BIM GainingMomentum
BIM GainingMomentum
BIM GainingMomentum
Building Information Modeling
By Gordon V.R. Holness, P.E., Fellow/Life Member ASHRAE
30 A S H R A E J o u r n a l June 2008
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challenge facing the industry is developing a commonality of
program protocols that enable a free exchange of data between
disparate software systems. Here, the work being done by NIBS
and IAI to develop an overall integrated program under the
umbrella of the buildingSMART Alliance shows great promise
in combining BIM technology with Information for the Con-
struction global ISO standards to ISO/PAS 16793.
One of the most important recent advances has been the de-
velopment of open meld protocols that allow the integration of
disparate software programs. These programs have the ability
to more easily manage, view, and integrate disparate software
programs providing real-time navigation, collaborative com-
munication, and presentation of 3D and 4D BIMs.
Of even greater benefit in the United States, is the advance-
ment in software protocols and communication that has been
lead by Green Building Studio’s gbXML (
According to its Web site,
Advertisement formerly in this space. “The Green Building XML schema, referred to as gbXML,
was developed to facilitate the transfer of information stored
in CAD building information models, enabling integrated
interoperability between design models and, a wide variety of
engineering analysis tools and models available today. Today,
gbXML has the industry support and wide adoption by the
leading CAD vendors Autodesk, Graphisoft, and Bentley. With
the development of export and import capabilities in several
major engineering model tools, gbXML has become a defacto
industry standard schema. Its use dramatically streamlines the
transfer of building information to and from engineering mod-
els, eliminating the need for time consuming plan take-offs.
This removes a significant cost barrier to designing resource
efficient buildings and specifying associated equipment. It
enables building design teams to truly collaborate and realize
the potential benefits of Building Information Modeling.”
Green Building Studio (
offers open gbXML schema for direct data exchange offering
Web-based building energy analysis tools integrating data from
the BIM into DOE-2, BLAST, TRACE™ 700, EnergyPlus 1.4,
etc., and exporting the results back into the BIM. Many software
companies use gbXML in related products that are focused
on the HVAC market, including: Carmel Software’s Loadsoft;
Trane’s TRACE 700; Carrier’s HAP; CADline’s Cymap; Elite
Software’s Chvac; Square One’s ECOTECT; IES, Ltd.’s <Virtual
Environment>; Autodesk’s AutoCAD MEP®, Revit® Archi-
tecture, and Revit® MEP; Graphisoft’s ArchiCAD®; Bentley’s
Bentley Architecture and Bentley Building Mechanical Sys-
tems; and EDSL’s Tas. Although still not seamless, these tools
have significantly improved software interoperability.
Wrightsoft Corporation ( offers a fully
integrated HVAC design package, Right-Suite® Universal, which
supports residential and commercial applications, and includes
an object-oriented, drag-and-drop CAD interface for thermal
zoning and automatic dimensional takeoff. It includes all six
current North American load calculation methods, three duct
design and layout methods (including the current ASHRAE duct
database), radiant panel design and layout, automated bill of
32 A S H R A E J o u r n a l June 2008
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materials generation, cost estimating, operating cost calculations, can minimize coordination errors between mechanical, electri-
proposal generation, project tracking, geothermal loop sizing, cal, and plumbing engineering design teams; collaborate with
and sales presentation. These modules are completely integrated. architects and structural engineers using the Revit® platform
Designers can try different scenarios because the entire thermal and building information modeling workflows; and gain better
and HVAC system is a live model. For example, building changes building performance analysis support for engineers.”
are immediately reflected in onscreen duct sizes as calculations Bentley Solutions ( with MicroStation
ripple through loads, ducts, and bill of materials. The software as the primary product for building design, construction and
can read and write files in a number of de facto standard formats operation. Recent enhancements include interface with gbXML
compatible with popular applications such as AutoCAD and for energy analysis using Trace 700 and tie into pipe and duct
Excel. gbXML support will be added later. sizing, the latter using ddXML.
Certainly the European community, particularly, and to some Nemetschek, NA, offers programs such as VectorWorks
extent Australia, are further ahead of the United States in the Fundamentals, which is an architectural building program that
widespread application of BIM. Europe is heavily committed can plug into Graphisoft AutoCAD and CATIA, VectorWorks
to development of integrated building design technology with Landmark for site planning and VectorWorks Spotlight for
extensive work being done in the UK, Norway, Sweden, Finland, lighting design. HVAC Building Services and 3D Viewer (plus
Germany, and the Netherlands. Nemetschek’s Allplan [] for architectural
Major players in the field include Autodesk, Bentley Systems design and modeling software).
and Nemetschek Group (which owns Graphisoft, VectorWorks, In 2006 Oracle launched a new collaborative building in-
and Allplan). formation management platform (CBIM) and is working with
Autodesk ( has software that can export Graphisoft to fully integrate building modeling tools with design
to load calculations software such as TRACE and input results collaboration, visualization, life-cycle management, and other
back to the software. This is done with gbXML. Revit also uses applications.
the integrated IES tools for load calculations. AutoCAD MEP The Mayo Foundation (under the Mayo Clinic) is developing
design and construction documentation software is built for Mayo Graphical Integrated Computer Aided Design using Magi-
mechanical, electrical, and plumbing engineers, designers, and CAD® software. MagiCAD, developed by Progman Oy of Sweden,
drafters. According to the manufacturer, “Revit® MEP software is IFC compliant and used widely in Scandanavia. It is aimed pri-
is an intuitive design tool that works the way engineers think. It marily at duct design and equipment manufacturing. However, it
does include HVAC, piping, and electrical design and application case is focused on compliance with codes, standards, regulations
software (running on an AutoCAD platform). These have the ability or other criteria, whether mandated or market driven.
to feed data into EnergyPlus using Olof Granlund/LBNL-developed In the U.S. the International Code Council (ICC) (www.
BS Pro COM server middleware (with IFC-based 3D RIM). is supporting a use case to check for compliance
with codes, standards, rules, regulations, etc., through its
Other Developments SMARTcodes™ initiative. By putting codes, standards and
Although BIM technology is maturing, significant parallel other criteria in a smart format that can be understood and
efforts are being made in the development of software for model applied by model checking software it is possible to identify
viewing, model checking, energy analysis and simulation, facili- and prevent conflicts between the building, as represented by
ties management, etc., to support various use cases associated the BIM, and the codes or other criteria. Initial SMARTcode
with building information. A use case is the task to which the demonstrations have taken place with the 2006 International
information in the BIM is applied. Cost estimating, schedul- Energy Conservation Code. The 2006 IECC is anticipated for
ing, and conflict resolution between structural and mechanical availability for the purpose of automated code compliance
components of a building are examples of use cases. A signifi- checking in early 2008.
cant component to support visualization of any use case is the ICC anticipates creating SMARTcodes for a significant por-
development of model checking software. One particular use tion of all building, life safety and fire protection requirements
38 A S H R A E J o u r n a l June 2008