Playford Council 201506 Appendixa Stormwater Final
Playford Council 201506 Appendixa Stormwater Final
Playford Council 201506 Appendixa Stormwater Final
The stormwater drainage design must include a stormwater and site management plan with supporting computations compliant with
the requirements listed below. The plan shall at least include existing contours, features, existing stormwater infrastructure,
proposed site works details, levels and grading, proposed stormwater drainage system, details of detention facility including volumes
and discharge controls, proposed building floor levels, proposed paving and connection details to and any upgrading if required of
the existing external drainage systems.
The stormwater drainage system shall be designed in accordance with Council’s Stormwater Management Guide, Australian Rainfall
and Runoff and AS/NZS 3500.3:2003.
The requirements for stormwater detention are separate to the requirements for stormwater retention. Stormwater retention
systems may be required within the development to maximise on-site reuse via internal plumbing and / or reticulation to gardens
and / or soakage systems and as required by current State Government regulations. Reference South Australian Appendix to the
Building Code of Australia (BCA) and the South Australian Housing Code (SAHC).
The controlled discharge from the site shall be connected safely to Council’s stormwater drainage system. The maximum point
discharge to kerb and gutter shall be 12L/s.
No stormwater runoff from the site shall be permitted to discharge onto any adjacent property or the footpath verge. The
discharge to council’s drainage system or a watercourse shall be consistent with the capacity of the systems.
The underground system shall provide for runoff generated by a minimum 10yr ARI event with overflow paths provided for a
100yr ARI event that will prevent stormwater runoff inundating properties.
43-51 Tanunda Rd, Nuriootpa SA 5355 (PO Box 867) ~ Tel: (08) 8563 8444 ~ Fax: (08) 8563 8461
Email: [email protected] ~ Website: Ref: 8/2010
Where a lot grades towards a roadway, driveway levels at the boundary shall be specified at a minimum of 225mm above the
adjacent street watertable level and floor levels shall be a minimum 300mm above the highest adjacent street watertable level.
Where a lot grades away from a roadway, a continuous barrier shall be specified (including any driveway) along the frontage
boundary at a minimum of 300mm above the adjacent watertable levels.
It is Council’s Policy that any increase in stormwater flows from a development be managed on site to minimize the impact on
Council’s stormwater infrastructure, water courses or other properties.
Stormwater detention systems shall be incorporated within the development to ensure that the peak flow rate discharging from the
whole development site post development does not exceed the peak flow rate from the pre-development site. The post
development analysis is required to demonstrate that critical storm duration is clearly identified.
Post-development peak rate of runoff from the site must not exceed the pre-development peak rate of runoff from the site or the
maximum acceptable discharge to Councils infrastructure, whichever is the lesser. (Refer table below for Pre-development and
Post-development design storm events).
Residential development up to 2 dwellings Detention shall be provided to limit the 5yr ARI post–development peak
discharge to the 5yr ARI pre-development peak discharge from the site or as
required by section 1. (Site Discharge), which ever is the lesser.
Residential Development of more than 2 Detention shall be provided to limit the 20yr ARI post–development peak
dwellings. discharge to the 20yr ARI pre-development peak discharge from the site or
as required by section 1. (Site Discharge), which ever is the lesser.
Land division.
Development adjoining a watercourse Detention shall be provided to ensure that there is no increase in the 100yr
ARI critical flow in the River.
Residential Development of more than 2 Refer to Council for the location of high risk zones and the level of risk
dwellings placed on the proposed development.
Land division.
Note: 1. Stormwater detention is not required for residential development less than 100m2 roof area.
2. A 2.5m buffer shall be provided from the perimeter of the detention facility to the property boundary and verge.
43-51 Tanunda Rd, Nuriootpa SA 5355 (PO Box 867) ~ Tel: (08) 8563 8444 ~ Fax: (08) 8563 8461
Email: [email protected] ~ Website:
Runoff shall be treated to achieve desired water quality levels consistent with the Environmental Protection Authority's “Stormwater
Pollution Prevention” code of practice for the community, Council’s guidelines and current engineering practice. Council supports
Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) initiatives.
It is Council’s Policy that pollution control devices shall be incorporated within land divisions, commercial and industrial
development to provide for the removal of gross pollutants, silt, grease and oil and possible harmful chemical pollutants. This
requirement shall also apply to development during the construction period to protect the downstream drainage systems.
Grease, silt, oil and solid pollutants shall be removed from carparks where the number of parking lots exceeds nine.
The development shall provide for rear allotment drainage with appropriate easements where drainage to the street gutter is not
Any direct connection of a stormwater drainage system to a water course shall incorporate scour protection measures and shall not
obstruct flows in the water course.
Pumped discharges shall only be considered when under private ownership and a gravity drainage system can not be achieved.
The pump station and rising main shall be designed by an appropriately qualified Engineer and include the following:
The capacity of Council’s drainage system.
Detailed design and documentation of the pump station installation and operation, including provision for power failure and back
Details of the operational and maintenance manual for the property owner.
Appropriate development of the land between the 100yr ARI flood plain and the maximum probable flood plain is permitted but
shall comply with current best practice flood plain management, planning and environmental principles and must be safe
It is Council's policy that the land within the 100yr ARI flood plain be preserved. However the land between the 100yr and 20yr ARI
flood plains may be considered by Council for appropriate development. The issues, amongst others, that Council may consider are:
The floodplain properties within this 100 - 20 zone are demonstrated to be of a non-conveyance, storage type hydraulic
function such the development is not likely to have a significant impact on flood levels, the flood conveyance properties of the
water course or flood risk to properties.
The stormwater management system and major flood paths shall be designed to provide a minimum of 100yr ARI protection
against inundation of any building or flood intolerant structure.
The development is safe and environmentally responsible
43-51 Tanunda Rd, Nuriootpa SA 5355 (PO Box 867) ~ Tel: (08) 8563 8444 ~ Fax: (08) 8563 8461
Email: [email protected] ~ Website:
The development complies with current best practice flood plain management principles
The development is consistent with Council's policies and / or plans for the locality
No flow obstructive development is permitted within the 20yr ARI flood plain
No flow obstructive fencing or structure is to be placed across the watercourse.
Residences constructed on the allotments are to have a minimum floor level 300mm above the adjacent 100yr ARI flood level.
Upon the selection of the housing location/s within the property, further assessment shall be undertaken by an appropriately
qualified Engineer to specify the appropriate floor level and check proposed site earthworks.
A flood management plan shall incorporate sole access from any development during a 100yr ARI flood.
A flood plain management report with supporting analysis shall be prepared by an appropriately qualified Engineer. The
documents shall cover any proposed development within the flood prone land.
The detailed design drawings must be submitted to Director, Works and Engineering for approval prior to any works commencing
on site.
All site construction works must be carried out under the supervision of a Chartered Professional Engineer in accordance with the
approved plans and specifications.
‘AS CONSTRUCTED’ detailed drawings of the stormwater drainage shall be provided electronically in ‘dwg’ format.
43-51 Tanunda Rd, Nuriootpa SA 5355 (PO Box 867) ~ Tel: (08) 8563 8444 ~ Fax: (08) 8563 8461
Email: [email protected] ~ Website: