A02 099
A02 099
A02 099
Stephen C. Mitchell, Imperail College, London, United Kingdom
Rosemary H. Waring, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, United Kingdom
alcohol in water at 25 ◦ C); pK 2 9.66 (water at pressures are as follows: 284 ◦ C (101.3 kPa),
15 ◦ C), 9.71 (water at 22 ◦ C) [18], [19]. Salts: 174 ◦ C (1.47 kPa), 167 ◦ C (1.07 kPa), 150 ◦ C
hydrochloride [51-19-4], needles, mp 207 ◦ C ; (0.4 kPa), 130.2 ◦ C (0.04 kPa), decomposition
formate, mp 120 ◦ C; oxalate, mp 167.5 ◦ C (de- usually occurring. Acid – base dissociation con-
comp.); acetate, mp 150 ◦ C. stants are: pK 1 5.50 (water at 21 ◦ C), 4.86 (water
at 30 ◦ C), 5.48 (1 vol % aqueous ethyl alcohol
3-Aminophenol (3) [591-27-5], 3-hy- at 25 ◦ C); pK 2 10.30 (water at 22 ◦ C), 10.60
droxyaniline, 3-amino-1-hydroxybenzene, (water at 30 ◦ C) [18], [21]. Salts: hydrochloride
C6 H7 NO, M r 109.13, forms white prisms [51-78-5], prisms, mp 306 ◦ C (decomp.); hy-
when crystallized from water or toluene, drosulfate [15658-52-3], needles, mp 272 ◦ C;
mp 122 – 123 ◦ C. The orthorhombic crystals oxalate, mp 183 ◦ C; acetate [13871-68-6],
have a tetramolecular unit and a density of mp 183 ◦ C; chloroacetate, needles, mp 148 ◦ C;
1.195 g/cm3 (1.206 and 1.269 also quoted) [14– trichloroacetate, needles, mp 166 ◦ C.
16]. 3-Aminophenol boils at 164 ◦ C at 1.47 kPa
with slight decomposition [17]. Acid – base
dissociation constants are: pK 1 4.17 (water at 1.2. Chemical Properties
21 ◦ C), 4.31 (1 vol % aqueous ethyl alcohol at
25 ◦ C); pK 2 9.87 (water at 22 ◦ C) [18]. Salts: The chemical properties and reactions of the
hydrochloride [51-81-0], prisms, mp 229 ◦ C; aminophenols are to be found in detail in many
hydrobromide, prisms, mp 224 ◦ C; hydroiodide, standard chemical texts and only a summary is
prisms, mp 209 ◦ C; sulfate [66671-80-5], plates given here [22].
or needles, mp 152 ◦ C; oxalate, mp 275 ◦ C. The acidity of the phenols is depressed by
the presence of an amino group on the benzene
4-Aminophenol (2) [123-30-8], 4-hy-
ring; this phenomenon is most pronounced with
droxyaniline, 4-amino-1-hydroxybenzene,
4-aminophenol. They also behave as weak bases,
C6 H7 NO, M r 109.13, forms white plates when
giving salts with both mineral and organic acids.
crystallized from water, mp 189 – 190 ◦ C (de-
The aminophenols are true ampholytes, with no
comp.). The crystals exist in two forms. The α
zwitterion structure; hence they exist either as
form (from alcohol, water, or ethyl acetate) is the
neutral molecules (4) or as ammonium cations
more stable and has an orthorhombic pyrami-
(5) or phenolate anions (6), depending on the pH
dal structure containing four molecules per unit
value of the solution.
