Education Survey

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The document provides an overview of the All India Survey on Higher Education for 2017-18, including statistics on universities, colleges, enrollment, programs, and other details about higher education in India.

It discusses the different categories of higher education institutions in India (universities, colleges, stand-alone institutions) and provides statistics on the numbers and types of institutions. It also provides some details about the distribution of institutions across different states/regions.

Statistics provided include the total student enrollment in higher education in India (around 36.6 million students), the gender breakdown of enrollment, gross enrollment ratios, enrollment by level of program, enrollment in distance education programs, and enrollment in different fields of study.



The report is based on voluntary uploading of data by institutions
of Higher Education listed in portal in specially
designed formats of data collection.

The responsibility for the accuracy of the data rests with the
Nodal Officers of concerned Institution. Planning, Monitoring
and Statistics Bureau has only compiled and analysed the
uploaded data. Inclusion of name of an Institution in any of the list
in the portal and this publication does not confer
the status of recognition to the Institution by the Ministry of
Human Resource Development.
Key Results of the AISHE 2017-18
† Survey covers all institutions of Higher Education in the country, registered with AISHE code in
AISHE portal Institutions are categorized in 3 broad Categories; University,
College and Stand-Alone Institutions.
† There are 903 Universities, 39050 Colleges and 10011 Stand Alone Institutionslisted on AISHE
web portaland out of them 882 Universities, 38061 Colleges and 9090 Stand Alone Institutions have
responded during the survey. 285 Universities are affiliating i.e. having Colleges.
† 343 Universities are privately managed. 357 Universities are located in rural area.
† 15 Universities are exclusively for women, 4 in Rajasthan, 2 in Tamil Nadu & 1 each in Andhra
Pradesh, Assam, Delhi, Haryana, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Odisha, Uttarakhand and West Bengal.
† In addition to 1 Central Open University, 14 State Open Universities and 1State Private Open
University, there are 110 Dual mode Universities, which offer education through distance mode also
and the maximum (16) of them are located in Tamil Nadu.
† There are 500 General, 126 Technical, 70 Agriculture & Allied, 58 Medical, 22 Law, 13Sanskrit and
10 Language Universities and rest 83 Universities are of other Categories.
† The top 8 States in terms of highest number of colleges in India are Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra,
Karnataka, Rajasthan, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh.
† Bangalore Urban district tops in terms of number of colleges with 893 colleges followed by Jaipur
with 558 colleges. Top 50 districts have about 32.6% of colleges.
† College density, i.e. the number of colleges per lakh eligible population (population in the age-group
18-23 years) varies from 7 in Bihar to 51 in Karnataka and Telangana as compared to All India
average of 28.
† 60.48% Colleges are located in Rural Area. 11.04% Colleges are exclusively for Women.
† Only 3.6% Colleges run Ph.D. programme and 36.7% Colleges run Post Graduate Level
† There are 33.75% Colleges, which run only single programme, out of which 83% are privately
managed. Among these privately managed colleges, 55.1% colleges run B.Ed. Courses only.
† 78% Colleges are privately managed; 64.7% Private-unaided and 13.3% Private-aided.Andhra
Pradesh & Telangana have about 82% Private-unaided colleges and Tamil Nadu has 76.2%Private-
unaided colleges, whereas, Assam has 12.0% and Chandigarh has only 8.0% Private-unaided

AISHE 2017-18
Key Results of the AISHE 2017-18
† 18.5% of the Colleges are having enrolment less than 100 and only 3.6% Colleges have enrolment
more than 3000.
† Total enrolment in higher education has been estimated to be 36.6 million with 19.2 million
boys and 17.4 million girls. Girls constitute 47.6% of the total enrolment.
† Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER) in Higher education in India is 25.8%, which is calculated for
18-23 years of age group. GER for male population is 26.3% and for females, it is 25.4%.For
Scheduled Castes, it is 21.8% and for Scheduled Tribes, it is 15.9% as compared to the national
GER of 25.8%.
† Distance enrolment constitutes about 11.0% of the total enrolment in higher education, of which
41.9% are female students.
† About 79.2% of the students are enrolled in Undergraduate level programme. 1,61,412 students are
enrolled in Ph.D. that is less than 0.5% of the total student enrolment.
† Maximum numbers of Students are enrolled in B.A. programme followed by B.Sc. and B.Com.
programmes. 10Programmesout of approximately 188 cover 81.2% of the total students enrolled in
higher education.
† At Undergraduate level the highest number (36.4%) of students are enrolled in
Arts/Humanities/Social Sciences courses followed by Science (17.1%), Engineering and
Technology (14.1%) and Commerce (14.1%)
† At Ph.D. level, maximum number of students are enrolled in Science stream followed by
Engineering and Technology. On the other hand at Post Graduate level maximum students are
enrolled in Social Science stream and Management comes at number two.
† Uttar Pradesh comes at number one with the highest student enrolment followed by Maharashtra
and Tamil Nadu.
† Scheduled Casts students constitute 14.4% and Scheduled Tribes students 5.2% of the total
enrolment. 35.0% students belong to Other Backward Classes. 5.0% students belong to Muslim
Minority and 2.2% from Other Minority Communities.
† The total number of foreign students enrolled in higher education is 46,144.
† The foreign students come from 166 different countries from across the globe. The top 10 countries
constitute 63.4% of the total foreign students enrolled.


AISHE 2017-18
Key Results of the AISHE 2017-18
† Highest share of foreign students come from the neigh bouring countries of which Nepal is 24.9% of
the total, followed by, Afghanistan (9.5%), Sudan (4.8%), Bhutan constitutes (4.3%) and Nigeria
† There are more than 78.0% colleges running in Private sector; aided and unaided taken together, but
it caters to only 67.3% of the total enrolment.
† The total number of teachers are12,84,755, out of which about 58.0% are male teachers and 42.0%
are female teachers. At all-India level there are merely 72 female teachers per 100 male teachers.
† Pupil Teacher Ratio (PTR) in Universities and Colleges is 30 if regular mode enrolment is
considered whereas PTR for Universities and its Constituent Units is 20 for regular mode.
† Among non-teaching staff, the share of Group-C is the highest with 40%, followed by Group-D with
28%. Group-A and Group-B comprise of 15% and 17% non-teaching posts, respectively.
† The average number of females per 100 male non-teaching staff is 47.
† 34,400 students were awarded Ph.D. level degree during 2017 with 20,179 males and 14,221
† B.A. (23.89 Lakh)degree has been awarded to maximum number of students. B.Sc. (11.52 Lakh)is
the second highest followed by B.Com. (9.39 Lakh).
† At Post Graduate level M.A. pass number of students is maximum followed by M.Sc. and M.B.A
† The highest number of students (23.89 lakh)have graduated in Arts courses.
† At Ph.D. level, maximum numbers of students out-turn is in Science stream followed by
Engineering and Technology. On the other hand at PG level maximum students out-turn is observed
in Social Science and Management stream comes at number two.
† The share of Ph.D. student is highest in State Public University (31.6%) followed by Institute of
National Importance (20.4%), Central University (15.8%) and Deemed University-Private (13.4%).
† Share of female students is lowest in Institutions of National Importance followed by State Private
Open Universities, Deemed University-Government.


AISHE 2017-18
AISHE 2017-18

Information to Our Readers
Key Results of the AISHE 2017-18 (i)-(iii)
1.1 Steering Committee &Working Group 1
1.2 The Central Sector Scheme 1
1.3 Identification of Institutions for Coverage 2
1.4 Reference Period for AISHE 2017-18 2
1.5 Formulation of Concepts & Definition and Instruction Manual 2
1.6 List of Higher Education Institutions 2
1.7 Partner Agencies 3
1.8 Mode of Survey 3
1.9 Duration of the Survey AISHE 2017-18 4
1.10 Institutions Uploaded Data under Survey 4
2.1.1 University 5
2.1.2 College 6
2.1.2(a) Management-wise number of Colleges 8
2.1.2(b) Size of Colleges 8
2.1.3 Stand Alone Institution 9
2.2.1 Level-wise Enrolment 10
2.2.2 Programme-wise Enrolment(Based on Actual Response) 11
2.2.3 Discipline/Subject-wise Enrolment(Based on Actual Response) 11
2.2.4 Gender Distribution 13
2.2.5 Social Category-wise Distribution 14
2.2.6 Representation of Minority Students 14
2.2.7 Representation of PWD Students 15
2.2.8 Representation of Foreign Students 15
2.2.8 (a) Programme-wise Foreign Students 16
2.2.9 Enrolment in Distance Mode 16
2.2.10 Enrolment in Stand-Alone Institutions 18
2.2.11 Representation of Private Sector 19

AISHE 2017-18
2.4.1 Pupil Teacher Ratio 22
2.6.1 Level-wise Out-Turn (Based on Actual Response) 23
2.6.2 Programme-wise Out-Turn (Based on Actual Response) 23
2.6.3 Discipline-wise Out-Turn (Based on Actual Response) 24
4.1 Growth in Number of Higher Educational Institutions 30
4.2 Growth in Student Enrolment 33
4.3 Trend in Gross Enrolment Ratio 36
4.4 Trend in Gender Parity Index 37
4.5 Trend in Pupil Teacher Ratio 38
4.6 Growth in Number of Teachers 38
4.7 Trend in programme-wise enrolment at various levels 39
Figure 1 Distribution of Responding Universities as per Specialisation 5
Figure 2 Number of Colleges and Eligible Population (18-23 years) in Top 10 States 7
(Bubble size indicating the number of Colleges)
Figure 3 Management-wise distribution of Colleges 8
Figure 4 Number of Colleges in Different Range of Enrolment 9
Figure 5 Share of Private sector in different type of Stand Alone Institutions 10
Figure 6 Student Enrolment by Levels 10
Figure 7 Stream-wise Distribution of Under Graduate Enrolment 12
Figure 8 Gender Distribution at Different Levels 13
Figure 9 Top 6 States as per Enrolment & Representation of Male:Female 14
Figure 10 Social Categories and Gender Distribution in Student Enrolment 14
Figure 11 Foreign Students’ Distribution in Top 10 Countries 15
Figure 12 Foreign Students Enrolment across Levels 15
Figure 13 Gender-wise & Level-wise Foreign Students Enrolment 15
Figure 14 Females per 100 Males 17
Figure 15 Level-wise Enrolment 17
Figure 16 Share of Regular & Distance Enrolment 17
Figure 17 Female Participation in Different Type of Stand-Alone Institutions 18
Figure 18 % Enrolment in Private & Government College 19
Figure 19 Distribution of GER among Social Category and Gender 19
Figure 19(a) GPI Distributed according to Social Category 19
Figure 20 Social Category-wise Distribution of Teaching Staff 20
Figure 21 Teachers: SC, ST, OBC, Muslims: Top 10 States 20
Figure 22 Teachers: Female per 100 Males by Social and Religious Categories 20

AISHE 2017-18
Figure 23 Teachers: Post-wise Distribution 21
Figure 24 Female per 100 Male Teacher by position 21
Figure 25 Female per 100 Male Teachers in different types of Institutions 21
Figure 26 Female per 100 Male Teachers in Stand Alone Institutions 21
Figure 27 Distribution of Non-Teaching Staff according to Levels 22
Figure 28 Level wise Gender Distribution of Non-Teaching Staff 22
Figure 29 Category-wise Distribution of Non-Teaching Staff 22
Figure 30 Female per 100 Male among Non-Teaching Staff in various categories 23
Figure 31 Level-wise Out Turn 23
Figure 32 Discipline-wise Out Turn at Under Graduate Level 24
Figure 33 Discipline-wise Out Turn at Post Graduate Level 24
Figure 34 Discipline-wise Out Turn at Ph.D. Level 24
Figure 35 Level-wise Enrolment in different Type of University 25
Figure 36 Gender Distribution in different Type of University 25
Figure 37 Distribution of Enrolment at UG level 26
Figure 38 Distribution of Enrolment at PG level 27
Figure 39 Percentage of Female Enrolment 27
Figure 40 Number of Universities 30
Figure 41 Number of College 30
Figure 42 Number of Universities by type 30
Figure 43 Number of Universities in major states 31
Figure 44 College Density in Major States 32
Figure 45 Average Enrolment per College in Major States 32
Figure 46 Student Enrolment 33
Figure 47 Gender-wise Enrolment 33
Figure 48 Distribution of enrolment among various categories 34
Figure 49 % Enrolment of Muslim and Other Minority Communities 34
Figure 50 Enrolment in University & its Constituent Units 35
Figure 51 Female per 100 Male Students in University & its Constituent Units 35
Figure 52 Enrolment in University & its Constituent Units at Ph.D., M.Phil. 36
and Integrated Levels
Figure 53 Enrolment in University & its Constituent Units 36
Figure 54 Category-wise GER 37
Figure 55 Gross Enrolment Ratio 37
Figure 56 Gross Enrolment Ratio in major States 37
Figure 57 Category-wise GPI 38
Figure 58 Post-wise number of Female Teachers per 100 Male Teachers 39
Figure 59 Enrolment in important programmes at PG Level in Regular mode 39
Figure 60 Female per 100 Male Students in important programmes at PG Level 40
in Regular mode
Table 1 State & Type-wise Number of Universities T-1
Table 1(a) Total Number of Institution Registered and Responded in AISHE 2017-18 T-1a
Table 2 State &Specialization-Wise Number of Universities(based on actual response) T-2
Table 3 State-wise Distribution of Districts in Different Ranges of number of Colleges T-3
Table 4 Number of College per Lakh Population (18-23 YEARS), Average

AISHE 2017-18
Enrolment per College T-4
Table 4(a) Specialization-wise number of Colleges(based on actual response) T-4a
Table 5 Number of Private and Government Colleges (based on actual response) T-5
Table 5(a) Enrolment in Private and Government Colleges(based on actual response) T-5a
Table 5(b) Number of Colleges Established in 2016-17 and their Enrolment (based
on actual response) T-5b
Table 6 State-wise Enrolment at various levels T-6
Table 6(a) State-wise Enrolment through Regular Mode at various levels T-6a
Table 6(b) State-wise Enrolment through Distance Mode at various levels T-6b
Table 7 Enrolment in Universities teaching departments and its Constituent
Units/Off-campus Centres T-7
Table 8 Number of Colleges and Enrolment in responding Colleges at various levels T-8
Table 9 Number and Enrolment in different types of Stand Alone Institutions T-9
Table 9 (a) State-wise Enrolment in Stand Alone Institutions at various levels T-9a
Table 10 Estimated Enrolment in Colleges T-10
Table 11 Programme-wise Enrolment (based on actual response) T-11
Table 11(a) Programme-wise Enrolment-Distance Mode (based on actual response) T-11a
Table 12 Enrolment at Under Graduate Level in Major Disciplines/ Subjects (based
on actual response) T-12
Table 13 Enrolment at Ph.D., M.Phil. & Post Graduate Level in Major Disciplines/
Subjects (based on actual response) T-13
Table 14 Estimated State-wise Enrolment in various social categories T-14
Table 15 State-wise Enrolment in PWD and Minority Community T-15
Table 16 Country-wise & Level-wise Foreign Students(based on actual response) T-16
Table 17 State-wise & Level-wise Foreign Student(based on actual response) T-17
Table 18 Foreign Students in Different Programmes(based on actual response) T-18
Table 19 Gross Enrolment Ratio in Higher Education (18-23 Years) T-19
Table 20 Gender Parity Index in Higher Education (18-23 Years) T-20
Table 21(a) State-wise Number of Teachers among various social categories T-21a
Table 21(b) State-wise Number of Teachers among Minority & PWD T-21b
Table 22 State & Post-Wise Number of Male & Female Teacher T-22
Table 22(a) Post-Wise Number of Teachers in Universities & its Colleges T-22a
Table 22(b) Number of Teachers in Universities teaching departments and its
Constituent Unit/Off-campus Centres T-22b
Table 23 State & Post-Wise Number of Male & Female Non-Teaching staff (based
on actual response) T-23
Table 24(a) State-wise Number of Non-Teaching staff among various social
categories (based on actual response) T-24a
Table 24(b) State-wise Number of Non-Teaching staff among Minority & PWD
(based on actual response) T-24b
Table 25 Pupil Teacher Ratio in Higher Education T-25
Table 26 Level-wise Enrolment in various types of Universities T-26
(a) Teaching departments and its Constituent Unit/Off-campus Centres
(b) Affiliated and Constituent Colleges
Table 27 Category-wise Enrolment in various types of Universities T-27

AISHE 2017-18
(a) Teaching departments and its Constituent Unit/Off-campus Centres
(b) Affiliated and Constituent Colleges
Table 28 PWD and Minority Enrolment in various types of Universities(based on
actual response) T-28
(a) Teaching departments and its Constituent Unit/Off-campus Centres
(b) Affiliated and Constituent Colleges
Table 29 Post-Wise Number of Teachers in various types of Universities T-29
(a) Teaching departments and its Constituent Unit/Off-campus Centres
(b) Affiliated and Constituent Colleges
Table 30 Category-wise Number of Teachers in various types of Universities T-30
(a) Teaching departments and its Constituent Unit/Off-campus Centres
(b) Affiliated and Constituent Colleges
Table 31 State-wise Number of Hostels, Intake and Student Residing T-31
Table 32 Number of Hostels, Intake and Student Residing in various types of T-32
(a) Teaching departments and its Constituent Unit/Off-campus Centres
(b) Affiliated and Constituent Colleges
Table 33 State-wise Out-turn/Pass-out at various levels (based on actual response) T-33
Table 34 Programme-wise Out-turn/Pass-out(based on actual response) T-34
Table 35 Out-turn/Pass-out at Under Graduate Level in Major Disciplines/
Subjects (based on actual response) T-35
Table 36 Out-turn/Pass-out at Ph.D., M.Phil.& Post Graduate Level in Major
Disciplines/ Subjects (based on actual response) T-36
Table 37 Number of different types of Institutions attached with University T-37
Table 38 Population (18-23 Years)-2017-18 T-38
Table 39 Enrolment by Type in University teaching departments and its T-39
Constituent Units/Off-Campus Centres
Table 40 Number of Universities during last 7 years T-40
Table 41 Number of Universities by Type during last 7 year T-41
Table 42 Various College Indicators during last 7 years T-42
Table 43 Student Enrolment at various levels during last 7 years T-43
Table 44 Enrolment at various levels through Regular mode during last 7 years T-44
Table 45 Category-wise Enrolment during last 6 years T-45
Table 46 Enrolment in Minority Community & PWD during last 5 years T-46
Table 47 Gross Enrolment Ratio during last 7 years T-47
Table 48 Gender Parity Index during last 7 years T-48
Table 49 Pupil Teacher Ratio during last 6 years T-49
Table 50 Enrolment by University Type at various levels during last 6 years T-50
Table 51 Post-wise Number of Teachers during last 6 years T-51
Table 52 Population in the age group 18-23 years since 2011 T-52
Box 1 Registered Number of Institutions with their data uploading response 4
Box 2 Response of Universities during 2017-18 5
Box 3 State-wise Dual Mode Universities (No. in each State) 6
Box 4 State-wise details of Non-responding Universities in 2017-18 6
Box 5 Number of Universities as per range of Colleges 6

AISHE 2017-18
Box 6 Top 10 Districts having Maximum Number of Colleges 7
Box 7 Number of District by College Density 7
Box 8 Cumulative Number Colleges in Different Range of Enrolment (Including 9
colleges pooled)
Box 9 Type wise registered Standalone Institutions and their response 9
Box 10 Category-wise Distribution of PWD students 15
Box 11 Level-wise Distribution of Distance Enrolment 16
Box 12 Enrolment in Universities and its constituent Units through Regular & 17
Distance mode
Box 13 Percentage of Institutions having various Infrastructure 25
Box 14 Enrolment In Professional Courses 26
Box 15 Number of Major Universities in Last 5 years 31
Box 16 Level-wise Enrolment and its Compound Annual Growth Rate 33
Box 17 PTR for Regular Enrolment 38
Box 18 Enrolment in important programmes at Post Graduate Level in 39
Regular mode of education
Box 19 Enrolment in important programmes at Under Graduate Level in 40
Regular mode of education
Box 20 Female per 100 Male Students in important programmes at Under 41
Graduate & Post Graduate Level in Regular mode of education
Box 21 Enrolment in important programmes at Under Graduate Level in 42
Distance mode of education
Annexure-1 Constitution of Steering Committee for Higher Education Statistics A-1
& Public Information System
Annexure-3 List of Officers Involved in All India Survey on Higher Education 2017-18 A-12
Annexure-4 University Nodal Officers Involved in Coordinating with Colleges A-15
Annexure-5 State-wise List of Non-Response Universities A-23
Annexure-6 Estimation Formula A-25
Annexure-7 Errata of AISHE 2016-17 A-26

AISHE 2017-18
All India Survey on Higher Education (AISHE) was initiated in 2011 during which data for the year
2010-11 was collected. The survey was utmost necessary as none of the source of data on Higher
education was giving complete picture of higher education in the country. For the first time all the
major Stakeholders in Higher Education such as University Grants Commissions, All India Council for
Technical Education, Medical Council of India as well as State Governments participated in the data
collection exercise. The entire survey was conducted through electronic mode and a dedicated
portal was developed for this purpose, thus making the exercise completely
paperless. The survey intended to cover all the Institutions in the country engaged in imparting the
higher education. Data is being collected on several parameters such as teachers, student
enrolment, programmes, examination results, education finance, infrastructure etc. Indicators of
educational development such as Institution Density, Gross Enrolment Ratio, Pupil Teacher Ratio,
Gender Parity Index etc. are calculated from the data collected through AISHE. These are useful in
making informed policy decisions and research for development of education sector. The survey is
being conducted on annual basis. It is pertinent to mention that the results published in this report
are based on number of institutions who have registered and uploaded their information in specially
designed Data Capture Formats (DCFs). Thus, there is possibility that all Institutions of Higher
Education may not have registered on AISHE 2017-18.

1.1 Steering Committee and Working Group: The XII Plan categorically highlighted the need
for a strong current and comprehensive data for evidence-based policy making and effective
planning. The Plan document also took note of the All India Survey on Higher Education initiated by
the Ministry of Human Resource Development and indicated that it can provide useful insights and
can be the first step towards creating a comprehensive higher education data management system.
Keeping this in view, a new plan scheme Higher Education Statistics and Public Information System
(HESPIS) has been approved in XII Five Year Plan. With a view to ensure coordinated approach to all
these efforts, particularly data collection efforts and benefit from synergy in such efforts, a Steering
Committee for Higher Education Statistics and Public Information System has also been constituted
under the chairmanship of Secretary (Higher Education), MHRD and different stake-holders as
members. The notification on constitution of the Steering Committee and its Terms of Reference is
given at Annexure-1.

1.2 The Central Sector Scheme: The scheme of Higher Education statistics and Public
Information System (HESPIS) under which the survey is being conducted since 12th Five Year Plan has
been extended for continuation upto 2019-20 by the Standing Finance Committee (SFC) with an out
lay of Rs. 64.09 crore.

AISHE 2017-18
1.3 Identification of Institutions for Coverage– The Institutions have been classified in
following 3 broad categories

Ÿ University and University Level Institutions i.e. the Institutions which are
empowered to award degree under some Act of Parliament or State Legislature.
Ÿ Colleges/Institutions which are not empowered to provide degree in its own name and
therefore are affiliated/recognised with Universities.
Ÿ Stand-alone Institutions (not affiliated with Universities) which are not empowered to
provide degree and therefore run Diploma Level Programmes. During the survey, following 5
types of such Institutions have been covered.

1. Technical such as Polytechnics

2. Post Graduate Diploma in Management recognized by AICTE
3. Teacher Training such as District Institute of Education and Training recognized by
National Council for Teacher Education
4. Nursing Institutes recognized by Indian Nursing Council/State Nursing Council and
5. Institutes directly under the control of various Central Ministries.

1.4 Reference Period for AISHE 2017-18. Reference date for filling up the Data Capture
Formats was 30th September 2017. The number of institutions, teachers and students has been
recorded on the basis of their actual number as on 30th September 2017. Information in respect of
Examination Result has been collected for the students passed out/awarded degree on or before
30th September, 2017 for the previous academic year. Financial Information has been recorded for
the previous financial year i.e. 1st April, 2016 to 31st March, 2017.

1.5 Formulation of Concepts and Definition and Instruction Manual: All the terms
generally used in higher education such as university, college, programmes, discipline, faculty,
department have been clearly defined in the instruction manual, which also includes item-wise
instructions to fill the forms. Concepts and Definitions used in the survey are given at Annexure 2.

1.6 List of Higher Education Institutions: Earlier lists of all the Universities and Stand-alone
Institutions were prepared by adopting the following method:
- Consulting the websites of the State Government Departments, Ministries and Institutions.
- Consulting all the Central Ministries, Councils and State Governments for providing the list
of Institutions under their control.

Different colleges are regulated with different regulatory bodies. There are some colleges

AISHE 2017-18
whose programmes are recognised by more than one regulatory body. To avoid such duplication or
omission, University was identified as best source to prepare the list of colleges.

In addition, the following mechanism was also adopted to update the list of institutions for
† List of Universities through State Governments, Central Ministries, UGC and self-disclosure
by the Universities, which is to be verified by the Act of the University.
† List of Colleges through Universities
† List of Stand Alone Institutions through respective Councils, State Governments and Central

An online module has been developed to update the list of institutions. Apart from addition and
deletion, module has been developed to affiliate and de-affiliate colleges which maintain the
identity of the college even after shifting from one University to other. A provision has also been
made for those colleges which are upgraded to University so that there is always a backward linkage.

1.7 Partner Agencies – Statistics Division of MHRD is primarily responsible for formulation and
design of the survey, which includes preparation of DCF, providing training to nodal officers in

workshops, engagement with National Informatics Centre (NIC) in software development etc. The

software support was provided by NIC. Several regulatory authorities such as UGC, AICTE, MCI, etc.

also took part by instructing their institutions for providing information in the survey.

Nodal officers in each State are expected to coordinate the survey work. Most of the States have
nominated Higher/ Technical Education department as Nodal department/ agency for coordinating
the Survey. Along with State nodal officers, 3 more nodal officers, one each from Directorate of
Technical Education (for Polytechnics), SCERT (for DIETs and Teacher Training diploma level
institutions) and State Nursing Council have also been designated to co-ordinate with Standalone
Institutions. The names of these State Nodal officers and University Nodal Officers (Affiliating) are
shown at Annexure-3 and Annexure-4 respectively.

1.8 Mode of Survey - A dedicated portal ( has been developed with the help
of National Informatics Centre (NIC) for collection and compilation of the data. All the Institutions
need to register on the portal for accessing the portal and uploading its data. The registrations of the
Institutions are approved by appropriate level of officers at State/ Central Level and in case of
colleges, by University nodal Officers. The e-version of DCF has been prepared in such a manner that
it expands according to the structure/size (Number of Faculties/ Departments, Programmes, etc.)
of the Institution. The Data Capture Format is downloaded from the portal, filled off-line and then
filled-in DCF is uploaded, which has made it completely paper-less. DCF has been designed in such a

AISHE 2017-18
manner that no manual aggregation is required at any level. No investigator is sent to the Institution
to collect the data. In fact the nodal officers appointed by the Institutions themselves are the
Investigator and they are responsible for filling up the DCF and uploading it on portal with an
undertaking from head of the institutions. This eliminates the duplication of effort in data entry
once form is uploaded by the Institution. Once data is uploaded by the Institutions, data compilation
is done automatically in pre-designed formats. Filled-in DCFs are available on the portal, which can
be seen by the Institutions and higher level authorities and can be modified, if required, till survey is

1.9 Duration of the Survey AISHE 2017-18: The survey was launched by Hon'ble Minister of
Human Resource Development on 5th January, 2018. Data uploading started from that very first day
of its launching and continued till 20th June 2018. One of its special features is that data, such as
basic details, name of faculties/departments and list of programmes can be pre-filled in future
survey DCF from the previously filled-in DCF with an option to edit pre-filled data.

1.10 Institutions Uploaded Data under Survey: In AISHE 2017-18, 828 Universities, 34,628
Colleges and 7,854 Stand Alone Institution have uploaded the form on the portal. However, in
addition to the actual response received during AISHE 2017-18, data has been pooled from the AISHE
data uploaded during last five years of higher education institutions which existed in 2017-18 but
could not upload the data in past previous years. So by pooling, the results are actually based on
response from a larger number of institutions than the actual response of 2017-18 survey which can
be seen from the following Table.

Box 1 : Registered Number of Institutions with their data uploading response

University Colleges Standalone

Listed for AISHE 2017-18 903 39050 10011

Actual Response in AISHE 2017-18 828 34628 7854

(91.7%) (88.7%) (78.5%)

Total number of Institutions after pooling data 882 38061 9090

from AISHE 2013-14 to AISHE 2016-17 (98%) (97.5%) (90.8%)

List of Universities, which did not upload the data during 2017-18 is also shown at Annexure 5.

AISHE 2017-18

2.1.1 University

During 2017-18, 903 Universities listed on AISHE portal were expected to upload the data. The
type-wise details of the 903 Universities are given below. Out of them 882 Universities uploaded the
data during 2017-18 and to arrive at better educational indicators, 54 Universities which had
uploaded the data either during last four years but not during 2017-18, have been pooled. The names
of Universities, which could not upload the data during 2017-18, are listed in Annexure 5.

Box 2 : Response of Universities during 2017-18

Type of university Number of Number of

Universities Response*
Central University 45 44
Central Open University 1 1
Institution of National Importance 101 98
State Public University 351 348
Institution Under State Legislature Act 5 4
State Open University 14 14
State Private University 262 249
State Private Open University 1 1
Deemed University- Government 33 33
Deemed University- Government Aided 10 10
Deemed University- Private 80 80
Grand Total 903 882

*Including 54 universities which have uploaded data for AISHE 2013-14 to 2016-17.

Among 903 Universities, 343

Universities are privately managed and
357 Universities are located in rural area.
15 Universities are exclusively for women
with 4 in Rajasthan, 2 in Tamil Nadu, 1
each in Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Delhi,
Haryana, Karnataka, Maharashtra,
Odisha, Uttarakhand and West Bengal.
There are 285 Affiliating Universities. The
state-wise number of universities by types
is given in Table 1. The distribution of
responding universities as per
specializations is shown in the Figure 1.
State-wise distribution of Universities as
per specialization is given in Table-2.

AISHE 2017-18
In addition to 1 Central Open University, 14 Box 3: State-wise Dual Mode Universities
State Open Universities and 1 State Private (No. in each State)
Tamil Nadu 16
Open University, there are 110 Dual mode
Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka 8
Universities, which offer education through
Telangana 7
distance mode also. Out of 110 Dual mode Rajasthan, Assam, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal, 6
Universities, 16 are located in Tamil Nadu. In Madhya Pradesh
Jharkhand, neither there is any Open University Delhi, Maharashtra 5
nor any Dual Mode University. The state-wise Haryana, Kerala 4
details are given in the Box 3. Uttarakhand, Punjab 3
J&K, Chhattisgarh, Bihar, Odisha, Sikkim 2
Except 75 universities located in 17 States Chandigarh, Himachal Pradesh, Meghalaya, 1
Nagaland, Puducherry, Tripura, Arunachal Pradesh
(Box 4) viz., Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Andhra
Pradesh, Delhi, Haryana, Karnataka, Madhya
Pradesh, Maharashtra, Manipur, Meghalaya, Rajasthan, Sikkim, Tamil Nadu, Telangana, Punjab,
Uttarakhand and Uttar Pradesh all Universities Box 4: State-wise details of Non-responding
in other states have uploaded the data during Universities in 2017-18
AISHE 2017-18. In 4 Union Territories namely Arunachal Pradesh 4
Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Dadra and Nagar Assam 1
Haveli, Daman and Diu and Lakshadweep, there
Andhra Pradesh 4
are no Universities.
Delhi 4
Haryana 5
2.1.2 College
Karnataka 1
Madhya Pradesh 10
Only affiliated and constituent institutions
of Central and State Public Universities have Maharashtra 1

been counted as colleges. Constituent units of Manipur 1

deemed/private universities, Off-campus Meghalaya 2
centers and Recognized centers have not been Punjab 1
counted as Colleges. There are 285 affiliating Rajasthan 12
Universities and they have 39050 colleges.
Sikkim 1
There are 15 Universities, which have 500 or
Tamil Nadu 1
more colleges. The number of Universities
among different ranges of colleges is shown in Telangana 3

the Box 5. Chatrapati Sahuji Maharaj Kanpur Uttarakhand 1

University, Kanpur has the maximum number of Uttar Pradesh 23
colleges (931). Evidently, there are wide All India 75
variations in number of colleges per district.
The top 10 districts and number of colleges in
Box 5: Number of Universities as per range of Colleges
those districts are shown below. In these 10
districts almost 10.9% of colleges are located. Range Number of Number of Cumulative number
Colleges University of University
The top 50 districts have about 32.6% of
colleges. Distribution of districts according to 0-100 161 161
100-200 55 216
number of Colleges in a range is shown below.
200-300 33 249
State-wise distribution of districts in
300-400 14 263
accordance with number of colleges in a range 400-500 7 270
is given at Table-3. 500-1000 15 285

AISHE 2017-18
Box 6: Top 10 Districts having Box 7: Number of District by
Maximum Number of Colleges College Density

Number of Number of Number of

District Name Colleges College districts
Bangalore (Urban) 893 Less than10 157
Jaipur 558
10-19 100
Hyderabad 472
20- 49 171
Pune 442
50-99 132
Rangareddy 343
100-199 95
Nagpur 337
200-299 23
Allahabad 332
300-399 5
Mumbai 313

Guntur 303 400-499 2

Bhopal 270 500-999 2

College density, i.e. the number of colleges per lakh eligible population (population in the age-
group 18-23 years) varies from 7 in Bihar to 51 in Telangana and Karnataka as ompared to All India
average of 28.

Figure 2: Number of Colleges and Eligible Population (18-23 years) in Top 10 States
(Bubble size indicating the number of Colleges)

250 Uttar Pradesh

Population (18-23 years) in Lakhs


Madhya Pradesh
100 Tamil Nadu
West Bengal Andhra Pradesh
50 Gujarat Karnataka

AISHE 2017-18
The top 8 states in terms of highest number of Colleges in India are
Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Rajasthan, Andhra
60.48% Colleges are Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh which have
located in Rural Area 28 and more Colleges per lakh population. In Uttar Pradesh,
there are 6922 Colleges and for every one lakh population
11.04% Colleges are there are 28 Colleges. Similarly Maharashtra comes second
exclusively for Girls with 4314 Colleges and 33 Colleges per lakh population.
Karnataka comes at third position with 3593 Colleges and 51
Colleges per lakh population whereas Rajasthan is at fourth
position with 2957 Colleges and 33 Colleges per lakh population.
Andhra Pradesh comes at fifth position with 2624 Colleges and has College density of 48. Tamil Nadu
comes at sixth position with 2472 Colleges and 35 Colleges per lakh population whereas Gujarat is at
seventh position with 2196 Colleges and 30 Colleges per lakh population. Madhya Pradesh has 2124
Colleges and 24 Colleges for every one lakh population. State-wise number of colleges and the
density are shown in Table 4.

Most of the Colleges run only Under Graduate

There are 33.8% Colleges, which run
only single programme, out of which
level programmes. Only 3.6% of Colleges run
83% are privately managed. Among
Ph.D. level programmes and 36.7% of colleges
these, 55.1% colleges run B.Ed. Courses
run Post Graduate Level programmes.

2.1.2 (a) Management-wise number of Colleges

Majority of the Colleges (78%), are privately managed, of which 64.7% are private unaided &
13.3% are Private aided and the remaining 22% are Government Colleges in the Country. There are
wide variations among states in number of private colleges. State wise, Management wise
distribution of Colleges is shown in Table 5 and Management wise Enrolment in Private and
Government colleges is shown in Table 5(a).

Figure 3: Management-wise Distribution of

Among the major States, Colleges
in each of Andhra Pradesh
& Telangana States, 22%
Private-unaided colleges
constitutes about 82%,
followed by Tamil Nadu 65%

76.2%. Assam has 12.0%

Private-unaided colleges.
Private Un-Aided Private Aided Government

2.1.2(b) Size of Colleges

Majority of colleges are smaller in terms of enrolment. 18.5% of the Colleges are having
enrolment less than 100 and 46.7% of the colleges have student strength 100 to 500 which means
65.2% of the colleges enroll less than 500 students. Only 3.6% Colleges have enrolment more than

AISHE 2017-18
Box 8 : Cumulative Number Colleges Figure 4: Number of Colleges in Different Range of
in Different Range of Enrolment Enrolment
(Including colleges pooled) 9000
Number 70
College Cumulative 7000
of 60
Enrolment %
Colleges 6000 50
0-50 3023 7.9 5000 40
50-100 4020 18.5 4000 30
100-200 7487 38.2 3000 20
200-500 10294 65.2 2000 10
500-1000 6040 81.5 1000 0
1000-2000 4388 92.6
2000-3000 1409 96.4
>3000 1400 100.0
Number of Colleges Cumulative %

2. 1.3 Stand Alone Institutions

Stand Alone Institutions are categorised into 5 categories as described below:

Type I- Diploma Level Technical Institutes such as Polytechnics, which are generally recognised by
All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) and administered by State Directorate of Technical

Type II- Diploma Level Teacher Training Institutes including District Institute of Education and
Training (DIETs) recognised by National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE) and generally
administered by State Council for Education Research and Training (SCERT).

Type III- Diploma Level Nursing Institutes recognised by Indian Nursing Council (INC) and generally
administered by State Nursing Council/Boards.

Type IV- PGDM (Post Graduate Diploma in Management) Institutes recognised by AICTE

Type V- Institutes directly under the control of various Central Ministries

Number of institutions varied widely across the States including their degree of response. Out
of 10011 Stand Alone Institutions, 9090 (including pooled data from 2013-14 to 2016-17) have
uploaded the data during 2017-18 survey. Type wise details are as under

Box 9: Type wise registered Standalone Institutions and their response

Technical Teacher Nursing PGDM Institutes under
Training Institutes Ministries
Total 3239 3691 2676 269 136
Form Uploaded 3093 3364 2343 195 95

AISHE 2017-18
In Gujarat and Chhattisgarh Figure 5: Share of Private sector in different type of
polytechnics have been affiliated Stand Alone Institutions
with the University and 100%

therefore they have not been 80%

counted as Stand-Alone
Institutions. The Polytechnics in these
2 States have been included in the
Colleges. Technical Teacher Nursing PGDM
Training Institutes
Stand Alone Institutions are mainly
Private Aided Private Un-Aided Government
run by Private sector (75.47%); Private
unaided – 66.04% and Private aided –
9.43%. Only 24.53% Institutions are in Government sector. 55.9% Institutions are located in Rural


2.2.1 Level-wise Enrolment

Total Student enrolment has been classified in 8 levels viz – Ph.D., M.Phil., Post Graduate, Under
Graduate, PG Diploma, Diploma,
Certificate and Integrated. Percentage Figure 6: Student Enrolment by Levels
share of student enrolment in these 0.09%
levels are shown in Figure 6. State-wise 0.44%
and level-wise estimated student 0.64%
enrolment is given in Table 6. State-wise 79.19%
9.58% 7.39%
student enrolment through regular mode
at various level is given in Table 6(a). 11.23% 0.48%
The highest number of students are
enrolled at Under Graduate level across Ph.D. M.Phil. Post Graduate Under Graduate
India. Similar situation could be observed PG Diploma Diploma Certificate Integrated
in States/UTs. Out of the total enrolment
of 3,66,42,378 students, a vast majority
of 2,90,16,350 students are enrolled in Under Graduate that is a sweeping 79.19%. On the other
hand, second to Under Graduate, 11.23% students are enrolled in Post-Graduation which is
approximately 41.14 lakh students. There are 3,110 students enrolled in Integrated Ph.D. in
addition to 1,61,412 students enrolled at Ph.D. Level. There is a small share of 7.39% students
enrolled at Diploma level in India that amounts to around 27.0 lakh students and out of this majority
of students are enrolled in Teacher Training, Nursing and Technical streams. However, a small share
of 1.77 lakh and 2.35 lakh students are enrolled each at Certificate and PG Diploma levels,
respectively, constituting approx. 0.48% and 0.53% of the total share at each level. In terms of
state-share of enrolment, Maharashtra tops in the enrolment of students in Universities (including
constituent units) with 9,51,642. This is followed by Tamil Nadu with 8,00,516 students and Delhi
with 7,53,585 students. State wise enrolment in responding University Teaching Departments along
with its constituent Units and off campus Centers are given in Table 7. State-wise enrolment in


AISHE 2017-18
responding Colleges and Stand Alone institutions are given Table 8 and Table 9, respectively. As
indicated in Chapter 3, enrolment estimation has been done only for Under Graduate and Post
Graduate level in Colleges and for which State-wise details is given in Table 10.

2.2.2 Programme-wise Enrolment (Based on Actual Response)

As regards to Programmes, out of total, 10 programmes having relatively higher enrolment

were studied to see the student's concentration. Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) has 95.06 lakh students
enrolled in it which is the highest enrolment. The percentage of male is
47.2% and female is 52.8%. Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) has 48.19 lakh
10 Programmes cover students enrolled in total and out of them 50.7% are male students
more than 84% of the and 49.3% are female students. There are 40.13 lakh students
total students enrolled enrolled in B.Com. and out of them 52.46% are male and 47.54%
in higher education are female. B.Tech. has 21.19 lakh enrolled students out of which
72.38% are males whereas the percentage of female is 27.62%.
Bachelor of Engineering (B.E.) has 18.2 lakh students enrolled out
of which 71.25% students are from male category. Master of Arts
(M.A.) has 15.79 lakh total number of students enrolled with 58.2% of female students. B.A. (Hons)
has 14.88 lakh students with 45.2% of male and 54.8% female students. B.Ed. has total number of
10.41 lakh students and out of them 66.3% are female. M.Sc. has total number of 7.11 lakh students
with 39.20% of males and 60.80% of females. MBA has total number of 5.78 lakh students with 60.91%
of male students. B.Sc. (Hons.) has total number of 5.43 lakh students with 55.9% of male students.
Programme-wise enrolment on the basis of actual response is given in Table 11.

2.2.3 Discipline/Subject-wise Enrolment (Based on Actual Response)

The total enrolment at Undergraduate Level in major discipline/subject based on actual

response is given in Table 12. The highest number of students are enrolled in Arts courses. The total
number of students enrolled in Arts courses are 95.06 lakh out of which 47.2 % are males and 52.8%
are females. Science is second major stream with 48.51 Lakh student out of which 51.3% are male
and 48.7% are female. Engineering & Technology is third major stream with 40.19 lakh students
enrolled. The share of male students enrolled in Engineering & Technology is 71.4% whereas female
enrolment is 28.6%. This stream has 17 sub streams like Electronics Engineering, Computer
Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering etc. The top 5 sub stream are
Mechanical Engineering with 8.8 Lakh students, Computer Engineering with 8.3 Lakh students,
Electronics Engineering with 6.5 Lakh students, Civil Engineering with 5.9 lakh students and
Electrical Engineering with 4.18 Lakh students enrolled. In commerce stream the total enrolment is
40.14 Lakh students out of which 52.5% are male and 47.5% are female. In Information technology/
Computer Application stream, there are 7.28 lakh students enrolled. Medical Science stream shows
a different picture with higher number of female students, where in out of total 10.99 lakh students,
female students are 6.7 lakh. Management stream has 5.97 lakh students with 3.7 lakh male
students. The students enrolled in Law stream are 3.7 lakh out of which 2.5 lakh are males.

At Ph.D. level, maximum number of students are enrolled in Science stream followed by
Engineering and Technology. On the other hand at Post Graduate (PG) level, maximum students are
enrolled in Social Science and Management stream comes at number two. As regard to gender
distribution, it is seen that among major sectors, Agriculture, Engineering, Law and Physical


AISHE 2017-18
Education sectors have lowest female
Figure 7: Stream-wise Distribution of Under Graduate
participation. Enrolment in major Enrolment
discipline/ subject at Ph.D., M.Phil. and 0.25% 0.23%
4.40% 0.30%
PG level based on actual response is 14.11%
0.47% 2.89%
given in Table 13. 17.06%

13.01% 2.08%
14.13% 1.32%
The percentage of students opting
for Ph.D. after their PG is also calculated 2.10% 2.56%

to see the trend. In Agriculture and Allied 33.42%

courses 21.1% of the students are opting

Arts Engineering & Technology Science
for Ph.D. after their Post-Graduation Commerce Education Medical Science
followed by Engineering and Technology IT & Computer Management Law
Agriculture Foreign Language Oriental Learning
courses where 20.07% of the students are Home Science Area Studies Social Sciences
opting for Ph.D. after their PG. It is Others

followed by Science in which 6.9% of the

students are opting for Ph.D. and in Medical science 4.9% of the students are opting for Ph.D. In
Social Science 2.45% of students are opting for Ph.D. after the PG course in the same field.

The total number of Ph.D. students in Agriculture and Allied courses is 5,612 out of which 58.9%
are male students. The stream is divided into 4 sub-streams which are Agriculture, Horticulture,
Forestry and Sericulture. At PG level, there are 26,614 students enrolled in Agriculture and Allied
sector with 64.8% male and 35.2% female students.

Commerce stream has 4,493 students enrolled in it for Ph.D. with 46.65% male students. At PG
level, 4.59 lakh students are enrolled with 58.9% female students. IT and Computer Science have
total number of 2,515 students with 47.8% male students at Ph.D. level and at PG level, total number
of student enrolled is 2.1 lakh with 51.2% male students.

Engineering and Technology stream is divided into 19 sub-streams with total number of 38,714
students enrolled for Ph.D. and 1.92 lakh students at PG level. Mechanical Engineering has highest
number of 5,349 students enrolled for Ph.D. with 91.1% male students. Computer engineering is the
second highest having 5,235 students with 59.84% male students. At PG level also, Civil Engineering
has highest number of 35,967 students with 70.6% male students.

There are 3,889 students enrolled in Ph.D. in foreign languages. Foreign language stream is
divided into 5 sub streams and English is at the top of the list. There are 3,110 students enrolled in
Ph.D. in English with 39.3% male students and 60.7% female students. French language has total
number of 67 students enrolled in Ph.D., out of which 49.25% from female category. At PG level,
there are total 2,09,037 students enrolled in foreign language courses. Out of this 2,03,587 students
are enrolled in English language with 62.85% female students.

There are 7,850 students enrolled in Ph.D. in Indian languages which is divided into 11 sub-
streams. The highest number of students are enrolled in Hindi language which is 2,270 with 1,174
male students and 1,096 female students. Sanskrit has the second highest number of students. There
are 971 students enrolled in Sanskrit for Ph.D. with 529 males and 442 females. Altogether, at PG
level, there are 3.28 lakh students enrolled in Indian languages out of which 2.02 lakh are females
and 1.25 lakh are males. Hindi with 1,29,440 students has the highest number of students enrolled at
PG level. Out of that 63.3% are females and rest are males. Bengali has 35,238 students at PG level


AISHE 2017-18
with 55.37% female students. Urdu has 23,049 students enrolled at PG level with 59.68% females.
Sanskrit has total number of 26,886 students with 61.3% females at PG level.

Medical Science has total number of 7,086 Ph.D. students which is divided into 48 sub-streams.
The highest number of students are enrolled in Pharmacy with 2,523 students having 1,473 males
and 1,050 females. Ayurveda has total number of 202 students enrolled at Ph.D. level with 105 males
and 97 females. Dentistry has 371 students, General medicine has 156 students and Nursing has 429
students enrolled at Ph.D. level. The number of total students at PG level in medical science is
1,44,694 with 42.9% male students. Pharmacy has the highest number of students at PG level which
is 55,463 with 40% male students. Other major sub-streams in Medical Science at PG level are
Dentistry which has 14,185 students, Nursing has 11,462 students and General Medicine has 8,945

Science stream has 41,844 students enrolled for Ph.D. which is divided into 18 sub-streams such
as Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics, and Zoology etc. Chemistry has the highest number of Ph.D.
students which is 7,562 with 4,479 males and 3,083 females. Physics has total number of 5,932
students at Ph.D. level with 3,805 males and 2,127 females. There is total number of 3,894 students
enrolled in Mathematics for Ph.D. out of which 2,143 are males. Botany has 2,328 students, Zoology
has 2,037 students, and Bio-Science has 2,373 students enrolled for Ph.D. At PG level there are 6.05
lakh students enrolled in Science courses which are divided into 18 sub-streams. There are 1,55,239
students enrolled in Mathematics which is the highest among all the science streams. Out of the
total, 61.2% are female students. Chemistry has enrolment of 1,25,805 students at PG level with
42.7% male students. Physics has 75,114 students and Zoology has 51,672 students enrolled at PG
level with 69.6% females and 30.4% males respectively. Mathematics has higher number of female

Social Science stream has total number of 18,366 students enrolled for Ph.D. which is divided
into 13 sub-streams. Out of this, Economics has the highest number of students enrolled in Ph.D.
which is 2,990 with 1,575 males and 1,415 female students followed by History which has 2,719
students. Political Science has total number of 1,920 students with 1,186 male students and 734
female students. Sociology has total number of 1,879 students enrolled in Ph.D. with 869 males and
1,010 females. Apart from these Philosophy has 1,617 students, Geography has 1,361 students,
Public Administration has 275 students, Psychology has 1,103 students and Anthropology has 219
students enrolled for Ph.D. There are 7.47 lakh students enrolled in Social Science stream at PG
level. The highest number of students are enrolled in Political Science which is 1,48,530 with 51.4%
male students. History, Sociology and Economics have 1,42,844; 1,43,848 and 97,623 students,
respectively enrolled at the PG level.

2.2.4 Gender Distribution Figure 8: Gender Distribution at Different Levels

Taking a look at the Male-Female ratio at each level in Figure 80%
8, it may be seen that ratio of male is higher than female in 60%
almost every level, except M.Phil. and Post Graduate. Student 40%
enrolment at Under Graduate level has 51.9% male and 48.1% 20%
female. Diploma has a skewed distribution with 68% males and 0%

32% females. Ph.D. level has 57.4% male and 42.6% female.
Integrated levels have 58.4% male and 41.6% female. PG Diploma
Male Female


AISHE 2017-18
student enrolment is 54% for male students and 46% for female students.

The relatively higher share of male

enrolment than female enrolment of
students is also seen across the levels in the
most of the States. The top 6 States are
highlighted in Figure 9 in terms of highest
total student enrolment in Uttar Pradesh,
Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka West
Bengal, and Rajasthan. However in terms of
total number of Institutions the ranking of
these States is slightly different with Uttar
Pradesh ( 7849) at the top followed by
Maharashtra ( 6318), Karnataka ( 4903),
Rajasthan ( 3483), Tamil Nadu ( 3453) and
Andhra Pradesh ( 3446). It is interesting to
note that these 6 States with highest student
enrolment constitute nearly 53.8% of the total student enrolment in India. Rest of the 30 States
(including UTs) have only 46.2% of the total student enrolment. So inevitably, the female students in
these 6 States is almost 45.3% of the total female students enrolled and male students enrolled in
these 6 States contributes to 45.8% of the total male students across India.

Uttar Pradesh, with its highest student enrolment in India, has 51.2% male and 48.8% female
students. Maharashtra has the second highest student enrolment with approx. 55% male and
approx 45% females. Thereafter, Tamil Nadu has 50.5% male and 49.5% female, West Bengal with
52.1% male and 47.9% female students. In Karnataka, percentage of females enrolled is 50% whereas
in Rajasthan more male students are enrolled as compared to female students.

2.2.5 Social Category - wise Distribution

The total estimated student enrolment Figure 10: Social Categories and Gender Distribution in Student Enrolment
is 3,66,42,378 out of which nearly 52.4%
are male and rest 47.6% are female
students. State-wise and Category-wise 80%

estimated enrolment is given in Table 14. SC 60%


student enrolment is 14.4% of the total 40%

enrolment and the male-female ratio is 20%
more or less similar to the All Category. On
the other hand, students belonging to ST ALL SC ST OBC
category constitute only 5.2% of the total
student enrolment and male female ratio is
similar to All Category. 35% of the total students belong to OBC with 52% of male OBC students.

2.2.6 Representation of Minority Students

Among Minority category, data on Muslims have been collected separately. According to the
response received during the survey, 5% students belong to Muslim Minority and 2.2% are from other


AISHE 2017-18
Minority Communities. Muslim Minority has more male students than females where as other
Minority has more females than males. State-wise number of students from Minority and PWD
category is shown in Table 15.

2.2.7 Representation of Persons with Disabilities (PWD) students

There are 74,317 PWD students enrolled in higher Box 10: Category-wise Distribution of PWD students
education. Out of which 42,630 are male and 31,687 % out % out of Female
% out
are female students. Category-wise distribution of of Total Total per
Category of Total
PWD PWD hundred
PWD student is shown in Box 10 which indicate that as PWD
Male Female male
compared to all SC, ST and OBC students, share of Total 74
PWD students of these categories is very low
SC 9.3 9.6 9.4 76
particularly in ST category. Female participation
among PWD students is highest in ST category with 88 ST 2.6 3.1 2.9 88
females per 100 males followed by OBC (77). State- OBC 27.9 29.0 28.4 77
wise number of PWD student's enrolment is given in
Table 15.

2.2.8 Representation of Foreign Students

The total number of foreign national students Figure 11: Foreign Students' Distribution in Top 10 Countries

enrolled in India is 46,144. Country-wise and level-wise NEPAL

foreign students in responding Institutions are given in 1418
1471 SUDAN
Table 16. The foreign students come from 166 different
countries from all across the globe. Highest share of 11521
students come from the neighboring countries of which
Nepal is 25.0% of the total, followed by Afghanistan 1866
9.5%, Sudan 4.8%, Bhutan 4.3%, Nigeria 4.0%, 1999 REPUBLIC OF
Bangladesh and Iran both have 3.4%, Yemen 3.2%, U.S. 2220 UNITED STATES
3.1% and Sri Lanka 2.7% of the foreign students. Among SRI LANKA

major contributors, Nepal has more female students

than males. On the other hand, Sudan (92.5%), Yemen
(91.5%) and Afghanistan (88.9%) have a considerably higher number of male students. Although
maximum number of foreign students comes from Nepal, the maximum number (215) enrolled in
Ph.D. are from Ethiopia followed by Yemen (202). Also there are 14.8% of Foreign Students from
United States of which 54% are female students.

The highest number of foreign students are enrolled in Undergraduate courses, that is, 77.4% of
Figure 12: Foreign Students Enrolmentacross Levels Figure 13: Gender-wise & Level-wise
0.42% Foreign Students Enrolment
0.24% 1.14% 100%
3.29% 80%
14.77% 40%

Ph.D. M.Phil. Post Graduate

Under Graduate PG Diploma Diploma
Certificate Integrated Male Female


AISHE 2017-18
the total foreign students, followed by Post Graduate with about 14.8% enrolment. Enrolment in
rest of the levels constitutes 7.8% (Figure 12). Foreign male students are higher in almost all the

Looking at the State-wise distribution, it can be seen that Karnataka has the highest number of
students coming from foreign countries which is 12041. Apart from Karnataka, U.P. (4465),
Maharashtra (4306), Punjab (3775), Tamil Nadu (3542), Telangana (2877), Delhi (2266), Andhra
Pradesh (2092) and Haryana (2017) reflects more than 2,000 foreign students. State-wise and level-
wise foreign students in responding Institutions are given in Table 17.

2.2.8 (a) Programme-wise Foreign Students

There are 15 programmes which have more than 1000 foreign students and accounts for more
than 78.5% of the foreign Students. Programme-wise number of foreign students in responding
Institutions is given in Table 18. On the top, we have B.Tech. with 7610 students with 87.5% male
students, followed by B.B.A having 3589 students with 69.2% male students, B.A. having 2659
students with 52.3% female enrolment. B.Sc having 3002 students with 63.9% male enrolment.
B.Com. has 1992 students with 69.8% male students. B. Pharma has total number of 2629 students
with 69.3% male students. There are 2667 foreign students enrolled in B.C.A., out of which 88.5% are
male students. B.E has total number of 2490 students out of which 87% are male. M.B.B.S has total
number of 1719 students with 59% female students. BSc. (Nursing) has total number of 1414 students
out of which 82.5% are female. Ph.D. has 1493 students out of which 76.6% are male. MBA has total
number of 1330 students with 68.8% male students. At the Post Graduation level, 1294 students are
enrolled at M.A. level with 65.61% male students. M.Sc. has reported enrolment of 1263 students
with 74% of male students. Bachelor of Dental Surgery (B.D.S) has total number of 957 students with
61% female students. Diploma programme has reported the enrolment of 1083 foreign students with
86.6% male students. BBM has total number of 503 students with 67% male students.

2.2.9 Enrolment in Distance Mode

Box 11: Level-wise Distribution of Distance
Distance education has become a useful mode Distance Enrolment
of obtaining degrees for a large number of students Male Female Total
who are staying in far off and remote areas and for Graduate
612906 565601 1178507
whom accessing universities on regular basis is still a Under
1567538 986873 2554411
dream. Distance enrolment constitute 11% of the Graduate
total enrolment in higher education, of which 42% Diploma
51658 38421 90079
are female students. Diploma 72223 50521 122744
Certificate 36313 49289 85602
Level wise distribution of students under distance Integrated 178 73 251
mode is given in Box 11. At all Levels, share of male All 2340816 1690778 4031594

students is higher than females except Certificate



AISHE 2017-18
FIGURE 14: FEMALES PER 100 MALES Figure 15: Level-wise Enrolment
180 166
100 92 63.5% 1.3%
74 3.5%
80 63 66
60 2.2%
41 29.3%
Ph.D. Post Graduate Under Graduate
PG Diploma Diploma Certificate

Looking at the State-wise variation, out of the total reported enrolled students pursuing studies
through distance education, 6 States are providing education to around 61.3% of the students. These
are Maharashtra 17.8%, Delhi 15.8%, Tamil Nadu 11.6%, Kerala 6.2%, West Bengal 5.3% and Uttar
Pradesh 4.6%.

Distance Mode is mainly conducted by universities and majority of the students (54.7%) enrolled
in Universities and their Constituent Units are studying under distance mode which can be seen from
the Box 12.

Figure 16: Share of Regular & Distance Box 12: Enrolment in Universities and its constituent
Units through Regular & Distance mode
Enrolment in Universities
100% Level Regular Distance
enrolment enrolment
Ph.D. 139218 0
60% M.Phil. 17912 0
50% Post Graduate 797694 1177430
Under Graduate 1980564 2553590
PG Diploma 63514 89943
10% Diploma 164698 99199
Certificate 15417 52607

Integrated 113611 0

Total 3292377 3973020

Regular enrolment Distance enrolment

At Post Graduate, Under Graduate, PG Diploma, Diploma, Certificate level share of distance
enrolment in university is 29.6%, 64.3%, 2.3%, 2.5%, and 1.3% respectively.


AISHE 2017-18
2.2.10 Enrolment in Stand-Alone Institutions

There are total number of 10011 Stand-Alone Institutions in India listed on AISHE portal,
distributed with high variations among States. Type-wise distribution is shown in the Table 9. Out of
21, 94, 615 students enrolled in several courses at stand-alone institutions, approximately 67.4% are
males and 32.6% are female. Stand Alone Institutions are primarily meant for providing Diploma

There are total number of 3239 Polytechnics in India listed on AISHE portal and out of them 3093
reported the data during the survey. The highest number of Polytechnics are in Maharashtra which is
628 and out of them 619 responded. There are 15.52 lakh students enrolled in Polytechnics and out
of them 82% are male students and the
Figure 17: Female Participation in Different Type of Stand-
remaining females with a very less Alone Institutions
participation of around 18%. There are
nine States which have total number of 100%
12.77 lakh students in Polytechnics which 80%
accounts for 82.3% of the total students
enrolled in India in Polytechnics. These
States are Tamil Nadu with 3.39 lakh 40%
students, Maharashtra with 2.35 lakh 20%
students, Uttar Pradesh with 1.44 lakh
students, Karnataka with 1.38 lakh 0%
Polytechnics Nursing Teacher
students Odisha with 93,907 students, Training
West Bengal with 89,646 students, Female Male
Telangana with 81,758, Andhra Pradesh
with 79,896 and Punjab with 75,653 students. The number of male students is 3.08 lakh which is
90.8% of the total students enrolled in Polytechnic courses in Tamil Nadu which is highest among
these top 9 States. The State at the second top is Maharashtra with the enrolment of 2.35 lakh
students out of which 71.7% are male students. Uttar Pradesh has 85% male students and 15% female
students from the total number of students enrolled which is 1.44 lakh. Karnataka has recorded
1.38 lakh students in Polytechnic courses with 84.9% male students. Odisha has 74.8% male students,
West Bengal has 84.65% male students, Telangana has 86.3% male students, Andhra Pradesh has
73.4% male students and Punjab has 78.6% male students in Polytechnic.

The total number of Nursing Institutions listed on AISHE portal is 2676 and out of them 2343
institution responded with 87.6% response rate. The total enrolment in nursing course is 2.72 lakh
out of which approximately 86.1% are female students and 13.9% are male students. Top 5 States-
Uttar Pradesh, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra and Telangana constitute 56.1% of the
students out of the total students enrolled in India for nursing. Uttar Pradesh has the highest number
of students enrolled in nursing course with 49,371 students, followed by Karnataka with 45,660
students, Andhra Pradesh with 22,791 students, Maharashtra with 18384 and Telangana with 16,412.
Percentage of female students enrolled in nursing course in Uttar Pradesh is 84.1%, Karnataka 73.5%,
Andhra Pradesh 95%, Maharashtra 88.7% and Telangana 95.2%. Himachal Pradesh, Tamil Nadu,
Puducherry, Sikkim and Assam have approximately 100% female students enrolled in nursing course.

The total number of Teacher Training institutions as listed on AISHE portal are 3691 and out of
them only 3364 responded, which makes the response rate of 91.1%. The total number of students


AISHE 2017-18
enrolled in teacher training course is 2.79 lakh at all India level, out of which approx. 38% are male
and 62% are female students. The top 5 States covering around 56.5% of the total students enrolled
for teacher training course are Uttar Pradesh with 39,421 students followed by Maharashtra with
35,938 students, Andhra Pradesh with 35,411 students, West Bengal with 28,885 and Rajasthan
with 18,216 students. Most of the States have relatively higher female enrolment share.
Maharashtra has 77.4% female students, Andhra Pradesh has 63.2% female students, Uttar Pradesh
with 52.8% female students and West Bengal has 51.8% female students. The percentage of female
students at 90.1% in Tamil Nadu is the highest in these top 5 States having highest enrolment of
students in the teacher training course.
Figure 18: % Enrolment in Private &
Government College
2.2.11 Representation of Private Sector
80 64.7

There are more than 78% colleges running in Private 60
40 20.6 22.0
sector; aided and unaided taken together, but it caters only 13.4
67.3% of the total enrolment. State-wise enrolment in
Private and Government Colleges as per response is given in Private Un-Aided Private Aided Government
%Number % Enrolment
Table 5(a).

2.3. Gross Enrolment Ratio In Higher Education (18-23 Years)

Estimated Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER)

Figure 19 GER: Distributed according to Social Category and Gender
in Higher education in India is 25.8%, which
is calculated for 18-23 years of age group. 70.0
For Scheduled Castes it is 21.8% and for 60.0 17.0
Scheduled Tribes it is 15.9% State-wise GER 50.0 15.9
40.0 22.2
and GPI are shown in Table 19 and Table 20 21.4
30.0 21.8 SC
20.0 26.3
10.0 25.4
All 25.8
GER for male population at all India 0.0 Category
level is 26.3% whereas for SC Males it is Male
22.2% and 17% for ST males. Similarly GER All Category
for female population at all India level is
25.4% whereas for SC females it is 21.4% and for ST females, it is 14.9%. The GER for females in all
categories is highest in Chandigarh with 67.7%. Puducherry, Tamil Nadu, Delhi, Goa, Himachal
Pradesh, Kerala, Manipur, Punjab, Sikkim, Haryana, Telangana and Uttarakhand also have GER of
more than 30% for female.

For international comparability, GER has also

Figure 19 (a): GPI distributed acoording to social category
been calculated taking 18-22 years Population and 0.98
it comes out to be 30% at All India Level. 0.96
0.97 0.96

Figure 19 (a) shows Gender Parity Index (GPI) 0.92

for All Categories, SCs and STs. It may be seen that 0.90

Female participation in Higher Education for All
0.86 0.87
Categories is 97 per 100 males and for Scheduled
Casts (SCs) and Scheduled Tribes (STs) it is 96 and
87 per 100 males respectively. All Categories SC Students ST Students


AISHE 2017-18

First time detailed information about individual

teachers have been obtained in a separate Teacher
Information Format (TIF). Information on new fields such as
date of joining the institution and profession, qualification,
mobile No., e-mail ID and Aadhar number were collected in
the TIF. The total number of teachers giving the information
through TIFs for the year 2017-18 are 12,84,755, as
compared to total number of Teachers (12,68,597) for the
year 2016-17. It is pertinent to mention that, for the year
2016-17 total number of teachers were estimated at
13,65,786 by pooling number of teachers from such
institutions who uploaded data in 2014-15 and 2015-16 but not uploaded the data for the year 2016-
17. However, in the year 2017-18, no such pooling process
has been done and thus only such teachers have been
taken into account that have furnished data in TIF along
with their Aadhar numbers. It is pertinent to mention
that for collecting authenticated information for
teachers, furnishing Aadhar number in TIFs, from the
year 2016-17, for all States/UTs was made compulsory for
filling the details of individual Teachers, except for
North-Eastern Region (NER) States and J&K. As a result,
details of such teachers, who are either not having
Aadhar numbers or having but declined to share their
Aadhar number, could not be filled in the TIFs. Therefore, actual number of Teachers, for the year
2017-18, in the Institutions of Higher Education will be
certainly more than the number of teachers reported in this

Out of total no. of 12,84,755 teachers, about 58% are

male teachers and 42% are female teachers. The lowest
gender proportion is recorded in Bihar where female to
male teachers' ratio is 1:4 which in percentage terms is
79.1% for male and only 20.9% for female teachers.
Jharkhand comes close second with 70.1% male teachers
and 29.9% female teachers. Uttar Pradesh has 32.8%
female teachers of the total teachers in the State. A few
States like Kerala, Punjab, Haryana, Chandigarh, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Delhi and Goa on the other
hand have more female teachers than male teachers.

At All-India level, teachers belonging to General category are more than half, that is 56.8% of
the total number of teachers in India; OBC follows with 32.3%; while SC and ST with 8.6% and
2.27% respectively (Figure 20). Merely 5.3% teachers come from Muslim minority group, and 9.4% are
from other minorities groups. State-wise number of teachers in various Socio-religious categories is
given in Table 21 (a) and 21(b). Out of the 10 major States, the leading 3 are Andhra Pradesh with
13.48% SCs and 1.6% STs, Maharashtra with 11.04% SCs and .41% STs and Telangana with 10.77% SCs
and 3.4% STs, teachers.


AISHE 2017-18
Figure 24: Teachers: Post-wise Gender
Figure 23: Teachers: Post -wise Distribution
5.0% 5.3% 200

9.0% 101
11.0% 100 74

Professor & Equivalent Demonstrator / Tutor

Reader & Associate Professor Temporary Teacher etc
Lecturer/ Assistant Professor

As mentioned above, another significant representation in terms of gender distribution is the

number of female teachers per 100 male teachers. At the all-India level there are 72 female teachers
per 100 male teachers. Similarly, in SC category there are 56 female teacher per 100 male teacher
and in case of ST and OBC, it is 66 and 68 females per 100 males teachers, respectively. For Muslim
minorities, it is 56 female teachers per 100 male whereas for other minorities, there are 149 females
per 100 male. However, it is to be noted that female representation in teachers belonging to Persons
with Disabilities (PWD) category is low, that is 39 females per 100 male teachers.

Among various levels of posts, majority of teachers are of the level of Assistant Professor,
followed by Associate Professor. The distribution is shown in Figure 23 and the number of female
teachers per 100 male teachers at various levels of post is shown in Figure 24.

The state-wise number of teachers at various levels are given in Table 22. There are 11,951
visiting teachers also; among them 55.97% are male. Figure 25: Female per 100 Male Teachers in different
types of Instiutions
The number of total teachers at University level is around 80 69
1.58 lakh out of which 63.6% are males and 36.4% are females. At 70
college level, the number of teachers are 10 lakh with 57% male 6050
teachers. In Standalone institutes, total number of teachers is 40
1.20 lakh with 59.02% male teachers. Looking at female per 100 20
male teachers, there are 57 teachers at University level, 75 and 10
69 female teachers per 100 male teachers at college and Stand University College Stand Alone

Alone Institutions, respectively.

Figure 26: Female per 100 Male Teachers in Standalone In different types of Stand Alone Institutions, the
Institutions number of female teachers per 100 male teachers is
400 varying significantly as there are only 47 female
300 teachers per 100 male teachers in Technical/
47 68 62 Polytechnic Institutions, 68 in Teacher Training, 62 in
100 22
PGDM Institutions and 22 in Institutions under
Ministries which is the lowest. Contrast to this, nursing
courses has 355 female teachers per 100 male teachers
which is the highest among all the types as shown in
figure 26.


AISHE 2017-18
2.4.1 Pupil Teacher Ratio

Pupil Teacher Ratio (PTR) in Universities and Colleges is 30 Taking into account all types of
Institutions (University, Colleges and Stand-Alone Institution), Pupil Teacher Ratio (PTR) at All India
level comes out to be 29 and 25 if only regular enrolment is considered. In case of University and its
Colleges, PTR is 30 for regular mode. It has been
observed that, PTR in University along with its
Pupil Teacher Ratio
Constituent Unit is significantly low at 20 in case of
Regular Mode, which is a good indicator. Looking at the (PTR) in Universities
State-wise variation, it is seen that there are large and Colleges is 30 in
variations among the States. PTR is more than 50 in Bihar, Uttar Regular mode
Pradesh and Jharkhand. Among top 6 major States in terms
of Enrolment Karnataka has the best PTR of 16 followed by
Andhra Pradesh 18, in terms of regular mode in all institutions. State-wise details of PTR are given in
Table 25.


The non-teaching posts in responding Institutions
are 12,16,434 and are divided into four groups – A, B, C Figure 27: Distribution of Non-Teaching Staff according to Levels

and D. The share of Group-C is the highest with 40%,

while Group-D stands second it with 28%. Group-A and
Group-B comprise of 15% and 17% non-teaching posts,
respectively (Figure 27).

Looking at the male and female distribution among

non-teaching posts as in Figure 28, we have a picture Group - A Group -B Group -C Group -D

similar to that of teaching staff and student enrolment

Figure 28: Level wise Gender Distribution of Non
- Teaching in India as the total male non-teaching staff is more than
female staff, which is 68.1% as compared to merely 31.9%
female staff.
In group-wise posts, the non-teaching staff have more
male members in each group as shown in Figure 28. There
are 63.9% male and 36.1% female in Group A, while in
Group - A Group -B Group -C Group -D Group B, 61.8% are male staff members and 38.2% female
Female Male staff members. In Group D the highest male share is 72.5%
as against 27.5% females, while in Group C there are
69.3% male staff.

Figure 29: Category-wise Distribution of Non -Teaching

In Bihar the male staff share is the highest with 84.5% Staff
and only 15.1% females, while West Bengal also have a
higher share of male staff with 78.9% and 21.1% females. 14.0%
Uttar Pradesh comes third in this ratio share with 78.2% 54.7%

male and 21.8% female staff. This same picture is reflected

in the group-wise break up of data. State-wise number of
non-teaching staff in different groups in responding
Institutions is given in Table 23.
General SC ST OBC


AISHE 2017-18
In regard to Social Category, 54.7% non- Figure 30: Female per 100 Male among Non-
teaching staffs are from General Category, 27.1% Teaching staff in various categories
are from OBC, 14% from Scheduled Caste and 4.2% 78
are from Scheduled Tribe. State-wise number of 70
non-teaching staff in different categories given in 60 52 54
46 44 47
Table 24. 50
The average number of females per 100 male 20
non-teaching staff is approximately 47. The highest 10
number of females per 100 male non-teaching staff 0
is 78 from Other Minority Group and Muslims have
the lowest number of females per 100 male non-
teaching staff with 35 females. SC has 52, ST has 54,
OBC has 46 and PWD has 44 females as compared to
47 General category females, per 100 male non-teaching staff.


2.6.1Level-wise Out-Turn (Based on Actual

Figure 31: Level-wise OutTurn Response)

Percentage share of student Out-Turn in different

71.58% 8.22% levels are shown in Figure 31. State-wise and Level-
11.65% wise Out-Turn is given in Table 33. As per the response
16.77% 0.38% received in the survey total number of students
0.31% awarded Ph.D. level degree during 2017 is 34,400 with
20,179 males and 14,221 females.

Ph.D. M.Phil. Post Graduate

The Ph.D. were awarded to 28779 students during
Under Graduate PG Diploma Diploma
2016. Tamil Nadu has maximum number (4,551) of
Students who were awarded Ph.D. level degree
followed by Karnataka (3,633) and Assam (3,617). 64.19 lakh Students have been graduated and
15.04 lakh students passed Post-Graduation level during 2017.

2.6.2 Programme-wise Out-Turn (Based on Actual Response)

B.A. degree has been awarded to 23.89 lakh students which is the highest among all
Programmes with the percentage of male as 42.33%. B.Sc. is the second highest with 11.52 lakh
students followed by B.Com. (9.39 lakh). B.Ed. and B.Tech. Degree are awarded to 4.44 lakhs and
4.27 lakhs students, respectively. 38107 students have been awarded with M.B.B.S. degree and out
of which 20308 are females. At Post Graduate level number of M.A. pass students is maximum (6.04
lakh) followed by M.Sc. (2.60 lakhs) and M.B.A. (2.06 lakhs). About 61931 and 21208 students have
been awarded M.Tech. and M.E. degree in which share of male students is more than 59.47% and
51.15%, respectively. Programme-wise Out-Turn on the basis of actual response is given in Table 34.


AISHE 2017-18
2.6.3 Discipline-wise Out-Turn (Based on Actual Response)

The total number of pass-outs during 2017-18 at

Undergraduate Level in major discipline/subject based
on actual response is given in Table 35. The highest
number of students have graduated in Arts courses. The
total number of students passed-out in this are 20.73
lakh out of which 42.3% are males and 57.7% are females.

Science is second major stream with 10.53 lakh

students passed-out followed by Commerce with 9.39
lakh students.
8.73 lakh students have graduated in Engineering and
Technology. In Medical Science stream, there are 2.04
lakh students who have been awarded Under Graduate

At Ph.D. level, maximum number of students out-turn is

in Science stream (8880) followed by Engineering &
Te c h n o l o g y
(4907). On
the other
hand at PG level maximum students out-turn is
observed in Social Science (2.78 lakh) and Management
comes at number two with 2.26 lakhs students. In
Engineering and Technology and Medical Science stream
out-turn are 84,925 and 42,855 students, respectively.
It is interesting to note here that at Under Graduate
level ratio between these two streams is 4:1 whereas at
PG level it becomes 2:1. Enrolment in major
discipline/subject at Ph.D., M.Phil. and PG level based on actual response is given in Table 36.


There are 11 types of Universities and the Level-wise enrolment in each type of university,
teaching departments and constituent universities/off-campus centres are given in Table 26. Total
numbers of students enrolled are 72.65 lakhs. In State Public Universities number of Ph.D. students
is largest (43959) followed by Institutes of National Importance (28383). Number of female students
is lowest for State Private Open Universities (7) followed by Institutes under State Legislature Act
(2186) whereas the share is highest in State Public Universities. Share of female students is lowest
for Institute of National Importance (24.06%) followed by State private Open Universities (26.92%)
and Deemed Universities Government (28.9%), whereas the share of female students for Institutes
under State Legislative Act is 58.93%. Share of female students in State Public Universities are
48.80% and Central Universities are 35.65%, respectively.

Level-wise enrolment in affiliated and constituent colleges of Central and State Universities
are given in Table 26B. Categories wise enrolment in various types of Universities is given in Table 27.


AISHE 2017-18
Figure 35: Level-wise Enrolment in Different Type of University




Ph.D. M.Phil. Post Graduate Under Graduate

PG Diploma Diploma Certificate Integrated

In Table 28, enrolment of PWD and minority

enrolment in various types of Universities are Figure 36: Gender Distribution in Enrolment in Different Type of
given. There are wide variations in 100%
representations of different categories in 80%
various types of Universities. There are 1.59 60%
lakh teachers in various types of 30%
University/Teaching departments and their 10%
constituent units/off-campus universities,
out of them 58 thousand are females.

Table 39 shows the State-wise
enrolment in different type of University
Teaching departments and their constituent
units/off-campus universities, which is around 72.65 lakh with contribution of male as 42.46 lakh
(58.45%) and female with 30.18 lakh (41.55%).


Box 13 shows the percentage of higher
Box 13: Percentage of Institutions having various Infrastructure education institutions having various type of
Infrastructure University College Stand Alone
Institutions infrastructure such as Playground, Library,
Playground 89 85 78
Laboratory, Conference Hall, etc. available
Auditorium 79 57 57
Theatre 45 19 17 with them. 89% of Universities, 85% of
Library 95 91 84
Laboratory 86 76 80
Colleges and 78% of Standalone Institutions
Conference Hall 93 72 69 are maintaining playground. 95% of
Health Center 80 42 42
Gymnasium/ Fitness Center 76 36 26
Universities, 91% Colleges and 84%
Indoor Stadium 50 31 26 Standalone Institutions having library
Common Room 86 84 78
Computer Center 90 81 78 facility. Percentage of University, College
Cafeteria 86 53 51 and Standalone Institutions having
Guest House 82 38 39
laboratory are 86%, 76% and 80%


AISHE 2017-18
respectively. In addition to this Health Center, Computer Center, Auditorium, Conference Hall etc.
are also in place with most of the Universities, Colleges and Standalone Institutions.


Professional education is defined as higher educational programmes that are designed for
learners to acquire the knowledge, skills and competencies specific for a particular occupation or
grade or class of occupations or trades. Exhaustive lists of Fields of Education are listed in Indian
Standard Classification of Education (InSCED) published by Ministry of Human Resource
Development, which are categorized on the basis of academic and professional orientation.
Management wise distribution of enrolment into academic and professional education at Post
Graduate and Under Graduate levels are shown in Box 14. Enrolment in courses at integrated level
have also been included at appropriate levels and is not considered separately.

Box 14: Enrolment In Professional Courses

Academic Professional
Level Management
Male Female Total Male Female Total
Government 4988767 4960893 9949660 1205134 860736 2065870
Government-Aided 2053384 2438163 4491548 440636 386137 826772
Private 3112656 3218287 6330942 3802014 2435863 6237877
Government 749326 1051368 1800694 394595 310219 707814
Government-Aided 157126 294112 451238 55465 75454 130920
Private 157953 255935 413888 528630 452987 981616

Figure 37: Distribution of Enrolment in UG Level

30.7 30.3 30.5
70% 66.1
69.8 68.3
60% 20.2 23.0 21.6
30% 10.5 9.1
49.1 46.7 47.9 8.1
10% 22.1 23.4 22.6
Male Female Total Male Female Total
Academic Professional
Under Graduate
Government Government-Aided Private


AISHE 2017-18
Figure 38: Distribution of Enrolment at PG Level
90.0 14.8 16.0 15.5
80.0 14.8 18.4 16.9 54.0 54.0 53.9
40.0 5.7 9.0 7.2
70.4 65.7 67.5
20.0 40.3 37.0 38.9
Male Female Total Male Female Total
Academic Professional

Government Government-Aided Private

Enrolment in Professional courses is more in Private Institutions than in Government both at

Under Graduate and Post Graduate levels. At Post Graduate level, the share of enrolment in
Professional courses is higher than at Under Graduate level; in Private Institutions the share is much
higher as shown below in the Figure 37 and Figure 38.

Female participation in professional courses is lower in comparison to academic courses at both

Under Graduate and Post Graduate levels. The gap is higher in enrolment in professional courses in
Private Institutions as indicated in Figure 39

Figure 39. Percentage Distribution Enrolment in Male-Female















Under Graduate Post Graduate

Academic Male Academic Female Academic Total Professional Male Professional Female Professional Total


AISHE 2017-18
The information in AISHE was collected from all institutions of higher education, broadly
categorised in three categories namely University, College and Stand-Alone Institution that are
registered on AISHE portal. Actual response was received from 91.7%, 88.7% and 78.5% of these
categories, respectively. The data so collected are pooled for estimation by including last four years
(2013-14 to 2016-17) data of Institutions of Higher Education that did not upload data in 2017-18
survey. While pooling it was ensured that the institutions are existing in 2017-18. After pooling, the
percentage of data uploading for university, colleges and standalone institutions was arrived at 98%,
97.5% and 90.8%, respectively for the year 2017-18.

The most important and phenomenal task for the survey is to compile the list of Colleges and
Standalone Institutions. After launching of the AISHE Survey 2017-18 on 5th January, 2018, the
existing list of colleges and standalone institutions was used for AISHE 2017-18. During the survey the
list of institutions was updated based on registration request made by the concerned institutions on
AISHE portal. Such updated list was revisited and it was observed that 2026 colleges and 2060
standalone institutions had never registered on AISHE portal for data uploading purpose.

Accordingly, as a part of data cleaning process, a decision was taken to delete all such
institutions from the AISHE portal. This reduced the number of colleges and the standalone
institutions as compared to the last year. The data for universities, colleges and standalone
institutions are collected online through dynamically generated specially designed software.

College means any Institution, whether known as such or by any

other name which provides for a course of study for obtaining any
qualification from a university and which, in accordance with the rules
and regulations of such university, is recognised as competent to provide
for such course of study and present students undergoing such course of
study for the examination for the award of such qualification. These are
the institutions established or maintained by or admitted to the
privileges of the University.

Colleges are generally of two types:

(i) University/Constituent College maintained by the University
(ii) Affiliated College

All the affiliating Universities except the 75 universities out of 903 have uploaded the data in
the year 2017-18 and therefore complete list of all colleges of such universities was available. During
2011-12 and onwards all the affiliating Universities were contacted and comprehensive list of
colleges was prepared through Institution Management Module of the portal. Presently, in order to
update the college list, request for addition of colleges are received online through AISHE portal and
based on approval from UNO/SNO, colleges are added in college list of AISHE.


AISHE 2017-18
In addition to the Affiliated and
Constituent colleges, for Off-Campus Off-Campus Centre/ PG Centre is a centre
Centres/ PG Centres and for Recognised of the University established by it, outside
Centres of Universities, DCF-II (the format the main campus (within or outside the
in which the data was required to be state) operated and maintained as its
submitted) was available to be filled-in. All
constituent unit, having the University's
the Constituent Colleges, the Affiliated
compliment of facilities, faculty and
Colleges and the Off-Campus Centres were
staff. A Recognised Centre is an institution
required to fill DCF-II. Constituent units of
University, primarily of Private and Deemed attached with the University for the
Universities, which are integral part of purpose of awarding degree in respect of
University, have also been listed by these programmes being run in these
Universities as Constituent College. institutions. e.g. Army Cadet College
However, DCF-II for such units were not Wing, Indian Military Academy, Dehradun
required to be filled. For Recognised is not affiliated with any University but
Centres, in normal cases, DCF-II have not the degree in respect of Programmes run
been filled, but in a few cases where these in the institute are awarded by Jawaharlal
are independent institutions, DCF-II have
Nehru University.
been filled.

Thus, there are four types of College/Institution, for which DCF-II have been filled:
1. Affiliated College
2. Constituent College
3. PG and off. Campus Centre
4. Recognised Centre

Constituent Colleges are mainly located in Bihar, Jharkhand and Maharashtra under State Public
Universities and most of them have uploaded the data.

Enrolment for Graduate and Postgraduate has been estimated only for affiliated colleges based
on stratified sampling technique. Post-Stratification has been done, after the survey for the year
2017-18 is closed.

Affiliated Colleges have been divided into two strata; one is Large College and other Small
college. Large Colleges are those, which have enrolment of 3000 or more and the remaining are
Small colleges. In absence of a priori information, it has been assumed that all large colleges have
uploaded the data i.e. in the population the number of large colleges is equal to the number of such
colleges that have uploaded DCF-II. Thus, we have avoided over estimation of enrolment of colleges.
Average enrolment at a particular Level for the colleges of a particular University has been taken to
estimate the enrolment of all colleges of that University. The Estimation formula is given at


AISHE 2017-18
4.1 Growth in Number of Higher Educational Institutions

The number of universities and similar institutions listed on AISHE portal has increased from 723
in 2013-14 to 903 in 2017-18 by almost 24.9% as shown in the figure 40. Whereas the number of
colleges has increased from 36634 in 2013-14 to 39,050 in 2017-18 by about 6.6% as shown in the
figure 41.


Evidently, the increase in State Private and State Public Universities are very high as shown
below in Box 15 and depicted in figure 42.


AISHE 2017-18
In larger states such as Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Gujarat, Karnataka,
Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Haryana, Rajasthan, West Bengal and Andhra Pradesh, very few
Universities have come up during the period 2017-18 as shown in figure 43.

State-wise number of Universities during the last 8 years are shown in Table 40 and by type of
University in Table 41.


AISHE 2017-18
The time series, state-wise, data on college density, average enrolment per college and number
of colleges are given in Table 42. College Density in major States and Average Enrolment per College
in major states are shown in the figures 44 and 45 below.


AISHE 2017-18
4.2 Growth in Student Enrolment

The enrolment has grown considerably during the last 5 years, which has increased from
3,23,36,234 in 2013-14 to 3,66,42,378 in 2017-18. The overall growth is 13.3%. The growth in
enrolment is shown in the figure 46.

37 Figure 46 Students Enrolment



31 36.64
34.21 34.58
29 32.34


2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18

Enrolment at all the levels has increased over the years. The Compound Annual Growth Rate
(CAGR) is 2.5 during the last 5 years, but in case of integrated courses, the CAGR is 9.4 as shown in
Box 16.
Box 16: Level-wise Enrolment and its Compound Annual Growth Rate
Student Enrolment
Year Post Under PG Grand
Ph.D. M.Phil. Diploma Certificate Integrated
Graduate Graduate Diploma Total
2013-14 107890 31380 3822219 25500325 276502 2285576 187340 125002 32336234
2014-15 117301 33371 3853438 27172346 215372 2507694 170245 141870 34211637
2015-16 126451 42523 3917156 27420450 229559 2549160 144060 155422 34584781
2016-17 141037 43267 4007570 28348197 213051 2612209 166617 173957 35705905
2017-18 161412 34109 4114310 29016350 235263 2707934 177223 195777 36642378
CAGR 8.4 1.7 1.5 2.6 -3.2 3.4 -1.1 9.4 2.5

State-wise Student Enrolment at various levels during last 8 years are given in detail in Table 43.
State-wise Student Enrolment through regular mode of education at various levels during last 8 years
is given in Table 44. The growth in female enrolment is more as compared to male enrolment.

Per 100 male students, number of female

Figur e 47. Gender -wise Enr olment
students has increased from 85 in 2013-14 to 91 in
2017-18. Gender-wise enrolment is depicted in





the figure 47

State-wise Category-wise Student 40%






Enrolment during last 7 years is given in Table 45,

and State-wise Enrolment during last 6 years for
Muslim, Other Minority and PWD is given in Table 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
46. Enrolment of Muslim students and student
Male Female
from other minority communities like Christians,


AISHE 2017-18
Sikhs Buddhists, Jain and Zorastrians (Parsis) have increased over the years as depicted in figures 48
and 49.

Figu r e 48. Distribution of En r o lm e n t am o n g v ar io u s Ca t e g o r ie s

32.4 32.9 33.8 34.4 35.0
4.6 4.8 4.9 5.2
60.0 5.2
13.1 13.5 13.9 14.3 14.4
49.9 48.8 47.4 46.1 45.4
2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
General Schedule Caste Schedule Tribe Other Backward Classes

Figure 49. Percentage Enrolment of Muslim and Other Minority Communities

4.9 5.0

2.2 2.2
2.0 1.9 2.0

2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18

Muslim Other Minority Communities

Enrolment in various types of universities including enrolment in their constituent units has also
increased over the years. The increase is quite high in State Public Universities and State Open
Universities as shown in the figure 50.


AISHE 2017-18
Female per hundred male students in various types of universities have also increased
significantly in all types of universities except Central Open University, State Public Universities and
Deemed Universities (Government Added) as shown in figure 51

The enrolments in University & its Constituent Units at Ph.D. and Integrated levels have
increased quite substantially in comparison to enrolment at Under Graduate and Post Graduate
levels as shown in figures 52 and 53. The enrolment at Ph.D. level has increased from 95337 in 2013-


AISHE 2017-18
14 to 139218 in 2017-18, whereas the enrolment at integrated level has increased from 84884 in
2013-14 to 113611 in 2017-18 during this period. Level-wise Enrolment by University Type during last
7 years is given in Table 50

Figur e 52. Enrolment in University & its Constituent Units at Ph.D., M.Phil.
a n d I n t eg r a t e d L e v e l s
2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18








Ph.D. M.Phil. Integrated

Figu r e 5 3. En r o lm e n t in Univer sity & its Constituen t Units

Post Graduate Under Graduate






2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Under Graduate 3701067 3789989 4098936 4413539 4534154
Post Graduate 1952455 1899827 1876565 1958125 1975124

4.3 Trend in Gross Enrolment Ratio

Gross Enrolment Ratio (GER) has increased during the last 5 years, from 23.0 in 2013-14 to 25.8
in 2017-18. The increase is more under SC category which has increased from 17.1 in 2013-14 to 21.8
in 2017-18. In case of ST category, the GER has increased from 11.3 to 15.9 during this period. In


AISHE 2017-18
comparison to male, the increase in GER is higher for female. The Figures 54 and 55 depict the
growth in GER for social category and for the two genders, respectively. Gross Enrolment Ratio
during last 8 years is given in Table 47. GER varies considerably in different States, although it has
generally increased in all the States. Enrolment ratio for major states as compare to All India has
been shown in figure 56.

4.4 Trend in Gender Parity Index

There is an increase in Gender Parity Index (GPI) Figu r e 5 7. Ca t eg o r y-w is e G PI

for all the categories as shown in the figure 57. It has
0.99 0.97
increased during the last 5 years, from 0.92 in 2013- 0.96 0.94
0.92 0.92 0.92 0.96
14 to 0.97 in 2017-18. For SC, GPI has increased from 0.93
0.9 0.93
0.92 to 0.96 and for ST; it has increased from 0.81 to 0.92 0.91 0.91 0.87
0.87 0.85
0.87 during the period. GPI has also increased 0.84
0.81 0.81
marginally across all the States. State-wise and 0.81
category-wise Gender Parity Index during last 8 0.78
years is given in Table 48. 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18


AISHE 2017-18
4.5 Trend in Pupil Teacher Ratio

Box 17: PTR for Regular Enrolment Pupil Teacher Ratio (PTR) over the years is
University & University & its shown in the Box 17. State-wise PTR for All
Year Institutions, University & Colleges and University
Colleges Constituent Units
& its Constituent Units for the last 7 years taking
2013-14 21 16
the enrolment through Regular Mode of education
2014-15 22 15 and through both Regular & Distance mode are
shown in Table 49. It is pertinent to mention that
2015-16 21 16 PTR for the year 2016-17 and 2017-18, is showing
declining trend which is mainly due to the fact
2016-17 25 19 that number of teachers who were either not
having Aadhar or were reluctant in providing their
2017-18 30 20
Aadhar numbers in TIF, were not taken into
account while calculating PTR, because such
Teachers' details/numbers could not be collected in AISHE for these two years.

4.6 Growth in Number of Teachers

The number of Teachers has grown from 12,47,453 in 2010-11 to 12,84,755 in 2017-18. State-
wise and Post-wise Number of Teachers during last 7 years are given in Table 51. At all levels
representation of female teachers has increased from 2013-14 to 2017-18. The scenario over the
years is shown in figure 58.


AISHE 2017-18
4.7 Trend in programme-wise enrolment at various levels

Enrolment in various programmes at Post Graduate and Under Graduate level has increased
over the years in regular mode of education except in M.Tech., B.Tech., where it has started
showing declining trend recently. In figure 59 enrolments in important programmes at PG level has
been shown.

The enrolment through regular mode of education in important programmes at Post Graduate
and Under Graduate levels for last 5 years are shown in Box 18 and Box 19 respectively.

Box 18: Enrolment in important programmes at Post Graduate Level in Regular mode of education

M.A.- M.Com.-
Master of M.Sc.-Master M.Tech. -Master
Year Master of Master of
Business of Science of Technology
Arts Commerce
2013-14 674447 392937 193373 431723 260370
2014-15 767027 409432 222709 481330 289311
2015-16 878677 416325 271266 519159 257361
2016-17 865410 416490 275695 562896 160888
2017-18 901448 421509 2882061 605682 142081


AISHE 2017-18
Box 19: Enrolment in important programmes at Under Graduate Level in Regular mode of
Programme 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
B.A.-Bachelor of Arts 9099473 9860520 9651891 9527060 9299437
B.Sc.-Bachelor of Science 3579526 4299538 4618172 4978564 5138250
B.Com.-Bachelor of Commerce 3117265 3338111 3422312 3484301 3548572
B.Tech.-Bachelor of Technology and
4336149 4254919 4203933 4085321 3940080
B.E.-Bachelor of Engineering
B.Ed.-Bachelor of Education 559028 657194 514518 810914 1014882

B.C.A.-Bachelor of Computer Applications 421191 432341 426229 415007 432382

B.B.A.-Bachelor of Business Administration 317024 343237 349667 383827 424785

L.L.B.-Bachelor of Law or Laws 240419 283231 300716 205402 338716

B.Pharm.-Bachelor of Pharmacy 174820 183695 195178 313776 225457

B.Sc.(Nursing)-Bachelor of Science in
176781 179496 191612 218882 239485
M.B.B.S.-Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor
160402 170406 191040 211366 241601
of Surgery

Female participation is very high and has also increased sharply at M.A., M.Sc. and M.Com levels
during the last 5 years. However, female participation has not increased significantly at Under
Graduate level. Time series data on number of Female per 100 Male Students in important
programmes at Post Graduate and Under Graduate Levels in Regular mode of education is shown in
the Box 20 and Female per 100 Students in Important Programme at PG Level in Regular mode in
Figure 60.


AISHE 2017-18
Box 20 : Female per 100 Male Students in important programmes at Under Graduate & Post
Graduate Level in Regular mode of education
Programme 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18

B.A.-Bachelor of Arts 115 118 118 121 124

B.C.A.-Bachelor of Computer Applications 63 64 65 75 73

B.B.A.-Bachelor of Business Administration 75 75 76 66 67

B.Com.-Bachelor of Commerce 83 86 90 93 96

B.Ed.-Bachelor of Education 180 188 197 203 200

B.Pharm.-Bachelor of Pharmacy 82 85 85 83 82

B.Sc.(Nursing)-Bachelor of Science in
523 462 445 384 379

B.Sc.-Bachelor of Science 95 93 93 94 100

B.Tech. -Bachelor of Technology 39 39 38 39 38

L.L.B.-Bachelor of Law or Laws 46 44 44 47 47

M.B.B.S.-Bachelor of Medicine & Bachelor

93 95 97 99 101
of Surgery

M.A.-Master of Arts 147 154 165 169 173

M.B.A.- Master of Business Administration 56 58 61 62 70

M.Com.-Master of Commerce 136 145 148 158 168

M.Sc.-Master of Science 138 147 157 167 171

M.Tech. -Master of Technology 61 64 64 67 55


AISHE 2017-18
Enrolment in major programmes through Distance mode of education is shown below in the Box
21. There is in general decrease in enrolment through distance mode of education except M.B.A.
where it has increased in 2017-18.


AISHE 2017-18
Table 1. State & Type - wise Number of Universities

Institute under State

Institute of National

Deemed University-

Deemed University-

Deemed University-
Government Aided
State Private Open
Central University

Legislature Act
Central Open

State Private


Grand Total
State Public

State Open






1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
1 Andhra Pradesh 6 21 1 1 1 4 34
2 Arunachal Pradesh 1 1 5 1 1 9
3 Assam 2 3 10 1 5 21
4 Bihar 4 3 13 1 1 1 1 24
5 Chandigarh 1 1 1 3
6 Chhattisgarh 1 2 12 1 8 24
7 Delhi 4 1 5 7 8 1 1 27
8 Goa 2 1 3
9 Gujarat 1 3 27 1 31 1 1 65
10 Haryana 1 2 14 18 2 3 40
11 Himachal Pradesh 1 3 4 17 25
Jammu and
12 2 2 9 1 14
13 Jharkhand 1 2 8 8 1 1 21
14 Karnataka 1 3 26 1 14 4 11 60
15 Kerala 1 5 13 2 1 22
16 Madhya Pradesh 2 7 19 1 22 1 52
17 Maharashtra 1 5 22 1 4 7 2 12 54
18 Manipur 2 2 1 5
19 Meghalaya 1 1 6 8
20 Mizoram 1 1 1 3
21 Nagaland 1 1 3 5
22 Odisha 1 4 14 1 3 2 25
23 Puducherry 1 2 1 4
24 Punjab 1 4 9 15 1 1 31
25 Rajasthan 1 4 22 1 43 8 79
26 Sikkim 1 1 5 7
27 Tamil Nadu 2 7 20 1 2 26 58
28 Telangana 3 2 15 1 1 2 24
29 Tripura 1 1 1 1 4
30 Uttar Pradesh 4 7 27 1 1 27 2 3 4 76
31 Uttarakhand 1 3 10 1 15 1 1 1 33
32 West Bengal 1 6 25 1 9 1 43
All India 45 1 101 351 5 14 262 1 33 10 80 903
In UTs of , Andaman & Nicobar Islands, Dadra & Nagar Haveli, Daman & Diu and Lakshadweep, there is no University.


