School of Computational Science: MCA (Campus) New Syllabus W.E.F. (2014-15)
School of Computational Science: MCA (Campus) New Syllabus W.E.F. (2014-15)
School of Computational Science: MCA (Campus) New Syllabus W.E.F. (2014-15)
Semester I
Code No. Title of the Paper Internal External Total
Credits Credits Credits
Semester II
Code No. Title of the Paper Internal External Total
Credits Credits Credit
School of Computational Science MCA CGPA Syllabus
Semester IV
Code No. Title of the Paper Internal External Total
Credits Credits Credits
Total Credits 13 12 25
School of Computational Science MCA CGPA Syllabus
Semester VI
Code No. Title of the Paper Internal External Total
Credits Credits Credits
School of Computational Science MCA CGPA Syllabus
I 13 12 25
II 13 12 25
III 13 12 25
IV 13 12 25
V 13 12 25
VI 13 12 25
School of Computational Science MCA CGPA Syllabus
Unit 1. Introduction
Computer Definition, Uses, Characteristics, Generation Of Computer, Block Diagram Of
Computer, Input Devices: Keyboard, Point and Draw devices, Data Scanning devices, Digitizer,
Electronic card reader, Voice Recognition device, Vision input device,
Output Devices: Monitor, Printer, Plotter, Screen Image Projector, Voice Response System
Unit 3. Software
System Software / Application Software Compilers, Interpreters, assemblers Linker, Loader
Programming Language Paradigm - High Level, Low level
Files - Types & operations, File Organization & accessing techniques – Indexed, sequential,
hashed. File Handling functions – sorting, merging, Indexing & updating. Concept of file alloc
Unit 6. Microprocessor
Components of Microprocessor, Interfaces & their Tasks, Microprocessor Control Signals
(Address, Data and controls), Buses and characteristics , Input/Output Ports, Memories and
cache basics, CPU Organization (Pentium Family), Instruction & Execution Cycle
Suggested Readings:
1. Computer Fundamentals: By P.K. Sinha.
2. Operating System Concepts: By Peterson
3. Operating System: By Donovan
4. Computer Networking: By Tenaunbaum
5. Personal Computer Interfaces: By Michel Hordeski - McGrow Hill
School of Computational Science MCA CGPA Syllabus
Suggested Readings:
1. M. Morrris Mano, "Digital Logic and Computer Design", PHI.
2. M. Morrris Mano, "Computer system architecture" Third Edition, PHI/ Pearson Education.
3. Albert Paul Malvino, Donald P. Leach, "Digital Principles and Applications", Tata Mc
GrawHill Pub. Company Ltd.
4. J.P.Hayes, "Computer Architecture and Organization" Tata Mc Graw Hill Pub. CompanyLt
School of Computational Science MCA CGPA Syllabus
Unit 3. . Functions
Basic types of function, Declaration and definition, Function call, Types of function, Parameter
passing: Call by value & Call by reference, Scope of variables, Storage classes, Recursion
Arrays: One dimensional array :. Definition, declaration and initialization, . Accessing array
elements, Displaying array elements, Sorting arrays, Arrays and function, . Memory
representation of array, Two Dimensional array & Multidimensional array
Unit 5. Structures,
Definition and declaration, Variables initialization, Accessing fields and structure operations
Nested structures, Union : Definition and declaration. Differentiate between Union and
Suggested Readings:
1. C - The complete Reference Herbert Schildt TMH
2. The C Programming Language Kerningham and Ritchie
3. Understanding Pointers in C - Y.Kanetkar
School of Computational Science MCA CGPA Syllabus
Unit 3. Organizing
Concept, Definition, Process of organization, Principles of organization, Authority,
Responsibility and Delegation, Forms of organization. Centralization and Decentralization
Unit 5. Staffing
Human Resource Planning, Recruitment, Selection, Training, Training and development,
Performance appraisal methods
Suggested Readings:
1. Essentials Of Management: Harold Koontz ,Heinz Weihrich, Tata Mcgraw Hill.
2. Principles And Practice Of Management: Dr.S.C.Saxena, Sahitya Bhavan Publications.
3. Principles Of Management: R.N.Gupta, S.Chand & Company
School of Computational Science MCA CGPA Syllabus
Suggested Readings:
1. Text Book of Discrete mathematics. By swapan Kumar sarkar (S Chand and company)
2. Fuzzy sets uncertainty and Information By George J. Klir, Tina A. Folger.(Prentice Hall of
3. Logic for C.S. By Gallier.
4. Discrete maths by Stant.
5. Discrete maths by Tremblay and Manohar.
6. Discrete mathematical structures for computer science By Kolman B and Busby R.
7. Concept of discrete mathematics By Sahni‟s.
8. Discrete mathematical structure with Application By Tremblay J.P.
9. Practical foundation of mathematics by Taylor.
School of Computational Science MCA CGPA Syllabus
Unit 1. System
Definition, Characteristics, elements and types of system. System Development Life Cycle, Role
of system analyst, Initial investigation, Feasibility study-Technical, economic and behavioral
feasibility, Cost and Benefit analysis.
