Sonam Dragpa Overview of Buddhist Tantra
Sonam Dragpa Overview of Buddhist Tantra
Sonam Dragpa Overview of Buddhist Tantra
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Overview of Buddhist Tantra
Overview of Buddhist Tantra
(Par:t-chen bSod-nams grags-pa, 1478-1554)
English translation by
Martin J. Boord & Losang Norbu Tsonawa
ISBN: 81-85102-99-6
them, he studied the entire teachings of sutra, tantra and their commen-
taries, and became known for his outstanding learning. He also received
from them the empowerments, reading transmissions, guides and in-
structions of the entire body of spiritual training. On becoming the fully
blessed one, the Dalai Lama appointed him the abbot of the Blo-gsal-
gling college, one of the four colleges of 'Bras-dpung- the most presti-
gious monastic university in Tibet before 1959, with over 10,000 monks
on its register. He continued to be the abbot of this college for the next
six years; and after him the tenure for each of his successors in this po-
sition was fixed for a period of six years, a rule that is followed even
He was then appointed the head of the dGe-lugs-pa order, the throne
holder of dGa' -ldan, thus becoming the 15th regent of Lord Tsong-kha-
pa, the second Buddha. In his eulogy to him, mi<has-grub dGe-Iegs dpal-
bzang says:
0 Lama, the second successor of the Unsubduable One,
The regent o£ the Lord of Dharma,
You are the one who made the virtuous qualities thrive;
You are the one who ascended to the golden throne up-
lifted by the fearless lions.
May Your success thrive forever!
He continued to be the throne holder for.the next seven years, dur-
ing which time he promoted the spread of Lord Tsong-kha-pa' s pre-
cious teachings, the dGe-lugs tradition, across the land in all directions.
He also paid special attention to the practice of monastic rules and the
learning and meditation of Buddhism in the monasteries such as Se-ra,
'Bras-spungs, sKyo-mo-lung, Phag-mo chos-sde, Nye-sdings, 'Od-sna
and Chos-sde rin-chen etc. and improved them to a great extent. He
taught the Third Dalai Lama bSod-nams rGya-mtsho as the latter's spiri-
tual master. It was from him that the Dalai Lama received the name
His contributions in the literary field are enormous; and, indeed,
they are the most valuable of all his contributions. Tsong-kha-pa has
rightly said:
Of all one's deeds,
The 'deeds of speech' are the most valuable.
Panchen bSod-nams grags-pa-dpal was a person with an extraordi-
nary talent for teaching, debate and writing. In his colophon to dBu ma'i
spyi don zab don gsal ba'i sgron me, he wrote:
In the field of teaching, I am [next to none!] Knowing that
Forward ix
January 24 1996
Publisher's Note
The Library of Tibetan Works and Archives is pleased to publish Over-
view of Buddhist Tantra: General Presentation of the Classes ofTantra, Capti-
vating the Minds of the Fortunate Ones, as a contribution to the corpus of
works which already exist on the subject of Buddhist Tantra.
This complex and detailed work was written by the outstanding
master Panchen bSod-nams grags-pa (1478-1554) and provides an
exxcellent framework for the understanding of Tantric practice. The
translators, Martin J. Boord and Losang Norbu Tsonawa, are to be
congratulated for their sterling efforts in rendering this work into
We are sure that this book will be of immense benefit to all serious
practitioners of Tantric Buddhism.
Gyatsho Tshering
March 1996.
Author's Introduction
[1] Herein is contained a general overview of Buddhist tantra called Cap-
tivating the Minds of the Fortunate Ones. With respectful salutations I go for
refuge to the omniscient rJe Rin-po-che,l who has the nature of all the Bud-
dhas of the three times, and to the lineage of his sons, the disciples. Now
here I will explain the tantric teachings in two parts: first the general teach-
ings will be explained, and then the Secret Assembly Tantra will be shown
The first section (explanation of the general teachings) has four divi-
1. The manner in which the Teacher gained completely pure enlighten-
2. Having attained enlightenment, the manner in which he turned the wheel
of the Dharma.
3. In accordance with the above, I will show that all those who wish for
liberation must follow only the teachings of the Buddha.
4. And, following that, I will reveal the different doors of the stages of the
How the Teacher Attained Completely
Pure Enlightenment
The first of these four divisions has two parts: [3] the tradition of the
Sravakas2 and the Mahayana3 tradition.
