FINAL RESEARCH Mam Shellamarie and Zenaida
FINAL RESEARCH Mam Shellamarie and Zenaida
FINAL RESEARCH Mam Shellamarie and Zenaida
This study identified the effectiveness of dual reading kit on the reading performance of
Grade VI pupils of Baliis Elementary School. The research is experimental in nature, so employed
pretest and posttest before and after utilizing dual reading kit to the 22 Grade VI pupils.
revealed significant correlations tested at 0.05 level of significance. Paired samples correlation
obtained computed values of .741 for vocabulary and .719 for reading comprehensions which were
both higher than a=0.05. Similarly, t-test revealed computed values of 8.55 for vocabulary and
7.797 for reading comprehension with computed p value of .000 which were lower than a=0.05
level of significance. Results further implies that dual kit was concomitant to the significant
improvement after the posttest. This leads to reject the null hypothesis.
From the results, the study concluded that dual kit has significant effect in improving the
reading comprehension and vocabulary skill of the Grade 6 pupils, thus, it is recommended to use
continuously, and be used in other grade level, particularly to pupils at frustration level. Also, the
For the successful completion of this action research and for the fruitful and meaningful
experiences gained in the duration of the study, the researchers wish to convey their sincerest
appreciation and most profound gratitude to those persons who had been a part of this action
Foremost, the researchers would like to extend their grateful thanks to the God Almighty
for the spiritual guidance, knowledge, wisdom, and showered them with strength and perseverance
To their families, for the unconditional love, moral, and financial support.
To the OIC-schools division superintendent, Mrs. Laida L. Mascareñas, for allowing the
To the division research section, Mrs. Bernadith R. Lacerna for the untiring support and
To the public schools district supervisor, Dr. Maria Lourdes P. Ricohermoso, for the
To the school principals of Baliis Elementary School and Lamesa Elementary School, Mrs.
Ofelia C. Maano and Mr. Julio R. Constantino, for the support and guidance.
To the statisticians, Mr. Paolo Andrew Pantoja and Louielyn Penaredonda, for analyzing
To all teachers of Baliis ES and Lamesa ES, for their effort in helping the researchers.
Context and Rationale
It is frustrating for pupils when they do not understand what they are reading. It is even
more frustrating for teachers to see their pupils struggling on reading. When pupils struggle with
comprehension they often lose their desire to continue to read, that is why teachers should always
that a pupil understands as well as retains the information he/she is reading. When a teacher
realizes one or more of their pupils are struggling with comprehension it is crucial that they develop
The development of adequate reading skills at an early age can have an enormous influence
on the academic achievement of students throughout the course of their educational careers
(National Reading Panel, 2000; Slavin et al., 2009). However, the reverse is also true. Students
may fall behind in school and encounter poor employment and social outcomes later in life if they
are unable to develop their reading skills early in their years of schooling (Good, Simmons &
Kame'enui; 2011; Slavin et al., 2009; Whitehurst & Lonigan, 2011). For this reason, it is
commonly believed that reading challenges should be addressed early to decrease the likelihood
Previous research has found that reading skill development is related to both the quantity
of reading (volume of books) and the quality of reading instruction provided to students
(Cunningham & Stanovich, 2010; Kassow, 2011; Topping & Sanders, 2013). Specifically,
research shows that increased reading volume combined with effective reading instruction can lead
to reading skill improvements (Topping, Samuels, & Paul, 2012). Elley (2008) also found that
providing reading instruction and access to more books can improve student reading skills in
developing countries. Without an adequate focus on improving the ability of students to read with
higher levels of comprehension, increased time reading may only be able to moderately improve
established programs to encourage reading and promote the reading skill development of young
students (Slavin et al., 2008; Lonigan & Shanahan, 2009; Slavin et al., 2009). These programs vary
in content and design. Some programs focus on improving the quality of reading instruction
provided by teachers and parents; others attempt to increase the quantity of reading materials
Research has provided evidence on the effectiveness of reading programs that have been
designed and implemented in developing countries (Friedlander & Goldenberg, 2016; Abeberese,
Kumler & Linden, 2014). Much like the programs implemented in developed countries, most of
these programs focus on either increasing reading frequency, improving reading instruction, or
both. For example, Friedlander and Goldenberg (2016) determined that when reading programs
both provided books and delivered effective reading instruction, there was a positive impact on
the reading achievement of students in Rwanda. Abeberese, Kumler, and Linden (2014) found
similar results in the Philippines when students were provided with appropriate reading materials
combined with instruction from well-trained teachers. These findings are important for developing
countries because evidence suggests that poor children are particularly prone to developmental
delays arising from reading challenges (Roskos et al., 2009). If reading programs can reverse the
vicious cycle brought on by early reading difficulties, they may, in turn, offer a mechanism through
The background of the research provides evidences that points to the effectiveness of
reading programs using different reading materials in most of the developing countries, including
the Philippines. However, it is paradoxical to note that despite the many reading programs
implemented and the different reading materials, reading problem, especially in terms of
in which there are many struggling readers. With these, several reading intervention programs have
been introduced in the Philippine public schools, believing that this would uplift the poor
conditions of oral reading and comprehension in most of the public schools across country.