cell. It has a density of 1.290 g/cm3 (1.305 also
quoted). The less stable β form (from acetone)
exists as acicular crystals that turn into the α
form on standing; they are orthorhombic bipyra-
midal or pyramidal and have a hexamolecular
unit [14], [15], [20]. At reduced pressure (40 Pa)
4-aminophenol sublimes at 110 ◦ C with slight
decomposition. Boiling points quoted at various
Aminophenols 3
1.3.3. Purification and 275 nm [78] and also in parts per thousand
by using potentiometric titrations in a two-phase
Generally, aminophenols can be purified by sub- chloroform–water medium [79] or potentio-
limation at reduced pressure and higher tempera- argentometric titrations of liberated bromide af-
ture. 3-Aminophenol may be purified by vacuum ter reaction with bromine [80]. More specif-
distillation; to obtain a colorless product sulfur ically, 2-aminophenol can be identified using
dioxide is added during distillation [65] or the an iron(II) sulfate–hydrogen peroxide reagent
distillate is collected under a blanket of an un- [81] or dimerized in acidic solution to 2-hy-
reactive liquid of lower density, such as water droxyisophenoxazin-3-one, as intensively col-
[66]. ored dye [82]. 4-Aminophenol can be ana-
Another method for purifying aminophenols lyzed by voltammetry [83], [84]. A colorimetric
is the treatment of their aqueous solutions method using 3-cyano-N-methoxypyridinium
with activated carbon [67], [68]. During this perchlorate as reagent detects 4-aminophenol in
treatment, sodium sulfite, sodium dithionite, or the presence of N-acetyl-4-aminophenol [85].
disodium ethylenediaminotetraacetate [68] is 3-Aminophenol has been analyzed colorimetri-
added to increase the quality and stability of the cally by oxidation in base and subsequent ex-
products and to chelate heavy-metal ions that traction of a violet quinoneimide dye [86].
would catalyze oxidation. Addition of sodium Chromatographic methods for the separation
dithionite, hydrazine [68], or sodium hydrosul- and identification of aminophenols also have
fite [69] also is recommended during precipita- been described. Thin layer chromatography pro-
tion or crystallization of aminophenols. vides a rapid and convenient method of separat-
Contaminants, which are usually present in ing the isomers from many derivatives, and sub-
the 4-aminophenol made by catalytic reduction, sequent spraying with a variety of chromogenic
can be reduced or even removed completely by a reagents gives additional information [87], [88].
variety of procedures: treatment with 2-propanol Several gas–liquid [89] and high-pressure liquid
[70]; with aliphatic, cycloaliphatic or aromatic [90–92] chromatographic separation techniques
ketones [71]; with aromatic amines [72]; with have also been reported, and the use of selected-
toluene or low molecular mass alkyl acetates ion mass spectrometry greatly increases detec-
[73]; with phosphoric acid, hydroxyacetic acid, tion sensitivity [93], [94].
hydroxypropionic acid, or citric acid [74]; or by
extraction with methylene chloride, chloroform
[75], or nitrobenzene [76].
1.6. Environmental Aspects
1.4. Storage and Handling As the aminophenols are oxidized easily they
tend to remove oxygen from solutions. Hence,
Under atmospheric conditions, 3-aminophenol if they are released from industrial waste waters
is the most stable of the three isomers. Both 2- into streams and rivers they will deplete the ca-
and 4-aminophenol are unstable; they darken on pacity of these environments to sustain aquatic
exposure to air and light and should be stored life. The adsorption of aminophenols onto metal
in brown glass containers, preferably in an at- ferrocyanides and activated carbons from bitu-
mosphere of nitrogen. The use of activated iron minous coal has met with limited success but
oxide in a separate cellophane bag inside the may provide a possible means of removal [95],
storage container inhibits the discoloration of 4- [96]. Biological degradation of 3-aminophenol
aminophenol [77]. The salts, especially the hy- has been carried out in aeration tanks with
drochlorides, are more resistant to oxidation and adapted microflora from active sludge; the pro-
should be used where possible. cess took 4 months [97]. An enzymatic method
for removing aminophenols from waste wa-
ters has been described using horseradish per-
1.5. Analysis oxidase to cross-link and precipitate the com-
pounds as insoluble polymers [98]. Degradative
Aminophenols have been detected in waste wa- metabolism by bacteria [99–101] and the im-
ter by investigating UV absorptions at 220, 254,
Aminophenols 7
mobilization of microbial cells onto Ca-alginate skin sensitization, dermatitis, and allergic reac-
beads [102] may open up a new approach. tions [108], [109]. Immunogenic conjugates are
spontaneously produced on exposure to 2- and 4-
aminophenol [110]. Methemoglobin formation
1.7. Uses with subsequent cyanosis is another possible
complication. Inhalation of 4-aminophenol may
Both 2- and 4-aminophenols are strong reducing precipitate this event and also cause bronchial
agents and are employed as photographic devel- asthma, [111]. 3-Aminophenol is less hazardous
opers under the trade names of Atomal and Ortol than the others. The sulfonated derivatives are
(2-aminophenol); Activol, Azol, Certinal, Citol, less irritating than the unsulfonated compounds.
Paranol, Rodinal, Unal, and Ursol P (4-amino- 2-Aminophenol is neuroactive, inducing
phenol); they may be used alone or in combi- spike discharges when instilled into the cere-
nation with hydroquinone. The oxalate salt of broventricle of the rat [112]. 4-Aminophenol
4-aminophenol is marketed under the name of is nephrotoxic and strongly inhibits proximal
Kodelon. tubular function [113–115]. Respiration, oxida-
The aminophenols are versatile intermedi- tive phosphorylation, and ATPase activity are
ates and are employed in the synthesis of vir- inhibited in rat kidney mitochondria [116]. 2-
tually every class of stain and dye. In addition, Aminophenol and 4-aminophenol, but not 3-
2-aminophenol (Oxidation Base 17; C.I. 76520) aminophenol, are teratogenic in the hamster
is specifically used for shading leather, fur, and [117]. 4-Aminophenol is known to inhibit DNA
hair from grays and browns to yellowish brown. synthesis and alter DNA structure in human lym-
3-Aminophenol has found application as a hair phoblasts [118]. The aminophenols also have
colorant and as a coupler molecule in hair dyes been shown to be genotoxic, as evidenced by
[103], [104]. 4-Aminophenol is used as an inter- the induction of sister chromatid exchanges and
mediate in the synthesis of pharmaceuticals, as micronucleus tests [119–122].
a wood stain imparting a roselike color to timber Obviously, care should be taken in handling
[105], and as a dyeing agent for fur and feathers. these compounds; prolonged exposure should
As a result of the close proximity of the be avoided. Contaminated clothing should be
amino and hydroxyl groups on the benzene removed immediately and the affected area
ring and their ease of condensation with suit- washed thoroughly with running water for at
able reagents, 2-aminophenol is a principal in- least 10 min.
termediate in the synthesis of such heterocyclic
systems as oxyquinolines, phenoxamines, and
benzoxazoles. The last-named compounds have 2. Aminophenol Derivatives
been used as inflammation inhibitors [106].
3-Aminophenol has found use as a stabilizer The derivatives of the aminophenols have im-
of chlorine-containing thermoplastics [107], al- portant uses in both the photographic and the
though its major use is as an intermediate in the pharmaceutical industries. They are also ex-
production of 4-amino-2-hydroxybenzoic acid, tensively applied as precursors and interme-
a tuberculostat. Similarly, nitrogen-substituted diates in the synthesis of more complicated
4-aminophenols have long been known as an- molecules, especially those used in the stain-
tipyretics and analgesics, and the production of ing and dye industry. All of the major classes of
these derivatives is a major use of 4-amino- dyes have representatives that incorporate sub-
phenol. stituted aminophenols. The varying degrees of
ease with which the aminophenols can be di-
azotized and coupled has led to their use in
the manufacture of azo compounds. The sul-
1.8. Toxicology
fonated aminophenols also are employed in this
context; these compounds, however, are treated
In general, aminophenols are irritants. Their
elsewhere (→ Benzenesulfonic Acids and Their
toxic hazard rating is slight to moderate, but re-
Derivatives). Details concerning which amino-
peated contamination may cause general itching,
phenol derivatives and sulfonated compounds
8 Aminophenols
are produced commercially as dye intermedi- or of Raney nickel [129] (solvent: methanol or
ates have been reviewed and are given in the 2-propanol).