Jinadatta: rGyal-ba-byin
Commentary on the Difficult Points of the Secret Assembly Tantra
dpal gsang ba dus pa1 i rgyud kyi dka 1 grel zhes bya ba
1 1
P2710 vol.63; Toh.1847; sbe-dge Nyi 145a7-318a7
Jetari: Dze-ta-ri-pa
Offering Ritual of the Five Protectors
bsrung ba lngali mchod pa i cho ga
P3947 vol.80; Toh.3128; sDe-dge Pu 230a2-234b3
P3948 vol.80; Toh.3127; sDe-dge Pu 228b6-230a2
Bibliography 139
Sadhanas of the Five Goddesses:
1) Sadhana of She Who Leads Each One
so sor 'brang ma'i sgrub thabs
P3940, vol.80; Toh.3119; sDe-dge Pu 219a2-219bl
2) Siidhana of the Peacock Lady (no author listed)
'phags rna rma bya chen mo'i sgrub thabs
P3941, vol.80; Toh.3120; sDe-dge Pu 219bl-219b5
3) Siidhana of the Lady of a Thousand Conquests (no author listed)
stong chen mo rab tu 'joms ma'i sgrub thabs
P3942, vol.80; Toh.3121; sDe-dge·Pu 219b5-219b7
4) Siidhana of the Subsequent Holder of Secret Mantra (no author listed)
'phags rna gsang sngags chen mo rjes su 'dzin ma'i sgrub thabs
P3943, vbl.80; Toh.3122; sDe-dge Pu 219b7-220a2
5) Siidhana of the Cool Grove (no author listed)
bsil ba'i tshal chen mo'i sgrub thabs
P3944, vol.80; Toh.3123; sDe-dge Pu 220a2-220a6
KaruJ::tyasri: Thugs-rje dpal
Commentary on the Difficult Points, Elucidating the Elucidating Lamp
sgron rna gsal bar byed pa'i gsal byed ces bya ba'i dka' 'grel
pradipod yotanodyotanamapafijika
P2655, vol.60; Toh.l790; sDe-dge A 10bl-170a7
rnKhas-grub rje, mKhas-grub dge-legs dpal bzang-po
Introduction to the Buddhist Tantric Systems (Extensive Overview of the
Classes ofTantra)
rgyud spyi'i rnam par gzhag pa rgyas par brjod
Kr~~:tacarya, Kg;~apada, Ka~ha: Nag-po-pa
Discrimination of the Four Stages
rim pa bzhi'i mam par 'byed pa zhes bya ba
P2169, vol.Sl; Toh.1452; sDe-dge Wa 358b7-367b3
Four Stages
rim pa bzhi pa
P2168, vol.Sl; Toh.l451; sDe-dge Wa 355b7-358b7
140 Overoiew of Buddhist Tantra
:£<r~l).asamayavajra: Nag•po dam-tshig rdo-rje
Commentary on the Difficult Points of the Five Stages (commentary on the
Secret Assembly completion stage)
rim pa lnga'i dka' 'grel
P2698, vol.62; Toh.l841; sDe-dge Chi 157bl-187a7
Marztjala Ritual of the Glorious Secret Assembly
dpal gsang ba 'dus pa'i dkyil'khor gyi cho ga
P2683, vol.62; Toh.l819; sDe-dge Ngi247bl-258bl
Offering Ritual ofVajrasattva (text associated with Secret Assembly
[dpal] rdo rje sems dpa' mchod pa'i cho ga
P2684, vol.62; Toh.l820; sDe-dge Ngi 258bl-261a7
Kumara: gZhon-nu
Mirror of the Essential Condensed Explanation of the Elucidating Lamp
sgron rna gsal ba mdor bshad pa'i sa bead snying gi me long zhes bya
pradipadipa tippal).ihrdayadarsanama
P2656, vol.60; Toh.1791; sDe-dge A 170bl-201b4
Kumaracandra (0 vajra): gZhon-nu zla-ba (0 rdo-rje)
Commentary on the Difficult Points of the Vajra Terrifier Tantra
rdo rje 'jigs byed kyi rgyud kyi dka' 'grel
P2837, vol.67; Toh.l973; sDe-dge Mi 132b6-135b6
Lalitavajra, Lilavajra: sGeg-pa rdo-rje
Siidhana of the Forty-nine Deities of Vajrabhairava
dpal rdo 'jigs byed kyi [zhe dgu ma'i) sgrub thabs
Toh.1998; sDe-dge Mi 196b3-201b3
Commentary on the Vajrasattva Sildhana (text associated with Secret
Assembly practice)
rdo rje sems dpa'i sgrub thabs kyi 'grel pa
P2679, vol.62; Toh.l815; sDe-dge Ngi 204b6-209a3
Explanation of the Guru's Oral Instructions on the Introduction to the Secret