AISHE 2017-18
Table 1a. Total Number of Institution Registered and Responded in AISHE 2017-18
Sl. Unversity College Stand Alone Institutions Total
State/UTs % of % of % of % of
No. Registered Responded Registered Responded Registered Responded Registered Responded
Response Response Response Response
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Andaman and
1 7 7 100 7 7 100
Nicobar Islands
2 Andhra Pradesh 34 32 94 2624 2572 98 788 717 91 3446 3321 96

3 Arunachal Pradesh 9 8 89 30 27 90 11 6 55 50 41 82

4 Assam 21 21 100 512 498 97 71 59 83 604 578 96

5 Bihar 24 24 100 770 770 100 136 136 100 930 930 100

6 Chandigarh 3 3 100 25 25 100 7 7 100 35 35 100

7 Chhattisgarh 24 24 100 741 741 100 71 71 100 836 836 100

Dadra and Nagar

8 8 8 100 2 1 50 10 9 90
9 Daman and Diu 9 9 100 2 1 50 11 10 91

10 Delhi 27 27 100 178 176 99 98 85 87 303 288 95

11 Goa 3 3 100 56 56 100 11 10 91 70 69 99

12 Gujarat 65 65 100 2196 2178 99 308 308 100 2569 2551 99

13 Haryana 40 39 98 964 949 98 202 144 71 1206 1132 94

14 Himachal Pradesh 25 25 100 327 327 100 75 75 100 427 427 100

15 Jammu and Kashmir 14 14 100 297 294 99 80 73 91 391 381 97

16 Jharkhand 21 21 100 309 305 99 65 65 100 395 391 99

17 Karnataka 60 60 100 3593 3535 98 1250 1148 92 4903 4743 97

18 Kerala 22 22 100 1306 1283 98 431 373 87 1759 1678 95

19 Lakshadweep

20 Madhya Pradesh 52 50 96 2124 2049 96 314 187 60 2490 2286 92

21 Maharashtra 54 54 100 4314 4294 100 1950 1799 92 6318 6147 97

22 Manipur 5 4 80 87 85 98 11 10 91 103 99 96

23 Meghalaya 8 7 88 60 52 87 20 17 85 88 76 86

24 Mizoram 3 3 100 30 30 100 15 15 100 48 48 100

25 Nagaland 5 5 100 66 66 100 15 15 100 86 86 100

26 Odisha 25 25 100 1042 1032 99 366 366 100 1433 1423 99

27 Puducherry 4 4 100 76 75 99 14 14 100 94 93 99

28 Punjab 31 31 100 1053 1020 97 374 326 87 1458 1377 94

29 Rajasthan 79 73 92 2957 2758 93 447 364 81 3483 3195 92

30 Sikkim 7 6 86 17 17 100 7 7 100 31 30 97

31 Tamil Nadu 58 57 98 2472 2470 100 923 914 99 3453 3441 100

32 Telangana 24 22 92 2045 1927 94 493 436 88 2562 2385 93

33 Tripura 4 4 100 52 51 98 7 7 100 63 62 98

34 Uttar Pradesh 76 74 97 6922 6629 96 851 749 88 7849 7452 95

35 Uttarakhand 33 32 97 440 405 92 153 142 93 626 579 92

36 West Bengal 43 43 100 1341 1341 100 443 443 100 1827 1827 100

All India 903 882 98 39050 38061 97 10011 9090 91 49964 48033 96


AISHE 2017-18
Table 2. State & Specialisation - wise Number of Universities (based on actual response)


Cultural Studies

Journalism &


Fine Arts


s Studies




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

1 Andhra Pradesh 15 2 1 1 2

2 Arunachal Pradesh 6

3 Assam 12 1 1 1 2

4 Bihar 16 2 1 2

5 Chandigarh 1 1

6 Chhatisgarh 14 1 1 1 1 2

7 Delhi 8 1 1 1 2 3

8 Goa 1

9 Gujarat 38 5 1 1 1 1 1 4

10 Haryana 25 2 1 3

11 Himachal Pradesh 16 2

12 Jammu and Kashmir 8 2 1

13 Jharkhand 14 1 1

14 Karnataka 29 5 1 1 1 2 6

15 Kerala 7 1 1 1 1 1 1

16 Madhya Pradesh 31 2 1 1 1 1 1

17 Maharashtra 23 4 1 1 1 3 6

18 Manipur 1 1

19 Meghalaya 5

20 Mizoram 2

21 Nagaland 4

22 Odisha 16 1 1

23 Puducherry 1 2

24 Punjab 18 1 1 4

25 Rajasthan 48 4 1 1 8

26 Sikkim 4

27 Tamil Nadu 26 1 1 2 2 2 4

28 Telangana 13 1 1 1 1

29 Tripura 2 1

30 Uttar Pradesh 44 5 3 2 1 2

31 Uttrakhand 22 2 4

32 West Bengal 30 3 1 1 1

All India 500 52 5 6 10 4 1 2 10 22 58


AISHE 2017-18
Table 2. State & Specialisation - wise Number of Universities (based on actual response)

Oriental Learning


cal Education

Grand Total




1 2 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

1 Andhra Pradesh 2 1 6 1 1 32
2 Arunachal Pradesh 2
3 Assam 4
4 Bihar 1 1 1
5 Chandigarh 1 3
6 Chhatisgarh 2 1 1 24
7 Delhi 2 7
2 27
8 Goa 2
9 Gujarat 1 2 5 1 4 65
10 Haryana 1 6 1 39
11 Himachal Pradesh 6
1 25
12 Jammu and Kashmir 3
13 Jharkhand 5
14 Karnataka 1 1 1 7 1 4 60
15 Kerala 2 5 1 1 22
16 Madhya Pradesh 1 2 1 5 1 2 50
17 Maharashtra 1 7
7 54
18 Manipur 2
19 Meghalaya 2
20 Mizoram 1
21 Nagaland 1
22 Odisha 1 1 1 4
23 Puducherry 1
24 Punjab 1 5 1 31
25 Rajasthan 1 6 1 3 73
26 Sikkim 1
1 6
27 Tamil Nadu 1 2 2 9 1 4 57
28 Telangana 4 1 22
29 Tripura 1
30 Uttar Pradesh 1 10 2 4 74
31 Uttrakhand 1 2
1 32
32 West Bengal 1 1 4
1 43
All India 3 5 13 9 5 126 14 37 882


AISHE 2017-18
Table 3. State-wise Distribution of Districts in Different Ranges of number of Colleges
Sl. Number of College
State/UTs Less
No. 10-19 20-49 50-99 100-199 200-299 300-399 400-499 500-999
than 10
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Andaman and Nicobar
1 3
2 Andhra Pradesh 6 6 1

3 Arunachal Pradesh 11 1

4 Assam 7 14 7 1

5 Bihar 9 15 11 1 1

6 Chandigarh 1

7 Chhattisgarh 11 6 6 2 2

8 Dadra and Nagar Haveli 1

9 Daman and Diu 2

10 Delhi 2 3 5

11 Goa 1 1

12 Gujarat 2 6 10 6 8 1

13 Haryana 1 3 9 9

14 Himachal Pradesh 2 3 6 1

15 Jammu and Kashmir 12 6 3 1

16 Jharkhand 13 6 4 1

17 Karnataka 6 14 6 3 1

18 Kerala 2 7 5

19 Lakshadweep

20 Madhya Pradesh 6 15 20 6 2 2

21 Maharashtra 1 3 15 12 2 2 1

22 Manipur 6 1 2

23 Meghalaya 6 1 1

24 Mizoram 7 1

25 Nagaland 9 2

26 Odisha 6 5 13 5 1

27 Puducherry 2 1 1

28 Punjab 1 1 11 8 1

29 Rajasthan 1 1 15 5 8 2 1

30 Sikkim 2 1

31 Tamil Nadu 1 9 12 8 2

32 Telangana 20 7 1 1 1

33 Tripura 5 1

34 Uttar Pradesh 3 4 13 28 22 4 1

35 Uttarakhand 3 4 3 1 2

36 West Bengal 3 7 8 4

All India 157 100 171 132 95 23 5 2 2


AISHE 2017-18
Table 4. Number of College per Lakh Population(18-23 YEARS), Average Enrolment per College
Sl. College per lakh
State/UTs No. of College Enrolment per
No. population
1 2 3 4 5
1 Andaman and Nicobar Islands 7 14 928
2 Andhra Pradesh 2624 48 493
3 Arunachal Pradesh 30 19 810
4 Assam 512 14 983
5 Bihar 770 7 1686
6 Chandigarh 25 13 2052
7 Chhattisgarh 741 24 550
8 Dadra and Nagar Haveli 8 13 690
9 Daman and Diu 9 15 336
10 Delhi 178 8 1531
11 Goa 56 32 640
12 Gujarat 2196 30 519
13 Haryana 964 30 611
14 Himachal Pradesh 327 45 553
15 Jammu and Kashmir 297 23 720
16 Jharkhand 309 8 1786
17 Karnataka 3593 51 416
18 Kerala 1306 44 554
19 Lakshadweep 0 0 0
20 Madhya Pradesh 2124 24 646
21 Maharashtra 4314 33 678
22 Manipur 87 26 1156
23 Meghalaya 60 18 1087
24 Mizoram 30 23 612
25 Nagaland 66 27 484
26 Odisha 1042 23 685
27 Puducherry 76 47 569
28 Punjab 1053 33 576
29 Rajasthan 2957 33 526
30 Sikkim 17 22 737
31 Tamil Nadu 2472 35 919
32 Telangana 2045 51 558
33 Tripura 52 12 1156
34 Uttar Pradesh 6922 28 816
35 Uttarakhand 440 37 621
36 West Bengal 1341 12 1170
All India 39050 28 698


AISHE 2017-18
Table 4a. Specilisation-wise number of Colleges (based on actual response)


Engineering &

Home Sceince






Fine Arts


Sl. No. State/UTs

1 Andaman and Nicobar Islands 4 1

2 Andhra Pradesh 1940 17 5 8 5 8 79 223 1 1 4

3 Arunachal Pradesh 18 1 6

4 Assam 352 2 1 33 10 41 5 2 1

5 Bihar 499 6 3 1 2 134 28 1 1

6 Chandigarh 11 1 1 4 2 1 1

7 Chhattisgarh 440 22 2 6 1 7 53 77 4 1 1

8 Dadra and Nagar Haveli 4 1 1

9 Daman and Diu 4 1 2

10 Delhi 93 2 1 1 17 15 2 1

11 Goa 30 1 1 1 3 5 2

12 Gujarat 918 29 14 107 86 86 209 210 7 3 1

13 Haryana 486 4 9 4 5 251 74 1

14 Himachal Pradesh 197 3 3 39 16 1

15 Jammu and Kashmir 176 3 1 1 4 71 8 1 1

16 Jharkhand 181 7 74 15

17 Karnataka 2366 15 13 58 63 21 125 167 16 1 1

18 Kerala 752 4 17 19 2 2 107 101 8

19 Lakshadweep

20 Madhya Pradesh 1325 11 1 28 9 14 159 118 22 3

21 Maharashtra 2737 104 44 113 57 36 187 233 23 3 4

22 Manipur 57 7 2 1

23 Meghalaya 36 1 5 1 4 1

24 Mizoram 24 1 1

25 Nagaland 54 6 1

26 Odisha 741 2 41 1 7 22 65 6

27 Puducherry 28 1 1 18 10 1

28 Punjab 485 1 3 22 4 19 166 88 2

29 Rajasthan 1957 13 3 105 5 8 311 71 2 1

30 Sikkim 11 3 1

31 Tamil Nadu 1413 27 33 56 1 4 198 331 2 5 2

32 Telangana 1475 1 10 5 14 2 60 144 1 2

33 Tripura 29 1 2 8 2

34 Uttar Pradesh 5482 13 7 216 2 7 204 114 6 6

35 Uttarakhand 254 4 1 4 2 25 18 1 1

36 West Bengal 787 10 1 12 304 73 7

All India 25366 281 169 855 267 250 2893 2228 121 17 30


AISHE 2017-18
Table 4a. Specilisation-wise number of Colleges (based on actual response

Journalism & Mass


Hotel & Tourism






No. State/UTs

1 Andaman and Nicobar Islands 1

2 Andhra Pradesh 4 13 38 14 2 12 2 2 77

3 Arunachal Pradesh 1

4 Assam 1 17 2 4 1 1 1 3 6

5 Bihar 17 2 11 1 2 1 3 5

6 Chandigarh 1 1

7 Chhattisgarh 8 4 5 6 2 3 71

8 Dadra and Nagar Haveli 1

9 Daman and Diu 1 1

10 Delhi 1 2 1 8 10 1 2 2 3 6

11 Goa 2 2 2 1 1 1 2

12 Gujarat 3 48 78 18 21 9 19 6 59

13 Haryana 1 11 20 5 7 9 1 2 25

14 Himachal Pradesh 2 4 6 4 2 4 1 1 14

15 Jammu and Kashmir 6 3 3 1 3 1 3

16 Jharkhand 6 2 2 1 3 3 2 2

17 Karnataka 8 2 63 60 32 51 40 9 30 215

18 Kerala 5 1 13 26 17 10 20 3 2 97

19 Lakshadweep

20 Madhya Pradesh 1 33 38 7 10 9 11 8 68

21 Maharashtra 10 2 74 95 30 46 25 31 17 71

22 Manipur 1 1 1 4

23 Meghalaya 1 1

24 Mizoram 1 1

25 Nagaland 3 1

26 Odisha 8 1 17 26 2 3 2 3 1 12

27 Puducherry 1 4 1 1 1 3

28 Punjab 6 14 39 6 12 13 4 2 84

29 Rajasthan 1 36 8 6 13 5 3 1 113

30 Sikkim

31 Tamil Nadu 9 45 45 3 16 3 47 124

32 Telangana 12 11 54 5 5 1 29

33 Tripura 1 2 3

34 Uttar Pradesh 6 1 129 77 11 9 15 4 7 15

35 Uttarakhand 4 1 6 12 3 10 2 2 9

36 West Bengal 6 23 28 21 4 5 11 8 17

All India 81 10 570 667 268 216 212 116 155 1139


AISHE 2017-18
Table 4a. Specilisation-wise number of Colleges (based on actual response)

Oriental Learning


cal Education
Para Medical

Social Work

Grand Total



No. State/UTs

1 Andaman and Nicobar Islands 1 7

2 Andhra Pradesh 5 7 71 8 3 10 3 10 2572

3 Arunachal Pradesh 1 27

4 Assam 2 3 1 1 4 1 2 1 498

5 Bihar 1 1 47 1 3 770

6 Chandigarh 2 25

7 Chhattisgarh 8 2 2 6 2 5 3 741

8 Dadra and Nagar Haveli 1 8

9 Daman and Diu 9

10 Delhi 1 1 2 4 176

11 Goa 1 1 56

12 Gujarat 9 52 41 9 95 13 3 7 18 2178

13 Haryana 27 5 1 1 949

14 Himachal Pradesh 1 12 14 1 1 1 327

15 Jammu and Kashmir 4 1 1 1 1 294

16 Jharkhand 4 2 1 305

17 Karnataka 3 13 48 24 22 12 11 16 5 25 3535

18 Kerala 8 21 29 2 2 7 2 6 1283

19 Lakshadweep

20 Madhya Pradesh 9 14 53 2 6 11 3 2 74 2049

21 Maharashtra 2 104 17 43 18 17 6 145 4294

22 Manipur 1 1 9 85

23 Meghalaya 1 1 52

24 Mizoram 1 1 30

25 Nagaland 1 66

26 Odisha 4 2 13 2 36 7 2 6 1032

27 Puducherry 3 1 1 75

28 Punjab 2 24 5 2 8 2 7 1020

29 Rajasthan 32 5 19 9 3 2 26 2758

30 Sikkim 1 1 17

31 Tamil Nadu 2 29 24 16 1 8 1 13 5 7 2470

32 Telangana 7 3 71 5 2 4 4 1927

33 Tripura 1 1 1 51

34 Uttar Pradesh 27 1 41 81 27 2 119 6629

35 Uttarakhand 4 1 9 24 2 3 1 2 405

36 West Bengal 3 8 3 2 2 2 4 1341

All India 74 115 635 139 271 246 45 99 46 480 38061


AISHE 2017-18
Table 5. Number of Private and Government Colleges(based on actual response)
Private Un- Private Total
Sl. No. State/UTs Government Total
Aided Aided Private
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Andaman and Nicobar
1 7 7
2 Andhra Pradesh 2105 165 2270 302 2572
3 Arunachal Pradesh 11 1 12 15 27
4 Assam 60 13 73 425 498
5 Bihar 186 86 272 498 770
6 Chandigarh 2 7 9 16 25
7 Chhattisgarh 322 70 392 349 741
Dadra and Nagar
8 5 5 3 8
9 Daman and Diu 3 1 4 5 9
10 Delhi 63 15 78 98 176
11 Goa 10 23 33 23 56
12 Gujarat 1380 500 1880 298 2178
13 Haryana 641 115 756 193 949
14 Himachal Pradesh 131 20 151 176 327
15 Jammu and Kashmir 129 22 151 143 294
16 Jharkhand 129 26 155 150 305
17 Karnataka 2431 445 2876 659 3535
18 Kerala 842 203 1045 238 1283
19 Lakshadweep
20 Madhya Pradesh 1236 210 1446 603 2049
21 Maharashtra 2463 978 3441 853 4294
22 Manipur 28 13 41 44 85
23 Meghalaya 14 15 29 23 52
24 Mizoram 2 2 28 30
25 Nagaland 10 35 45 21 66
26 Odisha 281 421 702 330 1032
27 Puducherry 46 2 48 27 75
28 Punjab 643 180 823 197 1020
29 Rajasthan 2027 189 2216 542 2758
30 Sikkim 5 1 6 11 17
31 Tamil Nadu 1883 250 2133 337 2470
32 Telangana 1571 114 1685 242 1927
33 Tripura 6 2 8 43 51
34 Uttar Pradesh 5160 650 5810 819 6629
35 Uttarakhand 192 62 254 151 405
36 West Bengal 603 249 852 489 1341
All India 24620 5083 29703 8358 38061


AISHE 2017-18
Table 5 (a). Enrolment in Private and Government Colleges(based on actual response)
Private Un- Private Total
Sl. No. State/UTs Government Total
Aided Aided Private
1 2 8 9 10 11 12
Andaman and Nicobar
1 6493 6493
2 Andhra Pradesh 981710 123653 1105363 163570 1268933
3 Arunachal Pradesh 3265 792 4057 17826 21883
4 Assam 16526 3641 20167 469340 489507
5 Bihar 55470 142825 198295 1099968 1298263
6 Chandigarh 261 32066 32327 18967 51294
7 Chhattisgarh 122976 36934 159910 247294 407204
Dadra and Nagar
8 2798 2798 2718 5516
9 Daman and Diu 406 100 506 2519 3025
10 Delhi 60696 30885 91581 177803 269384
11 Goa 3378 19048 22426 13441 35867
12 Gujarat 486989 446929 933918 196741 1130659
13 Haryana 187212 167657 354869 224755 579624
14 Himachal Pradesh 27669 10443 38112 142881 180993
15 Jammu and Kashmir 24719 3495 28214 183539 211753
16 Jharkhand 52476 62730 115206 429647 544853
17 Karnataka 747101 321142 1068243 401391 1469634
18 Kerala 345695 249066 594761 116031 710792
19 Lakshadweep
20 Madhya Pradesh 515335 121752 637087 685880 1322967
21 Maharashtra 1089855 1244890 2334745 575131 2909876
22 Manipur 11601 31242 42843 55391 98234
23 Meghalaya 8294 22349 30643 25884 56527
24 Mizoram 358 358 17999 18357
25 Nagaland 2836 18974 21810 10165 31975
26 Odisha 146909 314047 460956 245691 706647
27 Puducherry 23002 331 23333 19329 42662
28 Punjab 238071 185265 423336 164216 587552
29 Rajasthan 769337 70258 839595 610036 1449631
30 Sikkim 3151 15 3166 9362 12528
31 Tamil Nadu 1398789 451104 1849893 419435 2269328
32 Telangana 855139 77546 932685 141683 1074368
33 Tripura 2561 1855 4416 54556 58972
34 Uttar Pradesh 3919062 856385 4775447 631644 5407091
35 Uttarakhand 73400 48665 122065 129253 251318
36 West Bengal 215043 379595 594638 973953 1568591
All India 12392090 5475679 17867769 8684532 26552301


AISHE 2017-18
Table 5(b). Number of Colleges Established in 2017 and their Enrolment(based on actual response)
Private Un-Aided Private Aided Government Total
Sl. No. State/UTs
Number Enrolment Number Enrolment Number Enrolment Number Enrolment
1 2 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Andaman and Nicobar
2 Andhra Pradesh 34 10297 2 569 3 356 39 11222
3 Arunachal Pradesh
4 Assam 2 146 2 1178 4 1324
5 Bihar 18 2123 5 899 23 3022
6 Chandigarh
7 Chhattisgarh 20 15851 3 198 8 1621 31 17670
Dadra and Nagar
8 1 52 1 52
9 Daman and Diu 1 50 1 50
10 Delhi
11 Goa 2 198 2 198
12 Gujarat 67 6907 13 1249 9 1177 89 9333
13 Haryana 35 6598 4 626 14 12270 53 19494
14 Himachal Pradesh 3 207 13 1506 16 1713
15 Jammu and Kashmir 1 36 6 9341 7 9377
16 Jharkhand 6 2298 6 2298
17 Karnataka 104 12269 10 2022 22 7484 136 21775
18 Kerala 5 925 1 101 3 143 9 1169
19 Lakshadweep
20 Madhya Pradesh 40 11519 5 3797 12 2934 57 18250
21 Maharashtra 116 32024 16 6613 32 11896 164 50533
22 Manipur
23 Meghalaya
24 Mizoram
25 Nagaland 1 44 1 44
26 Odisha 4 883 2 331 6 1214
27 Puducherry 1 707 1 163 2 870
28 Punjab 3 164 3 1368 1 158 7 1690
29 Rajasthan 107 17669 12 2733 26 27604 145 48006
30 Sikkim
31 Tamil Nadu 39 31460 2 997 9 1156 50 33613
32 Telangana 78 29103 3 509 12 4099 93 33711
33 Tripura
34 Uttar Pradesh 62 15781 2 624 4 1081 68 17486
35 Uttarakhand 8 1346 2 277 5 1560 15 3183
36 West Bengal 79 10530 29 3594 14 5308 122 19432
All India 834 208939 107 25277 206 92513 1147 326729


AISHE 2017-18
Table 6. State-wise Enrolment at various levels
Sl Ph.D. M.Phil. Post Graduate
No Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Andaman and Nicobar
1 42 26 68 730 771 1501
2 Andhra Pradesh 4007 2282 6289 555 342 897 120479 98817 219296
3 Arunachal Pradesh 397 247 644 43 67 110 4333 3358 7691
4 Assam 2633 1704 4337 129 224 353 39907 48393 88299
5 Bihar 1902 954 2856 70534 54605 125139
6 Chandigarh 472 415 887 168 67 235 9572 14184 23756
7 Chhattisgarh 740 425 1165 149 150 299 29365 34811 64176
8 Dadra and Nagar Haveli 126 198 324
9 Daman and Diu
10 Delhi 7580 7132 14712 1243 1380 2623 76741 76782 153524
11 Goa 71 41 112 2718 3528 6245
12 Gujarat 3256 1995 5251 306 291 597 62301 76475 138776
13 Haryana 1632 1696 3328 170 270 440 47613 82880 130494
14 Himachal Pradesh 906 794 1700 92 167 259 15003 17158 32161
15 Jammu and Kashmir 1235 1261 2496 119 123 242 37274 34486 71760
16 Jharkhand 1158 640 1798 79 125 204 31720 37448 69168
17 Karnataka 9103 5087 14190 189 338 527 96827 112435 209262
18 Kerala 2256 3655 5911 280 630 910 39873 80106 119979
19 Lakshadweep 4 33 37
20 Madhya Pradesh 2427 1558 3985 299 466 765 95923 110113 206036
21 Maharashtra 5365 3841 9206 1176 1245 2421 214430 231353 445783
22 Manipur 332 314 646 7 7 4467 3668 8135
23 Meghalaya 466 513 979 29 57 86 4535 4907 9441
24 Mizoram 347 296 643 71 75 146 2206 1852 4058
25 Nagaland 222 201 423 11 23 34 3538 2564 6102
26 Odisha 1671 1311 2982 404 676 1080 37153 36080 73233
27 Puducherry 522 254 776 13 53 66 11169 9434 20603
28 Punjab 3054 3823 6877 389 513 902 39504 78006 117509
29 Rajasthan 3925 4054 7979 173 182 355 106170 107051 213221
30 Sikkim 77 53 130 9 17 26 3760 3863 7623
31 Tamil Nadu 16267 13511 29778 4424 12755 17179 175012 263874 438886
32 Telangana 3252 1632 4884 454 340 794 91044 103754 194799
33 Tripura 75 44 119 6474 4734 11209
34 Uttar Pradesh 10069 5339 15408 350 510 860 281755 355718 637473
35 Uttarakhand 2419 1489 3908 11 5 16 32756 38386 71142
36 West Bengal 4690 2255 6945 952 724 1676 96056 91414 187470
All India 92570 68842 161412 12287 21822 34109 1891071 2223239 4114310


AISHE 2017-18
Table 6. State-wise Enrolment at various levels
Sl Under Graduate PG Diploma Diploma
No Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
1 2 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Andaman and Nicobar
1 3967 4170 8137 47 28 75 429 273 702
2 Andhra Pradesh 711831 578322 1290153 1596 1018 2614 100939 66275 167214
3 Arunachal Pradesh 18731 17734 36465 84 54 138 1202 663 1865
4 Assam 278600 277744 556344 1735 1627 3362 10223 7709 17932
5 Bihar 763699 570070 1333769 1926 845 2771 30361 13988 44349
6 Chandigarh 40221 33673 73893 533 639 1172 1571 1398 2969
7 Chhattisgarh 185435 199088 384523 18658 18485 37143 51571 33441 85012
8 Dadra and Nagar Haveli 2134 2628 4762 586 98 684
9 Daman and Diu 573 1061 1634 1235 221 1456
10 Delhi 452469 394715 847184 4815 3517 8332 17797 13228 31025
11 Goa 15656 20031 35687 118 81 199 5971 841 6812
12 Gujarat 642272 487400 1129672 3485 3341 6826 103277 38690 141967
13 Haryana 361144 332361 693505 1846 1200 3046 45449 20955 66404
14 Himachal Pradesh 102122 118598 220720 930 1180 2110 7949 8227 16176
15 Jammu and Kashmir 127725 139845 267570 1254 899 2153 7875 3716 11591
16 Jharkhand 294358 284420 578778 2753 1250 4003 21240 8345 29585
17 Karnataka 733767 769158 1502926 3283 2929 6212 122296 77766 200062
18 Kerala 397008 479224 876233 1283 905 2188 36299 30897 67196
19 Lakshadweep 112 403 515
20 Madhya Pradesh 790447 656610 1447057 27998 31271 59269 98060 55851 153911
21 Maharashtra 1831960 1482951 3314911 11566 8164 19730 194153 121758 315911
22 Manipur 45381 48526 93907 127 54 181 964 810 1774
23 Meghalaya 34233 36156 70389 122 112 234 890 1482 2372
24 Mizoram 12348 10079 22427 20 12 32 613 1140 1753
25 Nagaland 17197 17467 34664 39 79 118 1041 1060 2101
26 Odisha 407713 385835 793548 2001 999 3000 93021 32578 125599
27 Puducherry 20536 25219 45756 63 58 121 3121 1355 4476
28 Punjab 345399 343378 688777 3306 4125 7431 81647 45198 126845
29 Rajasthan 836893 732447 1569340 7771 3782 11553 86431 22570 109001
30 Sikkim 8697 10304 19002 16 18 34 906 966 1872
31 Tamil Nadu 1189690 1302087 2491777 9594 8245 17839 321101 66605 387706
32 Telangana 555992 523346 1079338 2786 1913 4699 78198 49810 128008
33 Tripura 37026 32829 69856 143 104 247 5851 3293 9144
34 Uttar Pradesh 2785330 2661439 5446769 11691 7930 19621 178531 82016 260547
35 Uttarakhand 159415 160459 319874 1285 920 2205 25849 9529 35378
36 West Bengal 842222 824266 1666488 3979 2626 6605 101570 46965 148535
All India 15052304 13964046 29016349.7 126853 108410 235263 1838217 869717 2707934


AISHE 2017-18
Table 6. State-wise Enrolment at various levels
Sl Certificate Integrated Grand Total
No Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
1 2 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
Andaman and Nicobar
1 26 91 117 5241 5359 10600
2 Andhra Pradesh 258 529 787 7132 2900 10032 946798 750484 1697282
3 Arunachal Pradesh 246 79 325 177 49 226 25213 22251 47464
4 Assam 1082 1353 2435 2630 2651 5281 336939 341405 678344
5 Bihar 2336 1075 3411 1512 788 2300 872270 642325 1514595
6 Chandigarh 464 262 726 1058 1133 2191 54059 51771 105829
7 Chhattisgarh 211 313 524 1014 1005 2019 287143 287718 574861
8 Dadra and Nagar Haveli 4 2 6 2850 2926 5776
9 Daman and Diu 1808 1282 3090
10 Delhi 2317 1544 3861 2126 1019 3145 565089 499317 1064406
11 Goa 12 12 198 376 574 24743 24898 49641
12 Gujarat 5599 10162 15761 7115 7290 14405 827611 625644 1453255
13 Haryana 1241 1833 3074 8294 4858 13152 467389 446054 913443
14 Himachal Pradesh 572 851 1423 762 397 1159 128336 147372 275708
15 Jammu and Kashmir 8 3 11 1532 1875 3407 177022 182208 359230
16 Jharkhand 471 1070 1541 2316 1329 3645 354095 334627 688722
17 Karnataka 2049 1637 3686 3879 3112 6991 971393 972463 1943856
18 Kerala 926 5163 6089 2252 2159 4411 480178 602739 1082917
19 Lakshadweep 116 436 552
20 Madhya Pradesh 2147 2332 4479 6118 3859 9977 1023418 862060 1885479
21 Maharashtra 6352 5499 11851 6076 5868 11944 2271078 1860679 4131757
22 Manipur 30 30 51271 53409 104680
23 Meghalaya 113 141 254 40 27 67 40428 43394 83822
24 Mizoram 190 143 333 66 37 103 15861 13634 29495
25 Nagaland 55 45 100 15 15 22118 21439 43557
26 Odisha 4153 5594 9747 3459 3128 6587 549575 466202 1015777
27 Puducherry 14 12 26 656 581 1237 36094 36967 73061
28 Punjab 391 893 1284 5416 4495 9911 479106 480430 959536
29 Rajasthan 5667 6016 11683 7480 5592 13072 1054511 881693 1936204
30 Sikkim 6 14 20 117 177 294 13588 15413 29000
31 Tamil Nadu 13852 26641 40493 9375 7912 17287 1739315 1701630 3440945
32 Telangana 661 1174 1835 2945 2005 4950 735333 683974 1419307
33 Tripura 114 108 222 563 322 885 50247 41435 91681
34 Uttar Pradesh 20258 22560 42818 20331 11549 31880 3308314 3147061 6455375
35 Uttarakhand 235 99 334 2638 1655 4293 224608 212543 437150
36 West Bengal 4962 3086 8048 7089 3125 10214 1061520 974461 2035981
All India 76962 100261 177223 114411 81366 195777 19204675 17437703 36642378


AISHE 2017-18
Table 6(a).State-wise Enrolment through Regular Mode at various levels
Ph.D. M.Phil. Post Graduate
Sl No State/UTs
Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Andaman and Nicobar
1 42 26 68 125 313 438
2 Andhra Pradesh 4007 2282 6289 555 342 897 103187 85391 188578
3 Arunachal Pradesh 397 247 644 43 67 110 1659 1521 3180
4 Assam 2633 1704 4337 129 224 353 12126 15972 28097
5 Bihar 1902 954 2856 37001 32460 69461
6 Chandigarh 472 415 887 168 67 235 4854 8340 13194
7 Chhattisgarh 740 425 1165 149 150 299 19804 27619 47423
8 Dadra and Nagar Haveli 126 198 324
9 Daman and Diu
10 Delhi 7580 7132 14712 1243 1380 2623 24109 24492 48602
11 Goa 71 41 112 1436 2563 3998
12 Gujarat 3256 1995 5251 306 291 597 55820 71116 126936
13 Haryana 1632 1696 3328 170 270 440 26862 49009 75872
14 Himachal Pradesh 906 794 1700 92 167 259 7402 11051 18453
15 Jammu and Kashmir 1235 1261 2496 119 123 242 9729 10431 20160
16 Jharkhand 1158 640 1798 79 125 204 21129 28978 50107
17 Karnataka 9103 5087 14190 189 338 527 80938 96783 177721
18 Kerala 2256 3655 5911 280 630 910 19937 60432 80369
19 Lakshadweep 4 33 37
20 Madhya Pradesh 2427 1558 3985 299 466 765 83111 99069 182180
21 Maharashtra 5365 3841 9206 1176 1245 2421 159620 172083 331703
22 Manipur 332 314 646 7 7 1995 2211 4206
23 Meghalaya 466 513 979 29 57 86 2353 3121 5473
24 Mizoram 347 296 643 71 75 146 1168 1183 2351
25 Nagaland 222 201 423 11 23 34 979 1444 2423
26 Odisha 1671 1311 2982 404 676 1080 27040 28156 55196
27 Puducherry 522 254 776 13 53 66 3647 4343 7990
28 Punjab 3054 3823 6877 389 513 902 34969 72264 107232
29 Rajasthan 3925 4054 7979 173 182 355 57743 84109 141852
30 Sikkim 77 53 130 9 17 26 1002 1376 2378
31 Tamil Nadu 16267 13511 29778 4424 12755 17179 98085 173486 271571
32 Telangana 3252 1632 4884 454 340 794 76279 88296 164576
33 Tripura 75 44 119 1673 1276 2950
34 Uttar Pradesh 10069 5339 15408 350 510 860 241833 331580 573413
35 Uttarakhand 2419 1489 3908 11 5 16 21621 26538 48159
36 West Bengal 4690 2255 6945 952 724 1676 38800 40401 79201
All India 92570 68842 161412 12287 21822 34109 1278165 1657638 2935803


AISHE 2017-18
Table 6(a). State-wise Enrolment through Regular Mode at various levels
Under Graduate PG Diploma Diploma
Sl No State/UTs
Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
1 2 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Andaman and Nicobar
1 2178 3145 5323 416 257 673
2 Andhra Pradesh 660999 549687 1210686 996 533 1529 100748 66008 166756
3 Arunachal Pradesh 13539 12775 26314 45 30 75 1188 648 1836
4 Assam 251898 263822 515720 686 733 1419 6877 4815 11692
5 Bihar 723821 550366 1274187 681 272 953 27280 11228 38508
6 Chandigarh 26276 29050 55325 243 350 593 1438 1201 2639
7 Chhattisgarh 166217 188330 354547 4163 4377 8540 23120 16310 39430
8 Dadra and Nagar Haveli 2134 2628 4762 586 98 684
9 Daman and Diu 573 1061 1634 1235 221 1456
10 Delhi 157782 164764 322546 2468 1714 4182 17060 11596 28656
11 Goa 13379 19031 32410 43 37 80 5924 782 6706
12 Gujarat 615711 471275 1086986 2859 3007 5866 102583 37803 140386
13 Haryana 306411 304134 610545 1199 896 2095 45327 20664 65991
14 Himachal Pradesh 87359 109341 196700 445 742 1187 7925 8091 16016
15 Jammu and Kashmir 97068 121183 218251 182 128 310 7515 3186 10701
16 Jharkhand 278327 278589 556916 1817 895 2712 21144 7797 28941
17 Karnataka 719930 756748 1476679 2182 2062 4244 121254 77215 198469
18 Kerala 276683 392323 669007 639 422 1061 36183 30690 66873
19 Lakshadweep 112 403 515
20 Madhya Pradesh 700005 604738 1304743 25153 29328 54481 93594 53399 146993
21 Maharashtra 1443382 1282847 2726229 8586 6051 14637 189102 117068 306170
22 Manipur 43572 47757 91329 96 40 136 949 794 1743
23 Meghalaya 31670 34497 66167 17 32 49 873 1436 2309
24 Mizoram 10263 8879 19142 609 1124 1733
25 Nagaland 15678 16947 32625 10 52 62 691 637 1328
26 Odisha 390228 375364 765592 621 341 962 89685 30068 119753
27 Puducherry 20473 25118 45592 63 58 121 3121 1355 4476
28 Punjab 335220 339528 674748 2894 4052 6946 81331 44775 126106
29 Rajasthan 784493 712336 1496829 3175 2330 5505 84152 21093 105245
30 Sikkim 7129 8897 16027 900 952 1852
31 Tamil Nadu 1072395 1177662 2250057 1605 1913 3518 313156 62768 375924
32 Telangana 549751 518250 1068001 1222 745 1967 77559 49160 126719
33 Tripura 31857 29014 60872 50 66 116 2159 1781 3940
34 Uttar Pradesh 2723792 2635230 5359022 9419 6501 15920 177103 80266 257369
35 Uttarakhand 144591 149171 293762 660 504 1164 23891 8362 32253
36 West Bengal 779869 792280 1572149 2976 1778 4754 99316 45548 144864
All India 13484766 12977173 26461939 75195 69989 145184 1765994 819196 2585190


AISHE 2017-18
Table 6(a). State-wise Enrolment through Regular Mode at various levels
Certificate Integrated Grand Total
Sl No State/UTs
Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
1 2 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
Andaman and Nicobar
1 26 91 117 2787 3832 6619
2 Andhra Pradesh 258 529 787 7132 2900 10032 877883 707671 1585554
3 Arunachal Pradesh 246 79 325 177 49 226 17294 15416 32710
4 Assam 1077 1352 2429 2630 2651 5281 278056 291273 569329
5 Bihar 2336 1075 3411 1512 788 2300 794533 597143 1391676
6 Chandigarh 456 244 700 1058 1133 2191 34965 40800 75764
7 Chhattisgarh 211 313 524 1014 1005 2019 215418 238529 453947
8 Dadra and Nagar Haveli 4 2 6 2850 2926 5776
9 Daman and Diu 1808 1282 3090
10 Delhi 2257 1471 3728 2126 1019 3145 214626 213568 428194
11 Goa 12 12 198 376 574 21062 22830 43892
12 Gujarat 3288 4239 7527 7115 7290 14405 790938 597016 1387954
13 Haryana 1241 1831 3072 8294 4858 13152 391136 383359 774495
14 Himachal Pradesh 572 851 1423 762 397 1159 105463 131434 236897
15 Jammu and Kashmir 8 3 11 1532 1875 3407 117388 138190 255578
16 Jharkhand 471 1070 1541 2316 1329 3645 326441 319423 645864
17 Karnataka 2049 1637 3686 3879 3112 6991 939524 942983 1882507
18 Kerala 740 2918 3658 2252 2159 4411 338971 493229 832200
19 Lakshadweep 116 436 552
20 Madhya Pradesh 1224 819 2043 6118 3859 9977 911930 793236 1705167
21 Maharashtra 5385 4725 10110 6076 5868 11944 1818692 1593728 3412420
22 Manipur 30 30 46944 51153 98097
23 Meghalaya 5 73 78 40 27 67 35453 39755 75208
24 Mizoram 190 143 333 66 37 103 12714 11737 24451
25 Nagaland 55 45 100 15 15 17661 19349 37010
26 Odisha 2975 4498 7473 3459 3128 6587 516083 443543 959626
27 Puducherry -15 1 -14 656 581 1237 28480 31764 60244
28 Punjab 391 893 1284 5416 4495 9911 463664 470342 934006
29 Rajasthan 3014 4291 7305 7478 5588 13066 944154 833982 1778136
30 Sikkim 6 14 20 117 177 294 9240 11487 20726
31 Tamil Nadu 2736 7326 10062 9199 7843 17042 1517867 1457264 2975131
32 Telangana 73 455 528 2945 2005 4950 711536 660883 1372419
33 Tripura 114 108 222 563 322 885 36492 32612 69103
34 Uttar Pradesh 7190 7525 14715 20331 11549 31880 3190086 3078500 6268586
35 Uttarakhand 232 85 317 2638 1655 4293 196063 187810 383872
36 West Bengal 1852 2329 4181 7089 3125 10214 935544 888440 1823984
All India 40649 50972 91621 114233 81293 195526 16863859 15746925 32610784


AISHE 2017-18
Table 6 (b).State-wise Enrolment through Distance Mode at various levels
Ph.D. M.Phil. Post Graduate
Sl No State/UTs
Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Andaman and Nicobar
1 605 458 1063
2 Andhra Pradesh 17292 13426 30718
3 Arunachal Pradesh 2674 1837 4511
4 Assam 27781 32421 60202
5 Bihar 33533 22145 55678
6 Chandigarh 4718 5844 10562
7 Chhattisgarh 9561 7192 16753
8 Dadra and Nagar Haveli
9 Daman and Diu
10 Delhi 52632 52290 104922
11 Goa 1282 965 2247
12 Gujarat 6481 5359 11840
13 Haryana 20751 33871 54622
14 Himachal Pradesh 7601 6107 13708
15 Jammu and Kashmir 27545 24055 51600
16 Jharkhand 10591 8470 19061
17 Karnataka 15889 15652 31541
18 Kerala 19936 19674 39610
19 Lakshadweep
20 Madhya Pradesh 12812 11044 23856
21 Maharashtra 54810 59270 114080
22 Manipur 2472 1457 3929
23 Meghalaya 2182 1786 3968
24 Mizoram 1038 669 1707
25 Nagaland 2559 1120 3679
26 Odisha 10113 7924 18037
27 Puducherry 7522 5091 12613
28 Punjab 4535 5742 10277
29 Rajasthan 48427 22942 71369
30 Sikkim 2758 2487 5245
31 Tamil Nadu 76927 90388 167315
32 Telangana 14765 15458 30223
33 Tripura 4801 3458 8259
34 Uttar Pradesh 39922 24138 64060
35 Uttarakhand 11135 11848 22983
36 West Bengal 57256 51013 108269
All India 612906 565601 1178507


AISHE 2017-18
Table 6 (b).State-wise Enrolment through Distance Mode at various levels
Under Graduate PG Diploma Diploma
Sl No State/UTs
Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
1 2 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Andaman and Nicobar
1 1789 1025 2814 47 28 75 13 16 29
2 Andhra Pradesh 50832 28635 79467 600 485 1085 191 267 458
3 Arunachal Pradesh 5192 4959 10151 39 24 63 14 15 29
4 Assam 26702 13922 40624 1049 894 1943 3346 2894 6240
5 Bihar 39878 19704 59582 1245 573 1818 3081 2760 5841
6 Chandigarh 13945 4623 18568 290 289 579 133 197 330
7 Chhattisgarh 19218 10758 29976 14495 14108 28603 28451 17131 45582
8 Dadra and Nagar Haveli
9 Daman and Diu
10 Delhi 294687 229951 524638 2347 1803 4150 737 1632 2369
11 Goa 2277 1000 3277 75 44 119 47 59 106
12 Gujarat 26561 16125 42686 626 334 960 694 887 1581
13 Haryana 54733 28227 82960 647 304 951 122 291 413
14 Himachal Pradesh 14763 9257 24020 485 438 923 24 136 160
15 Jammu and Kashmir 30657 18662 49319 1072 771 1843 360 530 890
16 Jharkhand 16031 5831 21862 936 355 1291 96 548 644
17 Karnataka 13837 12410 26247 1101 867 1968 1042 551 1593
18 Kerala 120325 86901 207226 644 483 1127 116 207 323
19 Lakshadweep
20 Madhya Pradesh 90442 51872 142314 2845 1943 4788 4466 2452 6918
21 Maharashtra 388578 200104 588682 2980 2113 5093 5051 4690 9741
22 Manipur 1809 769 2578 31 14 45 15 16 31
23 Meghalaya 2563 1659 4222 105 80 185 17 46 63
24 Mizoram 2085 1200 3285 20 12 32 4 16 20
25 Nagaland 1519 520 2039 29 27 56 350 423 773
26 Odisha 17485 10471 27956 1380 658 2038 3336 2510 5846
27 Puducherry 63 101 164
28 Punjab 10179 3850 14029 412 73 485 316 423 739
29 Rajasthan 52400 20111 72511 4596 1452 6048 2279 1477 3756
30 Sikkim 1568 1407 2975 16 18 34 6 14 20
31 Tamil Nadu 117295 124425 241720 7989 6332 14321 7945 3837 11782
32 Telangana 6241 5096 11337 1564 1168 2732 639 650 1289
33 Tripura 5169 3815 8984 93 38 131 3692 1512 5204
34 Uttar Pradesh 61538 26209 87747 2272 1429 3701 1428 1750 3178
35 Uttarakhand 14824 11288 26112 625 416 1041 1958 1167 3125
36 West Bengal 62353 31986 94339 1003 848 1851 2254 1417 3671
All India 1567538 986873 2554411 51658 38421 90079 72223 50521 122744


AISHE 2017-18
Table 6 (b).State-wise Enrolment through Distance Mode at various levels
Certificate Integrated Grand Total
Sl No State/UTs
Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
1 2 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
Andaman and Nicobar
1 2454 1527 3981
2 Andhra Pradesh 68915 42813 111728
3 Arunachal Pradesh 7919 6835 14754
4 Assam 5 1 6 58883 50132 109015
5 Bihar 77737 45182 122919
6 Chandigarh 8 18 26 19094 10971 30065
7 Chhattisgarh 71725 49189 120914
8 Dadra and Nagar Haveli
9 Daman and Diu
10 Delhi 60 73 133 350463 285749 636212
11 Goa 3681 2068 5749
12 Gujarat 2311 5923 8234 36673 28628 65301
13 Haryana 2 2 76253 62695 138948
14 Himachal Pradesh 22873 15938 38811
15 Jammu and Kashmir 59634 44018 103652
16 Jharkhand 27654 15204 42858
17 Karnataka 31869 29480 61349
18 Kerala 186 2245 2431 141207 109510 250717
19 Lakshadweep
20 Madhya Pradesh 923 1513 2436 111488 68824 180312
21 Maharashtra 967 774 1741 452386 266951 719337
22 Manipur 4327 2256 6583
23 Meghalaya 108 68 176 4975 3639 8614
24 Mizoram 3147 1897 5044
25 Nagaland 4457 2090 6547
26 Odisha 1178 1096 2274 33492 22659 56151
27 Puducherry 29 11 40 7614 5203 12817
28 Punjab 15442 10088 25530
29 Rajasthan 2653 1725 4378 2 4 6 110357 47711 158068
30 Sikkim 4348 3926 8274
31 Tamil Nadu 11116 19315 30431 176 69 245 221448 244366 465814
32 Telangana 588 719 1307 23797 23091 46888
33 Tripura 13755 8823 22578
34 Uttar Pradesh 13068 15035 28103 118228 68561 186789
35 Uttarakhand 3 14 17 28545 24733 53278
36 West Bengal 3110 757 3867 125976 86021 211997
All India 36313 49289 85602 178 73 251 2340816 1690778 4031594


AISHE 2017-18
Table 7. Enrolment in Universities teaching departments and its Constituent Units/Off-campus Centres
Number of
Sl Ph.D. M.Phil. Post Graduate
State/UTs universities
Total Responding Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Andaman and Nicobar
1 0 0 29 11 40 654 495 1149
2 Andhra Pradesh 34 32 2925 1540 4465 159 132 291 35495 29566 65061
3 Arunachal Pradesh 9 8 397 247 644 43 67 110 4303 3275 7578
4 Assam 21 21 2365 1461 3826 126 200 326 35763 42780 78543
5 Bihar 24 24 1882 944 2826 43910 32157 76067
6 Chandigarh 3 3 469 411 880 168 67 235 8157 9721 17878
7 Chhattisgarh 24 24 412 352 764 140 140 280 13867 10957 24824
8 Dadra and Nagar Haveli 0 0 67 40 107
9 Daman and Diu 0 0
10 Delhi 27 27 7506 6999 14505 1242 1365 2607 64712 63833 128545
11 Goa 3 3 44 15 59 1891 2195 4086
12 Gujarat 65 65 2918 1790 4708 292 271 563 28306 30627 58933
13 Haryana 40 39 1415 1452 2867 164 245 409 32398 50236 82634
14 Himachal Pradesh 25 25 906 794 1700 92 167 259 12651 11514 24165
15 Jammu and Kashmir 14 14 1193 1223 2416 119 123 242 35020 32178 67198
16 Jharkhand 21 21 1134 623 1757 56 81 137 21377 20371 41748
17 Karnataka 60 60 8205 4447 12652 189 338 527 44879 49638 94517
18 Kerala 22 22 1591 2164 3755 238 481 719 23864 27843 51707
19 Lakshadweep 0 0 4 33 37
20 Madhya Pradesh 52 50 1618 913 2531 220 361 581 31092 28911 60003
21 Maharashtra 54 54 3555 2625 6180 870 915 1785 101569 99766 201335
22 Manipur 5 4 332 314 646 3995 3075 7070
23 Meghalaya 8 7 465 510 975 29 57 86 4254 4731 8985
24 Mizoram 3 3 343 294 637 71 75 146 2049 1687 3736
25 Nagaland 5 5 222 201 423 11 23 34 3356 2274 5630
26 Odisha 25 25 1491 1059 2550 344 560 904 20996 20013 41009
27 Puducherry 4 4 464 200 664 6 3 9 10044 7167 17211
28 Punjab 31 31 3044 3788 6832 355 433 788 21156 28272 49428
29 Rajasthan 79 73 3555 3843 7398 160 165 325 71619 45740 117359
30 Sikkim 7 6 76 52 128 9 17 26 3652 3782 7434
31 Tamil Nadu 58 57 13616 9326 22942 786 2833 3619 100619 114655 215274
32 Telangana 24 22 3252 1630 4882 384 207 591 32013 35346 67359
33 Tripura 4 4 75 44 119 6376 4597 10973
34 Uttar Pradesh 76 74 9737 5070 14807 329 486 815 84032 54383 138415
35 Uttarakhand 33 32 1879 951 2830 11 5 16 20671 20132 40803
36 West Bengal 43 43 4590 2220 6810 811 671 1482 82037 76286 158323
All India 903 882 81705 57513 139218 7424 10488 17912 1006848 968276 1975124
Note - Constituent Colleges of State/Central University not included.


AISHE 2017-18
Table 7. Enrolment in Universities teaching departments and its Constituent Units/Off-campus Centres

Sl Under Graduate PG Diploma Diploma

Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
1 2 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Andaman and Nicobar
1 1789 1025 2814 47 28 75 13 16 29
2 Andhra Pradesh 115871 73173 189044 720 567 1287 366 477 843
3 Arunachal Pradesh 7940 6377 14317 84 54 138 468 393 861
4 Assam 38314 18583 56897 1132 1036 2168 549 475 1024
5 Bihar 57850 35082 92932 1385 604 1989 622 698 1320
6 Chandigarh 20655 8643 29298 324 315 639 201 246 447
7 Chhattisgarh 34933 19253 54186 14928 14439 29367 30335 17840 48175
8 Dadra and Nagar Haveli
9 Daman and Diu
10 Delhi 322715 268600 591315 3182 2220 5402 3634 2551 6185
11 Goa 2711 1083 3794 75 44 119 47 77 124
12 Gujarat 119648 74600 194248 1863 1661 3524 6440 3583 10023
13 Haryana 97407 48307 145714 886 597 1483 1269 584 1853
14 Himachal Pradesh 32634 17576 50210 683 767 1450 571 414 985
15 Jammu and Kashmir 38385 22312 60697 1129 816 1945 246 481 727
16 Jharkhand 29059 10169 39228 1181 461 1642 1954 1469 3423
17 Karnataka 79258 58685 137943 1773 1321 3094 1082 811 1893
18 Kerala 139420 102190 241610 939 550 1489 327 342 669
19 Lakshadweep 112 403 515
20 Madhya Pradesh 209330 132007 341337 22776 27192 49968 52328 28801 81129
21 Maharashtra 456893 255685 712578 4827 3607 8434 7136 5385 12521
22 Manipur 3188 1824 5012 31 14 45 57 33 90
23 Meghalaya 5425 3493 8918 116 97 213 34 113 147
24 Mizoram 3033 1576 4609 20 12 32 4 16 20
25 Nagaland 2344 1130 3474 32 28 60 4 14 18
26 Odisha 50713 33131 83844 1326 656 1982 3044 1190 4234
27 Puducherry 2727 3100 5827 58 53 111 20 8 28
28 Punjab 95226 50250 145476 951 655 1606 5197 2228 7425
29 Rajasthan 144292 74279 218571 5590 1871 7461 19999 5059 25058
30 Sikkim 4682 4380 9062 16 18 34 46 284 330
31 Tamil Nadu 280928 205193 486121 8129 6524 14653 8970 4433 13403
32 Telangana 20407 15708 36115 1627 1230 2857 785 500 1285
33 Tripura 5454 2981 8435 143 104 247 3464 1409 4873
34 Uttar Pradesh 209504 95263 304767 3703 2415 6118 21043 6238 27281
35 Uttarakhand 66671 42585 109256 830 534 1364 3528 1652 5180
36 West Bengal 97007 48983 145990 1394 1067 2461 1308 986 2294
All India 2796525 1737629 4534154 81900 71557 153457 175091 88806 263897
Note - Constituent Colleges of State/Central University not included.


AISHE 2017-18
Table 7. Enrolment in Universities teaching departments and its Constituent Units/Off-campus Centres

Sl Certificate Integrated Grand Total

Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
1 2 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Andaman and Nicobar
1 2532 1575 4107
2 Andhra Pradesh 32 16 48 2318 1222 3540 157886 106693 264579
3 Arunachal Pradesh 246 79 325 59 10 69 13540 10502 24042
4 Assam 25 9 34 1099 998 2097 79373 65542 144915
5 Bihar 178 49 227 873 520 1393 106700 70054 176754
6 Chandigarh 464 262 726 1033 1113 2146 31471 20778 52249
7 Chhattisgarh 32 51 83 921 778 1699 95568 63810 159378
8 Dadra and Nagar Haveli 67 40 107
9 Daman and Diu
10 Delhi 1572 647 2219 1971 836 2807 406534 347051 753585
11 Goa 98 61 159 4866 3475 8341
12 Gujarat 2330 5781 8111 5363 5735 11098 167160 124048 291208
13 Haryana 330 201 531 5408 3649 9057 139277 105271 244548
14 Himachal Pradesh 113 87 200 675 286 961 48325 31605 79930
15 Jammu and Kashmir 8 3 11 609 822 1431 76709 57958 134667
16 Jharkhand 30 76 106 1988 1140 3128 56779 34390 91169
17 Karnataka 775 326 1101 1886 1473 3359 138047 117039 255086
18 Kerala 468 2266 2734 654 617 1271 167501 136453 303954
19 Lakshadweep 116 436 552
20 Madhya Pradesh 1660 1871 3531 3631 2081 5712 322655 222137 544792
21 Maharashtra 2645 2146 4791 2454 1564 4018 579949 371693 951642
22 Manipur 7603 5260 12863
23 Meghalaya 113 141 254 40 27 67 10476 9169 19645
24 Mizoram 66 37 103 5586 3697 9283
25 Nagaland 15 15 5984 3670 9654
26 Odisha 70 58 128 1878 1209 3087 79862 57876 137738
27 Puducherry 6 6 656 581 1237 13975 11118 25093
28 Punjab 301 152 453 3207 2459 5666 129437 88237 217674
29 Rajasthan 2765 1889 4654 4883 3297 8180 252863 136143 389006
30 Sikkim 6 14 20 30 38 68 8517 8585 17102
31 Tamil Nadu 11149 19400 30549 7693 5902 13595 431890 368266 800156
32 Telangana 609 647 1256 1623 1098 2721 60700 56366 117066
33 Tripura 16 6 22 563 322 885 16091 9463 25554
34 Uttar Pradesh 2156 1509 3665 8185 5044 13229 338689 170408 509097
35 Uttarakhand 75 76 151 2299 1466 3765 95964 67401 163365
36 West Bengal 1139 949 2088 5452 1596 7048 193738 132758 326496
All India 29307 38717 68024 67630 45981 113611 4246430 3018967 7265397
Note - Constituent Colleges of State/Central University not included.


AISHE 2017-18
Table 8. Number of Colleges and Enrolment in responding Colleges at various levels
Sl Number of Colleges Ph.D. M.Phil. Post Graduate
No Total Response Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Andaman and Nicobar
1 7 7 13 15 28 76 276 352
2 Andhra Pradesh 2624 2572 1082 742 1824 396 210 606 83246 67365 150611
3 Arunachal Pradesh 30 27 30 79 109
4 Assam 512 498 118 63 181 3 24 27 3497 4970 8467
5 Bihar 770 770 20 10 30 26611 22411 49022
6 Chandigarh 25 25 3 4 7 1438 4416 5854
7 Chhattisgarh 741 741 295 61 356 9 10 19 15457 23816 39273
8 Dadra and Nagar Haveli 8 8 59 158 217
9 Daman and Diu 9 9
10 Delhi 178 176 74 133 207 1 15 16 6515 8688 15203
11 Goa 56 56 27 26 53 503 1047 1550
12 Gujarat 2196 2178 241 137 378 14 20 34 32457 45030 77487
13 Haryana 964 949 193 221 414 6 25 31 13273 31208 44481
14 Himachal Pradesh 327 327 2352 5644 7996
15 Jammu and Kashmir 297 294 42 38 80 1792 1962 3754
16 Jharkhand 309 305 13 8 21 23 44 67 9748 16300 26048
17 Karnataka 3593 3535 890 635 1525 48591 59877 108468
18 Kerala 1306 1283 630 1471 2101 42 149 191 15311 51178 66489
19 Lakshadweep 0 0
20 Madhya Pradesh 2124 2049 769 613 1382 70 99 169 65843 81254 147097
21 Maharashtra 4314 4294 1792 1201 2993 306 330 636 111662 128388 240050
22 Manipur 87 85 7 7 530 620 1150
23 Meghalaya 60 52 106 128 234
24 Mizoram 30 30 4 2 6 148 106 254
25 Nagaland 66 66 182 290 472
26 Odisha 1042 1032 180 252 432 60 116 176 15314 14613 29927
27 Puducherry 76 75 58 54 112 7 50 57 1118 2201 3319
28 Punjab 1053 1020 10 35 45 34 80 114 16844 44867 61711
29 Rajasthan 2957 2758 370 211 581 13 17 30 33701 60634 94335
30 Sikkim 17 17 1 1 2 146 89 235
31 Tamil Nadu 2472 2470 2651 4185 6836 3638 9922 13560 74895 146808 221703
32 Telangana 2045 1927 2 2 14 36 50 51803 62747 114550
33 Tripura 52 51 89 124 213
34 Uttar Pradesh 6922 6629 300 256 556 21 24 45 186711 281072 467783
35 Uttarakhand 440 405 485 533 1018 12153 17955 30108
36 West Bengal 1341 1341 85 32 117 131 37 168 13233 14440 27673
All India 39050 38061 10346 10941 21287 4788 11215 16003 845434 1200761 2046195


AISHE 2017-18
Table 8. Number of Colleges and Enrolment in responding Colleges at various levels
Sl Under Graduate PG Diploma Diploma
No Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
1 2 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Andaman and Nicobar
1 2178 3145 5323 416 257 673
2 Andhra Pradesh 585569 492431 1078000 421 275 696 24191 5976 30167
3 Arunachal Pradesh 10767 10839 21606 5 6 11
4 Assam 232706 240454 473160 436 503 939 751 484 1235
5 Bihar 705267 534531 1239798 100 92 192 2928 2262 5190
6 Chandigarh 19886 24765 44651 209 324 533 64 140 204
7 Chhattisgarh 150219 179622 329841 3192 3768 6960 19162 10912 30074
8 Dadra and Nagar Haveli 2016 2593 4609 586 98 684
9 Daman and Diu 573 1061 1634 1205 186 1391
10 Delhi 126379 120510 246889 501 527 1028 1789 3029 4818
11 Goa 14386 19119 33505 43 37 80 56 196 252
12 Gujarat 522309 412103 934412 746 1093 1839 88744 20418 109162
13 Haryana 239130 272245 511375 197 428 625 6263 10011 16274
14 Himachal Pradesh 68863 100484 169347 177 397 574 638 2100 2738
15 Jammu and Kashmir 91124 114420 205544 125 83 208 81 110 191
16 Jharkhand 252198 261945 514143 85 62 147 1217 1613 2830
17 Karnataka 653592 691913 1345505 634 823 1457 3406 3664 7070
18 Kerala 262558 371965 634523 79 162 241 1130 1269 2399
19 Lakshadweep
20 Madhya Pradesh 597279 526820 1124099 4545 3702 8247 25542 11981 37523
21 Maharashtra 1412396 1220342 2632738 2320 2100 4420 8798 6905 15703
22 Manipur 47377 48855 96232 64 33 97 480 238 718
23 Meghalaya 28114 28158 56272 6 15 21
24 Mizoram 9315 8503 17818
25 Nagaland 14853 16337 31190 59 154 213
26 Odisha 340003 321714 661717 121 166 287 6284 1245 7529
27 Puducherry 17604 21459 39063 5 5 10 31 70 101
28 Punjab 229436 263407 492843 1902 3424 5326 7674 14893 22567
29 Rajasthan 675263 650136 1325399 1483 1512 2995 12713 5007 17720
30 Sikkim 5452 6496 11948 92 25 117
31 Tamil Nadu 918232 1079684 1997916 1181 1575 2756 2760 10831 13591
32 Telangana 473109 468047 941156 229 163 392 12216 3286 15502
33 Tripura 28623 26932 55555 1882 1322 3204
34 Uttar Pradesh 2467232 2402233 4869465 2500 2105 4605 25722 12163 37885
35 Uttarakhand 96648 116149 212797 370 351 721 4585 1518 6103
36 West Bengal 735578 768949 1504527 1106 1013 2119 15127 13038 28165
All India 12036234 11828366 23864600 22777 24738 47515 276597 145407 422004


AISHE 2017-18
Table 8. Number of Colleges and Enrolment in responding Colleges at various levels
Sl Certificate Integrated Grand Total Per College
No Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Enrolment
1 2 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
Andaman and Nicobar
1 26 91 117 2709 3784 6493 928
2 Andhra Pradesh 214 323 537 4814 1678 6492 699933 569000 1268933 493
3 Arunachal Pradesh 118 39 157 10920 10963 21883 810
4 Assam 1051 1263 2314 1531 1653 3184 240093 249414 489507 983
5 Bihar 2102 1022 3124 639 268 907 737667 560596 1298263 1686
6 Chandigarh 25 20 45 21625 29669 51294 2052
7 Chhattisgarh 167 194 361 93 227 320 188594 218610 407204 550
8 Dadra and Nagar Haveli 4 2 6 2665 2851 5516 690
9 Daman and Diu 1778 1247 3025 336
10 Delhi 325 560 885 155 183 338 135739 133645 269384 1531
11 Goa 12 12 100 315 415 15127 20740 35867 640
12 Gujarat 2054 1986 4040 1752 1555 3307 648317 482342 1130659 519
13 Haryana 712 1617 2329 2886 1209 4095 262660 316964 579624 611
14 Himachal Pradesh 38 102 140 87 111 198 72155 108838 180993 553
15 Jammu and Kashmir 923 1053 1976 94087 117666 211753 720
16 Jharkhand 308 772 1080 328 189 517 263920 280933 544853 1786
17 Karnataka 903 1074 1977 1993 1639 3632 710009 759625 1469634 416
18 Kerala 355 1353 1708 1598 1542 3140 281703 429089 710792 554
19 Lakshadweep
20 Madhya Pradesh 487 256 743 2141 1566 3707 696676 626291 1322967 646
21 Maharashtra 2733 2677 5410 3622 4304 7926 1543629 1366247 2909876 678
22 Manipur 30 30 48451 49783 98234 1156
23 Meghalaya 28226 28301 56527 1087
24 Mizoram 178 101 279 9645 8712 18357 612
25 Nagaland 55 45 100 15149 16826 31975 484
26 Odisha 1552 1547 3099 1581 1899 3480 365095 341552 706647 685
27 Puducherry 18823 23839 42662 569
28 Punjab 90 611 701 2209 2036 4245 258199 329353 587552 576
29 Rajasthan 1369 2310 3679 2597 2295 4892 727509 722122 1449631 526
30 Sikkim 87 139 226 5778 6750 12528 737
31 Tamil Nadu 2087 7187 9274 1682 2010 3692 1007126 1262202 2269328 919
32 Telangana 36 451 487 1322 907 2229 538729 535639 1074368 558
33 Tripura 30594 28378 58972 1156
34 Uttar Pradesh 3618 4483 8101 12146 6505 18651 2698250 2708841 5407091 816
35 Uttarakhand 34 9 43 339 189 528 114614 136704 251318 621
36 West Bengal 1297 1359 2656 1637 1529 3166 768194 800397 1568591 1170
All India 21777 31332 53109 46435 35153 81588 13264388 13287913 26552301 698


AISHE 2017-18
Table 9. Number and Enrolment in different types of Stand Alone Institutions
Polytechnics PGDM
Number of Number of



Sl No State/UTs Enrolment Enrolment
Institutions Institutions


Total Response Male Female Total Total Male Female Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Andaman and
Nicobar Islands
2 Andhra Pradesh 144 135 62829 17067 79896 592 6 5 564 245 809 162
3 Arunachal Pradesh 6 4 694 189 883 221
4 Assam 18 16 4628 1322 5950 372 1 1 76 64 140 140
5 Bihar 50 50 20006 2267 22273 445 4 4 237 142 379 95
6 Chandigarh 3 3 1288 710 1998 666 1 1
7 Chhattisgarh 2 2 268 83 351 176 3 3 274 131 405 135
Dadra and Nagar
9 Daman and Diu
10 Delhi 17 16 12516 1479 13995 875 12 10 6512 4661 11173 1117
11 Goa 8 8 5858 402 6260 783 1 1 374 295 669 669
12 Gujarat 10 10 1247 100 1347 135 9 9 1190 609 1799 200
13 Haryana 132 101 37298 7172 44470 440 11 6 573 185 758 126
14 Himachal Pradesh 29 29 5723 1654 7377 254 1 1 70 16 86 86
Jammu and
15 29 28 6017 1574 7591 271
16 Jharkhand 31 31 17588 3081 20669 667 5 5 1259 629 1888 378
17 Karnataka 290 290 102852 34735 137587 474 20 16 2382 1573 3955 247
18 Kerala 70 70 33524 11466 44990 643 4 4 412 342 754 189
19 Lakshadweep
20 Madhya Pradesh 59 38 14567 3941 18508 487 12 9 575 315 890 99
21 Maharashtra 628 619 168634 66592 235226 380 60 39 7063 4558 11621 298
22 Manipur
23 Meghalaya 3 3 567 302 869 290
24 Mizoram 2 2 210 235 445 223
25 Nagaland 4 4 582 149 731 183
26 Odisha 124 124 79497 14410 93907 757 7 7 425 200 625 89
27 Puducherry 9 9 3133 789 3922 436
28 Punjab 168 163 63337 12316 75653 464 2
29 Rajasthan 186 181 44729 5572 50301 278 9 5 399 286 685 137
30 Sikkim 2 2 705 240 945 473
31 Tamil Nadu 498 498 308007 31316 339323 681 10 5 215 145 360 72
32 Telangana 152 138 60046 21712 81758 592 8 6 1214 762 1976 329
33 Tripura
34 Uttar Pradesh 317 273 122324 21799 144123 528 67 44 5766 3555 9321 212
35 Uttarakhand 105 103 16502 4849 21351 207 3 1 101 62 163 163
36 West Bengal 143 143 77403 12243 89646 627 13 13 2719 1257 3976 306
All India 3239 3093 1272579 279766 1552345 603 269 195 32400 20032 52432 277


AISHE 2017-18
Table 9. Number and Enrolment in different types of Stand Alone Institutions
Nursing Teacher Training
Number of Number of



Sl No State/UTs Enrolment Enrolment
Institutions Institutions


Total Response Male Female Total Total Response Male Female Total
1 2 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
Andaman and
Nicobar Islands
2 Andhra Pradesh 242 231 1168 21623 22791 99 393 346 13038 22373 35411 102
3 Arunachal Pradesh 5 2 35 75 110 55
4 Assam 24 14 33 1425 1458 104 27 27 4664 4482 9146 339
5 Bihar 51 51 234 5584 5818 114 28 28 6762 3621 10383 371
6 Chandigarh 3 3 18 302 320 107
7 Chhattisgarh 40 40 269 2759 3028 76 25 25 1840 2197 4037 161
Dadra and Nagar
8 1
9 Daman and Diu 2 1 30 35 65 65
10 Delhi 22 22 211 2356 2567 117 35 34 540 4595 5135 151
11 Goa 1 1 1 10 166 176 176
12 Gujarat 131 131 1486 11600 13086 100 141 141 2251 5389 7640 54
13 Haryana 18 13 138 2219 2357 181 29 19 802 1721 2523 133
14 Himachal Pradesh 26 26 2992 2992 115 18 18 1341 2182 3523 196
Jammu and
15 22 19 866 1244 2110 111 23 21 504 256 760 36
16 Jharkhand 23 23 550 2516 3066 133 5 5 225 729 954 191
17 Karnataka 514 425 12089 33571 45660 107 416 411 3284 6914 10198 25
18 Kerala 159 150 477 11555 12032 80 196 148 957 7974 8931 60
19 Lakshadweep
20 Madhya Pradesh 117 70 3043 8011 11054 158 122 68 3809 5236 9045 133
21 Maharashtra 289 234 2070 16314 18384 79 959 896 8139 27799 35938 40
22 Manipur 10 9 212 508 720 80
23 Meghalaya 7 6 31 737 768 128 8 7 258 539 797 114
24 Mizoram 4 4 16 372 388 97 9 9 404 618 1022 114
25 Nagaland 3 3 8 198 206 69 8 8 395 596 991 124
26 Odisha 167 167 787 14747 15534 93 65 65 6315 5777 12092 186
27 Puducherry 1 1 128 128 128 4 4 52 379 431 108
28 Punjab 150 117 2484 13447 15931 136 51 43 1582 3672 5254 122
29 Rajasthan 50 20 1739 725 2464 123 196 155 9341 8875 18216 118
30 Sikkim 1 1 98 98 98 4 4 63 319 382 96
31 Tamil Nadu 112 112 71 9915 9986 89 292 292 1116 10125 11241 38
32 Telangana 151 125 792 15620 16412 131 181 167 4592 9292 13884 83
33 Tripura 3 3 184 282 466 155 4 4 419 382 801 200
34 Uttar Pradesh 248 243 7837 41534 49371 203 213 185 18611 20810 39421 213
35 Uttarakhand 30 23 1093 1689 2782 121 13 13 530 380 910 70
36 West Bengal 69 69 268 10971 11239 163 205 205 13914 14971 28885 141
All India 2676 2343 37944 234232 272176 117 3691 3364 106053 173289 279342 84


AISHE 2017-18
Table 9. Number and Enrolment in different types of Stand Alone Institutions
Institute under Ministries All Stand Alone Institutions
Number of Number of



Sl No State/UTs Enrolment Enrolment
Institutions Institutions


Total Response Male Female Total Total Response Male Female Total
1 2 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38
Andaman and
Nicobar Islands
2 Andhra Pradesh 3 788 717 77599 61308 138907 194
3 Arunachal Pradesh 11 6 729 264 993 166
4 Assam 1 1 535 260 795 795 71 59 9936 7553 17489 296
5 Bihar 3 3 664 61 725 242 136 136 27903 11675 39578 291
6 Chandigarh 7 7 1306 1012 2318 331
7 Chhattisgarh 1 1 330 128 458 458 71 71 2981 5298 8279 117
Dadra and Nagar
8 1 1 118 35 153 153 2 1 118 35 153 153
9 Daman and Diu 2 1 30 35 65 65
10 Delhi 12 3 294 24 318 106 98 85 20073 13115 33188 390
11 Goa 11 10 6242 863 7105 711
12 Gujarat 17 17 5960 1556 7516 442 308 308 12134 19254 31388 102
13 Haryana 12 5 1476 392 1868 374 202 144 40287 11689 51976 361
14 Himachal Pradesh 1 1 722 85 807 807 75 75 7856 6929 14785 197
Jammu and
15 6 5 775 481 1256 251 80 73 8162 3555 11717 161
16 Jharkhand 1 1 334 162 496 496 65 65 19956 7117 27073 417
17 Karnataka 10 6 2199 658 2857 476 1250 1148 122806 77451 200257 174
18 Kerala 2 1 877 281 1158 1158 431 373 36247 31618 67865 182
19 Lakshadweep
20 Madhya Pradesh 4 2 1260 716 1976 988 314 187 23254 18219 41473 222
21 Maharashtra 14 11 2451 258 2709 246 1950 1799 188357 115521 303878 169
22 Manipur 1 1 247 38 285 285 11 10 459 546 1005 101
23 Meghalaya 2 1 173 31 204 204 20 17 1029 1609 2638 155
24 Mizoram 15 15 630 1225 1855 124
25 Nagaland 15 15 985 943 1928 129
26 Odisha 3 3 309 55 364 121 366 366 87333 35189 122522 335
27 Puducherry 14 14 3185 1296 4481 320
28 Punjab 3 3 2108 92 2200 733 374 326 69511 29527 99038 304
29 Rajasthan 6 3 315 120 435 145 447 364 56523 15578 72101 198
30 Sikkim 7 7 768 657 1425 204
31 Tamil Nadu 11 7 1861 279 2140 306 923 914 311270 51780 363050 397
32 Telangana 1 493 436 66644 47386 114030 262
33 Tripura 7 7 603 664 1267 181
34 Uttar Pradesh 6 4 1462 379 1841 460 851 749 156000 88077 244077 326
35 Uttarakhand 2 2 574 37 611 306 153 142 18800 7017 25817 182
36 West Bengal 13 13 5284 1864 7148 550 443 443 99588 41306 140894 318
All India 136 95 30328 7992 38320 432 10011 9090 1479304 715311 2194615 279


AISHE 2017-18
Table 9 (a). Number and Enrolment in Stand Alone Institutions

Sl. Ph.D. M.Phil. Post Graduate

Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
1 2 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Andaman and Nicobar
2 Andhra Pradesh 322 263 585
3 Arunachal Pradesh
4 Assam 150 180 330 535 260 795
5 Bihar 13 37 50
6 Chandigarh
7 Chhattisgarh 33 12 45 41 38 79
8 Dadra and Nagar Haveli
9 Daman and Diu
10 Delhi 5380 3891 9271
11 Goa 374 295 669
12 Gujarat 97 68 165 1538 818 2356
13 Haryana 24 23 47 619 189 808
14 Himachal Pradesh
15 Jammu and Kashmir 499 295 794
16 Jharkhand 11 9 20 95 63 158
17 Karnataka 8 5 13 3320 1459 4779
18 Kerala 35 20 55 989 410 1399
19 Lakshadweep
20 Madhya Pradesh 40 32 72 9 6 15 891 561 1452
21 Maharashtra 18 15 33 4192 2512 6704
22 Manipur
23 Meghalaya 1 3 4 172 28 200
24 Mizoram 9 59 68
25 Nagaland
26 Odisha 98 82 180
27 Puducherry
28 Punjab 2 18 20
29 Rajasthan 13 7 20
30 Sikkim
31 Tamil Nadu 325 91 416
32 Telangana 56 97 153 393 391 784
33 Tripura
34 Uttar Pradesh 32 13 45 2895 1436 4331
35 Uttarakhand 55 5 60 465 109 574
36 West Bengal 15 3 18 10 16 26 786 688 1474
All India 519 388 907 75 119 194 23966 14000 37966


AISHE 2017-18
Table 9 (a). Number and Enrolment in Stand Alone Institutions

Sl. Under Graduate PG Diploma Diploma

Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
1 2 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Andaman and Nicobar
2 Andhra Pradesh 428 857 1285 455 176 631 76382 59822 136204
3 Arunachal Pradesh 729 264 993
4 Assam 155 194 349 167 88 255 8923 6750 15673
5 Bihar 582 457 1039 441 149 590 26811 11028 37839
6 Chandigarh 1306 1012 2318
7 Chhattisgarh 283 213 496 538 278 816 2074 4689 6763
8 Dadra and Nagar Haveli 118 35 153
9 Daman and Diu 30 35 65
10 Delhi 767 469 1236 1132 770 1902 12374 7648 20022
11 Goa 5868 568 6436
12 Gujarat 315 697 1012 876 587 1463 8093 14689 22782
13 Haryana 765 927 1692 763 175 938 37917 10360 48277
14 Himachal Pradesh 625 538 1163 70 16 86 6740 5713 12453
15 Jammu and Kashmir 115 135 250 7548 3125 10673
16 Jharkhand 161 833 994 1487 727 2214 18069 5263 23332
17 Karnataka 423 1674 2097 876 785 1661 117808 73291 191099
18 Kerala 13 165 178 265 193 458 34842 29286 64128
19 Lakshadweep
20 Madhya Pradesh 1101 1757 2858 677 377 1054 20190 15069 35259
21 Maharashtra 535 393 928 4419 2457 6876 178219 109468 287687
22 Manipur 32 7 39 427 539 966
23 Meghalaya 209 209 856 1369 2225
24 Mizoram 609 1124 1733
25 Nagaland 7 51 58 978 892 1870
26 Odisha 457 778 1235 554 177 731 83693 30143 113836
27 Puducherry 101 13 114 3070 1277 4347
28 Punjab 280 1256 1536 453 46 499 68776 28077 96853
29 Rajasthan 560 851 1411 698 399 1097 53719 12504 66223
30 Sikkim 768 657 1425
31 Tamil Nadu 674 148 822 284 146 430 309371 51341 360712
32 Telangana 52 278 330 930 520 1450 65197 46024 111221
33 Tripura 505 562 1067
34 Uttar Pradesh 1335 3035 4370 5488 3410 8898 131766 63615 195381
35 Uttarakhand 333 495 828 85 35 120 17736 6359 24095
36 West Bengal 9637 6334 15971 1479 546 2025 85135 32941 118076
All India 19815 22741 42556 22176 12115 34291 1386529 635504 2022033


AISHE 2017-18
Table 9 (a). Number and Enrolment in Stand Alone Institutions

Sl. Certificate Integrated Grand Total

Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
1 2 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
Andaman and Nicobar
2 Andhra Pradesh 12 190 202 77599 61308 138907
3 Arunachal Pradesh 729 264 993
4 Assam 6 81 87 9936 7553 17489
5 Bihar 56 4 60 27903 11675 39578
6 Chandigarh 1306 1012 2318
7 Chhattisgarh 12 68 80 2981 5298 8279
8 Dadra and Nagar Haveli 118 35 153
9 Daman and Diu 30 35 65
10 Delhi 420 337 757 20073 13115 33188
11 Goa 6242 863 7105
12 Gujarat 1215 2395 3610 12134 19254 31388
13 Haryana 199 15 214 40287 11689 51976
14 Himachal Pradesh 421 662 1083 7856 6929 14785
15 Jammu and Kashmir 8162 3555 11717
16 Jharkhand 133 222 355 19956 7117 27073
17 Karnataka 371 237 608 122806 77451 200257
18 Kerala 103 1544 1647 36247 31618 67865
19 Lakshadweep
20 Madhya Pradesh 205 205 346 212 558 23254 18219 41473
21 Maharashtra 974 676 1650 188357 115521 303878
22 Manipur 459 546 1005
23 Meghalaya 1029 1609 2638
24 Mizoram 12 42 54 630 1225 1855
25 Nagaland 985 943 1928
26 Odisha 2531 3989 6520 20 20 87333 35189 122522
27 Puducherry 14 6 20 3185 1296 4481
28 Punjab 130 130 69511 29527 99038
29 Rajasthan 1533 1817 3350 56523 15578 72101
30 Sikkim 768 657 1425
31 Tamil Nadu 616 54 670 311270 51780 363050
32 Telangana 16 76 92 66644 47386 114030
33 Tripura 98 102 200 603 664 1267
34 Uttar Pradesh 14484 16568 31052 156000 88077 244077
35 Uttarakhand 126 14 140 18800 7017 25817
36 West Bengal 2526 778 3304 99588 41306 140894
All India 25878 30212 56090 346 232 578 1479304 715311 2194615


AISHE 2017-18
Table 10. Estimated Enrolment in Colleges
Sl Post Graduate Under Graduate
No Male Female Total Male Female Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

1 Andaman and Nicobar Islands 76 276 352 2178 3145 5323

2 Andhra Pradesh 84662 68988 153650 595532 504292 1099824

3 Arunachal Pradesh 30 83 113 10791 11357 22148
4 Assam 3609 5353 8961 240131 258967 499098
5 Bihar 26611 22411 49022 705267 534531 1239798
6 Chandigarh 1415 4463 5878 19566 25030 44595
7 Chhattisgarh 15457 23816 39273 150219 179622 329841
8 Dadra and Nagar Haveli 59 158 217 2016 2593 4609
9 Daman and Diu 573 1061 1634
10 Delhi 6649 9058 15708 128987 125646 254633
11 Goa 453 1038 1490 12945 18948 31893
12 Gujarat 32457 45030 77487 522309 412103 934412
13 Haryana 14596 32455 47052 262972 283127 546099
14 Himachal Pradesh 2352 5644 7996 68863 100484 169347
15 Jammu and Kashmir 1755 2013 3768 89225 117398 206623
16 Jharkhand 10248 17014 27262 265138 273418 538556
17 Karnataka 48628 61338 109966 654086 708799 1362886
18 Kerala 15020 51853 66873 257575 376869 634445
19 Lakshadweep
20 Madhya Pradesh 63940 80641 144581 580016 522846 1102862
21 Maharashtra 108669 129075 237744 1374532 1226873 2601405
22 Manipur 472 593 1065 42193 46702 88895
23 Meghalaya 109 148 256 28808 32454 61262
24 Mizoram 148 106 254 9315 8503 17818
25 Nagaland 182 290 472 14853 16337 31190
26 Odisha 16059 15985 32044 356543 351926 708469
27 Puducherry 1125 2267 3392 17708 22106 39815
28 Punjab 18346 49716 68061 249893 291872 541765
29 Rajasthan 34538 61304 95842 692041 657317 1349358
30 Sikkim 108 81 189 4015 5924 9940
31 Tamil Nadu 74068 149128 223196 908088 1096746 2004834
32 Telangana 58638 68017 126656 535533 507360 1042893
33 Tripura 98 137 236 31572 29848 61421
34 Uttar Pradesh 194828 299899 494727 2574491 2563141 5137632
35 Uttarakhand 11620 18145 29765 92411 117379 209790
36 West Bengal 13233 14440 27673 735578 768949 1504527
All India 860256.8 1240963 2101220 12235964 12203676 24439640


AISHE 2017-18
Table 11. Programme-wise Enrolment (based on actual response)
Sl. No. State/UTs
Male Female Total Male Female Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 Ph.D.-Doctor of Philosophy 90417 67946 158363 10337 5801 16138
2 D.Phil.-Doctor of Philosophy 696 432 1128 101 40 141
3 D.M.-Doctor of Medicine 639 134 773 1 1
4 M.Ch.-Master of Chirurgiae 424 59 483 3 1 4
5 Vidya Varidhi-Vidya Varidhi 227 122 349 28 28 56
6 D.Sc.-Doctor of Science 44 56 100 4 11 15
Ayurveda Vachaspati-Ph.D in
7 52 47 99 3 7 10
8 L.L.D.-Doctor of Laws 35 24 59 1 1 2
9 Vidya Vachaspati-Vidya Vachaspati 34 15 49 2 2 4
10 D.Litt.-Doctor of Literature 2 7 9 1 1
11 M.Phil.-Master of Philosophy 12287 21822 34109 2749 3441 6190
12 M.A.-Master of Arts 659981 919108 1579089 106220 133294 239514
13 M.Sc.-Master of Science 278747 432442 711189 35796 48687 84483
M.B.A.- Master of Business
14 352337 226083 578420 38867 25121 63988
15 M.Com.-Master of Commerce 188829 270470 459299 21046 26427 47473
M.C.A. -Master of Computer
16 89150 71494 160644 7148 6160 13308
17 M.Tech. -Master of Technology 91488 50596 142084 10654 5658 16312
18 M.S.W.-Master of Social Work 24060 22753 46813 5993 4414 10407
19 M.E.-Master of Engineering 26499 18982 45481 4365 3118 7483
20 M.Ed. -Master of Education 16086 26824 42910 5983 7462 13445
21 M.D.-Doctor of Medicine 21542 19577 41119 1611 1632 3243
22 M.Pharm. -Master of Pharmacy 13552 17063 30615 1961 2581 4542
23 Acharya-Acharya 15083 10462 25545 950 1108 2058
P.G.D.M.-Post-Graduate Diploma in
24 16295 9010 25305 3188 2032 5220
25 Pharm.D.-Doctor of Pharmacy 8320 15897 24217 712 1421 2133
26 L.L.M.-Master of Law or Laws 11524 9219 20743 1574 1090 2664
27 M.D.S.-Master of Dental Surgery 5243 8926 14169 371 483 854
28 M.S.-Master of Surgery 6477 3914 10391 466 293 759
M.Sc. Nursing-Master of Science in
29 2020 8156 10176 279 1068 1347
30 M.S.-Master of Science 3923 3873 7796 489 396 885
M.P.Ed.-Master of Physical
31 5251 1893 7144 884 310 1194
32 M.Lib.Sc. -Master of Library Science 2761 3110 5871 560 491 1051
33 M.Mgt.-Master of Management 3338 2133 5471 364 231 595
34 M.F.A. -Master of Fine Arts 2607 2752 5359 465 341 806
35 M.P.T.-Master of Physiotherapy 1645 3060 4705 155 251 406
M.B.A.(Tech.)-Master of Business
36 2877 1638 4515 150 134 284
Administration in Technology
M.L.I.Sc.-Master of Library &
37 1836 1955 3791 346 278 624
Information Science
M.J.M.C.-Master of Journalism and
38 2179 1592 3771 296 147 443
Mass Communication
P.G.P.-Post-Graduate Programme in
39 2403 1028 3431 238 94 332
M.V.Sc. -Master of Veterinary
40 1910 1314 3224 207 128 335
41 Vachaspati-Vachaspati 1265 1716 2981 130 196 326
42 M.J.-Master of Journalism 1610 997 2607 309 155 464
43 M.Arch.-Master of Architecture 1096 1398 2494 73 64 137
M.H.R.D. -Master of Human
44 1094 1264 2358 114 85 199
Resource Development
M.Sc. Tech. -Master of Science in
45 1101 1106 2207 136 141 277
46 M.Des.-Master of Design 1154 1029 2183 134 112 246
M.F.M. -Master of Financial
47 1214 807 2021 67 60 127
M.M.C.-Master in Mass
48 1000 905 1905 107 44 151
M.H.A. -Master of Hospital
49 857 980 1837 95 42 137
50 M.Mus. -Master of Music 525 841 1366 104 118 222
M.Mkt.M. -Master of Marketing
51 877 314 1191 21 10 31
M.F.M.-Master of Fashion
52 492 595 1087 19 50 69
53 M.Plan.-Master of Planning 452 429 881 54 38 92
54 M.P.A.-Master of Performing Arts 506 356 862 151 43 194
M.I.B.-Master of International
55 475 364 839 29 32 61
56 M.L. -Master of Laws 504 326 830 53 38 91
57 M.P.H. -Master of Public Health 408 381 789 31 33 64


AISHE 2017-18
Table 11. Programme-wise Enrolment (based on actual response)
Sl. No. State/UTs
Male Female Total Male Female Total
1 2 9 10 11 12 13 14
1 Ph.D.-Doctor of Philosophy 3385 2553 5938 21743 15291 37034
2 D.Phil.-Doctor of Philosophy 31 21 52 147 119 266
3 D.M.-Doctor of Medicine 25 9 34
4 M.Ch.-Master of Chirurgiae 1 1 20 5 25
5 Vidya Varidhi-Vidya Varidhi 1 1 2 46 37 83
6 D.Sc.-Doctor of Science 2 2 2 2 4
Ayurveda Vachaspati-Ph.D in
7 2 3 5 5 7 12
8 L.L.D.-Doctor of Laws 4 4 8
9 Vidya Vachaspati-Vidya Vachaspati 9 9
10 D.Litt.-Doctor of Literature 1 1 5 5
11 M.Phil.-Master of Philosophy 711 767 1478 4218 10610 14828
12 M.A.-Master of Arts 54167 57457 111624 197644 300180 497824
13 M.Sc.-Master of Science 13041 16033 29074 110423 179015 289438
M.B.A.- Master of Business
14 6186 3559 9745 106537 71460 177997
15 M.Com.-Master of Commerce 7489 7318 14807 57067 86635 143702
M.C.A. -Master of Computer
16 1832 1113 2945 25892 24491 50383
17 M.Tech. -Master of Technology 2938 1367 4305 26692 15158 41850
18 M.S.W.-Master of Social Work 3086 3054 6140 7105 6919 14024
19 M.E.-Master of Engineering 543 257 800 9511 8300 17811
20 M.Ed. -Master of Education 1023 1573 2596 3928 6336 10264
21 M.D.-Doctor of Medicine 692 725 1417 4272 3873 8145
22 M.Pharm. -Master of Pharmacy 520 570 1090 4552 5369 9921
23 Acharya-Acharya 367 309 676 2607 3831 6438
P.G.D.M.-Post-Graduate Diploma in
24 314 146 460 2383 780 3163
25 Pharm.D.-Doctor of Pharmacy 285 389 674 3095 5914 9009
26 L.L.M.-Master of Law or Laws 376 341 717 2747 1974 4721
27 M.D.S.-Master of Dental Surgery 79 153 232 961 1645 2606
28 M.S.-Master of Surgery 225 145 370 1286 791 2077
M.Sc. Nursing-Master of Science in
29 74 327 401 582 1887 2469
30 M.S.-Master of Science 129 95 224 1062 1116 2178
M.P.Ed.-Master of Physical
31 245 100 345 1687 571 2258
32 M.Lib.Sc. -Master of Library Science 226 111 337 831 1026 1857
33 M.Mgt.-Master of Management 194 143 337 503 404 907
34 M.F.A. -Master of Fine Arts 111 53 164 681 546 1227
35 M.P.T.-Master of Physiotherapy 34 61 95 353 543 896
M.B.A.(Tech.)-Master of Business
36 25 14 39 577 436 1013
Administration in Technology
M.L.I.Sc.-Master of Library &
37 146 139 285 788 595 1383
Information Science
M.J.M.C.-Master of Journalism and
38 104 53 157 683 334 1017
Mass Communication
P.G.P.-Post-Graduate Programme in
39 126 54 180 416 163 579
M.V.Sc. -Master of Veterinary
40 140 119 259 501 280 781
41 Vachaspati-Vachaspati 44 68 112 282 442 724
42 M.J.-Master of Journalism 99 69 168 469 311 780
43 M.Arch.-Master of Architecture 13 14 27 274 263 537
M.H.R.D. -Master of Human
44 39 43 82 221 284 505
Resource Development
M.Sc. Tech. -Master of Science in
45 48 22 70 326 234 560
46 M.Des.-Master of Design 45 40 85 261 163 424
M.F.M. -Master of Financial
47 23 19 42 185 150 335
M.M.C.-Master in Mass
48 14 18 32 58 43 101
M.H.A. -Master of Hospital
49 13 12 25 98 109 207
50 M.Mus. -Master of Music 30 41 71 124 179 303
M.Mkt.M. -Master of Marketing
51 9 9 25 17 42
M.F.M.-Master of Fashion
52 3 18 21 48 91 139
53 M.Plan.-Master of Planning 22 11 33 118 115 233
54 M.P.A.-Master of Performing Arts 22 12 34 132 66 198
M.I.B.-Master of International
55 5 3 8 195 131 326
56 M.L. -Master of Laws 44 11 55 71 34 105
57 M.P.H. -Master of Public Health 21 14 35 66 88 154


AISHE 2017-18
Table 11. Programme-wise Enrolment (based on actual response)
Sl. No. State/UTs
Male Female Total Male Female Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
58 M.P.E.-Master of Physical Education 549 192 741 79 27 106
59 M.F.Sc. -Master of Fishery Science 386 334 720 64 34 98
60 Shiksha Acharya-Shiksha Acharya 303 380 683 48 45 93
M.B.A.(Pharma. Tech.)-Master of
61 Business Administration in 227 312 539 7 8 15
Pharmaceutical Technology
M.Sc.(Medical Bio-Chemistry)-
62 Master of Science in Medical Bio- 187 278 465 31 29 60
M.Sc. Tech.(Applied Geo-Physics)-
63 Master of Science in Technology 293 169 462 30 10 40
(Applied Geo-Physics)
M.Sc.(Medical Microbiology)-Master
64 161 290 451 15 19 34
of Science in Medical Microbiology
65 M.O.L. -Master of Oriental Learning 400 40 440
66 M.Stat. -Master of Statistics 164 188 352 19 12 31
67 M.U.P.-Master of Urban Planning 149 199 348 8 12 20
M.Litt.-Master of Literature or
68 60 256 316 16 49 65
Master of Letters
M.F.Tech.-Master of Fashion
69 80 221 301 10 17 27
Shikshan Parangat-Shikshan
70 94 164 258 14 3 17
M.O.T. -Master of Occupational
71 76 141 217 5 14 19
Samaj Karya Parangat-Samaj Karya
72 116 71 187 29 18 47
73 Parangat-Parangat 90 96 186 23 13 36
74 M.Dance-Master of Dance 28 140 168 3 12 15
M.Sc.(Medical Physiology)-Master of
75 30 105 135 2 3 5
Science in Medical Physiology

76 M.Optom. -Master of Optometry 50 83 133 2 2

M.Sc.(Medical Anatomy) -Master of 46 80 126 9 3 12
77 Science in Medical Anatomy
M.A.M.S.-Master of Ayurved in
78 59 54 113 1 4 5
Medicine and Surgery
M.H.M.S.-Master of Homeopathic
79 19 42 61
Medicine and Science
80 M.F.T. -Master of Foreign Trade 38 16 54 3 2 5
M.P.S. -Master of Population
81 24 18 42 2 3 5
M.T.P.M.-Master in Transportation
82 20 17 37
Planning and Management
M.Sc.(Medical Pharmacology)-
83 Master of Science in Medical 6 19 25
84 B.A.-Bachelor of Arts 4489810 5016261 9506071 803404 876137 1679541

85 B.Sc.-Bachelor of Science 2443443 2375753 4819196 350513 319280 669793

86 B.Com.-Bachelor of Commerce 2105631 1907748 4013379 236450 220894 457344
87 B.Tech.-Bachelor of Technology 1534358 585584 2119942 162401 58630 221031
88 B.E.-Bachelor of Engineering 1296935 523220 1820155 147757 75669 223426
89 B.A.(Hons)-Bachelor of Arts (Honors) 672995 815505 1488500 91980 98596 190576
90 B.Ed.-Bachelor of Education 351281 690671 1041952 95134 141587 236721
B.Sc.(Hons)-Bachelor of Science
91 304015 239489 543504 34586 24184 58770
B.C.A.-Bachelor of Computer
92 303971 198472 502443 37528 28975 66503
B.B.A.-Bachelor of Business
93 285813 187009 472822 28657 22827 51484
94 L.L.B.-Bachelor of Law or Laws 230540 109991 340531 30213 13819 44032


AISHE 2017-18
Table 11. Programme-wise Enrolment (based on actual response)
Sl. No. State/UTs
Male Female Total Male Female Total
1 2 9 10 11 12 13 14
58 M.P.E.-Master of Physical Education 29 15 44 169 38 207
59 M.F.Sc. -Master of Fishery Science 44 33 77 158 136 294

60 Shiksha Acharya-Shiksha Acharya 18 16 34 79 97 176

M.B.A.(Pharma. Tech.)-Master of
61 Business Administration in 1 1 2 36 26 62
Pharmaceutical Technology
M.Sc.(Medical Bio-Chemistry)-
62 Master of Science in Medical Bio- 10 3 13 68 89 157
M.Sc. Tech.(Applied Geo-Physics)-
63 Master of Science in Technology 12 2 14 81 47 128
(Applied Geo-Physics)
M.Sc.(Medical Microbiology)-Master
64 1 7 8 32 76 108
of Science in Medical Microbiology
65 M.O.L. -Master of Oriental Learning
66 M.Stat. -Master of Statistics 16 19 35 32 37 69
67 M.U.P.-Master of Urban Planning 1 1 28 21 49

