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The passage discusses benefits employees can receive from working at SmartThink, such as flexible work hours, use of a company car, and discounts at a restaurant.

Benefits Steve receives include flexible work hours, the ability to work from home 2 days a week, discounts at a restaurant, and the use of a company car.

One of the perks that first attracted Steve to the job was the use of a company car since the job involves some traveling.

Grammar and

. ®
the TOEIC Test
with answers

Self-study grammar
and vocabulary
reference and practice


. . . :·: . . . CAMBRIDGE
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t, b, I, r = top, bottom, left, right
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Introduction 6
Overview of the TOEIC 7
Unit Vocabulary Focus Grammar Focus
1 Applying for a job ~~fu~ 8
Noun, verb, adjective, and adverb forms
2 Business documents Present tenses 16
Present simple, present continuous, imperatives, state verbs
3 Air travel Past tenses 24
Past simple, past continuous, used to and be used to
4 Shopping Present perfect 32
Present perfect simple and continuous, tor and since
5 Business trips Future 40
Present continuous; present simple; going to; will
Practice Test 1 Listening, Reading 48
6 Customer Service Questions 54
Question forms; yes I no questions and short answers;
wh- questions; tag questions
7 Property Embedded questions 62
Wh- questions; yes I no questions; questions with an infinitive
8 Banking Reported Speech 69
Reporting statements and questions; reporting verbs
9 Commuting Adjectives and Adverbs 78
Describing things; adding information about manner, place,
time, frequency, and intensity
10 Advertising Comparing 86
Comparative and superlative adjectives and adverbs;
expressions of equality I inequality (as ... as, not as ... as,
etc.); other ways of comparing
' Practice Test 2 Listening, Writing 94
11 Company structure Modals 1 100
Ability and possibility
12 Employment Contracts Modals 2 108
Obligation and necessity; orders and advice
13 Dining out Modals 3 116
Permission; requests; offers; suggestions
14 Safety at work Prepositions 1 123
Prepositions of time; prepositions of place;
prepositions of movement
15 Meetings Prepositions 2 132
Verb + preposition; noun + preposition;
adjective + preposition
Practice Test 3 Listening, Reading, Speaking 139
16 Import I export Referring to nouns 146
Demonstratives; one I ones; some I any; quantifiers;
each I every; either I neither
17 Using the phone Pronouns 154
Personal and possessive, reflexives, impersonal pronouns ;
it I there
18 Office supplies Nouns 162
Countable and uncountable nouns; articles
19 Presentations Linking words 1 168
And, but, or; so, such, as, such as; too and enough:
still, yet, already
20 Investments Passives 176
Passive voice; having something done

Practice Test 4 Listening, Reading, Speaking, Writing 184

21 Innovations Relative clauses 191
Relative clauses; relative pronouns;
relative pronouns with prepositions
22 Insurance Conditional sentences 199
Zero, first, and second conditionals
23 Trade shows Linking words 2 207
Giving reasons; gi ving results; making contrasts; adding
information; showing sequences; showing attitude
24 Marketing Verb + verb patterns 214
Verb+ to infinitive; verb+ -ing; infinitive without to
25 Employee perks More verb patterns and phrasal verbs 222
and benefits Adjectives + to infinitive or -ing;
nouns+ preposition and -ing; phrasal verbs

Practice Test 5 Reading, Writing 230

Answer key 236

Recording scripts 256

Appendix 1: Common phrasal verbs 271
Appendix 2: Common irregular verbs 272

Who is this book for? test. The combined test practice sections make up one
complete TOEIC Listening test, one complete TOEIC
This book is for students preparing for the Test of
Reading test, two complete TOEIC Speaking tests, and
English for International CommunicationrM (TOEIC•) and
two complete TOEIC Writing tests.
covers vocabulary and grammar useful for the business
Each test practice section is accompanied by a grammar
environment. It can be used as part of a TOEIC test
focus task and a vocabulary focus task. These are
preparation course in the classroom or for extra practice
designed to raise your awareness of the way grammar
or review at home. Students who are not preparing for
and vocabulary are used in the TOEIC test.
the TOEIC tests but want to review grammar and extend
their vocabulary will also find this book useful. Using the speaking practice test sections
Use the speaking practice test questions to practice the
How are the units organized? kinds of questions presented on the TOEIC Speaking
The book consists of 25 units and 5 practice tests. test. The questions give you the opportunity to practice
There is a practice test section after every 5 units. your oral skills. Focus on speaking clearly and using
Each unit presents and practices both the grammar and vocabulary and grammar accurately. If possible, you
vocabulary within the context of a work-related topic. should record your answers so that a friend or teacher
The units are divided into 4 parts: can give you their comments.
Using the writing practice test sections
A Context listening Use the writing practice test questions to practice the
This section introduces the vocabulary and kinds of questions presented on the TOEIC Writing test.
grammar of each unit in context. It will help you The questions give you the opportunity to practice your
to understand the gramma r and vocabulary more writing skills. Focus on organizing your ideas and using
easily. vocabulary and grammar accurately. If possible, you
should have a friend or teacher read your work and give
B Grammar you their comments.
This section is a review of important grammar
points. Read through this section before you Recording Scripts
do the exercises. You can also refer back to this The recording scripts for all the context listening
section when you are doing the exercises. sections and the listening practice tests are included.
C Grammar exercises Look at the scripts after you answer the questions.
Practice your listening skills by playing the recording
This section provides grammar practice. Write again while you read the script. Practice your speaking
your answers to the exercises and check your skills by listening to the recording and pausing it to
work using the answer key. repeat what you have heard.
D Vocabulary
ONLINE Practice Tests
This section introduces the vocabulary for the topic
in a 'key vocabulary' paragraph. The paragraph is In association with Grammar and Vocabulary for the
TOEJC® Test, Cambridge University Press will make
followed by exercises for vocabulary practice. You
can check your answers using the answer key. available two complete online practice TOEIC tests-
The practice TOEIC Test for Listening and Reading and
Test practice sections the Practice TOEIC Test for Speaking and Writing. These
tests can be found at
At the end of every five units, there is a test practice A guide to the
section. The tests are in the format used in the TOEIC scoring for the TOEIC Speaking and Writing test is also
included on the website.
The Test of English for International Communication The TOEIC Speaking and Writing test
(TOEIC) test can be used to show your proficiency This test is ari internet-based test in which your
in English for the workplace or for entry into a study responses to the tasks are recorded for scoring. You
p'rogram. Depending on the requirements you need have approximately 20 minutes for the Speaking test
to meet, you will take either the TOEIC Listening and 60 minutes for the Writing test. The format of the
and Reading test or the TOEIC Speaking and Writing test is as follows:
test. For a complete assessment of all your language
skills, you may be required to take both TOEIC tests. Speaking Test: 11 items
These tests can be taken at ETS-approved locations Questions 1- 2: Read a text aloud
worldwide. Question 3: Describe a picture
Questions 4- 6: Respond to a question
The TOEIC Listening and Reading test Questions 7- 9: Respond to questions using
Thi s test is a paper and pencil test using a multiple information provided -
choice format. It lasts approximately 2 hours with 45 Question 10: Propose a solution
minutes for Listening and 75 minutes for Reading. You Question 11: Express an opinion
will need another 30 minutes for completing forms
containing needed biographical information . The format Writing Test: 8 items
Questions 1- 5: Write a sentence based on a picture
of t he test is as follows:
Questions 6- 7: Respond to a written request
Listening Comprehension: 100 items Question 8: Write an opinion essay
Pa rt 1: Photographs: 10 items
Pa rt 2: Question-Response: 30 items
Pa rt 3: Conversations: 30 items (10 conversations with
3 questions each) ·
Pa rt 4: Short talks: 30 items (10 talks with 3 questions

Reading Comprehension: 100 items

Pa rt 5: Incomplete Sentences: 40 items
Pa rt 6: Text Completion: 12 items (4 texts with 3 items
Pa rt 7: Simple Passages: 28 items (7-10 texts with 2-5
questions each)
Double Passages: 20 items (4 pairs of texts with 5
questions per pair)

Word forms
_ _ ___;;,_._"'v_.._._,, verb, adjective, and ad"\/erb forms

A Context listening
1 A temporary position is open at MacNulty's Chocolate Factory. You are going to hear two
people at an interview. Before you listen, look at the picture and answer these questions.
1 Which person in the picture is the interviewer?-----------
2 Which person in the picture is the c a n d i d a t e ? - - - - - - - - - - -
3 What job is the candidate applying for? - - - - - - - - - - - - -

2 listen and check if you were right.

3 listen again and fill in the blanks.

1 You're the AAPli.cru1t for the secretarial job, right?
2 Your resume certainly is - - - - - - -
3 Your last employer was very _ _ _ _ _ _ _ with you.
4 He says you are--- - - - - · hard working, and efficient. TOEIC® TIP
s I'm a little surprised you haven't _ _ _ _ _ _ _ for a listen carefully to talks
permanent job. and conversations. Practice
identifying who is speaking,
6 You see, my background and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ are in theater. where the conversation or
7 It was called "The Over· Graduate." talk is taking place, and what
8 You played the part of the secretary with such _ _ _ _ _ __ is being discussed.

Applying for a job 1

4 Compare the following pairs of answers from Exercise 3.

a look at answers 1 and 5, 2 and 3, 4 and 8, and 6 and 7. What is similar about
each pair? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
b In each pair, what parts of speech are the two words?
1 noun 5 Vet"b

2 3

·4 8
6 7

5 Match the two parts of the common phrases you heard in the conversation.
listen again if you need to.
1 permanent ~ a qualified
2 employment b letter
3 cover c job
4 over d agency

1 Applying for a job

B Grammar
1 Word forms
A word may have more than one form depending on what part of speech it is. Look at
the different forms of the word compete.
We compete with several companies. (verb)
Our competition in this field is growing. (noun)
We are in a competitive market. (adjective)
We must think competitively. (adverb)

2 Noun forms
Nouns are words that refer to things, people, places, etc. We use them in sentences as
subjects or as objects.
My qualifications are in theater. (qualifications= subject)
Secretaries can make a good salary nowadays. (salary= object)

We can often recognize nouns through their suffixes (the part at the end of the word).
Some noun suffixes indicate a person. The most common suffix for a person is -er I -or.
Other suffixes for people include -ess, -ic, -ist, and -ian. The suffix -ess indicates that
the person is female.
manager, senator, princess, critic, pianist, politician

We use the suffixes -ion I -ation and -ment to make verbs into nouns.
promote I promotion, apply I application, govern I government

We use the suffixes -ness and -ity to make adjectives into nouns.
happy I happiness, tidy I tidiness, stupid I stupidity

Other noun suffixes include ·acy, -age, -once, -ant, -dam, -hood, -an, -ism, -ary, -ship.
Accuracy is important in accounting.
The package arrived damaged.

3 Verb forms
Verbs are words that show states or actions. In English, we always use a subject with a verb.
Our boss is always happy.
He manages the department very effectively.
I enjoy working as a secretary.

The verb form changes to agree with the subject (/, he, she, etc.) and to agree with the tense
(present, past simple, etc.). (See verbs, Units 2, 3, 4, and 5.)
He prepares a weekly report. They prepare a weekly report.
I begin a new job today. I began a new job yesterday. I've recently begun a new job.

We can recognize verbs through their suffixes. The most common verb suffix is -ize, which
we can use to make adjectives and nouns into verbs.
The government is planning to modernize the transport system.
I didn't recognize you.

Other verb suffixes include -ate, -en, and -ify.

We won't duplicate the process next year.
We want to widen participation in our training program.
Will we have to justify our decision to the board?

Applying for a job 1

4 Adjective forms
Adjectives are words that describe people and things. For more information on how
we use them, see Unit 9.

We can often recognize adjectives through their suffixes. Some common adjective
suffixes are -able, -ful, -ish, -ive, -less, -ous, and -y.
The training session was valuable and I was very grateful tor the chance to attend.
I appreciated his generous gesture.
Our manager is worthy of her position.
We use some verbs that express feelings to make adjectives. These adjectives use an -ed
ending to describe the feelings. They use the -ing ending to describe the person I thing
that causes the feelings. Verbs that we often use to make these adjectives are:
amaze, annoy, astonish, bore, contuse, embarrass, excite, fascinate, frighten, interest, satisfy, worry
I watched a very interesting presentation about quality control yesterday. But I don't think
Mike was interested since he kept looking at his watch.
5 Adverb forms
Adverbs are words that describe actions.~ For more information on how we use them,
see Unit 9.

We can often recognize adverbs through their suffixes. The most common adverb suffix is -ly.
The ad campaign was run effectively.
Your resume certainly is impressive.
-ward and -wise.
Other adverb suffixes include
He wants to keep moving upward on the corporate ladder.
Turn this knob clockwise.

1 Applying for a job

C Grammar exercises
1 Label the words in the box V (verb), N (noun), Adj (adjective) or Adv (adverb).
Some of these words can have the same form but be different parts of speech.
application .1L beneficial_ employment_ enthusiastically_
experienced_ impressively- . interview_ . manageable_
qualify_ require_ successful_ suitably_

2 Use the words in the box in 1 to complete the columns below. Not all words have all word
forms and some words have more than one form.
noun verb adjective adverb
o.ppu.w.ti.on apply o.ppl.Ld

3 Underline the adjective or adverb that completes the sentences.

1 The decision was enthusiastic I enthusiastically welcomed by the development team .
2 Hiring more people is economic I economically impossible at this time.
3 Have you found a suitable I suitably candidate for the assistant manager job?
4 The person chosen for the position has not been official I officially informed yet.
s The second interviewee was extremely polite I politely.
6 Our project has been completed successful I successfully.

Applying for a job 1

4 Fill in the blank with the correct adjective form of the given verb.
1 The book gave a fo.sW1rA.tir\9 (fascinate) account of how to succeed in business.
2 If you are (excite) about the job, you should apply.
3 You will find working at Blink's a (challenge) experience.
4 The rise in sales is an ________ (encourage) development.
5 I was (amaze) that our shopping cart was so successful.
6 The documentary program about business takeovers was very (interesting).
1 I will be very (annoy) if Henri arrives late for another meeting.

5 Look at the following interview questions. Make a new question using the underlined word or
phrase to form the verb.
1 When have you found a solution to a difficult problem?
When ~ou soLved- o.. d..if.Fi,wLc problem ?
2 What was your motivation to apply for this position?
What _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _________?
3 When did you get your qualifications to become an accountant?
When _______ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _____ ?
4 What do you consider a challenge?
What _ _ __ _ __ _____ _ __ __ _ _ __ _______________ ?
5 What have some of your accomplishments been in your career so far?
What _____________________________________ ?

6 How would you reply to these interview questions? Write responses, including another form
of the word in italics.
1 Why did you decide to apply for this job?
AcW.oJLy, it wo.s o.. vertj eM!j cleciswn for me. Thi..s i..s . jusc th e sore of job wo.s Looking for, so I ho..Gl

2 Give some examples of your success when working in a team.

3 What are your short·term and long·term plans?

4 Why should we employ you?

5 What motivates you in a job?

1 Applying for a job

D Vocabulary
Key Vocabulary
Read this paragraph about applying for jobs and check your understanding of the meaning of the
words in bold.

When employers want to fill a permanent or short-term I temporary vacancy, they usually
advertise the position in a newspaper or on the Internet. If you want to apply for the job, you
should send a well-written cover letter and r6sume to the company or recruitment agency. You
should give details of y~>Ur qualifications ard references. If they think you might be the right
candidate for the job, t~ey will call you in for an interview. As well as the right qualifications
and relevant work experience, they might look for other qualities, including people skillS,
communication skfils, and the ability to work well as a team member. After the interview the
company will decide whether to reject or hire you .

• ·~· ,.,, ••• 1 11(~ \ ,,,

Career is a countable-noun. We use it to talk about a job regarded as a~ long-term

activity or professional occupation.
job is a countable noun. We use it to talk about a specific task or the regular work
a person does to earn money.
Work is an uncountable noun or a verb. We use it to talk about an activity a person
does, usually for money.
I have a job as a delivery man tor a pizza place. My work consists of taking pizzas to
our customers. In the future, I would like a career in restaurant management.

1 Replace the underlined word or phrase in each of the following sentences with a word from
the box that has the same or a similar meaning.
vacancies candidates employment hire impressed reject temporary

1 Peter certainly made a positive impression on the audience with his lecture. _,i.m"'"p"'-r""'es""'s'""vl=-----
2 We plan to employ three new people in the components department. _ _ _ _ _ _ __
3 How many applicants are we seeing this morning? _ _ _ _ _ __
4 Bentley's is advertising several openings for a sales representative. _ _ _ _ _ _ __
s I've been contacted by the recruitment agency about your vacancy. _ _ _ _ _ _ __
6 He did several short-term jobs in different companies. _ _ _ _ _ _ __
7 We don't accept candidates who don't speak a foreign language. _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Applying for a job 1

2 Read this extract from an email and underline the correct word.

Delete Reply Reply All Forw~rd Print

Hi Faryal,
I have some great news! Do you remember helping me
look for a job? Well, last month, I 1 applied 1 impressed
for a job at a large marketing company. I wasn't sure if I
had all the right 2 requirements I qualifications, but I've
taken a marketing course, so I wrote to the company. I
included the 3 recruitment I resume you helped me write
and some 4 references I employer letters from my last two
bosses. Someone from the company phoned me last week
and asked me to come for an 5 interview I application -the
next day. I was a bit nervous, but I knew that I really had
to 6 position I impress the interviewers. So before I went
I practiced answering the interview questions that you
emailed me. The interview was quite long but it seemed to
go quite well. And I've just heard that they are 7 offering I
opening me the job. I am the successful 8 hire I candidate!
So I just wanted to thank you for the help you gave me ...

3 Match the sentences in column A with those in column B.

Column A Column B
1 I don't feel too disappointed. a I am looking for a temporary job.
2 I need to earn some money this summer. b I would like a better position here.
3 I have been with this company a long time. c There are more vacancies than applicants.
4 I want to keep the same job until I retire. d Lots of people were rejected for the job.
s I'm sure I'll get the job. e I want a permanent job.

A Context listening
1 You are going to hear Emma talking to her boss, John Fleming. Before you listen, look at the
pictures and answer these questions.
1 Where isEmma? _______________________________________________________

2 Where is John?---------------------------------------------------
3 Why do you think John is calling Emma? -------------------------------------

Business documents 2

3 Look at the words from the conversation and put them in the correct category.
attachment file fftei'Ro& fax report folder

1 types of documents: -"m"-"em=o_ _ __ ____ __ _ _ __

2 ways to send a document: _____________ _ _ _
3 used to organize documents: _ __ _ _ __ ____ _ _ _ __

4 Write complete answers to these questions about the conversation.

1 When does Emma usually have her coffee break? £mmo.. v. st.vill~ no,.s nu coffee. <U 10 :00 .
2 What does John want?-- - -- - -- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -
3 What does the fax machine guarantee cover? - -- - -- -- - - -- -- - - - - - - - -
4 How is Emma sending her copy of the report to John? - -- - -- - - - -- - - - - -- - -
5 What equipment does John need?----- -- - -- - - - - -- -- -- -- - -- -
6 Where is Emma looking for the file?---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - -

5 Look at your answers to Exercise 4 and answer these questions.

1 Which sentence is about a regular action?--- - - -- -- -- -- - - -- - - - -- -
2 Which sentence is about a general truth? - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - -
3 Which sentences are about actions at or around the time of speaking? - - - -- - - - - - -- -
4 Look at answers 1 and 3. What tense are they? - - - - -- - - -- - - - - - -- - - - -
5 Look at answers 4 and 6. What tense are they? - - - - - - -- - -- - - - - - - - - - -
6 Look at answers 2 and 5. Do they fit the patte rn in questions 1-5? - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

2 Business documents

B Grammar
1 Present simple
!live in New York City.
Emma works with John.
We don't need any more files.
He doesn't share an office.
What do you think about the contract?
Does John have a printer?

We use the present simple when we talk about:

• things that happen regularly
Emma has her coffee break at 10 A.M.
Does Christina often work overtime?
• a permanent situation
The hotel doesn't have a printer.
!live within walking distance of the office .
• a general truth
Customers expect friendly service.
Some businesses don't keep accurate records of their transactions.
We use some words with the present simple to show how often the action happens.
always usually frequently often sometimes seldom rarely never
Idon't always read the morning newspapers.
She often brings her lunch to work.
2 Imperatives
When we give an order or tell someone to do something, we use the infinitive without to and no
Call me back with the figures .
Put these papers into the folder, please.
To make a negative imperative, we use do not I don't and the infinitive without to.
Don't use the [ax·machine. It's broken.
3 Present continuous
Emma is taking a coffee break.
They aren't talking on the phone.
Is John waiting for the email?

We use the present continuous when we talk about:

• actions that are happening at the time of speaking
I'm sending you an electronic copy as an email attachment now.
jenny isn't using the fax machine at the moment.

Business documents 2

• actions that are temporary

This week we are offering a special discount on swimsuits.
Are you advertising a position tor an accountant?

• changing situations or trends

Are share prices rising?
The average workplace is becoming safer.

We often use these words with the present continuous to show when the action is taking place.

now at this moment currently today this week this month this year

Margot isn't working on the inventory report today.

4 State verbs
We often use some verbs in the present simple because their meaning indicates a general truth
rather than something temporary. State verbs describe:
• senses: hear, see, smell, taste
The hotel buffet smells wonderful.
Do you hear that noise?

• feelings: enjoy, {eel, like, mind, need, want, prefer

What do you want me to do with it when I find it?
I don't like the new advertising campaign .

• thoughts: agree/disagree, believe, know, mean, realize, recognize, think, understand

I know the original copy of those papers is in the office.
They don't recognize the market potential .

• possession: have, own, belong

Do you have a copy of the Newhaven report?
Mr. Franck owns a chain of restaurants .

• description: appear, contain, look, seem, sound

janet's suggestion sounds very interesting.
This advertisement doesn't look very attractive, in my opinion.

Some state verbs can be used in the continuous form when the meaning is temporary. Look at
the examples in the table. The meaning of the sentences in each column is different.

Temporary State
What are you thinking about now? I think it's a good plan . (= in my opinion)
I'm having problems with this program. We have a photocopier in our office.
Can you help me?(= experiencing) (=possession)
I'm seeing Fran Harkins this afternoon. I see that the office renovation has started.
(=meeting) (= notice)
We're feeling pressure from the competi· I feel we made the right decision. ( = believe)
tion. (=experiencing)

2 Business documents

C Grammar exercises
1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in parentheses.
1 Sally coll.eds (collect) shipments from the airport on Mondays.
2 You're too late. Your plane _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (take offl right now.
3 Today Amy _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (not work) late because she's finished the report.
4 (you finish) work at 5 P.M .?
5 They (currently take) inventory of the storeroom.

2 Choose the best ending to complete the sentences.

1 Mr. Williams uses a company car a when he travels to conferences . .I
b because the bus drivers are on strike.
2 Chloe is preparing her presentation so a she closes her door.
b she wants some privacy.
3 Does Mary input Jim's data a because he is too busy?
b because he has a meeting later?
4 I am locking my desk drawer a when I put anything valuable in it.
b because I have some money there.
5 Jacob clears the papers from his desk a before he goes home.
b because he is on holiday next week.

3 Underline the correct form of the verb.

1 A: June looks/is looking for some new office furniture.
B: I don't know why. Her furniture looks I is looking new to me.
2 A: I don't have I'm not having any success in getting this printer to work.
B: Oh, that printer doesn't work when the paper supply is low. We have I are
having some in the supply room.
3 A: Jim always enjoys I is enjoying trade fairs.
B: Well, he really enjoys/is enjoying this year's fair.
4 A: I think I am thinking about quitting my job.
B: Really? I don't think I'm not thinking that is a good idea.
5 A: I see I am seeing that we need to reserve a place in the exhibition hall.
B: Yes, we do. I see I am seeing one of the trade fair organizers about a place today.

In listening Part 2, choices that include the same words and same
tense as those in the question are frequently not the correct choices.
Example: Is Mr. Timms thinking about replacing our equipment?
Correct Answer: Yes, he found agood deal.
Incorrect Answer: No, he is just thinking about repladng it.
Incorrect Answer: Yes, he is replacing the equipment.

Business documents 2

4 Use the instructions to write a command.

1 Ca rs may be comi ng. 2 The company does not 3 The bike route is safer 4 You should not trespass
You should look both want you to smoke in to ride on than the because of the wild
ways at a stop sign. this area. highway. animals.
Look botl1 w~s for

5 It i s i mportant to wa t ch for 6 The stairs are slippery. You 1 You shouldn't go the wrong way
an i mals crossi ng the road. should be careful. down this street.

5 Write six true sentences about yourself. Use the words in box A and a verb from box B or your own verb.
at this moment always before bedtime currently
every morning every now and then most holidays this week

drive enjoy have meet see shop sleep take
think travel work visit

1 £ver!:l 1'10W o.ncl tl1e.rt I tl1 e- btAs to tl1e- c.i.t!4 o.ncl v~sit t11e- No.furo..L H~stor!:l M!Aswm .



2 Business documents

D Vocabulary
Key Vocabulary
Read this paragraph about documents that we use in business and check your. understanding
of the words in bold .

There are many different types of business documents and these days they can be
either in paper or eledronfc form. If you work in business, you are likely to see a lot
of correspondence in your in-boxes, including letters, emails, and faxes, as well as
internal documents such as memos, reports, spreadsheets, and Inventories. You can
keep;paper documents or hard copies of electronic·docu:ments in.files or folders at your
desk. However, i! they are confidential, you might want to put them somewhere more
secure. If you want extra copies, you can photocopy the original. On·a computer, you
can organize your documents, or files, into folders to make them easier to find. Then, if
you want to send them to someone, you can email them as an a~chment.

When you are preparing for the listening section, look out for words
that have the same or similar pronunciation. These words can cause
confusion in the exam.
I sent you a fax so that you would have it immediately.
I included all the facts and figures in the report:
While you are studying, make a list ·of words that sound the same but
have different meani_ngs. Use the context to 'know which word is
being used. Jli. ·

1 Choose the best definitions for the words in the box.

attachment correspondence e-ma+l: fax file folder

memo' photocopy report

1 a message that is sent over the Internet _)2!em.!!!rut.~·"'---------------------

2 a machine-made copy of a document - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
3 information that you store on a computer as one unit - - - - -- - - - - - , - - - - - - - - - - - -
4 a document with deta ils of an event or situation - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -
5 a place on a computer where you can store files or programs - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -
6 a short message sent to the staff of a company - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
7 a computer file that is sent with an email message - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -
8 letters written from one person to another - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
9 a document sent by electronic image through a telephone line - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -

Business documents 2

2 Fill in the blanks with the correct word in the box.

correspondence inventory copy report folder in-box ~

1 The manager sent around a memo about possible overtime hours.

2 Thank you for t h e - - - - - - - of the memo I misplaced.
3 I'm looking for the that contains all the new customer files.
4 I have to take care of all these documents in my _ _ _ _ _ _ _ before leaving this evening.
s These figures don't match the ones in the market research _ _ _ _ _ __
6 The stock room is closed while they take _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of all the items in stock.

3 Underline the correct word in the following email.

Hi Sam,
Greg said he told you about the fire in our office last night. Luckily, no one
was there but the fire destroyed or damaged almost all of our 1 documents I
attachments, so we're trying to figure out what we have left! We have 2 reports
I copies of most of the contracts and invoices in the warehouse, as well as all of
the 3 confidential I electronic letters, so hopefully we haven't lost anything really
important. One thing I need is the contact list of clients' phone numbers. Our
office computers aren't working, so could you print out a 4 hard copy I photocopy
of the list and fax it to me? I will let you know if I need any other 5 memos I files.

Past tenses
ast simple, past continuous, used to and he used to

A Context listening
1 You are going to hear Bill and jenny talking about his journey. Before you listen, look at the
picture and answer these questions.
1 Where are Bill and Jenny ? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
2 Who was travelin g? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
3 Who met the f l i g h t ? - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

2 listen and check if you were right.

journey is a countable noun that refers to the action of going from one place to another.
When they introduce the new high speed train, ~he journey to the airport will only take 25 minutes.
Trip is a countable noun that refers to a sho rt journey taken for business or pleas ure .
I have to make a trip into town to pick up some groceries.
Travel is a verb that means to take a journey or an uncountable noun that refers to the activity
of traveling.
I keep a diary of my travels. Next week I'll trove/ to Rome.

Air travel 3

3 @ listen again and fill in the blanks.

1 Check-in v.sed. to take a long time.
2 A security guard - - - - - - - - m e aside when I ________ the alarms
with the metal pin in my foot.
3 Yes, I was expecting it. I ________ alarms these days!
4 Bad weather ________ a lot of problems.
5 In the confusion, I ________ my boarding pass.
6 One of the cabin crew _ _ __ ____ at the boarding gate.
7 My luggage ________ n't ________ on the carousel at the baggage pick-up.
8 And I bet a lot of people ________ at the lost luggage counter.

4 look at your answers to Exercise 3 and answer these questions.

1 Which sentences talk about a completed action in the past? _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ __
2 Which sentences are about actions that were in progress in the past? - - - : : - - - - - - - - - - - - -
3 Which sentence indicates a past action that is no longer true?---- - - -- - - - -- - - -
4 Which sentence indicates that someone is familiar with doing something? ___________
5 Which sentences use the past simple? - - - - - - -- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -
6 Which sentences use the past continuous? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

5 look at the words in italics in Exercise 3. Which ones refer to:

1 people? sewr~ gv.oxcl
2 places in the airport? - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
3 other things at an airport? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

3 Air travel

B Grammar
1 Past simple and past continuous forms
past simple past continuous Many commonly used
verbs are irregular in the
past simple:
go -+ went
buy -+ bought
spend -+ spent
was I were ... + verb -ing ... ? ( See Appendix 2 for a
Wos he speaking to the boss? more complete list.)

2 Past simple and past continuous uses

We use the past simple when we want to: We use the past continuous when we want to:
• talk about a completed action in the past • talk about an action that was in progress at
X a certain point-in the past, especially when
another action interrupts it
past now ~x

I looked at a couple of magazines.

past now
• emphasize that an action is completed I was just catching up on my email when your flight
X----X arrived.
past now • emphasize the duration of the action
I worked for Blick Enterprises in the summer. ~x ~ x ~ x

(=and then I stopped working for them .)

past now
• talk about actions that follow other actions I was working {or Blick Enterprises all summer.
in the past (= it was a long time)
1 2 3 • talk about actions that conti nued at the
past now same time in the past
When I finally got here and went to the baggage
pick-up, my luggage didn't tum up on the carousel. past now
I was looking for my boarding pass while I was
•. talk about an activity that took place
walking to the gate.
regularly in the past
past · now
!brought my lunch every day last week.

Air travel 3

3 Used to vs. be I get used to + -ing

It can be easy to confuse used to and be I get used to.
We use used to when we talk about past routines that we no longer follow and
permanent situations that are no longer true.
used to + verb She used to travel with just one carry-on.
He didn't use to travel by plane.
Did they use to inspect all the bags?

Betty used to buy a lot of duty free products. (She doesn't buy a lot of duty free
products anymore.)
The boss didn't use to take so many flights . (He now takes a lot of flights.)
Did Rahul use to work for an airline? (Rahul may or may not work for an airline now.)
We use be used to + -ing when we talk about being familiar with doing something.
She Is used to wotldng under pressure.
She was used to WOI'Iring under pressure.
They aren't used to giving presentations.
They weren't used to giving presentations.
am I are I is ... used to + verb + -ing ... ? Are you used to taldng a coffee break?
was I were ... used ta + verb + ·ing ... ? Were you used to taking a coffee break?

jackie is used to helping customers find what they want. (Jackie is familiar with this work and
still does this.)
I wasn't used to dealing with customer complaints. (I wasn't familiar with this work in the past.)
We use get (or become) used to verb+ ·ing when we talk about becoming familiar with doing
They are getting used to living in the city. (They have moved to the city and are becoming
familiar with living there.)
Sue Wing got used to working at night and on the weekend. (At first it was hard, but Sue became
familiar with working at night and on the weekend.)
We can use be (or get) used to + noun.
jenny is used to the rain in Seattle.
Terry isn't getting used to the noise at the factory.

3 Air t ravel

C Grammar exercises
1 Look at Sara's schedule 1:00-2:00
for yesterday.

10:00-11 :00

6:00-7:00 6:30 ~~M.tet PAw.i.a
AllloDI l:>tA 11\.t
12:00-1:00 ~
7:00-8:00 r P.M. ruentati.o~~~o
At ChezjtA~~~o-l"!!~-tL

a Complete the sentences with the words in parentheses. Use the past simple.
1 (do?) What d.Ui ljO!A d..o ~jester~?

2 (meet I do) Well, in the morning I - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

3 (nothave)I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___

4 (finish) In the afternoon---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

5 (do I evening?) What - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ?
6 (meet I go) In the evening-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
b Complete the sentences with the words in parentheses. Use the past continuous.
1 (you I do I 10 A.M.) What -"N,er,_,e~~jo""u'--""d..o""'in~9~o..t"'--'-'10"'--"A'-'-.M~._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___

2 (talk) At 10 A.M. I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
3 (finish) At 3:15 I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
4 (not drive I home) At 6:45 I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
5 (talk, while I wait) At 6:45 I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

2 Fill in the blanks with the past simple or past continuous of the verbs in parentheses.
While I 1 NO-S re.o..d..iklg (read) the flight information board , I 2 (notice) that my
flight left from a different terminal. I 3 (run) through the departure lounge to catch the
airport shuttle bus when I 4 (trip) over someone's luggage and 5 _ _ _ _ _ __
(drop) my handbag. All the contents of my handbag 6 (fall) out onto the floor. While
I7 (pick up) my things, I 8 (see) a passport under a chair in
the lounge. I 9 (reach) for the passport when I 10 (hear) an
upset passenger talking to an airport official. I quickly 11 (go) over to them with the
passport. But, while I 12 (talk) to the airport official and the passenger, the shuttle
bus 13 (leave). The airport official14 (arrange) for me to ride
with some pilots and flight attendants who 15 (go) to the other terminal. And that is
how I 16 (meet) the pilot I 17 (marry).

Air travel 3

3 Use some of the words in the box to write three sentences with your own ideas. Write about
something you were doing when something else happened.

call drive prepare read study talk TV walk watch wor-k

1 I wo..s ciriNi.n9 to work ~estercla!J wnen I neo.rcl o..n o..mb(,(lo..nce beni.ncl me.

4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------

4 Underline the correct verbs.

A: 1 Did you use to I Used you to have any problems with the job when you were a flight attendant?
B: Well, I 2 used to find I am getting used to finding it almost impossible to sleep in strange
hotel rooms. That was a real problem for me.
A: Is that why you changed careers?
B: I suppose. Well, I 3 was used to enjoying I used to enjoy the traveling a lot but eventually
I became a bit tired of the long haul flights. It was difficult to give up the regular trips to
exotic locations, but now I 4 used to stay I am used to staying at home more.
A: Is there anything you miss?
B: Yes, IS didn 't use to pay I am not used to pay very much for perfume and things like that
because I bought them in the duty free stores during layove rs, but now I have to pay
no rmal prices again!

5 Write three sentences about things you used to do but do not do anymore and three
sentences about things that you are used to doing now. You can use the words in the box to
give you some ideas.

city climb go to sleep home jump music play school swim work

1 When I wo..s ~oon9, I (,(Secl to WJ::e trle b(,(S to scl1ool i.n trle morni.n9.

5 I o.m (,(Secl to gelling (,(p eg,r~ i.n trle


3 Air travel

D Vocabulary
Key Vocabulary
Read this paragraph about airplane travel and check your understanding of the words in bold.

When you arrive at the airport terminal, take your bagage /luaase. ticket, and
identification to the check-In desk. Passengers who only have a carry-on bas can also
check in online or on computers at the airport. Then proceed through security to the
boarding gate. Check the information boards to see if your ftfaht is delayed or how
long of a layover you may have. As you board your plane, a member of the cabin crew
will check your boarding pass and direct you to the correct aisle and seat. When you
arrive at your destination, pitk up your baggage from the carousel. If your flight was
international, you will go through customs and passport control. If you have crossed
several time zones. you may suffer from jetlag when you arrive.

1 Underline the correct word.

1 Even though I had nothing to declare, I was stopped and questioned at boarding I customs.
2 Sorry I'm late. The flight was jetlagged I delayed because of bad weather.
3 Erika flew across several time zones I layovers so she woke up at 4:00A.M.
4 With these new e·tickets, lost luggage I check· in is much easier than it used to be.
5 Excuse me. Could you tell me which carousel I boarding gate the baggage from the Dubai
flight will be on?
6 When I fly, I always choose the aisle I carry·on seat because it's easier to get up and walk
around the plane.
7 The security I cabin crew helped me when I needed medical attention during my flight.
s I've been waiting for half an hour for my passport I baggage to arrive. I hope they haven't
lost it.

2 a Match the words with the definitions.

1 delays _Q__ a People who travel in a vehicle without controlling or driving the vehicle.
2 flights __ b When you have to wait longer than expected for something to happen.
3 passengers __ c The things that are done to keep someone or something safe.
4 security __ d The building people go through before getting on or after getting off an airplane.
5 terminal__ e journeys in an airplane that carries passengers from one place to another.
b Use the words to fill in the blanks in the article on the next page.

Air travel 3

airPOrt was ,J.ooking for a way to scare

the birds away "when they heard abo\)t
the use of dogs .at military airports.
They bought a dog who has been very
successful in scaring the birds, but not
harming them. .And of course he is also
very popular-: on the
planes always1ook out for him!

3 Choose the word from the box that can fill all the blanks.

boarding flight terminal

1 seatr~ guard, seatr~ check

2 lost counter, carousel, carry-on
3 pass, gate, card
4 number, attendant, delayed
5 building, airport , international

A Context listening
1 You are going to hear a conversation between Mary and Anita. Before you listen, look at the pictures and
answer these questions.
1 Where has Mary been? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
2 What has Mary been doing? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
3 Why has Mary come into work so early? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

2 0 listen and check if you were right.

Shopping 4

3 Read the following sentences and write T if the sentence is true and F if the sentence is false.
1 Mary has just returned from a trip to the New York City book fair. _ _ __
2 She has been going to this book fair for five years. _ _ __
3 Mary has been wondering if there is a special occasion because there are so many
people in the streets. _ _ __
4 Mary has been at work since 5 A.M. _ _ __
@ Listen to the conversation again to check your answers.

4 look at the sentences in Exercise 3. Which sentence shows an example of each of these?
1 an action that happened at a time that is not specified _ _ __
2 an action that happened recently _ _ __
3 an action that began in the past and continues to the present _ _ __

order cash register __ ___
You heard the words below in the conversation. Fill in the blanks.
The customer took some 1 mercrlCl..ncUse
........_ counter sale

that was for 2 _ _ _ __ __

from the 3 case and brought it to the man working the
4 at the check-out 5 to pay for it.
While paying, she asked him if she could place an 6,_ _ _ _ _ _ __

The words sale and sell can be confusing.

Sale is a noun. It has two meanings:
I made a good sale today. (sale= the act of selling)
There is a sale on at the mall. (sale= a time when a store sells goods at a
lower price than usual)
Sell is a verb:
He sells interior decorating supplies.

4 Shopping

B Grammar
We use the present perfect and the present perfect continuous to talk about actions or
states that started in the past and continue to the present, or which finished recently.

1 Present perfect form

Many commonly used verbs have irregular past participles.

go ---+ gone tall--+ fallen write ---+ written
( See Appendix 2 for a more complete list.)

2 Present perfect continuous form

3 Comparing present perfect and present perfect continuous

We use the present perfect or present perfect continuous when we talk about:
• an action that happened at a time that is not specified
Mr. Brockman's gone to the bank. He hasn't returned yet.
Oh, look! It's been snowing.
I've been wondering why no one was on the streets .

• an action that happened recently

I've just returned from my trip to the New York City book fair.
It's getting cold in here. Have you opened the window?
I'm very tired because I've been working at the check-out counter during the clearance
sale .

• an action that began in the past and continues to the present (often with for or since)
Mrs . Umar's been the manager of a department store for 10 years.
I've been here since 5 A.M.!
Haven't you been waiting on customers all morning? Take a break.

• an action that happened a number of times

I've reorganized the merchandise on the rack four times today already.
I've only been to the Paris fashion market once.
Mark's been stopping tor gas at the same station since he bought his first car.

Shopping 4

Use present perfect to talk about how often or how many times.
I've brought my car to the mechanic tour times this week.

Use present perfect to focus on a completed activity.

Min Ki has fixed my laptop problem.

Use present perfect continuous to talk about how long.

I've been working really hard all morning.

Use present perfect continuous to focus on the activity.

Min Ki has been fixing laptops during his time off

Both present perfect and present perfect continuous can be used with verbs that
normally happen over a period of time. There is no difference in meaning.
We have lived here tor years. We hove been living here tor years .
I have waited tor Luke long enough. I hove been waiting tor Luke long enough.

4 Shopping

C Grammar exercises
1 Fill in the blanks with the present perfect or present perfect continuous.
1 Carlo Merendino left five minutes ago. A sales representative calls wishing to speak to him. Ben says,
"I'm afraid he na.s just Left (leave)."
2 Carlo returns. Ben says, "A sales representative, Mr. Lee, _ _ __ _ _ __ just _ _ __ _ _ __
(call) ."
3 Carlo asks Ben if Mr. Lee left a message. Ben says, "Mr. Lee _ __ _ _ __ _ (receive) your order."
4 Carlo asks if Mr. Lee said anything else. Ben says, "Yes, he and his wife (invite) you
out for lunch tomorrow."
5 Carlo asks, "Are they in town?" Ben says, "Not yet, but they (reserve) seats on an
evening flight."
6 Carlo says, " It is a long flight from Hong Kong. They'll have jetlag." Ben says, "No, they
_ __ _ _ _ __ (attend) the American Gem Exposition in New York City this week."
7 Carlo says, "Really? I didn't know that Mr. lee also dealt in jewelry." Ben says, "The company he works
for (expand) the business to include jewelry since January."

2 Write sentences about Martha's day using the present perfect or the present perfect continuous. Use your
own ideas or the words in parentheses to help you.
1 Martha is folding up her umbrella. (rain)
It na.s bern rruninq. I It na.s , stopped_ rruninq.

2 Martha is throwing away empty boxes. (clean)

3 Martha is putting new stock on the shelves. (replace)

4 Martha is putting away her cell phone. (talk)

5 There are lots of people in Martha's dress shop. (sale)

6 Martha looks happy. (sell)

Shopping 4

3 Read the article from a popular magazine and underline the best form of the verb.

Actor Robert Lee won last year's "Best Dressed He 6 has brought I has been bringing with him the
Male" at the Screen Fashion awards. With this latest catalog for Robert to look at. Silvio tells me
year's competition coming up, I am fortunate to that Lee 7 has always been I has always been being
have him take me along to his favorite clothing a very loyal customer.
store to show me how he dresses so well. Robert We recognize another customer who 8 has waited
1 has come I has been coming here to buy clothes I has been waiting. She 9 has sat I has been sitting
since he was 15. "They know me really well here," in a comfortable chair reading a magazine. It is
he tells me. "Silvio, the owner, 2 has become I has Maria Garfield, the well-known TV announcer.
been becoming a good friend of mine." Robert 3 She smiles at Robert, who waves back. Robert
has relied I has been relying on Silvio to make him tells me that they 10 have been I have been being
look fashionable since he became famous. friends for many years. She tells us that Silvio 11
"This is where I come when I want to see the latest has worked I has been working on a dress for her to
fashions:' Lee tells me. "I 4 have just placed I just wear at the next Screen Fashion awards which she
been placing an order for a new suit. I expect they will be presenting.
5 havefinished I have been finishing it by now."
Then Silvio comes out from a back room.

4 Write tor or since in the spaces below.

1 Ernie has been looking for the missing receipts Tuesday.
2 Rachel has been ordering perfumes from the same supplier ________ 10 years.
3 The Browns have been selling antiques ________ 1951.
4 Mona has been working at the check-out counter in a department store _ _ _ _ _ _ __
three months.
s Business has been b a d - - - - - - - - that new shopping mall opened.

In Part 7 you will encounter many different types of reading materials,
such as advertisements, brochures, business reports, etc. We have
focused on many of these reading texts in this book. To become familiar
with as many different kinds of material from the working world as
possible, you should read English language newspapers, websites,
flyers, etc.

4 Shopping

D Vocabulary
Key Vocabulary
Read this paragraph about shopping. Check your understanding of the words in bold.

When a customer wants to buy something, they have to choose the type of (retail)
store they want to go to. Some stores are outlets of large chains and some are small
private businesses. When a customer enters a store they see the display of the stock/
merchandise that is for sale. All the merchandise has a price taa or a label with a bar
code. If customers don't find what they are looking for, they can place an order. The sales
clerk at the counter uses the bar code to enter the price of the produtt tnto the cash
reatster. The customer pays for the purchases with cash or a credit card and any store
coupons or special gift certificates. It is important for customers to keep their receipts
in case there is a problem with the merchandise. If there is, the customer returns the
purchase to the store with the receipt within a certain time period for a refund •

• ~llilli6illllillr.Aiflillliii
Some words have the same noun and verb form and are pronounced the same.
Order (noun/verb); answer (noun/verb); purchase (noun/verb)
Some words have the same noun and verb form but have a different pronunciation.
Record (noun), record (verb); increase (noun), increase (verb); refund (noun),
refund (verb)

1 Read these email extracts and then complete the definitions with the correct word in italics.

Delete Reply Reply All Forward Prinl

Jeff is so ambitious. He used to be a sales

I've just come back from the
mall. I went with my brothers clerk in a supermarket, and then he bought
and sisters to try to buy a small hardware store. He's determined to
birthday presents for Mom. turn his small business into an international
Jessica had some coupons chain with outlets throughout the world. A new
from the newspaper to get shopping mall with a lot of retail stores has just
10 cents off Mom's favorite opened near his house, but he's not worried
brand of soap, so that's what about the competition. And people do seem
she got. Matthew and Sarah to be making a lot of purchases - his cash
decided to buy a gift certificate register was full last time I was there!
for Mom so she could choose
her own birthday present.
I didn't get anything - I still ·~~~qn~~~~~~~~~~~
haven't decided what to buy.
Have you got any ideas?

Shopping 4

1 - --'-'
YI --"o""
tLeo::!t::___ is a shop that sells one type of product or the products of one company.
2 are things you buy.
3 is a machine that is used in stores for keeping money in, and for recording
everything that is sold.
4 is a piece of paper that can be used instead of money to pay for goods or services.
5 is a number of similar shops, restaurants, etc., owned by the same company.
6 is a piece of printed paper that you can use to buy something at a cheaper price or
to get something free.
7 is a building or a place in a building where you can buy things.
s is a person who works in a store helping customers.
2 Use the words in the box to complete the sentences. Use each word twice, once as a verb and once as a
noun. Put the word into the correct form.

__ _.__purchase stock store

1 Stores - - - 'd.,i;spr..::lay=-- - samples of their ----=s'-"'to=c=

""'·"'" k - - - in their windows in order to attract
2 This is Yun Son here. I'm calling to see if you have any of those new exercise machines in your
- - - -- - -· I'd like to place an for one.
3 Tracy's Department Store an interesting variety of convenience products, don't you
think? And have you seen the wonderful in their toy department?
4 Do we still office chairs in the warehouse? We have a customer who would like to
_ __ _ _ _ _ one.
5 I would like my _ _ ______ gift·wrapped if possible. Oh, and by the way, I'd like to
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ some of those nice curtains that are in your catalog.

3 Underline the correct word.

1 julia demanded a refund I receipt because the book she received was damaged.
2 When I took my purchases to the chain I counter to pay, I couldn't find my credit card.
3 Shoppers should carefully read the labels I bar codes on the back of the bottle.
4 We put in a large order I gift certificate for the coming season's greeting cards.
5 Pooja used a coupon I purchase for one of the items she bought.
6 We need to organize this new display I merchandise on the shelves.
7 These items don't seem to have a price tag I stock so I don't know the price.

A ·Context listening
1 Nan has taken care of the arrangements for Inez's business trip. She is telling Inez
the plans she has made. Before you listen, look at the picture. What do you think
her plans are? What will the weather be like?

2 Listen and check if you were right.

Business trips 5

3 listen again and complete the sentences below.

1 What does Nan say about Inez's departure? "You _ ___,Leo.;=v,_,e-'---- Tuesday evening at 6:00."
2 What does Nan say about the Kivilinnan Guesthouse? "It _ _ _ _ __ __ for repai rs."
3 What does Inez say about getting into Helsinki? "I _ _ _ _ _ _ __ just
- - - - - - - - a taxi.
4 What does Nan say about Wednesday's transportation? "They _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ someone to
your hote l to pick you up at 9:30."

4 look at your answers to Exercise 3 and answer the questions below.

1 Which sentence is a decision about future plans made at the moment of spea king? _ _ __
What tense is used? _ _ _ _ _ _ __
2 Wh ich sentence talks about timetables? _ _ __
What te nse is used? _ _ _ _ _ _ __
3 Which sentence talks about an action that has been planned for the future? _ _ __
What tense is used? _ _ _ _ _ _ __
4 Wh ich sentence talks about plans for the future made at sometime in the past? _ _ __
What te nse is used? - - - - - - --

5 Below are some words you heard in the conversation concerning Inez's trip to
the trade fair in Helsinki. Group the words in the box in the categories below.

amenities book complimentary breakfast g1:1estheuse reserve hotel

1 place to stay ~9J!"IA~e-s"-'tn~ou"-'s'-"e-'------------

2 arrange to have a room, tab le, etc. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
3 services - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

5 Business trips

B Grammar
1 Present continuous
We can use the present continuous ( see Unit 2) when we talk about an event or
action that we have planned for the future.
We are launch;ng our new line of office furniture at the trade show.
I'm not returning {rom the convention until Friday.
2 Present simple
We can use the present simple ( see Unit 2):

• when talking about timetables and programs

You leave Tuesday evening at 6:00.
When does the conference begin?
• when referring to a future time in a clause beginning with after, as soon as, before,
when, until
Should I email them as soon as I make the booking?
When we arrive in Helsinki, we will pick up the rental car that we booked.
3 ww
will ('II) + verb He'll come to the conference.
wm not (won't) +verb I won't come to the conference.
will ... + verb? Will they come to the conference?

We use will when we:

• make a decision about the future at the time of speaking
Let's see. It is 11:30 now. I'll take over the stand while you have lunch.
Will it take long? No, it won't take more than 20 minutes .
• indicate being prepared or willing to do something
I'll let you know what the options are.
Will you send over some more brochures if we need them?
4 Going to
am I is I are going to + verb She's going to come to the conference.
am I is I are not going to + verb I'm not going to come to the conference.
am I is I are ... going to+ verb? Are they going to come to the conference?

We use going to when we:

• intend to do something in the future based on a decision made before now
I'll have to rethink what I'm going to pack.
Is Lisa going to be in charge of product presentations at the sho w?
• can see that something will happen in the very near future
Those brochures are going to {all off the counter.

Business trips 5

s Comparing will and go;ng to

A: I'm going to look at some of the other stands during my lunch break. (A decision
made before speaking.)
B: That sounds like a good idea. I'll join you if you don't mind. (A decision made at
the moment of speaking.)

A: Move the display back a bit. It's going to get knocked over. (A prediction based on
what the speaker can see.)
B: No. It won't {all. I've attached it very securely. (A prediction based on what the
speaker believes.)

Sometimes we can use either will or going to with very little or no difference in
Tomorrow I'm going to I I'll be 27 years old.
I think we're going to accomplish I we'll accomplish a lot at this trade show.

J tsusmess trips

C Grammar exercises
1 Mr. Anderson wants to meet Mr. Brooke. look at Mr. Brooke's schedule and complete his part of his
conversation with Mr. Anderson.

1 Mr. Anderson: Can we meet first thing on Monday morning?

Mr. Brooke: No, that's impossible. I'm wi»'l m\j mo.rkeling committee .
2 Mr. Anderson: How about later for lunch?
Mr. Brooke: No, I can't do that e i t h e r . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
3 Mr. Anderson: What about Monday afternoon?
Mr. Brooke: That's not possible e i t h e r . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
4 Mr. Anderson: Are you free any time on Tuesday morning?
Mr. Brooke: A c t u a l l y , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
5 Mr. Anderson: Tuesday lunchtime then?

Mr. Brooke: I'm afraid n o t . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

6 Mr. Anderson: What about Tuesday afternoon?
Mr. Brooke: I can't make i t . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Business trips 5

2 Katrina and juho are deciding how they will share their duties at a trade show. Fill in the
blanks with will or the present simple of the verbs in parentheses.
Katrina : OK, so, someone needs to set up the stand at 8 A.M.
Juho: 1 I'LL 4o (do) that if you like. I don't mind getting up early.
2 you (make) the coffee then?
Katrina: Of course! No problem. And 3 I (be) at the stand from 9
A.M. to talk to customers.
Juho: Great. What 4 (do) when I
S (finish) setting up the stand?
Katri'na: You can hand out brochures and maybe go check out the competition.
Juho: Sounds good. 6 I (let) you know if I see anything
interesting. And then 7 I (give) the product presentation
at 12.
Katrina: Good idea. But before you 8 (do) that, could you take my
place at the stand for half an hour so I can take a break?
Juho: OK, 9 I (come) back and be at the stand until the
presentation 10 (start). By the way, what time are we
Katrina: Well, the public 11 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (leave) by 6 o'clock, but we
12 (stay) until everything is packed away.
3 Choose the most natural alternative.
Graham: 1 I'm going to go I I'll go to the Food and Beverage Fair. Are you?
Clare: I didn't know it was on. Do you have a brochure?
Graham: Yes, it's right here in my bag. 2 I'm going to get I I'll get it for you. Here it is.
Clare: Thank you. Oh, this does look good. 3 Are you going to attend I Will you attend?
Graham: Yes, 4 I'm going to go I I'll go with Troy and Helen. S We're going to get I We'll get
there early so we can taste the food samples. Do you want to come along?
Clare: Hmm, let me think. OK. Yes, thanks. 6 I om going to come I will come. What time
7 ore you going to go I wilt you go?
Graham: Helen and Troy 8 are going to pick I will pick me up around 5 o'clock. I'm sure
9 they ore going to hove I they'll hove room for you .
Clare: Oh, thank you. 10 Are you going to call I Will you call me and let me know for
Graham: Of course. See you later.

5 Business trips

D Vocabulary
Key Vocabulary
Read this paragraph about business trips and check your understanding of the words in bold.

Usually a business trip is less stressful if the traveler knows something about the
destination before making the journey and has a welt-planned Itinerary. During periods
when there are exhibitions or conferences, all kinds of accommodatfon(s), from expensive
hotels to lower-priced suesthouses, can fill up quickly. When there are not many vacancies,
hotel receptionists will not accept booldnp unless they get last-minute caneillatfons. So
company representatives traveling on business trips should reserve their hotel rooms
ahead of time. Fortunately, most hotels publish brochures, either onttne or in paper form,
advertising the fadtitfes and amenities available. Thes~ amenities may include such things
as the availability of a gym or swimming pool, and complimentary meals. The hotel may
provide courtesy transportation. In case it doesn't, a traveler should have some local
currency available to pay for the taxi fare. Before reatstertna at a hotel, travelers should
pay attention to this information if they don't want to be disappointed.