Assembly Tantra
gsang ba 'dus pa'i rgyud kyi gleng gzhi bla ma'i man ngag gi bshad pa
P2773, vol.66; Toh.l910; sDe-dge Phi 89bl-97b5
Bibliography 141
Excellent View of the Meaning of the Names of Secret Mantra, Commentary
on the Expression of the Names [of Mafijusri]
'phags pa mtshan yang dag par brjod pa'i rgya cher 'grel pa mtshan
gsang ngags kyi don du mam par lta ba zhes bya ba
(Sanskrit title not recorded)
P3356, vol.74; Toh.2533; sDe-dge Khu 27bl-115b3
Luyipada: Lu'i-pa
Realization of the Glorious Bhagavan
dpal bcom ldan 'das mngon par rtogs pa zhes bya ba ('rdzogs rim
sangs rgyas 'char pa')
P2207, vol.52; Toh.1427; sDe-dge Wa 186b3-193al
Maitreyanatha: Byams-pa'i mgon-po
Discrimination of Phenomena and Suchness
chos dang chos nyid mam par 'byed pa
P5523, vol.108, Toh.4022 (=Toh.4023); sDe-dge Phi 46bl-49a6
Discrimination of the Middle and the Extremes
dbus dang mtha' mam par 'byed pa
P5522, vol.108; Toh.4021; sDe-dge Phi 40bl-45a6
Analysis of the Jewel Matrix, Great Vehicle Treatise on the Later Scriptures
theg pa chen pa rgyud bla ma'i bstan bcos ('rgyud bla rna')
ratnagotravibhaga mahayanottara tantrasastra (' uttaratantra ')
P5525, vol.108; Toh.4024; sDe-dge Phi 54bl-73a7
Ornament for Clear Realization
mngon par rtogs pa'i rgyan
P5184, vol.88; Tqh.3786; sDe-dge Ka lbl-13a7
Ornament of the Mahayana Sfltras
theg pa chen po'i mdo sde'i rgyan gyi tsig le'ur byas pa
P5521, vol.108; Toh.4020; sDe-dge Phi lbl-39a4
Mafijugho!?a: 'Jam-dbyangs
Siidhana of the Vajra Terrifter with One Face and Two Hands
rdo rje 'jigs byed zhal gcig phyag gnyis pa'i sgrub pa'i thabs
P2839, vol.67; Toh.l976; sDe-dge Mi 147b5-150a2
Mafljusrikirti: 'Jam-dpal-grags
Extensive Commentary on the Expression of the Names of Arya Mafijusri
142 Overview of Buddhist Tantra
'phags pa 'jam dpal gyi mtshan yang dag par brjod pa'i rgya cher
P3357, vol.74; Toh.2534; Klm 115b3-301a7
Munisribhadra: Thub-pa dpal-bzang
Captivating the Minds of Yogins, Condensed Explanation of the Meanings of
the Five Stages (commentary on the Secret Assembly completion
rim pa lnga'i don mdor bshad pa mal 'byor pa'i yid kyi 'phrog ces bya
P2691, vol.62; Toh.l813; sDe-dge Ngi 148b4-195b6
Nagabodhi: Klu'i byang-chub
Clarifying the Meanings of the Five Stages
rim pa lnga'i don gsal bar byed pa zhes bya ba
P2702, vol.62; Toh.1833; sDe-dge Ci 207b2-237a7
Jewel Rosary, Explanation of the Five Stages
rim pa lnga pa'i bshad pa nor bu'i phreng ba zhes bya ba
(Sanskrit title not recorded)
P2697, vol.62; Toh.1840; sDe-dge Chi 14a6-157a7
Treatise of Oral Instructions on the Inner Condensed Five Stages
rjm pa khongs su bsdu ba'i man ngag ces bya ba'i"rab tu byed pa
P2677, vol.62; Toh.l812; sDe-dge Ngi 147al-148b4
Nagarjuna: Klu-sgrub
Abbreviated Sadhana (Commentary on the Secret Assembly Tantra)
sgrub pa'i thams mdor byas pa ('mdor byas')
P2661, vol.61; Toh.l796; sDe-dge Ngi lbl-lla2
Commentary on the Secret Assembly Tantra
dpal gsang ba 'dus pa'i rgyud kyi rgyud 'grel zhes bya ba
sriguhyasamajatantrasya tantratu<anama
P2648, vol.59; Toh.l784; sDe-dge Sa lbl-324a7
Compendium of Sutras
mdo kun las btus pa
P5530, vol.102; Toh.3934; sDe-dge Ki 148bl-215a5
Extensive Commentary on the Eighteenth Chapter [of the Secret Assembly
le'u bco brgyad pa'i rgya cher 'grel pa
Bibliography 143
P2649, vol.60; not in Toh.
