Ali 2016

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Egyptian Journal of Anaesthesia (2016) xxx, xxx–xxx

Egyptian Society of Anesthesiologists

Egyptian Journal of Anaesthesia

Case report

King vision video laryngoscope: A suitable device

for severe ankylosing spondylitis
Qazi Ehsan Ali *, Syed Hussain Amir, Obaid Ahmed Siddiqui, Krochi Pal

Dept of Anesthesiology, Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, A.M.U., Aligarh, U.P., India

Received 13 January 2016; accepted 12 August 2016

KEYWORDS Abstract Ankylosing spondylitis is a chronic, autoimmune disease affecting the spine.
King vision; Involvement of the cervical spine, atlanto occipital, temporomandibular and cricoarytenoid joints
Airway; leads to difficulty in airway management and securing airway by conventional laryngoscopy. We
Ankylosing spondylitis report a case of severe ankylosing spondylitis with severe restriction in neck movements and limited
mouth opening. Conventional laryngoscopy and endotracheal intubation was impossible in this
patient as there was no movement at the atlanto-occipital join. So, we decided to use King VisionTM
video laryngoscope for intubation which proved to be of great use.
Ó 2016 Publishing services by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Egyptian Society of Anesthesiologists. This is an
open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

1. Introduction olaryngoscopes are one such advancement. The King VisionTM

video laryngoscope is the latest device available in this cate-
Ankylosing spondylitis is a chronic, autoimmune disease gory and provides a perfect view using video and digital tech-
affecting the spine and sacroiliac joints. The disease affects nology. The device is inexpensive and portable. It has a two
males more commonly and has a strong association with the piece design. The reusable monitor is attached to a disposable
gene HLA B27 [1]. Involvement of the cervical spine, atlanto blade with a specially incorporated channel for the endotra-
occipital, temporomandibular and cricoarytenoid joints leads cheal tube.
to difficulty in airway management and securing airway by We report a case of severe ankylosing spondylitis with
conventional laryngoscopy may not be the most prudent restriction in neck movements and limited mouth opening in
approach in these patients. which endotracheal intubation was done by King VisionTM
The options for airway management are limited and depend video laryngoscope (King Systems, Noblesville, IN, USA).
on the patient, the clinical setting and the skills of the anaes-
thesiologist. Over the years numerous airway gadgets have 2. Case scenario
been added to the difficult airway armamentarium which has
simplified the approach to secure airway in such patients. Vide- A 40-year-old male patient weighing 50 kgs, American society
of Anaesthesiologists classification I was posted for laparo-
* Corresponding author at: Dept of Anesthesiology, A.M.U., Aligarh, scopic cholecystectomy. He had a history of ankylosing
U.P., India. Mobile: +91 7417701769. spondylitis for the last 15 years.
E-mail address: [email protected] (Q.E. Ali). Airway assessment revealed a restricted mouth opening
Peer review under responsibility of Egyptian Society of Anesthesiol- with Mallampati grade IV view and an interincisor gap of
ogists. 2.7 cm. Neck mobility was restricted, and the thyromental
1110-1849 Ó 2016 Publishing services by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Egyptian Society of Anesthesiologists.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Please cite this article in press as: Ali QE et al. King vision video laryngoscope: A suitable device for severe ankylosing spondylitis, Egypt J Anaesth (2016), http://dx.
2 Q.E. Ali et al.

