Mahatma Gandhi and The Nationalist Movement: (Civil Disobedience and Beyond)
This document provides an overview of Mahatma Gandhi and the Indian nationalist movement led by Gandhi, including key events, organizations, and individuals involved. Some of the major topics covered include Gandhi's early life and influences, the development of the Indian National Congress and the moderate and extremist factions, Gandhi's introduction and use of non-violent civil disobedience tactics like satyagraha, swadeshi, and boycott, the non-cooperation movement and key events like the Rowlatt Acts, Jallianwala Bagh massacre, and salt satyagraha march. It also discusses the negotiations and conferences with the British that took place in the lead up to Indian independence in 1947
Mahatma Gandhi and The Nationalist Movement: (Civil Disobedience and Beyond)
This document provides an overview of Mahatma Gandhi and the Indian nationalist movement led by Gandhi, including key events, organizations, and individuals involved. Some of the major topics covered include Gandhi's early life and influences, the development of the Indian National Congress and the moderate and extremist factions, Gandhi's introduction and use of non-violent civil disobedience tactics like satyagraha, swadeshi, and boycott, the non-cooperation movement and key events like the Rowlatt Acts, Jallianwala Bagh massacre, and salt satyagraha march. It also discusses the negotiations and conferences with the British that took place in the lead up to Indian independence in 1947
Theme-12 Prepared by P.Satheesan,HSST,GHSS Irikkur No A B 1 Garibaldi Italy 2 George Washington USA 3 Hochi Minh Vietnam 4 Mahatma Gandhi India 5 Father of our Nation Gandhiji 6 October 2nd 1869 Mahatma Gandhi, Porbander(Gujarath) 7 Satyagraha South Africa 8 1915 Gandhi's return to India from South Africa 9 Indian National Congress 1885,Bombay 10 A O Hume Father of Indian National Congress 11 Moderates and Extremists Indian National Congress 12 Gopala Krishna Gokhale,Pheros Shah Moderates Mehta,Dadabai Naoroji 13 Extremists Lala lajpat Ray,Bala Gangadhara Tilak,Bipin Chandra Pal and aurobindo Ghosh 14 Lal Bal Pal Lala Lajpat Ray,Bala Gangadhara Tilak,Bipin Chandra Pal 15 Swadeshi Use of Indian goods 16 Boycott Giving up foreign goods 17 Gopala krishna Gokhale Political Guru of Gandhiji 18 Sabarmati Ashram 1916,Ahamedabad (Gujarath) 19 Gandhi's first public appearance 1916, Banares Hindu University 20 Gandhi's first experiment of satyagraha in Champaran (Bihar),1917 india 21 Ahamedabad Mill strike and Kheda 1918 Satyagraha (Gujarath) 22 Non – Co-operation Movement 1920-1922 23 Rowlatt Act 1919 24 First World War 1914-1918 25 Rowlatt Act (Justice Sidney Rowlatt) To imprison any person without trial 26 Jalianwala Bagh tragedy 1919 April 13 27 Amritsar tragedy (Punjab) Jalianwala Bagh tragedy 28 Dr.Satyapal and Dr.Saifudhin Kitchlew Amritsar tragedy 29 General Dyer Jalianwala Bagh tragedy 30 Khalifa (Turky Sulthan) Religious head of world Muslims 31 Ali brothers Moualana Shaukat Ali and Maulana Muhammed Ali 32 Nagpur congress Session 1920 33 3 objectives of Non- Co-operation To solve Punjab problem,to solve Khilafat Movement problem and the attainment of Swaraj 34 Non-co-operation Movement Constructive and Destructive programmes 35 1921 Prince of Wales visited India 36 Akali Movement Punjab 37 Chauri Chaura incident 1922,UP 38 My Experiments with Truth Autobiography of Gandhiji 39 Louise Fisher (America) Biography of Gandhiji 40 Swarajist Party 1923 41 Motilal nehru and C R Das Swarajist party 42 The term 'Mahatma' to Gandhiji Rabeenndra Nath Tagore 43 Young India,Navajeevan Gandhiji 44 1909 Minto Morley Reforms 45 1919 Montague Chelmsford Reforms 46 1935 Govt of India Act 47 Simon Commission 1928 48 Bardoli Satyagraha 1928 49 Salt Satyagraha 1930,Dandi March 50 Simon go back 1928 51 Civil disobedience Movement Salt Satyagraha 52 Lahore Congress Session 1929 53 Poorna Swaraj,Tricolour flag,January 26 Lahore Congress Session as independence day and Civil Disobedience Movement 54 Jawaharlal Nehru President of Lahore Congress,1929 55 Dandi March 1930 March 12-April-6 56 Kamalapathi chathopadhyaya Socialist worker 57 Gandhi-Irwin Pact 1931 March 58 Lord Irwin Viceroy of India 59 First Round Table Conference 1930,London 60 Second Round Table Conference 1931,London 61 Third Round Table Conference 1932,London 62 The RTC in which Gandhiji (INC) Second Round Table Conference attended 63 Communal Award Ramsay Mcdonald 64 Separate electorates for Muslims 1909, Minto Morley Reforms 65 Diarchy in the provinces 1919,Montague Chelmsford Reforms 66 Provincial autonomy 1935,Govt of India Act 67 Congress ministries in the provinces 1937 68 World War Second 1939-1945 69 Adolf Hitler Nazism,Germany 70 Benito Mussoloni Fascism,Italy 71 1939 Resignation of Congress ministries in the provinces 72 Individual Satyagraha 1940-1941 73 Vinoba Bhave Individual Satyagraha 74 Pakistan demand 1940 March,Lahore 75 Cripps Mission 1942 76 Winston Churchill British prime minister 77 Labour party,Conservative party Britain 78 Post- dated cheque (Gandhiji) Cripps Mission 79 Quit India Movement 1942 August-9 80 Do or Die Gandhiji 81 Cabinet Mission,1946 Sir Stafford Cripps,Pathic Lawrence,A V Alexander 82 Pakistan Demand,Two Nation Theory Muhammed Ali Jinnah 83 Direct Action Day August 16,1946 84 Lord Mount Batten Viceroy of India,1947 85 June 3 Plan Lord Mount Batten 86 Dr. Rajendraprasad President of Constitution making body 87 B G Tendulkar Biographer of Gandhiji 88 Naukali (Bengladesh) Gandhiji 89 January 30,1948 Gandhiji was assassinated 90 January 30 Martyr’s day 91 Gandhiji was assassinated Nathuram Vinayak Godse 92 Indian independence August 15,1947 93 India Wins Freedom Book written by Moulana Abul Kalam Azad 94 The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru 95 India's Struggle for Independence (book) Bipan Chandra 96 Formation of Indian National Congress 1885 97 Period of Moderates 1885-1905 98 Period of Extremists 1905-1919 99 Gandhian Era 1919-1948 100 First president of INC W C Bannerjee 101 The film Gandhi was directed by Richard Attenbero 102 The character of Gandhiji (Gandhi film) Ben Kingsly