Environmental Clearance Acts and Rules - Evolution and Experience
Environmental Clearance Acts and Rules - Evolution and Experience
Environmental Clearance Acts and Rules - Evolution and Experience
Many of the infrastructure projects, specially in the environment of India. The Constitution of India vide the
transportation sector, (Railways, Ports, Roads, / Highways 42nd amendment, has detailed and outlined this onus and
and Airports) have had time and cost overruns on account responsibility on the Government of India in Articles 48A
of delay in grant of environmental clearance also in and 51A (g) of the Indian Constitution. These articles provide
addition to delay in obtaining other approvals/clearances. that:
Though, prior to 1985, forest related legislations / Acts /
i. the state will protect and improve the environment
Rules existed but in isolated and exclusive domains. With and safeguard forests and wildlife of the country
the notification of the Environment (Protection) Act 1986 (Article 48A), and
followed by the Environment Impact Assessment, Rules,
2006, the related stipulations, regulatory norms started ii. every citizen is bound to protect and improve the
getting formalized and evolving. Herein, the legislative natural environment and to have compassion for
history of the Acts/Rules at different times in India and living creatures [ Articles 51A (g)].
across the World has been stated. Chronologically, the
USA (NEPA legislation) and European countries have an
The Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF), since
edge over other regions. Grant of forest clearance (FC)
then, has been renamed as Ministry of Environment, Forest
which comprises approval for diversion of forest land, if
and Climate Change, and is the nodal regulatory body of
that be the case of the project, took much longer time Government of India. Primarily, it is mandated to formulate
than it took for grant of environmental clearance in case policies, laws and rules related to environment, and issuing
of roads/highways projects in India. Use of technological environmental clearance (EC) for any developmental
advancements can be very helpful in mapping of roads project, as in the Schedule of the Environmental Impact
and railway line alignments, extent of forest cover getting Assessment (EIA) Notification, dated 14 September 2006 [1]
affected adversely by the proposed projects etc. Satellite under the Environmental (Protection) Act, 1986. With the
imaging techniques etc. can be used extensively for increase in number and sector specific infrastructure projects
evaluating the extent of human habitats getting displaced, entailing substantial private investment, several Acts, Bills
submerged, and affected. and their respective Amendments to ensure improvement
in quality of environment, were legislated in India.
Forest Conservation Act,1980, Environment (Protection)
1.0 INTRODUCTION Act,1986,the Coastal Regulation Zone,1991(notification)
The Government of India vide its policy and regulatory and the National Appellate Authority Act,1997 are some
functions, ensures protection and improvement of the of the critical laws that need to be complied with by the
Table 1. Salient improvements in GoI’s EIA Notification of 2006 over EIA Notification of 1994
EIA Notification 2006 EIA Notification 1994
(including amendments)
Screening and scoping processes. The screening process has been specifically
detailed and the responsibility for carrying out scoping has been entrusted to
It was the project proponent who decided the TOR as well
the Expert Appraisal Committee. [EAC]. Scoping comprises freezing of Terms
as conducted the EIA study either by himself or through
of Reference [TOR] and the TOR is required to be displayed on the websites of
State/ Union Territory Environmental Impact Assessment Authority [S/UEIAA].
Project Conception
Preliminary Assessment
Category B1 Category B 2
EC process Decision on EC
similar to that based on the Review by SPCB Public Hearing
for Category A, information
(at State Level) provided.
Review by MoEF
material shall be disposed within port limits; (v) all building complexes must have a clearly identified management with
or construction projects or area development projects (which the legal responsibility of ensuring adherence to the terms
do not contain any category A projects and activities) and and conditions of prior environmental clearance, and must
townships (vi) all category B2 projects and activities; and indicate the authority to be held responsible for violation of
(e) all projects or activities concerning national defence the same throughout the life of the complex/estate.
and security or involving other strategic considerations as
determined by the central government. 2.6 Important legislations regulating the
environmental clearances in india
2.5 Specified requirements for environmen- i. One of the earliest legislation in this direction was
tal clearance the Indian Forest Act, 1927 which provided for
Thresholds in respect of roads/highways, ports and airports consolidating acquisition of common property such
and other stipulations / governing criteria etc. for processing as forest. The nodal agencies for the purpose are the
and grant of environment clearance for projects in these respective State Governments and Forest settlement
sectors are spelt out in Table 2. officers.
2 Construction/Township/Commercial Complexes/Housing
The built up or
covered area on all
the floors put together
Covering an area ++All projects under
>100 ha and / or built up area Item 8(b) shall be
2b basement(s) and
>1,50,000 sq. appraised as category
other service areas,
m. B1
which are proposed
in the building /
construction projects.