Integration of the Sutras and the Method of Meditating on the Generation
Stage of the Great Yoga of the Glorious Secret Assembly
mal 'byor chen po'i rgylid dpal gsang ba 'dus pa'i skyed pa'i rim pa
bsgorn pa'i thabs rndo dang bsres pa zhes bya ba
P2662, vol.61; Toh.l797; sDe-dge Ngi lla2-15bl
Mm:uJala Ritual of the Glorious Secret Assembly
dpal gsang ba 'dus pa'i dkyil'khor gyi cho ga zhes bya ba
P2663, vol.61; Toh.1798; sDe-dge Ngi 15bl-35a7
Sadhana ofThousand-anned Avalokitesvara
'phags pa spyan ras gzigs dbang phyug phyag stong pa'i sgrub thabs
P3555, vol.79; Toh.2736; sDe-dge Nu 114b2-123b7
Six Collections of Reasonings (rigs tshogs drug, ~a<;iyuktiSastra):
1) Precious Garland
rgyal po la gtarn bya ba rin po che'i phreng ba
rajaparikatharatnavali ('ratnavali')
P5658, vol.129; Toh.4158; sDe-dge Ge 107al-126a4
2) Refutation of Objections
rtshod pa bzlog pa'i tshig le'ur byas pa
P5528, vol.95; Toh.3828; sDe-dge Tsa 27al-29a7
3) Seventy Stanzas on Emptiness
stong pa nyid bdun cu pa'i tshig le'ur byas pa
P5227, vol.95; Toh.3827; sDe-dge Tsa 24a6-27al
4) Sixty Stanzas of Reasoning
rigs pa drug cu pa'i tshig le'ur byas pa
P5525, vol.95; Toh.3825; sDe-dge Tsa 20b1..:22b6
5) Treatise Called 'The Finely Woven'
zhib rna mam par 'thag pa zhes bya ba'i rndo
P5526, vol.95; Toh.3826; sDe-dge Tsa 22b6-24a6
6) Treatise on the Middle Way I Fundamental Treatise on the Middle Way,
Called 'Wisdom'
dbu rna rtsa ba'i tshig le'ur byas pa shes rab ces bya ba
prajfianamarniilamadhyamakakarika I rnadhyamakaSastra
144 Overview of Buddhist Tantra
P5524, vol.95; Toh.3824; sDe-dge Tsa lbl-19a6
Treatise on the Four Empowerments
dbang bzhi pa'i rab tu 'byed pa
P2664, vol.61; Toh.1799; sDe-dge Ngi 35a7-38a5
Twenty Mal)~ala Rituals of the Glorious Secret Assembly
dpal gsang ba 'dus pa'i dkyil 'khor gyi cho ga nyi shu pa zhes bya ba
P2675, vol.62; Toh.1810; sDe-dge Ngi 131a5-145b3
Clear Compendium on the Five Stages
rim pa lnga bsdus pa gsal ba
P4790, vol.85; Toh.2333; sDe-dge Zhi 276a7-278a7
Condensed Ultimate Meaning, Explanation Showing the Abbreviated Em-
dbang mdor bstan pa'i 'grel bshad don dam pa bsdus pa zhes bya ba
P2068, vol.47; Toh.1351; sDe-dge Na 220bl-289a7
Jewel Light
rin po che'i 'od ces bya ba
P2472, vol.57; Toh.l342; sDe-dge Ta 350b5-358a4
Single Vajra Word of the Oral Lineage
snyan brgyud rdo rje'i tshig rkang zhes bya ba
[Not in P] Toh.2338; sDe-dge Zhi 302b6-304b4
Padmakaragho~a: Pad-rna 'byung-dbyangs
Questions for the Novice Monk's Year
dge tshul gyi dang po'i lo dri ba ('dge tshul gyi lo dri ba nams')
P5634, vol.127; Toh.4132; sDe-dge Su 64a5-66al
Padmailkusa: Pad-rna'i lcags-kyu
Mal)~ala Ritual of the Lady of the White Parasol, She Who is Unconquerable
by Others
'phags rna de bzhin gshegs pa thams cad kyi gtsug tor nas byung ba'i
gdugs dkar mo can gzhan gyis mi thub rna zhes bya ba'i dkyil 'khor
gyi cho ga zhes bya ba
P3932, vol.80; Toh.3106; sDe-dge Pu 194a6-200bl
Bibliography 145
Ritual of Making Plaque-images of the Lady of the White Parasol
'phags rna gdugs dkar mo can gyi tsha tsha'i cho ga zhes bya ba
P3933 vol.80; Toh.3107; sDe-dge Pu 200bl-203b7
Padmavajra, Mahasukha: Pad-rna rdo-rje, bDe-ba chen-po
Secret Attainment, Invoking the Definitive Meaning of All Tantras
rgyud rna Ius pa'i don nges par skul bar byed pa ('gsang ba'i grub')
sakalatantrasambhavasaficodani sriguhyasiddhinama
P3061, vol.68; Toh.2217; sDe-dge Wi lbl-28b4
Pm:u;lartka: Pad-rna dkar-po
Approaching the Ultimate Meaning
dpal don dam pa'i bsnyen pa
P2065, vo1.47; Toh.1348; sDe-dge Na lbl-20a3
Stainless Light (commentary on the Lesser Wheel of Time Tantra)
bsdus pa'i rgyud kyi rgyal po dus kyi 'khor lo'i 'grel bshad rtsa ba'i
rgyud kyi rjes su 'jug pa stong phrag bcu gnyis pa dri rna med pa'i
'od ces bya ba (' grel chen dri med 'od')
laghukalacakratantraraja!ika ('vimalaprabha')
P2064, vol:46; Toh.845; sDe-dge Shri lbl-469a7