The word exhibit can be a noun or a verb.

We exhibited our new range of DVD players.
The noun refers to an item in an exhibition.
This exhibit is the most valuable in the museum.

Words like tare and fair might be in answer choices in the exam
because they are pronounced in the same way. A /are is the
charge paid for transportation, such as a bus or train. A trade /air
or show is an exhibition of products or services usually organized
by or aimed at the business community.

1 Complete the sentences with the words in italics.

1 The Clive Hotel offers guests a compli.mentru-w breakfast and a --~co~urte.~s'-"~1---- bus to the
airport. courtesy I complimentary
2 I am going to look for comfortable at a small _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ within a few
blocks of the station. accommodations I guesthouse
3 We can offer cheap and fast to your n e x t - - - - - - - - · destination I
4 My is planned so I can attend several _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in the same region.
itinerary I conferences
s I have at a hotel with excellent--------· facilities I registered
6 I'm sorry. We are fully _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ for next weekend, but we can put your name on a waiting
list in case of an unexpected . vacancy I booked

Business trips 5

2 Underline the word that completes the sentence.

1 Mr. Simms is making a reserve I reservation for those of us going to the conference.
2 The reception I receptionist at the desk in our hotel was very helpful.
3 If we are going to cancel I cancellation our trip, we will need to contact the hotel.
4 The exhibit I exhibition will last one week.
s What time will register I registration take place at the conference?

3 Match the words with a word that has a similar meaning.

1 amenities: \ _a cost
2 brochure b courtesy

3 complimentary c facilities
4 fare d booklet

Look at the answer choices for the missing words in Part 5 and Part 6 to identify whether you need to find
the correct vocabulary word, the correct word form, or the correct grammatical structure. Then look at the
sentence or paragraph to find the clues that will help you choose the answer.

Example: If the four answer choices are go, goes, is going, and are going, you should be looking for the
subject of the verb to identify whether the correct answer choice should be plural or singular. You should
look for the adverbs of time to identify whether the correct answer choice should be in the present simple
or present continuous.

Part 1: Photographs
Directions: In this section, you will hear four statements about a photograph. The
statements will not be printed on the test. As you listen, select the statement tha_t
best describes the photograph. You will hear the statements only once.

1 (A) (B) (C) (D)

2 (A) (B) (C) (D)

Part 2: Question-Response 13 Where is the man going?
Directions: In this section, you will hear a question or (A) To Paris
statement followed by three responses. They will not (B) On leave
be printed on the test. As you listen, select the best (C) To the building next door
response. You will hear the question and statements (D) To a different office
only once. 14 What does the woman offer to do?
3 (A) (B) (C) (A) Close the window
4 (A) (B) (C) (B) Transfer the man's calls
5 (A) (B) (C) (C) Photocopy and file his reports
6 (A) (B) (C) (D) Give him something for his headache
7 (A) (B) (C)
8 (A) (B) (C)
Part 4: Talks
Directions: In this section, you will hear a speaker
Part 3: Conversations giving a talk and will answer questions about the talk.
The talks will not be printed on the test. Select the
Directions: In this section, you will hear two people
response that best answers the question. You will hear
having a conversation and will answer questions about
the talks only once.
what you heard. The conversations will not be printed
on the test. Select the response that best answers the Questions 15-17 refer to the following conversation.
question. You will hear the conversation only once.
15 Who is speaking?
Questions 9-11 refer to the following conversation. (A) A representative of the airport
(B) A visitor to the hotel
9 Where does this conversation take place?
(C) An IT expert
(A) At a hotel
(D) A hotel employee
(B) In a secretary's office
(C) In a travel agency 16 What does the speaker say about the business
(D) At an airport lounges?
(A) They sell food and drinks.
10 What will the man do?
(B) They will have shower facilities.
(A) Stay on the plane
(C) They will make trips more comfortable.
(B) Change his itinerary
(D) They have telephones.
(C) Spend the night in Athens
(D) Catch a night flight to Copenhagen 17 What is the purpose of this announcement?
(A) To tell passengers about changes to the airport
11 What does the woman offer to do?
(B) To direct passengers to the business lounges
(A) Call the airport
(C) To sell newspapers and magazines
(B) Print the schedule
(D) To tell passengers their flight times
(C) Change the itinerary
(D) Make a hotel reservation Questions 18-20 refer to the following conversation.

Questions 12-14 refer to the following conversation . 18 Who is speaking?

(A) A dissatisfied employee
12 Where does this conversation take place?
(B) A representative from a survey company
(A) In an office
(C) A communications expert
(B) At a car factory
(D) An office equipment sales manager
(C) In a repair shop
(D) At a rooftop restaurant 19 What is the speaker comparing?
(A) Workstations and lighting
(B) Shared facilities
(C) Staff duties
(D) Office layouts

20 Which piece of equipment is not mentioned? 6 We need the second point on the
(A) Computers agenda.
(B) Fax machines (A) to talk
(C) Photocopiers (B) to talk about
(D) Printers (C) talking
{D) talking about
Reading 7 Henderson's Jewelry is ____ a very good
Part 5: Incomplete Sentences benefits package.
(A) having
Directions: In each sentence below, a word or phrase (B) offering
is missing. Select the best answer from the four (C) applying
choices to complete the sentence. Mark (A), (B), (C), (D) purchasing
or (D).
8 I think ____ agree on lucy's suitability for
1 Fran received an ____ letter from that job the job.
she applied for. (A) we
(A) accept (B) us
(B) accepting (C) our
(C) accepted (D) ours
(D) acceptance
9 Victor to complete all the forms while
2 Sue bought that suit on sale _ _ _ I don't waiting in the departure lounge.
think she can get her money back. (A) trying
(A) as (B) be trying
(B) so
(C) was trying
(C) if (D) were trying
(D) but
10 I'm afraid we'll have to ____ Mr. Jenkins for
3 The flight attendant went through the _ _ __ this job.
and closed all the overhead compartments. (A) reject
(A) cabin (B) rejecting
(B) terminal (C) rejected
(C) boarding gate (D) rejection
(D) passport control

4 A vacancy will be opening _ _ _ the spare

parts department.
(A) of
(B) from
(C) in
(D) without
S in the Andromeda project.
(A) participate
(B) participated
(C) participating
(D) participates

Part 6: Text Completion Part 7: Reading Comprehension
Directions: Read the text below. Select the best word Directions: In this section, you will read documents
or phrase to complete the sentences. Mark (A), (B), such as advertisements, email correspondence,
(C), or (D). newspaper articles, and letters. Select the best
answer. Mark (A), (B), (C), or (D).
Questions 11-13 refer to the following article.
Questions 14-15 refer to the following newspaper
When applying for a job, it is important to
know about any company that invites you to an Cotton World, a popular fashion chain, was founded
interview. By researching a company, you will in 1990 when Samuel Twain opened his first store
be more and interact more selling ready-to-wear clothing in a small shopping
11 (A) confidential mall in Atlanta. In 1995 Twain went into partnership
(B) confiding with a natural dye company and switched to cotton·
(C) confident only products. Demand for his cotton clothing with all
(D) confidence natural colors became widespread and the company
has made good profits since then. Twain has pointed
positively at the actual interview and are, therefore, out that his success has always depended on attention
more likely to be . To be to consumer wants and _social trends: He was quick
12 (A) recruit to recognize the large potential demand for natural
(B) recruited products and has promoted the health and natural

I (C)
aspects of his merchandise. Today, the Cotton World
label has become a nationally known brand with a
bright future.
a successful , you should practice
13 (A) interviewer 14 What is Cotton World?
(B) petitioner (A) A clothing store chain
(C) employee (B) An international product
(D) candidate (C) A natural dye company
(D) A shopping mall
answering typical interview questions. This will
help you to feel more relaxed and comfortable, 15 What has Twain's success depended on?
especially when asked difficult questions. You (A) Demanding natural colors
should also plan what you are going to wear (B) Providing what customers ask for
ahead of time and, of course, make sure you arrive (C) Recognizing a bright future
punctually or ahead of the scheduled interview time. (D) Switching to cotton products

Questions 16-18 refers to the following message. Questions 19-23 refer to the following email and

To: Ms. Mal-loV~vetj

Date: oslo.!) Time: 3:3op.M .
Deletl! Reply Reply All Forward l"rint
From: Katherine Kanterin
Sent: November 12
To: Amelia Franklin
Dear Ms. Franklin,
We have just been informed that Target
~ telephoned D please return call Air has canceled your original flight on
December 11 from New York to London to
D returned your call Owillcall Helsinki. They are offering a new routing:
New York to London to Stockholm to Helsinki.
Message: -me cl-!ai.r-s !-lave 1'\,l>t ar-r-i.veot . See attached copy of the new booking REF
Mrjeii'.II'.L"'-'0s l-Ias bee II'. tr-acR.i."'-'0 otowi!'. ti-le 2FUSSH.
sl-li.-pV~A.ell'.t. Mr: t:>o~-~.gU!s wi.LL caLL wl-!ell'. ti-le Please confirm if this is suitable for you as
cl-!ai.r-s !-lave beell'. r-ecover-eo! . soon as possible so we can change your
e-ticket and send you new documents . You
MS . .S~QW
can email us your confirmation at travei@LVf.
~cept~OV'v com. Also, could you please inform us of a
current contact number? Thank you.
Best Regards,
16 Who took the message? Katherine Kanterin
(A) Ms. Mahoney LeVonne Travels
(B) Mr. Douglas 1205 7th Ave.
(C) Mr. jennings New York, NY 10027
(D) Ms. Shaw

17 What does the message discuss?

(A) The recovery of Mr. Douglas
(B) Interior Design's track record
(C) A missing shipment Delete Reply Reply All Forward Print
(D) A telephone call from Mr. jennings
From: Amelia Franklin
18 Who is trying to locate the chairs? Sent: 18 November
(A) Ms. Mahoney To: Katherine Kanterin
(B) Mr. Douglas Dear Ms. Kanterin,
(C) Mr. jennings
Thank you for letting me know about this can-
(D) Ms. Shaw
cellation . I have looked over the routing that
Target Air has offered to replace the canceled
flight and agree that it is suitable.
My cell phone is 1 (212) 555-3810.
Amelia Franklin
Tiny Tot T-Shirts
24 Broadway
New York, NY 10064

19 Why did Katherine Kanterin write to Amelia
Grammar Focus Task
(A) To sell her a ticket on Target Air Underline the correct form of the words in the
(B) To advise her of a change in her flights following sentences.
(C) To offer her an extra destination
(D) To ask her to study the itinerary 1 I participation I participated in the Andromeda
20 In the first paragraph of the letter to Amelia 2 He's work I working in Paris this week.
Franklin, the word "routing" in line 4 is closest in 3 Sue bought I buy that suit on sale.
meaning to 4 Twain's success has I have always depending I
(A) Travel plan depended on attention to consumer wants and
(B) Road trends.
(C) Destination 5 A vacancy wi/1 be opening I will be to open in the
(D) Target spare parts department.
21 What does Katherine Kanterin want Amelia
Franklin to do? Vocabulary Focus Task
(A) Travel to Stockholm
(B) Send her documents Complete these sentences with words from the box.
(C) Approve the change
chain complimentary file flight interview
(D) Buy an e-ticket
22 What has Katherine attached to her letter? 1 It is important to know about any company that
(A) A copy of the new booking invites you to a n - - - - - - -
(B) A printout of the tickets 2 Which box does the go into?
3 We have just been informed that Target Air has
(C) A flight confirmation
canceled your original _ _ _ _ _ __
(D) A paper copy of the REF 2FUSSH
4 Cotton World, a popular fashion
23 Where does Amelia most likely work? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , was founded in 1990.
(A) At a travel agency 5 We will offer snacks and
(B) At a clothing shop drinks.
(C) At a day care
(D) At an airport

6 Questions
Question forms; yes/no questions and short answers;
L.......---~---nt,h- questioos; tag questions

A Context listening
1 You are going to hear a woman complaining at the customer service desk.
Before you listen, look at the pictures and answer these questions.
1 What was the woman's problem? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
2 Was he r problem solved? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

~ \

2 Listen and check if you were right.

Customer service 6

3 listen again and answer these questions.

1 Where was the woman?

2 Did the woman want to return a product?

3 Why was she at the customer service desk?

4 She brought her guarantee, didn't she?

s The woman isn't satisfied with the product, is she?

6 Can she complain to the phone company online?

4 Look at your answers in Exercise 3 and answer these questions.

1 Which questions can you answer with a yes or no? _ _ _ _ _ __
2 Which questions ask for information? _ _ _ _ _ __
3 In what way are questions 2 and 6 different from 4 and 5? _ _ _ _ _ _ __

5 All the words below are about customer service. listen and underline the words you heard
in the conversation.

complaint courteous guarantee expectations defective quality reliability

6 Customer service

B Grammar
The way to form questions depends on what information you want. The three common
types of questions are yes I no questions, information questions, and tag questions:

1 Yes I no questions and short answers

You can answer these question forms with yes or no.
With to be, the verb goes at the beginning of the question.

verb subject

When the verb is not be and consists of only one word, we use a form of the word do
and the infinitive without to.

do subject verb


When the verb contains an auxiliary or modal verb and a main verb, the auxiliary or
modal verb goes at the beginning of the question.

aux verb subject verb

Can copies of the report?
Has Federico worked in sales?

We also use negative questions to check information we think is correct. When the
question is negative, the word not is used with the first verb.
Doesn't Fatma drive? Didn't the newspaper come this morning?
Isn't it a beautiful day? Can't the workman finish today?
The answer to a yes I no question can be a simple yes or no, or it can be a complete
sentence. Often it is a short answer that repeats the verb that begins the question.
Is Brenda coming in today? Yes, she is. I No, she isn't.
Does the bus stop in front of the hotel? Yes, it does. I No, it doesn't.
Didn't the shipment arrive yesterday? Yes, it did. I No, it didn't.
Can't Avani contact the head office? Yes, she can. I No, she can't.

Customer service 6

2 Wh- questions
Questions that ask for information begin with a question word (who, what, why, where,
how, when).
When the question asks for the subject of the sentence, the word order is the same as in
the statement.
Liam attended the meeting. "Who attended the meeting?" "Liam."
This suitcase was lett in the hallway. "What was lett in the hallway?" "This suitcase."
When the question requires other information (not the subject), the question uses a
question word +the yes I no question form.

When was the contract signed? It was signed last week.

Where is the mirror? It's in the women's department.
How many boxes arrived in the shipment? There were 20.
How often does he work overtime? He works overtime once a week.

3 Tag questions
We can make questions by adding a tag question to the end of a statement. In the tag
question, the verb goes before the subject, like in a yes I no question.

To make a tag question, we use an auxiliary verb (e.g. have, do), modal verb (e.g. can,
should) or the verb to be, and a pronoun (e.g. he, she). The auxiliary verb and pronoun
match the statement. When the statement is positive, the verb in the tag question is
negative. When the statement is negative, the verb in the tag question is positive.

joseph works in our Houston branch, doesn't he?

The books have been delivered, haven't they?

Amy can't pick up the package, can she?

The invoice didn't go out yesterday, did it?

• When the tag is negative and the subject is I, we use the auxiliary are in place of am .
I'm late, aren't I?
When the speaker uses a tag question to confirm an opinion, the speaker's voice goes
down. ~
I don't have to write up the report, do I? (The speaker expects the answer to be no.)
It is difficult work, isn't it? (The speaker expects the answer to be yes.)
When the speaker uses a tag question to ask something, the speaker's voice rises .
I don't have to write up the report, do I? (The speaker doesn't know and is asking for this

6 Customer service

C Grammar exercises
1 Write yes I no questions for these answers.
1 Doe.s tne. tro..ining progrrur start tomorrow 7

Yes, the training program starts tomorrow.


No, we haven't had any complaints about our opening hours.

Yes, maybe we should postpone the meeting.
No, the sales representative is coming tomorrow.
Yes, the committee decided on the new sales campaign.

2 Read the conversation and fill in the blanks with a short answer.
Mary Eric
1 Eric, do you know where my briefcase is? No, I d.o11't
No, _____________________________
2 Did you see me carrying it when I came into the office?
3 Could it be in my car? Yes,--------------------------
4 Perhaps I left it at the front desk. Maybe _________________________
No, _____________________________
5 Can you call the desk for me?
6 Why not? Is there a problem? No, _____________________________
1 Will you tell me what's going on? Yes, ____________________________
Well? Happy Birthday.
s A new briefcase! Thank you. You remembered. Yes, ____________________________

Customer service 6

3 Put the words in the correct order to make the questions and choose the correct answer.
1 this I report I typed I who Who t!Jped. tl1ih report? __c_

2 Carlos I hired I was I when

3 can I I I return I suit I this I where
4 been I department I has I how I in I
long I Ms. Wong I the I sports I working
s Anita I did I early I retire I so I why
6 do I do I in I plan I Paris I to I what I you

a Try customer service.

b I think she's ill.

c I did. Why? Is there a problem?

d I have a meeting with a fashion designer.
e I'd say about ten years.
If I remember correctly, 2004.

4 Complete the conversation with tag questions.

james: You were at the staff meeting yesterday, 1 weren't ~o!A? ?
Eva: Yes, you didn't go, 2 ?
james: No, I was out of town. What was it about?
Eva: You read the email about the customer service problems, 3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ?
James: No, I didn 't, but someone told me about it. We've had a few complaints, 4 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ?
Eva: Yes, about 20, I think.
james: They were mostly about defective products, 5 ?
Eva : Yes, and there were also complaints about discourteous staff.
james: Really? That can't be a big problem, 6 ?
Eva: I'm afraid so. You remember when Phil shouted at a customer, 7 ?
james: Oh, yes, of course. But he was fired, 8 ?
Eva: Yes, he was. But, I think the management is just worried. They don't want that to happen again,
9 ?

6 Questions

D Vocabulary
Key Vocabulary
Read this paragraph about customer service and check your understanding of the
words in bold.

Every business that wants to be successful must support the products or services
that they offer with courteous, helpful, and friendly customer service. Customer
service involves building a relationship with your customers or clients, where you
guarantee to ·repair or replace defective products and lis~en to their feedback. In
fact, one of the most important parts of customer service is dealing with complaints.
Complaints are an opportunity to learn about mistakes, and if you deal with.them
carefully, you have the chance to regain the trust of that customer. Customers whose
expectations are satisfied and who understand your commitment to quality and
reliability are more likely to return and do business with you in the futur-e.

A deal can be an agreement between two parties.

The shipping company made a deal with the farmers to send a truck to pick up
goods two days a week.
Adeal can also be something that costs less than you expected.
I got a good deal on the car because it used to be a company car.

1 Complete the definitions with the words in italics.

1 The w.stomer comes into a store to make a purchase, but a ilient. is
dependent on the advice and service of a business. client I customer
2 A on a product is an agreement that the buyer can get money back or
a replacement if the product is defective. Buyers feel better knowing that if the
____ of the product is not up to a high standard, they can get their money
back. guarantee I quality
3 Companies that are ____ to providing good service look at complaints as
important that help them improve thei r products or service. feedback I
4 Customer ____ is important to all companies because if they don't meet the
customers' , they will lose business. expectations I satisfaction
s A company that provides good ____ gets the reputation of being a _ _ __
company. service I reliable

Customer service 6

2 A market researcher asked Monica to write answers to some questions. Read Monica's
responses to the questions. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box.

compl,aint courteous deal with Elefeetive expectations guarantee

relationships satiSfaction trust . unreliable

1 What have you recently complained to a company about?

Not too Long 11.90, a. new store opened. o.t the maLL a. bi9 promotion.
bov.gnt a. coffee moJ:er, bv.t wnen I got nome I d.i-scoverd tho.t the prod.v.ct
wo..s 1 clefevti,ve . The plAte did. not 11eo.t v.p, so m!:i
coffee coUi ver!:i qv.Ld:Ly., the coffee moJ:er a.
2 _ _ _ _ _ _ __

2 How would you say your complaint was handled?

I to walt for a. whiLe. Sv.t wnen the woma-n came to the C(,(Stomer
servi.c.e clesk, she wo..s ver!:i 3 a.n<i heLpfv.L She
li..stend to m!:i 4 ver!:i <AA.Lmly a.n<i she 11a.nd..Leci the
problem ver!:i well. She took the coffee moJ:er a.n<i ga-ve me a. new one.

3 How important is the way a complaint is handled?

I thi-nk tho.t U a. bv.siness <ioesn't 5 a.
qv.Ld:Ly then i.t wiLL lose the 6 of the C(,(Stomer . We
aLL ha-ve 7 o.bov.t the qv.o.l.ity of servi.c.e a.n<i prod.v.cts
a.n<i U a. bv.siness <ioesn't give v.s 8 we wiLL thi-nk of
t11o.t bv.siness o..s 9 . We probo.bly won't bv.!:i from tho.t
compM!:i On the other ha.n<i, U a. bv.siness d..e&s
coorteov.sly a.n<i qv.Ld:Ly, then i.t wiLL bv.iUL good, 10 - - - - - - - - i.ts C(,(stomers .

Embedded questions
Wh- questions· I no ques ions; questions with art infinitive
A Context listening
1 You are going to hear three people talk to Frank Jacobs, a real estate agent.
What do you think Frank's three clients want?

q ....

!tj 8
- -- rr
0 a IT
[l 8: Lf
a :@ -

1 l ydia _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
2 Robert - - - - - - - - - - -

3 Alex _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

2 listen and check if you were right.

Property 7

3 look at these questions. listen to the conversations again and change the questions
using the form that Frank and his clients used. Stop the recording when you need to.
Frank's and lydia's questions
1 Where caR I find Mr. Jacobs?
CotAUl yotA telL me wnere I c.o..n find, Mr . Jo..cobs?
2 Are you looking for a place to buy or to rent?

Frank's and Robert's questions

3 Where is your residence?

4 How quickly do you need to sell it?

Frank's and Alex's questions

s How much renovation will the owner allow me to do?

6 Would the owner consider a lease that gives me the option to buy the building later?

4 look at your answers in Exercise 3 and underline the correct words in italics.
1 In answers 1, 3, 4, and 6 the first I second verb comes before its subject.
2 In answers 2 and 5 the word order is the same as I different {rom the other answers.
3 In the conversation, Alex says, "I'm not sure what to do." This statement uses the
infinitive I past participle.

5 Match the word you heard in the conversations with its meaning.
1 mortgage ~a to make changes to improve a piece of property
2 realtor b a piece of property to live in
3 renovate c the bank loan a person gets in order to buy property
4 residence d a person who helps people buy, sell, or rent property

7 Property

~I B Grammar
Sometimes a question is within a sentence or another question. This is called an embedded
question. We often use embedded questions as a polite way of asking a question.
I,, I haven't found out whether the bank will give me a mortgage or not.
Could you tell me what changes you have in mind?
1 Embedded Wh- questions
An embedded Wh- question uses the same word order as a statement, not a question. This
means that the subject goes before the verb.

Question Embedded questton

What did the customer want? I wonder what the customer wanted.
When does jackie's flight arrive? Do you know when jackie's [light arrives?
Where will the conference be held? I don't know where the conference will be held.
Why hasn't Ina locked the door? Can you tell me why Ina hasn't locked the door?
Who is Alfredo inviting? I wonder who Alfredo is inviting.
How many books did you sell? I don't remember how many books you sold.
How much is the rent? Could you tell me how much the rent is?
How should we handle this? Do you have any idea how we should handle this?
Whose car can I take? I would like to know whose car I can take.

2 Embedded yes I no questions

An embedded yes I no question also uses the same word order as a statement, so the subject
goes before the verb. We use whether and if in these questions, although each has a slightly
different meaning. Whether indicates one of two possibilities and if indicates a condition. In
some sentences we can use both.
Should I bring my sweater or a jacket? I don't know whether I should bring my sweater
or a jacket.
Are you coming tonight? Let me know if you are coming tonight.

3 Embedded questions with an infinitive

An infinitive can replace the subject and verb after a wh- word or whether in the
embedded question.
How can I solve this problem? I don 't know how to solve this problem.
Should I drive or take the bus? I wonder whether to drive or take the bus.

There can be a difference in meaning.

Do you know where to buy ink cartridges? ( = Where can a person buy ink cartridges?)
Do you know where I can buy ink cartridges?(= Where can I buy ink cartridges?)

Property 7

C Grammar exercises
1 Complete the conversations. Some sentences may have more than one possible answer.
1 ''I'd like to know Nl'lere Laurence Baker is giving his speech." "In the
Hawking room."
2 "Do you have any idea _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the flight from Boston is due to arrive?" "At
12:34 P.M ."
3 "He couldn't tell me - -- - - - - t h e property taxes might be." "Maybe you could
ask your accountant."
4 "Do you know - - - - - - - - I can pay with a credit card?" "Yes, I think you can."
5 "I wonder _ _ _ _ _ _ __ is going to present the awards." "Apparently it's someone
quite famous. "
6 "I didn't know _ _ _ _ _ _ _ that noise was." "I think there was a problem with
the heating system."
1 "Before the merger, I knew people worked in our company." "I know
what you mean. There are so many new employees that I can't count them all."
8 "She asked us car was blocking the entrance." "Did you tell her it
was mine?"

2 lydia is looking around an apartment with Frank, the real estate agent. Complete the
conversation with embedded questions, using the words in parentheses.
lydia: OK, first I'd like to know 1 l'loN mucn the rent ~s (be I how much I rent) for this
Frank: Well, it's quite expensive. It's $1,300 a month.
lydia: Oh, OK. But it is a really nice place. Could you tell me 2 _ _ _ _ __ __
(available I be I when)?
Frank: It will be ready to move into at the beginning of next week. Let me know
3 (if I want I accept) it.
lydia : I have a few more questions before I make up my mind. First, do you know
4 (cost I how much I electricity) every month?
Frank: I will have to check with the utilities company to find out 5 _ _ _ _ _ _ __
(pay I how much I the last tenants).
lydia: Also, I'd like to know 6 (if I good school I be) nearby.
Frank: Yes, there is a good school a few blocks from here.
lydia : Oh, good. Do you know 7 (start I the school year I in yet?
Frank: Yes, it started this week.
lydia: Oh dear. I wonder 8 (if I can I my children I start tote).
Frank: Oh yes, I'm sure that won't be a problem.
lydia: Good. I think I will take the apartment. Let me know 9 (can I
the contract I when I sign).

I Prope rty

3 Rewrite the following embedded questions as direct questions.

1 Do you know what time to lock the front door? (should)
Vv'\10-t time- sl1oo.Ui I Lock the- front cioor ?
2 I wonder whether to bring a coat or not. (should)

3 Can you tell me where to get a lunch voucher? (can)

4 I need to know who to include on the guest list. (should)

5 I don't know when to bring the files over to the main office. (should)

6 Let me know which color to paint the garage doors. (want)

4 Use words in the box and the given phrase to write about a property you would like to rent, buy, or sell.

if what how mud where who

when why which whose how many

1 Could you tell me 11ow mo.n~ rooms the- 11o!Ase- 11M ?

2 I would like to kn ow - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
3 I needtoknow _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___
4 Wouldyouknow _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ?

5 Do you have any idea ?

6 I wonde r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___

Property 7

D Vocabulary
Key Vocabulary
Read this paragraph about property and check your understanding of the words
in bold.

For most people, buying a residence is the most important purchase they
will make. Because it is so expensive to buy a single-family house or just an
apartment within a bufldin1. buyers usually finance their purchase by making a
down payment on a percentage of the agreed price and taking out a mortsage
on the remaining balance. Most people arrange the buying and selling through
a real estate agent, or realtor, who receives a fee or commission. Usually a
prospective buyer makes an offer for a property and if they make a deal with the
owner, he or she accepts the offer. Some people buy property as an investment.
Typically they wilt renovate and then rent out or lease the property, either
furnished or unfurnished, through a realtor. These include commerdal spaces
as well as residential housing, both downtown and in the suburbs. The landlord
signs a contract with the tenant(s), which includes details about the rights and
responsibilities of each party.

• •'Lirilil•/lila'•' 11~
The word commercial can be a noun or an adjective.
The noun means an advertisement on the television or radio.
I thought the new commercial for Pizza Plaza was very funny.
The adjective means intended to make money, or related to a
business intended to make money.
We sell both residential and commercial properties.

1 Use the words in the box to complete Nancy's comments about moving.
apartmeAt commission down payment landlord
mortgage offer owner realtor suburb tenant
I've been living in a one bedroom 1 (?..!?Q..rtment downtown for a couple of
years now, but I've decided to move. As a 2 in the center of
town, I have to pay a lot of rent and I've also had problems with the
3 . Last month I went to see a 4 about
buying my own house in a nice 5 outside of downtown Austin .
In the window of the real estate agency, I saw the house of my dreams and I have just
enough money saved for a 6 , but I will have to get a
1 . I have made an 8 to buy this property,
and now I am waiting to hear if the 9 will accept it. There are
many costs when buying a house, but at least the 10 the agent
will get for selling this house will be paid by the seller.

7 Property

2 Underline the correct word.

1 I want to rent office space in a building/ builder I build near the business district.
2 We don't provide soft furnished I furnishings I furniture in our apartments.
3 The real estate agent has many rents I renters I rentals on his website that we could
4 They were wondering if we had any houses that needed renovate I renovation I
5 My landlord owns I owner I ownership and rents out several buildings in this area.
6 Do you have any residents I residential I residences for sale in the La Paloma

3 Choose the correct words or phrases to complete the sentences.

1 I don't want to sell my property through a rw.L esto..te o..eenc because I don't
want to pay the fee for this service. (real estate agent I fee)
2 Our rental business finds _ _______ for _ _ _ __ ___::____ who live
overseas. (tenants I landlords)
3 We didn't have enough money for a _ _ ______ , so they rejected our
application for a . (mortgage I down payment)
4 We rent out both ________ for businesses as well as family
_ _ _ _ __ __ . (commercial spaces I residences)
5 I grew up in the _ _ _ __ ___ of a large city, but now I like living
downtown , so I rented an in a large building near city hall.
(apartment I suburbs)
6 I've decided to sign a ________ on a rental property for six months
until I have the money to make an on a place of my own .
(lease I otter)

s ao:tlque.stioos; reporting :.erbs

A Context listening
1 You are going to hear three of Mike's conversations. Before you listen, look at the pictures.
Who do you think Mike is talking to and what do you think the conversation is about?

I 15%



2 @ Listen and check if you were right.

H Banking

3 Underline the word used in the conversation. Use your dictionary if you don't know the words.
1 Mike went to the bank to make a withdrawal I~-
2 Mike saw a brochure about interest rates I business loans.
3 The bank teller I loan officer wanted to know about Mike and his wife's work experience.
4 Mike and Wilma are thinking about borrowing I lending money.
5 The bank will check Mike and Wilma's credit rating I savings account.
6 Mike didn 't look at their balance I debt.

4 listen to the first two conversations again and complete the sentences in column A.
Then listen to the third conversation and complete the sentences in column B.
Column A Column B
1 Would you like me to see if a loan 6 The teller offered to see if a loan officer
officer is available ... _ _ _ __ _ __ available ...
2 My wife and I _ _ __ _ __ _ 7 I told the loan officer that we
to invest ... - - -- - - - - to invest ...
3 Do you - - - - - - - - experience ... s She asked if we _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ any
4 ... we _ _ _ _ _ __ _ both experience ...
managers of Oskari's ... 9 I said that we - - - - - - - - bot h
managers at Oskari's ...
5 How much - - - - - - - - you
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ about as a down payment? and she asked how much we
10 . ..
_ _ __ ____ about as a down payment?

5 Look at the sentences in Exercise 4 and answer these questions.

1 Which sentence(s) in Column A ... 2 Which sentence(s) in Column B ...
a are statements? _ _ __ a report what someone stated? _ _ __
b are questions? _ _ __ b report what someone asked? _ _ __
c make an offer? _ _ __ c reports what someone offered? _ _ __

6 Look at the verb tenses in Exercise 4. In what way are the verbs in A and B different?

Banking 8

8 Grammar
Reported speech is the language we use when we are describing what someone said.
We can report someone's speech in several ways.

1 Use of reporting statements and questions

The most common verbs that introduce a reported statement are tell or say. A
reported question is introduced with the word ask. When we report statements
and questions, we may need to make changes in the verb tense, pronoun, and time
I told the loan officer that we wanted to invest in a franchise.
She asked if we had any experience in the business we were looking into.
Yesterday, the manager's exact words to her personal assistant were,
"I want you to type this report by tomorrow."
Today, the personal assistant reports the manager's statement as
My manager said (that) she wanted me to type that report by today.
My manager told me (that) she wanted me to type that report by today.
Yesterday, the manager's exact words to her personal assistant were,
"Can you type this report by tomorrow?"
"When can you type the report?"
Today, the personal assistant reports the manager's question as
My manager asked me if I could type that report by today.
My manager asked me when I could type the report.

- _ ....... 1\. 1116

2 Forms of reporting statements and questions

Changes may occur in verb tense, time, place, demonstratives (e.g., this), and pronouns
(e.g., they).

• Changes in verb tense:

present simple -~ past simple

I work in Miami. She said she worked in Miami.
present continuous past continuous
I'm buying the green jacket. She said she wos buying the green jacket.
be going to ~ was I were going to
Muna is goi11g to come at 7 P.M. She said Muna wos going to come at 7 P.M.
will ~ would
I'll get there first. She said she would get there first.
can ~ could
I con help you. She said she could help me.
May I might ~ might -
I moy not get there on time. He said he might not get there on time.
must ~ had to
I must go. He said he hod to go.
past ~ past perfect
I signed the form . He said he hod signed the form.
present perfect ~ past perfect
I've spoken to our CEO. She said she hod spoken to our CEO.

• Changes may occur in time and place:

today -~ yesterday or that day

yesterday the day before

now ~ then

tomorrow ~ today I the following day I the next day

If the reported speech occurs on the same day as the actual speech, the time may not

Monday: "I'll send the refund t omorrow."

Monday: He said he would send the refund tomorrow.
Thursday: He said he would send the refund the f ollowing doy.

If the place has not changed, there is no change in the reported speech .
In the office: "I'll meet you here tomorrow."
In the office: He said he would meet me here today.
In a cafe: He said he would meet me t here today.

Banking 8

• Changes may occur in demonstratives:

this -+ that that -+ this
these -+ those those -+ these

"I need those files."

She told me that she needed those files. (reported at a
distance from the mentioned files)
She told me that she needed these files. (reported near the
mentioned files)

• Changes may occur in pronouns. These changes depend

on who is referred to i~ the original speech.

Kate talking to Nick: I'll give you the key.

Nick: She said she would give me the key.
Bella: She said she would give him the key.

Rajit talking to Sue and Si: I'll give you the key.
Sue: He said he'd give us the key.
jo: He said he'd give them the key.

3 Reporting verbs
Instead of reporting the speaker's exact words, we can use different verbs to show the
attitude of the speaker. Reporting verbs can be followed by that, a to-infinitive, a preposition
+ -ing I noun, or pronoun I noun.

Verb + someone + that: assure, inform, persuade, remind

The manager informed the staff that the store would close later during the summer.

Verb + that: agree, announce, believe, claim, complain, deny, explain, insist, promise, propose,
reply, request, suggest, think
Jeff denied that the accident was his fault.

Verb+ someone+ to-infinitive: advise, ask, encourage, invite, remind, urge, want, warn
She invited me to take a seat.

Verb + to-infinitive: agree, ask, claim, otter, propose

The teller offered to see if a loan officer was available to talk to me.

Verb +someone+ a preposition + -ing I noun: advise about I on I against, remind about,
congratulate on, thank [or
She Cldvised me against renting an apartment in that area of town.

Verb+ a preposition+ -ing I noun: complain about I to, apologize for, insist on
She apologized for leaving the lights on.

Verb + someone + noun: otter, promise

Lisa offered Anna a ride to work.

Verb + -ing + noun: accept, admit, suggest

Lee Wong suggested selling the stocks.

lS Banking

C Grammar exercises
1 Brian has a problem at the bank. Read what the bank teller told him.
"There isn't enough money in your account to cover your check, so now you have a negative balance in your
checking account. That charge on your statement is the overdrawn balance charge. Your deposit only covers
the amount of the last check. The deposit doesn't cover the overdrawn balance charge. Your balance is still
in the red. You 'll be charged each day until the balance is in the black."
After Brian left the bank he told a friend what the bank teller said. Complete the sentences with the
correct verb.
The teller said there 1 ~ctsYI 't enough money in my account to cover my check. He said now I 2
_ _ _ _ _ ___ a negative balance in my checking account. He told me that the charge on my
statement 3 the overdrawn balance charge. He said my deposit only
4 the amount of the last check. He said the deposit 5 the
overdrawn balance charge. He told me my balance 6 still in the red. He said I
7 be charged each day until the balance is in the black.

2 look at the phone messages for Rachel Bradley. What did the callers say?
1 5

a "His delayed shipment had arrived ." a "You could send the proposal tomorrow."
b "My delayed shipmen t has arrived ." b "I'll bring the proposal tomorrow."

ALfre~ 'Berl:olivt.L as.~r<.ecl Lf r.:JOtA. couLGl r 1VIe safete LV\.s:pec.tcr WC!V~.tecl to i.vt.forV~A. r.:1ou
!tlLV~A. tne covt.hact i.V~A.I1.-te~i.(;!teLr.:J. _ tnt!t Hie sa~ tv.s'}lect!.oiiiS woi.dd t6!~e
pLe~ce t.ts -pLt:l ii\.1/Lfd. _
a "Can you send me the contract immediately?"
b "You could send me the cont ract immediately."
a "The safety inspections will take place as
3 b "The safety inspections have taken place as 'Boc.sl1 saW t11at sV!e COL{Lciv.'t get to tit'.Ls
(;!ften""oo~~~.·s V~A.eetLV'..g . _

a "I can't get to th is afte rnoo n's meeting."
b "Can you get to this afternoon's meeting?"

4 a "You should confirm the flight. "

MrS. Kow!Nt$R.£ WW."f.LC! Lvt.ecl tirlat sne 11Clci beevt. <
b "Should I confirm the flight? "
overcV!ctYge&l!. -

a "Have you overcharged me?"

b "You have charged me too much."

Banking 8

3 Read the following sentences. Complete the reported statements using one of the words in the box.

advised congratulated insisted offered FemiAEieEI suggested thanked

1 Don't forget to back up the files.

He _ _.urem"""-"inL!l<W""""' --- me to back up the files .
2 We could look for someone more experienced.
She looking for someone more experienced.
3 )im, you've done a nice job on the ad campaign .
She Jim on the nice job done on the ad campaign.
4 Would you like me to call a taxi for you?
He to call a taxi for me.
5 You shouldn't miss the budget meeting.
He me not to miss the budget meeting.
6 I appreciated your booking the tickets for me, Lily.
She Lily for booking the tickets for her.
1 You must finish the report today.
He that I finish the report today.

4 Last week, you were in a meeting with Mimi. Report what she said using the verbs in the box.

apologize as* congratulate offer remind suggest

1 Thomas , can you fax this report this afternoon?

Mim~ o..ske<i Thomo..s if he couU:L fu,x thoJ; r~ort tho.t o..ftemoon . I Mim~ o..ske<i Thomo..s to f o..x tho..!:.
..mporl; thU o...fternoon
2 Ajay and Hae·Won, don't forget to send the schedule for the trade fair to the Paris branch .

3 Linda , well done on last week's promotion.

4 I'm sorry that I sent the agenda to everyone so late.

5 Why don't we ask Nathan what he thinks of the proposal?

6 Everyone, please have some of these chocolate brownies.

5 Report advice that someone has given you or that you have given someone else.
1 My fCL!;h er toU:L me not to get into c:iebt.

4 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -- - - - - - - -- -- - -

" UOIII\1111;;

D Vocabulary
Key Vocabulary
Read this paragraph about banking and check your understanding of the meaning of the words in bold.

The easiest way to get cash from your savings or checking account is to use your debit card and
PIN number at an ATM machine, but you can also complete a variety of transadions inside a bank.
If you want to deposit a check or withdraw money, the bank teller can do that for you. While you
are at the bank, you might want to check your balance or perhaps talk to a financial advisor to
discuss different ways you can invest your money to get a better Interest rate. Or you might want
to borrow money to buy a house or set up a business. The bank will approve the loan if you have
a good credit rating. Of course, nowadays, you can also pay your bills, transfer funds, and even
apply for loans online.

The words loan, lend, and borrow can be confused.

I need a loan. ( = a sum of money that needs to be paid back)
Can you loan /lend me some money? ( =let me have some money temporarily)
Can I borrow your car? ( = use your car temporarily)
The borrower receives something and the lender gives something.
A person who takes out a loan borrows money.
The person or financial institution that provides the loan lends the money.

1 Use the words to complete the sentences. Use each word twice, once as a verb and once as a noun.
balance cash check credit deposit loan

1 I have a personal _ _~c.i1~ed:~--- that I want to --~d,ey~o~si.t~-- in my savings account.

2 The ________ I made was enough to cover the payment of my-- - - - - - -
3 My is good because I always my accounts carefully.
4 Could you _ _ _ _ _ _ _ me some - - - - - - - - until payday?
5 I have to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ my _ __ __ _ _ to see if my salary is now in the bank.

6 I have two checks. I want to this one, and would you - - - - - - - - that one
to my savings account?

Banking 8

2 Choose the correct answer I word.

1 My mechanic won't accept a credit card or check, so I have to go to an ATM machine to
make a cash transaction I withdrawal.
2 I wrote a check on my savings I checking account, but there weren't enough funds left.
3 I suggest you put your savings in this account where it will earn a higher credit I
4 I would like to borrow I balance money to set up a business.
s Don't forget that the interest on your cash I loan is quite high.
6 Could I speak to a bank teller I financial advisor about investing my money?
1 I was looking for the nearest PIN number I ATM machine so that I could make a
s jimmy needed to loan I transfer money from his savings account to pay for his car.

3 Complete this explanation by a business entrepreneur with the correct form of the words
in the box.
account check finance fund ~ debit savings withdraw

Some years ago, I made an 1 Lnve.stme.nt. in a beauty salon. The business was
going very well and I was putting cash into both my checking and my
2 accounts, but I was using my 3 card
unwisely. I also took out a loan to make improvements to both my home and salon.
I thought everything would continue smoothly, and I was 4 more
money than I was depositing. Then there was a downturn in the economy and people
were not spending as much money on beauty products and services. I didn't have the
S in the bank to cover the payment of my loans. The balance in my
6 account was negative. I discussed the problem with a
7 advisor. Slowly, I am getting control of my spending habits and I
am getting my bank 8 out of the red.

Adjectives and Adverbs
Describing things; adding information about manner.
lace ·me, fre_quency, and intensity

A Context listening
1 You are going to listen to four commuters talk about how they get to work. Listen and
write the name of the commuter under the mode of transportation that he or she uses.

1 lvo..nP.. 2

3 4 ------- -------

2 Listen to the first and second speakers again and fill in the blanks below.
1 My stop is not ____. .Jlu. .,.s""uo.LI.ij"""'!!',________ very crowded.
2 The station ... in the city can be ------------- busy.
3 ... more people are trying to get on .
4 The stop where I would have to change is _____________ crowded.
s ... sometimes the traffic jams cause _____________ long delays.
6 The number 19 stop is located around the corner ...

Commuting 9

3 ~ listen to the third and fourth speakers again and fill in the spaces below.
1 I rent a li¥1~ apartment ....
2 ••• place in the area is really _ __ _ _ _ __

3 I don't have to wait in ________ lines ....

4 I live in a suburb and ....
5 I could take the lane if I were in a carpool.
6 ... carpool because I get being in the car alone ....

4 Look at your answers to Exercise 2 and 3. Answer the following questions.

1 What types of words have you written in 2 and 3?
The words in Exercise 2 are--- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - -
The words in Exercise 3 are---- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
2 What do the words in Exercise2 describe? - -- - -- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
3 What do the words in Exercise3 describe? - - - - - - - - - - - - - " - - - - - - - - - - - - -

5 Match the words with the correct definition.

1 carpool ~ a underground train system
2 rush hour b ticket for many trips over a set period of time
3 subway c share a vehicle and costs while commuting
4 traffic jams d period of heavy traffic when people commute
5 commuter pass e overcrowded roads causing slow moving traffic


B Grammar
1 Adjectives
Adjectives are words that describe people and things. ( See Unit 1, Word Forms for
common adjective suffixes.)

We use adjectives before a noun or after certain verbs (be, appear, look, seem, feel, etc.).
I could take the fast lane if I were in a carpool.
He looks healthy.

We also use adjectives after find I make I keep+ object.

Keep your car clean with our special car washing liquid.
Adjectives have only one form that we use with both singular and plural nouns.
In our office we have small windows and a small bookshelf.

We can use adjectives together. When they are after the noun, they are joined with
another adjective using and.
We enjoyed the long, cool evenings of summer.
The trip was short and productive.

2 Adverbs and adverb phrases

Adverbs are words that describe verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs. ( See Unit 1,
Word Forms for common adverb suffixes.)

We use adverbs with verbs, adjectives, and adverbs.

We worked quickly. We were very energetic. The day passed incredibly quickly.

They can be one word or a phrase.

This morning the telephone was ringing continuously.

Adverbs and adverb phrases have only one form that we use with both singular and
plural verbs.
He manages effecti vely and his staff members work efficient ly.
We use adverbs and adverb phrases to describe manner (how), time (when), place
(where), intensity (how strong), and frequency (how often).
The boss always whistles very loudly in his office during the morning.
How does the boss whistle? Loudly
How loudly does he whistle? Very loudly
When does the boss whistle? During the morning
Where does he whistle? In his office
How often does he whistle? Always

Commuting 9

3 Comparing the forms of adjectives and adverbs

The most common ending for adverbs is -ly.
The bus stops are conveniently located.

Some adjectives that end in -ly have corresponding adverbs with the same form.
daily monthly weekly early

The daily newspaper has arrived. (adjective) They deliver the newspaper daily. (adverb)

Some adjectives that end in -ly do not have a corresponding adverb. We use an adverb
phrase instead.
friendly likely lively lonely lovely silly ugly
Dayna is a friendly person. (adjective) Dayna speaks in a friendly way. (adverb
Some adjectives and adverbs have the same form.
deep fast hard high late little low much near
Chris is a hard worker. Chris works hard.

The adverb forms warmly, hotly, coolly, coldly, lately, presently, shortly, scarcely, and barely
have different meanings from their adjective forms.

Adverb Adjective
We were greeted warmly.(= in a friendly It was a warm day.(= a comfortable
way) temperature)
Lately I've been considering applying {or a Sorry I'm late. I was delayed by a traffic jam .
different job. ( = recently) (= not punctual, not on time)
Shortly after noon I met the director. I'm going to take a short vacation next month.
(=soon) (= not long)
I scarcely left the room when the phone Good restaurants are scarce in this town.
rang. (= just I hardly) ( = rare)
I barely sat down when the door opened. The office floor is completely bare. (=without
(=just I hardly) covering)

The adverb forms highly, lowly, deeply, nearly, hardly, and lately have different meanings
from the adverb form without -ly (high, low, deep, etc.).

Adverb without ·ly Adverb with ·ly

Our sales have soared high above Our customers have spoken highly of our
expectations. (=a long way up) product. (=very positively)
The country sank deep into a recession that We deeply regret that we were not able to
lasted 10 years.(= a long way down) reach an agreement. ( = strongly, extremely)
I wished we lived near each other. ( = close I've nearly fmished the report. ( = almost, but
to) not quite)
We {ought hard to get the contract.(= with I hardly spent any time on it. {=just a little)
a lot of effort)
He stayed late on Tuesday. (= after the She's been thinking lately about the new
usual time) contracts. ( = recently)

9 Commutin g

C Grammar exercises
, 1 Underline and label all the adverbs and adjectives in the following statements.
oAJ o..d.v MJ
1 The colorful brochures for the fair were promptly delivered to our ma1n office.

2 A new shipment of electric cars will arrive soon.

3 We normally close the store at 6 P.M., but before the holiday season, we stay open

4 I leave my house for work early so I can take the long route on my bike through the
quiet city park.

5 Ted has an expensive sports car that he sometimes drives to work even though the
parking lot is not conveniently located.
2 Change the adjective into an adverb. Some adjectives stay in the same form.
1 Why is it called rush hour when the traffic moves so sLow4J (slow)?
2 The CEO spoke so (quick) that I couldn't understand him .
3 The newspaper is delivered (daily).
4 He drove really ________ (fast) to get to work on time.
5 You typed this report very _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (accurate). Well done.
6 At first , we waited (patient) for the bus _ _ _ _ _ __
1 It looks like we'll arrive _ _ _ _ _ _ __ (late).

, 3 Read this extract from a letter and underline the correct word.

Decw PIA uLlil,

I'VVL so hredl I'Ve 1 hard I hardL!:J beevu ovct of VVLtJ off-u at
oLL tV!Ls wee~ ovud V! ov e beevu 2 late I Latdy t o oLV\ILost lilLL VVLl:J
VVLeetLvugs becouse 3 /(!,ear/ VJ,e~dl:j ev ert) t~VVLe I. a~ ~~ad~
to Leave, 1 4 bare/ bareLy g et to tV!e doov ovuc:l Vvllj ceLL ')-l'VIovue
rLvugs wLtV! soVVLetV!Lvug ur-gevut t\tiot I V!ove to c:leoL wltlti
5 immediate/ immediateLtJ . 1 ~vuow tltiot VVLl:J coLLelilgues V!ove
6 high/ highLtJ e.xpectoHovus of VVLe, blAt soVVLehVVLes I feeL I
V!ove becoVVLe too 7 d~tp..! de.q?lJj.JrvuvoLvec:l Lvu tltie eve
r-~AvuvuLvug of tV!e off'_,ce. l'y'lo)jbilt\ tLVVLe for a
co~ALd lASe a vest ovu lA 8 wavml w61Yl'VtH1 .tr'a p~£.1~L.. ·~'f~A'":'
AvutJWCltJ, t\1\>ougV! about woml'ftow ar-e

Commuting 9

4 Complete the sentences with one adjective and one adverb form of the words in parentheses.
(considerable I considerably)
1 a The quality of cotton products has improved consi<iero..b~M

b The improvement of cotton products has been consUiero..ble

(rapid I rapidly)
2 a The cost of dining out has increased _ _ _ _ _ _ __
b There has been a increase in the cost of dining out.

(sharp I sharply)
3 a The price of gold has increased _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in recent days.

b News agencies have reported a increase in recent days.

(gradual I gradually)
4 a Demand for musical instruments has shown a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ rise in the last few months.

b The sale of musical instruments has risen in the last few months.

(steep I steeply)
s a The stock exchange reported a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ rise in share prices today.
b Share prices have risen _ _ _ _ _ _ _ today.

(sudden I suddenly)
6 a Company policy has changed _ _ _ _ _ __

b There has been a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ change in company policy.

5 Describe one of your favorite places using adverbs and adjectives. Explain where it is,
what it is like, when and how often you go there.

9 Commuting

D Vocabulary
Key Vocabulary
Read this paragraph about commuting and check your understanding of the words in bold.

Most people commute to work along a regular route. In many urban areas, they have the
choice between traveling by public transportation or by private vehicle. Commuters who drive
may choose to carpool in fuel-effident vehicles to save on the high cost of filling a gas tank
and because of the difficulty of finding parking spaces. On public transportation systems,
people can buy a commuter pass for the bus or subway to save on costs, but these means of
transportation can also be crowded during rush hour. However, these commuters can avoid
driving along congested highways or getting stuck in traffic jams. Sometimes the stress of
these conditions causes road rage. People who live near their workplace can commute by foot
or bike. Many cities provide bike lanes. If none of these means of transportation suit you, then
a final option is to work from home.

1 Match the definitions below with the following words.

1 car pool e s rush hour
2 congestion 6 commuter pass
3 public transportation 7 fuel efficient
4 road rage 8 urban

a operating with relatively little gas

b located in a city
c the condition when there is so much traffic that it makes movement difficult
d the time when traffic congestion and crowding on public transportation is at its worst
e travel with a gro1:113 of J3eoJ3Ie, esJ3ecially to worl< or school, iA aiffereAt memtlers' cars
vehicles such as buses and trains that operate at regular times for public use
g anger or violence between drivers, often caused by difficult driving conditions
h a ticket that can be used many times within a limited period and is cheaper than paying
separately for each use
2 Match a word from Column Awith a word from Column B and use the two words to complete
this newspaper article. You can combine some words in Column Awith more than one word in
column B, but in the article only one combination is correct in each blank.
A 8
traffic ~rage The city council has introduced a number of measures in an attempt to
public lanes reduce the problem of 1 tr~f&. j~Wl5 . There have been many
bike jams complaints that during 2 (between 7 A.~. and 9 A.M.
rush vehicles and after 4 P.M.) the roads are heavily congested and travel nmes are
commuter spaces sometimes over an how- more than usual. There have even been reports of
road passes 3 with frustrated commuters fighting on the streets. A
parking transportation further complamt · from' those peop1e who use 4 is that
private hour there is a lack of 5 near their workplaces. N~ measures
include an improvement ill 6 so that there will be more
buses running, the introduction of cheap 7 for regular
commuters. and the consU'UctiOD of a system of 8 along
the side of streets for commuters who don't want to use cars or buses.
Commuting 9

3 Below is part of Riitta's response to the TOEIC writing test opinion question.
Use the words in the box to complete Riitta's response.
bike lanes carpool highways tank traffic jams road rage
subway route ttfbafl public transportation

There are many ways that people get to their place of work or study.
What are some of the ways? Do you enjoy commuting?
Give reasons or examples to support your opinion.

There severo..L w~s to get to work a.ncl bGld:: home.

I liNe in a.n 1 urb o..n so I co..n take
2 ; for me trltA.t i.,s trle bus or
3 . I Glon't mincl commuting since I Glon't to tra..veL a.. long Gli.,sta.nce. In fa..ct, I ettio!::l commuting,
especi.aLLy when trle ww..thet i.,s nice, since I co..n o..Lso wo..Lk .
or rULe m!::j trle new 4 . When
I wo..Lk or rULe to work , I a.rrwe feeLing fresh a.ncl cl1eerful.
It i.,s o..Lso goocl e><etase. But people who live fa.rtrlet out in
trle suburbs a.ncl Glri.,ve 5 m~ not
ettio!::l it Vet!::j mucl1 . The!::j often get COJA.ght in
6 trlere so ma.n!::l
<itA ring trle morning a.ncl evening rush hours . I severo..L
col.Lea.9ues who 7 to work from a.. long
Gli.,sta.nce a..w~ . The!::j live trle
8 so trle!::j co..n tra..veL togetrlet a.ncl
ettio!::l w..cl1 otrter's compa.n!::j. B!::j sha.ring trle cost of fiLLi,ng
trle ga..s 9 , trle!::j Glon't p~ so mucl1
to commute. But trle!::j o..Lso some trips trltA.t vet!::!
stressfuL . week , for instance, a.. fri.,encl totcl me of a..
10 incU:lent trltA.t he sa..w . It sounGLecl
quite shocking .