For example, the “Every Child is A Reader Program” was introduced as enclosure in
DepEd Order no. 70, s. 2011. According to DepEd, ECARP aims to equip elementary pupils in
public schools with strategic reading and writing skills to make them independent young readers
and writers. The intervention program includes Reading Recovery (RR) which will give students
who are lagging behind in reading and writing a chance to catch up through specialized one-to-
Moreover, in a news report of Mendoza (2012), DepEd Secretary Luistro said that the
ECARP program will also generate a Philippine World List in English, an inventory of frequently
used words in English textbooks, for vocabulary development. The DepEd also recognizes the
importance of reading as a foundation of learning, thus, the department allotted P21 million to
finance the intervention program. Also, ECARP is also part of the ten-point education agenda of
President Benigno Aquino III to ensure that the country’s public schools produce graduates who
Alongside this, the Department of Education (DepEd) has declared the month of November
as the National Reading Month and has instructed school officials to conduct various activities to
rekindle the interest of school children in reading. Secretary Luistro issued Memorandum No. 244,
s. 2011 stating that the various reading activities are part of DepEd’s move to institutionalize the
Among activities lined up are the Read-a-Thon, which aims to discover outstanding readers
in class; the DEAR program, which engages students in 15 to 20 minutes of reading daily; and the
shared reading or readers’ mentoring program, where older students are encouraged to assist
younger readers with reading difficulties. Schools are also urged to hold vocabulary and “A
Paragraph A Day” sessions, where students learn one new word a day and read aloud one or two
paragraphs every day to enhance their speaking skills. The program likewise aims to bring back
the interest of school children in reading instead of them spending too much time on the Internet
In support of the program, the Bureau of Elementary Education (BEE) developed the
“Philippine Informal Reading Inventory (Phil IRI).” Accordingly, the Phil IRI is an initiative of
the Bureau of Education of Elementary Education to address its thrust to make every Filipino child
a reader. It is anchored on the flagship program of the DepEd “Evert Child a Reader Program”
(ECARP). Its goal is to enable every Filipino child to communicate both in English a Filipino
through effective reading program. The Phil IRI was administered to all public elementary schools
in 2011 up to present to assess the progress and levels of reading ability and comprehension of the
However, the problem in reading is still the same. Reading problem is still rampant,
especially in the elementary and secondary schools in the Division of Marinduque. In fact, in the
recently conducted colloquium, a part of the School Heads Development Program Foundation
Course, the Schools Division Office of Marinduque found out that 93% of the problems that school
heads in both elementary and secondary schools presented concerned oral and reading
With this background, the researchers would like to assess the effectiveness of dual reading
kit as part of the reading program of Baliis Elementary School. The researchers believe that
improvement of reading skill of the pupils lies on the strategies and innovation of the intervention
given by the teachers. Thus, no matter how many reading materials are given and how many
reading programs are created, if the strategies of teaching and implementation of the program are
not proper and if the materials are not suited to the reading needs of the pupils, these are all useless.
