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ISBN : 978-81-923628-1-6 National Conference on Biodiversity : Status and Challenges in Conservation - ‘FAVEO’ 2013
A questionnaire survey method was used to document the It was observed that out of all the participants who
attitudes of the public towards Maharashtra Nature Park. were aware about Maharashtra Nature Park (MNP), 84.1%
Its popularity in Mumbai, history and large scale socio- knew the location. On being asked, if the location of MNP is
environmental awareness oriented activities, is the reason ideal; 80.4% agree. However, only 64% have actually
behind choosing Mahim Nature Park as the study area. visited the park. This brings to light the fact that there should
be more centers like MNP around Mumbai, that are accessible
Methodology to all people, so as to help increase the public’s interest
The idea of a nature park was conceived by the World about the environment.
Wide Fund for Nature- India (WWF-India) in the late 1970s,
an area of about 37 acres in the “H” Block of Bandra-Kurla When asked the purpose of them visiting MNP, the
Complex, which was earlier a garbage dump or land fill, was answers of 57% of the participants was related to academics.
decided to be ecologically restored and developed as a Since a large percentage of participants answering the
Nature Park by MMRDA. Over a period of time, tons of questionnaire were students that were taken for study visits.
harmful garbage was scraped into, soil spread over, by (FIG 1)
enthusiastic student volunteers and a team of workers. Over
the next three years several thousand saplings were planted,
including five more by Dr Salim Ali in 1987. On Earth Day,
22 nd April 1994, Mahim Nature Park (now known as
Maharashtra Nature Park) was declared open to people.
Today experts from around the world visit the MNP to study
the flora that grows on a dumping ground used for decades
by the Municipal Corporation of Mumbai. MNP plays host
to about 100 species of butterflies and more than 80 species
of birds. Also, as many as 350 tree species have been listed,
many naturally planted by birds and insects. FIG:1Purpose of visiting MNP (Values in %)
The study was carried out using survey questionnaire 89.3% the survey takers, aware about MNP, feel that
method. The analysis of the data was carried out using both MNP has some kind of importance in society (FIG 2),
qualitative and quantitative analysis methods. For this study, environment or education; whereas 7.9% disagree. Since
a random sample of 40 participants of the age group of 25 these 7.9% people are aware about MNP and its location,
years and above was taken (referred to as ‘adult’ group). we can say that the purpose of MNP has not been fulfilled
Moreover, 40 students each from 3 different colleges were and its potential has been overlooked. Majority of the survey
asked to fill in the questionnaire. The three colleges selected takers who have given this answer are students.
viz., The Institute of Science, Ramnarain Ruia College and
Mithibai College are situated at different areas in the city.
The questionnaire was designed keeping in mind that it was
to be filled by the general public. Thus, the language used
was simple and not scientific and the questions were very
basic. Furthermore, only a few explanatory questions were
added so that the person answering it would not lose interest
or spend too much time filling the questionnaire. The
questions asked were based on the respondent’s awareness
about the park, visits, its location, importance, experiences
during visits and so on. The data received was analyzed
using MS Excel 2007.