4 Look at Riitta's response in Exercise 3. Has Riitta answered the question? Has she given
good reasons and examples to support her opinion?

Comparative and superlative adjectives and adverbs;
expressions of equality I inequality (as ... as, not as ... as, etc.);
1>the way_s_nf'ng

A Context listening
1 You are going to hear Enzo and Clara. They work for an advertising agency and are discussing a new client.
Before you listen, look at the pictures of Wrinkleless Wardrobes' products and match the picture with the
name of the product and its target group.
A 8 c

1 personal steamer 1 retail stores

2 travel steamer 2 homemakers

3 industrial steamer 3 people on trips

2 Listen and check if you were right.

Advertising 10

3 listen again and say whether these sentences are true or false. Correct the
sentences that are false.
1 Wrinkleless Wardrobes want a promotional campaign for their -ifflf:ls. M se
2 The advertisements may be aimed at three target audiences. _ __ _
3 Brochures and flyers will be handed out in a promotion taking place in a downtown store. _ _ __
4 A jingle for a TV ad will be written. ____
5 A slogan is needed to drum up some publicity. _ _ __

4 Underline the noun I noun phrases in Exercise 3 that refer to advertising.

5 listen again and write a short answer to these questions.

1 Which steamer is the smallest? _,tl1
"""''""""'er!......__________________ _

2 Which is cheaper, using the hotel laundry services or a traveler's steamer? - - - - - - -- - --

3 Which steamer is the largest? - - - - - -- - -- - - - -- - -- - - - - - - - --
4 Is an iron as effective at removing wrinkles as a steamer? - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - -
5 Are steamers better than irons? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - -

6 look at the questions and your answers in Exercise 5. Answer these questions.
1 How many things do questions 1 and 3 compare? - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - -
2 How many things do questions 2 and 5 compare? - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - -
3 What st ructure does question 4 use? - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- -

10 Advertising

B Grammar
1 Comparative and superlative adjectives and adverbs
We use comparatives to compare two people, things, or actions and superlatives to compare
more than two. ( See Unit 1, Word Forms and Unit 9, Adjectives and Adverbs.)
Forming comparative and superlative adjectives and adverbs
adjective I adverb comparative superlative
One syllable:
+ -er +-est
fast taster the fastest
ending in -e + -r + -st
fine finer the finest
ending in one vowel+ -b, double the last letter+ -er double the last letter+ -est
-d, -g, ·n, -p, or -t
sad sadder Jhe saddest
Two syllables:
ending in -y change -y to -i and add-er change -y to -i and add -est
easy easier the easiest
early earlier the earliest
Two, three, or more syllables:
+ more I +less + the most I+ least
serious more I less serious the most I least serious
seriously more I less seriously the most I least seriously

Using comparative adjectives and adverbs

We use comparative adjectives to compare two people, things, or places, or one thing,
person, or place at two different times.
The Bridge Guesthouse is cheaper than the Gable Lodge.
My boss is more cheerful today than he was yesterday.
We use comparative adverbs to compare two actions, or one action at two different times.
Prices tor food rose more rapidly than those for clothing.
We have promoted our products more successfully this year than we did last year.
We can use comparatives without the word than when the context makes the comparison
The new desk chairs are more comfortable (than the old chairs).
It is supposed to be warmer tomorrow (than it has been recently).
Using superlative adjectives and adverbs
We use a superlative adjective to compare one thing, person, or place with all the others
in a group.
The Rooftop isn't the cheapest place to eat in the city.
We use a superlative adverb to compare one action with other actions of a similar nature.
Of all my colleagues, I commute the farthest.

Advertising 10

We can also use superlative adjectives with one of the I some of the, ordinal numbers, or a
possessive instead of the word the.
Our manager is one of the most cheerful people I've ever met.
Matthew is the second highest earner on the team.
Interviewers always ask candidates about their greatest strengths.

2 Irregular comparative and superlative adjectives and adverbs

Some adjectives and adverbs have the same comparative and superlative forms.
good I well ~ better~ best, bad I badly ~ worse~ worst,
far I far ~ farther I further~ farthest I furthest, late I late ~ later~ latest

This is a better product. It sells better. This is the best product. It sells the best.

3 Comparing quantities
We can use comparatives and superlatives with adjectives to compare quantities.

quantifiers comparative superlative

a lot of I much I many more ( + plural countable and the most(+ plural countable and
uncountable nouns) uncountable nouns)
a few {ewer the fewest
(+plural countable nouns) ( + plural countable nouns)
a little less the least
(+uncountable nouns) (+uncountable nouns)

More people are buying more fruit and vegetables than ever before.
We had {ewer errors in our calculations this year.•In {act, we had the fewest errors ever.
We had less money to spend on advertising, but we managed to use the least money to create the
most impact.

Quantifiers can be used for emphasis.

We have had many more sales this afternoon.
We have been much more successful.

4 As ... as
Use the phrase as ... as when there is no difference between what is being compared and not
as ... as when there is a difference.
Equality and inequality phrases can be used with adjectives, adverbs, and nouns.
We were as energetic as the other team. They were not as prepared as we were.
We drove as fast as the speed limit allowed. We did not drive as fast as the car could go.
We made as many sales as our competitors, and we didn't spend as much money as we did
last year.

Equality and inequality phrases can be used with just to emphasize that there is no difference
and with almost, nearly, not quite to show minor differences.
This machine prints just as fast as that one.
This paper is not quite as expensive as that paper.

10 Advertising

C Grammar exercises
1 Underline the correct comparative or superlative adjective.
1 This is the more exciting I the most exciting advance in machine design in years.
2 Of the two hotels, I think you should stay at the cheaper I the cheapest one in order to
keep costs down.
3 I think Tuesday would be the less convenient I the least convenient day of the week for a
4 That was the more productive I the most productive meeting we have had in a long time.
5 I prefer the more flexible I the most flexible working hours that I have in my job here at
6 We don't have much to talk about. This will be a shorter I the shortest meeting than last
1 We have had fewer I the fewest complaints about noise since we put in carpets.
8 The taster I The fastest way to get downtown from here is to take the subway.

2 Use the adjectives in parentheses to make comparative or superlative adverbs and fill in
the blanks.
1 Do you know which sales representative travels th e furth est. (far) each week?
2 Of all the designs we received , this one shows the product - - - - - - - -
(effective) .
3 I am trying to save money, so I am eating out (frequent) these
4 No machine operates ________ (noisy) than the printer in my office.
5 Anita has been working (hard) to solve this problem .

3 Find the mistakes in the comparative or superlative adjectives and adverbs and correct
the most i.l-1nov£ili-ve
Before I announce the award for mere innevative TV ad of the year, I'd just like to say that
this is the difficult decision the judges have ever had to make. We had to look at these
ads the most carefully than ever. The entries this year were of much high quality than last
year's and we were all extremely impressed . But in the end , we decided that one entry
was innovative, not to mention funny than all the others. It is the most humor ad we have
seen for a long time. It is also the one that most clear showed the use of new technology.
The ads that were awarded second and third place were also excellent and the judges
gave them only slightly few points than the winner. They were both as good as the winning
ad in the quality of the acting, but in the end we thought the winning ad made greatest
impact because it was the original, and we think the public will like it the better.

Advertising 10

4 Use as ... as to complete the following sentences.

1 There was an emergency in the warehouse and the resident doctor arrived on the scene
o..s o..s (fast) he could .
2 I love my new office even though it is _ __ _ _ _ _ (big) my previous one .
3 I was hoping for more humor in the office, but my new boss is _ __ _ _ _ __
(serious) the one who just left.
4 These chairs are _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (comfortable) the other ones. They hurt my back.

5 I'm havi ng all kinds of trouble with my computer. I wish it were _ __ __ _ __

(up·to·date) yours.
6 The team members were suffering jetlag so they were _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (enthusiastic)
the members on the other team.

5 Look at the products below. Write two sentences using the comparative structure,
two using the superlative structure, and two using as ... as.

1 The 1Ar9er c.o.r ~s more powerful trla.n trl e smoJLer c.o.r.



10 Advertising

D Vocabulary
Key Vocabulary
Read this paragraph about advertising and check your understanding of the words in

Advertising is an essential part of business. Businesses advertise in order to make

potential customers aware of the products and services that they offer. Small
companies may not be able to pay for commercials on television or other national
or international media, but they can place ads in local media, such as in the
classified ad sections of local newspapers, or they can buy air time on commercial
radio stations. They can also produce posters or flyers relatively cheaply or
even place ads on the internet. Large companies often have a special budget to
pay advertising agencies that specialize in designing and producing ads. These
agencies create commercials with slogans and Jingles aimed at a particular target
audience as part of a promotional campaign to gain publicity and create brand

- to
Match a word from column A with a word from column B and use the phrases
complete the sentences below..
advertising ~ recognition
brand audience
classified time
target agency
air ads
1 He runs the largest o..clver!isi..n9 'H]et'l~ in the town .
2 We saw a bicycle for sale in the _ _ _ _ _ _ __
3 The for our products is the 25 to 35 age group.
4 We have budgeted enough for 30 seconds of for ads during
the televised football game.
s This study shows that - - - - - - - for ou r product is increasing.

2 Read the comments on the next page from an online discussion about internet
advertising and find the words to complete the definitions.

Advertising 10

ill Tues 14.53

The future of advertising is definitely online. For a start, advertising on the

.Joe Btoggs M '
internet is not as expensive as advertising on TV. Also, you can choose your
Joined 03105 target audience more effectively by choosing your website carefully. Internet
Posta 18 advertising is also less restricted by time. Your ad and slogan can be seen
worldwide by internet users 24 hours a day. And don't forget that there are
many more different ways to create a promotional campaign.

However, nothing can completely replace traditional ways of advertising,

especially TV. Watching TV is one of the most common leisure-time activities
all around the world. Because of this, TV commercials are still one of the
most powerful ways to promote your product. TV ad writers can also be
more creative, using catchy jingles, etc. to make their commercials really

1 Ad.verti..sing is the business of trying to persuade people to buy products or services.

2 An is a picture, short film , song, etc. that tries to persuade people to
buy a product or service.
3 A - - - -- - -- is an advertisement broadcast on radio or TV.
4 A is a phrase that is repeated often and influences people to recognize
a product or company.
s A- - - - - -- - is the main group of people that an ad campaign is aimed at.
6 A is a short song used in a commercial.
7 When you _ __ _ _ _ __ a product or service, you are making it known to the public
through various techniques.
8 A_ __ _ __ __ is a series of activities to make the public aware of a product.

3 Put the words from the box into the blanks.

advertising agency air time budget commercial flyers media

prornotioAal carnpaigA posters publicity slogan
Beth: So, are there any ideas for the new 1 promoti.onoJ, w.mpo..i,gn ?
Angus: Welt, actually, I was thinking that we could 2 _ _ _ _ _ __ _ money to be sponsors in a
fund raising activity.
Cindy: There's a marathon next month to raise money for cancer research. We could sponsor a loca l team.
Beth: Witt the 3 be at the event?
Angus: Yes, of course. A tot of people are expected to attend. It'd be good 4 ________ to
sponsor an activity that helps people.
Beth: We could put up 5 - - - - - - - - and hand out 6 ________ at the matt
encouraging people to attend the event.
Cindy: Good idea. And what about buying some 7 _ _ _ __ _ _ _ on local radio?
Angus: Yes, we can contact several 8 _ _ _ __ __ stations in this region .
Beth : OK. Good. Let's contact our 9 and have them create a clever
10 _ _ _ _ _ __ _
Many correct answers to questions in the
Listening section Part 2 do not repeat the
language of the questions. For example:
What did Sara want to talk to you about?
The report she is writing. (correct)
She wonted to talk to me. (incorrect)

Don't worry about not understanding every
word in the conversation or talk. Use words you (B) (C) (D)
know to understand the basic ideas and help you
answer the questions.

Part 1: Photographs .
Directions: In this section , you will hear four
statements about a photograph. The statements will
not be printed on the test. As you listen, select the
statement that best describes the photograph.
You will hear the statements only once.
3 (A) (B) (C) (D)

4 (A) (B) (C) (D)

1 (A) (B) (C) (D)

19 What is the man's problem?
(A) He cannot inflate his pool.
(B) The valve is broken.
(C) The pump doesn't attach properly.
(D) He can't assemble the pump.

20 What does the woman offer to do?

(A) Exchange the product
(B) Attach the pump correctly
(C) Send an instruction manual
(D) Send over a technician

Questions 21-23 refer to the following conversation.

21 Where does this conversation take place?

5 (A) (B) (C) (D) (A) In a cafeteria
(B) At a road construction site
Part 2: Question-Response (C) On a bicycle route
Directions: In this section, you will hear a question or (D) In a meeting room
statement followed by three responses. They will not
22 Why does the man apologize?
be printed on the test. As you listen, select the best
(A) He left his bicycle.
response. You will hear the question and statements
(B) He is late again.
only once.
(C) He doesn't want to ride a bicycle.
6 (A) (B) (C) (D) He is unhappy about the new route.
7 (A) (B) (C) 23 What does the woman think?
8 (A) (B) (C) (A) Commuting by bicycle is healthier than
9 (A) (B) (C) driving.
10 (A) (B) (C) (B) Waiting for people is easier than complaining.
11 (A) (B) (C) (C) Starting a meeting late is not a problem.
12 (A) (B) (C) (D) Using a bicycle is safer these days.
13 (A) (B) (C)
14 (A) (B) (C) Questions 24-26 refer to the following conversation .
15 (A) (B) (C) 24 What is the company "Greenaway Gadgets"
16 (A) (B) (C) planning?
17 (A) (B) (C) (A) To improve its economic conditions
(B) To arrange a new period of consultation
Part 3: Conversations
(C) To borrow money for an expansion in production
Directions: In this section, you will hear two people (D) To solve their production problems
having a conversation and will answer questions about
what you heard . The conversations will not be printed 25 What do the speakers think about the "Greenaway
on the test. Select the response that best answers the Gadgets" plan?
question. You will hear the conversations only once. (A) It is the wrong time to expand the company.
(B) It is not the best time to meet about it.
Questions 18-20 refer to the following conversation. (C) It is the wrong goal for the company.
18 What product did the man purchase? (D) It will cost too much money.
(A) A kind of pump 26 What will the man do by next week?
(B) A garden feature (A) See if the economic conditions are better
(C) A swimming pool (B) Reject any unnecessary items
(D) An instruction booklet (C) Ask about increased sales
(D) Make a report

Questions 27-29 refer to the following conversation. 33 Who is Eduardo Gonzales?
27 What was the man told about checks? (A) A property owner
(B) A prospective tenant
(A) The bank doesn't process checks any longer.
(C) A real estate agent
(B) You can process checks in the supermarket.
(D) An insurance dealer
(C) They always clear after your salary is
deposited. 34 Why is Eduardo giving this talk?
(D) Checks written in red ink take longer to (A) To advise homeowners about tenants
process. (B) To inform visitors about transportation links
(C) To persuade people not to rent properties
28 Where did the woman work in the past?
(D) To inform tenants of potential problems
(A) At a bank
(B) At a supermarket 35 Where can interested people get the brochure?
(C) At a checkout counter (A) At the real estate agency
(D) At an electronics company (B) At an insurance company
(C) From the sponsor
29 What advice does the woman give?
(D) From the landlord
(A) Write checks in any color
(B) Believe everything you hear Questions 36-38 refer to the following talk.
(C) Buy only things you can pay for
36 What is the main point of the talk?
(D) Find out who was telling the truth
(A) Complaints offer a good opportunity for a
Questions 30-32 refer to the following conversation . company.
(B) Do not complain unless it is really necessary.
30 What does the man want?
(C) Companies prefer solving complaints.
{A) Information on investments
(D) Some companies treat customers badly.
(B) Several different rates
(C) A deposit form 37 What may be true if customers do not complain?
(D) Money from his account (A) You have solved their problems successfully.
(B) They are probably loyal to your company.
31 What does the man decide to do?
(C) They do not think you are courteous.
(A) Leave his money in his account
(D) They go elsewhere without saying anything.
(B) Keep his money for a year
(C) Reinvest his money for six months 38 Who is the talk probably aimed at?
(D) I nvest in the fund with the higher interest (A) Customers
(B) The competition
32 When will the funds be transferred?
(C) Checkout cashiers
(A) After the man's salary comes in
(D) Customer service personnel
(B) When the man goes to the bank
(C) After six months to a year Questions 39-41 refer to the following talk.
(D) When a better rate is offered
39 What is the main point of the talk?
Part 4: Talks (A) The importance of having a health check
Directions: In this section , you will hear a speaker before you start work
giving a talk and will answer questions about the talk. (B) The necessity of reading an offer letter
The talks will not be printed on the test. Select the carefully
response that best answers the question. You will hear (C) The possibility of having a disagreement with
the talks only once. your new employer
(D) The consequences of not understanding your
Questions 33-35 refer to the following talk.
new duties

40 Who is the talk directed at?
(A) Interviewers
(B) New officers Questions 1-5: Write a sentence based on a picture.
(C) job candidates Directions: In this section, you will be given two words
(D) Employment agencies or phrases and a photograph . You will be asked to
write one sentence about the photograph, using the
41 What is NOT mentioned as a key piece of two given words or phrases. You can change the forms
information to look for? of the words and use them in any order.Your sentence
(A) The salary amount will be scored on grammar and how relevant the
(B) The required duties sentence is to the photograph. You will have 8 minutes
(C) The need for a health checkup for this part.
(D) The length of time of the contract
Question 1:
Questions 42-44 refer to the following talk.

42 Who is speaking?
(A) A pedestrian
(B) A street cleaner
(C) An inventor
(D) A city official

43 What is the speaker comparing?

(A) New and old street cleaning devices
(B) Different kinds of chewing gum
(C) Public spaces and city streets phone I although
(D) Forms of environmental pollution
Question 2:
44 Where is the speaker?
(A) In an office
(B) At a factory
(C) On a sidewalk
(D) In a shopping mall

Questions 45-47 refer to the following talk.

45 What is being presented?

(A) Information on how to buy property
(B) Bank mortgage requirements
(C) How to negotiate a price for a house cyclist I because
(D) Estimating market conditions Question 3:
46 Who wrote the document?
(A) A house buyer
(B) A property seller
(C) A professional negoti ator
(D) A team of house buying experts

47 Who is the document aimed at?

(A) Guide publishers
(B) Real estate agents
(C) Bank loan officers
(D) New and experienced buyers money I out of

Question 4:
Directions: Read the email. In your email, ask ONE
question and make TWO requests.

From: Sally Browning

To: Charles Lake
Subject: Reception at Grove Institute
Sent: February 12th

Dear Member:

Grove Institute 501h Anniversary Reception

advertisement I busy You will be pleased to hear we plan to host a 50th Anniversary
reception on the weekend of June 25-26, from 6:15P.M., at
Questions 6- 7: Respond to a written request the Grove Institute. Please let us know as soon as possible if
Directions: In this question, you will write a response you will be attending and if you plan to bring a guest.
to an e-mail. Your response will be scored on
vocabulary, organization, and the quality and variety We are looking forward to a successful anniversary event.
Please let us know if you have any special requests that we
of your sentences. You will have 10 minutes to read
need to address before your arrival.
and respond to each e-mail.
We look forward to hearing from you soon.
Directions: Read the email. In your email, ask TWO
questions and make ONE suggestion. Best regards,

R. Kumar
Arabian Car Sales Co. Question 8: Write an opinion essay
June 26th Directions: In this section, you will write an essay
James Kaiser about a given issue. You will be asked to state your
opinion and explain and support the opinion. A
Dear Mr. Kaiser :
successful essay will usually contain a minimum of
We would like to take this opportunity to introduce 300 words. Your essay will be scored on grammar,
our new range of recreational vehicles. We are an vocabulary, organization, and whether your opinion is
acknowledged leader in the automobile business .
supported with reasons and examples . You will have
Our network of 56 branches across the country
can offer you unmatched sales, service, and parts 30 minutes to complete your essay.
Essay question:
Please see the attachment for our full range of Do you think that people are exposed to too much
vehicles and their specifications and prices. advertising these days? Use specific reasons and
We hope you will find our rates competitive and in examples to explain you!' answer.
line with your requirements . We would be pleased
to offer you a demonstration I test drive at your
Thank you.
R. Kumar
968 99260777

Grammar Focus Task 1 Vocabulary Focus Task
Match the sentence with its description. Complete these sentences with a word that means the
1 Are you sure it is broken? _ _ _ _ _ _ __
same as the definitions.
2 Why did the bank return the check? 1 You can stay ahead of your competitors in the way
you handle _,co""m"'"p~'-'IAiKI""·"'"""'t.s'-----
3 You need the sales receipt to make an exchange, objections, criticisms
don't you? _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 2 Did you ask him if the-><--------
4 Could you tell me where we are supposed to accepted the offer? person who pays rent
meet? _ _ _ _ _ __ 3 The can be transferred from
5 The supermarket cashier just told me that if you my account tomorrow. sum of money .
write a check in red ink, the bank will take longer 4 What is that o.. agency called?
to process the check.----- - - - business that creates commercials
5 I'll definitely use the new bike
a An embedded question.
r for my daily commuting.
b Astatement with a tag question.
road tor passage or travel
c A wh- question.
d Ayes I no question.
e A reporting statement.

Grammar Focus Task 2

Complete these sentences with words from the box.

as readable as carefully more quickly

successful worse than
1 Before you sign a contract as a tenant, there are
several things you should _ _ _ _ _ __
2 We are looking forward to a - - - - - - -
anniversary event.
3 Believe me, red ink is any
other color.
4 I tried to be on time today but the traffic jams
were ________ ever.
5 I think I could get here _ _ _ _ _ _ _ by

Ability and possibility

A Context listening
1 You are going to hear Alberto and Rosemarie Gomez talking about a problem facing
their business. Before you listen, look at the picture.
1 What is the Gomez's business? _ _ _ _ _ __

2 What could be the problem they are facing? _ _ _ _ _ __

3 What do you think they could do about the problem? _ _ _ _ _ __

2 Listen and check if you were right.

Company structure 11

3 @ listen and answer these questions.

1 What does Rosemarie say is necessary for them to do to get a loan?
We rrll-ts!; study the market, the costs, and the possible profits.
2 What does Rosemarie say she will possibly do when the sales representative from
Wooden Toyz Company comes?
I just ask her about toys for older children.
3 According to Alberto, why is renting the empty store next door not possible?
We expand that much.
4 What reason does Rosemarie give when she is unable to reach the ceiling?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ reach that high.
s What does Alberto say about his ability to help Rosemarie hang the balloons?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ do that for you.
6 What does Rosemarie say is necessary for them not to do?
We _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ rush into anything.

4 Compare the words in italics in Exercise 3 with your answers. What is the connection
between them? _ _ _ _ _ __

5 ® listen again and underline the words you hear in the conversation •
.lQ&.Q. income partner stockholders
expand profits earnings capital

11 Company structure

B Grammar
1 Modals
Modals are the auxiliary verbs can, could, may, might, will, would, shall, should, ought
to, and must. Modals give further meaning to the main verb.
How can we think about expanding right now?
We must do something soon.

Modals do not change their form .

He can travel with me if he wants to. (not He caRs tre~'e/ ... . )
A partner could bring in the money needed for expansion. (not A (3ertRer ce1:1!r:l te
I:JriRy ... . . )

2 Ability
We use can('t) for present ability I inability and could(n't) for past ability I inability.
Barbara can speak Korean, but she can't speak Arabic.
The previous manager could state the sales figures for the last 10 years, but he couldn't
remember our names. -

When we are talking about one specific occas~ in the past we use couldn't, was(n't)
Iwere(n't) able to. We do not use could.
He was able to find his suitcase. (not He ce1:1/r:l {IRe .... )

We use be able to for ability I inability in all tenses.

We are I were I have been I will be able to hire more employees.

3 Possibility
We use can I can 't, could I couldn't, may I may not, might I might not, and must to
indicate the degree of possibility that the information is true.
Almost certain must
Possible can, may, could, might
Unlikely can't, couldn't

When we are almost certain that something is true (often based on the evidence), we
use must.
I saw jackie a few minutes ago. She must be here.
I hear you've been promoted. You must be very happy.

Company structure 11

When we are almost certain about something in the past, we use must+ have+
past participle.
jackie's coat is gone. She must have left.
You must have been very happy when they told you about your promotion.

When we think something is possible, we use can, could, may, or might.

We could rent the empty store next door.
There may not be enough space on your computer [or all the files .
We might hire a private bus if it's not too expensive.

~ Use context to understand if can means possibility or ability.

I can drive. My fa ther taught me on country roads . (ability)
Don 't worry if the taxi is late. I can drive you. (possibility)

When we talk about possibility in the past, we use could I may I might+ have+ past
We could have rented that store, but we decided that it wasn't the best option.
He may have been in touch with someone.
__jje.might have contacted them on his cell phone.

When we think something is unlikely, we use can't or couldn't.

You can't be hungry already. We just had a big lunch. (not Ye1:1 FRI:IStR ' t he ... . )
He couldn't have the file. I just saw it.

When we talk about something impossible in the past, we use can't I couldn 't+ have+
past participle.
You can't have eaten all those chocolates.
He couldn't have taken the file. I had it with me.

11 Company structure

C Grammar Exercises
1 Write can('t) or could(n't) in the blanks.
1 The shipment is late so we -----'co,.n""""'",_,'t'---- complete the order.
2 I preferred the old system of private offices to this open plan office. I get a lot more
work done before they changed it.
3 They didn't know how to run the fax machine, so they send the fax.
4 Ms. Wong prefers to take the subway because she find parking spaces near the
s If you are having a problem with your computer, talk to Bill. He fix anything.
6 Lucy was originally hired because she - - - - - - - - speak French with the people at our Paris

2 Read the following article and underline the word that completes the sentence.

Search i!J: FavorRos 4iJ Media 0

You 1 may not 1 could believe this, but one of the ways to
increase milk production is to treat your cows like people.
According to many dairy farmers, cows 2 may I could not
feel happier and more relaxed if they are given a name .
Cows with names like Daisy and Buttercup 3 can I can't
produce more milk than their sisters without names. This
belief 4 might 1 must now be proved after researchers test
what many dairy farmers 5 can I must already know by
experience. Naming a cow and talking to it like a person
6 could 1 couldn't make the cow feel like part
of a family. One farmer noticed that when naming a cow,
he interacts with her at a more individual level, and this
7 can't 1 could be the factor that reduces stress levels
in the animal. The cow 8 may I may not have a better
perception of humans and consequently, 9 may I must
be more productive. That is the theory at least. Whatever
the case, this surely 10 mustn't I can't be a bad thing for
either cows or farmers.

Company structure 11

3 Choose the best ending to complete the sentences.

1 I saw Mr. Williams in the office so ----a he must be here.
b he might be here.
2 Mariam didn't look well so she a couldn't have canceled the meeting and gone home.
b could have canceled the meeting and gone home.
3 I can't find my keys so a I might have left them in the car.
b I might leave them in the car.
4 Tim said that he was very busy and a he may not attend the office party.
b he may not have attended the office party.
5 Not many people came to the trade show. a It couldn't be that it was at an inconvenient time.
b It could be that it was at an inconvenient time.

4 look at the pictures and write true or imaginary sentences about yourself. Use each of the words in the box.

can could may might must can't

eouldn't may not might not must not

drive a car snowboard give a presentation

build a house fix a computer climb mountains


11 Company structure

D Vocabulary
Key Vocabulary
Read this paragraph about company structure and check your understanding of the
words in bold.

Often a company is a business owned by one owner or proprietor. The owner

receives the profit from the business, but also takes on the risks. When two or
more individuals own the business it is called a partnership. Some companies
merse with others or expand and restructure to become corporations that raise
capital by offering shares to stockholders. The company can use the money from
the shares to invest in its produds or services and make a profit. The manasement
of corporations is performed by directors who do not own the company but follow
the instructions of the stockholders. Sometimes a company expands by making
a successful takeover bid for another company through purchasing a majority of
the shares. When a company does business, the earnings received are used to
pay overhead (the cost of running the business) and the stockholders receive the
remaining money in the form of dividends.

The word produce has two different pronunciations. Produce is the noun
and produce is the verb.
The nouns produce and product have different, but related meanings.
Produce refers to the food that farmers grow.
We can buy fresh produce at the farmer's market.
Produce can be used as an adjective.
We have fresh strawberries in the produce section.
Product refers to goods that have been manufactured.
Parts of many products are made in different countries.

1 Read the extract from a business pod cast and fill in the blanks with a word from
the box.

corporation directors partnership f1Fef1rieter

stockholders produce expansion

One of the most interesting news stories this week was that the 1 proprietor
of ATC, Phillip Allen, has decided to enter into a 2 with
another well-known business person, Lucia Mendez, to set up a new IT company.
It is understood that the part ners will continue as 3 of
the new company, which will be called ATech. The plan is to become a major 4
_ _ _ _ _ __ in the high tech sector. 5 are eagerly
awaiting a new share offering which will raise much needed capital for the
6 plans. It is thought that ATech will 7 a
range of new high definition mobile communication devices.

Company structure 11

2 Choose the correct word to complete the sentences.

1 If this p~A.Ytt1ersnw is going to be a success, communication between the
po..rtners must be a priority. partners I partnership
2 There has been a lot of talk recently about a between
the Good Old Egg company and the Fancy Cake company. If these companies
- - - - - - - - , t h e y will be able to put cake products on the market at a
much lower price. merge I merger
3 Bonnie Floyd is on the new team. She used to
________ HopScotch Bakeries. management I manage
4 The company would like to but the costs of the
________ may be too high. expansion I expand
s According to law, the individual stockholders are not
responsible for the 's liabilities. corporation I corporate
6 We are presently undergoing a complete . Once we have
fully , we will be much more competitive. restructured I

- 3 Some of the words in this email are in the wrong place. Find the wrong words and put
them in the correct place.

Delete Reply Replv All Fmward Print ·

Hi Carol merged-
It has been a very busy year. As you know, a few years ago we takeover l:lid with a
soft drinks company and the whole business has been profits. When that happened,
all employees were given the opportunity to buy directors in the company, so I became
a management. Some employees sold their shares, but I kept mine. The restructured
have made excellent decisions and the company has been making good shares despite
very high stockholder. So, I have received some nice overheads. Now it seems that
merged is planning to make a dividends for another company.

nd necessity; orders and ad:vke

A Context listening
1 You are going to hear Maria, a personnel officer, answering Alex's questions about a
contract for employment. Before you listen, look at the pictures. What questions do
you think Alex has about the contract?

2 0 listen and check if you were right.

Employment contracts 12

3 @ Listen again and complete these sentences.

1 I nee<i to deru- tAp some questions before I sign it.
2 After five years, the company--------- -- - - you an extra day of
vacation time ...
3 But obviously you your manager know if ...
4 During the first month .. . you can leave at any time and you
- - - - - - - - - - - - - u s in advance.
5 After you have been with us one month, you---- - - - - - - - - - us at least
three weeks in advance ...
6 However, if an employee is involved in any kind of misconduct, we
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ any notice to terminate a contract.
1 Employees _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ that this never happens.
8 I think you away and read it though once more ...

4 Complete the table below with the first word or phrase of your answers in Exercise 3.
strong obligation or necessity ,advice or suggestions no obligation or necessity
nee<i to

5 Choose the word in column B that is often used with the word in column A.
Column A Column B

b conditions

3 lay someone c a contract

4 sick d note
5 terminate e off
6 terms and notice

12 Employment contracts

B Grammar
1 Obligation and necessity
We use the verbs must, have to, and need to to express obligation or a need to do
something. All these verbs have a similar meaning.
You must I have to I need to bring in a doctor's note if you are sick.
Must and have to
Both of these verbs express obligation, but there are differences between them:
• opinion or statement of fact
When it is our personal opinion that something is important, we use must more
My computer files are o mess. I must organize them better.
My cousin is visiting me. You must meet her.
When we are stating a fact instead of giving a personal opinion, we use have to
more frequently.
I work on the gth floor. I have to take the elevator to get to my office.
Do you have to travel a lot in your job?
• written or spoken rules
When we write rules or instructions, we usually use must.
Applications {or the managerial position must arrive before 4:00 Friday afternoon.
When we discuss rules, we usually use have to.
We also have to give you three weeks notice if we decide to lay you of{.
• tense
We can only use must to talk about obligation in the present tense.
I must read over the contract.
We can use have to in all tense forms.
I had to read over the contract.
How many employees have you had to fire?
I'll have to finish this email tomorrow.
Mustn't and don't have to
The meaning of mustn't is different from the meaning of don't have to.
You mustn't park in the staff parking lot. (=Do not park in the staff parking lot. You are
not allowed to park there.)
You don't have to park in the staff parking lot. (= It is not necessary for you to park in
the staff parking lot. It is optional, so you can if you want to.)
This chemical is very acidic. You mustn't spill it.

Employment contracts 12

The factory tour is optional. You don't hove to go on it.

Need to
Need to indicates that it is necessary for someone to do something. The meaning is
similar to must.
I need to pay that bill by june 151h.
When something needs to be done, we often use the verb + -ing.
The office needs redecorating.
We use the negative form to indicate that something is not necessary. The meaning is
the same as don't have to.
You don't need to attend the presentation. = You don't hove to attend the presentation.
2 Orders and advice
We use the verbs must, hod better ('d better), should, ought to, and could to give orders
or advice.
You must finish this report before our annual meeting. (= an order or very strong advice)
You'd better read through the company regulations. (=strong advice)
You should fix that crack before you paint the wall.(= advice)
You ought to go through that form again. The numbers don't add up.(= advice)
You could call the maintenance person to remove that tree branch. (= mild advice or a

The negative forms had better not, should not, and ought not to are used to give advice
against doing something.
You'd better not miss your flight because you can't get a refund.
You shouldn't go to the clinic without an appointment.
We use should I ought to+ have+ past participle to talk about a past action that was
or was not a good thing to do.
I should hove read the contract. (It was a good thing to do, but I didn't do it.)
I shouldn't have walked around in the rain. (It was not a good thing to do, but I did it.)

~"' l:.mployment contracts

C Grammar exercises
1 Neela and Troy are talking about some of their work colleagues. Match the situation
with the advice or obligation and choose the right verb to complete the sentence.
1 a
Ahmed has been offered a She should I shouldn't have
job with a good salary. come to work on time.

Bill was off work for a whole He must I mustn't present
week due to sickness. a doctor's note.

3 c
Rajit has already completed his She should I doesn't need to ask
health and safety training. someone in personnel.

Jane's lost her job because she He must I mustn't give his
was late to work every day. notiGe three weeks in advance.

Lillian needs to find a job He must I shouldn't sign the
with a better salary. contract before he starts work.

Mary is not sure how much vacation She has to I mustn't let
time she is permitted. herself get too stressed.

He must I won't have to do it
~ete wants to leave the company.) again for another two years.

She should I shouldn't wait any
Sang-mi gets ill when she is
longer before applying at the
working under a lot of pressure.
employment agency.

2 Fill in the correct form of mustn't or don't have to.

1 You really ----'-'m=u""srn"'-'-''t'---- sit so close to the computer. You will hurt your
2 I attend today's training session since it's the same as the
one I went to yesterday.
3 You ________ forget to read the small print on your contract.
4 We be late for the appointment.
5 I enjoy the weekends because I get up so early.
6 Oh good! We wait very long until payday.
1 The new company rule says we smoke inside the buildings.

Employment contracts 12

3 Read the email that Zoe sent

to a friend about her lucky
escape while on vacation.
D"lete R4>ply Reply All Forward Print
Choose the right verbs.
11 must I mustn't tell you what happened at work this week. I was getting
very stressed about the amount of work I had to do- and annoyed with
my boss for giving me so much! Lucas said I 2 should calm I should have
calmed down and, well, I 3 should listen I should have listened to him.
But instead I started saying unkind things about my boss. I 4 should keep
I should have kept my mouth shut. Unfortunately, the boss was walking
past the office and I thought he 5 must overhear I must have overheard me
talking about him because he called me into his office. I was very nervous
and thought that I 6 should apologize I should have apologized. But before
I could say anything he smiled and told me that he was very pleased with
my work. He said that I 7 must work I must have worked all weekend to get
the reports done in time and that he was thinking of recommending me for
a promotion. I felt very lucky of course, and I have learned a lesson. In the
future I 8 had better I had better not complain to my colleagues .

.4 Write sentences about each photo using the words in the box. You can use the words under the photos.

should had better must need to have to shouldn't

had better not mustn't don't need don't have to

1 cross street cars 2 sign contract read

Th~ sho(..(ld., be the sb-eet. .

3 doctor ill home 4 traffic officer stop

12 Employment contracts

D Vocabulary
Key Vocabulary
Read this paragraph about contracts and check your understanding of the words in bold.

Before you decide to accept a job offer, you should carefully read the contract
of employment if the employer provides one. The contract is a legal agreement
that defines various terms and conditions that both employer and employee must
follow. These wilt include such things as the amount of vacation time you are
entitled to per annum or how much paid sick leave you can take off of work. It may
also state regulations concerning a leave of absence for events such as maternity
I paternity leave. A very important condition concerns how much notice you have
to give if you wish to quit your job, in other words terminate your contract. The
contract will also mention how many days notice the employer has to give you if
they are going to lay you off because they"no lqnger needsou, as well as ~tate how
your em-ployer can fire you if you are guilty of misconduct. The contr~rct will also
state a number of other company regulations that you must understand' and agree
to when you sign.

1 Read this conversation between Clarissa and Tom. The words in italics are in the wrong
place. Put them in the correct place.
Clarissa: I have been looking at the terminate of employment here. And I don't
understand something. 1 terms
Tom: What is that? Have you read it carefully?
Clarissa: Well, it says here that they can per annum my contract if I don't fulfill all the
sick leave. 2 , 3--------
Tom: Yes, that is right. They can fire you if you are guilty of sign, for example.
4 --------
Clarissa: Oh dear. And what about if I get sick?
Tom : Well, they allow you a certain number of days for conditions.
s ________
Clarissa: And what does misconduct mean? 6 _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Tom: Oh, that just means in one year.
Clarissa: Oh I didn't know that. Thank you. I guess I will terms the contract then.
7 _ _ _ _ _ _ __

2 Underline the correct word form.

1 The regulates I regulations are very clear about parking in the loading zone.
2 Sandra will be absent I absence from the office for 10 days while she goes on a training
3 Mr. Henrick has received an acceptance I accept letter for the job that we offer to the
best candidate.
4 Tim isn't going to sign I signature the contract until he has talked to his lawyer.
s We have to terminate I termination the project because of a lack of funding.
6 It states here in your contract that your entitled I entitlement for paid vacation time is
four weeks.

Employment contracts 12

3 Complete the sentences with one of the following words.

fired lay off FRiseeAEhlet notice

quit sick leave signature vacation

1 He was fired from the company for ------'m'-'u"'"sco=-'-'n=®=ct.

=-__ ,
2 Please add your _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ at the bottom of the form.
3 If you decide to leave the company you must give at least one month's

4 I was so angry that I shouted at our manager and then h e - - - - -- --

s You will earn two days of paid _ _ _ _ _ _ _ time for every month you work
6 Did you hear that Marie _ _ _ _ _ _ _ her job? She got a better job offer.

7 Last month I was quite ill and took several days of _ _ _ _ _ __

a With the downturn of the economy, the factory has had to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a

large number of employees.

ssion; r..equests; offers; uggestioos

A Context listening
1 Lauren and Brandon are going out. Before you listen, look at the picture and
answer the questions.
1 Where are Lauren and Brandon? _ _ _ _ _ __
2 What is Lauren going to have? _ _ _ _ _ __
3 What is Brandon going to have? - - - - - - -

2 Listen and .check if you were right.

Dining out 13

3 0 Listen again and complete these sentences.

Brandon: Oh, there isn't much of a view here. t _ _~Co~L<L<i~___ we have that
table ...
Waiter: And 2 _ _ _ _ __ __ I suggest today's special?
W;;titer: And 3 I get you something to drink, madam?
Brandon : Umm, 4 you mind bringing ...
Waiter: OK. 5 I take your menus?

4 Look at the completed sentences in Exercise 3 and answer these questions.

1 In which sentence is the person asking for permission to do something?

2 In which sentences is the person requesting something?---- - - - -

3 In which sentence is the person offering to do something?------ - -
4 In which sentence is the person making a suggestion? _ _ _ _ _ _ __

5 · Match the words you heard with a word or phrase that has the same meaning.
appetizer \ _ beverage
drink main dish
entree meal choices
menu starter

13 Dining out

B Grammar
1 Asking for permission
When we ask for permission to do something, we use the modals can, could, may, and might. These words
have different levels of formality.
Can I join you for lunch? (informal)
Could I join you tor lunch? (less informal)
May I join you for lunch? (more formal)
Might I join you for lunch? (very formal)
We can also use would I do you mind to ask for permission.
Would you mind my joining you for lunch?
Do you mind if I join you for lunch?

2 Making a request
When we request someone else do something, we use the modals can, could, will, and would.
Can I Will you take the minutes for the meeting? (informal)
Could I Would you close the door on your way out? (more formal)
We can ask someone else to do something without using the modals. These are normally more formal and
impersonal forms that we don't use in conversation.
We ask the audience to turn off their cell phones.
Please fasten your seatbelts tor takeoff.
We can also use would I do you mind to make a request.
Would you mind closing the window?
Do you mind not tapping on the desk?

3 Making an offer
We can offer to do something in several ways using the modals can and could.
I can I could make some refreshments tor the meeting.
Can I Could I bring you a cup of coffee?
How can I help you?

4 Making a suggestion
We can make a suggestion to do something in several ways using the modals should, can, and could.
Should we go over the accounts together?
We can I could hire a part-time employee.
Can't I Couldn't you bring that point up with the manager?
We can also make a suggestion to do something without using a modal.
Why don't we take up a collection for the flood victims?
Let's buy some plants tor the office.
How about having lunch at the new restaurant today?
What about taking on a new salesperson over the holiday season?

Dining out 13

C Grammar exercises
1 Complete these sentences with one of the phrases in the box.

a asking for permission c making an offer

b making a request d making a suggestion

1 "Why don't you take a break?" The speaker is d.

2 "Could you bring two more glasses of water, please?" The speaker is _ _ __
3 "May I work at home this afternoon?" The speaker is _ _ __
4 "Can you get me on an early morning flight out of London tomorrow?" The speaker
s "How about adding music to our advertisement?" The speaker is
6 "Can I take a copy of this brochure?" The speaker is
7 "I could fix that noise in your car engine for you." The speaker is

2 Complete Mr. lewis's part of a phone conversation with a customer using phrases
from the box.

Can I book CaR I help Could I suggest Could you speak

let me look Would you like Would you mind

Good morning, Chandler's Bistro. 1 Cw I heJ.v you? ... 2 Hello, hello.

2 a little louder, please? Oh, hello Mr. Binger.... You can't make
it? OK, I'm sorry to hear that. I'll cancel your booking then ... 3 _ _ __ __ _
another reservation for a different night? ... Yes, of course. 4 _ _ _ _ __ _
you a table on Friday night at 7:30P.M.? Yes, good ... . I'll make the reservation for
four people .... Ah, I see. You would like a table for eight. 5 _ _ _ _ __ _
holding the line for a second? I'll just check the reservation book .... I'm sorry, Mr.
Binger. I'm afraid I can 't reserve a table for eight at that time. We're fully booked.
6 to be sure. Ah, here's a free table. 7 _ _ _ _ __ __
8:30P.M.? ... Good. That's excellent. I'll have a table ready for you at 8.30 on Friday,
for a party of eight then.

3 Anita and Evelyn are discussing going out to eat. Their suggestions contain errors.
Find the errors and correct them.
Anita: 1 Why doVwe go out for a meal and a movie after work today?
Evelyn: That's a good idea. 2 How about to going to that Chinese restaurant that
everyone's talking about?
Anita: 3 Yes, let's can go there. It's within walking distance of the movie theater
as well.
Evelyn: 4 Should we be look at the website to see what's playing?
Anita: 5 Couldn't we just to pass the movie theater on our way to the restaurant?
Evelyn : Yes, that sounds like a great idea. 6 What about invite the new trainee?
Anita : Sure. Why not? She seems really nice.
13 Dining out

4 Choose the correct word to complete the question and match it to the correct answer. Sometimes more than
one verb is possible.

Could I Would I Of course. Could

take your picture? you open the door
as well?

Will I May you take Sure, should I sit

this folder over like this?
to the main office?

May I Will I open Of course. How about a

the window coffee as well?

What I Haw about Can I take it this

changing the background afternoon? I'm busy
color on our website? with this report
right now.

Why can't I don't we drop

the price on those shirts I th ink it is attractive.
that aren't selling? Would you mind if we
left it as it is?

Would I Do you mind
OK. How about a SO
bringing me back a sandwic h
pe rcent discount?
from the snack bar?

5 Write four sentences that you might use at work. Write one to ask for permission, one to ask someone to do
something, one to offer to do something, and one to make a suggestion.
1 Co.n ~O<A m~ coJ.Ls wni.Le. I'm O(.(t of tne offic.e?


Dining out 13

D Vocabulary
Key vocabulary
Read this paragraph about dining and check your understanding of the words in bold.

Some business people dine out as part of their jobs to entertain clients and
discuss projects. Sometimes they go for a buffet lunch or on a special occasion
they might have a three-course dinner that includes an appetizer or starter, a main
course or entree, and a dessert. Beverages are served with the meal. The menu
tells you the food that is offered and the price of each dish. Places to dine vary
from restaurants where a host I hostess will greet you, to self-service cafeterias.
However, all quality restaurants will provide waiter service. A good waiter or
waitress will make recommendations about the choice of dishes and drinks. At the
end of the meal, it is normal in many countries for diners to include a tip for the
service, in addition to the amount of the check for the meal itself.

Dinner is one of the main meals of the day, whereas a dinner is a social
event accompanied by a meal. A diner can be a person having a meal.
A diner can also be a cheap, informal restaurant. To dine is a verb that
means to eat. A person can dine out- eat at a restaurant or dine in-eat
at home. Dining can be a noun, as in Our restaurant offers fine dining.
or a compound noun, as in Come this way to our dining room.

1 Put the words in the box into the correct group.

appetizer dinner cafeteria dessert waiter
bill I check res tau rant entree hostess tip

Places to eat Food and drinks People Payment


13 Dining out

2 Look at the underlined word in the sentences. Choose a word from the box
that is similar in meaning.
dishes recommend dessert starter beverages
1 Let's see if we can get the attention of the waiter to bring some drinks. ---"'be"'v~er:L!o.e~esi!..___ _
2 May I suggest the Greek salad? _ _ __ _ _ __
3 We have a range of meals to suit all tastes and appetites. _ _ _ _ _ _ __
4 Would you like to finish your meal with a nice chocolate cake? _ _ _ __ _ __
s What would you like as an appetizer? _ _ _ _ _ __

3 Fill in the blanks in the conversation between Markku and the new employee, Sonja.
buffet cafeteria course dessert dishes ~ menu starter waiter
Markku: This is our new executive dining room . Most of the managers come here to
eat. They serve a buffet 1 llAncl1 for a fixed price as well as a
full2 with several choices.
Sonja: Oh , this is very nice. I see it has 3 service.
Markku : Yes, it does. They offer a three 4 meal consisting of a
soup or salad for a 5 , usually two main
6 , and fruit pie for 7 . And they
have an excellent beverage menu.
Sonja: How nice. And how long does the 8 stay open?
Markku : Well, the wa iters get off work at 2:30 and then there is just a
9 selection . It stays open until about 9 P.M. for
employees on the late shift.
Sonja: Oh, that is good news. I'm going to en joy my promotion to junior executive.

. r~po.sitions oLtime; prep.osi:ti.ons place; ,prepositions of mwement

A Co.ntext listening
1 You are going to hear Marie and Tony talking about safety issues at work. Before you listen,
look at the picture and answer these questions.
1 What safety precautions are there in the office? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

2 What is still a problem? - -- - - -- ------------

2 0 Listen arid check if you were right.

14 Safety at work

3 Fill in the blanks below.

1 the update we'll give everyone at the meeting -----"'-"n'----- Wednesday
2 But according to the new guidelines on hazards work ...
3 ... hard hats and safety goggles for going the factory area.
4 ... I put up a warning sign the water cooler ...
5 The noise _ _ _ _ __ _ machinery on the factory floor ...
6 All I hear the moment is the sound of people talking ...
1 ... a lot of background noise this office.
@ Listen to the conversation again and check your answers.

4 Look at the completed sentences in Exercise 3 and answer these questions.

1 Which sentences have prepositions that describe a point in time?

2 Which sentences have prepositions that describe a place or position? -

3 Which sentences have prepositional phrases showing movement?

5 Fill in the blanks with one of the words in the box to make phrases you heard in the
slippery .fH:e. hard safety warning

1 fire doors
2 goggles
3 escape
4 floors
5 hats
6 sign
7 extinguisher

Safety at work 14

B Grammar
We use prepositions before a noun or a noun phrase.
at home in the big, white house
Some prepositions can have several meanings.
I have a family photograph on my desk at work. (= physical location)
I saw the report on community services. (= a bout)
I made the power point presentation on my laptop. (= using)
I am on the advertising committee. (= a member of)

1 Prepositions of time
At, in, on
The prepositions at, in, and on often show time.
at a specific time in a period of time on a day or date
at 10:00 in December on Wednesday
at noon in 2002 on june 151h
at night in the summer on my birthday

By, until
The prepositions by and until indicate an end point in time.
By indicates an action that can continue up to a point in time, but not after that time. The action can end
anytime before that point in time.
We need to have the report ready by 10:00. (The report can be completed at any time before 10:00, but not
later than 10:00.)
Until indicates an action that continues up to a point in time, but not after that time.
We will work on the project unti/10:00. (We will work continuously and at 10:00 we will stop working.)
We can't work on the project until jim arrives. (We will not work now and when Jim arrives we will start
In, for, during
In indicates how soon the action will take place.
The meeting starts in ten minutes.
For indicates how long the action lasts.
We were at the conference for two days but left sometime during the last day.
During indicates a period of time within which an action happens.
During the rainstorm we stood under the tree {or two hours.
2 Prepositions of place
We use some prepositions to show where something is.
In, at, on
We use in to describe when something is inside something else.
I hear the sound of people talking in the background.
Do you work in a large office building?

~ "+ Satety at work

We use at for a specific location or event.

The annual meeting will be at the Be/crest Hotel.
We use on for a point on a surface or along a line.
The noise from machinery on the factory floor doesn't reach up here.
The invoices are on the desk.
Over, above
Over and above mean higher than something else.
I put some tape over the tear in the paper. (= directly on top of)
The light above my desk has stopped working.(= higher than, but not on top of)
In some cases over and above are the same.
Please hang the picture on the wall over I above the piano.
Under, below
Under and below mean lower than something else.
My office is one floor below the manager's office. (=in a lower position)
The paper is under all those files. (= covered or concealed)
Beside I by, between, among
Beside I by, between and among all indicate a position of one or more people or things in relation to other
people or things.
The speaker was standing by I beside the president of the company. (= next to)
What should you do ifthere is a fire between you and the escape route? (= two things)
My desk is among the ones on the south side of the building, near the fire escape. (= more than two)
Behind, in front of, opposite
Behind, in front of, and opposite indicate a position of facing or not facing a person, place, or thing.
The outlet is on the wall behind the desk.(= in the back of)
I parked in front of the building.
I parked on the opposUe side of the street. (= on the other side of the road)
3 Prepositions of movement or direction
Some prepositions show movement from one location to another.
From, to
From and to indicate movement in leaving and arriving at a place.
We walked from the office to the restaurant.
Into, out of
Into and out of indicate movement to or from an enclosed area.
We went into the factory area. (= move to the inside of an area)
I took the files out of the filing cabinet. (= move to the outside of an area)

Safety at work 14

Onto, off
Onto and off indicate movement to or from the outside or surface of an
The CEO stepped onto the stage to make his speech. ( = move to the top
Peter tell off the ladder while he was trying to change a light bulb. ( =
move from a place)

Across, over
Across and over indicate movement from one side of an area to
another side.
We went across the street to a pizza place. ( = movement from one
side to another)
We saw the thiefjump over the wall.(= movement from one side to
another by going above something)

Along, through
Along and through indicate movement following one point in a line to
another point.
We walked along the road.(= movement following a line)
We walked through the tunnel. ( = movement from one end to the other
inside something)

~ Some of the words that are common prepositions can be used in

other ways.
We climbed up the ladder. (preposition)
We got up early this morning. (phrasal verb, ,• see Unit 25)
I signed the contract above the dotted line. (preposition)
Look at the phrase above. (adverb, see Unit 9)

14 Safety at work

C Grammar exercises
1 Underline the correct preposition.
1 Is there enough office space with I from I in. the building?

2 The supply room is at I from I after the far end of the building.
3 When I am at I from I for work, I usually eat in the staff cafeteria.
4 I would like to have a seat between I on I beside the window, please.
s Hina comes to work every day at I far I on 9:00 exactly.
6 Inventory will take place in I at I on Monday and Tuesday.
1 julie is going to take her vacation time in I at I on August.
8 We have to turn this proposal in until I by I in 10:00.
9 The noise along I from I about the factory can be annoying.
10 I took the file out of I towards I among the filing cabinet for Mr. Simmons.
11 The firefighter had to break onto I out I into the building to put out the fire .
12 Every year many people are injured by falling through I over I at a household pet.

2 Some of the prepositions in this memo are wrong. Find and correct them.

From: Maria Johnson

To: All staff o..t
Subject: Safety 1 ~work .
. . d the following safety hazards 2 dunng
The safety inspect:J.on team notlce
their recent inspection: . , h
ve desks. You should keep eqmpment ~uc
Sharp items are often left 3 abo 4 . a closed drawer when not m
as staplers, scissors, and letter openers m
use. 1 . 5 from the aisles 6 between desks.
Electrical and phone cords are ~~~g to tri
These could cause workers or VISlbtors 1 ft rout the aisles. These obstruct
·pment have een e - d
Boxes and oth er _eqm , and they also create a tripping hazar .
movement 8 beside the o~ces h. was situated 9 in forward of the
In one office, a photocopier mac me
emergency exit.

Safety at work 14

3 Read this email from Sara to her friend Alena about her accident at work. Fill in the
blanks with a suitable preposition. Some blanks can have more than one answer.

oelete Re ply Reply All Forward Print

Hi Alena ,
Today I had an accident 1 o..t work. Don't worry-I 'm fine!
Although it could easily have been much worse. Believe it or not, it happened
2 "Safety at Work Week." Our head office sent around some
posters all about various hazards that occur 3 the office. I
was trying to impress my boss so I volunteered to pin them up
4 the wall. And guess what happened. I climbed
5 a chair and then one of its legs broke and I fell
6 the desk. I cut my forehead and there was a lot of blood .
Jennifer got some bandages 7 the first aid kit and wrapped
up my head . Then she took me 8 the emergency room
9 the hospital to get treatment. I got five stitches
10 my head, and, of course, I missed the rest of the
session 11 safety at work. They made me rest for a few
hours 12 the hospital and now I am home and feeling
much better. By the way, the poster I was trying to pin up was one showing
the dangers of balancing 13 chairs to reach high places .
According to the poster it is much safer to use a stepladder. I guess I have
learned my lesson!
Always, Sarah

4 Use the pictures to write

sentences about hazards
or safety precautions in
these workplaces. Use
prepositions in your

1 If ~ou li.6ten to loud- musU:. o..t work, ~ou sl1ou!4 use. 1-l~hone.s.

2 Y e.s~ I sli.ppe.<i on o.. we.t floor o.ndv hurt m~;


14 Safety at work

D Vocabulary
Key Vocabulary
Read the paragraph about safety and check your understanding of the meaning of the
words in bold.

