David Jockers 13 Strategies To Blast Brain Fog PDF

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Have you ever had trouble staying focused, paying attention and getting things done? I know I have.
Teachers and medical professionals would have easily classified me with an attention deficit disorder as I
always had challenges sitting still and focusing.
I also struggled with fatigue. Growing up I was always tired. It didn’t matter how much sleep I got or how
much rest and relaxation I experienced. Once I got back into the grind…the fatigue and tiredness always
came back. My mind was all over the place and it was hard to concentrate on any one thing at a time.
As I started college this became an even greater challenge trying to study and remember the information
I needed to perform well on tests. Finally, it all culminated with me getting sick with severe digestive
cramping and irritable bowel syndrome.

My Road Back:
As I studied the health issues I was struggling with, I realized that my diet and lifestyle were causing the
problems. I began incorporating the brain boosting strategies I discuss in this booklet and my entire life
Not only was I able to study and retain the information I was learning in school but I had incredible energy
that allowed me to work two jobs throughout my time in school. I ended up receiving awards for academic
excellence in my undergraduate program and was salutatorian of my graduate class at Life University in
Marietta, Georgia.
I then went on to open Exodus Health Center in Kennesaw, Georgia where I have had tremendous success
helping people transform their lifestyles and improve their health. In addition, I run one of the hottest
natural health websites in DrJockers.com and produce the world’s best natural health content on a daily

The Brain Fog Epidemic:

Low energy, poor memory and brain fog are major problems for many individuals. Lowered cognitive
function results in lowered working efficiency, relationship disputes and significantly reduced quality of life.
Millions of children and adults in America today struggle with mental fatigue, learning, reading & attention
challenges. Much of this could be remedied if these individuals knew how to take care of their body and
maximize their brain energy.

When you are feeling mentally sluggish try applying some of the following strategies. Overtime, try to
incorporate many of these as daily practices. I know you will see results and I would LOVE to hear about
them so be sure to post them up on my facebook page or email me personally!
that have been given the label Vitamin P. These nutrients charge your brain up!
1 Drink Water with Lemon
The food and beverages we eat provide electrically charged molecules that initiate energy production in our
body. Clean water and lemon is the most electrically active thing you could put in your body.
Clean water with lemon provides the body with hydration, anti-oxidants and electrolytes. Lemon is a rich
source of the immune boosting vitamin C. It also has good quantities of electrolytes such as potassium,
calcium and magnesium. Lemon is a tremendous source of citrus bioflavonoid anti-oxidant phytonutrients
that have been given the label Vitamin P. These nutrients charge your brain up!

2 Take a Smell of Your Favorite Essential Oil

Essential oils have been used for thousands of years for their healing and purifying effects on the body.
There are 188 references to these precious oils in the Bible. They have always held extreme value by
ancient doctors and medicine men that used them for aromatherapy, consumption, and skin application.
Research has now revealed the remarkable healing properties within these essential oils.
Some favorites include citrus essential oils, peppermint, clove and cinnamon. Put a drop on your hands and
mix together and then cover your nose and inhale the healing vapors. This will stimulate your brain and
increase blood flow to your cranium.
3 Do a Quick Surge of Exercise
A quick surge of exercise for 30-60 seconds will get you breathing heavy and enhance blood flow to your
brain that will sustain for at least 30 minutes. Try running in place or doing jumping jacks as fast as you
can for 30 seconds.
You could also try doing a cross crawl where you take your right hand touch your left thigh and then the left
hand to your right thigh during the running process. This will enhance the synchronization between the two
hemispheres of your brain.

4 Snack on Rosemary or Fennel Seeds
These are a concentrated form of minerals like calcium, potassium, manganese, magnesium, selenium, zinc,
copper, & iron. These nutrients along with the strong flavor will stimulate your brain and improve memory
and cognitive processing.
Fennel seeds increase circulation to the brain, neutralize acids, aid in digestion and are an incredibly good
breath freshener. This is perfect when you are in a hurry, on the road, or eating out at restaurants. Simply
put a small container of fennel seeds in your purse or car and pop these seeds throughout the day to keep
your breath fresh and your saliva alkaline.

5 Use a Wobble Board

Wobble board and wobble disc exercises help to restore and reinforce healthy sacral movement and initiate
the CerebroSpinal Fluid (CSF) pump. The CSF brings oxygen and nutrients up into the brain. This has a
powerful effect on memory formation and keeping the brain functioning high and empowered to be creative.

