Jurnal Hand Hygiene
Jurnal Hand Hygiene
Jurnal Hand Hygiene
Rooswidiawati Dewi1
1Master of Public Health Science, Faculty of Medicine,
Ari Yunanto2
2Master of Public Health Science, Faculty of Medicine,
Syamsul Arifin3
3Master of Public Health Science, Faculty of Medicine,
Hand hygiene is the best way to reduce Healthcare Associated Infections (HAIs). According to the WHO hand hygiene
compliance paramedics worldwide for less than <50%. This study aims to determine some of the factors that influence hand
hygiene compliance behavior on paramedics before and after implementation of Multimodal Hand Hygiene Improvement
Strategy. This research method is Pre Experimental design with one group pretest-posttest design. The sampling technique used
purposive sampling. Total sample of 40 people. Measuring devices in the form of questionnaires and observation. The results
showed a relationship between knowledge, attitudes, subjective norms, perceived behavior control, percevied susceptibility,
perceived severity, perceived benefits and perceived barriers to hand hygiene compliance before and after the implementation of
Multimodal Hand Hygiene Improvement Strategy except for age and gender. There is a significant difference before and after
implementation of Multimodal Hand Hygiene Improvement Strategy of the knowledge, attitudes, subjective norms, perceived
behavior control, percevied susceptibility, perceived severity, perceived benefits except perceived barrier and hand hygiene
compliance. Knowledge is the most influential variable on hand hygiene compliance.
KEYWORDS:Hand hygiene compliance, Multimodal Hand Hygiene Improvement Strategy
Univariate analysis:-
Table 4.1. Frequency Distribution of Respondents by Independent and Dependent Variable
Before After
N % N %
Early adulthood 32 80 32 80
Middle adulthood 8 20 8 20
Male 14 35 14 35
Female 26 65 26 65
Poor 27 67.5 12 30
Good 13 32.5 28 70
Poor 21 52.5 11 27.5
Good 19 47.5 29 72.5
Subjective norms
Poor 18 45 8 20
Good 22 55 32 80
Perceived Behavior Control
Poor 19 47.5 8 20
Good 21 52.5 32 80
Perceived Susceptibility
Poor 21 52.5 12 30
Good 19 47.5 28 70
Perceived Severity
Poor 16 40 10 25
Good 24 60 30 75
Perceived Barrier
Poor 15 37.5 14 35
Good 25 62.5 26 65
Perceived Benefit
Poor 14 35 10 25
Good 26 65 30 75
Hand Hygiene Compliance
Disobedient 25 62.5 12 30
Obedient 15 37.5 28 70
Analysis Bivariat:-
Table 4.2. The Relationship of Age and Gender on Hand Hygiene Compliance on Paramedics Before
and After Implementation of Strategy Multimodal Hand Hygiene Improvement in Ratu Zalecha
Hospital Martapura 2015
Hand Hygiene Compliance OR
Variable p-value
Disobedient (%) Obedient (%) Total % (CI95%)
Early adulthood 21 65.6 11 34.4 32 100 0.444 -
Middle 4 50 4 50 8 100
Early adulthood 10 31.3 22 68.8 32 100
Middle 2 25 6 75 8 100 1.000 -
Male 9 64.3 5 35.7 14 100 1.000 -
Female 16 61.5 10 38.5 26 100
Male 6 42.9 8 57.1 14 100 0.281 -
Female 6 23.1 20 76.9 26 100
Table 4.3. Relations Knowledge, Attitude, Subjective Norm and Perceived Behavior Control with
Hand Hygiene Compliance on a Paramedic Before and After Implementation of Strategy
Multimodal Hand Hygiene Improvement in Ratu Zalecha Hospital Martapura 2015
Hand Hygiene Compliance OR
Variable p-value
Disobedient (%) Obedient (%) Total % (CI95%)
Poor 19 70.4 8 29.6 27 100 0.175 -
Good 6 46.2 7 53.8 13 100
Poor 8 66.7 4 33.3 12 100 0.002 12.000
Good 4 14.3 24 85.7 28 100
Poor 14 66.7 7 33.3 21 100 0.745 -
Good 11 57.9 8 42.1 19 100
Poor 7 63.6 4 36.4 11 100 0.008 8.400
Good 5 17.2 24 82.8 29 100
Subjective norms
Poor 14 77.8 4 22.2 18 100 0.104 -
Good 11 50 11 50 22 100
Poor 5 62.5 3 37.5 8 100 0.039 5.952
Good 7 21.9 25 78.1 32 100
Perceived Behavior
Poor 13 68.4 6 31.6 19 100 0.527 -
Good 12 57.1 9 42.9 21 100
Poor 5 62.5 3 37.5 8 100 0.039 5.952
Good 7 21.9 25 78.1 32 100
Multivariate Analysis
Table 4.5. Multivariate Analysis of Several Factors That Influence Hand Hygiene
Compliance After Implementation of Strategy Multimodal Hand Hygiene Improvement on
Ratu Zalecha Hospital Martapura 2015
Variable Koef.Regresi Std. Error t value P Value
Constant -0823 0.411 -2.004 0,053
Knowledge .500 0.173 2,885 0.007
Attitude 0,201 0,154 1.331 0,199
Subjective norms 0,201 0,118 1.699 0.099
Perceived Severity .110 .058 1,911 0.065
Perceived Susceptibility .213 0.107 1.985 0.055
R .778
R Square 0.606 F Count 10.439
Adjusted R Square 0,548 probability F 0000
Variable knowledge have the greatest Foote 21 and Al Khalwadeh 13, Snow et al 8, Al-
regression coefficient, meaning that the variable Hussami et al 14. The results of different studies
knowledge is the most dominant variable in indicated Sax et al 10.
