Ra 9003
Ra 9003
3.Department of Science
and Technology (DOST);
4. Department of Public
Works and Highways
Role of the DENR as the
Lead Agency :
- Provide technical and other action has been taken by
capability building the alleged offender.
assistance and support to
- Recommend policies to
eliminate barriers to waste The law provides that the
reduction programs. fine and/or penalty shall be
imposed UPON
- Issue rules and regulations.
The requirement of
Prohibited acts and conviction means that a
Penalties (Sec 48 and 49) case has to be filed in court
against a person who
The fines and penalties
commits a prohibited act
depend on the Prohibited
and judgment has to be
Acts that is committed. It
rendered by the court
ranges from P300.00 to
finding the person guilty of
P1,000,000.00 and/or
committing the prohibited
imprisonment of 1 day to 6
Kind of Cases may be Filled:
Criteria for Siting a Sanitary
(a) The site selected must
3.Administrative be consistent with the
overall land use plan of the
RA 9003 provides that no
case or suit can be filed
until after a public officer or (b) The site must be
alleged violator has been accessible from major
given a 30-day notice roadways or thoroughfares;
during which no appropriate
(c) The site should have an landfill that will satisfy
adequate quantity of earth budgetary constraints,
cover material that is easily including site development,
handled and compacted; operation for many years,
closure, post-closure care
and possible remediation
(d) The site must be chosen costs;
with regard for the
sensitivities of the
community's residents; (h) Operating plans must
include provisions for
coordinating with recycling
(e) The site must be located and resource recovery
in an area where the projects; and
landfill's operation will not
detrimentally affect
environmentally sensitive (i) Designation of a separate
resources such as aquifer, containment area for
groundwater reservoir or household hazardous
watershed area; wastes.