The wobble board or wobble disc has a very small center of gravity that creates a greater challenge to the
coordinating centers of the brain. Simply sit on the wobble disc and move the body with the pelvis and
torso moving in opposite directions. Do front and back exercises and side to side exercises on the narrow
pivot of the wobble disc. You can find a simple and inexpensive wobble disc here

6 Sit Tall and Breathe Deeply
Effective and efficient oxygenation of the cells, tissues, and organs of our body is an absolute energy
necessity. Our respiration cycles are governed by the autonomic nervous system. When your body is under
stress you tend to take short, shallow breaths. Because these breaths only penetrate into the upper portion of
the chest and lungs they are called “chest breaths.”
Several studies have shown that heart disease, depression, anxiety and chronic pain patients have an
intimate relationship with persistent shallow, chest breathing behaviors. Several researchers have
suggested maintenance of posture and breathing habits to be the most important factor in health and energy
Sit tall and take 5-10 long deep breaths. You should aim for a 5-10 second inhalation process and a 5-10
second exhalation process. This is a full, deep respiration and brings tons of oxygen into the brain and
strips out carbon dioxide and other wastes.

8 Take a Barefoot Walk Outside
The Earth’s electrical rhythms play a significant role in the natural circadian rhythms that govern our sleep/
wake cycle, hormones, mood and energy production. Studies taken on people fully disconnected from
this natural electrical rhythm have shown abnormal circulating cortisol levels indicating abnormal stress
Additionally, disconnected people often struggle with issues such as insomnia, brain fog, hormone
disruption, chronic pain, headaches and fatigue among other things.
The human body has a very similar makeup to the Earth being they are both a combination of water and
minerals. This combination is what conducts electrical currents. Our bodies were made to be connected
with the Earth and this subtle electrical energy has extremely powerful effects on our health and well-being.

Earthing Basics:
Avoid wearing shoes whenever possible
Sit outside barefoot with your feet on grass or soil.
Walk or run barefoot outside on grass, sand or soil. Moist ground or grass is the perfect electrical

Expose any part of the body to the Earth, ground or any natural waters like lakes, streams or oceans.
Walking in salt water is one of the best grounding techniques due to the combination of earth, water
and electrolytes.
Sit or lean on the trunk or limb of a tree to share some of its natural electricity.
Try to incorporate as much sunshine on major regions of your body when you are outside as well to
get electrical energy and vitamin D3 synthesis.
The benefits of Earthing (also called grounding) include reduced inflammation and better internal stress
management. This results in better sleep, enhanced immunity, less pain and a better state of mind. Many
individuals report significantly better memory, creativity, innovativeness and spiritual direction after
spending time connecting with the Earth.

9 Take a Cold Shower:
Cold showers or alternating shower temperatures between warm and cold has a powerful effect on
circulation. When you expose yourself to cold temperatures your body constricts blood supply. When
exposed to heat the vessels dilate and expand. Changing these temperatures and particularly using cold
water dramatically improves the tone of the blood vessel walls. This gives the body a greater adaptability in
driving blood into areas that are needed.
Research has indicated that taking cold showers releases endorphins and improves circulation throughout
the body including the brain. The net effect of this is that cold showers have been shown to help individuals
suffering with depression, insomnia, anxiety and mental lethargy.
The best strategy for beginning to use cold shower therapy is to begin with a comfortable warm shower and
then switch the temperature lower towards the end of the shower. If you do this consistently, over time your
body will adapt and get more tolerant with the temperature change and you will reap the health benefits.

10 Take a Power Nap:
Most of us remember nap times when we were children.  Sleep researchers have found that napping is
actually one of the best ways to boost athletic performance and learning skills.  It is estimated now that over
70% of American society is suffering symptoms related to sleep deprivation.  Napping is an ideal tool to be
used by anyone from athlete to lay person looking to improve performance and quality of life.

Napping has been shown to help consolidate memory. Even short power naps have been shown to improve
the immune system and reduce inflammation. This allows for better neurological communication and
improved brain function.

Most experts agree that the optimal time period for a nap is between 10 and 30 minutes. This period brings
the best rejuvenatory benefit without creating excess sleepiness and effecting nighttime sleep. Even a short
5-minute nap has shown to be beneficial on human performance.

