HUM102 Handouts Lecture02
HUM102 Handouts Lecture02
HUM102 Handouts Lecture02
2.5.2 Abstract
The cover page or the title page is followed by a short summary of the whole report. This short summary
is technically called the executive summary. It is supposed to be qualitative, thus the adjective
“executive”. This executive summary should clearly define the purpose and the outcome of the whole
study with pertinent results without using any abbreviation to confuse readers.
2.5.4 Introduction
The introductory section of a report describes the problem for the readers, elaborates the objectives,
explains the methodology used for the collection and analysis of data followed by highlighting the most
interesting results to catch the attention of readers and to draw a conclusion. The information is provided
using the technique of conciseness.
2.5.7 Conclusion
This section sums up all the results of the study in a quantitative manner, maintaining brevity. Authors
must strive to avoid the use of abbreviations as it will be read by readers who have earlier read only the
executive summary without any idea of the body content. The conclusion must simply highlight the
studied problem; explain the basic objectives, the procedure to collect and analyze the data and the most
important results once again to get the attention of readers