In order to prevent injuries and fatalities at work, employers are required by law
to provide a safe work environment. Government agencies set gutdeltnes that
regulate the number of fire extinguishers, fire doors, fire escapes, and emergency
exits that must be available in a workplace. Workplaces should also comply with
rules about the number of first afd kits, the use of hard hats, safety gosgles, ear
ptup. and other safety equipment and the quality of the ventilation system. If
there are flammable or hazardous materials in the building, they should be in
suitable containers. Management should inform their employees about the safety
risks of slfppery floors or dangerous gases.

1 Match the words in column A with a word in column B to make a compound noun.
ColumnA Column B
1 fire ~ a aid
2 hard '-------- b extinguisher
3 first c goggles
4 safety d exit
5 hazardous e system
6 ventilation material
7 emergency g hat

2 Match one of the compound nouns from 1 with its meaning.

1 fire exti.ngu~shel' a piece of equipment used to put ou t flames
2 _ __ _____ an escape route from a building
3 _ __ _____ ite ms that are dangerous

4 _ __ _____ a way to bring fresh ai r into an area

5 _ __ _____ protective head cover
6 _ __ _ _ _ __ immediate care for an in jury or sudden illness
7 - - - - - - -- protective glasses

Safety at work 14

3 Underline the correct word form.

1 Even clean, brightly·lit offices contain hazards I hazardous that can lead to injury.
2 Small objects can't damage your eyes if you wear safely 1safety goggles when working
with certain tools.
3 A variety of materials can cause fires, so it is important to use the right kind of fire
extinguisher I extinguishes.
4 There is no air conditioning in these offices. We keep the windows open for good
ventilate I ventilation.
s You should be careful when you use flammable I inflamed materials.
6 You must compliance I comply with the safety regulations on our premises.
7 The floors at the main entrance are wet. Be careful you don't slippery I slip and
injure yourself.
4 Cross out the word that does not belong in each list.
1 avet6 cut injure slip
2 danger emergency hazard fire escape
3 blue jeans hard hat safety goggles protective clothing
4 fire smoke dangerous gases ventilators

5 Underline the correct word or phrase.

1 An exit route should have fire doors I extinguisher to prevent the rapid spread of fires.
2 It is important that we are aware of the safety work I risks in our offices and know what to
do in an emergency.
3 It is noisy in the factory so we have to wear safety goggles I ear plugs.
4 This area is a designated hard hat I smoking area because there is a danger from falling
s All work areas should have a {ire extinguisher I first aid kit available in case of injury.
6 The ambulance rushed several workers to the hospital after the explosion, but fortunately
there were no injuries I fatalities.
7 The manager handed out booklets on health and safety gases I guidelines.

A Context listening
1 l ook at the pictures. The people in picture 1 are at a meeting. What do you think they are
discussing in the meeting? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

0 listen and check if you were right.

Meetings 15

3 listen and complete these sentences.

1 Alberto wants to know if they did o.bout the broken automatic gate.
2 John's _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the situation is that the maintenance department
has ordered the parts.
3 The members at the meeting have definitely taking part in the city
fund raising event.
4 Over the weekend, Andrea was the idea of holding an auction.
s Elisa wants Alberto to take planning the auction.
6 Alberto says that he knows several people who might be _ _ _ _ _ _ __

4 look at your answers in Exercise 3 and find examples of the following patterns.
1 verb + preposition -=,_,reed.='-'o"-n,____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

2 adjective+ p r e p o s i t i o n - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
3 noun + p r e p o s i t i o n - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

5 Match the word you heard in the dialogue with its meaning.
1 Let's get straight to the items on the agenda. ~a indicate your choice
2 Can someone volunteer to take minutes today? b everyone in agreement
3 The vote was unanimous. c points to discuss
4 Well, let's put it to a vote. d written record of the meeting

5 Meetings

B Grammar
We use certain prepositions following specific nouns, adjectives, and verbs. Our choice of preposition is based
on the noun, verb, or adjective that precedes it. Usually, there is only one option, although some words have
two or three possible preposition options. The word + preposition selections in the following tables are the
most common.
1 Nouns + prepositions
Noun Preposition
information, nothing, anything, something, truth about
demand, excuse, explanation, in return, in exchange, need, reason, reputation, for
belief, change, increase I decrease, drop, rise I fall in
advantage I disadvantage, cause, idea, indication, kind, knowledge, of
understanding, opinion, awareness
effect, influence, impact .. on
agreement, contact, connection, contract, dealings, in association, with
involvement, meeting, negotiation

I knew nothing about the matter.

What was the reason {or that interruption?
The change in our strategy has produced good results.
We appreciate your understanding of the situation.
The immediate effect on the market will be a slowdown.
We have an agreement with the landlord that covers parking.
2 Adjectives + prepositions
Adjective Preposition
anxious, concerned, confused, enthusiastic, excited, happy, knowledgeable, about
optimistic I pessimistic, sorry, worried
astonished, awful, surprised, terrible, useless at
amazed, annoyed, astonished, concerned, excited, impressed, inspired, by
shocked, surprised
appropriate, concerned, eligible, famous, ready, responsible, suitable for
disappointed, involved, interested, specialized in
aware, conscious, capable I incapable, certain, sure, frightened, full, short, of
proud, tired, sick, typical
based, dependent, insistent on
annoyed, bored, disappointed, impressed, meet, pleased, satisfied with

Meetings 15

They are optimistic about the marketing strategy.

We were surprised at his response.
The boss was impressed by our new web page.
We are responsible {or locking the doors when we leave the office.
I was disappointed in the response to our ad.
He was aware of the time change.
The statistics are based on our research.
I was satisfied with our final product.
3 Verbs + prepositions
:• '
Verb Preposition
care, complain, forget, hear, joke, know, learn, read, talk, think, warn, about
wonder, worry, write
aim, laugh, look, shout, smile at
choose, decide, differentiate between
apologize, apply, check, forgive, hope, prepare, search, wait, wish, use for
learn, prevent, stop, suffer, protect from
beHeve,spedaHze,succeed in
run, divide, cut, translate into
assure, convince, accuse, suspect, approve I disapprove, consist of
agree, concentrate, count, depend, insist, rely, congratulate, on
compliment, spend
apologize, describe, explain, listen, point, present, speak, talk, write, to
play, fill, provide, supply with

I have been thinking about holding an auction.

Have you looked at the business section of the morning newspaper yet?
I haven't decided between flying or driving there.
I have been searching for a file that I'm sure I left on my desk.
I have learned {rom my mistakes.
His manager didn't succeed in getting the go-ahead on the project.
You'll never guess who I ran into at the mall.
I apologized to the customer. I apologized for the error on the invoice.
The following verbs and prepositions are usually used with an object: forgive, prevent,
stop, protect, assure, convince, accuse, suspect, compliment, congratulate, provide, spend,
and supply.
He convinced me of the importance of the project.
I congratulated him on the fine job he had done.
Management provided us with everything we needed to put on a successful show.

15 Meetings

C Grammar exercises
1 In six of these sentences there is a noun followed by the wrong preposition. Find the sentences with
the mistake and correct them.
1 Demand W#ll our products has increased recently.
2 I don't know anything with the outcome of yesterday's meeting.
3 There was a sudden drop in orders last month.
4 The outbreak of the flu virus has had an impact of sales.
s Could you get in contact on them this afternoon?
6 There has been no change for the demand for natural foods.
1 Caroline took responsibility for the mistakes in the catalog.
8 I'd like to ask your opinion over this proposal.

2 Fill in the blanks in this conversation with the adjectives in the box.

anxious aware annoyed OOred enthusiastic interested p-leased

Allen: I'm so 1 bore4 with going to meetings where people spend hours discussing
things that don't affect me.
Yui: I know, me too! I'm really not 2 in whose responsibility it is to organize a
training course when I'm only there to discuss the latest sales figures. I guess we should try to
be more 3 about them.
Allen: Do you think that the management is 4 ________ of this problem? Maybe we
should talk to someone about it.
Yui: Don't you think they will be 5 _ _ _ _ _ _ __ by that?
Allen: Not necessarily. Management may be 6 ________ with the fact that someone is
putting forward suggestions. If you are 7 about talking to someone, I
don't mind saying something.

3 Read the statements and make sentences using the words in parentheses. Use a verb + preposition.

1 I found a tear in the 2 I am so sorry that 3 I can't find the file 4 I had difficulty in
dress when I got your order was anywhere. unlocking the door.
home. damaged. (I I search I everywhere (I I finally I succeed I
(She I complain I tear (He I apologize I I missing file) opening I door)
I dress) damaged order)
Sne. complolne4 abotAt
<A. tw.r in t-11 e. <ire-s s .

Meetings 15

4 Read this extract from the minutes of a meeting. Fill the blanks with the words in the boxes.
about fEH: for in

The chair presented the case for the construction of a new

visitor's center to accommodate the increasing 1 ciemo.nci
_1:9!._ improved facilities by the public. It was agreed that we
should 2 _ _ a team of architects to design a
suitable building based on input from our panel. A committee
was formed to look into the possible environmental 3 _ _ __
_ _ the wildlife of the area. In general, the committee
members were 4 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the project and expressed 5
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ the chair's recommendations.
A proposal was made to increase the entrance fee for day
visitors during the summer months. The proposal was based on
infonnation indicating that an increased number of visitors will be
visiting the area this summer. The proposal was voted on but was
rejected since the board is currently
6 _ _ our financial status. However, a separate
proposal for an 7 _ _ the overnight camping fee
was accepted. Park attendants will need to 8 _ _ __
the expected increase in visitors.

5 Read this short

article from a ~ · lo/ ·~
website and
Megan Adler has an unusual job: knocking people over. You are probably wondering
underline the
what the reason 1 for I with doing that is. In fact, Megan works as a research
correct preposition.
coordinator with the responsibility 2 for I on studying how people fall over. The
research team is searching 3 with I for a way of preventing injuries in elderly people.
The work mainly consists 4 of I with measuring the reaction times of people when they
are made to fall over in a special room. The floor of the room moves unpredictably
and various objects are placed on the walls and floor, so people can hold onto them
or trip over them. The people being tested are loosely held in a harness so that
they never actually make contact 5 on I with the floor. They never get hurt, and they
don't complain 6 about I of it because they are paid for their time. The research has
led to knowledge 7 about I by how to prevent falls, a serious cause of injury for the
elderly. Megan is proud 8 on I of her work and enjoys telling people that she has a job
knocking people over; but of course no one ever believes her.

15 Meetings

D Vocabulary
Key Vocabulary
Read the paragraph about meetings and check your understanding of the meaning of the words
in bold.

Formal meetings are scheduled for a particular time and place. Members receive an agenda and
a list of items for discussion before the meeting. The chair{penon) starts t.he meeting by asking
for approval of the minutes and for matters arfsins from the minutes of the previous meeting.
As members discuss the agenda items, they may brainstorm ideas and can propose solutions
or nfse Issues. They may need to vote on a motion either by a show of bands or by a (secret)
ballot. If all members agree, then the result is unanimous. The motion is passed if the vote is
unanimous or has the majority of the votes. The final agenda point is "any other business" or
AOB. When the members have discussed the agenda items, the meeting is over. If they haven't
covered the items, the chairperson adlourns the meeting until a later date.

1 Match the words in column A with the definitions in column B.

1 AOB--- a a written record of what was said at a meeting
2 minutes b be in complete agreement
3 ballot c subjects for discussion from the last meeting
4 unanimous d the last thing to discuss on the agenda
s matters arising e the person who leads a committee, board, or meeting
6 chair voting on paper

2 Match a word from the first box with a word or phrase from the second box and use the phrases
to complete the sentences below.
propose brainstorm agenda s-e€fet motion

passed a solution WHet ideas items

1 This is a sensitive issue, so I think we should vote on it by secret bo.Uoc.

2 Can anyone to the parking problem? Any ideas at all?
3 I think we should for a way to promote the new store.
4 I have several _ _ _ _ _ __ to discuss so this may be a long meeting.
s The after a long discussion about the issue.

3 Match the beginnings and endings of these questions from a meeting.

1 Ron , didn't you want to propose ~ a the minutes from the previous meeting?
2 Rose, did you want to raise \_ b a possible solution to the parking problem?
3 Could I see a show c the issue of the new pension plan?
4 Do we agree to approve d of hands for all those in favor of the motion?

Listening Part 3: Conversations
Directions: In this section, you will hear two people
Part 1: Photographs having a conversation and will answer questions about
Directions: In this section, you will hear four what you heard. The conversations will not be printed
statements about a photograph. The statements will on the test. Select the response that best answers the
not be printed on the test. As you listen, select the question. You will hear the conversations only once.
statement that best describes the photograph.
Questions 9-11 refer to the following conversation.
You will hear the statements only once.
9 What is the woman expecting to receive?
(A) An interview
(B) A contract
(C) A vacation
(D) A better salary
10 What advice does the man give the woman?
(A) Be prepared for the interview
(B) Find out how much her salary will be
(C) Check the details of her contract
(D) Look for another job that has a better
1 (A) (B) (C) (D) contract
11 Why is the man in the supermarket at this time of
(A) He is working there.
(B) He is attending an interview.
(C) He is waiting for his check.
(D) He is shopping for food.
Questions 12-14 refer to the following conversation.
12 Where did the people plan to go?
(A) To a taxi stand
2 (A) (B) (C) (D) (B) To a restaurant
(C) To a friend's house
Part 2: Question-Response (D) To the woman's office
Directions: In this section, you will hear a question or 13 What problem do the people have?
statement followed by three responses. They will not (A) The taxi has not arrived.
be printed on the test. As you listen, select the best (B) The reservation was not confirmed.
response. You will hear the question and statements (C) The restaurant does not do home deliveries.
only once. (D) The apology was not accepted.
3 (A) (B) (C) 14 What do the people decide to do?
4 (A) (B) (C) (A) Order another taxi
5 (A) (B) (C) (B) Stay at home
6 (A) (B) (C) (C) Ask for an apology
7 (A) (B) (C) (D) Go to the Thai restaurant
8 (A) (B) (C)

Part 4: Talks Reading
Directions: In this section, you will hear a speaker
giving a talk and will answer questions about the talk. Part 5: Incomplete Sentences
The talks will not be printed on the test. Select the Directions: In each sentence below, a word or phrase
response that best answers the question . You will is missing. Select the best answer from the four
hear the talks only once. choices to complete the sentence. Mark (A), (B), (C),
or (D).
Questions 15-17 refer to the following talk.
1 The job requires an _ ___ team member.
15 Who is speaking?
(A) enthusiasm
(A) An office worker
(B) enthusiastically
(B) An office manager
(C) enthusiastic
(C) A nutrition specialist
(D) enthuse
(D) A t elevision chef
2 There is a first aid _ _ _ _ in the secretary's
16 What does the speaker say office workers should
(A) bag
(A) Eat smaller lunches
(B) kit
(B) Try to work in the afternoon
(C) carton
(C) Take a nap after lunch
(D) equipment
(D) Eat less in general
3 Suzuki San is an authority _ _ _ _ marketing
17 According to the speaker, why do we feel sleepy
in the afternoon?
(A) with
(A) We eat too many snacks.
(B) of
(B) We don't eat enough for breakfast.
(C) on
(C) Our brains don 't get enough oxygen.
(D) by
(D) Our digestive systems are working
inefficiently. 4 Of the two parking lots, one was for customers
and was for staff.
Questions 18-20 refer to the following talk.
(A) other
18 Who is this talk for? (B) others
(A) Experienced sales staff (C) the others
(B) Production personnel (D) the other
(C) Market researchers
5 The chairperson was _ _ __ our response to
(D) People in business
the agenda item.
19 What is the topic of the program? (A) surprising with
(A) Starting your own business (B) surprised at
(B) Helping your business grow (C) surprised for
(C) Locating your customers (D) surprise about
(D) Doing good market research
6 Ms. Wong was looking forward to purchasing
20 According to the speaker, how can you get people some duty-free _ __ _
to return to your business? (A) bits
(A) Have attractive product disp lays (B) pieces
(B) Build good customer relations (C) elements
(C) Make selling a priority (D) items
(D) Sell in large quantities

7 The noise in this cafeteria is _ _ _ _ loud. Part 6: Text Completion
(A) much
Directions: Read the text below. Select the best word
(B) too much
or phrase to complete the sentences. Mark (A), (B),
(C) extreme
(C), or (D).
(D) extremely
Questions 11-13 refer to the following memo.
8 Alberto Martinez checked _ _ _ _ at the
airport two hours before his flight.
(A) on To: All personnel
(B) off From: Jane Ross
(C) in Re : Travel expenses
(D) at
It has become clear to management that some
9 Did you see that Sibley's has been _ _ __ staff members abused their use of company
more staff? credit and for their business expenses
(A) renting 11 (A) overcharge
(B) collecting (B) overcharging
(C) hiring (C) overcharges
(D) making (D) overcharged
10 I propose that we _ _ _ _ now and meet again at the recent trade fair. This has the
at 2 P.M.
12 (A) paid
(A) adjourning
(B) improved
(B) to adjourn
(C) cost
(C) adjourned
(D) estimated
(D) adjourn
company a lot of money. Because of this, the
procedures for reporting and claiming expenses
while on company business have had to be
reviewed and updated. A special committee met
over the weekend and has come with
13 (A) up
(B) over
(C) above
(D) on top of

several recommendations. Management has

decided to implement several of them effective
next week.
Please read the enclosed new rules. I do hope all
staff members will understand the importance of
strictly following these rules. They are for the
good ofthe company.

Part 7: Reading Comprehension Questions 17 - 18 refer to the following invoice.
Directions: In this section , you will read documents
such as advertisements, email correspondence,
Wattoyah Automotive Co., Ltd.
newspaper articles, and letters. Select the best
P.O. Box 1223
answer. Mark (A), (B), (C), or (D).
Questions 14-16 refer to the following message.
BrarKh: Central Invoice Number: 120666
Customer: Ari Luokolo Dote: 04/03
Contact Number: 513192 Plate# 7739 HY
To: Mr: M~neY lost Mileoge:53,566 Ml Promised Dote 03/04
• 1.::2.:35 Vehide Description: Pl590868 Jeep '08 Charge to: Cosh customer
Date: o'}/05 T1me: A.M./P.M. Job description Issued qty. Unit Price Amount
lABOR Shours 90.000/hr 450.000
M.S.'v t.::>c.rrell'v OIL: Engine- 20W50 2tilers 45.000
of: M~CYO A-p-pl~c.V'vCe.s FILTER, OIL I 24.000 24.000
Pnol!'ve: 0b&>) 555- .3::2.-:!.b e,Kt. ::2._30_3 SPARK PLUG 6 12.000 72.000
BEIJ 110.000 110.000
0 telephoned ~ please return call GROSS TOTAL: 921.000
0 returned your call O willcall LESS DISCOUNT 8%: 73.680
NET TOTAL: 847.320
Message: n<.e.sctc.l::l'.s 1'\.{.eetl.v-..g t~~
nlils beell'v cnc.v-..gect ctue to Mr: c:;ere'.s 17 How many spark plugs did Ari Luokala buy? of trc.vel -plc.V'v.S. New tl.~ .set (A) 1
forb P.M. (B) 2
(C) 5
Ms. Plc.ti.V'vl. (D) 6
18 How much did Ari pay Wattayah Automotive?
(A) 220.000
14 Who made the phone call? (B) 921.000
(A) Ms. Darren (C) 73.680
(B) Ms. Platini (D) 847.320
(C) Mr. Maher
(D) Mr. Gere

15 Why was the call made?

(A) To change Mr. Gere's travel plans
(B) To return a call to Ms. Darren
(C) To cancel a meeting at Micro Appliances
(D) To notify Mr. Maher of the new meeting time
16 What should Mr. Maher do?
(A) Meet Ms. Platini at Micro Appli ances
(B) Attend the meeting at 6 P.M. on Tuesday
(C) Call Mr. Gere back
(D) Change the meeting time

Questions 19-23 refer to the following two memos.


FroVM.: Petev ALVIArez
Fro~~~o~,: Peter ALvcwez To: ALL stClff
To: ALL stClff DIAte: MIA!:j 27
DClte: fv\OIII-cliA!:j, MIA!:j 210 su~ect: i~~~o~,-portiAV~-t ch~Avoge of HVM.e IAV~-cl
su~ect: FLre clrLLL LV~-structLoV~-s for {1.-re clvLLL

