Experiments of Data Structure

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2. * C Program Count the Number of Occurrences of an Element in the Linked
3. * without using Recursion
4. */
5. #include <stdio.h>
7. int occur(int [], int, int);
9. int main()
10. {
11. int size, key, count;
12. int list[20];
13. int i;
15. printf("Enter the size of the list: ");
16. scanf("%d", &size);
17. printf("Printing the list:\n");
18. for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
19. {
20. list[i] = rand() % size;
21. printf("%d ", list[i]);
22. }
23. printf("\nEnter the key to find it's occurence: ");
24. scanf("%d", &key);
25. count = occur(list, size, key);
26. printf("%d occurs for %d times.\n", key, count);
27. return 0;
28. }
30. int occur(int list[], int size, int key)
31. {
32. int i, count = 0;
34. for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
35. {
36. if (list[i] == key)
37. {
38. count += 1;
39. }
40. }
41. return count;
42. }
$ gcc occurnumber.c -o occurnumber
$ a.out
Enter the size of the list: 10
Printing the list:
3 6 7 5 3 5 6 2 9 1
Enter the key to find it's occurence: 3

3 occurs for 2 times.

// C++ program to detect loop in a linked list

using namespace std;

/* Link list node */

struct Node
int data;
struct Node* next;

void push(struct Node** head_ref, int new_data)

/* allocate node */
struct Node* new_node = new Node;

/* put in the data */

new_node->data = new_data;

/* link the old list off the new node */

new_node->next = (*head_ref);

/* move the head to point to the new node */

(*head_ref) = new_node;

// Returns true if there is a loop in linked list

// else returns false.
bool detectLoop(struct Node *h)
unordered_set<Node *> s;
while (h != NULL)
// If this node is already present
// in hashmap it means there is a cycle
// (Because you we encountering the
// node for the second time).
if (s.find(h) != s.end())
return true;

// If we are seeing the node for

// the first time, insert it in hash

h = h->next;

return false;

/* Drier program to test above function*/

int main()
/* Start with the empty list */
struct Node* head = NULL;

push(&head, 20);
push(&head, 4);
push(&head, 15);
push(&head, 10);

/* Create a loop for testing */

head->next->next->next->next = head;

if (detectLoop(head))
cout << "Loop found";
cout << "No Loop";

return 0;
// This code is contributed by Geetanjali
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Output :
Loop Found

* C Program to remove duplicates from a sorted linked list */


/* Link list node */

struct Node
int data;
struct Node* next;

/* The function removes duplicates from a sorted list */

void removeDuplicates(struct Node* head)
/* Pointer to traverse the linked list */
struct Node* current = head;

/* Pointer to store the next pointer of a node to be

struct Node* next_next;

/* do nothing if the list is empty */

if (current == NULL)

/* Traverse the list till last node */

while (current->next != NULL)
/* Compare current node with next node */
if (current->data == current->next->data)
/* The sequence of steps is important*/
next_next = current->next->next;
current->next = next_next;
else /* This is tricky: only advance if no deletion */
current = current->next;

/* Function to insert a node at the beginging of the linked
list */
void push(struct Node** head_ref, int new_data)
/* allocate node */
struct Node* new_node =
(struct Node*) malloc(sizeof(struct Node));

/* put in the data */

new_node->data = new_data;

/* link the old list off the new node */

new_node->next = (*head_ref);

/* move the head to point to the new node */

(*head_ref) = new_node;

/* Function to print nodes in a given linked list */

void printList(struct Node *node)
while (node!=NULL)
printf("%d ", node->data);
node = node->next;

/* Drier program to test above functions*/

int main()
/* Start with the empty list */
struct Node* head = NULL;

/* Let us create a sorted linked list to test the

Created linked list will be 11->11->11->13->13->20 */
push(&head, 20);
push(&head, 13);
push(&head, 13);
push(&head, 11);
push(&head, 11);
push(&head, 11);

printf("\n Linked list before duplicate removal ");


/* Remove duplicates from linked list */


printf("\n Linked list after duplicate removal


return 0;
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Linked list before duplicate removal 11 11 11 13 13 20