influencing hand hygiene compliance compared to Relationships Between Knowledge with
other variables. Based on the value of Adjusted R Hand Hygiene Compliance on Paramedics
Square (R2) obtained coefficient of determination Before and After Implementation of Strategy
R2 is 0.606. This shows the percentage of variation Multimodal Hand Hygiene:-
of the dependent variable that can be explained by The results of the study before
the independent variables of 60.6%. While the implementation Strategy Multimodal Hand Hygiene
remaining 39.4% is influenced by other Improvement showed no significant correlation
independent variables outside the research model. between knowledge with hand hygiene
DISCUSSION compliance. After application of the Strategy
The Relationship Between Age With Hand Multimodal Hand Hygiene Improvement bivariate
Hygiene Compliance on Paramedics Before analysis results show the different things that there
and After Implementation of Strategy is a significant relationship between knowledge with
Multimodal Hand Hygiene:- hand hygiene compliance.
Noncompliance hand hygiene in middle age One component of the Multimodal Strategy
respondents likely due to they are accustomed to of the WHO Hand Hygiene Improvement of
routine work without doing hand hygiene so that it education and training. Information that
becomes a habit. This condition causes them to be continuous and sustainable to the paramedics will
resistant to any change. According to influence behavior change. Good knowledge of
Erasmus5 paramedics early adulthood to make their hand hygiene practices in accordance with WHO
colleagues who are more mature as a reference guidelines and compliance are essential to reduce
work. If the senior paramedic disobedient with hand the number HAIs. Compliance behavior based
hygiene practices so they tend to mimic the knowledge will be more durable than behavior
behavior. bedasarkan knowledge. The results of this study are
The results showed no significant consistent with results from studies conducted
correlation between age with hand hygiene Creedon 4, Foote 21, Al Khawaldeh et al 13, Rezaee et
compliance before and after the al 22. Green (1980) in Notoatmodjo 23 states that
intervention. Paramedics age does not always there is a positive relationship between the
describe their experiences related hand hygiene knowledge acquired someone to behavioral
and HAIs. The results are consistent with the theory change. Knowledge and compliance of good hand
advanced by some researchers who claim that age washing practices in accordance with WHO
does not affect the actions of a person because of guidelines on health workers are essential for
factors such as a person's attitude intermediaries reducing HAIs. Paramedics who already have
and other factors that affect a person's will. 6 The knowledge of the importance of hand hygiene in
results in line with research Philomene 7, Snow et al preventing the incidence of HAIs would be
, Quiros Lin & Larson 9, Sax et al 10, Tai et subservient to the practice. The results of this study
al 11, Mitchell 12, Al Khawadeh et al 13, the results of differ from research by Ward 24, Situngkir 25,
this study contradicts the studies conducted Al Rabbani et al 26, Cole 27, De Wandel et al 28, Huis et
Hussami 14, Ryan 15. al 29 high level of knowledge, influence social or
Relationships Between Sex with Hand moral perception, consciousness, traffic control
Hygiene Compliance Before and After measures and their facilities do not always lead to
Implementation of Strategy Multimodal increased adherence to hand hygiene.