M.Litt.-Master of Literature or
68 2 2 36 161 197
Master of Letters
M.F.Tech.-Master of Fashion
69 4 5 9 17 41 58
Shikshan Parangat-Shikshan
70 16 59 75 49 51 100
M.O.T. -Master of Occupational
71 4 5 9 20 31 51
Samaj Karya Parangat-Samaj Karya
72 20 3 23 59 38 97
73 Parangat-Parangat 12 11 23 41 55 96
74 M.Dance-Master of Dance 2 11 13 9 38 47
M.Sc.(Medical Physiology)-Master of
75 1 3 4 7 15 22
Science in Medical Physiology
76 M.Optom. -Master of Optometry 6 11 17
M.Sc.(Medical Anatomy) -Master of
77 Science in Medical Anatomy 1 1 15 21 36
M.A.M.S.-Master of Ayurved in
78 1 1 1 4 5
Medicine and Surgery
M.H.M.S.-Master of Homeopathic
Medicine and Science
80 M.F.T. -Master of Foreign Trade 1 1 23 11 34
M.P.S. -Master of Population
81 1 1 9 6 15
M.T.P.M.-Master in Transportation
82 3 4 7
Planning and Management
M.Sc.(Medical Pharmacology)-
83 Master of Science in Medical 1 1 1 4 5
84 B.A.-Bachelor of Arts 346676 335783 682459 1547953 1804337 3352290
85 B.Sc.-Bachelor of Science 106009 98423 204432 1040561 1075927 2116488
86 B.Com.-Bachelor of Commerce 73328 60715 134043 733986 707846 1441832
87 B.Tech.-Bachelor of Technology 50523 15874 66397 464043 193791 657834
88 B.E.-Bachelor of Engineering 30847 11981 42828 545983 236646 782629
89 B.A.(Hons)-Bachelor of Arts (Honors) 79178 89549 168727 227547 245081 472628

90 B.Ed.-Bachelor of Education 24998 37718 62716 113903 231637 345540

B.Sc.(Hons)-Bachelor of Science
91 17802 15290 33092 101483 72385 173868
B.C.A.-Bachelor of Computer
92 8357 5299 13656 99849 73140 172989
B.B.A.-Bachelor of Business
93 4714 3385 8099 87044 60470 147514
94 L.L.B.-Bachelor of Law or Laws 7056 4130 11186 65610 26384 91994


AISHE 2017-18
Table 11. Programme-wise Enrolment (based on actual response)
Sl. No. State/UTs
Male Female Total Male Female Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
M.B.B.S.-Bachelor of Medicine and
95 119973 121628 241601 11412 11072 22484
Bachelor of Surgery
B.Sc.(Nursing)-Bachelor of Science
96 50537 190345 240882 8591 33291 41882
in Nursing
97 B.Pharm.-Bachelor of Pharmacy 123994 101463 225457 14197 12495 26692
98 B.Agri.-Bachelor of Agriculture 87310 29088 116398 10575 3816 14391
99 B.D.S.-Bachelor of Dental Surgery 26227 67539 93766 2109 5058 7167
100 Shastri-Shastri 42107 35137 77244 3838 5128 8966
B.Architecture-Bachelor of
101 36603 40099 76702 2169 1757 3926
102 B.S.W.-Bachelor of Social Work 31319 28679 59998 10841 9277 20118
103 B.P.T.-Bachelor of Physiotherapy 18299 40950 59249 1965 3405 5370
B.H.M.S.-Bachelor of Homeopathic
104 18832 31653 50485 1726 2779 4505
Medicine and Surgery
B.B.M.-Bachelor of Business
105 27900 19982 47882 2736 2272 5008
B.A.M.S.-Bachelor of Ayurved
106 17037 25141 42178 1640 2362 4002
Medicine & Surgery
B.M.S.-Bachelor of Management
107 18505 14481 32986 1521 1450 2971
108 B.L.-Bachelor of Law or Laws 18611 13329 31940 2231 1743 3974
B.P.Ed.-Bachelor of Physical
109 21626 9758 31384 4644 1854 6498
110 B.Lib.I.Sc.-Bachelor of Library & 14663 14537 29200 1690 1266 2956
Information Science
B.Voc.-Bachelor of Vocational
111 12363 11528 23891 1478 1330 2808
B.H.M.-Bachelor of Hotel
112 19827 3801 23628 1995 493 2488
113 B.F.A.-Bachelor of Fine Arts 11738 11496 23234 1961 1161 3122
114 Ayurvedacharya-Ayurvedacharya 9016 13166 22182 772 1351 2123
115 B.Sc.(Post Basic)-B.Sc (Post Basic) 4040 17226 21266 541 1959 2500
116 B.Litt.-Bachelor of Literature 5517 15728 21245 1517 4048 5565
117 B.Des.-Bachelor of Design 5908 14016 19924 622 931 1553
B.J.M.C.-Bachelor of Journalism and
118 9856 6843 16699 1647 682 2329
Mass Communication
B.V.Sc.&A.H.-Bachelor of Veterinary
119 10119 5873 15992 1320 733 2053
Science & Animal Husbandry
B.H.M.C.T.-Bachelor of Hotel
120 Management and Catering 13361 1915 15276 1839 352 2191
B.P.E.-Bachelor of Physical
121 10579 3380 13959 1669 567 2236
B.Pharm.(Ayu.) -Bachelor of
122 7107 6244 13351 666 698 1364
Ayurved in Pharmacy
123 B.M.M.-Bachelor of Multi Media 4841 4386 9227 472 340 812
B.U.M.S.-Bachelor of Unani
124 3320 3461 6781 45 22 67
Medicine and Surgery
125 Shiksha Shastri-Shiksha Shastri 3188 2980 6168 409 393 802
B.Optom.-Bachelor of Clinical
126 2361 3402 5763 141 214 355
127 B.Lib.Sc.-Bachelor of Library Science 2290 2874 5164 445 454 899
B.O.T.-Bachelor of Occupational
128 967 2264 3231 114 237 351
B.N.Y.S.-Bachelor of Naturopathy
129 1257 1831 3088 198 219 417
and Yogic Sciences
130 B.Mus.-Bachelor of Music 1377 1575 2952 168 185 353
131 B.F.Tech.-Bachelor of Fashion 753 2149 2902 57 260 317
B.A.S.L.P.-Bachelor of Audiology and
132 694 2171 2865 50 79 129
Speech Language Pathology
133 B.F.Sc.-Bachelor of Fisheries Science 1610 1246 2856 204 171 375

B.H.A.-Bachelor of Hospital
134 1073 1622 2695 21 43 64
B.S.Course-Bachelor of Science
135 (Physician Assistant and Emergency 696 1937 2633 22 85 107
& Trauma Care Management)


AISHE 2017-18
Table 11. Programme-wise Enrolment (based on actual response)
Sl. No. State/UTs
Male Female Total Male Female Total
1 2 9 10 11 12 13 14
M.B.B.S.-Bachelor of Medicine and
95 4588 4457 9045 31046 29146 60192
Bachelor of Surgery
B.Sc.(Nursing)-Bachelor of Science
96 2814 12321 15135 19899 54224 74123
in Nursing
97 B.Pharm.-Bachelor of Pharmacy 3441 3252 6693 43945 35916 79861

98 B.Agri.-Bachelor of Agriculture 3487 2245 5732 35947 12158 48105

99 B.D.S.-Bachelor of Dental Surgery 747 1409 2156 6690 18294 24984

100 Shastri-Shastri 1465 1568 3033 10525 14773 25298

B.Architecture-Bachelor of
101 484 404 888 11316 10391 21707
102 B.S.W.-Bachelor of Social Work 3882 4190 8072 8681 8205 16886
103 B.P.T.-Bachelor of Physiotherapy 617 1167 1784 5116 10421 15537
B.H.M.S.-Bachelor of Homeopathic
104 937 1440 2377 5473 8870 14343
Medicine and Surgery
B.B.M.-Bachelor of Business
105 795 623 1418 11995 9221 21216
B.A.M.S.-Bachelor of Ayurved
106 611 928 1539 5248 7533 12781
Medicine & Surgery
B.M.S.-Bachelor of Management
107 788 436 1224 1923 1748 3671
108 B.L.-Bachelor of Law or Laws 281 242 523 4660 3187 7847
B.P.Ed.-Bachelor of Physical
109 1353 555 1908 7057 3245 10302
B.Lib.I.Sc.-Bachelor of Library &
110 600 575 1175 5380 5147 10527
Information Science
B.Voc.-Bachelor of Vocational
111 355 238 593 3885 3618 7503
B.H.M.-Bachelor of Hotel
112 461 163 624 3769 332 4101
113 B.F.A.-Bachelor of Fine Arts 563 281 844 3469 2746 6215

114 Ayurvedacharya-Ayurvedacharya 440 710 1150 2640 4409 7049

115 B.Sc.(Post Basic)-B.Sc (Post Basic) 183 697 880 931 2988 3919

116 B.Litt.-Bachelor of Literature 98 166 264 3416 10364 13780

117 B.Des.-Bachelor of Design 203 430 633 1203 2057 3260
B.J.M.C.-Bachelor of Journalism and
118 135 87 222 1298 662 1960
Mass Communication
B.V.Sc.&A.H.-Bachelor of Veterinary
119 823 622 1445 3638 2078 5716
Science & Animal Husbandry

B.H.M.C.T.-Bachelor of Hotel
120 Management and Catering 278 54 332 2968 275 3243
B.P.E.-Bachelor of Physical
121 470 134 604 3040 1037 4077
B.Pharm.(Ayu.) -Bachelor of
122 242 229 471 2635 2251 4886
Ayurved in Pharmacy
123 B.M.M.-Bachelor of Multi Media 79 71 150 602 474 1076
B.U.M.S.-Bachelor of Unani
124 6 10 16 1094 1118 2212
Medicine and Surgery
125 Shiksha Shastri-Shiksha Shastri 1025 927 1952 770 1071 1841
B.Optom.-Bachelor of Clinical
126 45 77 122 516 948 1464
127 B.Lib.Sc.-Bachelor of Library Science 214 144 358 719 1157 1876

B.O.T.-Bachelor of Occupational
128 19 46 65 270 517 787
B.N.Y.S.-Bachelor of Naturopathy
129 73 49 122 618 1011 1629
and Yogic Sciences
130 B.Mus.-Bachelor of Music 245 203 448 353 292 645
131 B.F.Tech.-Bachelor of Fashion 14 63 77 146 431 577
B.A.S.L.P.-Bachelor of Audiology and
132 11 36 47 273 950 1223
Speech Language Pathology
133 B.F.Sc.-Bachelor of Fisheries Science 156 117 273 805 610 1415
B.H.A.-Bachelor of Hospital
134 5 2 7 43 160 203
B.S.Course-Bachelor of Science
135 (Physician Assistant and Emergency 1 7 8 217 859 1076
& Trauma Care Management)


AISHE 2017-18
Table 11. Programme-wise Enrolment (based on actual response)
Sl. No. State/UTs
Male Female Total Male Female Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
B.H.M.T.T.-Bachelor of Hotel
136 2025 566 2591 196 86 282
Management, Travel and Tourism
137 Alankar-Alankar 1415 1140 2555 463 187 650
138 B.P.A.-Bachelor of Performing Arts 1528 985 2513 280 121 401
B.A.M.-Bachelor of Ayurved
139 842 1299 2141 55 103 158
B.S.M.S.-Bachelor of Sridhar
140 416 1439 1855 74 211 285
Medicine and Surgery
141 B.J.-Bachelor of Journalism 1168 629 1797 292 61 353
B.V.Sc.-Bachelor of Veterinary
142 1089 690 1779 100 95 195
B.H.T.M.-Bachelor of Hotel and
143 1245 516 1761 150 97 247
Tourism Management
B.Nat.(Yogic Sciences)-Bachelor of
144 539 1114 1653 34 56 90
Naturopathy and Yogic Sciences
145 B.G.L.-Bachelor of General Law 967 584 1551 128 65 193
146 B.Plan.-Bachelor of Planning 516 420 936 54 29 83
147 B.S.S.-Bachelor in Social Sciences 392 304 696 42 27 69
148 B.C.E.-Bachelor of Civil Engineering 588 105 693 113 15 128
B.Ch.E.-Bachelor of Chemical
149 550 134 684 79 30 109
150 B.O.L.-Bachelor of Oriental Learning 212 424 636 42 47 89
B.Sc.(Sericulture)-Bachelor of
151 332 300 632 76 54 130
Science in Sericulture
152 B.Stat.-Bachelor of Statistics 426 202 628 46 20 66
153 Visharad-Visharad 500 113 613 104 36 140
154 B.B.S.-Bachelor of Business Studies 379 229 608 35 35 70
B.P.S.-Bachelor of Professional
155 285 234 519 7 2 9
156 Vidhyalankar-Vidhyalankar 320 85 405 53 14 67
157 B.Dance-Bachelor of Dance 44 287 331 7 26 33

158 B.Chem.Tech.-Bachelor of Chemical 198 69 267 22 14 36

159 B.C.L.-Bachelor of Civil Law 151 106 257 23 13 36
B.I.B.F.-Bachelor of International
160 91 67 158 5 5
Business and Finance
Samaj Vidya Visharad-Samaj Vidya
161 121 121 24 24
Hindi Shiksha Visharad-Hindi
162 42 69 111 5 13 18
Shiksha Visharad
163 Shiksha Visharad-Shiksha Visharad
164 PG Diploma-Post Graduate Diploma 126853 108410 235263 17053 13571 30624
165 Diploma-Diploma 1669136 462638 2131774 316189 92427 408616
166 D.Ed.-Diploma in Education 98067 155559 253626 18501 31618 50119
G.N.M.-General Nursing &
167 34023 193619 227642 6447 46862 53309

168 D.Pharma-Diploma in Pharmacy 35985 16030 52015 2929 1628 4557

169 A.N.M.-Auxiliary Nurse & Midwife 445 41294 41739 99 12115 12214

D.Voc.-Diploma in Vocational
170 561 577 1138 152 249 401

171 Certificate-Certificate 76962 100261 177223 11983 14309 26292

B.A. L.L.B.-Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor

172 46558 31314 77872 5913 4085 9998
of Law or Laws

Integrated M.Sc.-Integrated Master

173 13418 11534 24952 1234 970 2204
of Science

B.Tech M.Tech-Bachelor of
174 15692 4581 20273 1991 452 2443
Technology, Master of Technology
B.B.A. L.L.B.-Bachelor of Business
175 Administration, Bachelor of Law or 7412 5667 13079 337 270 607


AISHE 2017-18
Table 11. Programme-wise Enrolment (based on actual response)
Sl. No. State/UTs
Male Female Total Male Female Total
1 2 9 10 11 12 13 14
B.H.M.T.T.-Bachelor of Hotel
136 41 31 72 398 114 512
Management, Travel and Tourism
137 Alankar-Alankar 4 1 5 346 294 640
138 B.P.A.-Bachelor of Performing Arts 91 49 140 413 266 679
B.A.M.-Bachelor of Ayurved
139 47 42 89 248 434 682
B.S.M.S.-Bachelor of Sridhar
140 5 1 6 298 1081 1379
Medicine and Surgery
141 B.J.-Bachelor of Journalism 52 23 75 230 99 329
B.V.Sc.-Bachelor of Veterinary
142 91 93 184 297 136 433
B.H.T.M.-Bachelor of Hotel and
143 151 95 246 145 42 187
Tourism Management
B.Nat.(Yogic Sciences)-Bachelor of
144 1 6 7 107 194 301
Naturopathy and Yogic Sciences
145 B.G.L.-Bachelor of General Law 6 2 8 337 131 468
146 B.Plan.-Bachelor of Planning 39 22 61 149 63 212
147 B.S.S.-Bachelor in Social Sciences 15 3 18 213 86 299
148 B.C.E.-Bachelor of Civil Engineering 24 3 27 88 43 131
B.Ch.E.-Bachelor of Chemical
149 32 7 39 59 17 76
150 B.O.L.-Bachelor of Oriental Learning 19 45 64 86 151 237
B.Sc.(Sericulture)-Bachelor of
151 34 21 55 147 144 291
Science in Sericulture
152 B.Stat.-Bachelor of Statistics 8 8 16 180 76 256
153 Visharad-Visharad 22 14 36 238 38 276
154 B.B.S.-Bachelor of Business Studies 2 1 3 58 25 83
B.P.S.-Bachelor of Professional
155 8 8 16 44 46 90
156 Vidhyalankar-Vidhyalankar 40 24 64
157 B.Dance-Bachelor of Dance 11 11 9 75 84
158 B.Chem.Tech.-Bachelor of Chemical 3 1 4 104 38 142
159 B.C.L.-Bachelor of Civil Law 3 2 5 32 22 54
B.I.B.F.-Bachelor of International
160 9 3 12 19 17 36
Business and Finance
Samaj Vidya Visharad-Samaj Vidya
161 4 4 68 68
Hindi Shiksha Visharad-Hindi
162 12 30 42
Shiksha Visharad
163 Shiksha Visharad-Shiksha Visharad
164 PG Diploma-Post Graduate Diploma 7046 6881 13927 36565 32798 69363
165 Diploma-Diploma 89077 35700 124777 650379 164172 814551
166 D.Ed.-Diploma in Education 10303 12682 22985 33863 53979 87842
G.N.M.-General Nursing &
167 2512 22404 24916 9743 50994 60737

168 D.Pharma-Diploma in Pharmacy 776 469 1245 12114 6310 18424

169 A.N.M.-Auxiliary Nurse & Midwife 68 4962 5030 80 12336 12416

D.Voc.-Diploma in Vocational
170 65 4 69 82 55 137
171 Certificate-Certificate 4923 5912 10835 27325 40208 67533
B.A. L.L.B.-Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor
172 1464 1168 2632 10876 6083 16959
of Law or Laws

Integrated M.Sc.-Integrated Master

173 605 517 1122 3268 2822 6090
of Science

B.Tech M.Tech-Bachelor of
174 709 126 835 4435 1075 5510
Technology, Master of Technology
B.B.A. L.L.B.-Bachelor of Business
175 Administration, Bachelor of Law or 117 88 205 893 521 1414


AISHE 2017-18
Table 11. Programme-wise Enrolment (based on actual response)
Sl. No. State/UTs
Male Female Total Male Female Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Integrated M.B.A.-Integrated
176 7621 5246 12867 755 446 1201
Master of Business Administration
B.A. B.Ed.-Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor
177 4671 6607 11278 1170 1150 2320
of Education
B.S. M.S.-Bachelor of Science,
178 4583 2772 7355 504 217 721
Master of Science
Integrated M.A.-Integrated Master
179 3540 3391 6931 422 250 672
of Arts
B.Sc. B.Ed.-Bachelor of Science,
180 2561 3469 6030 467 430 897
Bachelor of Education
B.Com. L.L.B.-Bachelor of
181 2794 2427 5221 209 142 351
Commerce, Bachelor of Law
Integrated M.C.A.-Integrated
182 2732 1783 4515 196 90 286
Master of Computer Applications
Integrated Ph.D-Integrated Doctor
183 1783 1327 3110 228 134 362
of Philosophy
B.Sc. L.L.B.-Bachelor of Science,
Bachelor of Law or Laws 534 306 840 55 36 91
M.A. B.Ed.-Master of Arts, Bachelor
185 340 374 714 61 45 106
of Education
M.Sc. B.Ed.-Master of Science,
186 172 306 478 35 63 98
Bachelor of Education
B.Com. B.Ed.-Bachelor of
187 262 262
Commerce, Bachelor of Education
All India 18990122 17022191 36012313 2774933 2505428 5280361


AISHE 2017-18
Table 11. Programme-wise Enrolment (based on actual response)
Sl. No. State/UTs
Male Female Total Male Female Total
1 2 9 10 11 12 13 14
Integrated M.B.A.-Integrated
176 280 175 455 1397 760 2157
Master of Business Administration
B.A. B.Ed.-Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor
177 342 315 657 1395 2094 3489
of Education
B.S. M.S.-Bachelor of Science,
178 195 76 271 860 507 1367
Master of Science
Integrated M.A.-Integrated Master
179 253 216 469 668 661 1329
of Arts
B.Sc. B.Ed.-Bachelor of Science,
180 262 270 532 1024 1120 2144
Bachelor of Education
B.Com. L.L.B.-Bachelor of
181 49 32 81 388 282 670
Commerce, Bachelor of Law
Integrated M.C.A.-Integrated
182 38 21 59 588 405 993
Master of Computer Applications
Integrated Ph.D-Integrated Doctor
183 80 53 133 397 190 587
of Philosophy
B.Sc. L.L.B.-Bachelor of Science,
Bachelor of Law or Laws 14 7 21 95 44 139
M.A. B.Ed.-Master of Arts, Bachelor
185 35 31 66 72 87 159
of Education
M.Sc. B.Ed.-Master of Science,
186 6 15 21 98 144 242
Bachelor of Education
B.Com. B.Ed.-Bachelor of
187 27 27
Commerce, Bachelor of Education
All India 1001989 911875 1913864 6688668 6144337 12833005


AISHE 2017-18
Table 11(a). Programme-wise Enrolment - Distance Mode(based on actual response)
Sl. No. State/UTs
Male Female Total Male Female Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 M.A.-Master of Arts 330214 347427 677641 40681 40340 81021
2 M.Com.-Master of Commerce 81409 89684 171093 6218 5966 12184
3 M.B.A.- Master of Business Administration 105031 51880 156911 4680 3049 7729

4 M.Sc.-Master of Science 55742 49765 105507 5482 5437 10919

5 M.C.A. -Master of Computer Applications 25268 14500 39768 1345 805 2150

6 M.S.W.-Master of Social Work 6794 5530 12324 1168 744 1912

7 M.Lib.Sc. -Master of Library Science 1407 1671 3078 176 146 322
8 L.L.M.-Master of Law or Laws 1775 797 2572 130 58 188
9 M.S.-Master of Science 1009 661 1670 237 103 340
M.L.I.Sc.-Master of Library & Information
10 642 901 1543 82 100 182
11 M.M.C.-Master in Mass Communication 766 610 1376 87 31 118
12 Acharya-Acharya 610 763 1373 48 53 101
13 M.J.-Master of Journalism 603 375 978 48 43 91
14 M.F.A. -Master of Fine Arts 379 490 869 11 45 56
M.J.M.C.-Master of Journalism and Mass
15 303 146 449 17 5 22
M.H.R.D. -Master of Human Resource
16 228 117 345 29 19 48
P.G.P.-Post-Graduate Programme in
17 285 50 335 14 14
M.B.A.(Tech.)-Master of Business
18 127 76 203 3 2 5
Administration in Technology
P.G.D.M.-Post-Graduate Diploma in
19 117 55 172 6 3 9
20 M.L. -Master of Laws 88 67 155 6 3 9
21 M.P.H. -Master of Public Health 95 23 118 6 1 7
22 M.H.A. -Master of Hospital Administration 8 6 14
M.Litt.-Master of Literature or Master of
23 3 4 7 3 3
24 M.Tech. -Master of Technology 3 3
25 M.Mus. -Master of Music 3 3
26 M.Ed. -Master of Education
M.Sc. Tech. -Master of Science in
28 M.F.M. -Master of Financial Management
29 B.A.-Bachelor of Arts 989660 661839 1651499 130435 87552 217987
30 B.Com.-Bachelor of Commerce 297522 167285 464807 21190 12866 34056
31 B.Sc.-Bachelor of Science 147548 74580 222128 14900 8726 23626

32 B.C.A.-Bachelor of Computer Applications 54175 15886 70061 6654 2186 8840

33 B.B.A.-Bachelor of Business Administration 31977 16060 48037 2896 1678 4574

34 B.A.(Hons)-Bachelor of Arts (Honors) 21419 22180 43599 1136 987 2123
35 B.Ed.-Bachelor of Education 12965 14105 27070 1849 1742 3591
B.Lib.I.Sc.-Bachelor of Library &
36 9962 9774 19736 1084 790 1874
Information Science
37 B.Litt.-Bachelor of Literature 4059 11644 15703 1089 2918 4007
38 B.S.W.-Bachelor of Social Work 4349 2987 7336 955 753 1708
39 B.Lib.Sc.-Bachelor of Library Science 1489 1653 3142 289 218 507
B.J.M.C.-Bachelor of Journalism and Mass
40 1990 621 2611 901 226 1127


AISHE 2017-18
Table 11(a). Programme-wise Enrolment - Distance Mode(based on actual response)
Sl. No. State/UTs
Male Female Total Male Female Total
1 2 9 10 11 12 13 14
1 M.A.-Master of Arts 23404 18829 42233 87462 94945 182407
2 M.Com.-Master of Commerce 2098 1377 3475 16903 18632 35535
3 M.B.A.- Master of Business Administration 650 380 1030 25576 16804 42380

4 M.Sc.-Master of Science 2049 1985 4034 27969 23232 51201

5 M.C.A. -Master of Computer Applications 217 116 333 4594 3440 8034

6 M.S.W.-Master of Social Work 494 464 958 1355 952 2307

7 M.Lib.Sc. -Master of Library Science 44 28 72 460 561 1021
8 L.L.M.-Master of Law or Laws 41 13 54 490 213 703
9 M.S.-Master of Science 58 20 78 215 83 298
M.L.I.Sc.-Master of Library & Information
10 37 31 68 262 224 486
11 M.M.C.-Master in Mass Communication 3 3 21 15 36
12 Acharya-Acharya 22 9 31 149 235 384
13 M.J.-Master of Journalism 20 27 47 207 150 357
14 M.F.A. -Master of Fine Arts 17 86 103
M.J.M.C.-Master of Journalism and Mass
15 2 2 4 98 42 140
M.H.R.D. -Master of Human Resource
16 6 4 10 50 44 94
P.G.P.-Post-Graduate Programme in
17 1 1 23 2 25
M.B.A.(Tech.)-Master of Business
18 2 1 3 13 8 21
Administration in Technology
P.G.D.M.-Post-Graduate Diploma in
19 2 17 19 7 4 11
20 M.L. -Master of Laws 21 11 32
21 M.P.H. -Master of Public Health 3 3 22 10 32
22 M.H.A. -Master of Hospital Administration
M.Litt.-Master of Literature or Master of
24 M.Tech. -Master of Technology 1 1
25 M.Mus. -Master of Music 2 2
26 M.Ed. -Master of Education
M.Sc. Tech. -Master of Science in
28 M.F.M. -Master of Financial Management
29 B.A.-Bachelor of Arts 62327 39548 101875 271720 169600 441320
30 B.Com.-Bachelor of Commerce 4174 2132 6306 61333 40315 101648
31 B.Sc.-Bachelor of Science 7470 4022 11492 42877 28561 71438

32 B.C.A.-Bachelor of Computer Applications 1724 709 2433 10640 4590 15230

33 B.B.A.-Bachelor of Business Administration 215 255 470 9337 6408 15745

34 B.A.(Hons)-Bachelor of Arts (Honors) 320 165 485 3611 1594 5205
35 B.Ed.-Bachelor of Education 1125 693 1818 4691 6230 10921
B.Lib.I.Sc.-Bachelor of Library &
36 452 431 883 3313 3199 6512
Information Science
37 B.Litt.-Bachelor of Literature 54 62 116 2713 7943 10656
38 B.S.W.-Bachelor of Social Work 595 484 1079 655 395 1050
39 B.Lib.Sc.-Bachelor of Library Science 171 96 267 463 834 1297
B.J.M.C.-Bachelor of Journalism and Mass
40 7 7 174 36 210


AISHE 2017-18
Table 11(a). Programme-wise Enrolment - Distance Mode(based on actual response)
Sl. No. State/UTs
Male Female Total Male Female Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

41 B.Sc.(Hons)-Bachelor of Science (Honors) 1652 670 2322 93 41 134

42 L.L.B.-Bachelor of Law or Laws 1326 489 1815 175 61 236
B.Sc.(Nursing)-Bachelor of Science in
43 576 821 1397 77 137 214
44 B.H.M.-Bachelor of Hotel Management 847 52 899 61 2 63

45 B.Optom.-Bachelor of Clinical Optometry 514 283 797 13 13 26

46 B.B.M.-Bachelor of Business Management 383 235 618 44 35 79

47 B.Architecture-Bachelor of Architecture 342 180 522 3 3

48 Shastri-Shastri 282 152 434 24 24 48
49 B.Des.-Bachelor of Design 189 154 343 1 1
50 B.F.A.-Bachelor of Fine Arts 72 263 335 15 18 33
B.H.M.T.T.-Bachelor of Hotel
51 189 10 199 1 1
Management, Travel and Tourism
52 B.M.M.-Bachelor of Multi Media 126 63 189 10 1 11

53 B.M.S.-Bachelor of Management Studies 108 70 178 10 4 14

54 B.Agri.-Bachelor of Agriculture 117 18 135
B.Nat.(Yogic Sciences)-Bachelor of
55 87 29 116 8 8
Naturopathy and Yogic Sciences
56 B.Mus.-Bachelor of Music 51 52 103 7 8 15
57 B.Dance-Bachelor of Dance 6 74 80 3 5 8
58 B.Tech.-Bachelor of Technology 17 17
59 B.O.T.-Bachelor of Occupational Therapy 10 3 13 4 4

B.N.Y.S.-Bachelor of Naturopathy and

60 13 13
Yogic Sciences
61 B.J.-Bachelor of Journalism 2 2
62 Shiksha Visharad-Shiksha Visharad
63 PG Diploma-Post Graduate Diploma 51903 38823 90726 5970 4136 10106

64 Diploma-Diploma 58567 38752 97319 6816 4212 11028

65 D.Ed.-Diploma in Education 8815 6991 15806 954 745 1699

66 D.Voc.-Diploma in Vocational Education 249 340 589 120 223 343
67 A.N.M.-Auxiliary Nurse & Midwife 8 176 184 68 68
68 G.N.M.-General Nursing & Midwifery 3 20 23 2 13 15
69 D.Pharma-Diploma in Pharmacy
70 Certificate-Certificate 24163 37770 61933 3617 4239 7856
Integrated M.B.A.-Integrated Master of
71 176 69 245 28 8 36
Business Administration
Integrated M.C.A.-Integrated Master of
72 2 4 6
Computer Applications
All India 2340816 1690778 4031594 261907 191592 453499


AISHE 2017-18
Table 11(a). Programme-wise Enrolment - Distance Mode(based on actual response)
Sl. No. State/UTs
Male Female Total Male Female Total
1 2 9 10 11 12 13 14

41 B.Sc.(Hons)-Bachelor of Science (Honors) 34 14 48 843 321 1164

42 L.L.B.-Bachelor of Law or Laws 6 2 8 679 231 910
B.Sc.(Nursing)-Bachelor of Science in
43 35 72 107 245 290 535
44 B.H.M.-Bachelor of Hotel Management 5 1 6 100 9 109

45 B.Optom.-Bachelor of Clinical Optometry 8 7 15 104 54 158

46 B.B.M.-Bachelor of Business Management 19 16 35 129 79 208

47 B.Architecture-Bachelor of Architecture 1 1 28 13 41
48 Shastri-Shastri 1 2 3 37 33 70
49 B.Des.-Bachelor of Design 1 1 5 11 16
50 B.F.A.-Bachelor of Fine Arts 29 120 149
B.H.M.T.T.-Bachelor of Hotel
51 1 1
Management, Travel and Tourism
52 B.M.M.-Bachelor of Multi Media 1 1 2 3 1 4

53 B.M.S.-Bachelor of Management Studies 1 1 2 11 9 20

54 B.Agri.-Bachelor of Agriculture
B.Nat.(Yogic Sciences)-Bachelor of
55 1 1 23 3 26
Naturopathy and Yogic Sciences
56 B.Mus.-Bachelor of Music 1 1 28 26 54
57 B.Dance-Bachelor of Dance 2 33 35
58 B.Tech.-Bachelor of Technology 1 1
59 B.O.T.-Bachelor of Occupational Therapy

B.N.Y.S.-Bachelor of Naturopathy and

Yogic Sciences
61 B.J.-Bachelor of Journalism 1 1
62 Shiksha Visharad-Shiksha Visharad
63 PG Diploma-Post Graduate Diploma 3025 2845 5870 16072 12846 28918

64 Diploma-Diploma 8497 6618 15115 21623 12066 33689

65 D.Ed.-Diploma in Education 1880 1217 3097 2005 1899 3904

66 D.Voc.-Diploma in Vocational Education 62 2 64 11 2 13
67 A.N.M.-Auxiliary Nurse & Midwife 8 64 72
68 G.N.M.-General Nursing & Midwifery 3 3
69 D.Pharma-Diploma in Pharmacy
70 Certificate-Certificate 1732 1535 3267 10839 19490 30329
Integrated M.B.A.-Integrated Master of
71 5 5 121 55 176
Business Administration
Integrated M.C.A.-Integrated Master of
72 1 1 2
Computer Applications
All India 123099 84236 207335 630391 477059 1107450


AISHE 2017-18
Table 12. Enrolment at Under Graduate Level in Major Disciplines/ Subjects (based on actual response)
Discipline Male Female Total
Arts 4489810 5016261 9506071
Science 2491325 2360456 4851781
Mechanical Engineering 839220 42323 881543
Computer Engineering 483814 352460 836274
Electronics Engineering 364771 291438 656209
Civil Engineering 471404 124396 595800
Electrical Engineering 304009 114631 418640
Other Engineering & Technology 170460 71555 242015
Information Technology 105120 79636 184756
Architecture 37869 41253 79122
Engineering & Technology Chemical Engineering 38652 12699 51351
Agriculture Engineering 13258 6740 19998
Aeronautical Engineering 13329 3742 17071
Food Technology 7155 4940 12095
Metallurgical Engineering 7205 2243 9448
Mining Engineering 7672 163 7835
Marine Engineering 3244 132 3376
Dairy Technology 2050 860 2910
Planning 516 420 936
Engineering & Technology Total 2869748 1149631 4019379
Commerce 2105916 1907982 4013898
Education 442298 808153 1250451
Nursing 54577 207571 262148
General Medicine 119973 121628 241601
Pharmacy 131101 107707 238808
Dentistry 26227 67539 93766
Ayurveda 26895 39606 66501
Physiotherapy 18299 40950 59249
Medical Science 20990 37255 58245
Homeopathy 18832 31653 50485
Medical Science
Unani 3320 3461 6781
Ophthalmology 2361 3402 5763
Occupational Therapy 967 2264 3231
Other Medical Science 1257 1831 3088
Pathology 694 2171 2865
Hospital Administration 1073 1622 2695
Medical Management 696 1937 2633
General Surgery 416 1439 1855
Medical Science Total 427678 672036 1099714
Social Science 405584 416725 822309
IT & Computer 425399 303205 728604
Management 369146 228566 597712
Law 250269 124010 374279
Indian Language 102202 172686 274888
Agriculture 168110 64763 232873
Foreign Language 58717 74342 133059


AISHE 2017-18
Table 12. Enrolment at Under Graduate Level in Major Disciplines/ Subjects (based on actual response)
Discipline Male Female Total
Oriental Learning 46747 39800 86547
Home Science 10370 59381 69751
Area Studies 31662 32510 64172
Social Work 31440 28679 60119
Physical Education 32744 14252 46996
Fine Arts 21434 22104 43538
Library & Information Science 17098 17550 34648
Journalism & Mass Communication 13892 11427 25319
Linguistics 5517 15728 21245
Design 5954 14153 20107
Fashion Technology 4099 14820 18919
Veterinary & Animal Sciences 11346 6701 18047
Cultural Studies 4646 5241 9887
Religious Studies 3175 2844 6019
Fisheries Science 2406 1748 4154
Women Studies 1992 1460 3452
Defence Studies 926 651 1577
Criminology & Forensic Science 281 458 739
Marine Science / Oceanography 535 102 637
Gandhian Studies 108 311 419
Grand Total 14852574 13588736 28441310


AISHE 2017-18
Table 13. Enrolment at Ph.D.,M.Phil. & P.G Level in Major Disciplines/Subjects
(based on actual response)
Ph.D. M.Phil. Post Graduate
Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
Agriculture 2905 1974 4879 13 14 27 14845 7923 22768
Horticulture 257 238 495 6 4 10 1917 1142 3059
Forestry 136 81 217 9 7 16 466 274 740
Sericulture 8 13 21 22 25 47
Agriculture Total 3306 2306 5612 28 25 53 17250 9364 26614
Area Studies 1407 1202 2609 616 1024 1640 42600 65765 108365
Commerce 2096 2397 4493 909 1893 2802 188829 270470 459299
Foreign Trade 1 1 2 38 16 54
Commerce Total 2096 2397 4493 910 1894 2804 188867 270486 459353
Criminology & Forensic Science 9 9 18 2 1 3 260 274 534
Cultural Studies 159 209 368 68 148 216 3838 8361 12199
Defence Studies 55 4 59 136 6 142 1710 646 2356
Design 96 51 147 2 2 1144 1009 2153
Interior Design 239 753 992
Design Total 96 51 147 2 2 1383 1762 3145
Disability Studies 1 1 2 1 17 18 113 170 283
Education 3759 3543 7302 544 943 1487 76947 125217 202164
Civil Engineering 2542 956 3498 25405 10562 35967
Computer Engineering 3133 2102 5235 14222 19455 33677
Mechanical Engineering 4871 478 5349 28454 3203 31657
Electronics Engineering 2837 1537 4374 14033 16772 30805
Other Engineering &
8154 4745 12899 10 36 46 16720 8109 24829
Electrical Engineering 2742 942 3684 13707 7467 21174
Information Technology 189 146 335 7 7 1358 1725 3083
Chemical Engineering 886 464 1350 1726 1058 2784
Architecture 163 152 315 1162 1439 2601
Engineering & Technology Agriculture Engineering 183 93 276 965 631 1596
Metallurgical Engineering 545 148 693 1173 189 1362
Food Technology 85 120 205 406 566 972
Planning 2 4 6 452 429 881
Aeronautical Engineering 306 37 343 447 181 628
Urban Planning 149 199 348
Mining Engineering 128 12 140 234 16 250
Marine Engineering 109 19 128
Dairy Technology 10 2 12 56 38 94
Transportation Planning 20 17 37
Engineering & Technology Total 26776 11938 38714 10 43 53 120798 72075 192873
Fashion Technology 29 46 75 1 7 8 180 1662 1842
Fine Arts 160 157 317 105 161 266 1321 1371 2692
Performing Arts 83 82 165 32 39 71 1146 1346 2492
Fine Arts
Music 76 115 191 22 16 38 525 841 1366
Visual Arts 22 10 32 19 22 41 674 531 1205
Fine Arts Total 341 364 705 178 238 416 3666 4089 7755
Fisheries Science 119 101 220 567 629 1196
English 1223 1887 3110 707 2098 2805 75631 127956 203587
Other Foreign Languages 511 125 636 178 79 257 2806 1973 4779
Foreign Language French 34 33 67 5 13 18 184 207 391
German 10 15 25 9 4 13 63 130 193
Spanish 31 20 51 9 13 22 39 48 87
Foreign Language Total 1809 2080 3889 908 2207 3115 78723 130314 209037
Gandhian Studies 43 35 78 33 18 51 261 535 796
Home Science 87 680 767 4 49 53 712 8214 8926
Home Science Nutrition 20 22 42 4 4 96 1210 1306
Food Technology 9 19 28 1 1 2 169 750 919
Home Science Total 116 721 837 5 54 59 977 10174 11151
Hindi 1174 1096 2270 297 419 716 47457 81983 129440
Other Indian Languages 462 416 878 202 278 480 28803 45108 73911
Bengali 160 74 234 150 69 219 15724 19514 35238
Indian Language Sanskrit 529 442 971 215 261 476 10398 16488 26886
Urdu 566 246 812 169 97 266 9292 13757 23049
Tamil 310 597 907 394 1133 1527 3450 8771 12221


AISHE 2017-18
Table 13. Enrolment at Ph.D.,M.Phil. & P.G Level in Major Disciplines/Subjects
(based on actual response)
Ph.D. M.Phil. Post Graduate
Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
Telugu 247 102 349 41 29 70 4586 6666 11252
Punjabi 248 256 504 108 149 257 1955 4402 6357
Indian Language Kannada 431 212 643 17 9 26 2738 2886 5624
Malayalam 64 169 233 21 42 63 690 1755 2445
Odiya 21 28 49 21 72 93 456 1385 1841
Indian Language Total 4212 3638 7850 1635 2558 4193 125549 202715 328264
Computer Application 337 317 654 55 100 155 91525 74719 166244
Computer Science 717 887 1604 314 1151 1465 11202 21731 32933
IT & Computer Information Technology 149 108 257 7 17 24 5223 6270 11493
Animation 46 7 53
Multi Media 14 3 17
IT & Computer Total 1203 1312 2515 376 1268 1644 108010 102730 210740
Journalism & Mass Communication 425 287 712 97 85 182 8992 8113 17105
Law 989 979 1968 29 29 58 11436 9237 20673
Constitutional Law 378 165 543
Law International Law 189 118 307
Civil Law 24 25 49
Cyber Crime 1 1
Law Total 989 979 1968 29 29 58 12028 9545 21573
Library & Information Science 446 287 733 92 88 180 4879 5311 10190
Linguistics 524 496 1020 197 356 553 60 256 316
Business Administration 1867 2002 3869 109 173 282 355178 227847 583025
Business Management 1590 1362 2952 71 116 187 13605 7765 21370
Other Management 965 654 1619 9 18 27 3505 2266 5771
Technology 14 3 17 2877 1638 4515
Financial Management 97 31 128 9 5 14 1647 996 2643
Human Resource
55 58 113 16 12 28 1152 1336 2488
Marketing Management 325 253 578 10 8 18 1699 722 2421
Hospital Administration 4 6 10 1 1 857 980 1837

Agri-Business Management 7 2 9 1201 284 1485

International Business 24 27 51 475 364 839

Pharmaceutical Technology 1 1 2 227 312 539

Tourism Management 76 17 93 33 15 48
Hotel Management 27 10 37 30 3 33
Management Total 5052 4426 9478 224 333 557 382486 244528 627014
Marine Science / Oceanography 169 185 354 4 20 24 306 331 637
Pharmacy 1473 1050 2523 22180 33283 55463
Dentistry 200 171 371 5253 8932 14185
Nursing 80 349 429 8 22 30 2237 9225 11462
General Medicine 95 61 156 56 48 104 5720 3225 8945
Ayurveda 105 97 202 3589 4747 8336
Other Medical Science 525 656 1181 23 81 104 4167 3187 7354
General Surgery 8 3 11 3749 1093 4842
Physiotherapy 92 65 157 1692 3088 4780

Medical Science Anesthesiology 30 15 45 1688 1359 3047

Homeopathy 27 19 46 1117 1824 2941
Gynaecology 3 11 14 451 2170 2621
Pediatrics 90 43 133 1369 1147 2516
Pathology 6 4 10 740 1590 2330
Orthopaedics 22 2 24 1808 74 1882
Ophthalmology 5 12 17 661 1020 1681
Radiology 27 6 33 949 577 1526
Public Health 11 27 38 615 629 1244
Medical Science 278 873 1151


AISHE 2017-18
Table 13. Enrolment at Ph.D.,M.Phil. & P.G Level in Major Disciplines/Subjects
(based on actual response)
Ph.D. M.Phil. Post Graduate
Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
ENT 4 2 6 542 549 1091
Microbiology 43 49 92 296 771 1067
Dermatology 4 2 6 340 596 936
Psychiatry 12 12 24 8 37 45 410 360 770
Bio-Chemistry 114 49 163 231 395 626
Physiology 58 52 110 2 20 22 235 351 586
Anatomy 48 44 92 181 263 444
Radiothrapy 3 3 235 178 413
Indian Medicine 3 9 12 107 222 329
Bio-Technology 39 47 86 67 210 277
Forensic Medicine/Toxicology 3 5 8 182 63 245
Occupational Therapy 1 2 3 76 141 217
Gastroenterology 125 13 138 118 53 171
Medical Science Unani 70 79 149
Lab Medicine 9 19 28 57 82 139
Cardiology 169 29 198 113 12 125
Oncology 83 25 108 65 44 109
Neurology 192 35 227 67 26 93
Bio-Physics 21 17 38 68 19 87
Medical Physics 4 2 6 2 25 27 49 38 87
Nuclear Medicine 3 5 8 61 25 86
Haematology 20 7 27 38 38 76
Urology 94 2 96 64 1 65
Nephrology 55 11 66 45 9 54
Medical Management 22 27 49
Hospital Administration 24 15 39
Plastic Surgery 41 8 49 20 3 23
Endocrinology 50 29 79 20 3 23
Bio-Statistics 3 1 4 6 3 9
Hepatology 18 1 19 3 3
Medical Science Total 4018 3068 7086 99 233 332 62075 82619 144694
Oriental Learning 464 265 729 149 102 251 16812 12065 28877
Oriental Learning Veda 44 4 48 10 14 24 381 322 703
Jyotisha 17 5 22 15 6 21 362 109 471
Oriental Learning Total 525 274 799 174 122 296 17555 12496 30051
Physical Education 769 251 1020 257 83 340 5799 2084 7883
Physical Education
Yoga 21 12 33 5 5 1 1 2
Physical Education Total 790 263 1053 257 88 345 5800 2085 7885
Religious Studies 426 223 649 97 55 152 2572 1852 4424
Mathematics 2143 1751 3894 674 2081 2755 62698 92541 155239
Chemistry 4479 3083 7562 323 827 1150 53684 72121 125805
Physics 3805 2127 5932 421 878 1299 31695 43419 75114
Other Science 5232 4162 9394 235 658 893 27778 39305 67083
Zoology 886 1151 2037 147 419 566 15717 35955 51672
Botany 970 1358 2328 164 343 507 12765 31202 43967
Bio-Technology 961 1286 2247 47 120 167 5360 13257 18617
Microbiology 291 418 709 32 122 154 4671 13104 17775
Statistics 331 257 588 47 64 111 3820 5460 9280
Life Science 683 786 1469 57 92 149 2880 6112 8992
Bio-Chemistry 375 429 804 28 117 145 2118 5680 7798
Environmental Science 474 512 986 63 145 208 2842 3924 6766
Geology 524 271 795 31 35 66 3978 2303 6281
Bio-Science 1224 1149 2373 14 23 37 1384 3215 4599
Electronics 218 162 380 15 14 29 2331 2027 4358
Geo-Physics 54 22 76 755 525 1280
Genetics 65 105 170 13 11 24 326 766 1092
Science 44 56 100
Science Total 22759 19085 41844 2311 5949 8260 234802 370916 605718
Political Science 1186 734 1920 385 409 794 76320 72210 148530
Sociology 869 1010 1879 209 299 508 56684 87164 143848
History 1559 1160 2719 674 766 1440 74046 68798 142844
Social Science Economics 1575 1415 2990 418 721 1139 42747 54876 97623
Other Social Science 2175 2028 4203 578 712 1290 34876 54511 89387
Geography 855 506 1361 193 139 332 24311 24782 49093


AISHE 2017-18
Table 13. Enrolment at Ph.D.,M.Phil. & P.G Level in Major Disciplines/Subjects
(based on actual response)
Ph.D. M.Phil. Post Graduate
Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
Psychology 331 772 1103 113 322 435 14652 23268 37920
Public Administration 162 113 275 99 92 191 13955 6913 20868
Philosophy 963 654 1617 150 109 259 5846 6206 12052
Social Science Anthropology 109 110 219 30 40 70 1416 1499 2915
Mathematics 5 14 19 1211 994 2205
Statistics 2 2 4 55 83 138
Population Studies 32 25 57 41 25 66 24 18 42
Social Science Total 9823 8543 18366 2890 3634 6524 346143 401322 747465
Social Work 375 292 667 339 302 641 24176 22824 47000
Veterinary & Animal Sciences 664 404 1068 1951 1326 3277
Veterinary & Animal Sciences
Dairy Science 5 5 48 5 53
Veterinary & Animal Sciences Total 669 404 1073 1999 1331 3330
Women Studies 44 73 117 26 75 101 676 12540 13216
Grand Total 92570 68842 161412 12287 21822 34109 1876248 2183037 4059285


AISHE 2017-18
Table 14. Estimated State-wise Enrolment in various social categories
Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Andaman and
1 5241 5359 10600 57 21 78 216 285 501 1408 1310 2718
Nicobar Islands
2 Andhra Pradesh 946798 750484 1697282 147563 126139 273702 39229 34426 73655 406437 302093 708530

3 Arunachal Pradesh 25213 22251 47464 432 246 678 18685 17389 36074 888 648 1536

4 Assam 336939 341405 678344 28384 26170 54554 49517 48090 97607 86073 88615 174688

5 Bihar 872270 642325 1514595 99725 60529 160254 13046 8495 21541 383787 278682 662469

6 Chandigarh 54059 51771 105829 6500 5441 11941 1021 897 1918 3397 1928 5325

7 Chhattisgarh 287143 287718 574861 39314 36225 75539 48834 54855 103689 123942 120898 244840
Dadra and Nagar
8 2850 2926 5776 93 123 216 686 754 1440 230 325 555
9 Daman and Diu 1808 1282 3090 112 109 221 129 158 287 527 401 928

10 Delhi 565089 499317 1064406 73096 63859 136955 10757 8415 19172 84506 55337 139843

11 Goa 24743 24898 49641 516 472 988 1853 2227 4080 4110 4743 8853

12 Gujarat 827611 625644 1453255 77992 59352 137344 66613 66140 132753 252999 176635 429634

13 Haryana 467389 446054 913443 66207 59574 125781 1362 716 2078 102544 99574 202118

14 Himachal Pradesh 128336 147372 275708 24387 28000 52387 7786 8574 16360 16181 21333 37514

15 Jammu and Kashmir 177022 182208 359230 8211 9478 17689 11301 10388 21689 13422 10913 24335

16 Jharkhand 354095 334627 688722 34798 28117 62915 56591 66328 122919 137621 124427 262048

17 Karnataka 971393 972463 1943856 126417 120364 246781 46088 43257 89345 462696 474798 937494

18 Kerala 480178 602739 1082917 24246 43518 67764 3986 6103 10089 183691 263978 447669

19 Lakshadweep 116 436 552 56 182 238

20 Madhya Pradesh 1023418 862060 1885479 159632 124154 283786 96286 84612 180898 396788 336461 733249

21 Maharashtra 2271078 1860679 4131757 271757 231526 503283 108166 76829 184995 675138 545036 1220174

22 Manipur 51271 53409 104680 3523 3115 6638 17636 16100 33736 16747 19740 36487

23 Meghalaya 40428 43394 83822 568 376 944 25989 30948 56937 2292 1337 3629

24 Mizoram 15861 13634 29495 130 61 191 14885 13149 28034 326 146 472

25 Nagaland 22118 21439 43557 229 181 410 17624 19035 36659 427 281 708

26 Odisha 549575 466202 1015777 88490 64545 153035 68567 56400 124967 108119 95617 203736

27 Puducherry 36094 36967 73061 4516 4557 9073 659 393 1052 19640 22816 42456

28 Punjab 479106 480430 959536 111852 115122 226974 4127 2152 6279 51690 49200 100890

29 Rajasthan 1054511 881693 1936204 157680 124975 282655 113959 97354 211313 399405 365738 765143

30 Sikkim 13588 15413 29000 683 528 1211 3776 5058 8834 3362 3653 7015

31 Tamil Nadu 1739315 1701630 3440945 320758 333042 653800 17983 14685 32668 1028743 1047790 2076533

32 Telangana 735333 683974 1419307 98460 105291 203751 57272 48788 106060 303989 292255 596244

33 Tripura 50247 41435 91681 8319 6627 14946 10813 8741 19554 8375 6190 14565

34 Uttar Pradesh 3308314 3147061 6455375 564918 521644 1086562 24251 21085 45336 1206321 1158172 2364493

35 Uttarakhand 224608 212543 437150 30944 29558 60502 8008 8139 16147 41279 34375 75654

36 West Bengal 1061520 974461 2035981 194424 172389 366813 34232 30728 64960 161568 138892 300460

All India 19204675 17437703 36642378 2774933 2505428 5280361 1001989 911875 1913864 6688668 6144337 12833005


AISHE 2017-18
Table 15. State-wise Enrolment in PWD and Minority Community
Sl. Persons with Disability Muslim Other Minority Communities
Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Andaman and
1 15 10 25 207 323 530 416 678 1094
Nicobar Islands
2 Andhra Pradesh 1832 1374 3206 32307 23793 56100 2939 3530 6469

3 Arunachal Pradesh 26 13 39 70 50 120 1409 1358 2767

4 Assam 528 354 882 45324 42480 87804 4268 4394 8662

5 Bihar 1596 589 2185 74955 67841 142796 908 847 1755

6 Chandigarh 78 49 127 270 214 484 2448 2503 4951

7 Chhattisgarh 284 171 455 2233 2849 5082 1800 3011 4811
Dadra and Nagar
8 4 5 9 27 31 58 21 45 66
9 Daman and Diu 1 1 89 73 162 10 10 20

10 Delhi 4714 3255 7969 15982 7600 23582 4869 5595 10464

11 Goa 35 25 60 1038 1118 2156 3169 4891 8060

12 Gujarat 1081 744 1825 19839 15556 35395 5550 4544 10094

13 Haryana 419 350 769 5702 1905 7607 5967 6437 12404

14 Himachal Pradesh 213 77 290 913 489 1402 553 1190 1743

15 Jammu and Kashmir 286 180 466 72401 69561 141962 2325 3568 5893

16 Jharkhand 500 252 752 18085 18702 36787 5050 7315 12365

17 Karnataka 2098 1510 3608 61778 57689 119467 30409 40700 71109

18 Kerala 1388 1356 2744 63875 85316 149191 48606 68548 117154

19 Lakshadweep 56 182 238

20 Madhya Pradesh 1781 1099 2880 22406 17062 39468 7038 8692 15730

21 Maharashtra 4935 2971 7906 79997 71393 151390 39357 42592 81949

22 Manipur 67 32 99 2548 2336 4884 3046 3126 6172

23 Meghalaya 35 30 65 891 588 1479 10951 12522 23473

24 Mizoram 14 14 28 58 10 68 11861 11377 23238

25 Nagaland 7 6 13 103 112 215 6551 7988 14539

26 Odisha 967 600 1567 5862 5236 11098 1645 1786 3431

27 Puducherry 122 83 205 1395 1060 2455 904 1794 2698

28 Punjab 499 335 834 6106 2324 8430 62604 82694 145298

29 Rajasthan 2528 2496 5024 22280 16276 38556 7776 10198 17974

30 Sikkim 6 1 7 70 36 106 258 709 967

31 Tamil Nadu 3356 2466 5822 68582 49215 117797 64975 82103 147078

32 Telangana 1617 1054 2671 58234 51006 109240 4286 5580 9866

33 Tripura 124 36 160 1052 840 1892 555 388 943

34 Uttar Pradesh 8531 8106 16637 135983 162990 298973 9186 9371 18557

35 Uttarakhand 304 96 400 5670 4230 9900 1404 1455 2859

36 West Bengal 2640 1947 4587 113100 117635 230735 5996 6978 12974

All India 42630 31687 74317 939488 898121 1837609 359110 448517 807627


AISHE 2017-18
Table 16. Country-wise & Level-wise Foreign Students(based on actual response)
Sl. No. Ph.D. M.Phil. Post Graduate
Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
1 NEPAL 39 11 50 924 433 1357
2 AFGHANISTAN 27 1 28 1058 136 1194
3 SUDAN 8 4 12 200 20 220
4 BHUTAN 18 18 72 29 101
5 NIGERIA 57 10 67 1 1 152 49 201
6 BANGLADESH 31 7 38 1 1 139 66 205
7 IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF 86 94 180 2 2 191 237 428
8 YEMEN 173 29 202 1 1 2 210 43 253
9 UNITED STATES 14 8 22 17 31 48
10 SRI LANKA 19 15 34 1 1 64 76 140
11 MALAYSIA 1 1 4 2 6
12 UNITED ARAB EMIRATES 1 2 3 38 45 83
13 12 3 15 67 51 118
14 ETHIOPIA 205 10 215 166 29 195
15 CONGO 17 13 30
16 TIBETAN REFUGEES 2 2 1 2 3 58 62 120
17 IRAQ 34 5 39 1 1 229 51 280
18 KENYA 11 3 14 138 39 177
19 ZAMBIA 1 1 10 6 16
20 SOMALIA 1 1 32 14 46
21 THAILAND 43 15 58 4 1 5 69 39 108
22 SAUDI ARABIA 1 5 6 20 11 31
24 KUWAIT 33 20 53
25 BAHRAIN 7 1 8 14 11 25
26 ZIMBABWE 1 1 26 9 35
27 MYANMAR 57 4 61 16 16 87 11 98
28 OMAN 2 8 10 17 16 33
29 CANADA 2 3 5 12 7 19
30 RWANDA 11 3 14 71 32 103
31 VIET NAM 41 36 77 12 11 23 47 57 104
32 UGANDA 2 1 3 31 10 41
33 QATAR 3 7 10
34 SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC 18 9 27 18 9 27
35 MAURITIUS 2 5 7 1 1 5 22 27
36 2 2 12 5 17
37 SOUTH AFRICA 3 3 6 13 19
38 MALDIVES 12 20 32
39 SWITZERLAND 1 1 1 1
40 MOZAMBIQUE 2 2 13 6 19
41 CHINA 3 1 4 1 1 30 23 53
42 UNITED KINGDOM 3 2 5 6 4 10
43 KOREA, REPUBLIC OF 3 3 10 13 23
44 LIBYAN ARAB JAMAHIRIYA 71 18 89 35 6 41
45 GHANA 14 5 19 27 10 37
46 CÔTE D'IVOIRE 3 3 11 3 14
47 INDONESIA 4 2 6 17 15 32
48 SINGAPORE 7 10 17
49 ANGOLA 3 1 4
50 MALI 11 2 13
51 CAMEROON 2 2 19 6 25
52 FRANCE 10 9 19 20 21 41
53 ERITREA 2 2 5 5
54 TURKMENISTAN 1 1 9 13 22
55 MALAWI 19 10 29
56 JORDAN 57 6 63 24 24
57 EGYPT 10 5 15 5 7 12
58 BURUNDI 2 1 3 2 2 18 5 23
59 COMOROS 7 4 11
60 NAMIBIA 2 2 13 28 41


AISHE 2017-18
Table 16. Country-wise & Level-wise Foreign Students(based on actual response)
Sl. No. Under Graduate PG Diploma Diploma
Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
1 2 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
1 NEPAL 6547 2644 9191 9 6 15 712 87 799
2 AFGHANISTAN 2743 347 3090 2 2 4 3 7
3 SUDAN 1835 136 1971 2 2
4 BHUTAN 933 760 1693 4 4 54 22 76
5 NIGERIA 1034 529 1563 2 1 3 6 5 11
6 BANGLADESH 1009 276 1285 5 1 6 6 3 9
7 IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF 530 402 932 1 2 3 1 5 6
8 YEMEN 928 49 977 9 2 11
9 UNITED STATES 575 685 1260 2 1 3 8 6 14
10 SRI LANKA 437 595 1032 1 3 4 20 5 25
11 MALAYSIA 451 770 1221 1 1 2 2 4
12 UNITED ARAB EMIRATES 540 487 1027 1 1 5 5
13 271 262 533 6 6 31 37 68
14 ETHIOPIA 166 102 268 1 1
15 CONGO 478 121 599 1 1 2 2 4
16 TIBETAN REFUGEES 195 233 428 10 10
17 IRAQ 176 41 217
18 KENYA 224 98 322 4 4 6 2 8
19 ZAMBIA 261 214 475 1 1 3 4 7
20 SOMALIA 329 79 408
21 THAILAND 130 108 238 4 2 6
22 SAUDI ARABIA 256 107 363 1 1
23 ICELAND 48 353 401
24 KUWAIT 174 149 323 2 2 1 1
25 BAHRAIN 274 60 334 2 2
26 ZIMBABWE 139 149 288 3 2 5
27 MYANMAR 65 18 83 5 1 6 28 28
28 OMAN 156 111 267
29 CANADA 117 130 247
30 RWANDA 92 53 145 2 2 3 4 7
31 VIET NAM 19 21 40 1 1
32 UGANDA 134 73 207 1 1 2 2 2 4
33 QATAR 140 98 238
34 SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC 174 12 186 1 1
35 MAURITIUS 88 111 199 2 2 3 3
36 132 86 218 1 1
37 SOUTH AFRICA 83 87 170 1 1 2 2
38 MALDIVES 53 88 141 14 14
39 SWITZERLAND 170 5 175
40 MOZAMBIQUE 82 60 142 1 1 2 4 4
41 CHINA 77 33 110 1 1 2 1 3
42 UNITED KINGDOM 58 63 121 2 2
43 KOREA, REPUBLIC OF 66 46 112 5 1 6
45 GHANA 50 15 65 1 1 2 7 7 14
46 CÔTE D'IVOIRE 96 26 122
47 INDONESIA 49 39 88
48 SINGAPORE 30 76 106
49 ANGOLA 89 27 116
50 MALI 64 35 99 4 4
51 CAMEROON 57 22 79 1 1
52 FRANCE 26 15 41 3 3 1 1
53 ERITREA 61 35 96 1 1
54 TURKMENISTAN 38 39 77
55 MALAWI 36 29 65 2 2
56 JORDAN 9 3 12
57 EGYPT 54 10 64
58 BURUNDI 25 33 58 1 1 2
59 COMOROS 41 34 75
60 NAMIBIA 14 22 36 1 1


AISHE 2017-18
Table 16. Country-wise & Level-wise Foreign Students(based on actual response)
Sl. No. Certificate Integrated Grand Total
Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
1 2 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
1 NEPAL 5 2 7 52 50 102 8288 3233 11521
2 AFGHANISTAN 40 40 16 1 17 3890 488 4378
3 SUDAN 9 6 15 2054 166 2220
4 BHUTAN 5 1 6 58 43 101 1144 855 1999
5 NIGERIA 1 3 4 7 9 16 1259 607 1866
6 BANGLADESH 4 3 7 9 6 15 1203 363 1566
7 IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF 6 6 1 1 812 746 1558
8 YEMEN 20 1 21 5 5 1346 125 1471
9 UNITED STATES 34 37 71 650 768 1418
10 SRI LANKA 4 4 4 4 8 549 699 1248
11 MALAYSIA 1 1 1 1 459 776 1235
12 UNITED ARAB EMIRATES 2 2 586 535 1121
13 1 1 2 9 11 390 362 752
14 ETHIOPIA 1 1 2 539 142 681
15 CONGO 3 1 4 500 138 638
16 TIBETAN REFUGEES 15 5 20 271 312 583
17 IRAQ 1 1 2 3 3 444 98 542
18 KENYA 4 1 5 387 143 530
19 ZAMBIA 9 6 15 285 230 515
20 SOMALIA 1 1 362 94 456
21 THAILAND 1 2 3 1 1 2 252 168 420
22 SAUDI ARABIA 1 1 278 124 402
23 ICELAND 48 353 401
24 KUWAIT 209 170 379
25 BAHRAIN 1 2 3 298 74 372
26 ZIMBABWE 2 5 7 171 165 336
27 MYANMAR 32 32 290 34 324
28 OMAN 1 2 3 176 137 313
29 CANADA 1 1 21 12 33 152 153 305
30 RWANDA 1 1 180 92 272
31 VIET NAM 19 2 21 138 128 266
32 UGANDA 1 1 171 87 258
33 QATAR 1 1 143 106 249
34 SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC 1 1 212 30 242
35 MAURITIUS 1 1 1 1 99 142 241
36 1 2 3 148 93 241
37 SOUTH AFRICA 1 1 2 94 103 197
38 MALDIVES 1 1 79 109 188
39 SWITZERLAND 171 6 177
40 MOZAMBIQUE 2 1 3 104 68 172
41 CHINA 112 60 172
42 UNITED KINGDOM 5 7 12 74 76 150
43 KOREA, REPUBLIC OF 84 60 144
44 LIBYAN ARAB JAMAHIRIYA 1 1 1 1 115 27 142
45 GHANA 2 1 3 101 39 140
46 CÔTE D'IVOIRE 110 29 139
47 INDONESIA 70 56 126
48 SINGAPORE 1 1 38 86 124
49 ANGOLA 92 28 120
50 MALI 3 1 4 78 42 120
51 CAMEROON 79 28 107
52 FRANCE 1 1 56 50 106
53 ERITREA 68 36 104
54 TURKMENISTAN 3 3 51 52 103
55 MALAWI 1 3 4 56 44 100
56 JORDAN 90 9 99
57 EGYPT 69 22 91
58 BURUNDI 48 40 88
59 COMOROS 48 38 86
60 NAMIBIA 1 2 3 31 52 83


AISHE 2017-18
Table 16. Country-wise & Level-wise Foreign Students(based on actual response)
Sl. No. Ph.D. M.Phil. Post Graduate
Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
62 CHAD 6 6
63 DJIBOUTI 2 2 5 4 9
65 GAMBIA 10 1 11
66 AUSTRALIA 1 1 2 3 5
67 LESOTHO 1 1 10 6 16
68 TOGO 20 5 25
69 13 5 18 6 1 7
72 JAPAN 5 2 7 5 2 7
73 NIGER 4 1 5
74 PAKISTAN 1 1 17 3 20
75 GUINEA 6 6
76 TURKEY 1 1 1 1
78 CAMBODIA 1 1 9 1 10
80 FIJI 2 2 3 4 7
82 1 1 3 4 7
83 LIBERIA 1 1 4 2 6
84 GERMANY 1 1 4 3 7
85 BOTSWANA 10 6 16
86 MONGOLIA 2 2 2 5 7
87 ITALY 8 3 11
90 SIERRA LEONE 1 1 2 5 5
92 8 2 10
94 BRAZIL 2 2 1 1 4 4 8
95 GABON 2 2
98 ALBANIA 3 1 4
99 IRELAND 1 1 1 1
101 SAMOA 13 13
103 1 1
106 GUYANA 1 1 2 4 3 7
109 BENIN 1 1
112 KYRGYZSTAN 2 2 4
113 CAPE VERDE 1 1


AISHE 2017-18
Table 16. Country-wise & Level-wise Foreign Students(based on actual response)
Sl. No. Under Graduate PG Diploma Diploma
Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
61 AUSTRIA 34 35 69
62 CHAD 61 61
63 DJIBOUTI 46 10 56
64 ALGERIA 34 33 67
65 GAMBIA 42 11 53
66 AUSTRALIA 26 26 52 1 1
67 LESOTHO 24 20 44 2 2
68 TOGO 26 4 30
69 30 3 33
70 UZBEKISTAN 30 18 48
71 PAPUA NEW GUINEA 22 20 42
72 JAPAN 11 7 18 1 1 2 3 2 5
73 NIGER 19 19 38 2 2
74 PAKISTAN 6 11 17 1 1 1 1
75 GUINEA 30 4 34
76 TURKEY 14 20 34
77 RUSSIAN FEDERATION 12 11 23 2 2 1 1
78 CAMBODIA 13 2 15 4 4 1 1 2
79 MADAGASCAR 21 12 33
80 FIJI 12 11 23 1 1 2 1 1
81 AMERICAN SAMOA 17 14 31
82 17 8 25
83 LIBERIA 18 4 22
84 GERMANY 8 11 19
85 BOTSWANA 5 4 9 1 1
86 MONGOLIA 4 4 8 1 4 5
87 ITALY 3 7 10 1 1
88 PHILIPPINES 11 9 20
89 TAJIKISTAN 4 10 14 1 1
90 SIERRA LEONE 9 3 12
91 NEW ZEALAND 10 6 16
92 4 4 8 1 1
93 MEXICO 3 14 17
94 BRAZIL 4 3 7
95 GABON 6 8 14 1 1
96 SEYCHELLES 7 10 17
97 KAZAKHSTAN 5 3 8 1 1
98 ALBANIA 10 1 11
99 IRELAND 7 6 13
100 7 7 14
102 TIMOR-LESTE 6 1 7 1 1
103 8 2 10
104 SWAZILAND 6 3 9
105 SWEDEN 6 5 11
106 GUYANA 1 1
107 SPAIN 3 5 8
108 JERSEY 8 1 9
109 BENIN 6 1 7 1 1
110 MAURITANIA 4 3 7
113 CAPE VERDE 5 2 7
115 ARUBA 4 2 6
116 UKRAINE 1 5 6
117 BURKINA FASO 4 1 5


AISHE 2017-18
Table 16. Country-wise & Level-wise Foreign Students(based on actual response)
Sl. No. Certificate Integrated Grand Total
Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
61 AUSTRIA 34 35 69
62 CHAD 1 1 68 68
63 DJIBOUTI 53 14 67
64 ALGERIA 34 33 67
65 GAMBIA 1 1 53 12 65
66 AUSTRALIA 3 2 5 32 32 64
67 LESOTHO 37 26 63
68 TOGO 7 7 53 9 62
69 49 9 58
70 UZBEKISTAN 36 21 57
71 PAPUA NEW GUINEA 24 23 47
72 JAPAN 1 5 6 1 1 27 19 46
73 NIGER 25 20 45
74 PAKISTAN 1 1 24 17 41
75 GUINEA 36 4 40
76 TURKEY 1 1 16 21 37
77 RUSSIAN FEDERATION 2 1 3 16 19 35
78 CAMBODIA 2 2 1 1 31 4 35
79 MADAGASCAR 21 14 35
80 FIJI 17 18 35
81 AMERICAN SAMOA 19 15 34
82 21 12 33
83 LIBERIA 23 6 29
84 GERMANY 1 1 1 1 12 17 29
85 BOTSWANA 16 10 26
86 MONGOLIA 2 2 9 15 24
87 ITALY 1 1 12 11 23
88 PHILIPPINES 11 11 22
89 TAJIKISTAN 6 15 21
90 SIERRA LEONE 15 4 19
91 NEW ZEALAND 1 1 12 7 19
92 13 6 19
93 MEXICO 1 1 4 14 18
94 BRAZIL 8 10 18
95 GABON 1 1 10 8 18
96 SEYCHELLES 7 10 17
97 KAZAKHSTAN 11 6 17
98 ALBANIA 13 2 15
99 IRELAND 8 7 15
100 7 7 14
101 SAMOA 13 13
102 TIMOR-LESTE 11 2 13
103 1 1 9 3 12
104 SWAZILAND 8 3 11
105 SWEDEN 6 5 11
106 GUYANA 6 4 10
107 SPAIN 1 1 1 1 3 7 10
108 JERSEY 8 1 9
109 BENIN 8 1 9
110 MAURITANIA 6 3 9
111 NETHERLANDS 1 1 2 6 8
112 KYRGYZSTAN 4 4 6 2 8
113 CAPE VERDE 5 3 8
115 ARUBA 4 2 6
116 UKRAINE 1 5 6
117 BURKINA FASO 5 1 6


AISHE 2017-18
Table 16. Country-wise & Level-wise Foreign Students(based on actual response)
Sl. No. Ph.D. M.Phil. Post Graduate
Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
118 ISRAEL 3 3 1 1
119 BELGIUM 1 1 1 1
120 POLAND 1 1
121 PORTUGAL 1 1
124 ROMANIA 1 1 1 1 1 1 2
125 TUNISIA 1 1
126 DENMARK 1 1
127 HUNGARY 1 1
133 BELIZE 1 1
134 ISLE OF MAN 1 1
135 MOROCCO 1 1
136 FINLAND 2 2
145 SURINAME 1 1
153 COSTA RICA 1 1
160 PERU 1 1
162 SENEGAL 1 1
165 ECUADOR 1 1
Grand Total 1,156 364 1,520 39 22 61 4,782 2,033 6,815


AISHE 2017-18
Table 16. Country-wise & Level-wise Foreign Students(based on actual response)
Sl. No. Under Graduate PG Diploma Diploma
Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
118 ISRAEL 1 1 2
119 BELGIUM 2 1 3
120 POLAND 1 1
121 PORTUGAL 1 2 3 1 1
123 ARGENTINA 4 1 5
125 TUNISIA 3 3
126 DENMARK 2 1 3
127 HUNGARY 3 3
128 HONG KONG 2 2 4
130 NORWAY 4 4
131 BULGARIA 4 4
132 CHILE 3 1 4
133 BELIZE 2 2
134 ISLE OF MAN 2 2
135 MOROCCO 2 2
136 FINLAND 1 1
139 PANAMA 2 2
141 BERMUDA 2 2
142 COLOMBIA 1 1 2
143 JAMAICA 1 1 2
144 ARMENIA 2 2
145 SURINAME 1 1
147 BOLIVIA 2 2
148 LEBANON 2 2
149 NICARAGUA 1 1 2
154 1 1
155 TONGA 1 1
157 BARBADOS 1 1
158 BELARUS 1 1
159 LATVIA 1 1
160 PERU
161 BAHAMAS 1 1
163 TOKELAU 1 1
Grand Total 23,934 11,789 35,723 73 38 111 960 238 1,198


AISHE 2017-18
Table 16. Country-wise & Level-wise Foreign Students(based on actual response)
Sl. No. Certificate Integrated Grand Total
Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
118 ISRAEL 5 1 6
119 BELGIUM 4 1 5
120 POLAND 1 2 3 3 2 5
121 PORTUGAL 1 4 5
123 ARGENTINA 4 1 5
124 ROMANIA 1 3 4
125 TUNISIA 3 1 4
126 DENMARK 3 1 4
127 HUNGARY 1 3 4
128 HONG KONG 2 2 4
130 NORWAY 4 4
131 BULGARIA 4 4
132 CHILE 3 1 4
133 BELIZE 2 1 3
134 ISLE OF MAN 2 1 3
135 MOROCCO 2 1 3
136 FINLAND 1 2 3
139 PANAMA 2 2
141 BERMUDA 2 2
142 COLOMBIA 1 1 2
143 JAMAICA 1 1 2
144 ARMENIA 2 2
145 SURINAME 2 2
147 BOLIVIA 2 2
148 LEBANON 2 2
149 NICARAGUA 1 1 2
153 COSTA RICA 1 1
154 1 1
155 TONGA 1 1
157 BARBADOS 1 1
158 BELARUS 1 1
159 LATVIA 1 1
160 PERU 1 1
161 BAHAMAS 1 1
162 SENEGAL 1 1
163 TOKELAU 1 1
165 ECUADOR 1 1
Grand Total 155 37 192 295 229 524 31,394 14,750 46,144


AISHE 2017-18
Table 17. State-wise & Level-wise Foreign Student(based on actual response
Sl. No. Ph.D. M.Phil. Post Graduate
Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
1 Andhra Pradesh 28 10 38 175 64 239

2 Arunachal Pradesh

3 Assam 58 10 68 70 18 88

4 Bihar 76 2 78 84 15 99

5 Chandigarh 28 22 50 31 10 41

6 Chhattisgarh 2 2 10 9 19

7 Delhi 91 51 142 3 6 9 433 164 597

8 Goa 19 4 23

9 Gujarat 20 3 23 118 35 153

10 Haryana 23 6 29 135 45 180

11 Himachal Pradesh 9 9 143 20 163

12 Jammu and Kashmir 2 2

13 Jharkhand 7 2 9 10 10

14 Karnataka 110 58 168 2 3 5 897 636 1533

15 Kerala 18 7 25 17 7 24

16 Madhya Pradesh 1 1 43 3 46

17 Maharashtra 106 34 140 1 1 711 296 1007

18 Manipur 5 2 7 3 3

19 Meghalaya 7 2 9 11 8 19

20 Mizoram 2 2 2 1 3

21 Odisha 12 2 14 37 9 46

22 Puducherry 3 8 11 16 9 25

23 Punjab 126 8 134 271 86 357

24 Rajasthan 11 3 14 144 23 167

25 Sikkim 8 2 10

26 Tamil Nadu 35 31 66 3 1 4 432 263 695

27 Telangana 37 16 53 1 1 215 75 290

28 Tripura 2 1 3

29 Uttar Pradesh 326 86 412 28 11 39 630 174 804

30 Uttarakhand 3 3 94 25 119

31 West Bengal 13 13 1 1 2 19 31 50

All India 1,156 364 1,520 39 22 61 4,782 2,033 6,815


AISHE 2017-18
Table 17. State-wise & Level-wise Foreign Student(based on actual response
Sl. No. Under Graduate PG Diploma Diploma
Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
1 2 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
1 Andhra Pradesh 1537 272 1809 1 1

2 Arunachal Pradesh 1 1

3 Assam 98 38 136 6 3 9

4 Bihar 22 8 30 15 13 28

5 Chandigarh 336 123 459

6 Chhattisgarh 141 17 158 1 1

7 Delhi 735 633 1368 13 9 22 11 16 27

8 Goa 177 35 212

9 Gujarat 1025 448 1473 14 3 17 13 3 16

10 Haryana 978 341 1319 3 3 448 33 481

11 Himachal Pradesh 558 108 666

12 Jammu and Kashmir 7 2 9

13 Jharkhand 58 9 67 2 1 3

14 Karnataka 6005 4046 10051 4 5 9 114 67 181

15 Kerala 57 26 83 2 2

16 Madhya Pradesh 412 91 503 46 46

17 Maharashtra 1734 1355 3089 4 2 6 42 12 54

18 Manipur

19 Meghalaya 79 65 144

20 Mizoram

21 Odisha 125 15 140

22 Puducherry 5 3 8

23 Punjab 2059 993 3052 3 3 126 47 173

24 Rajasthan 743 160 903 2 2 5 5

25 Sikkim 92 104 196 2 1 3

26 Tamil Nadu 1688 1032 2720 1 3 4 33 10 43

27 Telangana 1945 500 2445 3 3 7 3 10

28 Tripura 11 7 18

29 Uttar Pradesh 2174 878 3052 5 2 7 35 22 57

30 Uttarakhand 696 175 871 3 3 54 2 56

31 West Bengal 436 305 741 24 8 32 2 2

All India 23,934 11,789 35,723 73 38 111 960 238 1,198


AISHE 2017-18
Table 17. State-wise & Level-wise Foreign Student(based on actual response
Sl. No. Certificate Integrated Total
Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
1 2 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
1 Andhra Pradesh 4 1 5 1744 348 2092

2 Arunachal Pradesh 1 1

3 Assam 4 1 5 236 70 306

4 Bihar 33 1 34 230 39 269

5 Chandigarh 26 4 30 421 159 580

6 Chhattisgarh 2 2 154 28 182

7 Delhi 3 8 11 56 34 90 1345 921 2266

8 Goa 5 5 201 39 240

9 Gujarat 6 1 7 1196 493 1689

10 Haryana 4 1 5 1588 429 2017

11 Himachal Pradesh 25 8 33 735 136 871

12 Jammu and Kashmir 9 2 11

13 Jharkhand 77 12 89

14 Karnataka 19 1 20 30 44 74 7181 4860 12041

15 Kerala 2 2 92 44 136

16 Madhya Pradesh 54 54 2 2 4 557 97 654

17 Maharashtra 3 1 4 1 4 5 2602 1704 4306

18 Manipur 8 2 10

19 Meghalaya 97 75 172

20 Mizoram 4 1 5

21 Odisha 174 26 200

22 Puducherry 1 1 24 21 45

23 Punjab 30 26 56 2615 1160 3775

24 Rajasthan 5 5 10 910 191 1101

25 Sikkim 4 1 5 106 108 214

26 Tamil Nadu 1 1 5 4 9 2198 1344 3542

27 Telangana 30 45 75 2238 639 2877

28 Tripura 1 4 5 14 12 26

29 Uttar Pradesh 31 15 46 32 16 48 3261 1204 4465

30 Uttarakhand 1 1 1 1 2 849 206 1055

31 West Bengal 5 10 15 29 23 52 527 380 907

All India 155 37 192 295 229 524 31,394 14,750 46,144


AISHE 2017-18
Table 18. Foreign Students in Different Programmes (based on actual response)
Sl. No. State/UTs Male Female Total
1 2 3 4 5
1 B.Tech.-Bachelor of Technology 6658 952 7610
2 B.B.A.-Bachelor of Business Administration 2487 1102 3589
3 B.Sc.-Bachelor of Science 1918 1084 3002
4 B.C.A.-Bachelor of Computer Applications 2361 306 2667
5 B.A.-Bachelor of Arts 1269 1390 2659
6 B.Pharm.-Bachelor of Pharmacy 1822 807 2629
7 B.E.-Bachelor of Engineering 2165 325 2490
8 B.Com.-Bachelor of Commerce 1391 601 1992
9 M.B.B.S.-Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery 703 1016 1719
10 Ph.D.-Doctor of Philosophy 1144 349 1493
11 B.Sc.(Nursing)-Bachelor of Science in Nursing 247 1167 1414
12 M.B.A.- Master of Business Administration 915 415 1330
13 M.A.-Master of Arts 849 445 1294
14 M.Sc.-Master of Science 938 325 1263
15 Diploma-Diploma 929 154 1083
16 B.D.S.-Bachelor of Dental Surgery 372 585 957
17 B.P.T.-Bachelor of Physiotherapy 342 448 790
18 B.A.(Hons)-Bachelor of Arts (Honors) 294 399 693
19 M.Tech. -Master of Technology 593 71 664
20 Pharm.D.-Doctor of Pharmacy 314 311 625
21 B.B.M.-Bachelor of Business Management 339 164 503
22 L.L.B.-Bachelor of Law or Laws 157 190 347
23 B.Optom.-Bachelor of Clinical Optometry 129 172 301
24 B.A. L.L.B.-Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Law or Laws 154 137 291
25 M.Com.-Master of Commerce 228 57 285
26 B.Sc.(Hons)-Bachelor of Science (Honors) 143 134 277
27 B.H.M.-Bachelor of Hotel Management 184 80 264
28 B.Architecture-Bachelor of Architecture 139 103 242
29 M.Pharm. -Master of Pharmacy 153 49 202
30 B.Agri.-Bachelor of Agriculture 147 46 193
31 Certificate-Certificate 155 37 192
32 B.Des.-Bachelor of Design 59 123 182
33 M.C.A. -Master of Computer Applications 154 20 174
34 B.Ed.-Bachelor of Education 59 104 163
35 M.D.-Doctor of Medicine 81 36 117
B.H.M.C.T.-Bachelor of Hotel Management and Catering
36 71 44 115
37 L.L.M.-Master of Law or Laws 78 34 112
38 PG Diploma-Post Graduate Diploma 73 38 111
39 Ayurvedacharya-Ayurvedacharya 64 42 106
40 G.N.M.-General Nursing & Midwifery 24 82 106
41 M.P.H. -Master of Public Health 83 21 104

42 B.Tech M.Tech-Bachelor of Technology, Master of Technology 56 20 76

43 B.M.S.-Bachelor of Management Studies 36 38 74

44 M.P.T.-Master of Physiotherapy 38 31 69
45 B.J.M.C.-Bachelor of Journalism and Mass Communication 44 25 69
46 B.Voc.-Bachelor of Vocational Education 36 31 67
47 M.Sc. Nursing-Master of Science in Nursing 7 57 64
48 M.E.-Master of Engineering 52 12 64
49 M.Phil.-Master of Philosophy 39 22 61
50 Shastri-Shastri 52 1 53


AISHE 2017-18
Table 18. Foreign Students in Different Programmes (based on actual response)
Sl. No. State/UTs Male Female Total

51 B.A.S.L.P.-Bachelor of Audiology and Speech Language Pathology 8 45 53

52 B.H.M.S.-Bachelor of Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery 17 36 53

53 B.S.W.-Bachelor of Social Work 23 28 51
B.V.Sc.&A.H.-Bachelor of Veterinary Science & Animal
54 26 24 50
55 M.S.W.-Master of Social Work 26 22 48
56 B.F.A.-Bachelor of Fine Arts 26 19 45
B.B.A. L.L.B.-Bachelor of Business Administration, Bachelor of
57 17 28 45
Law or Laws
58 B.Sc.(Post Basic)-B.Sc (Post Basic) 10 30 40
59 B.A.M.S.-Bachelor of Ayurved Medicine & Surgery 15 23 38
60 Integrated M.Sc.-Integrated Master of Science 20 16 36
61 Acharya-Acharya 34 34
62 B.L.-Bachelor of Law or Laws 18 13 31
63 Vachaspati-Vachaspati 21 8 29
64 M.F.A. -Master of Fine Arts 9 20 29
65 B.Com. L.L.B.-Bachelor of Commerce, Bachelor of Law 16 11 27
66 B.P.A.-Bachelor of Performing Arts 13 14 27

67 Integrated M.B.A.-Integrated Master of Business Administration 19 8 27

68 M.H.A. -Master of Hospital Administration 20 7 27

69 P.G.P.-Post-Graduate Programme in Management 21 1 22
70 M.S.-Master of Surgery 18 4 22
71 B.P.Ed.-Bachelor of Physical Education 19 2 21
72 M.Sc. Tech. -Master of Science in Technology 15 4 19
73 M.D.S.-Master of Dental Surgery 11 8 19
M.Sc.(Medical Microbiology)-Master of Science in Medical
74 10 8 18
75 P.G.D.M.-Post-Graduate Diploma in Management 11 6 17
76 D.Phil.-Doctor of Philosophy 7 10 17
77 B.F.Tech.-Bachelor of Fashion Technology 3 14 17
78 M.J.M.C.-Master of Journalism and Mass Communication 8 9 17
79 M.S.-Master of Science 15 1 16
80 B.N.Y.S.-Bachelor of Naturopathy and Yogic Sciences 8 8 16
81 B.J.-Bachelor of Journalism 9 7 16
82 M.Mus. -Master of Music 5 11 16
83 B.Stat.-Bachelor of Statistics 8 6 14
84 Integrated M.A.-Integrated Master of Arts 4 8 12
85 B.O.T.-Bachelor of Occupational Therapy 4 8 12
86 B.Pharm.(Ayu.) -Bachelor of Ayurved in Pharmacy 9 3 12
M.Sc.(Medical Bio-Chemistry)-Master of Science in Medical Bio-
87 7 4 11
88 M.F.M.-Master of Fashion Management 3 7 10
89 B.U.M.S.-Bachelor of Unani Medicine and Surgery 6 4 10
90 M.J.-Master of Journalism 5 4 9
91 M.P.Ed.-Master of Physical Education 9 9
92 D.Pharma-Diploma in Pharmacy 7 2 9
93 M.V.Sc. -Master of Veterinary Sciences 8 8
94 M.Ed. -Master of Education 5 3 8
95 M.Arch.-Master of Architecture 6 1 7
96 B.H.T.M.-Bachelor of Hotel and Tourism Management 3 4 7
97 M.Plan.-Master of Planning 5 2 7

98 Integrated M.C.A.-Integrated Master of Computer Applications 6 1 7

99 B.C.L.-Bachelor of Civil Law 3 3 6

100 M.P.A.-Master of Performing Arts 5 1 6


AISHE 2017-18
Table 18. Foreign Students in Different Programmes (based on actual response)
Sl. No. State/UTs Male Female Total
101 L.L.D.-Doctor of Laws 1 4 5
102 B.Litt.-Bachelor of Literature 2 3 5

103 M.B.A.(Tech.)-Master of Business Administration in Technology 1 4 5

104 B.M.M.-Bachelor of Multi Media 3 2 5

105 B.H.A.-Bachelor of Hospital Administration 2 3 5
106 B.Mus.-Bachelor of Music 1 4 5
107 M.F.Sc. -Master of Fishery Science 3 1 4
108 M.Dance-Master of Dance 2 2 4
109 B.Plan.-Bachelor of Planning 4 4
110 B.G.L.-Bachelor of General Law 2 1 3
111 B.S. M.S.-Bachelor of Science, Master of Science 3 3
B.Nat.(Yogic Sciences)-Bachelor of Naturopathy and Yogic
112 2 1 3
113 M.Des.-Master of Design 3 3
114 M.Lib.Sc. -Master of Library Science 3 3
115 M.U.P.-Master of Urban Planning 1 2 3
116 M.I.B.-Master of International Business 2 1 3
117 M.Ch.-Master of Chirurgiae 3 3
118 B.F.Sc.-Bachelor of Fisheries Science 3 3
119 M.Mgt.-Master of Management 2 1 3
M.Sc.(Medical Physiology)-Master of Science in Medical
120 2 1 3
121 M.Sc.(Medical Anatomy) -Master of Science in Medical Anatomy 2 2

122 M.H.R.D. -Master of Human Resource Development 2 2

123 M.Optom. -Master of Optometry 1 1 2
B.H.M.T.T.-Bachelor of Hotel Management, Travel and
124 1 1 2
125 D.M.-Doctor of Medicine 1 1 2
126 B.Ch.E.-Bachelor of Chemical Engineering 1 1
127 B.P.E.-Bachelor of Physical Education 1 1
128 M.L.I.Sc.-Master of Library & Information Science 1 1
129 M.M.C.-Master in Mass Communication 1 1
M.Sc.(Medical Pharmacology)-Master of Science in Medical
130 1 1
Grand Total 31,394 14,750 46,144


AISHE 2017-18
Table 19. Gross Enrolment Ratio in Higher Education (18-23 Years)


Andaman and Nicobar
1 21.2 22.4 21.8 - - - 12.4 16.4 14.4
2 Andhra Pradesh 34.7 27.1 30.9 29.5 24.4 26.9 27.9 21.5 24.5
3 Arunachal Pradesh 31.5 27.8 29.7 - - - 36.2 30.2 33.1
4 Assam 18.6 17.8 18.2 20.1 18.7 19.4 22.4 19.5 20.8
5 Bihar 14.5 11.5 13.0 11.5 6.9 9.2 18.3 11.9 15.1
6 Chandigarh 48.6 67.7 56.4 31.8 34.4 32.9 - - -
7 Chhattisgarh 18.5 18.3 18.4 18.8 17.4 18.1 10.9 11.4 11.2
8 Dadra and Nagar Haveli 7.2 12.4 9.1 15.9 28.4 21.2 5.4 5.4 5.4
9 Daman and Diu 4.0 8.9 5.2 20.1 25.5 22.4 9.5 13.0 11.2
10 Delhi 44.9 48.0 46.3 31.7 32.0 31.8 - - -
11 Goa 24.9 31.9 28.0 28.2 28.9 28.6 20.7 27.3 23.9
12 Gujarat 21.9 18.2 20.1 29.1 24.3 26.8 13.8 13.7 13.7
13 Haryana 27.0 30.7 28.7 18.0 19.4 18.6 - - -
14 Himachal Pradesh 34.0 42.2 37.9 25.1 30.4 27.7 36.5 40.6 38.5
15 Jammu and Kashmir 26.4 29.0 27.7 15.3 19.0 17.1 15.4 14.9 15.1
16 Jharkhand 18.4 17.6 18.0 15.1 12.5 13.8 12.1 12.8 12.5
17 Karnataka 27.2 28.5 27.8 20.0 19.4 19.7 17.9 17.4 17.7
18 Kerala 32.0 40.4 36.2 17.8 32.2 25.0 17.5 25.3 21.5
19 Lakshadweep 3.2 12.0 7.6 - - - 1.7 5.1 3.5
20 Madhya Pradesh 21.8 20.5 21.2 20.7 18.8 19.8 11.2 9.6 10.4
21 Maharashtra 32.6 29.5 31.1 32.0 29.2 30.6 17.8 12.5 15.1
22 Manipur 31.3 32.2 31.8 72.2 62.7 67.4 23.0 21.0 22.0
23 Meghalaya 24.2 25.1 24.7 50.4 37.4 44.3 18.4 20.6 19.5
24 Mizoram 24.8 21.0 22.9 121.5 100.0 113.7 25.0 21.2 23.1
25 Nagaland 17.8 17.9 17.8 - - - 16.6 17.8 17.2
26 Odisha 23.8 20.1 22.0 21.8 15.8 18.8 14.3 10.8 12.5
27 Puducherry 42.9 48.1 45.4 30.8 33.7 32.2 - - -
28 Punjab 27.6 33.6 30.3 19.4 23.8 21.4 - - -
29 Rajasthan 22.7 20.6 21.7 18.2 16.2 17.2 19.8 17.2 18.5
30 Sikkim 33.9 41.1 37.4 37.6 27.3 32.3 29.6 39.0 34.4
31 Tamil Nadu 49.1 48.2 48.6 41.8 42.5 42.1 45.7 35.6 40.5
32 Telangana 37.1 34.2 35.7 30.6 32.4 31.5 32.3 26.6 29.4
33 Tripura 23.7 18.8 21.2 20.2 16.2 18.2 16.3 11.7 13.9
34 Uttar Pradesh 25.2 26.7 25.9 21.1 22.4 21.7 38.2 33.0 35.6
35 Uttarakhand 36.3 36.3 36.3 26.4 26.7 26.6 42.1 42.5 42.3
36 West Bengal 19.9 17.6 18.7 14.8 12.8 13.8 11.0 8.9 9.9
All India 26.3 25.4 25.8 22.2 21.4 21.8 17.0 14.9 15.9


AISHE 2017-18
Table 20. Gender Parity Index in Higher Education (18-23 Years)
State/UTs All Categories SC Students ST Students
1 Andaman & Nicobar Islands 1.06 - 1.31
2 Andhra Pradesh 0.78 0.83 0.77
3 Arunachal Pradesh 0.88 - 0.83
4 Assam 0.96 0.93 0.87
5 Bihar 0.79 0.60 0.65
6 Chandigarh 1.39 1.08 -
7 Chhatisgarh 0.99 0.92 1.04
8 Dadra & Nagar Haveli 1.72 1.78 1.01
9 Daman & Diu 2.21 1.27 1.37
10 Delhi 1.07 1.01 -
11 Goa 1.28 1.02 1.32
12 Gujarat 0.83 0.83 0.99
13 Haryana 1.13 1.08 -
14 Himachal Pradesh 1.24 1.21 1.11
15 Jammu and Kashmir 1.10 1.24 0.97
16 Jharkhand 0.96 0.83 1.06
17 Karnataka 1.05 0.97 0.97
18 Kerala 1.26 1.81 1.45
19 Lakshdweep 3.79 - 3.04
20 Madhya Pradesh 0.94 0.91 0.86
21 Maharashtra 0.91 0.91 0.70
22 Manipur 1.03 0.87 0.91
23 Meghalaya 1.04 0.74 1.12
24 Mizoram 0.85 0.82 0.85
25 Nagaland 1.00 - 1.07
26 Odisha 0.85 0.73 0.75
27 Puducherry 1.12 1.09 -
28 Punjab 1.22 1.22 -
29 Rajasthan 0.91 0.89 0.87
30 Sikkim 1.21 0.73 1.32
31 Tamil Nadu 0.98 1.02 0.78
32 Telangana 0.92 1.06 0.82
33 Tripura 0.79 0.80 0.72
34 Uttar Pradesh 1.06 1.06 0.86
35 Uttrakhand 1.00 1.01 1.01
36 West Bengal 0.88 0.87 0.81
All India 0.97 0.96 0.87


AISHE 2017-18
Table 21. (a). State-wise Number of Teachers among various social categories
Sl. Total SC ST OBC
No. Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
Andaman and
1 194 172 366 9 3 12 5 13 18 52 31 83
Nicobar Islands
2 Andhra Pradesh 59131 31108 90239 7368 4797 12165 1029 412 1441 21829 10391 32220

3 Arunachal Pradesh 735 378 1113 32 13 45 254 242 496 104 34 138

4 Assam 11958 7770 19728 726 447 1173 1231 920 2151 2732 2012 4744

5 Bihar 17910 4741 22651 732 145 877 66 78 144 6446 1333 7779

6 Chandigarh 1408 1994 3402 174 84 258 13 9 22 113 65 178

7 Chhattisgarh 10421 9219 19640 993 652 1645 599 634 1233 3034 2251 5285
Dadra and Nagar
8 109 96 205 8 8 6 6 12 24 5 29
9 Daman and Diu 140 83 223 17 4 21 3 3 6 25 14 39

10 Delhi 7675 9837 17512 866 685 1551 250 178 428 983 700 1683

11 Goa 1301 1588 2889 19 11 30 25 24 49 111 133 244

12 Gujarat 32825 21438 54263 1995 1050 3045 1589 952 2541 6687 3433 10120

13 Haryana 14794 16274 31068 1146 679 1825 25 19 44 1833 1584 3417

14 Himachal Pradesh 5447 4712 10159 513 327 840 185 163 348 332 253 585
Jammu and
15 5737 4036 9773 227 194 421 254 94 348 208 89 297
16 Jharkhand 8158 3475 11633 366 113 479 414 638 1052 2404 707 3111

17 Karnataka 67210 52918 120128 6514 3165 9679 1702 691 2393 24876 18468 43344

18 Kerala 21608 33669 55277 787 1161 1948 72 66 138 8104 12573 20677

19 Lakshadweep 25 20 45 5 3 8 7 12 19 12 5 17

20 Madhya Pradesh 31931 22559 54490 2256 1194 3450 742 447 1189 7469 4218 11687

21 Maharashtra 91935 60667 152602 11302 5551 16853 1575 571 2146 21875 12102 33977

22 Manipur 1817 1583 3400 129 65 194 198 173 371 290 225 515

23 Meghalaya 1274 1530 2804 36 20 56 692 1193 1885 66 35 101

24 Mizoram 928 805 1733 31 12 43 670 747 1417 72 16 88

25 Nagaland 1006 1261 2267 28 10 38 660 1151 1811 70 21 91

26 Odisha 23433 13048 36481 1004 577 1581 431 426 857 3507 1461 4968

27 Puducherry 3079 2334 5413 386 234 620 34 11 45 1652 1420 3072

28 Punjab 18770 27514 46284 1392 1644 3036 23 13 36 938 1308 2246

29 Rajasthan 37863 22182 60045 3704 1001 4705 1504 401 1905 11809 5480 17289

30 Sikkim 883 600 1483 43 18 61 148 196 344 197 158 355

31 Tamil Nadu 99790 92510 192300 11352 8951 20303 255 171 426 72185 66565 138750

32 Telangana 45811 28531 74342 5036 2972 8008 2040 488 2528 21548 11357 32905

33 Tripura 1541 909 2450 227 103 330 220 142 362 163 101 264

34 Uttar Pradesh 72143 35282 107425 6444 2033 8477 163 71 234 20761 7438 28199

35 Uttarakhand 9974 5796 15770 724 303 1027 73 39 112 1184 519 1703

36 West Bengal 36083 19069 55152 4287 1423 5710 411 246 657 3718 1075 4793

All India 745047 539708 1284755 70878 39644 110522 17568 11640 29208 247413 167580 414993