PLeiAse 111-ote thiAt we wLLL be vwlc\Lvog lA {1.-re lVie {1.-ve clvLLL -pLIA V~-111-tcl fov MIA i:j 2l?t 11 VilAs bee~~~­
clrLLL tVie ellA i:j ~After toVM.orrow (MIA i:j 2ll11 ) Clt -post-poV~-ecl for o~~~-e
cliA!:j for techV~-LcClL vtiASOIII-S.
1:1.. A.M. lVie fi-re IALIArVM. wLLL be ClctLviAtecl IAV~-cl lVie 111-ew cl~Ate wLLL be l'VlurscliA!:j, MIA!:j ~t".
/ALL -persoV~-111-eL ~Are requLrecl to hwcl for the PLeiAse -p1Ass thLs VM.tSsiAge 0111- so thiAt word
~~~-tiArest exLt. of course, the eLevCltors VM.ust gets 1Arou111-d L111- HVM.t. Note /ALso thiAt the tLVM.t
111-0t be usee\ clurLvog the clrLLL. wLLL chiAvoge. We Ill-OW -pLIAIII- to C0111-cluct the
As -pre-piA r1AtLo111- for the clrLLL, would lA LL stClff clrLLL betwee111- 2 'P.M. 1A111-d 3 'P.M.
-pLeiAse exiA VM.L~~~-t the {1.-re siAfeti:j LV~-structLoV~-s It VilAs coVM.t to our IAtttV~-tLoV~- thiAt bewuse
thClt IAre -posted L111- severiAL -pLClces throughout structuriAL re-piALrs /Are beLvog VM.Clde 0111- the
the COVM."j)IAIII-i:j -preVM.Lses? Ple~Ase ~ALso VM.IA~e lA outsLde of the buLLc\Lvog lAbove the seco111-cl
111-ote of the ~~~-tiArest {1.-re exLts. StiAff VM.eVM.bers floor, use of the {1.-ve esc~A-pe VM.IA i:j L111-ter{eve
wVio lA re 111-0t 0111- the {1.-vst fLoor Clt the tLVM.e wLtVi the wor~ beLvog do~~~-e. l'Vlerefove, stClff
the ClLClrVM. Ls soulll-clecl lAve ex-pected to use the VM.tVM.bers who /Are wor~Lvog lAbove the seco111-d
eVM.tvge~~~-ei:j fi-re escCl-pe. lVliAIII-~ i:jOu fov !jOur floor VM.ust tiA~e the L111-sLcle stClLrciAse clurL~
coo-periAtLoV~-. the clrLLL, IAV~-cl those who ~Are 0111- the secoV~-cl
floov VM.ust use the fi-re esc~A-pe.

19 On what day was the fire drill originally planned? 22 Why have the instructions for leaving the building
(A) Monday been changed?
(B) Tuesday (A) A change of time has been made
(C) Wednesday (B) The fire escape will be blocked off
(D) Thursday (C) Staff would get in the way of the repair work
(D) The restructuring of the building will be
20 Why was the drill postponed?
(A) Because repairs are being done to the outside
of the building 23 What have staff members been asked to do before
(B) Because management was worried about the the drill?
fire escape (A) Avoid using the elevator
(C) Because the original day chosen was not (B) Change the time of the drill
convenient (C) Pass on the new information
(D) Because of technical complications (D) Be on the ground floor for the drill
21 What exit should a worker on the second floor use
during the drill?
(A) The front entrance
(B) The inside staircase
(C) The fire escape
(D) The elevator

Speaking Questions 4-6: Respond to questions
Directions: In this section, you will hear and answer
Questions1-2: Read a text aloud three questions. Begin speaking immediately after you
Directions: In this part of the test, you will read a text hear a beep. You will not have any preparation time.
aloud. You will have 45 seconds of preparation time You will have 15 seconds to answer Questions 4 and 5,
and then 45 seconds to read aloud. and 30 seconds to answer Question 6.
Question 1: Imagine that a newspaper reporter is interviewing
Classic Eurodrive is the ideal car rental solution for you about a restaurant you have started. You agree to
traveling in Europe for a period from 2 weeks up to answer some questions about your company.
6 months. The top of the line vehicle that awaits you 4 What made you decide to open up a restaurant?
is less than 3 years old . You benefit from unlimited 5 Can you say why you think your restaurant is a
mileage, a multi-risk insurance package valid in 25 success?
European countries, and 24/7 roadside assistance. 6 Tell us about the kind of food you serve and your
Classic Eurodrive has developed the winning formula customers.
for successful travel with complete peace of mind .
Visit your local agent or call our toll free number at Questions 7-9: Respond to questions using
1·800-555-222 for details of our competitive pricing. information provided
Question 2: Directions: In this section, you will read information
Taking frequent business trips can be very stressful and then answer three questions based on what
and tiring. After all, a business trip is not a vacation, you have read. You will have 30 seconds to read
so you probably won't get a chance to relax. You may the information. You will not have any additional
be suffering from jetlag when you arrive for your preparation time. You will have 15 seconds to
business meeting. However, you can practice some answer Questions 7 and 8, and 30 seconds to answer
relaxation techniques to reduce your stress level and Question 9.
help you cope with a busy schedule and important
meetings. You will cope better and you will also be
able to create a positive impression among both your
colleagues and business clients. This website has a
variety of different relaxation exercises to help you.
Question 3: Describe a picture
Directions: In this question, you will see a photograph.
Describe it in as much detail as possible. You will have
30 seconds of preparation time and 45 seconds to talk
about the photograph.
Mapleview, Incorporated Grammar Focus Task
Annual Convention There is one mistake in each sentence taken from the
May26 test. Underline the mistake and write the correct word
or phrase.
Hurshel's Business Institute
Main HaU 1 Suzuki San is an authority to marketing
2 We called for it to come on 7 o'clock, didn't we?
Office of the Future
3 Could you to fax Mr. Chang the corrected
8:00 A.M.- 9:00A.M. Registration
(Registration Fee: Members of Technical Office
4 You can that increase the number of customers.
Solutions Association $55, Nonmembers $1 00)
5 The elevators must not are used during the drill.
Morning Session
9:00A.M. The Opening Ceremony
10:00 A.M. The Hi-tech Office of Tomorrow Vocabulary Focus Task
(Technical Office Consultants) Complete these sentences with a word that means the
11:00 A.M. The Comfortable Office, James same as the definitions.
Horowitz (Norwich Business Trends)
12:00 Noon Lunch in Edward C. Oakland 1 There is a first o..UL kl.t in the secretary's
restaurant office. Set of articles to use in case someone is
Afternoon Session
2 I will give some instructions on how to
I :30 P.M. Chairs of the Future, Simone Maxwell
(Maxwell Associates) e your business. Increase the
3:00P.M. Current research in Ergonomics, Don size of
Esterhazi (Esterhazi Enterpises) 3 I propose that we _.o..,___ _ __ ___ now.
4:30P.M. The Virtual Office Becomes Reality, Close
Ben Fossett (Fossett and Das 4 Remember you need to check the contract
Associates) carefully before you it.
Please Note: Mapleview, Inc reserves the right to make Write your name on
changes to the convention schedule without notice. 5 I suggest that you eat smaller meals for
..k..__ _ _ _ _ _ _ and eat healthy snacks in

between meals. Meal eaten around midday

Question 10: Propose a solution

Directions: In this question , you will be told a

problem. After 30 seconds preparation time, you
should respond, showing you understand the problem
and suggesting a solution. You will have 60 seconds to
give your answer.

Now listen to the voice message.

Question 11: Express an opini on

Directions: In this question, you will be asked your

opinion on a particular subject. You then have 15
seconds to prepare and 30 seconds to give your
What are some important features of your ideal job?

Referring to nouns
Demonst ratives; one I ones; some I any; quanti fi ers;
.______,_ench I every; either I neitheL

A Context listening
1 You are going to hear journalist Anna Copeski in an online podcast, interviewing Harry
Stubbs about his business. look at the pictures. What do you think Harry's business is
and what are some of the problems he faces?

2 listen and see if you were right.

3 Here are some of Harry's statements. Choose the word that completes the sentence.
Then listen again and check your answers.
Well, you can't put a product in just 1 ~I some box. You know, 2 any I some are just
not strong enough. We deal with freight that has 3 any I some special requirements for
containers and 4 this I these have to be specially made.
OK, well, 5 this I these is a small box that is suitable for very fragile items. 6 Each I Both
the inside and the outside of the box are cushioned. As 7 either I neither cardboard
8 nor I or plastic offer enough protection, we use a material that was specially
developed for 9 this I these type of packaging.
Well, 10 every I all manufacturer has a different requirement. 11 One I Ones may be
exporting a product that is fragile and needs protective packaging, 12 that I those is,
some type of cushioning, to prevent the cargo from breaking. 13 That I Those are very

4 look at the italicized words in Exercise 3 and answer these questions.

1 Which two words in 1-4 talk about an unknown amount of something?----- - - -
2 Which two words in 5-9 talk about something close to the speaker?--------
3 Which three words in 10-13 do we use with, or to replace, singular nouns?--------

5 look at the words in A that Harry used when talking about his business.
Find a word in B that has the same meaning or a similar meaning.
A 1 commodity~containers 3 cushioning 4 damaged 5 dimensions 6 reinforce
B a make stronger b size c ruined d product e protection f boxes

Import I export 16

B Grammar
We can use different words to refer to nouns. We use some of them before a noun to give more
information about it. Some of the words can replace the noun. We use these words when we do
not want to repeat the noun.

1 Demonstratives: this, that, these, those

Demonstratives are adjectives or pronouns that show when or where something is in relation to
the speaker.

Demonstratives as adjectives
We use this and these for a recent time or to show a position that is close.
The traffic was bad this morning.(= today)
We need to replace these computers.(= computers that are near to the speaker)
We use that and those for a distant time or to show a position that is away from the speaker.
I had a bad cough that day. ( = a day in the past)
I'll stop by your house to pick up those plants after work. ( = plants that are far from the speaker)
Demonstratives as pronouns
We also use this I that I these I those to replace a noun.
You like chocolates, don't you? Try some of these.
We use this I that to refer to another part of the sentence or to refer to a whole sentence.
We are planning to extend the parking lot. That would mean we would have an extra 50 spaces.
(that= extending the parking lot)
Remi suggested that we all attend the conference and that sounded like a good idea to me.
(that= we all attend the conference)

2 One I ones
One replaces singular countable nouns and ones replaces plural countable nouns.
I need a pen. Do you have one?
I prefer the green folders to the red ones.
One or ones often follows the demonstrative (this, that, etc.).
Here are the folders we ordered. /'//leave these ones tor you and take this one for myself.

3 Some and any

We use some or any with plural countable nouns and uncountable nouns to indicate quantity.

We use some in positive statements and in questions indicating a request or an offer.

I need some paper clips.
Would you like some coffee?
We use any in most other questions and in affirmative statements with a number of options.
Do we have any days off this month?
We can meet any day next week.
We use not+ any in negative statements.
We don't have any pencils.
We can sometimes use some and any with the same meaning.
Can I bring you any drinks?= Can I bring you some drinks?

L6 Import I export

Something I anything I nothing; someone I anyone I no one; somebody I anybody I nobody,

somewhere I anywhere I nowhere follow the same rules as some and any.

People Things Places

someone, somebody something somewhere
not anyone, not anybody I no one, nobody not anythin9 I nothing not anywhere I nowhere
anyone, anybody_ anything anywhere

Do you have anything to add to the agenda?

I have nothing to add unless you want to say something about the coming trade show.

4 Quantifiers
Quantifiers are words that we use with nouns to indicate quantity.
We use all, enough, lots ofI a lot o[, plenty o[, more, and most with both plural countable nouns
and uncountable nouns.
All the warehouses have ventilation systems. ( = every one)
We budgeted enough money to cover the advertisement costs. ( = as much as necessary)
We have lots of I a lot of I plenty of time to prepare [or the trade show. ( = a large amount)
I would like more space in my office. (=a bigger amount)
Most people in the area work in agriculture. (=almost all)

We only use little, a little, and much with uncountable nouns.

He needs little guidance. (=almost none)
He needs a little guidance.(= a small amount)
He doesn't need much guidance.(= a small amount)

We only use few, a few, many, both, and several with plural countable nouns.
He has few requirements. ( = almost none)
He has a few requirements.(= a small number)
He doesn't have many requirements. ( = a small number)
She has several pictures in her office. (=some)
Both pictures on her desk are of her family. ( = one as well as the other)

We mainly use much and many in questions and negative statements.

Do you have much work to finish up? No, I don't have much work to do.
Do you have many letters to file? No, I don 't have many letters to file .

s Each and every

We use each and every with singular countable nouns. They often mean the same thing. However,
sometimes they have a different meaning.
We use each when individual things or people are considered separately. It can be used with of.
We tested each applicant's English speaking skills during the interview.
(=The applicants were tested one by one.)
There were parked cars on each side of the street.
(=There were parked cars on both sides of the street.)
We use every when all individual things or people are considered as one group.
Every member of staff was included in the invitation to attend the opening ceremonies.
(= All the names of the staff were on the invitation.)

Import I export 16

6 Either, neither, and either ... or and neither ... nor

We use either and neither with singular countable nouns referring to two items.
Neither report covers the situation well. (There are two reports.)
Either desk can be moved. (There are two desks.)
We use either... or (=a choice of one, but not both) and neither ... nor(= not one and not the
other) with a set of two countable or uncountable nouns or two groups.
Neither the sofa nor the chair is comfortable.
I think he imports either clothes or shoes.
7 Another, the other, other, the others, and others
We can use another alone or with a singular noun to mean one more.
Another customer came into the store.
I just had a cup of coffee but I would like another.
We can use the other with a singular countable noun to mean the last one of the group being
discussed and with an uncountable noun or a plural noun to mean all the rest.
Only the furniture in this roam is Victorian. The other furniture is modern.
This package is damaged, but the other packages are in good condition.
We can use other with a plural noun or an uncountable noun to mean more of the group.
There are other customers in the shop.
You can use an online storage service to save all your files and other data.
Others refers to different members of a group we have already mentioned. The others refers
to the rest of the members of that group.
We had lots of customers today. Some were interested in making purchases, but others
( = other customers) were just looking. Only one customer paid cash for his purchase.
The others (= the rest of the customers who made purchases) used a direct debit card.

16 Import I export

C Grammar exercises
1 Fill in the blanks with this, that,
these, or those.
Margaret: Emma, could you bring me
the files from the Jacob's account?
Emma: I've already put
1 those- files on your
Margaret: Do you mean 2 _ _ _ __
files here?
Emma: No not 3 ones.
The ones by the telephone,
beside 4 picture of your family.
Margaret: Oh. 5 files right in front of me. Of course! Thank you. And,
Emma, could you also bring the invoice for Mr. Jacob?
Emma: Oh, I put 6 into the file.
Margaret: Is 7 the invoice?
Emma: No, Margaret, 8 is a letter explaining some of the details on
the invoice to Mr. Jacob.
Margaret: Oh, yes. You are right. I'm having difficulties because I broke my glasses.
9 pair is old and they're not strong enough.
Emma: Ah, 10 explains everything.
-. "- _-_
2 Read Sasha's response
to the following TOEIC There are many ways to save money. What is one good way to save
writing test opinion money? Why? Give reasons or examples to support your opinion.
question. look at the
italicized words and ! store c.oopons V,; Bl1e5 greo..t way to money on much
correct the ones that of HWr hwsenold., . Smo..rt consumers keep t:neir eyes
are wrong. Some of the open, si.nce HW c.o..n fi.nd., c.oopons everywhere. They c.o..n be we we
italicized words are of some m0-9o..zi.nes, many toc.aL newspo..pers, CA.nd.. another pri.nW
mo.teri.o.i.s . Other pto..ce HW c.o..n fi.nd., coupons now~s V,; on
t:ne Internet, where tney c.o..n be pri.nW we from some consumer Many store-s provi.d..e them, esp~ oJ:. tne- check we
c.oonter. Any coupons CA. rw..L co..sl1 voJ.ue CA.nd.. another c.o..n be
used. to get CA. discount on c.e.rtai.n i.te!Yls in the store. These wilL
usuru.ty stoJ:.e- like u two on HWr ne')(e vi.6i.t, •
or u 10 percent on some over 50 . •
Other types c.o..n ontB be used. to get CA. d,V,;c.oone on
pro<iuc.t.s. It ~s CA. good. U:leo... to this coo pons for every time- HW
v~si.t CA. store. But retA.d.. tne informcili.on on every of these c.oopons
c.a.refu~. Somet:i.mes businesses ti.mi.t the number of c.oopons !:jW c.o..n
use on CA.nH one vi.6i.t. ALso tnere i.6 !ASIA~ tA.n e')(pi.rcili.on d..oJ:.e CA.nd..
once the d..oJ:.e hc:ts po..ssed.. tne c.oopon d..oesn'e some voJ.ue .

Import I export 16

3 Use either I or and neither I nor to complete the sentences.

1 The manager says that the number of staff has to be cut, but gave the alternative of cutting the annual
salary increase.
£Ltber the. number of sto..ff or the. o.nnuru. solox~ i,ncreg,se. nQ.S to be. wt.
2 I tried to talk to the manager or her assistant but they were in a meeting.
I wanted to talk to - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
3 Becky doesn't drink coffee and she doesn't drink tea .
Becky drinks _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___
4 The printers are late and the laptops are stuck in customs.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - h a v e arrived .
5 Some of my colleagues eat in the staff cafeteria and some bring their own sandwiches.
My c o l l e a g u e s - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

4 Underline the best choice of the words in italics and circle the correct answer.
1 Would you prefer the green shoes or the red ones I others? a I've already have one.
® Neither pair.
2 I can't find any I many paper. a Here is some.
b Don't you want any?
3 Is this I these coat on sale? a Yes, either one.
b No, not that one.
4 Do you have all I enough money to send this package? a I've got some small change.
b No, I have something.
5 Has there been much I many mail for me while I was gone? a Yes, anything at all.
b Yes, there is some in the box.
6 Does every I both package need to be insured? a No, neither of them do.
b Yes, each one does.
1 Did you want any I every of these documents? a Yes, that one on top.
b Yes, either of them.
5 Underline
the correct to colleCt them and 6 some I both have sold
words. for hundreds of dollars. There are even
children's storybooks about them. 7 This I
These accident has also proved very useful
to scientists. 8 Every one I All that people
-find provides more information about the
IDOvement of the ocean currents. So if 9
'another I anyone finds a di.scolo~ rubber
dbck Qn a beach tO anywhere I nowhere
in the world~ it is likely that its jomney
~in the middle of the :{Jacific .bceaa.
·- l~ hls<imight be worth quire a tt lot /lots
. moiley.

16 Import I export

D Vocabulary
Key Vocabulary
Read the paragraph about exports I imports and check your understanding of the meaning of
the words in bold.

Nowadays an increasing amount of cargo is being brought from overseas (imported)

or sent abroad (exported) as countries exchange commodities, in other words, become
involved in trade. This freight is packed into large containers and then hauled by road,
air, or ship to its destination. If the cargo is fragile, then it must be handled with care and
cushioned in reinforced packaging to protect it from damage. Often, cargo that is going to
be transported is stored temporarily in a warehouse before being loaded onto a vehicle. If
the shipment is being exported, then each commodity and its quantity or weight must be
declared to the customs officials of the receiving country.

Look at the words relating to ship:

Aship is a boat that is large enough to travel on the sea.
Ashipment is a group of goods transported together.
To ship means to transport something by air, train, boat, or truck.
Shipping is the business of transporting things.

1 Match the verbs in column A with the definitions in column B.

Column A Column 8
contain 1 To make a statement about the goods you import or export
~ 2 To hold inside
exchange 3 To carry from one place to another
package 4 To buy and sell for profit.
protect 5 To give something in return for something received
reinforce 6 To prevent from being damaged, attacked, stolen, or injured
trade 7 To strengthen by adding extra support or material
transport 8 To put into a container for transporting or storing

2 Write the noun form of the words in column A in Exercise 1. There may be more than one possibility.
1 wnw.iner 3 5 7
2 4 6 8

3 Cross out the word that does not belong in each list.
1 cushioned wetghl reinforced strengthened
2 breakable delicate fragile strong
3 freight cargo warehouse commodity
4 transport haul trade ship

Import I export 16

4 Fill in the blanks in this article with the words in the box.
commodity declarations handle import packaging shipments weight

So you think that it is time to expand your business by 1 exporting your

product? Your first task should be researching the market. Is your product a
2 that buyers in other countries need or want? Have you found
someone abroad who wants to 3 your product? You should consider
the name of your product. Too many marketing ventures have failed because the
product's name translated into a silly or inappropriate word in the taFget countries '
languages. You also need to think of 4 , since your product should
arrive in good condition. Will you have to change the units of 5 _ _ _ _ _ _ __
or other measurements? This may require costly changes to your factory floor. Who
is going to 6 the shipping? You will have to take care of shipping
documents, verifications, and customs 7 , even though the importer
will help your 8 through customs.

Personal and poss_essive; reilexives; impersonal pronouns; it I there

A Context listening
1 You are going to hear a telephone conversation between Mr. Harrison and Mr. Nesbitt's
new Personal Assistant, Rita. Before you listen, look at the pictures and statements below.
Underline the answer you think correctly completes the statements.
1 Mr. Harrison wants to speak to Rita I Mr. Nesbitt.
2 Mr. Nesbitt is busy I out to lunch.
3 Rita says Mr. Nesbitt will call him back I take a message.
4 Mr. Harrison is an important customer I has the wrong number.


2 listen and check if you were right.

Using the phone 17

3 · rjJ) listen again and complete these sentences.

1 Mr. Nesbitt's office. How can I help -4llJ~"'O!A"---?
2 I really need to speak to ____ now.
3 Is there any way ____ can put ____ through?
4 I placed an order with company.
s I'll tell ________
6 Please make sure ____ calls _ _ __
7 Oh, dear. ____ hung up.
8 Lots of people are calling to complain, but can't help _ _ __
9 ... could you ask which company are trying to contact?

4 Add the words you wrote in Exercise 3 to the correct group. One word does not fit in any group.
1 ~~~--------------------------------------------------------------
2 me

3 ~m~-----------------------------------------------------------------

5 Match the word or phrase you heard in the conversation with a sentence.
1 busy signal ~ a Answer the phone!
2 disconnect ~ b Hang up and try again later.
3 put on hold c The line just went dead.
4 ring d I'm waiting for someone to return to the phone.

1. I Using the phone

B Grammar
1 Pronouns
We use pronouns to replace nouns to avoid repeating the same word.

We use subject pronouns (I, you, he, she, it, we, they) to show who is doing the action.
Rachel only lives two blocks away from the office so she walks to work.
He hung up.

We use object pronouns (me, you, him, her, it, us, them) to show who is receiving the action.
I saw Sofia and gave her the files.
I'm very anxious to speak to him.
There are two ways to talk about possession or refer to parts of the body. Some possessives
(my, your, his, her, its, our, their) go before the noun and some (mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours,
theirs) replace the noun.
I share an office with Samir. This is my desk and that is his.
I called your office.
We use reflexive pronouns (myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselve!!, yourselves,
• to refer back to the subject
She often talks to herself when she's concentrating hard.
• to emphasize who does something.
Our CEO does his accounts himself.
• in some common expressions
Make yourself at home.
Help yourselves to some cake.
Did they enjoy themselves at the party?
Compare the use of reflexive pronouns and each other. We can also use one another.
Karen and Michiko talked to each other/ one another. (= Karen spoke to Michiko and Michiko
spoke to Karen.)
Karen and Michiko talked to themselves.(= Karen spoke to Karen and Michiko spoke to Michiko.)
2 Impersonal pronouns
We use you, we, they, and one when we are not referring to a particular person.
We can use you to talk about everyone in general.
You can travel to all continents.(= Anyone can travel to all continents.)
We can use we to talk about everyone including ourselves.
We can't go back in time. (= This limitation is on all people including myself.)
We can use they to refer to experts or authorities.
They advise against traveling because of the weather conditions. (=someone who knows about
the dangers of the current conditions)

We can use one to refer to one unspecified person. The impersonal one is very formal.
One should be careful when crossing a busy street.

Using the phone 17

3 It and There
We sometimes use it and there in the subject position.
We use it to talk about time, weather, and distance.
It is 10:00 am. It isn't very cold outside. How far is it to the shop?
We can use it in the subject position to emphasize the normal subject.
Visiting the gold market is interesting. (= It is interesting to visit the gold market.)
Tom did most of the work. (=It was Tom who did most of the work.)
We use there+ the verb to be to say that something exists or is present. The verb agrees
with the noun.
There is plenty of space here. Are there only two hotels along that coast?

L7 Using the phone

C Grammar exercises
1 Underline the correct pronoun in each of the following sentences.
1 The connection is very bad. Can 'ifllil your I yours hear me?
2 In the first quarter we I us I our I ours met our production goals.
3 I' m sorry, sir. I can't give out you I your I yours medical records over the phone.
4 Was there a call for I I me I my I mine while I was out?
s My daughter cancelled she I her I hers appointment with the doctor.
6 This was made by skilled craftsmen in we I us I our I ours factory.
1 I have misplaced my cell phone. Can I borrow you I your I yours?
s Did he I him I his have any comments about today's agenda?
9 This file is for the personnel department. Can you pass it on to they I them I their I

2 Peter and Paula are discussing medical advice. Fill in the blanks with an impersonal
pronoun. In some cases more than one answer is possible.

we you they one

Paula : Medical authorities have advised everyone to get a flu shot. 1 Th~ say
this will reduce the number of flu cases this winter. Aren't 2 told
this every year in the fall? 3 would think that everyone knows by
now that 4 should get a shot, especially the elderly and people
with breathing problems.
Peter: Well, I think 5 should be advising us. Some people might forget
that a flu shot is available. 6 never know what viruses are coming
in the winter. 7 can't be too ca reful.

Using the phone 17

3 Read the email and choose the correct word.

Hi Silvia,
You know I told you that Troy bought me a new phone for 1 my I miRe birthday?
I never really wanted a cell phone but Troy said it would be easier for us to keep
in touch. Well, it's really good. I can take pictures of 2 me I myself and the family
and send them to 3 you I yourself now. For 4 me I my though, the best thing is
the reminder function. I find it really useful to send 5 myself I me reminders when
I have important things to do-you know how forgetful! can be! Unfortunately,
I'm not getting many reminders at the moment because I just let Alex borrow
the phone. I think that was a big mistake! He has been running around taking
pictures of 6 him I himself and sending them to 7 his I him friends. I think he'll
want me to buy 8 him I himself one for his birthday. At least if we do-buy 9 him I
his one, I can get 10 my I mine phone back.
Bye for now,

4 Correct any mistakes with it and there.

Jenny: Hi, Jane. You look tired. Are you OK? There
Jane: Yes, I just didn 't get much sleep last night. tit was a party in the
apartment below me. It didn't finish until2:30 A.M .
Jenny: No wonder you are tired. 2 It is some coffee in the pot. Would you like
some to wake you up?
Jane: Oh thank you. So, I just got to sleep when the phone rang and woke me up.
I picked up the receiver but 3 there was no one on the other end . I tried
to get back to sleep and then the phone rang again . That's when I realized
that 4 there was my cell phone ringing and not the landline.
Jenny: So who was 5 it?
jane: 6 There was my husband. He is on a business trip and forgot about the
time difference . Of course, after that I couldn't get back to sleep.
jenny: Well, 1 there is a good thing you didn 't have to be at work this morning.

17 Using the phone

D Vocabulary
Key Vocabulary
Read the text about phoning and check that you understand the meaning of the words in bold .

In most offices everyone has a landline phone and people often have their own extension
(number) so that you can call them directly. Otherwise, you may have to talk to an
operator who will transfer your call to the person you want or put you on hold if that
person's Une is busy. To answer a call, you pick up the receiver or press the answer key if
you're using a wireless phone or cell phone. You can find the number of most businesses
in the yellow pages, which is available online as well as in a book. To make a call on a
land line phone, you listen for the dfal tone and then dfal the number. The phone at the
other end either rings or you get a busy signal. You may have to leave a voice message
after the tone. Occasionally, you may get disconnected and have to make the call again. A
cell phone can perform many useful functions not available with a landline phone, such
as allowing users to send and receive text (or SMS) messages.

Here are some common phoning expressions:

Personal Assistant: jane, Anna Gomez is on the line. (=Anna has called and
would like to speak to Jane.)
jane: Could you put her on hold?(= ask her to wait)
Personal Assistant: Anna, jane has asked if you could hold the line I hold on?
(=Don't hang up.)
jane: Could you put Anna through now?(= complete the connection)

1 Match a word from the first box with a word from the second box and correct the errors in
the conversation below.
busy hold
cell ~ message
dial pages
on phone
voice signal
yellow tone

Eileen: I can't make an international call on th is ¥e4Ee phone.
jonathan: You can use my phone. Here it is.
Eileen: Thank you . Uh , I can't get a busy tone on you r landline. What's wrong with it?
jonathan: Oh, you know what? It isn't plugged into the watt. Ok. Now try it. Do you know
the number of the business?
Eileen: Yes, I got it from the online yellow dial. Oh, now it's just giving me a cell
Jon athan : Oh, you shouldn't hang up. If you wait, you may be able to leave a hold
message and ask them to return the call.
Eileen: Either that or they will put me on page to listen to boring music for 10
minutes and pay the international charges.

Using the phone 17

2 Find the words to complete the sentences.

disconnected transfer ring extension
line receiver dialed ~

1 If you're going to arrive late to the meeting, just send me a te')(t

message to let me know.
2 I think I ________ the wrong number. Sorry!
3 Mr. O'Brien is on the . Should I put him through?
4 I have the number of your company. But could I have your office ?
5 I'm sorry we got . I accidentally dropped the
_ _______ when I answered the phone.
6 Could you hold on while I your call to customer services?
7 My cell phone shows that I missed a call, but I didn't hear the--- - - - - -
because of the traffic noise.

3 Underline the correct word or phrase.

1 Thank you for calling. I'll just check if she's in the office. I'll just put you on hold I
disconnect you for a moment.
2 You can call me at home on my receiver I landline and if there's no reply, try this cell
phone number.
3 If you know the extension, dial it now; if you don't know the extension, dial 0 for the
operator ISMS.
4 Please leave a message after you hear the ring I tone.
5 If you spend a lot of money transfer I text messaging your friends, you should sign up
for our new cell phone package.

uncountable nouns; artides

A Context listening -
1 You are going to hear Bill and Mr. Boswell preparing a
room for job interviews.
Look at the picture and decide what changes you think
the room needs for holding interviews and what other
equipment you think they might need.

2 listen and put a check in the box beside the nouns that you hear in the conversation.
0 computer 0 water 0 scissors
0 file 0 music 0 news
0 table 0 furniture 0 noise
0 cabinet 0 advice
0 scanner 0 equipment

3 Find words from the list in Exercise 2 that match these descriptions.
1 Things that you can count _,co"'-m=~tu""-------------------------
2 Things that you cannot c o u n t - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
3 A noun that can be countable or uncountable _ _ _ _ _ _ __
4 A countable noun that is always plural _ _ _ _ _ __
s An uncountable noun that ends with an -s. _ _ _ _ _ __

4 Look at your answers in Exercise 3 and answer the following questions.

1 Which nouns can we use with the articles a, an, or the? ________
2 Which nouns can we use with the article the but not with a or an?------ - -
3 Which nouns can we use without any article? _ _ _ _ _ __

5 Look at the words in Exercise 2. Put them into the following categories. You do not need to
use all the words.
1 Office s u p p l i e s - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -
2 Electronic e q u i p m e n t - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -
3 Furniture---------------------------------

Office supplies 18

B Grammar
1 Countable and uncountable nouns
Countable nouns can be singular or plural. They agree with a singular or plural verb
and we can replace them with singular or plural pronouns.
A file is on the desk. I The applicants' files are not here.
I put the file down and now it is gone. I I put the files down and now they are gone.

Some countable nouns only have a plural form: scissors, trousers.

Uncountable nouns are always singular, so they always take a singular verb and we
replace them with a singular pronoun.
The money is on the desk.
The news is good.
There is coffee in the staff room. It is fresh .

Some uncountable nouns appear to be plural, but they are not: economics, news.
Some nouns have countable and uncountable forms with different meanings.
The complete works of Shakespeare are available online. (works =the product of an
She has done a lot of work on this project. (work = effort and activity)
I can hear a loud noise coming from over there.(= a particular sound)
With the construction outside, there is too much noise {or me to concentrate. (=sound in

2 Articles
We use a I an before a singular countable noun:
• when you mention a noun for the first time
I was working on a report. A stapler would be useful.

• when you make a general statement about all people or things of a type
An accountant must have an excellent understanding of numbers. (An accountant= All
• when you express price and speed
55 miles an hour
We use the:
• when we have already mentioned the noun
I put a report on your desk. The report concerns the proposed expense account.

• when it is clear which thing or person we are referring to

We could move the table away {rom the wall. (= a particular table and wall)
I went to the bank. (=a particular bank)

• when there is only one of something in a specific group

The Earth orbits the Sun .

• when you use the superlative form

This is the best advertisement for our new product.

18 Office supplies

3 No articles
We do not use a I an when the noun is uncountable.
Sam gives advice to new staff members. (not fiR ec;Mce)
We do not use the before a singular noun that names a general category.
In this city, crime is decreasing.(= a general category)
We were all shocked by the crime.(= a particular crime)
We do not use an article before a possessive.
I have to take my laptop with me to the trade show. (not the my le{Jte{J)
4 Amounts
We can use some words to show the amount of something that is uncountable.
I had a cup of coffee with my breakfast this morning.
We use pair o{for things that that have two parts.
I'm taking a pair of sunglasses and two pairs of shoes.
We use the name of the container for some words.
I carry a bottle of water and a tube of toothpaste in my bag.
We can use the amount without the noun.
Would you like a piece of cake? just a small piece, please.

Office supplies 18

C Grammar exercises
1 Put the following words in the correct column.
advice desk equipment fax furniture glass music news noise
paper clips printer scanner calendar space stationery tape
Always countable Can be countable Always uncountable
or uncountable

2 Read what Max )ones said to a potential customer about his new business. Fill in the blanks with the article
a, an, the, or 0 (if the noun does not take an article). ·
Hi. My name is Max )ones. I recently opened 1 stationery store and am already supplying many
of 2 businesses in the area with all their office needs. My store is located in 3 center
of town on the corner of 41h and Grand, and is 4 easy walk from 5 surrounding offices
and stores. I carry 6 paper supplies, computer accessories, and 7 variety of office
accessories such as 8 clocks, calendars, and novelty items. Whether you need 9 eraser
or 10 box of paper clips, 11 address book or 12 study lamp, we have it.

3 look at the following phrases. Choose the words in the box to complete the phrases.
scissors marker pens coffee tape water paper

1 A sheet of -~<P~Q,f>""er"--------- 2 Acupof _ _ _ __ _ 3 A glass of _ __ __ _

4 Apairof _ _ _ _ __ s A set of _ _ __ _ _ 6 A roll of _ _ __ __

4 look at the email that Elena is writing to her friend, Zovig. See how many mistakes you can find.
eee ' :s :.~ ,-_ .:'cc:'. ,.;;.. :-,, ::.'z.CEl~

e a

\.9 D ~
Delete Re ply Replv AII Forward Print ~j

Dear Zovig,
1:: fi.
In your last 8ft email, you were complaining about a disorganization in your office. I hope it is
OK for me to give you advices. I've just redesigned my office because I was spending more time
looking for file than getting works done. Well, guess what? I replaced my printer, fax machine,
and scanner with one of those printer that does everything. And it makes very little noises. I
can hear myself think now! Why didn't I get rid of that old equipments a long time ago? I also
got printer stand with shelves that hold my paper and other supply. A change has made a great
improvement to my working life. I bet you could easily do a same thing.

8 Office supplies

D Vocabulary
Key Vocabulary
Read the paragraph about office supplies, equipment, and furniture and check your
understanding of the meaning of the words in bold.

Well-equipped offices need a wide variety of equipment and stationery. Every office
needs stationery supplies such as pens, labels, paper clips, stapler and staples, tape,
and scissors. Many businesses have a large supply room that contains shelves fuU
of office supplies. Most offices have a filing cabinet for important documents and
some offices even have a safe where they keep money or valuable papers. But that's
not enough for the modern office. Each office worker also needs a PC or laptop on
their desk. They also need access to a printer, a scanner, a fax machine, and a copy

• ·~· lfi[.A'Jlj iJ~

The words stationary and stationery look and sound similar.
Stationery is a noun.
I stopped at the office supply store for some stationery. (writing materials:
paper, envelopes, pens, pencils, notepads, etc.)
Stationary is an adjective.
The bus was stationary. (not moving)

The word safe has more than one meaning.

Safe can be a noun.
The jewelry was put into the safe. ( = a box made
steel used to store valuable objects)
Safe can be an adjective.
Have a safe journey. ( =free from danger or harm)

1 It is Giovanni's first day at a new job. Read this conversation between Giovanni and his
new colleague, Andrea. Choose the correct words to complete the conversation.
Andrea: So, this is the 1 ~IHllY. I equipment room. It's got everything you need, I think.
Each 2laptop I shelf has a label that tells you what's on it. This one's for pens
and pencils.
Giovanni: Oh, you have a lot of supplies here. Can I take some stuff now? I need some
3 scanners I stationery. Printing paper and envelopes would be useful, for a
Andrea: You'll find that you already have some paper and envelopes in your desk, but
I think you should take some 4 tape I labels because you might want to stick
notices or pictures on your walls.

Office supplies 18

Giovanni: What else should I take? Are there 5 scissors I paper clips in my office desk? I
already have quite a few pieces of paper that need organizing.
Andrea: Good idea. You should have a stapler in your desk. But you might want to take
a box of 6 staples I printers to fill it.
Giovanni: Oh, OK. Those are the kind of things that always run out just when you need
them. I think that's all I need for now anyway. Oh, what's that over there? It
looks like a 7 safe I copy machine.
Andrea: Yes, it is. That's where we keep all the valuables and confidential files. You
won't be able to open it though. Only Mr. Henderson knows the combination.

2 Cross out the word that does not belong in each set. Write why the other two words go
1 paper clips filing cabinet safe
fULng w.biJ.\ets (}.YI/:L so..fe,s ru-e to keep tl1il-1gs .

2 laptop fax machine PC

3 stationery labels supply room

4 printer stapler copy machine

s scanner tape scissors

nd,hut, or; so, such, as, such as; too and enough; still, yet, already
A Context listening
1 You are going to hear Leroy and Cheryl talking about Bernard Chertok's product
presentation. Before you listen, look at the pictures and write what you think is
happening. Use words from the box.

projector marker flip chart whiteboard

2 ------------------------------

4 ------------------------------

5 ------------------------------

Presentations 19

2 ~ listen and check if you were right.

3 @ Underline the correct word and then listen to the conversation again to check your
Leroy: You mean our projector hasn't been fixed 1 already I ffi?
Cheryl: Lucy ran to the supply room to get new ones, 2 but I or she discovered ...
Cheryl: So, I got out a flip chart 3 or I and Lucy had already brought a set ...
Leroy: ••• better to postpone the presentation 4 but I or send someone out to buy ...
Cheryl: Well, Bernie was 5 already I yet here, wasn't he?
Cheryl: These pictures were drawn 6 so I such quickly ...
Cheryl: The speech was 7 enough spontaneous I spontaneous enough to keep our interest
and not 8 too I enough conventional.

4 Complete the sentences using the numbers of your answers in Exercise 3.

1 Answers _ _ _ _ indicate whether a situation has changed or is expected to
2 Answer _ _ _ _ indicates an addition.
3 Answer shows contrast.
4 Answer indicates a sufficient amount and _ _ _ _ indicates more than a
reasonable amount.
s We use answer _ _ _ _ with an adverb.
6 Answer shows two options.

( 5 look at the following words that could be used when talking about presentations.
Underline the ones you heard in the conversation. ~ Listen again and check your

chart handouts po!nter summary

diagram key points projestor topic
. flip chart markers screen visual aids
graph {)Utline slides white board

19 Presentations

B Grammar
1 And, or, and but
And, or, and but join two or more words, phrases, or parts of the sentence.
Mr. Chertok's key points and summary were well presented.
Wouldn't it have been better to postpone the presentation or send someone out to buy some
whiteboard markers?
He arrived with his presentation on his computer but our projector wouldn't work.
The most common way to add to a sentence or a phrase is and.
I gave the presentation and my colleague answered questions.
We often use and with both.
We have both a schedule and a program.
Other words we use to add information include as well as, too, and also. (> See Unit 23,
Linking Words 2 for other phrases we use to add information.)
There are mistakes in the letter as well as in the report.
Susan has a laptop on her desk. She's got a PC too.
I want to talk to you about your report. I also need to ask you a question.
We use or to connect two or more options. We can use or with either. The negative of
either I or is neither I nor. ( See Unit 16.)
We could book a flight or take the train. = We could either book a flight or take the train.
We use but when the parts of the sentence show a contrast.
Lucy ran to the supply room to get new ones, but she discovered that we only had permanent
But can be used with not only and also.
I not only have experience in research but also in sales.
2 So, such, as, and such as
So and such
We use both so and such for emphasis.
The movie was so tunny. It is such a beautiful day.
We also use so and such to show a cause and a result.(> See Unit 23 for other cause and
result phrases.)
I was tired so I left the office party early. (I was tired= cause; I left= result)
It was such a successful presentation (that) everyone stood up and cheered. (It was a
successful presentation = cause; everyone stood up and cheered= result)

Presentations 19

We use so before adverbs, adjectives, and some quantifiers (many, much, little, few).
I was so happy about the sale (that) I brought a cake to the office to celebrate.
We walked so slowly (that) we missed the bus.
We had so many customers (that) we had to hire an extra salesperson.
We also use so when speaking to introduce a new idea, question, or comment.
So, Mr. Chertok didn't have any transparencies. So, what happened next?
We can use as to connect two sentences.
As I understood the contract, we have to pay those fees. (As = The way that)
The alarm went off as I was approaching the door. (as= at the same time)
As it is my responsibility to protect our security systems, I check the alarms daily. (As =
Because, Since)

Such as
We use such as to introduce examples.
We sell home textiles, such as linens, curtains, and blankets.
3 Too and enough
Too indicates more than one needs or wants. We can use it before an adjective or adverb.
We can also use it before much +an uncountable noun or many+ a countable noun.
There was too much noise in the office. It was too noisy tar me to concentrate.
He worked too quickly and made too many mistakes.
Enough means a sufficient amount or number. We can use it before a noun or after an
adjective or adverb.
We saved enough money for a new car.
The instructions are clear enough for everyone to understand.
We can also useenough alone.
Do we need some more milk? No, we have enough.
4 Still, yet, and already
We use still when a situation hasn't changed.
We are still looking into our market possibilities.
By the way, we still need to replace the light bulb.
We use yet mainly in negative sentences and questions when we are expecting something
to happen.
Has Mr. jawali hired a new driver yet?
We haven't yet discussed our options.
We use already when something happened in the recent past.
I've already booked a hotel.

1 1
.&. J r I C;)CIIl<lliUII!>

c Grammar exercises
1 Correct the mistake in each sentence.
1 The customer wanted to return the dress 6f buy a suit.
2 Was the conference postponed but canceled?
3 Mr. Lee wanted to have the meeting today, or several people were out of the office.
4 He but wanted a new mouse for his computer.
5 .Sue is going to the trade show but will give a product presentation there.
6 You could go to lunch early and wait until after the meeting for lunch.
7 Our profits are up, or the outlook is still uncertain.
8 Could you bring me some paper clips or as a box of staples?
9 Andrea wanted to invest in the company or.

2 Underline the correct word to complete the sentences.

1 The service in that restaurant was SSJ.I as I such unpleasant that we can't recommend it.
2 It was hard to hear the talk because the presenter spoke so I such I such as quietly.
3 I've never attended so I such I such as a motivating conference before.
4 It was so I as I such late when I left work that the buses were no longer running.
5 So I As I Such as before, you start by opening a new document.
6 Our company has outlets in several cities, as I such I such as Paris, Tokyo, and New York.

3 Complete the sentences with enough or too.

1 A company can never do enough to attract and retain talented personnel.
2 Sam doesn't have self-motivation to be really successful in his job.
3 Although it paid well, my factory job was repetitive, so I quit.
4 Our profits have increased for us to invest in some new technology.
s many complaints aren't solved quickly . We need to do
something to improve the situation.
6 I am shy to give a presentation in front of a large audience.

4 Complete the conversation using already, yet, or still.

Hasmik: jim is 1 stilL planning to give a demonstration about his new idea for packaging
fragile products, but he hasn 't got it ready 2 - -- -- - - -
Birgitta: Really? I thought he 3 gave that demonstration at last week's meeting.
Hasmik: Oh, no. This is different. He's demonstrating a new product.
Birgitta: That's exciting. Has he told you what it is 4 ?
Hasmik: Not exactly, although I know he's S prepared a slide show of the
development process and that he's 6 interested in packaging innovations.
Bi rgitta: Well, there's 7 a week to go before the demonstration. He can
8 get it ready by then.
Presentations 19

5 Choose two of the words from each set to complete the answers to the questions.

and I or I but as I such as so I such still/ alreaely I yet too I enough

1 Did you agree with Mr. Adams's key points?
a I'm still thinking about them. He had a lot to say and I can't decide at
the moment.
b I a!r~ discussed them with him earlier and I really think he's got a point.
2 How do you think the presentation went?
a a visitor knowing nothing about that topic, I can say that I learned quite
a lot.
b I'd never thought about some of those points before,-------- the way you can
restructure departments. It gave me a lot of think about.
3 Lydia gave a great talk and she even brought several new products to show.
a Yes, she presents her products in a way that is entertaining to keep her
audience interested.
b I've heard that, but I was busy to attend because I had to meet the
visitors from Amsterdam.
4 Will the hotel provide things such as a projector, a screen, and laser pointers in their conference
a Yes, we just have to let them know, they can move the equipment into the
conference rooms we've booked.
b Yes, they have a lot of conferences there that I'm sure they'll have
everything we need.
5 The presentation was so successful that we've been asked to repeat it at the trade show.
a Have you already agreed to do that are you waiting to see if you can take
the time off?
b Oh, you could repeat it there _ _ _ _ _ _ _ give it at the conference as well.

6 Use the words in parentheses in any order to write sentences.

1 (and I ask I office) I went; to the office o..nd. o.sked. for ~A-
2 (apply I or I p r o m o t i o n ) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -
3 (business trips I but I t i r i n g ) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
4 (handouts I presentation I so)---- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
5 (such I interesting I m o v i e ) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
6 ('produce I such as I frozen f o o d s ) - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -
7 (visit I Tokyo I t o o ) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
8 (not enough I gigabytes I computer)------ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
9 (met I new boss I y e t ) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
10 (finish I report I already)---- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

19 Presentations

D Vocabulary
Key Vocabulary
Read this paragraph about presentations and check your understanding of the words in bold.

Giving a successful presentation takes practice and preparation. You must decide
what kind of visual aids will effectively support your topfc. These could be simple
materials such as a flip chart or a whtteboard with a marker. But nowadays many
presenters use a laptop and projector to show PowerPoint• slides on a screen. In
addition, a stick or laser pointer is useful for indicating a particular area of the
screen. It is important to know your audience and their expectations.
You should also prepare a clear outline with key points that will enable you to speak
confidently. You can clarify information in the form of dtasrams, such as charts and
sraphs. It is also a good idea to finish the presentation with a summary of the main
ideas. A presenter may also prepare handouts of the key points, although some people
give them out after the presentation so that they do not create a distraction.

1 Match the words in the first column with their meanings in the second column.
1 Charts and graphs are a the essential ideas in a presentation.
2 Flip charts and whiteboards are b the people who attend the presentation.
3 Laser pointers are c equipment to write information on.
4 The audience are d hand·held objects used to point at a screen.
s Key points are e pictures of data.

2 Cindy's colleague gave her the following feedback after she practiced giving her presentation
to her coworkers. Complete the feedback using the words in the box.
audience graphs handouts key points screen
outline visual aids summary projector s+i4es
Your information was well-organized. You gave a nice overview and showed the important
features of our services. However, you wrote too much information on each of your
1 stuies . Your audience read that information instead of listening to your talk.
For the same reason, I suggest that you distribute your 2 after the talk.
You read through your presentation instead of talking to your 3 _ _ _ _ _ _ __
I suggest that you just make an 4 on note cards and be sure to make eye
contact with the audience.
Your 5 were attractive, and showed up nicely on the
6 , but in one case you had too many 7 on one slide.
They were too small to be seen properly. Decide which ones show the 8 - - - - - -- -
most effectively, make them bigger, and show them one at a time. Delete the ones that are
secondary. You made a nice 9 of all the points at the end.
One last thing. Don't forget to call the conference center and make sure that they've got a
10 in the room you're going to be using.

Presentations 19

3 Look at these sets of words. Cross out the one that doesn't belong in each set.
1 mafkef computer projector microphone
2 slides expectations transparencies visual aids
3 pointer chart graph diagrams
4 audience viewers listeners presenters
s whiteboard flip chart outline screen
6 summary key points topic handouts

assiy_e Yoice; have so_metMng done

A Context listening
1 You are going to hear jackie and Isaac discussing with Maruka what they think she
should do with her money. Can you guess what they will advise Maruka to do?

3 Invest in the stock market? _ __ 4 Invest in property? _ __

s Hide the money under a mattress? _ __

Investments 20

When talking about finances, the word stock means a share of ownership in a company.
We own 100 shares of }.C. Penny stock.
When talking about merchandise, the word stock means the supply of items that a
storekeeper or manufacturer has available for sale.
The trade show will give us the opportunity to exhibit our new line of stock.

2 @ listen and write yes or no by the options that jackie and Isaac mention.
What does Maruka say she plans to do?

3 Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence.
@ Then listen to the recording again and check your answers.
1 Someone has left Maruka a large sum of money.
Maruka, we heard that you no,ye been !&ft. a large sum of money.
2 You should pay back any money you owe first.

Any money you owe first .

3 You should invest your money in a bank fund that has a higher interest rate.
Your money _ _ _ __ _ _ _ in a bank fund that has a higher interest ra t e.
4 You can withdraw the money in case of an emergency.
The money _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in case of an emergency.

4 Write the form(s) of the words you heard in the conversation. You may need to listen again.
1 invest _ __,i.n"""v,_,e""'s""'ted...=<-_ _
2 capitalist _ _ _ _ _ _ __
3 li quidity _ _ _ _ _ __
4 diversificati on _ _ _ _ _ _ __

20 Investments

B Grammar
1 Passive voice use
We use the active voice when we focus on the person or thing doing the action. We use the
passive voice when we focus on the person or thing affected by the action.
Active voice
Daniel Murphy opened his first shop in 1986. (active voice- the focus is on Daniel Murphy)
Passive voice
The first shop was opened in 1986. (passive voice -the focus is on the shop)
We use the passive voice when:
• the action is more important than who or what is responsible for the action
Your debts should be paid off first.
• we do not know who or what is responsible for the action
Two hundred XFlO cell phones were stolen from the warehouse last night.

• the person or thing that is responsible for the action is known

The thief was arrested. (We know the police arrested him.)

• we talk about impersonal situations

It is rumored that we are going to get a raise .

• we do not want to say who is responsible

The computer files were accidentally deleted.

Investments 20

2 Passive voice form

When an active verb becomes a passive verb, the person or thing that has been
affected by the action becomes the subject of the verb.
Investors are following the stock market movement quite closely.
The stock market movement is being followed quite closely.
The verb be is followed by the main verb in its past participle form.

Tense I Part of speech Active Passive

present simple follow(s) am I is I are followed
present continuous am I is I are following am I is I are being followed
past simple followed was I were followed
past continuous was I were following was I were being followed
present perfect has I have followed has I have been followed
past perfect had followed had been followed
will future will follow will be followed
going to future am I is I are going to follow am I is I are going to be followed
would would follow would be followed
would have would have followed would have been followed
infinitive to follow to be followed
gerund following being followed
We can also put the modal form into the passive.
We can put an ad in the newspaper. An ad can be put in the newspaper.
I should have sent those forms last week. Those forms should have been sent last week.
When we mention the person or thing doing the action, we use the word by.
Of Mice and Men was written by John Steinbeck.
Our user guides are translated by a technical writer.
He was attacked by a dog.
When we are changing an active sentence with two objects into the passive voice ,
we can use either object as the subject.
Active Simon sent the documents to the client.
Passive The documents were sent to the client.
The client was sent the documents .
3 have something done
Sometimes we ask or pay someone else to do something for us. We say we are having
something done and do not usually need to say who is doing the job for us.
Gerald is having the offices repainted.
I had my hair done tor the inerview.
Is Audrey going to have the accounts checked over?

~U Investments

C Grammar exercises
1 Change the active sentences to passive sentences and the passive sentences to active sentences using
the verb from the first sentence.
1 Are you offering the weekend training course to staff members this year?
Are staff members being offered. the weekend training course this year?
2 I have been offered a job as a sales representative for the Tidy lawn Company.
The Tidy lawn Company me a job as a sales representative.
3 The courier brought the package this morning.
The package by the courier this morning.
4 The R & D people won't present their new software tomorrow.
The new software by the R & D people tomorrow.
s All Yamaguchi San's clients are sent greeting cards every year.
Yamaguchi San _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ all his clients greeting cards every year.
6 Can customers assemble our desks quickly?
- - - - - - - - - - - - - o u r desks - - - - - - - - - - - - - quickly?
7 We haven't replaced the old equipment yet.
The old e q u i p m e n t - - - - - - - - - - - - yet.
s Have you been introduced to all the staff members?
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ anyone _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ you to all the staff members?

2 Complete the text with the passive form of the verbs in parentheses.

To connect to a wireless internet network, you need a router and a wireless adapter.
The information 1 i,s recei,yed.. (receive) by the router through a normal
internet cable and then it 2 (send) to the wireless adapters.
Radio waves 3 (use) to transmit the information to the adapters.
In the right conditions, the signal transmission travels up to a mile in all directions.
The signal 4 (pick up) by the wireless adapter and the computer
reads the information. When the wireless system 5 (set up),
several computers can 6 (connect) at the same time, without
the need for cables. Problems with the signal 7 sometimes
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (cause) by microwaves and mobile phones.

~ •-"---·

Investments 20

3 Match the two halves of the conversations and fill in the blanks with the correct form of the
verbs in parentheses.
Can I send out the Intensive training _ _ _ _ _ _ __
price list today? (could I offer) to our new employees.

2 b
Where are the old I agree. It _ _ _ _ _ _ __
documents? (should I rewrite).

3 c
This office looks No, it ~s still
different. _ _,b.,.,em"-'g~!A""pM.tecl""""'"""""- (update).

4 d
Are we going to the Oh, try this program . A new one
trade show this year? ________ (can I make) in minutes.

When will we know That not
about the raises? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (have I decide) yet
because it conflicts with our move to the new
office building.

This letter has a lot They (shred)
of mistakes in it. yesterday for security reasons.

We need more g e we not ~

skilled workers. : - - - - - - - (tell) until next month._)"

I need to make Yes, the old curtains _ _ _ _ _ _ __
a new chart. (have I replace).

"'-U Investments

4 Correct the underlined passives in the following article.

ushrooms make a tasty addition to a variety

of meals. But mushrooms 1 may soon b~iflg
~ in a completely new way. Atechruque
2 has be found to produce the beautiful sound quality of the
famous Stradivarius violins - and it uses mushrooms! Real
Stradivarius violins 3 are desiring by musicians all over the
world because of their unique sound quality, but they are
too expensive for most people. However, when the wood of a
normal violin 4 is treat with a certain mushroom, the sound
quality is so good it 5 could be mistake for a real Stradivarius.
The researchers found that the wood of the violin 6 was
breaked up by the mushroom so that the density of the wood
7 was reducing. The sound quality of the violin 8 are much
improved through the "mushroom" method.

5 Read the situation and answer the question using the correct form of have
something done.
1 Ron's car engine is making strange noises. It is time for a tune up, so he's going to
take his car to a mechanic. What is he going to do there?
He i-s goixlg to 111-s co.r tuned- up.
2 Maggie is going to present the Award for Business Excellence this evening. She has
gone to the beauty parlor where a hairdresser is styling her hair. What is Maggie

3 Bill and Natasha want to paint their house, but they don't have time to paint it
themselves. They have hired a professional painter. What are they doing?

4 jackie tore her favorite dress. She took it to a tailor. What did she do?

s Dmitri needed some passport pictures. He has gone to see a professional

photographer. What is he doing?

Investments 20

D Vocabulary
Key Vocabulary
Read this paragraph about investments and check your understanding of the words in bold.

Saving and investing your money in a profitable way takes both skill and luck. You should keep some
money Uqutd, which means that you can access it immediately. This money should be used to pay
regular expenses and debts. The capital that is left could be invested in a long-term deposit or a bond,
where you will get a better Interest rate. The ne.xt level of investing is either to purchase stocks in
companies or to buy property. Both investment strateaies carry risks, so it is important to diversify your
investments. This means that your money should not be put in just one company or just one kind of
company. If you can't study the stock market regularly, you can go to a finandal advisor for help. These
experts witt design a portfolio that fits your specific needs depending on your total assets, and they will
make the finandal transactions for you. For this service, they take a commission.

1 Match the words with the definitions.

1 assets a ability to get to
2 capital b a collection of investments
3 access c money
4 debt d money owed
5 portfolio e possessions, including money

2 Fill in the blanks with the words in the box.

financial advisor bonds commission transactions interest rates stocks eMpeAses

1 I don't have any cash left after I pay my monthly expenses

2 Jim suggested that I balance my portfolio by buying in several sectors.
3 Marta is a real estate agent and she gets a good on all house sales she makes.
4 I don't have time to study the stock market. I need a to help me invest.
5 I suggest putting some investments in instead of putting it all in stocks.
6 I'm not sure whether to invest in stocks or bonds. What are you offering on your bonds?
1 Financial range from buying a house all the way to buying a candy bar.

3 Read the extract from an article and underline the correct form of the words in italics.

Today the PID pension fund hos announced plans to hod been in the form of 4 liquidity I liquid I liquidation
1 diversification I~ I diverse and invest in a wider accounts.
portfolio of stocks. This 2 diversification I diversity I The fund is planning to increase its 5 investment I inveslor
diverse is port of the change in 3 strategic I strategy I I invest in biotechnology stocks although it will be careful
strategically developed by the new management of PID. to evaluate the 6 risky I risk I riskier level before making
Previously, a Iorge proportion of the pension fund's assets any new investments.

Practice test 4
Part 3: Conversations
Directions: In this section, you will hear two people
In question 8 of the Writing test, make sure you
having a conversation and will answer questions about
answer the question and give good reasons
what you heard. The conversations will not be printed
and examples to support your opinion.
on the test. Select the response that best answers the
question. You will hear the conversations only once.
Listening Questions 8-10 refer to the following conversation.
Part 1: Photographs 8 Why is the couple unsure about whether to make
Directions: In this section, you will hear four
an offer?
(A) They don't know if the bank will give them a
statements about a photograph. The statements will
not be printed on the test. As you listen, select the loan.
(B) They think the price is too high.
statement that best describes the photograph.
(C) They are not sure about the neighborhood.
You will hear the statements only once.
(D) They don't know if their children will like it.
9 What does the man say he will do tomorrow?
(A) Visit the agenf
(B) Check the supermarket
(C) Talk to the seller
(D) Call the bank
10 What facilities are NOT mentioned as being near
the house?
(A) A supermarket
(B) A post office
(C) A school
(D) A park

Part 4: Talks
Directions: In this section, you will hear a speaker
giving a talk and will answer questions about the talk.
1 (A) (B) (C) (D) The talks will not be printed on the test. Select the
response that best answers the question. You will hear
Part 2: Question-Response the talks only once.
Directions: In this section, you will hear a question or Questions 11-13 refer to the following talk.
statement followed by three responses. They will not 11 Where was this announcement heard?
be printed on the test. As you listen, select the best (A) At the bank
response. You will hear the question and statements (B) On the radio
only once. (C) At the library
2 (A) (B) (C) (D) On the Internet
3 (A) (B) (C)
4 (A) (B) (C)
5 (A) (B) (C)
6 (A) (B) (C)
7 (A) (B) (C)
12 What does the speaker suggest to the listener?
(A) Buy a flat screen TV
(B) Go to Disney World 5 Security cameras were installed on city buses for
(C) Take charge of his I her finances the of everyone.
(D) Get items at summer sales (A) protected
(B) protection
13 What problem does the speaker NOT mention?
(C) protecting
(A) Credit card debt
(D) protective
(B) A negative bank balance
(C) Out of control spending habits 6 You should try to make a good impression at
(D) Lost investments in the stock market _ _ _ interview.
(A) his
Reading (B) my
(C) your
Part 5: Incomplete Sentences (D) their

Directions: In each sentence below, a word or phrase 7 Can we have a show of hands to on
is missing. Select the best answer from the four this point?
choices to complete the sentence. Mark (A), (B), (C), (A) decision
or (D). (B) decided
(C) decide
1 We are renting office space in the building that is
(D) decisive
_ _ _ the parking lot from our plant.
(A) across 8 careful you don't get Mr. Carr and Mr.
(B) among Marr mixed up.
(C) into (A) Be
(D) from (B) Are
(C) To
2 Improve your company's _ _ __ through
(D) At
effective advertising.
(A) appearance 9 What is the difference _ _ _ this point and
(B) image the last one?
(C) icon (A) in
(D) logo (B) for
(C) between
3 You need to present your identification _ __
(D) with
you enter the factory.
(A) how 10 Imelda signed the _ _ _ _ for the McNulty
(B) why account.
(C) what (A) venue
(D) when (B) trademark
(C) contract
4 I was by the chairperson's
(D) innovation
presentation this morning.
(A) impressed
Part 6: Text Completion
(B) impression
(C) impress Directions: Read the text below. Select the best word
(D) impressive or phrase to complete the sentences. Mark (A), (B),
(C), or (D).
Questions 11-13 refer to the following memo. Part 7: Reading Comprehension
Directions: In this section, you will read documents
Trusoft Concrete, Inc.
such as advertisements, email correspondence,
newspaper articles, and letters. Select the best
answer. Mark (A), (B), (C), or (D).
Dear Peter:
Questions 14-17 refer to the following page from a
I would like to express my thanks to you for the tourist guide.
truly excellent display for our Trusoft concrete
products. At our first trade show in Munich, many
visitors to our booth remarked on the attractiveness
If you are at o public telephone and do not have any way of
of our exhibit space. It confirms our
paying for a coli yourself, or if you ore at someone else's home
11 (A) yet or office, you can make what is known as a collect coli. With
(B) soon a collect call, the person on the other end agrees to accept the
(C) already
charges for the call. First, call the operator of the service provider
(D) just
and say, "Collect call, please." You must give your nome and the
belief that we were right to depend on your operator will connect you. If the person at the other end accepts
company to design our display. the call, you can speak to them wherever they are in the world
without worrying about how much money you hove with you.
In my opinion, one never gets a second chance to
make a good impression. Your display impressed
The person receiving the call is the one who must be careful. If
many people and this, I am sure it
you receive o collect phone call, you should only agree to accept
the charges if you know the person calling. If you ore not sure
12 (A) because of
who it is, you should tell the operator that you will not accept the