publications listed in reference [123]. The more
commonly encountered simple derivatives of the
aminophenols can be found in the review articles
cited in the references and also in standard or-
ganic chemistry texts [124]. A few examples,
which have specific uses or are manufactured in 12 13 14
dehydrated over sulfuric acid to the anhydrous pound suggest potential health hazards [143],
form, mp 143 – 145 ◦ C, soluble in alcohol, ether, [144].
acetic acid, and warm benzene and slightly sol-
uble in water.
Compound 17 is produced commercially by
the partial reduction of 2,4-dinitrophenol; this
may be achieved electrolytically with vanadium
[134] or chemically with polysulfide, sodium
18 19
hydrosulfide, or hydrazine and copper [135–
137]. Alternatively, 2-acetamidophenol or 2-
methylbenzoxazole may be nitrated in sulfuric
acid to yield a mixture of 4- and 5-nitro deriva- 2,4-Diaminophenol (19) [95-86-3], 4-
tives that are then separated and hydrolyzed with hydroxy-m-phenylenediamine, C6 H8 NO2 ,
sodium hydroxide [138]. M r 124.14, forms leaflets that darken on ex-
The major use of this compound is in the pro- posure to air and melt at 78 – 80 ◦ C with decom-
duction of mordant and acid dyes. 2-Amino-4- position. The compound is soluble in acid, al-
nitrophenol also has found limited use as an an- kali, alcohol, and acetone and sparingly sol-
tioxidant and light stabilizer in butyl rubbers and uble in chloroform, ether, and ligroin. 2,4-
as a catalyst in the manufacture of hexadiene. Diaminophenol usually is sold as the sulfate
2-Amino-4-nitrophenol has been shown to be [72556-58-2] (Diamol) or dihydrochloride salt
a skin irritant and continuous exposure should be [137-09-7] (Acrol, Amidol).
avoided. Toxicologic studies have shown it to be 2,4-Diaminophenol can be prepared from
nonaccumulative [139] but suggest it is carcino- 2,4-dinitrophenol by catalytic hydrogenation
genic [133]. or, less conveniently, by metal reduction in
acid solution (Béchamp method) [145–150].
2-Amino-4,6-dinitrophenol (18) [96-91-3], Alternatively, electrolytic reduction and subse-
C6 H5 N3 O5 , M r 199.13, 4,6-dinitro-2-amino- quent hydroxylation of 1,3-dinitrobenzene or 3-
phenol, picramic acid, forms dark red nee- nitroaniline in sulfuric acid can be undertaken
dles from alcohol and prisms from chloro- [151–153].
form, mp 169 – 170 ◦ C. The compound flashes The dihydrochloride salt is used as a photo-
at 210 ◦ C in contact with an open flame, ignites graphic developer. It also is applied as an inter-
rapidly, and burns relatively fast. 2-Amino-4,6- mediate in the manufacture of fur dyes, in hair
dinitrophenol is soluble in glacial acetic acid, dyeing, as a reagent in testing for ammonia and
water, alcohol, benzene, and aniline and spar- formaldehyde, and as an oxygen scavenger in
ingly soluble in ether and chloroform. water to prevent boiler corrosion [154].
