Success Engineering
Success Engineering
Success Engineering
In 2008 I wanted to
attend a major sporting
event, one which is
televised throughout the
world. But I didn’t want
to be just a spectator; I
was going to be one of
the 300+ volunteer
officials. Although I am
trained and qualified in
this particular capacity,
there are many
applicants and my
chances of being chosen
were about 50-50, or
Officials in my particular
area of expertise are
placed in any one of
about 30different
locations around the
stadium, but that wasn’t
good enough. I needed
to be in position number
2. This was because I
was bringing Grandma
with me. I had bought
her a grandstand seat
and I wanted to be in
position #2 so that I
could wave at her. Silly, I
know, but being a man
it’s difficult not to be a
big kid at times.
When my instructions
arrived in the post, I had
been selected as well as
postedat position #2.
This was not a surprise. I
expected it. I knew no-
one in the selection
committee, had no
contacts and did nothing
other than use the
science in this book.
Unfortunately, when I
looked closer, I realized I
had made a major
mistake. I had wanted
position #2, and got it,
but further study
revealed it was the
wrong one. I really
needed position #1b
which is close to, but not
the same as position#2. I
had, as they say,
screwed up big time. I
was quite disappointed
but had to accept the
I have a friend called Don
who loves cars and is
one of the officials in a
certain car club. One
day, in the year his car
club celebrated its 60th
anniversary, Don simply
decided that he would
get some of the world’s
greatest racing drivers,
ex-world champions like
Nigel Mansell, Rene
Arnoux, Eddie Cheever,
Emerson Fittipaldi, and
Alain Prost, sixteen
drivers in all, and get
them to fly to
Silverstone, England, to
drive his car in a parade!
So will you.
In the next ten minutes
you will perform your
first miracle. In half an
hour you will see how
making all the money
you want starts with
understanding how you
can be in two places at
the same time. You will
play smoke rings with
clouds and drive to very
strange places in your
Some of these
discoveries are truly
staggering, mind-
stretching ideas that do
more than make you see
the world in a new light.
You see a completely
new world, filled with
contradictions and
mysteries; a place where
computers perform
impossible calculations,
and objects are in two
places at the same time.
You see the mechanism
of how the simplest
decision changes not just
your own life but also the
lives of thousands of
others, and how you can
alter your own destiny,
just by observing it.
APRIL 2009
about to change your
entire outlook on life, if
not your life itself. During
the next hour I will be
revealing information
that is at the very cutting
edge of science, in a
place so close to magic
that it is difficult to tell
the difference.
Everything you have
ever wanted – the car,
the home, the income,
the life – is so close you
can reach out and grasp
it. This book shows you
how to grasp it, how to
really succeed. It shows
you how to engineer your
own success.
I rediscovered the
answer about 15 years
ago. The method was so
powerful that with my
first ever “correct” goal-
setting experience I went
from unemployed, no
car, two kids, and a
mortgage to having a
top-of-the-line executive
automobile in the
driveway, and I bought it
with cash – all within
about 18 months. My life
now is unrecognizable
from anything I had
before. I have the house I
want, the car, everything
I need. I don’t take
vacations in a car
anymore; now it’s a
private villa in Portugal.
And I didn’t get these
things by worshipping
money or working 24/7
or not seeing my kids
grow up. I decided what I
wanted, set the correct
goals – and they
happened. I engineered
Similarly, there is a
problem with
specialization. A
specialist, the joke says,
studies more and more
about less and less until
he eventually knows
everything there is to
know about nothing at
all. There is great
advantage in
generalization - having a
working knowledge of
many unrelated things. It
allows you to see things
from different angles and
see things others do not.
It also creates the kind of
guy you want to invite to
dinner because he can
talk to anybody. Doctors
of pathology are very
poor party animals. Trust
me on this.
Although in my college
days I studied what was
then called theoretical
nuclear physics, I openly
admit to not being of the
highest caliber, and
never earned much
doing it. But I do
understand most of
Stephen Hawking’s Brief
History of Time, so I’ve
kept hanging in there
while doing my own
thing in the
entrepreneurial world.
And in the same way that
some people instantly
see certain truths by
bringing two different
areas of knowledge
together, so I, one day,
was happily dawdling
though a book
concerning quantum
computers (Y’ know, like
you do) when suddenly it
all fell into place.
What’s quantum
mechanics got to do with
goal-setting? Everything.
Absolutely everything.
And in this book I will be
revealing ideas and
information that have
never been published
before, conclusions and
proofs that will take you
with me into a world you
have never seen before -
a world that will turn
yours upside down, back
to front, and reveal
secrets known only to a
few people in the world.
Soon, you will be one of
the few.
So, an explosion in a
lumber mill could never
ever produce a fully
formed house. An infinite
number of chimps
banging out letters on a
typewriter for an infinite
time will NEVER produce,
even by accident, a play
by Shakespeare. It is as
unlikely as gravity
reversing and throwing
us all off into space.
Statistics must always
take second place to a
law of nature. Have you
ever seen a volcano
throw out a bicycle? The
makeup of Earth is
largely iron and carbon,
which happen to be the
two main constituents of
steel. Steel is made by
adding amounts of
carbon and oxygen to
boiling iron under great
heat and pressure. Air
contains 20% oxygen,
and water contains
nearly as much again. All
these are freely available
in your friendly
neighborhood volcano.
