Multicollinearity Autocorrelation
Multicollinearity Autocorrelation
Multicollinearity Autocorrelation
• The theory of causation and multiple causation
• Interdependence between the Independent Variables and
variability of Dependent Variables
• Parsimony and Linear Regression
• Theoretical consistency and Parsimony
Y X1
• One of the assumptions of the CLRM is
that there is no Multicollinearity
amongst the explanatory variables.
• Multicollinearity refers to perfect or
exact relationship among some or all
explanatory variables
Expl.: X1 X2 X *2
10 50 52
15 75 75
18 90 97
24 120 129
30 150 152
X2i = 5X1i & X*2 was created by adding 2,
0, 7, 9 & 2 from, a random number table.
Here r1.2 = 1 & r2.2* = 0.99
X1 & X2 show perfect multicollinearity
X2 & X*2 near-perfect multicollinearity
• The problem of multicollinearity and its
degree in types of data
• Overlap between the variables
indicates the extent of it as shown in
the Venn diagram.
Y = a + b1x1 + b2x2 + u
Y = Consumption Expenditure
X1 = Income & X2 = Wealth
Consumption expenditure depends on income (x1) and
wealth (x2)
• The estimated equation from a set of data is as follows:
Ŷ = 24.77 + 0.94x1 – 0.04x2
‘t’ : (3.66) (1.14) (0.52)
R2 = 0.96 Ř2 = 0.95 F = 92.40
The individual β coefficients are not significant although ‘F’ value
suggests a high degree of association
There is a wrong sign with x2
The fact that the ‘F’ test is significant but the ‘t’
values of X1 and X2 are individually
insignificant means that the two variables are
so highly correlated that it is impossible to
isolate the individual impact of either income
or wealth on consumption.
Let us regress X2 on X1
X2 = 7.54 + 10.19 X1
‘t’ = (0.25) (62.04) R2 0.99
This shows near perfect multi-collinearity
between X2 and X1
Y on X1 Y on X2
Ŷ = 24.24 + 0.51X1 Ŷ = 24.41 + 0.05 X2
R2 = 0.96 R2 = 0.96