(B) of course
(C) as of
charges and then you should hang up immediately.
(D) obviously
will encourage them to purchase our products. I 14 When should you make a collect call?
would like to mention also that for the quality and
(A) When you do not have a way of paying for the
service we received, your was very
reasonable. 13 (A) promotion
(B) When you only have cash with you
(B) product
(C) pricing (C) When you think someone else will pay for the
(D) convenience call
(D) When the operator does not accept your
I look forward to doing more business with you in money
the near future. We have appreciated working with
you. Thank you. 15 Who pays for a collect call?
(A) The caller
(B) The service provider
Jake Blake
(C) The person who receives the call
Trusoft Concrete, Inc. (D) The person whose house you are visiting

16 What should you do when you receive a collect call?

(A) Ask the operator how much it will cost.
(B) Check if the service provider is genuine.
(C) Give the operator your name.
(D) Make sure you know who is calling you.

17 What should you do if you receive a collect call 19 What is the latest time to use this service to set
from someone you do not know? up direct deposits on Friday?
(A) Ask the operator to put the person on hold. (A) 8 A.M.
(B) Tell the person to call back later. (B) Midnight
(C) Tell the operator that you will not accept the (C) 8 P.M.
call. (D) Noon
(D) Introduce yourself to the caller.
20 What is the purpose of the advertisement?
Questions 18-22 refer to the following advertisement (A) To promote a service
and flyer. (B) To offer free accounts
Advertisement (C) To improve bank security
(D) To issue new details
21 Why is the call center convenient?
(A) Customers can use it at the branch.
(B) Customers can pay a phone banker.
(C) Customers can do their banking at any time.
(D) Customers can write checks without going to
the bank.
22 Which of the following statements is NOT true?
(A) Customers do not have to pay for this service.
(B) Customers can get a bank statement
(C) Customers can apply for this phone banking
in any branch.
(D) Customers have to speak to a phone banker
to pay electricity bills.
Questions 1-2 Read a text aloud
Directions: In this section, you will read a text aloud.
Automatic Call Multilingual Phone You will have 45 seconds of preparation time and then
Banking Services Banker Services 45 seconds to read aloud.
Account Details Pay Credit Cord Bills
Statement of Account Issue Standing Orders Question 1:
Information on loons Set Up Direct Deposits The first store coupons were handwritten tickets
Pay Telephone, Electricity, Make Credit Cord issued by an Atlanta drugstore owner in 1894. These
Water and Internet Bills Related Enquiries entitled customers to one free glass of a new drink
Resolve Problems called Coca Cola. Less than a year later, another store
owner, C.W. Post, started distributing coupons worth
Call us at 1.000-555-9722 or drop into your local
branch to apply for this fast, totally secure, and one penny off his new health cereal, Grape Nuts.
very convenient service. During the Great Depression of the 1930s, coupons
became a regular way to reduce grocery bills and
18 Which of the following services requires a phone save money. Supermarket owners soon realized the
promotional benefits of issuing discount coupons on
their produce and nowadays 89% of consumers use
(A) paying a telephone bill
coupons while shopping at supermarkets.
(B) getting account details
(C) issuing a standing order
(D) making an automatic call

Question 2: Questions 7·9: Respond to questions using information
The first mobile phones were launched in Sweden provided
in 1956. However, since they weighed about
forty kilograms, few people were interested. The
Directions: In this section, you will read information and
then answer three questions based on what you have
first prototype of the modern mobile phone was
read. You will have 30 seconds to read the information.
demonstrated in 1973 in New York when its inventor
You will not have any additional preparation time. You
made a call in front of a group of amazed journalists.
will have 15 seconds to answer Questions 7 and 8, and
Despite the prototype's success, another ten years
30 seconds to answer Question 9.
passed before it went on sale as a phone installed
i n a car. The light hand-held version soon followed,
but needed to be recharged within 15 minutes of use. Movefast Shipping Company (Singapore)
Improvements in battery technology and electronics led ASSISTANT MA AGER SEA FREIGHT FORWARDING
to the much smaller and more efficient phones of today. An excellent opportunity to join the Freight Division
of the region 's major shipping and transportation
Question 3: Describe a picture
organization in their Far East operations.
Directions: In this section, you will see a photograph Ideal candidates for the position would be graduates
and describe it in as much detail as possible. You will with 10 years or more experience in the freight
have 30 seconds of preparation time and 45 seconds transportation industry with proven communication
to talk about the photograph. and leadership skills.
The candidate shoulct'also be famili ar with Pacific
Rim customs procedures and have a thorough
understanding of correct shipping practices.
An excellent salary and benefits package will be
offered to the right candidate.
Qualified candidates should fax their resume before
Friday, July 15th to:
The Personnel Manager, M ovefast Shippin g
Company, Singapore. Fax 1-000-555-2094

Questions 4-6: Respond to questions

In this section, you will hear and answer three Question 10: Propose a solution
questions. Begin speaking immediately after you hear Directions: In this section, you will be told a problem .
a beep. You will not have any prepa ration time. You After 30 seconds preperation time, you should
wi ll have 15 seconds to answer Questions 4 and 5, and respond, showing you understand the problem and
30 seconds to answer Question 6. suggesting a solution. You will have 60 seconds to
Imagine that a European market research company give your answer.
i s doing research in your country about the kinds of Quesiton 11: Express an opinion
home and office furnishings you prefer and why.
Directions: In this section, you will be asked your
You agree to answer some questions about your opinion on a particular subject. You then have 15
preferences. seconds to prepare and 30 seconds to give your
4 Desc ribe your favorite piece of f urniture and why answer.
you like it. What i s more important for success: hard work or good
5 How would you improve the look of your home if luck?
you had the time and money?
6 Describe your workplace or study area and
say what you like about it and how it could be

Writing Directions: Read the email. In your email, describe
Questions 1-5: Write a sentence based on a picture ONE problem and ask TWO questions.

Directions: In this section, you will be given two words

or phrases and a photograph . You will be asked to
write one sentence about the photograph, using the
two given words or phrases. You can change the forms
of the words and use them in any order. Your sentence
From: Jim Prager
will be scored on grammar and how relevant the
To: Dr. Sean Baldwin
sentence is to the photograph. You will have 8 minutes
Subject: Upcoming presentation
for this part. Sent: April 22nd
Question 1: Dear Dr. Baldwin:
Thank you for agreeing to give a presentation
titled "New Materials for the New Generation" at
our upcoming biannual Construction Engineers
Conference. We are delighted to be able to have
you as our main speaker and look forward to your
Could you please confirm your arrival time so that
we can meet you at the airport? Also, would you
like us to reserve accommodations for the three
days of the conference? We have private guest
accommodations at our main facility. Please let
but I graph me know as soon as possible.

Question 2: Best regards,

Jim Prager

Question 8: Write an opinion essay

Directions: In this section , you will write an essay
about a given issue. You will be asked to state your
opinion and explain and support the opinion. A
demonstration I enough successful essay will usually contain a minimum of
300 words. Your essay will be scored on grammar,
Questions 6-7: Respond to a written request
vocabulary, organization, and whether your opinion is
Directions: In this section, you will write a response to supported with reasons and examples. You will have
an e-mail. Your response will be scored on vocabulary, 30 minutes to complete your essay.
organization, and the quality and variety of your
Essay question:
sentences. You will have 10 minutes to read and
Describe a presentation that you have watched. Did
respond to each e-mail.
you enjoy the presentation? Explain why I why not.
Use specific reasons and examples to explain your

Grammar Focus Task
Underline the word that was used in the test.
1 Improve your company's image through effective
advertising I advertised.
2 They do not know if the bank will give they I them
a loan.
3 I was impressed I impressing by the chairperson's
presentation this morning.
4 We are delighted to be able to have you as I such
our main speaker.
S What is the difference between this point or I and
the last one?

Vocabulary Focus Task

Complete these sentences with words from the box.

access exchange financial chart fax

1 Have you spoken to y o u r - - - - - - -

2 Has the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ rate changed?
3 your account details and
pay telephone, electricity, credit card, and
internet bills without leaving your home.
4 They are pointing to a _ _ _ _ _ __
S Qualified candidates should--- - - - -
their resume before Friday, july 151h.
Relative clauses; e(elative pronouns; relative pronouns
with prepositions

A Context listening
1 You are going to hear Linda Evans interview an inventor on her radio show. Before you listen,
look at the pictures and describe what you think is new and different about Terry's inventions.

1 2

2 0 Listen and check if you were right.

19 1
~ 1 Innovations

3 ~ listen again and complete the sentences.

1 We have a guest ~ j,s to tell ~&s about his inventions.
2 The days - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - cold coffee are over.
3 Different people in the same house can change the height of the sink to the position
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ most comfortable.
4 Your sink is one invention----------- r e a l l y - - - - - - - - - -
5 In fact, my SqueakyCiean dishes are dishes - - - - - - - - - - - - themselves.

4 Underline the first word in each of your answers to Exercise 3. Answer the following questions
about the word you underlined.
1 Which word refers to a place? _ _ _ _ _ _ __

2 Which word refers to people? _ _ _ _ _ _ __

3 Which word refers to things? - - - - - - - -
4 Which word refers to time? _ _ _ _ _ _ __
5 Which sentence has an underlined word that you can delete? _ _ _ _ _ _ __

5 Choose the correct word you heard in the listening for these definitions.

a breakthrough a spin·off an invention

1 A product that develops from another more important product is _ _ _ _ _ _ __

2 A product that is newly designed or created is _ _ _ _ _ _ __
3 An important discovery or event that helps solve a problem is _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Innovations 21

B Grammar
1 Relative clauses
The relative clause describes, identifies, or gives more information about a noun or
indefinite pronoun (anyone, someone, everyone, anywhere, etc.). When we join two
sentences that are related through a noun or pronoun that are the same, one of the
sentences becomes a relative clause.

The two sentences below are related because the man and he refer to the same person.
I saw a man. He was running tor the bus.
We can join these two related sentences by making a relative clause .
I saw a man who was running for the bus.
2 Relative pronouns
The relative clause begins with a relative pronoun (who, which, that, whose, etc).
Who, which and that
We use who or that when the relative clause is talking about a person.
We have a guest who is going to tell us about his inventions.
For someone that reallv likes a hot cup of coffee, your invention sounds like a great idea.
We use which or that when the relative clause is talking about a thing.
This is the copy machine which we just had serviced.
I have a pad of paper that I alwavs keep bv the telephone.
Leaving out the relative pronoun
We can leave out the relative pronoun when it is the object of the relative clause.
I am training a woman. She is our new salesperson. (woman = object)
The woman (who) I am training is our new salesperson.
I had to move the boxes. They were heavy. (boxes = object)
The boxes (that) I had to move were heavy.
It is not possible to leave out the relative pronoun when it is the subject of the relative
The woman who is standing next to the door is our new salesperson. (not The WOFTWR
is strmdiRg ReKt to the door is)
We use whose to show possession .
I helped the customer whose complaint was about a coffee pot.
Where, when, and why
We use where to refer to a place, when to refer to a time, and why to refer to a reason.
The office where I work is near the freeway.
You can reduce your bills by using electricity at times when demand is low.
There are many reasons why the workload is heavy this month.

l, I Innovations

3 Relative pronouns with prepositions

The relative pronoun sometimes replaces the noun in a prepositional phrase.
The records to whkh I was referring are in the filing cabinet. (not The recerfis te that)
The records that I was referring to are in the filing cabinet.
The records I was referring to are in the filing cabinet.
That is a problem for which I don't have an answer. (not That is a pref:Jiem for thet)
That is a problem that I don't have an answer for.
That is a problem I don't have an answer for.
The man with whom I was speaking is one of our managers.
The man who(m) I was speaking with is one of our managers.
The man I was speaking with is one of our managers. .

Innovations 21

C Grammar Exercises
1 Complete these sentences with who, whose, that, which, where, or when.
1 The delivery tho..t came today was incomplete.
2 The woman _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ office is next to mine does the accounts.

3 I booked a hotel room faces the ocean.

4 This is the assembly line we package the eggs.
5 The man is talking to the director is a very important client.
6 I remember the day Evelyn took over the director's job.

2 Underline the relative pronouns in this article. Decide which relative pronouns are optional and
put them in parentheses.

The History of the Smartphone

The first smartphone was designed by IBM in 1992. It was a mobile
phone that had a variety of extra functions, including email and
fax. It was a phone that we would think is quite normal today, but
at the time was very advanced. The use of smartphones increased
in the 1990s when Nokia introduced the 9000 series. These were
phones that people could buy relatively cheaply. Consumers who
bought them were impressed with the greater range of functions
combined with their light weight. In the first decade of the new
century, several companies introduced smartphones that were
easier to use and more powerful. Some models that contain
millions of downloadable music tracks for no extra cost have been
introduced . This is a technology that experts claim will continue to
improve in terms of performance and range of functions .

3 Match the beginnings (1-6} and endings (a-f) of these sentences, and join them by adding a relative
pronoun. Sometimes more than one pronoun is possible.
1 A bar code is a set of black and white lines tho.t a you can return our recyclable
2 Millions of people communicate using social bottles.
networks _________ b the market was shrinking.
3 Ruben Rausing was the man _ _ __ ___ _ c link them to computer users
4 Those sales predictions were published at a around the world.
time _ _ _ _ __ __ d invented the milk carton.
5 There are several locations _ _ ____ __ _ e allows divers to stay underwater
6 SCUBA refers to a device _ _ _ _ __ _ _ for long periods of time.
a laser reads for 13rod 1:1ct

21 Innovations

4 Join these pairs of sentences with who, which, or that. Sometimes more than one
relative pronoun is possible.
1 The items were not ordered. They were removed from the bill.
The items t11cA.t were not orwed.. were removed.. from t11e bilL.
2 We employ craftsmen. They build traditional wooden furniture.

3 An accountant works in the building next door. Why don't you contact the accountant?

4 The phone had no dial tone. I took it over to the maintenance department.

5 My brother got a new job. The job requires some training in marketing.

6 Our R & D department has proposed a new design. The design has many advantages.

1 The customer brought back her microwave. She gave in the receipt.

s We have to contact those board members. The board members were unable to attend the meeting.

5 Complete the sentences using a relative pronoun and preposition.

1 I'd like to introduce you to the peopl.e who I work wkth I the peopl.e with whom I work .
(I work with the people)
2 Gianna wants to show u s - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
(she's been working on the project)
3 jane tried to book a hotel room, b u t - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - was booked up.
(she wanted to stay in the hotel)
4 Lee is looking for a job, b u t - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - are very competitive.
(he's applying for the positions)
5 Wewentto _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

(we told you about the movie)

Innovations 21

D Vocabulary
Key Vocabulary
Read this paragraph about the process of developing a new product and check your understanding of the
words in bold.

Many companies have a department called the Research and Development department, or "R & D"
for short. The people in this department are creative thinkers who look for ways to improve existing
products or come up with innovative ideas that may lead to a totally new invention. The creative process
to develop one may take months or even years. During this trial and error period, the researchers may
make important breakthroughs while experfmentins with materials and desisns. Their discoveries can
lead to revolutionary new products. The company has to get a patent that gives it exclusive rishts to
manufacture the product. Alternatively, it may grant a license that allows another company the right to
produce the product. Frequently, there are important spin·offs, or unexpected products in an unrelated
area, that make good profits for the company and are valuable for the end user.

1 Underline the correct words.

1 We need to think creative I creativity I creativelv about the development of this product.
2 Our plans include the developmental I development I develop of a robotic device for use in medical
revolutionize I revolution I revolutionary the way we work.
3 This idea will
4 Mike Lewis inventors I invents I inventions gadgets that help people with disabilities.
s Many important discoveries I discovery I discover, such as penicillin, Teflon, and even potato chips, have
been accidental.
6 Our research team's innovation I innovator I innovative products include a range of solar powered
insulated containers.
1 Our company is license /licensing I licensed to manufacture a new kind of lightbulb.
s If we are to travel further into space we must designer I design I designing a new generation of

21 Innovations

2 Match the words that are frequently used together and complete the description of the
process of developing a product.
1 creative development
2 exclusive error
3 res~arch and / e#
4 5p+R ~ process
5 trial and rights
I was reading an article about research that was being done on space suits and realized
that there was a lot of potential for a 1 spLn-off of the fire-resistant textiles
for the emergency services. It wasn't easy to get 2 for developing the
textiles, but eventually we convinced the space agency to let us go ahead and do our own
3 in this field. The 4 for developing such new
material is challenging and time consuming. Sometimes we make a breakthrough, but we
have made many mistakes and have had to redesign the textiles on several occasions. It is
really a process of 5 - -- - - - - -

3 Complete the following sentences with the correct word from the box.

breakthroughs exclusive rights elEJ')erimeRts

patent research spin-offs trial and error

1 We are performing a series of _ ___,ea:l<~per"'-"'-i.m'-'-'e"'-'n""tsL..__ to see if the treatment has any

negative side effects.
2 One of our most important last year was finding a way to
manufacture a new kind of plastic.
3 We should this new lightweight folding ladder as soon as possible
so that we have the rights to it.
4 High-tech athletic shoes, freeze-dried food, and water purification systems have all been
________ from research in unrelated areas.
5 The cartoon character Mickey Mouse was developed over several years by
________ until the version we recognize now was created .
6 Our company has the to the profits from this energy-efficient hair
7 Before we develop a new product we have to do a lot of technological

Conditional sentences
econdconditionals -~-~--~-----~

A Context listening
1 You are going to hear three conversations. look at the pictures below. Before you
listen, match the kind of insurance to the situation you see in the illustrations.
1 liability 2 accident 3 fire _ __
a b

2 listen and check if you were right.

.. -. 111:.urance

3 Match the first and second halves of these sentences from the recording.
1 As long as it was the other driver's fault, a you'll need to file a police report.
2 Your claim should be approved quite b I'll be able to put you through to a claims advisor.
quickly provided that c you send us all the paperwork.
3 There shouldn't be a problem with d she wins her claim .
compensation unless
e there are unusual circumstances.
4 If you suspect it was done intentionally,
his insurance company should pay for the damage.
s If you give me some details,
6 Your liability insurance premiums will increase if
Listen again and check your answers.

4 Look at the sentences in Exercise 3 above. Which three words or phrases other than if are used to show
condition? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

5 Listen again and underline the words you heard in the conversations.
Conversation 1:
a dedication I deductible
b approved I proved
Conversation 2:
a policy I privacy
b compensation I conversation
Conversation 3:
a negligent I negotiate
b legality / li abili ty

Insurance 22

B Grammar
Conditional sentences contain two parts or clauses: the conditional clause is the part of
the sentence that begins with if, and the main clause contains the result. The condition can
come before or after the result.

1 Zero conditionals (general truth)

We use the present simple or the present continuous in both parts of the sentence to talk
about conditions and results that are generally true.
If it isn't raining, I walk to work, but if it is raining, I drive.
I leave home half an hour later if I drive to work.
We can use when instead of if in a sentence showing a general truth.
When it isn't raining, I walk to work.
We use the past simple for a situation that was generally true in the past.
In my old job if a customer phoned with a problem, we transferred the call to the sales advisors.
2 First conditionals (probability)
We use a present tense or a present perfect tense in the conditional clause-and the future
tense in the main clause when the result will probably be true.
I'll be late to the meeting if my flight is delayed.
How much will they have to pay her if she wins her claim?
If you are planning to stay late, you'll need to let the security guard know.
We can also use a modal or an imperative in the main clause in a first conditional.
If you haven't reported the accident yet, we can't file the claim.
If an accident is your fault, then your rates may I might I could rise.
Have our visitors wear hard hats if you take them into the shop.
We don't usually use when to replace if in the conditions of probability.
3 Second conditionals (imaginary)
We use a past tense in the conditional clause and would I could I should I might I must+
verb in the main clause to talk about a condition and result in the present or future that we
think is very unlikely or improbable.
If I finished this report, I could leave work early today. (=I am working on the report now. I
haven't finished it yet and I probably won't finish it, so I am unlikely to leave early.)

4 Other ways to introduce conditions

If is the most common way to introduce a condition, but we can use other words or phrases
to make conditional sentences.
We use unless with a positive verb to mean if ... not.
You can't get a job in our factory unless you have training. (= .. . if you don't have computer

In case
We use in case to introduce the reason why you take a precaution.
I put the file on your desk in case you need it.
We will bring a laptop in case we have to check our accounts.
We should aim to get there early in case there are a lot of people.
In case has a different meaning from if.
I'll come to our exhibition table early in case you want my help.
(= I'll be there because you might want my help.)
I'll come to our exhibition table early if you want my help.
(=I'll only come if you say you want me to be there.)

Provided I providing that, as long as, only if, and on condition that
Provided I providing (that), as long as, only if, and on condition that can be used instead of
if when there is a restriction.
We can give refunds provided (that) you have the receipt.
People will realize that we haven't really been negligent as long as they know all the [acts.
The product will only be withdrawn from the market if a fault is found.
I accepted the job on condition that I could have a company car.

Insurance 22

C Grammar exercises
1 Complete each sentence with the correct form of the word in the box.

1 If my flight is delayed, I 'l.L be late to the meeting.

2 These documents _ _ _ _ _ _ _ lost if you don't file them.
3 When I to work, I leave the house 20 minutes earlier.
4 If you are free at that time, we in the staff room.
s More people come into the store when we coupons in the paper.
6 I'll open the safe if you me the combination number.
7 If we the brochures again, we'll really get in trouble.
s If Jake gives a presentation, we always to attend.

2 Complete this conversation between Hyo and Kelly, using the correct form of the verbs. You may have to use
a modal verb.
Hyo: If 1 (it I be) sunny this afternoon, would you like to go for a walk on the beach?
Kelly: Maybe, but I can't go unless 2 (I I get) this work done first.
Hyo: OK. But I don't think you can finish all that before this afternoon.
Kelly: I can, provided that 3 (I I be I not) interrupted.
Hyo: Oh, I'm sorry. I'll let you get back to work. Let me know if 4 (you I need)
Kelly: OK. Well, I'd like a cup of coffee, if 5 (there I be) any left.
Hyo: There isn't, but if you just wait a minute, 6 (I I make) a fresh pot. I'll also
bring you some sandwiches in case 7 (you I get) hungry later.
Kelly: Oh, thanks.
Hyo: OK. But what 8 (I I say) if your boss calls?
Kelly: Tell her that if 9 (she I want) me to do more work over this weekend, I quit.
Hyo: No, I won't do that. If you want to quit your job, 10 (you I have) to tell her

3 Complete the sentences using if or unless so that they have the same meaning.
1 We'll have the shipment tomorrow unless there is a delay.
We'll have the shipment tomorrow if t11ere't a delay.
2 We will approve your claim unless you haven't paid your premiums.
We will approve your claim your premiums.
3 If the traffic is not heavy, we can get there in 10 minutes.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ heavy, we can get there in 10 minutes.
4 Unless I can't avoid it, I never arrive late for work.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ it, I never arrive late for work.

~2 Insurance

5 We will only approve the design if you make the changes we discussed.
We won't approve the d e s i g n - - - - - - - - - - the changes we discussed.
6 If the door isn't locked, just go in.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ locked, just go in.

4 Underline the correct words.

1 I won't go to the trade show unless I ifl can get a company car for that weekend.
2 Let's go for an early lunch in case I if you are finished with that report.
3 Should I put the file in my briefcase in case I provided that we need to refer to it?
4 When I If my train is late, I will miss the connecting train.
5 I will go on condition that I in case we come home early.
6 As long as I Unless you have paid the premium, you are covered.

• 5 Mandy is telling Christine about insurance. Match the beginnings of the sentences
(1-8) with the endings (a-h).
1 If I didn't have insurance - - - - - a as long as you check the details carefully.
2 If you want to save money on insurance b if you have a bad driving record.
3 These websites can be useful c if you want excellent service.
4 You can get a reduced premium d to people in certain categories.
5 Special rates are also given e if I didn't trust the company.
6 You may be turned down for insurance provided you are a nonsmoker.
1 I wouldn't take out a policy g you could look on a comparison website.
8 I recommend NTZ insurance company h I could lose everything I own .

6 Complete each sentence with your own ideas.

1 I walk to work if trle ww.tYler ~s ®e
2 I can leave the office early on Fridays provided t h a t - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -
3 Ifigoonvacation, ________________________________
4 When I talk to my b o s s , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
5 You should always back up your computer files in case - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -
6 I enjoy my job as long a s - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -
7 I'll do some training at work i f - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
8 Insurance companies don't approve claims u n l e s s - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -
9 If we made the packaging biodegradable,-- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -
10 You would get a good c o m m i s s i o n , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --

Insurance 22

D Vocabulary
Key vocabulary
Read this paragraph about insurance and check your understanding of the words in bold.

People and companies buy insurance policies in case there is an accident or damage to their property.
If something happens, they will receive compensation from the insurance company. This means that
they are protected against risks to their health, home, car, or even financial loss. With most kinds of
insurance, the insured party pays the insurance company annual or monthly premiums to pay for the
coverage. When loss or damage occurs, the policy holder files a claim to the insurance company. The
insurance company will assess the amount of loss or damage to the policy holder and then will either
approve or deny compensation. If they approve the claim, they pay out to the claimant, although there
is often a deductible that the policy holder must .pay. These days, many property owners and businesses
carry liability insurance that covers them against claims that they were negligent.

fe •~· ,,.,.,, •u=-

In business a party is a person or group involved
in a legal agreement, such as signing a contract.
There are two parties to this contract: you and the
insurance company.

• • 'Jirlff1ilfl(III& ..J 11(=-

The word cover can be a noun or a verb. Cover gives protection.

We stood under the tree to get cover from the rain.
Coverage or cover is the amount of protection provided by the insurance policy.
We have coverage on the house itself. but not on the furniture.
In the insurance business, to cover means to protect from loss through insurance.
All employees driving our company cars are covered for accidents.

1 Match each word with an appropriate definition.

1 accident a a document showing an agreement with an insurance company
2 pay out b a request for payment of money that you believe is owed you
3 claim c a type of insurance for protection from claims against you
4 damage d give money as compensation for a loss, damage, or injury
5 liability e an amount of money paid at regular times to insure something
6 policy an unintended event that causes damage or injury
7 premium g harm or break

l2 Insurance

2 Use the words in the box to complete the sentences. Use each word twice, once as a
verb and once as a noun. You may have to change the form.

claim cover damage file risk

1 You are taking a ..:..:ris=-k_ _ if you don't get cavet"Me- for earthquake d..o.m0-9e- in this area.
2 I bought insurance to my house in case of fire, but I hope I never have to a _ __
3 You don't want to not having insurance in the case of an accident where you need to
_ _ _ _ a lot of expenses.
4 After the fire Maria's home, the insurance company said that its showed that her
premiums were not up·to·date.

3 Read this article about insurance claims and underline the correct word.

Atourist was seriously iniured by a coconut that fell

on her head while she was reading under a coconut
tree. 1he insurance company decided to .
3 compensation I compensate her for the med~eal
costs, although she hod to pay the
4 deductible I deduct.

Giving reasons; giving results; makiflg contrasts;
adding · fnrmation; showing equences· howing atlitud

A Context listening
1 You are going to hear two employees of Kaiser's Kitchen Appliances talking about their
company's participation in a trade show. In what way are the two pictures different?

2 ~ Listen to the conversation and circle the picture that shows last year's stand.

.J:.:J I rade ShOWS

3 listen again and fill in the blanks. Stop the recording if you need to.
1 Last year we didn't do a very good job of representing the company,!J._ _ _ _ _ __
we started planning early this year.
2 We waited until the last minute to book a space in the exhibition hall. _ _ _ _ _ __
the space they gave us was very small...
3 our rebuilt stand was so much smaller than we had planned , we didn't
have space to showcase our products properly.
4 And , we noticed that our promotional leaflets had lots of spelling
mistakes in them.
s And , we are sponsoring a couple of social events and will be handing
out cups and bags with our logo.

4 Look at your answers to Exercise 3 and answer the following questions.

1 Which word or phrase introduces a reason?--------
2 Which words or phrases introduce a result?---- - - - -
3 Which word or phrase introduces a sequence?--- - - - - -
4 Which word or phrase introduces more information? _ _ _ _ _ _ __

5 Match the word you heard in the conversation with its meaning.
1 stand ~a a fashion or style
2 competitor b a promotion of a new product

3 trend c a company selling similar products or services

4 launch d a place set up for a company to exhibit its products

Trade shows 23

B Grammar
We use linking words and expressions to connect ideas within a sentence, ideas between
two sentences, and ideas within a paragraph.
1 Giying reasons
We can use because, as, and since to introduce the reason for doing something.
We will be closed tomorrow because it is a national holiday.
Our meeting was longer than usual since we had to discuss the preparation tor the trade
We have lowered the prices as the production costs have dropped.
We can use because of, due to, and on account of with a noun.
We will be closed because of I due to a national holiday. (not eeceuse ofit is e notional
The launch didn't go well because of our lack of organization.
2 Giving results
We can use therefore, consequently, so, and as a result to introduce the result of a
situation or action.
We have to take inventory. Therefore I Consequently, we will be closed on Saturday.
At first the stand was too large, so we had to rebuild it once we got to the show.
Conference sales were down by 60 percent, and as a result the event was canceled.
3 Making contrasts
We can use although, even though, though, whereas, and while to join two contrasting
sentences. The linking expression can be at the beginning or in the middle of the
sentence. Though can also go at the end of the sentence.
Although we have discussed opening a new branch, we haven't made a decision.
We specialize in soft furnishings {or the home, whereas our partner company specializes in
hard furnishings.
~ Even though means despite the tact that. The condition is true.
Even if means whether or not. The condition may or may not be true.
I'll try to be there even though I'm busy. (= I am busy, but I will still try to be there.)
I'll try to be there even if I'm busy. (=I may or may not be busy. Either way, I will try to
be there.)
We can use however, in contrast, on the other hand, and nevertheless to contrast two
The Hotel Lyon is the cheapest. However, it is much further from the conference center than
the Ferris Hotel.
We could carpool. On the other hand, there is a good bus service.
We can use unlike, in contrast to, and instead of+ rioun to contrast two ideas in the same
Unlike our competitors, we otter a 24-hour service.
In contrast to last year's poor performance, this year we have done very well.

~:J Trade shows

We can use despite and in spite of+ noun I -ing to contrast two ideas in the same
sentence. The linking expression can be at the beginning or in the middle of the
In spite of I Despite the heavy snow, the shipment arrived on time.
The shipment arrived on time in spite of I despite the heavy snow.
Rafael hasn't been promoted {or five years, in spite of I despite being one of our most
successful salespeople.
4 Adding information
We can use the words additionally, in addition, furthermore, moreover, and also to add
more sentences with more information.
We have decided to adopt this new strategy because we think it will increase our sales.
Furthermore, it will give us tax advantages. Moreover, the costs o{implementing the
strategy won't be very high.
5 Showing order
We can use the words first, second, third, (etc.) then, after that, and finally to show the
order of a series of points or events.
First, I would like Dan to welcome everyone to the presentation. Then, Sally is-going to give
a short talk about the company. After that, Sally can introduce our guest speaker. Finally, we
will present our top salespeople with the gift certificates.
6 Showing attitude
We can emphasize an idea or point with the words indeed, above all, and most
Indeed, we have made a major effort to make our company more energy efficient.
And above oil I most importantly, the Moscow trade show is an opportunity to look at what
our competitors are doing.
We can indicate our point of view with the words and phrases clearly, fortunately I
unfortunately, in my opinion, personally, interestingly, and surprisingly.
Fortunately, the flood only damaged the parking lot and main entrance.
Personally, I think that the current prices are too high.
Not surprisingly, there were a lot of applicants {or this job.
We can indicate that information or opinions have come from someone else with the
words and phrases according to (someone or something), apparently, and evidently.
According to the market report, we should expect a drop in profits.
Apparently, South Korea would be a good market to investigate.

Trade shows 23

C Grammar exercises
1 For each pair of sentences, decide whether they have exactly the same meaning. WriteS (same) or
D (different).
1 a There may be delays on public transportation because of the bad weather.
b There may be delays on public transportation due to the bad weather. _ ___,___
2 a We ordered these cabinets for the office because they are made of steel.
b We ordered these cabinets for the office even though they are made of steel. _ _ __
3 a As the new parking lot isn't ready yet, please use the temporary area behind the main building.
b Since the new parking lot isn't ready yet, please use the temporary area behind the
main building. _ _ __
4 a We decided to attend the reception in spite of the terrible weather.
b We decided to attend the reception despite the terrible weather. _ _ __
5 a We were promised a raise even though the profits were low.
b We were promised a raise even if the profits were low. _ _ __
6 a After we have drafted a proposal, we will call a meeting.
b We have drafted a proposal, so we will call a meeting. _ _ __
1 a Tunes Music Shop carries musical instruments. Furthermore, they have technicians for repairing them.
b Tunes Music Shop carries musical instruments. Moreover, they have technicians for repairing them.

s a I would not have given a refund to that customer. Not surprisingly, she did not follow the washing
instructions on the label.
b I would not have given a refund to that customer. Apparently, she did not follow the washing
instructions on the label. _ _ __

2 Match the beginnings and endings of these sentences.

1 As a result of the ongoing price war, b a we really think he's the right person for
2 Although all our products are of high quality, _ _ __ the job.
3 On account of the Internet being down, _ _ __ b our profits are down.
4 Despite the candidate's lack of experience, _ _ __ c the customer continued to complain.
5 In spite of the large discount we offered, _ _ __ d they are reasonably priced.
6 Unlike our competitors' products, _ _ __ e ours are biodegradable.
we didn't finish the report.
23 Trade shows

3 Underline the correct word to complete the letter.

Dear Mr. Tyson,

I regret to inform you that our production has been interrupted t due to 1
despite a large earthquake that has temporarily closed down our factory.
2 Consequently I Whereas, we cannot promise to fill your order by June
2"d, the date we had previously agreed to. 3 Not surprisingly I Fortunately,
no one was inj_ur~d. 4 However I Finally, there was eonsiderable ~e
done to the bmldmg 5 because I despite. the roof collapsed. But, 6 (ilifike
I since the roof was made of a light material, it did not damage our
equipment. We have already moved to a temporary building. 7 After I
However, we cannot yet work to full capacity. 8 Therefore I Furthermore,
some major rail lines were damaged, affecting the transportation of goods.
We will be able to fulfill part of your order by the requested date, 9 so 1
although not all of it. We will let you know
10 most importantly /personally, •.-.~o•.-..·y..-.;.,-..
We appreciate yoW" understaJldink
Best regards,
Alfred Horowitz

4 Fill in the blanks with the linking expressions in the box.

because consequently due to first on the other hand -tffi#ke.

1 FlyFast Air has increased the number of advantages it offers, _ _____I!IA~n~lik!'o.le"---- its rival airlines.
2 There has been a drop in the housing market. ________ , there has also been a reduction in
property taxes.
3 We haven't met today's targets _ _ _ _ ____ a faulty machine slowed down production.
4 Our products are selling better than last year the successful ad campaign that we
launched in july.
5 We could replace this old machine. ________ , we could repair it again.
6 To operate this machine, push down on this button until you hear the control lever
click into place.

5 Complete these sentences using your own ideas.

1 I was late for the meeting because of ~O..::..JJW~~u.r!:!..
· e!;c·'----------- - - - - - - - - - --
2 The employees at the suppliers' factory are on strike. Therefore,------- - - - - - - -
3 It will be necessary to postpone the meeting, a s - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - -
4 Customer satisfaction is extremely important, s o - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
5 james Walsh has excellent references from his previous employer. In my opinion,--------
6 We are going to renovate the offices on the ground floor. Furthermore,------------

Trade shows 23

D Vocabulary
Key Vocabulary
Read this paragraph about the organization of trade shows and check your understanding
of the words in bold.

A trade show is an event that often takes place once a year and gives companies from
a particular industry the opportunity to showcase their products. Access to the venue
can be restricted to only those coJnpanies involved in that particular trade or can be
open to the, , public. Participants.JOt;.use this opportunity to demonstrate
·'·~ ,
and sometimes

launch their products, find ouf what their competitors are doing, and obs'l!rve new
trends. They can also network during the fair and this is useful for meeting new
contacts. Before attending a trade show, companies should liaise with the trade
show organizers to organize the stand where they will exhfbft their products. Some
companies sponsor events for ..extra publicity. They may also decide to print leaflets
to promote their brand as well as ..produce items with their logo to distribute to fair

1 Match the phrases in the two columns to describe the italicized word.
1 A stand is where <i a identify the company.
2 A competitor is a company that sells _ _ __ b buyers interested in an item.
3 A logo is a symbol used to _ _ __ c a fashion or movement is going.
4 A product demonstration is a way to get potential _ _ __ d the company exhibits its product.
5 A venue is where _ _ __ e people who may be useful to know.
6 Networking is making contacts with _ _ __ a similar product to those of its rival
7 A trend is the general direction _ _ __ companies.
g a planned event takes place
2 Underline the correct form.
1 The telecommunications market is very competitive I competition.
2 jerry helped me prepare our stand at the exhibit I exhibition hall.
3 Are you going to distribute I distribution those leaflets at the trade show?
4 We're thinking of sponsoring I sponsorship the annual city marathon run .
5 I like to see the different demonstrations I demonstrates at trade shows.

3 look at the following sets of words. Cross out the word that does not belong in each set.
1 network promote liaise interact
2 contacts display showcase exhibit
3 logo brand slogan launch
4 flier competitor leaflet poster

iofmit':v..e; erb + ·ing; infinitive without to

A Context listening
1 Scott, a marketing manager, and jan, an executive director, are discussing the
research done for marketing a new product. look at the picture. What do you think
the new product is and who would be most interested in buying it?

2 listen and check if you were right.

Marketing 24

3 Complete the sentences you heard using the verbs in parentheses.

1 People who e.rri.Qy gomg w.t (go out) all year round are looking for a hiking
boot that is long lasting.
2 These people also tend (develop) a loyalty for a particular brand.
3 They also like (wear) comfortable shoes.
4 I'd suggest (target) most of our advertising at these consumers.
s Well, at least we should think (about concentrate) on the
occasional hikers.

4 Look at your answers to Exercise 3. Underline the word before the blank in Exercise 3 and
answer the following questions.
1 What type of words did you underline?-- - - - - -- - - - -- - - - -
2 What are the three forms you can see in the blanks? - - - -- - - - --

5 Match the words in the first column with the words in the second column to make
common marketing phrases.
1 special ~ a research
2 potential b markets
3 market c offers
4 target d customers

24 Marketin g

B Grammar
When one verb follows another verb, the second verb can take one of three different
forms: to infinitive (to go), the infinitive without to (go), or -ing (going).

1 Verb + to infinitive
We use these verbs with verbs in the to infinitive form.
agree appear arrange attempt claim
decide demand deserve fail hesitate
hope learn manage offer plan
promise refuse seem wait wish

We agreed to work on the project together.

We didn 't attempt to expand at that point in time.
Compare these negative forms
He didn't promise to buy anything. (He didn't make a promise.)
He promised not to buy anything. (He made a promise. The promise was that he would
not buy anything.) ·

We always use these verbs with an object and the verb in the to infinitive form .
advise allow cause challenge convince encourage
force hire instruct invite order permit
persuade remind require teach tell warn

We require our employees to take safety training courses.

TV and internet ads will persuade people to buy our new footwear.
We sometimes use these verbs with an object and the verb i n the to infinitive form . The
meaning is different if we do not use an object.

ask beg choose expect help

intend prepare dare need want

I chose to give the presentation. (= I gave the presentation.)

I chose him to give the presentation. (= He gave the presentation.)
We can also use would like and would prefer with an object and the to i nfinitive form .
I would like you to give the presentation. (= You will gave the presentation.)
I would like to give the presentation. (=I will give the presentati on .)
2 Verb+ infinitive without to
We use the modal verbs can, could, may, might, must, shall, should, will, would, had
better, and would rather with the infinitive without to.
You should bring that problem to your boss's attention.
We use make and let with an object and the infinitive without to.
We made the company replace the faulty item.
We let everyone take the afternoon off.
We can use help with the infinitive with or without to without a change in meaning.
The search button helps our customers (to) find what they want on the website quickly.

Marketing 24

3 Verb+ -ing
We use these verbs with verbs in the -ing form.
admit ari'ticipate apprecia~e ,. avoid consider delay discuss enjoy
finish keep mention mind miss postpone practice quit recall
recommend resist resume risk suggest
Has he finished writing the yearly report?
We recommend spending another week on this project.
We use the -ing form with most verb+ preposition patterns, including phrasal verbs.
approve of be better off caft for confess to count on depend on
give up insist on keep on object to look forward to put off
rely on succeed in think about think of worry about
I'm looking forward to seeing the launch.
He hasn't succeeded in convincing all of the team yet.
4 Verb + to infinitive or+ -ing
We can use these verbs with verbs in either to infinitive or -ing form without much difference in
begin can't stand continue hate like love prefer propose start
We continue to improve I continue improving our production techniques.
Our customers don't like having I to have to buy a new pair of shoes every year.
We can use some verbs with verbs in either to infinitive or -ing. However there is a difference in

forget remember regret stop try

I remembered to lock the door and I remember locking it. (=I didn't forget to lock the door and I can
think back to when I locked it.)
I stopped to chat with the waiter, but the cafe got busy so I stopped chatting with him. (= I stopped my
journey and talked to the waiter. However, I couldn't continue talking to him because he had to take
care of customers.)
s Verb + that clause
We can use some verbs with a that clause.
admit agree appreciate arrange confess consider
decide demand deny forget hope imagine
mention pretend propose regret remember
suggest threaten intend
I propose going to the convention. I propose that we go to the convention.
We decided not to sign the contract. We decided that we wouldn't sign the contract.

24 Marketing

C Grammar exercises
1 Complete this conversation using the verbs in parentheses.
Lee: I've been asked 1 to join Uoin) the advertising team. They are
attempting 2 ________ (break) into the dog food market and they've
asked me 3 (produce) an animated cartoon to promote the
Kim: Really? I didn't know that you knew how to do animation.
Lee: Yeah, I've always enjoyed 4 (do) animation. In my own
time, I've managed 5 (complete) several advanced courses
in computer animation, so I always planned 6 (use) my new
skills at work if possible. This opportunity was really perfect for me.
Kim: That's great. So when do you begin 7 (work) on this project?
Lee: Well, I hope 8 (start) as soon as possible. I'm really excited
about it.
Kim: I can imagine. Is the advertising team intending 9 (use)
your animation for TV or internet ads?
Lee: Internet ads, I think. I hope they are successful because I'd love 10
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (make) more ads.

2 Underline the correct word.

1 I forgot lock I to lock I locking the door when I left home this morning.
2 I'd recommend use I to use I using the same design company again.
3 We let the staff decide I to decide I deciding where to hold the office party.
4 My brother encouraged me visit I to visit I visiting the new museum.
s We'll make them understand I to understand I understanding how important this
project is.
6 We waited two hours catch I to catch I catching the next train.
1 I quit smoke I to smoke I smoking last year.
8 She offered buy I to buy I buying me lunch .
9 Would you mind close I to close I closing the window; it is cold in here.
10 We are trying to avoid spend I to spend I spending as much money as we did last year.
11 I invited Dr. Yamaguchi give I to give I giving a presentation at the conference.
12 I finished eat I to eat I eating lunch and left the restaurant.

Marketing 24

3 Read the first sentence and ./ the correct response. Sometimes both answer
choices are possible.
1 Can you rem ind me to phone Carolina?
a I won 't remember to do that if I'm really busy . ./
b I won 't remember doing that if I'm really busy.
2 What do you think of my work so far?
a I regret to say that you 'll have to do better.
b I regret saying that you'll have to do better.
3 Suzy sometimes stays at the office until 8 P.M.
a I know she likes to work overtime.
b I know she likes working overtime.
4 You 're late getting in today.
a That's because we stopped picking up the orders.
b That's because we stopped to pick up the orders.
5 What should we do when we arrive?
a Let's begin organizing the conference stand first.
b Let's begin to organize the conference stand first.

4 Rewrite the sentences using either the -ing form or the to infinitive.
1 We decided that we would file the documents.
We decided to fi.Le tl1e. d..oc.wr>e.nts
2 I propose tha t we wait until after next week.
I propose _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
3 He agreed that he would come at five o'clock.
He agreed _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
4 I hope that I meet you soon.
I hope _______________________
5 She mentioned t hat she finished the market analysis.
She mentioned - - - - - - - - - - - -

5 You are giving some advice to a coworker who wants to impress his or her boss.
Use your own ideas to complete the sentences.
1 Avoid o,rrwing Lo..te. to work.
2 You shou ld quit _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ at wor k.
3 I recommend wit h difficult projects.
4 Why don 't you stop the tasks you have to do?
5 You should lea rn better.
6 Don't forget eve ry day.
1 You can try before the deadlines.
8 You could offer when they are having problems.

24 Marketing

D Vocabulary
Key Vocabulary
Read the paragraph about marketing and check your understanding of the meaning of the
words in bold.

Many businesses face tough competition, so if a company wants to become the

market leader, it needs to analyze consumption habits by doing some effective
market research. Some companies do their research in-house while others pay an
agency to do it. Their findings help companies choose the best way to promote their
product range to potential customers and can also help identify a target m11rket for
new products. Promotion is usually done through an advertising campaign, and
companies might decide to make special offers, give out free samples, and even hold
competitions. The company may also produce an online or paper catalog with details
of its products. Through marketing, a company builds customer loyalty within their
market segment and creates an image that helps the consumer to distinguish its
trademark from those of competitors.

1 Match the following words with their definitions.

1 consumer b a a part or section
2 potential _ _ __ b a persoA wl:lo bt:Jys goods or services
3 range _ _ __ c a series of products of a certain kind manufactured by a company
4 market leader _ _ __ d the segment of the population who are expected to buy the
s loyalty _ _ __ company's products
6 segment _ _ __ e a listing, sometimes with pictures or explanations, of items for sale
1 trademark _ _ __ an opinion or an idea or mental picture of what something is like
8 target market _ _ __ g a symbol that identifies a product or company
9 image _ _ __ h a company that is first or most important in its field
10 catalog _ _ __ the support given to a brand or company
possible, not yet achieved

Marketing 24

2 Underline the correct form.

1 The consume I consumer I consumption of dental hygiene products has risen sharply in
recent years.
2 This is potential I potentially I potentiality the most important breakthrough in the car
industry in 30 years.
3 This segment of the population has remained loyal I loyalty I loyalties to our products.
4 I 'm applying for a job as a market analyze I analysis I analyst with Hendersons.

s We are trying to break into a very competitive market I marketing I marketer.

6 What's the best way to keep the image I imagine I imagery of our product in the minds
of our target customers?
7 Tin pots Cookware claimed during its promotion I promote I promoting that their pots
and pans were the easiest to clean.
8 In the meeting, we discussed whether we had the finances to expand our production I
product I producer range.

3 Match a word from the first box with a word from the second box and add them to the
sentences below.

~ in special free consumption tough

competition samples habits research house offers

1 If we want to know what the public thinks of our new candy bar, we really have to do
some mrui::et reseo.rc.h
2 I don 't think we have the funds available for paying an agency so we' ll need to do our
research _ _ _ _ _ __
3 Rochester's has _ __ __ _ _ with great low prices on all its kitchenware for
this week only.
4 The aim of our research is to discover the _ _ _ __ _ _ of different age groups
so that we can target our products more precisely.
s I like the job of giving away at Spencer Foods. People are always
happy to take them .
6 There is very _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in the car insurance market so we have to provide
excellent service.

More verb patterns and phrasal verbs
Adjectives + to infinitive or -ing; nouns + preposition and -ing;
--~----- p_h[asat verbs

A Context listening
1 You are going to hear Iris and Doug talking about some of the advantages of a job at
SmartThink. What do you think some of those benefits might be? Can you think of some
other perks they might talk about?

1 ---------------------------- 2 ----------------------------

3 ---------------------------- 4 ----------------------------

s Other benefits or pe rks-----------------------------------------------

2 listen and check if you were right.

Employee perks and benefits 25

3 Read the definitions 1-5. They all refer to phrasal verbs that Iris and Doug use in their
conversation. 0 Listen again and complete the phrasal verbs. Stop the recording when you
need to.
1 request= for
2 complete= in
3 get information = out
4 introduced= in
5 keep= on to

4 You heard the following benefits mentioned in the conversation. Match the person's need
with a benefit or perk.
1 Mahmood has to drive a lot doing company business. ~ a incentives
2 Kaisu wants some recognition for her inventive ideas. \..__ bcompany car
3 Sam has been in the same job for over 10 years. c flexible working hours
4 johannes wants to work on the computer from his home. d promotion
5 Torno needs to arrive and leave at unusual times. e telecommuting

25 Employee perks and benefits

B Grammar
1 Adjectives+ to infinitive or -ing
When a verb follows an adjective, we use the to infinitive or the -ing form. We usually use
the to infinitive after these adjectives:
boring common dangerous difficult easy good
hard pleased prepared ready strange usual
I'm not prepared to make a final decision at this stage.
Are you pleased to hear about the new perks the company is offering?
We usually use a preposition and the -ing form after these adjectives:
afraid of capable of intent on interested in
successful in tired of
Sara has shown that she is capable of leading a successful team.
They aren't interested in expanding into that area.
2 Nouns+ preposition and -ing
We use the -ing form after most nouns+ prepositions. Some common nouns+
prepositions are:
choice of excuse for intention of
method of I for possibility of reason for
We have the choice of driving to the convention or taking a company bus.
The possibility of working from home two days a week is a great advantage.
3 Phrasal verbs
Phrasal verbs consist of two parts: the verb and the particle(s). Some phrasal verbs
have one particle and some have two. Particles can either be adverbs (out, up, etc.) or
prepositions (on, off. etc.).
verb + adverb get up, look out, back down
verb + preposition get at, go on, turn over
verb + adverb + preposition go up against, get away with, run out of

We can sometimes understand the meaning of the phrasal verb from the meaning of its
individual parts.
If you are in favor of the plan, please put up your hands. (= Raise your hand into the air.)
He pulled down his hat to protect his eyes from the bright sun. (= lowered his hat)
However, usually the meaning of a phrasal verb is different from the meaning of its
individual parts.
You don't have to knock yourself out trying to get here on time. (= try exceptionally hard)
That design stands out as the best in my opinion. (=is noticeably the best)

Employee perks and benefits 25

Sometimes one phrasal verb has several meanings.

I'll pick you up outside of the office building. (collect or go and get someone)
I had to pick up the pieces of the cup that I broke. (lift something with your hands)
Business has really picked up this quarter. (increase)
I picked up a bit of Spanish while I was living in Mexico. (learn)
Can you pick up some office supplies during your lunch break? (go and buy)

Phrasal verbs without an object

We can use some phrasal verbs that consist of verb+ adverb without an object.
I will set out early tomorrow morning.

Phrasal verbs with an object

We use an object with some phrasal verbs that consist of a verb + adverb, and all verbs
that consist of a verb + preposition or have two particles.
I just gave in my notice. (my notice= object)
Can you go over these documents with me? (these documents = object)
We have run out of printer cartridges. (printer cartridges = object)

Some verbs have different meanings with and without an object.

I ron off some extra photocopies of the report. ( = I made copies.)
He ran off immediately after the meeting. ( = He left quickly.)

Separable phrasal verbs

When we use phrasal verbs that consist of verb + adverb, we can put the object between
the two parts of the verb.
I just gave my notice in. (or I just gave in my notice.)
Is he going to turn the job down? (or Is he going to turn down the job?)

When the object is a pronoun (it, him, her, etc.), we must put the pronoun between the
two parts of the phrasal verb.
I just gave it in. (not I jt:Jst fJEII'e iR it.)
Is he going to turn it down? (not Is he f]OiRfj to tt:JfR eevm it?)

Inseparable phrasal verbs

When we use phrasal verbs that consist of verb + preposition or that have two particles,
we can not put the object between the two parts of the verb.
I started looking for a new employer. (not lstertefi /eekiRf] e Rew employer fer. )
Can we back out of that deal? (not u:m we beck et:Jt thet eeel e{?)

~ We can use many particles as adverbs or prepositions, so you might need to look
them up in a dictionary to check how you can use them.
The taxi arrived and they got in it. (in = preposition)
She gave me a form and asked me to fill it in. (in = adverb)

Common phrasal verbs

See Appendix 1 for common phrasal verbs that are used in the TOEIC test.
25 Employee perks and benefits

C Grammar exercises
1 Fill in the blank with a verb in the infinitive or preposition + -ing form.
1 I am anxious to rneec (meet) with you and discuss your ideas.
2 The new CEO is intent _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (make) more money from our online business.

3 It is hard (find) the right tires for this classic car.

4 It's common (see) office workers taking a break in this park on sunny days.
5 We are interested (test) this new design of air bags.
6 Chelsea is pleased (be) one of the team members.
7 It would be good (get) out of the city this weekend.
8 We are not afraid (lose) business in the recession.

2 Replace each of the underlined nouns with a pronoun and rewrite the sentences with the pronoun in the
correct place.
1 I brought up the topic at the meeting. I brought _.i.t"'-"'(,(~p_,o..C""'-'t11"'"""'e.--'rn...,_,e.e.Wl""""·"-'g~-------------
2 You can't back out of the contract. You c a n ' t - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
3 We'll have to cut the salaries back. We'll have t o - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
4 I would have backed up Elizabeth. I would h a v e - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
5 We have to put up with noisy machines. We have t o - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
6 I want to get out of the field of information technology. I want t o - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
7 Can we throw out this agenda item? Can w e - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
8 He realty doesn't get along with many of his colleagues. He realty doesn't _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
9 They've catted off the meeting. T h e y ' v e - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
10 She turned down the offer. S h e - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Employee perks and benefits 25

3 Find and correct the mistakes in the underlined phrasal verbs.

When your company is 1 cutting back on spending oo, it can be

difficult to 2 ask a raise for. But have you considered negotiating
for some extra perks? The best way to start is 3 to drawing up a list
of the things that you want, which might include some extra time
off, flexible working hours, or perhaps some education to help your
career. Perhaps you really don't want to 4 deal working with so many
hours in a week because you need to 5 catch up things with in your
home life. If this is the case, you might try 6 for asking unpaid leave
either for a few hours a week or perhaps for an extended period.
Also remember that many companies are interested in encouraging
"green" ideas at work. So you could perhaps
negotiate for a bonus by 7 give up your parking
space. Think carefully about what is
important to you before you 8 up bring
this with your supervisor.
Of course, you may be 9
down turned, but it is
certainly worth a try.

4 Respond to these questions and statements with your own ideas. Use complete sentences.
1 Do you get along with your supervisor? Yes, I get o.Long will'l her. She's ver~ nkc&
2 I bet you are looking forward to your next v a c a t i o n . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
3 Do you have to put up with any annoying noises at w o r k ? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
4 Will you let me pay for your lunch? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
5 Have you ever run out of motivation? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
6 When can you bring back my books?-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
7 I hope you didn't turn down that j o b . - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
8 Don't back out of that agreement you m a d e . - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -
9 Would you like to go through that explanation again? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
10 How long will it take you to catch up with your w o r k ? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

25 Employee perks and benefits

D Vocabulary
Key Vocabulary
Read this paragraph about the advantages a company can offer employees and check your
understanding of the words in bold.

When recrultlna. most companies offer prospective employees a package of benefits that
may include paid vacations, retirement plans, bonuses, leaves of absence, and regular
promotions as well as a basic salary and health insurance. In order to attract, retatn, and
motivate good workers, many companies also offer a variety of extra benefits, known as perks.
Common examples include discount prices for certain products, a company car, or an expense
account for business trips. In addition to these benefits, companies may offer the employees
the opportunity to take advantage of flexible worktna hours, subsidized um facilities,
telecommutlna, and trainin& proarams. An increasingly popular way some companies motivate
their employees is with Incentive rewards for creativity or good performance. These are earned
for ideas that help lead to the company's success.

The word promotion has two meanings.

1 The activities of a company to advertise a product or service are promotion(s). We can use
it as a countable or uncountable noun.
Thrifty is doing o special promotion this week. They 're giving customers a 20 percent discount
on car rentals.
Chloe has a lot of experience in promotion and marketing of food and drink.
2 When an organization gives someone a more important position, it gives them a promotion.
I finally got a promotion after being with the company for five years.

1 Match the words in the first row with the phrases in the second row so that they form common
phrases. Add the completed phrases to the following sentences.
eompaRy incentive expense flexible paid discount
account vacations prices rewards EiH' working hours
1 We should provide our sales personnel with a ---"co"'-'m!!.lp""'o.n
~~_,CQX=---- because they have to do
a lot of traveling.
2 Is it OK to put the meal costs of visitors to the company on my _ __ _ ____ ?
3 One of the best things about working for this chocolate company is that you get great
_ _ _ _ _ _ __ on the products!
4 Our company is thinking of introducing a system of for employees who
come up with new ideas.
s I prefer to choose my times for being in the office so I like the new - - -- - - - -
6 In my job I get two weeks of but I haven't taken any yet this year.

Employee perks and benefits 25

2 Complete the table with the correct form of the word. Add the correct form to the blanks in the
following conversation.
Noun I Verb Adjective
1 Jim: So, Helen, how do you suggest we ----'-'rw"""'"'u"'it"'---- highly competent candidates?
2 Helen: Well, jim, salary is important of course, but I think our positions would be more
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ if we offered better perks.
3 Jim: I totally agree. And if we offer good perks, then people will also be _ _ _ _ _ _ __
enough to stay with us.
4 Helen: Exactly. So we need to think about offering more _ _ _ _ _ _ _ than our
competitors. Have you got any suggestions?
5 Jim: How about introducing some practical ________ programs?

3 Match the beginnings of the sentences (1-8) with their endings (a-h).
1 There was no chance of a promotion in my job so ~ a has better perks than my old one.
2 I also asked for a personal leave of absence and ' -b I didn't feel very motivated.
3 I don't think a company can retain good employees c for coming up with a creative idea.
4 Anyway, I decided to move to a company that d I am really motivated to work.
5 In my new job I telecommute and so e unless it offers some perks.
6 I also have been given a special bonus my request was turned down.
1 My new job is really challenging so now g the new subsidized gym facilities

s I like to exercise regularly so I'm really happy about h most days I don't have to go to the office.

4 Match the words in the first box with a word in the second box and put them into the correct column.

disco~mt subsidized paid insurance plans 1*ke5 programs

retirement health training vacations gym facilities
Benefits package Perks
di,scov.nt prias

rtctice test 5
7 Mr. james his company credit card to
Reading pay for all his business expenses.
Part 5: Incomplete Sentences (A) uses
(B) useful
Directions: In each sentence below, a word or phrase
(C) were using
is missing. Select the best answer from the four
(D) usefulness
choices to complete the sentence. Mark (A), (B), (C),
or (D). 8 let's move on to the next _ _ _ _ on the
1 I was planning to go to the conference but I
(A) motion
_ _ _ _ my trip because of the air traffic
(B) summarize
controllers' strike.
(C) item
(A) cancel
(D) ballot
(B) canceled
(C) was canceling 9 I apologize for being _ _ _ _ from yesterday's
(D) were canceling meeting.
(A) absence
2 Do you have knowledge of new
(B) absent
software developments?
(C) to absent
(A) many
(D) absenting
(B) either
(C) same 10 Mr. jennings has a clear strategy and a deep
(D) any _ _ _ _ of what his customers want.
(A) avoidance
3 We require someone who is _ _ _ _ the
(B) sympathy
(C) relationship
(A) up to
(D) understanding
(B) over
(C above Part 6: Text Completion
(D) higher than
Directions: Read the text below. Select the best word
4 We need to be prepared the safety or phrase to complete the sentences. Mark (A), (B),
inspectors will arrive without warning. (C), or (D).
(A) although
Question 11-13 refer to the following memo.