11 Snack on Raw Cacao
As described earlier in the book cacao contains theobromine which is a natural cardiovascular stimulant
that enhances blood flow to the brain. Theobromine is both safe and non-addictive and has shown clinical
benefits with improved memory and cognitive processing. You can munch on some raw cacao nibs
or make a low-sugar shake or pudding with raw cacao to get a good load of this superfood in a very tasty

Three Broader Lifestyle Strategies to Incorporate
The following three strategies will not necessarily boost your brain function immediately but incorporated
into a regular lifestyle they will help you significantly improve your cognitive acceleration, memory and

1 Sun Charge Your Brain

Researchers believe that vitamin D3 acts to protect an aging brain and boost overall memory and cognitive
function. This is thought to be done by increasing levels of protective antioxidants, increasing key
hormones and suppressing a hyperactive immune system that can inflame the neurological circuitry. Sun
charge your brain for maximal cognitive function.
The sun provides our body with an essential stress through its UV radiation. This UV radiation signals a
molecule on the skin (7-dehydrocholesterol) to convert to the active form of Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) in
the body.

Vitamin D is more Hormone than Vitamin

Vitamin D more resembles a hormone than vitamin by function. Hormones are chemical messengers that
interact with cell receptors to produce specific biological responses. Calcitriol, the active form of Vitamin
D, is arguably the most powerful hormone in the body. It has the ability to activate over 2,000 genes
(roughly 10% of the human genome).
There are vitamin D receptors throughout the central nervous system and critical regions of the brain
including the hippocampus. Researchers have concluded that vitamin D activates and deactivates enzymes
in the brain and cerebrospinal fluid that are involved in nerve growth, synaptic density and neurotransmitter

Vitamin D3 is also shown to boost glutathione production in the neuronal cells protecting them from
damage inflicted by oxidative stress. Vitamin D also helps to modulate the immune system to reduce
inflammation throughout the body.

Vitamin D Boosts Cognitive Acceleration

A 2009 study led by scientists at the University of Manchester in England, looked at vitamin D levels and
cognitive performance in more than 3,100 men aged 40 to 79 in eight different countries across Europe. The
data shows that those people with lower vitamin D levels exhibited slower cognitive processing speed.

Vitamin D deficiency is a current epidemic in our society today affecting 90% of our world`s population.
According to Vitamin D expert Michael Holick, “We estimate that vitamin D deficiency is the most
common medical condition in the world.” It is clear that most people are not getting enough healthy sun

Vitamin D Deficiencies Increase Brain Degenerative Processes
A 2010 study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine showed that those who are classified as
deficient in vitamin D were 42% more likely to have cognitive impairment. Meanwhile, those classified as
severely deficient were almost 400% more likely of having cognitive impairment.

“The odds of cognitive impairment increase as vitamin D levels go down,” says study author David
Llewellyn. “Given that both vitamin D deficiency and dementia are common throughout the world, this is a
major public health concern.”

Tips For Healthy Sun Exposure and Vitamin D Production

The ideal amount of sun exposure should produce somewhere in the range of 10,000 – 20,000 IU of vitamin
D3. This depends upon the amount of body parts exposed, the strength or angle of the sun and the color of
the individual’s skin.

This is the approximate amount of time each individual skin type needs of sun exposure to get the
appropriate 10,000 – 20,000 IU considering that at least 60% of the body is exposed to sunlight. This
would be equivalent to intentionally sun bathing. They should get this amount at least three times weekly in
order to fully optimize vitamin D3 levels.

1. Find The Right Sun Exposure For You

Light skin = 15-20 minutes daily
Medium Skin = 25-30 minutes daily
Dark Skin = 40-45 minutes daily

2. Apply a Natural Moisturizer: Use coconut oil, aloe vera and/or green tea extract as a moisturizer
before and after sun exposure for added anti-oxidant protection

2 Listen to Some Good Music
Most people have their own particular styles of music they enjoy. Music is one of the greatest joys of
mankind and it has an effect at simulating the brain and enhancing learning. Listening to music stimulates
the whole brain through diverse neural circuitry which increases cranial metabolism. Listening to enjoyable
music improves your brain function.
The brain is divided into two major hemispheres called the right and left hemisphere. The right brain is
thought to process information through creative imagery. The left brain is the analytical side that controls
verbal and mathematical processing. The corpus callosum connects the left and right hemispheres and
controls the communication between these two.

Music Helps Connect Your Brain Hemispheres

Music is unique in that it activates a broad array of neurons across the corpus callosum. This creates a state
of harmony between the two hemispheres. The non-verbal melodies of music stimulate the right brain
while singing stimulates the language center in the left hemisphere.
Music has the amazing potential to alter an individual’s state of consciousness. Music therapy has been
shown to shift a person’s complete perception of time and stimulates unique emotions and memories.
Listening to music boosts endorphin release which lifts our spirits and activates positive emotions and states
of euphoria.