AISHE 2017-18
Table 21. (b). State-wise Number of Teachers among Minority & PWD
Sl. PWD Muslim Other Minority Communities
No. Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
Andaman and
1 12 8 20 25 36 61
Nicobar Islands
2 Andhra Pradesh 178 35 213 2851 1348 4199 1724 2119 3843

3 Arunachal Pradesh 6 6 24 6 30 246 239 485

4 Assam 45 10 55 2023 544 2567 235 212 447

5 Bihar 76 7 83 1719 314 2033 95 180 275

6 Chandigarh 8 5 13 11 10 21 272 567 839

7 Chhattisgarh 52 47 99 261 294 555 488 983 1471

Dadra and Nagar
8 2 2 5 1 6 11 10 21
9 Daman and Diu 1 1 1 2 3 3 3 6

10 Delhi 133 62 195 814 399 1213 381 817 1198

11 Goa 3 2 5 25 38 63 231 542 773

12 Gujarat 150 53 203 951 548 1499 950 953 1903

13 Haryana 71 36 107 323 94 417 487 864 1351

14 Himachal Pradesh 32 13 45 47 29 76 202 193 395

Jammu and
15 29 9 38 3787 1752 5539 232 322 554
16 Jharkhand 35 4 39 603 168 771 335 610 945

17 Karnataka 250 92 342 3852 3099 6951 3390 6438 9828

18 Kerala 101 38 139 3461 3183 6644 6615 11564 18179

19 Lakshadweep 17 15 32

20 Madhya Pradesh 118 64 182 1342 1031 2373 1219 1594 2813

21 Maharashtra 345 113 458 4541 2790 7331 6242 4886 11128

22 Manipur 1 4 5 59 16 75 261 204 465

23 Meghalaya 2 2 51 25 76 688 1209 1897

24 Mizoram 4 4 14 1 15 678 755 1433

25 Nagaland 1 1 22 6 28 723 1179 1902

26 Odisha 76 28 104 238 120 358 151 270 421

27 Puducherry 24 5 29 84 40 124 271 301 572

28 Punjab 73 42 115 249 127 376 9008 15326 24334

29 Rajasthan 115 36 151 1176 455 1631 932 1134 2066

30 Sikkim 2 2 24 4 28 165 210 375

31 Tamil Nadu 293 234 527 3302 2368 5670 9736 14804 24540

32 Telangana 124 46 170 3606 2672 6278 929 1693 2622

33 Tripura 4 1 5 20 6 26 92 65 157

34 Uttar Pradesh 309 93 402 4608 1912 6520 992 1377 2369

35 Uttarakhand 32 12 44 334 142 476 186 191 377

36 West Bengal 160 36 196 3379 845 4224 326 286 612

All India 2855 1127 3982 43836 24412 68248 48521 72136 120657


AISHE 2017-18
Table 22. State & Post-Wise Number of Male & Female Teacher
Sl. Professor & Equivalent Reader & Associate Professor
Male Female Total Male Female Total
Andaman and Nicobar
1 11 11 36 11 47
2 Andhra Pradesh 6369 1646 8015 6067 2047 8114

3 Arunachal Pradesh 112 17 129 119 38 157

4 Assam 1150 316 1466 2497 1361 3858

5 Bihar 1729 375 2104 3243 775 4018

6 Chandigarh 403 279 682 219 314 533

7 Chhattisgarh 1065 571 1636 789 443 1232

Dadra and Nagar
8 6 3 9 6 3 9
9 Daman and Diu 11 5 16 22 8 30

10 Delhi 1488 760 2248 1456 2122 3578

11 Goa 137 47 184 253 259 512

12 Gujarat 3609 1225 4834 4645 2283 6928

13 Haryana 2055 906 2961 1978 1852 3830

14 Himachal Pradesh 844 259 1103 853 428 1281

15 Jammu and Kashmir 732 244 976 622 414 1036

16 Jharkhand 687 135 822 882 334 1216

17 Karnataka 10067 3571 13638 9073 5248 14321

18 Kerala 2915 1808 4723 2907 2687 5594

19 Lakshadweep 3 3

20 Madhya Pradesh 3949 1995 5944 3542 2117 5659

21 Maharashtra 9043 3405 12448 12369 5969 18338

22 Manipur 205 75 280 461 367 828

23 Meghalaya 142 56 198 201 219 420

24 Mizoram 107 17 124 254 203 457

25 Nagaland 99 44 143 94 96 190

26 Odisha 2073 552 2625 2596 998 3594

27 Puducherry 592 215 807 495 263 758

28 Punjab 2078 1147 3225 1997 1893 3890

29 Rajasthan 4030 1428 5458 2799 1517 4316

30 Sikkim 94 31 125 111 46 157

31 Tamil Nadu 10376 4907 15283 10979 7954 18933

32 Telangana 4352 1149 5501 3900 2135 6035

33 Tripura 122 29 151 159 79 238

34 Uttar Pradesh 7872 2199 10071 7983 3883 11866

35 Uttarakhand 1490 427 1917 1232 664 1896

36 West Bengal 3490 820 4310 3576 1998 5574

All India 83507 30663 114170 88415 51028 139443


AISHE 2017-18
Table 22. State & Post-Wise Number of Male & Female Teacher
Sl. Lecturer/ Assistant Professor Demonstrator/ Tutor
Male Female Total Male Female Total
Andaman and Nicobar
1 81 39 120 2 1 3
2 Andhra Pradesh 43788 22925 66713 824 3059 3883

3 Arunachal Pradesh 478 308 786 6 3 9

4 Assam 7255 5058 12313 318 207 525

5 Bihar 12002 3077 15079 360 340 700

6 Chandigarh 746 1177 1923 9 10 19

7 Chhattisgarh 7109 5671 12780 522 1514 2036

Dadra and Nagar
8 90 81 171 4 8 12
9 Daman and Diu 103 54 157 3 3

10 Delhi 4255 5965 10220 124 383 507

11 Goa 812 973 1785 13 43 56

12 Gujarat 21073 12818 33891 1036 2884 3920

13 Haryana 9851 11496 21347 326 835 1161

14 Himachal Pradesh 3401 3160 6561 172 680 852

15 Jammu and Kashmir 3531 2530 6061 149 284 433

16 Jharkhand 5808 2483 8291 189 219 408

17 Karnataka 39174 32738 71912 3574 6358 9932

18 Kerala 13698 23434 37132 873 2227 3100

19 Lakshadweep 22 20 42

20 Madhya Pradesh 20945 14606 35551 1580 2116 3696

21 Maharashtra 63323 42772 106095 1723 3052 4775

22 Manipur 1095 1043 2138 10 49 59

23 Meghalaya 857 1123 1980 34 74 108

24 Mizoram 453 402 855 17 72 89

25 Nagaland 758 1060 1818 27 48 75

26 Odisha 16535 8903 25438 1274 1738 3012

27 Puducherry 1741 1433 3174 197 380 577

28 Punjab 13661 19711 33372 493 3253 3746

29 Rajasthan 28613 17942 46555 1841 904 2745

30 Sikkim 631 438 1069 35 71 106

31 Tamil Nadu 74130 72638 146768 2158 4980 7138

32 Telangana 35955 23027 58982 269 1185 1454

33 Tripura 923 471 1394 199 233 432

34 Uttar Pradesh 50625 24040 74665 2498 3274 5772

35 Uttarakhand 6235 3752 9987 332 483 815

36 West Bengal 21277 10025 31302 1080 1028 2108

All India 511034 377393 888427 22268 41998 64266


AISHE 2017-18
Table 22. State & Post-Wise Number of Male & Female Teacher
Sl. Temporary Teacher etc Grand Total Visiting Teacher
Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
Andaman and Nicobar
1 56 101 157 194 172 366 8 20 28
2 Andhra Pradesh 2010 1388 3398 59131 31108 90239 73 43 116

3 Arunachal Pradesh 18 12 30 735 378 1113 2 2

4 Assam 702 815 1517 11958 7770 19728 36 13 49

5 Bihar 417 133 550 17910 4741 22651 159 41 200

6 Chandigarh 20 175 195 1408 1994 3402 11 39 50

7 Chhattisgarh 854 950 1804 10421 9219 19640 82 70 152

Dadra and Nagar
8 109 96 205 3 1 4
9 Daman and Diu 3 3 6 140 83 223 1 10 11

10 Delhi 321 576 897 7675 9837 17512 31 31 62

11 Goa 61 153 214 1301 1588 2889 25 113 138

12 Gujarat 1308 1400 2708 32825 21438 54263 1154 828 1982

13 Haryana 363 922 1285 14794 16274 31068 221 263 484

14 Himachal Pradesh 155 168 323 5447 4712 10159 22 17 39

15 Jammu and Kashmir 674 539 1213 5737 4036 9773 29 25 54

16 Jharkhand 532 277 809 8158 3475 11633 60 27 87

17 Karnataka 4643 4339 8982 67210 52918 120128 679 664 1343

18 Kerala 1162 3440 4602 21608 33669 55277 53 73 126

19 Lakshadweep 25 20 45

20 Madhya Pradesh 1688 1563 3251 31931 22559 54490 227 162 389

21 Maharashtra 3840 4207 8047 91935 60667 152602 1637 1262 2899

22 Manipur 46 46 92 1817 1583 3400 3 3

23 Meghalaya 38 53 91 1274 1530 2804 2 5 7

24 Mizoram 88 101 189 928 805 1733 9 10 19

25 Nagaland 20 10 30 1006 1261 2267 8 3 11

26 Odisha 808 780 1588 23433 13048 36481 147 77 224

27 Puducherry 54 43 97 3079 2334 5413

28 Punjab 432 1270 1702 18770 27514 46284 109 240 349

29 Rajasthan 450 305 755 37863 22182 60045 130 86 216

30 Sikkim 8 8 16 883 600 1483 4 6 10

31 Tamil Nadu 1951 1959 3910 99790 92510 192300 196 72 268

32 Telangana 1283 1007 2290 45811 28531 74342 52 28 80

33 Tripura 82 52 134 1541 909 2450 56 45 101

34 Uttar Pradesh 2815 1722 4537 72143 35282 107425 350 164 514

35 Uttarakhand 645 441 1086 9974 5796 15770 40 29 69

36 West Bengal 5788 4565 10353 36083 19069 55152 872 633 1505

All India 33335 33523 66858 745047 539708 1284755 6488 5103 11591


AISHE 2017-18
Table 22 (a). Post-wise Number of Teachers in Universities & its Colleges
Sl. Professor & Equivalent Reader & Associate Professor
Male Female Total Male Female Total
Andaman and Nicobar
1 8 8 36 11 47
2 Andhra Pradesh 5183 1143 6326 5614 1884 7498

3 Arunachal Pradesh 21 4 25 75 25 100

4 Assam 556 133 689 2168 1263 3431

5 Bihar 1226 268 1494 2916 688 3604

6 Chandigarh 72 62 134 133 258 391

7 Chhattisgarh 876 477 1353 654 401 1055

Dadra and Nagar
8 6 2 8 5 3 8
9 Daman and Diu 11 5 16 22 8 30

10 Delhi 547 362 909 979 1838 2817

11 Goa 78 35 113 226 247 473

12 Gujarat 2699 865 3564 3990 1991 5981

13 Haryana 1110 585 1695 1508 1547 3055

14 Himachal Pradesh 342 132 474 596 342 938

15 Jammu and Kashmir 338 126 464 423 350 773

16 Jharkhand 381 77 458 551 244 795

17 Karnataka 7816 2785 10601 8075 4723 12798

18 Kerala 2337 1348 3685 2497 2441 4938

19 Lakshadweep

20 Madhya Pradesh 2820 1572 4392 2898 1825 4723

21 Maharashtra 6479 2444 8923 11032 5364 16396

22 Manipur 105 48 153 399 346 745

23 Meghalaya 28 14 42 114 177 291

24 Mizoram 47 5 52 241 196 437

25 Nagaland 47 24 71 52 69 121

26 Odisha 1287 247 1534 1913 709 2622

27 Puducherry 459 187 646 410 231 641

28 Punjab 1059 692 1751 1427 1596 3023

29 Rajasthan 2688 1049 3737 1764 993 2757

30 Sikkim 63 26 89 73 31 104

31 Tamil Nadu 7046 3584 10630 8854 6839 15693

32 Telangana 3617 897 4514 3593 2001 5594

33 Tripura 78 22 100 116 70 186

34 Uttar Pradesh 5037 1412 6449 6427 3197 9624

35 Uttarakhand 701 231 932 641 461 1102

36 West Bengal 1877 443 2320 2710 1760 4470

All India 57045 21306 78351 73132 44129 117261


AISHE 2017-18
Table 22 (a). Post-wise Number of Teachers in Universities & its Colleges
Sl. Lecturer/ Assistant Professor Demonstrator/ Tutor
Male Female Total Male Female Total
Andaman and Nicobar
1 76 38 114 2 1 3
2 Andhra Pradesh 38306 20329 58635 640 1504 2144

3 Arunachal Pradesh 207 177 384 4 1 5

4 Assam 5856 4221 10077 218 125 343

5 Bihar 10539 2757 13296 214 104 318

6 Chandigarh 318 768 1086 9 10 19

7 Chhattisgarh 6109 5157 11266 493 1284 1777

Dadra and Nagar
8 86 79 165 4 8 12
9 Daman and Diu 103 54 157 3 3

10 Delhi 2887 4853 7740 97 171 268

11 Goa 474 876 1350 12 41 53

12 Gujarat 18089 11055 29144 689 1723 2412

13 Haryana 6599 8997 15596 241 616 857

14 Himachal Pradesh 1889 2053 3942 110 380 490

15 Jammu and Kashmir 2262 1885 4147 40 101 141

16 Jharkhand 4361 2032 6393 136 91 227

17 Karnataka 30497 26652 57149 2299 4124 6423

18 Kerala 11467 21054 32521 338 1015 1353

19 Lakshadweep

20 Madhya Pradesh 16830 12179 29009 944 1310 2254

21 Maharashtra 47875 32618 80493 1206 1803 3009

22 Manipur 866 889 1755 7 46 53

23 Meghalaya 496 836 1332 15 15

24 Mizoram 252 241 493 11 38 49

25 Nagaland 570 883 1453 6 14 20

26 Odisha 11944 6579 18523 881 405 1286

27 Puducherry 1442 1271 2713 197 367 564

28 Punjab 7889 15085 22974 168 2041 2209

29 Rajasthan 21492 14630 36122 1460 728 2188

30 Sikkim 380 287 667 11 47 58

31 Tamil Nadu 52502 59685 112187 1488 3775 5263

32 Telangana 31702 20905 52607 207 645 852

33 Tripura 618 339 957 199 201 400

34 Uttar Pradesh 42531 19829 62360 671 717 1388

35 Uttarakhand 3528 2438 5966 83 266 349

36 West Bengal 15838 8202 24040 604 540 1144

All India 396880 309933 706813 13689 24260 37949


AISHE 2017-18
Table 22 (a). Post-wise Number of Teachers in Universities & its Colleges
Sl. Temporary Teacher etc Grand Total Visiting Teacher
Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
Andaman and Nicobar
1 56 101 157 186 171 357 8 20 28
2 Andhra Pradesh 1433 1011 2444 51237 25909 77146 61 38 99

3 Arunachal Pradesh 9 6 15 316 213 529

4 Assam 635 736 1371 9454 6491 15945 21 13 34

5 Bihar 282 83 365 15281 3936 19217 104 36 140

6 Chandigarh 15 150 165 558 1287 1845 11 39 50

7 Chhattisgarh 752 879 1631 8955 8264 17219 71 66 137

Dadra and Nagar
8 104 93 197 3 1 4
9 Daman and Diu 3 3 6 140 83 223 1 10 11

10 Delhi 270 501 771 4797 7741 12538 17 16 33

11 Goa 44 128 172 857 1425 2282 23 98 121

12 Gujarat 1074 1106 2180 27563 17502 45065 1022 762 1784

13 Haryana 275 861 1136 9896 12837 22733 163 231 394

14 Himachal Pradesh 83 122 205 3034 3043 6077 14 14 28

15 Jammu and Kashmir 537 449 986 3607 2916 6523 7 5 12

16 Jharkhand 395 209 604 5867 2675 8542 43 22 65

17 Karnataka 3938 3896 7834 53259 42815 96074 634 635 1269

18 Kerala 942 3046 3988 17621 28962 46583 40 58 98

19 Lakshadweep

20 Madhya Pradesh 1333 1254 2587 24954 18238 43192 129 98 227

21 Maharashtra 3503 3925 7428 71456 47148 118604 1361 994 2355

22 Manipur 19 28 47 1396 1360 2756 3 3

23 Meghalaya 34 43 77 674 1090 1764 2 5 7

24 Mizoram 76 91 167 627 571 1198

25 Nagaland 15 6 21 698 999 1697 8 3 11

26 Odisha 505 552 1057 16612 8556 25168 82 64 146

27 Puducherry 10 13 23 2518 2069 4587

28 Punjab 299 1024 1323 10947 20674 31621 105 236 341

29 Rajasthan 364 230 594 27792 17640 45432 24 10 34

30 Sikkim 5 8 13 532 399 931

31 Tamil Nadu 1270 1275 2545 71282 75215 146497 122 57 179

32 Telangana 846 774 1620 40015 25245 65260 50 23 73

33 Tripura 77 51 128 1144 728 1872 56 45 101

34 Uttar Pradesh 2354 1480 3834 57141 26683 83824 121 48 169

35 Uttarakhand 328 287 615 5311 3704 9015 30 21 51

36 West Bengal 5561 4436 9997 27319 15955 43274 729 574 1303

All India 27342 28764 56106 573150 432637 1005787 5062 4245 9307


AISHE 2017-18
Table 22 (b). Number of Teachers in Universities teaching departments and its Constituent
Units/Off-campus Centres
Reader & Associate Lecturer/ Assistant
Sl. Professor & Equivalent
State/UTs Professor Professor
Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
Andaman and Nicobar
1 3 3 5 1 6
2 Andhra Pradesh 849 256 1105 403 135 538 2102 967 3069

3 Arunachal Pradesh 88 13 101 44 12 56 257 112 369

4 Assam 569 161 730 327 96 423 1112 653 1765

5 Bihar 400 66 466 322 79 401 499 112 611

6 Chandigarh 330 212 542 86 55 141 377 342 719

7 Chhattisgarh 155 55 210 128 36 164 825 427 1252

Dadra and Nagar
8 1 1 1 1 4 2 6
9 Daman and Diu

10 Delhi 906 348 1254 466 257 723 957 737 1694

11 Goa 38 9 47 9 4 13 47 15 62

12 Gujarat 950 275 1225 857 373 1230 3743 2333 6076

13 Haryana 865 296 1161 454 289 743 1785 1784 3569

14 Himachal Pradesh 452 82 534 225 76 301 1029 777 1806

15 Jammu and Kashmir 347 76 423 198 60 258 928 401 1329

16 Jharkhand 226 30 256 296 79 375 810 257 1067

17 Karnataka 2459 704 3163 1563 792 2355 3847 2852 6699

18 Kerala 422 222 644 361 224 585 1195 1379 2574

19 Lakshadweep 3 3 22 20 42

20 Madhya Pradesh 1022 364 1386 580 270 850 3429 1996 5425

21 Maharashtra 1895 788 2683 1652 843 2495 4839 3576 8415

22 Manipur 98 21 119 62 21 83 197 93 290

23 Meghalaya 108 32 140 78 39 117 288 211 499

24 Mizoram 52 6 58 12 6 18 119 72 191

25 Nagaland 44 9 53 31 9 40 148 101 249

26 Odisha 619 135 754 708 276 984 1627 876 2503

27 Puducherry 242 67 309 154 79 233 297 182 479

28 Punjab 831 323 1154 510 270 780 2321 2349 4670

29 Rajasthan 1116 307 1423 990 512 1502 3842 2383 6225

30 Sikkim 79 21 100 86 34 120 370 241 611

31 Tamil Nadu 2898 1125 4023 2224 1174 3398 8252 6013 14265

32 Telangana 441 127 568 243 96 339 864 538 1402

33 Tripura 42 2 44 43 9 52 294 105 399

34 Uttar Pradesh 2354 572 2926 1374 597 1971 4568 2747 7315

35 Uttarakhand 707 203 910 583 212 795 1759 906 2665

36 West Bengal 1264 238 1502 769 203 972 1915 795 2710

All India 22874 7146 30020 15839 7217 23056 54673 36355 91028


AISHE 2017-18
Table 22 (b). Number of Teachers in Universities teaching departments and its Constituent
Units/Off-campus Centres
Temporary Teacher
Sl. Demonstrator/ Tutor Grand Total Visiting Teacher
State/UTs etc
Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
Andaman and Nicobar
1 8 1 9
2 Andhra Pradesh 65 80 145 464 303 767 3892 1746 5638 9 5 14

3 Arunachal Pradesh 2 2 4 393 139 532 2 2

4 Assam 2 1 3 40 50 90 2060 961 3021 10 10

5 Bihar 38 20 58 70 33 103 1348 314 1662 19 4 23

6 Chandigarh 2 4 6 795 613 1408

7 Chhattisgarh 7 9 16 96 64 160 1222 595 1817 11 4 15

Dadra and Nagar
8 5 3 8
9 Daman and Diu

10 Delhi 6 39 45 28 31 59 2368 1421 3789 5 9 14

11 Goa 1 1 97 28 125 2 2

12 Gujarat 192 332 524 204 272 476 6070 3647 9717 124 62 186

13 Haryana 26 57 83 56 49 105 3192 2482 5674 6 7 13

14 Himachal Pradesh 10 21 31 67 40 107 1788 998 2786 5 2 7

15 Jammu and Kashmir 2 11 13 81 55 136 1562 610 2172 6 7 13

16 Jharkhand 21 32 53 76 33 109 1438 433 1871 9 2 11

17 Karnataka 153 262 415 499 299 798 8547 4915 13462 26 6 32

18 Kerala 82 9 91 162 271 433 2232 2116 4348 10 11 21

19 Lakshadweep 25 20 45

20 Madhya Pradesh 394 428 822 300 261 561 5808 3373 9181 83 54 137

21 Maharashtra 421 604 1025 185 170 355 9178 6098 15276 186 117 303

22 Manipur 2 2 27 17 44 386 152 538

23 Meghalaya 1 1 2 1 3 4 476 286 762

24 Mizoram 10 7 17 202 101 303 9 10 19

25 Nagaland 2 1 3 225 120 345

26 Odisha 51 153 204 100 49 149 3163 1501 4664 58 12 70

27 Puducherry 124 153 277 11 8 19 828 489 1317

28 Punjab 18 105 123 82 191 273 3764 3241 7005 2 3 5

29 Rajasthan 167 113 280 46 60 106 6245 3437 9682 84 62 146

30 Sikkim 10 55 65 549 357 906 4 6 10

31 Tamil Nadu 447 587 1034 140 191 331 14021 9100 23121 60 10 70

32 Telangana 1 2 3 309 135 444 1859 899 2758 1 1 2

33 Tripura 5 1 6 384 117 501

34 Uttar Pradesh 464 387 851 310 187 497 9272 4595 13867 202 105 307

35 Uttarakhand 79 122 201 216 105 321 3349 1554 4903 5 6 11

36 West Bengal 65 25 90 91 62 153 4236 1381 5617 132 58 190

All India 2850 3610 6460 3681 2952 6633 100987 57843 158830 1070 563 1633


AISHE 2017-18
Table 23. State & Post-Wise Number of Male & Female Non-Teaching staff (based on actual response)
Group-A Group-B Group-C
Sl. No. State/UTs
Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
Andaman and Nicobar
1 2 2 45 20 65 184 68 252
2 Andhra Pradesh 11285 6026 17311 8994 4331 13325 12366 6992 19358

3 Arunachal Pradesh 84 24 108 124 51 175 495 212 707

4 Assam 1781 2238 4019 1564 839 2403 4839 1528 6367

5 Bihar 1512 377 1889 1397 368 1765 12120 2220 14340

6 Chandigarh 302 218 520 1488 998 2486 2647 1234 3881

7 Chhattisgarh 1130 484 1614 2010 780 2790 5978 1913 7891

8 Dadra and Nagar Haveli 8 8 16 2 1 3 41 25 66

9 Daman and Diu 7 5 12 18 10 28 53 42 95

10 Delhi 1279 672 1951 3826 5656 9482 14556 3097 17653

11 Goa 62 33 95 111 87 198 1513 1598 3111

12 Gujarat 3658 1674 5332 4822 2200 7022 11364 4222 15586

13 Haryana 2623 982 3605 3077 1263 4340 11592 6396 17988

14 Himachal Pradesh 781 642 1423 842 572 1414 3340 1048 4388

15 Jammu and Kashmir 1811 671 2482 3010 1343 4353 2943 872 3815

16 Jharkhand 644 471 1115 1085 456 1541 4503 1357 5860

17 Karnataka 6995 5023 12018 10452 7879 18331 29994 18877 48871

18 Kerala 5212 6090 11302 5753 4987 10740 8716 7927 16643

19 Lakshadweep 5 5 10 6 1 7

20 Madhya Pradesh 6394 2670 9064 6531 2668 9199 17339 7033 24372

21 Maharashtra 13602 5727 19329 12830 6963 19793 49744 18946 68690

22 Manipur 265 140 405 354 673 1027 1668 1174 2842

23 Meghalaya 144 76 220 223 127 350 353 202 555

24 Mizoram 40 18 58 127 129 256 480 255 735

25 Nagaland 129 68 197 168 114 282 556 301 857

26 Odisha 2080 483 2563 4454 1507 5961 11441 3613 15054

27 Puducherry 569 839 1408 1021 1841 2862 3002 2131 5133

28 Punjab 4117 2591 6708 7563 6411 13974 10847 4625 15472

29 Rajasthan 11525 4223 15748 6909 1912 8821 12508 3260 15768

30 Sikkim 43 23 66 164 119 283 279 195 474

31 Tamil Nadu 17041 14334 31375 15395 14654 30049 29913 24750 54663

32 Telangana 7727 4444 12171 6139 3665 9804 7878 4061 11939

33 Tripura 144 48 192 140 59 199 1021 1289 2310

34 Uttar Pradesh 11117 3824 14941 12906 5582 18488 47168 12003 59171

35 Uttarakhand 961 494 1455 1345 438 1783 7258 4076 11334

36 West Bengal 2030 608 2638 4733 1556 6289 10260 2489 12749

All India 117104 66248 183352 129627 80264 209891 338965 150032 488997


AISHE 2017-18
Table 23. State & Post-Wise Number of Male & Female Non-Teaching staff(based on actual response)
Group-D Grand Total
Male Female Total Male Female Total
Andaman and Nicobar
33 19 52 264 107 371
Andhra Pradesh 9758 7047 16805 42403 24396 66799

Arunachal Pradesh 174 90 264 877 377 1254

Assam 6182 1073 7255 14366 5678 20044

Bihar 9790 1465 11255 24819 4430 29249

Chandigarh 497 108 605 4934 2558 7492

Chhattisgarh 4091 1481 5572 13209 4658 17867

Dadra and Nagar Haveli 52 48 100 103 82 185

Daman and Diu 49 36 85 127 93 220

Delhi 3595 996 4591 23256 10421 33677

Goa 454 223 677 2140 1941 4081

Gujarat 7502 2658 10160 27346 10754 38100

Haryana 7240 2105 9345 24532 10746 35278

Himachal Pradesh 2862 1127 3989 7825 3389 11214

Jammu and Kashmir 3906 1029 4935 11670 3915 15585

Jharkhand 3186 900 4086 9418 3184 12602

Karnataka 19581 11765 31346 67022 43544 110566

Kerala 4093 3536 7629 23774 22540 46314

Lakshadweep 11 6 17

Madhya Pradesh 10132 3358 13490 40396 15729 56125

Maharashtra 40937 8838 49775 117113 40474 157587

Manipur 846 379 1225 3133 2366 5499

Meghalaya 520 312 832 1240 717 1957

Mizoram 233 83 316 880 485 1365

Nagaland 546 292 838 1399 775 2174

Odisha 9326 3301 12627 27301 8904 36205

Puducherry 660 808 1468 5252 5619 10871

Punjab 9502 4499 14001 32029 18126 50155

Rajasthan 9346 2852 12198 40288 12247 52535

Sikkim 306 182 488 792 519 1311

Tamil Nadu 20175 13879 34054 82524 67617 150141

Telangana 6386 4709 11095 28130 16879 45009

Tripura 724 578 1302 2029 1974 4003

Uttar Pradesh 29983 6863 36846 101174 28272 129446

Uttarakhand 4995 1377 6372 14559 6385 20944

West Bengal 14673 3843 18516 31696 8496 40192

All India 242335 91859 334194 828031 388403 1216434


AISHE 2017-18
Table 24. (a). State-wise Number of Non-Teaching staff among various social categories(based on actual response)
Sl. No. State/UTs
Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
Andaman and
1 264 107 371 1 1 2 20 8 28 19 8 27
Nicobar Islands
2 Andhra Pradesh 42403 24396 66799 7312 5797 13109 1337 1210 2547 14700 7282 21982

3 Arunachal Pradesh 877 377 1254 44 17 61 306 222 528 72 16 88

4 Assam 14366 5678 20044 927 228 1155 2351 2422 4773 2876 683 3559

5 Bihar 24819 4430 29249 1790 379 2169 234 106 340 9261 1422 10683

6 Chandigarh 4934 2558 7492 865 386 1251 25 2 27 386 211 597

7 Chhattisgarh 13209 4658 17867 1612 637 2249 1531 709 2240 4841 1297 6138
Dadra and Nagar
8 103 82 185 13 5 18 49 36 85 4 6 10
9 Daman and Diu 127 93 220 11 3 14 12 3 15 19 5 24

10 Delhi 23256 10421 33677 4840 1643 6483 828 545 1373 2689 1412 4101

11 Goa 2140 1941 4081 61 15 76 125 45 170 144 85 229

12 Gujarat 27346 10754 38100 3378 1347 4725 2336 893 3229 6103 1840 7943

13 Haryana 24532 10746 35278 4047 1897 5944 148 53 201 3722 1347 5069

14 Himachal Pradesh 7825 3389 11214 1691 769 2460 348 119 467 799 280 1079

15 Jammu and Kashmir 11670 3915 15585 713 242 955 343 85 428 237 47 284

16 Jharkhand 9418 3184 12602 895 446 1341 1280 1033 2313 3287 807 4094

17 Karnataka 67022 43544 110566 8032 5156 13188 2740 1570 4310 23268 16008 39276

18 Kerala 23774 22540 46314 1367 1798 3165 249 263 512 8689 7954 16643

19 Lakshadweep 11 6 17 9 2 11 2 4 6

20 Madhya Pradesh 40396 15729 56125 5386 2029 7415 2399 932 3331 9934 3229 13163

21 Maharashtra 117113 40474 157587 15311 5896 21207 4478 1295 5773 26686 7625 34311

22 Manipur 3133 2366 5499 116 54 170 610 651 1261 408 184 592

23 Meghalaya 1240 717 1957 18 7 25 603 467 1070 34 12 46

24 Mizoram 880 485 1365 7 2 9 811 478 1289 27 3 30

25 Nagaland 1399 775 2174 30 5 35 1143 692 1835 47 9 56

26 Odisha 27301 8904 36205 2593 1021 3614 1239 408 1647 4871 1381 6252

27 Puducherry 5252 5619 10871 1163 1459 2622 31 27 58 2874 2760 5634

28 Punjab 32029 18126 50155 7046 3678 10724 165 70 235 2369 1505 3874

29 Rajasthan 40288 12247 52535 5468 2128 7596 2579 805 3384 11512 3483 14995

30 Sikkim 792 519 1311 57 32 89 186 116 302 211 151 362

31 Tamil Nadu 82524 67617 150141 11288 10854 22142 561 668 1229 43188 30150 73338

32 Telangana 28130 16879 45009 4069 3085 7154 1504 910 2414 10975 5897 16872

33 Tripura 2029 1974 4003 239 225 464 262 234 496 127 48 175

34 Uttar Pradesh 101174 28272 129446 15500 5186 20686 1145 350 1495 27166 6444 33610

35 Uttarakhand 14559 6385 20944 2010 653 2663 223 127 350 1622 475 2097

36 West Bengal 31696 8496 40192 4357 869 5226 956 277 1233 1857 384 2241

All India 828031 388403 1216434 112257 57949 170206 33166 17833 50999 225026 104454 329480


AISHE 2017-18
Table 24. (b). State-wise Number of Non-Teaching staff among Minority & PWD(based on actual response)
PWD Muslim Other Minority Communities
Sl. No. State/UTs
Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
Andaman and
1 7 1 8 23 12 35 46 18 64
Nicobar Islands
2 Andhra Pradesh 281 120 401 1224 528 1752 277 229 506

3 Arunachal Pradesh 3 4 7 7 2 9 42 25 67

4 Assam 251 180 431 761 142 903 157 84 241

5 Bihar 94 13 107 1426 255 1681 189 88 277

6 Chandigarh 61 33 94 21 5 26 212 304 516

7 Chhattisgarh 60 24 84 161 57 218 223 166 389

Dadra and Nagar
8 2 1 3 1 2 3
9 Daman and Diu 1 1 3 1 4 3 6 9

10 Delhi 385 202 587 354 63 417 274 173 447

11 Goa 41 11 52 21 12 33 229 176 405

12 Gujarat 194 80 274 385 117 502 205 212 417

13 Haryana 162 49 211 134 25 159 141 95 236

14 Himachal Pradesh 79 21 100 34 11 45 30 20 50

15 Jammu and Kashmir 32 12 44 6749 2163 8912 397 136 533

16 Jharkhand 58 16 74 471 138 609 226 207 433

17 Karnataka 381 157 538 2442 1267 3709 2026 2264 4290

18 Kerala 209 154 363 1880 1244 3124 2696 2441 5137

19 Lakshadweep 6 1 7

20 Madhya Pradesh 253 63 316 942 278 1220 480 345 825

21 Maharashtra 1037 223 1260 3284 889 4173 1845 894 2739

22 Manipur 16 8 24 108 16 124 239 124 363

23 Meghalaya 8 2 10 51 18 69 247 170 417

24 Mizoram 5 1 6 4 4 799 473 1272

25 Nagaland 6 5 11 15 1 16 698 382 1080

26 Odisha 100 31 131 186 40 226 85 78 163

27 Puducherry 48 18 66 27 28 55 143 269 412

28 Punjab 191 57 248 105 27 132 3335 1710 5045

29 Rajasthan 230 56 286 785 179 964 339 151 490

30 Sikkim 2 3 5 1 1 25 23 48

31 Tamil Nadu 480 264 744 1431 823 2254 4328 4615 8943

32 Telangana 173 84 257 2223 901 3124 306 272 578

33 Tripura 25 9 34 15 9 24 2 6 8

34 Uttar Pradesh 573 542 1115 3535 1052 4587 967 583 1550

35 Uttarakhand 45 10 55 195 58 253 66 39 105

36 West Bengal 170 29 199 1647 305 1952 308 93 401

All India 5663 2483 8146 30657 10669 41326 21585 16871 38456


AISHE 2017-18
Table 25. Pupil Teacher Ratio in Higher Education
University & its Constituent
All Institutions University & Colleges
No. Regular & Regular & Regular &
Regular Mode Regular Mode Regular Mode
Distance Mode Distance Mode Distance Mode

Andaman and Nicobar

1 29 18 30 19 456 14
2 Andhra Pradesh 19 18 20 19 47 27

3 Arunachal Pradesh 43 29 88 60 45 17

4 Assam 34 29 41 35 48 12

5 Bihar 67 61 77 70 106 32

6 Chandigarh 31 22 56 40 37 16

7 Chhattisgarh 29 23 33 26 88 21

8 Dadra and Nagar Haveli 28 28 29 29 13 13

9 Daman and Diu 14 14 14 14

10 Delhi 61 24 82 32 199 31

11 Goa 17 15 19 16 67 21

12 Gujarat 27 26 32 30 30 23

13 Haryana 29 25 38 32 43 19

14 Himachal Pradesh 27 23 43 37 29 15

15 Jammu and Kashmir 37 26 53 37 62 14

16 Jharkhand 59 56 77 72 49 26

17 Karnataka 16 16 18 18 19 14

18 Kerala 20 15 22 16 70 12

19 Lakshadweep 12 12 12 12

20 Madhya Pradesh 35 31 43 39 59 40

21 Maharashtra 27 22 32 26 62 15

22 Manipur 31 29 38 35 24 12

23 Meghalaya 30 27 46 41 26 14

24 Mizoram 17 14 23 19 31 14

25 Nagaland 19 16 25 21 28 9

26 Odisha 28 26 35 33 30 17

27 Puducherry 13 11 15 12 19 9

28 Punjab 21 20 27 26 31 27

29 Rajasthan 32 30 41 38 40 24

30 Sikkim 20 14 30 21 19 10

31 Tamil Nadu 18 15 21 18 35 14

32 Telangana 19 18 20 19 42 25

33 Tripura 37 28 48 36 51 6

34 Uttar Pradesh 60 58 74 72 37 23

35 Uttarakhand 28 24 46 40 33 22

36 West Bengal 37 33 44 39 58 20

All India 29 25 34 30 46 20


AISHE 2017-18
Table 26. Level-wise Enrolment in various types of Universities (a) Teaching
departments and Constituent Units/Off-campus Centres
Ph.D. M.Phil. Post Graduate
Type of University
Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Central University 12394 9658 22052 1804 1722 3526 57914 51820 109734

Central Open
181 184 365 32 24 56 194363 146381 340744
Institute of National
19512 8871 28383 39 46 85 29894 10626 40520

State Public University 24042 19917 43959 4535 6954 11489 440113 534821 974934

State Open University 95 55 150 98422 86079 184501

State Private
7083 6284 13367 333 442 775 117798 78796 196594
State Private Open
10 1 11
Institute under State
177 23 200 432 245 677
Legislature Act
Deemed University-
6820 2681 9501 164 166 330 7631 4099 11730
Deemed University-
1683 1366 3049 255 431 686 8379 7188 15567
Government Aided
Deemed University-
9718 8474 18192 262 703 965 51892 48220 100112

Grand Total 81705 57513 139218 7424 10488 17912 1006848 968276 1975124

Table 26. Level-wise Enrolment in various types of Universities

(b) Affiliated and Constituent Colleges

Central University 177 257 434 15 67 82 11751 19971 31722

State Public University 10169 10684 20853 4773 11148 15921 833683 1180790 2014473

Grand Total 10346 10941 21287 4788 11215 16003 845434 1200761 2046195


AISHE 2017-18
Table 26. Level-wise Enrolment in various types of Universities (a) Teaching
departments and Constituent Units/Off-campus Centres
Under Graduate PG Diploma Diploma
Type of University
Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
1 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

Central University 286779 273957 560736 2132 1678 3810 6276 2089 8365

Central Open
338319 142411 480730 13071 7938 21009 8143 10078 18221
Institute of National
91439 25883 117322 56 47 103 16 55 71

State Public University 716369 584153 1300522 39379 40377 79756 70633 39897 110530

State Open University 558849 296255 855104 5863 3819 9682 13351 8532 21883

State Private
459409 210774 670183 17331 14746 32077 66921 24850 91771
State Private Open
9 6 15
Institute under State
823 1727 2550 26 16 42 40 162 202
Legislature Act
Deemed University-
11888 4138 16026 906 394 1300 1818 554 2372
Deemed University-
14924 14832 29756 294 247 541 2181 1061 3242
Government Aided
Deemed University-
317717 183493 501210 2842 2295 5137 5712 1528 7240

Grand Total 2796525 1737629 4534154 81900 71557 153457 175091 88806 263897

Table 26. Level-wise Enrolment in various types of Universities

(b) Affiliated and Constituent Colleges

Central University 337354 378583 715937 448 519 967 5570 3008 8578

State Public University 11698880 11449783 23148663 22329 24219 46548 271027 142399 413426

Grand Total 12036234 11828366 23864600 22777 24738 47515 276597 145407 422004


AISHE 2017-18
Table 26. Level-wise Enrolment in various types of Universities (a) Teaching
departments and Constituent Units/Off-campus Centres
Certificate Integrated Grand Total
Type of University
Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
1 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

Central University 2347 1244 3591 6282 5583 11865 375928 347751 723679

Central Open
55 95 150 554164 307111 861275
Institute of National
9 6 15 13337 3361 16698 154302 48895 203197

State Public University 14790 25917 40707 19453 15283 34736 1329314 1267319 2596633

State Open University 9168 9595 18763 685748 404335 1090083

State Private
712 285 997 16837 13128 29965 686424 349305 1035729
State Private Open
19 7 26
Institute under State
25 13 38 1523 2186 3709
Legislature Act
Deemed University-
353 101 454 935 273 1208 30515 12406 42921
Deemed University-
1723 1298 3021 29 103 132 29468 26526 55994
Government Aided
Deemed University-
125 163 288 10757 8250 19007 399025 253126 652151

Grand Total 29307 38717 68024 67630 45981 113611 4246430 3018967 7265397

Table 26. Level-wise Enrolment in various types of Universities

(b) Affiliated and Constituent Colleges

Central University 558 830 1388 382 353 735 356255 403588 759843

State Public University 21219 30502 51721 46053 34800 80853 12908133 12884325 25792458

Grand Total 21777 31332 53109 46435 35153 81588 13264388 13287913 26552301


AISHE 2017-18
Table 27. Category-wise Enrolment in various types of Universities
(a) Teaching departments and Constituent Units/Off-campus Centres
Type of All Category SC ST OBC
Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

375928 347751 723679 45874 42642 88516 15708 15949 31657 62650 44535 107185

Central Open
554164 307111 861275 64922 31804 96726 43641 26906 70547 110034 49727 159761

Institute of
National 154302 48895 203197 21687 5975 27662 10002 2977 12979 43250 10955 54205

State Public
1329314 1267319 2596633 172413 158781 331194 52574 46786 99360 420735 443796 864531

State Open
685748 404335 1090083 91143 55033 146176 49963 30902 80865 249536 138256 387792

State Private
686424 349305 1035729 47980 24572 72552 24190 17647 41837 147700 61527 209227

State Private
19 7 26 19 7 26
Open University

Institute under
State Legislature 1523 2186 3709 150 356 506 46 90 136 385 819 1204
University- 30515 12406 42921 3294 1134 4428 1835 768 2603 6706 2753 9459

29468 26526 55994 2894 2802 5696 845 957 1802 7026 9377 16403

University- 399025 253126 652151 16294 11087 27381 5739 4246 9985 94814 57876 152690

Grand Total 4246430 3018967 7265397 466651 334186 800837 204562 147235 351797 1142836 819621 1962457

Table 27. Category-wise Enrolment in various types of Universities

(b) Affiliated and Constituent Colleges

356255 403588 759843 38317 40913 79230 85634 90092 175726 85639 94937 180576

State Public
12908133 12884325 25792458 1977590 1970230 3947820 641740 615669 1257409 4885492 4997297 9882789

Grand Total 13264388 13287913 26552301 2015907 2011143 4027050 727374 705761 1433135 4971131 5092234 10063365


AISHE 2017-18
Table 28. PWD and Minority Enrolment in various types of Universities (based on actual response)
(a) Teaching departments and Constituent Units/Off-campus Centres
Type of PWD Muslim Other Minority Communities
Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

2215 1012 3227 31810 23919 55729 4801 5561 10362

Central Open
9 9 21 10 31 11 23 34

Institute of
National 2126 271 2397 3105 835 3940 3448 1933 1856

State Public
3370 1727 5097 61896 59515 121411 20085 22025 12897

State Open
637 225 862 2553 1831 4384 1029 1074 3082

State Private
1225 362 1587 21630 6430 28060 11997 13852 5554

State Private
Open University

Institute under
State Legislature 7 3 10 40 89 129
University- 193 36 229 496 109 605 1418 592 1457

49 62 111 3858 2763 6621 780 1261 2735

University- 457 139 596 12077 6223 18300 16816 14466 23774

Grand Total 10288 3837 14125 137486 101724 239210 60385 60787 61751

Table 28. PWD and Minority Enrolment in various types of Universities (based on actual response)
(b) Affiliated and Constituent Colleges

1410 907 2317 16348 19676 36024 32621 36667 69288

State Public
25246 22548 47794 710451 750130 1460581 236920 331890 568810

Grand Total 26656 23455 50111 726799 769806 1496605 269541 368557 638098


AISHE 2017-18
Table 29. Post-wise Number of Teachers in various types of Universities
(a) Teaching departments and Constituent Units/Off-campus Centres
Professor & Equivalent Reader & Associate Professor Lecturer/ Assistant Professor
Type of University
Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total

Central University 2408 570 2978 1218 419 1637 3800 1590 5390

Central Open University 35 21 56 38 28 66 32 34 66

Institute of National
2076 316 2392 1912 400 2312 3813 1043 4856

State Public University 8240 2703 10943 4223 1824 6047 15484 10047 25531

State Open University 64 7 71 35 11 46 154 116 270

State Private University 3461 1028 4489 2976 1618 4594 16154 11965 28119

State Private Open


Institute under State

151 28 179 76 25 101 206 94 300
Legislature Act

Deemed University-
1300 284 1584 771 179 950 1015 360 1375

Deemed University-
298 206 504 145 118 263 556 548 1104
Government Aided

Deemed University-
4841 1983 6824 4445 2595 7040 13459 10558 24017

Grand Total 22874 7146 30020 15839 7217 23056 54673 36355 91028

Table 29. Post-wise Number of Teachers in various types of Universities

(b) Affiliated and Constituent Colleges

Central University 1092 496 1588 2551 3023 5574 8010 8801 16811

State Public University 53602 19801 73403 68567 40008 108575 383652 297171 680823

Grand Total 54694 20297 74991 71118 43031 114149 391662 305972 697634


AISHE 2017-18
Table 29. Post-wise Number of Teachers in various types of Universities
(a) Teaching departments and Constituent Units/Off-campus Centres
Demonstrator/ Tutor Temporary Teacher etc Grand Total Visiting Teacher
Type of University
Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total

Central University 8 3 11 282 152 434 7745 2753 10498 29 19 48

Central Open University 105 83 188

Institute of National
6 16 22 421 240 661 8321 2029 10350 93 14 107

State Public University 543 511 1054 2489 2049 4538 31560 17466 49026 581 332 913

State Open University 54 20 74 318 156 474 11 2 13

State Private University 934 1178 2112 209 218 427 23882 16112 39994 148 105 253

State Private Open


Institute under State

99 95 194 532 242 774
Legislature Act

Deemed University-
57 33 90 96 34 130 3262 894 4156 23 4 27

Deemed University-
29 40 69 22 112 134 1052 1024 2076 2 2
Government Aided

Deemed University-
1174 1734 2908 108 127 235 24210 17084 41294 183 87 270

Grand Total 2850 3610 6460 3681 2952 6633 100987 57843 158830 1070 563 1633

Table 29. Post-wise Number of Teachers in various types of Universities(b)

Affiliated and Constituent Colleges

Central University 349 653 1002 796 1048 1844 12900 14135 27035 102 114 216

State Public University 12419 22287 34706 26469 27652 54121 549656 411040 960696 4947 4121 9068

Grand Total 12768 22940 35708 27265 28700 55965 562556 425175 987731 5049 4235 9284


AISHE 2017-18
Table 30. Category-wise Number of Teachers in various types of Universitier
(a) Teaching departments and Constituent Units/Off-campus Centres
All Category SC ST
Type of University
Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total

Central University 7745 2753 10498 812 234 1046 444 301 745

Central Open University 105 83 188 15 7 22 6 2 8

Institute of National
8321 2029 10350 585 132 717 121 40 161

State Public University 31560 17466 49026 3892 1621 5513 962 417 1379

State Open University 318 156 474 48 15 63 10 4 14

State Private University 23882 16112 39994 695 407 1102 279 335 614

State Private Open


Institute under State

532 242 774 42 23 65 10 7 17
Legislature Act

Deemed University-
3262 894 4156 230 47 277 71 16 87

Deemed University-
1052 1024 2076 95 69 164 36 18 54
Government Aided

Deemed University-
24210 17084 41294 998 690 1688 89 70 159

Grand Total 100987 57843 158830 7412 3245 10657 2028 1210 3238

Table 30. Category-wise Number of Teachers in various types of Universities

(b) Affiliated and Constituent Colleges

Central University 12900 14135 27035 1309 951 2260 2344 3115 5459

State Public University 549656 411040 960696 53517 29643 83160 11301 5701 17002

Grand Total 562556 425175 987731 54826 30594 85420 13645 8816 22461


AISHE 2017-18
Table 30. Category-wise Number of Teachers in various types of Universitier
(a) Teaching departments and Constituent Units/Off-campus Centres
Other Minority
OBC PWD Muslim
Type of University
Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total

Central University 1140 354 1494 85 16 101 1651 433 2084 481 375 856

Central Open University 11 2 13 5 1 6 7 8 15

Institute of National
1084 240 1324 39 9 48 259 59 318 362 124 486

State Public University 8153 4033 12186 145 47 192 1944 945 2889 2006 1856 3862

State Open University 73 49 122 2 2 15 4 19 10 2 12

State Private University 3221 1589 4810 34 19 53 1049 445 1494 1700 1931 3631

State Private Open


Institute under State

113 79 192 1 1 142 19 161 5 4 9
Legislature Act

Deemed University-
328 86 414 18 4 22 65 19 84 459 108 567

Deemed University-
167 321 488 5 5 10 146 115 261 182 144 326
Government Aided

Deemed University-
8042 5777 13819 27 15 42 770 401 1171 1860 1939 3799

Grand Total 22332 12530 34862 355 116 471 6046 2441 8487 7072 6491 13563

Table 30. Category-wise Number of Teachers in various types of Universities(b) Affiliated and
Constituent Colleges

Central University 2849 2341 5190 122 54 176 701 341 1042 2535 3632 6167

State Public University 190651 133407 324058 2054 830 2884 32390 19310 51700 32488 52331 84819

Grand Total 193500 135748 329248 2176 884 3060 33091 19651 52742 35023 55963 90986


AISHE 2017-18
Table31. State-wise Number of Hostels, Intake and Student Residing
Boys Hostel Girls Hostel Others Hostel Total Hostel
No. Number Intake Residing Number Intake Residing Number Intake Residing Number Intake Residing
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

1 Andaman and Nicobar Islands 8 862 995 7 714 943 15 1576 1938

2 Andhra Pradesh 812 195434 142427 1224 254755 185080 26 6240 4498 2062 456429 332005

3 Arunachal Pradesh 46 4122 3627 46 3740 3000 1 58 58 93 7920 6685

4 Assam 295 31801 25882 463 34460 27907 13 658 589 771 66919 54378

5 Bihar 400 42059 25612 384 33427 18854 20 1579 881 804 77065 45347

6 Chandigarh 29 6435 5547 52 9131 8797 9 1011 1011 90 16577 15355

7 Chhattisgarh 322 29361 17681 438 45075 28529 5 145 90 765 74581 46300

8 Dadra and Nagar Haveli 6 781 234 5 710 338 11 1491 572

9 Daman and Diu 3 230 156 3 256 175 6 486 331

10 Delhi 142 25936 23855 166 33130 24187 29 3070 2791 337 62136 50833

11 Goa 28 2400 1678 27 1847 1422 7 379 347 62 4626 3447

12 Gujarat 1457 212265 102614 1482 228288 102281 96 13471 7068 3035 454024 211963

13 Haryana 481 86695 49605 557 80961 43372 19 1936 1410 1057 169592 94387

14 Himachal Pradesh 188 26143 15431 312 32697 21569 11 957 562 511 59797 37562

15 Jammu and Kashmir 197 21453 10637 221 22674 9011 14 1249 435 432 45376 20083

16 Jharkhand 303 43013 34313 229 25909 18172 14 1258 936 546 70180 53421

17 Karnataka 2480 419022 220699 2884 463112 253496 106 12803 8104 5470 894937 482299

18 Kerala 742 85735 53444 1337 179504 117036 42 3554 2926 2121 268793 173406

19 Lakshadweep 3 245 58 3 203 197 6 448 255

20 Madhya Pradesh 695 81915 51779 703 81429 50987 40 2880 1913 1438 166224 104679

21 Maharashtra 2361 301806 170351 2909 327176 180418 158 20085 13049 5430 649067 363818

22 Manipur 94 5012 4738 118 6708 5734 4 205 173 216 11925 10645

23 Meghalaya 63 5727 4791 75 5281 4521 5 123 108 143 11131 9420

24 Mizoram 37 2015 1698 51 2505 2044 88 4520 3742

25 Nagaland 89 4887 3548 79 4853 3482 1 27 20 169 9767 7050

26 Odisha 999 135135 103170 1109 116342 88074 18 1871 1067 2126 253348 192311

27 Puducherry 79 11468 7768 74 10432 7074 5 596 351 158 22496 15193

28 Punjab 655 140339 78771 920 153700 79970 31 3266 2545 1606 297305 161286

29 Rajasthan 858 111147 66109 914 107047 57842 36 4882 2657 1809 223076 126608

30 Sikkim 30 4595 2922 32 3095 2166 62 7690 5088

31 Tamil Nadu 2382 576267 334107 2723 560901 309224 59 10996 7964 5164 1148164 651295

32 Telangana 432 92731 60334 611 134168 92828 20 2111 1374 1063 229010 154536

33 Tripura 33 4184 3738 29 3263 2133 4 340 248 67 7787 6119

34 Uttar Pradesh 1860 271362 171440 1588 188195 111545 102 11350 6119 3551 470907 289104

35 Uttarakhand 349 51190 35025 302 42265 26668 20 2154 1202 671 95609 62895

36 West Bengal 1083 111894 75438 1044 82695 53166 43 4598 4147 2170 199187 132751
All India 20041 3145666 1910222 23121 3280648 1942242 958 113852 74643 44125 6540166 3927107


AISHE 2017-18
Table 32. Number of Hostels, Intake and Student Residing in various types of Universities
(a) Teaching departments and Constituent Units/Off-campus Centres
Boys Hotel Girls Hostel Others Hostel Total Hostel
Type of University
Number Intake Residing Number Intake Residing Number Intake Residing Number Intake Residing
1 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Central University 285 51602 47497 238 35064 33760 17 2463 2327 540 89129 83584

Central Open

Institute of National
464 136152 126158 203 41491 37605 50 9588 8491 717 187231 172254

State Public University 1290 216109 181227 1044 194953 170976 61 4855 3980 2395 415917 356183

State Open University 1 200 1 150 2 350

State Private University 689 196290 129007 544 133767 90219 26 5091 3356 1259 335148 222582

Institute under State

7 439 428 12 1486 1423 10 675 637 29 2600 2488
Legislature Act

Deemed University-
114 23138 21808 63 8242 7495 43 3170 2715 220 34550 32018

Deemed University-
37 5189 4938 38 7950 7490 3 105 85 78 13244 12513
Government Aided

Deemed University-
523 228196 162924 508 177825 124693 30 5174 4314 1061 411195 291931

All India 3410 857315 673987 2651 600928 473661 240 31121 25905 6301 1489364 1173553

Table 33. Number of Hostels, Intake and Student Residing in various types of Universities
(b) Affiliated and Constituent Colleges

Central University 342 31110 20951 428 36317 25855 18 1512 1175 788 68939 47981

State Public University 12782 1851145 1020709 14940 2109809 1172741 552 65685 38592 28274 4026639 2232042

Grand Total 13124 1882255 1041660 15368 2146126 1198596 570 67197 39767 29062 4095578 2280023


AISHE 2017-18
Table 33.State-wise Out-turn/Pass-Out at various levels (based on actual response)

Sl. Ph.D. M.Phil. Post Graduate

Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Andaman and Nicobar
1 58 144 202
2 Andhra Pradesh 1395 973 2368 163 191 354 44065 43105 87170
3 Arunachal Pradesh 50 27 77 23 33 56 552 557 1109
4 Assam 2463 1154 3617 125 150 275 6248 9252 15500
5 Bihar 542 330 872 20904 16321 37225
6 Chandigarh 142 148 290 37 55 92 2042 4878 6920
7 Chhattisgarh 91 126 217 199 265 464 9387 13021 22408
8 Dadra and Nagar Haveli 43 70 113
9 Daman and Diu
10 Delhi 1184 869 2053 457 579 1036 43794 53768 97562
11 Goa 1 1 782 1432 2214
12 Gujarat 734 478 1212 279 314 593 22387 30596 52983
13 Haryana 283 295 578 220 260 480 13576 25697 39273
14 Himachal Pradesh 133 123 256 75 108 183 2532 4522 7054
15 Jammu and Kashmir 172 207 379 42 68 110 2793 4469 7262
16 Jharkhand 211 143 354 60 114 174 6660 9269 15929
17 Karnataka 2221 1412 3633 104 165 269 42324 50217 92541
18 Kerala 243 373 616 127 450 577 11671 27769 39440
19 Lakshadweep 2 9 11
20 Madhya Pradesh 498 518 1016 372 441 813 30238 35255 65493
21 Maharashtra 1573 1081 2654 537 621 1158 77530 71396 148926
22 Manipur 37 35 72 2 2 543 572 1115
23 Meghalaya 10 7 17 1136 1258 2394
24 Mizoram 24 32 56 30 43 73 384 434 818
25 Nagaland 15 16 31 766 783 1549
26 Odisha 508 290 798 378 581 959 9974 9293 19267
27 Puducherry 62 34 96 14 55 69 2762 2714 5476
28 Punjab 391 520 911 196 268 464 16319 37662 53981
29 Rajasthan 857 708 1565 159 83 242 48395 52305 100700
30 Sikkim 6 3 9 24 19 43 1135 1301 2436
31 Tamil Nadu 2374 2177 4551 4340 13917 18257 66597 112621 179218
32 Telangana 657 325 982 204 125 329 33956 39316 73272
33 Tripura 54 22 76 1126 949 2075
34 Uttar Pradesh 1676 939 2615 149 292 441 99112 135149 234261
35 Uttarakhand 537 369 906 1 1 9927 13658 23585
36 West Bengal 1035 487 1522 340 205 545 27056 37865 64921
All India 20179 14221 34400 8655 19404 28059 656776 847627 1504403


AISHE 2017-18
Table 33. State-wise Out-turn/Pass-Out at various levels (based on actual response)

Sl. Under Graduate PG Diploma Diploma

Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
1 2 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Andaman and Nicobar
1 373 622 995 124 59 183
2 Andhra Pradesh 131523 124396 255919 729 687 1416 18402 18500 36902
3 Arunachal Pradesh 2567 2802 5369 28 23 51 201 106 307
4 Assam 43089 48235 91324 522 556 1078 10422 6721 17143
5 Bihar 188100 140601 328701 584 302 886 4735 3222 7957
6 Chandigarh 6112 8657 14769 159 339 498 385 468 853
7 Chhattisgarh 36041 47217 83258 6882 6716 13598 14643 11418 26061
8 Dadra and Nagar Haveli 285 434 719 64 6 70
9 Daman and Diu 93 253 346 131 36 167
10 Delhi 120808 123866 244674 12848 15627 28475 10831 10301 21132
11 Goa 2615 4070 6685 40 35 75 1494 272 1766
12 Gujarat 129104 123325 252429 1756 2014 3770 21702 10170 31872
13 Haryana 44293 72724 117017 583 624 1207 8706 7214 15920
14 Himachal Pradesh 19135 28820 47955 261 649 910 1770 3087 4857
15 Jammu and Kashmir 15134 24399 39533 50 75 125 1328 870 2198
16 Jharkhand 61624 64450 126074 930 403 1333 5027 1824 6851
17 Karnataka 159331 198284 357615 1449 1313 2762 26132 21842 47974
18 Kerala 46419 100597 147016 304 214 518 5678 8726 14404
19 Lakshadweep 6 69 75
20 Madhya Pradesh 139441 133479 272920 20502 23301 43803 46486 30528 77014
21 Maharashtra 306667 291912 598579 5274 3478 8752 55602 43911 99513
22 Manipur 11248 11891 23139 72 19 91 230 283 513
23 Meghalaya 4027 5235 9262 28 22 50 113 369 482
24 Mizoram 1374 1652 3026 350 296 646
25 Nagaland 2619 3134 5753 8 23 31 225 364 589
26 Odisha 79306 76306 155612 710 377 1087 22366 9995 32361
27 Puducherry 3484 6296 9780 87 40 127 427 248 675
28 Punjab 60037 94156 154193 1345 2935 4280 19704 14080 33784
29 Rajasthan 260859 277408 538267 3124 1903 5027 23921 7882 31803
30 Sikkim 1675 2119 3794 217 232 449
31 Tamil Nadu 223606 345890 569496 3983 3093 7076 62318 20871 83189
32 Telangana 98887 113267 212154 1142 610 1752 14949 14235 29184
33 Tripura 7018 6047 13065 34 81 115 646 504 1150
34 Uttar Pradesh 686194 676827 1363021 6354 4224 10578 42351 25687 68038
35 Uttarakhand 35799 49461 85260 1058 1267 2325 6132 2966 9098
36 West Bengal 138308 143537 281845 779 601 1380 24019 7953 31972
All India 3067201 3352438 6419639 71625 71551 143176 451831 285246 737077


AISHE 2017-18
Table 33. State-wise Out-turn/Pass-Out at various levels (based on actual response)

Sl. Certificate Integrated Grand Total

Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
1 2 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
Andaman and Nicobar
1 5 23 28 560 848 1408
2 Andhra Pradesh 67 172 239 819 385 1204 197163 188409 385572
3 Arunachal Pradesh 85 33 118 2 1 3 3508 3582 7090
4 Assam 296 532 828 291 372 663 63456 66972 130428
5 Bihar 660 402 1062 132 138 270 215657 161316 376973
6 Chandigarh 149 131 280 500 614 1114 9526 15290 24816
7 Chhattisgarh 98 124 222 120 203 323 67461 79090 146551
8 Dadra and Nagar Haveli 392 510 902
9 Daman and Diu 224 289 513
10 Delhi 1302 889 2191 426 177 603 191650 206076 397726
11 Goa 12 12 4 7 11 4948 5816 10764
12 Gujarat 3507 6761 10268 1042 1136 2178 180511 174794 355305
13 Haryana 427 835 1262 838 1007 1845 68926 108656 177582
14 Himachal Pradesh 260 387 647 41 29 70 24207 37725 61932
15 Jammu and Kashmir 141 336 477 19660 30424 50084
16 Jharkhand 100 247 347 369 293 662 74981 76743 151724
17 Karnataka 433 598 1031 477 537 1014 232471 274368 506839
18 Kerala 463 1771 2234 229 181 410 65134 140081 205215
19 Lakshadweep 8 78 86
20 Madhya Pradesh 634 872 1506 558 326 884 238729 224720 463449
21 Maharashtra 2993 3459 6452 654 911 1565 450830 416769 867599
22 Manipur 70 70 12130 12872 25002
23 Meghalaya 5314 6891 12205
24 Mizoram 115 53 168 2277 2510 4787
25 Nagaland 10 8 18 3643 4328 7971
26 Odisha 1671 2314 3985 445 397 842 115358 99553 214911
27 Puducherry 10 12 22 148 76 224 6994 9475 16469
28 Punjab 242 476 718 342 401 743 98576 150498 249074
29 Rajasthan 3717 3959 7676 998 717 1715 342030 344965 686995
30 Sikkim 1 1 2 13 16 29 3071 3691 6762
31 Tamil Nadu 4005 9052 13057 1178 986 2164 368401 508607 877008
32 Telangana 273 331 604 700 562 1262 150768 168771 319539
33 Tripura 57 33 90 26 3 29 8961 7639 16600
34 Uttar Pradesh 9551 8841 18392 2796 1415 4211 848183 853374 1701557
35 Uttarakhand 96 38 134 200 92 292 53750 67851 121601
36 West Bengal 1172 576 1748 1104 470 1574 193813 191694 385507
All India 32406 42977 75383 14598 11811 26409 4323271 4645275 8968546


AISHE 2017-18
Table 34. Programme-wise Out-turn/Pass-Out (based on actual response)
Sl. No. Programme Male Female Total
1 2 3 4 5
1 Ph.D.-Doctor of Philosophy 19440 13953 33393
2 D.M.-Doctor of Medicine 253 42 295
3 D.Phil.-Doctor of Philosophy 145 99 244
4 M.Ch.-Master of Chirurgiae 205 19 224
5 Vidya Varidhi-Vidya Varidhi 102 56 158
6 Ayurveda Vachaspati-Ph.D in Ayurveda 29 19 48
7 D.Litt.-Doctor of Literature 1 18 19
8 D.Sc.-Doctor of Science 4 13 17
9 Vidya Vachaspati-Vidya Vachaspati 2 2
10 M.Phil.-Master of Philosophy 8655 19404 28059
11 M.A.-Master of Arts 235794 368270 604064
12 M.Sc.-Master of Science 95770 164288 260058
13 M.B.A.- Master of Business Administration 118779 87570 206349
14 M.Com.-Master of Commerce 60694 93890 154584
15 M.Tech. -Master of Technology 36836 25095 61931
16 M.C.A. -Master of Computer Applications 27516 25793 53309
17 M.E.-Master of Engineering 10848 10360 21208
18 M.S.W.-Master of Social Work 9873 10100 19973
19 M.Ed. -Master of Education 6242 11039 17281
20 Acharya-Acharya 7306 5336 12642
21 M.Pharm. -Master of Pharmacy 5389 7175 12564
22 M.D.-Doctor of Medicine 6302 5202 11504
23 P.G.D.M.-Post-Graduate Diploma in Management 6984 3665 10649
24 L.L.M.-Master of Law or Laws 4276 4034 8310
25 M.D.S.-Master of Dental Surgery 2036 2806 4842
26 M.Sc. Nursing-Master of Science in Nursing 729 3587 4316
27 M.Lib.Sc. -Master of Library Science 1418 2100 3518
28 M.P.Ed.-Master of Physical Education 2350 930 3280
29 M.S.-Master of Surgery 1986 1108 3094
30 M.S.-Master of Science 1630 1343 2973
31 M.Mgt.-Master of Management 1391 862 2253
32 Pharm.D.-Doctor of Pharmacy 717 1429 2146
33 M.L.I.Sc.-Master of Library & Information Science 899 1114 2013
34 M.F.A. -Master of Fine Arts 837 972 1809
35 P.G.P.-Post-Graduate Programme in Management 1173 435 1608
36 M.P.T.-Master of Physiotherapy 435 1139 1574
37 M.J.M.C.-Master of Journalism and Mass Communication 818 647 1465
38 M.V.Sc. -Master of Veterinary Sciences 891 522 1413
M.B.A.(Tech.)-Master of Business Administration in
39 774 577 1351
40 M.Arch.-Master of Architecture 422 497 919
41 M.H.R.D. -Master of Human Resource Development 376 520 896
42 M.Sc. Tech. -Master of Science in Technology 382 426 808
43 M.J.-Master of Journalism 444 295 739
44 M.H.A. -Master of Hospital Administration 369 369 738
45 M.F.M. -Master of Financial Management 376 285 661
46 Vachaspati-Vachaspati 339 316 655
47 M.Des.-Master of Design 346 304 650


AISHE 2017-18
Table 34. Programme-wise Out-turn/Pass-Out (based on actual response)
Sl. No. Programme Male Female Total
1 2 3 4 5
48 M.Mus. -Master of Music 236 398 634
49 M.M.C.-Master in Mass Communication 244 295 539
50 M.F.M.-Master of Fashion Management 151 259 410
51 M.I.B.-Master of International Business 208 178 386
52 M.Plan.-Master of Planning 181 163 344
53 M.Mkt.M. -Master of Marketing Management 233 92 325
54 Samaj Karya Parangat-Samaj Karya Parangat 181 125 306
55 M.P.E.-Master of Physical Education 185 94 279
56 M.F.Sc. -Master of Fishery Science 146 122 268
57 M.P.A.-Master of Performing Arts 149 115 264
58 Shiksha Acharya-Shiksha Acharya 162 99 261
59 M.L. -Master of Laws 159 99 258
60 Parangat-Parangat 105 107 212
61 M.P.H. -Master of Public Health 128 72 200
62 M.Litt.-Master of Literature or Master of Letters 26 132 158
63 M.F.Tech.-Master of Fashion Technology 22 135 157
M.B.A.(Pharma. Tech.)-Master of Business Administration in
64 74 73 147
Pharmaceutical Technology
M.Sc.(Medical Bio-Chemistry)-Master of Science in Medical
65 47 98 145
66 M.U.P.-Master of Urban Planning 51 83 134
67 M.Dance-Master of Dance 18 109 127
68 M.Stat. -Master of Statistics 59 67 126
M.Sc. Tech.(Applied Geo-Physics)-Master of Science in
69 78 32 110
Technology (Applied Geo-Physics)
M.Sc.(Medical Microbiology)-Master of Science in Medical
70 26 55 81
71 M.Optom. -Master of Optometry 27 43 70
72 M.O.T. -Master of Occupational Therapy 18 50 68
73 Shikshan Parangat-Shikshan Parangat 16 50 66
M.Sc.(Medical Anatomy) -Master of Science in Medical
74 20 22 42
75 M.P.S. -Master of Population Studies 21 18 39
M.Sc.(Medical Physiology)-Master of Science in Medical
76 7 17 24
77 M.O.L. -Master of Oriental Learning 12 3 15
78 M.F.T. -Master of Foreign Trade 13 2 15
79 M.A.M.S.-Master of Ayurved in Medicine and Surgery 9 6 15
M.T.P.M.-Master in Transportation Planning and
80 13 13
81 M.H.M.S.-Master of Homeopathic Medicine and Science 1 9 10
M.Sc.(Medical Pharmacology)-Master of Science in Medical
82 3 5 8
83 B.A.-Bachelor of Arts 870860 1202991 2073851
84 B.Sc.-Bachelor of Science 491050 543455 1034505
85 B.Com.-Bachelor of Commerce 456987 482120 939107
86 B.Ed.-Bachelor of Education 139596 304108 443704
87 B.E.-Bachelor of Engineering 293624 142297 435921
88 B.Tech.-Bachelor of Technology 297606 129219 426825


AISHE 2017-18
Table 34. Programme-wise Out-turn/Pass-Out (based on actual response)
Sl. No. Programme Male Female Total
1 2 3 4 5
89 B.A.(Hons)-Bachelor of Arts (Honors) 140430 174720 315150
90 B.Sc.(Hons)-Bachelor of Science (Honors) 63475 53923 117398
91 B.C.A.-Bachelor of Computer Applications 57128 53013 110141
92 B.B.A.-Bachelor of Business Administration 52765 43901 96666
93 L.L.B.-Bachelor of Law or Laws 44522 23189 67711
94 B.Sc.(Nursing)-Bachelor of Science in Nursing 8106 45277 53383
95 M.B.B.S.-Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery 17799 20308 38107
96 B.Pharm.-Bachelor of Pharmacy 18358 18461 36819
97 Shastri-Shastri 15993 13997 29990
98 B.Agri.-Bachelor of Agriculture 17475 4892 22367
99 B.D.S.-Bachelor of Dental Surgery 4396 15073 19469
100 B.Lib.I.Sc.-Bachelor of Library & Information Science 7345 8505 15850
101 B.P.Ed.-Bachelor of Physical Education 9225 4217 13442
102 B.B.M.-Bachelor of Business Management 6516 5913 12429
103 B.Architecture-Bachelor of Architecture 4628 5587 10215
104 B.Sc.(Post Basic)-B.Sc (Post Basic) 1726 8414 10140
105 B.H.M.S.-Bachelor of Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery 2897 6168 9065
106 B.P.T.-Bachelor of Physiotherapy 1709 5151 6860
107 B.M.S.-Bachelor of Management Studies 3462 3152 6614
108 B.S.W.-Bachelor of Social Work 2419 2581 5000
109 B.F.A.-Bachelor of Fine Arts 2497 2333 4830
110 B.A.M.S.-Bachelor of Ayurved Medicine & Surgery 1659 3087 4746
111 B.L.-Bachelor of Law or Laws 2453 2226 4679
112 B.H.A.-Bachelor of Hospital Administration 3945 729 4674
113 Shiksha Shastri-Shiksha Shastri 2255 2266 4521
114 B.P.E.-Bachelor of Physical Education 3003 1019 4022
115 B.H.M.-Bachelor of Hotel Management 3062 476 3538
116 B.J.M.C.-Bachelor of Journalism and Mass Communication 2108 1417 3525
117 B.Litt.-Bachelor of Literature 722 2485 3207
118 B.Des.-Bachelor of Design 772 2308 3080
B.H.M.C.T.-Bachelor of Hotel Management and Catering
119 2609 341 2950
120 B.Lib.Sc.-Bachelor of Library Science 1455 1472 2927
121 B.Voc.-Bachelor of Vocational Education 1170 1372 2542
122 Ayurvedacharya-Ayurvedacharya 910 1605 2515
B.V.Sc.&A.H.-Bachelor of Veterinary Science & Animal
123 1572 835 2407
124 B.Pharm.(Ayu.) -Bachelor of Ayurved in Pharmacy 1173 1190 2363
125 B.M.M.-Bachelor of Multi Media 808 910 1718
126 B.Optom.-Bachelor of Clinical Optometry 480 500 980
127 B.U.M.S.-Bachelor of Unani Medicine and Surgery 467 424 891
128 B.Mus.-Bachelor of Music 326 495 821
129 B.J.-Bachelor of Journalism 396 214 610
130 B.Nat.(Yogic Sciences)-Bachelor of Naturopathy and Yogic 226 377 603
B.A.S.L.P.-Bachelor of Audiology and Speech Language
131 Pathology 140 461 601


AISHE 2017-18
Table 34. Programme-wise Out-turn/Pass-Out (based on actual response)
Sl. No. Programme Male Female Total
1 2 3 4 5
B.S.Course-Bachelor of Science (Physician Assistant and
132 83 434 517
Emergency & Trauma Care Management)
133 B.F.Tech.-Bachelor of Fashion Technology 102 403 505
134 B.F.Sc.-Bachelor of Fisheries Science 285 214 499
135 B.P.A.-Bachelor of Performing Arts 260 210 470
B.H.M.T.T.-Bachelor of Hotel Management, Travel and
136 372 96 468
137 B.O.T.-Bachelor of Occupational Therapy 94 265 359
138 B.H.T.M.-Bachelor of Hotel and Tourism Management 259 93 352
139 B.Sc.(Sericulture)-Bachelor of Science in Sericulture 57 290 347
140 B.S.M.S.-Bachelor of Sridhar Medicine and Surgery 71 259 330
141 Visharad-Visharad 253 66 319
142 B.V.Sc.-Bachelor of Veterinary Science 149 109 258
143 B.N.Y.S.-Bachelor of Naturopathy and Yogic Sciences 62 132 194
144 B.A.M.-Bachelor of Ayurved Medicine 61 129 190
145 B.Plan.-Bachelor of Planning 84 96 180
146 B.B.S.-Bachelor of Business Studies 102 60 162
147 B.Ch.E.-Bachelor of Chemical Engineering 130 15 145
148 B.Dance-Bachelor of Dance 14 127 141
149 B.S.S.-Bachelor in Social Sciences 92 38 130
150 B.C.E.-Bachelor of Civil Engineering 103 17 120
151 B.P.S.-Bachelor of Professional Studies 56 54 110
152 B.O.L.-Bachelor of Oriental Learning 30 65 95
153 B.G.L.-Bachelor of General Law 55 34 89
154 B.Stat.-Bachelor of Statistics 42 24 66
155 Samaj Vidya Visharad-Samaj Vidya Visharad 49 49
156 Hindi Shiksha Visharad-Hindi Shiksha Visharad 7 18 25
157 Alankar-Alankar 19 4 23
158 B.I.B.F.-Bachelor of International Business and Finance 3 7 10
159 B.C.L.-Bachelor of Civil Law 2 5 7
160 Vidhyalankar-Vidhyalankar
161 B.Chem.Tech.-Bachelor of Chemical Technology
162 Shiksha Visharad-Shiksha Visharad
163 PG Diploma-Post Graduate Diploma 71625 71551 143176
164 Diploma-Diploma 394502 145538 540040
165 D.Ed.-Diploma in Education 37751 56383 94134
166 G.N.M.-General Nursing & Midwifery 8425 56857 65282
167 A.N.M.-Auxiliary Nurse & Midwife 381 19502 19883
168 D.Pharma-Diploma in Pharmacy 10448 5688 16136
169 D.Voc.-Diploma in Vocational Education 324 1278 1602
170 Certificate-Certificate 32406 42977 75383
171 B.A. L.L.B.-Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Law or Laws 5372 4400 9772
172 B.Tech M.Tech-Bachelor of Technology, Master of Technology 2733 884 3617
173 Integrated M.Sc.-Integrated Master of Science 1862 1531 3393


AISHE 2017-18
Table 34. Programme-wise Out-turn/Pass-Out (based on actual response)
Sl. No. Programme Male Female Total
1 2 3 4 5
174 B.A. B.Ed.-Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Education 1029 1680 2709
Integrated M.B.A.-Integrated Master of Business
175 783 637 1420
B.B.A. L.L.B.-Bachelor of Business Administration, Bachelor of
176 713 581 1294
Law or Laws
177 Integrated M.A.-Integrated Master of Arts 403 433 836
178 B.Com. L.L.B.-Bachelor of Commerce, Bachelor of Law 410 332 742
179 B.S. M.S.-Bachelor of Science, Master of Science 422 306 728
180 B.Sc. B.Ed.-Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Education 210 404 614
Integrated M.C.A.-Integrated Master of Computer
181 234 209 443
182 Integrated Ph.D-Integrated Doctor of Philosophy 164 147 311
183 M.A. B.Ed.-Master of Arts, Bachelor of Education 142 163 305
184 B.Sc. L.L.B.-Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Law or Laws 56 57 113
185 B.Com. B.Ed.-Bachelor of Commerce, Bachelor of Education 59 59
186 M.Sc. B.Ed.-Master of Science, Bachelor of Education 6 47 53
Grand Total 4323271 4645275 8968546


AISHE 2017-18
Table 35. Out-turn/Pass-Out at Under Graduate Level in Major Disciplines/ Subjects (based on actual response)
Discipline Male Female Total
1 2 3 4
Arts 870860 1202991 2073851
Science 512440 540788 1053228
Commerce 457043 482174 939217
Mechanical Engineering 195049 10736 205785
Electronics Engineering 81340 79318 160658
Computer Engineering 74867 79613 154480
Civil Engineering 96033 29169 125202
Electrical Engineering 70699 28689 99388
Other Engineering & Technology 35897 16734 52631
Information Technology 18978 20446 39424
Chemical Engineering 7788 2928 10716
Engineering & Technology Architecture 4861 5755 10616
Agriculture Engineering 2515 1146 3661
Aeronautical Engineering 2296 793 3089
Metallurgical Engineering 1886 739 2625
Food Technology 1075 831 1906
Mining Engineering 1524 70 1594
Marine Engineering 798 26 824
Dairy Technology 485 142 627
Planning 84 96 180
Engineering & Technology Total 596175 277231 873406
Education 158781 329909 488690
Nursing 9832 53691 63523
Pharmacy 19531 19651 39182
General Medicine 17799 20308 38107
Dentistry 4396 15073 19469
Medical Science 4051 7560 11611
Homeopathy 2897 6168 9065
Ayurveda 2630 4821 7451
Physiotherapy 1709 5151 6860
Medical Science
Hospital Administration 3945 729 4674
Ophthalmology 480 500 980
Unani 467 424 891
Pathology 140 461 601
Medical Management 83 434 517
Occupational Therapy 94 265 359
General Surgery 71 259 330
Other Medical Science 62 132 194
Medical Science Total 68187 135627 203814


AISHE 2017-18
Table 35. Out-turn/Pass-Out at Under Graduate Level in Major Disciplines/ Subjects (based on actual response)

Discipline Male Female Total

1 2 3 4
Social Science 84066 88855 172921
IT & Computer 77784 80324 158108
Management 69150 54039 123189
Law 47032 25454 72486
Indian Language 20957 36517 57474
Agriculture 29756 11661 41417
Oriental Learning 16805 14731 31536
Foreign Language 10349 14663 25012
Library & Information Science 8804 9994 18798
Home Science 3533 14717 18250
Physical Education 12454 5613 18067
Area Studies 6078 5695 11773
Fine Arts 4218 4708 8926
Journalism & Mass Communication 3150 2524 5674
Social Work 2468 2581 5049
Fashion Technology 605 2847 3452
Linguistics 722 2485 3207
Design 776 2318 3094
Veterinary & Animal Sciences 1761 962 2723
Cultural Studies 1086 1371 2457
Religious Studies 831 660 1491
Women Studies 708 383 1091
Fisheries Science 414 306 720
Defence Studies 78 81 159
Criminology & Forensic Science 58 97 155
Gandhian Studies 24 114 138
Marine Science / Oceanography 48 18 66
Grand Total 3067201 3352438 6419639


AISHE 2017-18
Table 36. Out-turn/Pass-Out at Ph.D.,M.Phil. & P.G Level in Major Disciplines/Subjects
(based on actual response)
Ph.D. M.Phil. Post Graduate
Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Agriculture 2912 1291 4203 5502 3264 8766
Horticulture 100 52 152 698 504 1202
Forestry 36 34 70 7 5 12 194 130 324
Sericulture 1 1 9 6 15
Agriculture Total 3048 1378 4426 7 5 12 6403 3904 10307
Area Studies 614 419 1033 417 807 1224 15306 24413 39719
Commerce 642 662 1304 767 2215 2982 60694 93890 154584
Foreign Trade 3 1 4 13 2 15
Commerce Total 642 662 1304 770 2216 2986 60707 93892 154599
Criminology & Forensic Science 2 2 110 86 196
Cultural Studies 28 32 60 65 114 179 1704 3556 5260
Defence Studies 10 1 11 19 1 20 572 177 749
Design 4 4 8 345 300 645
Interior Design 107 308 415
Design Total 4 4 8 452 608 1060
Disability Studies 42 88 130
Education 441 555 996 393 654 1047 34639 49088 83727
Computer Engineering 413 225 638 6688 10993 17681
Electronics Engineering 402 196 598 6775 9214 15989
Civil Engineering 285 138 423 8546 4404 12950
Mechanical Engineering 540 82 622 10840 1535 12375
Other Engineering & 1009 518 1527 16 23 39 7094 3737 10831
Electrical Engineering 505 142 647 5059 3519 8578
Information Technology 13 15 28 3 8 11 891 1183 2074
Chemical Engineering 143 52 195 674 391 1065
Engineering & Architecture 9 14 23 433 507 940
Agriculture Engineering 43 13 56 360 213 573
Metallurgical Engineering 56 11 67 476 63 539
Food Technology 8 9 17 169 240 409
Planning 1 1 181 163 344
Aeronautical Engineering 42 7 49 202 60 262
Urban Planning 51 83 134
Mining Engineering 8 1 9 72 2 74
Dairy Technology 6 1 7 43 18 61
Marine Engineering 29 4 33
Transportation Planning 13 13
Engineering & Technology Total 3482 1425 4907 19 31 50 48596 36329 84925
Fashion Technology 1 15 16 1 8 9 56 667 723
Performing Arts 63 61 124 27 18 45 270 577 847
Fine Arts 32 44 76 73 154 227 447 391 838
Fine Arts
Music 20 36 56 22 37 59 236 398 634
Visual Arts 3 10 13 9 6 15 287 228 515
Fine Arts Total 118 151 269 131 215 346 1240 1594 2834
Fisheries Science 26 13 39 187 195 382
English 302 382 684 628 2081 2709 23248 48394 71642
Other Foreign Languages 100 15 115 79 26 105 1229 585 1814
Foreign Language French 2 7 9 2 6 8 49 93 142
German 1 1 2 2 46 59 105
Spanish 2 3 5 8 4 12 10 14 24
Foreign Language Total 406 408 814 719 2117 2836 24582 49145 73727
Gandhian Studies 7 10 17 14 10 24 160 273 433
Home Science 10 197 207 71 71 177 3423 3600
Home Science Nutrition 16 16 16 16 12 595 607
Food Technology 1 1 2 2 37 215 252
Home Science Total 10 214 224 2 87 89 226 4233 4459


AISHE 2017-18
Table 36. Out-turn/Pass-Out at Ph.D.,M.Phil. & P.G Level in Major Disciplines/Subjects
(based on actual response)
Ph.D. M.Phil. Post Graduate
Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Hindi 279 296 575 160 266 426 17601 33796 51397
Other Indian Languages 122 118 240 78 133 211 10775 11926 22701
Bengali 58 44 102 63 31 94 4680 10296 14976
Sanskrit 159 149 308 131 152 283 4084 7313 11397
Urdu 60 38 98 69 33 102 4568 5508 10076
Indian Language Telugu 55 21 76 31 16 47 3216 5101 8317
Tamil 57 170 227 347 1257 1604 1893 4619 6512
Kannada 96 94 190 1 6 7 1297 1834 3131
Punjabi 14 26 40 75 99 174 604 2386 2990
Malayalam 9 17 26 12 34 46 130 690 820
Odiya 30 24 54 23 67 90 159 548 707
Indian Language Total 939 997 1936 990 2094 3084 49007 84017 133024
Computer Application 49 59 108 34 87 121 28396 27443 55839
Computer Science 107 145 252 347 1584 1931 4137 10471 14608
IT & Computer Information Technology 13 9 22 9 13 22 1881 2999 4880
Animation 18 5 23
Multi Media 5 2 7
IT & Computer Total 169 213 382 390 1684 2074 34437 40920 75357
Journalism & Mass Communication 86 76 162 69 69 138 3248 3307 6555
Law 190 136 326 32 24 56 4324 4023 8347
International Law 64 57 121
Law Constitutional Law 46 48 94
Civil Law 1 5 6
Cyber Crime
Law Total 190 136 326 32 24 56 4435 4133 8568
Library & Information Science 136 88 224 38 82 120 2377 3295 5672
Linguistics 109 106 215 146 277 423 26 132 158
Business Administration 355 352 707 98 165 263 120071 88296 208367
Business Management 377 264 641 99 172 271 6079 3136 9215
Other Management 126 107 233 4 13 17 1345 947 2292
Technology 774 577 1351
Human Resource Management 15 12 27 6 14 20 419 549 968
Financial Management 6 10 16 5 2 7 581 381 962
Management Marketing Management 8 12 20 3 7 10 607 241 848
Hospital Administration 369 369 738
Agri-Business Management 2 3 5 343 126 469
International Business 3 3 208 178 386
Pharmaceutical Technology 74 73 147
Tourism Management 11 5 16 1 3 4 10 8 18
Hotel Management 2 2 8 4 12
Management Total 900 767 1667 216 379 595 130888 94885 225773
Marine Science / Oceanography 17 17 34 3 23 26 134 104 238
Pharmacy 209 121 330 6239 8714 14953
Dentistry 23 11 34 2038 2806 4844
Nursing 7 82 89 2 2 791 3956 4747
General Medicine 15 10 25 3 2 5 1732 810 2542
Other Medical Science 116 96 212 16 34 50 1140 790 1930
Ayurveda 31 27 58 2 3 5 829 992 1821
Physiotherapy 8 3 11 458 1165 1623
General Surgery 1 1 1151 271 1422
Anesthesiology 14 8 22 540 367 907
Pathology 1 1 299 497 796
Medical Science
Pediatrics 31 12 43 405 319 724
Gynaecology 7 7 127 595 722
Homeopathy 9 8 17 222 485 707
Orthopaedics 12 12 542 25 567
Ophthalmology 221 337 558
Radiology 13 2 15 302 163 465
Medical Science 137 322 459
ENT 1 2 3 199 159 358
Public Health 4 2 6 201 145 346
Microbiology 5 5 10 79 217 296
Dermatology 106 178 284
Psychiatry 1 1 8 8 131 85 216
Bio-Chemistry 17 8 25 68 132 200


AISHE 2017-18
Table 36. Out-turn/Pass-Out at Ph.D.,M.Phil. & P.G Level in Major Disciplines/Subjects
(based on actual response)
Ph.D. M.Phil. Post Graduate
Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Physiology 23 10 33 4 4 66 107 173
Anatomy 8 6 14 67 78 145
Radiothrapy 88 38 126
Indian Medicine 2 1 3 37 86 123
Bio-Physics 1 1 4 106 110
Medical Management 33 68 101
Bio-Technology 4 5 9 27 60 87
Forensic Medicine/ Toxicology 1 1 75 11 86
Occupational Therapy 18 50 68
Cardiology 82 6 88 41 1 42
Medical Physics 1 3 4 1 10 11 17 21 38
Lab Medicine 4 8 12 16 20 36
Medical Science Unani 19 13 32
Oncology 53 11 64 20 11 31
Haematology 7 4 11 14 17 31
Nuclear Medicine 1 1 2 23 6 29
Gastroenterology 45 45 18 3 21
Urology 40 2 42 19 1 20
Neurology 79 12 91 17 3 20
Nephrology 15 2 17 15 3 18
Bio-Statistics 1 1 2 9 11
Plastic Surgery 22 3 25 7 7
Hospital Administration 3 3 6
Endocrinology 16 4 20 6 6
Hepatology 13 4 17 1 1
Medical Science Total 933 489 1422 22 63 85 18610 24245 42855
Oriental Learning 133 90 223 81 85 166 7738 6091 13829
Oriental Learning Jyotisha 9 9 7 4 11 253 129 382
Veda 7 1 8 10 7 17 177 134 311
Oriental Learning 149 91 240 98 96 194 8168 6354 14522
Physical Education Physical Education 263 73 336 181 65 246 2535 1024 3559
Yoga 19 23 42 5 8 13
Physical Education Total 282 96 378 186 73 259 2535 1024 3559
Religious Studies 25 25 50 13 14 27 291 400 691
Islamic Studies 7 4 11 5 3 8 169 107 276
Theology 215 35 250
Religious Studies
Christian Studies 1 1 3 2 5 102 3 105
Buddhist Studies 8 3 11 10 6 16 51 34 85
Jainism 2 1 3 1 7 8
Religious Studies Total 41 32 73 33 26 59 829 586 1415
Mathematics 527 430 957 659 2167 2826 19250 34270 53520
Chemistry 1044 609 1653 319 801 1120 18007 26020 44027
Physics 760 388 1148 372 870 1242 10688 16227 26915
Other Science 759 543 1302 185 506 691 10564 14371 24935
Zoology 323 294 617 158 383 541 5764 13370 19134
Botany 335 407 742 121 289 410 5019 12112 17131
Bio-Technology 260 343 603 34 200 234 2013 5001 7014
Microbiology 108 155 263 20 148 168 1734 4837 6571
Life Science 133 149 282 27 57 84 1031 2267 3298
Statistics 70 86 156 19 62 81 1218 1924 3142
Bio-Chemistry 113 172 285 23 98 121 777 2016 2793
Environmental Science 114 116 230 56 103 159 1050 1503 2553
Geology 120 45 165 25 20 45 1501 968 2469
Bio-Science 130 139 269 14 29 43 470 1197 1667
Electronics 67 28 95 5 5 10 860 738 1598
Geo-Physics 5 4 9 1 2 3 261 140 401
Genetics 51 36 87 22 15 37 154 230 384
Science 4 13 17
Science Total 4923 3957 8880 2060 5755 7815 80361 137191 217552
Sociology 256 223 479 130 149 279 20619 38497 59116
History 340 217 557 379 642 1021 23963 28868 52831
Political Science 295 162 457 216 233 449 22417 26195 48612
Other Social Science 334 330 664 301 357 658 15291 25757 41048
Economics 419 281 700 314 510 824 13431 20563 33994
Geography 135 75 210 92 99 191 10791 10891 21682
Social Science Psychology 99 182 281 52 155 207 3408 7249 10657
Public Administration 71 33 104 45 38 83 3631 2256 5887


AISHE 2017-18
Table 36. Out-turn/Pass-Out at Ph.D.,M.Phil. & P.G Level in Major Disciplines/Subjects
(based on actual response)
Ph.D. M.Phil. Post Graduate
Social Science Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Philosophy 206 141 347 54 39 93 1441 1953 3394
Anthropology 39 30 69 25 28 53 364 459 823
Social Science
Mathematics 1 1 193 257 450
Population Studies 14 10 24 38 19 57 21 18 39
Statistics 1 1 3 3
Social Science Total 2208 1686 3894 1646 2269 3915 115573 162963 278536
Social Work 54 47 101 164 204 368 10054 10225 20279
Veterinary & Veterinary & Animal Sciences 184 112 296 910 524 1434
Animal Sciences
Dairy Science 1 1 2 15 3 18
Veterinary & Animal Sciences Total 185 113 298 925 527 1452
Women Studies 21 23 44 3 21 24 187 5471 5658
Grand Total 20179 14221 34400 8655 19404 28059 656776 847627 1504403


AISHE 2017-18
Table37. Number of different types of Institutions attached with University

Central University State Public University

Central State Public
State/UTs University University

Constituent /

Constituent /


PG Center /

PG Center /



Total Total






1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Andaman and
1 7 1 8
Nicobar Islands
2 Andhra Pradesh 2564 60 8 2 2634
3 Arunachal Pradesh 29 1 30
4 Assam 52 52 454 6 460
5 Bihar 7 7 496 267 7 28 798
6 Chandigarh 25 25
7 Chhattisgarh 719 22 3 744
Dadra and Nagar
8 8 1 9
9 Daman and Diu 9 9
10 Delhi 69 6 4 79 102 1 3 106
11 Goa 55 1 2 8 66
12 Gujarat 1 1 2125 70 24 69 2288
13 Haryana 1 1 943 20 1 964
14 Himachal Pradesh 321 6 7 334
15 Jammu and Kashmir 2 2 272 23 11 1 307
16 Jharkhand 233 76 309
17 Karnataka 2 2 3531 60 32 51 3674
18 Kerala 1 1 2 1260 45 1 51 1357
19 Lakshadweep 3 3
20 Madhya Pradesh 39 1 40 2061 23 1 725 2810
21 Maharashtra 2 1 3 4243 69 3 143 4458
22 Manipur 85 2 1 88
23 Meghalaya 57 2 1 60 1 3 4
24 Mizoram 28 2 30
25 Nagaland 66 66 2 2
26 Odisha 1021 21 1 1 1044
27 Puducherry 75 1 1 77
28 Punjab 1005 48 18 1 1072
29 Rajasthan 2943 14 75 3032
30 Sikkim 13 1 14 3 3
31 Tamil Nadu 2381 91 6 2478
32 Telangana 1 35 36 2021 23 6 3 2053
33 Tripura 51 1 52
34 Uttar Pradesh 3 15 2 1 21 6886 18 44 6948
35 Uttarakhand 118 118 304 18 2 3 327
36 West Bengal 1 1 2 1297 43 16 1356
All India 694 48 7 42 791 37283 1025 125 1241 39674


AISHE 2017-18
Table37. Number of different types of Institutions attached with University
State Private Deemed University- University-
University Government Government Deemed
Deemed Aided University-
Sl. Private
State/UTs Constituent / University Governmen

Constituent /

Constituent /



PG Center /

PG Center /

PG Center /
No. University


Governm t Aided






ent Total Total

1 2 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Andaman and
Nicobar Islands
2 Andhra Pradesh
3 Arunachal Pradesh
4 Assam 1 1
5 Bihar
6 Chandigarh
7 Chhattisgarh
Dadra and Nagar
9 Daman and Diu
10 Delhi 1 1
11 Goa
12 Gujarat 152 2 11 165 1 1 8 2 10
13 Haryana 6 6 1 1
14 Himachal Pradesh
15 Jammu and Kashmir
16 Jharkhand
17 Karnataka 2 2 1 1
18 Kerala 1 1 1 1
19 Lakshadweep
20 Madhya Pradesh 27 27 1 1 2
21 Maharashtra 2 2 4
22 Manipur
23 Meghalaya
24 Mizoram
25 Nagaland
26 Odisha 5 5 2 1 3
27 Puducherry
28 Punjab 9 9
29 Rajasthan 4 4 1 1
30 Sikkim 8 8
31 Tamil Nadu 2 2
32 Telangana
33 Tripura 1 1
34 Uttar Pradesh 3 2 1 6 1 2 3 18 18
35 Uttarakhand 8 8 1 1
36 West Bengal 3 1 1 5
All India 224 4 12 240 13 13 1 27 28 2 30


AISHE 2017-18
Table37. Number of different types of Institutions attached with University
Deemed University- under State
Institute of National Importance
Private Deemed Legislature
Institute of
Sl. University- National Act
State/UTs Constituent /

Constituent /


PG Center /

PG Center /
No. University
Private Importance

College Total Constituent/





1 2 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
Andaman and
Nicobar Islands
2 Andhra Pradesh 1 1 1 1 3
3 Arunachal Pradesh
4 Assam 1 1
5 Bihar 1 1 1 1 2 2
6 Chandigarh
7 Chhattisgarh
Dadra and Nagar
9 Daman and Diu
10 Delhi 1 1 1 1
11 Goa
12 Gujarat 6 6 1 1 2
13 Haryana 1 1 1 1
14 Himachal Pradesh 1 1
15 Jammu and Kashmir
16 Jharkhand 2 2
17 Karnataka 43 2 45 4 1 1 6
18 Kerala 1 1
19 Lakshadweep
20 Madhya Pradesh 2 1 3
21 Maharashtra 82 82 1 1
22 Manipur
23 Meghalaya 1 1
24 Mizoram
25 Nagaland
26 Odisha 8 1 9 1 1
27 Puducherry 7 1 8
28 Punjab 1 1
29 Rajasthan 2 2 1 1 2
30 Sikkim
31 Tamil Nadu 38 5 43 2 1 3
32 Telangana 3 3 2 1 3
33 Tripura
34 Uttar Pradesh 3 3 1 2 3
35 Uttarakhand
36 West Bengal 2 2 1 1 2
All India 189 19 1 209 18 17 1 36 5


AISHE 2017-18
Table 38: Population (18-23 Years) - 2017-18
Sl. ALL Categories SC ST
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
1 Andaman and Nicobar Islands 24722 23917 48639 1735 1742 3477
2 Andhra Pradesh 2728267 2766950 5495217 500118 516755 1016873 140479 160455 300934
3 Arunachal Pradesh 79992 79930 159922 51580 57522 109102
4 Assam 1811017 1918121 3729138 141544 139940 281484 221199 247030 468229
5 Bihar 6011917 5595537 11607454 869624 876017 1745641 71220 71369 142589
6 Chandigarh 111207 76524 187731 20471 15825 36296
7 Chhattisgarh 1553735 1574035 3127770 208782 208258 417040 446407 480980 927387
8 Dadra and Nagar Haveli 39623 23629 63252 584 433 1017 12695 13849 26544
9 Daman and Diu 44832 14355 59187 558 428 986 1354 1211 2565
10 Delhi 1257204 1040813 2298017 230297 199806 430103
11 Goa 99207 78091 177298 1827 1632 3459 8960 8144 17104
12 Gujarat 3784555 3432529 7217084 267871 244347 512218 482741 484287 967028
13 Haryana 1729377 1455176 3184553 368056 306601 674657
14 Himachal Pradesh 377209 349405 726614 97186 92243 189429 21360 21098 42458
15 Jammu and Kashmir 670424 627732 1298156 53594 49852 103446 73496 69919 143415
16 Jharkhand 1925870 1904433 3830303 229971 224826 454797 466564 516998 983562
17 Karnataka 3567558 3415075 6982633 632398 621480 1253878 257223 248696 505919
18 Kerala 1499642 1492924 2992566 135939 135048 270987 22787 24077 46864
19 Lakshadweep 3650 3619 7269 3316 3550 6866
20 Madhya Pradesh 4693864 4211674 8905538 769487 660774 1430261 859101 878908 1738009
21 Maharashtra 6969675 6300057 13269732 849166 793159 1642325 607603 616355 1223958
22 Manipur 163639 165779 329418 4878 4966 9844 76562 76529 153091
23 Meghalaya 167233 172603 339836 1126 1005 2131 141569 150313 291882
24 Mizoram 63997 64851 128848 107 61 168 59518 62021 121539
25 Nagaland 124292 120037 244329 106068 106826 212894
26 Odisha 2309432 2314497 4623929 406390 408072 814462 479498 523981 1003479
27 Puducherry 84092 76814 160906 14657 13536 28193
28 Punjab 1733665 1429163 3162828 576093 484707 1060800
29 Rajasthan 4643790 4286822 8930612 865675 773310 1638985 575251 566817 1142068
30 Sikkim 40090 37533 77623 1815 1934 3749 12737 12959 25696
31 Tamil Nadu 3543854 3531003 7074857 768025 784179 1552204 39362 41304 80666
32 Telangana 1979708 2000154 3979862 321863 324688 646551 177461 183349 360810
33 Tripura 211914 220902 432816 41192 40963 82155 66194 74818 141012
34 Uttar Pradesh 13122748 11776057 24898805 2676194 2325482 5001676 63456 63830 127286
35 Uttarakhand 618182 585806 1203988 117064 110629 227693 19016 19131 38147
36 West Bengal 5331100 5541698 10872798 1317388 1342514 2659902 312246 345639 657885
All India 73121283 68708245 141829528 12489940 11703470 24193410 5878758 6133707 12012465


AISHE 2017-18
Table 39. Enrolment by Type in University teaching departments and its Constituent Units/Off-campus Centres
Institute of National
Sl. Central University Central Open University State Public University
State/UTs Importance
Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Andaman and
1 78 48 126 2454 1527 3981
Nicobar Islands
2 Andhra Pradesh 5222 1434 6656 1999 1002 3001 93925 72943 166868

3 Arunachal Pradesh 2977 3712 6689 5983 4348 10331 599 141 740

4 Assam 4478 3668 8146 11425 6501 17926 7496 1379 8875 33451 39619 73070

5 Bihar 6202 5537 11739 39829 16739 56568 3964 1212 5176 36130 31581 67711

6 Chandigarh 6687 2916 9603 739 468 1207 21637 16714 38351

7 Chhattisgarh 3877 2985 6862 4759 2905 7664 3053 1167 4220 4831 4090 8921
Dadra and Nagar
8 67 40 107
9 Daman and Diu
10 Delhi 239505 242454 481959 135870 85880 221750 8853 4117 12970 12546 8074 20620

11 Goa 3678 2060 5738 513 99 612 675 1316 1991

12 Gujarat 476 302 778 8665 4773 13438 5518 1959 7477 42353 46146 88499

13 Haryana 951 673 1624 24351 7745 32096 4036 913 4949 77295 77204 154499

14 Himachal Pradesh 642 673 1315 16788 10019 26807 3834 1262 5096 10221 10528 20749

15 Jammu and Kashmir 4395 4221 8616 49350 28398 77748 2286 377 2663 19995 24867 44862

16 Jharkhand 2050 1630 3680 26690 14283 40973 2545 468 3013 7926 11255 19181

17 Karnataka 1740 2034 3774 8154 5630 13784 5410 3703 9113 46617 47888 94505

18 Kerala 429 927 1356 25090 15093 40183 5180 2974 8154 135879 116848 252727

19 Lakshadweep 116 436 552

20 Madhya Pradesh 5616 3946 9562 7658 3717 11375 8431 2632 11063 175352 149157 324509

21 Maharashtra 7331 5519 12850 18933 8632 27565 8046 2668 10714 108170 116129 224299

22 Manipur 2693 2933 5626 4327 2256 6583 583 71 654

23 Meghalaya 2181 2704 4885 4760 3407 8167 730 346 1076

24 Mizoram 1640 1399 3039 3147 1897 5044 342 52 394

25 Nagaland 971 1335 2306 1805 1293 3098 352 107 459

26 Odisha 289 362 651 25457 15970 41427 5644 2183 7827 18458 22408 40866

27 Puducherry 10612 7481 18093 1293 847 2140 79 164 243

28 Punjab 567 477 1044 7013 3341 10354 4806 1612 6418 25288 26345 51633

29 Rajasthan 936 720 1656 7537 2674 10211 4666 1582 6248 61203 39135 100338

30 Sikkim 729 952 1681 2245 2121 4366 525 87 612

31 Tamil Nadu 692 996 1688 3569 2041 5610 14975 4669 19644 222339 255031 477370

32 Telangana 7262 6092 13354 4164 2199 6363 3183 1304 4487 37008 39213 76221

33 Tripura 4742 5114 9856 7418 3173 10591 2801 627 3428 111 73 184

34 Uttar Pradesh 46654 23763 70417 34895 17582 52477 16318 2715 19033 50808 31212 82020

35 Uttarakhand 10097 10135 20232 6096 3346 9442 7588 1818 9406 8698 9654 18352

36 West Bengal 5116 4959 10075 40145 23211 63356 17994 4334 22328 78136 69249 147385
All India 375928 347751 723679 554164 307111 861275 154302 48895 203197 1329314 1267319 2596633
Note - Constituent Colleges of State/Central University not included.