Rahulasrtkalyal}amitra: sGra-gcan-'dzin dpal bshes-gnyen
Clear Placement in Union, Practice of Empowennent
zung du 'jug pa gsalba zhes bya ba'i dbang gi bya ba
P2682, vol.62; Toh.l818; sDe-dge Ngi 232b6-247a7
Ratnakarasanti: dKon-mchog 'byung-gnas zhi-ba
Handful of Flowers, Explanation of the Secret Assembly Tantra
gsang ba 'dus pa'i bshad sbyar snyim pa'i me tog
P2714, vol.64; Toh.l851; sDe-dge Thi 202bl-325a7
Knowledge Ritual of She Who Leads Each One
'phags rna so sor 'brang rna chen mo'i rig pa'i cho ga zhes bya ba
P3946, vol.80; Toh.3125; sDe-dge Pu 224b4-225b6
Jewel Light Ornament, Commentary on [Nagarjuna's] Compendium of
mdo kun las bdus pa'i bshad pa rin po che snang ba'i rgyan zhes bya
P5331, vol.102; Toh.3935; sDe-dge Ki 215a5-334a3
146 Overview of Buddhist Tantra
Method of Drawing the Protective Circle of She Who Leads Each One
so sor 'br-ang ma'i bsrung ba'i 'khor lo bri ba'i thabs
pra tisararal<l:;acakralekhopaya
P3939, vol.80; Toh.3118; sDe-dge Pu 217b6-219a2
Precious Garland, Commentary on the Abbreviated Siidhana
mdor bsdus pa'i sgrub thabs kyi 'grel pa rin chen phreng ba zhes ba
P2690, vol.62; Toh.1826; sDe-dge Ci lbl-95a6
Ritual of the Five Protectors
bsrung ba lnga'i cho ga
P3947, vol.80; Toh.3126; sDe-dge Pu 225b6-228b6
Supreme Essence, Commentary on the Difficult Points of the Eight Thousand
Verse Perfection of Wisdom
'phags pa shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa brgyad stong pa'i dka' 'grel
snying po mchog ces bya ba
arya~tasahasrikaprajnaparamitapafijika sarottamanama
P5200, vol.92; Toh.3803; sDe-dge Tha lbl-230a7
Ratnakirti: dKon-mchog grags-pa
Ma7;1~ala Rite for all Dhiirm;i
gzungs thams cad kyi dkyil 'khor gyi cho ga
P3957, vol.80; Toh.3136; sDe-dge Pu 307a7-316a5
Sahajalalita: lHan-skyes rol-pa
Explanation of the Dhiira7Ji of Perfect Observance of Commitment and the
Essence of All Tathiigatas, the Shining Stainless Light of the Crown
Protrusion that Places All in the Door [to Liberation] ('Specific Compen-
kun nas sgor 'jug pa'i 'od zer gtsug tor dri rna med par snang bade
bzhin gshegs pa thams cad kyi snying po dang dam tshig la mam
par blta ba zhes bya ba'i gzungs kyi mam par bshad pa ('so so'i
bsdus pa')
sarvatathagatahrdayasamayavilokitanama dharal)ivfiti
P3512, vol.78; Toh.2688 (=Toh.599); sDe-dge Thu 269a3-320b2
Compendium of Devotions ('General Compendium')
gnas pa bsdus pa ('spyi'i bsdus pa')
P3071, vol.68; Toh.2227; sDe-dge Wi 92a6-99b5
Ritual of Impressing Plaques [with Images of the Five Buddhas]
tsha tsha [lnga} gdab pa'i cho ga
Bibliography 147
P3667 vol.79; Toh.3080; sDe-dge Pu 176a3-176b4
Song of the Unborn Vajra Mind Treasure
thugs kyi mdzod skye med rdo rje'i glu
P3117, vol.69; Toh.2271; sDe-dge Zhi 115b4-117a2
Saroruha: mTsho-skyes
Lotus Bearer, Commentary on the Difficult Points ofthe Hevajra Tantra
kye'i rdo rje'i rgyud lyi dka' 'grel padma can zhes bya ba
P2311, vol.53; Toh.l181; sDe-dge Ka 126bl-173a7
Explanation of(Buddhaguhya's) Introduction to the Meanings ofTantra
rgyud kyi don la 'jug pa'i 'grel bshad
P3325, vol.70; Toh.2502; sDe-dge 'i 91b6-351a7
Seven Collections on Higher Knowledge:
1) Devasarman (Set of Perceptions) (vijflanakaya)
2) Katyayanaputra (Entrance into Knowledge) Gnanaprasthana)
3) Mahiikau?thila (Well-sung Terminology) (
4) Maudgalyayana (Treatise of Classification) (prajflapt:i.Sastra)
5) r:un:za (Set of Elements) (dhatukaya)
6) Sariputra (Aggregate of Phenomena) (dharmaskandha)
7) Vasumitra (Organized Presentation) (prakara~apada)
Note: Only a portion of the Treatise of Classification, namely the
Lokaprajiiiipti ('jig rten gzhag pa, P5587, vol.l15,Toh.4086; sDe-dge I
lbl-93a7), and presumably also including the Kiiratzaprajiiapti
(rgyu gdags pa, P5588, vol.l15, Toh.4087; sDe-dge I 93a7-172b4) and
the Karmaprajiiiipti (las gdags pa, P5589, vol.l15, Toh.4088; sDe-dge
I 172b4-229a7), has been translated into Tibetan.