To make a bicycle frame
requires steel tubing. It is
a very simple process.
We float in heavens of
incomprehensible size
and beauty. There are
more species of insects
than we have managed
to count in the last 200
years. There are sea
creatures so far down in
the oceans that they
have never seen light,
yet they breed and
reproduce in harmony
with the moon’s cycles –
a moon they have never
seen. Without this
harmony the earth would
spin out of orbit and
freeze in space. No life,
chaos everywhere;
everything running
down. If there was only
one living thing on the
whole planet – a microbe
– it would still have been
an impossible creation,
against a natural law that
has withstood every
attempt to dispute it for
100 years, and at
statistical odds that no
hardnosed betting man
would ever take.
Chapter Two
Engineering Miracles
“The impossible we
tackle right away.
Miracles take a little
Sometimes we forget
that we are not just in
this world, we are part of
it. We not only have a
right to be here but if
you believe any or all
religious writings, then
the world was created for
us. We have control.
God, whoever and
whatever you perceive
Him to be, has given us
the channel changer.
Unfortunately, this
experiment will not
impress hard-nosed
skeptics who will insist
that the clouds were
disappearing anyway,
but we’ll move on.
There is a third
experiment that works so
well I use it all the time. I
find car parking spaces
with it in busy towns. Just
before I leave, I spend a
few moments visualizing
where I need to park. I
see the street or parking
lot full of cars until I
arrive, and then a car
leaves just in time for me
to park my car in its
space. I see this in my
mind’s eye before I start
the car, feel good about
it, and then drive toward
my destination with the
confident expectation
that my parking place
has been pre-booked. I
reckon this works over
90% of the time – far
beyond the normal
mathematical chance of
this occurring by
accident. The next time
you are in a hotel lobby
or anywhere where you
are faced with two or
three (or more) sets of
elevator doors. Which
one is going to open
first? Forget about
looking at the floor the
elevator is on. Just
decide which door is
going to open first and
stand by it. You be
amazed how many times
your door opens first. Try
it. It works. Appendix C
tells you how, but don’t
go there just yet. We’ve
a few more ideas to
cover first.
In a recent Reader’s
Digest article, best-
selling author and ex-
teacher Philip Pullman
put his dark material
finger on what’s gone
horribly wrong with the
teaching of English in
schools today and also
pointed the way to why
nearly everything else
has been hijacked in a
similar fashion.
According to modern
thinking by
particularly those setting
examination questions,
when a child now reads a
piece of set writing, they
are “tested for their
ability to decode, select,
retrieve, deduce, infer,
interpret, identify, and
comment.” So now, for
example, when a kid
reads a book he or she is
expected to: !
Entrepreneurs eventually
turn into managers. They
atrophy. Once they
attain their vision they
batten down the hatches
and basically leave the
running of the show to
the bean counters – who
manage. Big
corporations continue to
thrive because they are
big enough to carry on
under their own
momentum. But they
never regain the rocket-
like success of their early
So if goal-setting isn’t
goal-setting anymore, if
goal-setting has
metamorphosed into
ion, what should we do?
What can we do?
We need to rediscover
the real rules.
5. There is a tiny
possibility that you are
the first person in 10,000
to get this far – or you’re
kidding yourself, one of
the two. Being the
generous person I am, I
shall assume the former
and ask yet another
question. Was this goal a
financial goal? Was it
directed at, say, financial
independence? Or
expected annual
earnings? Did you want
to be a millionaire? Oops,
you’re out. Money isn’t a
goal. It just looks like a
goal. I’ll explain that one
later. You can have lots
of the stuff, don’t get me
wrong, you just have to
think about it a little
more deeply. Well then,
how did you do? If you
passed all five of these
tests, then you did
stunningly well. If you
didn’t get all these right,
you need to read on.
Your future depends on
it. Let me hit you now
with just one rule of
success engineering, the
true goal-setting, a rule
that seems to flout every
piece of advice handed
down from the gurus
during the last 20 years:
no dates. Now that’s
screwed things up,
hasn’t it? Everything you
ever read on goal-setting
tells you to put a date on
things, even an arbitrary
1. Set a goal.
3. Do it while comparing
the progress made with
your original plan, and
make corrections as you
go. And this is perfect.
Absolutely nothing wrong
with it. Harvard would be
proud of him. But there is
one problem – what if
you haven’t got a clue
how to get the goal
you’ve set yourself?
What if your dream, your
goal, was so distant that
your education and
upbringing never gave
you the tools to even
consider how you could
achieve it? Without
knowing how to do
something, this system
will not let you go any
further than dreaming.
That’s because it’s not
goal-setting. This is
bang-on perfect project
management. And it’s
certainly not success
Chapter Three
The Magic of Numbers
I often quote it at
seminars. It is proven,
mathematical proof that
we are all geniuses, only
in different subjects. The
simple fact is that the
human mind – your mind
– is far more powerful
than you can ever
imagine. For example,
there is evidence that
the ancient druids and
Egyptian necromancers
had knowledge that we
cannot even begin to
understand. There are
suggestions that they
had mastered the art of
levitation – antigravity.
There is evidence that
they knew how to melt
stone without heat.
There is strong evidence
that the Great Pyramid
was never designed to
be just a tomb for a
pharaoh or anybody else.
Its purpose was older
and far more imaginative
than a headstone for the
headstrong. It was
magical. There is a
possibility that electricity
was harnessed in the
power of simple batteries
over three thousand
years ago. In India, it is
said, there stands a
2,000-year-old iron
column that resists rust.