AISHE 2017-18
Table 39. Enrolment by Type in University teaching departments and its Constituent Units/Off-campus Centres
State Private Open Institute under State Deemed University-
Sl. State Open University State Private University
State/UTs University Legislature Act Government
Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
1 2 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
Andaman and
Nicobar Islands
2 Andhra Pradesh 1723 1534 3257 260 1389 1649 1860 1352 3212

3 Arunachal Pradesh 2807 1820 4627 19 7 26 1155 474 1629

4 Assam 16792 10462 27254 5460 3811 9271 271 102 373

5 Bihar 19419 14217 33636 379 71 450 373 560 933 404 137 541

6 Chandigarh 2408 680 3088

7 Chhattisgarh 18399 12191 30590 60649 40472 101121

Dadra and Nagar
9 Daman and Diu
10 Delhi 2636 1094 3730

11 Goa
12 Gujarat 27642 23408 51050 79967 44151 124118 80 16 96

13 Haryana 21663 12304 33967 382 238 620

14 Himachal Pradesh 16757 9079 25836 83 44 127

15 Jammu and Kashmir 661 91 752 22 4 26

16 Jharkhand 7259 3526 10785 5837 953 6790

17 Karnataka 87 42 129 29584 16002 45586 4544 2031 6575

18 Kerala 893 582 1475

19 Lakshadweep
20 Madhya Pradesh 72176 45432 117608 52164 16817 68981 1258 436 1694

21 Maharashtra 384748 193752 578500 4132 1986 6118 2583 1306 3889

22 Manipur
23 Meghalaya 2805 2712 5517

24 Mizoram 457 349 806

25 Nagaland 2856 935 3791

26 Odisha 2485 1473 3958 5563 1813 7376 911 1007 1918

27 Puducherry
28 Punjab 83488 53460 136948 2835 842 3677

29 Rajasthan 54256 31307 85563 99616 33913 133529 474 252 726

30 Sikkim 5018 5425 10443

31 Tamil Nadu 19918 16922 36840 168 44 212

32 Telangana 4041 4666 8707

33 Tripura 1019 476 1495

34 Uttar Pradesh 4174 3439 7613 158739 75386 234125 229 146 375 1112 510 1622

35 Uttarakhand 19191 20185 39376 36097 19636 55733 155 126 281

36 West Bengal 40697 25305 66002 9945 5161 15106 444 176 620

All India 685748 404335 1090083 686424 349305 1E+06 19 7 26 1523 2186 3709 30515 12406 42921
Note - Constituent Colleges of State/Central University not included


AISHE 2017-18
Table 39. Enrolment by Type in University teaching departments and its Constituent Units/Off-campus Centres
Deemed University- Deemed University-
Sl. Grand Total
State/UTs Government Aided Private
Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
1 2 30 31 32 33 34 35 39 40 41
Andaman and
1 2532 1575 4107
Nicobar Islands
2 Andhra Pradesh 52897 27039 79936 157886 106693 264579

3 Arunachal Pradesh 13540 10502 24042

4 Assam 79373 65542 144915

5 Bihar 106700 70054 176754

6 Chandigarh 31471 20778 52249

7 Chhattisgarh 95568 63810 159378

Dadra and Nagar
8 67 40 107
9 Daman and Diu
10 Delhi 4098 3396 7494 3026 2036 5062 406534 347051 753585

11 Goa 4866 3475 8341

12 Gujarat 1237 1172 2409 1222 2121 3343 167160 124048 291208

13 Haryana 10599 6194 16793 139277 105271 244548

14 Himachal Pradesh 48325 31605 79930

15 Jammu and Kashmir 76709 57958 134667

16 Jharkhand 4472 2275 6747 56779 34390 91169

17 Karnataka 41911 39709 81620 138047 117039 255086

18 Kerala 30 29 59 167501 136453 303954

19 Lakshadweep 116 436 552

20 Madhya Pradesh 322655 222137 544792

21 Maharashtra 1870 2494 4364 44136 39207 83343 579949 371693 951642

22 Manipur 7603 5260 12863

23 Meghalaya 10476 9169 19645

24 Mizoram 5586 3697 9283

25 Nagaland 5984 3670 9654

26 Odisha 21055 12660 33715 79862 57876 137738

27 Puducherry 1991 2626 4617 13975 11118 25093

28 Punjab 5440 2160 7600 129437 88237 217674

29 Rajasthan 24175 26560 50735 252863 136143 389006

30 Sikkim 8517 8585 17102

31 Tamil Nadu 1388 8232 9620 168841 80331 249172 431890 368266 800156

32 Telangana 5042 2892 7934 60700 56366 117066

33 Tripura 16091 9463 25554

34 Uttar Pradesh 16442 10420 26862 9318 5235 14553 338689 170408 509097

35 Uttarakhand 4433 812 5245 3609 1689 5298 95964 67401 163365

36 West Bengal 1261 363 1624 193738 132758 326496

All India 29468 26526 55994 399025 253126 652151 4246430 3018967 7265397
Note - Constituent Colleges of State/Central University not included


AISHE 2017-18
Table 40. Number of Universities during last 8 years

State/UTs 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18

India 621 642 667 723 760 799 864 903

Andhra Pradesh 46 47 27 27 28 28 33 34

Arunachal Pradesh 3 3 3 7 8 9 9 9

Assam 9 9 12 18 19 21 21 21

Bihar 20 20 20 21 22 22 23 24

Chandigarh 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

Chhattisgarh 15 17 19 21 22 22 24 24

Delhi 26 25 25 26 26 26 27 27

Goa 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3

Gujarat 36 38 41 44 49 57 62 65

Haryana 21 22 25 31 37 39 39 40

Himachal Pradesh 18 18 22 23 24 25 25 25

Jammu and Kashmir 10 11 11 11 11 11 12 14

Jharkhand 12 12 12 12 13 14 18 21

Karnataka 43 43 45 45 51 52 55 60

Kerala 16 17 17 18 18 20 21 22

Madhya Pradesh 28 33 36 39 41 43 48 52

Maharashtra 44 44 45 45 45 45 49 54

Manipur 3 3 3 3 3 4 6 5

Meghalaya 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 8

Mizoram 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

Nagaland 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5

Odisha 18 19 19 21 21 21 24 25

Puducherry 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

Punjab 17 19 20 22 24 26 28 31

Rajasthan 43 45 47 63 64 70 78 79

Sikkim 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7

Tamil Nadu 59 59 56 58 58 58 58 58

Telangana 20 20 20 21 24 24

Tripura 3 3 3 3 3 3 5 4

Uttar Pradesh 56 57 59 62 63 67 72 76

Uttarakhand 18 20 22 24 26 28 28 33

West Bengal 26 26 26 27 31 34 41 43


AISHE 2017-18
Table 41. Number of Universities by Type during last 8 years
Deemed Deemed Institute of
Central University- State Private State Public
State/UTs University- University- National
University Government University University
Government Private Importance
2017-18 45 33 10 80 101 262 351
2016-17 44 33 10 79 100 233 345
2015-16 43 32 11 79 75 197 329
2014-15 43 32 11 79 75 181 316
2013-14 42 36 11 80 68 153 309
2012-13 42 36 11 80 62 122 292
2011-12 42 38 11 79 59 105 286
2010-11 41 40 91 59 87 281
Andhra Pradesh
2017-18 1 4 6 1 21
2016-17 1 4 6 21
2015-16 1 4 1 20
2014-15 1 4 1 20
2013-14 1 4 20
2012-13 1 4 20
2011-12 3 2 5 2 31
2010-11 3 2 5 2 30
Arunachal Pradesh
2017-18 1 1 1 5
2016-17 1 1 1 5
2015-16 1 1 1 5
2014-15 1 1 1 4
2013-14 1 1 1 3
2012-13 1 1 1
2011-12 1 1 1
2010-11 1 1 1
2017-18 2 3 5 10
2016-17 2 3 4 11
2015-16 2 2 4 11
2014-15 2 2 4 10
2013-14 2 2 3 10
2012-13 2 2 3 4
2011-12 2 2 1 3
2010-11 2 2 1 3
2017-18 4 1 3 1 13
2016-17 3 1 3 14
2015-16 2 1 3 14
2014-15 2 1 3 14
2013-14 1 1 3 14
2012-13 1 1 2 14
2011-12 1 1 2 14
2010-11 1 1 2 14
2017-18 1 1 1
2016-17 1 1 1
2015-16 1 1 1
2014-15 1 1 1
2013-14 1 1 1
2012-13 1 1 1
2011-12 1 1 1
2010-11 1 1 1


AISHE 2017-18
Table 41. Number of Universities by Type during last 8 years
Deemed Deemed Institute of
Central University- State Private State Public
State/UTs University- University- National
University Government University University
Government Private Importance
2017-18 1 2 8 12
2016-17 1 2 8 12
2015-16 1 2 7 11
2014-15 1 2 7 11
2013-14 1 2 6 11
2012-13 1 1 5 11
2011-12 1 1 4 10
2010-11 1 1 4 8
2017-18 4 8 1 1 5 7
2016-17 4 8 1 1 5 7
2015-16 4 7 2 1 4 6
2014-15 4 7 2 1 4 6
2013-14 4 8 2 1 3 6
2012-13 4 8 2 1 3 5
2011-12 4 8 2 1 3 5
2010-11 4 10 2 3 5
2017-18 2 1
2016-17 1 1
2015-16 1 1
2014-15 1 1
2013-14 1 1
2012-13 1 1
2011-12 1 1
2010-11 1 1
2017-18 1 1 1 3 31 27
2016-17 1 1 1 3 28 27
2015-16 1 1 1 2 22 28
2014-15 1 1 1 2 18 25
2013-14 1 1 1 2 14 24
2012-13 1 1 1 2 12 23
2011-12 1 1 1 2 10 22
2010-11 1 2 2 9 21
2017-18 1 2 3 2 18 14
2016-17 1 2 3 2 17 14
2015-16 1 2 3 1 17 14
2014-15 1 2 3 1 16 14
2013-14 1 2 3 1 13 11
2012-13 1 2 3 1 8 10
2011-12 1 2 3 1 5 10
2010-11 1 2 5 1 2 10
Himachal Pradesh
2017-18 1 3 17 4
2016-17 1 3 17 4
2015-16 1 2 17 4
2014-15 1 2 17 4
2013-14 1 2 16 4
2012-13 1 2 15 4
2011-12 1 2 11 4
2010-11 1 2 11 4


AISHE 2017-18
Table 41. Number of Universities by Type during last 8 years
Deemed Deemed Institute of
Central University- State Private State Public
State/UTs University- University- National
University Government University University
Government Private Importance
Jammu and Kashmir
2017-18 2 2 9
2016-17 2 2 7
2015-16 2 1 7
2014-15 2 1 7
2013-14 2 1 7
2012-13 2 1 7
2011-12 2 1 7
2010-11 1 1 7
2017-18 1 1 1 2 8 8
2016-17 1 1 1 2 5 8
2015-16 1 1 1 1 3 7
2014-15 1 1 1 1 2 7
2013-14 1 1 1 1 1 7
2012-13 1 1 1 1 1 7
2011-12 1 1 1 1 1 7
2010-11 1 1 1 1 1 7
2017-18 1 4 11 3 14 26
2016-17 1 4 11 2 11 25
2015-16 1 4 11 1 8 25
2014-15 1 4 11 1 8 25
2013-14 1 4 11 1 2 25
2012-13 1 4 11 1 2 25
2011-12 1 4 11 1 2 23
2010-11 1 4 11 1 2 23
2017-18 1 2 1 5 13
2016-17 1 2 5 13
2015-16 1 2 3 13
2014-15 1 2 3 12
2013-14 1 2 3 12
2012-13 1 2 3 11
2011-12 1 2 3 11
2010-11 1 2 3 10
Madhya Pradesh
2017-18 2 1 7 22 19
2016-17 2 1 8 18 18
2015-16 2 1 7 14 18
2014-15 2 1 7 13 17
2013-14 2 3 4 11 17
2012-13 2 3 3 9 17
2011-12 2 3 3 7 16
2010-11 2 3 3 2 16
2017-18 1 7 2 12 5 4 22
2016-17 1 7 2 12 5 1 20
2015-16 1 7 2 12 3 19
2014-15 1 7 2 12 3 19
2013-14 1 7 2 12 3 19
2012-13 1 7 2 12 3 19
2011-12 1 7 2 12 3 18
2010-11 1 7 14 3 18


AISHE 2017-18
Table 41. Number of Universities by Type during last 8 years
Deemed Deemed Institute of
Central University- State Private State Public
State/UTs University- University- National
University Government University University
Government Private Importance
2017-18 2 2 1
2016-17 2 2 1 1
2015-16 2 1
2014-15 2 1
2013-14 2 1
2012-13 2 1
2011-12 2 1
2010-11 2 1
2017-18 1 1 6
2016-17 1 1 8
2015-16 1 1 8
2014-15 1 1 8
2013-14 1 1 8
2012-13 1 1 8
2011-12 1 1 8
2010-11 1 1 7
2017-18 1 1 1
2016-17 1 1 1
2015-16 1 1 1
2014-15 1 1 1
2013-14 1 1 1
2012-13 1 1 1
2011-12 1 1 1
2010-11 1 1 1
2017-18 1 1 3
2016-17 1 1 3
2015-16 1 1 2
2014-15 1 1 2
2013-14 1 1 2
2012-13 1 1 2
2011-12 1 1 2
2010-11 1 1 2
2017-18 1 2 4 3 14
2016-17 1 2 4 3 14
2015-16 1 2 3 3 12
2014-15 1 2 3 3 12
2013-14 1 2 3 3 12
2012-13 1 2 2 2 12
2011-12 1 2 2 2 12
2010-11 1 2 2 1 12
2017-18 1 1 2
2016-17 1 1 2
2015-16 1 1 2
2014-15 1 1 2
2013-14 1 1 2
2012-13 1 1 2
2011-12 1 1 2
2010-11 1 1 2


AISHE 2017-18
Table 41. Number of Universities by Type during last 8 years
Deemed Deemed Institute of
Central University- State Private State Public
State/UTs University- University- National
University Government University University
Government Private Importance
2017-18 1 1 1 4 15 9
2016-17 1 1 1 4 12 9
2015-16 1 1 1 4 10 9
2014-15 1 1 1 4 9 8
2013-14 1 1 1 4 7 8
2012-13 1 1 1 4 5 8
2011-12 1 1 1 4 4 8
2010-11 1 1 1 4 3 7
2017-18 1 8 4 43 22
2016-17 1 8 4 42 22
2015-16 1 8 3 34 22
2014-15 1 8 3 32 19
2013-14 1 8 3 31 19
2012-13 1 8 2 21 14
2011-12 1 8 2 19 14
2010-11 1 8 2 17 14
2017-18 1 1 5
2016-17 1 1 5
2015-16 1 1 5
2014-15 1 1 5
2013-14 1 1 4
2012-13 1 1 4
2011-12 1 1 4
2010-11 1 1 4
Tamil Nadu
2017-18 2 2 26 7 20
2016-17 2 2 26 7 20
2015-16 2 2 26 6 20
2014-15 2 2 26 6 20
2013-14 2 1 27 6 20
2012-13 2 1 27 6 19
2011-12 2 1 1 27 4 23
2010-11 2 1 28 4 23
2017-18 3 2 2 15
2016-17 3 2 2 15
2015-16 3 2 2 12
2014-15 3 2 2 11
2013-14 3 2 2 11
2012-13 3 2 2 11
2017-18 1 1 1 1
2016-17 1 2 1 1
2015-16 1 1 1
2014-15 1 1 1
2013-14 1 1 1
2012-13 1 1 1
2011-12 1 1 1
2010-11 1 1 1


AISHE 2017-18
Table 41. Number of Universities by Type during last 8 years
Deemed Deemed Institute of
Central University- State Private State Public
State/UTs University- University- National
University Government University University
Government Private Importance
Uttar Pradesh
2017-18 4 2 3 4 7 27 27
2016-17 4 2 3 4 6 24 27
2015-16 4 2 3 4 5 23 23
2014-15 4 2 3 4 5 20 23
2013-14 4 3 3 4 4 20 22
2012-13 4 3 3 4 4 17 22
2011-12 4 3 3 4 3 17 21
2010-11 4 3 7 3 14 23
2017-18 1 1 1 1 3 15 10
2016-17 1 1 1 1 3 11 9
2015-16 1 1 1 1 3 11 9
2014-15 1 1 1 1 3 10 8
2013-14 1 1 1 2 3 7 8
2012-13 1 1 1 2 2 6 8
2011-12 1 1 1 2 2 6 6
2010-11 1 1 3 2 5 5
West Bengal
2017-18 1 1 6 9 25
2016-17 1 1 6 8 24
2015-16 1 1 5 2 23
2014-15 1 1 5 1 22
2013-14 1 1 4 20
2012-13 1 1 4 19
2011-12 1 1 4 19
2010-11 1 1 4 19


AISHE 2017-18
Table 42.Various College Indicators during last 8 years
Average Enrolment per College
2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
India 700 703 715 742 731 721 659 698
Andaman and Nicobar
492 635 659 937 818 888 904 928
Andhra Pradesh 493 490 473 526 516 494 469 493

Arunachal Pradesh 1943 1227 1041 1322 1538 1356 695 810

Assam 1009 950 908 883 908 942 917 983

Bihar 1794 1929 2018 2060 2081 2142 1801 1686

Chandigarh 805 1376 1530 1682 1741 1871 1964 2052

Chhattisgarh 646 474 509 510 511 527 531 550

Dadra and Nagar Haveli 223 619 633 645 662 747 668 690

Daman and Diu 271 196 367 395 366 382 382 336

Delhi 1081 1292 1311 1440 1506 1527 1501 1531

Goa 705 575 582 571 526 560 594 640

Gujarat 624 599 604 626 611 585 536 519

Haryana 766 785 730 698 683 646 514 611

Himachal Pradesh 535 513 484 528 549 520 471 553

Jammu and Kashmir 1392 1019 947 745 683 644 646 720

Jharkhand 2376 2298 1934 1924 2025 1716 1786 1786

Karnataka 414 401 436 438 434 438 381 416

Kerala 557 538 555 585 517 521 510 554

Lakshadweep 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Madhya Pradesh 611 551 568 582 576 589 575 646

Maharashtra 756 650 489 540 591 628 646 678

Manipur 1796 1117 1069 1194 1105 1070 1002 1156

Meghalaya 1107 927 944 950 960 1087 938 1087

Mizoram 698 586 678 645 669 653 658 612

Nagaland 766 486 433 433 418 416 463 484

Odisha 600 589 616 565 606 661 682 685

Puducherry 483 459 544 571 566 542 549 569

Punjab 724 730 763 708 668 633 580 576

Rajasthan 725 638 661 665 562 551 443 526

Sikkim 814 994 461 520 537 580 586 737

Tamil Nadu 574 772 816 831 854 895 922 919

Telangana 561 606 580 574 483 558

Tripura 1086 1036 1003 1009 1134 1097 1207 1156

Uttar Pradesh 1351 1029 1119 1143 1011 920 776 816

Uttarakhand 1224 1061 1029 842 726 684 508 621

West Bengal 1655 1463 1498 1487 1455 1427 1323 1170


AISHE 2017-18
Table 42.Various College Indicators during last 8 years
College per lakh population
2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
India 23 25 25 26 27 28 28 28
Andaman and Nicobar
12 14 14 13 15 15 15 14
Andhra Pradesh 48 48 44 45 47 45 48 48

Arunachal Pradesh 11 16 16 16 17 17 19 19

Assam 13 13 15 15 15 15 15 14

Bihar 5 6 6 7 7 7 7 7

Chandigarh 18 19 18 17 16 14 14 13

Chhattisgarh 20 20 20 22 23 23 23 24

Dadra and Nagar Haveli 9 8 9 13 15 13 13 13

Daman and Diu 7 11 6 12 15 15 14 15

Delhi 8 9 9 9 9 9 8 8

Goa 25 32 33 34 33 32 32 32

Gujarat 27 25 26 27 28 28 29 30

Haryana 33 33 34 34 35 35 36 30

Himachal Pradesh 38 37 38 39 43 47 51 45

Jammu and Kashmir 14 21 23 24 24 25 24 23

Jharkhand 5 7 7 8 8 9 8 8

Karnataka 44 41 44 46 49 50 53 51

Kerala 29 33 34 37 41 43 44 44

Lakshadweep 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Madhya Pradesh 23 25 26 25 26 26 25 24

Maharashtra 35 34 33 34 35 34 32 33

Manipur 23 26 27 28 29 30 30 26

Meghalaya 16 17 18 18 18 18 18 18

Mizoram 21 22 22 22 22 22 23 23

Nagaland 20 22 23 24 26 26 26 27

Odisha 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23

Puducherry 54 64 62 60 57 55 49 47

Punjab 29 28 29 30 31 32 33 33

Rajasthan 29 32 32 33 34 35 36 33

Sikkim 14 14 15 16 18 20 22 22

Tamil Nadu 27 30 31 33 33 32 33 35

Telangana 54 55 60 60 59 51

Tripura 8 9 10 11 11 12 12 12

Uttar Pradesh 17 20 21 23 25 26 29 28

Uttarakhand 28 32 31 33 35 36 39 37

West Bengal 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 12


AISHE 2017-18
Table 42.Various College Indicators during last 8 years
Number of College
2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
India 32974 34852 35525 36634 38498 39071 40026 39050
Andaman and Nicobar
6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7
Andhra Pradesh 4780 4815 2527 2568 2673 2532 2663 2624

Arunachal Pradesh 19 26 26 26 27 28 31 30

Assam 485 485 529 536 538 539 541 512

Bihar 629 650 675 704 732 744 756 770

Chandigarh 27 27 27 27 27 25 25 25

Chhattisgarh 574 589 602 671 702 706 725 741

Dadra and Nagar Haveli 4 4 5 7 9 8 8 8

Daman and Diu 3 5 3 6 8 8 8 9

Delhi 184 184 187 188 190 191 178 178

Goa 47 49 53 55 56 55 55 56

Gujarat 1815 1780 1880 1944 1989 2019 2116 2196

Haryana 1054 1061 1072 1098 1113 1113 1155 964

Himachal Pradesh 297 289 293 296 321 348 374 327

Jammu and Kashmir 216 306 329 327 325 329 316 297

Jharkhand 187 234 267 284 302 328 307 309

Karnataka 3098 3068 3205 3310 3492 3555 3753 3593

Kerala 962 1033 1064 1151 1259 1302 1334 1306

Lakshadweep 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Madhya Pradesh 2009 2172 2280 2136 2292 2260 2173 2124

Maharashtra 4512 4566 4369 4498 4646 4569 4286 4314

Manipur 78 79 79 83 86 87 87 87

Meghalaya 61 61 62 62 63 63 63 60

Mizoram 29 29 29 29 29 29 30 30

Nagaland 52 57 59 60 65 65 65 66

Odisha 1089 1090 1096 1067 1070 1076 1067 1042

Puducherry 82 83 84 84 84 84 76 76

Punjab 956 958 973 997 1006 1050 1068 1053

Rajasthan 2435 2670 2669 2774 2892 3050 3203 2957

Sikkim 11 11 12 13 14 16 17 17

Tamil Nadu 1985 2302 2372 2460 2477 2368 2368 2472

Telangana 2252 2280 2450 2454 2370 2045

Tripura 36 39 46 47 48 51 52 52

Uttar Pradesh 4049 4828 5048 5445 6026 6491 7073 6922

Uttarakhand 346 395 390 410 429 439 468 440

West Bengal 857 901 955 985 1051 1082 1208 1341


AISHE 2017-18
Table 43. Student Enrolment at various levels during last 8 years
Ph.D. M.Phil. Post Graduate
Male Female Both Male Female Both Male Female Both
2017-18 92570 68842 161412 12287 21822 34109 1891071 2223239 4114309.84
2016-17 81795 59242 141037 16464 26803 43267 1820564 2187006 4007570
2015-16 74547 51904 126451 17473 25050 42523 1818443 2098713 3917156
2014-15 69584 47717 117301 14107 19264 33371 1867142 1986296 3853438
2013-14 64772 43118 107890 13632 17748 31380 1888637 1933582 3822219
2012-13 55654 39771 95425 13257 17117 30374 1769101 1679050 3448151
2011-12 49296 32134 81430 15913 18241 34154 1769276 1597914 3367190
2010-11 48007 29837 77844 12687 12625 25312 1813992 1455677 3269669
Andaman and Nicobar Islands
2017-18 42 26 68 730 771 1501
2016-17 64 21 85 588 966 1554
2015-16 69 17 86 574 907 1481
2014-15 70 16 86 647 747 1394
2013-14 75 20 95 839 1009 1848
2012-13 38 8 46 607 758 1365
2011-12 15 1 16 214 311 525
2010-11 15 1 16 397 413 810
Andhra Pradesh
2017-18 4007 2282 6289 555 342 897 120479 98817 219296
2016-17 2932 1740 4672 790 472 1262 141504 113146 254650
2015-16 2089 1017 3106 408 220 628 140943 107697 248640
2014-15 2010 1320 3330 300 164 464 138690 105278 243968
2013-14 1535 1267 2802 246 201 447 157063 115611 272674
2012-13 1664 1120 2784 207 144 351 132290 99213 231503
2011-12 4494 2479 6973 776 459 1235 264395 194024 458419
2010-11 5435 2777 8212 1463 815 2278 269000 189704 458704
Arunachal Pradesh
2017-18 397 247 644 43 67 110 4333 3358 7691
2016-17 365 270 635 48 68 116 3633 4482 8115
2015-16 285 213 498 51 60 111 3471 4097 7568
2014-15 246 179 425 45 42 87 2283 3057 5340
2013-14 257 150 407 35 31 66 1985 2657 4642
2012-13 160 94 254 30 26 56 1488 1882 3370
2011-12 167 73 240 35 34 69 1378 1434 2812
2010-11 773 278 1051 22 21 43 2740 1906 4646
2017-18 2633 1704 4337 129 224 353 39907 48393 88299
2016-17 2545 1573 4118 76 152 228 33834 42433 76267
2015-16 2318 1556 3874 65 149 214 36783 42770 79553
2014-15 2154 1350 3504 84 127 211 30417 36357 66774
2013-14 2097 1356 3453 53 114 167 27797 31404 59201
2012-13 1614 933 2547 35 71 106 21183 24371 45554
2011-12 1350 846 2196 18 35 53 19158 21661 40819
2010-11 1092 715 1807 39 50 89 21156 12176 33332
2017-18 1902 954 2856 70534 54605 125139
2016-17 1502 726 2228 77794 62155 139949
2015-16 1567 975 2542 20 12 32 73865 56371 130236
2014-15 1334 704 2038 18 7 25 72890 53755 126645
2013-14 1471 692 2163 73479 52957 126436
2012-13 1706 850 2556 65501 43344 108845
2011-12 1970 606 2576 54035 32139 86174
2010-11 1218 411 1629 64270 33256 97526
2017-18 472 415 887 168 67 235 9572 14184 23756
2016-17 629 625 1254 56 87 143 8784 14181 22965
2015-16 448 567 1015 58 55 113 10043 15494 25537
2014-15 383 390 773 73 79 152 9270 13717 22987
2013-14 468 494 962 79 74 153 7550 13099 20649
2012-13 564 689 1253 173 221 394 8368 11871 20239
2011-12 111 196 307 36 89 125 4806 8886 13692
2010-11 274 298 572 63 109 172 12342 7093 19435


AISHE 2017-18
Table 43. Student Enrolment at various levels during last 8 years
Under Graduate PG Diploma Diploma
Male Female Both Male Female Both Male Female Both
2017-18 15052304.1 13964045.6 29016349.74 126853 108410 235263 1838217 869717 2707934
2016-17 14933909 13414288 28348197 120792 92259 213051 1820977 791232 2612209
2015-16 14611603 12808847 27420450 123392 106167 229559 1793335 755825 2549160
2014-15 14467226 12705120 27172346 121313 94059 215372 1788110 719584 2507694
2013-14 13574434 11925891 25500325 153287 123215 276502 1634257 651319 2285576
2012-13 12918796 10971513 23890309 142684 51388 194072 1571333 636218 2207551
2011-12 12612513 10562437 23174950 146107 50052 196159 1445298 626311 2071609
2010-11 12117511 9854749 21972260 90412 49528 139940 1280668 532685 1813353
Andaman and Nicobar Islands
2017-18 3967 4170 8137 47 28 75 429 273 702
2016-17 4042 4270 8312 41 33 74 459 258 717
2015-16 4108 4320 8428 75 39 114 492 314 806
2014-15 3903 4294 8197 66 25 91 450 331 781
2013-14 4111 4390 8501 91 37 128 450 338 788
2012-13 2841 3536 6377 62 34 96 462 340 802
2011-12 1666 2027 3693 57 26 83 477 323 800
2010-11 2209 2650 4859 55 26 81 52 90 142
Andhra Pradesh
2017-18 711831 578322 1290153 1596 1018 2614 100939 66275 167214
2016-17 754053 607532 1361585 2429 1377 3806 99111 64717 163828
2015-16 742513 586407 1328920 1291 686 1977 75187 56573 131760
2014-15 778019 620638 1398657 1073 587 1660 68370 43853 112223
2013-14 774665 596538 1371203 908 457 1365 59948 46689 106637
2012-13 699626 527832 1227458 1097 563 1660 56980 46801 103781
2011-12 1326659 1035341 2362000 4911 2335 7246 73073 76758 149831
2010-11 1288425 926149 2214574 3074 1397 4471 60576 48150 108726
Arunachal Pradesh
2017-18 18731 17734 36465 84 54 138 1202 663 1865
2016-17 18142 17133 35275 126 91 217 962 835 1797
2015-16 17957 17932 35889 131 82 213 1173 593 1766
2014-15 19474 18719 38193 81 61 142 784 504 1288
2013-14 16510 17769 34279 79 58 137 1928 1070 2998
2012-13 11502 13499 25001 61 40 101 1627 700 2327
2011-12 15093 14446 29539 61 26 87 1736 620 2356
2010-11 21231 12170 33401 55 32 87 5859 1830 7689
2017-18 278600 277744 556344 1735 1627 3362 10223 7709 17932
2016-17 265032 257856 522888 1755 1312 3067 17206 9254 26460
2015-16 241045 223576 464621 1670 1287 2957 7078 4530 11608
2014-15 232032 223024 455056 1729 1317 3046 6833 4003 10836
2013-14 241685 232178 473863 1469 1397 2866 19545 14457 34002
2012-13 216273 216792 433065 1305 1246 2551 8686 7814 16500
2011-12 233643 243737 477380 1901 1323 3224 3059 3497 6556
2010-11 232042 225872 457914 2211 384 2595 1888 3162 5050
2017-18 763699 570070 1333769 2030 850 2880 30942 14031 44973
2016-17 839122 621470 1460592 1845 767 2612 24408 9473 33881
2015-16 826637 605011 1431648 1473 771 2244 20782 8659 29441
2014-15 790577 584245 1374822 1172 422 1594 15991 6731 22722
2013-14 727702 523985 1251687 760 554 1314 12101 5843 17944
2012-13 733562 522156 1255718 1160 680 1840 10958 4455 15413
2011-12 714501 485972 1200473 1038 537 1575 10710 3993 14703
2010-11 699123 471039 1170162 1749 614 2363 21428 16692 38120
2017-18 40221 33673 73893 533 639 1172 1571 1398 2969
2016-17 37043 32480 69523 468 687 1155 1528 1334 2862
2015-16 35032 31294 66326 391 558 949 1516 1398 2914
2014-15 32939 28743 61682 516 615 1131 2206 1516 3722
2013-14 32579 27249 59828 424 623 1047 2393 1445 3838
2012-13 33338 22410 55748 576 684 1260 1093 894 1987
2011-12 21122 23016 44138 218 513 731 1077 798 1875
2010-11 20749 15831 36580 1313 390 1703 1510 709 2219


AISHE 2017-18
Table 43. Student Enrolment at various levels during last 8 years
Certificate Integrated Grand Total
Male Female Both Male Female Both Male Female Both
2017-18 76962 100261 177223 114411 81366 195777 19204674.9 17437703 36642378
2016-17 83640 82977 166617 102454 71503 173957 18980595 16725310 35705905
2015-16 63284 80776 144060 92646 62776 155422 18594723 15990058 34584781
2014-15 74236 96009 170245 86901 54969 141870 18488619 15723018 34211637
2013-14 87912 99428 187340 78463 46539 125002 17495394 14840840 32336234
2012-13 87299 104572 191871 59170 35494 94664 16617294 13535123 30152417
2011-12 89173 95544 184717 45897 28225 74122 16173473 13010858 29184331
2010-11 67231 77075 144306 36051 21014 57065 15466559 12033190 27499749
Andaman and Nicobar Islands
2017-18 26 91 117 5241 5359 10600
2016-17 24 91 115 5218 5639 10857
2015-16 26 83 109 5344 5680 11024
2014-15 30 90 120 5166 5503 10669
2013-14 10 11 21 29 91 120 5605 5896 11501
2012-13 24 24 29 86 115 4063 4762 8825
2011-12 9 23 32 23 86 109 2461 2797 5258
2010-11 2728 3180 5908
Andhra Pradesh
2017-18 258 529 787 7132 2900 10032 946798 750484 1697282
2016-17 209 507 716 6378 2536 8914 1007406 792027 1799433
2015-16 249 353 602 6520 2385 8905 969200 755338 1724538
2014-15 399 489 888 4575 1321 5896 993436 773650 1767086
2013-14 288 448 736 3922 1199 5121 998575 762410 1760985
2012-13 640 1241 1881 3766 1460 5226 896270 678374 1574644
2011-12 2040 2866 4906 4760 2667 7427 1681108 1316929 2998037
2010-11 1245 1905 3150 3850 2402 6252 1633068 1173299 2806367
Arunachal Pradesh
2017-18 246 79 325 177 49 226 25213 22251 47464
2016-17 266 74 340 59 10 69 23601 22963 46564
2015-16 313 94 407 23381 23071 46452
2014-15 465 176 641 23378 22738 46116
2013-14 292 84 376 21086 21819 42905
2012-13 277 66 343 15145 16307 31452
2011-12 297 78 375 18767 16711 35478
2010-11 30680 16237 46917
2017-18 1082 1353 2435 2630 2651 5281 336939 341405 678344
2016-17 970 1324 2294 2472 2476 4948 323890 316380 640270
2015-16 1715 1939 3654 2182 2292 4474 292856 278099 570955
2014-15 1412 1580 2992 1823 2023 3846 276484 269781 546265
2013-14 937 1199 2136 1443 1896 3339 295026 284001 579027
2012-13 789 860 1649 1066 1600 2666 250951 253687 504638
2011-12 436 510 946 888 971 1859 260453 272580 533033
2010-11 291 187 478 972 1001 1973 259691 243547 503238
2017-18 2336 1075 3411 1512 788 2300 872270 642325 1514595
2016-17 2865 1539 4404 1212 640 1852 948748 696770 1645518
2015-16 2858 1648 4506 1456 755 2211 928658 674202 1602860
2014-15 387 235 622 879 504 1383 883248 646603 1529851
2013-14 1564 657 2221 743 439 1182 817820 585127 1402947
2012-13 1661 696 2357 276 258 534 814824 572439 1387263
2011-12 1627 648 2275 547 268 815 784428 524163 1308591
2010-11 755 632 1387 567 231 798 789110 522875 1311985
2017-18 464 262 726 1058 1133 2191 54059 51771 105829
2016-17 373 210 583 1100 1264 2364 49981 50868 100849
2015-16 467 244 711 1167 1260 2427 49122 50870 99992
2014-15 478 164 642 1221 1159 2380 47086 46383 93469
2013-14 365 192 557 1013 964 1977 44871 44140 89011
2012-13 270 110 380 1080 736 1816 45462 37615 83077
2011-12 238 131 369 27608 33629 61237
2010-11 200 109 309 49 262 311 36500 24801 61301


AISHE 2017-18
Table 43. Student Enrolment at various levels during last 8 years
Ph.D. M.Phil. Post Graduate
Male Female Both Male Female Both Male Female Both
2017-18 740 425 1165 149 150 299 29365 34811 64176
2016-17 778 488 1266 141 136 277 26255 30836 57091
2015-16 406 284 690 182 173 355 27245 29435 56680
2014-15 504 488 992 208 207 415 26472 27859 54331
2013-14 459 484 943 191 215 406 27872 26824 54696
2012-13 471 427 898 150 185 335 21456 20854 42310
2011-12 325 358 683 187 200 387 14200 16060 30260
2010-11 234 270 504 203 294 497 20159 17000 37159
Dadra and Nagar Haveli
2017-18 126 198 324
2016-17 124 182 306
2015-16 122 170 292
2014-15 125 162 287
2013-14 173 132 305
2012-13 157 114 271
2011-12 127 78 205
2010-11 95 24 119
Daman and Diu
2017-18 7580 7132 14712 1243 1380 2623 76741 76782 153524
2016-17 5319 4604 9923 3028 3380 6408 55740 80303 136043
2015-16 4861 4018 8879 2830 3085 5915 54390 76342 130732
2014-15 6534 5457 11991 1135 1140 2275 54686 70058 124744
2013-14 6633 5943 12576 603 588 1191 57902 68360 126262
2012-13 7278 6132 13410 454 521 975 55456 57949 113405
2011-12 4246 3434 7680 2792 2325 5117 53599 51880 105479
2010-11 3929 3195 7124 2430 1994 4424 75069 54039 129108
2017-18 71 41 112 2718 3528 6245
2016-17 194 294 488 2 1 3 2574 4152 6726
2015-16 44 26 70 10 10 2862 4523 7385
2014-15 41 66 107 1 3 4 2916 4374 7290
2013-14 78 71 149 8 5 13 2747 4297 7044
2012-13 20 29 49 1664 3472 5136
2011-12 49 61 110 2 2 2800 1730 4530
2010-11 8 7 15 12650 9554 22204
2017-18 3256 1995 5251 306 291 597 62301 76475 138776
2016-17 3035 1953 4988 352 406 758 75691 82487 158178
2015-16 3286 1883 5169 592 665 1257 83243 97261 180504
2014-15 2353 1340 3693 494 479 973 68982 67645 136627
2013-14 2105 1076 3181 584 625 1209 69270 65374 134644
2012-13 1614 821 2435 312 299 611 70758 62072 132830
2011-12 1485 785 2270 355 291 646 62251 53061 115312
2010-11 1798 914 2712 567 411 978 87862 61810 149672
2017-18 1632 1696 3328 170 270 440 47613 82880 130494
2016-17 1817 1784 3601 208 260 468 57433 90425 147858
2015-16 1643 1755 3398 332 432 764 38340 57892 96232
2014-15 1338 1366 2704 336 352 688 35542 51731 87273
2013-14 1570 1473 3043 303 382 685 36505 50025 86530
2012-13 1025 1136 2161 338 413 751 36686 48334 85020
2011-12 1199 1169 2368 338 361 699 36478 46077 82555
2010-11 1132 1106 2238 347 715 1062 44635 49767 94402
Himachal Pradesh
2017-18 906 794 1700 92 167 259 15003 17158 32161
2016-17 721 608 1329 104 163 267 12979 16985 29964
2015-16 590 588 1178 103 175 278 12567 16202 28769
2014-15 558 582 1140 131 184 315 12821 15516 28337
2013-14 593 601 1194 125 177 302 22070 12621 34691
2012-13 504 460 964 176 248 424 12137 13133 25270
2011-12 423 290 713 166 225 391 10774 10989 21763
2010-11 445 231 676 125 217 342 9982 11229 21211


AISHE 2017-18
Table 43. Student Enrolment at various levels during last 8 years
Under Graduate PG Diploma Diploma
Male Female Both Male Female Both Male Female Both
2017-18 185435 199088 384523 18658 18485 37143 51571 33441 85012
2016-17 179137 181098 360235 11779 10542 22321 33878 22515 56393
2015-16 171634 164931 336565 8863 9462 18325 31609 19846 51455
2014-15 167302 159600 326902 8929 7918 16847 29606 16873 46479
2013-14 163462 151041 314503 9520 7003 16523 24050 12567 36617
2012-13 147856 136417 284273 7862 5421 13283 20532 11124 31656
2011-12 130854 121451 252305 4999 3576 8575 13588 8041 21629
2010-11 193786 135248 329034 3806 2198 6004 18327 6254 24581
Dadra and Nagar Haveli
2017-18 2134 2628 4762 586 98 684
2016-17 2158 2422 4580 2 2 4 634 102 736
2015-16 2182 2276 4458 19 19 605 80 685
2014-15 2085 1859 3944 5 1 6 549 62 611
2013-14 1755 1506 3261 1 1 488 87 575
2012-13 1214 1192 2406 540 105 645
2011-12 1387 1042 2429 560 73 633
2010-11 409 493 902 509 157 666
Daman and Diu
2017-18 573 1061 1634 1235 221 1456
2016-17 628 1002 1630 1306 183 1489
2015-16 695 1088 1783 1186 153 1339
2014-15 664 1095 1759 1096 145 1241
2013-14 486 897 1383 888 100 988
2012-13 378 724 1102 813 132 945
2011-12 365 617 982 649 139 788
2010-11 356 456 812 531 135 666
2017-18 452469 394715 847184 4815 3517 8332 17797 13228 31025
2016-17 439831 389879 829710 5931 3496 9427 17244 13005 30249
2015-16 438376 387450 825826 4766 2951 7717 17248 12042 29290
2014-15 415977 359162 775139 4460 2599 7059 17631 11621 29252
2013-14 401046 346523 747569 5602 3535 9137 20070 11791 31861
2012-13 358147 314965 673112 5257 2817 8074 24297 11018 35315
2011-12 345343 288850 634193 7105 4360 11465 34240 19311 53551
2010-11 283548 238843 522391 5880 3157 9037 17786 11286 29072
2017-18 15656 20031 35687 118 81 199 5971 841 6812
2016-17 15169 19022 34191 144 83 227 5874 847 6721
2015-16 14596 18122 32718 137 97 234 5870 784 6654
2014-15 14105 17769 31874 149 131 280 5927 798 6725
2013-14 13610 18129 31739 126 144 270 2865 858 3723
2012-13 12557 17800 30357 694 337 1031 2158 755 2913
2011-12 12672 15699 28371 497 67 564 1978 750 2728
2010-11 15499 20363 35862 371 152 523 2150 886 3036
2017-18 642272 487400 1129672 3485 3341 6826 103277 38690 141967
2016-17 651887 457692 1109579 4787 3486 8273 106197 35013 141210
2015-16 647353 465175 1112528 4427 4117 8544 113831 32677 146508
2014-15 629839 464039 1093878 4773 3605 8378 118173 32755 150928
2013-14 593887 455966 1049853 5805 5081 10886 119714 30850 150564
2012-13 558292 428262 986554 7088 4127 11215 111294 30273 141567
2011-12 501452 392334 893786 5712 4227 9939 102635 26699 129334
2010-11 622038 490768 1112806 4088 3024 7112 114528 27738 142266
2017-18 361144 332361 693505 1846 1200 3046 45449 20955 66404
2016-17 375085 313060 688145 1740 1352 3092 49362 19458 68820
2015-16 346010 298258 644268 1991 1444 3435 51344 18153 69497
2014-15 370577 320416 690993 1668 1199 2867 62616 19331 81947
2013-14 389582 304894 694476 1712 1026 2738 63329 15738 79067
2012-13 380176 316407 696583 2476 1135 3611 74528 15865 90393
2011-12 377680 336980 714660 1153 782 1935 68969 14510 83479
2010-11 343731 239957 583688 1040 838 1878 63378 11328 74706
Himachal Pradesh
2017-18 102122 118598 220720 930 1180 2110 7949 8227 16176
2016-17 102424 117523 219947 623 757 1380 7929 7536 15465
2015-16 89754 101987 191741 395 654 1049 9576 7427 17003
2014-15 87396 97155 184551 638 676 1314 10570 6703 17273
2013-14 80728 86309 167037 720 510 1230 11534 5803 17337
2012-13 73454 78798 152252 687 587 1274 12239 5317 17556
2011-12 74129 78303 152432 907 883 1790 11215 4807 16022
2010-11 83460 81887 165347 852 811 1663 9583 3395 12978


AISHE 2017-18
Table 43. Student Enrolment at various levels during last 8 years
Certificate Integrated Grand Total
Male Female Both Male Female Both Male Female Both
2017-18 211 313 524 1014 1005 2019 287143 287718 574861
2016-17 220 384 604 938 921 1859 253126 246920 500046
2015-16 106 258 364 827 769 1596 240872 225158 466030
2014-15 182 361 543 735 671 1406 233938 213977 447915
2013-14 138 331 469 587 516 1103 226279 198981 425260
2012-13 52 325 377 1321 1213 2534 199700 175966 375666
2011-12 203 299 502 866 801 1667 165222 150786 316008
2010-11 122 119 241 592 501 1093 237229 161884 399113
Dadra and Nagar Haveli
2017-18 4 2 6 2850 2926 5776
2016-17 2918 2708 5626
2015-16 2909 2545 5454
2014-15 2764 2084 4848
2013-14 2417 1725 4142
2012-13 1911 1411 3322
2011-12 2074 1193 3267
2010-11 1013 674 1687
Daman and Diu
2017-18 1808 1282 3090
2016-17 1934 1185 3119
2015-16 1881 1241 3122
2014-15 1760 1240 3000
2013-14 1374 997 2371
2012-13 1191 856 2047
2011-12 1014 756 1770
2010-11 83 83 887 674 1561
2017-18 2317 1544 3861 2126 1019 3145 565089 499317 1064406
2016-17 1943 1329 3272 2020 754 2774 531056 496750 1027806
2015-16 2049 1281 3330 2278 909 3187 526798 488078 1014876
2014-15 2297 1142 3439 5257 1678 6935 507977 452857 960834
2013-14 2252 1461 3713 5562 806 6368 499670 439007 938677
2012-13 2907 1631 4538 1901 747 2648 455697 395780 851477
2011-12 2710 1770 4480 1750 681 2431 451785 372611 824396
2010-11 1857 1117 2974 1425 426 1851 391924 314057 705981
2017-18 12 12 198 376 574 24743 24898 49641
2016-17 13 13 131 169 300 24101 24568 48669
2015-16 19 5 24 47 124 171 23585 23681 47266
2014-15 56 121 177 23195 23262 46457
2013-14 56 120 176 19490 23624 43114
2012-13 2 25 27 47 93 140 17142 22511 39653
2011-12 6 17 23 18002 18326 36328
2010-11 11 11 30678 30973 61651
2017-18 5599 10162 15761 7115 7290 14405 827611 625644 1453255
2016-17 19310 3539 22849 5886 6383 12269 867145 590959 1458104
2015-16 7542 14328 21870 5158 5591 10749 865432 621697 1487129
2014-15 12223 19255 31478 4563 4691 9254 841400 593809 1435209
2013-14 16016 15110 31126 4403 5144 9547 811784 579226 1391010
2012-13 10090 12300 22390 4685 4978 9663 764133 543132 1307265
2011-12 7587 8307 15894 3445 4120 7565 684922 489824 1174746
2010-11 12244 18860 31104 3919 3157 7076 847044 606682 1453726
2017-18 1241 1833 3074 8294 4858 13152 467389 446054 913443
2016-17 1037 1853 2890 6428 3988 10416 493110 432180 925290
2015-16 903 1580 2483 7506 4076 11582 448069 383590 831659
2014-15 1176 1962 3138 4568 3535 8103 477821 399892 877713
2013-14 967 1366 2333 3721 2380 6101 497689 377284 874973
2012-13 987 1211 2198 1930 1717 3647 498146 386218 884364
2011-12 841 1072 1913 3371 1972 5343 490029 402923 892952
2010-11 545 383 928 3431 1189 4620 458239 305283 763522
Himachal Pradesh
2017-18 572 851 1423 762 397 1159 128336 147372 275708
2016-17 425 517 942 647 269 916 125852 144358 270210
2015-16 502 503 1005 501 181 682 113988 127717 241705
2014-15 756 750 1506 350 131 481 113220 121697 234917
2013-14 553 548 1101 249 132 381 116572 106701 223273
2012-13 492 478 970 335 120 455 100024 99141 199165
2011-12 416 382 798 111 34 145 98141 95913 194054
2010-11 538 636 1174 195 34 229 105180 98440 203620


AISHE 2017-18
Table 43. Student Enrolment at various levels during last 8 years
Ph.D. M.Phil. Post Graduate
Male Female Both Male Female Both Male Female Both
Jammu and Kashmir
2017-18 1235 1261 2496 119 123 242 37274 34486 71760
2016-17 991 977 1968 109 143 252 30510 40482 70992
2015-16 985 854 1839 170 196 366 37819 39758 77577
2014-15 781 501 1282 214 233 447 36714 38871 75585
2013-14 500 400 900 368 344 712 32779 35875 68654
2012-13 452 327 779 242 240 482 27866 30819 58685
2011-12 400 297 697 330 279 609 23295 21131 44426
2010-11 311 262 573 791 618 1409 13028 11881 24909
2017-18 1158 640 1798 79 125 204 31720 37448 69168
2016-17 1157 648 1805 209 368 577 28779 36887 65666
2015-16 1726 688 2414 109 200 309 23260 31353 54613
2014-15 1456 515 1971 38 81 119 21484 27800 49284
2013-14 1129 476 1605 146 209 355 19006 24042 43048
2012-13 292 172 464 78 132 210 22502 21733 44235
2011-12 393 328 721 5 5 10 21733 19113 40846
2010-11 89 24 113 29 29 17409 14837 32246
2017-18 9103 5087 14190 189 338 527 96827 112435 209262
2016-17 6630 4211 10841 198 329 527 96634 107255 203889
2015-16 7424 4353 11777 214 378 592 97648 103261 200909
2014-15 7247 4281 11528 235 339 574 114310 112799 227109
2013-14 6245 3379 9624 253 376 629 139835 126549 266384
2012-13 4760 2628 7388 351 397 748 131441 118272 249713
2011-12 5382 2778 8160 396 396 792 125899 109327 235226
2010-11 5317 2621 7938 505 491 996 116459 93054 209513
2017-18 2256 3655 5911 280 630 910 39873 80106 119979
2016-17 2185 3121 5306 165 569 734 33141 74233 107374
2015-16 1956 2675 4631 228 684 912 36860 76166 113026
2014-15 1663 2298 3961 216 571 787 39239 74595 113834
2013-14 1583 2202 3785 209 508 717 37915 67065 104980
2012-13 1661 2141 3802 233 507 740 31239 59147 90386
2011-12 1673 2081 3754 215 458 673 31422 54578 86000
2010-11 1418 1451 2869 186 413 599 38359 57452 95811
2017-18 4 33 37
2016-17 4 33 37
2015-16 4 17 21
2014-15 6 19 25
2013-14 7 18 25
2012-13 6 19 25
2011-12 9 28 37
Madhya Pradesh
2017-18 2427 1558 3985 299 466 765 95923 110113 206036
2016-17 1988 1284 3272 336 547 883 89227 100343 189570
2015-16 2243 1585 3828 681 771 1452 97825 104560 202385
2014-15 2168 1522 3690 748 674 1422 110559 107981 218540
2013-14 2011 1404 3415 862 606 1468 116300 104777 221077
2012-13 1814 1115 2929 1214 1043 2257 121210 89740 210950
2011-12 1861 1313 3174 1304 1007 2311 116480 81404 197884
2010-11 1183 1956 3139 491 396 887 84497 68527 153024
2017-18 5365 3841 9206 1176 1245 2421 214430 231353 445783
2016-17 4382 3146 7528 1300 1360 2660 217511 216114 433625
2015-16 5757 3472 9229 1487 1413 2900 206709 199916 406625
2014-15 5273 3351 8624 1354 1194 2548 240724 191539 432263
2013-14 4783 2271 7054 1969 1061 3030 237734 196616 434350
2012-13 3716 1967 5683 1416 959 2375 182974 138809 321783
2011-12 4077 2007 6084 1305 840 2145 208030 155378 363408
2010-11 3790 1595 5385 1194 750 1944 233783 173789 407572
2017-18 332 314 646 7 7 4467 3668 8135
2016-17 392 334 726 3 3 4361 4085 8446
2015-16 315 303 618 1 13 14 3958 3541 7499
2014-15 437 421 858 1 13 14 3263 3095 6358
2013-14 500 488 988 1 13 14 2926 2760 5686
2012-13 465 450 915 12 12 2478 2426 4904
2011-12 429 375 804 5 5 1994 2024 4018
2010-11 445 417 862 2 5 7 3313 2290 5603


AISHE 2017-18
Table 43. Student Enrolment at various levels during last 8 years
Under Graduate PG Diploma Diploma
Male Female Both Male Female Both Male Female Both
Jammu and Kashmir
2017-18 127725 139845 267570 1254 899 2153 7875 3716 11591
2016-17 119862 129782 249644 1239 836 2075 7379 3027 10406
2015-16 114189 124641 238830 900 674 1574 7346 2567 9913
2014-15 121915 123106 245021 991 557 1548 7704 3144 10848
2013-14 134973 138443 273416 1065 572 1637 4317 1759 6076
2012-13 144723 151112 295835 1375 576 1951 605 708 1313
2011-12 134949 142505 277454 1066 512 1578 381 358 739
2010-11 124864 111958 236822 60 18 78 468 91 559
2017-18 294358 284420 578778 2753 1250 4003 21240 8345 29585
2016-17 297014 272674 569688 2965 1187 4152 18710 5471 24181
2015-16 260996 234312 495308 2622 1133 3755 14880 3479 18359
2014-15 266028 236970 502998 2483 987 3470 7547 1455 9002
2013-14 230563 196285 426848 2533 898 3431 2755 774 3529
2012-13 199555 187473 387028 2649 894 3543 1505 653 2158
2011-12 164015 145483 309498 2071 601 2672 169 621 790
2010-11 165921 129007 294928 47 20 67 162 184 346
2017-18 733767 769158 1502926 3283 2929 6212 122296 77766 200062
2016-17 711021 721734 1432755 2971 2684 5655 130262 75610 205872
2015-16 711117 709580 1420697 3155 2391 5546 132633 74047 206680
2014-15 715838 703363 1419201 4476 2892 7368 138342 81865 220207
2013-14 708498 682712 1391210 5081 3761 8842 132049 82135 214184
2012-13 689204 655035 1344239 4035 3484 7519 151244 89289 240533
2011-12 657986 593509 1251495 5442 4348 9790 148700 98746 247446
2010-11 692571 618497 1311068 3871 3137 7008 142830 104549 247379
2017-18 397008 479224 876233 1283 905 2188 36299 30897 67196
2016-17 353262 492327 845589 1498 1046 2544 35051 28732 63783
2015-16 328135 419352 747487 846 922 1768 34614 29110 63724
2014-15 293757 401852 695609 759 786 1545 31980 29096 61076
2013-14 256199 342378 598577 664 641 1305 28481 29599 58080
2012-13 216060 303868 519928 9870 584 10454 28083 32654 60737
2011-12 218915 308894 527809 916 683 1599 26338 34251 60589
2010-11 241664 308449 550113 318 301 619 23301 33041 56342
2017-18 112 403 515
2016-17 112 403 515
2015-16 146 334 480
2014-15 67 188 255
2013-14 221 571 792
2012-13 218 560 778
2011-12 210 531 741
Madhya Pradesh
2017-18 790447 656610 1447057 27998 31271 59269 98060 55851 153911
2016-17 764823 612641 1377464 24900 26964 51864 90798 49312 140110
2015-16 713835 522383 1236218 39642 46019 85661 119986 60392 180378
2014-15 732505 507242 1239747 40173 40151 80324 110683 50031 160714
2013-14 712970 488165 1201135 74975 72526 147501 84792 33496 118288
2012-13 760150 498412 1258562 53404 6199 59603 102093 12908 115001
2011-12 728798 476022 1204820 69157 5027 74184 82339 17361 99700
2010-11 540701 383240 923941 26043 16840 42883 30257 12295 42552
2017-18 1831960 1482951 3314911 11566 8164 19730 194153 121758 315911
2016-17 1773334 1416728 3190062 14406 9093 23499 214775 118586 333361
2015-16 1776819 1391288 3168107 15914 9312 25226 232018 125937 357955
2014-15 1605510 1272702 2878212 11751 6827 18578 245467 134373 379840
2013-14 1475872 1160946 2636818 9195 5632 14827 274661 138006 412667
2012-13 1304549 994472 2299021 11453 5673 17126 271282 152741 424023
2011-12 1543876 1221804 2765680 10332 5922 16254 241253 141506 382759
2010-11 1625557 1168563 2794120 6585 3830 10415 214666 130508 345174
2017-18 45381 48526 93907 127 54 181 964 810 1774
2016-17 44119 45645 89764 163 76 239 1031 783 1814
2015-16 45194 44616 89810 233 113 346 693 229 922
2014-15 47878 46792 94670 175 54 229 1527 1307 2834
2013-14 49342 51366 100708 153 50 203 1891 1487 3378
2012-13 41666 40463 82129 57 34 91 381 142 523
2011-12 41776 42492 84268 48 19 67 360 134 494
2010-11 62690 53923 116613 103 50 153 140 78 218


AISHE 2017-18
Table 43. Student Enrolment at various levels during last 8 years
Certificate Integrated Grand Total
Male Female Both Male Female Both Male Female Both
Jammu and Kashmir
2017-18 8 3 11 1532 1875 3407 177022 182208 359230
2016-17 23 4 27 1021 1465 2486 161134 176716 337850
2015-16 10 4 14 1129 1314 2443 162548 170008 332556
2014-15 13 10 23 1570 1564 3134 169902 167986 337888
2013-14 31 6 37 1370 1285 2655 175403 178684 354087
2012-13 1 1 581 672 1253 175845 184454 360299
2011-12 2 2 445 404 849 160868 165486 326354
2010-11 139522 124828 264350
2017-18 471 1070 1541 2316 1329 3645 354095 334627 688722
2016-17 273 832 1105 2378 1485 3863 351485 319552 671037
2015-16 118 655 773 3299 2813 6112 307010 274633 581643
2014-15 71 280 351 2739 2339 5078 301846 270427 572273
2013-14 84 207 291 2043 1208 3251 258259 224099 482358
2012-13 155 156 311 1229 586 1815 227965 211799 439764
2011-12 75 93 168 858 379 1237 189319 166623 355942
2010-11 630 137 767 184287 144209 328496
2017-18 2049 1637 3686 3879 3112 6991 971393 972463 1943856
2016-17 1954 1759 3713 4406 3636 8042 954076 917218 1871294
2015-16 2115 2214 4329 4072 3344 7416 958378 899568 1857946
2014-15 2248 2013 4261 3551 3106 6657 986247 910658 1896905
2013-14 1973 2288 4261 3976 3076 7052 997910 904276 1902186
2012-13 1765 2229 3994 3224 2221 5445 986024 873555 1859579
2011-12 1560 2063 3623 2723 1709 4432 948088 812876 1760964
2010-11 1796 3829 5625 1984 1532 3516 965333 827710 1793043
2017-18 926 5163 6089 2252 2159 4411 480178 602739 1082917
2016-17 730 2206 2936 2488 2389 4877 428520 604623 1033143
2015-16 492 2372 2864 2431 2312 4743 405562 533593 939155
2014-15 553 3030 3583 2138 1918 4056 370305 514146 884451
2013-14 425 3097 3522 1625 1458 3083 327101 446948 774049
2012-13 732 6121 6853 1063 1083 2146 288941 406105 695046
2011-12 734 6260 6994 966 1148 2114 281179 408353 689532
2010-11 650 6253 6903 754 1040 1794 306650 408400 715050
2017-18 116 436 552
2016-17 116 436 552
2015-16 150 351 501
2014-15 73 207 280
2013-14 228 589 817
2012-13 224 579 803
2011-12 219 559 778
Madhya Pradesh
2017-18 2147 2332 4479 6118 3859 9977 1023418 862060 1885479
2016-17 1306 889 2195 4732 3163 7895 978110 795143 1773253
2015-16 4980 3695 8675 3930 2655 6585 983122 742060 1725182
2014-15 1658 1000 2658 3235 2089 5324 1001729 710690 1712419
2013-14 439 375 814 2749 1781 4530 995098 703130 1698228
2012-13 572 687 1259 1506 747 2253 1041963 610851 1652814
2011-12 517 660 1177 1402 555 1957 1001858 583349 1585207
2010-11 455 663 1118 156 82 238 683783 483999 1167782
2017-18 6352 5499 11851 6076 5868 11944 2271078 1860679 4131757
2016-17 8501 6151 14652 5555 5367 10922 2239764 1776545 4016309
2015-16 3983 3297 7280 5133 4857 9990 2247820 1739492 3987312
2014-15 3647 3793 7440 4762 3888 8650 2118488 1617667 3736155
2013-14 3366 2752 6118 2667 2190 4857 2010247 1509474 3519721
2012-13 2654 3475 6129 2656 2029 4685 1780700 1300125 3080825
2011-12 3341 2950 6291 2180 1552 3732 2014394 1531959 3546353
2010-11 4230 4152 8382 3149 1833 4982 2092954 1485020 3577974
2017-18 30 30 51271 53409 104680
2016-17 70 70 50066 50996 101062
2015-16 45 86 131 50439 48901 99340
2014-15 64 101 165 53345 51783 105128
2013-14 51 108 159 54864 56272 111136
2012-13 34 93 127 45081 43620 88701
2011-12 51 162 213 10 21 31 44668 45232 89900
2010-11 4 6 10 11 20 31 66708 56789 123497


AISHE 2017-18
Table 43. Student Enrolment at various levels during last 8 years
Ph.D. M.Phil. Post Graduate
Male Female Both Male Female Both Male Female Both
2017-18 466 513 979 29 57 86 4535 4907 9441
2016-17 471 492 963 108 137 245 3649 5436 9085
2015-16 382 428 810 61 142 203 3683 5333 9016
2014-15 425 398 823 31 43 74 3345 4447 7792
2013-14 257 288 545 26 24 50 2946 4112 7058
2012-13 145 147 292 27 25 52 2248 3071 5319
2011-12 171 131 302 25 34 59 2472 2842 5314
2010-11 354 412 766 23 33 56 1989 2649 4638
2017-18 347 296 643 71 75 146 2206 1852 4058
2016-17 362 256 618 82 95 177 2011 2140 4151
2015-16 287 268 555 48 76 124 1807 1844 3651
2014-15 38 35 73 14 24 38 1914 1783 3697
2013-14 188 223 411 34 57 91 1824 1742 3566
2012-13 61 87 148 20 36 56 1749 1579 3328
2011-12 57 71 128 8 23 31 1321 1248 2569
2010-11 34 29 63 10 25 35 1814 1527 3341
2017-18 222 201 423 11 23 34 3538 2564 6102
2016-17 94 138 232 1 9 10 2968 2824 5792
2015-16 87 74 161 2526 3292 5818
2014-15 97 100 197 3372 3471 6843
2013-14 53 57 110 4254 2365 6619
2012-13 67 60 127 3900 1449 5349
2011-12 49 58 107 3 5 8 7740 1230 8970
2010-11 76 81 157 12 12 9317 1158 10475
2017-18 1671 1311 2982 404 676 1080 37153 36080 73233
2016-17 1388 1086 2474 471 777 1248 32749 33556 66305
2015-16 1348 1277 2625 427 674 1101 30435 29694 60129
2014-15 953 651 1604 445 635 1080 25948 24595 50543
2013-14 676 210 886 365 549 914 24193 25000 49193
2012-13 772 767 1539 354 525 879 28233 23665 51898
2011-12 784 333 1117 761 769 1530 28002 22686 50688
2010-11 367 162 529 760 662 1422 31120 19246 50366
2017-18 522 254 776 13 53 66 11169 9434 20603
2016-17 604 334 938 19 61 80 9331 7740 17071
2015-16 617 315 932 10 50 60 8874 6234 15108
2014-15 302 214 516 14 61 75 9378 6478 15856
2013-14 360 192 552 19 54 73 8610 5748 14358
2012-13 300 169 469 24 57 81 7193 5300 12493
2011-12 257 124 381 205 137 342 4388 3158 7546
2010-11 2147 1287 3434 21 25 46 1751 1485 3236
2017-18 3054 3823 6877 389 513 902 39504 78006 117509
2016-17 3151 3692 6843 509 714 1223 39984 78711 118695
2015-16 2048 2632 4680 545 681 1226 38125 75433 113558
2014-15 1884 2116 4000 414 519 933 46714 78074 124788
2013-14 1124 1115 2239 406 549 955 36747 69946 106693
2012-13 1046 1072 2118 304 436 740 31114 61831 92945
2011-12 961 993 1954 200 416 616 31080 55613 86693
2010-11 892 1020 1912 140 292 432 44054 34626 78680
2017-18 3925 4054 7979 173 182 355 106170 107051 213221
2016-17 3672 3338 7010 420 191 611 90235 96472 186707
2015-16 1789 2345 4134 349 260 609 92081 96571 188652
2014-15 2314 2380 4694 323 173 496 87496 86193 173689
2013-14 2144 2317 4461 401 352 753 75522 87518 163040
2012-13 2293 3008 5301 660 622 1282 83456 62544 146000
2011-12 1861 1419 3280 537 359 896 76921 63081 140002
2010-11 2193 1433 3626 130 176 306 73513 61561 135074
2017-18 77 53 130 9 17 26 3760 3863 7623
2016-17 107 89 196 72 75 147 4319 4600 8919
2015-16 27 31 58 68 74 142 5219 5209 10428
2014-15 42 21 63 65 73 138 2255 2963 5218
2013-14 9 10 19 48 40 88 2140 2750 4890
2012-13 10 7 17 39 32 71 1963 2384 4347
2011-12 27 23 50 2753 1575 4328
2010-11 3849 1092 4941


AISHE 2017-18
Table 43. Student Enrolment at various levels during last 8 years
Under Graduate PG Diploma Diploma
Male Female Both Male Female Both Male Female Both
2017-18 34233 36156 70389 122 112 234 890 1482 2372
2016-17 33487 33924 67411 119 109 228 833 1215 2048
2015-16 29772 30082 59854 109 84 193 496 816 1312
2014-15 29416 31164 60580 79 73 152 380 1096 1476
2013-14 29912 27748 57660 129 103 232 418 1035 1453
2012-13 28438 30074 58512 188 78 266 809 1387 2196
2011-12 24928 28746 53674 116 82 198 603 1215 1818
2010-11 25332 31535 56867 98 87 185 589 1125 1714
2017-18 12348 10079 22427 20 12 32 613 1140 1753
2016-17 12961 11584 24545 43 13 56 763 1317 2080
2015-16 12151 11044 23195 23 11 34 1979 1836 3815
2014-15 12444 12038 24482 31 14 45 872 1300 2172
2013-14 12378 11401 23779 28 12 40 1136 1642 2778
2012-13 12601 12078 24679 58 6 64 359 937 1296
2011-12 11046 9886 20932 23 8 31 629 1073 1702
2010-11 12971 11656 24627 54 21 75 593 1112 1705
2017-18 17197 17467 34664 39 79 118 1041 1060 2101
2016-17 15980 16339 32319 47 101 148 1044 1124 2168
2015-16 14446 14795 29241 27 74 101 792 768 1560
2014-15 14949 15311 30260 30 74 104 839 718 1557
2013-14 16613 14274 30887 22 81 103 602 351 953
2012-13 16552 13953 30505 28 54 82 761 301 1062
2011-12 15557 15164 30721 10 10 20 138 186 324
2010-11 24356 19645 44001 271 8 279 1119 303 1422
2017-18 407713 385835 793548 2001 999 3000 93021 32578 125599
2016-17 400431 365999 766430 997 434 1431 89862 29838 119700
2015-16 382446 352290 734736 944 440 1384 76692 24592 101284
2014-15 351223 320780 672003 788 309 1097 69687 18287 87974
2013-14 325788 300383 626171 1517 688 2205 61733 15000 76733
2012-13 345754 289450 635204 1432 559 1991 51524 11423 62947
2011-12 334828 313127 647955 1381 533 1914 55011 10548 65559
2010-11 343844 299836 643680 841 250 1091 59851 11652 71503
2017-18 20536 25219 45756 63 58 121 3121 1355 4476
2016-17 19615 23516 43131 140 89 229 3110 1194 4304
2015-16 19979 22806 42785 263 132 395 3501 1311 4812
2014-15 20537 23671 44208 110 54 164 4264 1301 5565
2013-14 20468 23215 43683 425 184 609 5005 1435 6440
2012-13 18129 21041 39170 183 131 314 4632 1782 6414
2011-12 16002 18744 34746 103 45 148 3886 1627 5513
2010-11 16868 18912 35780 15 4 19 3386 1501 4887
2017-18 345399 343378 688777 3306 4125 7431 81647 45198 126845
2016-17 332886 310573 643459 3475 4173 7648 87672 41821 129493
2015-16 319105 292642 611747 2969 4074 7043 90231 41199 131430
2014-15 316963 299654 616617 2497 4010 6507 93674 38244 131918
2013-14 293849 316482 610331 1674 2965 4639 84394 22793 107187
2012-13 284109 306436 590545 1463 2200 3663 86691 21353 108044
2011-12 295104 293496 588600 1202 1783 2985 84100 17510 101610
2010-11 286928 167240 454168 4066 967 5033 74542 13871 88413
2017-18 836893 732447 1569340 7771 3782 11553 86431 22570 109001
2016-17 801229 681003 1482232 4725 2785 7510 81909 18498 100407
2015-16 794161 645604 1439765 4378 3160 7538 91474 15153 106627
2014-15 787870 622660 1410530 3566 1745 5311 97748 13996 111744
2013-14 791030 609662 1400692 3117 1490 4607 77094 11097 88191
2012-13 796769 501021 1297790 5237 2237 7474 47007 10759 57766
2011-12 767648 523520 1291168 4259 1701 5960 40574 9152 49726
2010-11 804731 513469 1318200 2772 1294 4066 30725 7270 37995
2017-18 8697 10304 19002 16 18 34 906 966 1872
2016-17 8171 9674 17845 10 15 25 854 741 1595
2015-16 8546 8461 17007 14 22 36 737 482 1219
2014-15 8040 8320 16360 12 12 24 856 662 1518
2013-14 7475 7505 14980 16 10 26 942 670 1612
2012-13 6267 7319 13586 16 11 27 576 392 968
2011-12 8548 8561 17109 19 13 32 582 346 928
2010-11 6169 6784 12953 12 5 17 724 180 904


AISHE 2017-18
Table 43. Student Enrolment at various levels during last 8 years
Certificate Integrated Grand Total
Male Female Both Male Female Both Male Female Both
2017-18 113 141 254 40 27 67 40428 43394 83822
2016-17 193 81 274 21 17 38 38881 41411 80292
2015-16 88 78 166 8 5 13 34599 36968 71567
2014-15 193 81 274 33869 37302 71171
2013-14 184 118 302 33872 33428 67300
2012-13 356 341 697 32211 35123 67334
2011-12 59 2 61 28374 33052 61426
2010-11 287 481 768 115 173 288 28787 36495 65282
2017-18 190 143 333 66 37 103 15861 13634 29495
2016-17 56 36 92 16278 15441 31719
2015-16 7 20 27 40 22 62 16342 15121 31463
2014-15 9 16 25 16 16 32 15338 15226 30564
2013-14 3 18 21 15591 15095 30686
2012-13 5 20 25 14853 14743 29596
2011-12 2 6 8 13086 12315 25401
2010-11 15476 14370 29846
2017-18 55 45 100 15 15 22118 21439 43557
2016-17 43 35 78 15 15 20192 20570 40762
2015-16 11 11 17889 19003 36892
2014-15 9 9 19296 19674 38970
2013-14 21544 17128 38672
2012-13 21308 15817 37125
2011-12 23497 16653 40150
2010-11 43 43 35182 21207 56389
2017-18 4153 5594 9747 3459 3128 6587 549575 466202 1015777
2016-17 3773 5598 9371 2835 2491 5326 532506 439779 972285
2015-16 3972 5828 9800 1839 1777 3616 498103 416572 914675
2014-15 4768 4748 9516 1539 1464 3003 455351 371469 826820
2013-14 4556 5426 9982 954 1147 2101 419782 348403 768185
2012-13 5983 5985 11968 408 266 674 434460 332640 767100
2011-12 7016 6467 13483 277 141 418 428060 354604 782664
2010-11 6727 4626 11353 312 161 473 443822 336595 780417
2017-18 14 12 26 656 581 1237 36094 36967 73061
2016-17 13 6 19 614 532 1146 33446 33472 66918
2015-16 24 8 32 724 564 1288 33992 31420 65412
2014-15 17 51 68 469 460 929 35091 32290 67381
2013-14 269 315 584 586 439 1025 35742 31582 67324
2012-13 15 129 144 400 317 717 30876 28926 59802
2011-12 24 165 189 511 367 878 25376 24367 49743
2010-11 180 180 24188 23394 47582
2017-18 391 893 1284 5416 4495 9911 479106 480430 959536
2016-17 693 1185 1878 4489 3822 8311 472859 444691 917550
2015-16 846 1139 1985 3687 3123 6810 457556 420923 878479
2014-15 914 1194 2108 3374 2575 5949 466434 426386 892820
2013-14 965 890 1855 8404 3031 11435 427563 417771 845334
2012-13 1188 766 1954 6163 1972 8135 412078 396066 808144
2011-12 1093 601 1694 927 614 1541 414667 371026 785693
2010-11 1037 644 1681 502 257 759 412161 218917 631078
2017-18 5667 6016 11683 7480 5592 13072 1054511 881693 1936204
2016-17 6906 6954 13860 5876 4238 10114 994972 813479 1808451
2015-16 2651 2883 5534 5270 3331 8601 992153 769307 1761460
2014-15 2546 2574 5120 5686 3120 8806 987549 732841 1720390
2013-14 1987 2415 4402 4049 2460 6509 955344 717311 1672655
2012-13 3972 5233 9205 3568 1982 5550 942962 587406 1530368
2011-12 3940 5062 9002 4227 1899 6126 899967 606193 1506160
2010-11 4434 4926 9360 449 688 1137 918947 590817 1509764
2017-18 6 14 20 117 177 294 13588 15413 29000
2016-17 9 37 46 153 184 337 13695 15415 29110
2015-16 11 52 63 304 293 597 14926 14624 29550
2014-15 10 28 38 340 324 664 11620 12403 24023
2013-14 20 20 261 288 549 10891 11293 22184
2012-13 40 40 184 213 397 9055 10398 19453
2011-12 142 164 306 12071 10682 22753
2010-11 80 110 190 10834 8171 19005


AISHE 2017-18
Table 43. Student Enrolment at various levels during last 8 years
Ph.D. M.Phil. Post Graduate
Male Female Both Male Female Both Male Female Both
Tamil Nadu
2017-18 16267 13511 29778 4424 12755 17179 175012 263874 438886
2016-17 16363 12321 28684 5850 14811 20661 176324 267673 443997
2015-16 13059 9162 22221 6405 13104 19509 185764 266691 452455
2014-15 11253 7753 19006 5539 10709 16248 213418 285601 499019
2013-14 10536 7052 17588 4680 9185 13865 224102 274595 498697
2012-13 8555 6502 15057 5080 8735 13815 236558 265520 502078
2011-12 7092 5486 12578 4688 8144 12832 244234 260189 504423
2010-11 4925 3070 7995 1847 2765 4612 201662 187009 388671
2017-18 3252 1632 4884 454 340 794 91044 103754 194799
2016-17 2760 1440 4200 384 230 614 95578 94959 190537
2015-16 2710 1423 4133 368 215 583 108325 93984 202309
2014-15 2972 1624 4596 254 174 428 116193 94069 210262
2013-14 2808 1477 4285 416 274 690 117040 94458 211498
2012-13 3092 1651 4743 419 228 647 115922 85734 201656
2017-18 75 44 119 6474 4734 11209
2016-17 50 32 82 5327 4315 9642
2015-16 289 183 472 5016 3431 8447
2014-15 196 110 306 4738 3286 8024
2013-14 222 145 367 4780 3562 8342
2012-13 88 60 148 4124 3445 7569
2011-12 128 104 232 4026 3334 7360
2010-11 81 30 111 8386 5775 14161
Uttar Pradesh
2017-18 10069 5339 15408 350 510 860 281755 355718 637473
2016-17 8838 4389 13227 370 502 872 257625 334470 592095
2015-16 7815 3737 11552 841 463 1304 236299 308811 545110
2014-15 7142 3746 10888 700 612 1312 214572 256483 471055
2013-14 7216 3607 10823 598 727 1325 206592 236293 442885
2012-13 5563 3025 8588 533 566 1099 200448 202177 402625
2011-12 5127 2500 7627 758 618 1376 210728 189916 400644
2010-11 4207 2105 6312 645 576 1221 169768 153618 323386
2017-18 2419 1489 3908 11 5 16 32756 38386 71142
2016-17 1971 1204 3175 7 4 11 28886 33774 62660
2015-16 2104 1255 3359 10 11 21 27614 31426 59040
2014-15 2159 832 2991 9 7 16 29509 29937 59446
2013-14 2245 810 3055 9 4 13 28033 29950 57983
2012-13 1493 769 2262 7 4 11 29155 30712 59867
2011-12 792 533 1325 7 7 14 30270 31261 61531
2010-11 1821 832 2653 3 11 14 26891 27785 54676
West Bengal
2017-18 4690 2255 6945 952 724 1676 96056 91414 187470
2016-17 4338 2024 6362 1049 753 1802 74481 98192 172673
2015-16 3973 1945 5918 800 619 1419 84144 103027 187171
2014-15 3257 1590 4847 668 345 1013 86250 101961 188211
2013-14 2842 1368 4210 595 404 999 80100 93471 173571
2012-13 2351 948 3299 381 433 814 75571 81307 156878
2011-12 1968 905 2873 436 695 1131 72264 80468 152732
2010-11 2004 847 2851 651 749 1400 112673 88345 201018


AISHE 2017-18
Table 43. Student Enrolment at various levels during last 8 years
Under Graduate PG Diploma Diploma
Male Female Both Male Female Both Male Female Both
Tamil Nadu
2017-18 1189690 1302087 2491777 9594 8245 17839 321101 66605 387706
2016-17 1181357 1237806 2419163 9453 5277 14730 330083 69119 399202
2015-16 1140408 1163824 2304232 7155 4243 11398 326119 70281 396400
2014-15 1138732 1195130 2333862 11288 6414 17702 351421 75406 426827
2013-14 1098374 1131580 2229954 10354 5063 15417 356911 77751 434662
2012-13 1102362 1094629 2196991 7894 3456 11350 362633 86067 448700
2011-12 1037967 1041005 2078972 11453 4647 16100 349363 94356 443719
2010-11 810432 764762 1575194 10079 4842 14921 328172 64916 393088
2017-18 555992 523346 1079338 2786 1913 4699 78198 49810 128008
2016-17 577221 528881 1106102 2268 1604 3872 80036 47626 127662
2015-16 620069 540604 1160673 3150 1884 5034 57654 37549 95203
2014-15 635069 545304 1180373 3253 1840 5093 42253 29870 72123
2013-14 644130 537024 1181154 3984 2037 6021 28926 31483 60409
2012-13 621392 485559 1106951 4284 1826 6110 25117 31196 56313
2017-18 37026 32829 69856 143 104 247 5851 3293 9144
2016-17 37656 30980 68636 122 122 244 2279 1683 3962
2015-16 35038 25917 60955 101 43 144 1931 1477 3408
2014-15 35199 24843 60042 135 42 177 3174 1971 5145
2013-14 32369 24053 56422 193 115 308 1289 1329 2618
2012-13 30724 21615 52339 198 125 323 1151 1372 2523
2011-12 26942 18651 45593 144 99 243 1021 1200 2221
2010-11 27930 17983 45913 146 85 231 1911 1523 3434
Uttar Pradesh
2017-18 2785330 2661439 5446769 11691 7930 19621 178531 82016 260547
2016-17 2735668 2488780 5224448 13608 8169 21777 164740 70582 235322
2015-16 2701079 2443242 5144321 11429 6639 18068 159224 65336 224560
2014-15 2763815 2526984 5290799 10467 6168 16635 148055 59516 207571
2013-14 2289800 2249828 4539628 7290 3849 11139 75128 31947 107075
2012-13 2108983 1970039 4079022 7159 3657 10816 46190 25803 71993
2011-12 1951789 1621759 3573548 5876 3014 8890 31148 17355 48503
2010-11 1748821 1763988 3512809 7239 2846 10085 22552 6927 29479
2017-18 159415 160459 319874 1285 920 2205 25849 9529 35378
2016-17 149210 148149 297359 2122 1485 3607 25137 8323 33460
2015-16 149601 151832 301433 1759 1362 3121 26459 8190 34649
2014-15 160631 156794 317425 729 619 1348 23923 7059 30982
2013-14 154855 171588 326443 921 737 1658 18980 5869 24849
2012-13 158165 166744 324909 913 925 1838 15201 5960 21161
2011-12 142567 156067 298634 1281 1174 2455 14611 6629 21240
2010-11 125669 137719 263388 979 877 1856 9902 5317 15219
West Bengal
2017-18 842222 824266 1666488 3979 2626 6605 101570 46965 148535
2016-17 880701 812747 1693448 3851 2012 5863 88551 32100 120651
2015-16 856479 751371 1607850 2149 1268 3417 76379 27845 104224
2014-15 863951 729494 1593445 2261 1275 3536 66912 23661 90573
2013-14 846947 672908 1519855 2734 1376 4110 53450 14025 67475
2012-13 803210 619370 1422580 2463 1008 3471 47282 12798 60080
2011-12 732496 542656 1275152 2649 1176 3825 40126 11818 51944
2010-11 622886 465857 1088743 2319 1023 3342 16673 4430 21103


AISHE 2017-18
Table 43. Student Enrolment at various levels during last 8 years
Certificate Integrated Grand Total
Male Female Both Male Female Both Male Female Both
Tamil Nadu
2017-18 13852 26641 40493 9375 7912 17287 1739315 1701630 3440945
2016-17 7805 22098 29903 8301 6710 15011 1735536 1635815 3371351
2015-16 4924 12375 17299 6591 5249 11840 1690425 1544929 3235354
2014-15 8412 22616 31028 5212 3977 9189 1745275 1607606 3352881
2013-14 7429 11581 19010 6585 4626 11211 1718971 1521433 3240404
2012-13 7131 10552 17683 5101 3392 8493 1735314 1478853 3214167
2011-12 13716 12873 26589 6308 3487 9795 1674821 1430187 3105008
2010-11 4741 7332 12073 7982 3984 11966 1369840 1038680 2408520
2017-18 661 1174 1835 2945 2005 4950 735333 683974 1419307
2016-17 417 984 1401 2589 1760 4349 761253 677484 1438737
2015-16 508 628 1136 3006 2158 5164 795790 678445 1474235
2014-15 523 732 1255 2874 2084 4958 803391 675697 1479088
2013-14 486 699 1185 2563 1679 4242 800353 669131 1469484
2012-13 571 1182 1753 2313 1651 3964 773110 609027 1382137
2017-18 114 108 222 563 322 885 50247 41435 91681
2016-17 142 80 222 272 184 456 45848 37396 83244
2015-16 130 81 211 238 160 398 42743 31292 74035
2014-15 49 70 119 142 99 241 43633 30421 74054
2013-14 110 95 205 38963 29299 68262
2012-13 18 3 21 27 45 72 36330 26665 62995
2011-12 15 5 20 32276 23393 55669
2010-11 243 79 322 38697 25475 64172
Uttar Pradesh
2017-18 20258 22560 42818 20331 11549 31880 3308314 3147061 6455375
2016-17 19602 20358 39960 20006 10264 30270 3220457 2937514 6157971
2015-16 17729 19119 36848 14586 6727 21313 3149002 2854074 6003076
2014-15 23936 23426 47362 14430 6868 21298 3183117 2883803 6066920
2013-14 38570 45941 84511 10159 4439 14598 2635353 2576631 5211984
2012-13 39377 45982 85359 8311 3589 11900 2416564 2254838 4671402
2011-12 35363 38851 74214 6085 2870 8955 2246874 1876883 4123757
2010-11 20442 17573 38015 3236 1249 4485 1976910 1948882 3925792
2017-18 235 99 334 2638 1655 4293 224608 212543 437150
2016-17 201 76 277 2560 1577 4137 210094 194592 404686
2015-16 102 79 181 2316 1266 3582 209965 195421 405386
2014-15 349 123 472 2081 1007 3088 219390 196378 415768
2013-14 297 231 528 1358 611 1969 206698 209800 416498
2012-13 649 471 1120 1256 395 1651 206839 205980 412819
2011-12 1173 935 2108 1055 306 1361 191756 196912 388668
2010-11 1694 1652 3346 20 24 44 166979 174217 341196
West Bengal
2017-18 4962 3086 8048 7089 3125 10214 1061520 974461 2035981
2016-17 3425 2298 5723 6792 2682 9474 1063188 952808 2015996
2015-16 3826 3930 7756 6364 2381 8745 1034114 892386 1926500
2014-15 4481 4009 8490 8677 2147 10824 1036457 864482 1900939
2013-14 3415 1534 4949 7276 3039 10315 997359 788125 1785484
2012-13 3930 2164 6094 4744 1326 6070 939932 719354 1659286
2011-12 4082 2286 6368 2020 1009 3029 856041 641013 1497054
2010-11 2694 637 3331 1628 521 2149 761528 562409 1323937


AISHE 2017-18
Table 44. Enrolment at various levels through Regular mode during last 8 years
Ph.D. M.Phil. Post Graduate
Male Female Both Male Female Both Male Female Both
2017-18 92570 68842 161412 12287 21822 34109 1278165 1657638 2935803
2016-17 81795 59242 141037 16464 26803 43267 1266377 1542745 2809122
2015-16 74460 51855 126315 17473 25050 42523 1307917 1500877 2808794
2014-15 69562 47709 117271 14107 19264 33371 1283796 1362816 2646612
2013-14 64772 43118 107890 13632 17748 31380 1249719 1294879 2544598
2012-13 55654 39771 95425 13257 17117 30374 1211410 1144494 2355904
2011-12 49296 32134 81430 15913 18241 34154 1236376 1115288 2351664
2010-11 47964 29834 77798 12579 12522 25101 1117764 986570 2104334
Andaman and Nicobar Islands
2017-18 42 26 68 125 313 438
2016-17 64 21 85 130 318 448
2015-16 69 17 86 122 295 417
2014-15 70 16 86 161 228 389
2013-14 75 20 95 132 246 378
2012-13 38 8 46 91 152 243
2011-12 15 1 16 33 126 159
2010-11 15 1 16 40 151 191
Andhra Pradesh
2017-18 4007 2282 6289 555 342 897 103187 85391 188578
2016-17 2932 1740 4672 790 472 1262 104560 81112 185672
2015-16 2089 1017 3106 408 220 628 106396 74760 181156
2014-15 2010 1320 3330 300 164 464 100580 68578 169158
2013-14 1535 1267 2802 246 201 447 95850 66331 162181
2012-13 1664 1120 2784 207 144 351 80210 53115 133325
2011-12 4494 2479 6973 776 459 1235 186031 121340 307371
2010-11 5435 2777 8212 1463 815 2278 193128 124686 317814
Arunachal Pradesh
2017-18 397 247 644 43 67 110 1659 1521 3180
2016-17 365 270 635 48 68 116 1439 1417 2856
2015-16 285 213 498 51 60 111 1448 1314 2762
2014-15 246 179 425 45 42 87 803 872 1675
2013-14 257 150 407 35 31 66 635 726 1361
2012-13 160 94 254 30 26 56 574 663 1237
2011-12 167 73 240 35 34 69 594 606 1200
2010-11 773 278 1051 22 21 43 2129 1271 3400
2017-18 2633 1704 4337 129 224 353 12126 15972 28097
2016-17 2545 1573 4118 76 152 228 10797 14105 24902
2015-16 2318 1556 3874 65 149 214 13202 14638 27840
2014-15 2154 1350 3504 84 127 211 9068 11115 20183
2013-14 2097 1356 3453 53 114 167 7859 9487 17346
2012-13 1614 933 2547 35 71 106 7218 8678 15896
2011-12 1350 846 2196 18 35 53 7405 8543 15948
2010-11 1051 713 1764 39 50 89 8574 10094 18668
2017-18 1902 954 2856 37001 32460 69461
2016-17 1502 726 2228 44327 33630 77957
2015-16 1567 975 2542 20 12 32 46962 32779 79741
2014-15 1334 704 2038 18 7 25 47505 32427 79932
2013-14 1471 692 2163 48432 32776 81208
2012-13 1706 850 2556 41400 27919 69319
2011-12 1970 606 2576 35826 20201 56027
2010-11 1218 411 1629 27037 17237 44274
2017-18 472 415 887 168 67 235 4854 8340 13194
2016-17 629 625 1254 56 87 143 4532 8091 12623
2015-16 448 567 1015 58 55 113 4690 8237 12927
2014-15 383 390 773 73 79 152 4597 7717 12314
2013-14 468 494 962 79 74 153 4074 6867 10941
2012-13 564 689 1253 173 221 394 4632 6404 11036
2011-12 111 196 307 36 89 125 2973 5408 8381
2010-11 274 298 572 63 109 172 2042 3554 5596


