Psychoanalytic Criticsm On Othello Film
Psychoanalytic Criticsm On Othello Film
Psychoanalytic Criticsm On Othello Film
Literature is an interesting thing to analyse. There are a lot of works of literature,
such as short story, novel, drama, and poetry. One of them is film. Just like the other
literary works, film has setting, character, and meaning. In analysing film, we can
use some approaches. They are structuralism, feminism, postcolonialism, and pshyco
analysis. In this study, i analyse the film trough phsycoanalytic criticsm. In order to
do that, we have to interpret characters’ behaviour and personality in film. And it is
not an easy thing to do, because we are obligated to interpret the characters’
performance. How they behave, why they behave as they do, how they think, and
what they are like together.
It is advisable, we start analyse with the personality of the characters. We
have to be able to recognize them well in details. We can know the personality of
characters by focusing on both concious and unconcious mind of the characters, the
dialogue to other character, not to mention the monologue of characters. We can find
a lot monologues in Othello film. Kaplan and Kloss in Wright 1984, p.46 stated that
“Fictional characters are representations of life and, as such, can be only
understood, if we assume they are real. And this assumption allows us to
unconcious motivation(s) by the same procedure that the traditional critic
uses toassign conscious ones.”
Iego is unexpected character, although what the author shows is all about
Iego falsehood. But what Iego did is beyond the imagination of audience. He has
a round character that can be seen from his attitude and behaviour. He seems as a
nice and honest person. Othello describing him as a man of honesty and trust. In
fact, he is a big fat liar. What he say is different witrh the truth.
Iego is presented as a selfish,tricky, and ambitious person. He does
everything to get what he wants. He utilises the people who trust him much to get
his dream. He has a friend named Roderigo who love Desdemona. Iego utilise
Roderigo to make chaos and to bring a lot of money to have Desdemona love. He
tricks Roderigo to attack Cassio. He told to Roderigo that Cassio and Desdemona
love each other. Even though it is untrue. He deceive Cassio. He tells the lie
which makes Othello feels jealous.
To convince Othello about Desdemona’s dishonest, Iego asked his wife to
steal Desdemona’s handkerchief. One day later, Othello sees Cassio with the
Desdemona’s handkerchief in his hand. It brings Othello to his anger. And trust
Iago that Desdemona cheats on him. Then, Othello has a bad plans to murder
Cassio and his wife. In the end, his action brings him to his death. Till this part of
the film, we can see that Iago is the only one who responsible to the death of
Othello, Desdemona, his wife, and Roderigo. His ambitious brings misfortune for
the others.
From the previous analysis, we can draw conclusion that Iago is the
character who has a lot of personal conflict, and he is the complex character. His
Id, ego, and superego bring him to bad luck. He is completely fulfill his dream.
He doesn’t have a figure of mom.
The personality development of “Iago” character, which derives from the
analysis of the main concept existed in psychoanlytic theory, shows that he is
unsuccessful in finding his self-existence.
A paper
Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for Literary Appreciation
Wening Hesti A.
Rombel 8