distance was 5.8 cm. X-ray of cervical spine showed fusion of tissue. The involvement of the cervical spine occurs late in the
the posterior elements at all levels. After obtaining written disease process and leads to restriction of neck movements and
informed consent from the patient, assessment of difficult intu- head rotation. The problem of difficult airway is compounded
bation was made and the patient was planned for general by involvement of atlanto occipital joint, temporomandibular
anaesthesia. On the day of the surgery, the patient was joint and cricoarytenoid joints [2]. Problems encountered are
premedicated with intravenous (i.v.) midazolam 2 mg and difficulty in lying supine, difficulty in achieving an optimal
intramuscular (i.m.) glycopyrrolate 0.2 mg. He was instructed sniffing position, limited mouth opening and distortion of
to lie down in a supine position with the head supported by pil- the airway. The options for airway management are limited
lows, and all standard monitoring procedures were applied. A and range from awake fibreoptic to surgical airway.
difficult airway cart was kept ready. Anaesthesia was induced Awake fibreoptic intubation has been considered the gold
with i.v. fentanyl 1 mg/kg and i.v. propofol 2 mg/kg. After standard in difficult airway situation but many patients are
confirming adequate bag mask ventilation, neuromuscular apprehensive and refuse to remain awake during the procedure
relaxation was achieved with 1.5 mg/kg succinylcholine given [3]. The technique is time consuming and requires expertise.
intravenously. The table was adjusted to the head down posi- Some reports have described the use of conventional laryn-
tion with flexion of both knees. Then we detached the video goscopy for intubation in AS patients, though with great diffi-
monitor of King VisionTM video laryngoscope and introduced culty [4,5]. The laryngeal mask airway has also been used
the channelled blade of the device from left side of angle of successfully in AS patients after inhalational anaesthesia
mouth of patient with help of jaw thrust by an assistant and induction [6]. However the utility and effectiveness of supra-
passed the blade over the centre of the tongue. The video mon- glottic devices in patients of limited neck extension are not
itor was then attached with the blade of laryngoscope. The guaranteed [7]. We have successfully used AirtraqÒ optical
device was advanced further down to reach the vallecula and laryngoscope in two patients of AS who presented with limited
then passed beyond the epiglottis. The tip was positioned just neck extension restricted mouth opening [8]. Videolaryngo-
beyond the epiglottis and an upward force was applied to get a scopes are a new class of airway devices recently introduced
proper view of glottic opening. The bougie was then advanced and are amongst the most innovative advancement in current
down the channel while maintaining the upward lifting force day practice. These devices offer many advantages such as
that kept exposing the vocal cord, and the bougie could be impaired laryngeal visualization, less cervical spine movement,
observed passing through the vocal cords (Fig. 1). shorter learning curve, improved portability and cost [9].
An endotracheal tube sized 8.0 mm was then loaded over Videolaryngoscopes are now being increasingly used in
the bougie and advanced over it. The ETT cuff could be managing a difficult airway. Tahan et al. described the com-
observed passing through the vocal cords. Once the cuff had bined use of King VisionTM videolaryngoscopy and fibrescopy
passed the vocal cords, the bougie was pulled out, circuit in patients with critical tracheal stenosis [10]. Park et al.
was connected and position was confirmed with capnography described the use of GlidescopeTM in patients of severe men-
and auscultation. The King vision was then removed while tosternal contracture [11]. Suzuki et al. also reported the use
holding the ETT in place. Anaesthesia was maintained subse- of Pentax AWSTM in morbidly obese patients after failed fibre-
quently with nitrous oxide – oxygen, isoflurane and incremen- optic intubation [12]. Gazynska et al. reported two cases in
tal doses of injection vecuronium bromide. which King VisionTM videolaryngoscope was used for awake
intubation in patients with pharyngeal and laryngeal tumours
3. Discussion [13].
However these devices have been either infrequently used or
Ankylosing spondylitis is a chronic progressive spondy- their use is not reported in patients with AS. Lai et al. reported
loarthropathy involving articulation of the spine and adjacent the use of Glidescope for visualizing the laryngoscope and
facilitating nasotracheal intubation in patients with AS. Glide-
scope improved visualization of larynx in 11 patients and intu-
bation was successful in eight patients [14]. We used King
VisionTM laryngoscope successfully on our patient. To the best
of our knowledge this device has not been used in patients with
ankylosing spondylitis. The device has many advantages in
such patients. A 18 mm mouth opening is sufficient enough
to introduce the blade in the oral cavity. Non-alignment of
the three axes i.e. oral, pharyngeal and laryngeal as a result
of restricted neck movements is of little concern as the device
does not require optimal sniffing position for laryngoscopy
and the device is portable enough to be used in emergency sit-
uations. In conclusion the King VisionTM videolaryngoscope
can be a good option for intubation in patients of ankylosing
spondylitis who present with limited mouth opening and
restricted neck movements.

Conflict of interest

We have no conflict of interest to declare.

Figure 1 King vision in ankylosing spondylitis.

Please cite this article in press as: Ali QE et al. King vision video laryngoscope: A suitable device for severe ankylosing spondylitis, Egypt J Anaesth (2016), http://dx.
King Vision video laryngoscope in ankylosing spondylitis 3

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Please cite this article in press as: Ali QE et al. King vision video laryngoscope: A suitable device for severe ankylosing spondylitis, Egypt J Anaesth (2016), http://dx.

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