Learners With Learning Disabilities
Learners With Learning Disabilities
Learners With Learning Disabilities
characteristics of LD in adults?
National Adult Literacy and Learning Disabilities Center (1999) Bridges to Practice, A
Research-based Guide for Literacy Practitioners Serving Adults with Learning Disabilities.
Washington, DC.
Riviere, A. (1998) SCREENING For Adult With Learning Disabilities. National Adult
Literacy and Learning Disabilities Center. Washington, DC.
LDA of Minnesota
For more than 36 years, Learning Disabilities Association of Minnesota has been serving the needs of
people of all ages at risk for learning disabilities or related learning difficulties by maximizing their potential
so that they may lead more productive and fulfilled lives. Services include educational assessments, one-
to-one and small group tutoring, consultations, family literacy activities, school-to-work transition
programming, professional training, public education, and high-quality educational products.
LDA of Minnesota is the state affiliate of LDA of America, a non-profit organization of volunteers
dedicated to identifying causes, promoting prevention of learning disabilities, and enhancing the quality
of life for all individuals with learning disabilities and their families by encouraging effective identification
and intervention, fostering research, and protecting their rights under law.