Hand Hygiene Improvement:- Relationship Between Attitude With Hand
Although it has been exposed to information Hygiene Compliance on Paramedics Before
about hand hygiene but when observation and After Implementation of Strategy
respondents still found women respondent who Multimodal Hand Hygiene:-
wear a ring when performing hand hygiene The results of the study before
practices. In the male respondents disobedience implementation strategy Multimodal Hand Hygiene
perform hand hygiene due to improper Improvement showed no significant relationship
practices. The bivariate analysis both before and between attitudes towards hand hygiene
after implementation of Strategy Multimodal Hand compliance. After application of the strategy
Hygiene Improvement showed no significant Multimodal Hand Hygiene Improvement of the
relationship between sex with hand hygiene results of the analysis showed a significant
compliance. According to Ajzen (1985) in Hassan et relationship between attitudes towards hand
al16 demographic characteristics and personality hygiene compliance.
have not a direct effect on a person's behavior. The The results are consistent with research
results are consistent with research Van de Quiros et al 9 that shows a strong correlation
Mortel 17, Korniewicz & El-Masri 18, between a positive attitude towards compliance
Mitchell , Mortada & Zalat , Philomene7 and
19 20 paramedics Hand Hygiene. The same is shown
Philomene 7 which shows that hand hygiene strongest predictor of a student as a mentor in
compliance is done via method Self Reported by hand hygiene practices.
nursing students positively correlated with Relationship Between Perceived Behavior
attitude. According Ekwere TA & Okafor Control With Hand Hygiene Compliance on
IP 30 attitude toward hand hygiene positively Paramedics Before and After
influence Hand hygiene practices. Implementation of Strategy Multimodal
Relationship Between Subjective Norm With Hand Hygiene:-
Hand Hygiene Compliance on Paramedics Statistical test results before and after
Before and After Implementation of Strategy implementation of Strategy Multimodal Hand
Multimodal Hand Hygiene:- Hygiene Improvement find a significant association
Statistical test results before the between perceived behavior control with hand
implementation of Strategy Multimodal Hand hygiene compliance. Someone who feels able and
Hygiene Improvement showed no significant successfully perform a particular practice tends to
relationship between subjective norms and hand repeat the behavior. The ability to perform a
hygiene compliance. After the application of the behavior is certainly supported by the availability of
strategy Multimodal Hand Hygiene Improvement facilities, knowledge and a positive attitude.
found a significant relationship between subjective The results of this study are consistent with
norms and hand hygiene compliance. Sax et al 10, Hassan et al 16, Tai et al 11, Kortteisto et
Individuals tend to behave according to what al 34, Philomene.7 According to Pessoa-
others expected to do. Someone who is in a social Silva 31 perceived behavior control and subjective
environment tend to behave the same with peers or norm is the most prominent predictor of intention
others, as well as with a paramedic. Praise or to comply with hand hygiene practices are
positive feedback from senior staff or colleagues good. According DERSCH 35 perceived behavior
can trigger a more positive attitude than a control associated with the ability to know what to
paramedic on the behavior of the Hygiene Hand.31 do in certain circumstances, which is based on
The belief that supervisors and hospital education and training. Research Mc Laws et
administrators expect adherence to the practice of al 33, Al Hussami et al 14 and Al
hygienist hand and pressure from peers as well as 13
Khalwadeh conducted on nursing students
the presence of role model reportedly has a big showed perceived behavior control and intention
effect on the attitude towards hygiene Hand were significant predictors of hygienic hand
paramedics.32 behavior. Perceived behavior control is a predictor
The results of this study are consistent with of the most prominent of its intention to comply
Sax et al 10, Hassan et al 16, Mc Laws et with hand hygiene practices good.31
al . According Kortteisto et al 34 that subjective
Relationship Between Perceived
norm is the strongest factor. Paramedics who feel Susceptibility With Hand Hygiene
their subjective norm has no intention to comply Compliance on Paramedics Before and After
with hand hygiene than paramedics who do not feel
Implementation of Strategy Multimodal
their subjective norms. Subjective norm is a model
Hand Hygiene:-
that has a positive role.35 According to Lankford et Statistical test results before and after
al (2001) in Kamunge 36 found that compliance with implementation of Strategy Multimodal Hand
hand hygiene of health workers is influenced role Hygiene Improvement show a statistically
model. Focus Group Discussion (FGD) conducted significant relationship between perceived
Pittet et al 37 showed that hand hygiene practices susceptibility with hand hygiene compliance. In this
conducted paramedics influenced by co-workers study, respondents were given the intervention in
and vice versa. According to Sax et al10, Snow et the form knowledge of HAIs. It aims to sensitize the
al 8, Tai et al 11, and Ryan 15 that hand hygiene paramedics that they are very vulnerable to HAIs
compliance levels tend to be higher paramedic events. Individual perceived susceptibility to poor
supervisor or co-workers if they have a hand health condition or a disease varies. The results of
hygiene compliance. This is due to the close this study indicate a relationship between perceived
relationship and cooperation often compared with susceptibility with hand hygiene compliance. The