AISHE 2017-18
Table 44. Enrolment at various levels through Regular mode during last 8 years
Under Graduate PG Diploma Diploma
Male Female Both Male Female Both Male Female Both
2017-18 13484766.1 12977172.6 26461938.7 75195 69989 145184 1765994 819196 2585190
2016-17 13383665 12307907 25691572 72222 63047 135269 1758429 754664 2513093
2015-16 13189895 11731165 24921060 82009 78915 160924 1729160 715772 2444932
2014-15 13141600 11678324 24819924 81501 69841 151342 1712264 685611 2397875
2013-14 12238724 10906903 23145627 112988 101426 214414 1552979 602362 2155341
2012-13 11647300 10030938 21678238 85012 28832 113844 1491197 589488 2080685
2011-12 11381742 9660155 21041897 96418 25184 121602 1373675 583044 1956719
2010-11 10970156 9080748 20050904 47625 32542 80167 1206937 483560 1690497
Andaman and Nicobar Islands
2017-18 2178 3145 5323 416 257 673
2016-17 2165 2974 5139 452 238 690
2015-16 2209 2759 4968 478 291 769
2014-15 2010 2512 4522 444 306 750
2013-14 1565 1914 3479 442 315 757
2012-13 1019 1334 2353 441 320 761
2011-12 973 1277 2250 461 299 760
2010-11 1156 1584 2740 42 75 117
Andhra Pradesh
2017-18 660999 549687 1210686 996 533 1529 100748 66008 166756
2016-17 625596 503014 1128610 928 494 1422 98834 64531 163365
2015-16 610179 471980 1082159 615 460 1075 74824 56346 131170
2014-15 640874 507629 1148503 467 320 787 68129 43657 111786
2013-14 632790 493301 1126091 94 66 160 59682 46499 106181
2012-13 540881 410951 951832 154 68 222 55745 46681 102426
2011-12 1091297 854472 1945769 532 325 857 71267 76311 147578
2010-11 1119668 814813 1934481 705 342 1047 56330 47352 103682
Arunachal Pradesh
2017-18 13539 12775 26314 45 30 75 1188 648 1836
2016-17 13139 11893 25032 71 51 122 672 431 1103
2015-16 14085 14073 28158 92 50 142 1020 375 1395
2014-15 16505 15871 32376 43 33 76 528 244 772
2013-14 14964 14594 29558 45 36 81 955 330 1285
2012-13 10821 10797 21618 30 26 56 918 338 1256
2011-12 13525 13056 26581 36 17 53 678 168 846
2010-11 20041 11191 31232 39 21 60 4946 1430 6376
2017-18 251898 263822 515720 686 733 1419 6877 4815 11692
2016-17 248429 248071 496500 696 556 1252 6971 4648 11619
2015-16 225119 215193 440312 686 518 1204 6513 4029 10542
2014-15 216652 214523 431175 647 521 1168 6182 3439 9621
2013-14 196247 193116 389363 503 571 1074 5606 3638 9244
2012-13 180354 183134 363488 322 455 777 3496 3283 6779
2011-12 207331 224105 431436 250 342 592 2846 3181 6027
2010-11 189747 198264 388011 240 317 557 1825 3071 4896
2017-18 723821 550366 1274187 681 272 953 27280 11228 38508
2016-17 796541 597755 1394296 669 231 900 22034 6985 29019
2015-16 794322 584728 1379050 648 350 998 18802 6538 25340
2014-15 759169 560998 1320167 618 194 812 14536 5577 20113
2013-14 692396 497767 1190163 225 304 529 11390 5084 16474
2012-13 697028 501654 1198682 307 347 654 10522 4193 14715
2011-12 681208 467843 1149051 161 277 438 10577 3894 14471
2010-11 612770 439007 1051777 267 152 419 11674 3438 15112
2017-18 26276 29050 55325 243 350 593 1438 1201 2639
2016-17 25672 27863 53535 182 359 541 1447 1230 2677
2015-16 23461 26995 50456 177 316 493 1451 1287 2738
2014-15 21823 24353 46176 186 303 489 2129 1440 3569
2013-14 20746 22570 43316 139 318 457 2260 1337 3597
2012-13 22187 17795 39982 272 314 586 1020 831 1851
2011-12 12819 20299 33118 132 361 493 1063 797 1860
2010-11 4804 13409 18213 73 203 276 936 669 1605


AISHE 2017-18
Table 44. Enrolment at various levels through Regular mode during last 8 years
Certificate Integrated Grand Total
Male Female Both Male Female Both Male Female Both
2017-18 40649 50972 91621 114233 81293 195526 16863859 15746925 32610784
2016-17 49518 59531 109049 102267 71448 173715 16730737 14885387 31616124
2015-16 45910 54001 99911 92645 62776 155421 16539469 14220411 30759880
2014-15 41711 49939 91650 86900 54969 141869 16431441 13968473 30399914
2013-14 37903 44048 81951 78420 46519 124939 15349137 13057003 28406140
2012-13 41526 52888 94414 58873 35402 94275 14604229 11938930 26543159
2011-12 45434 53030 98464 44417 27747 72164 14243271 11514823 25758094
2010-11 42651 59174 101825 34031 20638 54669 13479707 10705588 24185295
Andaman and Nicobar Islands
2017-18 26 91 117 2787 3832 6619
2016-17 24 91 115 2835 3642 6477
2015-16 26 83 109 2904 3445 6349
2014-15 30 90 120 2715 3152 5867
2013-14 29 91 120 2243 2586 4829
2012-13 29 86 115 1618 1900 3518
2011-12 23 86 109 1505 1789 3294
2010-11 1253 1811 3064
Andhra Pradesh
2017-18 258 529 787 7132 2900 10032 877883 707671 1585554
2016-17 142 479 621 6378 2536 8914 840160 654378 1494538
2015-16 242 340 582 6520 2385 8905 801273 607508 1408781
2014-15 392 476 868 4575 1321 5896 817327 623465 1440792
2013-14 268 429 697 3922 1199 5121 794387 609293 1403680
2012-13 601 1213 1814 3766 1460 5226 683228 514752 1197980
2011-12 1134 2352 3486 4760 2667 7427 1360291 1060405 2420696
2010-11 1059 1755 2814 3850 2402 6252 1381638 994942 2376580
Arunachal Pradesh
2017-18 246 79 325 177 49 226 17294 15416 32710
2016-17 266 74 340 59 10 69 16059 14214 30273
2015-16 313 94 407 17294 16179 33473
2014-15 465 176 641 18635 17417 36052
2013-14 292 84 376 17183 15951 33134
2012-13 277 66 343 12810 12010 24820
2011-12 297 78 375 15332 14032 29364
2010-11 27950 14212 42162
2017-18 1077 1352 2429 2630 2651 5281 278056 291273 569329
2016-17 963 1322 2285 2472 2476 4948 272949 272903 545852
2015-16 1612 1931 3543 2182 2292 4474 251697 240306 492003
2014-15 1309 1572 2881 1823 2023 3846 237919 234670 472589
2013-14 937 1199 2136 1443 1896 3339 214745 211377 426122
2012-13 789 860 1649 1066 1600 2666 194894 199014 393908
2011-12 436 510 946 888 971 1859 220524 238533 459057
2010-11 289 187 476 972 1001 1973 202737 213697 416434
2017-18 2336 1075 3411 1512 788 2300 794533 597143 1391676
2016-17 2865 1539 4404 1212 640 1852 869150 641506 1510656
2015-16 2857 1648 4505 1456 755 2211 866634 627785 1494419
2014-15 385 235 620 879 504 1383 824444 600646 1425090
2013-14 1564 657 2221 743 439 1182 756221 537719 1293940
2012-13 1661 696 2357 276 258 534 752900 535917 1288817
2011-12 1627 648 2275 547 268 815 731916 493737 1225653
2010-11 755 632 1387 524 224 748 654245 461101 1115346
2017-18 456 244 700 1058 1133 2191 34965 40800 75764
2016-17 363 195 558 1100 1264 2364 33981 39714 73695
2015-16 467 239 706 1167 1260 2427 31919 38956 70875
2014-15 477 151 628 1221 1159 2380 30889 35592 66481
2013-14 358 182 540 1013 964 1977 29137 32806 61943
2012-13 258 100 358 1080 736 1816 30186 27090 57276
2011-12 234 128 362 17368 27278 44646
2010-11 199 104 303 49 262 311 8440 18608 27048


AISHE 2017-18
Table 44. Enrolment at various levels through Regular mode during last 8 years
Ph.D. M.Phil. Post Graduate
Male Female Both Male Female Both Male Female Both
2017-18 740 425 1165 149 150 299 19804 27619 47423
2016-17 778 488 1266 141 136 277 19086 25009 44095
2015-16 406 284 690 182 173 355 18876 23211 42087
2014-15 504 488 992 208 207 415 16955 21062 38017
2013-14 459 484 943 191 215 406 16563 20388 36951
2012-13 471 427 898 150 185 335 14220 17256 31476
2011-12 325 358 683 187 200 387 12127 14821 26948
2010-11 234 270 504 203 294 497 14815 17000 31815
Dadra and Nagar Haveli
2017-18 126 198 324
2016-17 121 176 297
2015-16 120 168 288
2014-15 125 162 287
2013-14 148 129 277
2012-13 132 106 238
2011-12 110 59 169
2010-11 95 24 119
Daman and Diu
2017-18 7580 7132 14712 1243 1380 2623 24109 24492 48602
2016-17 5319 4604 9923 3028 3380 6408 22423 20826 43249
2015-16 4861 4018 8879 2830 3085 5915 22677 20628 43305
2014-15 6534 5457 11991 1135 1140 2275 23538 20604 44142
2013-14 6633 5943 12576 603 588 1191 23671 19364 43035
2012-13 7278 6132 13410 454 521 975 23877 17327 41204
2011-12 4246 3434 7680 2792 2325 5117 20650 16134 36784
2010-11 3929 3195 7124 2430 1994 4424 18058 14744 32802
2017-18 71 41 112 1436 2563 3998
2016-17 194 294 488 2 1 3 1596 2672 4268
2015-16 44 26 70 10 10 1518 2492 4010
2014-15 41 66 107 1 3 4 1607 2314 3921
2013-14 78 71 149 8 5 13 1364 2151 3515
2012-13 20 29 49 773 1585 2358
2011-12 49 61 110 2 2 796 1379 2175
2010-11 8 7 15 899 1626 2525
2017-18 3256 1995 5251 306 291 597 55820 71116 126936
2016-17 3035 1953 4988 352 406 758 65749 79069 144818
2015-16 3286 1883 5169 592 665 1257 74692 89100 163792
2014-15 2353 1340 3693 494 479 973 59611 58321 117932
2013-14 2105 1076 3181 584 625 1209 60088 55284 115372
2012-13 1614 821 2435 312 299 611 58728 51933 110661
2011-12 1485 785 2270 355 291 646 56807 49165 105972
2010-11 1796 913 2709 567 411 978 57978 52376 110354
2017-18 1632 1696 3328 170 270 440 26862 49009 75872
2016-17 1817 1784 3601 208 260 468 25922 47851 73773
2015-16 1556 1706 3262 332 432 764 28927 50293 79220
2014-15 1338 1366 2704 336 352 688 28258 46478 74736
2013-14 1570 1473 3043 303 382 685 29131 45215 74346
2012-13 1025 1136 2161 338 413 751 29667 44091 73758
2011-12 1199 1169 2368 338 361 699 29685 42279 71964
2010-11 1132 1106 2238 346 715 1061 29487 38065 67552
Himachal Pradesh
2017-18 906 794 1700 92 167 259 7402 11051 18453
2016-17 721 608 1329 104 163 267 6621 10240 16861
2015-16 590 588 1178 103 175 278 6465 9330 15795
2014-15 558 582 1140 131 184 315 5994 8360 14354
2013-14 593 601 1194 125 177 302 5701 7854 13555
2012-13 504 460 964 176 248 424 5005 6835 11840
2011-12 423 290 713 166 225 391 4707 5924 10631
2010-11 445 231 676 125 217 342 4713 6109 10822


AISHE 2017-18
Table 44. Enrolment at various levels through Regular mode during last 8 years
Under Graduate PG Diploma Diploma
Male Female Both Male Female Both Male Female Both
2017-18 166217 188330 354547 4163 4377 8540 23120 16310 39430
2016-17 163885 172395 336280 3391 3575 6966 22196 15176 37372
2015-16 160193 159063 319256 3214 3411 6625 21724 13706 35430
2014-15 154779 152258 307037 3414 3297 6711 20227 12087 32314
2013-14 154163 145878 300041 3432 3156 6588 17449 10352 27801
2012-13 141597 132761 274358 3070 2841 5911 15585 9170 24755
2011-12 128750 119394 248144 2576 2203 4779 12571 7202 19773
2010-11 190676 135084 325760 2543 2198 4741 12390 6254 18644
Dadra and Nagar Haveli
2017-18 2134 2628 4762 586 98 684
2016-17 2156 2420 4576 632 102 734
2015-16 2182 2276 4458 19 19 604 80 684
2014-15 2085 1859 3944 549 62 611
2013-14 1744 1503 3247 488 87 575
2012-13 1207 1190 2397 540 105 645
2011-12 1383 1040 2423 560 73 633
2010-11 404 488 892 509 157 666
Daman and Diu
2017-18 573 1061 1634 1235 221 1456
2016-17 628 1002 1630 1306 183 1489
2015-16 695 1088 1783 1186 153 1339
2014-15 664 1095 1759 1096 145 1241
2013-14 486 897 1383 888 100 988
2012-13 378 724 1102 813 132 945
2011-12 365 617 982 649 139 788
2010-11 356 456 812 531 135 666
2017-18 157782 164764 322546 2468 1714 4182 17060 11596 28656
2016-17 149412 151142 300554 2776 1705 4481 16604 11471 28075
2015-16 141628 139539 281167 2944 1697 4641 16534 10511 27045
2014-15 141588 133708 275296 2903 1568 4471 16334 10487 26821
2013-14 128747 128979 257726 3214 1704 4918 17843 10215 28058
2012-13 116086 119549 235635 2464 1248 3712 17705 9312 27017
2011-12 109073 118815 227888 1886 999 2885 17969 10556 28525
2010-11 95008 101852 196860 1938 846 2784 13525 5738 19263
2017-18 13379 19031 32410 43 37 80 5924 782 6706
2016-17 12906 17831 30737 64 52 116 5844 800 6644
2015-16 12231 16814 29045 46 50 96 5830 721 6551
2014-15 11676 16096 27772 58 68 126 5878 728 6606
2013-14 11104 16317 27421 39 72 111 2832 798 3630
2012-13 10811 16219 27030 478 211 689 2141 718 2859
2011-12 9816 15336 25152 50 35 85 1936 742 2678
2010-11 12179 18962 31141 10 7 17 1919 681 2600
2017-18 615711 471275 1086986 2859 3007 5866 102583 37803 140386
2016-17 607268 455387 1062655 3045 3089 6134 105649 34552 140201
2015-16 621287 447732 1069019 3607 3727 7334 113241 32044 145285
2014-15 604034 447177 1051211 4349 3438 7787 117720 32139 149859
2013-14 577498 436358 1013856 5195 4866 10061 118929 30015 148944
2012-13 540388 418317 958705 3843 3360 7203 110567 29428 139995
2011-12 490706 386348 877054 3476 3093 6569 101708 25886 127594
2010-11 597516 477221 1074737 3000 2613 5613 111215 25263 136478
2017-18 306411 304134 610545 1199 896 2095 45327 20664 65991
2016-17 303902 284392 588294 1036 971 2007 49077 19177 68254
2015-16 336432 294518 630950 1235 1012 2247 50835 18012 68847
2014-15 364205 318115 682320 1001 861 1862 62130 19200 81330
2013-14 382887 302194 685081 963 734 1697 63030 15542 78572
2012-13 374952 313389 688341 786 676 1462 74219 15718 89937
2011-12 371058 334606 705664 805 650 1455 68789 14391 83180
2010-11 323770 233958 557728 456 299 755 62472 11218 73690
Himachal Pradesh
2017-18 87359 109341 196700 445 742 1187 7925 8091 16016
2016-17 88384 104863 193247 325 536 861 7896 7376 15272
2015-16 79876 92112 171988 165 466 631 9475 7253 16728
2014-15 76813 87820 164633 302 407 709 10470 6515 16985
2013-14 70544 81200 151744 268 327 595 11503 5619 17122
2012-13 65513 75022 140535 204 405 609 12220 5142 17362
2011-12 65351 75472 140823 212 422 634 11177 4610 15787
2010-11 75460 80451 155911 416 424 840 9583 3395 12978


AISHE 2017-18
Table 44. Enrolment at various levels through Regular mode during last 8 years
Certificate Integrated Grand Total
Male Female Both Male Female Both Male Female Both
2017-18 211 313 524 1014 1005 2019 215418 238529 453947
2016-17 220 384 604 938 921 1859 210635 218084 428719
2015-16 106 258 364 827 769 1596 205528 200875 406403
2014-15 180 361 541 735 671 1406 197002 190431 387433
2013-14 137 331 468 587 516 1103 192981 181320 374301
2012-13 52 325 377 1321 1213 2534 176466 164178 340644
2011-12 203 299 502 866 801 1667 157605 145278 302883
2010-11 122 119 241 592 501 1093 221575 161720 383295
Dadra and Nagar Haveli
2017-18 4 2 6 2850 2926 5776
2016-17 2909 2698 5607
2015-16 2906 2543 5449
2014-15 2759 2083 4842
2013-14 2380 1719 4099
2012-13 1879 1401 3280
2011-12 2053 1172 3225
2010-11 1008 669 1677
Daman and Diu
2017-18 1808 1282 3090
2016-17 1934 1185 3119
2015-16 1881 1241 3122
2014-15 1760 1240 3000
2013-14 1374 997 2371
2012-13 1191 856 2047
2011-12 1014 756 1770
2010-11 83 83 887 674 1561
2017-18 2257 1471 3728 2126 1019 3145 214626 213568 428194
2016-17 1895 1283 3178 2020 754 2774 203477 195165 398642
2015-16 1990 1235 3225 2278 909 3187 195742 181622 377364
2014-15 2170 1093 3263 5257 1678 6935 199459 175735 375194
2013-14 1941 1310 3251 5562 806 6368 188214 168909 357123
2012-13 2329 1176 3505 1901 747 2648 172094 156012 328106
2011-12 2109 1282 3391 1750 681 2431 160475 154226 314701
2010-11 1715 940 2655 1425 426 1851 138028 129735 267763
2017-18 12 12 198 376 574 21062 22830 43892
2016-17 13 13 131 169 300 20750 21819 42569
2015-16 19 5 24 47 124 171 19745 20232 39977
2014-15 56 121 177 19317 19396 38713
2013-14 56 120 176 15481 19534 35015
2012-13 2 25 27 47 93 140 14272 18880 33152
2011-12 6 17 23 12653 17572 30225
2010-11 11 11 15015 21294 36309
2017-18 3288 4239 7527 7115 7290 14405 790938 597016 1387954
2016-17 2712 3481 6193 5886 6383 12269 793696 584320 1378016
2015-16 2214 3021 5235 5158 5591 10749 824077 583763 1407840
2014-15 2400 3396 5796 4563 4691 9254 795524 550981 1346505
2013-14 3869 3911 7780 4403 5144 9547 772671 537279 1309950
2012-13 4668 5581 10249 4685 4978 9663 724805 514717 1239522
2011-12 7580 8294 15874 3445 4120 7565 665562 477982 1143544
2010-11 11876 18678 30554 3919 3157 7076 787867 580632 1368499
2017-18 1241 1831 3072 8294 4858 13152 391136 383359 774495
2016-17 1007 1834 2841 6428 3988 10416 389397 360257 749654
2015-16 903 1580 2483 7506 4076 11582 427726 371629 799355
2014-15 1176 1962 3138 4568 3535 8103 463012 391869 854881
2013-14 966 1366 2332 3721 2380 6101 482571 369286 851857
2012-13 986 1211 2197 1930 1717 3647 483903 378351 862254
2011-12 841 1072 1913 3371 1972 5343 476086 396500 872586
2010-11 511 350 861 3431 1189 4620 421605 286900 708505
Himachal Pradesh
2017-18 572 851 1423 762 397 1159 105463 131434 236897
2016-17 425 517 942 647 269 916 105123 124572 229695
2015-16 502 503 1005 501 181 682 97677 110608 208285
2014-15 756 750 1506 350 131 481 95374 104749 200123
2013-14 553 548 1101 249 132 381 89536 96458 185994
2012-13 487 469 956 335 120 455 84444 88701 173145
2011-12 413 381 794 111 34 145 82560 87358 169918
2010-11 510 534 1044 195 34 229 91447 91395 182842


AISHE 2017-18
Table 44. Enrolment at various levels through Regular mode during last 8 years
Ph.D. M.Phil. Post Graduate
Male Female Both Male Female Both Male Female Both
Jammu and Kashmir
2017-18 1235 1261 2496 119 123 242 9729 10431 20160
2016-17 991 977 1968 109 143 252 8417 8882 17299
2015-16 985 854 1839 170 196 366 7621 7704 15325
2014-15 781 501 1282 214 233 447 7273 7213 14486
2013-14 500 400 900 368 344 712 7497 6751 14248
2012-13 452 327 779 242 240 482 7734 7086 14820
2011-12 400 297 697 330 279 609 7666 7008 14674
2010-11 311 262 573 791 618 1409 7481 7327 14808
2017-18 1158 640 1798 79 125 204 21129 28978 50107
2016-17 1157 648 1805 209 368 577 20497 24039 44536
2015-16 1726 688 2414 109 200 309 16693 20910 37603
2014-15 1456 515 1971 38 81 119 15704 19199 34903
2013-14 1129 476 1605 146 209 355 13280 16249 29529
2012-13 292 172 464 78 132 210 15364 14258 29622
2011-12 393 328 721 5 5 10 16287 13193 29480
2010-11 89 24 113 29 29 17008 14591 31599
2017-18 9103 5087 14190 189 338 527 80938 96783 177721
2016-17 6630 4211 10841 198 329 527 82065 87824 169889
2015-16 7424 4353 11777 214 378 592 83570 80953 164523
2014-15 7247 4281 11528 235 339 574 84693 74440 159133
2013-14 6245 3379 9624 253 376 629 84109 69340 153449
2012-13 4760 2628 7388 351 397 748 78520 63693 142213
2011-12 5382 2778 8160 396 396 792 73609 57174 130783
2010-11 5317 2621 7938 505 491 996 69088 52338 121426
2017-18 2256 3655 5911 280 630 910 19937 60432 80369
2016-17 2185 3121 5306 165 569 734 21369 57243 78612
2015-16 1956 2675 4631 228 684 912 23873 56302 80175
2014-15 1663 2298 3961 216 571 787 24597 52565 77162
2013-14 1583 2202 3785 209 508 717 23191 51418 74609
2012-13 1661 2141 3802 233 507 740 20613 44441 65054
2011-12 1673 2081 3754 215 458 673 19085 40985 60070
2010-11 1418 1451 2869 186 413 599 24823 41909 66732
2017-18 4 33 37
2016-17 1 12 13
2015-16 4 17 21
2014-15 6 19 25
2013-14 7 18 25
2012-13 6 19 25
2011-12 9 28 37
Madhya Pradesh
2017-18 2427 1558 3985 299 466 765 83111 99069 182180
2016-17 1988 1284 3272 336 547 883 79470 92331 171801
2015-16 2243 1585 3828 681 771 1452 83725 94120 177845
2014-15 2168 1522 3690 748 674 1422 91405 96030 187435
2013-14 2011 1404 3415 862 606 1468 88272 89079 177351
2012-13 1814 1115 2929 1214 1043 2257 94007 74392 168399
2011-12 1861 1313 3174 1304 1007 2311 91923 70968 162891
2010-11 1183 1956 3139 491 396 887 60605 60249 120854
2017-18 5365 3841 9206 1176 1245 2421 159620 172083 331703
2016-17 4382 3146 7528 1300 1360 2660 160932 157145 318077
2015-16 5757 3472 9229 1487 1413 2900 171457 153404 324861
2014-15 5273 3351 8624 1354 1194 2548 177140 149632 326772
2013-14 4783 2271 7054 1969 1061 3030 176244 140199 316443
2012-13 3716 1967 5683 1416 959 2375 155400 121832 277232
2011-12 4077 2007 6084 1305 840 2145 177575 144666 322241
2010-11 3790 1595 5385 1087 647 1734 184891 139408 324299
2017-18 332 314 646 7 7 1995 2211 4206
2016-17 392 334 726 3 3 2190 2041 4231
2015-16 315 303 618 1 13 14 1991 1724 3715
2014-15 437 421 858 1 13 14 1716 1658 3374
2013-14 500 488 988 1 13 14 1603 1597 3200
2012-13 465 450 915 12 12 1475 1548 3023
2011-12 429 375 804 5 5 1405 1505 2910
2010-11 445 417 862 2 5 7 1966 1562 3528


AISHE 2017-18
Table 44. Enrolment at various levels through Regular mode during last 8 years
Under Graduate PG Diploma Diploma
Male Female Both Male Female Both Male Female Both
Jammu and Kashmir
2017-18 97068 121183 218251 182 128 310 7515 3186 10701
2016-17 95847 113913 209760 296 235 531 7231 2745 9976
2015-16 91462 109074 200536 107 101 208 7203 2245 9448
2014-15 99631 107466 207097 159 85 244 7556 2885 10441
2013-14 113977 122375 236352 159 91 250 4164 1470 5634
2012-13 127329 137779 265108 156 67 223 333 203 536
2011-12 121879 133654 255533 157 83 240 241 165 406
2010-11 117188 107801 224989 26 17 43 435 83 518
2017-18 278327 278589 556916 1817 895 2712 21144 7797 28941
2016-17 274718 263353 538071 1779 839 2618 18505 4947 23452
2015-16 244486 226578 471064 1844 838 2682 14708 3033 17741
2014-15 251546 229710 481256 1623 663 2286 7387 1106 8493
2013-14 216906 189593 406499 1567 607 2174 2540 348 2888
2012-13 187393 181362 368755 1156 504 1660 1309 200 1509
2011-12 154381 140461 294842 220 119 339 23 122 145
2010-11 165267 128669 293936 44 1 45 162 184 346
2017-18 719930 756748 1476679 2182 2062 4244 121254 77215 198469
2016-17 697936 708806 1406742 2008 1884 3892 129732 75159 204891
2015-16 700401 688405 1388806 2239 1690 3929 131997 73600 205597
2014-15 699343 673021 1372364 2295 1723 4018 137360 81352 218712
2013-14 667697 630749 1298446 2329 1872 4201 130792 81439 212231
2012-13 643721 596416 1240137 1796 1711 3507 150408 88560 238968
2011-12 605626 540243 1145869 1552 1514 3066 147764 97962 245726
2010-11 644435 575461 1219896 1861 1782 3643 139800 102873 242673
2017-18 276683 392323 669007 639 422 1061 36183 30690 66873
2016-17 273120 368794 641914 244 263 507 34801 28389 63190
2015-16 257312 340566 597878 195 260 455 34439 28650 63089
2014-15 233371 325931 559302 96 192 288 31911 28965 60876
2013-14 221890 316942 538832 92 200 292 28371 29489 57860
2012-13 201144 290073 491217 25 96 121 27983 32528 60511
2011-12 198972 286403 485375 28 133 161 26242 34138 60380
2010-11 230286 300704 530990 30 133 163 23112 32490 55602
2017-18 112 403 515
2016-17 148 363 511
2015-16 146 334 480
2014-15 67 188 255
2013-14 221 571 792
2012-13 218 560 778
2011-12 210 531 741
Madhya Pradesh
2017-18 700005 604738 1304743 25153 29328 54481 93594 53399 146993
2016-17 678062 562793 1240855 23552 26292 49844 90285 48774 139059
2015-16 627057 473668 1100725 36011 43742 79753 111052 56431 167483
2014-15 635658 452702 1088360 37164 38774 75938 106095 48206 154301
2013-14 614422 433488 1047910 70857 70784 141641 80305 31516 111821
2012-13 665234 443675 1108909 49365 3556 52921 97683 10014 107697
2011-12 648857 431084 1079941 67426 4198 71624 69645 7863 77508
2010-11 489921 354320 844241 24543 16458 41001 26002 9445 35447
2017-18 1443382 1282847 2726229 8586 6051 14637 189102 117068 306170
2016-17 1429213 1213913 2643126 8742 5593 14335 198783 112369 311152
2015-16 1462455 1200425 2662880 7777 4850 12627 212871 115721 328592
2014-15 1417502 1167506 2585008 7019 4317 11336 221253 125702 346955
2013-14 1285193 1043132 2328325 7872 4896 12768 250990 128935 379925
2012-13 1147241 914874 2062115 7918 4610 12528 236095 135941 372036
2011-12 1353235 1115680 2468915 6764 4257 11021 223649 134528 358177
2010-11 1480309 1084957 2565266 5375 2891 8266 195703 121054 316757
2017-18 43572 47757 91329 96 40 136 949 794 1743
2016-17 42698 44860 87558 114 57 171 1020 764 1784
2015-16 43776 43845 87621 184 97 281 681 211 892
2014-15 46135 45808 91943 134 34 168 572 129 701
2013-14 47630 50386 98016 113 35 148 543 120 663
2012-13 39685 39333 79018 25 24 49 372 118 490
2011-12 40212 41506 81718 4 3 7 355 126 481
2010-11 59450 52518 111968 26 16 42 93 38 131


AISHE 2017-18
Table 44. Enrolment at various levels through Regular mode during last 8 years
Certificate Integrated Grand Total
Male Female Both Male Female Both Male Female Both
Jammu and Kashmir
2017-18 8 3 11 1532 1875 3407 117388 138190 255578
2016-17 14 1 15 1021 1465 2486 113926 128361 242287
2015-16 6 2 8 1129 1314 2443 108683 121490 230173
2014-15 5 6 11 1570 1564 3134 117189 119953 237142
2013-14 19 3 22 1370 1285 2655 128054 132719 260773
2012-13 581 672 1253 136827 146374 283201
2011-12 445 404 849 131118 141890 273008
2010-11 126232 116108 242340
2017-18 471 1070 1541 2316 1329 3645 326441 319423 645864
2016-17 272 832 1104 2378 1485 3863 319515 296511 616026
2015-16 117 655 772 3299 2813 6112 282982 255715 538697
2014-15 71 280 351 2739 2339 5078 280564 253893 534457
2013-14 84 207 291 2043 1208 3251 237695 208897 446592
2012-13 153 156 309 1229 586 1815 206974 197370 404344
2011-12 73 92 165 858 379 1237 172240 154699 326939
2010-11 630 137 767 183229 143606 326835
2017-18 2049 1637 3686 3879 3112 6991 939524 942983 1882507
2016-17 1953 1759 3712 4406 3636 8042 924928 883608 1808536
2015-16 2112 2213 4325 4072 3344 7416 932029 854936 1786965
2014-15 2136 1957 4093 3551 3106 6657 936860 840219 1777079
2013-14 1915 2230 4145 3976 3076 7052 897316 792461 1689777
2012-13 1648 2094 3742 3224 2221 5445 884428 757720 1642148
2011-12 1465 2001 3466 2723 1709 4432 838517 703777 1542294
2010-11 1683 3753 5436 1984 1532 3516 864673 740851 1605524
2017-18 740 2918 3658 2252 2159 4411 338971 493229 832200
2016-17 726 2186 2912 2488 2389 4877 335098 462954 798052
2015-16 489 2370 2859 2431 2312 4743 320923 433819 754742
2014-15 546 3020 3566 2138 1918 4056 294538 415460 709998
2013-14 425 3097 3522 1625 1458 3083 277386 405314 682700
2012-13 691 6120 6811 1054 1079 2133 253404 376985 630389
2011-12 733 6252 6985 966 1148 2114 247914 371598 619512
2010-11 650 6253 6903 754 1040 1794 281259 384393 665652
2017-18 116 436 552
2016-17 149 375 524
2015-16 150 351 501
2014-15 73 207 280
2013-14 228 589 817
2012-13 224 579 803
2011-12 219 559 778
Madhya Pradesh
2017-18 1224 819 2043 6118 3859 9977 911930 793236 1705167
2016-17 1306 889 2195 4732 3163 7895 879731 736073 1615804
2015-16 2405 546 2951 3930 2655 6585 867104 673518 1540622
2014-15 1511 850 2361 3235 2089 5324 877984 640847 1518831
2013-14 379 359 738 2749 1781 4530 859857 629017 1488874
2012-13 499 647 1146 1506 747 2253 911322 535189 1446511
2011-12 478 624 1102 1402 555 1957 882896 517612 1400508
2010-11 410 529 939 156 82 238 603311 443435 1046746
2017-18 5385 4725 10110 6076 5868 11944 1818692 1593728 3412420
2016-17 5096 4411 9507 5555 5367 10922 1814003 1503304 3317307
2015-16 3808 3031 6839 5133 4857 9990 1870745 1487173 3357918
2014-15 3617 3706 7323 4762 3888 8650 1837920 1459296 3297216
2013-14 3052 2463 5515 2667 2190 4857 1732770 1325147 3057917
2012-13 2456 3274 5730 2656 2029 4685 1556898 1185486 2742384
2011-12 2763 2734 5497 2180 1552 3732 1771548 1406264 3177812
2010-11 2784 3468 6252 3149 1833 4982 1877088 1355853 3232941
2017-18 30 30 46944 51153 98097
2016-17 70 70 46414 48129 94543
2015-16 45 86 131 46993 46279 93272
2014-15 64 101 165 49059 48164 97223
2013-14 51 108 159 50441 52747 103188
2012-13 34 93 127 42056 41578 83634
2011-12 51 162 213 10 21 31 42466 43703 86169
2010-11 4 6 10 11 20 31 61997 54582 116579


AISHE 2017-18
Table 44. Enrolment at various levels through Regular mode during last 8 years
Ph.D. M.Phil. Post Graduate
Male Female Both Male Female Both Male Female Both
2017-18 466 513 979 29 57 86 2353 3121 5473
2016-17 471 492 963 108 137 245 2100 2855 4955
2015-16 382 428 810 61 142 203 1976 2492 4468
2014-15 425 398 823 31 43 74 1780 2234 4014
2013-14 257 288 545 26 24 50 1341 2124 3465
2012-13 145 147 292 27 25 52 1295 1720 3015
2011-12 171 131 302 25 34 59 1413 1801 3214
2010-11 354 412 766 23 33 56 1265 1811 3076
2017-18 347 296 643 71 75 146 1168 1183 2351
2016-17 362 256 618 82 95 177 1076 1045 2121
2015-16 287 268 555 48 76 124 911 890 1801
2014-15 38 35 73 14 24 38 831 715 1546
2013-14 188 223 411 34 57 91 733 640 1373
2012-13 61 87 148 20 36 56 664 563 1227
2011-12 57 71 128 8 23 31 572 513 1085
2010-11 34 29 63 10 25 35 540 452 992
2017-18 222 201 423 11 23 34 979 1444 2423
2016-17 94 138 232 1 9 10 951 1403 2354
2015-16 87 74 161 662 1157 1819
2014-15 97 100 197 637 1031 1668
2013-14 53 57 110 541 887 1428
2012-13 67 60 127 527 498 1025
2011-12 49 58 107 3 5 8 491 480 971
2010-11 76 81 157 12 12 352 496 848
2017-18 1671 1311 2982 404 676 1080 27040 28156 55196
2016-17 1388 1086 2474 471 777 1248 25600 23957 49557
2015-16 1348 1277 2625 427 674 1101 23938 21490 45428
2014-15 953 651 1604 445 635 1080 20497 19050 39547
2013-14 676 210 886 365 549 914 17818 19046 36864
2012-13 772 767 1539 354 525 879 21366 18611 39977
2011-12 784 333 1117 761 769 1530 22136 18871 41007
2010-11 367 162 529 760 662 1422 24092 16612 40704
2017-18 522 254 776 13 53 66 3647 4343 7990
2016-17 604 334 938 19 61 80 3719 4030 7749
2015-16 617 315 932 10 50 60 4191 3943 8134
2014-15 302 214 516 14 61 75 4700 4187 8887
2013-14 360 192 552 19 54 73 4908 4228 9136
2012-13 300 169 469 24 57 81 4429 3742 8171
2011-12 257 124 381 205 137 342 4204 3014 7218
2010-11 2147 1287 3434 21 25 46 1741 1458 3199
2017-18 3054 3823 6877 389 513 902 34969 72264 107232
2016-17 3151 3692 6843 509 714 1223 30003 66793 96796
2015-16 2048 2632 4680 545 681 1226 30613 65842 96455
2014-15 1884 2116 4000 414 519 933 30353 61282 91635
2013-14 1124 1115 2239 406 549 955 30455 60989 91444
2012-13 1046 1072 2118 304 436 740 25979 53706 79685
2011-12 961 993 1954 200 416 616 25376 48276 73652
2010-11 892 1020 1912 140 292 432 24023 30002 54025
2017-18 3925 4054 7979 173 182 355 57743 84109 141852
2016-17 3672 3338 7010 420 191 611 46278 70062 116340
2015-16 1789 2345 4134 349 260 609 59351 80296 139647
2014-15 2314 2380 4694 323 173 496 53164 68719 121883
2013-14 2144 2317 4461 401 352 753 49628 74949 124577
2012-13 2293 3008 5301 660 622 1282 62907 53559 116466
2011-12 1861 1419 3280 537 359 896 63037 56467 119504
2010-11 2193 1433 3626 130 176 306 57888 55295 113183
2017-18 77 53 130 9 17 26 1002 1376 2378
2016-17 107 89 196 72 75 147 774 1031 1805
2015-16 27 31 58 68 74 142 683 894 1577
2014-15 20 13 33 65 73 138 730 873 1603
2013-14 9 10 19 48 40 88 633 718 1351
2012-13 10 7 17 39 32 71 440 416 856
2011-12 27 23 50 455 360 815
2010-11 347 265 612


AISHE 2017-18
Table 44. Enrolment at various levels through Regular mode during last 8 years
Under Graduate PG Diploma Diploma
Male Female Both Male Female Both Male Female Both
2017-18 31670 34497 66167 17 32 49 873 1436 2309
2016-17 31345 31952 63297 34 33 67 819 1147 1966
2015-16 27683 28075 55758 21 26 47 479 755 1234
2014-15 27431 29047 56478 25 31 56 362 1047 1409
2013-14 27912 25641 53553 31 31 62 391 1001 1392
2012-13 26814 28158 54972 43 25 68 800 1206 2006
2011-12 23660 27377 51037 46 38 84 574 1026 1600
2010-11 24432 30555 54987 67 63 130 574 907 1481
2017-18 10263 8879 19142 609 1124 1733
2016-17 11030 9661 20691 619 1151 1770
2015-16 10458 9331 19789 1386 1292 2678
2014-15 10370 9827 20197 539 898 1437
2013-14 10255 9194 19449 419 924 1343
2012-13 10401 9882 20283 357 923 1280
2011-12 9346 8214 17560 382 879 1261
2010-11 10508 9481 19989 339 931 1270
2017-18 15678 16947 32625 10 52 62 691 637 1328
2016-17 14901 15810 30711 13 57 70 785 865 1650
2015-16 13485 13979 27464 10 48 58 692 616 1308
2014-15 12907 14036 26943 10 54 64 736 568 1304
2013-14 12910 13543 26453 8 64 72 535 314 849
2012-13 12894 13258 26152 7 44 51 732 290 1022
2011-12 13778 14485 28263 134 176 310
2010-11 21207 19082 40289 580 296 876
2017-18 390228 375364 765592 621 341 962 89685 30068 119753
2016-17 385789 354689 740478 438 160 598 89698 29650 119348
2015-16 370323 342208 712531 421 220 641 76364 24113 100477
2014-15 340825 312227 653052 352 125 477 68094 16993 85087
2013-14 315849 292379 608228 1033 460 1493 59298 11985 71283
2012-13 336367 282840 619207 933 311 1244 49883 9520 59403
2011-12 326577 307659 634236 596 180 776 54033 9603 63636
2010-11 338550 295808 634358 621 193 814 59433 11456 70889
2017-18 20473 25118 45592 63 58 121 3121 1355 4476
2016-17 19615 23516 43131 140 89 229 3110 1194 4304
2015-16 19979 22806 42785 208 102 310 3501 1311 4812
2014-15 20537 23671 44208 42 22 64 4261 1298 5559
2013-14 19868 22529 42397 364 167 531 5005 1435 6440
2012-13 17460 20314 37774 176 128 304 4632 1782 6414
2011-12 15985 18733 34718 93 43 136 3886 1627 5513
2010-11 16808 18767 35575 15 4 19 3386 1477 4863
2017-18 335220 339528 674748 2894 4052 6946 81331 44775 126106
2016-17 312815 301284 614099 2586 3698 6284 87281 41331 128612
2015-16 305019 287436 592455 2800 3895 6695 89693 40620 130313
2014-15 294730 289953 584683 1838 3010 4848 92954 37443 130397
2013-14 280837 312255 593092 1558 2885 4443 84020 22393 106413
2012-13 265222 301745 566967 1224 1859 3083 85952 20587 106539
2011-12 279077 289947 569024 775 1324 2099 83596 17021 100617
2010-11 263622 157908 421530 414 619 1033 72975 13424 86399
2017-18 784493 712336 1496829 3175 2330 5505 84152 21093 105245
2016-17 758502 662449 1420951 2826 2030 4856 76549 15578 92127
2015-16 766276 634243 1400519 2253 2268 4521 85272 12848 98120
2014-15 757609 609538 1367147 2431 1232 3663 93096 11927 105023
2013-14 764480 597522 1362002 1766 967 2733 74431 9988 84419
2012-13 772335 489095 1261430 2380 1515 3895 44351 9633 53984
2011-12 746853 511682 1258535 2394 1225 3619 38293 8509 46802
2010-11 791025 507493 1298518 1058 712 1770 29473 6226 35699
2017-18 7129 8897 16027 900 952 1852
2016-17 6699 7760 14459 816 675 1491
2015-16 7287 6384 13671 1 1 728 470 1198
2014-15 6602 5920 12522 1 1 805 552 1357
2013-14 6080 5171 11251 842 534 1376
2012-13 4846 4936 9782 573 389 962
2011-12 7354 6496 13850 490 242 732
2010-11 5210 5260 10470 719 176 895


AISHE 2017-18
Table 44. Enrolment at various levels through Regular mode during last 8 years
Certificate Integrated Grand Total
Male Female Both Male Female Both Male Female Both
2017-18 5 73 78 40 27 67 35453 39755 75208
2016-17 21 17 38 34898 36633 71531
2015-16 8 5 13 30610 31923 62533
2014-15 30054 32800 62854
2013-14 1 1 29959 29109 59068
2012-13 59 2 61 29183 31283 60466
2011-12 4 2 6 25893 30409 56302
2010-11 4 1 5 115 173 288 26834 33955 60789
2017-18 190 143 333 66 37 103 12714 11737 24451
2016-17 56 36 92 13225 12244 25469
2015-16 7 20 27 40 22 62 13137 11899 25036
2014-15 9 16 25 16 16 32 11817 11531 23348
2013-14 3 18 21 11632 11056 22688
2012-13 5 20 25 11508 11511 23019
2011-12 2 6 8 10367 9706 20073
2010-11 11431 10918 22349
2017-18 55 45 100 15 15 17661 19349 37010
2016-17 43 35 78 15 15 16803 18317 35120
2015-16 11 11 14947 15874 30821
2014-15 9 9 14396 15789 30185
2013-14 14047 14865 28912
2012-13 14227 14150 28377
2011-12 14455 15204 29659
2010-11 22215 19967 42182
2017-18 2975 4498 7473 3459 3128 6587 516083 443543 959626
2016-17 3773 5598 9371 2835 2491 5326 509992 418408 928400
2015-16 3416 5375 8791 1839 1777 3616 478076 397134 875210
2014-15 3590 3652 7242 1539 1464 3003 436295 354797 791092
2013-14 2153 3118 5271 954 1147 2101 398146 328894 727040
2012-13 1930 2629 4559 408 266 674 412013 315469 727482
2011-12 1911 2409 4320 277 141 418 407075 339965 747040
2010-11 1967 2033 4000 200 118 318 425990 327044 753034
2017-18 -15 1 -14 656 581 1237 28480 31764 60244
2016-17 2 2 614 532 1146 27821 29758 57579
2015-16 2 2 724 564 1288 29232 29091 58323
2014-15 45 45 469 460 929 30325 29958 60283
2013-14 254 308 562 586 439 1025 31364 29352 60716
2012-13 120 120 391 314 705 27412 26626 54038
2011-12 24 165 189 511 367 878 25165 24210 49375
2010-11 160 160 24118 23178 47296
2017-18 391 893 1284 5416 4495 9911 463664 470342 934006
2016-17 692 1184 1876 4489 3822 8311 441526 422518 864044
2015-16 845 1137 1982 3687 3123 6810 435250 405366 840616
2014-15 913 1194 2107 3374 2575 5949 426460 398092 824552
2013-14 962 890 1852 8404 3031 11435 407766 404107 811873
2012-13 1186 765 1951 6163 1972 8135 387076 382142 769218
2011-12 1090 595 1685 927 614 1541 392002 359186 751188
2010-11 1037 644 1681 502 257 759 363605 204166 567771
2017-18 3014 4291 7305 7478 5588 13066 944154 833982 1778136
2016-17 2725 4118 6843 5875 4238 10113 896847 762004 1658851
2015-16 2481 2746 5227 5269 3331 8600 923040 738337 1661377
2014-15 2450 2408 4858 5685 3120 8805 917072 699497 1616569
2013-14 1965 2387 4352 4049 2459 6508 898864 690941 1589805
2012-13 3961 5126 9087 3566 1981 5547 892453 564539 1456992
2011-12 3907 4959 8866 4227 1899 6126 861109 586519 1447628
2010-11 3435 4286 7721 449 688 1137 885651 576309 1461960
2017-18 6 14 20 117 177 294 9240 11487 20726
2016-17 9 37 46 153 184 337 8630 9851 18481
2015-16 11 52 63 304 293 597 9109 8198 17307
2014-15 10 28 38 340 324 664 8573 7783 16356
2013-14 20 20 261 288 549 7873 6781 14654
2012-13 40 40 184 213 397 6092 6033 12125
2011-12 142 164 306 8468 7285 15753
2010-11 80 110 190 6356 5811 12167


AISHE 2017-18
Table 44. Enrolment at various levels through Regular mode during last 8 years
Ph.D. M.Phil. Post Graduate
Male Female Both Male Female Both Male Female Both
Tamil Nadu
2017-18 16267 13511 29778 4424 12755 17179 98085 173486 271571
2016-17 16363 12321 28684 5850 14811 20661 100277 163173 263450
2015-16 13059 9162 22221 6405 13104 19509 106645 159301 265946
2014-15 11253 7753 19006 5539 10709 16248 117273 158484 275757
2013-14 10536 7052 17588 4680 9185 13865 125856 154348 280204
2012-13 8555 6502 15057 5080 8735 13815 132713 148598 281311
2011-12 7092 5486 12578 4688 8144 12832 125476 131659 257135
2010-11 4925 3070 7995 1847 2765 4612 94066 82216 176282
2017-18 3252 1632 4884 454 340 794 76279 88296 164576
2016-17 2760 1440 4200 384 230 614 84340 81846 166186
2015-16 2710 1423 4133 368 215 583 90137 73250 163387
2014-15 2972 1624 4596 254 174 428 97857 72794 170651
2013-14 2808 1477 4285 416 274 690 94086 68787 162873
2012-13 3092 1651 4743 419 228 647 95530 63898 159428
2017-18 75 44 119 1673 1276 2950
2016-17 50 32 82 1858 1386 3244
2015-16 289 183 472 2288 1375 3663
2014-15 196 110 306 2082 1330 3412
2013-14 222 145 367 1797 1274 3071
2012-13 88 60 148 1324 1171 2495
2011-12 128 104 232 1162 1025 2187
2010-11 81 30 111 984 945 1929
Uttar Pradesh
2017-18 10069 5339 15408 350 510 860 241833 331580 573413
2016-17 8838 4389 13227 370 502 872 229277 310861 540138
2015-16 7815 3737 11552 841 463 1304 213038 289187 502225
2014-15 7142 3746 10888 700 612 1312 192715 238101 430816
2013-14 7216 3607 10823 598 727 1325 179291 215550 394841
2012-13 5563 3025 8588 533 566 1099 170826 184566 355392
2011-12 5127 2500 7627 758 618 1376 186329 175967 362296
2010-11 4207 2105 6312 645 576 1221 124346 139636 263982
2017-18 2419 1489 3908 11 5 16 21621 26538 48159
2016-17 1971 1204 3175 7 4 11 20030 24165 44195
2015-16 2104 1255 3359 10 11 21 21194 24952 46146
2014-15 2159 832 2991 9 7 16 21566 22555 44121
2013-14 2245 810 3055 9 4 13 18719 21706 40425
2012-13 1493 769 2262 7 4 11 21031 23392 44423
2011-12 792 533 1325 7 7 14 25954 26804 52758
2010-11 1821 832 2653 3 11 14 24115 25965 50080
West Bengal
2017-18 4690 2255 6945 952 724 1676 38800 40401 79201
2016-17 4338 2024 6362 1049 753 1802 37850 36105 73955
2015-16 3973 1945 5918 800 619 1419 37261 33429 70690
2014-15 3257 1590 4847 668 345 1013 38275 32467 70742
2013-14 2842 1368 4210 595 404 999 36062 28164 64226
2012-13 2351 948 3299 381 433 814 32733 26721 59454
2011-12 1968 905 2873 436 695 1131 34468 28539 63007
2010-11 2004 847 2851 651 749 1400 39148 27096 66244


AISHE 2017-18
Table 44. Enrolment at various levels through Regular mode during last 8 years
Under Graduate PG Diploma Diploma
Male Female Both Male Female Both Male Female Both
Tamil Nadu
2017-18 1072395 1177662 2250057 1605 1913 3518 313156 62768 375924
2016-17 1041425 1096983 2138408 2048 1686 3734 323116 66461 389577
2015-16 1010296 1034481 2044777 2090 1594 3684 320452 65781 386233
2014-15 993845 1036634 2030479 2733 1814 4547 337558 71996 409554
2013-14 965751 971972 1937723 2864 1762 4626 346176 70896 417072
2012-13 930337 920032 1850369 2296 1499 3795 354912 79246 434158
2011-12 873235 848511 1721746 2126 1234 3360 339514 87532 427046
2010-11 651917 565404 1217321 390 216 606 319322 57641 376963
2017-18 549751 518250 1068001 1222 745 1967 77559 49160 126719
2016-17 566916 520211 1087127 882 514 1396 79588 47316 126904
2015-16 542998 475884 1018882 811 514 1325 57124 37316 94440
2014-15 550248 476823 1027071 1021 589 1610 41733 29622 71355
2013-14 547597 469846 1017443 843 587 1430 28385 31248 59633
2012-13 538824 424503 963327 645 308 953 25014 31110 56124
2017-18 31857 29014 60872 50 66 116 2159 1781 3940
2016-17 34293 29052 63345 54 102 156 2183 1661 3844
2015-16 31462 23885 55347 41 28 69 1852 1453 3305
2014-15 31380 22630 54010 51 22 73 1361 1463 2824
2013-14 27972 20405 48377 98 90 188 1262 1323 2585
2012-13 26908 19464 46372 134 103 237 1143 1366 2509
2011-12 23666 16931 40597 109 90 199 988 1181 2169
2010-11 22255 15364 37619 50 44 94 1005 1361 2366
Uttar Pradesh
2017-18 2723792 2635230 5359022 9419 6501 15920 177103 80266 257369
2016-17 2703343 2474977 5178320 10193 6419 16612 162409 69093 231502
2015-16 2671168 2432682 5103850 9498 5518 15016 156092 64024 220116
2014-15 2724869 2510136 5235005 8765 5263 14028 145030 58450 203480
2013-14 2250251 2230665 4480916 5194 2810 8004 71846 28719 100565
2012-13 2070558 1951528 4022086 3012 1811 4823 42998 22646 65644
2011-12 1904398 1605483 3509881 2195 1210 3405 29804 15778 45582
2010-11 1699061 1747937 3446998 2312 1349 3661 21541 6193 27734
2017-18 144591 149171 293762 660 504 1164 23891 8362 32253
2016-17 139084 140816 279900 646 382 1028 24165 7700 31865
2015-16 142888 145922 288810 610 357 967 25450 7443 32893
2014-15 152645 149634 302279 315 255 570 22425 6366 28791
2013-14 147307 165793 313100 272 249 521 18634 5583 24217
2012-13 151254 161799 313053 171 253 424 14454 5524 19978
2011-12 138851 153328 292179 214 293 507 12658 5132 17790
2010-11 122906 135506 258412 212 236 448 8759 4519 13278
West Bengal
2017-18 779869 792280 1572149 2976 1778 4754 99316 45548 144864
2016-17 826083 780950 1607033 2444 1095 3539 87320 30795 118115
2015-16 819579 722084 1541663 1459 691 2150 74607 26493 101100
2014-15 821472 701902 1523374 1439 626 2065 64824 22617 87441
2013-14 807838 646164 1454002 1851 715 2566 50733 12771 63504
2012-13 767893 596476 1364369 1620 457 2077 45281 12331 57612
2011-12 711935 529067 1241002 1603 516 2119 39153 11185 50338
2010-11 572244 441013 1013257 894 386 1280 15627 3910 19537


AISHE 2017-18
Table 44. Enrolment at various levels through Regular mode during last 8 years
Certificate Integrated Grand Total
Male Female Both Male Female Both Male Female Both
Tamil Nadu
2017-18 2736 7326 10062 9199 7843 17042 1517867 1457264.02 2975131
2016-17 2401 9088 11489 8115 6655 14770 1499595 1371178 2870773
2015-16 1897 7349 9246 6591 5249 11840 1467435 1296021 2763456
2014-15 1765 6738 8503 5212 3977 9189 1475178 1298105 2773283
2013-14 1630 5788 7418 6542 4607 11149 1464035 1225610 2689645
2012-13 2011 5898 7909 4824 3308 8132 1440728 1173818 2614546
2011-12 3878 5769 9647 4828 3009 7837 1360837 1091344 2452181
2010-11 2115 4500 6615 6272 3670 9942 1080854 719482 1800336
2017-18 73 455 528 2945 2005 4950 711536 660883 1372419
2016-17 226 627 853 2589 1760 4349 737685 653944 1391629
2015-16 235 499 734 3006 2158 5164 795790 678445 1474235
2014-15 261 513 774 2874 2084 4958 803391 675697 1479088
2013-14 308 556 864 2563 1679 4242 800353 669131 1469484
2012-13 510 1140 1650 2313 1651 3964 666347 524489 1190836
2017-18 114 108 222 563 322 885 36492 32612 69103
2016-17 142 80 222 272 184 456 38852 32497 71349
2015-16 130 81 211 238 160 398 36300 27165 63465
2014-15 49 70 119 142 99 241 35261 25724 60985
2013-14 110 95 205 31461 23332 54793
2012-13 27 45 72 29624 22209 51833
2011-12 26053 19331 45384
2010-11 243 79 322 24618 17823 42441
Uttar Pradesh
2017-18 7190 7525 14715 20331 11549 31880 3190086 3078500 6268586
2016-17 16492 15338 31830 20006 10264 30270 3150928 2891843 6042771
2015-16 13412 13174 26586 14586 6727 21313 3086450 2815512 5901962
2014-15 11778 11372 23150 14430 6868 21298 3105429 2834548 5939977
2013-14 11650 10991 22641 10159 4439 14598 2536205 2497508 5033713
2012-13 11477 10807 22284 8311 3589 11900 2313278 2178538 4491816
2011-12 10690 9508 20198 6085 2870 8955 2145386 1813934 3959320
2010-11 8957 7820 16777 3236 1249 4485 1864305 1906865 3771170
2017-18 232 85 317 2638 1655 4293 196063 187810 383872
2016-17 198 59 257 2560 1577 4137 188661 175907 364568
2015-16 99 57 156 2316 1266 3582 194671 181263 375934
2014-15 144 99 243 2081 1007 3088 201344 180755 382099
2013-14 289 218 507 1358 611 1969 188833 194974 383807
2012-13 641 461 1102 1256 395 1651 190307 192597 382904
2011-12 1067 852 1919 1055 306 1361 180598 187255 367853
2010-11 1668 1627 3295 20 24 44 159504 168720 328224
West Bengal
2017-18 1852 2329 4181 7089 3125 10214 935544 888440 1823984
2016-17 2579 2109 4688 6792 2682 9474 968455 856513 1824968
2015-16 3168 3754 6922 6364 2381 8745 947211 791396 1738607
2014-15 3082 3712 6794 8677 2147 10824 941694 765406 1707100
2013-14 1878 1270 3148 7276 3039 10315 909075 693895 1602970
2012-13 2155 1774 3929 4744 1326 6070 857158 640466 1497624
2011-12 2418 1839 4257 2020 1009 3029 794001 573755 1367756
2010-11 658 622 1280 1516 509 2025 632742 475132 1107874


AISHE 2017-18
Table 45.Category-wise Enrolment during last 7 years
Male Female Both Male Female Both
2017-18 19204675 17437703 36642378 2774933 2505428 5280361
2016-17 18980595 16725310 35705905 2731689 2359826 5091515
2015-16 18594723 15990058 34584781 2606117 2204197 4810314
2014-15 18488619 15723018 34211637 2504463 2102203 4606666
2013-14 17495394 14840840 32336234 2290173 1948034 4238207
2012-13 16617294 13535123 30152417 2119261 1728681 3847942
2011-12 16173473 13010858 29184331 1981164 1590910 3572074
Andaman and Nicobar Islands
2017-18 5241 5359 10600 57 21 78
2016-17 5218 5639 10857 55 11 66
2015-16 5344 5680 11024 49 19 68
2014-15 5166 5503 10669 68 21 89
2013-14 5605 5896 11501 62 23 85
2012-13 4063 4762 8825 36 26 62
2011-12 2461 2797 5258 16 11 27
Andhra Pradesh
2017-18 946798 750484 1697282 147563 126139 273702
2016-17 1007406 792027 1799433 165990 134777 300767
2015-16 969200 755338 1724538 146454 117688 264142
2014-15 993436 773650 1767086 149693 120103 269796
2013-14 998575 762410 1760985 125125 120115 245240
2012-13 896270 678374 1574644 131403 106237 237640
2011-12 1681108 1316929 2998037 248593 201862 450455
Arunachal Pradesh
2017-18 25213 22251 47464 432 246 678
2016-17 23601 22963 46564 383 239 622
2015-16 23381 23071 46452 540 364 904
2014-15 23378 22738 46116 455 314 769
2013-14 21086 21819 42905 291 208 499
2012-13 15145 16307 31452 189 87 276
2011-12 18767 16711 35478 252 103 355
2017-18 336939 341405 678344 28384 26170 54554
2016-17 323890 316380 640270 27567 25746 53313
2015-16 292856 278099 570955 24703 22120 46823
2014-15 276484 269781 546265 22509 20681 43190
2013-14 295026 284001 579027 24436 21865 46301
2012-13 250951 253687 504638 20146 19115 39261
2011-12 260453 272580 533033 17880 16402 34282
2017-18 872270 642325 1514595 99725 60529 160254
2016-17 948748 696770 1645518 101848 63155 165003
2015-16 928658 674202 1602860 96535 59270 155805
2014-15 883248 646603 1529851 84577 53152 137729
2013-14 817820 585127 1402947 84671 51507 136178
2012-13 814824 572439 1387263 84520 51074 135594
2011-12 784428 524163 1308591 75999 45881 121880
2017-18 54059 51771 105829 6500 5441 11941
2016-17 49981 50868 100849 5771 5874 11645
2015-16 49122 50870 99992 5343 5644 10987
2014-15 47086 46383 93469 4897 4646 9543
2013-14 44871 44140 89011 3739 3855 7594
2012-13 45462 37615 83077 3807 3179 6986
2011-12 27608 33629 61237 2339 2872 5211
2017-18 287143 287718 574861 39314 36225 75539
2016-17 253126 246920 500046 33407 30147 63554
2015-16 240872 225158 466030 32238 28278 60516
2014-15 233938 213977 447915 30872 25320 56192
2013-14 226279 198981 425260 26614 21453 48067
2012-13 199700 175966 375666 23857 19089 42946
2011-12 165222 150786 316008 17789 14496 32285
Dadra and Nagar Haveli
2017-18 2850 2926 5776 93 123 216
2016-17 2918 2708 5626 84 127 211
2015-16 2909 2545 5454 95 126 221
2014-15 2764 2084 4848 96 105 201
2013-14 2417 1725 4142 98 74 172
2012-13 1911 1411 3322 29 25 54
2011-12 2074 1193 3267 31 20 51


AISHE 2017-18
Table 45.Category-wise Enrolment during last 7 years
Male Female Both Male Female Both
2017-18 1001989 911875 1913864 6688668 6144337 12833005
2016-17 983778 868597 1852375 6520425 5778884 12299309
2015-16 916917 787544 1704461 6239481 5434054 11673535
2014-15 893511 747298 1640809 6020785 5236064 11256849
2013-14 808804 677708 1486512 5592105 4871938 10464043
2012-13 732065 588296 1320361 5099547 4316752 9416299
2011-12 728074 582187 1310261 4781536 3990602 8772138
Andaman and Nicobar Islands
2017-18 216 285 501 1408 1310 2718
2016-17 196 267 463 1008 1081 2089
2015-16 185 228 413 1012 1065 2077
2014-15 143 186 329 1085 1022 2107
2013-14 118 167 285 908 821 1729
2012-13 67 164 231 379 529 908
2011-12 72 147 219 228 251 479
Andhra Pradesh
2017-18 39229 34426 73655 406437 302093 708530
2016-17 41161 34502 75663 421073 305677 726750
2015-16 39407 32293 71700 403618 289172 692790
2014-15 40903 32937 73840 408254 294901 703155
2013-14 33796 30187 63983 346162 287902 634064
2012-13 38566 28362 66928 346218 245374 591592
2011-12 100320 69160 169480 666261 492581 1158842
Arunachal Pradesh
2017-18 18685 17389 36074 888 648 1536
2016-17 16504 17731 34235 784 483 1267
2015-16 17997 19330 37327 910 641 1551
2014-15 18493 19328 37821 684 422 1106
2013-14 17504 19040 36544 623 465 1088
2012-13 12595 14488 27083 491 250 741
2011-12 14548 13562 28110 577 277 854
2017-18 49517 48090 97607 86073 88615 174688
2016-17 52688 52145 104833 87669 92550 180219
2015-16 45700 44005 89705 74470 76882 151352
2014-15 42536 41648 84184 67672 71620 139292
2013-14 37645 40778 78423 78075 78667 156742
2012-13 36438 39846 76284 62654 71927 134581
2011-12 34249 37978 72227 51280 60940 112220
2017-18 13046 8495 21541 383787 278682 662469
2016-17 11402 7808 19210 399664 285655 685319
2015-16 9303 7627 16930 378194 264113 642307
2014-15 10539 7589 18128 348519 246890 595409
2013-14 8807 6211 15018 340216 233420 573636
2012-13 10735 8289 19024 314879 213874 528753
2011-12 10565 8644 19209 275243 184426 459669
2017-18 1021 897 1918 3397 1928 5325
2016-17 993 908 1901 2785 2093 4878
2015-16 896 752 1648 2651 1941 4592
2014-15 987 685 1672 2037 1431 3468
2013-14 852 677 1529 1747 1050 2797
2012-13 728 565 1293 1763 917 2680
2011-12 494 503 997 1098 773 1871
2017-18 48834 54855 103689 123942 120898 244840
2016-17 43919 47414 91333 106216 100345 206561
2015-16 42138 42950 85088 99830 88313 188143
2014-15 40765 38762 79527 92609 79229 171838
2013-14 39156 33751 72907 82811 68504 151315
2012-13 30011 27291 57302 75054 60380 135434
2011-12 21350 20424 41774 55168 46864 102032
Dadra and Nagar Haveli
2017-18 686 754 1440 230 325 555
2016-17 803 713 1516 243 313 556
2015-16 902 760 1662 275 289 564
2014-15 791 558 1349 262 272 534
2013-14 576 448 1024 223 189 412
2012-13 379 167 546 93 56 149
2011-12 305 102 407 96 75 171


AISHE 2017-18
Table 45.Category-wise Enrolment during last 7 years
Male Female Both Male Female Both
Daman and Diu
2017-18 1808 1282 3090 112 109 221
2016-17 1934 1185 3119 104 124 228
2015-16 1881 1241 3122 118 111 229
2014-15 1760 1240 3000 111 125 236
2013-14 1374 997 2371 64 76 140
2012-13 1191 856 2047 73 53 126
2011-12 1014 756 1770 49 67 116
2017-18 565089 499317 1064406 73096 63859 136955
2016-17 531056 496750 1027806 65724 60441 126165
2015-16 526798 488078 1014876 67837 55555 123392
2014-15 508282 452552 960834 59681 52655 112336
2013-14 499670 439007 938677 55640 47261 102901
2012-13 455697 395780 851477 48565 38388 86953
2011-12 451785 372611 824396 42021 31156 73177
2017-18 24743 24898 49641 516 472 988
2016-17 24101 24568 48669 418 419 837
2015-16 23585 23681 47266 481 429 910
2014-15 23195 23262 46457 532 425 957
2013-14 19490 23624 43114 409 432 841
2012-13 17142 22511 39653 378 381 759
2011-12 18002 18326 36328 325 362 687
2017-18 827611 625644 1453255 77992 59352 137344
2016-17 867145 590959 1458104 84572 52942 137514
2015-16 865432 621697 1487129 74243 56010 130253
2014-15 841400 593809 1435209 70044 52503 122547
2013-14 811784 579226 1391010 67674 51444 119118
2012-13 764133 543132 1307265 60559 42523 103082
2011-12 684922 489824 1174746 49052 35874 84926
2017-18 467389 446054 913443 66207 59574 125781
2016-17 493110 432180 925290 67346 55939 123285
2015-16 448069 383590 831659 63751 51120 114871
2014-15 477821 399892 877713 68611 51854 120465
2013-14 497689 377284 874973 69585 48493 118078
2012-13 498146 386218 884364 68024 48095 116119
2011-12 490029 402923 892952 67375 50767 118142
Himachal Pradesh
2017-18 128336 147372 275708 24387 28000 52387
2016-17 125852 144358 270210 22304 25021 47325
2015-16 113988 127717 241705 19818 21216 41034
2014-15 113220 121697 234917 18809 18967 37776
2013-14 116572 106701 223273 15624 15796 31420
2012-13 100024 99141 199165 14863 13971 28834
2011-12 98141 95913 194054 14267 13974 28241
Jammu and Kashmir
2017-18 177022 182208 359230 8211 9478 17689
2016-17 161134 176716 337850 7436 9531 16967
2015-16 162548 170008 332556 7512 9212 16724
2014-15 169902 167986 337888 8439 9628 18067
2013-14 175403 178684 354087 8287 9266 17553
2012-13 175845 184454 360299 7756 9474 17230
2011-12 160868 165486 326354 5278 6660 11938
2017-18 354095 334627 688722 34798 28117 62915
2016-17 351485 319552 671037 33461 26874 60335
2015-16 307010 274633 581643 29706 23112 52818
2014-15 301846 270427 572273 27256 21564 48820
2013-14 258259 224099 482358 22695 16843 39538
2012-13 227965 211799 439764 19073 15003 34076
2011-12 189319 166623 355942 14466 10192 24658
2017-18 971393 972463 1943856 126417 120364 246781
2016-17 954076 917218 1871294 122351 115622 237973
2015-16 958378 899568 1857946 124945 113675 238620
2014-15 986247 910658 1896905 128856 114416 243272
2013-14 997910 904276 1902186 127782 106395 234177
2012-13 986024 873555 1859579 122240 101144 223384
2011-12 948088 812876 1760964 118049 92419 210468


AISHE 2017-18
Table 45.Category-wise Enrolment during last 7 years
Male Female Both Male Female Both
Daman and Diu
2017-18 129 158 287 527 401 928
2016-17 157 140 297 571 336 907
2015-16 188 143 331 447 306 753
2014-15 188 133 321 441 316 757
2013-14 172 117 289 212 154 366
2012-13 177 99 276 182 91 273
2011-12 178 77 255 122 122 244
2017-18 10757 8415 19172 84506 55337 139843
2016-17 8785 7334 16119 76505 52428 128933
2015-16 9008 7356 16364 73498 48975 122473
2014-15 8512 6690 15202 68268 44597 112865
2013-14 8300 6386 14686 59228 38278 97506
2012-13 7948 5923 13871 51081 30157 81238
2011-12 8388 6062 14450 44437 26654 71091
2017-18 1853 2227 4080 4110 4743 8853
2016-17 1692 2064 3756 3561 4354 7915
2015-16 1476 1926 3402 3510 4104 7614
2014-15 1318 1742 3060 3408 3927 7335
2013-14 1301 1598 2899 3078 3540 6618
2012-13 1032 1278 2310 2458 3155 5613
2011-12 891 1006 1897 2247 2550 4797
2017-18 66613 66140 132753 252999 176635 429634
2016-17 72119 60766 132885 254989 159824 414813
2015-16 64546 62603 127149 256307 167456 423763
2014-15 64296 62140 126436 242393 153897 396290
2013-14 60299 56190 116489 224188 145552 369740
2012-13 55224 49502 104726 201757 129502 331259
2011-12 45670 40970 86640 176849 113656 290505
2017-18 1362 716 2078 102544 99574 202118
2016-17 1574 671 2245 112703 101467 214170
2015-16 1623 606 2229 101279 92916 194195
2014-15 1972 654 2626 114223 99365 213588
2013-14 1488 701 2189 111851 86202 198053
2012-13 839 874 1713 102887 81043 183930
2011-12 629 326 955 98176 88527 186703
Himachal Pradesh
2017-18 7786 8574 16360 16181 21333 37514
2016-17 7267 8204 15471 14940 20515 35455
2015-16 6701 7118 13819 13387 17341 30728
2014-15 6073 5997 12070 12507 14478 26985
2013-14 4942 5121 10063 10682 12128 22810
2012-13 4789 4626 9415 10038 10399 20437
2011-12 4300 4527 8827 9635 10474 20109
Jammu and Kashmir
2017-18 11301 10388 21689 13422 10913 24335
2016-17 8204 7133 15337 10446 8760 19206
2015-16 7731 6384 14115 12475 9570 22045
2014-15 8208 6403 14611 13160 9134 22294
2013-14 7795 6581 14376 13846 9637 23483
2012-13 7512 5214 12726 12944 9085 22029
2011-12 6468 4472 10940 11032 8165 19197
2017-18 56591 66328 122919 137621 124427 262048
2016-17 54363 67883 122246 128923 117711 246634
2015-16 47009 54109 101118 108165 93091 201256
2014-15 45524 51394 96918 98182 89005 187187
2013-14 36369 42243 78612 75963 67861 143824
2012-13 31666 38195 69861 58830 59560 118390
2011-12 23574 28437 52011 46609 32524 79133
2017-18 46088 43257 89345 462696 474798 937494
2016-17 44180 40274 84454 441077 442928 884005
2015-16 44571 38264 82835 431212 430942 862154
2014-15 45386 37837 83223 425137 422912 848049
2013-14 43763 35925 79688 420756 415426 836182
2012-13 42471 32529 75000 398709 381615 780324
2011-12 43458 33235 76693 356065 320044 676109


AISHE 2017-18
Table 45.Category-wise Enrolment during last 7 years
Male Female Both Male Female Both
2017-18 480178 602739 1082917 24246 43518 67764
2016-17 428520 604623 1033143 23300 41225 64525
2015-16 405562 533593 939155 22714 39289 62003
2014-15 370305 514146 884451 20838 37047 57885
2013-14 327101 446948 774049 20001 36430 56431
2012-13 288941 406105 695046 18083 32441 50524
2011-12 281179 408353 689532 17090 31387 48477
2017-18 116 436 552 0 0 0
2016-17 149 375 524 0 0 0
2015-16 150 351 501 0 0 0
2014-15 73 207 280 0 0 0
2013-14 228 589 817 0 0 0
2012-13 224 579 803 0 0 0
2011-12 219 559 778 0 0 0
Madhya Pradesh
2017-18 1023418 862060 1885479 159632 124154 283786
2016-17 978110 795143 1773253 139807 105665 245472
2015-16 983122 742060 1725182 129383 89651 219034
2014-15 1001729 710690 1712419 122579 79645 202224
2013-14 995098 703130 1698228 111810 71221 183031
2012-13 1041963 610851 1652814 105596 68004 173600
2011-12 1001858 583349 1585207 102579 68164 170743
2017-18 2271078 1860679 4131757 271757 231526 503283
2016-17 2239764 1776545 4016309 272601 223042 495643
2015-16 2247820 1739492 3987312 273617 214671 488288
2014-15 2118188 1617967 3736155 237833 185837 423670
2013-14 2010247 1509474 3519721 211177 155710 366887
2012-13 1780700 1300125 3080825 179407 134514 313921
2011-12 2014394 1531959 3546353 224181 174622 398803
2017-18 51271 53409 104680 3523 3115 6638
2016-17 50066 50996 101062 2992 2705 5697
2015-16 50439 48901 99340 2859 2405 5264
2014-15 53345 51783 105128 3006 2369 5375
2013-14 54864 56272 111136 3401 2854 6255
2012-13 45081 43620 88701 2280 2321 4601
2011-12 44668 45232 89900 2792 2816 5608
2017-18 40428 43394 83822 568 376 944
2016-17 38881 41411 80292 583 450 1033
2015-16 34599 36968 71567 632 451 1083
2014-15 33869 37302 71171 631 421 1052
2013-14 33872 33428 67300 525 531 1056
2012-13 32211 35123 67334 322 361 683
2011-12 28374 33052 61426 393 339 732
2017-18 15861 13634 29495 130 61 191
2016-17 16278 15441 31719 125 58 183
2015-16 16342 15121 31463 208 59 267
2014-15 15338 15226 30564 129 59 188
2013-14 15591 15095 30686 107 79 186
2012-13 14853 14743 29596 94 59 153
2011-12 13086 12315 25401 87 71 158
2017-18 22118 21439 43557 229 181 410
2016-17 20192 20570 40762 337 247 584
2015-16 17889 19003 36892 394 254 648
2014-15 19296 19674 38970 312 255 567
2013-14 21544 17128 38672 383 237 620
2012-13 21308 15817 37125 331 269 600
2011-12 23497 16653 40150 287 206 493
2017-18 549575 466202 1015777 88490 64545 153035
2016-17 532506 439779 972285 81936 60347 142283
2015-16 498103 416572 914675 67327 53218 120545
2014-15 455351 371469 826820 55773 44310 100083
2013-14 419782 348403 768185 46839 39940 86779
2012-13 434460 332640 767100 45789 35932 81721
2011-12 428060 354604 782664 41332 34935 76267


AISHE 2017-18
Table 45.Category-wise Enrolment during last 7 years
Male Female Both Male Female Both
2017-18 3986 6103 10089 183691 263978 447669
2016-17 3544 5107 8651 153667 213481 367148
2015-16 3163 4728 7891 141039 193628 334667
2014-15 2976 4301 7277 129970 184757 314727
2013-14 3062 4082 7144 122269 178452 300721
2012-13 3072 3853 6925 98213 145143 243356
2011-12 3094 3853 6947 85773 133079 218852
2017-18 56 182 238 0 0 0
2016-17 71 183 254 45 54 99
2015-16 72 159 231 45 54 99
2014-15 73 207 280 0 0 0
2013-14 59 182 241 0 0 0
2012-13 55 172 227 0 0 0
2011-12 50 152 202 0 0 0
Madhya Pradesh
2017-18 96286 84612 180898 396788 336461 733249
2016-17 88959 77834 166793 372784 300465 673249
2015-16 83508 64224 147732 372747 281505 654252
2014-15 77051 55627 132678 339925 244145 584070
2013-14 66779 49107 115886 308215 216668 524883
2012-13 58709 40935 99644 280022 198612 478634
2011-12 70008 48394 118402 231261 187077 418338
2017-18 108166 76829 184995 675138 545036 1220174
2016-17 109476 72377 181853 666571 529471 1196042
2015-16 111117 70249 181366 610558 484927 1095485
2014-15 96976 58562 155538 587886 452353 1040239
2013-14 85006 47465 132471 522241 381969 904210
2012-13 69959 40323 110282 407540 308528 716068
2011-12 88758 53023 141781 552216 408798 961014
2017-18 17636 16100 33736 16747 19740 36487
2016-17 16214 14913 31127 14332 17546 31878
2015-16 16192 14306 30498 16700 18352 35052
2014-15 17350 15273 32623 17067 18943 36010
2013-14 19324 19603 38927 16541 19659 36200
2012-13 16482 14801 31283 12882 15488 28370
2011-12 16367 14475 30842 11906 15173 27079
2017-18 25989 30948 56937 2292 1337 3629
2016-17 24513 32082 56595 891 790 1681
2015-16 22485 28061 50546 1054 647 1701
2014-15 21567 30367 51934 1069 639 1708
2013-14 19979 25898 45877 862 508 1370
2012-13 16879 24186 41065 648 372 1020
2011-12 20005 25112 45117 583 339 922
2017-18 14885 13149 28034 326 146 472
2016-17 15070 14651 29721 290 139 429
2015-16 15433 14769 30202 271 112 383
2014-15 14622 14862 29484 248 111 359
2013-14 14926 14711 29637 202 95 297
2012-13 13861 13816 27677 175 95 270
2011-12 12402 11809 24211 131 93 224
2017-18 17624 19035 36659 427 281 708
2016-17 16176 18107 34283 380 307 687
2015-16 14491 15988 30479 391 281 672
2014-15 14118 16059 30177 365 254 619
2013-14 13438 15149 28587 335 202 537
2012-13 13216 13834 27050 405 258 663
2011-12 12935 14209 27144 311 199 510
2017-18 68567 56400 124967 108119 95617 203736
2016-17 62918 51028 113946 107328 98840 206168
2015-16 51501 43321 94822 103140 96703 199843
2014-15 43197 36522 79719 90687 85801 176488
2013-14 35819 32030 67849 78907 77578 156485
2012-13 34599 29150 63749 75792 70090 145882
2011-12 35154 31946 67100 66290 67093 133383


AISHE 2017-18
Table 45.Category-wise Enrolment during last 7 years
Male Female Both Male Female Both
2017-18 36094 36967 73061 4516 4557 9073
2016-17 33446 33472 66918 4306 4372 8678
2015-16 33992 31420 65412 4451 4166 8617
2014-15 35091 32290 67381 4629 4142 8771
2013-14 35742 31582 67324 4582 3681 8263
2012-13 30876 28926 59802 3797 3412 7209
2011-12 25376 24367 49743 3423 3148 6571
2017-18 479106 480430 959536 111852 115122 226974
2016-17 472859 444691 917550 112768 106994 219762
2015-16 457556 420923 878479 104253 92114 196367
2014-15 466434 426386 892820 86024 76870 162894
2013-14 427563 417771 845334 75624 67189 142813
2012-13 412078 396066 808144 58530 55227 113757
2011-12 414667 371026 785693 49195 47065 96260
2017-18 1054511 881693 1936204 157680 124975 282655
2016-17 994972 813479 1808451 149102 110755 259857
2015-16 992153 769307 1761460 141594 100777 242371
2014-15 987549 732841 1720390 137904 93482 231386
2013-14 955344 717311 1672655 136359 91075 227434
2012-13 942962 587406 1530368 128202 67782 195984
2011-12 899967 606193 1506160 114229 65515 179744
2017-18 13588 15413 29000 683 528 1211
2016-17 13695 15415 29110 506 485 991
2015-16 14926 14624 29550 666 440 1106
2014-15 11620 12403 24023 646 484 1130
2013-14 10891 11293 22184 590 400 990
2012-13 9055 10398 19453 354 346 700
2011-12 12071 10682 22753 546 537 1083
Tamil Nadu
2017-18 1739315 1701630 3440945 320758 333042 653800
2016-17 1735536 1635815 3371351 300930 302856 603786
2015-16 1690425 1544929 3235354 274323 277354 551677
2014-15 1745275 1607606 3352881 267619 272685 540304
2013-14 1718971 1521433 3240404 260898 251915 512813
2012-13 1735314 1478853 3214167 260025 243246 503271
2011-12 1674821 1430187 3105008 254525 230772 485297
2017-18 735333 683974 1419307 98460 105291 203751
2016-17 761253 677484 1438737 113639 108816 222455
2015-16 795790 678445 1474235 125580 112655 238235
2014-15 803391 675697 1479088 126951 113192 240143
2013-14 800353 669131 1469484 125972 111965 237937
2012-13 773110 609027 1382137 119963 98058 218021
2017-18 50247 41435 91681 8319 6627 14946
2016-17 45848 37396 83244 8492 6301 14793
2015-16 42743 31292 74035 7503 4682 12185
2014-15 43633 30421 74054 8322 4660 12982
2013-14 38963 29299 68262 6586 4293 10879
2012-13 36330 26665 62995 6143 4095 10238
2011-12 32276 23393 55669 5413 3605 9018
Uttar Pradesh
2017-18 3308314 3147061 6455375 564918 521644 1086562
2016-17 3220457 2937514 6157971 556471 488689 1045160
2015-16 3149002 2854074 6003076 538426 469129 1007555
2014-15 3183112 2883808 6066920 535777 468926 1004703
2013-14 2635353 2576631 5211984 443061 432852 875913
2012-13 2416564 2254838 4671402 398294 376502 774796
2011-12 2246874 1876883 4123757 330334 284196 614530
2017-18 224608 212543 437150 30944 29558 60502
2016-17 210094 194592 404686 28421 26407 54828
2015-16 209965 195421 405386 28147 25980 54127
2014-15 219390 196378 415768 26817 22896 49713
2013-14 206698 209800 416498 27775 26957 54732
2012-13 206839 205980 412819 25363 23168 48531
2011-12 191756 196912 388668 20656 19838 40494
West Bengal
2017-18 1061520 974461 2035981 194424 172389 366813
2016-17 1063188 952808 2015996 196552 163423 359975
2015-16 1034114 892386 1926500 189672 152953 342625
2014-15 1036457 864482 1900939 193167 148444 341611
2013-14 997359 788125 1785484 181687 135599 317286
2012-13 939932 719354 1659286 161170 115080 276250
2011-12 856041 641013 1497054 140321 100576 240897


AISHE 2017-18
Table 45.Category-wise Enrolment during last 7 years
Male Female Both Male Female Both
2017-18 659 393 1052 19640 22816 42456
2016-17 532 344 876 18223 20621 38844
2015-16 809 402 1211 19175 19888 39063
2014-15 695 314 1009 19810 20129 39939
2013-14 729 290 1019 18644 18764 37408
2012-13 395 196 591 14855 16036 30891
2011-12 501 234 735 13774 14618 28392
2017-18 4127 2152 6279 51690 49200 100890
2016-17 3846 1824 5670 50593 44898 95491
2015-16 3828 1687 5515 49016 41453 90469
2014-15 2743 1493 4236 38902 39148 78050
2013-14 2459 1042 3501 33556 34431 67987
2012-13 1597 560 2157 30293 30997 61290
2011-12 1392 812 2204 21290 22718 44008
2017-18 113959 97354 211313 399405 365738 765143
2016-17 111189 90316 201505 385913 335298 721211
2015-16 95189 74367 169556 374683 310865 685548
2014-15 99957 73381 173338 364299 289930 654229
2013-14 96070 69808 165878 363192 266842 630034
2012-13 85554 47111 132665 324874 199852 524726
2011-12 81432 52324 133756 295391 192138 487529
2017-18 3776 5058 8834 3362 3653 7015
2016-17 2747 4271 7018 2249 2998 5247
2015-16 2582 3785 6367 2646 2878 5524
2014-15 2543 3872 6415 2496 3025 5521
2013-14 2236 3426 5662 2237 2452 4689
2012-13 1768 2914 4682 1657 2067 3724
2011-12 2066 3017 5083 2639 2734 5373
Tamil Nadu
2017-18 17983 14685 32668 1028743 1047790 2076533
2016-17 17870 11607 29477 971613 968220 1939833
2015-16 14789 11667 26456 937148 897210 1834358
2014-15 16113 11168 27281 940683 924140 1864823
2013-14 14835 9541 24376 932346 890181 1822527
2012-13 14606 9423 24029 932449 855814 1788263
2011-12 15561 13219 28780 899072 830201 1729273
2017-18 57272 48788 106060 303989 292255 596244
2016-17 66739 52284 119023 344121 298693 642814
2015-16 71184 53411 124595 355291 301130 656421
2014-15 72774 51503 124277 356203 295061 651264
2013-14 67475 47844 115319 353000 291748 644748
2012-13 61041 41127 102168 331849 255334 587183
2017-18 10813 8741 19554 8375 6190 14565
2016-17 10136 9246 19382 7912 6203 14115
2015-16 8650 6870 15520 7485 4570 12055
2014-15 9412 5758 15170 7757 4385 12142
2013-14 7264 4784 12048 6279 3881 10160
2012-13 6957 4857 11814 5353 3373 8726
2011-12 5687 3706 9393 5384 3156 8540
Uttar Pradesh
2017-18 24251 21085 45336 1206321 1158172 2364493
2016-17 23985 18069 42054 1186310 1101681 2287991
2015-16 21116 17225 38341 1135612 1068729 2204341
2014-15 20708 17278 37986 1100599 1044721 2145320
2013-14 17351 15103 32454 961479 956848 1918327
2012-13 15717 14124 29841 859661 854147 1713808
2011-12 14636 10150 24786 736989 674029 1411018
2017-18 8008 8139 16147 41279 34375 75654
2016-17 7628 7788 15416 32872 27679 60551
2015-16 7753 7142 14895 32676 28970 61646
2014-15 7659 8330 15989 28092 24499 52591
2013-14 6318 6570 12888 23777 25068 48845
2012-13 8292 9108 17400 23652 23050 46702
2011-12 7666 8246 15912 19045 17584 36629
West Bengal
2017-18 34232 30728 64960 161568 138892 300460
2016-17 36158 30609 66767 141174 114980 256154
2015-16 33674 28729 62403 118564 95035 213599
2014-15 36343 27738 64081 95886 70605 166491
2013-14 32792 24952 57744 77454 56796 134250
2012-13 28129 20394 48523 58810 39582 98392
2011-12 24901 17874 42775 44358 32670 77028


AISHE 2017-18
Table 46. Enrolment in Minority Community & PWD during last 6 years
Muslim Other Minority Communities Persons with Disability
Male Female Both Male Female Both Male Female Both
2017-18 939488 898121 1837609 359110 448517 807627 42102 31333 73435
2016-17 916388 822830 1739218 362663 428866 791529 40894 30073 70967
2015-16 858090 755620 1613710 317515 365446 682961 39718 34717 74435
2014-15 820462 713196 1533658 296820 352706 649526 34757 29541 64298
2013-14 748654 648105 1396759 289644 342086 631730 31374 20580 51954
2012-13 666778 584878 1251656 252632 311595 564227 45329 40904 86233
Andaman and Nicobar Islands
2017-18 207 323 530 416 678 1094 15 10 25
2016-17 197 291 488 420 670 1090 14 6 20
2015-16 202 290 492 404 581 985 13 7 20
2014-15 345 425 770 167 200 367 27 39 66
2013-14 323 465 788 57 124 181 14 6 20
2012-13 72 98 170 51 98 149 4 6 10
Andhra Pradesh
2017-18 32307 23793 56100 2939 3530 6469 1832 1374 3206
2016-17 31219 21766 52985 3444 3375 6819 1276 884 2160
2015-16 26985 19749 46734 2393 3294 5687 1185 765 1950
2014-15 27617 19954 47571 2680 3859 6539 1377 945 2322
2013-14 22710 20604 43314 1370 3129 4499 837 750 1587
2012-13 21785 16715 38500 2435 3068 5503 1197 808 2005
Arunachal Pradesh
2017-18 70 50 120 1409 1358 2767 26 13 39
2016-17 113 80 193 1627 1401 3028 32 7 39
2015-16 71 39 110 1239 1072 2311 48 24 72
2014-15 55 23 78 1138 1062 2200 32 7 39
2013-14 41 15 56 344 462 806 30 5 35
2012-13 33 27 60 176 284 460 28 4 32
2017-18 45324 42480 87804 4268 4394 8662 528 354 882
2016-17 43547 38998 82545 3669 4017 7686 388 244 632
2015-16 41093 35008 76101 3017 3536 6553 458 282 740
2014-15 36851 31892 68743 2586 3036 5622 359 201 560
2013-14 31455 27388 58843 1903 2283 4186 405 177 582
2012-13 21934 20331 42265 2107 2285 4392 378 139 517
2017-18 74955 67841 142796 908 847 1755 1596 589 2185
2016-17 79187 64585 143772 861 893 1754 1688 717 2405
2015-16 79478 58037 137515 636 665 1301 1663 799 2462
2014-15 73199 52423 125622 581 614 1195 1437 490 1927
2013-14 72673 50832 123505 1039 610 1649 1747 632 2379
2012-13 62324 45054 107378 1789 1142 2931 856 656 1512
2017-18 270 214 484 2448 2503 4951 78 49 127
2016-17 77 228 305 2615 2781 5396 173 102 275
2015-16 51 148 199 1864 2600 4464 195 70 265
2014-15 137 81 218 2670 1379 4049 160 82 242
2013-14 242 36 278 2275 1275 3550 157 99 256
2012-13 123 17 140 2840 1177 4017 111 52 163
2017-18 2233 2849 5082 1800 3011 4811 284 171 455
2016-17 2296 2552 4848 1597 2863 4460 484 240 724
2015-16 2048 2765 4813 1496 2533 4029 343 158 501
2014-15 1849 2353 4202 1375 2508 3883 361 150 511
2013-14 1373 1654 3027 937 2022 2959 219 113 332
2012-13 1374 1529 2903 978 2017 2995 238 115 353
Dadra and Nagar Haveli
2017-18 27 31 58 21 45 66 4 5 9
2016-17 31 29 60 15 38 53 10 7 17
2015-16 40 52 92 13 42 55 9 10 19
2014-15 32 25 57 14 12 26 8 8 16
2013-14 26 8 34 3 2 5 4 3 7
2012-13 27 5 32 3 3 6 2 0 2
Daman and Diu
2017-18 89 73 162 10 10 20 0 1 1
2016-17 77 56 133 11 14 25 0 1 1
2015-16 55 47 102 10 9 19 0 1 1
2014-15 52 32 84 32 24 56 0 1 1
2013-14 39 14 53 30 27 57 0 1 1
2012-13 36 26 62 25 23 48 0 1 1


AISHE 2017-18
Table 46. Enrolment in Minority Community & PWD during last 6 years
Muslim Other Minority Communities Persons with Disability
Male Female Both Male Female Both Male Female Both
2017-18 15982 7600 23582 4869 5595 10464 4714 3255 7969
2016-17 14002 7793 21795 4050 4490 8540 2799 1365 4164
2015-16 12647 7115 19762 3930 4283 8213 2470 1301 3771
2014-15 12014 6311 18325 3520 4019 7539 2317 1242 3559
2013-14 11584 5320 16904 3166 3553 6719 2088 982 3070
2012-13 8405 4336 12741 2627 3467 6094 1617 787 2404
2017-18 1038 1118 2156 3169 4891 8060 35 25 60
2016-17 1010 1041 2051 3148 4809 7957 30 26 56
2015-16 989 971 1960 3083 4501 7584 31 15 46
2014-15 897 820 1717 2980 4223 7203 31 18 49
2013-14 811 778 1589 2767 4222 6989 15 19 34
2012-13 554 577 1131 1922 3015 4937 13 16 29
2017-18 19839 15556 35395 5550 4544 10094 1081 744 1825
2016-17 19694 14185 33879 4199 3553 7752 1892 947 2839
2015-16 20183 12854 33037 3623 2830 6453 1042 555 1597
2014-15 18128 10910 29038 3676 2651 6327 1279 656 1935
2013-14 14879 9553 24432 1714 1654 3368 1061 553 1614
2012-13 14139 9790 23929 1071 1100 2171 1097 628 1725
2017-18 5702 1905 7607 5967 6437 12404 419 350 769
2016-17 6441 2006 8447 5908 5628 11536 640 576 1216
2015-16 6524 1583 8107 6661 6512 13173 344 240 584
2014-15 7669 1491 9160 6678 5929 12607 414 180 594
2013-14 6934 1376 8310 6872 6564 13436 520 198 718
2012-13 5753 1228 6981 5691 5929 11620 513 365 878
Himachal Pradesh
2017-18 913 489 1402 553 1190 1743 213 77 290
2016-17 858 479 1337 554 1370 1924 438 140 578
2015-16 718 372 1090 392 1092 1484 280 323 603
2014-15 472 234 706 196 913 1109 205 92 297
2013-14 260 153 413 221 883 1104 225 153 378
2012-13 372 182 554 247 710 957 83 257 340
Jammu and Kashmir
2017-18 72401 69561 141962 2325 3568 5893 286 180 466
2016-17 63899 57200 121099 2131 3282 5413 358 531 889
2015-16 67932 59893 127825 2928 3532 6460 349 223 572
2014-15 66475 60200 126675 2714 3503 6217 522 329 851
2013-14 68418 61399 129817 3398 4398 7796 412 378 790
2012-13 64280 65920 130200 1786 4782 6568 339 229 568
2017-18 18085 18702 36787 5050 7315 12365 500 252 752
2016-17 18826 18369 37195 5737 8420 14157 368 200 568
2015-16 17422 15711 33133 3869 5114 8983 416 187 603
2014-15 16269 15520 31789 3575 4846 8421 301 194 495
2013-14 13829 14520 28349 3505 4747 8252 310 150 460
2012-13 10554 12973 23527 2669 4323 6992 499 416 915
2017-18 61778 57689 119467 30409 40700 71109 2098 1510 3608
2016-17 59521 53157 112678 30745 39132 69877 2304 1404 3708
2015-16 51796 46523 98319 25939 33950 59889 2314 1856 4170
2014-15 49567 44012 93579 23417 34602 58019 2121 1427 3548
2013-14 49965 39197 89162 22922 31405 54327 2002 1067 3069
2012-13 49254 36421 85675 23924 31715 55639 2082 1443 3525
2017-18 63875 85316 149191 48606 68548 117154 1388 1356 2744
2016-17 55375 65947 121322 44565 62620 107185 1285 1233 2518
2015-16 49636 56702 106338 40912 54474 95386 1415 1807 3222
2014-15 43113 51610 94723 36188 51875 88063 1430 1603 3033
2013-14 37891 49316 87207 31944 52299 84243 1230 763 1993
2012-13 31331 44111 75442 29828 47366 77194 1108 1030 2138
2017-18 56 182 238 0 0 0 0 0 0
2016-17 61 137 198 0 0 0 0 0 0
2015-16 68 137 205 0 0 0 0 0 0
2014-15 66 165 231 0 0 0 0 0 0
2013-14 0 0 55 144 199 0 0
2012-13 0 0 0 0 0 0