Sakyamitra: Sha-kya bshes-gnyen
Explanation for the Oral Instructions on Entering the Yoga of the Great Seal
(instructions on the completion stage of the Secret Assembly)
phyag rgya chen po'i mal 'byor la 'jug pa'i man ngag tu bshad pa
P4594, vol.81; Toh.3776; sDe-dge Tsu 195a5-204a7
Extensive Explanation, Lamp Compendium of Practice (Secret Assembly
completion stage commentary)
spyod pa bsdus pa'i sgron rna zhes bya ba'i rgya cher bshad pa
P2703, vol.62; Toh.l834; sDe-dge Ci 237bl-280b2
148 Overview of Buddhist Tantra
Ornament of Kosala, Commentary on the Compendium of the Reality [of All
de kho na nyid bsdus pa'i rgya cher bshad pa ko sa la'i rgyan
P3326, vol.70-71; Toh.2503; sDe-dge Yi lbl-245a7
Santideva: Zhi-ba-lha
Compendium of Training
bslab pa kun las btus pa'i tshig le'ur byas pa
P5336, vol.102; Toh.3939 (=Toh.4549); sDe-dge Khi lbl-3a2
Engaging in the Bodhisattva's Deeds
byang chub sems pa'i spyod pa 'jug pa
P5272, vol.99, Toh.3871; sDe-dge La lbl-40a7
Explanation to Completely Clarify the Seven Ornaments, Arisen from the
Compendium of the Vajra Wisdom Tantra
ye shes rdo rje kun las btus pa'i rgyud las 'byung ba'i rgyan bdun
mam par 'grol ba
P2654, vol.60; Toh.1789; sDe-dge A 8b6-10a7
Very Extensive Explanation of the Vajra Recitation (commentary on the
Vajrasattva sadhana in conjunction with the practice of the Secret
rdo rje bzlas pa'i rgya cher bshad pa
P2653, vol.60; Toh.1788; sDe-dge A lbl-8b6
Srtdhara: dPal-' dzin
Sadhana of the Black Destroyer of the Lord of Death
gshin rje gshed nag po'i sgrub thabs zhes bya ba
P2786, vol.67; Toh.1923; sDe-dge Mi lbl-8b4
Sadhana of the Red Destroyer of the Lord of Death
dpal gshin rje gshed dmar po'i sgrub thabs
P2882, vol.67; Toh.2023; sDe-dge Tsi 88a5-95al
Co-emergent Light, Commentary on the Difficult Points of the Black De-
stroyer of the Lord of Death
dpal gshin rje gshed kyi rgyud kyi dka' 'grellhan cig skyes pa'i snang
P2781, vol.66; Toh.l918; sDe-dge Bi 81bl-123b7
Bibliography 149
(bhik~m:ti) Srilak~mi: (dge-slong-ma) dPal-mo
Clarifying the Meanings of the Five Stages (Secret Assembly completion
stage commentary)
rim pa lnga'i don gsal bar byed pa zhes bya ba
P2702, vol.62; Toh.l842; sDe-dge Chi 187bl-277a7
Sadhana of the Exalted Eleven faced Avalokitesvara
rje btsun 'phags pa spyan ras gzigs dbang phyug zhal bcu gcig pa'i
sgrub thabs
P3357, vol.79; Toh.2737; sDe-dge Nu 123b7-125b2
Smrtijii.ananakirti: Dran-pa ye-shes grags
Extensive Oral Instructions, Completely Explaining the Questions of the
Four Goddesses [Tantra]
lha mo bzhis yongs su zhus pa'i roam par bshad pa man ngag rgyas pa
zhes bya ba
P2778, vol.66; Toh.l915; sDe-dge Phi 217b3-249b7
Commentary on the Lady with a White Parasol, Arisen from the Crown
Protrusion of All Tathagatas (commentary on the practice of
de bzhin gshegs pa thams cad kyi gtsug tor nas byung ba gdugs dkar
mo can zhes bya ba'i 'grel pa
P3513, vol.78; Toh.2689 (=Toh.590); sDe-dge Thu 320b2-330a7 (cf.
