Calibration of Horizontal Tank

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You are on page 1of 4 ELEKTRONIKA IR ELEKTROTECHNIKA, ISSN 1392-1215, VOL. 18, NO.

9, 2012

New Method for Calibration of Horizontal Fuel

V. Knyva, M. Knyva
Department of Electronics and Measurements Systems, Kaunas University of Technology,
Studentu St. 50, LT-51368, Kaunas, Lithuania, phone: +370 37 300535
[email protected]

Abstract—Nowadays, when price of the fuel increases can be used in the volumetric calibration practice. In general
rapidly each day, the accurate control of the fuel tanks in the - volumetric calibration is performed by adding liquid,
fuel stations becomes of a great importance. The underground usually cold water to a fuel tank in small volumes (see
horizontal fuel tanks in the stations can be easily deformed figure 1). It depends of the volume of the tank and may vary
during the installation or affected by geological or other
reasons, thus full volume and volume chart of the tank can be
from 50 to 400 liters. The liquid can either be metered in a
corrupted. Under these circumstances the recalibration of the calibrated flow meter or poured from a calibrated volumetric
tank volume chart becomes very important. For the calibration prover. Basically, in fuel tank calibrated flow metering
of horizontal fuel tanks in Lithuania the liquid filled method is systems are used. After the new volume is added the level is
used. In this article a new method, based on inside 3D laser measured and recorded by electronic level gauge. All
scans of horizontal fuel tank and advanced data processing, temperature corrections, provoked by the water temperature
was presented.
change must be indicated in the graduation table. If the fuel
tank service conditions for hydrostatic pressure are different
Index Terms—Calibration, Fuel storage, laser, level
measurement. from the calibrating conditions, the volume error will occur.
Thus corrections for hydrostatic pressure must be made. For
I. INTRODUCTION those fuel tanks which were installed on different angles
from which they were calibrated (installation angles may
Nowadays, when price of the fuel increases rapidly each
vary because of geological reasons or wrong installation)
day, the accurate control of the fuel tanks in the fuel stations
must be made one more correction in order to obtain a
becomes of a great importance. The underground horizontal
precise data. If the tank inclination is different from the
fuel tanks in the stations can be easily deformed during the
calibrated condition, there will be errors in the reported
installation or affected by geological or other reasons, thus
volume. The volumetric calibration has the limitations
full volume and volume chart of the tank can be corrupted.
which with some corrections gives satisfactorily results.
Under these circumstances the recalibration of the tank
Therefore it is important to mention, that volumetric
volume chart becomes very important. For the calibration of
calibration process requires a certain amount of water
horizontal fuel tanks in Lithuania the liquid filled method is
subject to the fuel tanks capacity and when the process is
finished the fuel tanks must be cleaned again to avoid
In this article a new method, based on inside 3D laser
further incorrect tank usage.
scans of horizontal fuel tank and advanced data processing,
will be presented.
Horizontal tanks can be calibrated by using standard [1]
or verification techniques [2]. In Lithuania the last Flow meter
mentioned method is used. The verification technique is
followed by these steps:
Electronic level gauge
1) Inspection of the fuel tank;
2) Preparation of measurement gear and fuel tank for
3) Fuel tank test;
4) Primary verification of fuel tank;
5) Volumetric calibration;
6) Preparation of graduation table.
In this article the volumetric calibration of fuel tank will
Fig. 1. Calibration of horizontal fuel tanks.
be explored in order to show other alternative ways, which
Manuscript received March 13, 2012; accepted May 14, 2012. A new approach to the calibration of horizontal fuel tanks


is based on the 3D laser scans. A tank can be scanned from ∑ (2)

inside using accurate laser [3], [4]. The 3D picture of the
scanned tank presented in the figure 2. Volume of the fuel
where – number of layers in 1 cm.
tank can be calculated and measurement uncertainty can be
estimated from scanned results using data processing
As the aim of this article is to show the advantage of the
3D method, the time saving and water waste problems will
be analyzed further. Practice of calibration time shows that
while calibrating 30-40 m3 fuel tanks using liquid fill
method take 4 to 5 hours. 3D scanner can scan whole tank in
5 minutes [4]. A full tank scan requires 2 or 3 scans. The
number of scans depends on the volume of the tank. Data
processing takes another 5 minutes. The calibration with
preparations takes around 30–45 minutes.

Fig. 3. 2D layer of fuel tank.

Standard uncertainty of the fuel tanks calibration using
liquid fill method must be less or equal as described
in standard [2]. The uncertainty of the 3D scanning method
can be calculated as follows.
An absolute standard uncertainty of fuel tanks layer area
Fig. 2. 3D scan of the fuel tank. can be expressed [5]

