Tonka Javorović: Subject: Application Letter For Financial Help
Tonka Javorović: Subject: Application Letter For Financial Help
Tonka Javorović: Subject: Application Letter For Financial Help
My name is Tonka Javorović and I'm a 3rd year cello student from Croatia and future student of Gstaad
String Academy. From this year I decided I want to futher my education and expend my cello horizons. So
I decided to apply to my first masterclass abroad and I decided on Gstaad String Academy.
During the research for places where I can further my professional development, I have looked through
countless offers, information and pages offering seminars and professional training for musicians.
According to all that I have heard and read about you, the venue, the festival and distinguished professors,
I have placed you in the very top of the seminars that I have to apply for. To me Gstaad String Academy is
a stairway to become a better musician, cellist and chamber musician.
My parents work in public services with monthly paychecks netto for my dad ( Igor Javorović) is around
6.000 hrk which is about 810 € and for my mom (Silvana Javorović) is around 7.830 hrk which is around
1057 €. Unfortunately, I don't have any income or scholarships. There is not connected with train or bus
unless you make a connection 5 times or if I put my cello in the cargo. Cheapest and easiest version is to
go with a plane which costs around 250 € without the cello seat which costs around 80% of the original
cost and I also have to pay for the train tickets from Bern , Zürich or Geneva.
I am looking forward to working with all the professors and learn some new things. I hope you will help me
relieve some of the costs of the travel. That would mean the world to me.
Kind regards,
Tonka Javorović
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