The compound can be prepared from 2,4,6-
trinitrophenol (picric acid) by reduction with 2-Amino-4-chlorophenol [95-85-2],
sodium hydrosulfide [140], with ammonia – hy- C6 H6 ClNO, M r 143.58, forms colorless plates,
drogen sulfide followed by acetic acid neu- mp 139 – 140 ◦ C, that are extremely sensitive
tralization of the ammonium salt [141], with to oxidation when wet. For its production 2,5-
ethanolic hydrazine and copper [137], or elec- dichloronitrobenzene is converted to 4-chloro-
trolytically with vanadium sulfate in alco- 2-nitrophenol by reaction with sodium hydrox-
holic sulfuric acid [134]. Heating 4,6-dinitro-2- ide; this product is then reduced either with iron
benzamidophenol in concentrated HCl at 140 ◦ C [155], with hydrazine, or with hydrogen [156]
also yields picramic acid [142]. It is a major in- in the presence of Raney nickel or platinum
termediate in the manufacture of colorants, espe- catalysts.
cially mordant dyes. It has also been used as an
indicator dye in titrations (yellow with acid, red 2-Amino-4-methylphenol [95-84-1],
with alkali) and as a reagent for albumin deter- C7 H9 NO, M r 123.15, forms crystals, mp 135 ◦ C
mination. The induction of sister chromatid ex- (decomp.), that are almost insoluble in cold wa-
change and micronuclei formation by this com- ter. The compound is quite soluble in ethanol,
diethyl ether, and chloroform but is almost in-
10 Aminophenols
23 24
Aminophenols 11
2-Amino-6-chloro-4-nitrophenol (31)
[6358-09-4], C6 H5 ClN2 O3 , M r 188.58, crystal-
lizes from water in yellow needles that contain 2-Methylbenzoxazole (35) [95-21-6],
1 mol of water. Dehydration occurs when the C8 H7 NO, M r 133.16, mp 8.5 – 10 ◦ C,
needles are heated above 100 ◦ C; the crystals bp 178 ◦ C, n20
D 1.5497, is made by cyclization
turn scarlet and finally melt at 160 ◦ C. The com- of 2-acetamidophenol. Its chief use is for the
pound is sparingly soluble in water and quite production of 2-amino-5-nitrophenol (15).
soluble in ethanol and diethyl ether. Industrial
production is by partial reduction of 6-chloro-
2,4-dinitrophenol with sodium hydrosulfide or
ammonium sulfide [164]. 35
3-(N-Methylamino)phenol (37)
[14703-69-6], C7 H9 NO, M r 123.15, bp 170 ◦ C
(1.6 kPa), is easily soluble in ethyl acetate,
ethanol, diethyl ether, and benzene; it is spar-
ingly soluble in cold water, better in hot wa-
ter. Industrial synthesis is by heating 3-(N-meth-
ylamino)benzenesulfonic acid with sodium hy-
Salts of acetarsone are used in the treat- droxide at 200 – 220 ◦ C [176] or by the reaction
ment of intestinal amoebiasis, trade name Ac- of resorcinol with methylamine in the presence
etarsol, of vaginal trichomoniasis, trade name of aqueous phosphoric acid at 200 ◦ C [177].
S.V.C. (May and Baker), and as a constituent of
a mouthwash, trade name Pyrex (Bengué). Be- 3-(N,N-Diethylamino)phenol (38)
cause of acetarsone’s toxicity, safer drugs have [91-68-9], C10 H15 NO, M r 165.23, forms
been developed; lethal dose LD50 150 mg/kg rhombic bipyramidal crystals, mp 78 ◦ C,
(rabbit, oral). bp 276 – 280 ◦ C (101.3 kPa), bp 209 – 211 ◦ C
(1.6 kPa). Industrial synthesis is analogous
to the previously described synthesis of 3-
2.2. Derivatives of 3-Aminophenol (N,N-dimethylamino)phenol: from resorci-
nol and diethylamine, by reaction of 3-(N,N-
3-(N,N-Dimethylamino)phenol (36) diethylamino)benzenesulfonic acid with sodium
[99-07-0], 3-hydroxydimethylaniline, hydroxide, or by alkylation of 3-aminophenol
C8 H11 NO, M r 137.18, forms white needles, hydrochloride with ethanol.
mp 87 ◦ C. Boiling points quoted at various
pressures are 265 – 268 ◦ C (101.3 kPa), 206 ◦ C
(13.3 kPa), 194 ◦ C (6.7 kPa), 153 ◦ C (0.7 kPa).