AISHE 2017-18
Table 46. Enrolment in Minority Community & PWD during last 6 years
Muslim Other Minority Communities Persons with Disability
Male Female Both Male Female Both Male Female Both
Madhya Pradesh
2017-18 22406 17062 39468 7038 8692 15730 1781 1099 2880
2016-17 19017 15233 34250 7359 8268 15627 1757 1428 3185
2015-16 19848 15581 35429 8407 9113 17520 1939 1221 3160
2014-15 17587 13225 30812 5369 6406 11775 1696 1089 2785
2013-14 17164 13104 30268 4900 5737 10637 1151 725 1876
2012-13 18550 14933 33483 3551 7149 10700 7223 2832 10055
2017-18 79997 71393 151390 39357 42592 81949 4935 2971 7906
2016-17 73263 65016 138279 35649 37680 73329 4298 2519 6817
2015-16 65641 57000 122641 35820 35628 71448 3265 2525 5790
2014-15 57505 50951 108456 31483 32152 63635 2852 2193 5045
2013-14 48761 40399 89160 25771 26222 51993 2395 1887 4282
2012-13 42507 34110 76617 19853 19952 39805 2340 2245 4585
2017-18 2548 2336 4884 3046 3126 6172 67 32 99
2016-17 1696 1833 3529 2793 2722 5515 79 41 120
2015-16 1957 1589 3546 2115 1768 3883 35 51 86
2014-15 2076 1547 3623 2044 1832 3876 59 49 108
2013-14 2218 1881 4099 6364 7689 14053 96 54 150
2012-13 1123 1094 2217 361 401 762 47 46 93
2017-18 891 588 1479 10951 12522 23473 35 30 65
2016-17 796 500 1296 12633 15000 27633 35 16 51
2015-16 738 354 1092 7206 8411 15617 31 15 46
2014-15 640 313 953 8291 10216 18507 32 24 56
2013-14 279 133 412 7401 8938 16339 37 24 61
2012-13 560 158 718 4825 7137 11962 47 59 106
2017-18 58 10 68 11861 11377 23238 14 14 28
2016-17 49 3 52 11924 11110 23034 8 7 15
2015-16 35 5 40 12912 12042 24954 5 3 8
2014-15 26 6 32 6198 5952 12150 7 4 11
2013-14 14 3 17 5580 5597 11177 7 5 12
2012-13 11 4 15 3733 3795 7528 8 5 13
2017-18 103 112 215 6551 7988 14539 7 6 13
2016-17 162 133 295 5588 5790 11378 13 12 25
2015-16 180 139 319 5265 6022 11287 12 8 20
2014-15 176 125 301 4727 5890 10617 6 9 15
2013-14 104 59 163 4955 6278 11233 6 1 7
2012-13 80 65 145 4903 5076 9979 5 5 10
2017-18 5862 5236 11098 1645 1786 3431 967 600 1567
2016-17 5662 5248 10910 1570 1927 3497 961 520 1481
2015-16 5024 4782 9806 1704 1847 3551 757 517 1274
2014-15 4466 4271 8737 1859 1921 3780 661 389 1050
2013-14 4099 4025 8124 1371 1179 2550 802 514 1316
2012-13 3718 3467 7185 892 911 1803 881 501 1382
2017-18 1395 1060 2455 904 1794 2698 122 83 205
2016-17 1479 1218 2697 807 1841 2648 123 71 194
2015-16 1359 1046 2405 985 1852 2837 110 56 166
2014-15 1318 971 2289 1180 2157 3337 97 81 178
2013-14 1079 889 1968 827 1519 2346 73 44 117
2012-13 853 720 1573 615 1031 1646 79 66 145
2017-18 6106 2324 8430 62604 82694 145298 499 335 834
2016-17 6205 2258 8463 67548 82447 149995 557 291 848
2015-16 5466 1959 7425 60109 71975 132084 488 454 942
2014-15 4229 1490 5719 54341 63930 118271 360 240 600
2013-14 3272 897 4169 61950 68977 130927 486 619 1105
2012-13 3057 1134 4191 54330 71114 125444 2948 1648 4596
2017-18 22280 16276 38556 7776 10198 17974 2528 2496 5024
2016-17 19885 13909 33794 5919 8955 14874 1943 983 2926
2015-16 19657 13301 32958 6188 7253 13441 1268 1175 2443
2014-15 19522 12249 31771 4419 7111 11530 1147 1003 2150
2013-14 18825 11836 30661 3380 6434 9814 1076 1660 2736
2012-13 14354 8123 22477 2004 2190 4194 1104 929 2033


AISHE 2017-18
Table 46. Enrolment in Minority Community & PWD during last 6 years
Muslim Other Minority Communities Persons with Disability
Male Female Both Male Female Both Male Female Both
2017-18 70 36 106 258 709 967 6 1 7
2016-17 117 31 148 364 737 1101 7 3 10
2015-16 69 32 101 254 358 612 2 3 5
2014-15 53 12 65 145 236 381 1 1 2
2013-14 60 22 82 50 196 246 1 0 1
2012-13 76 26 102 59 89 148 3 1 4
Tamil Nadu
2017-18 68582 49215 117797 64975 82103 147078 3356 2466 5822
2016-17 65095 46088 111183 65393 75445 140838 3077 2279 5356
2015-16 57472 40142 97614 55301 58569 113870 3161 2112 5273
2014-15 57369 39916 97285 62703 65089 127792 2613 2001 4614
2013-14 53885 35822 89707 61385 59197 120582 3542 2623 6165
2012-13 50198 34529 84727 59801 61240 121041 2692 3932 6624
2017-18 58234 51006 109240 4286 5580 9866 1617 1054 2671
2016-17 68133 48670 116803 3688 4330 8018 1980 1101 3081
2015-16 61096 46535 107631 3409 3962 7371 1414 1022 2436
2014-15 55704 45438 101142 4513 4681 9194 1399 671 2070
2013-14 52819 44216 97035 5981 6041 12022 1838 1100 2938
2012-13 48187 41337 89524 6696 5224 11920 2234 913 3147
2017-18 1052 840 1892 555 388 943 124 36 160
2016-17 1350 975 2325 1041 614 1655 169 38 207
2015-16 1167 600 1767 791 462 1253 109 18 127
2014-15 1278 848 2126 482 266 748 87 21 108
2013-14 1314 845 2159 371 201 572 93 29 122
2012-13 1371 768 2139 272 173 445 57 35 92
Uttar Pradesh
2017-18 135983 162990 298973 9186 9371 18557 8531 8106 16637
2016-17 136614 158490 295104 16818 14711 31529 8968 10874 19842
2015-16 127465 147104 274569 9641 9810 19451 12124 15868 27992
2014-15 130330 144036 274366 9221 13028 22249 8526 13045 21571
2013-14 106505 124886 231391 9763 12095 21858 5793 4090 9883
2012-13 93087 110916 204003 7275 8742 16017 12571 18935 31506
2017-18 5670 4230 9900 1404 1455 2859 304 96 400
2016-17 5758 3645 9403 1109 1294 2403 511 248 759
2015-16 4576 4134 8710 845 1159 2004 308 85 393
2014-15 4257 2541 6798 458 1107 1565 332 125 457
2013-14 2311 1227 3538 736 837 1573 369 154 523
2012-13 3056 1864 4920 394 572 966 101 82 183
West Bengal
2017-18 113100 117635 230735 5996 6978 12974 2640 1947 4587
2016-17 114676 110681 225357 7164 6639 13803 2229 1012 3241
2015-16 108402 103321 211723 4154 4595 8749 2115 961 3076
2014-15 109119 96776 205895 5200 5477 10677 2501 932 3433
2013-14 102492 85233 187725 4337 5146 9483 2333 1002 3335
2012-13 93640 72290 165930 2899 4295 7194 2824 1718 4542


AISHE 2017-18
Table 47. Gross Enrolment Ratio during last 8 years
Both Male Female Both Male Female Both Male Female
2017-18 25.8 26.3 25.4 21.8 22.2 21.4 15.9 17.0 14.9
2016-17 25.2 26.0 24.5 21.1 21.8 20.2 15.4 16.7 14.2
2015-16 24.5 25.4 23.5 19.9 20.8 19.0 14.2 15.6 12.9
2014-15 24.3 25.3 23.2 19.1 20.0 18.2 13.7 15.2 12.3
2013-14 23.0 23.9 22.0 17.1 17.7 16.4 11.3 12.5 10.2
2012-13 21.5 22.7 20.1 16.0 16.9 15.0 11.1 12.4 9.8
2011-12 20.8 22.1 19.4 14.9 15.8 13.9 11.0 12.4 9.7
2010-11 19.4 20.8 17.9 13.5 14.6 12.3 11.2 12.9 9.5
Andaman and Nicobar Islands
2017-18 21.8 21.2 22.4 14.4 12.4 16.4
2016-17 22.8 21.5 24.2 13.6 11.5 15.7
2015-16 23.5 22.3 24.7 12.3 11.0 13.6
2014-15 23.2 21.9 24.6 10.0 8.6 11.4
2013-14 25.6 24.1 27.1 8.9 7.2 10.6
2012-13 20.2 17.8 22.7 7.4 4.2 10.8
2011-12 12.3 11.0 13.8 7.2 4.6 10.0
2010-11 11.4 9.6 13.4 6.6 4.4 8.8
Andhra Pradesh
2017-18 30.9 34.7 27.1 26.9 29.5 24.4 24.5 27.9 21.5
2016-17 32.4 36.5 28.4 29.3 32.8 25.9 24.9 29.0 21.3
2015-16 30.8 34.7 26.9 25.5 28.6 22.4 23.4 27.4 19.8
2014-15 31.2 35.2 27.3 25.8 28.9 22.7 23.9 28.1 20.1
2013-14 30.8 35.0 26.7 23.2 23.9 22.5 20.5 23.0 18.2
2012-13 27.3 31.0 23.6 22.3 24.8 19.8 21.2 25.9 17.0
2011-12 29.9 33.3 26.4 25.6 28.2 22.9 24.2 29.5 19.2
2010-11 28.4 32.1 24.4 25.9 29.8 21.9 23.8 31.5 16.8
Arunachal Pradesh
2017-18 29.7 31.5 27.8 33.1 36.2 30.2
2016-17 28.9 29.3 28.5 31.2 31.8 30.6
2015-16 28.7 28.8 28.5 33.8 34.4 33.2
2014-15 28.3 28.6 27.9 34.0 35.1 33.0
2013-14 26.1 25.7 26.6 32.6 33.0 32.3
2012-13 19.0 18.3 19.8 24.0 23.6 24.4
2011-12 21.3 22.5 20.2 24.8 27.1 22.7
2010-11 26.9 33.6 19.5 100.0 100.0 66.0 20.1 24.3 16.1
2017-18 18.2 18.6 17.8 19.4 20.1 18.7 20.8 22.4 19.5
2016-17 17.2 17.9 16.6 19.0 19.5 18.5 22.5 23.9 21.2
2015-16 15.4 16.2 14.7 16.8 17.5 16.0 19.3 20.8 18.0
2014-15 14.8 15.4 14.3 15.5 16.0 15.1 18.2 19.4 17.2
2013-14 15.8 16.5 15.2 16.7 17.4 16.0 17.1 17.2 16.9
2012-13 13.8 14.0 13.7 14.3 14.4 14.1 16.7 16.7 16.7
2011-12 14.7 14.6 14.8 12.5 12.8 12.2 15.9 15.7 16.0
2010-11 13.4 13.3 13.4 11.2 10.4 12.2 13.4 13.5 13.2
2017-18 13.0 14.5 11.5 9.2 11.5 6.9 15.1 18.3 11.9
2016-17 14.4 16.0 12.8 9.6 11.9 7.4 13.7 16.2 11.2
2015-16 14.3 15.8 12.6 9.3 11.4 7.1 12.3 13.4 11.2
2014-15 13.9 15.2 12.4 8.3 10.1 6.5 13.4 15.3 11.4
2013-14 13.0 14.3 11.5 8.4 10.2 6.5 11.3 13.0 9.6
2012-13 13.1 14.4 11.6 8.5 10.3 6.6 14.6 16.0 13.1
2011-12 12.5 14.0 10.8 7.8 9.4 6.1 15.0 15.9 14.0
2010-11 10.5 11.8 9.1 5.9 7.0 4.7 20.3 20.9 19.7
2017-18 56.4 48.6 67.7 32.9 31.8 34.4
2016-17 56.1 47.3 68.8 33.5 29.7 38.4
2015-16 57.6 48.4 70.4 32.7 28.6 37.8
2014-15 56.1 48.6 66.4 29.6 27.5 32.2
2013-14 55.8 48.7 65.6 24.6 22.0 27.7
2012-13 54.6 51.8 58.3 23.7 23.6 23.8
2011-12 42.2 33.2 54.4 18.5 15.3 22.5
2010-11 41.4 42.2 40.4 16.0 12.1 20.8


AISHE 2017-18
Table 47. Gross Enrolment Ratio during last 8 years
Both Male Female Both Male Female Both Male Female
2017-18 18.4 18.5 18.3 18.1 18.8 17.4 11.2 10.9 11.4
2016-17 16.1 16.4 15.8 15.3 16.1 14.6 9.9 9.9 9.9
2015-16 15.1 15.7 14.6 14.7 15.6 13.8 9.3 9.5 9.1
2014-15 14.6 15.3 14.0 13.8 15.0 12.5 8.8 9.3 8.3
2013-14 14.0 14.9 13.1 11.9 13.0 10.7 8.1 9.0 7.3
2012-13 12.4 13.2 11.7 10.7 11.7 9.6 6.4 6.9 5.9
2011-12 10.5 11.0 10.1 8.1 8.8 7.3 4.7 4.9 4.5
2010-11 13.6 15.8 11.4 11.3 12.2 10.3 5.4 5.9 4.9
Dadra and Nagar Haveli
2017-18 9.1 7.2 12.4 21.2 15.9 28.4 5.4 5.4 5.4
2016-17 9.2 7.6 11.9 21.5 14.9 30.4 5.9 6.5 5.3
2015-16 9.1 7.8 11.3 22.9 17.3 30.4 6.6 7.6 5.7
2014-15 8.3 7.7 9.5 21.5 18.0 26.1 5.5 6.8 4.3
2013-14 7.4 6.9 8.3 19.2 19.0 19.3 4.4 5.1 3.7
2012-13 6.2 5.7 7.1 6.3 5.8 6.9 2.4 3.5 1.4
2011-12 6.4 6.4 6.4 6.2 6.5 5.8 1.9 2.9 0.9
2010-11 3.6 3.5 3.9 3.3 2.3 4.4 1.5 1.9 1.1
Daman and Diu
2017-18 5.2 4.0 8.9 22.4 20.1 25.5 11.2 9.5 13.0
2016-17 5.5 4.5 8.5 24.1 19.5 29.8 12.0 12.2 11.9
2015-16 5.7 4.6 9.2 25.1 23.1 27.7 14.0 15.2 12.6
2014-15 5.7 4.5 9.5 26.9 22.7 32.1 14.0 15.9 12.1
2013-14 4.7 3.7 7.9 16.6 13.8 20.1 13.2 15.3 10.9
2012-13 4.3 3.3 6.9 15.5 16.5 14.3 13.0 16.5 9.5
2011-12 3.9 3.0 6.2 14.8 11.6 18.5 12.5 17.4 7.5
2010-11 3.5 2.7 5.6 16.1 11.1 23.0 8.4 10.7 5.3
2017-18 46.3 44.9 48.0 31.8 31.7 32.0
2016-17 45.3 42.8 48.4 29.7 28.9 30.7
2015-16 45.4 43.0 48.2 29.5 30.2 28.6
2014-15 43.5 42.0 45.4 27.2 26.9 27.5
2013-14 43.1 41.9 44.6 25.2 25.4 25.0
2012-13 39.6 38.7 40.8 21.6 22.5 20.6
2011-12 38.9 38.9 39.0 18.5 19.7 17.0
2010-11 32.5 35.0 29.8 10.2 11.7 8.7
2017-18 28.0 24.9 31.9 28.6 28.2 28.9 23.9 20.7 27.3
2016-17 28.1 25.0 31.9 24.7 23.6 26.0 22.5 19.5 25.7
2015-16 27.6 25.0 30.9 27.2 27.7 26.7 20.6 17.3 24.1
2014-15 27.7 25.2 30.7 29.2 31.4 26.8 18.9 15.9 22.0
2013-14 26.4 21.8 31.8 26.3 24.8 27.8 18.3 16.1 20.6
2012-13 24.9 19.8 31.0 24.4 23.7 25.1 15.0 13.2 16.9
2011-12 23.5 21.5 25.9 22.7 21.0 24.5 12.7 11.8 13.6
2010-11 33.2 31.0 35.8 25.2 26.4 24.1 100.0 100.0 100.0
2017-18 20.1 21.9 18.2 26.8 29.1 24.3 13.7 13.8 13.7
2016-17 20.2 22.9 17.3 26.9 31.6 21.8 13.8 14.9 12.6
2015-16 20.7 22.9 18.3 25.5 27.7 23.1 13.2 13.4 13.0
2014-15 20.0 22.2 17.5 24.1 26.1 21.8 13.2 13.3 13.0
2013-14 19.5 21.5 17.2 23.5 25.3 21.5 12.2 12.5 11.8
2012-13 18.3 20.2 16.2 20.4 22.6 17.8 11.0 11.4 10.5
2011-12 16.5 18.1 14.7 16.8 18.3 15.1 9.1 9.5 8.7
2010-11 21.3 23.5 18.8 17.8 19.8 15.6 10.3 11.3 9.3
2017-18 28.7 27.0 30.7 18.6 18.0 19.4
2016-17 29.0 28.5 29.7 18.3 18.3 18.2
2015-16 26.1 25.9 26.4 17.0 17.3 16.7
2014-15 27.6 27.6 27.5 17.9 18.6 16.9
2013-14 27.5 28.8 25.9 17.5 18.9 15.8
2012-13 27.8 28.8 26.6 17.2 18.5 15.7
2011-12 28.0 28.3 27.7 17.5 18.3 16.6
2010-11 24.1 27.2 20.7 14.2 16.5 11.5


AISHE 2017-18
Table 47. Gross Enrolment Ratio during last 8 years
Both Male Female Both Male Female Both Male Female
Himachal Pradesh
2017-18 37.9 34.0 42.2 27.7 25.1 30.4 38.5 36.5 40.6
2016-17 36.7 33.0 40.7 24.7 22.7 26.7 36.0 33.7 38.3
2015-16 32.5 29.6 35.5 21.1 20.0 22.3 31.8 30.8 32.7
2014-15 31.2 29.2 33.3 19.2 18.8 19.7 27.4 27.6 27.2
2013-14 29.3 29.8 28.8 15.8 15.5 16.1 22.6 22.3 22.9
2012-13 25.8 25.3 26.3 14.3 14.6 14.1 20.9 21.4 20.3
2011-12 24.8 24.6 25.1 13.9 13.9 13.9 19.3 19.0 19.6
2010-11 26.0 25.9 26.0 13.7 13.5 13.9 29.6 29.6 29.7
Jammu and Kashmir
2017-18 27.7 26.4 29.0 17.1 15.3 19.0 15.1 15.4 14.9
2016-17 25.6 23.6 27.7 16.1 13.7 18.8 10.5 11.0 10.0
2015-16 24.8 23.5 26.2 15.7 13.6 17.9 9.5 10.2 8.8
2014-15 24.8 24.1 25.5 16.6 15.0 18.4 9.7 10.6 8.7
2013-14 25.6 24.5 26.7 15.9 14.5 17.4 9.4 9.9 8.8
2012-13 25.6 24.2 27.1 15.4 13.3 17.5 8.2 9.4 6.9
2011-12 22.8 21.8 24.0 10.5 8.9 12.1 6.9 8.0 5.8
2010-11 16.8 17.0 16.7 6.4 6.4 6.4 4.1 5.6 2.4
2017-18 18.0 18.4 17.6 13.8 15.1 12.5 12.5 12.1 12.8
2016-17 17.7 18.4 17.0 13.4 14.6 12.1 12.6 11.7 13.3
2015-16 15.5 16.2 14.8 11.9 13.1 10.6 10.5 10.2 10.8
2014-15 15.4 16.0 14.8 11.1 12.1 10.0 10.2 10.0 10.4
2013-14 13.1 13.8 12.5 9.1 10.1 7.9 8.3 8.0 8.7
2012-13 12.1 12.2 12.0 7.9 8.6 7.2 7.5 7.0 7.9
2011-12 9.9 10.2 9.5 5.8 6.5 4.9 5.6 5.3 6.0
2010-11 8.1 8.8 7.5 4.9 5.7 4.0 6.2 5.9 6.5
2017-18 27.8 27.2 28.5 19.7 20.0 19.4 17.7 17.9 17.4
2016-17 26.5 26.4 26.6 18.8 19.1 18.4 16.5 17.0 16.1
2015-16 26.1 26.3 25.9 18.7 19.3 18.0 16.1 16.9 15.1
2014-15 26.4 26.7 26.0 18.8 19.7 18.0 16.0 17.1 14.8
2013-14 26.2 26.7 25.6 18.0 19.3 16.6 15.1 16.3 14.0
2012-13 25.4 26.1 24.5 17.0 18.3 15.6 14.1 15.6 12.5
2011-12 23.8 24.9 22.7 15.8 17.5 14.2 14.3 15.8 12.7
2010-11 25.5 26.6 24.3 19.8 21.2 18.3 18.0 19.5 16.3
2017-18 36.2 32.0 40.4 25.0 17.8 32.2 21.5 17.5 25.3
2016-17 34.2 28.3 40.1 23.6 17.0 30.2 18.3 15.4 21.0
2015-16 30.8 26.6 35.0 22.4 16.4 28.5 16.5 13.6 19.2
2014-15 28.7 24.1 33.3 20.7 14.9 26.5 15.1 12.7 17.3
2013-14 24.9 21.1 28.7 20.0 14.2 25.8 14.7 13.0 16.2
2012-13 22.1 18.5 25.8 17.8 12.8 22.8 14.1 12.9 15.2
2011-12 21.8 17.8 25.6 16.9 12.0 21.8 14.0 12.9 15.0
2010-11 21.9 18.8 25.1 14.2 10.3 18.1 18.3 17.4 19.1
2017-18 7.6 3.2 12.0 3.5 1.7 5.1
2016-17 7.3 4.1 10.6 3.7 2.1 5.3
2015-16 7.1 4.1 10.2 3.4 2.2 4.7
2014-15 4.0 2.0 6.2 4.2 2.2 6.3
2013-14 12.0 6.4 18.0 3.7 1.8 5.7
2012-13 11.8 6.3 17.7 3.5 1.7 5.3
2011-12 11.5 6.2 17.5 3.2 1.5 4.9
Madhya Pradesh
2017-18 21.2 21.8 20.5 19.8 20.7 18.8 10.4 11.2 9.6
2016-17 20.0 20.9 19.0 17.3 18.3 16.1 9.7 10.4 8.9
2015-16 19.6 21.1 17.9 15.5 17.0 13.8 8.6 9.8 7.4
2014-15 19.6 21.6 17.3 14.4 16.2 12.4 7.8 9.1 6.5
2013-14 19.6 21.6 17.3 13.1 14.8 11.2 6.9 7.9 5.8
2012-13 19.2 22.7 15.2 12.6 14.1 10.8 5.9 7.0 4.9
2011-12 18.5 22.0 14.6 12.4 13.7 10.9 7.1 8.4 5.8
2010-11 13.6 15.1 11.9 10.4 12.3 8.3 4.9 6.2 3.6


AISHE 2017-18
Table 47. Gross Enrolment Ratio during last 8 years
Both Male Female Both Male Female Both Male Female
2017-18 31.1 32.6 29.5 30.6 32.0 29.2 15.1 17.8 12.5
2016-17 30.2 32.0 28.2 30.1 31.9 28.1 14.8 17.9 11.7
2015-16 29.9 31.9 27.6 29.6 31.9 27.0 14.7 18.1 11.4
2014-15 27.9 30.0 25.6 25.6 27.6 23.4 12.6 15.7 9.5
2013-14 26.3 28.3 23.9 22.1 24.4 19.6 10.7 13.7 7.7
2012-13 22.9 25.0 20.6 18.9 20.6 16.9 8.9 11.3 6.5
2011-12 26.3 28.1 24.3 23.9 25.7 22.0 11.4 14.2 8.6
2010-11 27.6 30.7 24.2 28.9 32.7 24.9 12.3 16.2 8.7
2017-18 31.8 31.3 32.2 67.4 72.2 62.7 22.0 23.0 21.0
2016-17 35.0 35.3 34.7 57.5 60.9 54.1 20.2 21.0 19.4
2015-16 34.2 35.3 33.1 52.8 57.8 47.8 19.7 20.9 18.5
2014-15 35.9 37.1 34.8 53.5 60.4 46.8 20.9 22.2 19.6
2013-14 37.7 37.9 37.6 61.9 67.9 56.0 24.8 24.6 25.0
2012-13 29.9 30.9 29.0 45.3 45.2 45.3 19.8 20.8 18.7
2011-12 30.2 30.4 29.9 54.8 55.0 54.6 19.4 20.5 18.2
2010-11 35.9 38.5 33.3 100.0 100.0 100.0 39.5 44.6 34.4
2017-18 24.7 24.2 25.1 44.3 50.4 37.4 19.5 18.4 20.6
2016-17 23.5 23.1 23.8 48.1 51.4 44.5 19.3 17.2 21.2
2015-16 20.8 20.4 21.1 50.1 55.3 44.3 17.1 15.7 18.4
2014-15 20.5 19.8 21.2 48.4 54.9 41.1 17.4 14.9 19.8
2013-14 19.3 19.7 18.9 48.3 45.4 51.5 15.3 13.7 16.8
2012-13 19.2 18.6 19.7 31.0 27.7 34.8 13.6 11.5 15.6
2011-12 17.4 16.3 18.5 33.0 33.5 32.5 14.9 13.6 16.1
2010-11 17.5 15.3 19.8 33.9 35.3 32.1 15.1 12.9 17.2
2017-18 22.9 24.8 21.0 113.7 121.5 100.0 23.1 25.0 21.2
2016-17 24.5 25.3 23.7 108.9 116.8 95.1 24.3 25.1 23.5
2015-16 24.1 25.2 23.0 158.0 192.6 96.7 24.5 25.6 23.5
2014-15 23.3 23.5 23.0 109.9 118.3 95.2 23.8 24.1 23.5
2013-14 23.2 23.7 22.7 108.1 97.3 127.4 23.8 24.4 23.1
2012-13 22.2 22.4 22.0 88.4 85.5 93.7 22.1 22.5 21.6
2011-12 19.0 19.6 18.3 90.8 78.4 112.7 19.2 20.0 18.4
2010-11 21.6 22.0 21.1 100.0 100.0 100.0 20.4 21.4 19.5
2017-18 17.8 17.8 17.9 17.2 16.6 17.8
2016-17 16.6 16.1 17.0 16.0 15.1 16.8
2015-16 14.9 14.2 15.6 14.1 13.5 14.8
2014-15 15.6 15.2 16.1 13.9 13.0 14.8
2013-14 15.4 16.9 13.9 13.1 12.3 13.8
2012-13 14.7 16.6 12.8 12.3 12.1 12.6
2011-12 15.8 18.2 13.4 12.3 11.7 12.8
2010-11 21.5 25.8 16.9 15.8 15.9 15.6
2017-18 22.0 23.8 20.1 18.8 21.8 15.8 12.5 14.3 10.8
2016-17 21.0 23.0 18.9 17.4 20.1 14.7 11.3 13.1 9.7
2015-16 19.6 21.5 17.8 14.7 16.5 12.9 9.4 10.7 8.2
2014-15 17.7 19.6 15.9 12.2 13.6 10.7 7.9 8.9 6.9
2013-14 16.4 18.0 14.8 10.5 11.4 9.6 6.7 7.4 6.0
2012-13 16.3 18.6 14.1 9.9 11.1 8.6 6.2 7.1 5.5
2011-12 16.6 18.3 15.0 9.2 10.0 8.4 6.6 7.2 6.0
2010-11 16.1 18.1 14.1 9.5 10.7 8.2 6.0 6.8 5.2
2017-18 45.4 42.9 48.1 32.2 30.8 33.7
2016-17 43.1 41.8 44.5 31.9 30.9 33.0
2015-16 43.2 44.2 42.1 32.5 33.2 31.7
2014-15 46.0 47.7 44.2 34.1 36.1 32.1
2013-14 47.7 51.1 44.3 33.4 37.6 29.3
2012-13 44.1 46.6 41.8 30.4 32.9 28.0
2011-12 38.3 40.4 36.3 28.8 31.3 26.6
2010-11 31.2 32.6 29.9 26.0 28.9 23.2
2017-18 30.3 27.6 33.6 21.4 19.4 23.8
2016-17 28.6 27.0 30.6 20.4 19.4 21.7
2015-16 27.0 25.8 28.5 18.0 17.7 18.4
2014-15 27.1 26.0 28.4 14.8 14.5 15.1
2013-14 25.4 23.6 27.4 12.8 12.6 13.0
2012-13 23.9 22.5 25.6 10.0 9.6 10.5
2011-12 23.0 22.4 23.6 8.4 8.0 8.8
2010-11 19.4 23.6 14.5 7.3 8.1 6.4


AISHE 2017-18
Table 47. Gross Enrolment Ratio during last 8 years
Both Male Female Both Male Female Both Male Female
2017-18 21.7 22.7 20.6 17.2 18.2 16.2 18.5 19.8 17.2
2016-17 20.5 21.6 19.3 16.1 17.4 14.5 17.9 19.5 16.2
2015-16 20.2 21.8 18.5 15.2 16.7 13.4 15.2 16.9 13.5
2014-15 20.0 21.9 17.9 14.7 16.4 12.7 15.8 17.9 13.6
2013-14 19.7 21.5 17.8 14.6 16.4 12.5 15.3 17.4 13.1
2012-13 18.3 21.4 14.8 12.7 15.6 9.5 12.4 15.7 9.0
2011-12 18.2 20.6 15.5 11.8 14.1 9.3 12.7 15.1 10.1
2010-11 18.2 20.9 15.2 11.2 13.5 8.5 13.0 15.7 10.3
2017-18 37.4 33.9 41.1 32.3 37.6 27.3 34.4 29.6 39.0
2016-17 37.3 33.9 40.8 26.3 27.7 24.9 27.1 21.4 32.7
2015-16 37.6 36.7 38.5 29.1 36.2 22.5 24.5 20.0 28.8
2014-15 30.3 28.4 32.4 29.6 34.9 24.6 24.5 19.6 29.3
2013-14 27.8 26.4 29.3 25.7 31.6 20.2 21.5 17.1 25.8
2012-13 24.3 21.8 26.9 18.1 18.9 17.3 17.6 13.4 21.8
2011-12 28.2 28.9 27.4 27.8 28.9 26.8 19.0 15.6 22.4
2010-11 24.2 26.0 22.2 11.8 12.4 11.3 19.3 16.4 22.2
Tamil Nadu
2017-18 48.6 49.1 48.2 42.1 41.8 42.5 40.5 45.7 35.6
2016-17 46.9 48.2 45.6 38.3 38.6 38.0 36.0 44.7 27.6
2015-16 44.3 46.3 42.4 34.4 34.6 34.2 31.8 36.4 27.3
2014-15 45.2 47.0 43.4 33.2 33.3 33.1 32.3 39.1 25.8
2013-14 43.0 45.6 40.4 31.0 32.0 30.1 28.4 35.5 21.7
2012-13 42.0 45.4 38.7 30.0 31.4 28.6 27.6 34.4 21.1
2011-12 40.0 43.2 36.8 28.5 30.3 26.7 32.5 36.1 29.1
2010-11 32.9 36.5 29.1 21.7 23.4 19.9 23.7 30.6 17.5
2017-18 35.7 37.1 34.2 31.5 30.6 32.4 29.4 32.3 26.6
2016-17 35.8 38.0 33.6 34.1 34.9 33.3 32.7 37.2 28.3
2015-16 36.3 39.3 33.4 36.1 38.1 34.2 33.9 39.2 28.7
2014-15 36.1 39.2 33.0 36.1 38.1 34.1 33.5 39.6 27.5
2013-14 35.5 38.6 32.4 35.4 37.4 33.4 30.8 36.3 25.3
2012-13 33.1 36.9 29.3 32.2 35.2 29.1 27.0 32.5 21.6
2017-18 21.2 23.7 18.8 18.2 20.2 16.2 13.9 16.3 11.7
2016-17 19.1 21.5 16.8 17.9 20.5 15.3 13.7 15.2 12.3
2015-16 16.9 19.9 14.0 14.6 18.0 11.3 10.9 12.9 9.1
2014-15 16.8 20.2 13.5 15.5 19.8 11.2 10.5 13.9 7.6
2013-14 15.4 17.9 12.9 1.4 1.6 1.1 0.9 1.1 0.7
2012-13 14.1 16.6 11.7 12.1 14.4 9.7 8.1 10.2 6.3
2011-12 12.4 14.6 10.2 10.6 12.6 8.5 6.4 8.3 4.8
2010-11 13.6 16.0 11.0 10.1 11.7 8.4 6.3 7.9 4.9
Uttar Pradesh
2017-18 25.9 25.2 26.7 21.7 21.1 22.4 35.6 38.2 33.0
2016-17 24.9 24.6 25.3 21.1 20.9 21.3 33.3 37.9 28.7
2015-16 24.5 24.2 24.9 20.5 20.3 20.7 30.6 33.5 27.7
2014-15 25.0 24.5 25.5 20.6 20.2 21.0 30.6 33.0 28.1
2013-14 21.6 20.4 23.0 18.1 16.8 19.6 26.4 27.7 24.9
2012-13 19.5 18.8 20.4 16.1 15.2 17.3 24.4 25.2 23.6
2011-12 17.4 17.5 17.2 12.9 12.6 13.2 20.5 23.6 17.2
2010-11 16.3 15.2 17.4 11.7 11.2 12.4 100.0 100.0 100.0
2017-18 36.3 36.3 36.3 26.6 26.4 26.7 42.3 42.1 42.5
2016-17 33.4 33.8 33.0 23.9 24.1 23.7 40.2 39.9 40.4
2015-16 33.3 33.6 32.9 23.5 23.8 23.2 38.6 40.3 36.8
2014-15 33.9 34.9 32.8 21.4 22.5 20.3 41.2 39.6 42.7
2013-14 33.8 32.7 34.9 23.5 23.2 23.7 33.0 32.5 33.4
2012-13 33.3 32.6 34.0 20.7 21.1 20.2 44.3 42.5 46.0
2011-12 31.1 30.1 32.3 17.2 17.1 17.2 40.2 39.1 41.4
2010-11 27.8 26.1 29.6 17.7 17.5 18.0 44.2 42.2 46.3
West Bengal
2017-18 18.7 19.9 17.6 13.8 14.8 12.8 9.9 11.0 8.9
2016-17 18.5 19.8 17.2 13.5 14.8 12.2 10.1 11.5 8.9
2015-16 17.7 19.1 16.2 12.8 14.2 11.5 9.5 10.6 8.4
2014-15 17.4 19.1 15.8 12.8 14.4 11.2 9.7 11.4 8.1
2013-14 16.3 18.2 14.4 11.9 13.4 10.2 8.7 10.2 7.3
2012-13 15.1 17.1 13.2 10.3 11.8 8.7 7.3 8.7 6.0
2011-12 13.6 15.4 11.8 9.0 10.2 7.6 6.4 7.7 5.3
2010-11 12.4 13.8 10.9 6.9 7.8 5.8 6.0 7.3 4.8


AISHE 2017-18
Table 48. Gender Parity Index during last 8 years
2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18

India 0.86 0.88 0.89 0.92 0.92 0.92 0.94 0.97 0.84 0.88 0.89 0.92 0.91 0.91 0.93 0.96 0.74 0.78 0.79 0.81 0.81 0.83 0.85 0.87

Andaman and Nicobar

1.39 1.26 1.28 1.13 1.13 1.11 1.13 1.06 2.01 2.18 2.57 1.46 1.32 1.24 1.37 1.31
Andhra Pradesh 0.76 0.79 0.76 0.76 0.78 0.77 0.78 0.78 0.74 0.81 0.80 0.94 0.79 0.78 0.79 0.83 0.53 0.65 0.66 0.79 0.71 0.72 0.74 0.77

Arunachal Pradesh 0.58 0.89 1.08 1.04 0.97 0.99 0.97 0.88 0.66 0.66 0.84 1.03 0.98 0.94 0.96 0.96 0.83

Assam 1.01 1.01 0.97 0.92 0.93 0.90 0.93 0.96 1.17 0.95 0.98 0.92 0.94 0.91 0.95 0.93 0.98 1.02 1.00 0.98 0.89 0.87 0.89 0.87

Bihar 0.77 0.77 0.80 0.81 0.82 0.80 0.80 0.79 0.67 0.65 0.64 0.63 0.65 0.62 0.62 0.60 0.94 0.88 0.82 0.74 0.75 0.84 0.69 0.65

Chandigarh 0.96 1.64 1.13 1.35 1.37 1.45 1.45 1.39 1.72 1.47 1.01 1.26 1.17 1.32 1.30 1.08

Chhattisgarh 0.72 0.92 0.88 0.88 0.91 0.93 0.97 0.99 0.84 0.83 0.82 0.82 0.83 0.89 0.91 0.92 0.83 0.91 0.86 0.81 0.89 0.95 1.01 1.04

Dadra and Nagar Haveli 1.14 1.00 1.26 1.19 1.24 1.45 1.56 1.72 1.86 0.90 1.18 1.02 1.44 1.76 2.04 1.78 0.59 0.32 0.41 0.71 0.63 0.76 0.81 1.01

Daman and Diu 2.11 2.07 2.06 2.13 2.12 2.01 1.87 2.21 2.07 1.59 0.87 1.46 1.42 1.20 1.52 1.27 0.49 0.43 0.57 0.72 0.76 0.83 0.98 1.37

Delhi 0.85 1.00 1.05 1.07 1.08 1.12 1.13 1.07 0.74 0.86 0.92 0.98 1.02 0.95 1.06 1.01

Goa 1.16 1.21 1.57 1.46 1.22 1.23 1.28 1.28 0.91 1.16 1.06 1.12 0.85 0.97 1.11 1.02 1.00 1.16 1.28 1.28 1.39 1.39 1.32 1.32

Gujarat 0.80 0.81 0.80 0.80 0.79 0.80 0.75 0.83 0.79 0.83 0.79 0.85 0.83 0.83 0.69 0.83 0.82 0.92 0.92 0.95 0.98 0.98 0.84 0.99

Haryana 0.76 0.98 0.92 0.90 1.00 1.02 1.04 1.13 0.70 0.91 0.85 0.84 0.91 0.96 1.00 1.08

Himachal Pradesh 1.00 1.02 1.04 0.97 1.14 1.20 1.23 1.24 1.03 1.00 0.96 1.04 1.04 1.12 1.18 1.21 1.00 1.03 0.95 1.03 0.98 1.06 1.14 1.11

Jammu and Kashmir 0.98 1.10 1.12 1.09 1.06 1.12 1.17 1.10 1.00 1.36 1.31 1.20 1.23 1.32 1.38 1.24 0.42 0.73 0.73 0.89 0.82 0.87 0.91 0.97

Jharkhand 0.85 0.93 0.98 0.91 0.93 0.92 0.93 0.96 0.70 0.76 0.84 0.78 0.83 0.81 0.83 0.83 1.11 1.14 1.13 1.08 1.04 1.05 1.14 1.06

Karnataka 0.92 0.91 0.94 0.96 0.97 0.99 1.01 1.05 0.86 0.81 0.85 0.86 0.91 0.93 0.96 0.97 0.84 0.80 0.80 0.86 0.87 0.89 0.95 0.97

Kerala 1.34 1.44 1.39 1.36 1.38 1.32 1.41 1.26 1.76 1.82 1.78 1.82 1.78 1.73 1.78 1.81 1.10 1.16 1.17 1.25 1.36 1.41 1.36 1.45

Lakshadweep 2.84 2.80 2.80 3.08 2.48 2.60 3.79 3.14 3.14 3.10 2.85 2.16 2.47 3.04

Madhya Pradesh 0.79 0.67 0.67 0.80 0.80 0.85 0.91 0.94 0.67 0.79 0.77 0.75 0.77 0.81 0.88 0.91 0.58 0.69 0.70 0.73 0.71 0.76 0.86 0.86

Maharashtra 0.79 0.86 0.83 0.85 0.86 0.86 0.88 0.91 0.76 0.86 0.82 0.80 0.85 0.85 0.88 0.91 0.53 0.60 0.58 0.56 0.60 0.63 0.65 0.70

Manipur 0.86 0.98 0.94 0.99 0.94 0.94 0.98 1.03 1.00 0.99 1.00 0.83 0.78 0.83 0.89 0.87 0.77 0.89 0.90 1.02 0.88 0.88 0.92 0.91

Meghalaya 1.29 1.13 1.06 0.96 1.07 1.04 1.03 1.04 0.91 0.97 1.26 1.14 0.75 0.80 0.86 0.74 1.34 1.19 1.35 1.22 1.33 1.18 1.23 1.12

Mizoram 0.96 0.93 0.98 0.96 0.98 0.91 0.94 0.85 1.00 1.44 1.10 1.31 0.80 0.50 0.81 0.82 0.91 0.92 0.96 0.95 0.98 0.92 0.93 0.85

Nagaland 0.65 0.74 0.77 0.82 1.06 1.10 1.06 1.00 0.98 1.09 1.04 1.12 1.13 1.10 1.11 1.07

Odisha 0.78 0.82 0.76 0.82 0.81 0.83 0.82 0.85 0.77 0.83 0.78 0.84 0.79 0.78 0.73 0.73 0.76 0.82 0.77 0.81 0.77 0.77 0.74 0.75

Puducherry 0.92 0.90 0.90 0.87 0.93 0.95 1.06 1.12 0.80 0.85 0.85 0.78 0.89 0.96 1.07 1.09

Punjab 0.62 1.05 1.14 1.16 1.09 1.10 1.13 1.22 0.78 1.10 1.09 1.03 1.05 1.04 1.12 1.22

Rajasthan 0.72 0.75 0.69 0.83 0.82 0.85 0.89 0.91 0.63 0.66 0.61 0.76 0.77 0.80 0.84 0.89 0.66 0.67 0.57 0.75 0.76 0.80 0.83 0.87

Sikkim 0.85 0.95 1.23 1.11 1.14 1.05 1.20 1.21 0.91 0.93 0.92 0.64 0.70 0.62 0.90 0.73 1.35 1.44 1.62 1.51 1.50 1.44 1.53 1.32

Tamil Nadu 0.80 0.85 0.85 0.89 0.92 0.92 0.95 0.98 0.85 0.88 0.91 0.94 1.00 0.99 0.98 1.02 0.57 0.81 0.61 0.61 0.66 0.75 0.62 0.78

Telangana 0.79 0.84 0.84 0.85 0.88 0.92 0.83 0.89 0.89 0.90 0.95 1.06 0.66 0.70 0.69 0.73 0.76 0.82

Tripura 0.69 0.70 0.71 0.72 0.67 0.70 0.78 0.79 0.71 0.67 0.67 0.69 0.56 0.63 0.75 0.80 0.61 0.58 0.62 0.61 0.54 0.70 0.81 0.72

Uttar Pradesh 1.14 0.98 1.09 1.13 1.04 1.03 1.03 1.06 1.11 1.05 1.14 1.17 1.04 1.02 1.02 1.06 1.00 0.73 0.94 0.90 0.85 0.83 0.76 0.86

Uttarakhand 1.13 1.07 1.04 1.06 0.94 0.98 0.98 1.00 1.03 1.01 0.96 1.02 0.90 0.97 0.98 1.01 1.10 1.06 1.08 1.03 1.08 0.91 1.01 1.01

West Bengal 0.79 0.76 0.77 0.79 0.83 0.85 0.87 0.88 0.74 0.75 0.74 0.76 0.78 0.81 0.82 0.87 0.66 0.69 0.69 0.71 0.71 0.79 0.77 0.81


AISHE 2017-18
Table 49. Pupil Teacher Ratio during last 7 years
All Institutions University & Colleges University & its Constituent Units
Regular & Regular & Regular &
Regular Mode Regular Mode Regular Mode
Distance Mode Distance Mode Distance Mode
2017-18 29 25 34 30 46 20
2016-17 26 23 28 25 26 19
2015-16 23 20 24 21 37 16
2014-15 23 21 24 22 37 15
2013-14 24 21 25 21 41 16
2012-13 23 20 24 21 41 16
2011-12 23 21 24 21 42 16
Andaman and Nicobar Islands
2017-18 29 18 30 19 456 14
2016-17 32 19 35 21 453 15
2015-16 34 20 34 20 481 13
2014-15 30 17 30 17 494 14
2013-14 43 18 43 18 620 13
2012-13 48 19 50 19 492 10
2011-12 31 20 33 20 0 0
Andhra Pradesh
2017-18 19 18 20 19 47 27
2016-17 18 15 19 15 64 17
2015-16 16 13 16 13 65 15
2014-15 17 14 17 14 75 17
2013-14 18 14 18 14 81 15
2012-13 18 14 18 14 86 14
2011-12 18 15 18 15 93 13
Arunachal Pradesh
2017-18 43 29 88 60 45 17
2016-17 41 27 44 28 41 14
2015-16 43 31 46 33 38 13
2014-15 49 39 51 40 43 13
2013-14 42 32 44 34 44 12
2012-13 31 25 34 27 38 12
2011-12 40 33 43 35 38 12
2017-18 34 29 41 35 48 12
2016-17 30 26 31 26 48 14
2015-16 25 22 26 22 35 11
2014-15 25 22 26 22 37 12
2013-14 29 21 30 22 63 11
2012-13 26 20 27 21 58 13
2011-12 24 21 25 21 42 11
2017-18 67 61 77 70 106 32
2016-17 70 65 75 69 119 42
2015-16 54 50 55 52 37 15
2014-15 50 47 52 48 33 14
2013-14 57 52 59 54 66 26
2012-13 53 49 54 50 101 40
2011-12 46 43 47 44 73 30
2017-18 31 22 56 40 37 16
2016-17 31 22 32 23 35 16
2015-16 31 22 32 22 36 16
2014-15 29 21 29 21 34 15
2013-14 30 21 30 21 35 15
2012-13 23 16 23 16 22 10
2011-12 25 18 26 19 31 14
2017-18 29 23 33 26 88 21
2016-17 27 23 28 24 60 20
2015-16 23 20 23 20 53 18
2014-15 24 20 24 20 51 18
2013-14 24 21 24 22 55 23
2012-13 24 22 25 22 54 27
2011-12 21 20 21 20 14 9


AISHE 2017-18
Table 49. Pupil Teacher Ratio during last 7 years
All Institutions University & Colleges University & its Constituent Units
Regular & Regular & Regular &
Regular Mode Regular Mode Regular Mode
Distance Mode Distance Mode Distance Mode
Dadra and Nagar Haveli
2017-18 28 28 29 29 13 13
2016-17 29 29 29 29 16 13
2015-16 27 27 27 27 18 17
2014-15 25 25 25 25 13 12
2013-14 25 25 25 25 20 14
2012-13 25 25 25 25 20 14
2011-12 26 26 28 28 20 15
Daman and Diu
2017-18 14 14 14 14
2016-17 16 16 17 17
2015-16 16 16 17 17
2014-15 16 16 17 17
2013-14 15 15 15 15
2012-13 13 13 9 9
2011-12 11 11 7 7
2017-18 61 24 82 32 199 31
2016-17 57 22 61 23 170 25
2015-16 51 19 54 19 121 16
2014-15 49 19 51 19 113 17
2013-14 50 19 53 19 116 17
2012-13 47 18 49 18 112 16
2011-12 48 18 51 19 112 16
2017-18 17 15 19 16 67 21
2016-17 18 16 20 17 64 20
2015-16 18 15 19 15 61 14
2014-15 17 14 18 14 46 10
2013-14 18 15 19 15 46 8
2012-13 18 15 19 16 71 12
2011-12 17 14 18 14 64 11
2017-18 27 26 32 30 30 23
2016-17 28 27 30 29 37 27
2015-16 27 25 28 26 32 23
2014-15 28 26 29 27 31 19
2013-14 27 26 28 26 30 20
2012-13 27 26 28 26 32 22
2011-12 27 26 28 27 27 22
2017-18 29 25 38 32 43 19
2016-17 26 21 28 22 46 17
2015-16 18 17 19 18 18 14
2014-15 18 17 18 18 15 12
2013-14 18 18 19 18 17 13
2012-13 19 19 20 19 18 14
2011-12 22 21 23 22 20 16
Himachal Pradesh
2017-18 27 23 43 37 29 15
2016-17 27 23 30 25 29 14
2015-16 22 19 24 20 24 13
2014-15 21 18 23 19 25 12
2013-14 22 18 24 19 25 11
2012-13 20 18 22 19 20 10
2011-12 24 21 26 22 23 11
Jammu and Kashmir
2017-18 37 26 53 37 62 14
2016-17 38 27 41 29 62 14
2015-16 31 21 33 23 61 12
2014-15 32 22 34 24 72 14
2013-14 33 25 35 25 64 13
2012-13 35 27 36 28 60 12
2011-12 38 32 38 32 53 13


AISHE 2017-18
Table 49. Pupil Teacher Ratio during last 7 years
All Institutions University & Colleges University & its Constituent Units
Regular & Regular & Regular &
Regular Mode Regular Mode Regular Mode
Distance Mode Distance Mode Distance Mode
2017-18 59 56 77 72 49 26
2016-17 61 56 66 61 62 28
2015-16 52 48 54 50 51 24
2014-15 58 54 59 55 49 22
2013-14 58 53 59 55 51 22
2012-13 52 48 53 48 50 21
2011-12 44 40 44 40 48 22
2017-18 16 16 18 18 19 14
2016-17 15 14 15 15 18 13
2015-16 14 13 14 13 15 11
2014-15 14 13 14 13 17 10
2013-14 14 12 15 13 25 9
2012-13 15 13 15 13 27 10
2011-12 14 13 15 13 27 9
2017-18 20 15 22 16 70 12
2016-17 19 15 19 15 74 14
2015-16 16 13 16 13 53 13
2014-15 17 13 17 13 55 13
2013-14 15 14 16 14 35 13
2012-13 15 14 15 14 28 12
2011-12 15 14 16 14 34 15
2017-18 12 12 0 0 12 12
2016-17 14 14 14 14 14 14
2015-16 13 13 13 13 13 13
2014-15 8 8 8 8 8 8
2013-14 14 14 14 14 14 14
2012-13 13 13 13 13 13 13
2011-12 13 13 13 13 13 13
Madhya Pradesh
2017-18 35 31 43 39 59 40
2016-17 28 25 29 26 48 32
2015-16 24 21 24 21 45 28
2014-15 24 21 24 22 59 35
2013-14 27 23 27 23 126 76
2012-13 25 22 25 22 121 66
2011-12 27 24 28 24 132 75
2017-18 27 22 32 26 62 15
2016-17 27 22 30 24 68 17
2015-16 24 20 26 22 47 13
2014-15 23 20 25 22 38 15
2013-14 23 20 25 21 40 15
2012-13 21 19 23 20 36 16
2011-12 23 21 25 22 39 16
2017-18 31 29 38 35 24 12
2016-17 23 21 23 22 24 12
2015-16 21 19 21 19 37 15
2014-15 21 19 21 19 28 11
2013-14 22 21 22 21 29 11
2012-13 20 19 20 19 24 11
2011-12 19 18 19 18 21 11
2017-18 30 27 46 41 26 14
2016-17 27 24 29 25 25 14
2015-16 24 21 25 22 25 13
2014-15 20 18 21 18 24 12
2013-14 19 17 20 17 22 9
2012-13 20 18 21 18 19 8
2011-12 20 18 20 19 20 9


AISHE 2017-18
Table 49. Pupil Teacher Ratio during last 7 years
All Institutions University & Colleges University & its Constituent Units
Regular & Regular & Regular &
Regular Mode Regular Mode Regular Mode
Distance Mode Distance Mode Distance Mode
2017-18 17 14 23 19 31 14
2016-17 19 15 20 16 35 13
2015-16 19 15 19 15 33 13
2014-15 18 14 20 15 42 11
2013-14 19 14 21 16 46 11
2012-13 20 15 21 16 41 10
2011-12 18 14 19 15 41 10
2017-18 19 16 25 21 28 9
2016-17 19 16 20 17 26 9
2015-16 17 14 18 15 26 8
2014-15 19 15 20 15 38 9
2013-14 21 15 21 16 41 7
2012-13 20 16 21 16 43 7
2011-12 24 17 24 18 57 8
2017-18 28 26 35 33 30 17
2016-17 26 25 29 27 31 20
2015-16 21 20 23 22 24 16
2014-15 20 19 21 20 21 14
2013-14 19 18 20 19 22 14
2012-13 19 18 20 19 20 13
2011-12 21 21 22 21 24 16
2017-18 13 11 15 12 19 9
2016-17 12 10 12 10 15 8
2015-16 10 9 10 9 11 7
2014-15 10 9 10 9 10 6
2013-14 11 10 10 9 11 7
2012-13 12 11 11 10 14 9
2011-12 9 9 8 8 7 7
2017-18 21 20 27 26 31 27
2016-17 18 17 19 18 25 18
2015-16 16 15 17 16 22 17
2014-15 17 16 18 16 26 16
2013-14 17 16 17 16 23 18
2012-13 18 17 19 18 27 19
2011-12 19 18 21 20 23 16
2017-18 32 30 41 38 40 24
2016-17 27 25 29 26 35 19
2015-16 26 24 27 26 36 26
2014-15 23 22 24 23 25 14
2013-14 22 21 23 22 23 13
2012-13 21 20 21 20 27 16
2011-12 26 25 27 26 31 22
2017-18 20 14 30 21 19 10
2016-17 22 14 24 15 24 10
2015-16 21 12 22 13 22 9
2014-15 17 12 17 12 17 8
2013-14 17 11 17 11 17 9
2012-13 14 9 15 9 15 7
2011-12 20 14 20 14 18 8
Tamil Nadu
2017-18 18 15 21 18 35 14
2016-17 18 15 18 15 38 15
2015-16 15 13 16 13 29 11
2014-15 16 14 17 13 33 11
2013-14 17 14 17 14 33 11
2012-13 18 14 18 14 36 11
2011-12 18 15 19 14 40 12


AISHE 2017-18
Table 49. Pupil Teacher Ratio during last 7 years
All Institutions University & Colleges University & its Constituent Units
Regular & Regular & Regular &
Regular Mode Regular Mode Regular Mode
Distance Mode Distance Mode Distance Mode
2017-18 19 18 20 19 42 25
2016-17 17 17 17 17 34 19
2015-16 16 14 16 14 67 15
2014-15 16 14 16 14 68 14
2013-14 18 16 18 16 80 14
2012-13 17 14 17 14 78 15
2017-18 37 28 48 36 51 6
2016-17 35 30 37 32 45 17
2015-16 30 26 31 26 58 25
2014-15 31 26 32 27 65 23
2013-14 30 24 31 25 58 21
2012-13 28 23 29 24 48 19
2011-12 27 22 28 23 44 16
Uttar Pradesh
2017-18 60 58 74 72 37 23
2016-17 42 41 44 44 28 21
2015-16 34 34 36 35 22 17
2014-15 39 38 41 40 24 18
2013-14 39 38 40 38 25 18
2012-13 37 36 37 36 25 17
2011-12 32 30 32 30 26 18
2017-18 28 24 46 40 33 22
2016-17 26 24 28 25 33 23
2015-16 22 20 23 22 24 18
2014-15 23 22 25 23 26 19
2013-14 30 28 32 29 33 23
2012-13 29 27 31 29 34 23
2011-12 31 30 33 31 29 21
West Bengal
2017-18 37 33 44 39 58 20
2016-17 42 38 45 41 58 21
2015-16 36 32 38 34 38 13
2014-15 38 34 40 36 48 18
2013-14 39 35 41 37 46 16
2012-13 38 35 40 36 43 14
2011-12 36 33 38 34 39 15


AISHE 2017-18
Table 50. Enrolment by University Type at various levels during last 7 years
Ph.D. M.Phil. Post Graduate
Male Female Both Male Female Both Male Female Both
All University Types
2017-18 81705 57513 139218 7424 10488 17912 1006848 968276 1975124
2016-17 72797 50915 123712 10661 14374 25035 941467 1016658 1958125
2015-16 65620 43932 109552 11302 13576 24878 912648 963917 1876565
2014-15 60907 39885 100792 9013 9608 18621 963546 936281 1899827
2013-14 58153 37184 95337 9645 9615 19260 1013621 938834 1952455
2012-13 48984 33545 82529 9039 9708 18747 921000 810745 1731745
2011-12 43219 26308 69527 11757 11176 22933 889873 743905 1633778
Central University
2017-18 12394 9658 22052 1804 1722 3526 57914 51820 109734
2016-17 10603 7112 17715 3987 3987 7974 59464 48563 108027
2015-16 9169 6433 15602 3970 3777 7747 61576 45417 106993
2014-15 10008 7521 17529 1848 1533 3381 61563 45664 107227
2013-14 10785 8434 19219 1228 935 2163 54336 41929 96265
2012-13 10222 8087 18309 1044 824 1868 48981 36178 85159
2011-12 7672 4969 12641 3545 2780 6325 51869 35814 87683
Central Open University
2017-18 181 184 365 32 24 56 194363 146381 340744
2016-17 416 330 746 38 45 83 137091 181202 318293
2015-16 12 10 22 13 11 24 134447 171896 306343
2014-15 12 10 22 13 11 24 122243 149877 272120
2013-14 31 28 59 5 12 17 124253 145708 269961
2012-13 184 174 358 9 9 18 118756 131274 250030
2011-12 128 116 244 2 8 10 74160 81413 155573
Institute of National Importance
2017-18 19512 8871 28383 39 46 85 29894 10626 40520
2016-17 18048 7964 26012 78 98 176 29414 11916 41330
2015-16 17559 7544 25103 105 240 345 31796 11563 43359
2014-15 15827 6515 22342 57 104 161 30859 10402 41261
2013-14 12672 5033 17705 168 100 268 26385 7654 34039
2012-13 10370 3857 14227 39 73 112 28091 9015 37106
2011-12 6987 2445 9432 51 46 97 22300 7017 29317
2015-16 19 6 25 299 550 849
2014-15 320 626 946
2013-14 12 11 23 242 466 708
2012-13 4 5 9 116 173 289
2011-12 2 3 5 129 202 331
Deemed University-Government
2017-18 6820 2681 9501 164 166 330 7631 4099 11730
2016-17 5417 2710 8127 170 174 344 8383 4031 12414
2015-16 5598 2592 8190 219 176 395 7544 3696 11240
2014-15 4974 2090 7064 153 179 332 7757 3149 10906
2013-14 4578 1892 6470 159 152 311 8862 3533 12395
2012-13 3609 1427 5036 147 138 285 7523 3209 10732
2011-12 3143 1173 4316 166 117 283 7554 2834 10388
State Public University
2017-18 24042 19917 43959 4535 6954 11489 440113 534821 974934
2016-17 22465 19100 41565 5146 8289 13435 451032 568594 1019626
2015-16 20035 16389 36424 5860 7907 13767 455938 552384 1008322
2014-15 19040 14272 33312 5810 6413 12223 471771 522387 994158
2013-14 19356 13009 32365 6891 6853 13744 529370 543878 1073248
2012-13 15743 12143 27886 6701 7112 13813 466030 454240 920270
2011-12 18370 12447 30817 6951 6806 13757 497459 464326 961785


AISHE 2017-18
Table 50. Enrolment by University Type at various levels during last 7 years
Under Graduate PG Diploma Diploma
Male Female Both Male Female Both Male Female Both
All University Types
2017-18 2796525 1737629 4534154 81900 71557 153457 175091 88806 263897
2016-17 2663542 1749997 4413539 78041 58972 137013 170392 76837 247229
2015-16 2454795 1644141 4098936 83864 75509 159373 191519 86445 277964
2014-15 2269170 1520819 3789989 82099 66128 148227 198063 73851 271914
2013-14 2197527 1503540 3701067 118327 98181 216508 182772 77533 260305
2012-13 2112307 1392142 3504449 112966 30627 143593 199904 57064 256968
2011-12 2038702 1291747 3330449 121935 32757 154692 161073 54453 215526
Central University
2017-18 286779 273957 560736 2132 1678 3810 6276 2089 8365
2016-17 292003 266055 558058 2461 1555 4016 6710 1837 8547
2015-16 296437 265663 562100 2419 1384 3803 6514 2005 8519
2014-15 275516 246888 522404 1844 1254 3098 6124 1854 7978
2013-14 270939 244409 515348 2905 1602 4507 5837 1837 7674
2012-13 236362 216750 453112 2399 1261 3660 5853 1777 7630
2011-12 231512 196036 427548 2701 1195 3896 6158 1387 7545
Central Open University
2017-18 338319 142411 480730 13071 7938 21009 8143 10078 18221
2016-17 296523 159590 456113 19162 8768 27930 4236 8292 12528
2015-16 249412 145735 395147 11261 6536 17797 4427 8262 12689
2014-15 222944 146134 369078 10834 5642 16476 6359 8336 14695
2013-14 216488 144137 360625 11493 6017 17510 6592 8805 15397
2012-13 192808 130228 323036 14374 7906 22280 8886 6097 14983
2011-12 177976 105416 283392 25404 12115 37519 32589 23816 56405
Institute of National Importance
2017-18 91439 25883 117322 56 47 103 16 55 71
2016-17 88227 25458 113685 134 81 215 14 79 93
2015-16 81893 16910 98803 78 59 137 25 41 66
2014-15 90698 17091 107789 14 22 36 39 37 76
2013-14 74721 13363 88084 25 59 84 46 34 80
2012-13 70038 11364 81402 119 74 193 40 29 69
2011-12 57904 9271 67175 86 35 121 86 86
2015-16 3143 4689 7832
2014-15 2104 3637 5741
2013-14 1882 3326 5208
2012-13 969 1114 2083
2011-12 967 1089 2056
Deemed University-Government
2017-18 11888 4138 16026 906 394 1300 1818 554 2372
2016-17 12768 4272 17040 813 352 1165 1832 486 2318
2015-16 11257 3700 14957 711 228 939 1632 438 2070
2014-15 11924 3805 15729 605 172 777 1355 387 1742
2013-14 14016 3889 17905 639 165 804 1115 321 1436
2012-13 12807 3592 16399 594 155 749 1190 398 1588
2011-12 12389 3253 15642 615 132 747 1098 339 1437
State Public University
2017-18 716369 584153 1300522 39379 40377 79756 70633 39897 110530
2016-17 772422 678820 1451242 36591 33788 70379 66830 36636 103466
2015-16 694102 570557 1264659 50636 53204 103840 92884 46274 139158
2014-15 682296 550936 1233232 53840 47968 101808 93251 39275 132526
2013-14 686481 546764 1233245 88305 80591 168896 84270 32974 117244
2012-13 688882 495461 1184343 79741 12028 91769 107559 15042 122601
2011-12 720624 486585 1207209 81878 12014 93892 82942 13080 96022


AISHE 2017-18
Table 50. Enrolment by University Type at various levels during last 7 years
Certificate Integrated Grand Total
Male Female Both Male Female Both Male Female Both
All University Types
2017-18 29307 38717 68024 67630 45981 113611 4246430 3018967 7265397
2016-17 40433 25260 65693 60963 40975 101938 4038296 3033988 7072284
2015-16 21706 27398 49104 56635 36189 92824 3798089 2891107 6689196
2014-15 29887 39699 69586 56155 32144 88299 3668840 2718415 6387255
2013-14 27468 22314 49782 56134 28750 84884 3663647 2715951 6379598
2012-13 21502 17635 39137 43701 22791 66492 3469403 2374257 5843660
2011-12 24031 15452 39483 31875 18027 49902 3322465 2193825 5516290
Central University
2017-18 2347 1244 3591 6282 5583 11865 375928 347751 723679
2016-17 2641 1144 3785 6082 5214 11296 383951 335467 719418
2015-16 2281 1068 3349 5787 4841 10628 388153 330588 718741
2014-15 2312 883 3195 4541 4001 8542 363756 309598 673354
2013-14 2424 1192 3616 3878 3047 6925 352332 303385 655717
2012-13 2848 1084 3932 3500 2840 6340 311209 268801 580010
2011-12 2530 998 3528 3175 2612 5787 309162 245791 554953
Central Open University
2017-18 55 95 150 554164 307111 861275
2016-17 159 94 253 457625 358321 815946
2015-16 155 114 269 399727 332564 732291
2014-15 65 91 156 362470 310101 672571
2013-14 63 83 146 358925 304790 663715
2012-13 84 94 178 335101 275782 610883
2011-12 75 75 150 310334 222959 533293
Institute of National Importance
2017-18 9 6 15 13337 3361 16698 154302 48895 203197
2016-17 11 6 17 12205 2931 15136 148131 48533 196664
2015-16 8 3 11 10923 2663 13586 142387 39023 181410
2014-15 15 1 16 12736 2549 15285 150245 36721 186966
2013-14 18 18 8660 1911 10571 122695 28154 150849
2012-13 18 18 7974 1450 9424 116689 25862 142551
2011-12 18 18 4277 867 5144 91709 19681 111390
2015-16 3461 5245 8706
2014-15 2424 4263 6687
2013-14 2136 3803 5939
2012-13 1089 1292 2381
2011-12 1098 1294 2392
Deemed University-Government
2017-18 353 101 454 935 273 1208 30515 12406 42921
2016-17 334 98 432 1649 670 2319 31366 12793 44159
2015-16 373 106 479 1430 625 2055 28764 11561 40325
2014-15 674 144 818 1582 734 2316 29024 10660 39684
2013-14 1124 274 1398 1869 603 2472 32362 10829 43191
2012-13 1232 318 1550 1500 502 2002 28602 9739 38341
2011-12 1182 307 1489 1506 313 1819 27653 8468 36121
State Public University
2017-18 14790 25917 40707 19453 15283 34736 1329314 1267319 2596633
2016-17 10921 17697 28618 18292 14712 33004 1383699 1377636 2761335
2015-16 10420 12323 22743 20491 15060 35551 1350366 1274098 2624464
2014-15 12918 20988 33906 20734 13646 34380 1359660 1215885 2575545
2013-14 8585 7393 15978 21319 12301 33620 1444577 1243763 2688340
2012-13 8719 6745 15464 12952 8398 21350 1386327 1011169 2397496
2011-12 13758 9335 23093 12721 7887 20608 1434703 1012480 2447183


AISHE 2017-18
Table 50. Enrolment by University Type at various levels during last 7 years
Ph.D. M.Phil. Post Graduate
Male Female Both Male Female Both Male Female Both
State Open University
2017-18 95 55 150 98422 86079 184501
2016-17 82 35 117 109541 80947 190488
2015-16 184 101 285 83597 75512 159109
2014-15 119 60 179 111293 95265 206558
2013-14 20 34 54 103747 91139 194886
2012-13 11 13 24 93942 80975 174917
2011-12 5 7 12 89005 63409 152414
Institute under State Legislature Act
2017-18 177 23 200 432 245 677
2016-17 220 36 256 343 333 676
2015-16 216 25 241 389 335 724
2014-15 261 35 296 354 246 600
2013-14 219 32 251 344 240 584
2012-13 84 11 95 345 236 581
2011-12 23 4 27 123 158 281
State Private University
2017-18 7083 6284 13367 333 442 775 117798 78796 196594
2016-17 5565 4590 10155 373 478 851 81204 60270 141474
2015-16 4112 3052 7164 416 448 864 67434 43622 111056
2014-15 3519 2571 6090 343 317 660 70256 44538 114794
2013-14 3106 2129 5235 301 345 646 66642 34411 101053
2012-13 2130 1384 3514 347 416 763 54063 26290 80353
2011-12 1749 938 2687 301 338 639 45641 21561 67202
Deemed University-Government Aided
2017-18 1683 1366 3049 255 431 686 8379 7188 15567
2016-17 1155 1269 2424 248 385 633 14982 14991 29973
2015-16 1318 1300 2618 228 352 580 15562 13868 29430
2014-15 1053 950 2003 239 408 647 18191 14336 32527
2013-14 983 875 1858 159 291 450 21538 15708 37246
2012-13 1059 968 2027 59 285 344 22395 15294 37689
2011-12 784 743 1527 111 292 403 21961 13868 35829
Deemed University-Private
2017-18 9718 8474 18192 262 703 965 51892 48220 100112
2016-17 8826 7769 16595 621 918 1539 50003 45810 95813
2015-16 7398 6480 13878 491 665 1156 54056 45073 99129
2014-15 6094 5861 11955 550 643 1193 68929 49790 118719
2013-14 6391 5707 12098 734 927 1661 77896 54164 132060
2012-13 5568 5476 11044 693 851 1544 80758 53861 134619
2011-12 4356 3463 7819 630 789 1419 79672 53303 132975
State Private Open University
2017-18 10 1 11
2016-17 10 1 11
2015-16 10 1 11
2014-15 10 1 11
2013-14 6 4 10


AISHE 2017-18
Table 50. Enrolment by University Type at various levels during last 7 years
Under Graduate PG Diploma Diploma
Male Female Both Male Female Both Male Female Both
State Open University
2017-18 558849 296255 855104 5863 3819 9682 13351 8532 21883
2016-17 531799 283596 815395 4767 2622 7389 27472 11206 38678
2015-16 529365 355575 884940 2915 2037 4952 20741 13487 34228
2014-15 402918 276757 679675 3341 2481 5822 28866 9607 38473
2013-14 403093 291338 694431 5134 3438 8572 38919 22187 61106
2012-13 430002 297350 727352 3924 2459 6383 41085 24236 65321
2011-12 431924 287685 719609 5088 3277 8365 17535 10153 27688
Institute under State Legislature Act
2017-18 823 1727 2550 26 16 42 40 162 202
2016-17 784 1861 2645 20 12 32 13 9 22
2015-16 599 1668 2267 58 189 247 59 151 210
2014-15 392 1038 1430 254 3 257 206 5 211
2013-14 433 821 1254 70 186 256 60 126 186
2012-13 396 784 1180 84 175 259 105 101 206
2011-12 267 678 945 55 182 237 118 86 204
State Private University
2017-18 459409 210774 670183 17331 14746 32077 66921 24850 91771
2016-17 355481 147775 503256 9067 8070 17137 55293 15598 70891
2015-16 282332 103064 385396 7440 7145 14585 54920 12677 67597
2014-15 250710 92911 343621 6169 5541 11710 51150 11357 62507
2013-14 202914 74624 277538 6541 3718 10259 36436 6867 43303
2012-13 164557 62578 227135 8042 4404 12446 28240 5981 34221
2011-12 125019 48364 173383 1958 1288 3246 14622 2027 16649
Deemed University-Government Aided
2017-18 14924 14832 29756 294 247 541 2181 1061 3242
2016-17 15185 14551 29736 675 452 1127 2135 1083 3218
2015-16 17214 13690 30904 646 385 1031 1966 969 2935
2014-15 26552 19365 45917 568 374 942 1665 844 2509
2013-14 32299 21149 53448 438 307 745 1550 970 2520
2012-13 34600 22337 56937 960 566 1526 859 655 1514
2011-12 31871 20558 52429 1318 745 2063 1153 1120 2273
Deemed University-Private
2017-18 317717 183493 501210 2842 2295 5137 5712 1528 7240
2016-17 298341 168013 466354 4351 3272 7623 5857 1611 7468
2015-16 289032 162884 451916 7700 4342 12042 8351 2141 10492
2014-15 303107 162251 465358 4630 2671 7301 9048 2149 11197
2013-14 294252 159702 453954 2777 2098 4875 7947 3412 11359
2012-13 280886 150584 431470 2729 1599 4328 6087 2748 8835
2011-12 248249 132812 381061 2832 1774 4606 4772 2445 7217
State Private Open University
2017-18 9 6 15
2016-17 9 6 15
2015-16 9 6 15
2014-15 9 6 15
2013-14 9 18 27


AISHE 2017-18
Table 50. Enrolment by University Type at various levels during last 7 years
Certificate Integrated Grand Total
Male Female Both Male Female Both Male Female Both
State Open University
2017-18 9168 9595 18763 685748 404335 1090083
2016-17 24153 4592 28745 697814 382998 1080812
2015-16 5837 11809 17646 642639 458521 1101160
2014-15 10440 16012 26452 556977 400182 957159
2013-14 12312 11317 23629 563225 419453 982678
2012-13 5711 7046 12757 574675 412079 986754
2011-12 1160 752 1912 544717 365283 910000
Institute under State Legislature Act
2017-18 25 13 38 1523 2186 3709
2016-17 25 13 38 1405 2264 3669
2015-16 25 14 39 1346 2382 3728
2014-15 32 17 49 1499 1344 2843
2013-14 30 19 49 1156 1424 2580
2012-13 27 23 50 1041 1330 2371
2011-12 5 5 591 1108 1699
State Private University
2017-18 712 285 997 16837 13128 29965 686424 349305 1035729
2016-17 418 84 502 13664 10459 24123 521065 247324 768389
2015-16 496 179 675 9619 6920 16539 426769 177107 603876
2014-15 322 312 634 8790 6456 15246 391259 164003 555262
2013-14 198 51 249 12698 5836 18534 328836 127981 456817
2012-13 219 52 271 10711 5153 15864 268309 106258 374567
2011-12 259 128 387 3749 2553 6302 193298 77197 270495
Deemed University-Government Aided
2017-18 1723 1298 3021 29 103 132 29468 26526 55994
2016-17 1485 1242 2727 9 54 63 35874 34027 69901
2015-16 1723 1437 3160 9 42 51 38666 32043 70709
2014-15 2620 866 3486 22 81 103 50910 37224 88134
2013-14 1939 1493 3432 104 107 211 59010 40900 99910
2012-13 1758 1421 3179 104 114 218 61794 41640 103434
2011-12 1452 884 2336 58 107 165 58708 38317 97025
Deemed University-Private
2017-18 125 163 288 10757 8250 19007 399025 253126 652151
2016-17 286 290 576 9062 6935 15997 377347 234618 611965
2015-16 388 345 733 8376 6038 14414 375792 227968 603760
2014-15 489 385 874 7750 4677 12427 400597 228427 629024
2013-14 775 492 1267 7606 4945 12551 398378 231447 629825
2012-13 886 852 1738 6960 4334 11294 384567 220305 604872
2011-12 3592 2973 6565 6389 3688 10077 350492 201247 551739
State Private Open University
2017-18 19 7 26
2016-17 19 7 26
2015-16 19 7 26
2014-15 19 7 26
2013-14 15 22 37


AISHE 2017-18
Table 51. Post-wise Number of Teachers during last 7 years
Professor & Equivalent Reader & Associate Professor Lecturer/ Assistant Professor
Male Female Both Male Female Both Male Female Both
2017-18 83507 30663 114170 88415 51028 139443 511034 377393 888427
2016-17 92393 32761 125154 94916 52713 147629 558471 387087 945558
2015-16 108277 37744 146021 113830 60827 174657 612615 396581 1009196
2014-15 102822 34144 136966 116319 61280 177599 599593 385492 985085
2013-14 93334 32004 125338 119671 63010 182681 548752 363426 912178
2012-13 88543 31613 120156 116817 59585 176402 526755 350801 877556
2011-12 76133 26605 102738 115391 58874 174265 512142 340752 852894
Andaman and Nicobar Islands
2017-18 11 11 36 11 47 81 39 120
2016-17 9 9 39 12 51 83 40 123
2015-16 12 12 40 11 51 60 27 87
2014-15 11 11 69 19 88 66 29 95
2013-14 9 9 59 17 76 74 30 104
2012-13 10 10 33 5 38 72 33 105
2011-12 7 1 8 27 2 29 57 25 82
Andhra Pradesh
2017-18 6369 1646 8015 6067 2047 8114 43788 22925 66713
2016-17 7049 1945 8994 6434 2263 8697 49431 24558 73989
2015-16 8095 2128 10223 7367 2662 10029 52084 25660 77744
2014-15 6628 1604 8232 7214 2577 9791 51320 25380 76700
2013-14 5314 1381 6695 7848 2866 10714 48430 25228 73658
2012-13 5671 1751 7422 6347 2280 8627 40977 20938 61915
2011-12 10584 3122 13706 13542 5235 18777 76282 43025 119307
Arunachal Pradesh
2017-18 112 17 129 119 38 157 478 308 786
2016-17 110 16 126 127 22 149 505 311 816
2015-16 103 12 115 137 25 162 467 283 750
2014-15 86 7 93 154 24 178 402 225 627
2013-14 81 4 85 210 31 241 430 218 648
2012-13 69 4 73 216 32 248 414 229 643
2011-12 74 3 77 186 19 205 401 189 590
2017-18 1150 316 1466 2497 1361 3858 7255 5058 12313
2016-17 1206 350 1556 2871 1618 4489 7646 5156 12802
2015-16 1309 335 1644 3136 1719 4855 7655 4780 12435
2014-15 1171 333 1504 3112 1708 4820 7546 4692 12238
2013-14 1195 390 1585 3019 1658 4677 6995 4190 11185
2012-13 1058 422 1480 3161 1704 4865 6874 4107 10981
2011-12 879 322 1201 4050 2181 6231 7931 4920 12851
2017-18 1729 375 2104 3243 775 4018 12002 3077 15079
2016-17 1963 433 2396 3184 785 3969 12351 2904 15255
2015-16 2130 445 2575 3694 897 4591 13925 3078 17003
2014-15 2312 452 2764 3836 840 4676 14329 3086 17415
2013-14 2136 447 2583 3782 860 4642 12163 2479 14642
2012-13 2233 409 2642 4080 803 4883 13979 2879 16858
2011-12 2054 341 2395 4138 744 4882 15403 4051 19454
2017-18 403 279 682 219 314 533 746 1177 1923
2016-17 386 269 655 281 356 637 663 1032 1695
2015-16 476 279 755 190 366 556 555 870 1425
2014-15 456 258 714 208 381 589 587 839 1426
2013-14 401 234 635 214 380 594 542 771 1313
2012-13 906 478 1384 204 385 589 507 762 1269
2011-12 141 76 217 234 416 650 435 685 1120
2017-18 1065 571 1636 789 443 1232 7109 5671 12780
2016-17 1085 564 1649 800 395 1195 6635 5188 11823
2015-16 1064 439 1503 1075 576 1651 7316 5485 12801
2014-15 1140 466 1606 985 562 1547 7002 5205 12207
2013-14 1075 399 1474 1185 639 1824 6420 4706 11126
2012-13 885 333 1218 1081 574 1655 5754 4333 10087
2011-12 854 339 1193 1178 584 1762 5583 4266 9849
Dadra and Nagar Haveli
2017-18 6 3 9 6 3 9 90 81 171
2016-17 4 5 9 3 3 6 93 72 165
2015-16 5 2 7 2 2 85 78 163
2014-15 3 7 10 1 2 3 83 59 142
2013-14 2 5 7 1 1 2 79 49 128
2012-13 4 2 6 1 1 57 55 112
2011-12 4 1 5 2 2 49 53 102


AISHE 2017-18
Table 51. Post-wise Number of Teachers during last 7 years
Demonstrator/ Tutor Temporary Teacher etc All Teacher Visiting Teacher
Male Female Both Male Female Both Male Female Both Male Female Both
2017-18 22268 41998 64266 33335 33523 66858 745047 539708 1284755 6488 5103 11591
2016-17 24537 43940 68477 34317 32578 66895 811435 554351 1365786 6705 5246 11951
2015-16 30645 46288 76933 59598 52408 112006 924965 593848 1518813 14081 9300 23381
2014-15 30238 41419 71657 55074 46874 101948 904046 569209 1473255 11529 7639 19168
2013-14 25433 33113 58546 46970 41822 88792 834160 533375 1367535 10320 6774 17094
2012-13 23046 31562 54608 42465 37384 79849 797626 510945 1308571 9416 5850 15266
2011-12 21151 28013 49164 36287 32105 68392 761104 486349 1247453 8507 5071 13578
Andaman and Nicobar Islands
2017-18 2 1 3 56 101 157 194 172 366 8 20 28
2016-17 1 1 2 47 80 127 187 153 340 8 20 28
2015-16 77 93 170 189 131 320 11 28 39
2014-15 62 95 157 208 143 351 5 11 16
2013-14 28 53 81 170 100 270 15 32 47
2012-13 5 1 6 13 13 26 133 52 185 4 17 21
2011-12 5 1 6 27 16 43 123 45 168 3 18 21
Andhra Pradesh
2017-18 824 3059 3883 2010 1388 3398 59131 31108 90239 73 43 116
2016-17 1070 3758 4828 1962 1224 3186 66014 33787 99801 68 39 107
2015-16 1096 4013 5109 3081 1926 5007 71723 36389 108112 229 91 320
2014-15 1031 3186 4217 2890 1724 4614 69083 34471 103554 176 83 259
2013-14 438 3065 3503 1963 1425 3388 63993 33965 97958 118 64 182
2012-13 882 3731 4613 2648 1716 4364 56525 30416 86941 179 67 246
2011-12 915 4631 5546 3810 2760 6570 105133 58773 163906 314 127 441
Arunachal Pradesh
2017-18 6 3 9 18 12 30 735 378 1113 2 2
2016-17 7 1 8 9 7 16 766 367 1133 8 10 18
2015-16 10 10 14 18 32 731 338 1069
2014-15 5 5 15 17 32 662 273 935 12 1 13
2013-14 5 5 24 19 43 750 272 1022
2012-13 5 5 20 15 35 724 280 1004
2011-12 5 5 8 13 21 674 224 898
2017-18 318 207 525 702 815 1517 11958 7770 19728 36 13 49
2016-17 475 319 794 716 782 1498 12952 8237 21189 38 10 48
2015-16 658 367 1025 1196 1327 2523 13954 8528 22482 124 39 163
2014-15 586 286 872 1076 1054 2130 13491 8073 21564 85 36 121
2013-14 411 219 630 904 844 1748 12524 7301 19825 55 27 82
2012-13 321 290 611 724 687 1411 12138 7210 19348 65 34 99
2011-12 278 291 569 589 507 1096 13727 8221 21948 47 28 75
2017-18 360 340 700 417 133 550 17910 4741 22651 159 41 200
2016-17 549 307 856 523 151 674 18775 4646 23421 205 66 271
2015-16 1019 369 1388 3919 468 4387 24687 5257 29944 1237 322 1559
2014-15 982 388 1370 3909 448 4357 25368 5214 30582 927 288 1215
2013-14 760 275 1035 1487 424 1911 20328 4485 24813 899 246 1145
2012-13 599 208 807 782 294 1076 21673 4593 26266 647 182 829
2011-12 571 165 736 693 252 945 22859 5553 28412 541 155 696
2017-18 9 10 19 20 175 195 1408 1994 3402 11 39 50
2016-17 10 8 18 20 166 186 1386 1893 3279 25 62 87
2015-16 7 6 13 115 362 477 1343 1883 3226 30 88 118
2014-15 8 7 15 136 357 493 1395 1842 3237 23 64 87
2013-14 6 6 12 114 323 437 1277 1714 2991 15 29 44
2012-13 6 6 12 130 297 427 1753 1928 3681 6 20 26
2011-12 7 5 12 128 292 420 945 1474 2419 4 28 32
2017-18 522 1514 2036 854 950 1804 10421 9219 19640 82 70 152
2016-17 535 1465 2000 855 980 1835 9966 8667 18633 56 75 131
2015-16 700 1307 2007 1188 1376 2564 11343 9183 20526 135 94 229
2014-15 580 976 1556 1071 1062 2133 10778 8271 19049 182 168 350
2013-14 448 816 1264 839 912 1751 9967 7472 17439 163 132 295
2012-13 192 678 870 783 789 1572 8695 6707 15402 205 112 317
2011-12 169 577 746 747 776 1523 8531 6542 15073 165 76 241
Dadra and Nagar Haveli
2017-18 4 8 12 109 96 205 3 1 4
2016-17 4 8 12 107 89 196 3 1 4
2015-16 4 8 12 11 4 15 107 92 199 1 1
2014-15 24 24 10 4 14 97 96 193
2013-14 12 12 10 4 14 92 71 163
2012-13 10 4 14 72 61 133 4 6 10
2011-12 11 4 15 66 58 124 2 2


AISHE 2017-18
Table 51. Post-wise Number of Teachers during last 7 years
Professor & Equivalent Reader & Associate Professor Lecturer/ Assistant Professor
Male Female Both Male Female Both Male Female Both
Daman and Diu
2017-18 11 5 16 22 8 30 103 54 157
2016-17 13 3 16 24 7 31 89 48 137
2015-16 10 2 12 27 9 36 72 47 119
2014-15 11 11 36 17 53 64 39 103
2013-14 11 1 12 30 14 44 60 27 87
2012-13 9 9 22 12 34 70 30 100
2011-12 9 9 28 11 39 71 27 98
2017-18 1488 760 2248 1456 2122 3578 4255 5965 10220
2016-17 1701 824 2525 1771 2320 4091 4302 5766 10068
2015-16 2115 969 3084 2142 2663 4805 4230 5070 9300
2014-15 2138 920 3058 2241 2668 4909 4028 4837 8865
2013-14 2049 872 2921 2205 2677 4882 3909 4712 8621
2012-13 1959 794 2753 2131 2552 4683 3686 4393 8079
2011-12 1883 758 2641 2089 2606 4695 3613 4446 8059
2017-18 137 47 184 253 259 512 812 973 1785
2016-17 155 49 204 269 251 520 804 876 1680
2015-16 162 45 207 295 256 551 686 628 1314
2014-15 168 43 211 313 284 597 696 641 1337
2013-14 133 43 176 302 270 572 485 618 1103
2012-13 121 35 156 300 241 541 374 530 904
2011-12 117 38 155 286 235 521 377 553 930
2017-18 3609 1225 4834 4645 2283 6928 21073 12818 33891
2016-17 3452 1144 4596 4353 2049 6402 20888 12072 32960
2015-16 3833 1420 5253 5486 2448 7934 22571 12281 34852
2014-15 3430 1178 4608 5599 2457 8056 21573 11371 32944
2013-14 3514 1231 4745 5391 2239 7630 21518 11269 32787
2012-13 3318 1248 4566 5322 2242 7564 19641 10721 30362
2011-12 3087 1014 4101 5085 2135 7220 17563 9770 27333
2017-18 2055 906 2961 1978 1852 3830 9851 11496 21347
2016-17 2320 932 3252 2179 2070 4249 12493 12496 24989
2015-16 2985 1026 4011 3005 2512 5517 17540 14064 31604
2014-15 2897 884 3781 3745 3019 6764 19201 14992 34193
2013-14 2797 901 3698 4127 3349 7476 18767 14067 32834
2012-13 2128 601 2729 4146 3363 7509 18066 13662 31728
2011-12 1956 461 2417 3585 3108 6693 15978 12938 28916
Himachal Pradesh
2017-18 844 259 1103 853 428 1281 3401 3160 6561
2016-17 886 257 1143 918 439 1357 3387 2933 6320
2015-16 977 284 1261 956 493 1449 3824 2903 6727
2014-15 900 226 1126 1142 583 1725 3901 2824 6725
2013-14 830 185 1015 977 414 1391 3870 2748 6618
2012-13 925 264 1189 1006 463 1469 3645 2490 6135
2011-12 657 193 850 771 329 1100 3100 2329 5429
Jammu and Kashmir
2017-18 732 244 976 622 414 1036 3531 2530 6061
2016-17 741 232 973 678 415 1093 2997 2224 5221
2015-16 813 300 1113 743 444 1187 2939 2318 5257
2014-15 740 308 1048 623 387 1010 2818 2616 5434
2013-14 698 243 941 689 535 1224 2954 2936 5890
2012-13 545 226 771 621 553 1174 3340 3171 6511
2011-12 407 234 641 503 296 799 2715 2891 5606
2017-18 687 135 822 882 334 1216 5808 2483 8291
2016-17 714 110 824 1048 367 1415 5437 2259 7696
2015-16 766 119 885 1146 359 1505 5567 2056 7623
2014-15 608 70 678 1087 302 1389 5215 1894 7109
2013-14 556 62 618 961 277 1238 4287 1511 5798
2012-13 521 47 568 1114 300 1414 4471 1424 5895
2011-12 379 32 411 1147 336 1483 4356 1573 5929
2017-18 10067 3571 13638 9073 5248 14321 39174 32738 71912
2016-17 11431 3889 15320 9995 5523 15518 40395 33052 73447
2015-16 12868 4612 17480 11407 6025 17432 43027 32871 75898
2014-15 13197 4740 17937 11662 5936 17598 43860 32951 76811
2013-14 12814 4560 17374 14296 5794 20090 41805 31202 73007
2012-13 12024 4346 16370 14063 5236 19299 39239 29742 68981
2011-12 11955 4715 16670 10792 4881 15673 38661 28765 67426


AISHE 2017-18
Table 51. Post-wise Number of Teachers during last 7 years
Demonstrator/ Tutor Temporary Teacher etc All Teacher Visiting Teacher
Male Female Both Male Female Both Male Female Both Male Female Both
Daman and Diu
2017-18 3 3 3 3 6 140 83 223 1 10 11
2016-17 3 3 6 129 67 196 6 6
2015-16 15 8 23 124 66 190 3 4 7
2014-15 1 1 7 7 14 119 63 182 3 3
2013-14 7 7 14 108 49 157
2012-13 12 4 16 113 46 159
2011-12 12 5 17 120 43 163
2017-18 124 383 507 321 576 897 7675 9837 17512 31 31 62
2016-17 117 426 543 258 481 739 8218 9854 18072 56 37 93
2015-16 59 378 437 960 1496 2456 9506 10576 20082 329 221 550
2014-15 73 371 444 909 1491 2400 9389 10287 19676 253 149 402
2013-14 73 354 427 770 1183 1953 9006 9798 18804 216 93 309
2012-13 69 367 436 824 1244 2068 8669 9350 18019 217 123 340
2011-12 65 304 369 539 741 1280 8189 8855 17044 169 66 235
2017-18 13 43 56 61 153 214 1301 1588 2889 25 113 138
2016-17 15 42 57 44 107 151 1315 1421 2736 28 96 124
2015-16 36 55 91 142 326 468 1321 1310 2631 127 334 461
2014-15 36 53 89 152 318 470 1365 1339 2704 121 255 376
2013-14 37 56 93 128 289 417 1085 1276 2361 80 245 325
2012-13 47 53 100 142 306 448 984 1165 2149 81 201 282
2011-12 48 52 100 94 294 388 922 1172 2094 65 150 215
2017-18 1036 2884 3920 1308 1400 2708 32825 21438 54263 1154 828 1982
2016-17 875 2310 3185 1326 1264 2590 31878 19555 51433 984 716 1700
2015-16 1203 2339 3542 2342 1724 4066 35435 20212 55647 2111 1405 3516
2014-15 899 1814 2713 2358 1430 3788 33859 18250 52109 1515 963 2478
2013-14 813 1519 2332 2396 1371 3767 33632 17629 51261 1276 780 2056
2012-13 881 1356 2237 2153 1337 3490 31315 16904 48219 1015 623 1638
2011-12 906 1032 1938 2063 1176 3239 28704 15127 43831 1456 737 2193
2017-18 326 835 1161 363 922 1285 14794 16274 31068 221 263 484
2016-17 579 983 1562 301 957 1258 18168 17825 35993 295 387 682
2015-16 775 876 1651 756 2183 2939 25061 20661 45722 309 527 836
2014-15 936 808 1744 814 2142 2956 27593 21845 49438 159 247 406
2013-14 764 574 1338 714 2017 2731 27169 20908 48077 146 137 283
2012-13 974 501 1475 607 1570 2177 25921 19697 45618 152 113 265
2011-12 577 281 858 576 1412 1988 22672 18200 40872 137 54 191
Himachal Pradesh
2017-18 172 680 852 155 168 323 5447 4712 10159 22 17 39
2016-17 122 624 746 187 177 364 5529 4446 9975 29 16 45
2015-16 170 698 868 350 344 694 6277 4722 10999 84 76 160
2014-15 123 453 576 425 427 852 6491 4513 11004 46 32 78
2013-14 99 381 480 373 324 697 6149 4052 10201 60 43 103
2012-13 95 321 416 296 248 544 5967 3786 9753 56 68 124
2011-12 62 265 327 296 229 525 4886 3345 8231 89 52 141
Jammu and Kashmir
2017-18 149 284 433 674 539 1213 5737 4036 9773 29 25 54
2016-17 86 223 309 762 551 1313 5287 3661 8948 23 16 39
2015-16 251 223 474 1843 983 2826 6589 4268 10857 67 24 91
2014-15 220 211 431 1757 981 2738 6158 4503 10661 60 14 74
2013-14 69 77 146 1560 845 2405 5970 4636 10606 62 25 87
2012-13 84 83 167 1093 655 1748 5683 4688 10371 43 14 57
2011-12 65 67 132 875 540 1415 4565 4028 8593 45 1 46
2017-18 189 219 408 532 277 809 8158 3475 11633 60 27 87
2016-17 154 168 322 384 190 574 7799 3119 10918 62 25 87
2015-16 210 141 351 532 282 814 8221 2957 11178 196 103 299
2014-15 137 50 187 298 239 537 7345 2555 9900 183 84 267
2013-14 121 50 171 296 234 530 6221 2134 8355 182 39 221
2012-13 80 29 109 286 221 507 6472 2021 8493 108 39 147
2011-12 56 9 65 107 139 246 6045 2089 8134 126 46 172
2017-18 3574 6358 9932 4643 4339 8982 67210 52918 120128 679 664 1343
2016-17 4240 7015 11255 5342 4975 10317 72373 55532 127905 960 1078 2038
2015-16 5055 7529 12584 6735 6412 13147 79092 57449 136541 928 524 1452
2014-15 5597 7974 13571 6186 5355 11541 80502 56956 137458 705 483 1188
2013-14 6163 7483 13646 6747 5190 11937 81825 54229 136054 740 515 1255
2012-13 5520 7131 12651 5706 4636 10342 76552 51091 127643 852 554 1406
2011-12 5693 7263 12956 4903 3914 8817 72004 49538 121542 850 483 1333


AISHE 2017-18
Table 51. Post-wise Number of Teachers during last 7 years
Professor & Equivalent Reader & Associate Professor Lecturer/ Assistant Professor
Male Female Both Male Female Both Male Female Both
2017-18 2915 1808 4723 2907 2687 5594 13698 23434 37132
2016-17 3079 1813 4892 3030 2675 5705 13838 23469 37307
2015-16 3412 2103 5515 3592 3089 6681 15293 23271 38564
2014-15 2746 1489 4235 3813 3250 7063 13945 20975 34920
2013-14 2426 1281 3707 4465 3630 8095 13266 18950 32216
2012-13 2407 1433 3840 4435 3880 8315 11394 16411 27805
2011-12 2248 1348 3596 4683 3832 8515 11514 15148 26662
2017-18 3 3 22 20 42
2016-17 3 3 4 4 19 11 30
2015-16 3 3 4 4 20 13 33
2014-15 2 2 20 11 31
2013-14 2 1 3 15 8 23
2012-13 2 1 3 14 11 25
2011-12 2 1 3 14 10 24
Madhya Pradesh
2017-18 3949 1995 5944 3542 2117 5659 20945 14606 35551
2016-17 4924 2315 7239 4150 1973 6123 25702 16538 42240
2015-16 5771 2662 8433 5103 2524 7627 29034 18344 47378
2014-15 5680 2661 8341 5065 2304 7369 29041 17742 46783
2013-14 5127 2266 7393 5012 2522 7534 25996 16969 42965
2012-13 4201 2097 6298 5041 2267 7308 28970 18713 47683
2011-12 3227 1738 4965 4458 1847 6305 25496 16933 42429
2017-18 9043 3405 12448 12369 5969 18338 63323 42772 106095
2016-17 8922 3278 12200 12552 5944 18496 63830 42204 106034
2015-16 11255 3800 15055 14552 6779 21331 68752 42463 111215
2014-15 10661 3667 14328 15702 7013 22715 68093 41907 110000
2013-14 10548 3563 14111 15286 6426 21712 62273 38619 100892
2012-13 9750 3200 12950 13253 5262 18515 60242 37325 97567
2011-12 8036 2856 10892 17947 7506 25453 64215 39769 103984
2017-18 205 75 280 461 367 828 1095 1043 2138
2016-17 327 118 445 692 541 1233 1343 1258 2601
2015-16 285 98 383 599 443 1042 1495 1259 2754
2014-15 310 99 409 655 445 1100 1522 1277 2799
2013-14 369 125 494 654 411 1065 1497 1262 2759
2012-13 276 98 374 734 463 1197 1250 1074 2324
2011-12 107 40 147 852 528 1380 1487 1196 2683
2017-18 142 56 198 201 219 420 857 1123 1980
2016-17 141 59 200 222 225 447 919 1226 2145
2015-16 98 39 137 263 256 519 828 1221 2049
2014-15 96 57 153 376 298 674 1040 1454 2494
2013-14 86 46 132 269 241 510 1066 1609 2675
2012-13 98 58 156 266 239 505 1032 1534 2566
2011-12 77 39 116 174 176 350 938 1494 2432
2017-18 107 17 124 254 203 457 453 402 855
2016-17 106 17 123 261 197 458 439 395 834
2015-16 99 17 116 283 211 494 353 303 656
2014-15 90 16 106 290 186 476 363 327 690
2013-14 90 16 106 288 177 465 360 322 682
2012-13 77 15 92 293 173 466 317 258 575
2011-12 61 12 73 297 163 460 298 244 542
2017-18 99 44 143 94 96 190 758 1060 1818
2016-17 108 45 153 125 138 263 701 955 1656
2015-16 98 31 129 92 106 198 791 908 1699
2014-15 87 29 116 102 117 219 737 837 1574
2013-14 97 22 119 134 103 237 680 731 1411
2012-13 80 20 100 181 118 299 627 708 1335
2011-12 85 20 105 130 93 223 608 693 1301
2017-18 2073 552 2625 2596 998 3594 16535 8903 25438
2016-17 2197 598 2795 2583 1050 3633 16854 8894 25748
2015-16 2460 612 3072 3187 1179 4366 20317 9424 29741
2014-15 2699 518 3217 3453 1265 4718 19745 9108 28853
2013-14 2623 467 3090 3486 1250 4736 19072 8618 27690
2012-13 2235 461 2696 4035 1311 5346 19870 8879 28749
2011-12 1456 274 1730 3911 1808 5719 18484 8078 26562