This is at stake, hence this pupil will soon graduate and go to high school. Thus, this problem
should be addressed.
This study aimed to assess the level of effectiveness of Dual Reading Kit on the Reading
1. What are the results in the pretest and posttest of Grade VI Pupils in vocabulary skill?
2. What are the results of pretest and posttest of the Grade VI pupils in reading comprehension
3. Is there a significant difference in the mean scores between the pretest and posttest?
Proposed Innovation, Intervention, and Strategy
Pupils have unique ways of learning, so their ability to understand written and printed
words, comprehend text they read vary. Due to the diversity of pupils’ learning background, it is
expected that some of them are fast learners, while others are slow. This observation is also seen
in pupils’ performance in reading. Some pupils can read independently, that is with understanding
manifested through answering literal level of question (what, who, where, and when),
interpretative level of question or can read between the lines (why and how), and applied level of
question (what if question). Conversely, other pupils who have slow reading comprehension can
only read orally but with limited comprehension, that is, they can only answer the literal level of
questions. The worst, some pupils cannot read orally reading. Problems associated to difficulties
in reading are poor development of vocabulary, low reading sight, inability to decode, and
mispronunciation due to poor development of phonemic awareness. These factors also affect the
development of comprehension skill. Consequently, teachers need to address the problems through
While it has been found out that reading programs have impact on reading ability, there are
little evidence of reading programs that improved other academic outcomes such as test scores of
The rationale behind this research is that improved reading skills could improve academic
performance in related subject like English and eventually other subjects taught in English
medium, such English and Science by developing skills such as reading comprehension and critical
thinking. However, the results from the evaluations from the few existing randomized evaluations
of reading programs have found different impacts of reading programs on the academic outcomes
of students, as some studies have found positive impacts while others have found no impact. For
example, Lucas et al. (2014) found that training teachers on how to teach reading, as well as
providing teaching materials, significantly improved student language test scores (in this case,
writing and oral literacy test scores) in Ugandan primary schools. Abeberese, Kumler, and Linden
(2014), however, found that a program providing age-appropriate reading materials and teacher
training to students did not significantly improve the math or social studies test scores of students.
Borkum, He, and Linden (2012) also found that supplying better reading resources,
providing a mini library inside the classroom, and conducting reading activities in Indian schools
did not have any significant impacts on the math and science test scores of students. Due to the
mixed results of these evaluations, additional empirical research is needed to determine whether
reading programs (and what aspects of reading programs) are effective at improving both student
Just like any other reading program, teachers of Baliis Elementary School are using
different reading materials that could enhance the reading abilities, oral and comprehension of
their respective pupils. However, unlike other reading programs, teachers are using Dual Reading
Kit. These materials are purposely crafted for pupils who are both struggling readers and
independent readers. The reading materials are designed to be read aloud by pair readers such as a
struggling reader and an independent reader, pair of struggling readers, pair of instructional
readers, and pair of independent readers. Pairing of readers are determined by the teachers. This is
based on the result of Phil IRI test administered at the beginning of the school year.
The intervention program is known as Pair Reading Program. The program used the Dual
Reading Kit which was crafted by the researchers. The term dual connotes three things: 1)
development of two reading skills: vocabulary and reading comprehension; 2) the development of
reading comprehension through oral and silent reading; 3) pair reading during oral and silent
The Dual Reading Kit comes into package or series for Grade 6 pupils, but for the purpose
of this research, the researchers crafted only the materials for the second quarter. This kit contains
Models or Examples
Evaluation of Learning
The vocabulary words are defined and examples are given as well as the
pronunciation. The vocabulary words are used in the short conversation. The short
conversation are intended to read twice by the pupils through switch roles. The comprehension
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The content of the Dual Reading Kit is based on the learning competencies for Grade 6.