(B) so that
(C) because
(D) then To: All personnel
From: Jade Perkins (Human Resources)
5 You need to find the best marketing strategies to
Subject: New company initiative
keep your product----
(A) attract I am pleased to bring to your notice a new company
(B) attraction initiative that gives loyal employees the possibility
(C) attractive 11 earning paid winter vacations.
(D) attractively (A) of (B) for (C) to (D) in

6 Have you _ _ _ _ over the new insurance This company perk will give employees who have
policy? been with us for at least five years the
(A) looked 12 _ _ __
(B) watched (A) risk (B) odds (C) luck (D) chance
(C) seen
(D) observed

Questions 16-18 refer to the following promotional
to be rewarded with a company-paid three-day material.
vacation at a variety of specified locations. I'm sure
you will be interested in this initiative. If you would
like to find out more details of the plan, please see the Online Product Solutions
attached notice. We will also 13 off some
(A) to run (B) running (C) ran (D) run
We ore oweb-based company that focuses on bringing
new products to market using internet-based resources
brochures giving full details. They will be to finance the development and marketing of your great
distributed around the offices during next week.
ideas. Getting o new ideo from development to the point
of sole is very expensive because of the cost of making
Part 7: Reading Comprehension prototypes, tooling, and marketing and distribution.
Directions: In this section, you will read documents
Because of this, many inventors whose ideas hove great
such as advertisements, email correspondence, potential never see these ideas get to the market. Quite
newspaper articles, and letters. Select the best ~iniply, manufacturers do not wont to spend money on
answer. Mark (A), {B), (C), or (D). development.
Questions 14-15 refer to the following newspaper At Online Product Solutions we use the huge potential
article. of the Internet, which allows us to distribute costs over
a Iorge number of people. We do this by pre-selling the
I.Oriclon -Copper ,prices jumped on 1he london Metal production costs. If the product is never manufactured,
EXchange llMEt yesterdqy, ofter inajot copper prOducer
Volumetol sold it was cutting bock prOductlon by 75,000 you, the consumer, get your money bock. If the product
tons per year at their mines, because of ilow demand. is mode and sells, you get a percentage shore of the
The latest production cut follows on initial 150,000 Ions profits along with the original inventor. For a more
per year cui mode by Volumetal in December of lost
year. "This is good news for the market. It is timed to get detailed account of how this arrangement works and for
maximum market attention,' said analyst Richard Fuller of FAQs, dick on the links at the right ofthe web page.
brokers A Z Securities. On the LME, the world's largest
metals market, the response led to an immediate leap in
price to $1 ,705 a ton, the highest since March. ·we 16 Why do many good ideas NOT get turned into
are forecasting that the copper market wiU move into
a metal deficit of 200,000 tons ne>Ct year as demand products?
recovers due to improvements in the global economy. (A) Not enough people think they are good ideas.
We remain optimistic about the copper market outlook (B) It is too expensive to distribute them.
over the ne>Ct few years," added Fuller. (C) The development process costs too much.
(D) Prototypes do not have enough potential.

14 Which company mines copper? 17 How does Online Product Solutions function?
(A) LME (A) People want what they manufacture.
(B) Valumetal (B) Many users share the development costs.
(C) Fuller (C) Inventors risk their own money.
(D) AZ Securities (D) Inventors share the profits.

15 What is the current dollar value of copper per ton?

(A) 75,000
(B) 150,000
(C) 1,705
(D) 200,000

18 How can ordinary consumers benefit from this 20 Which of the following people is NOT mentioned
scheme? as a well-known researcher?
(A) They can sell their inventions to the largest (A) Gerald Greenway
company. (B) Paulette Kumar
(B) They get products for a reduced cost. (C) Brian Han
(C) They share in the profits of marketed (D) Paul Mclachlan
products. ·
Questions 21-23 refer to the following newspaper story.
(D) They do not need to pay for the products.

Questions 19-20 refer to the following memo.

From: Bill Dickens (Organizing Committee of

Innovations Week)
To: All employees of Gerald Greenway
Science Park
Subject: Presentations during Innovations
Date: April 6th
This is to remind all employees of the following
presentations scheduled as part of our
Innovations Week at Gerald Greenway Science
Park (April 10th -14th). lOQking l'ot1vard1'p.-t:\W .illJ1W:t~atCt;
be issued in the'conlibj moP.,.tb!l.·'
We hope you will be able to attend these
presentations, which will be given by recognized
21 Why won't Zsmart allow the newspaper to have
Monday, April 11th, 4:00 P.M.-6:00 P.M. details of the benefit package?
Presentation on "Latest research into flexible (A) The package is not ready yet.
screen technology" by Dr. Paulette Kumar (B) The company has no savings plan.
(Screen Tech Industries of Greenway Science Park) at
(C) The information is confidential.
the ground floor Lecture Hall.
(D) They cannot keep good employees.
Tuesday, April 12th, 4:00 P.M.-6:00P.M.
Presentation on "Plastic electronics: research 22 Why is Zsmart able to draw up a new benefits
that will revolutionize our lives" by Prof. Paul package?
Mclachlan and Dr. Brian Han (Both of Plastic (A) They are a large company.
Solutions, Inc.) at the Nelson Auditorium. (B) The company is doing well financially.·
(C) Fewer employees are retiring.
(D) Employees are working very hard.
19 What is the purpose of the memo?
(A) to introduce employees to Dr. Brian Han 23 What is the stated purpose of the new benefits
(B) to send employees a reminder of the package?
upcoming presentation (A) To keep good workers with the company
(C) to organize a schedule for the Innovation (B) To issue new guidelines for workers
week (C) To prevent workers from retiring early
(D) to present the innovations to employees of (D) To make sure information is kept secret
Gerald Greenway
Questions 24-26 refer to the following notice. 26 Where is this notice probably posted?
(A) In government offices
(B) In college dormitories
(C) In a newspaper ad section
(D) In city restaurants

Questions 27-31 refer to the following agenda and


Everywhere Express, Inc

Meeting of Supervisors
Saturday, May 141h 10:00 A.M.
Venue: Boardroom

Presentation of new company logo
}ames Daniels of Logosmart, Ltd.
New packaging regulations
Teresa Sidcup
Preparation for Hong Kong Trade Show
Emile Grass
The redecoration of the boardroom
Brainstorming session

To: Dieter Hansberger

From : Celia Chan
Subject: Report of supervisors' meeting

In general, the meeting went well and progress was

made in two areas. The presentation by James Daniels
was well received. We agreed to submit a separate
report giving our recommendations before a final
choice is made. Next, Teresa invited us to become
acquainted with packaging regulations, especially
24 What is the main purpose of the notice? in relation to airline security. She also showed us
(A) To advertise a cultural event samples of packaging innovations that may contribute
(B) To sell airline tickets to package strength. She plans to repeat this "show-
(C) To display Malaysian food and-tell" for other interested staff at next week's
(D) To familiarize representatives with prices lunch-hour discussion.
25 Who is invited to the Holiday Beach Hotel? Unfortunately, due to the length of the discussions
(A) Employees of airlines involving the first two agenda items, we did not finish
(B) The general public discussing the trade show nor get to the final item.
(C) Families with children only This has been moved to the first agenda item at next
(D) Hotel guests only month's meeting (on the 161h), which will be held in
the Conference Annex.

27 In which room was the meeting held? Question 1:
(A) The Boardroom
(B) The Annex
(C) The Supervisor's Office
(D) The Packaging Room

28 Which agenda item was NOT discussed at the

(A) Packaging regulations
(B) Boardroom redecoration accident I damage
(C) The Hong Kong Trade Show
Question 2:
(D) The new company logo

29 Who was absent from the meeting?

{A) James Daniels
(B) Celia Chan
(C) Dieter Hansberger
(D) Emile Grass

30 What samples will Teresa Sidcup show next week?

(A) Airline regulations office I but
(B) Security systems
Question 3:
(C) Packaginginnovations
(D) Reports of recommendations

31 What is true about the new company logo?

(A) It has been recommended to the committee.
(B) It has not been decided on yet.
(C) It will be ready for the trade show.
(D) It will be presented at the meeting.

banana I unless
Writing Question 4:
Questions 1-S: Write a sentence based on a picture
Directions: In this section, you will be given two words
or phrases and a photograph. You will be asked to
wri te one sentence about the photograph, using the
two given words or phrases. You can change the forms
of the words and use them in any order. Your sentence
will be scored on grammar and how relevant the
sentence i s to the photograph . You will have 8 minutes auction I buy
for this part. Questions 6-7: Respond to a wrtitten request
Directions: In this section, you will write a response to
an email. Your response will be scored on vocabulary,
organization, and the quality and variety of your
sentences. You will have 10 minutes to read and
respond to each email.

Directions: Read the email. In your email, ask TWO

questions and make ONE request.

Grammar Focus Task
6l Match the two parts to complete the sentences from
Delete Reply Reply All forward Print the test.
From: Jones and Associates 1 If the product is made and sells, _ _ __
To: Judy McAnsh 2 Company employees are looking forward to the
Subject: Sunderland National Insurance new contract, _ _ __
Sent: October 11, 8:09A.M. 3 We need to be prepared because _ _ __
Dear Ms. McAnsh: 4 I was planning _ _ __
In past correspondence you indicated 5 Mr. James uses his company credit card to pay
that you wanted to have your life
insurance policy run its course without a for all his business expenses.
any extra payments. In June of this year b the safety inspectors will arrive without warning.
your policy will cease to exist. If that
c to go to the conference.
is still your intention, nothing needs to
be done. However, if your situation has
d which will be issued in the coming months.
chan ged and you now wish to continue e you get a percentage of the profits.
your policy, the monthly payments will
need to be increased. You should contact
our office so that we can calculate these
Vocabulary Focus Task
new payments. Underline the word that was used in the test.
Please respond to this email and confirm 1 Have you looked over the new insurance I insure I
that you wish to keep the policy longer QI
insured I insuring policy?
that you wish to discontinue it.
2 Many inventions I inventors I invent I invented
Thank you. whose ideas have great potential never see these
Douglas K. Jonson ideas get to the market.
555-343-9876 3 Visit our consumer I consume I consumption I
consuming fair at Salalah Ballroom.
4 Some brochures giving full details will be
Question 8: Write an opinion essay
distribution I distribute I distributing I distributed
Directions: In this question, you will write an essay around the offices.
about a given issue. You will be asked to state your 5 A company savings plan will help attraction I
opinion and explain and support the opinion. A attract I attractive I attractively and retain the
successful essay will usually contain a minimum of best talent.
300 words. Your essay will be scored on grammar,
vocabulary, organization, and whether your opinion is
supported with reasons and examples. You will have
30 minutes to complete your essay.
Essay question:
Do you think it is important to buy insurance? Use
specific reasons and examples to explain your answer.
Unitt 3
2 economically 3 suitable 4 officially
A Context listening polite 6 successfully
1 the man, Kevin Bates 4
2 the woman, Laila Joseph 2 excited 3 challenging 4 encouraging
3 secretary 5 amazed 6 interesting 7 annoyed

3 5
2 impressive 3 impressed 4 enthusiastic 2 What motivated you to apply for this position?
5 applied 6 qualifications 7 Qualified 3 When did you qualify to become an accountant?
8 enthusiasm 4 What challenges you?
5 What have you accomplished in your career so far?
a The main part of the word is the same for each pair, but 6 Tell a friend or teacher your answers.
the ending is different. 2 I was successful at ... I succeeded in ...
b 2 adjective 3 verb 4 adjective 3 I am planning ...
6 noun 7 adjective 8 noun 4 As an employee, I would be ... Employment here would

5 My motivation in a· job .... I find ... very motivating. I
2d 3b 4a
am motivated by ...
C Grammar exercises D Vocabulary
1 1
nouns: application, employment, interview
2 hire 3 candidates 4 vacancies
verbs: interview, experienced, qualify, require
adjectives: beneficial, experienced, manageable, 5 employment 6 temporary 7 reject
successful 2
adverbs: suitably, enthusiastically, impressively 2 qualifications 3 resume 4 references
2 5 interview 6 impress 7 offering 8 candidate
noun verb adjective adverb 3
benefit benefit beneficial 2a 3b 4e 5c
employment employ employed
employee employing Unit2
A Context listening
enthusiasm enthusiastic enthusiastically 2
experience experience experienced 1 Emma is in her office I at work.
impression impress impressive impressively 2 John is in his hotel room I at a conference.
3 John wants Emma to send him a copy of a report and
interview interview interviewed give him figures from an account.
interviewee interviewing
1 report 2 fax, attachment 3 file, folder
manager manage manageable manageably
management managerial 4
qualification qualify qualified 2 John wants a copy of the New haven report.
qualifying 3 The fax machine guarantee covers the repair costs.
requirement require required 4 Emma is sending her copy as an attachment to an email.
success succeed successful successfully 5 John needs a printer.
suit suitable suitably 6 Emma is looking in the folder for the file.


5 3
1 1 2 copies 3 confidential 4 hard copy 5 files
2 3
3 4 and 6 Unit3
4 Present simple A Context listening
5 Present continuous 1/2
6 No. They are in the present simple tense, but they are 1 at the airport/ in front of airport arrivals
not regular actions or general truths. (See B4, State 2 Bill 3 jenny
C Grammar exercises 2 pulled, set off 3 am used to setting off
1 4 was causing 5 misplaced 6 was working
2 is taking off 3 isn't working 7 did, turn up 8 were waiting
4 Do you finish 5 are currently taking 4
2 1 2, 5, and 7 2 4, 6, and 8 3 1 4 3
1 a (uses= regular event, travels= regular event) 5 2, 5, and 7 6 4, 6, and 8
2 b (is preparing= at the time of speaking, wants= state 5
1 cabin crew
3 a (Does ... input= regular event, is= permanent 2 boarding gate, baggage pick-up, check-in,
situation) lost luggage counter
4 b (am locking= at the time of speaking, have= state 3 boarding pass, carousel
5 a (clears= regular event, goes= regular event) C Grammar exercises
3 1 a Sample answers
1 looks 2 am not having; have 3 enjoys; is enjoying 2 met clients and did the accounts
4 am thinking; don't think 5 see; am seeing 3 didn't have lunch at noon
4 Sample answers 4 I finished the PPM report
2 Don't smoke in this area. 5 What did you do in the evening?
3 Ride on the bike route. Don't ride on the highway. 6 I met Paula and Diane and we went out to eat at the
Chez jean Paul restaurant.
4 Don't trespass. Don't climb over the fence.
5 Watch for animals crossing the road. b
6 Be careful on the slippery stairs. 2 was talking with clients
7 Don't go the wrong way down this street. Follow the 3 was finishing the PPM reports
arrow. 4 wasn't driving home
5 was talking with Paula and Diane while we were waiting
5 Sample answers
for a taxi
2 I always have a cup of hot chocolate before bedtime.
3 At this moment I am shopping online. 2
4 For most holidays I drive home to my parents' house. 2 noticed 3 was running 4 tripped 5 dropped

5 Every morning I see what the weather is like. 6 fell 7 was picking up 8 saw 9 was reaching
6 I am currently thinking about applying for an office job. 10 heard 11 went 12 was talking 13 left
7 This week I am working overtime because of a 14 arranged 15 were going 16 met 17 married
promotional sale at work. 3 Sample answers
2 I was walking along the river bank when I fell and hurt
D Vocabulary my foot.
1 3 I was talking on my cell phone and didn't see the red light.
2 photocopy 3 file 4 report 5 folder 6 memo 4 While I was reading the newspaper, I heard a strange
7 attachment 8 correspondence 9 fax noise behind me.
2 copy 3 folder 4 in-box 5 report 6 inventory

... _,

4 4 She has just finished a call. She has been talking to her
2 used to find 3 used to enjoy supplier.
4 am used to staying 5 didn 't use to pay 5 People have been coming into the store. They have
come because of the sale.
5 Sample answers
6 A customer has just made a large purchase. She has
2 I used to swim every day at 6 a.m..
been making a lot of sales all day.
3 I used to play football before I got my job.
4 I used to work in a car rental office. 3
6 I am used to going to sleep around midnight. 2 has become (an action that happened at a time that is
not specified)
7 I am used to commuting daily.
3 has been relying (an action that began in the past and
8 I am used to working long hours.
continues to the present)
D Vocabulary 4 have just placed (the focus is on a completed activity)
1 5 have finished (the focus is on a completed activity)
2 delayed 3 time zones 4 check-in 6 has brought (the focus is on a completed activity)
5 carousel
6 aisle 7 cabin crew 8 baggage 7 has always been (an action that happened at a time
that is not specified)
8 has been waiting (an action that began in the past and
2e 3a 4c 5d continues to the present)
b 9 has been sitting (the focus is on an ongoing activity)
terminal, flights, delays, passengers 10 have been (an action that began in the past and
3 continues to the present)
2 luggage 3 boarding 4 flight 5 terminal 11 has been working (an action that began in the past and
continues to the present)
Unit 4 4
2 for 3 since 4 for 5 since
A Context listening
1/2 D Vocabulary
1 Mary has been to I in New York City 1
Mary has been at the New York City book fair. 2 Purchases 3 A cash register 4 A gift certificate
2 She has been .... traveling I driving I putting signs in the 5 A chain 6 A coupon 7 A retail store
window I working on the accounts.
8 A sales clerk
3 Mary has forgotten to change her watch.
3 2 store, order 3 stocks, display
1 T 2 F 3 F 4 T 4 store, purchase 5 purchase, order
4 3
1 3 2 1 3 2, 4
2 counter 3 labels 4 order
5 5 coupon 6 merchandise 7 price tag
2 sale 3 display 4 cash register
5 counter 6 order UnitS
C Grammar exercises A Context listening
1 1/2
Inez will fly to her destination and take a taxi from the
2 has just called 3 has received
airport. She will not take a bus. She will not stay at a
4 have invited 5 have reserved guesthouse, but she may not have a room in a hotel. The
6 have been attending 7 has been expanding weather will not be warm. It will snow.
2 Sample answers 3
2 She has unpacked a shipment. She has been cleaning up 2 is going to be closed 3 will, take 4 are sending
the delivery room.
3 She has made a sale. She has been replacing old stock.
1 3 future will 2 1 present simple
3 2 future going to 4 4 present continuous


5 Part 6
1 guesthouse, hotel 2 book, reserve 11 ( 12 B 13 D
3 amenities, complimentary breakfast Part 7
14 A 17 c 20 A 23 B
C Grammar exercises 15 B 18 c 21 c
16 D 19 B 22 A
2 I'm attending a birthday lunch for our assistant manager.
3 I'm visiting our local retail outlets. Grammar Focus Task
4 I'm making arrangements for the trade fair. 1 participated
5 I'm having lunch with Wing Chou, the manager of King 2 working
Kitchen Utensils. 3 bought
6 I'm flying to Helsinki for the trade fair. 4 has depended
2 5 will be opening
2 Will you make 3 'll be Vocabulary Focus Task
4 will I do/should I do/do I do 5 finish 1 interview
6 'll let 7 'll give/give 8 do 2 file
9 'll come 10 starts 11 leaves/will leave 3 flight
12 stay/will stay 4 chain
3 5 complimentary
2 I'll get 3 Are you going to attend
4 I'm going to go s We're going to get
6 will come 7 are you going to go/will you go A Context listening
8 are going to I will pick 9 they'll have 1/2
10 Will you call 1 Her cell phone was broken . 2 No, it wasn't.
D Vocabulary 1 At the customer service desk in a store
2 No, she didn't.
2 accommodations, guesthouse
3 To get her cell phone fixed or replaced
3 transportation, destination 4 itinerary, conferences
4 Yes, she did.
5 registered, facilities 6 booked/vacancy 5 No, she isn't.
2 6 Yes, she can.
2 receptionist 3 cancel 4 exhibition
5 registration
1 2, 4. s. and 6
3 2 1 and 3
2d 3b 4a 3 In 2 and 6 the auxiliary verb (e.g., did) or modal can
is before the subject. In 4 and 5 the question is a tag
Practice test 1 question (didn't she, is she) at the end of a statement.
Listening 5
1 ( 6 ( 11 D 16 ( complaint, guarantee, expectations, quality, reliability
2 D 7 A 12 A 17 A
3 B 8 B 13 D 18 B
C Grammar exercises
4 B 9 ( 14 B 19 D 1
5 B 10 ( 15 A 20 A 2 Have we had any complaints about our opening hours?
I Have you had any complaints about your opening
Reading hours?
Part 5 3 Should we postpone the meeting?
1 D 4 ( 7 B 9 ( 4 Is the sales representative coming today?
2 B 5 B 8 A 10 A 5 Did the committee decide on the 'new sales campaign?
3 A 6 B


2 4
2 I didn 't 3 it could (be) 4 you did 1 first 2 different from 3 infinitive
5 I can 't 6 there isn't 7 I will 8 I did 5
3 2 d 3a 4b
2 When was Carlos hired?
3 Where can I return this suit? a C Grammar exercises
4 How long has Ms. Wong been working in the sports 1
department? e 2 what time/when 3 how much/what 4 if
5 Why did Anita retire so early? b 5 who 6 what 7 how many 8 whose
6 What do you plan to do in Paris? d 2
2 when it will be available
2 did you 3 didn't you 4 haven't we 3 if you want to accept
5 weren't they 6 can it 7 don't you 4 how much the electricity costs
8 wasn 't he 9 do they 5 how much the last tenants paid I were paying
6 if there is a good school I if a good school is
D Vocabulary 7 if the school year has started
1 8 if my children can start late
2 guarantee, quality 3 committed, feedback 9 when I can sign the contract
4 satisfaction, expectations 5 service, reliable 3
2 2 Should I bring a coat or not?
2 guara ntee 3 courteous 4 complaint 3 Where can I get a lunch voucher?
5 deal with 6 trust 7 expectations 8 satisfaction 4 Who should I include on the guest list?
9 unreliable 10 relationships 5 When should I bring the files over to the main office?
6 Which color do you want me to paint the garage doors?
Unit7 4 Sample answers
A Context listening 2 if there are stores nearby I when I can move in
1 Sample answers 3 what the monthly rent is I why the owner wants to sell
1 Lydia wants to rent or buy an apartment. 4 how much the rent is I which apartment in the building
2 Robert wants to sell his house. is for rent
3 Alex wants to lease a commercial site . 5 where the local schools are I whose car is parked in the
6 who the realtor is I how much the bills are
1 Lydia is more interested in buying an apartment but
doesn 't know if she can .
D Vocabulary
2 Rober t will be moving in th ree months and wants to sell
his house.
2 tenant 7 mortgage
3 Alex wants to lease a commercial site with an option to
3 landlord 8 offer
4 realtor 9 owne r
3 5 suburb 10 commission
Frank's and Lydia's questions
6 down payment
2 I need to know whether you are loo king for a place to
buy or rent. 2
Frank's and Robert's questions 2 furnishings 3 rentals 4 renovation
3 Could you tell me where your residence is? 5 owns 6 residences
4 Can you give me an idea of how quickly you need to sell it?
Frank's and Alex's questions 2 tenants, landlords 3 down payment, mortgage
5 I need to know how much renovation the owner will 4 commercial spaces, residences 5 suburbs, apartment
allow me to do.
6 lease, offer
6 Could you find out if the owner would consider a lease
that gives me the option to buy the building later?


UnitS D Vocabulary
& Context listening 1
1/2 2 deposit, loan 3 credit, balance 4 loan , cash
1 Mike is talking to a bank teller about his bank account. 5 check, balance 6 cash, credit
2 Mike is talking to the loan officer about a loan. 2
3 Mike is telling his wife what happened in the bank. 2 checking 3 interest 4 borrow 5 loan
3 6 financial advisor 7 ATM machine 8 transfer
2 business loans 3 loan officer 3
4 borrowing 5 credit rating 6 balance 2 savings 3 debit 4 withdrawing 5 funds
4 6 checking 7 financial 8 accounts
2 want 3 have 4 are I 're 5 are thinking 6 was
7 wanted 8 had 9 were 10 were thinking
5 A Context listening
1 a 2 and 4; b 3 and 5; c 1 1
2 a 7 and 9; b 8 and 10; c 6 2 Francisco 3 Cindy 4 jack

6 2
The verbs in column A are in present tenses and the verbs 2 unpleasantly 3 impatiently
in column Bare in past tenses. 4 often 5 extremely 6 conveniently

[ Grammar exercises 2 expensive 3 long 4 quiet 5 fast 6 bored
2 had 3 was 4 covered 5 didn't cover 4
6 was 7 would 1 The words in 2 are adverbs. The words in 3 are adjectives.
2 actions I what the person is doing, adjectives and other
2 adverbs
2a 3a 4b 5b 6a 7b
3 people, places, and things
3 5
2 suggested 3 congratulated 4 offered
2 d 3 a 4 e 5 b
5 advised 6 thanked 7 insisted

4 C Grammar exercises
2 Mimi reminded Ajay and Hae-Won not to forget to send 1
the schedule for the trade fair to the Paris branch . 2 new (adj), electric (adj), soon (adv)
3 Mimi congratulated Linda on the previous week'sllast 3 normally (adv), open (adj), late (adv)
week's promotion . 4 early (adv), long (adj), quiet (adj)
4 Mimi apologized for sending the agenda to everyone so 5 expensive (adj), sometimes (adv) conveniently (adv)
5 Mimi suggested that we I they ask Nathan what he
2 quickly 3 daily 4 fast 5 accurately
thought of the proposal.
6 patiently 7 late
6 Mimi offered everyone some chocolate brownies.
5 Sample answers
2 late 3 nearly 4 barely 5 immediately
2 james advised me to switch off the computer before I
6 high 7 deeply 8 warm
3 I suggested that they come early to work the following 4
day. 2 a rapidly b rapid 3 a sharply b sharp
4 She advised me to talk quietly in the open offices. 4 a gradual b gradually 5 a steep b steeply
5 I advised Mimi not to drive so fast. 6 a suddenly b sudden

5 Sample answer 4
The place I like best is the beautiful yard behind my house . 1 a promotional campaign
I go there as often as I can , but especially when the sun is
2 advertisements, target audiences
shining. After a hard day at work I really enjoy sitting in a
comfortable chair in such a relaxing place, reading a good 3 Brochures, flyers, a promotion
book or just looking at the colorful birds and flowers . When 4 A jingle, a TV ad 5 A slogan, publicity
I feel energetic, I walk around my yard and pick up the 5
fallen le<!ves and twigs. Sometimes I cut the grass if it is 2 a traveler's steamer 3 the industrial steamer
too long because I like to keep the yard looking nice. It's a
4 No, an iron is not as effective as a steamer.
wonderful place to be.
5 Yes, they are. I Yes, steamers are better.
D Vocabulary 6
1 1 3
2c3f4g5d6h7a8b 2 2 (In question 2, two costs are being compared: paying
2 for services and buying a steamer. In question 5, two
groups are being compared: a group of "steamers" and
2 rush hour 4 private vehicles
3 road rage
a group of "irons".)
5 parking spaces 6 public transportation 3 (not) as ... as
7 commuter passes 8 bike lanes
3 C Grammar exercises
2 public transportation 3 subway 1
4 bike lanes 5 highways 6 traffic jams 2 the cheaper 3 the least convenient
7 carpool 8 route 9 tank 10 road rage 4 the most productive 5 the more flexible
6 a shorter 7 fewer 8 The fastest
Teacher's analysis: Riitta, you have started your paragraph 2
with a weak introductory sentence. Try to avoid "There 2 the most effectively 3 less frequently
are." You could replace this sentence with "People get 4 more noisily 5 the hardest
to wo rk and back home using different methods." You
have immediately jumped into your preferred method of 3
commuting and you have provided several good reasons Before I announce the award for the most innovative ad of
to support this. I think it would be better to start by this year, I'd just like to say that this is the most difficult
naming and describing the most common ways of getting decision the judges have ever had to make. We had to look
to work. You could make a summary of the ways and then at these ads more carefully than eve r. The entries this year
use a transition like the word "Personally," to change were of much higher quality than last year and we were all
from talking about people and methods in general to extremely impressed . But in the end , we decided that one
your commuting specifically. Then you can continue by entry was more innovative, not to mention funnier than all
stating whether you enjoy commuting and then giving your the others. It is the most humorous ad we have seen for a
supporting reasons. long time. It is also the one that most clearly showed the
use of new technology. The ads that we awarded second
and third place to were also excellent and the judges gave
Unit 10 them only slightly fewe r points than the winner. They
A Context listening were both as good as the winning ad in the quality of the
1/2 acting, but in the end we thought the winning ad made~
A B C greatest impact because it was the most original, and we
1 2 3 think the public will like it the best.
2 1 2 4
3 3 1 2 not as big as 3 as serious as
3 4 not as comfortable as 5 as up-to-date as
2 True 6 not as enthusiastic as
3 False, Brochures and flyers will be handed out in 5 Sample answers
shopping malls.
2 The small car uses less fuel than the big car.
4 False, A jingle will be written for the radio.
3 This pair of shoes feels the most comfortable.
5 True
4 My favorite pair of shoes has the highest heels.


5 Your favorite pair of shoes is as expensive as my Question 6:

favorite pair. Dear Mr. Kumar:
6 The small car is not as roomy as the large car. Thank you for the email. I would be interested in coming to
your dealership to test drive one of your vehicles. Could you
D Vocabulary send me your opening hours? It would be ideal if you were
1 open on Sundays, as that is the only day that I'm off work.
2 classified ads 3 target audience If you aren't, I would suggest that you consider opening on
4 air time 5 brand recognition
Sundays. I am most interested in a 4-wheel drive vehicle.
Would we be able to go out of town so I can see how well it
2 handles on country roads?
2 ad 3 commercial 4 slogan I look forward to hearing from you.
5 target audience 6 jingle 1 promote James Kaiser
8 promotional campaign Question 7:
Dear Sally:
Thank you so much for the email about the soth Anniversary
2 budget 3 media 4 publicity 5 posters
reception. I'm looking forward to attending, and I plan to bring
6 flyers 1 air time 8 commercial a guest. Will you be providing camping facilities for members
9 advertising agency 10 slogan who plan to stay overnight? Such facilities would be very much
Practice test 2 I would like to make a couple of requests. First, could you ask
the catering company to offer a vegetarian menu as one of their
meal choices? Second, I know the area surrounding the Grove
1 c 11 A 21 D 31 D 41 D Institute is large and has beautiful gardens. My guest is elderly
2 c 12 B 22 B 32 A 42 c and I was wondering if you have a wheelchair so that he can
3 c 13 A 23 A 33 c 43 A enjoy your gardens.
4 B 14 A 24 c 34 D 44 c Charles Lake
5 B 15 c 25 A 35 A 45 A Question 8:
6 c 16 A 26 D 36 A 46 D Everywhere we go these days, there are lots of advertisements
7 c 17 A 27 D 37 D 47 D for all kinds of products we don't need. For example, when
8 B 18 c 28 A 38 D we turn on the television, it seems that we have to watch
commercials for longer than we watch the actual programs.
9 A 19 A 29 c 39 B
The same is true of the radio and the Internet. I like to listen to
10 c 20 D 30 A 40 c music on the radio, but in between my favorite songs more often
Writing than not I have to listen to annoying jingles and people who are
Sample answers trying to persuade me to buy bigger and better products. On
Question 1: the Internet I often have to close ads that pop up and prevent
ll.lthough the woman has an apple on her desk, she can't eat it me from seeing or reading what I am most interested in. So I
until she is off of the phone. agree that it often seems like there is too much advertising.
ll.lthough she is working, she is talking on the phone . However, on the other hand, I admit that some advertising is
She is taking phone calls although it is her lunch break. very useful and informative. We are often made aware of new
products through advertising. For example, last year my family
Question 2: chose their vacation destination by looking at ads in magazines.
The cyclist is going to the building because he works there. The vacation was very successful and we plan to return to that
The cyclist is riding in the bicycle lane because it is dangerous place next year. I also bought a new digital camera based on a
[O ride in the street. TV ad that I watched. I have to say that I am very happy with
3ecause of the weather, the cyclist is enjoying a ride to the the purchase. Also, there are a lot of informative ads that give
11useum. useful information about, for example, health issues or where
(luestion 3: to go to get help with all kinds of problems. Other useful ads
>he is getting money out of the bank machine. give us ideas on what to do with our leisure time, such as the
Jnfortunately, the machine is out of money. times of movies or concerts. These kinds of ads make life easier
The woman ran out of money so she stopped at the ATM. and more enjoyable. On balance, we can't really do without
advertisements. They can be an annoyance but they are an
(luestion 4: essential part of our lives. The worst that can be said about them
:ity streets are always busy and have lots of advertisements. is that they are a necessary annoyance.
3usy people in taxis only notice bright advertisements.
The busy streets beneath the advertisements are full of taxis.


Grammar Focus Task 1 3

1d 2c 3b 4a 5e It has been a very busy year. As you know, a few years
ago we merged with a soft drinks company and the whole
Grammar Focus Task 2
business has been restructured . When that happened , all
1 carefully 2 successful 3 as readable as employees were given the opportunity to buy shares in
4 worse than 5 more quickly the company, so I became a stockholder. Some employees
Vocabulary Focus Task sold their shares, but I kept mine. The directors have made
good decisions and the company has been making good
2 tenant 3 funds 4 advertising 5 route
profits despite very high overhead . So, I have received
some nice dividends. Now it seems that management is
Unit 11 planning to make a takeover bid for another company.
A Context listening
1/2 Unit 12
1 A store that sells toys for young children A Context listening
2 Thei r profits are falling. 1/2
3 They could include toys for older children . 1 Alex wants to know if he gets vacation time and how
3 much time he gets.
2 might 3 couldn't 4 can't 5 can 6 mustn 't 2 He wants to know about sick leave .
3 He asks about what happens if he gets fired.
The meaning of the phrase in the question is the same as 4 He asks how much ti me he must give before he quits.
the meaning of the modal in the answer. 3
5 2 must give 3 should let 4 don't need to tell
partner, stockholders, expand , profits 5 have to tell 6 don't have to give
7 mustn 't assume 8 had I 'd better go
C Grammar exercises
1 4
strong obligation or necessity: must, have to, mustn 't
2 could 3 couldn 't 4 can 't 5 can 6 could advice or suggestions: should , had better
2 no obligation or necessity: don 't need to, don' t have to
2 may 3 can 4 might 5 must 6 could
7 could 8 may 9 may 10 can't 2 f 3 e 4 a 5 c 6 b
2b 3a 4a 5b c Grammar exercises
4 Sample answers
2 b must 3 g won't 4 a should 5 h shouldn ' t
2 I might have an accident on my snowboard, but I must
take that risk. 6 c should 7 d must 8 f mustn 't
3 I must give a presentation to business executives, but I 2
may not do a good job. 2 don 't have to 3 mustn 't 4 mustn't
4 I may build my own house, but I might not be able to 5 don't have to 6 don 't have to 7 mustn't
start for a few years.
5 I can't fix a computer, but I might learn how to do that
2 should calm 3 should have listened
4 should have kept 5 must have overheard
6 I can climb mountains, but I must be very careful.
6 should apologize 7 must have worked
D Vocabulary 8 had better not
1 4 Sample answers
2 partnership 3 directors 4 corporation 2 You should sign the contract. You had better read the
5 Stockholders 6 expansion 7 produce terms and conditions.
2 3 He had better see the doctor. He needs to get a doctor's
2 merge r, merge 3 management, manage note.
4 You must obey the police officer. You mustn 't run a red
4 expand, expansion 5 corporate, corporation
6 restructuring, restructured


D Vocabulary D Vocabulary
1 1
2 terminate 3 conditions 4 misconduct
5 sick leave 6 per annum 7 sign Places to eat Food and People Payment
cafeteria dinner waiter bill/ check
2 absent 3 acceptance 4 sign restaurant dessert hostess tip
5 terminate 6 entitlement entree
2 signature 3 notice 4 fired 5 vacation time
2 recommend 3 dishes 4 dessert 5 starter
6 quit 7 sick leave 8 lay off
Unit 13 2 menu 3 waiter 4 course 5 starter
6 dishes 7 dessert 8 cafeteria 9 buffet
A Context listening
1 in a restaurant
Unit 14
2 salmon salad and water A Context listening
3 today's special I the asparagus and salmon entree with 1/2
a tossed salad 1 fire escape, fire·propf doors, fire extinguisher, posters,
hard hats, safety goggles
2 protection from noise
2 may 3 can 4 would 5 May
2 at 3 into 4 beside 5 from 6 at 7 in
1 5 2 1, 4 3 3 4 2
drink-beverage, entree-main dish, menu-meal choices 1 1 and 6 2 2, 4, and 7 3 3 and 5
C Grammar exercises 2 safety 3 fire 4 slippery 5 hard
1 6 warning 7 fire
2 b 3 a 4 b 5 d 6 a 7 c
c Grammar exercises
2 Could you speak 3 Would you like
2 at 3 at 4 beside 5 at 6 on 7 in
4 Can I book 5 Would you mind
8 by 9 from 10 out of 11 into 12 over
6 Let me look 7 Could I suggest
2 correct 3 on 4 correct 5 across 6 correct
2 How about ffi going to ...
7 in 8 between I around 9 at I in front of
3 Yes, let's €il:ft go there.
4 Should we be look at the website 3
5 Couldn't we just ffi pass the movie theater 2 during 3 in I at 4 on 5 onto
6 What about inviting the new ... 6 against I over I onto 7 from I out of 8 to
9 in I at 10 on 11 on 12 at 13 on
2 Wilt, d 3 May, a 4 What I How, e 4 Sample answers
5 can't/don't, f 6 Would, c 3 We put up safety notices in every room.
4 It's a good idea to have a smoke detector in your house.
5 Sample answers
5 Mary hurt her hand when she was doing some repairs at
2 Would you mind forwarding that email please?
her house.
3 Could we sit by the window, please? Do you mind if I
make a quick call? 6 I attached the sign by the door warning people to step
4 Let me check the figures for you. Could I fill your glass
for you?
5 Why don't you try the apple pie and ice cream? It would
be better if you pay with a credit card. 245

D Vocabulary 4
1 2 meet with 3 impact on 4 excited about
2g 3a 4C Sf 6e 7d 5 agreement with 6 satisfied with
7 increase in 8 prepare for
2 emergency exit 3 hazardous material 5
4 ventilation system 5 hard hat 6 first aid 2 for 3 for 4 of 5 with 6 about
7 safety goggles 7 about 8 of
3 D Vocabulary
2 safety 3 extinguisher 4 ventilation 1
5 flammable 6 comply 7 slip 2a3f4b5c6e
4 2
2 fire escape; The other words indicate the possibility of a 2 propose a solution 3 brainstorm ideas
life-threatening situation. 4 agenda items 5 motion passed
3 blue jeans; The other words are clothing used for
protection against work hazards. 3
4 ventilators; The other words are possible dangers. 2h 3e 4a sb 6g 7d Sf

5 Practice test 3
2 risks 3 ear plugs 4 hard hat
5 first aid kit 6 fatalities 7 guidelines listening
1 B 6 c 11 D 16 A

Unit 15 2 A 7 B 12 B 17 c
3 c 8 B 13 A 18 D
ll Context listening 4 A 9 B 14 B 19 B
5 A 10 c 15 c 20 B
They are discussing the possibility of holding an auction.
1 c 6 D 11 D 16 B 21 c
2 understanding of 3 agreed on 4 thinking about
2 B 7 D 12 c 17 D 22 c
5 responsibility for 6 interested in
3 c 8 c 13 A 18 D 23 c
4 4 D 9 c 14 A 19 c
1 thinking about 2 interested in
5 B 10 D 15 D 20 D
3 anything about; understanding of; responsibility for
5 Sample answers
2d 3b 4a 3
This picture shows a man working in a factory storage room. He
C Grammar exercises is holding a device that he is using to tape a box closed. Three
1 papers are on the table beside the box that the man is closing.
2 anything wi-Ht about 3 correct In the middle of the picture, there is a conveyor belt, but it
4 impact ef on 5 contact 6ft with doesn't have anything on it. The conveyor belt stretches from
6 change fuf in 7 correct 8 opinion &Vet' of where the man is working to the far side of the room. Shelves
that appear to be made of metal are on both sides of the
2 conveyor belt and also stretch to the far wall. Boxes and other
2 interested 3 enthusiastic 4 aware materials are on the shelves.
5 annoyed 6 pleased 7 anxious 4
3 I have always enjoyed eating out. Later I became interested in
2 He apologized for the damaged order. cooking. My friends told me how great my food was and that I
3 I have searched everywhere for the missing file. should think about setting up a business. I decided I would like
doing that, so I took the risk and started a restaurant.
4 I finally succeeded in opening the door.


5 Grammar Focus Task

I am sure my restaurant is a success because I am so 1 Suzuki San is an authority on marketing strategies.
enthusiastic about the work and I know there is a great
2 We called for it to come at 7 o'clock, didn't we?
demand for good food. So far I have done well because I
am very careful about choosing fresh produce and offering 3 Could you fax Mr. Chang the corrected contract?
interesting choices. 4 You can increase the number of customers.
6 5 The elevators must not be used during the drill.
When I started the restaurant, I discovered that frequently Vocabulary Focus Task
customers were pleased with the freshness of our salads . In my 1 first aid kit 2 expand 3 adjourn 4 sign 5 lunch
restaurant, we do not use prepackaged or frozen vegetables.
The presentation of food is very important, so we serve colorful
combinations. We provide healthy meals that children like. If
Unit 16
the kids are happy, parents bring them back frequently. We A Context listening
also serve senior meals for older people who often like smaller 2
portions and enjoy a discount. Harry's business involves making containers for shipping
7 and his problems are caused by the types of products that
The convention will take place in the Main Hall of the Hurshel's people ship.
Business Institute. 3
8 2 some 3 some 4 these 5 this
Registration costs $100 for nonmembers and $55 for 6 Both 7 neither 8 nor 9 This
Association members. 10 every 11 One 12 that 13 Those
9 4
There are three talks in the afternoon. The first one at 1:30 1 any, some 2 this, these 3 every, one, that
is about chairs of the future and it is being given by Simone
Maxwell of Maxwell Associates. At 3:00 Don Esterhazi of 5
Esterhazi Enterprises will give a talk about current research in 2f3e4c5b6a
ergonomics and then at 4:30 Ben Fossett will give a talk about
the virtual office. C Grammar exercises
2 these 3 those 4 that 5 these 6 that
Good afternoon, Ms. Blomqvist. Please accept our sincere
apologies. I am very sorry to hear that you received some of 7 this 8 that 9 this 10 that
the wrong items. I am not sure why there were mistakes in your 2
order and I will look into it immediately. I think you received Using store coupons is one great way to save money on
notepaper that was designed for a different company with a many of your household purchases. Smart consumers keep
name that is very similar to your company's name. In fact, that their eyes open since coupons can be found everywhere.
same company also ordered desk lamps, so it is possible that They can be cut out of some magazines, many local
you received their complete order, including the number and newspapers and other printed materials. Another place you
color of lamps. Please rest assured that we will deliver the can find coupons nowadays is on the internet where they
correct order and pick up the mistaken order by tomorrow at can be printed out from some consumer websites. Many
the latest. stores provide them, especially at the checkout counter.
11 Some coupons have a real cash value and others can be
First of all, I would like a job that is interesting. Although a used to get a discount on certain items in the store. These
good salary would be nice, it is not as important as being able will usually state something like "Save two dollars on your
to enjoy what I do. If I enjoy my job, then it's like a hobby next visit," or perhaps "Save 10 percent on any purchase
instead of work. I would also like a job in which I am learning a over SO Dollars." Other types can only be used to get a
lot of new things so that I don't get bored doing the same thing discount on particular products. It is a good idea to save
over and over again. I would also find it satisfying to be valued these cou pons for every time you visit a store. But read the
by my employer and colleagues for the work I do . Having a job information on each of these coupons carefully. Sometimes
that gives me the opportunity to travel and meet new people businesses limit the number of coupons you can use on any
from time to time would also be nice. A position that has all one visit. Also there is usually an expiration date and once
these features is my idea of an ideal job. the date has passed the coupon doesn't have any value.


3 2
2 I wanted to talk to either the manager or her assistant. 2 we 3 You I One 4 they 5 they
3 Becky drinks neither coffee nor tea. 6 You/We 7 You I One
4 Neither the printers nor the laptops have arrived. 3
5 My colleagues either eat in the staff cafeteria or bring 2 myself 3 you 4 me 5 myself
their own sandwiches. 6 himself 7 his 8 him 9 him 10 my
4 4
2 any, a 3 this, b 4 enough, a 5 much, b 2 It There 3 correct 4 tflete it
6 every, b 7 any, a 5 correct 6 :rftefe It 7 tflete it
2 all 3 Some 4 others 5 these D Vocabulary
6 some 7 This 8 Every one 1
Eileen: Thank you. Uh, I can't get a ltti5y (dial) tone
9 anyone 10 anywhere 11 lot
Eileen : Yes, I got it from the online yellowdffll {pages).
Oh, now it's just giving me a ee/4 (busy) signal.
0 Vocabulary Jonathan: ... If you wait, you may be able to leave a OOitJ
1 (voice) message and ...
2 contain 3 transport 4 trade 5 exchange Eileen: Either that or they would put me an fHJfJe (hold)
6 protect 7 reinforce 8 package
2 2
2 declaration exchange
3 4 package I packaging 2 dialed 3 line 4 extension
5 protection 6 reinforcement 7 trade 5 disconnected, receiver 6 transfer 7 ring
8 transport I transportation 3
3 2 landline 3 operator 4 tone 5 text messaging
2 strong 3 warehouse 4 trade
4 Unit 18
2 commodity 3 import 4 packaging 5 weight A Context listening
6 handle 7 declarations 8 shipments 2
file, table music, furniture, advice
Unit 17 scissors, noise
l Context listening 3
1/2 1 computer, file, table, cabinet, scanner
1 Mr. Nesbitt 2 busy 2 water, music, furniture, advice, equipment
3 call him back 4 has the wrong number 3 noise 4 scissors 5 news
3 4
2 him 3 you, me 4 your 5 him, myself 1 The words in answer 3 #1
6 he, me 7 He 8 us, we, them 9 them, they 2 The words in answer 3 #2, #4, and #S
4 3 The words in answer 3 #2, #3, #4, and #5
1 you, he, we, they 2 you, him, us, them 3 your 5
1 file, scissors 2 computer, scanner 3 table, cabinet
2c 3d 4a
C Grammar exercises
C Grammar exercises 1
1 Always countable: calendar, desk, fax, paper clips, printer,
2 we 3 your 4 me 5 her 6 our scanner
Can be countable or uncountable: glass, noise, space, tape
7 yours 8 he 9 them
Always uncountable: advice, equipment, furniture, music,
news, stationery


2 the 3 the 4 an 5 the 6 0 7 a
c Grammar exercises
8 0 9 an 10 a 11 an 12 a
2 or 3 but 4 also 5 and 6 or
3 7 but 8 as well 9 too, also
2 coffee 3 water 4 scissors
5 marker pens 6 tape
2 so 3 such 4 so 5 As 6 such as
In your last att email, you were complaining about the 3
disorganization in your office. I hope it is OK for me to 2 enough 3 too 4 enough 5 Too, enough 6 too
give you advice. I've just redesigned my office because 4
I was spending more time looking for files than getting 2 yet 3 already 4 yet 5 already
work done. Well, guess what? I replaced my printer, fax
6 still 7 still 8 still
machine, and scanner with one of those printers that does
everything. And it makes very little noise. I can hear myself 5
think now. Why didn't I get rid of that old equipment a long 2 a as b such as 3 a enough b too
time ago? I also got a printer stand with shelves that hold 4 a sob such 5 a orb and
my paper and other supplies. The change has made a great
6 Sample answers
improvement to my working life. I bet you could easily do
the same thing. 2 I'll either get a promotion or apply for another job.
3 I enjoy going on business trips, but they can be tiring.
IJ Vocabulary 4 I'm giving a presentation so I need to make some
1 handouts.
5 That was such an interesting movie that I think I'll go
2 shelf 3 stationery 4 tape 5 paper eli ps
see it again.
6 staples 7 safe
6 They produce various food items, such as frozen foods
2 and instant mashed potatoes.
2 falt maelliAe Laptops and PCs are computers. 7 I'm going to Kyoto for the conference, but I will stop off
3 St1!9!91Y ream Stationery and labels are supplies. in Singapore on the way.
4 ~ Printers and copy machines are large, 8 There are not enough gigabytes on this computer to
electronic pieces of equipment. download this software.
5 S€iHffief Tape and scissors are stationery supplies. 9 Have you met the new boss yet?
10 I just gave her the information yesterday, and she's
Unit 19 already finished the report.
l Context listening D Vocabulary
1/2 1
1 There is a problem getting the computer or projector to
2 c 3 d 4 b 5 a
2 The markers have dried up and cannot be used . 2
3 They can't find any markers. 2 handouts 3 audience 4 outline
4 A woman is setting up a flip chart. 5 visual aids 6 screen 7 graphs
5 The presentation is a success and the man is using a 8 key points 9 summary 10 projector
marker and flip chart. 3
3 2 expectations 3 pointer 4 presenters
2 but 3 and 4 or 5 already 6 so 5 outline 6 handouts
7 spontaneous enough 8 too
1 1 and 5 2 3 3 2 4 7. 8 5 6 6 4 A Context listening
5 1/2
flip chart, graph, handouts, key points, markers, projector, 1 yes 2 no 3 yes 4 yes 5 no
summary, whiteboard


Put some money under her mattress and buy lottery tickets
Practice test 4
with the rest. Listening
1 c 8 A

2 should be paid back 3 should be invested

2 c 9 D
3 B 10 B
4 can be withdrawn
4 A 11 B
4 5 A 12 c
1 invested, investments 2 capital
6 B 13 D
3 liquid 4 diversify
7 A
c Grammar exercises Reading
1 1 A 7 c 13 c 19 c
4 won't be presented 2 B 8 A 14 A 20 A
2 has offered 3 was brought
5 sends 6 Can, be assembled 3 D 9 c 15 c 21 c
7 hasn 't been replaced 8 Has, introduced 4 A 10 c 16 D 22 D
5 B 11 D 17 c
6 C 12 A 18 c
2 is sent 3 are used 4 is picked up
5 is set up 6 be connected 7 are, caused
Sample answers
3 3
2 f were shredded I can see four women in an office . They all seem to be busy.
3 h were replaced , have been replaced There are computers on desks. A large desk is in the center
4 e hasn 't been decided with piles of papers stacked in trays and on the desk itself. On
5 g will not (won't) be told top of one pile there is a CD. There are two office workers in the
6 b should be rewritten front sitting on opposite sides of the desk. One worker is using
7 a could be offered a mouse. The other worker is looking at a paper document that
she is holding. Two other office workers are sitting at desks in
8 d can be made
the back. Behind the woman at the far end is a bookcase with
4 books on its shelves. There are also pictures in the office.
2 has been found 3 are desired 4 is treated 4
5 could be mistaken 6 was broken up My favorite piece of furniture is the chair in the living room .
7 was reduced 8 is much improved The back of the chair can be adjusted so that I can sit back and
put up my feet. It is very comfortable.
2 She is having her hair styled (done) . 5
3 They are having their house painted . I would have beautiful carpets in every room and interesting
4 She had her dress mended (sewn , fixed).
paintings on the walls. I would also have comfortable chairs to
sit in and lots of nice lamps that give a soft light to read by.
5 He is having his picture taken .
D Vocabulary I work in a big office building with hundreds of offices. Each
office is well equipped, but is quite small. There are nice big
windows with a good view. I like being able to look out at
2c Ja 4d 5b the city. My biggest complaint is that the walls between the
2 offices are too thin so it is possible to hear the people in the
2 stocks 3 commission 4 financial advisor next room. The walls should be thicker and the gray color of the
5 bonds 6 interest rates 7 transactions office rooms could be brighter.

3 7
The Movefast Shipping Company operates in the Far East,
2 diversification 3 strategy 4 liquid
around the Pacific Rim.
5 investment 6 risk
You should fax your resume to the Personnel Manager at this
number: 1·000·555-2094. You must do this by Friday, july 15.


9 8
The best candidate should be a graduate and have at least Several years ago, a teacher in my economics course required
10 years of experience in the shipping business. He or she us to give a presentation. The teacher made a video of all of our
should have knowledge of the Pacific Rim import and export presentations. We then got to watch the video so that we could
procedures and <;orrect shipping practices. I also think that improve on our presentations. I did not enjoy this experience
the right candidate must be able to prove that he or she is a as it was one of the most embarrassing experiences in my life,
disciplined worker who can work well with a large team of but I think I learned some very important lessons.
workers and professionals . I made mistakes in every part of the presentation. First of all,
my body language was awful. I didn't realize before looking at
the video how much I wave my hands around while I talk. I also
Thanks for the warning. I'll call the maintenance people to see
if they can get the barrier fixed before people arrive on Monday had this annoying habit of pushing up my glasses every few
morning. I'll also send a text message to all the employees seconds, even though they were not sliding down. Whenever I
picked up the laser to point at my slides, my hand was shaking
and warn them so they won't try to get in before the barrier is
working. As for the tree, Maintenance is probably equipped to so much that the red point went all over the screen . Second , I
not only didn't talk loud enough, but I also spoke too quickly.
remove that.
If I didn't already know what the presentation was about, I
11 would have had difficulty understanding. Third, I read my note
I think both hard work and good luck are important for cards instead of looking at the audience. And then I dropped
success for most things in life . Of cou rse, luck is important and the cards on the floor. They got all mixed up and I had to
sometimes it is all that is necessary. For example, you might stop and try to reorganize them quickly, but I got them in the
meet someone just by chance and that person turns out to be wrong order, so some of my points didn't make sense. Finally,
someone who helps you on the road to success. Maybe he has I managed my time badly crnd ran out of time before I was able
the right connections or knows about a job vacancy that has just to summarize the points. The teacher made me go on to answer
come up. Or someone might leave you some money in their will questions before I was completely out of time.
and you invest that money in a business that becomes a great It was a terrible experience and watching the video was
success. However, most of the time you need to combine that painful. The teacher was very encouraging though. She pointed
luck with a lot of hard work in order to achieve something useful. out the things that I did well and talked to me about ways to
Without careful attention and hard work you will not get far. improve. That video has made me very awa re of things that I
Writing should be careful about, not on ly in giving a presentation, but
also in daily life . For example, I no longer push up my glasses
Sample answers
every few seconds.
The man is showing a graph , but he really wants finish the Grammar Focus Task
presentation. 1 advertising 2 them 3 impressed 4 as 5 and
The man is pointing to a drop in the figures , but the graph Vocabulary Focus Task
shows a subsequent rise .
1 financial 2 exchange 3 Access 4 chart 5 fax
The man's demonstration shows that the teapot holds enough
wate r for two cups.
Unit 21
The man has enough water in the teapot for his demonstration . A Context listening
6 1/2
Than k you for your email. I would like to stay in your private 1 a mug that can keep a drink warm
guest accommodation. My flight has been rescheduled , but I 2 a sink that can be adjusted
still haven't heard if the new flight has been confirmed yet. I 3 dishes that are self·cleaning
will let you know my arrival time as soon as I hear back from
the travel agent. 3
I intend to bring a PowerPoint• presentation on my 2 when I have to drink
laptop. Do you have a projector that is suitable for this 3 where they feel
type of presentation? If not, I could print my slides onto 4 that people with back troub le will I appreciate
transparencies to use on a projector. I am also bringing several 5 that clean
products to present to the audience. Could you set up a large
table so that I can easily exhibit these items to the audience? 4
These will be used to demonstrate some of our materials. 1 where 2 who 3 that
4 when 5 4 (that)


5 4 the positions that /which he's applying for

1 a spin-off 2 an invention 3 a breakthrough the positions for which he's applying
5 the movie that we told you about
C Grammar exercises
1 D Vocabulary
2 whose 3 that I which 4 where 1
S who, that 6 when, that 2 development 3 revolutionize 4 invents
S discoveries 6 innovative 7 licensed 8 design
The first smartphone was designed by IBM in 1992. It 2
was a mobile phone that had a variety of extra functions, 2 exclusive rights 3 research and development
including email and fax. It was a phone (that) we would 4 creative process 5 trial and error
think is quite normal today, but at the time was very
advanced. The use of smartphones increased in the 1990s 3
when Nokia introduced the 9000 series. These were phones 2 breakthroughs 3 patent 4 spin-offs
(that) people could buy relatively cheaply. Consumers 5 trial and error 6 exclusive rights 7 research
who bought them were impressed with the greater range
of functions combined with their light weight In the first Unit 22
decade of the new century, several companies introduced
smartphones that were easier to use and more powerfuL
A Context listening
Some models that contain millions of downloadable music 1/2
tracks for no extra cost have been introduced. This is a 1 c 2a 3b
technology (that) experts claim will continue to improve in
terms of performance and range of functions. 3
2c 3e 4a Sb 6d
2 which I that, c 3 who I that, d 4 when, b
1 provided that, unless, as long as
S where, a 6 that I which, e
1 b approved 2 a policy b compensation
2 We employ craftsmen who/that build traditional wooden
furniture. 3 a negligent b liability
3 Why don't you contact the accountant who/that works in
the building next door?
C Grammar exercises
4 I took the phone that/which had no dial tone over to the 1
maintenance department 2 will get 3 walk 4 will/'ll meet S put
The phone that/which I took over to the maintenance 6 tell 7 forget 8 try
department had no dial tone. 2
5 My brother got a new job that/which requires some 2 I get 3 I'm not I am not 4 you need
training in marketing_
5 there is I there's 6 I'll make I I will make
6 Our R & D department has proposed a new design that I 7 you get 8 should I say 9 she wants
which has many advantages.
10 you will have/you'll have
7 The customer who/that brought back her microwave
gave in the receipt. 3
The customer who/that gave in the receipt brought back 2 if you have paid 3 Unless the traffic is
her microwave. 4 If I can avoid 5 unless you make
8 We have to contact those board members who/that were 6 Unless the door is
unable to attend the meeting.
5 2 if 3 in case 4 If S on condition that
2 the project that I which she's been working on 6 As long as
on which she's been working
3 the hotel that I which she wanted to stay in
2g 3a 4f Sd 6b 7e Be
the hotel in which she wanted to stay


6 Sample answers 5 Sample answers

2 I have finished my work 2 we haven't received the parts
3 I always take my laptop along 3 some of our staff are absent
4 he always listens to my opinions 4 we should give him a refund
5 your computer crashes 5 we should seriously consider him for the position
6 I have nice colleagues 6 the entrance area will be extended
7 they offer it
8 the information on the form is correct D Vocabulary
9 we might improve our image 1
10 if you completed that deal 2 3a 4b 5g 6e 7c
D Vocabulary 2 exhibition 3 distribute 4 sponsoring
1 5 demonstrations
2d 3b 4g 5c 6a 7e
2 2 contacts 3 launch 4 competitor
2 cover, file, claim 3 risk, claim 4 damaged, files
3 Unit24
2 negligent 3 compensate 4 deductible A Context listenin_g
5 assessment 6 approval 7 coverage 8 claimant
The new product is hiking boots /shoes. People who like to
Unit 23 go hiking would be most interested in buying them.
A Context listening 3
1 2 to develop 3 to wear 4 targeting
Possible answer: In one picture, they look organized and 5 concentrating
successful and in the other pictu re, they are disorganized
and the people are going to other stands.
1 verbs
2 2 to infinitive; -ing; preposition+ -ing.
Picture 2
3 2d 3a 4b
2 As a result 3 Because 4 after that 5 in addition
4 C Grammar exercises
1 Because 2 so, As a result 1
3 after that 4 in addition 2 to break 3 to produce 4 doing
5 5 to complete 6 to use 7 working/to work
2 c 3 a 4 b 8 to start 9 to use 10 making/to make
C Grammar exercises 2 using 3 decide 4 to visit 5 understand
1 6 to catch 7 smoking 8 to buy 9 closing
20 35 45 50 60 75 80 10 spending 11 to give 12 eating
2 3
2 d 3 4a 5c 6e 2 a 3 a and b 4 b 5 a and b
3 4
2 Consequently 3 Fortunately 4 However 2 waiting until after next week
5 because 6 since 1 However 8 Furthermore 3 to come at five o'clock
9 although 10 most importantly 4 to meet you soon
4 5 finishing the market analysis
2 Consequently 3 because 4 due to
5 On the other hand 6 first

5 Sample answers 3
2 You should quit playing computer games at work. 2 ask for a raise 3 to draw up 4 deal with working
3 I recommend you get help with difficult projects. 5 catch up with things 6 asking for 7 giving up
4 Why don't you stop wasting time and get on with the 8 bring this up 9 turned down
tasks you have to do?
4 Sample answers
5 You should learn to communicate better.
2 Yes, I'm looking forward to it very much.
6 Don't forget to arrive on time every day.
3 No, but I have to put up with noises after leaving the
7 You can try completing projects before the deadlines. office building.
8 You could offer to help colleagues when they are having 4 Of course, you can pay for my lunch.
5 Sometimes after a busy week, I run out of motivation.
D Vocabulary 6 I can bring them back tomorrow.
7 I never turn down a good opportunity.
8 Don't worry. I won't back out of it.
2 3 c 4 h 5 i 6 a
9 No, I have gone through it twice already.
7 g 8 d 9 f 10 e
10 To be truthful, I'll never catch up with all my work.
2 potentially 3 loyal 4 analyst 5 market D Vocabulary
6 image 7 promotion 8 product 1
3 2 d 3 a 4 5. b 6 c
2 in-house 3 special offers 4 consumption habits 2 expense account 3 discount prices
5 free samples 6 tough competition 4 incentive rewards 5 flexible working hours
6 paid vacations
~nit 25 2
l Context listening Noun Verb Adjective
attract attractive
1/2 benefit benefit
1 subsidized gym membership motivation motivated I motivating
2 telecommuting (working from home) trainer train trained I training
3 flexible working hours training
4 company car recruiter recruit recruited I recruiting
5 possible answers: bonus, paid vacations, promotions, 2 attractive 3 motivated 4 benefits 5 training
personal leave, health insurance, pension plan 3
3 2 3e 4a 5h 6c 7d 8g
2 fill in 3 find out 4 brought in 5 hold on to 4
4 Benefits package: paid vacations, retirement plans, health
2 a 3 d 4 e 5 c insurance
Perks: subsidized gym facilities, training programs
: Grammar exercises
Practice test 5
2 on making 3 to find 4 to see 5 in testing Reading Section
6 to be 7 to get 8 of losing Part 5
1 B 8 c 15 c 22 B 29 c
2 D 9 B 16 c 23 A 30 c
2 You can 't back out of it.
3 A 10 D 17 B 24 A 31 B
3 We'll have to cut them back.
4 c 11 A 18 c 25 B
4 I would have backed her up.
5 c 12 D 19 B 26 c
5 We have to put up with them.
6 A 13 D 20 A 27 A
6 I want to get out of it. 7 Can we throw it out?
7 A 14 B 21 c 28 B
8 He really doesn't get along with us/them.
9 They've called it off.. 10 She turned it down.


Writing Even though I don't own a house myself, I would strongly

Sample answers recommend all house owners to purchase house insurance.
Question 1: You can get coverage for the property itself, and you can also
The accident caused serious damage to my car. get a policy for the furniture and other items within the house.
Our car was damaged in the accident. I saw the value of this when I was growing up; my parents'
I had an accident and my insurance paid for the damage. house was burglarized on more than one occasion. They filed
a police report and sent it to the insurance company and they
Question 2:
were compensated for the stolen items. If something really bad
He went to his office but couldn't get the computer to work.
happens, like a fire , for example , the company may pay you a
He was working in his office, but the phone interrupted him.
sum equal to the value of the destroyed property.
His office telephone is out of order, but he has his cell phone.
It may also be a good idea to insure your life. The reason for
Question 3: this is that if you die and you have a life insurance policy
He will slip on the banana unless he is careful. then the company will pay your family an agreed amount.
Garbage, like this banana, will keep falling onto the floor This is especially important if you have young children. The
unless we get a new trash can. money will allow your surviving spouse and children to have a
Don't slip on a banana unless you have good insurance. comfortable life without your regular salary.
Question 4: So, in conclusion, I think that in the modern world it is
I always buy something whenever I go to an auction . essential to have some insurance cover. The three kinds of
It is fun to go to an auction to see what people buy. insurance I have described will protect you and your family
Sometimes you can buy things at a bargain price at an auction. against many risks
Question 6: Grammar Focus Task
Dear Mr. Jonson,
1e 2d 3b 4 -c Sa
Thank you for your letter. I was surprised to hear about the
situation regarding my life policy. According to the contract, I Vocabulary Focus Task
was supposed to make monthly payments, which I understood 1 insurance 2 inventors 3 consumer
would be unchanged for the term of the policy. 4 distributed 5 attract
I would like to continue the policy, but before I make a
decision, would you please answer my two questions below?
1 Why does the insurance company want to increase the
monthly premiums?
2 What is the proposed monthly increase in the premium?
Would it be possible to meet at your office to discuss this in
more detail?
Best regards ,
judy McAnsh
Question 8:
Many kinds of insurance are available in the market today and
choosing the kind to suit your circumstances is essential. It is
important to buy insurance in order to be covered for all kinds
of accidents that might happen in your life. Of course, just
because you are covered doesn't mean that an accident won 't
happen . But if you own an insurance policy, you will at least
be given financial compensation in the event of loss. Three
kinds of insurance that should be considered are car insurance,
house insurance and life insurance.
Everyone who owns a car must be covered in case they have
an accident. Usually, if you have an accident, your insurance
company will pay to have the damage repaired. If the accident
is your fault, then your insurance company will have to pay for
any damage caused to another driver's car. Fortunately, I have
never had an accident, but I always make sure I am insured .
Every year I renew my policy. Also, I know several people who
have had accidents, and in those cases the insurance company
paid for the damage.

Recording 1 John: Still?
Kevin: Good morning. My name is Kevin Bates. I'm the Emma: Don't worry, John. I called the Friendly Business
personnel manager here at MacNulty's Chocolates. Machines and they sent someone over. He's working on
You're the applicant for the secretarial job, right? it now, but he says he has to come back tomorrow with
laila: That's right. My name's laila Joseph . The employment a replacement part. The guarantee still covers the repair
agency said you have a temporary vacancy. costs. It's good for another year.
Kevin : Yes, that's right. Mr. Murphy's regular secretary, Emma , John: Thank you, Emma. That's great, but the report . . .
is taking maternity leave. Emma: I'm sending you an email with an attachment now. You
laila: Oh, OK. How long will she be away? did take your laptop, didn't you?
Kevin : About two months. Emma's famous in our office for her John : Yes, I have my laptop, but I need a printer.
efficiency, and she'll organize her work to make it as easy Emma: Oh, I'm sure your hotel has one.
as possible for someone to step into her place. John : Oh, yes, probably. Another thing, I'm looking at the file
laila: OK. of the Stanford account, but the page with the figures we
Kevin: So, tell me about yourself, laila. I see from your cover agreed on is missing. I know the original copy of those
letter that you've done this kind of work before. papers is in the office. Do you have the folder with that
laila: Yes, I've held several temporary jobs for companies in file?
the area. I like it because it gives me a lot of freedom Emma: Just a minute. I'm looking through the folder right now.
and I can broaden my experience at the same time. What do you want me to do with the file when I find it?
Kevin: Your resume certainly is impressive. And your references John: Call me back with the figures and also, could you make a
are excellent. Your last employer was very impressed photocopy of the original and put it in my in-box on my
with you . He says that you are enthusiastic, hard desk?
working, and efficient. Emma: Sure. I'll get right back to you. Anything else?
laila: That's very kind of him. John: No, I don't think so. How's everything in the office?
Kevin: You know, I'm a little surprised you haven't applied for Emma: Fine. I've just sent around the memo about the team
a permanent job. Secretaries with your experience and meeting next week. Also, you do realize you left your
skills can make a good salary nowadays. cell phone in the office, right? I think the battery is dead
laila: Well, doing temporary work suits me since it gives me a because it isn't ringing anymore.
lot of time to practice my other job. Recording 3
Kevin: You r other job? Jenny: Hello, Bill. Welcome to Seattle.
laila: Yes. You see, my background and qualifications are in Bill: Thanks, Jenny. It's good to see you .
theater. I really want a career in acting. When I don 't Jenny: You too. And how was your flight? You 're very late!
have a part in a play, I enjoy working as a secretary. Bill: Yes, sorry about that. I hope you weren't waiting too
Kevin : You're an actress? I thought that you looked familiar. long.
laila: Well, maybe you saw me on stage. I was recently in a Jenny: It was fine. I looked at a couple of magazines and I was
comedy at the Globe Playhouse. Maybe you saw it. It just catching up on my email when your flight arrived. So
was called "The Over-Qualified Graduate." what happened?
Kevin: Yes, of course! I did see it. I enjoyed it very much. I knew Bill: Well, it started off OK. Check-in used to take a long time,
I recognized you. You played the part of the secretary but I had an e-ticket, so it was much easier.
with such enthusiasm . Jenny: Oh yes, they're great, aren't they?
laila: Yes, that was me. I think that all my temp work prepared Bill: And then, as usual, a security guard pulled me aside
me for that particula r ro le. when I set off the alarms with the metal pin in my foot.
Recording 2 jenny: That must happen all the time.
Emma: Hello. Bill: Yes, I was expecting it. I'm used to setting off alarms
John: Emma. John here. these days! Even though I showed the security guard my
Emma : Oh, hello John. How's everything going at the medical documents, he still checked me with his metal
conference? detector.
John : OK. Uh, I realize it's 10:00 and that's when you usually jenny: Is that why you were delayed?
have your coffee break. Are you busy? Bill: No, I didn't get my connecting flight in Minneapolis. Bad