AISHE 2017-18
Table 51. Post-wise Number of Teachers during last 7 years
Demonstrator/ Tutor Temporary Teacher etc All Teacher Visiting Teacher
Male Female Both Male Female Both Male Female Both Male Female Both
2017-18 873 2227 3100 1162 3440 4602 21608 33669 55277 53 73 126
2016-17 833 2129 2962 1008 2943 3951 21893 33109 55002 105 80 185
2015-16 1260 2361 3621 1467 3748 5215 25024 34572 59596 173 188 361
2014-15 891 1937 2828 1176 3008 4184 22571 30659 53230 126 164 290
2013-14 1067 1830 2897 955 2214 3169 22179 27905 50084 137 150 287
2012-13 970 2025 2995 886 1994 2880 20092 25743 45835 58 83 141
2011-12 890 2080 2970 861 1961 2822 20196 24369 44565 62 79 141
2017-18 25 20 45
2016-17 26 11 37
2015-16 27 13 40
2014-15 22 11 33
2013-14 19 13 32 36 22 58
2012-13 19 13 32 35 25 60
2011-12 19 13 32 35 24 59
Madhya Pradesh
2017-18 1580 2116 3696 1688 1563 3251 31931 22559 54490 227 162 389
2016-17 2049 2485 4534 1913 1558 3471 39002 25039 64041 257 170 427
2015-16 2443 2859 5302 2613 1992 4605 44964 28381 73345 511 353 864
2014-15 2148 2421 4569 2234 1668 3902 44168 26796 70964 427 327 754
2013-14 1381 1371 2752 1664 1310 2974 39180 24438 63618 299 271 570
2012-13 1185 1435 2620 1286 1028 2314 40683 25540 66223 275 201 476
2011-12 1141 1226 2367 1069 884 1953 35391 22628 58019 274 237 511
2017-18 1723 3052 4775 3840 4207 8047 91935 60667 152602 1637 1262 2899
2016-17 1509 2449 3958 3740 3779 7519 92019 58647 150666 1415 973 2388
2015-16 1982 2284 4266 7068 6703 13771 103609 62029 165638 3139 2401 5540
2014-15 2108 2018 4126 6677 6116 12793 103241 60721 163962 3091 2264 5355
2013-14 1911 1631 3542 6277 5659 11936 96295 55898 152193 2858 2090 4948
2012-13 2102 1780 3882 6263 5237 11500 91610 52804 144414 2920 1752 4672
2011-12 1830 1625 3455 5002 4681 9683 97030 56437 153467 2026 1386 3412
2017-18 10 49 59 46 46 92 1817 1583 3400 3 3
2016-17 19 53 72 53 49 102 2439 2030 4469 5 11 16
2015-16 62 89 151 225 264 489 2666 2153 4819 17 17 34
2014-15 73 92 165 253 297 550 2813 2210 5023 15 14 29
2013-14 79 92 171 235 289 524 2834 2179 5013 15 14 29
2012-13 58 69 127 195 231 426 2513 1935 4448 7 7 14
2011-12 72 52 124 199 266 465 2717 2082 4799 3 7 10
2017-18 34 74 108 38 53 91 1274 1530 2804 2 5 7
2016-17 32 71 103 47 62 109 1363 1648 3011 2 5 7
2015-16 22 33 55 89 94 183 1300 1643 2943 10 1 11
2014-15 10 70 80 77 96 173 1599 1975 3574 10 1 11
2013-14 11 82 93 44 97 141 1476 2075 3551 6 6
2012-13 9 99 108 39 60 99 1444 1990 3434 3 1 4
2011-12 10 96 106 38 49 87 1237 1854 3091
2017-18 17 72 89 88 101 189 928 805 1733 9 10 19
2016-17 13 77 90 80 80 160 901 771 1672 2 5 7
2015-16 19 82 101 164 127 291 918 740 1658 17 10 27
2014-15 18 82 100 144 142 286 905 753 1658 6 5 11
2013-14 15 76 91 136 121 257 889 712 1601 2 2
2012-13 17 92 109 137 126 263 841 664 1505 1 4 5
2011-12 20 65 85 123 125 248 799 609 1408 4 8 12
2017-18 27 48 75 20 10 30 1006 1261 2267 8 3 11
2016-17 31 54 85 22 12 34 993 1205 2198 6 1 7
2015-16 23 45 68 23 33 56 1027 1123 2150 22 18 40
2014-15 12 40 52 33 35 68 971 1058 2029 15 10 25
2013-14 14 31 45 26 29 55 951 916 1867 16 9 25
2012-13 20 24 44 32 19 51 940 889 1829 16 9 25
2011-12 9 28 37 20 18 38 852 852 1704 10 2 12
2017-18 1274 1738 3012 808 780 1588 23433 13048 36481 147 77 224
2016-17 1396 1751 3147 664 617 1281 23807 12977 36784 113 67 180
2015-16 1886 2061 3947 1307 1215 2522 29157 14491 43648 408 171 579
2014-15 1913 1175 3088 1073 903 1976 28883 12969 41852 293 89 382
2013-14 1739 789 2528 983 690 1673 27903 11814 39717 269 63 332
2012-13 1311 514 1825 732 525 1257 28183 11690 39873 199 42 241
2011-12 1083 383 1466 566 387 953 25500 10930 36430 99 27 126


AISHE 2017-18
Table 51. Post-wise Number of Teachers during last 7 years
Professor & Equivalent Reader & Associate Professor Lecturer/ Assistant Professor
Male Female Both Male Female Both Male Female Both
2017-18 592 215 807 495 263 758 1741 1433 3174
2016-17 601 214 815 543 258 801 1951 1483 3434
2015-16 679 214 893 655 290 945 2344 1570 3914
2014-15 661 207 868 659 292 951 2343 1458 3801
2013-14 637 180 817 642 285 927 2249 1391 3640
2012-13 554 238 792 563 238 801 1714 1310 3024
2011-12 622 254 876 598 291 889 1757 1285 3042
2017-18 2078 1147 3225 1997 1893 3890 13661 19711 33372
2016-17 2262 1309 3571 2279 2120 4399 15509 20549 36058
2015-16 2491 1317 3808 2682 2672 5354 17229 18703 35932
2014-15 2412 1258 3670 2776 2616 5392 16562 17354 33916
2013-14 2239 1187 3426 3564 3636 7200 16630 16918 33548
2012-13 1752 725 2477 3734 3950 7684 13979 16134 30113
2011-12 1459 536 1995 3064 2944 6008 15214 14571 29785
2017-18 4030 1428 5458 2799 1517 4316 28613 17942 46555
2016-17 4545 1638 6183 2576 1226 3802 33399 19118 52517
2015-16 5176 1816 6992 3321 1291 4612 35433 18631 54064
2014-15 4627 1463 6090 3385 1412 4797 39604 20397 60001
2013-14 3311 1056 4367 4072 2098 6170 39548 22753 62301
2012-13 2844 896 3740 4526 1936 6462 39028 23145 62173
2011-12 2680 799 3479 3223 1374 4597 30249 18305 48554
2017-18 94 31 125 111 46 157 631 438 1069
2016-17 76 27 103 102 44 146 542 374 916
2015-16 81 29 110 100 39 139 453 278 731
2014-15 71 25 96 130 40 170 459 287 746
2013-14 77 28 105 91 26 117 431 261 692
2012-13 74 15 89 103 38 141 458 326 784
2011-12 65 11 76 62 29 91 507 345 852
Tamil Nadu
2017-18 10376 4907 15283 10979 7954 18933 74130 72638 146768
2016-17 10785 4800 15585 11090 7682 18772 75297 70112 145409
2015-16 13297 5558 18855 12833 8562 21395 83587 72244 155831
2014-15 13143 5257 18400 12611 8571 21182 80871 70343 151214
2013-14 12775 5119 17894 11580 7890 19470 74481 66667 141148
2012-13 11988 4694 16682 11417 7815 19232 71489 64845 136334
2011-12 10590 4414 15004 9919 7181 17100 65465 61210 126675
2017-18 4352 1149 5501 3900 2135 6035 35955 23027 58982
2016-17 4793 1235 6028 4404 2278 6682 42078 24537 66615
2015-16 6026 1568 7594 6252 3050 9302 44302 25055 69357
2014-15 6099 1482 7581 7012 3249 10261 43430 24613 68043
2013-14 5021 1431 6452 6112 2940 9052 37312 22549 59861
2012-13 5632 1641 7273 7514 3475 10989 35972 23504 59476
2017-18 122 29 151 159 79 238 923 471 1394
2016-17 126 32 158 169 80 249 869 438 1307
2015-16 141 32 173 186 105 291 865 392 1257
2014-15 150 36 186 211 98 309 863 426 1289
2013-14 125 41 166 201 96 297 826 406 1232
2012-13 136 28 164 201 82 283 789 399 1188
2011-12 142 33 175 221 67 288 776 316 1092
Uttar Pradesh
2017-18 7872 2199 10071 7983 3883 11866 50625 24040 74665
2016-17 11493 3171 14664 10633 4936 15569 72872 32465 105337
2015-16 13387 4209 17596 13617 5914 19531 83288 37657 120945
2014-15 11988 3324 15312 12195 5424 17619 74604 33897 108501
2013-14 9320 3261 12581 12945 6546 19491 60054 29308 89362
2012-13 9362 4116 13478 11300 4876 16176 58721 27413 86134
2011-12 5805 1695 7500 13039 5453 18492 64724 32055 96779
2017-18 1490 427 1917 1232 664 1896 6235 3752 9987
2016-17 1429 350 1779 1314 672 1986 6185 3598 9783
2015-16 1611 357 1968 1392 737 2129 7496 4126 11622
2014-15 1463 315 1778 1418 724 2142 7318 3971 11289
2013-14 1244 253 1497 1280 660 1940 5674 2816 8490
2012-13 1085 243 1328 1285 728 2013 5754 3024 8778
2011-12 1139 282 1421 979 469 1448 4973 2750 7723
West Bengal
2017-18 3490 820 4310 3576 1998 5574 21277 10025 31302
2016-17 3251 720 3971 3213 1779 4992 17925 8476 26401
2015-16 4184 865 5049 4269 2115 6384 18132 8220 26352
2014-15 3941 745 4686 4439 2210 6649 16342 7428 23770
2013-14 3602 703 4305 4294 2052 6346 14534 6508 21042
2012-13 3604 674 4278 4088 1989 6077 13969 6289 20258
2011-12 3285 603 3888 4191 1995 6186 12848 5844 18692


AISHE 2017-18
Table 51. Post-wise Number of Teachers during last 7 years
Demonstrator/ Tutor Temporary Teacher etc All Teacher Visiting Teacher
Male Female Both Male Female Both Male Female Both Male Female Both
2017-18 197 380 577 54 43 97 3079 2334 5413
2016-17 237 363 600 63 37 100 3395 2355 5750
2015-16 292 338 630 101 108 209 4071 2520 6591 10 4 14
2014-15 523 477 1000 124 111 235 4310 2545 6855 6 2 8
2013-14 302 384 686 119 93 212 3949 2333 6282 5 3 8
2012-13 89 188 277 122 97 219 3042 2071 5113 6 2 8
2011-12 384 269 653 93 76 169 3454 2175 5629 9 2 11
2017-18 493 3253 3746 432 1270 1702 18770 27514 46284 109 240 349
2016-17 633 4274 4907 473 1379 1852 21291 29872 51163 133 239 372
2015-16 905 4290 5195 1562 3856 5418 24869 30838 55707 136 284 420
2014-15 715 3806 4521 1400 3573 4973 23865 28607 52472 144 244 388
2013-14 635 1886 2521 1224 3263 4487 24292 26890 51182 153 237 390
2012-13 501 1248 1749 892 2091 2983 20858 24148 45006 103 215 318
2011-12 669 881 1550 561 1112 1673 20967 20044 41011 120 188 308
2017-18 1841 904 2745 450 305 755 37863 22182 60045 130 86 216
2016-17 2068 879 2947 494 305 799 43281 23259 66540 197 93 290
2015-16 1459 579 2038 721 477 1198 46110 22794 68904 230 132 362
2014-15 1287 629 1916 687 461 1148 49590 24362 73952 214 133 347
2013-14 836 330 1166 536 452 988 48303 26689 74992 232 128 360
2012-13 427 148 575 588 505 1093 47413 26630 74043 151 94 245
2011-12 343 123 466 563 407 970 37058 21008 58066 169 105 274
2017-18 35 71 106 8 8 16 883 600 1483 4 6 10
2016-17 50 80 130 1 6 7 771 531 1302
2015-16 108 152 260 84 74 158 826 572 1398 3 9 12
2014-15 95 127 222 96 80 176 851 559 1410 3 6 9
2013-14 62 126 188 106 90 196 767 531 1298 4 5 9
2012-13 66 97 163 98 73 171 799 549 1348 6 15 21
2011-12 28 33 61 37 46 83 699 464 1163 1 1 2
Tamil Nadu
2017-18 2158 4980 7138 1951 1959 3910 99790 92510 192300 196 72 268
2016-17 2189 4795 6984 1698 1558 3256 101257 89035 190292 197 86 283
2015-16 2536 5519 8055 2618 2474 5092 114871 94357 209228 354 155 509
2014-15 2886 5180 8066 2448 2533 4981 111959 91884 203843 387 147 534
2013-14 2515 4802 7317 2242 2619 4861 103593 87097 190690 322 165 487
2012-13 2515 4423 6938 1957 2387 4344 99366 84164 183530 251 135 386
2011-12 2235 4073 6308 1739 2133 3872 89948 79011 168959 231 118 349
2017-18 269 1185 1454 1283 1007 2290 45811 28531 74342 52 28 80
2016-17 405 2036 2441 1337 1060 2397 53066 31167 84233 49 21 70
2015-16 568 2225 2793 2120 1559 3679 59268 33457 92725 135 71 206
2014-15 740 2057 2797 1865 1385 3250 59146 32786 91932 154 76 230
2013-14 567 1938 2505 1346 1147 2493 50358 30005 80363 135 46 181
2012-13 487 1992 2479 1664 1332 2996 51269 31944 83213 195 70 265
2017-18 199 233 432 82 52 134 1541 909 2450 56 45 101
2016-17 190 231 421 98 70 168 1503 894 2397 51 43 94
2015-16 295 244 539 128 78 206 1615 851 2466 128 112 240
2014-15 205 227 432 94 65 159 1523 852 2375 80 71 151
2013-14 243 222 465 74 59 133 1469 824 2293 83 69 152
2012-13 235 196 431 82 67 149 1443 772 2215 74 47 121
2011-12 204 173 377 72 59 131 1415 648 2063 69 38 107
Uttar Pradesh
2017-18 2498 3274 5772 2815 1722 4537 72143 35282 107425 350 164 514
2016-17 2732 3321 6053 3692 2343 6035 101826 46392 148218 396 156 552
2015-16 3286 3416 6702 7035 3909 10944 120613 55105 175718 539 204 743
2014-15 3104 3154 6258 6381 3259 9640 108272 49058 157330 379 168 547
2013-14 1809 1521 3330 5059 2773 7832 89187 43409 132596 330 128 458
2012-13 1580 1358 2938 4446 2593 7039 85409 40356 125765 297 127 424
2011-12 1149 996 2145 3249 1802 5051 87966 42001 129967 227 87 314
2017-18 332 483 815 645 441 1086 9974 5796 15770 40 29 69
2016-17 301 383 684 589 373 962 9878 5412 15290 60 36 96
2015-16 565 517 1082 919 633 1552 11983 6370 18353 76 35 111
2014-15 444 492 936 953 631 1584 11596 6133 17729 75 33 108
2013-14 301 292 593 870 555 1425 9369 4576 13945 34 29 63
2012-13 303 319 622 807 530 1337 9234 4844 14078 52 35 87
2011-12 337 280 617 750 482 1232 8178 4263 12441 52 23 75
West Bengal
2017-18 1080 1028 2108 5788 4565 10353 36083 19069 55152 872 633 1505
2016-17 1011 851 1862 5606 4252 9858 31875 16678 48553 869 600 1469
2015-16 1681 885 2566 8078 5732 13810 36344 17817 54161 2253 1254 3507
2014-15 1852 834 2686 7284 5360 12644 33858 16577 50435 1649 1007 2656
2013-14 1739 823 2562 6695 4885 11580 30864 14971 45835 1395 958 2353
2012-13 1411 800 2211 5991 4440 10431 29063 14192 43255 1168 838 2006
2011-12 1325 687 2012 5848 4534 10382 27497 13663 41160 1140 740 1880


AISHE 2017-18
Table 52. Population in the age group 18-23 years since 2011
State/Gender 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Both 140317069 140558699 140801526 141045558 141290793 141537252 141829528
Male 73333306 73294003 73254717 73215453 73176211 73136991 73121283
Female 66983763 67264696 67546809 67830105 68114582 68400261 68708245
Andaman and Nicobar Islands
Both 42624 43765 44990 45950 46909 47603 48639
Male 22399 22833 23265 23610 23954 24296 24722
Female 20225 20932 21725 22340 22955 23307 23917
Andhra Pradesh
Both 5815865 5762398 5708890 5655372 5601939 5548650 5495217
Male 2921284 2888666 2856231 2823927 2791849 2760001 2728267
Female 2894581 2873732 2852677 2831445 2810090 2788649 2766950
Arunachal Pradesh
Both 166185 165162 164130 163087 162040 160988 159922
Male 83252 82713 82173 81629 81086 80541 79992
Female 82933 82449 81957 81458 80954 80447 79930
Both 3629694 3646882 3663803 3680475 3696944 3713244 3729138
Male 1783867 1788664 1793346 1797918 1802398 1806802 1811017
Female 1845827 1858218 1870457 1882557 1894546 1906442 1918121
Both 10428356 10617545 10809554 11004460 11202454 11403681 11607454
Male 5596291 5664461 5733057 5802082 5871607 5941675 6011917
Female 4832065 4953084 5076497 5202378 5330847 5462006 5595537
Both 145057 152168 159472 166661 173634 179685 187731
Male 83261 87682 92198 96810 101416 105717 111207
Female 61796 64486 67274 69851 72218 73968 76524
Both 2997058 3019121 3041060 3062881 3084628 3106323 3127770
Male 1504296 1512679 1521002 1529263 1537485 1545673 1553735
Female 1492762 1506442 1520058 1533618 1547143 1560650 1574035
Dadra and Nagar Haveli
Both 51337 53587 55834 58077 59847 61090 63252
Male 32564 33746 34926 36104 37280 38285 39623
Female 18773 19841 20908 21973 22567 22805 23629
Daman and Diu
Both 45963 47973 49980 52304 54430 56683 59187
Male 33810 35556 37301 39236 40975 42713 44832
Female 12153 12417 12679 13068 13455 13970 14355
Both 2118969 2148286 2177801 2207522 2237479 2267692 2298017
Male 1162507 1177977 1193569 1209283 1225135 1241134 1257204
Female 956462 970309 984232 998239 1012344 1026558 1040813
Both 154587 159132 163579 167756 171060 173315 177298
Male 83876 86611 89341 91974 94332 96321 99207
Female 70711 72521 74238 75782 76728 76994 78091
Both 7115040 7133441 7151245 7168479 7185240 7201594 7217084
Male 3781933 3783004 3783809 3784353 3784683 3784827 3784555
Female 3333107 3350437 3367436 3384126 3400557 3416767 3432529
Both 3183982 3184786 3185283 3185493 3185459 3185213 3184553
Male 1730173 1730331 1730366 1730282 1730100 1729834 1729377
Female 1453809 1454455 1454917 1455211 1455359 1455379 1455176


AISHE 2017-18
Table 52. Population in the age group 18-23 years since 2011
State/Gender 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Himachal Pradesh
Both 781296 772064 762873 753727 744639 735616 726614
Male 399121 395448 391783 388124 384477 380847 377209
Female 382175 376616 371090 365603 360162 354769 349405
Jammu and Kashmir
Both 1429023 1406646 1384487 1362550 1340857 1319420 1298156
Male 738506 726818 715266 703848 692574 681446 670424
Female 690517 679828 669221 658702 648283 637974 627732
Both 3595218 3634055 3673012 3712100 3751369 3790851 3830303
Male 1849643 1862447 1875207 1887924 1900621 1913309 1925870
Female 1745575 1771608 1797805 1824176 1850748 1877542 1904433
Both 7401674 7331743 7261785 7191845 7122040 7052447 6982633
Male 3813855 3772288 3730911 3689733 3648803 3608150 3567558
Female 3587819 3559455 3530874 3502112 3473237 3444297 3415075
Both 3168979 3139573 3110141 3080703 3051307 3021991 2992566
Male 1576568 1563740 1550908 1538075 1525261 1512481 1499642
Female 1592411 1575833 1559233 1542628 1526046 1509510 1492924
Both 6747 6834 6836 7015 7101 7185 7269
Male 3555 3556 3556 3650 3651 3650 3650
Female 3192 3278 3280 3365 3450 3535 3619
Madhya Pradesh
Both 8548106 8608497 8668523 8728206 8787661 8846960 8905538
Male 4558477 4581535 4604387 4627031 4649525 4671898 4693864
Female 3989629 4026962 4064136 4101175 4138136 4175062 4211674
Both 13471405 13440428 13408302 13375090 13340997 13306153 13269732
Male 7163368 7131911 7100094 7067928 7035512 7002901 6969675
Female 6308037 6308517 6308208 6307162 6305485 6303252 6300057
Both 298162 296328 294476 292609 290731 288846 329418
Male 146740 145791 144837 143881 142922 141963 163639
Female 151422 150537 149639 148728 147809 146883 165779
Both 353135 350964 348770 346557 344333 342100 339836
Male 174048 172923 171792 170656 169519 168382 167233
Female 179087 178041 176978 175901 174814 173718 172603
Both 133891 133067 132235 131397 130552 129705 128848
Male 66604 66174 65740 65306 64871 64435 63997
Female 67287 66893 66495 66091 65681 65270 64851
Both 253903 252338 250759 249167 247565 245957 244329
Male 129356 128519 127679 126835 125989 125144 124292
Female 124547 123819 123080 122332 121576 120813 120037
Both 4714554 4700392 4685815 4670851 4655573 4640028 4623929
Male 2344765 2339231 2333546 2327713 2321764 2315718 2309432
Female 2369789 2361161 2352269 2343138 2333809 2324310 2314497
Both 129941 135470 141160 146637 151524 155259 160906
Male 62818 66274 69898 73518 76963 79972 84092
Female 67123 69196 71262 73119 74561 75287 76814


AISHE 2017-18
Table 52. Population in the age group 18-23 years since 2011
State/Gender 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Both 3422021 3378090 3334425 3291045 3248003 3205329 3162828
Male 1850103 1830474 1810926 1791463 1772109 1752878 1733665
Female 1571918 1547616 1523499 1499582 1475894 1452451 1429163
Both 8267588 8376323 8485724 8595816 8706717 8818503 8930612
Male 4359903 4406721 4453730 4500927 4548368 4596084 4643790
Female 3907685 3969602 4031994 4094889 4158349 4222419 4286822
Both 80666 80169 79667 79160 78651 78139 77623
Male 41723 41454 41182 40910 40637 40364 40090
Female 38943 38715 38485 38250 38014 37775 37533
Tamil Nadu
Both 7766109 7648115 7531180 7415342 7300716 7187371 7074857
Male 3880890 3823210 3766124 3709632 3653781 3598596 3543854
Female 3885219 3824905 3765056 3705710 3646935 3588775 3531003
Both 4212182 4173459 4134704 4095944 4057244 4018650 3979862
Male 2119767 2096115 2072580 2049168 2025906 2002810 1979708
Female 2092415 2077344 2062124 2046776 2031338 2015840 2000154
Both 449750 446984 444191 441375 438541 435697 432816
Male 220546 219119 217686 216248 214806 213365 211914
Female 229204 227865 226505 225127 223735 222332 220902
Uttar Pradesh
Both 23718331 23915128 24111792 24308393 24505255 24702585 24898805
Male 12833695 12883584 12932759 12981220 13029129 13076573 13122748
Female 10884636 11031544 11179033 11327173 11476126 11626012 11776057
Both 1247756 1240630 1233427 1226154 1218827 1211463 1203988
Male 637991 634752 631485 628193 624881 621556 618182
Female 609765 605878 601942 597961 593946 589907 585806
West Bengal
Both 10971915 10957156 10941621 10925358 10908527 10891236 10872798
Male 5541751 5506996 5472075 5436999 5401842 5366650 5331100
Female 5430164 5450160 5469546 5488359 5506685 5524586 5541698


AISHE 2017-18
No .F. 19-1/2014-Stat
Government of India
Ministry of Human Resource Development
Department of Higher Education
Statistics Division
Dated the, 12th February, 2014
Subject: Constitution of Steering Committee for Higher Education Statistics & Public
Information System

The Twelfth Plan for Higher Education has laid special emphasis on developing a robust system
for collection, compilation and dissemination of higher education statistics with a view to enable
evidence-based policy making and conduct empirical research for the purpose. This would include
but not be restricted to the All India Survey on Higher Education (AISHE). The scope, scale and
timeliness of AISHE started in the year 2011 would be further improved during the Twelfth Plan. In
addition, a good public information system targeted at students and their parents about institutions
and programmes they offer would be established and surveys and studies would be conducted to
understand trends in higher education. Accordingly, a Scheme, namely Higher Education Statistics
and Public Information System has been launched.

2. With a view to ensure coordinated approach to all these efforts, particularly data collection
efforts and benefit from synergy in such efforts, a Steering Committee for Higher Education
Statistics & Public Information System is hereby constituted. In particular, the committee would -

a) Evolve national policies and priorities relating to the higher education statistics and public
information system;
b) Develop and define standards and conceptsaligned to international practices in regard to
highereducation statistics;
c) Suggest ways to harmonize and avoid duplication in data collection efforts by various
d) Guide and monitor the All India Survey on Higher Education;
e) Guide and monitor creation of portal on institutions and courses for students and parents
for informed choice;
f) Guide and monitor quick as well as longitudinal surveys and studies with a view to
understand trends in higher education;
g) Disseminate and promote higher education statistics amongst various stakeholders and
public at large;
h) Sanction funds for various related activities to different agencies for the purpose;
i) Any other related matter.

3. The composition of the Steering Committee shall be as under:

1. Secretary, Department of Higher Education, Ministry of HRD Chairman

2. Chairman, University Grants Commission Member
3. Chairman, All India Council for Technical Education Member


AISHE 2017-18
4. Director General, National Informatics Centre Member
5. Director General, Central Statistics Organization Member
6. Director General, Indian Council of Agricultural Research or his nominee Member
7. Vice-Chancellor, National University of Educational Planning & Member
8. President, Medical Council of India or his nominee Member
9. Financial Adviser, Department of Higher Education Member
10. Advisor (Higher Education), Planning Commission Member
11. Secretary, Indian Nursing Council Member
12. Member Secretary, National Council for Teacher Education Member
13. Director, National Assessment and Accreditation Council Member
14. Member-Secretary, National Board of Accreditation Member
15-16 Two experts with background in higher education statistics Members
17. Representative from UNESCO Institute of Statistics Member
18. Deputy Director General (Statistics), Department of Higher Member Secretary
Education, MHRD

4. All Bureau Heads in the Department of Higher Education and the Directors of the various
Missions such National Mission in Education through Information &Communication Technology
(NMEICT), National Mission on Teachers & Teaching (NMTT) and Rashtriya Uchcha Shiksha Abhiyan
(RUSA) will be permanent invitees of the committee. In addition, the Committee could co-opt other
stakeholders and / or experts as and when such need arises. With a view to discharge its functions,
the committee may constitute various sub-committees and /or groups on various issues.

5. The expenditure on TA/DA to official members in connection with the meetings of the Steering
Committee will be borne by the parent departments/organizations to which the member belongs.
Non-official members (if co-opted) will be entitled to TA/DA (including air freight) as admissible to
Group 'A' officers of the Government of India and this expenditure will be borne by MHRD, New Delhi.
The Committee would be serviced by the Statistics Division of MHRD, New Delhi.

(Ruchika Gupta)
Joint Director

1. Chairman of the Steering Committee

2. Chairman, University Grant Commission, New Delhi
3. Chairman, All India Council for Technical Education
4. Deputy Director General, NIC
5. Director General, CSO
6. Director General & Secretary, Indian Council of Agricultural & Research
7. Vice-Chancellor, National University of Educational Planning & Administration
8. President, Medical Council of India
9. Financial Adviser, Department of Higher Education
10. Adviser (Education), Planning Commission
11. Secretary, Indian Nursing Council


AISHE 2017-18
12. Member Secretary, National Council of Teacher Education
13. Director, National Assessment and Accreditation Council
14. Member-Secretary, National Board of Accreditation
15-16. Two experts with background in higher education statistics
17. Shri Shailendra Sigdel, UNESCO Institute for Statistics

Copy to:

1. PS to HRM
2. PPS to Secretary, Department of Higher Education
3. PPS to Secretary, Department of School Education & Literacy
4. PPS to Secretary, Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation
5. PPS to Addl. Secretary (TE), Department of Higher Education
6. All Bureau Heads in the Ministry of Human Resource Development
7. Mission Directors, NMEICT, NMTT, RUSA

(Ruchika Gupta)
Joint Director


AISHE 2017-18
For the purpose of this Survey, Higher Education is defined as the education, which is obtained
after completing 12 years of schooling or equivalent and is of the duration of at least nine months
(full time) or after completing 10 years of schooling and is of the duration of at least 3 years. The
education may be of the nature of General, Vocational, Professional or Technical education.

All Institutions, where higher education as defined above is imparted, will be covered in the
Survey. The Institutions, covered in the Survey has been classified into three broad categories:
(1) University/University Level Institutions
(2) Colleges/Institutions - affiliated/recognised with University
(3) Stand-alone Institutions - not affiliated/recognised with University

(1) University/University Level Institutions

Under the University Grants Commission (UGC) Act, 1956, “University” means a University
established or incorporated by or under a Central Act, a Provincial Act or a State Act, and includes
any such institution as may, in consultation with the University concerned, be recognized by the
Commission in accordance with the regulations made in this behalf under this Act.

Various Provisions under UGC Act, 1956, which are relevant for the Survey, are mentioned

Under Section 22(1) of UGC Act, 1956, the right of conferring or granting degrees shall be
exercised only by a University established or incorporated by or under a central Act, a Provincial
Act, a State Act or an institution deemed to be a University under section 3 or an institution
specially empowered by an Act of Parliament to confer or grant degrees.

Under Section 22(2) of UGC Act, 1956 states that Save as provided in sub-section (1), no person
or authority shall confer, or grant, or hold himself or itself out as entitled to confer or grant, any

Section 12 of the UGC Act, 1956 states Power and Functions of the University Grants

It shall be the general duty of the Commission to take, in consultation with the Universities or
other bodies concerned, all such steps as it may think fit for the promotion and co-ordination of
University education and for the determination and maintenance of standards of teaching,
examination and research in Universities, and for the purpose of performing its functions under this
Act, the commission may :

(h) collect information on all such matters relating to university education in India and other
countries as it thinks fit and make the same available to any university;


AISHE 2017-18
(I) require a University to furnish it with such information as may be needed relating to the
financial position of the University or the studies in the various branches of learning
undertaken in that University, together with all the rules and regulations relating to the
standards of teaching and examination in that University respecting each of such branches
of learning.

Thus the following degree awarding Institutions are covered in this category:

1. Central University - A university established or incorporated by a Central Act.

2. State University - A university established or incorporated by a Provincial Act or by a State
3. Open University - A University which imparts education exclusively through distance
education in any branch or branches of knowledge.
4. Private University - A university established through a State/ Central Act by a sponsoring
body viz. a Society registered under the Societies Registration Act 1860, or any other
corresponding law for the time being in force in a State or a Public Trust or a Company
registered under Section 25 of the Companies Act, 1956.
5. Deemed University - An Institution Deemed to be University commonly known as Deemed
University refers to a high-performing institute, which has been so declared by Central
Government under Section 3 of the University Grants Commission (UGC) Act, 1956.
6. Institute of National Importance - An Institution established by Act of Parliament and
declared as Institution of National Importance such as All Indian Institute of Technology
(IIT), National Institute of Technology (NIT).
7. Institute Under State Legislature Act - An institution established or incorporated by a State
Legislature Act. There are 5 such Universities,Nizam's Institute of Medical Sciences,
Hyderabad; Sri Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences, Tirupati; Shere-e-Kashmir
Institute of Medical Sciences, Srinagar; Indira Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences, Patna;
Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow.
8. Other Institute – An institution not falling in any of the above category but established
through State/ Central Act and are empowered to award degrees e.g. National Institute of
Fashion Technology established through an Act of Parliament.

2. Colleges/Institutions affiliated/recognised with University

These are institutions which can run degree programmes but are not empowered to provide
degree on their own and are necessarily have to be attached with a University/University level
institution for the purpose of awarding degree. For the purpose of the survey these institutions have
been classified as under:

2.1 Colleges Affiliated with University/ University level Institutions – Under Section 12A(1)(b),
College means any Institution, whether known as such or by any other name which provides for a
course of study for obtaining any qualification from a university and which, in accordance with the
rules and regulations of such university, is recognised as competent to provide for such course of
study and present students undergoing such course of study for the examination for the award of
such qualification. These are the institutions established or maintained by or admitted to the
privileges of the University.


AISHE 2017-18
Colleges can be of two types:

(i) University/ Constituent College - A college maintained by the University

(ii) Affiliated College

Some colleges are given Autonomous Status. UGC has introduced a scheme of Autonomous
colleges keeping in view the objectives of the National Education Policy (1986-92).

All Colleges under Section 2(f) & 12(b) of the UGC Act are eligible under the Scheme.

Criteria for identification of institutions for grant of autonomy are as follows:

a. Academic reputation and previous performance in university examinations and its
academic/co-curricular/extension activities in the past.
b. Academic/extension achievements of the faculty.
c. Quality and merit in the selection of students and teachers, subject to statutory
requirements in this regard.
d. Adequacy of infrastructure, for example, library, equipment, accommodation for
academic activities, etc.
e. Quality of institutional management.
f. Financial resources provided by the management/state government for the development of
the institution.
g. Responsiveness of administrative structure.
h. Motivation and involvement of faculty in the promotion of innovative reforms.

The Parent University awards degrees to the students, evaluated and recommended by
colleges. Autonomous colleges that have completed three year terms can confer the degree under
their title with the seal of the university.

2.2 Institutions Recognised by the University: These are the institutions attached with the
University for the purpose of awarding degree in respect of programmes being run in these
institutions. e.g. Army Cadet College Wing, Indian Military Academy, Dehradun is not affiliated with
any University but the degree in respect of Programmes run in the institute are awarded by
Jawaharlal Nehru University.

2.3 Off-Campus Centre/ PG Centre - A centre of the University established by it, outside the main
campus (within or outside the state) operated and maintained as its constituent unit, having the
University's compliment of facilities, faculty and staff. Teaching departments of the University,
where Post Graduation level courses are offered should not be treated as PG Centre.

2.4 Off-shore Campus - A campus of the Private University or Deemed to be University established
by it outside the country, operated and maintained as its constituent unit, having the University's
compliment of facilities, faculty and staff.

2.5 Regional Centre - A centre established and maintained or recognized by the University for the
purpose of the coordination of the functioning of the Study Centres in the region, advising,
counseling or for rendering any other assistance required by the students used in the context of


AISHE 2017-18
regular/ distance education.

2.6 Study Centre - A centre established and maintained or recognized by the university for the
purpose of advising, counseling or for rendering any other assistance required by the students.
Evening College – The College in which education is imparted in the evening. It may be noted that in
a few colleges, using the same infrastructure, education is imparted in two sessions-morning or day
and evening. Generally, for all practical purposes these are treated as two colleges.

3) Stand alone Institutions not affiliated/recognised with University

There are several institutions which are outside the purview of the University & College. These
Institutions generally run Diploma/PG Diploma level programmes for which they require recognition
from one or other Statutory Bodies. For the purpose of this survey, such Institutions will be
referred as Stand-aloneInstitutions. Such Institutions mainly fall under the following categories:

- Indian Institute of Management (IIM) awarding mainly PG Diploma in Management of two

years duration whose entry qualification is Graduate.
- Diploma awarding Institutions under the control of All India Council for Technical Education
(AICTE) e.g. Lal Bahadur Shastri Management Institute awarding PG diplomas in
Management of two years duration whose entry qualification is Graduate.
- Diploma awarding Institutions under the control of Indian Nursing Council (INC).
- Government or Government recognised Institutions to conduct Teachers Training courses
whose entry qualification is 10+2 e.g. District Institute of Educational and Training (DIET)
or similar institutes.
- Polytechnics.
- Company Secretary, Charted Accountancy, Actuarial Science etc.

Institution for Women: An Institution which enrolls only female students in all its programmes is
categorised as Institution for Women. Such institutes may or may not have male teaching and non-
teaching staff.


Faculty - A Faculty of Studies of the University.

Department - A Department of Studies and includes a Centre of Studies.

For the purpose of survey, the School will be treated similar to Faculty and Centre will be
treated similar to the Department.

Programme – It is a course of study for which Degree or Certificate is awarded by the Institution. A
Programme of study is the approved curriculum followed by an individual student such as B.A, M.A,
MBA etc.

Levels of Programmes:

1. Under-Graduate - Programme after 10+2 and generally having the duration of 3/4/5 years,
in General or Professional courses.


AISHE 2017-18
2. Post-Graduate - Programme after Graduation and generally having the duration of 2/3
years in General/Professional courses.
3. M.Phil. - Programme after Post-Graduation and generally having the duration of 1/2 years
and is a pre-research course.
4. Ph.D. - Programme after M.Phil. or Post-Graduation and generally having the duration of
2/3/4/5 years.
5. Post Graduate Diploma - Programme generally after 10+2 or after Graduation in General
and Professional courses and having duration of 1/2/3 years.
6. Diploma - Programme generally after 10+2 or after Graduation in General and Professional
courses and having duration of 1/2/3 years.
7. Certificate – It is aProgramme similar to Diploma, but is awarded a Certificate by the
8. Integrated/Dual Degree – It is a Programmeleading to Post-Graduate Degree and/or
Research Degree. Generally it is a combination of two degree programmes e.g. M.Tech
Ph.D, B.A. LLB, M.Sc. Ph.D, B.Tech M.Tech etc.

Discipline - An academic discipline or field of study is a branch of knowledge that is taught and
researched at the Institution. There are large numbers of disciplines, which are taught in various
Institutions and their nomenclature varies from Institution to Institution.

For example in case of M.A. in Geography, M.A. is a Programme and Geography is a discipline.


Regular Mode i.e. Formal system of Higher Education - Education provided in the system of
Colleges, Universities and other formal educational institutions where the students getting
education in a classroom in direct contact with the teachers and also make use of other
infrastructure facilities like laboratories, library etc. to enhance its learning capacity.

Self-Financing Courses in Regular Mode – Government-aided Universities/Colleges/ Institutions

conducting certain career oriented courses without the financial support of the Government. The
recurring expenditure to run these courses is being met by students' fees etc.

Distance/Correspondence Mode i.e. Non-Formal system of Higher Education - The system of

imparting education through broadcasting, telecasting, internet, correspondence courses,
seminars, contact programmes or the combination of any two or more such means of


Central Government - Universities/Colleges/Institutions which are maintained by Central

Government whether directly or indirectly e.g. University of Delhi is a Central University. Dyal Singh
College is a University College of University of Delhi which is getting maintenance grant from UGC.

State Government - Universities/Colleges/Institutions which are maintained by State Government

whether directly or indirectly e.g. Choudhry Charan Singh University, Meerut is a State University
getting maintenance grant from Uttar Pradesh Government.


AISHE 2017-18
Local Body - Colleges/Institutions which are managed by the local body such as Panchayats (as
defined in Art 243 read with 243 B of the Constitution), Municipalities (as defined in Article 243 P
read with 243 Q of the Constitution), Cantonment Boards, Town Area Committees and any other
bodies of the local self government constituted under a law. e.g. Firoz Gandhi College & C.P.Verma
College, Patna affiliated to Magadh University.

Private Aided - Institutions, which are managed by an Individual, Trust, Society or Other Private
Organization and receive regular maintenance grants from Government or Local Body. e.g. Hindu
College, Delhi affiliated to University of Delhi.

Private Un-aided - Institutions, which are managed by an Individual, Trust, Society or Other Private
Organization, which is either not receiving any grant or in receipt of one-time ad-hoc grant for a
specific purpose like building construction, strengthening of library or laboratory, one-time subsidy
towards teacher salary etc., but not receiving regular maintenance grant. e.g Chanchalben Mafatlal
Patel College of Nursing, Ahemadabad.


Student means a student of the Institution and includes any person who has enrolled himself/
herself for pursuing any programme of study conducted by the Institution.

Foreign Students mean those students who are citizens of a country other than India.

Students' intake is annual permitted strength for a particular programme of study which means the
number of seats in a programme.

Students' enrolment is total students on rollin a Programme as on 30th September of the academic
year, as explained below through an example:

Programme: MCA Duration: 3 years

Year Students enrolled

1st Year 30
2nd year 29
3rd year 28
Total Enrolment 87


Teacher is defined as a faculty/staff assigned the professional activities of instructing pupils,

providing knowledge and giving guidance in the subject area of studies in self contained classes or
courses or in class room situations. Generally the designation of teaching staff are Vice-Chancellor,
Director, Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Principal, Professor & Equivalent, Associate Professor, Additional
Professor,Reader, Lecturer (Selection Grade), Assistant Professor, Lecturer (Senior Scale), Lecturer,
Tutor, Demonstrator, Part-Time Teacher, Ad hoc Teacher, Temporary Teacher, Contract Teacher,
Visiting Teacher.


AISHE 2017-18
Sanctioned strength of Teaching Staff means the number of posts sanctioned designation-wise for
Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant Professor etc.

Existing strength (Teachers in position) means the number of teachers currently in position against
each post working in the University/Department on the date of reference.

Career Advancement Scheme (CAS) is a scheme of UGC to promote Teachers from a few selected
stages to higher stages.

Grade Pay – Grade Pay is a fixed amount attached to each post in the hierarchy. Grade pay
determines the status of a post.

Teacher Information Form (TIF) – Form the survey 2016-17 onwards, new format is developed as
part of the main Data Capture Format (DCF) to collect teachers' details of all the teachers employed
with the University/Institution of Higher Education. Data from survey can be used to identify areas
of strength and weakness with an Institution. It can also be used for research findings unequivocal
about the connection between teacher quality and student learning. In this connection, Teacher
Information Form (TIF) is designed to collect the data on each Teacher.


Non-teaching staff are staff other than Teaching staff engaged in Administrative, Secretarial,
Laboratory, Library work etc. of the University/ Institution/ College in different level Groups i.e.
Group A, Group B, Group C and Group D as defined by Department of Personnel & Training.


Person with Disability (PWD): A person suffering from a disability as defined in the “Persons with
Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Right and Full Participation) Act, 1995”. As per
Section 2 of this Act:
“Person with disability” (PWD) means a person suffering from not less than forty per cent of any of
the following disabilities as certified by a medical authority;
i. Blindness;
ii. Low vision;
iii. Leprosy-cured;
iv. Hearing impairment;
v. Locomotors disability;
vi. Mental retardation;
vii. Mental illness;

Other Backward Classes means the class or classes of citizens who are socially and educationally
backward, and are so determined by the Central/ State Government.

Scheduled Castes means the Scheduled Castes notified under article 341 of the Constitutions.

Scheduled Tribes means the Scheduled Tribes notified under article 342 of the Constitution.

Religious Minority: Five religious communities, viz; Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, Buddhists and


AISHE 2017-18
Zorastrians (Parsis) have been notified as minority communities by the Union Government.


Out-Turn means number of final year students of a particular programme, who have successfully
completed the programme i.e number of students who have passed the final year examination of the


Academic Year - The academic year is the period, during which one year or two semesters or three
trimester of a Programme is completed.

Financial Year - The financial year is the period from 1st April of the Year to 31st March of the next

Reference Date - 30th September of the Academic year is taken as the reference date for filling up
all the Blocks of DCF, except the block on Examination Results and Financial Information. Generally
all the admissions in various courses in a University, College & Stand-alone Institution are completed
before 30th September. Reference period for financial data is Financial Year and for examination
result is Academic Year.

Examination Year – It is the academic year prior to the reference date, for which Examination
Results are declared. Examination results include the final and supplementary examination
conducted during that year. In case of Ph.D., the out-turn is the number of students, who are
awarded degree during two convocations falling prior to the reference date.


AISHE 2017-18
List of Officers Involved in All India Survey on Higher Education 2017-18
Ministry of Human Resource Development

1. Shri. Madan Mohan, Deputy Director General (HE)

2. Shri Rajkumar, Director
3. Shri Amit Kamal, Deputy Director
4. Dr. Archana Shukla, Deputy Director
5. Shri Vishal Mani Bhatt, SSO
6. Ms. Suchi Dwivedi, SSO
7. Shri Rajesh Kumar, SSO
8. Shri Mukul Yadav, SSO
9. Shri Hariram Meena, JSO
10. Shri Jai Bhagwan, JSO
11. Shri Devender Kumar, JSO

National Informatics Center

1. Shri Anshul Agarwal, Sr. Technical Director

2. Shri Bhanu Prakash, System Analyst
3. Ms. Sandhya Rani, System Analyst

Technical Support Group –Higher Education Statistics and Public Information System

1. Shri Jitender Solanki, Project Manager

2. Dr. Pravin Kumar, Consultant
3. Ms. Esther Jean Dungdung, Administrative Assistant
4. Shri Gaurav Sharma, Administrative Assistant
5. Shri Sanjeev Kumar, Data Entry Operator
6. Shri Vikas Mehta, Data Entry Operator

State Level Officers

SI. No. State/UTs Name of State level Officer

1 Andaman and Nicobar (i) Ms. Josephine Reni
(i) Prof. P. Narasimha Rao
2 Andhra Pradesh
(ii) Dr. Ch. Subrahmanyam
(i) Shri Vishwa Nath Sharma
3 Arunachal Pradesh
(ii) Shri Niranjan Kumar Chourasia
(i) Ms. Gitimoni Phukan
4 Assam (ii) Ms. Niva Doley
(iii) Dr.Nirada Devi


AISHE 2017-18
SI. No. State/UTs Name of State level Officer
(i) Shri Mukesh Chandra Verma
(ii) Shri Kaushal Kishore Singh
5 Bihar
(iii) Ms. KumariVeena
(iv) Dr.Snehasish Das
6 Chandigarh (i) Ms. Manjit Kaur
(i) Shri Samarendre Singh
(ii) Ms. Rashmi Pradhan
7 Chhattisgarh
(iii) Ms. Pratima Trivedi
(iv) Ms. Santosh Kumar Tamboli
(i) Shri B. J. Koppar
8 Daman and Diu
(ii) Shri LalitSolonki
(i) Shri Ashok Kumar
(ii) Dr. S. L. Bhandarkar
9 Delhi
(iii) Ms. Daisy Thomas
(iv) Ms. Sapna Yadav
(i) Ms. Deepti Pradeep Kankonkar
10 Goa
(ii) Shri Richard Cabral
(i) Prof. R. K. Shah
(ii) Shri Balbhadrasinh Ajitsinh Gohil
11 Gujarat
(iii) Shri Nimesh S. Patel
(iv) Shri Akhil D. Thakar
(i) Shri Surinder Pal Sukhija
12 Haryana (ii) Shri UmeshSaroj
(iii) Shri Ashok Kumar Yadav
(i) Shri. Jagdish Lal
13 Himachal Pradesh (ii) Shri Pawan Kumar Gaur
(iii) Shri Bahadur Singh Mehta
(i) Shri Mohammad ShafiqChak
14 Jammu and Kashmir
(ii) Shri Rakesh Gandotra
(i) Dr.ShambhuDayal Singh
15 Jharkhand
(ii) Shri Ramesh Kumar Pandey
(i) Dr.Bhagyavana S Mudigoudra
(ii) Shri D.H. Jagdeesh
16 Karnataka
(iii) Shri Srikanth Basawaraj Phulari
(iv) Shri KallinathMadhavanavar
(i) Shri Suresh VasudevaKurup
(ii) Ms. Letha J.
17 Kerala
(iii) Ms. Valsa K. Panicker
(iv) Dr. P. Basheer
18 Lakshadweep (i) Shri Suresh VasudevaKurup
(i) Prof. Amiya Pahare
19 Madhya Pradesh
(ii) Ms. Jessy Philip
(i) Ms. Mangala S. Anchan
20 Maharashtra
(ii) Shri Namdeo Pandurang Shendkar
(i) Shri Iboyaima Lourembam
21 Manipur
(ii) Shri Khulem Ashok Kumar Singh


AISHE 2017-18
SI. No. State/UTs Name of State level Officer
(i) Shri Ram Singh
22 Meghalaya (ii) Shri B. N. Lamare
(iii) Shri Bisharlang Khyriem
(i) Shri Jamal Hussain
23 Mizoram
(ii) Shri Mal Sawm Thangi
(i) Ms. RokonoKeyho
24 Nagaland (ii) Shri UnotoKinimi
(iii) Shri Daniel Thong
(i) Dr. Rashmi Mishra
(ii) Shri Brajendra N Routray
25 Odisha
(iii) Ms. LaxmimaneTudu
(iv) Dr.Pratap Indra Dash
(i) Dr. R. Ramakrishnan
26 Puducherry
(ii) Ms. Josephine Reni
(i) Ms. Harleen Kaur Bedi
(ii) Shri Moninder Singh
27 Punjab
(iii) Ms. Surjeet Kaur
(iv) Ms. Geeta Gulati
(i) Dr. Pankaj Mathur
28 Rajasthan (ii) Shri Dinesh Bohra
(iii) Shri Dinesh Kothari
29 Sikkim (i) Shri D.K Pradhan
(i) Shri A. M. Rafeek
30 Tamil Nadu (ii) Dr. S. Ani Grace Kalaimathi
(iii) Ms. Santhi S.K
31 Telangana (i) Dr. N. Srinivasa Rao
32 Tripura (i) Shri Rajesh Bhattacharjee
(i) Shri Sanjay K Diwakar
(ii) Shri Ram Charan Rajput
33 Uttar Pradesh
(iii) Ms. Nimit Sharma
(iv) Dr. Sutta Singh
(i) Shri ChandraDattSuntha
34 Uttarakhand (ii) Shri S K Verma
(iii) Shri Bharat Pal Rawat
(i) Shri Tushar KantiGhara
35 West Bengal
(ii) Ms. Barnali Mukherjee


AISHE 2017-18
University Nodal Officer Involved in Coordinating with Colleges
State Name of the University University Nodal Officer
Acharya Nagarjuna University, Guntur(Id: U-0003) Prof.M Koteswara Rao
Acharya NG Ranga Agricultural University, Guntur(Id: U-0004) NARAYANA
Adikavi Nannaya University, Rajahmundry, East Godawari(Id: U-0005) Kandadai Swamy
Andhra University, Visakhapatnam(Id: U-0006) Prof. B. Muniswamy
Dr Y S R Horticulture University(Id: U-0001)
Dr. N.T.R. University of Health Sciences, Vijaywada(Id: U-0008) Registrar
Dr.B.R.Ambedkar University, Etcherla(Id: U-0009) Prof. P.Chiranjeevulu
Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Anantapur(Id: U-0016) Dr. V. Sumalatha
Andhra Pradesh
Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Kakinada(Id: U-0015) K.Anantha Lakshmi
Jawarharlal Nehru Architecture and Fine Art University Hyderabad(Id:
Krishna University, Machhlipattanam(Id: U-0021) Dr. R. Padmaja
Rayalaseema, University Kurnool(Id: U-0031) sangaraju verma
Sri Krishnadevaraya University, Anantapur(Id: U-0033) RAMESH BABU ERAMASI
Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupathy(Id: U-0037) Sreedharamalle Sreenadh
Sri Venkateswara Veterinary University, Tirupathi(Id: U-0039) Arunachalam Ravi
Vikram Simhapuri University, Nellore(Id: U-0044) Ussenaiah Maligela
Yogi Vemana University, Kadapa(Id: U-0045) Jayaraju Nadimikeri
Central Agricultural University, Imphal(Id: U-0336) Prof. Mahendra Seveda
Arunachal Pradesh
Rajiv Gandhi University, Itanagar(Id: U-0047) Sushanta Nayak
Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat(Id: U-0048) Anup Das
Assam University, Silchar(Id: U-0050) Angshu Sen
BODOLAND UNIVERSITY(Id: U-0674) dinanath basumatary
Assam Dibrugarh University, Dibrugarh(Id: U-0051) Ashim Borkatoky
Gauhati University, Guwahati(Id: U-0052) Jnanendra Mahanta
Smt. Nathibai Damodar Thackersey Women's Univeristy, Mumbai(Id: U-
Dr. Meena Kute
Dr. Mondol
GUWAHATI(Id: U-0669)
Aryabhatta Knoweledge University , Patna(Id: U-0057) Dr. Kumari Anjana
Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar Bihar University, Muzaffarpur(Id: U-
Dr. Kumar
Bhupendra Narayan Mandal University, Madhepura(Id: U-0059) DR ASHOK SINGH
Bihar Agriculture University, Sabour(Id: U-0060) SUBRAT KESHORI BEHERA
Dr Rajendra Prasad Central Agricultural University, Samastipur(Id: U-
Jai Prakash Vishwavidyalaya, Chapra(Id: U-0066) Ram Narayan Mahto
Kameshwar Singh Darbhanga Sanskrit Vishwavidyalaya, Darbhanga(Id:
Narottam Mishra
Lalit Narayan Mithila University, Darbhanga(Id: U-0068) Dr. Nawin Agrawal
Magadh University, Bodh Gaya(Id: U-0069) Dr. Shailendra Singh
Maulana Azad National Urdu University, Hyderabad(Id: U-0023) Abrar Ahmad
Maulana Mazharul Haque Arabic & Persian University, Patna(Id: U-
Syed Raza
Patna University, Patna(Id: U-0074) Krishna Singh
Sampurnanand Sanskrit Vishwavidyalaya, Varanasi(Id: U-0537) Vineeta Singh


AISHE 2017-18
University Nodal Officer Involved in Coordinating with Colleges
State Name of the University University Nodal Officer
Smt. Nathibai Damodar Thackersey Women's Univeristy, Mumbai(Id: U-
Dr. Meena Kute
Bihar 0326)
T.M. Bhagalpur University, Bhagalpur(Id: U-0076) DR. ABHAYA SAHAY
Veer Kunwar Singh University, Arrah(Id: U-0077) Kundan Singh
Panjab University,Chandigarh(Id: U-0078) Guldeep Singh
Ayush and Health Science University of Chattisgarh, Raipur(Id: U-0081) Arun Chande
Bastar Vishwavidyalaya, Bastar(Id: U-0082) VINOD SONI
Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekanand Technical University, Bhilai(Id: U-0083) Devendra Sirsant
DURG UNIVERSITY(Id: U-0831) Vikas Panchakshari
Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, Raipur(Id: U-0087) Dr. M. L. Lakhera
Indira Kala Sangit Vishwavidyalaya, Khairagarh(Id: U-0088) Prabodh Gupta
Kushabhau Thakre Patrakarita Avam Jansanchar Vishwavidyalaya,
Dr. Rajendra Mohanty
Raipur(Id: U-0089)
Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University, Raipur(Id: U-0093) Prof. Vyas Dubey
Sarguja University, Ambikapur(Id: U-0095) Anand Kumar
Prof. Raman Dang
Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University(Id: U-0099) Prof. Anil Saini
Delhi Indira Kala Sangit Vishwavidyalaya, Khairagarh(Id: U-0088) Prabodh Gupta
Sampurnanand Sanskrit Vishwavidyalaya, Varanasi(Id: U-0537) Vineeta Singh
University of Delhi(Id: U-0120) Pushpa Kumari
Goa University, Goa(Id: U-0121) Jyoti Pawar
Goa Smt. Nathibai Damodar Thackersey Women's Univeristy, Mumbai(Id: U-
Dr. Meena Kute
Anand Agricultural University, Anand(Id: U-0123) Dr. Vijaykumar Darji
Gujarat Ayurveda University, Jamnagar(Id: U-0133) D PATEL
Gujarat Forensic Sciences University(Id: U-0593) Chhatrapalsinh Jadeja
Gujarat Technological University, Ahmedbabd(Id: U-0135) Shobhanarani Sengunthar
Gujarat University, Ahmedabad(Id: U-0136) Dr. Patel
Hemchandracharya North Gujart University, Patan(Id: U-0138) Dr. Dharmendrabhai Patel
Junagadh Agricultural University(Id: U-0140) Narbheram Rankja
Krantiguru Shyamji Krishna Verma Kachchh University, Kachchh(Id: U-
chirag patel
Maharaja Krishnakumarsinhji Bhavnagar University(Id: U-0124) Dr. J. Badiyani
Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, Vadodara(Id: U-0143) Sunil Singh
Navsari Agricultural University(Id: U-0145) Dr. Bhaskarkumar Bhatt
North Eastern Hill University, Shillong(Id: U-0341) catherine
Sampurnanand Sanskrit Vishwavidyalaya, Varanasi(Id: U-0537) Vineeta Singh
Sardar Patel University, Vallabh Vidyanagar(Id: U-0148) Dinesh Karia
Sardarkrushinagar Dantiwada Agricultural University, Banaskantha(Id:
Dr. Prajapati
Saurashtra University, Rajkot(Id: U-0151) Aarti Oza
Shree Somnath Sanskrit University, Junagarh(Id: U-0152) Dr. Kartik Pandya


AISHE 2017-18
University Nodal Officer Involved in Coordinating with Colleges
State Name of the University University Nodal Officer
Smt. Nathibai Damodar Thackersey Women's Univeristy, Mumbai(Id: U-
Dr. Meena Kute
Gujarat 0326)
Veer Narmad South Gujarat University, Surat(Id: U-0153) Hitesh Vaghela
Bhagat Phool Singh Mahila University, Khanpur Kalan, Sonipat(Id: U-
Manju Saroha
Ch. Devi Lal University, Sirsa(Id: U-0160) R.C. Moury
Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar(Id: U-
Deenbandhu Chhotu Ram University of Science & Technology,
Pawan Dahiya
Murthal(Sonepat)(Id: U-0161)
Guru Jambheshwar University of Science and Technology, Hissar(Id: U-
Haryana 0162)
Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University(Id: U-0099) Prof. Anil Saini
Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra(Id: U-0164) Pardeep Kumar
Lala lajpat Rai University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences(Id: U-0165) Sudhi Garg
Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak(Id: U-0167) Dr Sumeet Gill
Maulana Azad National Urdu University, Hyderabad(Id: U-0023) Abrar Ahmad
Pt. Bhagwat Dayal Sharma University of Health Sciences(Id: U-0174) Parveen Kumar
Himachal Pradesh Technical University, Hamirpur(Id: U-0598) HP TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY
Himachal Pradesh University , Shimla(Id: U-0183) Devinder Sharma
Himachal Pradesh
Sampurnanand Sanskrit Vishwavidyalaya, Varanasi(Id: U-0537) Vineeta Singh
Jammu and Kashmir Cluster University of Jammu(Id: U-0926) Shivali Sethi
Cluster University Srinagar(Id: U-0909) Mubashir Khan
Islamic University of Science & Technology, Pulwama(Id: U-0194) Mohd Parry
Maulana Azad National Urdu University, Hyderabad(Id: U-0023) Abrar Ahmad
Jammu and Kashmir
Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Science & Technology of
Dr Qayoom
Kashmir, Srinagar(Id: U-0200)
Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University, Jammu(Id: U-0201) V Bhat
University of Jammu, Jammu Tawi(Id: U-0195) ginny dogra
University of Kashmir, Srinagar(Id: U-0196) Wasim
Kolhan University, West Singhbhum(Id: U-0206) Dr. Avinash Singh
Nilamber-Pitamber University, Palamu(Id: U-0208) Dr. RAM
Jharkhand Ranchi University, Ranchi(Id: U-0209) Raj Sharma
Sido Kanhu Murmu University, Dumka(Id: U-0210) ANMOL BABA
Vinoba Bhave University, Hazaribagh(Id: U-0212) Ajay Sharma
Bangalore University, Bangalore(Id: U-0215) Dr.P.V.Pandit
Davangere University, Davangere(Id: U-0218) Kavalar Rangappa
Gulbarga University, Gulbarga(Id: U-0219) Darley Pattathil
Kannada University, Hampi, Kamalapura(Id: U-0226) Venkatesha A
Karnataka Sanskrit University(Id: U-0625) Udayana Hegde
Karnataka Karnataka State Law University, Hubli(Id: U-0227) Ratna Bharamagoudar
Karnataka State Women University, Bijapur(Id: U-0229) Sidramappa Kamashetty
Karnataka University, Dharwad(Id: U-0230) ASHOK AINAPUR
Karnataka Vetrinary, Animal & Fisheries Science University,
Maralingappa Suranagi
Nandinagar(Id: U-0231)
Kuvempu University, Shankaraghatta, Shimoga(Id: U-0232) Ravi M
Mangalore University, Mangalore(Id: U-0233) Prof.Ismail Beary


AISHE 2017-18
University Nodal Officer Involved in Coordinating with Colleges
State Name of the University University Nodal Officer
Maulana Azad National Urdu University, Hyderabad(Id: U-0023) Abrar Ahmad
Mysore University, Mysore(Id: U-0235) Veena Mathad
Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore(Id: U-0240) Bhagyalakshmi G L
Rani Channamma University, Belagavi(Id: U-0602) Mr. Mahantesh Kuri
Tumkur University, Tumkur(Id: U-0244) Rajendra h
University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad(Id: U-0246) Vilas Kulkarni
University of Agricultural Sciences, Raichur(Id: U-0247) Vijaya Wali
University of Horticultural Sciences, Bagalkot(Id: U-0245) Ashok Alur
Dr.Basavaraj Halingali
SHIMOGA(Id: U-0637)
University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore(Id: U-0248) Dr. D.M.Gowda
Vesveswaraiah Technological University, Belgaum(Id: U-0249) VANISHREE RAGHUVEER
Vijayanagara Sri Krishnadevaraya University, Bellary(Id: U-0603) Dr. Babu
Central Univeristy of Kerala, Kasaragod(Id: U-0252)
Cochin University of Science & Technology, Kochi(Id: U-0253) Sunoj S.M
Indira Kala Sangit Vishwavidyalaya, Khairagarh(Id: U-0088) Prabodh Gupta
Kannur University, Kannur(Id: U-0256) Abdul Basheer K T
Kerala Agricultural University, Thrissur(Id: U-0257) SARAH T GEORGE
Kerala University, Thiruvananthapuram(Id: U-0260) Manoj Chacko
Kerala Veterinary & Animal Science University, Wayanad(Id: U-0261) Maya
Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam(Id: U-0262) SANTHOSH THAMPI
Awadesh Pratap Singh University, Rewa(Id: U-0268) Lal Singh
Barkatullah University, Bhopal(Id: U-0269) SANJAY GULATI
Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, Indore(Id: U-0270) Vrinda Tokekar
Dr. Harisingh Gaur Vishwavidyalaya, Sagar(Id: U-0271) Pooranlal Sahu
Indira Kala Sangit Vishwavidyalaya, Khairagarh(Id: U-0088) Prabodh Gupta
Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishwavidyalaya, Jabalpur(Id: U-0274) Bharati Dass
Jiwaji University, Gwalior(Id: U-0276) D.D. AGARWAL
Maharishi Panini Sanskrit Vishwavidyalaya, Ujjain(Id: U-0281) manoj tiwari
Makhanlal Chaturvedi National University of Journalism and
Deepak Chouksey
Communication, Bhopal(Id: U-0283)
Madhya Pradesh Maulana Azad National Urdu University, Hyderabad(Id: U-0023) Abrar Ahmad
Nanaji Deshmukh Pashu Chikitsa Vigyan Vishwavidalaya, Jabalpur(Id: U-
Dr Shivnandan Parmar
Raja Mansingh Tomar Music & Arts University, Gwalior(Id: U-0629) Ashish Bhagoria
Rajiv Gandhi Prodoyogiki Vishwavidyalaya, Bhopal(Id: U-0287) Dr Shukla
Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishwa Vidyalaya, Gwalior(Id: U-0288) vijay singh
Rani Durgavati Vishwavidyalaya, Jabalpur(Id: U-0289) DR. B. BHARTI
Smt. Nathibai Damodar Thackersey Women's Univeristy, Mumbai(Id: U-
Dr. Meena Kute
Vikram University, Ujjain(Id: U-0291) DR RAJESH TAILOR
Maharashtra Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad(Id: U-
Dr. Bharti Gawali


AISHE 2017-18
University Nodal Officer Involved in Coordinating with Colleges
State Name of the University University Nodal Officer
Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University, Lonere(Id: U-0299) Sanjay Nalbalwar
Dr. Balasaheb Sawant Konkan Krishi Vidyaapeeth,(former Konkan Krishi
dbskkv dapoli
Vidyapeeth) Ratnagiri(Id: U-0300)
Dr. Punjarao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth, Akola(Id: U-0302) RAVINDRA KUMAR KOLHE
Indian Maritime University(Id: U-0457) Registrar
Indira Kala Sangit Vishwavidyalaya, Khairagarh(Id: U-0088) Prabodh Gupta
Kavi Kulguru Kalidas Sanskrit Vishwavidyalaya, Ramtek(Id: U-0310) Mr.Rajesh Chakinarapuwar
Maharashtra Animal & Fishery Sciences University, Nagpur(Id: U-0312) Dr Pradney Taksande
Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Nashik(Id: U-0313) Pravin Ghatekar
Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri(Id: U-0315) R. Patil
Maharashtra Marathwada Agricultural University, Parbhani(Id: U-0316) Prof. Ranjit Chavan
Maulana Azad National Urdu University, Hyderabad(Id: U-0023) Abrar Ahmad
Mumbai University Mumbai(Id: U-0318) Deepak More
North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon(Id: U-0320) Shri Bhagwantrao Patil
Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur(Id: U-0332) Dr. Shailendra Kumar
Sampurnanand Sanskrit Vishwavidyalaya, Varanasi(Id: U-0537) Vineeta Singh
Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University, Amravati(Id: U-0324) Rajesh Singh
Savitribai Phule Pune University(Id: U-0323) Sanjay Dhole
Shivaji University, Kolhapur(Id: U-0325) Abhijeet Redekar
Smt. Nathibai Damodar Thackersey Women's Univeristy, Mumbai(Id: U-
Dr. Meena Kute
Solapur University, Solapur(Id: U-0327) Ashok Shinde
Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University, Nanded(Id: U-0328) Ajay Darshankar
Central Agricultural University, Imphal(Id: U-0336) Prof. Mahendra Seveda
Manipur University, Imphal(Id: U-0337) Salam Singh
Calcutta University, Kolkata(Id: U-0570) Sudakshina Gupta
Meghalaya Central Agricultural University, Imphal(Id: U-0336) Prof. Mahendra Seveda
North Eastern Hill University, Shillong(Id: U-0341) catherine
Central Agricultural University, Imphal(Id: U-0336) Prof. Mahendra Seveda
Mizoram University, Aizwal(Id: U-0345) Jamal Hussain
Nagaland Nagaland University(Id: U-0347) Dr. K. K. Upadhyay
Berhampur University, Berhampur(Id: U-0350) PADMANAVA SAMANTA
Biju Patnaik University of Technology, Rourkela(Id: U-0351) Prof.(Dr.)Partha Sarkar
Fakir Mohan University, Balasore(Id: U-0354) Dr. Ashanta Routray
North Orissa University, Mayurbhanj(Id: U-0359) Dr. Aditya Patra
Orissa University of Agriculture & Technology, Bhubaneswar(Id: U-
Dr. Sachidananda Muni
Sambalpur University, Sambalpur(Id: U-0362) Dr. Himanshu Mishra
Shri Jagannath Sanskrit Vishwavidyalaya, Puri(Id: U-0364) Prof. Govind Chandra Kar
Utkal University of Culture, Bhubaneswar(Id: U-0365) Suman Das
Utkal University, Bhubaneswar(Id: U-0366) ALOK BEHERE
Puducherry Pondicherry Univeristy, Puducherry(Id: U-0369) Tirupathi Rao Padi
Baba Farid University of Health & Medical Sciences, Faridkot(Id: U-
Dr. Rajeev Manhas
Punjab Guru Angad Dev Veterinary & Animal Sciences University, Ludhiana(Id:
Rajinder Brar
Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar(Id: U-0376) RENU


AISHE 2017-18
University Nodal Officer Involved in Coordinating with Colleges
State Name of the University University Nodal Officer
Punjab I K Gujral Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar(Id: U-0382) Sumeer Sharma
Panjab University,Chandigarh(Id: U-0078) Guldeep Singh
Punjabi University, Patiala(Id: U-0383) Gagan kaur
Sampurnanand Sanskrit Vishwavidyalaya, Varanasi(Id: U-0537) Vineeta Singh
Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan Rajasthan Ayurved University, Jodhpur(Id:
Govind Guru Tribal University, Banswara(Id: U-0896) Sohan Kathat
Jagadguru Ramanandacharya Rajasthan Sanskrit University, Jaipur(Id: U-
Shiva Kant Mishra
Jai Narain Vyas University, Jodhpur(Id: U-0399) Milind Sharma
Kota University, Kota(Id: U-0387) Dr. N. L. Heda
Maharaja Ganga Singh University, Bikaner(Id: U-0406) Jyoti Lakhani
Maharishi Dayanand Saraswati University, Ajmer(Id: U-0408) Ashwini Tiwari
Mohan Lal Sukhadia University, Uaipur(Id: U-0413) Anil Kothari
Rajasthan Technical University, Kota(Id: U-0419) SHYAM LADDHA
Rajasthan University of Health Sciences, Jaipur(Id: U-0420) SHRIBHAN MUDGAL
Rajasthan University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Bikaner(Id: U-
Prof. G Gahlot
Rajasthan University, Jaipur(Id: U-0422) K.V.R. Rao
Sampurnanand Sanskrit Vishwavidyalaya, Varanasi(Id: U-0537) Vineeta Singh


Swami Keshwanand Rajasthan Agricultural University, Bikaner(Id: U-
Jitendra Gaur
Central Agricultural University, Imphal(Id: U-0336) Prof. Mahendra Seveda
Sampurnanand Sanskrit Vishwavidyalaya, Varanasi(Id: U-0537) Vineeta Singh
Sikkim University, Gangtok(Id: U-0430) Vishal Tamang
Alagappa University, Alagappa Nagar, Karaikudi(Id: U-0435) Rajakumar
Anna University, Chennai(Id: U-0439) REGISTRAR
Bharathiar University, Coimbatore(Id: U-0447) Saradha
Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli(Id: U-0448) A. TAMILSELVAN
Madras University, Chennai(Id: U-0462) Dr.Devamaindan
Madurai Kamraj University, Madurai(Id: U-0463) Registrar Registrar
Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli(Id: U-0464) Dr.P.Arumugam
Mother Teresa Women's University, Kodaikanal(Id: U-0466) Indhumathi
Periyar University, Salem(Id: U-0470) Muthusamy
Tamil Nadu Dr. Ambedkar Law University, Chennai(Id: U-0480) Ambedkar University
Tamil Nadu
Tamil Nadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University , Chennai(Id: U-0481) The Nodal Officer, AISHE Cell,
Tamil Nadu Teacher Education University, Chennai(Id: U-0483) The Registrar
Tamilnadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore(Id: U-0485) KARTHIKEYAN Subburamu
Tamilnadu Physical Education and Sports University, Chennai(Id: U-
Prem Kumar Selvaraj
Tamilnadu Veterinary & Animal Sciences University, Chennai(Id: U-
Thirunavukkarasu M


AISHE 2017-18
University Nodal Officer Involved in Coordinating with Colleges
State Name of the University University Nodal Officer
Tamil Nadu Thiruvalluvar Univeristy, Vellore(Id: U-0488) THANGARAJ
Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad(Id: U-0017) K Naga Sujatha
Jawarharlal Nehru Architecture and Fine Art University Hyderabad(Id:
Kakatiya University, Warangal(Id: U-0019) R. Sharma
Mahatma Gandhi University, Nalgonda(Id: U-0022) SRINIVASA REDDY DAIDA
Maulana Azad National Urdu University, Hyderabad(Id: U-0023) Abrar Ahmad
Telangana Osmania University, Hyderabad(Id: U-0027) Chelmala Srinivasulu
Palamuru University, Mahabubnagar(Id: U-0028) dadireddy reddy
Satavahana University, Karimnagar(Id: U-0032) Sujatha Surepally
Dr R Chandrasekhar
(SKLTSHU)(Id: U-0845)
Telangana University, Nizamabad(Id: U-0040) SAMPATH KUMAR KANTHALA
Central Agricultural University, Imphal(Id: U-0336) Prof. Mahendra Seveda
Tripura University, Agartala(Id: U-0495) Monmohan Reang
Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh(Id: U-0496) Anees Ahmad
ALLAHABAD STATE UNIVERSITY(Id: U-0849) Prof. Vineeta Yadav
Banaras Hindu University, Banaras(Id: U-0500) Dr. Alok Kumar
Bundelkhand University, Jhansi(Id: U-0502) Dr. Yashodhara Sharma
Chatrapati Sahuji Maharaj Kanpur University, Kanpur(Id: U-0505) Dr. S.K. Dwivedi
Choudhary Charan Singh University, Meerut(Id: U-0506) Shailendra Gaurav
Deen Dayal Upadhyay Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur(Id: U-0508) HEM BAJPAI
Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University, Agra(Id: U-0509) Manoj
Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Awadh University, Faizabad(Id: U-0510) NARESH CHAUDHARY
Gautam Buddha University, Greater Noida, Gautam Budh Nagar(Id: U-
Vineet Kumar
Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University(Id: U-0099) Prof. Anil Saini
Uttar Pradesh Indira Kala Sangit Vishwavidyalaya, Khairagarh(Id: U-0088) Prabodh Gupta
KING GEORGE MEDICAL UNIVERSITY(Id: U-0523) Dr. Sandeep Bhattacharya
Lucknow University, Lucknow(Id: U-0524) Dr. Puneet Misra
Mahatama Jyotiba Phule Rohikhand University, Bareilly(Id: U-0525) Atul Sharma
Mahatma Gandhi Kashi Vidyapeeth, Varanasi(Id: U-0527) Prof. Sahay
Maulana Azad National Urdu University, Hyderabad(Id: U-0023) Abrar Ahmad
Narendra Deo University of Agriculture & Technology, Faizabad(Id: U-
Sunil Kumar
Sampurnanand Sanskrit Vishwavidyalaya, Varanasi(Id: U-0537) Vineeta Singh
Smt. Nathibai Damodar Thackersey Women's Univeristy, Mumbai(Id: U-
Dr. Meena Kute
University of Allahabad, Allahabad(Id: U-0548) Azizur Siddiqui
Veer Bahadur Singh Purvanchal University, Jaunpur(Id: U-0550) Surjeet Yadav


AISHE 2017-18
University Nodal Officer Involved in Coordinating with Colleges
State Name of the University University Nodal Officer
G.B. Pant Universtiy of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar(Id: U-
Manoj Kumar
Hemwati Nandan Bahuguna Garhwal Univeristy, Srinagar, Garhwal(Id:
Sanjay Dhyani
Bhavesh Jaguri
Kumaun University, Nainital(Id: U-0562) Yougal Joshi
TEHRI(Id: U-0717) Vishwavidhyalaya
Uttarakhand Sanskrit University, Hardwar(Id: U-0565) UMESH SHUKLA
saurabh rawat
BHARSAR(Id: U-0654)
Uttrakhand Technical University, Dehradun(Id: U-0566) ROHIT KANAUZIA
Burdwan University, Burdwan(Id: U-0569) Sujit Choudhury
Calcutta University, Kolkata(Id: U-0570) Sudakshina Gupta
Indira Kala Sangit Vishwavidyalaya, Khairagarh(Id: U-0088) Prabodh Gupta
Jadavpur University, Kolkata(Id: U-0575) Sanjay Sarkar
Kalyani University, Kalyani(Id: U-0576)
Dr. Parimalendu
Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal(Id: U-
Dr. Md. Aftabuddin
Maulana Azad National Urdu University, Hyderabad(Id: U-0023) Abrar Ahmad
West Bengal North Bengal University, Darjeeling(Id: U-0579) Swapan Rakshit
Rabindra Bharati University, Kolkata(Id: U-0581) DEBDATTA ROY
Sampurnanand Sanskrit Vishwavidyalaya, Varanasi(Id: U-0537) Vineeta Singh
Sidho-Kanho Birsa University(Id: U-0583) Dr. Priyanath Haldar
Tamil Nadu Teacher Education University, Chennai(Id: U-0483) The Registrar
The West Bengal University of Health Sciences, Kolkata(Id: U-0586) BIPUL MONDAL
University of Gour Banga, Malda(Id: U-0571) DR. RAJIB PATITUNDI
Vidya Sagar University, Midnapore(Id: U-0588) Madhumangal Pal
Dr. Sanghamitra Pal and Rajat
West Bengal State University, Kolkata(Id: U-0590)


AISHE 2017-18
State-wise List of Non-Responding Universities in 2017-18
State Name of Non-Responding Universities University Type
Andhra Pradesh SRM University-AP, Amaravati (Id: U-0934) State Private University
Andhra Pradesh Dr. N.T.R. University of Health Sciences, Vijaywada (Id: U-0008) State Public University
Indian Institute of Information Technology Design And Manufacturing,
Andhra Pradesh Institute of National Importance
Kurnool (Id: U-0863)
Gandhi Institute of Technology & Management (GITAM) University,
Andhra Pradesh Deemed University-Private
Visakhapatnam (Id: U-0011)
Arunachal Pradesh APEX PROFESSIONAL UNIVERSITY (Id: U-0712) State Private University
Arunachal Pradesh HIMALAYAN UNIVERSITY, ITANAGAR (Id: U-0719) State Private University
Arunachal Pradesh VENKATESHWARA OPEN UNIVERSITY (Id: U-0767) State Private Open University
Arunachal Pradesh NORTH EAST FRONTIER TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY (Id: U-0777) State Private University
Assam COTTON UNIVERSITY (Id: U-0675) State Public University
Delhi All India Institute of Medical Sciences (Id: U-0096) Institute of National Importance
Delhi Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi (Id: U-0100) Institute of National Importance
Delhi Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology, Delhi (Id: U-0105) State Public University
Delhi South Asian University, New Delhi (Id: U-0118) Central University
Haryana Ansal University (Id: U-0667) State Private University
Haryana PDM University (Id: U-0910) State Private University
Haryana M V N University, Palwal (Id: U-0742) State Private University
Haryana ASHOKA UNIVERSITY (Id: U-0744) State Private University
Haryana O. P. Jindal Global University, Sonipat (Id: U-0173) State Private University
Karnataka Azim Premji University, Bangalore (Id: U-0601) State Private University
Madhya Pradesh ALL INDIA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES, BHOPAL (Id: U-0687) Institute of National Importance
Madhya Pradesh ATAL BIHARI VAJPAYEE HINDI VISHWAVIDYALAYA (Id: U-0651) State Public University
Madhya Pradesh LNCT UNIVERSITY (Id: U-0813) State Private University
Madhya Pradesh Rajiv Gandhi Prodoyogiki Vishwavidyalaya, Bhopal (Id: U-0287) State Public University
Madhya Pradesh Jiwaji University, Gwalior (Id: U-0276) State Public University
Madhya Pradesh ORIENTAL UNIVERSITY (Id: U-0662) State Private University
Nanaji Deshmukh Pashu Chikitsa Vigyan Vishwavidalaya, Jabalpur (Id:
Madhya Pradesh State Public University
Madhya Pradesh VIT Bhopal University, Sehore (Id: U-0923) State Private University
Madhya Pradesh P.K. UNIVERSITY (Id: U-0858) State Private University
Madhya Pradesh Maharishi Panini Sanskrit Vishwavidyalaya, Ujjain (Id: U-0281) State Public University
Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research, Mumbai (Id: U-
Maharashtra Deemed University-Government
Manipur MANIPUR TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY (Id: U-0881) State Public University
Meghalaya William Carey University, Shillong (Id: U-0628) State Private University
Meghalaya Mahatma Gandhi University, Tura, West Garo Hills (Id: U-0339) State Private University
Punjab Lovely Professional University, Jullunder (Id: U-0379) State Private University
Rajasthan RAFFLLES UNIVERSITY (Id: U-0640) State Private University
Rajasthan SUN RISE UNIVERSITY (Id: U-0791) State Private University
Rajasthan Institute of Advanced Studies in Education, Churu (Id: U-0396) Deemed University-Private
Rajasthan OPJS UNIVERSITY, CHURU (Id: U-0730) State Private University
Rajasthan SKN AGRICULTURE UNIVERSITY, JOBNER (Id: U-0705) State Public University
Rajasthan UNIVERSITY OF ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT (Id: U-0756) State Private University
Rajasthan University of Technology (Id: U-0874) State Private University
Rajasthan Singhania University, Jhunjhunu (Id: U-0425) State Private University
Rajasthan ALL INDIA INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES, JODHPUR (Id: U-0689) Institute of National Importance
Rajasthan Jodhpur National University, Jodhpur (Id: U-0403) State Private University
Rajasthan AGRICULTURE UNIVERSITY, KOTA (Id: U-0704) State Public University
Rajasthan Janardan Rai Nagar Rajasthan Vidyapeeth, Udaipur (Id: U-0402) Deemed University-Private
Eastern Institute for Integrated Learning in Management University,
Sikkim State Private University
Jorethang (Id: U-0429)
Tamil Nadu Indian Maritime University (Id: U-0457) Central University


AISHE 2017-18
State-wise List of Non-Responding Universities in 2017-18
State Name of Non-Responding Universities University Type
Telangana Nizam Institute of Medical Sciences, Hyderabad (Id: U-0026) Institute under State Legislature Act
Telangana Indian Institute of Technology, Hyderabad (Id: U-0013) Institute of National Importance
Telangana University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad (Id: U-0042) Central University
Uttarakhand HIMALAYAN GARHWAL UNIVERSITY (Id: U-0912) State Private University
Uttar Pradesh Nehru Gram Bharati Vishwavidyalaya, Allahabad (Id: U-0532) Deemed University-Private
Uttar Pradesh U.P. Rajarshi Tandon Open University, Allahabad (Id: U-0546) State Open University
Narendra Deo University of Agriculture & Technology, Faizabad (Id: U-
Uttar Pradesh State Public University
Uttar Pradesh Footwear Design and Development Institute (Id: U-0898) Institute of National Importance
Uttar Pradesh GALGOTIAS UNIVERSITY (Id: U-0643) State Private University
Uttar Pradesh MONAD UNIVERSITY (Id: U-0644) State Private University
Uttar Pradesh Santosh University, Ghaziabad (Id: U-0539) Deemed University-Private
Chandra Shekhar Azad University of Agriculture & Technology, Kanpur
Uttar Pradesh State Public University
(Id: U-0504)
Uttar Pradesh HARCOURT BUTLER TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY (Id: U-0864) State Public University
Uttar Pradesh Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur (Id: U-0517) Institute of National Importance
Uttar Pradesh Babu Banarsi Das University, Lucknow (Id: U-0499) State Private University
Deemed University-Government
Uttar Pradesh Bhatkhande Music Institute, Lucknow (Id: U-0501)
Uttar Pradesh State Public University
Uttar Pradesh Lucknow University, Lucknow (Id: U-0524) State Public University
Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow
Uttar Pradesh Institute under State Legislature Act
(Id: U-0538)
Uttar Pradesh State Public University
Uttar Pradesh Sanskriti University (Id: U-0824) State Private University
Uttar Pradesh IIMT University (Id: U-0889) State Private University
Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel University of Agriculture & Technology,
Uttar Pradesh State Public University
Meerut (Id: U-0540)
Uttar Pradesh Shobit Institute of Engineering & Technology, Meerut (Id: U-0542) Deemed University-Private
Uttar Pradesh IFTM University, Moradabad (Id: U-0515) State Private University
Uttar Pradesh GLOCAL UNIVERSITY (Id: U-0645) State Private University
Uttar Pradesh Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies, Varanasi (Id: U-0503) Deemed University-Government


AISHE 2017-18
Enrolment Estimation Formula

Estimated enrolment at lth Level for kth Type of college in ith State,

where, = Enrolment in cth College at lth Level in kth Type in jth University in ith State,
= Number of responding colleges of kth Type in jth University in ith State
= Total number of colleges of kth Type in jth University in ith State,
= number of University in ith State,

= 1, 2, 3 & 4 ; 1, 2, 3 & 4 stands for Affiliated college, Constituent college, PG/Off-Campus

Centre & Recognised Centre respectively,

For, k=2,3,4,

= 1, 2, …... 8 ; 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8 stands for Ph.D., M.Phil, Post Graduate, Under Graduate,
PG Diploma, Diploma, Certificate & Integrated respectively.

Total Estimated enrolment at lth Level

Estimation to be made for those Levels, for which sufficient response has been received. Where,
Coefficient of Variation is high and is small, no estimation is proposed.

When response within University is less than 10%, ( ), the following assumption is


AISHE 2017-18
AISHE 2017-18

AISHE 2016-17


AISHE 2017-18
Table 25. Pupil Teacher Ratio In Higher Education
All Institutions University & Colleges University & its Constituent Units
Regular & Regular & Regular &
Regular Mode Regular Mode* Regular Mode
Distance Mode Distance Mode Distance Mode*
Andaman & Nicobar
32 19 35 21 453 15
Andhra Pradesh 18 15 19 15 64 17

Arunachal Pradesh 41 27 44 28 41 14

Assam 30 26 31 26 48 14

Bihar 70 65 75 69 119 42

Chandigarh 31 22 32 23 35 16

Chhatisgarh 27 23 28 24 60 20

Dadra & Nagar Haveli 29 29 29 29 16 13

Daman & Diu 16 16 17 17

Delhi 57 22 61 23 170 25

Goa 18 16 20 17 64 20

Gujarat 28 27 30 29 37 27

Haryana 26 21 28 22 46 17

Himachal Pradesh 27 23 30 25 29 14

Jammu and Kashmir 38 27 41 29 62 14

Jharkhand 61 56 66 61 62 28

Karnataka 15 14 15 15 18 13

Kerala 19 15 19 15 74 14

Lakshdweep 14 14 14 14 14 14

Madhya Pradesh 28 25 29 26 48 32

Maharashtra 27 22 30 24 68 17

Manipur 23 21 23 22 24 12

Meghalaya 27 24 29 25 25 14

Mizoram 19 15 20 16 35 13

Nagaland 19 16 20 17 26 9

Odisha 26 25 29 27 31 20

Puducherry 12 10 12 10 15 8

Punjab 18 17 19 18 25 18

Rajasthan 27 25 29 26 35 19

Sikkim 22 14 24 15 24 10

Tamil Nadu 18 15 18 15 38 15

Telangana 17 17 17 17 34 19

Tripura 35 30 37 32 45 17

Uttar Pradesh 42 41 44 44 28 21

Uttrakhand 26 24 28 25 33 23

West Bengal 42 38 45 41 58 21

All India 26 23 28 25 45 19
* Highlighted columes are the corrected version of AISHE 2016-17


AISHE 2017-18
Table 49. Pupil Teacher Ratio during last 6 years
All Institutions University & Colleges University & its Constituent Units
Regular & Regular & Regular &
Regular Mode Regular Mode* Regular Mode
Distance Mode Distance Mode Distance Mode*
2016-17 26 23 28 25 45 19
2015-16 23 20 24 21 37 16
2014-15 23 21 24 22 37 15
2013-14 24 21 25 21 41 16
2012-13 23 20 24 21 41 16
2011-12 23 21 24 21 42 16
Andaman & Nicobar Islands
2016-17 32 19 35 21 453 15
2015-16 34 20 34 20 481 13
2014-15 30 17 30 17 494 14
2013-14 43 18 43 18 620 13
2012-13 48 19 50 19 492 10
2011-12 31 20 33 20 0 0
Andhra Pradesh
2016-17 18 15 19 15 64 17
2015-16 16 13 16 13 65 15
2014-15 17 14 17 14 75 17
2013-14 18 14 18 14 81 15
2012-13 18 14 18 14 86 14
2011-12 18 15 18 15 93 13
Arunachal Pradesh
2016-17 41 27 44 28 41 14
2015-16 43 31 46 33 38 13
2014-15 49 39 51 40 43 13
2013-14 42 32 44 34 44 12
2012-13 31 25 34 27 38 12
2011-12 40 33 43 35 38 12
2016-17 30 26 31 26 48 14
2015-16 25 22 26 22 35 11
2014-15 25 22 26 22 37 12
2013-14 29 21 30 22 63 11
2012-13 26 20 27 21 58 13
2011-12 24 21 25 21 42 11
2016-17 70 65 75 69 119 42
2015-16 54 50 55 52 37 15
2014-15 50 47 52 48 33 14
2013-14 57 52 59 54 66 26
2012-13 53 49 54 50 101 40
2011-12 46 43 47 44 73 30
2016-17 31 22 32 23 35 16
2015-16 31 22 32 22 36 16
2014-15 29 21 29 21 34 15
2013-14 30 21 30 21 35 15
2012-13 23 16 23 16 22 10
2011-12 25 18 26 19 31 14
2016-17 27 23 28 24 60 20
2015-16 23 20 23 20 53 18
2014-15 24 20 24 20 51 18
2013-14 24 21 24 22 55 23
2012-13 24 22 25 22 54 27
2011-12 21 20 21 20 14 9


AISHE 2017-18
Table 49. Pupil Teacher Ratio during last 6 years
All Institutions University & Colleges University & its Constituent Units
Regular & Regular & Regular &
Regular Mode Regular Mode* Regular Mode
Distance Mode Distance Mode Distance Mode*
Dadra & Nagar Haveli
2016-17 29 29 29 29 16 13
2015-16 27 27 27 27 18 17
2014-15 25 25 25 25 13 12
2013-14 25 25 25 25 20 14
2012-13 25 25 25 25 20 14
2011-12 26 26 28 28 20 15
Daman & Diu
2016-17 16 16 17 17 0 0
2015-16 16 16 17 17 0 0
2014-15 16 16 17 17 0 0
2013-14 15 15 15 15 0 0
2012-13 13 13 9 9 0 0
2011-12 11 11 7 7 0 0
2016-17 57 22 61 23 170 25
2015-16 51 19 54 19 121 16
2014-15 49 19 51 19 113 17
2013-14 50 19 53 19 116 17
2012-13 47 18 49 18 112 16
2011-12 48 18 51 19 112 16
2016-17 18 16 20 17 64 20
2015-16 18 15 19 15 61 14
2014-15 17 14 18 14 46 10
2013-14 18 15 19 15 46 8
2012-13 18 15 19 16 71 12
2011-12 17 14 18 14 64 11
2016-17 28 27 30 29 37 27
2015-16 27 25 28 26 32 23
2014-15 28 26 29 27 31 19
2013-14 27 26 28 26 30 20
2012-13 27 26 28 26 32 22
2011-12 27 26 28 27 27 22
2016-17 26 21 28 22 46 17
2015-16 18 17 19 18 18 14
2014-15 18 17 18 18 15 12
2013-14 18 18 19 18 17 13
2012-13 19 19 20 19 18 14
2011-12 22 21 23 22 20 16
Himachal Pradesh
2016-17 27 23 30 25 29 14
2015-16 22 19 24 20 24 13
2014-15 21 18 23 19 25 12
2013-14 22 18 24 19 25 11
2012-13 20 18 22 19 20 10
2011-12 24 21 26 22 23 11
Jammu and Kashmir
2016-17 38 27 41 29 62 14
2015-16 31 21 33 23 61 12
2014-15 32 22 34 24 72 14
2013-14 33 25 35 25 64 13
2012-13 35 27 36 28 60 12
2011-12 38 32 38 32 53 13


AISHE 2017-18
Table 49. Pupil Teacher Ratio during last 6 years
All Institutions University & Colleges University & its Constituent Units
Regular & Regular & Regular &
Regular Mode Regular Mode* Regular Mode
Distance Mode Distance Mode Distance Mode*
2016-17 61 56 66 61 62 28
2015-16 52 48 54 50 51 24
2014-15 58 54 59 55 49 22
2013-14 58 53 59 55 51 22
2012-13 52 48 53 48 50 21
2011-12 44 40 44 40 48 22
2016-17 15 14 15 15 18 13
2015-16 14 13 14 13 15 11
2014-15 14 13 14 13 17 10
2013-14 14 12 15 13 25 9
2012-13 15 13 15 13 27 10
2011-12 14 13 15 13 27 9
2016-17 19 15 19 15 74 14
2015-16 16 13 16 13 53 13
2014-15 17 13 17 13 55 13
2013-14 15 14 16 14 35 13
2012-13 15 14 15 14 28 12
2011-12 15 14 16 14 34 15
2016-17 14 14 14 14 14 14
2015-16 13 13 13 13 13 13
2014-15 8 8 8 8 8 8
2013-14 14 14 14 14 14 14
2012-13 13 13 13 13 13 13
2011-12 13 13 13 13 13 13
Madhya Pradesh
2016-17 28 25 29 26 48 32
2015-16 24 21 24 21 45 28
2014-15 24 21 24 22 59 35
2013-14 27 23 27 23 126 76
2012-13 25 22 25 22 121 66
2011-12 27 24 28 24 132 75
2016-17 27 22 30 24 68 17
2015-16 24 20 26 22 47 13
2014-15 23 20 25 22 38 15
2013-14 23 20 25 21 40 15
2012-13 21 19 23 20 36 16
2011-12 23 21 25 22 39 16
2016-17 23 21 23 22 24 12
2015-16 21 19 21 19 37 15
2014-15 21 19 21 19 28 11
2013-14 22 21 22 21 29 11
2012-13 20 19 20 19 24 11
2011-12 19 18 19 18 21 11
2016-17 27 24 29 25 25 14
2015-16 24 21 25 22 25 13
2014-15 20 18 21 18 24 12
2013-14 19 17 20 17 22 9
2012-13 20 18 21 18 19 8
2011-12 20 18 20 19 20 9


AISHE 2017-18
Table 49. Pupil Teacher Ratio during last 6 years
All Institutions University & Colleges University & its Constituent Units
Regular & Regular & Regular &
Regular Mode Regular Mode* Regular Mode
Distance Mode Distance Mode Distance Mode*
2016-17 19 15 20 16 35 13
2015-16 19 15 19 15 33 13
2014-15 18 14 20 15 42 11
2013-14 19 14 21 16 46 11
2012-13 20 15 21 16 41 10
2011-12 18 14 19 15 41 10
2016-17 19 16 20 17 26 9
2015-16 17 14 18 15 26 8
2014-15 19 15 20 15 38 9
2013-14 21 15 21 16 41 7
2012-13 20 16 21 16 43 7
2011-12 24 17 24 18 57 8
2016-17 26 25 29 27 31 20
2015-16 21 20 23 22 24 16
2014-15 20 19 21 20 21 14
2013-14 19 18 20 19 22 14
2012-13 19 18 20 19 20 13
2011-12 21 21 22 21 24 16
2016-17 12 10 12 10 15 8
2015-16 10 9 10 9 11 7
2014-15 10 9 10 9 10 6
2013-14 11 10 10 9 11 7
2012-13 12 11 11 10 14 9
2011-12 9 9 8 8 7 7
2016-17 18 17 19 18 25 18
2015-16 16 15 17 16 22 17
2014-15 17 16 18 16 26 16
2013-14 17 16 17 16 23 18
2012-13 18 17 19 18 27 19
2011-12 19 18 21 20 23 16
2016-17 27 25 29 26 35 19
2015-16 26 24 27 26 36 26
2014-15 23 22 24 23 25 14
2013-14 22 21 23 22 23 13
2012-13 21 20 21 20 27 16
2011-12 26 25 27 26 31 22
2016-17 22 14 24 15 24 10
2015-16 21 12 22 13 22 9
2014-15 17 12 17 12 17 8
2013-14 17 11 17 11 17 9
2012-13 14 9 15 9 15 7
2011-12 20 14 20 14 18 8
Tamil Nadu
2016-17 18 15 18 15 38 15
2015-16 15 13 16 13 29 11
2014-15 16 14 17 13 33 11
2013-14 17 14 17 14 33 11
2012-13 18 14 18 14 36 11
2011-12 18 15 19 14 40 12


AISHE 2017-18
Table 49. Pupil Teacher Ratio during last 6 years
All Institutions University & Colleges University & its Constituent Units
Regular & Regular & Regular &
Regular Mode Regular Mode* Regular Mode
Distance Mode Distance Mode Distance Mode*
2016-17 17 17 17 17 34 19
2015-16 16 14 16 14 67 15
2014-15 16 14 16 14 68 14
2013-14 18 16 18 16 80 14
2012-13 17 14 17 14 78 15
2016-17 35 30 37 32 45 17
2015-16 30 26 31 26 58 25
2014-15 31 26 32 27 65 23
2013-14 30 24 31 25 58 21
2012-13 28 23 29 24 48 19
2011-12 27 22 28 23 44 16
Uttar Pradesh
2016-17 42 41 44 44 28 21
2015-16 34 34 36 35 22 17
2014-15 39 38 41 40 24 18
2013-14 39 38 40 38 25 18
2012-13 37 36 37 36 25 17
2011-12 32 30 32 30 26 18
2016-17 26 24 28 25 33 23
2015-16 22 20 23 22 24 18
2014-15 23 22 25 23 26 19
2013-14 30 28 32 29 33 23
2012-13 29 27 31 29 34 23
2011-12 31 30 33 31 29 21
West Bengal
2016-17 42 38 45 41 58 21
2015-16 36 32 38 34 38 13
2014-15 38 34 40 36 48 18
2013-14 39 35 41 37 46 16
2012-13 38 35 40 36 43 14
2011-12 36 33 38 34 39 15
* Highlighted figures of 2016-17 are corrected.


AISHE 2017-18


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