We haven’t scratched
the surface of these
ideas but one thing is
certain: the human brain
is about to be unleashed,
and those who look
closely at the science
surrounding this area will
be well rewarded. So
what is this bundle of
brain cells we call mind?
How powerful is it?
In order to understand
more about the miracle
you are, we need to look
at numbers. For most
people, numbers have no
real significance beyond
a few thousand. We can
see 10 fingers (okay, I
know a thumb isn’t a
finger) and we can see
100 cars. We can see
30,000 people at a
football stadium, but
beyond this it is just a
number. For the vast
majority, numbers like 1
or 2 million are just
numbers – they cannot
translate these numbers
into a picture that has
real meaning. We cannot
picture a million of
anything. We give
numbers names: One,
two, up to ten. After
twenty they become
compound words
(twenty-three) until we
get to the next real name
– hundred. We then
compound the hundreds
until we get to the next
real name –thousand.
Then a million. After a
million we compound the
names into billion or
trillion. I regard these as
sophisticated compound
names because they are
all based on the sound of
one million, so they don’t
count as unique names.
Can you think of the
unique name of a
number larger than a
million? (An aeon or an
age don’t count, because
they aren’t specific
Just to test you, a
googolplex is 10 to the
power of a googol. I’ll let
you work out how many
zeros that comes to, and
it’s quite a lot. “You’re
mad.” “Oim in der right
place den.” - Braveheart
Of course we are now in
cloud-cuckoo-land, so let
me tell you what I’m
getting at. I’m going to
select a specific number,
1089. This is smaller
than a googol and it
represents the answer to
one of the following
questions. 1. Is it the
number of people
expected to populate the
planet by the year 2100?
2. Is it the number of
carbon atoms in this
period . ? 3. Is it the
number of cells in the
average human brain? 4.
Is it the average number
of times a competent
politician can evade a
simple question? 5. Oh,
let’s go crazy – is it the
number of atoms in the
whole universe?
0,0 00,000,000 – now
continue this line of 0’s
for another 9.8 miles.
That is 2x101,000,000.
Roughly. Give or take a
googol or two. This is not
Einstein. It is you. This is
your potential. It is, to all
reasonable extent,
Chapter Four
Decisions, decisions . .
today because of a Mr.
Derek Collinson. In 1969
the corporation Derek
worked for decided to
relocate 200 miles away.
He was offered either a
severance package or
help with relocation. He
decided to leave the
business and stay in his
home town. As a result of
that decision his 10-year-
old daughter stayed and
bumped into me seven
years later. As a result, I
decided to marry the
young lady and decided
to stop being a bum and
carve a life out for us. As
a result, I became
successful and decided
to write this book, which
you, gracious and
intellectual reader, have
decided to read. Life is
full of decisions, and that
is why a decision made
by my fatherin- law
changed not only his life,
but everyone else’s life
connected to that
process in the least way.
This includes you. This
isn’t weird of course.
An even briefer
history of time
Newton discovered
gravity and figured out
some equations that
allow us to predict what
happens when we throw
a stone, or an artillery
shell, or a space shuttle
into the sky. They show
us why our feet stay on
the ground, how Apollo
13 got back home, and
why planes fly, and
everything was all
hunkydory until Albert
Einstein came along. Big
Al said Newton’s laws
work just fine on
medium-sized stuff like
humans or planets, but
when it gets very big –
star-sized, for example –
then the speed of light
messes things up big
time. And he devised
new rules like his
General Theory of
Relativity, which is all
very interesting and has
absolutely nothing to do
with goal-setting.
Einstein set a ball rolling
because he poked the
sacred cow of physics
and proved that
Newton’s immoveable
laws were just “good
approximations” and
when things got very
small – atom-sized – then
Newton’s stuff didn’t
work at all. So lots of
very clever people came
up with quantum theory
and a whole new set of
rules. Weird and strange
rules. So strange in fact,
that if you understand
them – you just haven’t
been listening properly.
And here’s a strange
thing. To date every
prediction based on
these rules has worked
out 100%. Indeed, they
are currently the most
accurate laws ever
discovered. No prediction
has ever failed, not one.
And these rules are
based on a worldview
that is not the view most
people hold. It’s based
on a worldview in which
there is no certainty,
only probability: a world
which changes
continuously according
to decisions that are
made and not made. Like
Derek. Or like you and
me when we decide
where we’re going to
park the damn car.
Putting Schrödinger’s
Cat amongst the
“Computers aren’t
scary. It’s
programmers who are
“I may decide to do
today what I should
decide to do tomorrow
and I may decide to do
tomorrow what I
should decide to do
today . . .” – Old
Skipping Rhyme
conscious process. Unlike
most animals, humans
have the ability to
consider the future in
detail. We can make
decisions that affect us
now, such as which
toothpaste to buy, and
we can make decisions
that are placed on hold
for the future, like where
to go for next year’s
vacation. Both these
kinds of decision leave
no room for doubt, no
room for disbelief. The
decision to buy Brand X
toothpaste is done and
dusted the moment it’s
in the shopping cart. The
decision to go to
Disneyland next year is
made, and the rest is just
detail. With the first
instantly completed
decision (for the
toothpaste does not
require the intervention
of any subconscious
effort; it was just made,
done and dusted), your
universe changed to one
with Brand X in it. Your
decisionmaking process
was unencumbered by
thoughts over whether
you could or could not
afford the toothpaste.