Ritual of the Lady with a White Parasol, Arisen from the Crown Protrusion
gtsug tor nas byung ba'i gdugs dkar mo can gyi cho ga zhes bya ba
P3927, vol.80; Toh.3108; sDe-dge Pu 204al-205al
Siiryagupta: Nyi-ma sbas-pa
Condensed Sutra of the Sadhana of the Venerable Arya Tara, With the
Branches of the Twenty-one Activities
rje btsun 'phags rna sgrol ma'i sgrub thabs nyi shu rtsa gcig pa'i las kyi
yan lag dang bcas pa mdor bsdus pa zhes bya ba
P2558, vol.59; Toh.l686; sDe-dge Sha 10a7-24b6
Perfected Crown Jewel, Twenty-one Praises to the Goddess Tara
lha mo sgrol rna nyi shu rtsa gcig la bstod pa roam dag gtsug gi nor bu
zhes bya ba
P2561, vol.59; Toh.1689; sDe-dge Sha 35al-35b2
150 Overview of Buddhist Tantra
Sadhana of the Twenty-one Praises to the Bhagavati Tara
bcom ldan 'das rna [lha mo] sgrol rna la bstod pa nyi shu rtsa gcig pa'i
sgrub thabs
P2560, vol.59; Toh.1688; sDe-dge Sha 25b6-35al
Sadhana of the Twenty-one Praises to the Goddess Tara
lha mo sgrol ma'i bstod pa nyi shu rtsa gcig pa'i sgrub thabs zhes bya
P2557, vol.59; Toh.1685; sDe-dge Sha 6b5-10a7
Sequential Oral Instructions on the Tara Siidhana
sgrol ma'i sgrub thabs man ngag gi rim pa
P2559, vol.59; Toh.1687; sDe-dge Sha 24b7-2Sb6
Taranatha: Kun-dga' snying-po (1575-1634)
[Causing] Wondrous Belief: Elaborate History of the Yamiintaka-tantra Cycle
rgyud rgyal gshin rje gshed skor gyi chos 'byung rgyas pa yid ches ngo
mtsar (Composed in 1631)
Collected Works of Jo-nang rje-btsun Tiirtiniitha, vol.X (Tha). Leh, 1984_.
Reproduced from prints from the rTag-brtan phun-tshogs-gling
blocks preserved in Stog Palace in Ladakh.
Also: Tashi Jong, India: Khamtrul Rinpoche, 1970.
Tathagatara~ita: De-gshegs-'tsho
Explanation of the Vajrasattva Sadhana (text associated with Secret
Assembly practice)
rdo rje sems dpa'i sgrub pa'i thabs kyi bshad pa
P: vajrasattvasadhanabha!?ya, Toh.: vajrasattvasadhanavyakhya
P2704, vol.62; Toh.1835; sDe-dge Ci 280b2-285b4
Ti~:t:tavajra: rDo-rje mon-po
Fire Offering Ritual of the Lady with a White Parasol, Arisen from the Crown
gtsug tor nas byung ba'i gdugs dkar mo can gyi sbyin sreg gi cho ga
zhes bya ba
U!?J:ti!?asita tapa trahomavidhi
P3926 vol.80; Toh.3105; sDe-dge Pu 192b2-194a6
Annotated Commentary, Discriminating in Accordance with the Words and
Meanings of[Candrakirti's] Elucidating Lamp; the Very Extensive Expla-
nation on the King of All the Tantras, the Glorious Secret Assembly
rgyud thams cad kyi rgyal po dpal gsang ba 'dus pa'i rgya cher bshad
pa sgron gsal ba'i tshig don ji bzhin 'byed pa'i 'can gyi yang 'grel
Bibliography 151
Toh.5282; Nga 1-476
Stages of the Path of a Conqueror and Pervasive Master, a Great Vajradhara:
Revealing All Secret Topics ('Great Exposition of Secret Mantra')
rgyal ba khyab bdag rdo rje 'chang chen po'i lam gyi rim pa gsang ba
kun gyi gnad mam par phye ba ('ngags rim chen mo')
P6210, vol.161; Toh. 5281
Vairocanara~ita: rNam-par snang-mdzad 'tsho
Elucidating MaiJ~ala Ritual of the Vajra Terrifier
dpal rdo rje 'jigs byed kyi dkyil 'khor gyi cho ga gsal ba
P2869, vol.67 [not in Toh.]
