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Preboard Answer Key PDF
Preboard Answer Key PDF
41. The facade, carved directly into the 47. Connected to a mortuary temple via a
sandstone cliff, takes the form of a pylon causeway; used for preparing the
and is dominated by four colossal Pharaoh for his final journey.
seated figures of Ramses II. a. Birth temple
a. Temple of Queen Hatshepsut b. Valley temple
b. Temple of Luxor c. Mortuary temple
c. Temple of Amun Karnak d. Kiosk
d. Temple of Abu-Simbel 48. A covered ceremonial route or corridor
42. Used in ancient Egypt as a tomb to leading from a valley temple to a
contain the burial chamber and the mortuary temple at the foot of a
mummy of the pharaoh; A massive pyramid.
masonry structure having a rectangular a. Hypostyle Hall
base and four sloping sides meeting at b. Hypaethral court
an apex. c. Ramp
a. Pyramid d. Pyramid causeway
b. Mastaba 49. Minoan Palace which contained
c. Mortuary temple residences, ceremonial rooms,
d. Sarcophagus workshops, and sanctuaries.
43. The first architect recorded in history. a. Persepolis
a. Imhotep b. Dar-Sharrukin
b. Sneferu c. Knossos
c. Ictinus d. Palace of Sargon
d. Hippodamus 50. Based the different proportions of their
44. An early development of the mastaba, a construction systems on mathematical
pyramid-type whose sides are stepped ratios; completed with sophisticated
with tiers. optical corrections for perspective.
a. Ziggurat a. Roman
b. Bent Pyramid b. Greek
c. False Pyramid c. Renaissance
d. Stepped Pyramid d. Classical Revival
45. An pyramid-type in which each e. Palace of Sargon
triangular planar surface changes 51. Large stones without mortar on clay
direction as it approaches the top. bedding; utilized during the Aegean
a. False Pyramid Period in Greece.
b. True Pyramid a. Battered walls
c. Pyramid b. Tapered walls
d. Stepped Pyramid c. Cyclopean Walls
46. Prime example of a bent pyramid. d. Opus walling.
a. Pyramid of Zoser 52. A single-storey Greek dwelling with a
b. Pyramid of Cheops central room and porticoed entrance.
c. Pyramid of Sneferu a. Domus
d. Pyramid of Khufu b. Megaron
c. Prostas
d. Pastas
c. Regula
d. Glyph
82. Surface decoration of longitudinal
concave grooves for classical columns.
a. Arris
b. Fluting
c. Dentils
77 d. Triglyphs
83. The height of an Ionic Order column
shaft is ____ times the column base
a. 7
79 b. 8
c. 9
d. 10
84. Developed the corinthian capital.
a. Phidias
b. Callimachus
Figure2 c. Ictinus
77. Refer to Figure 2. Identify the part. d. Callicrates
a. Regula 85. The first attempt to use the Corinthian
b. Mutule order can be seen in the:
c. Gutta a. Temple of Athena Nike
d. Taenia b. Erechtheion
78. Refer to Figure 2. Identify the part. c. Temple of Apollo Epicurius
a. Regula d. Temple of Olympian Zeus
b. Mutule 86. Square tapered column capped with the
c. Gutta carved head.
d. Taenia a. Pedestal
79. Refer to Figure 2. Identify the part. b. Kore
a. Frieze c. Herm
b. Entablature d. Androsphinx
c. Lintel 87. Placed an emphasis on monumental
d. Architrave public buildings; The invention and
80. The Greek entablature is composed of: development of concrete led to a system
a. Frieze, architrave and cornice of vaulting, which demonstrated their
b. Architrave and cornice sophisticated engineering skills.
c. Frieze, architrave and pediment a. Modern Architecture
d. Architrave and pediment b. Byzantine
81. One of a series of plain or carved c. Roman
rectangular panels lining a Doric frieze, d. Romanesque
separated by triglyphs. 88. Senate house; A public town hall for the
a. Mutule citizens of ancient Greece.
b. Metopes a. Curia
b. Agora b. Pons
c. Bouleuterion c. Fontana
d. Prytaneion d. Aqueduct
89. Classical Order with a capital having 96. Dry sweating room in a Roman bath.
both volutes and acanthus leaves, a a. Laconicum
base and an entablature with dentils. b. Sudatorium
a. Tuscan c. Balneum
b. Ionic d. Apodyterium
c. Corinthian 97. System of flues on the floor or walls of
d. Composite Roman baths that provided central
90. A barrel vault having a circular plan in heating.
the shape of a ring. a. Exedrae
a. Groin b. Taberna
b. Conical c. Hypocaust
c. Annular d. Xystus
d. Rampant 98. Roman open space, rectangular in
91. Roman building type used as a meeting shape, enclosed by different institutional
place, courthouse, marketplace, and and public buildings, serving as the
lecture hall. city's marketplace and centre of public
a. Forum business.