There was no doubt, nor
consciously recorded
belief. It was obvious,
which you should read as
“belief that is so true
that the very act of
having to believe you
believe is unnecessary.”
The vacation decision
was also not fraught with
questions such as
whether you could afford
it or not. You just decided
that Disneyland was the
place to go next year,
period. This firm and
resolute instruction
passed unknowingly into
your subconscious mind,
and equally unknowingly
your subconscious mind
took this fixed,
unequivocal instruction
and started to create a
universe in which this will
take place.
It is marked by the
complete absence of
When you absolutely
believe something, it
begins to materialize in
the real world according
to the strength of that
belief. Nothing happens,
until you make such a
decision. It’s obvious. If
we get away for a
moment from the multi-
universe vision to the
scientific equivalent of
probability states, it’s
obvious that until you
actually open the box
with Schrödinger’s
moggy in it, nothing
happens. You don’t know
the outcome. The
opening of the box is a
firm decision and that
process slam-dunks a
probability into a
certainty. Making a firm
decision without the
slightest area of doubt, a
decision made with
conviction, is the only
thing necessary to
change a probability into
a certainty. And when
you do this, the cogs and
wheels of the universe
realign to turn your wish
into your truth. Unlike
Neo you don’t need to
train in order to change
the Matrix, you just need
to believe. You just need
to make a decision.
We cannot change
anything else in the
world except our “local”
world, and it has to be in
harmony with the rest –
the big world. World
peace is certainly a
laudable goal, but I
suggest that war is part
of the core program, if
only because so many
more people than you
seem to want to engage
in it. In practice, I have
noticed that the “big
world” issue isn’t an
issue. The real issue is
one of belief, and for
most people, generating
sufficient belief to
change small things, like
car parking spaces, is
hard enough. Jesus said
that with enough belief
you could move
mountains and cast them
into the sea. Moving
mountains is a big-world
issue that carries this
book far beyond where I
want it to go. Arguably
God is the only one who
can alter the core
program. For now, why
not just change your
world to one that
contains those inanimate
things you want but
don’t currently have. And
for the vast majority,
that change will need all
the belief they can
muster, because most
people have absolutely
no idea what they want.
My idea of security is to
metaphorically live near
enough buffalo so that
when I need one to feed
my family, I just go and
hunt one. That single
buffalo may be all I need
to feed and clothe my
family for a year. I can
understand those who
hunt two buffalo, one for
the current year and
another for one year
ahead. But most of the
millionaires I have seen
and often spoken to are
the equivalent of manic
buffalo collectors. They
want/need hundreds of
buffalo. Does this make
them happier? More
secure? I’m not so sure.
These men seem
constantly driven. Why
do they need this
overabundance? Why
can’t they just have
enough? Are they
compensating for
something !? With a
hundred buffalo pelts in
storage, their fears
change to protecting
those pelts from thieves.
So they lie awake at
night worrying. This type
of goal can often produce
more problems than it
solves, and this
desperate pursuit of
riches is very debatable
in terms of human
Wealth is more a state of
mind – a knowing that
money is available to you
on demand, as and when
you want it. It’s not the
need to collect piles of
green paper. “People
assume that happiness
stems from collecting
things outside of
yourself, whereas true
happiness stems from
removing things from
inside of yourself.” - The
Dalai Llama For example,
my notion of financial
security is to have a
small, highly profitable
business (or businesses)
that demands little
attention and will keep
me occupied for a few
hours a week. The rest of
the time it looks after
itself. I could do that until
I am a ripe old age and
not worry about money,
or panic every time the
stock market takes a
tumble. If I become ill, I
have the business
managed, or take out
insurance, or both.
What’s the big deal? As
for upping your lifestyle,
consider why. Is it to
impress someone else? I
like to run my purchases
through a number of
filters before I buy. I ask
myself – would I buy this
if I were the only person
on the planet, and who
am I trying to impress?
Would I buy this if I were
completely on my own? I
own a classic XKE
roadster. Would I have it
if no one saw it? (Damn
right I would. It’s great
An example of a perfect
goal is a car. I know this
is a man thing but I have
certain limitations with
being one. “I own a nice
car” and “I drive a
Ferrari” are not good
goals because they are
not precise enough. “I
own a Range Rover V8i
in dark blue, with cruise
control, ABS brakes, air
conditioning, alloy
wheels, and a five-speed
stick shift” is a perfectly
worded goal. It is so
precise that you could
give this information to
Honest Abe’s Car
Emporium tomorrow and
he’d order it right away.
You can’t buy “a Ferrari.”
Words are important too.
“I drive a Ferrari” is
different from “I own a
Ferrari.” See the
difference? Every goal
you decide for yourself
must be well 45 thought
out and very precise.
There are rules to the
game. Goal-setting is a
process where you give
your conscious mind
precise, absolute, and
firm instructions. These
are passed to your
subconscious, and
provided that there is no
room for doubt, the
subconscious will power
up its 101,000,000-watt
communication center
and suddenly the
quantum universe starts
to realign in your favor.