Forest Conservation Act, 1980, To halt India’s rapid deforestation and resulting
4. Central Government
amended in 1988 environmental degradation
Air (Prevention and Control of Details provisions for prevention, control and
5. Central and State Pollution Control Boards
Pollution) Act, 1981, amended in 1987 abatement of air pollution
To provide for the protection and Central Government, nodal agency MoEF,
Environment (Protection) Act, 1986,
6. improvement of the environment under an can delegate powers, State Departments of
amended in 1991
umbrella legislation Environment
Rampur-Kathgodam Section from Km 0.000 (Km 190.000 of NH-24) to Km 88.000 of NH- 54.76+ 59.24
5 1 yr 10 mth 3 yrs 9 mth NA
87 in the States of Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand [*2]
Hospet - Chitradurga section of NH-13 from Km 299.000 to Km 418.600 in the State of
6 1 yr 7 mth 3 yrs 6 mth 53.6 NA
Hospet-Bellary-AP/KNT Border Section of NH-63 from Km.280.300 to Km.375.740 in
7 1 yr 9 mth 3 yrs 2 mth 12.9 NA
the State of Karnataka
Shivpuri-Dewas Section of NH-3 from km.236.000 to km. 566.450 in the State of Madhya
9 1 yr 3 yrs 6 mth 39.63 NA
10 Sultanpur-Varanasi Section of NH-56 in the State of Uttar Pradesh 11 mth 11 mth 133.22 NA
14 Pratapgarh–Padi section of NH-113 FROM KM 80.00 TO KM 180.00 of NH-113 8 mth 2 yrs 6 mth 42.35 NA
2-lane with paved shoulders in Padhi –Dahod Section of NH-113 in the State of Rajasthan 4.42 + 1.5
15 1 yr 11 mth 1 yr 8 mth NA
& Gujarat (Length 87 Km): [*4]
Four Laning of ObedullaganjBetul Section of NH-69 From Km 2.800 to 8.300 and from
17 Km 20.700 to Km 137.000 (Excluding Wild Life Sanctuary from Km 8.300 to Km 20.700) 2 yrs 2 yrs 10 mth 153.54 NA
(Except 28+000 to Km 61+500 as Two Lane with Paved Shoulder) in the State Of MP
Four Laning of Rewa-Katni-Jabalpur Section of NH-7 From Km 242.3 to 465.5 in the State
18 1 yr 3 mth 3 yrs 5 mth 16.89 NA
Of MP as BOT (Toll) Project On DBFOT
Four Laning of Gwalior-Shivpuri Section of NH-3 & 75 From Km 103 to 236 in the State
20 2 yrs 4 mth 3 yrs 4 mth ## 3 yrs 7 mth
of MP
Wild life clearance
Widening and improvement of existing 2- lane to 4 lane of Kiratpur - Bilaspur Section of
21 7 mth 2 yrs 3 mth ## involved but no
NH-21 in the State of Punjab and Himachal Pradesh(F.No.10-1228/2011.IA.III)
time data available
Wild life clearance
4 lane to 4 lane of Bilaspur- NerChowk Section of NH-21 from Km 134.500 to Km. 186.500
22 1 yr 4 mth 1 yrs 1 mth ## involved but no no
in the State of Himachal Pradesh
time data available
Four Laning of Solapur-MAH/KNT Border Section of NH 9 in Km. 249/000 to Km. 4.14 + 0.4
23 1 yr 11 mth 10 mth 2 yrs 2 mth
348/800 in the State of Maharashtra. [*5]
Four Laning of Solapur-Bijapur Section of NH-13 in Km. 0/000 to Km. 110/542 in the
24 1 yr 3 mth 7 mth 2.665 2 yrs 2 mth
State of Maharashtra and Karnataka
Sitar Ganj-Tanakpur Section from Km 0.000 to Km 52.200 of NH- 74 in the States of Uttar
25 2 mth 1 mth 36.47 NA
Pradesh and Uttarakhand
Kashipur-Sitar Ganj Section from Km 175.000 to Km 252.200 of NH- 74 in the States of
26 4 mth 4 mth 2.95 NA
Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand
## Data are not available
[*1] In the States of Rajasthan & Gujarat. [*2] In the States of Uttar Pradesh & Uttarakhand. [*3] In the States of Karnataka & Andhra Pradesh. [*4] In the States of
Rajasthan & Gujarat.[*5] 2 district in Maharashtra (Osmanabad & Solapur). Source :- http://www.nhai.org/Env.asp
Note: The time stated for EC, FC and wild life clearance in respect of the road in Table --- has been reckoned from the details of the concerned projects as available
in the “source “
measures shall be planned and designed in such a way so as A total of 23 Specific Conditions and 9 General Conditions
to ensure that “no net loss of biodiversity” is achieved (India were spelt out and appended to the two clearances for
Infrastructure Finance Company Limited; IIFCL). Extent compliance. It is important to note that Appeal can be filed
of projects’ impacts and risks on biodiversity shall form an against any EC granted within a period of 30 days in terms
integral part of the assessment process and the provisions of of section 16 of the National Green Tribunal Act, 2010. The
the documented EMP must contain measures for preventing
EC and CRZ clearances were accorded on January 1, 2014
degradation of: (i) modified habitats (where the natural
[4]. In other words it took simply one year to accord the EC
habitat has been altered on account of introduction of alien
and CRZ Clearance.
plants and animals) and (ii) natural and critical habitat.
