Eld Template Final Draft - Revised

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EDEL 442 Teaching and Learning Language Arts—Lesson Template #1: ELD Vocabulary & Concepts

Your name: Brittany Ferrier

Date: September 29, 2018

Lesson Title
Whimsical Amelia Ellicott’s Garden


1. Grade Level: 1/2nd Grade Combo

2. Target Language Level: Emerging

3. Academic Learning Goals (Objectives):

Students will use new vocabulary from the book Amelia Ellicott’s Garden orally.

4. English Language Development Content Standard(s):

Part I: Interacting in Meaningful Ways
A. Collaborative
1. Exchanging information and ideas via oral communication and conversations
B. Interpretive
5. Listen actively and asking or answering questions about what was heard

5. RICA Content Specification:

Domain 4: Vocabulary, Academic Language, and Background Knowledge
Competency 10: Understand the role of vocabulary, academic language, and
background knowledge in reading development and factors that affect students’
development of vocabulary, academic language, and background knowledge.

6. Materials and Resources:

 Amelia Ellicott’s Garden book
 Crayons
 Journals
 Pencils
 Markers
 Chart Paper
 Index Flash Cards
 Tape
 Assessment worksheet: Matching
 Whiteboard/ Whiteboard Dry Erase Marker

7. Key Vocabulary (List and define four nouns and four verbs):
1. Garden- a piece of ground, often near a house, used for growing flowers, fruit, or
2. Horror- an intense feeling of fear, shock, or disgust.
3. Supper- an evening meal, typically a light or informal one.
EDEL 442 Teaching and Learning Language Arts—Lesson Template #1: ELD Vocabulary & Concepts

4. Tornado- a mobile, destructive vortex of violently rotating winds having the

appearance of a funnel-shaped cloud and advancing beneath a large storm system.
1. Prune- trim (a tree, shrub, or bush) by cutting away dead or overgrown branches
or stems, especially to increase fruitfulness and growth.
2. Poke- jab or prod (someone or something), especially with one's finger.
3. Imagine- believe (something unreal or untrue) to exist or be so, suppose or
4. Hatch (of an egg) open and produce a young animal.

8. Tapping Background Knowledge: PART A

In order to tap students’ prior knowledge and schema I showed students the cover of
Amelia Ellicott’s Garden. I asked specific questions such as:
1. Have you ever read this story before?
2. What do you think will happen in this story?
3. By looking at the cover, where do you think this story takes place?
4. What are some of the animals or people you see on the cover of the story? Do you
think they are in the story?
5. How do you think this lady on the cover feels?

Developing Meaning
9. Activities to Teach Nouns (use realia and visuals):
In order to teach nouns, I will bring in visuals of the vocabulary from our story. First, I
will show them the picture of the vocabulary word. I will have them describe the picture
to me to build more diction and using context clues to help them figure out what the
picture is. The written word of the noun will be written on the back of the picture.
Students will have to find the written word on the chart paper and match the picture to the
word. We will do this for all four nouns, with each noun having 3 or 4 pictures each. I
will then tape the pictures to the chart paper completing a graph of which pictures
correlate with their proper written vocab term. Finally, I will then have them create their
own definition from seeing the pictures and using their own describing words.

Noun Descriptive Words Definition

Garden Flowers, pretty, fruit, Garden has plants and
vegetables, plants flowers

Horror Scary, monsters, sad lonely Horror is one someone is

lonely and scared

Supper Food, dinner, family, Supper is eating dinner

hungry, yummy, delicious together
Tornado Stormy, dark, cloudy A tornado is a storm. I saw
this on Grandpas TV.
EDEL 442 Teaching and Learning Language Arts—Lesson Template #1: ELD Vocabulary & Concepts

10. Activities to Teach Verbs (use Total Physical Response):

To teach verbs, students will listen to the word being spoken, listen to the definition of the
word and a sentence of the word to further relate to the word while also seeing a visual
written form of the vocabulary word. I will then use actions that I have created using our
hands and/or body parts to remember the new learned vocabulary terms. Each action I
teach, for each vocabulary word, the students will reciprocate that action to me after they
have seen me do it. This will be repeated 3 or 4 times per vocab word for repetition.
Finally, they will have to think about a time when they have done one of the verbs
themselves or seen someone else act out the new learned vocabulary word and share with
their peers.

Verb Prior Knowledge Action

Prune “My hands get pruney after We used our two fingers as
being in the pool” pretend scissors and did a
cutting motion.
Poke “I poke my sister one time We used one finger and
to get her attention” poked our arm or the table.
Imagine We put both hands on
“I imagine I am a princess, either side of our head with
a flying dinosaur” all five fingers open wide
and did a surprise face
looking like we had a great
Hatch We fold our hands together
“On TV I saw an egg hatch and when I say hatch,
before” students open their hands
so I can see their palm.

Developing Fluency

11. Activity to Practice Using Nouns and Verbs:

The activity students will participate in to build and develop fluency is by playing the
“Who am I? What am I game?”

12. Outcome Criteria (What will your students do to demonstrate their proficiency
with the Academic Learning Goal?):
Students will have to show understanding of the newly learned vocabulary words by
verbally sharing what they think the definition is for both the nouns and verbs that is from
our story Amelia Ellicott’s Garden.

13. Assessment Tool (How will you determine the extent to which your students met
the Academic Learning Goal?):
To determine the knowledge and understanding of the new vocabulary words I will orally
review content by going over with the students what each vocabulary word means to. I
will then give them a matching worksheet with a picture of each vocab word and they
EDEL 442 Teaching and Learning Language Arts—Lesson Template #1: ELD Vocabulary & Concepts

have to match it with the word and its definition. This will show me that they are using
visual clues and are matching the picture with the acceptable term that it relates to at their
1st/ 2nd grade level. They will verbally say the vocabulary word when they are matching.

14. English Learner (Specify how you adapted the lesson):
For my English Language Learner, I used an immense amounts of visual images and
clues to help them identify what each word means. I also gave them additional time to
comprehend what I was asking and give time to process the new information. Repetitive
speech was also utilized when completing our picture walk and going over vocabulary.
However, reflecting back on my lesson I feel like I should have chosen words that were
not as complex and more simplistic. I think my students were intimidated by the large
words that were unfamiliar to them. This student did relate words that were learned and
said to prior knowledge, words they heard from TV, movie or by other people.

15. Challenge Student (Specify how you addressed a specific challenge):

For my challenge student I used a method to help them grasp understanding of the
vocabulary words using a visual conceptual method in order for them to learn the entire
vocabulary word. This helped my student retain and recognize the word using visual
clues. I wrote the word on the whiteboard using different color dry erase markers with a
picture or visual clue next to it. Total Physical Response techniques were utilized in
addition with the method when learning the verbs which aided students understanding of
the newly learned vocab word.

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