Suggested Readings:
1. Awad, EM: System Analysis and Design, Galgotia Publications Pvt. Ltd
2. Gane and Sarson: Structured System Analysis and Design.
3. Silver, GA, Silver, ML: System Analysis and Design, Addison-Wesley Publishing Co
School of Computational Science MCA CGPA Syllabus
Suggested Readings:
1. How to solve it by Computers, R.G. Dromey , 8th Edition , Pearson Education
2. Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms, Ellis Horowitz, Satraj Sahani, S.
3. Rajasekaran , 2nd Edition , Universities Press Inc
4. Data Structures, Lipschutz , Tata McGraw Hills
5. Introduction to Algorithms, Corman , Leiserson and others, 2nd edition , PHI
School of Computational Science MCA CGPA Syllabus
Unit 4. Correspondences
Business Letters: Enquiry, Placing Supply Order, Complaint,Adjustment, Circular, Memo,
Curriculum Vitae and Effective Profiling, British and American Format of Letters
Suggested Readings:
1) English for Practical Purposes,Z. N. Patil, B. S. Valke, Ashok Thorat, Zeenat Merchant
2) Business Communication, Urmila Rai and S.M. Rai
3) Personality Development and Communicative English, Dr. S.R. Pandya and Dr. Pratima
Dave Shastri
4) Better English Pronunciation, J D O‟Connor,
5) Oxford Guide to Effective Writing and Speaking, John Seely
6) 7 Habits of Highly effective People, Stephen Covey
7)Think and growth,Napoleon Hill
School of Computational Science MCA CGPA Syllabus
School of Computational Science MCA CGPA Syllabus
Suggested readings:
Textbook: Graph theory with applications to Engineering and Computer Science, Narsingh Deo, PHI
Reference Books:
1. A first look at Graph theory, John Clark and Derek Allan Holton Allied Publishers Ltd.
School of Computational Science MCA CGPA Syllabus
Suggested Readings:
School of Computational Science MCA CGPA Syllabus
Unit-6 Inheritance
Defining Derived Classes, Single Inheritance, Making a Private Member Inheritable Multilevel
Inheritance, Hierarchical Inheritance, Multiple Inheritance, Hybrid Inheritance ,Virtual Base
Classes, Abstract Classes ,Constructor in Derived Classes
Nesting of Classes
Suggested readings:
1.C++: The Complete Reference Herbert Schildt
2.Let us C++ Kanetkar
3.Object Oriented Programming with C++ E. Balagurusamy
4.C++ Primer Stanley Lippman & Lajoi
5.C++ Programming Language Bjarne Stroustrup
6.C++ Programming Bible Al Stevens & Clayton Walnum
School of Computational Science MCA CGPA Syllabus
Suggested Readings:
School of Computational Science MCA CGPA Syllabus
Unit-2 Modulation
Modulation process: Analog modulation ( Amplitude modulation, frequency modulation, phase
modulation) , digital Modulation (Amplitude shift keying, Frequency shift keying, Phase shift
keying, Quadrature phase shift keying,) Hybrid modulation
Unit-3 Multiplexing
Frequency division multiplexing, Time division multiplexing, Primary Mux, Higher order mux
Unit-6 Switching
Circuit, message, packet, Internet connection through PSTN, IEEE 802.3 Ethernet Frame
Suggested Readings:
School of Computational Science MCA CGPA Syllabus
Unit-4 Testing of hypothesis I: Null and alternative hypothesis, types of errors, level of
significance, critical region, Large sample tests: Testing of hypothesis concerning mean of a
population and equality of means of two populations.
Unit-5 Testing of hypothesis II: Small sample tests: t Test-for single mean, difference of
means. Paired t-test,Chi-square test, F test - test for equality of two population variances.
Estimation: Point estimation, interval estimation and central limit theorem (Statement only).
Unit-5 Analysis of Variance: One-way classification fixed effects model, comparing variances,
pair wise comparisons, randomized complete block design.
Suggested Readings:
1. Probability & Statistics for Engineers and Scientists, Walpole, Myers, Myers, Ye. Pearson
2. Probability, Statistics and Random Processes T.Veerarajan Tata McGraw – Hill
3. Probability & Statistics with Reliability, Queuing and Computer Applications, Kishor S.
Trivedi, Prentice Hall of India.
4. Probability and statistics for engineers: Erwin Miller And John E.Freund. Prentice-Hall of
India / Pearson, Sixth edition.
5. Text book of Probability and Statistics by Dr.Shahnaz Bathul, V.G.S.Publishers 2003.
6. Susan Milton and Jesse C. Arnold Introduction to Probability and Statistics Fourth edition,
7. William Mendenhall, Robert J Beaver, Barbara M Beaver Introduction to Probability and
Statistics 12th edition, Thomson.