Linked list after duplicate removal 11 13 20

/* Program to split a circular linked list into two halves */


/* structure for a node */

struct Node
int data;
struct Node *next;

/* Function to split a list (starting with head) into two

head1_ref and head2_ref are references to head nodes of
the two resultant linked lists */
void splitList(struct Node *head, struct Node **head1_ref,
struct Node
struct Node *slow_ptr = head;
struct Node *fast_ptr = head;

if(head == NULL)

/* If there are odd nodes in the circular list then

fast_ptr->next becomes head and for even nodes
fast_ptr->next->next becomes head */
while(fast_ptr->next != head &&
fast_ptr->next->next != head)
fast_ptr = fast_ptr->next->next;
slow_ptr = slow_ptr->next;

/* If there are even elements in list then move fast_ptr */

if(fast_ptr->next->next == head)
fast_ptr = fast_ptr->next;

/* Set the head pointer of first half */

*head1_ref = head;

/* Set the head pointer of second half */

if(head->next != head)
*head2_ref = slow_ptr->next;

/* Make second half circular */

fast_ptr->next = slow_ptr->next;

/* Make first half circular */

slow_ptr->next = head;

/* Function to insert a node at the begining of a Circular
linked lsit */
void push(struct Node **head_ref, int data)
struct Node *ptr1 = (struct Node *)malloc(sizeof(struct
struct Node *temp = *head_ref;
ptr1->data = data;
ptr1->next = *head_ref;

/* If linked list is not NULL then set the next of

last node */
if(*head_ref != NULL)
while(temp->next != *head_ref)
temp = temp->next;
temp->next = ptr1;
ptr1->next = ptr1; /*For the first node */

*head_ref = ptr1;

/* Function to print nodes in a given Circular linked list */

void printList(struct Node *head)
struct Node *temp = head;
if(head != NULL)
do {
printf("%d ", temp->data);
temp = temp->next;
} while(temp != head);

/* Driver program to test above functions */

int main()
int list_size, i;

/* Initialize lists as empty */

struct Node *head = NULL;
struct Node *head1 = NULL;
struct Node *head2 = NULL;

/* Created linked list will be 12->56->2->11 */

push(&head, 12);
push(&head, 56);
push(&head, 2);
push(&head, 11);

printf("Original Circular Linked List");


/* Split the list */

splitList(head, &head1, &head2);

printf("\nFirst Circular Linked List");


printf("\nSecond Circular Linked List");


return 0;
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Original Circular Linked List

11 2 56 12

First Circular Linked List

11 2

Second Circular Linked List

56 12

/ A C++ program to demonstrate implementation of k stacks in a single

// array in time and space efficient way
using namespace std;

// A C++ class to represent k stacks in a single array of size n

class kStacks
int *arr; // Array of size n to store actual content to be stored in
int *top; // Array of size k to store indexes of top elements of
int *next; // Array of size n to store next entry in all stacks
// and free list
int n, k;
int free; // To store beginning index of free list
//constructor to create k stacks in an array of size n
kStacks(int k, int n);

// A utility function to check if there is space available

bool isFull() { return (free == -1); }

// To push an item in stack number 'sn' where sn is from 0 to k-1

void push(int item, int sn);

// To pop an from stack number 'sn' where sn is from 0 to k-1

int pop(int sn);

// To check whether stack number 'sn' is empty or not

bool isEmpty(int sn) { return (top[sn] == -1); }

//constructor to create k stacks in an array of size n

kStacks::kStacks(int k1, int n1)
// Initialize n and k, and allocate memory for all arrays
k = k1, n = n1;
arr = new int[n];
top = new int[k];
next = new int[n];

// Initialize all stacks as empty

for (int i = 0; i < k; i++)
top[i] = -1;

// Initialize all spaces as free

free = 0;
for (int i=0; i<n-1; i++)
next[i] = i+1;
next[n-1] = -1; // -1 is used to indicate end of free list

// To push an item in stack number 'sn' where sn is from 0 to k-1

void kStacks::push(int item, int sn)
// Overflow check
if (isFull())
cout << "\nStack Overflow\n";

int i = free; // Store index of first free slot

// Update index of free slot to index of next slot in free list

free = next[i];