Music Helps Boost Creative Energies
Music also boosts creative energies through the production of alpha and theta waves. Large influxes of
alpha waves induce states of enhanced creativity while theta waves are associated with dreaming, learning
and relaxing.
The key for boosting creative energies is to listen to the type of music you enjoy the most. If you want
more inspiration in language and mathematics it would make sense to listen to music with singing while
music without words stimulates more artistic and visual senses.
These types of music can also be used to help balance the hemispheres effectively. Someone who has a left
brain focused job such as an accountant may experience an increased level of peace and stability when they
listen to classical music or other right brain style music.
Someone with a heavy right brain position (such as an artist) may do well with rock n’roll or other lyric
based music to charge up their left brain. This is all subjective to the unique tendencies and subtleties of
the individual but more research is pointing in the direction of using music to balance and stabilize the

The Right Type of Music

I personally prefer inspirational music that is only instrumental for relaxation and worship music when I
want to supercharge my energy! I believe these forms of music are divinely inspired and lift our spirits
better than any other form of music. Music with immoral or depressing lyrics is poison to the spirit and I
highly recommend avoiding this form of music.

Music Therapy and Your Health
Classical or light music help to calm and relax blood pressure. Researchers have shown that listening to
calming music for periods of time every day is extremely effective for stabilizing blood pressure levels.
Music therapy is used to help patients with neurological conditions by stimulating unique regions and
enhancing blood flow and metabolism. This sort of therapy was popularized by Dr. Oliver Sacks and
featured in the movie “Awakenings.”

Music Therapy and Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer’s disease is associated with damage to the temporal lobe that is used to process and direct
memories. Music stimulates not only direct memories but other circumstances surrounding that musical
Researchers have found that listening to music can indirectly stimulate memory fragments that would not
otherwise be retrieved. This helps to provide emotional comfort and improve brain function.

Music Therapy and Parkinson’s Disease

Parkinson’s disease is a pathogenic process that destroys the basal ganglia. This region of the brain
organizes thoughts and movements into action. Strong, rhythmic musical beats stimulate motor control,
movement and coordination. Combining this music with dance steps and other movements has been shown
to improve walking speed and coordination for individuals with Parkinson’s.

3 Fasting Improves Your Brain Function:
New research has indicated that fasting can significantly reduce the effects of aging on the brain. It has
been known that bouts of intermittent fasting have a powerful anti-inflammatory effect on the entire body.
Leading scientists now believe that intermittent fasting is one of the key strategies for maximizing brain

Researchers at the National Institute of Aging in Baltimore have reviewed the literature and performed
studies to indicate the positive effects of fasting on overall brain health. Professor Mark Mattson, who is
the head of the Institute’s laboratory of NeuroSciences, made it clear that these benefits were not just related
to calorie restriction but instead to intentional periods of intermittent fasting.

2 Major Physiological Phases: Building and Cleansing.

Eating stimulates the body to go into building phase where we are anabolic in nature and store both
nutrients and toxins. This phase is essential for building new cells and tissues and store nutrients for times
of scarcity. This building phase of physiology is predominately led by the hormone insulin.
Fasting for more than four hours begins the cleansing phase. The cleansing phase is catabolic in nature
in that it tears down old damaged cells. This process turns on brain autophagy, or “self-eating,” in where
the cells recycle waste material, regulate waste products and repair themselves. These genetic repair
mechanisms are turned on through the release of human growth hormone (HGH).
Intermittent fasting is one of the most powerful modalities for reducing inflammation, boosting immunity
and enhancing tissue healing. This is one of the reasons why many people feel nauseated when they have
infections. This innate mechanism is the body’s way of influencing us to fast so it can produce the right
environment to boost natural immunity.

Fasting Boosts Human Growth Hormone (HGH)

HGH is known to create physiological changes in metabolism to favor fat burning and protein sparing.
The proteins and amino acids are utilized to improve brain and neuron processing. They also repair tissue
collagen which improves the functionality and strength of muscles, tendons, ligaments, and bones. HGH
also improves skin function, reduces wrinkles and heals cuts and burns faster.

Researchers at the Intermountain Medical Center Heart Institute found that men, who had fasted for 24
hours, had a 2000% increase in circulating HGH. Women who were tested had a 1300% increase in HGH.
The researchers found that the fasting individuals had significantly reduced their triglycerides, boosted their
HDL cholesterol and stabilized their blood sugar.