the head of the room. Pesoa-Silva 31 found that the higher the perceived risk, the higher the chances of
intention to perform hand hygiene among someone engaging in behaviors that lower the
paramedics at the neonatal unit influenced the risk.The results are consistent with research
opinion of others. According to Maskerine & Loeb 39, Ghanbari et al 40,
White 38 paramedics considers coworkers as Carpenter 41 and Mortada & Zalat 20. According to
references to the most outstanding performance in Kurniawan et al 42, perceived susceptibility on
support of hand hygiene. Other references are paramedic most dominant influence in the
supervisors, patients, and representatives of the application of standard precautions. Another study
Infection Prevention and control team in the conducted by Silva et al 43 also concludes that if
hospital. Research Snow et al 8 found that the individuals feel a susceptibility to a disease, the
related potential to participate in preventive health
behaviors. According Maskerine & Loeb 39, the shortage of paramedics cause a high workload
41 44
Carpenter and Lee et al , health officials will and this is contributing to disobedient on hand
adhere to the hand hygiene if they believe that they hygiene practices. This study also showed a
are susceptible to certain infections and will significant reduction of nosocomial infection rates
acquire or pass it on to someone else if it does when paramedics reduced workload. 50
not. Instead paramedics who do not consider Relationship Between Perceived
themselves vulnerable to HAIs events would not act Benefit With Hand Hygiene Compliance on
to make prevention by applying standard Paramedics Before and After
precautions. Redding & Rossi in Orji et al , Implementation of Strategy Multimodal
generally people often underestimate their Hand Hygiene
vulnerability to disease. Statistical test results showed a statistically
Relationship Between Perceived Severity significant relationship between perceived
With Hand Hygiene Compliance on benefit with hand hygiene compliance on
Paramedics Before and After paramedics before and after implementation of
Implementation of Strategy Multimodal Strategy Multimodal Hand Hygiene
Hand Hygiene:- Improvement. Hand hygiene compliance in
Results of bivariate analysis showed a paramedical influenced by a belief in the benefits of
statistically significant relationship the practice itself. If a person believes and will feel
between perceived severity with hand hygiene the benefits of hand hygiene meal will adopt the
compliance on paramedics before and after behavior and vice versa.
implementation of Strategy Multimodal Hand The results are consistent with research
Hygiene Improvement. Paramedics will obedient to Sax et al 10, da Silva et al 43, Ghanbari et al 40,
perform hand hygiene if they know the severity Mortada & Zalat 20. According to Kurniawan 42 there
caused HAIs. is a significant relationship between perceived
The results are consistent with research benefit with paramedics compliance in applying
conducted Mortada & Zalat 20, Lee et al. 44 According standard precautions. Hand hygiene is the most
to Kurniawan et al 42 perceived severity of influential aspect in 43 infection control, infection
paramedic most dominant influence in the control can help reduce the prevalence of
application of standard precautions. The results of MRSA. According to paramedics, patient protection
this study differs indicated by Lau et al 46 and is the most prominent benefits of hand hygiene
Erasmus 5 where there is no relationship between practices. 38 Health workers will recognize and
perceived severity standard precautions behavior. perform hand hygiene practices as a personal duty
Relationship Between Perceived for their own health benefits. Most paramedics
Barriers With Hand Hygiene Compliance on stressed the need for self-protection from
Paramedics Before and After pathogens for patients and their families as a major
Implementation of Strategy Multimodal accelerator of their hand hygiene
Hand Hygiene:- practices.50 Prevention of cross infection is the
According to Rosenstock (1974) in main advantage of hand hygiene compliance. 5 The
41 results of this study are not consistent with research
Carpenter when people believe to an act that is
considered effective in reducing a negative impact Jang. 51
but at the same time also see that this action is not Effect of Knowledge, Attitude, Subjective
uncomfortable, expensive, painful, and or Norm, PerceivedSusceptibility and Perceived
challenge, then it is likely they are to adopt Severity of With Hand Hygiene Compliance
measures prevention-step most likely not on Paramedics Before and After
happen. The negative aspects of an action is an Implementation of Strategy Multimodal
obstacle in the act. If the benefits of a high action Hand Hygiene
and resistance is weak, then an action is possible After observing the results of the bivariate
and vice versa. According Nazary et al 47 the analysis and multivariate analysis of the
paramedics access to facilities can improve hand development of this research is that hand hygiene
hygiene compliance. According to Creedon et compliance on paramedics strongly influenced by
al 4 easy access to obtain liquid hand rub causes the the level of knowledge without ignoring other
practice of hand antisepsis increased by 20%. The factors such as attitudes, subjective
results of this study conflict with Hossein 48 which norms, perceived behavioral control, perceived
only half of the health workers who are committed susceptibility, perceived severity, perceived
to doing hand hygiene if all the facilities are benefits and perceived barriers.
provided. Knowledge is a factor that affects the
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