6.0 TIME-LINES FOR ACTIONS BY 7.1.2 Development of Southern Dock Complex and Oil
CONCERNED AUTHORITIES FOR ACCORD OF jetty at Paradip Port, Project (State of Odisha) –
EC This project comprised development of multipurpose
Ministry of Environment & Forest, Government of India is terminal for handling ‘clean cargo’ viz. containers and
the regulatory authority at the Central Government level steel exports from the existing green field steel industries.
and the State Environment Impact Assessment Authority The EC and CRZ clearances were issued by the Ministry of
(SEIAA) at the state level for category ‘A’ and category ‘B’ Environment and Forests, Government of India on 13th July
projects described in the schedule. The time lines in regard 2012 and the clearances comprised of 14 Specific Conditions
to prior environmental clearance are shown in Table 4. The and 9 General Conditions to be complied with [5].
stage of “public consultation process” is normally the most
time consuming one. In case of many projects spanning 7.2 Roads/highway projects
more than one state, arranging and concluding the public
hearing with stakeholders required tremendous patience A total of 6 Road/Highway projects located in the State of
and continuous perusal. Uttar Pradesh & Madhya Pradesh each, were taken up for
detailed case studies. All these projects involved diversion
7.0 CASE STUDIES – EC AND FC REGARDING of forest land. Further, it also involved conducting public
A snapshot of the details pertaining to the port, road, and hearing in more than one district of the States. Similarly,
airport projects in India is given in the following paragraphs. 3 projects spanning the two States of Uttar Pradesh and
All the cardinal issues and time period taken in relation to Uttarakhand as well as 2 projects spanning the two States
grant of environmental clearance and forest clearance are Rajasthan and Gujarat were analysedvis-a-vis the time
spelt out. consumed for obtaining EC and FC. In all, 26 projects
were analysed and it was found that in nearly 14 of these
7.1 Port projects projects (53.85%), the time taken for grant of forest clearance
7.1.1 Dhamra Port Project (State of Odisha) – was either twice or more than two times the time taken for
The project entailed expansion of Dhamra Port project. granting EC. The input data for the case studies of the above
Environmental Clearances as well as clearances in terms roads/highways projects have been gathered and collated in
of the Coastal Regulatory Zone stipulations were required. the Table 5[10]. The Table also shows the time period taken
The process seeking the above two clearances was initiated for grant of EC and FC for other road projects also. From the
on 20.12.2012 by the Environment-cum-special Secretary Table 5 [only 26 road projects for which data in regard to EC
to the Government of Odisha starting with the sending of and FC is available], it is seen that an average of 16.04
the proposal to the Ministry of Environment and Forests, months’ time has been consumed for grant of EC with the
Government of India (IA Division). The EIA comprised
highest being 28 months and the three lowest being 2,4 and
addressing all issues pertaining to marine, terrestrial and
7 months. Similarly, in regard to forest clearance an average
socio-economic aspects of the project including a hydro-
of 25.74 months has been consumed for grant of the same
dynamic study of the effect of dredging. The said study
suggested that no significant impact on the shoreline with the highest being 45 months and the lowest three being
abutting the project shall take place. 1,4 and 7 months.
Table 5. Time line for efficient and prompt action by authorities for speedy grant of EC
Sl.no. Activity Time line
Constitution of the State Environment Impact Assessment Authority within 30 days of the receipt of the names from the State Gov-
(SEIAA). ernment / Union Territory administration.
Scoping - This stage constitutes firming of “Terms of Reference”(ToR)
2 and while finalizing the ToR the ones proposed by the applicant is also within 60 days of receipt of the Form 1/Form 1A.
To be completed within a period of 45 days of a request to the
3 Public consultation-
effect from the applicant.
In case this does not get completed within the said period another au-
4 thority or agency can be engaged for the work for completing the public To be completed within a further period of 45 days.
The appraisal of the application by the Expert Appraisal Committee To be completed within a period of 60 days from the receipt of
(EAC)/State Level Expert Appraisal Committee (SLEAC). the EIA report and other documents.
The EAC/SLEAC shall place their appraisal for final approval before the within a period of 15 days of completion of the appraisal by
competent authority. them.
Ajit K. Sinha holds a B.Tech (Civil) from IIT BHU; M.Tech from IIT Delhi; pursuing his PhD with IIT Delhi.
He is a Superintending Surveyor of Works (Civil)-III. He has worked with the Civil Construction Wing,
All India Radio for nearly 30 years. His areas of interest are arbitration and issues related to public private
partnership projects. He has overseen many projects of All India Radio and Doordarshan executed in the
North East region of India.
Dr. Kumar Neeraj Jha is with the Department of Civil Engineering, IIT Delhi. He started his career with
Larsen and Toubro Ltd and was instrumental in successful completion of a number of construction projects
of national importance. He has published more than 50 papers in a number of national /international
journals and conference proceedings. He has supervised three PhD students and more than 50 M.Tech.
students. His books on Construction Project Management published by Pearson Education and Formwork
for Concrete Structures published by Tata McGraw Hill are considered as one of the text books in different