How fast it does this
depends on the strength
of your belief, the exact
wording of the
instructions, and whether
you are restructuring
your “local” world or
trying to be Buzz
Chapter Six
Quantum Goal-Setting
VITAL. The most
important school subject
should be a combination
of the English language
and “human
communication.” The
reasoning is simple. If
you cannot make
yourself understood,
then you are several
goals down before you
even start the dramdring
frog basket. Nearly
everything you want is
either controlled or
owned by somebody
else. In order to
persuade them to give it
to you, you need to make
yourself understood.
Wars have started
because messages were
misunderstood. (The
1881 Boer War started
when a comma was left
out of a telegram.) In the
military and aviation
they take this so
seriously that
communications are
restricted to fixed
phrases. If you’re going
to communicate
anything, it must be
crystal clear. That’s why
goal-setting has rules.
For over 15 years, in
conjunction with others, I
have been testing goal-
setting systems to see
which work and which
don’t, or which are goal-
setting and which are
glorified project
management. I didn’t
invent these systems; I
merely tested which of
them work, and which
don’t. The following
axioms make all the
difference between
success and failure. They
are the inviolate rules of
success engineering.
1. Goals must be
written down.
2. Goals MUST be
written in the first
person – “I . . .”
So I fully expected a
psychological backlash
when I started to push
people. What I didn’t
expect, oddly, was the
physical backlash. I
expected some to fail
simply because of
psychological resistance
– all those hidden habits
and paradigms that held
them down. These
people simply failed to
go forward, or found
1089 excuses and
reasons for not doing
what I told them to do.
But what I didn’t consider
was the possibility that,
with my trying to push
them through this
barrier, their own minds
(unable to counter my
pushing with
psychological excuses),
would then create real
physical circumstances
that would definitely
prevent me pushing
them beyond their
innermost beliefs. I am
not going to frighten you
away from any of this by
giving you some very
spooky and sad
examples, but I will give
you one story because
it’s a very powerful
example of negative
“universe creation.” We’ll
call him Joe. Joe was
involved in a boot camp
where I was actively
pushing him to create a
certain web-related
business. He was
“certain” he could do it.
He was optimistic and
enthusiastic. He was not
very computer literate
but he knew enough of
the basics. If you start a
small home-based
business you go through
stages. First, there’s the
honeymoon period where
it all looks exactly right,
just what you had always
wanted. Then comes the
reality check – you have
to think, act, and plan.
You suddenly realize it’s
99% YOU. This is not
taught in schools, so
most people start getting
a severe dose of the
gremlins at this point,
which is exactly why
they need the support of
someone who’s done it
before. Most people stop
near or at this point with
excuses: it’s too difficult,
I’ve not enough time,
etcetera. In reality, it is
their in-built belief that
they cannot do this
thing, that they’re not
cut out for it. I thought,
in my arrogance, that if I
stepped in and pushed
such people forward
(without first resetting
their belief structures),
they would get over this
barrier. Those people
who actively and
consistently used these
goal-setting techniques
to change their inner
belief systems did make
further progress.
It has been my
observation that success
tests you first. Your inner
resolve is put to the test
in order to tease out
weaknesses in your
desire. It examines
whether your decision to
be successful was a
decision, as I define it, or
a wish list. In the millions
of rags-to-riches
examples of successful
people, many are
immigrants from
countries having no
welfare support for their
poor. Their desire to
become successful came
simply from the fear that
they must not fail. They
dared not fail. Failure =
starvation, which was
simply not an option.
Without question, the
bulk of self-made,
successful millionaires
come from poor,
backgrounds. In their
cases, the decision to be
successful was indeed a
decision. To fail was to
die. It was this that
pushed them through the
terror barrier.
5. Goals must be
Remember to see
yourself as if the goal
was already yours. Feel
the excitement. See
yourself in the car. See
yourself meeting your
ideal mate. Yes, that
works too. These
techniques set up a
homing beacon, creating
your wants in your life:
changing your life. In the
case of finding partners it
is doubly effective,
because that partner is
also looking for you.
Remember, it’s not the
goal itself that does
anything. IT IS THE
HAPPEN. Don’t just read
out a goal, feel the same
buzz you’d have if it had
come true this morning.
If today’s thoughts
concerning your goal
make you feel anxious or
disturbed or stir hidden
doubts right now, then
think carefully about that
goal. What is happening
is that deep down a part
of you that “knows” is
telling you things are not
what they seem to be.
This goal you have for
yourself may be an
illusion. You MUST take
on board the notion that
there is a force outside of
yourself that wants the
best for you. It wants you
to live a life filled to the
brim with an unlimited
abundance of good
things. It will guide you
away from bad things, or
things you think you
want but won’t actually
make you happy. Be
prepared to change your
goals away from things
you think you want, to
things that make you feel
good. Money or financial
goals can be a trick.
Money isn’t a goal; it’s a
route to a goal, and only
one route at that. Bypass
money and go straight to
what you want that
money for. That’s your
real goal. “Financial
freedom” is the
goalsetting equivalent of
“warm and sunny.” What
do you mean by it? You
will have to think of
these things. A great tip
is to imagine your ideal
life as if it were true
today. So if you want to
work a few days each
week from home and
have plenty of free time
to walk the beach, then
this is a worthy and well
thought out goal. If there
is a particular car or
house you’d like, then
describe it in detail,
exactly as if you were
ordering it.