Observations FIG:2 Importance of MNP (Values in %)
Out of the 160 questionnaires handed over, 151 filled
questionnaires were received. Thus only the 151 When asked in what way they feel MNP is important
questionnaires were considered during analysis. (FIG 3), 48.9% of the survey takers, who answered
According to the data, 83.4% of the participants positively in the previous question, felt that MNP is
interviewed are aware about MNP and 16.6% are not. The important for plant and animals- with relation to studies and
answers of the 83.4% of the survey takers were taken into conservation. From all three colleges, students mostly feel
account during further analysis. MNP is important as it harbors plants and animals in a
concrete jungle like Mumbai. The one dimensional focus of
ISBN : 978-81-923628-1-6 National Conference on Biodiversity : Status and Challenges in Conservation - ‘FAVEO’ 2013
On the basis of the answers received, they were students are not instinctive about their thoughts about the
segregated into 4 major response heads. In the overall data, environment. This is clearly seen in the answers obtained in
the answers were pretty much equally distributed under all the survey. As the survey progressed, the answers of most
four heads. participants became more environmentally inclined and
19.3% found themselves to be more interested in
nature after visiting MNP. 19.3% found themselves to be In the beginning of the questionnaire, a lot of answers
more aware about issues related to the environment. 16.7% were related to biodiversity, but later in the questionnaire
realized the importance of the environment and were more the answers seemed to have changed. This clearly supports
sensitive towards it. 22.9% felt a change in habit or some the fact that we need to reform the way environment
other personal change. (FIG 7) education is being taught in educational institutes, not only
in the city but also in the country and Nature Parks like
Results MNP can help enhance this experience. This is clearly seen
Maharashtra Nature Park is well known amongst in the results of a certain question that inquires the
students and people of the higher age group, however the respondent about the change or growth they felt after visiting
essence of setting up an establishment of this sort, is being the park. Not only is MNP important to a city like Mumbai,
overlooked. but it also plays an important role in creating environmental
awareness. We all may be educated with respect to the
For students, the purpose of visiting MNP is academic,
environment, but only a few of us are environmentally
where they study only one or two aspects of the
conscious. Environmental awareness is important to sensitize
environment- plants and animals. Thus their awareness
oneself to nature and to respect all forms of life around us,
about the environment is restricted to these factors only.
as all aspects of the environment are important for is optimal
More importance is being given to the ‘floral-faunal
functioning. And what better example of optimal functioning
conservation’ aspect of the environment. Biodiversity
may there be other than Maharashtra Nature Park what was
studies are only a tip of the iceberg that we call the
once a landfill site, is now a heaven for plant and animal life
environment; there are many more aspects that should be
in Mumbai, the commercial capital of India.
given equal importance especially where education is
concerned. The percentage of participants, who find MNP Mumbai needs more centers like MNP. A few
to have no importance or no role in environmental education, suggestions while setting up such centers would be to keep
highlights the fact that MNP is not being used to its potential. in mind that MNP is much more than just a garden. It is a
Even though 7.9% is a small number, its value amplifies in result of natural selection over a period of many years. The
terms of environmental awareness. This indicates a lack of trees planted should be those which can survive harsh
or limited orientation to the park visitors during visits conditions and help rejuvenate the land. Most trees in MNP
emphasizing on the inadequate teaching methodology as exist as a result of natural propagation by insects, birds and
discussed earlier. A noteworthy percentage of survey mammals. The main idea of setting up a similar center should
participants feel that there should be more centers like MNP not be beautification, but to create a natural habitat within
in Mumbai. This is supported by the fact that a considerable the city.
number of people who took the survey experienced a change
in them after visiting MNP. During an interview, Mr. Kubal Parks like MNP have the potential of changing the
stated that MNP has the potential of changing people’s way people think. And changing people’s thought process
outlook not only towards the environment, but to life as towards a better and secure future is what education and
well. awareness are about.
Conclusion References
The questionnaire was so designed so that the 1. Armstrong H.G., (2005). Environmental education in
environmental awareness, the attitude of the participants Tobago’s primary schools: a case study of coral reef
towards environment and the role of MNP in creating this education. Rev. Biol. Trop. (Int. J. Trop. Biol. ISSN-
awareness could be assessed. 0034-7744) Vol. 53 (Suppl. 1): 229-238, May 2005
The answers that received from the questionnaire raise
a concern about environmental education in colleges today. 2. Barrett S., (2005) Understanding the Importance of
Answering environmental related questions was a chore Environmental Education: An Examination of I Love A
for most students- which is why many students may left the Clean San Diego, a Local Environmental Nonprofit
explanatory questions blank. Even though environmental ESYS 190B Senior Project June 2, 2005
science is taught in most schools and colleges across India, 3. Erdoðan M., Özsoy A., (2007). Graduate Students’
ISBN : 978-81-923628-1-6 National Conference on Biodiversity : Status and Challenges in Conservation - ‘FAVEO’ 2013
ISBN : 978-81-923628-1-6 National Conference on Biodiversity : Status and Challenges in Conservation - ‘FAVEO’ 2013