The following are learning competencies for vocabulary development: infer meaning of idiomatic
expressions using context clues, affixes, and roots; infer meaning of figurative language using
context clues, affixes, roots, and other strategies; infer meaning of borrowed words and content
specific terms using context clues, affixes and roots, and other strategies, and infer meaning of
borrowed words and content specific terms using context clues, affixes and roots, and other
strategies. Meanwhile, these are the learning competencies for development of reading
the literary skills are enhanced such as: analyzing poem, elements of poems, elements of short
Strategies of Implementation
1. The Dual Reading Kit is introduced to the learners. The parts are explained and the
intended purpose.
2. This is used during the English class and during Remedial Reading Program.
module for Grade 6 for the enhancement of specific skill or learning competencies.
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Reading Strategies include:
Pupils who are good at monitoring their comprehension know when they
understand what they read and when they do not. They have strategies to "fix" problems in
their understanding as the problems arise. Research shows that instruction, even in the early
2. Metacognition
metacognitive strategies to think about and have control over their reading. Before reading,
they might clarify their purpose for reading and preview the text. During reading, they
might monitor their understanding, adjusting their reading speed to fit the difficulty of the
text and "fixing" any comprehension problems they have. After reading, they check their
For instance, "I don't understand the second paragraph on page 76."
For example, "I don't get what the mini dialog that that says, “Arriving in
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o Restate the difficult sentence or passage in their own words
"Oh, so the author means that coming to America was a very important
o Look forward in the text for information that might help them to resolve the
3. Answering Questions
o Help pupils to review content and relate what they have learned to what
to answer questions better. Pupils are asked to indicate whether the information
they used to answer questions about the text was textually explicit information
(information that was directly stated in the text), textually implicit information
(information that was implied in the text), or information entirely from the
1."Right There”
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Questions found right in the text that ask students to find the one right
Questions based on the recall of facts that can be found directly in the text.
Answers are typically found in more than one place, thus requiring pupils to
Example: Why was Frog sad? Answer: His friend was leaving.
Questions require pupils to use what they already know, with what they
have learned from reading the text. Pupil's must understand the text and relate
Example: How do think Frog felt when he found Toad? Answer: I think that
Frog felt happy because he had not seen Toad in a long time. I feel happy when
experiences. Reading the text may not be helpful to them when answering this
type of question.
Example: How would you feel if your best friend moved away? Answer: I
would feel very sad if my best friend moved away because I would miss her.
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4. Generating questions
By generating questions, pupils become aware of whether they can answer the
questions and if they understand what they are reading. Pupils learn to ask themselves
questions that require them to combine information from different segments of text. For
example, pupils can be taught to ask main idea questions that relate to important
information in a text.
(characters, setting, events, problem, resolution). Often, pupils learn to recognize story
structure through the use of story maps. Instruction in story structure improves students'
6. Summarizing
reading and to put it into their own words. Instruction in summarizing helps pupils:
Research shows that explicit teaching techniques are particularly effective for
comprehension strategy instruction. In explicit instruction, teachers tell readers why and
when they should use strategies, what strategies to use, and how to apply them. The steps
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of explicit instruction typically include direct explanation, teacher modeling ("thinking
5. Direct Explanation
The teacher explains to pupils why the strategy helps comprehension and when to
6. Modeling
"thinking aloud" while reading the text that the pupils are using.
7. Guided practice
The teacher guides and assists pupils as they learn how and when to apply the
8. Application
The teacher helps pupils practice the strategy until they can apply it independently.
learning, which involves students working together as partners or in small groups on clearly
defined tasks. Cooperative learning instruction has been used successfully to teach
comprehension strategies. Pupils work together to understand texts, helping each other
learn and apply comprehension strategies. Teachers’ help pupils learn to work in groups.
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IV. Action Research Methods
A. Participants, Research Design and other Data Sources
A. 1 Participants of the study
The -researcher used the 22 Grade 6 pupils as participants of the study.
It employed total enumeration sampling technique.
A. 2 Research Design
This research utilized quantitative research design. This is best suited in this
pupils in English before and after using Dual Reading Kit in improving their
reading skills.
Data were gathered using the results of pretest and posttest administered to
the Grade 6 pupils before and after the utilization of Dual Reading Kit.