The compound is soluble in alkali, mineral acid,
ethanol, ether, acetone, and benzene and practi-
cally insoluble in water.
37 38
and darkens on exposure to light and air. A droquinone at 200 – 250 ◦ C in alcoholic solution
reddish-brown crystalline powder is obtained on [185], [186].
recrystallization from ethanol – ether. 4-Amino- Its chief use is as a component in photo-
2-hydroxybenzoic acid is soluble in dilute so- graphic developers. Because the free compound
lutions of nitric acid and sodium hydroxide, is unstable in air and light, it usually is marketed
alcohol, and acetone; slightly soluble in water as the sulfate salt [55-55-0], Metol, mp 260 ◦ C
and ether; and virtually insoluble in benzene, (decomp.). It also finds application as an in-
chloroform, or carbon tetrachloride. It is un- termediate for fur and hair dyes and, under
stable in aqueous solution and decarboxylates certain circumstances, as a corrosion inhibitor
to form 3-aminophenol. Because of the insta- for steel. Prolonged exposure to 4-(N-meth-
bility of the free acid it is usually prepared as ylamino)phenol has been associated with the de-
the hydrochloride salt, mp 224 ◦ C (decomp.), velopment of dermatitis and allergies.
dissociation constant pKa 3.25.
4-(N,N-Dimethylamino)phenol (42)
[619-60-3], 4-hydroxydimethylaniline,
C8 H11 NO, M r 137.18, forms large rhombic
crystals from ether – hexane or ether – ligroin
that melt at 75 – 76 ◦ C, bp 101 – 103 ◦ C
40 (66.7 Pa). The compound forms a salt with sul-
furic acid, mp 208 – 210 ◦ C [187], [188].
4-Amino-2-hydroxybenzoic acid is manufac- Methylation of 4-aminophenol with a methyl
tured by carboxylation of 3-aminophenol under halide under pressure produces 4-(N,Ndimeth-
pressure with ammonium carbonate at 110 ◦ C ylamino)phenol. The major competing product,
[180] or with potassium bicarbonate and carbon 4-hydroxyphenyltrimethyl ammonium halide
dioxide at 85 – 90 ◦ C [181] and subsequent acid- (or the corresponding base), also yields 4-
ification. (N,N-dimethylamino)phenol on distillation. Al-
The major use of this compound is as a bacte- ternatively, it can be synthesized by dealky-
riostatic agent against tubercle bacilli. The com- lation of 4-methoxydimethylaniline with hy-
pound also is used as an adjunct to streptomycin droiodic acid at reflux temperature for 10 h
and isoniazid. The free acid and its sodium, [189] or by the photodecomposition of 4-
potassium, and calcium salts are marketed under dimethylaminobenzenediazonium tetrafluorob-
many trade names. Up to 10 – 15 g of the sodium orate [187].
salt may be administered each day, although pro- The compound is an intermediate in several
longed use may give rise to toxic symptoms. Oral synthetic reactions and recently has found ex-
LD50 of the free acid in mice is 4 g/kg. tensive use in experimental toxicity studies in
animals. It has been shown to cause methe-
moglobinemia; its metabolism in humans has
2.3. Derivatives of 4-Aminophenol been discussed in [190–195].
brown on heating above 250 – 260 ◦ C and melt bacteriology. Prolonged use of this compound
at 283 ◦ C (decomp.). The crystals are insoluble may result in kidney damage [216].
in ethanol and cold water and sparingly soluble
in hot water.
47 48
4-Amino-2,6-dichlorophenol (48)
[5930-28-9], C6 H5 Cl2 NO, M r 178.03, can be
sublimed and melts at 167 ◦ C. The compound
is soluble in ethanol, diethyl ether, acetone, and
acetic acid; it is sparingly soluble in benzene and
almost insoluble in water.
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