Emma: Well, I'm just having my coffee now, but that's OK. What weather was causing a lot of problems and my flight was
is it? canceled. They put me on another flight , but I had to
John: I'm in my hotel room, looking through my papers take the airport shuttle to a different terminal and in the
and I have lost the Newhaven report. I want it for my confusion, I misplaced my boarding pass.
presentation today. Do you have a copy? Jenny: Oh dear. But they must have let you on eventually.
: mma : Yes, I do, but I'm afraid I can't fax it to your hotel. The Bill: Yes, they did, in the end. One of the cabin crew was
fax machine is still broken. working at the boarding gate and he helped me. He

Recording script

found a record of my booking on the computer system Inez: Great. Will the courtesy bus from the Kivilinnan
and so they let me on the flight. And when I finally got Guesthouse be available at that time of night? You did
here, my luggage didn't turn up on the carousel at the reserve a room for me there, didn't you?
baggage pick-up. Nan: Well, no, I didn't. It's going to be closed for repairs when
jenny: And I bet a lot of people were waiting at the lost luggage you're there.
counter! Inez: So where am I staying?
Bill: Oh yes. But as I was filling out the forms to get my Nan: I haven't booked you a room yet. I'm still looking into
bags back, one of the baggage handlers found them the different possibilities. The trade fair is being held in
and brought them over. And after that everything went the exhibition center close to the train station. There's a
smoothly. chain hotel just next to the exhibition hall but it doesn't
Jenny: Well, you're here at last! You must be suffering from have any vacancies the night you arrive. I asked the
jetlag after such a long trip and crossing so many time receptionist to put your name on a waiting list in case
zones. The hotel we've booked for you isn't far away. there's a cancellation.
Bill: Oh good, I am rather tired. And I almost forgot , jenny. Inez: Well I really would like accommodations within walking
Here is a little duty free present for you. I picked it up distance to the exhibition hall.
during one of my layovers. Nan: Yes, that would be easier. I'm also looking for a hotel that
Jenny: Thank you, Bill. How thoughtful of you. has a courtesy bus from the airport. I'll let you know what
I find out.
Recording 4
Inez: OK.
Anita: Hi Mary! How are you?
Nan: It's possible that you'll have to take the airport shuttle
Mary: Well, I'm a bit tired. I've just returned from my trip to
bus or a taxi into the city. If you use the bus, it will bring
the New York City book fair.
you to the train station in the city center. From there ...
Anita: Of course! When did you get back?
Inez: What about car rentals?
Mary: I arrived late last night.
Nan: I didn't look into that. Would you like me to book a rental
Anita: You were looking forward to that trip, weren't you? How
car for you at the airport?
was it?
Inez: Never mind. I'll just take a taxi. That will be the easiest
Mary: It was really good and I've placed lots of orders for some
thing to do. And when you're looking at other hotels,
really interesting books and also lots of popular science
could you check the facilities, uh, free internet service,
complimentary breakfast, and amenities like that before
Anita: Great. You've been going to that book fair for a while
you make the reservation?
now, haven't you?
Nan: Sure.
Ma ry: Yes, every year for about 10 years. Anyway, this morning
Inez: So, when will I be meeting with the people at our Helsinki
I came in early to catch up on some paperwork before
everyone arrives. But I've been wondering why no one
Nan: You meet with them at 10:00 A.M. on Wednesday
was on the streets and there was no traffic. Is there any
morning. They're sending someone to your hotel to
special reason why everything is closed? I haven't seen
pick you up at 9:30. I'll email them about the hotel
anyone all morning-until you arrived .
arrangements as soon as I make the booking.
Anita: But it's still really early.
Inez: Great, thanks, Nan. I'm looking forward to this exhibition .
Mary: Early! It's already 9:30.
It looks great in the brochure.
Anita: No, it's not. It's only 7:30.
Nan: The exhibits should be interesting.
Ma ry: 7:30! It can't be! Oh, I know. I forgot to change the time
Inez: By the way, did you ask about the weather?
on my watch after my trip! So, I've been thinking that
Nan: Yes, I did. They are expecting snow.
everyone was really late, but in fact, I was really early.
Inez: Really? At this time of year?
That means I've been here since 5 a.m.!
Nan : Yes. Quite a lot, I think.
Anita: Well, did you get a lot done?
Inez: Oh dear. I'll have to rethink what I'm going to pack.
Ma ry: Yes. In fact, I've been working really hard all morning.
I've already put the money in the cash register; arranged Practice Test 1
some merchandise on the counter and put some new 1 Now listen to the four statements.
books on the shelves. I've also put the summer clearance (A) She is leaning over the balcony.
sale sign up in the window and changed the display. (B) She is looking out the window.
Anita : Wow, that's great. Maybe you should go home and take a (C) She is standing in the doorway.
nap. I can look after the store for the rest of the morning. (D) She is staying at a guesthouse.
Mary: Yes, good idea. I've been feeling a little sleepy! 2 Now listen to the four statements.
Recording 5 (A) He is reading the instructions.
Inez: So, is my itinerary for the trip to Helsinki ready, Nan? (B) He is filing documents.
Nan: Sure. You leave Tuesday evening at 6:00. You have a short (C) He is typing a report.
stop in Zurich and arrive in Helsinki at 11:00 P.M. local (D) He is making a photocopy.

Kecoromg scnpt

Part 2 Man:
Thank you. I appreciate that. Are you sure you will be
3 Is it possible to hire more staff? OK?
(A) I didn't think it was so funny. Woman: Well, I have to make a photocopy of each of these
(B) We can look into it. reports and file them. I can't do that in Tim's office.
(C) We have enough cakes already. 12 Where does this conversation take place?
4 When did Anita say the train was due to leave? 13 Where is the man going?
(A) Grand Central Station 14 What does the woman offer to do?
(B) Four thirty Part 4
(C) Every Wednesday Questions 15 through 17 refer to the following talk:
5 Have you considered what your expenses will be? Clarke Airport is currently being refurbished, and we apologize
(A) I don't expect so. for any inconvenience this may cause you. We are working hard
(B) I haven't really thought .about it. to improve the airport and make life easier for travelers. In
(C) I haven't spent any money at al[. particular, business travel will soon be much easier than it has
been. We are going to introduce new executive business lounges
6 Will you confirm my reservation at Groppi's Hotel?
which will make your journey much more comfortable. We will
(A) Yes, I'll make a reservation. offer complimentary snacks and drinks and you will be able
(B) No, I'm going to serve apple pie. to buy newspapers and magazines from around the world. In
(C) I've already done that. addition, you will soon have constant communication with your
7 Which tray does this file go into? headquarters and your clients when we introduce free wireless
internet throughout the airport. We are also going to offer six new
(A) The out-tray.
meeting rooms, with video-and telephone conference facilities.
(B) Turn right onto Grand Avenue.
(C) Yes, the parade is filing past now. 15 Who is speaking?
16 What does the speaker say about the business lounges?
8 Where is the guesthouse?
17 What is the purpose of this announcement?
(A) On Friday night
(B) It's just behind the exhibition hall. Questions 18 through 20 refer to the following talk:
(C) The porter will take your bags. The workplace for many people is in an open-plan office
where everyone is visible and available, a place that makes
Part 3 communication easier. The space is used more efficiently and
Questions 9 through 11 refer to the following conversation: shared facilities such as fax machines, photocopiers and printers
Woman: Here is your itinerary, sir. Will you check it and see are easily accessible to everyone. However, our survey company
that everything is in order? has found that a large percentage of employees are dissatisfied.
Man: Yes, of course. Let me see ... I'll have to change planes These open-plan offices tend to have rows of impersonal
in Athens. Is that right? Or do I stay on the flight? workstations and overhead lighting which may or may not serve
W: I'm afraid you'll have to stay the night in Athens. the needs of all the staff. They are not inviting places to work.
There is no onward flight to Copenhagen that evening. Employees want their private space where they can get their
Is that OK? work done undisturbed, personalize their surroundings, and hold
M: Yes. I'm going to need to break up the journey private discussions.
anyway. Is there a hotel within walking distance of
the airport? 18 Who is speaking?
W: No, but we can get a discount price for you at a hotel 19 What is the speaker comparing?
that has a courtesy bus. 20 Which piece of equipment is not mentioned?
9 Where does this conversation take place?
Recording 6
10 What will the man do? Man: Hello. How can I help you?
11 What does the woman offer to do? Woman: I would like to make a complaint. I bought this cell
Questions 12 through 14 refer to the following conversation: phone from this store last August and the screen has
Man: The office smells terrible.
Man: I am sorry to hear that ma'am. Has it been mistreated
Woman: I know. It's the tar they're using for the new roof on the
in any way?
building next door. That's why I closed the window.
Woman. No, it hasn't. It was on my desk at the office in perfect
Man: I don't think I can work here. The odor is already
condition. I put it into my pocket and walked home,
giving me a headache and I need to concentrate on
took it out of my pocket and it was broken. I did not
updating the figures on this account.
drop it or mistreat it in any way.
Woman: Why don't you use Tim Hayworth's office? He's working
Man: I'm sorry, ma'am, but we cannot replace or fix the
in Paris this week and I know he has offered people his
screen. You can take it to the Phone Fix-It shop. They
office before. So, I don't think he minds if colleagues
repair those kinds of problems, but I don't know how
work there. I can transfer your calls.
much they charge.
Recording script

Woman: What do you mean? Do I have to pay to have it fixed? Frank and Alex
Man : Yes, you do. Frank: Good morning, Alex. How's the chocolate business
Woman : But this is the guarantee, isn 't it? Don 't you have a going?
commitment to fix it? Alex: Just fine, Frank. I'm sure you've been wondering what
Man: I'm sorry, but the guarantee only covers the software. I've decided about that building complex you took me to
Woman : What do you mean the guarantee only covers the see.
software? Frank: The property is still available.
Man : The guarantee is that the phone will do all the Alex: Good. I really like the place, but I'm not sure what to
functions that it should. do. Before I make a decision, I need to know how much
Woman : You mean you guarantee the reliability of the software, renovation the owner will allow me to do.
but the phone itself can be poor quality, cost a lot, and Frank: OK. Could you tell me what changes you have in mind?
break in less than a year? Alex: Well, I'd like to know if I can extend the back room to
Man : If you would like to make a complaint .. . accommodate a larger cold storage area.
Woman : That is what I'm doing here at customer service. I am Frank: OK. Is there anything else?
not satisfied with the product. Alex: Yes. Could you find out if the owner would consider a
Man : Ma'am, we only sell the phone. You can complain to lease that gives me the option to buy the building later if
the company that makes them. Go to their website my business continues to grow?
and click on the 'contact us' link and send them your Frank: Sure. I can do that for you .
complaint. Recording 8
Woman: Well, if they don't meet customer expectations by Teller: Good afternoon. Can I help you? . . . Excuse me, sir. Good
providing quality products, then in the future I will buy
their competitor's products. Thank you and good-bye. Mike: Oh, good afternoon . I'm sorry. I was looking at this
Recording 7 brochure about business loans.
Frank and Lydia Teller: Are you interested in a loan? Would you like me to see if
Lydia : Excuse me. Could you tell me where I can find Mr. a loan officer is available to speak to you?
Jacobs? Mike: Yes, please. But first , I'd like to deposit these checks.
Fran k: Oh, I'm Mr. Jacobs. Teller: Of course. Could you sign the deposit slip here, please?
Lydia: Hi, I'm Lydia, Lydia Fenway. I made an appointment for Thank you. Now, if you wouldn't mind waiting a few
you to show me some apartments this morning. I'm sorry minutes, I can get a loan officer to come and speak to you .
I'm a bit early. Mike: No problem . Thank you .
Frank: Oh , no problem . Call me Frank, by the way. Before we
Loan Good afternoon, Mr. Martin. Sorry to keep you
start, I need to know whether you're looking for a place
Officer: waiting. I'm Samantha Schmitt, and I understand you
to buy or rent.
are interested in getting a loan.
Lydia: Well, I'd really like to buy a one-bedroom apartment in
Mike: Yes, that's right. My wife and I want to invest in a
the city center, but I haven 't found out whether the bank
franchise . We want to open an outlet of the Oskari's
will give me a mortgage or not.
Tasty Snacks food chain.
Fran k: OK. Well, come this way and we can look at the listed
properties for sale and rent.
Officer: Do you have experience in running a restaurant?
Frank and Robert
Mike: Well, we're both managers of Oskari's Tasty Snacks. In
Robert: Are you Frank Jacobs?
fact, we met at a managerial training program. Now my
Frank: Yes, I am . Can I help you?
wife manages the outlet in the Grand Forks shopping
Robert: Yes. My name's Robert Goldberg and I'm looking for a
mall and I'm at a branch downtown .
realtor to take care of selling my home.
Frank: OK. Could you tell me where your residence is?
Officer: So you both know the business quite well?
Robert: It's in the Elegant Views housing development. It's
Mike: Yes. We started out at the bottom and worked our way
a lovely family home with a large yard and double
up. And now that we've been in the business for quite
garage. Are you familiar with the area?
a while, we thought that we would li ke to have ou r own
Fra nk: Yes, I am . House prices have fallen recently, but I'm
sure we can still get you a good price. Can you give me
Loan How much are you thinking about as a down
an idea of how quickly you need to sell it?
Officer: payment?
Robert: Well, I'm being transferred to a different state, but we
Mike: We haven't really discussed that yet.
can't move until the children are finished with school
this year. Wilma : What took you so long? You said that you were just
Frank: So, the house won't be empty for another three months. going to the post office and you've been gone a long
Robert: Yes, that's right. time. I was getting worried .
Mike: I'm sorry. I wanted to call, but my phone needed
recharging. I stopped off at the bank to deposit our
Reconllng script

Wilma: Oh, great. You remembered them. Francisco: Hi, my name is Francisco. I drive to work everyday.
Mike: And when I was waiting in the line, I saw a brochure I live in a quiet suburb and there is no public
about business loans with good interest rates. The teller transportation in the area. I wanted my children to
offered to see if a loan officer was available to talk to grow up in a peaceful neighborhood, but it means
me. I said yes, and she asked me if I minded waiting for that I have to commute quite a distance to get into
a few minutes. It was a while before a loan officer called the city. There's always a lot of congestion on the
me into her office. highway because I come and go during rush hour.
Wilma: Did you say why we wanted to get a loan? I could take the fast lane if I were in a carpool. I'd
Mike: Well, I told the loan officer that we wanted to invest like to carpool because I get bored being in the car
in a franchise. She asked if we had any experience in alone for an hour or so every day. However, none of
this business and I said that we were both managers my neighbors work in the same area as I do, and so I
at different branches of Oskari's Tasty Snacks. Oh, and have no one to carpool with .
she asked how much we were thinking about as a down
Recording 10
Clara: Hi , Enzo. What did you want to talk to me about?
Wilma: Did she mention that the bank would run a credit check
Enzo: Well, Clara , Wrinkleless Wardrobes have asked us to plan
on us?
a promotional campaign for their steamers.
Mike: She said that we'd have to complete this form and the
Clara: Steamers? What's a steamer?
bank would have to check our credit rating.
Enzo : Well, apparently, it's a machine like an iron, but better!
Wilma: Did you check our balance today?
Clara: Oh, I like the sound of that. Tell me more.
Mike: No, I didn't. Why?
Enzo: Well, the smallest of their steamers is a hand steamer,
Wilma: Umm, well, dear, I thought you deposited our checks
which is good for travelers. It's small and compact, so it
last week. On Saturday I wrote a check for a large
will fit into your luggage, and you can use it in a hotel to
amount, so there was not enough money in our account
get the wrinkles out of your clothes before you go to an
to cover it.
important meeting.
Recording 9 Clara: OK. That's cheaper than paying the hotel laundry services
Jack: I'm Jack and I take the subway to work. Every to iron your clothes, although some hotels do provide an
morning I walk from my apartment to the station. iron in the room.
My stop is not usually very crowded, but the station Enzo: True. Then there's a personal steamer, which you use in
where I get off in the city can be unpleasantly busy. your home. It's larger than the travel steamer and they
At each stop, there are always more and more people say you can steam your clothes much faster with this one.
impatiently trying to get on. Sometimes coming The largest size is an industrial steamer for retail stores
home, people rudely push and shove to get into a car. that have a lot of clothes that are wrinkled when they are
I try not to get annoyed but sometimes it's difficult! taken out of the box and need to be steamed before they
Cindy: My name is Cindy. I take the bus to work. I could are put out for sale.
take the train, which is, in fact, faster, but I would Cla ra: So why use a steamer instead of an iron? What are its
have to change trains. The stop where I would selling points?
have to change is often crowded. The bus takes a Enzo: Well, a steamer's actually better than an iron at getting
bit longer and sometimes the traffic jams cause wrinkles out of your clothes. It's also gentler and causes
extremely long delays, but I don't have to change less damage to the fibers .
buses, so I prefer it. Also, the number 19 stop is Cla ra: Anything else?
conveniently located just around the corner from Enzo : Oh yes. Apparently, when you use it on carpets and rugs,
my house and I can get off almost at the front door it kills the insects that can cause allergies.
of the building I work in. And I can buy a commuter Clara: OK. Those are good advertising points. So, what kind of
pass that gives me unlimited travel for three months, ad campaign are we talking about?
which works out much cheaper. Enzo : Well, we have three groups: the retail business, the
Ivana: My name is Ivana and I live in the heart of the city. I homemaker and the traveler.
rent a tiny apartment because a big place in the area Clara: Should we have three different commercials aimed at the
is really expensive. But there are many advantages different target audiences or just one aimed at the entire
to living in the city. I walk to work, so I don't have community?
to wait in long lines to buy a ticket for a bus or the Enzo: Well, we can think about that. I was thinking about some
subway or worry about missing the last train home, sort of a promotion in shopping malls. We can make up
which is great. It takes me about 20 minutes to some brochures or flyers to hand out and get someone to
walk to work. While walking, I can look in the store give demonstrations.
windows and think how I will organize my day. By Clara: I can get Laurence onto writing a catchy jingle for
the time I get to work, I have had my exercise and an ad on the radio and perhaps we can produce a TV
my mind is clear for the day's work. commercial.
Enzo: I think if we drum up just a little publicity we can
increase brand recognition qu ite quickly. I thin k there's a
big market for this kind of product.
Recording script

Clara: How about a slogan? 10 Could you tell me where we are supposed to meet?
Enzo: I was thinking of that. What do you think of "Wrinkles (A) At six o'clock
Away?" (B) Exactly five
Clara: Uh, I think that sounds more like an anti-aging cream.
(C) In the committee room
Enzo: Oh. You're right. Well, we can work on it.
11 Why did the bank return the check?
Practice test 2 (A) It wasn't signed.
Part 1: (B) They checked it back in.
1 Now listen to the four statements. (C) I had to return to the bank.
(A) The woman is arguing with her boss. 12 What exactly is the problem, sir?
(B) The man is laughing at the woman. (A) I am not acting.
(C) The woman is holding a slip of paper. (B) The engine won't start.
(D) The man is working in a big department store. (C) Yes, I was robbed.
2 Now listen to the four statements. 13 You need the sales receipt to make an exchange, don't
(A) They are running for the bus. you?
(B) They are waiting for the bus. (A) Yes, and I forgot to bring it.
(C) They are crossing in front of a bus. (B) Yes, I made the exchange.
(D) They are going home by bus. (C) No, I changed it for a new one.
3 Now listen to the four statements. 14 Do you plan to attend the conference?
(A) They are reading a paper. (A) I have to check the dates.
(B) They are talking about cars. (B) I won't depend on the plan.
(C) He is signing a document. (C) Right away, sir.
(D) He is writing about cars. 15 What is that advertising agency called?
4 Now listen to the four statements. (A) Yes, that's the agent's name.
(A) They are returning items to the shelves. (B) That's a long distance number.
(B) They are comparing packages. (C) It's something like Media Marketing.
(C) They are waiting in the grocery line. 16 Are you planning to stay late today?
(D) They are going to the check-out counter. (A) No, I'm taking off early.
5 Now listen to the four statements. (B) No, I won't be successful.
(A) They are buying houses. (C) No, I scanned it yesterday.
(B) They are looking at pictures in the windows. 17 Could you try to get here earlier tomorrow?
(C) They are walking their dog. (A) I'll do my best.
(D) They are waiting for some friends. (B) That's not good enough .
Part 2 (C) I'll try now.
6 They turned us down for a mortgage. Part 3:
(A) It turned up yesterday. Questions 18 through 20 refer to the following conversation:
(B) The mortgage company is downtown. Woman: Good morning. This is Hansford's Garden Center
(C) I'm sorry to hear that. Customer Service. Sandra speaking. How can I help
7 Did you ask him if the tenants accepted the offer?
Man: Good morning. My name is Ed Smiley. I'm calling about
(A) I asked him for five, not ten. the backyard inflatable swimming pool I bought from
(B) There were no exceptions. you last week.
(C) I forgot. Woman : Is there a problem, sir?
8 Are you sure it is broken? Man: Yes, there is. The assembly instructions are not clear
and I can't seem to inflate it. I have tried using the
(A) I spoke confidently.
pump that came with my purchase but it doesn't work.
(B) Well, it won't turn on. I thought maybe there is a leak in the plastic that is
(C) You brought it yesterday. letting the air out. Can you help me?
9 Would you sign on this line, please? Woman: Have you checked that the pump is attached properly,
(A) Sure. Do you want me to date it? sir? That could be the cause of the problem. The pump
(B) Well, I forgot it. has to be securely attached to the valve on the side of
the pool. If it still doesn't inflate, we would be happy
(C) Please, follow the line.
to send over a technician to help with the assembly.

~cording script

What product did the man purchase? Man: How do you know that for sure?
1 What is the man's problem? Woman: Well, I used to work in a bank and one of my jobs was
1 What does the woman offer to do? to electronically scan checks that came in. Believe me,
red ink is as readable as any other color. I'd advise
Jestions 21 through 23 refer to the following conversation: you to write a check only when you have the money to
lllan 2: Sorry I'm late for the second time this week. I tried to be cover it.
on time but the traffic jams were worse than ever. Street
27 What was the man told about checks?
repairs are causing delays, especially around rush hour.
oman 2: That's OK. We can't start the meeting yet because Sam's 28 Where did the woman work in the past?
late, too. So, help yourself to some coffee while we wait. 29 What advice does the woman give?
an 2: Oh, I don't feel so bad then. I think I could get here Questions 30 through 32 refer to the following conversation:
more quickly by bicycle, at least until the repair work is Man: Good morning. I've come to discuss investing in time
finished. deposits.
oman 2: And bicycling is healthier and a lot easier. Although, Woman: Welcome. Let me show you the time deposits we have
honestly, I don't feel so safe on a bike. I'm glad that the on offer at the moment. Here is our list where you can
new bicycle route will be opening soon. see several different rates.
an 2: I'm looking forward to that too. I'll definitely use the new Man: Yes, I see. This one is only for 3 percent. That's not a
bike route for my daily commuting. just think, no more very high rate. And it's only for six months, so it'll have
rush hour traffic jams and no more road rage problems. to be reinvested after six months. Can I get a bette'r
oman 2: And then, we'll always be able to start our meetings rate if I deposit my money for, umm, let's say for a
exactly on time! year?
Where does this conversation take place? Woman: Yes. At the momentwe have a one year special deposit
Why does the man apologize? which must be kept for one year. At the end of the year,
What does the woman think? you'll receive 4 percent interest on your initial deposit.
Man: That's a better rate, and I think I could leave my money
uestions 24 through 26 refer to the following conversation: with you for at least a year. I think I'll choose that
oman: Good morning, john. Could you have a look at the report one. The funds can be transferred from my account
on Greenaway Gadgets and let me know what you think tomorrow when my salary comes in.
about their plans for expansion?
30 What does the man want?
Man: Well, Lisa. I've already looked. Right now there isn't
much scope for increased sales on luxury items and what 31 What does the man decide to do?
you might call unnecessary items. I think we should 32 When will the funds be transferred?
advise them to wait before taking on any loans. Part 4
'oman: I agree. They should wait till the economic conditions Questions 33 through 35 refer to the following talk:
improve. Maybe in a year or so we could take another Good morning, everyone and welcome to the Property Hour
look and see how their goals fit in with the business Show. I'm Eduardo Gonzales, your talk-radio real estate agent,
situation. and today I'll be giving advice to prospective tenants. OK, so
Man: OK. We meet them next week for a consultation. I'll before you sign a contract as a tenant there are several things you
have a summary and recommendations report ready to should carefully check. First, look at the location of the property.
present by then. Are you close to public transportation and stores? Second, you
11 What is the company Greenaway Gadgets planning? must be sure that there is adequate heating for cold winter
5 What do the speakers think about the Greenaway Gadgets weather. Check if the heating system works well. Also, you should
plan? make sure the toilets and sinks are in good working order. Finally,
6 What will the man do by next week? you need to think about your insurance situation. Are your
personal possessions insured by the landlord's policy? To get our
uestions 27 through 29 refer to the following conversation:
brochure with a fully comprehensive list of what you should look
Man: You know what? The supermarket cashier just told me
for, drop in at our agency on the corner of 23'd and 2"d Streets.
that if you write a check in red ink, the bank will take
And now for a word from our sponsor.
longer to process the check. So if you don't have enough
money in your bank account and you're expecting your 33 Who is Eduardo Gonzales?
salary to be added soon, the check will clear after the 34 Why is Eduardo giving this talk?
money is deposited. 35 Where can interested people get the brochure?
loman: Don't believe everything you're told. Bank scanning Questions 36 through 38 refer to the following talk:
machines can read any color of ink. Your check would You can stay ahead of your competitors in the way you handle
bounce. complaints. If a customer complains about a product or service,
don't react negatively. Think positively. How can you turn the
situation into an opportunity for your business? Remember a
complaint that is solved successfully will lead to more customer
loyalty. You should also remember that a customer who alerts
Recording script

you to a problem is doing your business a favor since many 45 What is being presented?
customers with problems may have just taken their business 46 Who wrote the document?
elsewhere without bothering to mention it. Above all, remember 47 Who is the document aimed at?
that complaints must be dealt with as courteously, swiftly, and
sympathetically as possible. Recording 11
36 What is the main point of the talk? Alberto: I've just looked at the figures and our profits are
still falling. We must do something soon. Any
37 What may be true if customers do not complain?
38 Who is the talk probably aimed at? Rosemarie: Well, I was thinking that we could start selling toys
Questions 39 through 41 refer to the following talk: for older children as well as toddlers.
Remember, if you are sent a job offer you must read the letter Alberto: But how can we think about expanding right now?
carefully. The offer letter should include several key pieces of I don't think we could get a loan to buy more stock
information. For example, it should state the date when your when our profits are dropping.
new work starts, the starting salary and benefits and a clear Rosemarie: We can make a good argument on how this change
description of your expected duties. Does the offer agree with could improve our business. If we want to ask for
what you discussed at the interview with your new employer? If a loan, we must study the market, the costs and
there are differences between the details of the letter and what the possible profits, so that we can have all that
was discussed, you need to be certain that these differences are information ready for the bank.
acceptable to you. Finally, you should check whether you have Alberto: Well, don't forget that the sales representative from
to fulfill certain conditions before the contract can be signed. Wooden Toyz Company. is coming today.
For example, you may be required to have a health checkup or to Rosemarie: That's right, she is, and I just might ask her about
send in references or educational certificates. toys for oldeF children.
39 What is the main point of the talk? Alberto: OK. Good idea. She may have some good
40 Who is the talk directed at? suggestions.
Rosemarie: Yes, and we could start out by expanding slowly.
41 What is NOT mentioned as a key piece of information to
Alberto: But what about our name? We can't attract older
look for?
children with a name like Toys for Toddlers. We
Questions 42 through 44 refer to the following talk: would have to change our name, which would
I'd like to introduce my new chewing-gum removal machine be expensive. We'd have to change all of our
which I invented to take care of a big problem for cities stationary, our logo, even the registration of the
everywhere: chewing gum carelessly dropped on the streets. company. Can we really afford to do that?
You can see on this sidewalk that the used gum looks bad, and Rosemarie: Well, how about keeping this store as it is? We
of course, is a nuisance if it sticks to your shoe. Most traditional could rent the empty store next door and start
gum-removal devices use huge amounts of water, high pressure another toy store for older children there. An inside
hoses and dangerous chemicals to force the stuck gum off the door could join the two stores.
sidewalks. But my new gum-removal device uses muth less water Alberto: What? We couldn't expand that much!
at a low pressure. Unlike other devices, this one can be rolled Rosemarie: OK, well, what do you think of taking on a partner?
along by one person and causes no environmental damage. Also Alberto: A partner? Oh, I don't know. It might mean we'd
it makes less noise and doesn't damage the surfaces like other have to totally restructure the business.
systems do. Here, try this excellent machine out, now, but watch Rosemarie: Well, a partner could bring in the money needed for
out for those pedestrians. expansion and then we wouldn't have to take out a
42 Who is speaking? big loan. It might not be that difficult to find a new
43 What is the speaker comparing? partner.
44 Where is the speaker? Alberto: Next you'll be talking about becoming a big
corporation with stockholders!
Questions 45 through 47 refer to the following talk: Rosemarie: Maybe in the future, I will. But right now I need
Our guide to buying a home has been fully updated to take your help in hanging these balloons. I can't reach
account of the recent difficult market conditions. It has been that high.
written by experts in the field of house purchasing who will Alberto: 01<. I can do that for you.
help you to figure out what kind of home you should buy, Rosemarie: And while you are at it, think about what I
how to estimate your price range and how to negotiate the suggested. I agree that we mustn't rush into
whole business of obtaining a mortgage and making a sale or anything, but it can't hurt to think about
purchase. Whether you are a first time buyer or an experienced expanding, and once we have all the information,
professional, this guide will tell you all you need to know about we can make an informed decision.
making this important step.
Recording 12
Maria: So, Alex, have you got any questions so far?
Alex: ·Yes, actually. I need to clear up some questions before I
sign it. Could you help?

ecording script

aria: Yes, of course. You should make sure you understand all Brandon: Well, I am hungry so I would like the special, please.
the terms and conditions before you sign. Waiter: Certainly, sir. And for the appetizer?
Alex: Well, first of all, I can't find where it mentions vacation Brandon: I'll have the tossed salad.
time. It should say that here somewhere. Waiter: The tossed salad. And can I get you something to
aria : Let me see. Here it is, at the bottom of the second page. drink, madam?
You're entitled to 20 days vacation time per annum. Lauren: Oh, just water is fine, thank you.
After five years, the company must give you an extra day Waiter: And for you, sir?
of vacation time for every year you stay with us- it's a Brandon: Umm, would you mind bringing the drinks menu?
legal requirement. That increases up to a maximum of Waiter: Yes, of course, sir. Would you like anything else?
30 days. Brandon: Not that I can think of.
Alex: Oh, that's good. And what happens if I'm sick? Waiter: OK. May I take your menus? And I'll be right back
aria: We'll pay you for up to 28 days sick leave within a one with the drinks menu, sir.
year period. But you must bring in a doctor's certificate
Recording 14
if you're sick for more than two consecutive days. If
Tony: Hello Marie. You look lost in thought.
you're off for just a day or two, you don't have to bother
Marie: Oh, hi Tony. Yes, I was just thinking about the Health
about one. But obviously you should let your manager
and Safety committee meeting this morning. We had to
know if you're going to be off work.
discuss the update we'll give everyone at the meeting on
Alex: OK. And what about if I want to leave the company?
Wednesday morning.
When do I have to let you know?
Tony: Why do we need another update? We've just passed the
aria: During the first month you can leave at any time and
fire safety inspection after getting lots of new factory
you don't need to tell us in advance. Similarly, we don't
safety equipment. We now have a fire escape, fire
have to give you any notice. After you have been with
extinguishers and fireproof doors.
us one month, you have to tell us at least three weeks in
Marie: I know. But according to the new guidelines on hazards
advance if you plan to terminate the contract. at work, we still have some potential dangers in this
I\ lex: And what if you want to fire me?
aria: Well, we also have to give you three weeks notice if Tony: But we all have hard hats and safety goggles for going
we decide to lay you off. However, if an employee is
into the factory area. And of course, we've posted
involved in some kind of misconduct, we don't have
warnings about certain hazards. Just yesterday, I put
to give any notice to terminate a contract. We can fire up a warning sign beside the water cooler about the
you immediately and without pay. Employees mustn't dangers of falling on wet and slippery floors . What more
assume that this never happens. Is there anything else
do we need?
you need to know? Marie: We've taken care of all the government safety
1\lex: No, I think that's it.
regulations, but we haven't considered the noise-related
aria: OK, well, I think you'd better go away and read it though
once more before signing it. Tony: But this office isn 't particularly noisy. The noise from
1\lex: Good idea . Thank you for your help. machinery on the factory floor doesn't usually reach here
aria: You're very welcome. unless someone leaves the door open.
ecording 13 Marie: True. But apparently there is 'low-level noise' in open
Waiter: Good afternoon, sir, madam. A table for two? plan offices like this one. Jane was telling us at the
Lauren: Oh , we made a reservation. The name is Richards. meeting that low level noise is also considered harmful.
Waiter: Ah yes, could you follow me, please? She said it increases levels of stress and in the long term
randon: Oh, there isn't much of a view here. Could we have that leads to heart disease.
that table over there by the window? Tony: I find that hard to believe. Alii hear at the moment is the
Waiter: Certainly sir. sound of people talking in the background, and typing.
Lauren: Yes. This is a wonderful view. Ah, and Sam 's whistling as usual. That's not going to
Waiter: Here are menus for you . hurt anyone, is it?
randon: Thank you . Marie: Well, you forgot to mention the sound of the printers
Waiter: And may I suggest today's special? It includes and photocopiers, the doors opening and closing and
appetizer, entree and dessert. the ventilation system. And there is some traffic noise
randon: What is the special today? coming from beyond the front gate. Oh, and of course,
Waiter: A choice of vegetable soup or tossed salad as an the phones are forever ringing.
appetizer and an entree of asparagus with grilled Tony: I suppose there is a lot of background noise in this office.
salmon .... It's never really bothered me though .
Lauren: Oh, I really like salmon, but I'm not that hungry.
Recording 15
Waiter: Well, we have a very nice salmon salad on our regular Elisa: Welcome everyone. Let's get straight to the items on
menu . the agenda . Can someone volunteer to take minutes
Lauren: Yes, that would be fine . today?
Waiter: And you, sir? John: I'll take the minutes, Elisa.
Recording script

Elisa : Thank you, John. Can we approve the minutes of the 4 Can I have the afternoon off?
last meeting? (A) Didn't I already say yes?
\lberto: I just want to ask- did we do anything about the (B) I can 't possibly.
broken automatic gate at the entrance to the main
parking area? (C) We can remove it.
John: My understanding of the situation is that the 5 Will we need a loan to expand?
maintenance department has ordered the parts and (A) We'll have to check our finances.
will fix it by the end of the month. (B) I'll send one home next week.
Elisa: Are there any other comments about last week's (C) We have our own one.
minutes? . .. . OK, then last week's minutes are
6 Did you invite the new bookkeeper to have lunch with us?
adopted. Now, looking at today's agenda, the first item
is the fund raising event the city has scheduled . The (A) Yes, I gave him a book to keep for us.
money will be used for repairing the damage after the (B) I heard you had lunch with our accountant.
fire in the city library last summer. (C) No, I didn't even think about it.
\lberto: Sorry, I was away last week. So, you definitely agreed 7 Could you fax Mr. Chang the corrected contract?
on our taking part in the fund raiser, did you? (A) I'm making the corrections.
Elisa: Oh, sorry, Alberto. Yes, the vote was unanimous.
(B) I've already faxed it.
We discussed providing homemade cookies and
cakes for the stand that sells baked goods. We also (C) I'll contact him now.
discussed selling balloons for children. But no one was 8 Do the staff meetings here usually start on time?
really interested in either idea. (A) Yes, we have weekly meetings.
~ndrea: Well, over the weekend, I was thinking about the (B) Not always .
idea of holding an auction instead of baking things (C) Start the meeting without me.
or selling balloons. We could sell some of our old
merchandise. Part 3
John: I think that's a great idea, Andrea. Alberto has done a Questions 9 through 11 refer to the following conversation:
charity auction before, right, Alberto? Man: Hi Maria. How did it go at the interview?
\lberto: Yes. I have. The great thing is we could get rid of Woman : Great. I got the job. They are going to send me a
old merchandise as well as auction products which contract next week.
other businesses donate. We might get a really good Man : Congratulations. But remember you need to check the
response. contract carefully before you sign it.
Elisa: Well, let's put it to a vote. Could I see a show of Woman: Oh, I will, don't worry. At least, I know what the salary
hands? OK. Everyone's in favor of an auction. Alberto, will be.
will you take responsibility for planning that? Man : Ok, but you'd better find out about things like sick
IIberto: Of course. I'll arrange a meeting with other local leave and how much vacation time you will have.
businesses. I know several people who might be Woman: Yes, that's true. Thanks, I will. By the way, Mike,
interested in participating. why are you grocery shopping at th is time of day?
Elisa : OK. Well if you 're happy to do that, let's move onto the Shouldn't you be at work?
next item on the agenda . Man : Oh, umm. I don't have a job now. My last job didn't
work out. I didn't read the contract carefully.
,ractice Test 3
9 What is the woman expecting to receive?
,art 1
10 What advice does the man give the woman?
Now listen to the fou r statements.
11 Why is the man in the supermarket at this time of day?
(A) They are working on their computers.
Questions 12 through 14 refe r to the following conversation:
(B) They are seated at a tab le. Woman : The restaurant I booked was recommended by a
(C) They are enjoying the main cou rse. good friend at the office. It specializes in food from
(D) They've finished the meeting. Thailand .
Now listen to the four statements. Man : Oh, good. I like Thai cuisine .. . I wonder why the taxi
(A) He is looking at the screen. is taking so long. We called for it to come at 7 o'clock,
didn't we? And it's now 7:30. Should I call them to
(B) He is checking his papers.
find out what has happened?
(C) He is talking on the telephone. Woma n: Yes, and would you tell them to hurry up? I made the
(D) He is playing a computer game. table reservation for 7:15.
,art 2 Man: You know what? I've got a better idea . Let's just stay
Could you check the wording on t he contract? home. The Chinese restaurant around the corner does
home deliveries. Should I call the Thai restaurant and
(A) I've already written the check. cancel the reservation?
(B) I could work afterwards.
(C) I did that already.
Kecoramg scnpt

Woman: Yes, you should tell them we're not coming and our office decor. These lamps are bright orange. The office
apologize. And um, could you also cancel the taxi? stationery arrived but the headed notepaper is misspelled. It
12 Where did the people plan to go? should say Vanguard Trading and not Vanguard Shading. I'm
13 What problem do the people have? afraid you will have to redo this order. Please could you offer an
explanation? Our number at Vanguard is 324 9786. Thank you.
14 What do the people decide to do?
Question 11:
Part 4 What are some important features of your job?
Questions 15 through 17 refer to the following talk:
foday I'm going to tell you about falling asleep in the afternoon. Recording 16
['m sure you've noticed that most people feel sleepy after Anna: And now to our Focus on Success segment. Each week we
3 big meal. But do you know why that is? Well, after eating look at a different business that is doing well and look
3 lot of food, most of the oxygen in your body is being used at exactly what it is they do. This week we are talking
JY your digestive system in order to help process the meal. to Harry Stubbs, whose freight packaging business is
:onsequently, your brain doesn't get as much oxygen as it needs expanding rapidly. Is that correct, Mr. Stubbs?
:o work efficiently. So with less oxygen getting to the brain it is Harry: Oh, call me Harry, please. Yes, my company produces
jifficult to stay mentally active. Because of this you tend to feel special shipping containers for the export/import
;leepy after a big meal. This is why lots of people who work in industry.
lffices, as you all do, are less productive in the afternoon. As an Anna : OK. But tell me, why can't a factory just ship their
~xpert in nutrition, I suggest that you eat smaller meals for lunch products in a normal cardboard box? Why do they need
md eat healthy snacks in between meals. your containers?
LS Who is speaking? Harry: Well, you can't put a product in just any box. You know,
some are just not strong enough. We deal with freight
L6 What does the speaker say office workers should do? that has some special requirements for containers and
L7 According to the speaker, why do we feel sleepy in the these have to be specially made.
afternoon? Anna: OK. So what kind of containers do you make?
}uestions 18 through 20 refer to the following talk: Harry: Well, it depends on the cargo. For example, large, heavy
IVelcome to the Planning your Business show at KCD radio. On products may need a box with reinforcement, but we
oday's program, I will give some instructions on how to expand want to reduce the weight, so the packaging needs to be
rou r business. There are two basic ways your business can grow. strong enough to protect the cargo but light enough so
'irst, you can increase the number of customers. To be able to do that it doesn't increase costs too much.
his successfully, you must research the market to find out who Anna : So Harry, show us the packaging you've brought in.
1eeds your products and where those people are located. Second, Harry: OK, well, this is a small box that is suitable for very
•ou can increase the frequency of purchase by customers who fragile items. Both the inside and the outside of the box
1lready exist. This means giving good value to those people who are cushioned. As neither cardboard nor plastic offer
nake purchases from you so that they develop loyalty to your enough protection, we use a material that was specially
ompany. These should be your two top priorities if you really developed for this type of packaging.
vant to expand your company. Anna : Yes, that must be important. Besides dangerous cargos
and heavy products, what else do you need to consider?
.8 Who is thi s talk for?
Harry: Well, every manufacturer has different requirements .
.9 What is the topic of the program? One may be exporting a product that is fragile and needs
o According to the speaker, how can you get people to return protective packaging- that is some type of cushioning,
to your business? to prevent the cargo from breaking. Those are very
•peaking Questions 7-9: popular. Or a manufacturer may need a container that
iood morning. I'm calling about the convention today. I seem protects the commodity from changes in the outside
o have misplaced my invitation that includes the information temperature as it travels through different climates.
bout the convention. I was hoping you could answer some of Some products may be stored in a warehouse for several
1y questions. months before being shipped .
Anna: Before we take a break, I would like you to show our
7 Could you tell me where the convention will take place? studio audience some of the other, more unusual
8 How much is the registration fee for the convention? packaging you have to show us. What about this one? It
9 I cannot attend the entire day. Could you tell me the times looks like a regular egg carton.
and titles of the afternoon talks? Harry: It may look like one, but it is special. Go ahead and
peaking Question 10: throw it against the wall. I can assure you neither the
1h good afternoon . My name is Greta Blomqvist. I have just eggs nor the package will break.
~ceived the order for office supplies that I placed with you last Recording 17
1eek. When we unpacked the order there were a few mistakes. PA: Hello. Mr. Nesbitt's office . How can I help you?
irst of all we did not order three desk lamps, we only ordered Customer: Could I speak to Mr. Nesbitt, please?
No. And the color is wrong. We wanted light green to match PA: Well, I'm afraid he's busy right now. Can I take a
Recording script

Customer: I really need to speak to him, ... now. Is there any Bill: Well, yes, there is. Don't you think we should clear
way you can put me through? off this table and throw away the trash?
PA: Well, I'm afraid he's in a meeting, and he's very Mr. Boswell: Don't worry about that. The cleaner will come and
strict about not being disturbed in meetings. clean up after lunch and our interviews don't start
Customer: Well, this is Charles Harrison speaking. I called until three.
your company yesterday, and the day before that. Bill: OK, that's good. Also the applicants' files are not
And the day before that. The line was always here. Shouldn't we have them on hand to look at
busy or the phone would ring and ring and no before each candidate comes in?
one answered . When someone finally did answer, Mr. Boswell: Yes, we should. I think I saw them on Annie's desk.
I was put on hold and then the line went dead. I I'll go and get them right away. And I'll ask Annie
was disconnected. I never managed to get anyone to get us some pens, note pads and paper clips.
to listen to my problem. Anyway, eventually I got Can you think of any other supplies we need?
through to the customer service. The person there Bill: Well, a stapler and some scissors would be useful.
told me to contact Mr. Nesbitt and that he would Oh, and if you are going to see Annie about that,
sort out the problem. could you ask her to turn her music down? The
PA: What exactly is your problem, Mr. Harrison? noise is very distracting, especially when we're
Customer: Well, about a month ago I placed an order with doing interviews.
your company. You told me it would arrive in about Mr. Boswell: I'll do that, Bill, and thanks for all your advice.
a week. I haven't received the order yet, and when
I called you r office I couldn't get through. So now
Recording 19
Leroy: I heard that the product presentation that the Metal
I'm calling the headquarters.
Works representative gave was a disaster.
PA: Well, can I get Mr. Nesbitt to call you back after his
Cheryl: It wasn't a disaster at all. Although I felt sorry for
meeting? It will finish in about 15 minutes. Can I
the speaker. He arrived with his presentation on his
take your number please?
computer but our projector wouldn't work.
Customer: Of course. It is 283-9528.
Leroy: You mean the projector hasn't been fixed yet?
PA: 283-9528.
Cheryl: It was just the light bulb, but we didn't figure that out
Customer: Yes. That's correct.
until after the presentation. By the way, we still need to
PA: OK. I'll tell him myself and see that he contacts
replace it.
Leroy: So the speaker, Mr. Chertok, didn't have any
Customer: Thank you . I'm very anxious to speak to him so
transparencies that he could use on our overhead
please make sure he calls me. Goodbye.
PA: Wait. Don't hang up yet. I think I hear him coming
Cheryl: No, he didn't and he didn't have any handouts either.
now ...... Oh , dear. He hung up . ...... Hello Mr.
Leroy: So what happened next?
Nesbitt. How was the meeting?
Cheryl: Well, he was going to use the whiteboard , and guess
Mr. Nesbitt: Well, the main item on the agenda was how to
what? All the whiteboard pens were dry. Lucy ran to the
inform people that the name of our company is
supply room to get new ones, but she discovered that
EDF and not EDS. Lots of people are calling us to
we only had permanent markers. And as you know, you
complain, but we can't help them since EDS is a
can't use permanent markers on a whiteboard.
completely different company. If anyone calls for
Leroy: You're right about that.
me with a complaint, could you ask them which
Cheryl: So, I got out a flip chart and Lucy had already brought a
company they are trying to contact?
set of colored permanent markers back from the supply
Recording 18 room and the presentation went ahead.
Mr. Boswell: Good morning, Bill. Are you ready to interview the Leroy: Wouldn't it have been better to postpone the
new applicants? presentation or send someone out to buy some
Bill: Well, yes, Mr. Boswell, Uhhh ... . although I'd whiteboard pens?
like to make a few changes to the room before we Cheryl: Well, Bernie was already here, wasn't he? And, after
start. all that, it didn't matter. He quickly drew pictures of
Mr. Boswell: OK, fine . What do you think we should do? the product, but to be honest the pictures didn't look
Bill: Well, for a start - what about the layout of the much like the real thing. Then he added information
furniture here? Don 't you think we should spread such as figures on a chart or graph and told us the
it out a bit? There is plenty of space here. We exact statistics. These pictures were drawn so quickly,
could move the table away from the wall a bit and Bernie's comments as he was drawing them were
and put those plastic chairs in the storeroom. The so funny that we couldn't stop laughing. In fact, I was
leather chairs would be more comfortable and glad the projector wasn't working. The speech was
make the room look better. Ahh, and we should spontaneous enough to keep our interest and not too
also set that lamp on the side table. conventional. It was great.
Mr. Boswell: Yes, that's a good idea , Bill. Let's do that.
Anything else?
Recording script

Leroy: It sounds like Mr. Chertok was very well prepared. 3 Should I pay for the meal with my credit card?
Cheryl: Yes. And even though his drawings were bad, he (A) I don't have a credit card.
presented credible information and support for the (B) No, I'll take care of the bill.
products. His key points and summary were well
(C) Yes, I'll give you credit for the dinner.
presented. In fact, instead of being a disaster, I would
say it was the best presentation I have seen recently. 4 I wonder what time the agent will arrive.
(A) Sometime after lunch.
Recording 20
Jackie: So, Maruka, we heard that you have been left a large (B) The show will be broadcast live.
sum of money. Have you got any big plans for it yet? (C) I don't know the agent.
Maruka: Oh no, not really. I need to find a financial advisor to 5 Could you recommend something?
help me. (A) The set menu is excellent today.
Isaac: Yes, you should be careful. I've just been reading about (B) I already had it mended.
people who suddenly become rich. They often buy a lot
of things and soon it's all spent. (C) I didn't say anything.
Maruka: Well, I'm not that rich! But I do have to think carefully 6 Has the exchange rate changed?
about what to do. Have you guys got any suggestions? (A) I got here on time.
Jackie: Don't you think that any money you owe should be paid (B) It's gone up.
back first? (C) It's at a different time.
Maruka: Yes. I think you're right. First, there will be taxes. And I
7 Have you spoken to your financial advisor?
also have a student loan. It'd be nice to pay that off.
Isaac: I don't entirely agree that you should pay it off. If the (A) He wasn't in.
interest rate for your loan is low, your money should be (B) I don't give advice.
invested in a bank fund that has a higher interest rate. (C) It's not broken yet.
jackie: Or you could put your money into stocks.
Part 3
Maruka: Isn't that taking a chance, considering the way the
Questions 8 through 10 refer to the following conversation:
market goes up and down?
W: I like this property. Do you think we should make an offer for
Isaac: Well, you don't put it all into the stock market. It is
important to diversify your investments. I think the
M: Yes I do. But first we have to be sure we can get a mortgage.
experts advise dividing your money. First, you need
The bank hasn't agreed to give us anything yet. I'll call them
some money that is liquid; in other words, invested in a
tomorrow and ask if the loan has been accepted.
way that you have immediate access to it, like in a bank
W: I hope they do- I really like this neighborhood. To me this
account where the money can be withdrawn in case
one seems a perfect place to raise children. And there's a
of an emergency. And then, you should have some for
school and a good supermarket within walking distance.
something like starting up a business.
M: And there's nice park just around the corner. Let's go home
Jackie: Or buying a house instead of paying rent. You probably
and try to work out how much we should offer and how much
have enough capital for a deposit.
we're prepared to increase the offer if the seller doesn't
Maruka: Well both of you have lots of good ideas.
accept it.
Jackie: So, what do you think, Maruka?
Maruka: Well, you know what? I think I'll put half of it under my 8 Why is the couple unsure about whether to make an offer?
mattress since I don't trust banks, and the other half, 9 What does the man say he will do tomorrow?
I'll use to buy some lottery tickets and see if I can win 10 What facilities are NOT mentioned as being near the house?
more. Part 4: Talks
Jackie and Isaac: What?! Questions 11 through 13 refer to the following talk:
Maruka: Hey, you two don't really think I'm being serious, do
Does your family want you to buy a flat screen TV? Do your
children keep asking to go to Disney World this summer? Have
Practice test 4 you charged the maximum on your credit card? Do you have a
Part 1 negative bank balance? Are you lost in a world of easy credit
1 (A) They are pointing to a chart. and internet banking? It's time to take control of your spending
(B) They are calling a friend. habits. And how can you do that? Well, come to our free
workshop on restructuring your finances and getting out of debt
(C) They are watching a presentation.
at the Rawlings Public Library meeting room Monday at 7:30pm.
(D) They are waiting for a response. This KID radio announcement has been sponsored by Rawlings
Part 2 Investment Association.
2 Let's call a taxi. 11 Where was this announcement heard?
(A) It's a big tax. 12 What does the speaker suggest to the listener?
(B) It's not in the hallway. 13 What problem does the speaker not mention?
(C) Do you have the number?
Recording script

Speaking questions 7-9 Recording 22

(Narrator) Hello, I'm calling about a position for employment 1
that I heard was advertised in the newspaper. It is for an Tom: Red Tree Insurance. This is Tom speaking. How can I help
assistant manager. Could you give me some information about you?
the position? Kate: Hi , I'd like to make a claim . I had a car accident yesterday.
7 Could you tell me where the Movefast Shipping Company Someone backed into me in the parking lot.
operates? Tom: Have you reported the incident to the police? If you
8 How do I apply for the position? haven't done that yet, we can't file the claim.
9 What kind of candidate is the company looking for?
Kate: Yes, I've talked to them already and I have a copy of the
police report.
Speaking question 10 Tom : Good. And whose fault was the accident? As long as it was
Oh, good morning. I came to the office over the weekend and the other driver's fault , his insurance company should pay
found that the lightning storm has caused a tree to fall down and for the damage. You may have to pay the deductible, but
it is blocking some of the parking places in the main parking area. your premiums won't increase.
The electronic barrier was also damaged so I couldn't get in. Kate : It was definitely the other driver's fault. My car was
Speaking question 11 parked and he backed into it.
What is more important for success: hard work or good luck? Tom: OK then. Your claim should be approved quite quickly
provided that you send us all the paperwork as soon as
Recording 21
possible. Now, if I could just take your details ...
Linda : Good morning. My name is Linda Evans, and on today's
program , we have a guest who is going to tell us about
Tom: Red Tree Insurance. This is Tom speaking. How can I help
his inventions for everyday use in the kitchen. Terry
you? _
Davies, you've brought us a lot of inventions today. Can
jim: This is jim Snow of Pineapple Technology. We have a
you describe them for us?
policy with you. I'd like to report a fire at our premises
Terry: Well, first of all, Linda, I have the ForeverHot mug. This
last night.
is actually a mug that I invented when I was working
Tom: just a minute. Let me take a look at your policy. Ah yes.
in my garage on my other inventions. I kept forgetting
I see that your premiums are up to date. We'll send
about my coffee and it would get cold. But now, because
someone over to assess the damage as soon as possible.
of my invention, the days when I have to drink cold
There shouldn't be a problem with compensation unless
coffee are over. My ForeverHot mug has a small hot plate
there are unusual circumstances . Do you know the cause
in the bottom which keeps your coffee hot for over an
of the fire?
hour. You can even adjust the temperature with this red
jim : We're not sure. It started in the kitchen area. But no one
button here on the side.
was working on the premises last night. Since no one was
Linda : That sounds like a great idea. What about this next one,
in the building, it must have been an electrical problem .
which is, well, it looks like a sink?
Tom: Well, if you suspect it was done intentionally, you'll need
Terry: Yes, Linda , it is a sink, an adjustable one. I call it my
to file a police report. Anyway, our assessor will visit
UpDownSink. Different people in the same house can
you and help you fill in the claim form . When would be a
change the height of the sink to the position where they
convenient time for him to come?
feel most comfortable. This has real health benefits. If
you use a sink which is too high or too low for you , you
Tom : Red Tree Insurance. This is Tom speaking. How can I help
can hurt your back.
Linda : Yes, your sink is one invention that people with back
Fran: My name's Fran Harvey and I'm phoning from Winston's
trouble will really appreciate, I'm sure. And finally, we
Supermart. I wanted to speak to someone about a legal
have one more idea that Terry hopes will revolutionize
action against us.
our kitchens. Terry, what's this? It looks like a pretty
Tom : OK, if you give me some details, I'll be able to put you
ordinary set of dishes to me.
through to a claims advisor. What is the reason for the
Terry: Ah, that is where yo u are wrong, Linda. In fact, my
legal action?
SqueekyClean dishes are dishes that clean themselves.
Fran: Well a woman tripped over a box in the parking area last
Self-cleaning glass, which is sometimes used in
week and broke her arm . She says we were negligent. But
skyscraper windows, was a real breakthrough. But I
it wasn't our box. The wind blew it into the parking area
think that there are quite a few more possibilities for
just before she tripped over it. She simply wasn't paying
this technology. So these plates are just one spin-off. I
actually have one or two more in development.
Tom : OK. I should warn you though that your liability insurance
.inda: I'm afraid we've run out of time, Terry but thank you very
premiums will increase if she wins her claim and we have
much for coming in . It's been fascinating. And good luck
to pay compensation .
with all your inventions.
Fran: Yes, I know. But I don't think that'll happen. It really
wasn't our fault.

-- - -- - - · ··o ....... "t'"

Recording 23 Scott: Potential customers in this segment are less concerned

A: You look tired, Juanita. about the smaller details of footwear, but also are less
]: Yeah, I am, Akira. I've been working overtime to get prepared to pay a higher price for brand names. They
everything ready for the Midwest Food and Drink Fair next also like to wear comfortable shoes, but they aren't
week. Last year we didn't do a very good job of representing prepared to spend time comparing features, so they are
the company, so we started planning early this year. less aware of our logo and more likely to respond to our
A: Oh yes, I remember last year's fair. It was the launch of the company's special offers and competitions. It is here that
Gold Flakes cereal, wasn't it? What went wrong exactly? we have most potential for increasing our market share,
]: Well, we waited until the last minute to book a space in the so I'd suggest targeting most of our advertising at these
exhibition hall. As a result, the space they gave us was very consumers.
small and far away from the main exhibition hall. When we Jan: Well, at least we should think about concentrating on the
arrived to set up our exhibit, we discovered that the stand occasional hikers. Bridget, have you had any thoughts
we brought with us was too large. So, we had to rebuild it about an advertising campaign?
once we got there. Recording 25
A: Oh no! I didn't realize you had so many problems. Doug: Iris, have you got a moment? I wanted to ask for your
]: Well, that wasn't all. Because our rebuilt stand was so opinion about the company SmartThink. Your husband
much smaller than we had planned, we didn't have space to works there, doesn't he?
showcase our products properly. And after that, we noticed Iris: Yes, he does.
that our promotional leaflets had lots of spelling mistakes in Doug: Well, I'm thinking of applying for a job there and before I
them . fill in the forms, I'd like to ask you a couple of questions.
A: Oh dear! But was it a total disaster? Normally you can at least Iris: Well, I'd be happy to tell you anything I can. What would
check out what competitors are doing and look out for new you like to know? _
trends in the industry. Doug: Well, I've looked at the job ad, so I know about the salary
]: Oh yes. In fact, we did quite a lot of useful research and were and the requirements, but I wanted to find out what it's
also able to liaise with some potential buyers as well as do like working there. What kind of perks does your husband
a bit of networking. It's just a shame the launch wasn't very get?
successful. Iris: Actually, they've just brought in a new one. They now
A: So what are you doing differently this time? get discount prices on meals every Friday at the Garden
]: Well, for a start, we have paid more attention to the venue Restaurant.
layout so that we were able to book a space in the center of Doug: Really? Well, that's something. I guess he goes there
the exhibition hall. We have designed a stand specifically for every week now.
that space, so there should be no problems with the size. And Iris: No, actually he doesn't benefit much from it. He usually
in addition, we are sponsoring a couple of social events and doesn't go into work on Fridays since he does a lot of his
will be handing out cups and bags showing our logo, so we work from home now. He telecommutes at least two days
should be pretty visible this year! a week.
A: Well, it sounds like you've organized it really well. I'm sure Doug: He has a lot of control over his working hours, then?
things will go better for you this year. I might be able to Iris: Yes, that's true. He also has flexible working hours so
come along and give you a hand . he can take off for work later in the morning on the days
Recording 24 he does go into the office. And , of course, I forgot to
]an: OK, let's start by looking at the Scott's market research mention, he has the use of a company car since the job
report. Scott, would you like to talk us through it? involves some traveling. I think that is one of the perks
Scott: No problem. As you all know, we are looking at two that first attracted him to the job.
target markets: people Who hike all year round and Doug: It sounds like an attractive package. Is there anything
people who go on one or two hiking holidays a year. We else?
know that people who enjoy going out all year round are Iris: Well, they are going to open an on-site gym which
looking for a hiking boot that is long lasting. They like to employees can use. It will be equipped with all the
study consumer reports and catalogs carefully and they latest exercise machines, apparently. Steve is really
are prepared to pay higher prices for footwear that is looking forward to using it.
dependable and comfortable. These people also tend to Doug: So, would you say Steve is happy working at SmartThink?
develop a loyalty for a particular brand. Iris: Oh yes. It's a great company to work for. They try really
]an: So would you say that this group recognizes our name as hard to attract and hold on to good workers. You really
one of the market leaders? should apply.
;cott: Yes, definitely, and because of this, they are less likely
to respond to the kind of promotion we have been
]an: And what about the other group of purchasers- the
occasional users? How do they decide what to buy?

Some phrasal verbs are common in TOEIC. The meaning
given is the one we often use in the workplace.

ask for= request

back out of= to decide not to do something you had
planned or agreed to do
bring out= launch
bring up= introduce topic
build up= increase or develop
carry out= accomplish, perform
check in/out= register arrival/departure at a hotel/
cut back= reduce
deal with =discuss, negotiate or cope with
do away with = remove
draw up= compose plan
fill in/out =complete a form
find out = discover
get on with =continue
go out of (business)= lose the business
go through =follow procedures
hang up= end a phone call
hold on = keep, wait
hold up = delay
keep up with = be up to date
look for = search
look forward to= feel happy about something that is
going to happen
pay for = give money to buy
pay off= end debt
run out of = finish the supply
set up= start
take off = leave
take over= take the responsibility
turn down = refuse
wri te up = record

Appendix 2: Common irregular verbs
Verb Past simple Past participle Verb Past simple Past participle
arise arose arisen lose lost lost
be was/were been make made made
beat beat beaten mean meant meant
become became become meet met met
begin began begun pay paid paid
break broke broken put put put
bring brought brought quit quit quit
broadcast broadcast broadcast read read read
build built built ride rode ridden
burn burnt burnt ring rang rung
buy bought bought rise rose risen
catch caught caught run ran run
choose chose chosen say said said
come came come see saw seen
cost cost cost seek sought sought
cut cut cut sell sold sold
deal dealt dealt send sent sent
do did done set set - set
draw drew drawn shake shook shaken
drink drank drunk shine shone shone
drive drove driven show showed shown
eat ate eaten shrink shrank shrunk
fall fell fallen shut shut shut
feel felt felt sink sank sunk
fight fought fought sit sat sat
find found found slide slid slid
fly flew flown speak spoke spoken
forgot forgot forgotten spend spent spent
freeze froze frozen split split split
get got got spread spread spread
give gave given spring sprang sprung
go went gone stand stood stood
grow grew grown steal stole stolen
hang hung hung stick stuck stuck
have had had strike struck struck
hear heard heard strive stove striven
hide hid hidden sweep swept swept
hit hit hit swing swung swung
hold held held take took taken
hurt hurt hurt teach taught taught
keep kept kept tear torn torn
know knew known tell told told
lay laid laid think thought thought
lead led led throw threw thrown
lean leant leant understand understood understood
learn learnt learnt wake woke woken
leave left left wear wore worn
lend lent lent win won won
let let let write wrote written


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