4. At lunchtime, let
yourself go in the
“power” state of deep
It is setting up some
simple diversions to test
you. It is testing your
resolve. If you win, it will
get the message and
work with you. If you lose
. . . You now have, on
rough paper, at least
three mental goals and
three simple physical
goals. After years of
working with many
people, I can thoroughly
recommend to you your
first three physical goals
AFTER you’ve achieved
the simple preliminary
goals mentioned above:
1. Set a goal for a new
Quantum Goal-setting
1. Confidence
2. Determination
3. Courage
4. Fix the fence
5. Fix the car
6. Talk to your father
7. New Porsche
8. New house
9. World cruise
I am a calm, cheerful
person, unflustered by
the tides of life.
I love myself. I am a
wonderful person and a
great and loyal friend.
I am an excellent
speaker. I speak with
I am always relaxed in all
I have the courage to
face and defeat fear. This
courage gives me
enormous strength each
I always finish each task
to the very end, without
distraction, persevering
always and in all
circumstances. In so
doing I always obtain
I am an honest and
ethical person.
I am a truly successful
person. I am free to
create my own world
from the wonderful law
of abundance shown in
nature. I am nature. I am
abundance. Success is
attracted to me.
I own a brand new, red,
Ford Flashbox GLX 2.8i
with beige leather
upholstery . . . (full
Romance #1.
I am blessed with my
true bride. She is slim,
petite, caring, with dark
hair and brown eyes that
are only for me.
Romance #2.
My man is in my life. He
is tall, dark, and
handsome with blue
eyes; he is a faithful
partner, a soft, gentle
lover, and my best
(Get money in
perspective first.) Money
comes easily and
copiously into my life
from many sources in
many unexpected ways.
I work three days a week
from a small home office,
earning all that I need to
live my life in any way I
I continue to educate
myself on a daily basis,
always alert to new
I abound with good
health. I awake with new
life energy each day. I
see myself as a healthy
I am an attractive,
likeable person, always
making new friends.
Morning goals:
Today is a GREAT day.
Today I feel GOOD. This
day, wonderful things will
happen in my life. DO
FUTURE, not even your
nearest and dearest
UNLESS they are doing it
with you and give you
their 100% support.
Anyone else will drag you
Due to a change of
circumstance the owner
of the large plot was
suddenly interested in an
offer. To cut a long story
short, our man bought
the plot and built the
house, all for less than
$500,000 based on bank
loans. On the day the
house was finished he
was offered $1,500,000
for it in cash. He refused
and for all I know he lives
in his $2 million mansion
to this day – and he still
earns $50,000 a year as
a nightclub manager.
And that is the point of
this story. Anybody else
would have tried to up
their income in some
way, in order to afford
their dream home. He
didn’t. Today he has the
home that a thousand
others like him could
never have afforded. You
don’t always need
money, so let money
take its rightful place in
your life – it is not a goal,
and sometimes it’s not
even needed.
Chapter Seven
I Don’t See
Millionaires Making
Goal Lists
In 1991 Philip R.
Zimmermann launched
the most important, and
disputed, development in
software. He distributed
it as shareware – free
software – for anyone
who wanted it. It was
called PGP, which stands
for Pretty Good Privacy.
PGP was the first
commercial use of an
idea called Public Key
Encryption – basically a
new kind of unbreakable
code. The original
discovery of Public Key
Encryption is now
correctly attributed to
James Ellis, an eccentric
and brilliant physicist,
together with
mathematician Clifford
Cocks, both working for
GCHQ (Government
Headquarters) in the
United Kingdom. This
information was never
released because the
research fell under the
U.K. Official Secrets Act.
Four years later in the
United States, Public Key
Encryption was
rediscovered completely
independently and
equally brilliantly by
Martin Hellman, Ralph
Merkle, and the
delightfully named
Whitfield Diffie. Their
project was to create an
unbreakable computer
code. Phil Zimmerman
didn’t invent this code-
creating technology;
what he did was to
create a practical version
of it that anyone could
use. This he called PGP –
a software program that
encrypts (codes) a
computer file in such a
way that it is almost
impossible to crack the
code except by using
very powerful computers,
for a very long time. The
effect that PGP had on
“locking” computer files
beyond the reach of
others is best described
by Bruce Schneier, in his
book Applied
There are two kinds of
cryptography in this
world: cryptography that
will stop your kid sister
from reading your files,
and cryptography that
will stop major
governments from
reading your files. This
book is about the latter.
PGP was a practical
application of this new
coding or encryption
technology. It brought
theory and higher
mathematics together in
a simple software
package that did all the
encryption automatically
within seconds, allowing
anyone who used it
complete computer and
email privacy. Phil
Zimmermann had to
decide whether to give
this software to the FBI
or sell it (in which case
the FBI would probably
have impounded it) or
simply give copies away
for free, in which case
once even one copy was
free on the Internet, it
was impossible to stop.
“Happiness is not an
accident. Nor is it
something you wish for.
Happiness is something
you design.” - Jim Rohn
Chapter Nine
Me! = mc2
If you decided to
continue to buzz along a
certain street in the
warehouse district of
downtown Los Angeles at
around six in the
morning, you might see a
diminutive Mexican
gentleman going for a
walk. He’s hard to miss
because two of his most
distinguishing features
are a huge smile and the
pack of 20 dogs he has
with him. Quite often
he’s rollerblading, with
several of his pack dogs
pulling him along like a
chariot racer in Ben Hur.
His name is Cesar Millan,
and if you take a closer
look at some of his dogs,
you’ll notice that they
have the look of the
prizefighter about them,
as if he’s taking the
doggy mafia out for play.