b. Basilica a. Agora
c. Curia b. Forum Romanum
d. Thermae c. Imperial Forum
92. Long U-shaped or enclosed arena for d. Roman Court
chariot and horse racing of the Romans. 99. Swimming pool in a Roman bath.
a. Circus a. Exedrae
b. Hippodrome b. Xystus
c. Gymnasion c. Schola
d. Palaestra d. Natatio
93. Shop in a Roman house. 100. A classical arena for gladiatorial
a. Oecus contests.
b. Triclinium a. Theatre
c. Cubicula b. Palaestra
d. Taberna c. Amphitheater
94. He wrote De architectura (On d. Hippodrome
Architecture), known today as the “Ten 101. Early Christian basilica faced
Books on Architecture.” ________.
a. da Vignola a. North
b. Alberti b. South
c. Palladio c. East
d. Vitruvius d. West
95. A bridge or other structure designed to 102. Roman basilica form was
convey fresh water. adopted as the ground plan for most
a. Cloaca Maxima
technology, craft, and design aesthetics, architecture with two or three lintels
and emphasis on functional design. between two posts.
a. Arts and Crafts Movement a. Torii
b. International Style b. Dagoba
c. Bauhaus c. Pailou
d. De Stijl d. Torana
141. Architectural style based on the 147. The sanctuary of a Hindu temple
return to craftsmanship and the in which a deity is enshrined.
integration of art, design, and a. Mandir
architecture; characterized by fluid, b. Vimana
undulating motifs, often derived from c. Vihara
natural forms. d. Rath
a. Arts and Crafts Movement 148. Large, porch-like hall and used
b. New Art for religious dancing and music in a
c. Bauhaus Hindu Mandira
d. De Stijl a. Gopuram
142. Large underground or partly b. Amalaka
underground chamber used by the men c. Sikhara
in India for religious ceremonies or d. Mandapa
councils. 149. In a mandira, a tower usually
a. Pallava tapered convexly and capped by an
b. Dravidian amalaka.
c. Kiva a. Chattri
d. Vedika b. Gopuram
143. A Buddhist memorial mound to c. Sikhara
enshrine a relic of Buddha. d. Wat
a. Dagoba 150. Blended traditions from India and
b. Vedika Islam.
c. Chattri a. Saracenic
d. Gompa b. Mughal
144. Buddhist shrine carved out of c. Dravidian
solid rock on a hillside; form of an aisled d. Pallava
basilica with a stupa at one end. 151. A platform for a mosque situated
a. Vihara at the end of a walled garden divided by
b. Gompa canals.
c. Chaitya a. Mandala
d. Wat b. Rupadhatu
145. Railing enclosing a chorten. c. Chahar bagh
a. Vedika d. Arupadhatu
b. Dagoba 152. In Buddhism, it is the geometric
c. Gompa symbol of the universe.
d. Chaitya a. Kamadhatu
146. Elaborately carved, ceremonial b. Rupadhatu
gateway in Indian Buddhist and Hindu c. Mandala
d. Mandira c. Shoin
153. Buddhist temple, square or d. Zashiki
polygonal in plan, with roofs projecting 159. Main room in a Japanese house
from each storey; erected as a memorial for receiving guests.
or to hold relics. a. Shoji
a. Pagoda b. Shimmei zukuri
b. Stupa c. Shoin
c. Pailou d. Zashiki
d. Torii 160. Venue for a Japanese tea
154. Inside the Forbidden City, the ceremony, with an adjacent garden to it.
residence of the son of heaven and the a. Roji
conceptual center of the empire. b. Zashiki
a. Diwan-i-Kas c. Shoin
b. Diwan-i-Am d. Chashitsu
c. Palace of Heavenly Purity 161. “Stalactite” decoration of icicle-
d. Hall of Supreme Harmony like elements hanging from the ceiling.
155. Arranging architectural elements a. Ka’ba
so that they are in harmony with nature. b. Arabesque
a. Yin Yang c. Muqarnas
b. Jian d. Iwan
c. Feng Shui 162. Pulpit from which the imam
d. Dougong delivers his sermons.
156. Style of Shinto shrine a. Minaret
characterized by rectangular plan raised b. Qibla
on posts, surrounded by a railed c. Ivan
veranda, with a free-standing post at d. Mimbar
each gable end. 163. Fountain for washing before
a. Naiku prayers in a mosque.
b. Tokonoma a. Cantharus
c. Shimmei zukuri b. Meda
d. Zashikin c. Iwan
157. Golden Hall in a Japanese d. Liwanat
Buddhist temple; sanctuary where the 164. A Friday mosque having a sahn
main image of worship is kept. (central courtyard of a mosque) for large
a. Kodo congregations.
b. Kondo a. Ulu Jami
c. Chumon b. Jami Masjid
d. Sorin c. Musjid
158. A type of residential Japanese d. Madrasa
architecture which features the 165. A wall in a mosque in which the
proportioning system of using tatami mihrab (niche or decorative panel) is
mats. set, oriented to Mecca.
a. Shoji a. Minaret
b. Shimmei zukuri b. Muezzin