Results were collated and presented to the statistician for statistical treatment.
Data were gathered, tallied, analyzed, and interpreted. Statistical treatment such
as frequency, mean, and t-test were utilized to find out the significant difference after
using the Dual Reading Kit to establish the effectiveness of the intervention.
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Discussion of Results and Reflections
It can be gleaned from the table that pupils’ vocabulary skill had increased. The score
obtained in the posttest was quite higher than the pretest with 6.91 against 5.14. Furthermore, the
standard deviation of 1.39 in the pretest and 1.31 in the post test signify a slight better change in
Findings could be verified from the individual scores of the pretest conducted for
vocabulary where the average score was 8 of 10 that had contributed much to the increase of
posttest. Results implied that through Dual Reading Kit, the pupils became more interested in
learning because they have partners in exploring and enhancing their vocabulary skill.
Results manifest a higher score of the Grade 6 pupils in the posttest, with 8.14 against 5.64.
The standard deviation 2.5 in the pretest and 1.81 in the posttest indicate that after using the Dual
Reading Kit, there was a better change in the dispersion of scores of the pupils in the reading
Data can be traced from the individual scores of the pupils, where the average score is 9
out of 15, some got 10 to 11 out of 15, which are good indicators that the pupils had improved.
From the data, it could be implied that materials in Dual Reading Kit seemed easy to understand
for them because the selections here are short, with comprehension skills that varies in levels, and
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Table 3. Significant Difference
t-test p-value Remarks
Pre-test and Post-test of 8.549 .000 Significant
Vocabulary Skill
Pre-test and Post-test of 7.797 .000 Significant
Vocabulary Skill
Results display a significant difference between the results of pretest and posttest of the
Grade 6 pupils in terms of vocabulary skill when the Dual Reading Kit was utilized to the pupils
where the computer t-value of 8.549 was higher than the level of significance a=0.05 (p-
value=.000). Moreover, it also shows that there was a significant difference between the results of
posttest and pretest in terms of Reading Comprehension of the Grade 6 pupils when Dual Reading
Kit was used where the computed t-value of 7.797, was higher than p-value of .000 and lower than
Findings tell us that Dual Reading Kit has contributed to the increase of scores of the pupils
which connotes that it is effective in improving the vocabulary and reading comprehension skill
to promote the program: “Dual Reading Kit” in Santa Cruz South North. With this,
researchers will hold one-day advocacy campaign to promote the program. They will seek
the permission of the School Head and the District. The one-day orientation will be
conducted at Santa Cruz North District Office. The researcher will act as facilitator of the
orientation. Prior to the conduct of the campaign program, researcher will prepare the
materials needed for information dissemination and advocacy campaign that contains facts
19 | P a g e
and information about the “Utilization of Dual Reading Kit.” Power point presentation and
2nd 3rd 4th 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 1st 2nd 3rd 1st W 1st
Wk Wk Wk Wk Wk Wk Wk Wk Wk Wk to 4th Wk
Presentation of research
proposal to the School Head and
District Supervisor
20 | P a g e
Evaluation of the result of the
Financial Report
Item of Expenditure QTY UNIT UNIT TOTAL
Cost for Research output supplies
Printing and Reproduction of Materials for Research cps 1.50 570.00
Implementation (22 pupils x 5 sets x 25 pages)
Reproduction of Research Paper for Division Research 500 cps 1.50 750.00
Summit (100 pages x 5 copies)
Reproduction of Research Paper for Regional Research 600 cps 1.50 900.00
Summit (120 pages x 5 copies)
Reproduction of Final Paper (130 pages x 5 copies) 650 cps 1.50 975.00
Sliding Folder 10 pcs 12.00 120.00
Binding of Final Output (Researcher (1), School (1), 5 pcs 200.00 1,000.00
Division (1) & Region (2)
Tarpaulin 1 pc 190.00 190.00
Tarpaulin stand 1 pc 200.00 200.00
Cost for Research Dissemination
Division Research Summit 1 Pax 500.00 500.00
Regional Research Summit 1 Pax 4,000.00 4,000.00
VIII. References
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