Program On Tuberculosis
Program On Tuberculosis
Program On Tuberculosis
Jan Owen Martin Construction Corporation (JOMCC) recognizes that while 80%
ofTuberculosis (TB) cases belong to the economically productive individuals, it is also treatable
and its spread can be curtailed if proper control measures will be implemented. As such, this TB
Policy and Program is hereby issued for the information and guidance of the employees.
To address the stigma attached to Tuberculosis and to ensure that the workers’ right
against discrimination, brought by the disease, is protected.
To facilitate free access to anti-TB medicines of affected employees through referrals to
government institutions for assistance.
This Program shall apply to all employees regardless of their employment status.
1. Conduct of Tuberculosis (TB) Advocacy, Training and Education
a. TB education shall be conducted by the Medical Clinic in close coordination with the Health
and Safety Committee, through distribution and posting of materials for awareness.
b. Engineering measures such as improvement of ventilation, provision for adequate sanitary
facilities and observance of standard for space requirement (avoidance of overcrowding)
shall be implemented.
c. Workers will be required to wear the proper protective equipment (PPE) particularly masks
at the project sites.
a. The company shall establish a referral system and provide access to diagnostic and
treatment services for its employees. The company shall make arrangements with the Holy
Name of Jesus Clinic on reporting the TB case to the Health and Safety Committee of
b. The company’s Health and Safety Committee shall assist the employee in providing medical
assistance through government health institutions, SSS and Philhealth.
1. Non-discriminatory Policy and Practices
a. There shall be no discrimination of any form against employees from pre to post
employment, including hiring, promotion, or assignment, on account of their TB status.
b. Workplace management of sick employees shall not differ from that of any other illness.
Persons with TB related illnesses should be able to work for as long as medically fit and
without danger to the health of those around him in the work place.
2. Work-Accommodation and Arrangement
a. Agreement made between the company and employee reflect measures that will support
workers with TB through flexible leave arrangements, rescheduling of working time and
arrangement for return to work.
b. The employee may be allowed to return to work with reasonable working arrangements
as determined by the Company Health Care provider and/or the DOTS provider.
The company shall provide access to Social Security System and Employees
Compensation benefits under PD 626 to an employee who acquired TB infection in the
performance of his/her duty.