

Prepare a learning and development plan for the staff member while  

Deliver a three minute PITCH to encourage and explain the staff member  
on the benefits of participating regularly in business networks?

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PRESENTATION 1 – TASK 1 – ASSESSING RUBRIC (for trainer use only)

The Trainer is to assess the learner’s performance in TASK 1 using the assessing rubric provided
State the Vision, objectives and values of the organisation?  

Clearly explain how the employees should assist in reaching those  

organisational goals?

State what he/she expects from all new employees?  

What they are entitled to do and what they should not do (based on your  
workplace culture)?

Explain the new staff members on how he/she will help them and assist  
them as a leader?

PRESENTATION 2 – TASK 16 – ASSESSING RUBRIC (for trainer use only)

The Trainer is to assess the learner’s performance in TASK 16 using the assessing rubric provided
Explained what is business ethics to the audience?  

State his/her own personal beliefs to your staff members?  

Illustrate why the organisation needs to be ethical?  

Explain what he/she expects from the council staff members?  

Explain what he/she expects from contractors and other business  

Develop and mention the house rules and policies to Incentives, gifts,  
benefits, hospitality, meals, travel & accommodation?
Explain the staff members what conflict of interest is and how they supposed  
to avoid?

Leadership, Assessment No.1 Page 22

v2, Last updated on 20/05/2019 by MM

Links to further resources, theory, guides and templates

1. Develop a good presentation - https://business.tutsplus.com/tutorials/creative-presentation-

2. Pith and Presentation templates - https://slidebean.com/presentation-templates/
3. Institute of Business Ethics (Resources on Business Ethics) -
4. Further links to business ethics - http://www.ethicssage.com/ethics-resources.html
5. How To Delegate The Right Tasks To The Right People -
6. How to delegate (with pictures) - http://www.wikihow.com/Delegate
7. Forbes (How to Delegate More Effectively in Your Business) -
8. Training Needs Analysis (TNA) Guide -
9. Risk Matrix - http://www.jakeman.com.au/media/whats-right-with-risk-matrices
10. How to conduct risk analysis and use the Risk Assessment Matrix -
11. Australian Leadership Foundation (LEADERSHIP TOOLS) -
12. Leadership styles: Understanding and using the right one -
13. 5 Ways top project managers allocate their resources - hhttps://blog.resourceguruapp.com/5-
14. FAIRWORK Ombudsman (Consultation and cooperation in the workplace, Best Practice
Guide) - https://www.fairwork.gov.au/how-we-will-help/templates-and-guides/best-practice-

Leadership, Assessment No.1 Page 23

v2, Last updated on 20/05/2019 by MM

Attach TASK 1 slides here.

Leadership, Assessment No.1 Page 24

v2, Last updated on 20/05/2019 by MM

Attach TASK 16 slides here.

Leadership, Assessment No.1 Page 25

v2, Last updated on 20/05/2019 by MM

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