Vajra Light, Sadhana of the Vajra Terrifier
dpal rdo rje 'jigs byed kyi sgrub pa'i thabs rdo rje 'od
P2868, vol.67; Toh.2013;.sDe-dge Mi 221a2-246a7
Vajrahasa: rDo-rje bshad-pa
Complete Explanation of the King ofTantras, the Glorious Secret Assembly
rgyud kyi rgyal po dpal gsang ba 'dus pa'i mam par bshad pa
P2772, vol.66; Toh.1909; sDe-dge Phi 38a7-89a7
Vajrapax:U: Lag-na rdo-rje
Vajra Word
rdo rje'i tshig ces bya ba
P3100; vol.68; Toh.2255; sDe-dge Wi 177bl-180b3
Six Stages of Meditation
bsgom rim drug pa zhes bya ba
P3148, vol.69; Toh.2299; sDe-dge Zhi 228a5-228b5
Sequential Oral Instructions of the Lineage Masters
bla rna brgyud pa'i rim pa'i man ngag ces bya ba
P4539, vol.81; Toh.3716; sDe-dge Tsu 164b2-183a5
Vajrasana: rDo-rje gdan-pa
Instructions on the Lady with a White Parasol, Arisen from the Crown
Protrusion of All Tathiigatas, She Who is Unconquerable by 9thers
'phags pa de bzhin gshegs pa'i gtsug tor nas byung ba'i gdugs dkar mo
can gzhan gyis mi thub pa zhes bya ba'i nye bar bshad pa
P3929, vol:80; Toh.3110; sDe-dge Pu 205a6-206al
152 Overview of Buddhist Tantra
Varabodhi: Byang-chub-mchog
Condensed Means of Realising tl,ze Accomplishment of Goodness; Abbreviated
siidhana for the Susiddhi-tantra
legs par grub par byed pa'i sgrub pa'i thabs bsdus pa
('legs grub kyi mngon rtogs')
P3890, vol.79; Toh.3066; sDe-dge Pu 120b4-131b3
Varmavajra: rDo-rje go-cha
Mm:uJala Ritual of the Vajra Conqueror
rdo rje roam par 'joms pa'i dkyil'khor gyi cho ga zhes bya ba
P4852, vol.86; Toh.2907; sDe-dge Nu 297b3-305a2
Auto-commentary on the Treasury of Higher Knowledge
chos mngon pa'i mdzod kyi bshad pa
P5591, vol.llS; Toh.4090; sDe-dge Ku 26bl-258a7
The Eight Collections of Logic:
1) Commentary on [Maitreya's] Ornament of the Mahayana Sutras
mdo sde'i rgyan gyi bshad pa
P5527, vol.108; Toh.4026; sDe-dge Phi 129bl-260a7
2) Commentary on [Maitreya'sl Discrimination of Phenomena and
chos dang chos nyid rorun par 'byed pa'i 'grel pa
P5529, vol.108; Toh.4028; sDe-dge Bi 27bl-38b6
3) Commentary on [Maitreya's] Discrimination of the Middle and the
dbus dang mtha' roam par 'byed pa'i 'grel pa
P5528, vol.108; Toh.4027; sDe-dge Bi lbl-27a7
4) Principles of Reasoning
roam par bshad pa'i rigs pa
P5562, vol.113; Toh.4061; sDe-dge Shi 29a2-134b2
5) Presentation of the Establishment of Karma
las grub pa'i rab tu byed pa
P5563, vol.114; Toh.4062; sDe-dge Shi 134b2-145a6
6) Presentation of the Five Aggregates
phung po lnga'i rab tu byed pa
Bibliography 153
f->5560, vol.113; Toh.4059; sDe-dge Shi llb4-17a7
7) Twenty Verse Commentary
nyi shu pa'i tshig le'ur byas pa
P5557, vol.113; Toh.4056; sDe-dge Shi 3a4-4a2
8) Thirty Verse Commentary
sum cu pa'i tshig le'ur byas pa
P5556, vol.l13; Toh.4055; sDe-dge Shi lbl-3a3
Treasury of Higher Knowledge
chos mngon pa'i mdzod kyi tshig le'ur byas pa
PS590, vol.llS; Toh.4089; sDe-dge Ku lbl-25a7
Vibhuticandra, Vitapada
Commentary on the Difficult Points of the Abbreviated Siidhana
sgrub thabs mdor byas kyi dka' 'grel
P2701, vol.62; Toh.l832; sDe-dge Ci 203a4-207b2
Vimalakirti: Dri-med grags-pa
Ten Principles of Suchness
de kho na nyid bcu pa
P2455, vol.57; Toh.1323; sDe-dge Ta 261b2-265b4
Viryabhadra: brTson-' grus bzang-po
Clear Meanings; Commentary on the Difficult Points of the Five Stages
rim pa lnga pa'i dka' 'grel don gsal ba zhes bya ba
P2699, vol.62; Toh.l830; sDe-dge Ci 142b7-180b3
Viryavajra: dPa' -bo rdo-rje
Commentary on the Complete Union Tantra
rgyud tharns cad kyi gleng gzhi dang gsang chen dpal kun tu kha
sbyor zhes bya ba'i rgyud kyi rgyal po'i rgya cher bshad pa rin chen
phreng ba zhes bya ba
sarvatantrasya nidana mahaguhyasrtsarilputanama-tantrarajapka
P2329, vol.SS; Toh.ll99; sDe-dge Ja llla2-154bl
Flower Garland of Ethics ('Commentary on Ethics')
'dul ba'i tshig le'ur byas pa ('me tog phreng ba'i rgyud')
vinayapu!?pamalanama ('vinayakarika')
154 Overoiew of Buddhist Tantra
P5625, vol.127; Toh.4123; sDe-dge Shu 1b1-63a6
Visvamitra: sNa-tshogs bshes-gnyen
Drop from the Ocean of Oral Instructions on the Glorious Secret Assembly
dpal gsang ba 'dus pa'i rgyud kyi man ngag gi rgya mtsho thigs pa
P2707, vol.63; Toh.1844; sDE!'-dge Ji 53b7-161b1
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