The Dance Between Insulin and HGH to Govern Metabolism
HGH and insulin are opposites in function. HGH is focused on tissue repair, efficient fuel usage and
anti-inflammatory immune activity. Insulin is designed for energy storage, cellular division and pro-
inflammatory immune activity.
Insulin is the dominant player in this game. When conditions demand an insulin release (carbohydrate
intake), HGH is inhibited. Additionally, too much protein or fat may not stimulate insulin but they will
inhibit HGH release.
Studies have indicated that the disruption of neuronal autophagy results in accelerated neurodegenerative
states throughout the brain. Elevated circulating levels of insulin reduce the amount of neuronal autophagy
and cause metabolic problems as well as accelerated degenerative states. Bouts of intermittent fasting
are essential for the brain to clean itself up and drive new neurons and communication lines for optimal

Fasting and Exercise

The cleansing phase also acts like a slinky that is being spring-loaded for when the body moves into the
building stage. It provides a sort of pre-load that allows the body to adapt in an incredible manner when it
goes into the building phase. This enhances the neuronal connections and improves brain function.
Experts believe the intermittent fasting puts the brain cells under mild stress that is similar to the effects of
exercise on muscle cells. The stress causes them to adapt and get more energy efficient. The body recovers
from intense exercise through both the building and cleansing phases.

Fasting Boosts Brain-Derived NeuroTrophic Factor (BDNF)

BDNF levels govern the formation of new neurons and the development of synapses and various
lines of communication within the brain. Higher levels of BDNF lead to healthier neurons and better
communication processes between these neurological cells. Low levels of BDNF are linked to dementia,
Alzheimer’s, memory loss and other brain processing problems.
Research has shown that bouts of fasting have a great anti-inflammatory effect on the entire body. Sufferers
from asthma have shown great results as have preliminary reports on individuals with Alzheimer’s and
Parkinson’s. Mattson and colleagues are preparing to study more details about the impact of fasting on the
brain using MRI technology and other testing.

Best Strategies for Fasting

The best way to begin fasting is by giving your body 12 hours between dinner and breakfast every single
day. This allows 4 hours to complete digestion and 8 hours for the liver to complete its detoxification cycle.
After this is a standard part of lifestyle, try taking one day a week and extending the fast to 16-18 hours.
Eventually, you may choose to do a full 24 hour fast each week.

During the Fasting Period it is great to drink cleansing beverages such as fermented drinks, herbal teas,
water with infused superfood extracts, water with lemon or apple cider vinegar, etc. These enhance the
cleansing process by providing anti-oxidants and micronutrients that enhance healing while not interacting
with insulin or HGH levels.
Precautionary Step Before Fasting
Before one begins a lifestyle of intermittent fasting they should first remove as much sugar and grains from
their diet as possible. This will create better blood sugar balance and help regulate insulin and the stress
hormone cortisol. The diet should be built around good fats, anti-oxidants, clean protein and fiber. It can
take three to seven days to stabilize blood sugar and stress hormones before intermittent fasting would be

Once the body is properly trained, most people are able to easily do a 16-18 hour fast every day. The
easiest way to do this is by missing breakfast to extend the overnight fast. I do this every day myself.

In the morning time, I drink lots of water and utilize anti-oxidant extracts in the form of herbal teas, water
infusions and fresh squeezed lemon, bone broth or apple cider vinegar. These cleansing beverages help to
detoxify the body and enhance healing processes. They also quell hunger and keep your energy levels high.
I have a light lunch or mid-afternoon snack that is either a big raw salad with good fats like olive oil and
avocado or a protein shake with non-denatured whey, coconut and avocado. At night I have a large dinner
with lots of grass-fed beef or another animal protein/fat and tons of veggies.

For many people, such as myself, we feel so great on an intermittent fasting lifestyle that we choose to
never go back to eating any differently. In fact, I love to combine this fasting lifestyle with bouts of surge
training to maximize my HGH levels and brain boosting strategies!

About Dr. David Jockers DNM, DC, MS

Dr. David Jockers is a doctor of natural medicine, a

functional nutritionist and corrective care chiropractor.
He currently owns and operates Exodus Health Center
Kennesaw, Georgia and runs one of the hottest natural
health websites in DrJockers.com with over 1 million
monthly visitors and has been seen on popular media
such as the Dr Oz show.
Dr Jockers is a world-renowned expert in the area of ketosis
And the ketogenic diet. He is the developer of the best selling
“Navigating the Ketogenic Diet” E-course and the host of the
Popular Keto Edge Summit.

Dr Jockers is also a sought-after speaker around the country on such topics as ketosis, weight
loss, brain health, healing leaky gut, thyroid function, natural detoxification and disease


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