You’ll see shredded ears,
missing eyes, 80 and
unnaturally shortened
tails belonging mainly to
dogs most people are
afraid of – pit bulls,
Rottweilers, and German
shepherds, to name but
a few. Most of these dogs
are in rehab. They have
either suffered
intolerable cruelty from
the species that invented
the word civilized, or
were otherwise saved
from certain execution
by owners who thought
they were uncontrollable.
Good Vibrations
Instead of seeing
ourselves as a physical
body, we could equally
well see ourselves as a
whole heap of kilowatt-
hours condensed into
one space. Alternatively,
we can see ourselves as
a zillion googols of
superstrings all vibrating
in some sort of harmony.
When you hear a
symphony orchestra, you
tend not to hear the
sound of individual
instruments but the
sound as a whole – a
harmony. All the notes
made by individual
instruments blend to
form such a harmony.
The vibrations combine
to form a new master
vibration – a complex
waveform – that is the
vibration of the orchestra
at that moment. This
vibration affects you in
more ways than one. The
most obvious effect is for
you to feel the sound
physically, but it also
affects you emotionally.
Music has the unique
power to create mood
and feeling. It can make
you sad, proud, brave,
melancholy, or joyful. It
can lift your spirits and
make you feel like a
different person. One of
the best pieces of advice
I can give you is to use
music to change your
mood. By
reciting/visualizing your
goals and at the same
time associating that
vision with some stirring
music, you can
turbocharge your goal
creation. In the same
way that a theme from a
film stirs me, but may
leave you unmoved or
even bored, we all not
only respond to different
“vibrational inputs” but
can be said to exist at
different vibrational
levels, or levels of
Success Engineering
Success Engineering
The science of success
engineering is simply the
knowledge of how things
work. It is also the simple
acceptance that the
bridges you have built so
far have not worked too
well, and the answer is
not to do the same
things – build the same
bridges – over and over
again. The answer is to
look at where you want
to be, not where you are
now, and simply decide
to get there. If your life-
plan hasn’t worked, then
it’s not you that’s at
fault, it’s the plan.
Change the plan. The
power to completely and
utterly change your
entire life is already
within you. Indeed, you
are where you are today
because of that same
power – you just didn’t
know how to harness it.
It’s not even as if people
make “wrong” decisions.
In most cases people
don’t make decisions at
all. In these
circumstances it’s
surprising that life is as
good as it is. You can
correct a wrong decision,
but how can you correct
a perpetual fence-sitter
who doesn’t even know
why they’re on the
fence? Success
engineering has natural
rules, rules that are
crafted from a mix of
psychology, business
studies, and now,
physics. Understand
these things, and your
life will change:
3. Goal-setting is
absolutely essential. If
you cannot, at any time
in the future, recite your
number one goal
immediately, then you’re
not serious and your life
will reflect it. 4. The
great problem is inner
self-belief. You must
have one goal for self-
belief. Ideally you should
have three goals: for
self-belief, confidence,
and perseverance.
7. A correctly managed
goal may materialize the
object of your goal out of
thin air but is more likely
to produce a workable
plan for its achievement.
Once you have a plan, it
becomes a project
management exercise in
which you can add dates
and targets and break
the whole thing down
into manageable steps.
Either way you must do
something, you must
take action. Your goal
will come towards you at
the same speed you walk
towards it. Usually faster.
Remember that just
imagining your true soul
mate probably won’t
have him/her walk up to
your front door and ask if
you’re in. Get out and
Chapter Eleven
Reality Check
Supernature, Dr. Lyall
Watson tells the story of
one of the first women to
be allowed to enter a
Tibetan monastery as a
trainee. Part of the
rigorous training involved
being woken at three in
the morning in order to
meditate. One of the
many aspects of training
was to create, in your
own mind, an imaginary
friend. Children do this
all the time, but in a
monastery it is much
more serious, involving
many hours of
meditation both inside
and outside your cell
until eventually you have
complete command of all
the fine details.
Some six months later
she was allowed to visit
the local market place
for a few days. On the
final day, one of the
villagers asked her who
had been accompanying
her on previous visits.
She said she’d come
alone. But the villager
said that she had been
accompanied by a monk
he hadn’t seen before
and proceeded to
describe this new monk
in precise detail. It was
her “imaginary” monk-
friend. Several other
villagers confirmed this.
When she explained this
to her teacher at the
monastery, he said that
she had successfully
completed this aspect of
the training and told her
to now remove this new
friend from her mind.
Having an imaginary
friend is fine – until other
people start seeing him
too, it seems.
It always was.
Phil Gosling
Appendix A How to be
in two places at the
same time
A modern experiment at
being in two places at
the same time and
talking to each other
while you’re doing it!
These are real
experiments performed
in real laboratories with
decidedly unreal results.
(Figure taken from a
paper by Deutsch and
Ekert) Here a light source
emits a photon along a
path towards a half-
silvered mirror (beam
splitter). This mirror
splits the light, reflecting
half vertically toward
detector A and
transmitting half toward
detector B. A photon,
however, is a single
quantized packet of light
and cannot be split, so it
is detected with equal
probability at either A or
B. Intuition would say
that the photon
randomly leaves the
mirror in either the
vertical or horizontal
direction. However,
quantum mechanics
predicts that the photon
actually travels both
paths simultaneously!
This is more clearly
demonstrated in figure b.