8. Introduction to Mathematical Statistics -Robert V. Hogg &Allen T. Craig.
9. Fundamentals of Statistics: S.C.Gupta, 6th 2004, Himalaya Publications.
10. Introduction to Probability and Statistics, Medenhall, Thomson Learning,
School of Computational Science MCA CGPA Syllabus
Suggested Readings:
1. Pressman, Software Engineering a Practitioners Approach, 5th Edition, TMH.
2. Jalota Pankaj, An integrated approach to software Engineering, Narosa Pub.
3. Jawadekar, Software Engineering, TMH Pub.
4. Sommerville, Software Engineering , Pearson Education.
School of Computational Science MCA CGPA Syllabus
Suggested readings:
1. Project Management, S. Chaudhary, Tata McGraw Hill
2. Project-Preparation, Appraisal, Budgeting and Implementation, Prassna Chandra, Tata
McGraw Hill.
3. Software Project Management , Bob Hughes and Mike Cotterell, Tata McGraw Hill
4. Software Projrct Management : Areal-world Guide to Success, Joel Henry, Pearson
School of Computational Science MCA CGPA Syllabus
School of Computational Science MCA CGPA Syllabus
Unit -6 Distance vector routing, Link state routing, Hierarchical routing, multicast routing,
congestion control algorithms
Suggested readings:
1. A. S. Tanenbaum, Computer Network, PHI Pub.
2. Forouzan, Computer Network, TMH.
3. Black, Computer Network, PHI Pub.
4. Douglas E, Comer, Internetworking with TCP/IP, PHI Pub.
School of Computational Science MCA CGPA Syllabus
Suggested readings:
1. Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Logic Theory and Application By- George J. Klir, Bo Yuan
2. Fuzzy Sets Uncertainty and Information By- George J. Klir, Tina A. Floger
3. Introduction to the Theory of Neural Competition By- John hertz, Krogh and
Richard Addision Wesely
4. Artificial Neural Systems By Jack M. Zurada West Publishing Company, 1992.
5. Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Applications‟, By Timothy J. Ross, ‘McGraw Hill,
6. Neural Networks A CLASS ROOM APPROACH By Satish Kumar, Tata McGraw –
Hill Publishing.
7. Laurance Fausett, „Fundamentals of Neural Networks‟, Pearson Education, 2004.
8. David Goldberg, “Genetic Algorithms in Search, Optimization and Machine
Learning‟, Pearson Education, 2007.
9. J.S.R.Jang, C.T.Sun and E.Mizutani, „ Neuro- Fuzzy and Soft Computing‟ Pearson
Education, New Delhi, 2004
10. Jacek M. Zurada, „Introduction to Artificial Neural Systems‟, Jaico Publishing home,
11. John Yen and Reza Langari, „Fuzzy Logic – Intelligence, Control and Information‟
School of Computational Science MCA CGPA Syllabus
A seminar may include a presentation by the student. Students are expected to prepare for
and participate actively in seminars by giving a paper, answering questions or discussing subject
matter in front of Head and faculty.
The idea behind the seminar system is to familiarize students more extensively with the
methodology of their chosen subject and also to allow them to interact with examples of the
practical problems that always crop up during research work.
It is essentially a place where assigned readings are discussed, questions can be raised
and debates conducted. It is relatively informal, at least compared to the lecture system of
academic instruction.
School of Computational Science MCA CGPA Syllabus
School of Computational Science MCA CGPA Syllabus
Course Objectives
To understand the basic categories of threats to computer and network.
To understand intrusion and intrusion detection.
To defend the need for protection, security, and the role of ethical
consideration in computer use.
To describe efficient basic number algorithms.
To discuss the fundamental ideas and algorithms of secret key, cryptography and public-
key cryptography.
School of Computational Science MCA CGPA Syllabus
School of Computational Science MCA CGPA Syllabus
3. William Stalling, SNMP SNMPv2, SNMPv3, and RMON 1 and 2, 2nd edition, Pearson
Education publication, 2001.
School of Computational Science MCA CGPA Syllabus
Suggested Readings:
School of Computational Science MCA CGPA Syllabus
Suggested Readings:
School of Computational Science MCA CGPA Syllabus
1. Cloud Computing – Insight into New Era Infrastructure, Dr. Kumar Saurabh,
Wiley India.
Reference Books:
School of Computational Science MCA CGPA Syllabus
Credit 4
Unit-1 Introduction
Basic Data Mining task, Data Mining Vs Knowledge discovery in databases, Data mining
metrics Social Implication of Data Mining , Related Concepts
Unit-3 Classification
Introduction, Statistical based algorithms, Distance based algorithms, Decision tree based
algorithms, Neural network based algorithm
Unit-4 Clustering
Introduction, Web content mining, Web structure mining, Web usage mining,
Suggested Readings:
1. Data Mining – Introductory and Advanced Topics by Margaret H. Dunham & S. Shridhar
2. Data Warehousing Fundamentals by Paulraj Ponniah
1. Raph Kimball, "Data Warehouse Toolkit", John Wiley and Sons Publications.
2. Michael. J. Berry, Gordon Linoff, "Data Mining Techniques: Marketing, Sales, Customer
support", John Wiley and Sons.
School of Computational Science MCA CGPA Syllabus
MCA VI Semester
MCA-601 Project