Eld Template Final Draft - Revised
Eld Template Final Draft - Revised
Eld Template Final Draft - Revised
Lesson Title
Whimsical Amelia Ellicott’s Garden
7. Key Vocabulary (List and define four nouns and four verbs):
1. Garden- a piece of ground, often near a house, used for growing flowers, fruit, or
2. Horror- an intense feeling of fear, shock, or disgust.
3. Supper- an evening meal, typically a light or informal one.
EDEL 442 Teaching and Learning Language Arts—Lesson Template #1: ELD Vocabulary & Concepts
Developing Meaning
9. Activities to Teach Nouns (use realia and visuals):
In order to teach nouns, I will bring in visuals of the vocabulary from our story. First, I
will show them the picture of the vocabulary word. I will have them describe the picture
to me to build more diction and using context clues to help them figure out what the
picture is. The written word of the noun will be written on the back of the picture.
Students will have to find the written word on the chart paper and match the picture to the
word. We will do this for all four nouns, with each noun having 3 or 4 pictures each. I
will then tape the pictures to the chart paper completing a graph of which pictures
correlate with their proper written vocab term. Finally, I will then have them create their
own definition from seeing the pictures and using their own describing words.
Developing Fluency
12. Outcome Criteria (What will your students do to demonstrate their proficiency
with the Academic Learning Goal?):
Students will have to show understanding of the newly learned vocabulary words by
verbally sharing what they think the definition is for both the nouns and verbs that is from
our story Amelia Ellicott’s Garden.
13. Assessment Tool (How will you determine the extent to which your students met
the Academic Learning Goal?):
To determine the knowledge and understanding of the new vocabulary words I will orally
review content by going over with the students what each vocabulary word means to. I
will then give them a matching worksheet with a picture of each vocab word and they
EDEL 442 Teaching and Learning Language Arts—Lesson Template #1: ELD Vocabulary & Concepts
have to match it with the word and its definition. This will show me that they are using
visual clues and are matching the picture with the acceptable term that it relates to at their
1st/ 2nd grade level. They will verbally say the vocabulary word when they are matching.
14. English Learner (Specify how you adapted the lesson):
For my English Language Learner, I used an immense amounts of visual images and
clues to help them identify what each word means. I also gave them additional time to
comprehend what I was asking and give time to process the new information. Repetitive
speech was also utilized when completing our picture walk and going over vocabulary.
However, reflecting back on my lesson I feel like I should have chosen words that were
not as complex and more simplistic. I think my students were intimidated by the large
words that were unfamiliar to them. This student did relate words that were learned and
said to prior knowledge, words they heard from TV, movie or by other people.