(Source – Caltech)
(Figure taken from a
paper by Deutsch and
Ekert) In this experiment,
the photon first
encounters a half-
silvered mirror then a
fully silvered mirror, and
finally another half-
silvered mirror before
reaching a detector,
where each half-silvered
mirror introduces the
probability of the photon
traveling down one path
or the other.
This is known as
quantum interference
and results from the
superposition of the
possible photon states,
or potential paths. So
although only a single
photon is emitted, it
appears as though an
identical photon exists
and travels the “path not
taken,” only detectable
by the interference it
causes with the original
photon when their paths
come together again. If,
for example, either of the
paths are blocked with
an absorbing screen,
then detector B begins
registering hits again just
as in the first
experiment! This unique
93 characteristic, among
others, makes the
current research in
quantum computing not
merely a continuation of
today's idea of a
computer, but rather an
entirely new branch of
thought. And it is
because quantum
computers harness these
special characteristics
that they have the
potential to be incredibly
powerful computational
devices. (Source:
Caltech, from an original
paper used by Neil
Gershenfeld in a paper
on quantum computing
published in Scientific
American.) Think of it
this way. You walk out of
your office at 5:00 p.m.
and have the choice of
two corridors, left and
right, but both will take
you to the exit door.
Later on in the bar you
meet Alice, who saw you
walk down the left-hand
corridor at 5:01 p.m.
because her office
happens to be on that
corridor. But Bob says he
saw you walk by his
office, on the right-hand
corridor, at 5:01 p.m.
because Bob’s office is
on that corridor. They
each think the other is
mistaken. You know
they’re not. Cool, isn’t it?
While we’re on the
physics page I’d like to
add a footnote. I’ve not
been concerned that
Niels Bohr, one of the
fathers of modern
physics, and Hugh
Everett, the “inventor” of
the multi-universe
theory, did not see eye
to eye, or that
Schrödinger invented his
cat analogy to have a go
at Niels Bohr. I’ve cross-
referenced several ideas,
but seeing that no one
really knows entirely
what’s going on, let’s call
it “the spirit of
Appendix B The
Dating Game–Final
Appendix C Quantum
Car Parking
The essence of
theory is that nothing is
real – you only have
options or probabilities.
Everything you see is
there simply because the
act of seeing it caused
one of several zillion
options to materialize
into form. Which one of
those options appeared
is decided either at
random, or by what you
expected to see. I’m
currently sitting in my
room tapping away at
the keyboard of a
Toshiba SM30-604. About
one mile away is the
main street of my local
village, a street I cannot
physically see from here.
I know that cars will be
parked on each side of
the street and that
usually the street is
pretty full of cars. I
obviously have no idea
which particular car is in
which particular place.
Here is where quantum
physics devotees and
normal, sane people
differ. If I were normal I
would assume that the
town and street exist in
real time and that at this
moment real cars are
parked in real spaces
even though I cannot see
them. I believe that when
I drive down there I will
see a situation which
really exists and over
which I have no control.
Cars are parked in
various spaces, and my
finding a place to park is
merely a matter of luck
or persistence. It’s a fait
accompli. Quantum
lunatics see it this way:
The cars and street don’t
exist in real time. They
are figments of my
imagination –
possibilities, alternatives.
Furthermore, there are
an infinite number of
car/parking combinations
available. There is one
possibility that a parking
space outside say, the
bank, is occupied by a
Ford, and another that it
may be a Jaguar. All
these possibilities, like
Schrödinger’s pussycat,
are only possibilities until
I set eyes upon the
situation. Like lifting the
lid. So let’s do just that.
Without goal-setting, all
these possibilities are
like picking the winner of
a lottery out of a hat. I go
down to the village, and
the winner I picked was a
Ford in front of the bank.
That’s the one scenario
that was forced into
existence at random the
moment I set eyes on it.
In the same way that
opening the lid to the cat
experiment always
reveals something – a
live or deceased mouser
– one possibility always
leaps into existence the
moment you look at it.
With goal-setting the
situation is different. By
concentrating on one
particular outcome – just
one of the many
probabilities available – I
load the dice in favor of
that outcome.
A scientific philosopher
takes real science and
tries to expand its
meaning beyond the
laboratory. The two ideas
are not the same. But
they can be. Like most
things, it just depends
which way you look at it.
Edwin Schrödinger’s
wave function. The basis
of Quantum Mechanics …
and everything else, it
Appendix D Musings
of Life and Science
My answer is yes. In
1910, Wallace D. Wattles
wrote The Science of
Getting Rich, a seminal
work which has become
one of the cornerstones
of modern success
thinking. In this book he
wrote: “The stuff from
which all things are
made is a substance
which thinks, and a
thought of form in this
substance produces the
form.” Today, if I had to
paraphrase that
sentence I would write:
“The energy from which
everything is made, and
flows through all things
and the spaces in
between, is an intelligent
energy that responds to
thought and observation.
It responds to life, and
life has the capacity to
influence it.” Is that
intelligence God? That,
my friend, is several
steps beyond where
even I am prepared to
“Consciousness is the
ground of all being,
matter, including the
brain… When we
observe matter, we
choose from among
(many) possibilities to
produce the actual
event that we
experience.” - Dr.
Amit Goswami,
Emeritus professor of
physics. University of
“Dare to think.” – Phil
The Dancing Wu Li
Masters – by David
Zukov (
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