// Update next of top and then top for stack number 'sn'
next[i] = top[sn];
top[sn] = i;

// Put the item in array

arr[i] = item;

// To pop an from stack number 'sn' where sn is from 0 to k-1

int kStacks::pop(int sn)
// Underflow check
if (isEmpty(sn))
cout << "\nStack Underflow\n";
return INT_MAX;

// Find index of top item in stack number 'sn'

int i = top[sn];

top[sn] = next[i]; // Change top to store next of previous top

// Attach the previous top to the beginning of free list
next[i] = free;
free = i;

// Return the previous top item

return arr[i];

/* Driver program to test twStacks class */

int main()
// Let us create 3 stacks in an array of size 10
int k = 3, n = 10;
kStacks ks(k, n);

// Let us put some items in stack number 2

ks.push(15, 2);
ks.push(45, 2);

// Let us put some items in stack number 1

ks.push(17, 1);
ks.push(49, 1);
ks.push(39, 1);

// Let us put some items in stack number 0

ks.push(11, 0);
ks.push(9, 0);
ks.push(7, 0);

cout << "Popped element from stack 2 is " << ks.pop(2) << endl;
cout << "Popped element from stack 1 is " << ks.pop(1) << endl;
cout << "Popped element from stack 0 is " << ks.pop(0) << endl;

return 0;
Copy CodeRun on IDE

Popped element from stack 2 is 45

Popped element from stack 1 is 39

Popped element from stack 0 is 7

Consider two stacks s1 & s2 ( we will be using STL stacks for implementation ).

Enqueue Operation :: Simply push the element onto s1.

Dequeue Operation :: Transfer all elements from s1 onto s2. Pop the top element from s2. Transfer

remaining elements from s2 back to s1.

using namespace std;

// queue data structure using two stacks

class queue {
private :
stack<int> s1, s2;
public :
void enqueue(int element);
int dequeue();
void displayQueue();

// enqueue an element to the queue

void queue :: enqueue(int element) {

// dequeue the front element

int queue :: dequeue() {
// transfer all elements of s1 into s2
while (!s1.empty()) {
// pop and store the top element from s2
int ret = s2.top();
// transfer all elements of s2 back to s1
while (!s2.empty()) {
return ret;

//display the elements of the queue

void queue :: displayQueue() {
cout<<"\nDisplaying the queue :-\n";
while (!s1.empty()) {
while (!s2.empty()) {
cout<<s2.top()<<" ";

// main
int main() {
queue q;
int dq_element = q.dequeue();
cout<<"\nAfter dequeing :-";
return 0;

Displaying the queue :-

5 11 1 7 13 11
After dequeing :-
Displaying the queue :-
11 1 7 13 1

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

/* A binary tree node has data, pointer to left child

and a pointer to right child */
struct node
int data;
struct node* left;
struct node* right;

/* Helper function that allocates a new node with the

given data and NULL left and right pointers. */
struct node* newNode(int data)
struct node* node = (struct node*)
malloc(sizeof(struct node));
node->data = data;
node->left = NULL;
node->right = NULL;


/* Given two trees, return true if they are

structurally identical */
int identicalTrees(struct node* a, struct node* b)
/*1. both empty */
if (a==NULL && b==NULL)
return 1;

/* 2. both non-empty -> compare them */

if (a!=NULL && b!=NULL)
a->data == b->data &&
identicalTrees(a->left, b->left) &&
identicalTrees(a->right, b->right)
/* 3. one empty, one not -> false */
return 0;

/* Driver program to test identicalTrees function*/

int main()
struct node *root1 = newNode(1);
struct node *root2 = newNode(1);
root1->left = newNode(2);
root1->right = newNode(3);
root1->left->left = newNode(4);
root1->left->right = newNode(5);

root2->left = newNode(2);
root2->right = newNode(3);
root2->left->left = newNode(4);
root2->left->right = newNode(5);

if(identicalTrees(root1, root2))
printf("Both tree are identical.");
printf("Trees are not identical.");

return 0;

Both tree are identical.

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