New scanning technique eliminates water in calibrating (3)

process. As usage of water is very important in calibrating
fuel tanks, it generates water waste and delivery difficulties
where – absolute standard uncertainty of layers
in locations such as small villages or speedways. A car-
tanks must be used for water transportation, thus additional perimeter, – perimeter of layer:
time and money are required to fulfill the process.
Calibration of the 40 m3 fuel tank costs around 30–35 Lt (8- ∑ √ (4)
10 Euro) per 1 m3 of the tank. Whole tank 1200–1400 Lt √ (5)
(320–400 Euros). Water adds another 300–400 Lt (85–115
Euros) to the calibration expenses.
where – absolute standard uncertainty of measurement
IV. VOLUME CALCULATIONS OF 3D SCANNED FUEL TANK of X axis coordinates of -layers perimeter, – absolute
Due to the undisclosed agreement the authors of this standard uncertainty of measurement of Y axis coordinates
article have signed, the calculation algorithm will be of -layers perimeter:
described in a simplified form. Algorithms for finding “0”
∑ (6)
point, “rubbish” points filtering, linearization of scanned
data will be skipped. √ (7)
Scanned 3D tank can be divided into 2D layers as showed
in figure 3. Area of fuel tanks 2D layer can be calculated (8)
using equation [3]
∑ (1) (10)

where –area of layer, ⁄ , where – absolute standard uncertainty of layers

fuel tanks filling level, – maximal perimeters point X coordinates measurement, –
filling level, - scanning step (mm), and – absolute standard uncertainty of layers perimeters point
perimeter points coordinates of layer (m), - layer’s X coordinates distance from laser measurement, –
point number of perimeter. absolute standard uncertainty of layers perimeters point
Then volume of the fuel tank can be calculated as sum of X coordinates measurement of horizontal angle, –
all 2D layers absolute standard uncertainty of layers perimeters point


X coordinates measurement of vertical angle, – X the process faster, the application was converted to C
coordinate of layer perimeters point, – distance from language which is used in LABWINDOWS/CVI
coordinate center to layer perimeters point, – environment. Mathematical/programical data processing
absolute standard uncertainty of distance measurement, model was validated using techniques explained in author’s
– absolute standard uncertainty of horizontal angles article [6].
measurement, – absolute standard uncertainty of Experimental 3D laser scans were performed with 4
vertical angles measurement. different fuel tanks. Volume of 1 was 15 m3, 2 -45 m3, 3 - 30
Same equations are used for estimation of Y coordinates m3 and 4 - 100 m3.
measurement absolute standard uncertainty For all fuel tanks relational error between 3D scanning
method and volumetric water filling method were
calculated. In figure 4 dependence of relational error
√ (11) according to filling level of the tank were presented. As can
be seen from the 4 figure negative relational error dominates
where –perimeter coordinates of layer in the level range. This can be explained by scattering of
point: scanned data after merging few scans. Filtration of this data
can reduce relational error.
( ) (12)

( ) √ ( ) (13)

( ) (14)

√ (15)

( ) √ ( ) (16)

Absolute standard uncertainty of distance measurement

can be expressed
Fig. 4. 3D scanning vs. water filling measurement relational error.

where – scanner distance measurement linearity error.

Absolute standard uncertainty of horizontal angles
measurement can be expressed


where – scanners accuracy of horizontal angle

Absolute standard uncertainty of vertical angles
measurement can be expressed
Fig. 5. Absolute standard uncertainties.

As can be seen from figure measurement expanded
where – scanners accuracy of vertical angle absolute standard uncertainty’s of all fuel tanks fits
measurement. boundary as required by standard [2] and Lithuania’s
And finally absolute standard uncertainty of the fuel tanks verification methodic [1].
filling level and volume can be expressed This article presented a new approach to calibration of
horizontal fuel tanks. This practice is very useful in solving
∑ (20) time and water waste problems and after some adoption 3D
scanning method can be used for calibration of vertical tanks
where , – number of layers in 1 cm. or various form tanks.
Fuel tank expanded absolute uncertainty
(21) 1. New method for calibration of horizontal fuel tanks
using 3D laser scanning techniques and data processing
VI. EXPERIMENTAL MEASUREMENT RESULTS algorithms presented, fuel tank volume measurement
For experimental verification of the 3D scanning method, expanded absolute standard uncertainty estimated. Main
mathematical/programical model of scanned data processing advantages of the 3D method – time and water savings were
algorithm were created in MATLAB. In order to perform analyzed. Experimental measurements showed that using 3d


scanning technique calibration time can be reduced 3-4

2. Experimental results showed that measurement
expanded absolute standard uncertainties of 4 different
volumes (1 - 15 m3, 2 -45 m3, 3 - 30 m3 and 4 - 100 m3) fuel
tanks fits boundary as required by standard and
Lithuania’s verification methodic
3. In comparison between volumetric liquid fill and 3D
scanning methods relational error stays around
. This can be explained by scattering of scanned data
after merging few scans. Filtration of this data can reduce
relational error.

[1] Skystų produktų talpyklos (vardinė talpa 3–200 m3) bendroji patikros
metodika, BPM 8871101-96/1:2005, Lithuania: KTU Metrology
institute, 2005.
[2] Petroleum and liquid petroleum products – Calibration of horizontal
cylindrical tanks, EU: ISO 7507-4:2010(E), 2010.
[3] W. Khasingkram D. Banjerdpongchai, “A Combined Geometric-
Volumetric Calibration of Inclined Cylindrical Underground Storage
Tanks Using the Regularized Least-Squares Method”, in Proc. of the
BEE lnternational Conference on Control Applications, 2004, pp.
[4] Imager 5006i Calibration certificate, Germany: Zoller+Frohlih, 2011.
[5] S. Sivraman, A. Betotto, “Estimating horizontal fuel tank calibration
uncertainty”, in Proc. of the lntemational Conference on
Hydrocarbon processing, 2010, pp. 55–61.
[6] V. Knyva, M. Knyva, ”Algorithm for Estimation of Measurement
Devices Software's Metrological Reliability”, Elektronika ir
Elektrotechnika (Electronics and Electrical Engineering), no. 4, pp.
47–50, 2010.


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